HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-01-14, Page 6W.
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11 �
W � T I he Ot P. R. is giving a low rate
on grain Shipments West to encourage
tbe'Paclfio export trade. '
. The, P. P. R. contemplates an ex-
t6nstve program of railway builWng
In tile West this summer and an Appro.-4
. I
priatiou of $30,008,000 .may possibly,
be made.
? .
__ - �_ . ,,
. � .
. I I ''. �
From Coughs, , Colds, �Sore Throats
and Hoarseness by- Using Hyomei.
. I .
... .
When yok catch cold you want 'to
getridofit asquIcUly. As possible,
You: don't. want ,to lie around the
houspfor a wo.okswAllow-ing nauseat.
. . . I
Ing drugs, .
Why not avold'all t
� . his. Why, not
relieve your cold In Ove - minut
Why not cure it over night ?You VIX11 �
do it by using 11yomej, the sure . and
guarariteod cure (or colds, coughs,
sore throat cajt.&r#h, bronchO.1� an(l,
Asthma; , .
William Gues . t1of An, - Ont., says :
"Booth's Hyomei bar, 'proven to, be
a . most satisfactory treatmout ' .for
1101111140,000111111 00 ---. ... -
.__.___ �______ �
Fraser River Wilt Produce 75.00
Comes This Year,
The Pack of sockeYc salmon on the
Fraser river t1da season will be larg-
er than that of last year. Of this
there is no question in the winds of
the cannerymea who are operating,
but they state that the excess will
not be great, probably between �10,-
000 and 20,000 cases; it might have
been larger but for the fact that
only a limited number of cans are
available, and there is no tinPlate
on hand for the manufacture 'of other
it is estiwaWd that the pack of '
the Fraser this year will be approxi-
mately 75;000 cases of sockeyes, This
pacy will be put up by eight can -
aeries. The, total pack to Aug. I ap-
pro*im�ated 23,000, IAwt year the 2S ,
canneries in operation only ,packed
60,000 cues of sockeyes, and, there
was no encouragement to many of ,
the canners to operate this year. when
-An even poorer -run was looked for.
� A peculiar feature of the rim of
fish this year is the fact -that mtMY
are, smaller than uptial. A prominent
canner to. -day accounted, for this with
the theor ,
. y that in all probability the
,small sockeyes, wereL three-yeor fish,
being a small percentage of the great
output of the hatcheries in 1905. -The
h, while many of them are smaller
fill .
than usual, are of a much fine.r "at-
ity than is generally the care.
The run of fish opthe river a few
dps ago , was better than at any pre-.
vious. time this Season, end. it is re-
ported that: 'the average catch per
boat was in the.neighborhood of 100
One reason for the expectation of a
very Poor run. of flockeye this Beason
we . s the fact that the hatcheries in
1904 only put out 9,400,000 fry. In.
1905 the output was 97,600,0N fry,
but these fish are not due to return
to the Fraser till next season. It*is
possible that some of them became
jpixed in their dates and ariived this
year -a. theory which would account
both -for the improv(;d run and the
general smallness of the fish.
� _
Sheds, Zidn'LTkof a 11nake.
For the twenty-eighth time in the
last fifty-tbree years William. U. Cake,
a Illiolexim printer, of Trenton, Now
Jerso�r, is whadding his skin As f,
snake does. Instead of periodical
casting aside of the cuticle, Cake is
likely to shad his, skin at any time.
G'alre has, been afflicted with this
skiii-shodding malady since vhild-
hood. First he is taken with a chill,
then the ,skin dries Up, cracks, And
peels off entirely within two weeks.
During this period lie suffers agony
because of itching. But as soon as
the skin his been shed Cake is 411
right again. He has several ebild"n,
but none of them has manifest,ed Any
symptoms of s4in-oheddi
Stoialiste. 'have treated C4ke wany
'im , but . none of them has ever
done him, qn� good. The nearest
, they have got to his disease is to call
it "Dermatitis; exioliatilia, #$
The, longest interval that Cake re -
members in which the malady did
not manifest itself WAS nine years,
but his skin generally comes off once
in -two years. A few "are ago h6 had
a severe ,attack ,of influenza, and hie
,physician prescribed. belladonna, Hia
L '
skin came off three times within the
next fourteen weeks. -
Cake enjoys, good health except for
this strange malady. He is, now in
I the hands of physicians who hope
that they way discover whit the
� �
disease is. '
. .
January 140, 1000
. I . I
1. L . 1. man"W". .. 1. .. 11 .1 _ 11 - - I ... ....... . � '- - - ". ----I
-ro. -
I too use of the Oriental Symbot by
Beech Family's Journey Iry Northern
I . AS K IrO R
the En$llsh.
Wilds Was Womorable Onw.
. I . .
I � ,. . I .
I .
It Ja related in the Book of Judges
Many marvellous feats have been
I I �
1. . . *1
that ,Gideon took from Zebah and
perform�d by travelers in the north-
. I .
Zalmunnall. Mugs of Midian, orna-
ern regions of America. Explorers
. I
I ments like the moon that were on
have suffered hardships and perform-
their camels' necks. The Xidianites
ed great deeds of daring and endur-
--- -
. .111, ..", LL .". .
Ishmaelites and thus ancestors
�uce, in tging to � the mystelt-
1, 1.
( LOX00" )
of the Turks, so Wis not improbable
Ies of the Nork Most of these d4r-
I I -
that the symbol was derived from
ing adventurers have been white men,
I .
them and in use long before the
taking in 1458.
and it was not until last year that
any white braved the
India Pole Ale -
of Constantinople
woman perils
V it Hodgena, Town Agent.
What lends some confirmation to this
of the north and made a considerable
� . ' . .
theor . ,
, y is, the fact that Richard. Coeur
journey through the trackless wild-
Preludleedo, V .
, nd. unjperupuiou* vendors, JayoUg;e!t Othirs, bmt compete it apy
de Lion adopted this badge after 'he
returned from the Crusades, having
� emess, Last winter two women cross-
ed from Hudson Bay to Wilin . peg, a
war Yon will�purlty. freedom from acidity, palatablonipso-LikliatVii Ale in ourpgxw.
assumed it in commemoration of the
distance of some seven hundred miles.
q4 by none. cquallc4 by few -at abotL;t half tbg Price of biest linvorted bron 44k
. , I L do.
victory which. he with. his, galleys
L �
Mrs. Ray and her three children, so-
. to
gained over the great Turkish. dronion.
companied by a corps of gi . ,
lw'qm� . L I . I I ... ".." - . I 11 - -
off Beirut in the ydar 1191. This,
halt a dozen dog trains, crossed from
... 1.
__ . .
__ - - W . ______ -
practically the first English naval
, . � I
York Factory to Lake Winnipeg. A
M�__ - . L . .
. . �_.___._�__ ___�
I victory, was celebrated. both in tfong
and history by the chroniclers of the
much greater performance wee that
of Mrs. Beech, who, accompanied
The family Lot Sir Frederick Borden The C. N. R. is said to have made .
received' New Year's �greetings from . to
The Englishmen seem to. have boon
only, by her husband and son, with
two dog trains, crossed from Fort
him bycable from Florence, and thel an agreement build 500, miles of
I ta, under a Pro.
story of anxiety as to his safety is
greatly impressed with the enormous
size of the Turkish ship, which must
Churchill to Winnipeg. Fort Ch ur-
chill is farther north, the distance to
discredited, . . . . vincial bond .guarantee of, fifteeh tbous,
L'' I
have been a very Dreaduought of her
Winalpeg greater, And there was no.
and dollars a mile.
day, She was bigger, they say, than
corpa of trained guides to insure the.
-Returns show that local option, Vayo
I anything ever seen at sea, gaudily
- -
party's safety. This ninety day trip
laws carilled in twenty-two municipal. -
Pei 0 IeL I green and car�
nted in yellow and
ried 11 wer than 1,500 men, among
made by the Beech fam4ly must ever
be memorable in the annals of Cana.
Wes, and were defeated in eight on A
I Repeat it ;-I'Shilob's'-Cure Will al-
straight vote, besides thos l
Whom were seven emirs and eighty
chosen Turks for, the dofenee of
than travel,
This performance, by the first white
where the majority was not ,up - ways cure my coughs and volds," I I
Acre, and was laden with bows, 'ar-
family to travel by dog train from Fort
. .
three-fifths renuirement. . .
, I . I I .
rows. Greek fire in jars and "200 most
Churchill to Winnipog through eleven
. . - I
. � - , � , .
, deadly serpents prepared for the 4e- hundred miles of wilderness, is made I Garden XcGary, aged e,even years, .
. Snow'Ptow Ran Away. struction. of Chrisdans." Possibl. all the more remarkable when the Repeat it o-j'$h1loh's, Cure will at- was drowned while Skating at Wat- -
.e were. a species . . Age$ of ,two members are considered.
It is not often that a railwaY. set; these "s rl"Onts" I Mrs. Beech is 56 years of age, and ways -cure my coughs and .colds." ford.
its line Oro up by a run-aw B'DOW -firework or rocket, I I �
plow in August, but the 0.11a . bad King Richard's galleys attacked her husband is 60. For a couple so ..--. - . � I I
P& far advanced in years to attempt so' '-- ------ 7--- " - '
IL M __+_ her in vain for a Jena time. as their .
thet trOUDIA cently we ween 0- we could n I great a journey was certainly a haz-
and Orangeville. The C.P.R. is Pre- Ore lot climb up her. lofty
paring.for its annual tussle with the aides d4pile the encoura. . gernent hold ardous experiment.. The Hudson Bay
snow drifts, and du&g the strike, hasi out to them by the royal lead6r, who officials believed that the successful
had ing plows at promised to crucify the last man to accomplishment of the enterprise was
board her. Eventually several galleys exceedingly doubtful, and could pro�
. Walkerton. One of there plows was, 11 . I
to Torbuto when It jump- drew off and, putting on full speed, vide them with guides only As far
on the way , , ,, . . as the. Nelson river. ., .
, ranuned
, ed the trick, tearing up a long see. the. big war vessel together . The 'Beech family left their home
tion, and delaying traffic for some in the game spot, with such effect on the .east side 61 Churchill river
hourR. . . I that she began t4d.sink, The English -
. were now able to get possession .Gf 3n Dec. 10, 1907. It took them seven I
. . her An& to throw overboard and. . U.ya to Accomplish the journey along
. . . . v � drown the remainder of her crew., ac- the coast from the mouth of the
. . � Churchill to the -u-, ,# 4i, w i
nasal catarrh and bronchial trouble.
� .- ._.-
. . I
Is Your Throat Husky? . .
cording , the pleasant custom of the
days of chivalry.
� �.
son. When they arrived at the latter
I.,have doctored considerably,for these
troubles, arAd conscieiRtIousiy say
� Need PaPIT81-
. . Irade and Coin.
In, a report to the T . I
� . . . ..
That is. the first step towards C.A.
. Portsmouth at this time was, as
river they- found it free of lee, and
as no boats were available -they were
, .
that nothing ever used has, given me
. .
me.rce ent, Mr, J. S. Larlie,
Tj�de Commissioner in Aus-
tarrh. Everythi � �
�. ng dqpeiids on your
now, one of the principal -naval ports,
and when in 1194 King Richard set
forced to wait until the ice had form-
such quick and lastfug benefit as this
Canad ian ,
-Z '" A� -
remedy. A cough:mixturc slips4ulck-
..41 'f,- +'k.--. .+. Q6 head, of A
ed. The Nelson river is, a wanderful:
. . tralia, said. that, arrivals ana -h s . . I . . . . . . . . . .
rempd�,. I liav 4 cs have not- ly over the, ,weak spots, drolis into -fleet of 400 ships, he aa.a special live'r,'dralning ,as it does almost 'the. e!t"- . I I . 1111 . I
_ .
. e f9un It Pec.'ally, for settlement in Australia . I . Whole .of the ,vast district between �, I . . I , 1. .
gobd for cold in the head and 'Cough- been many for -the last two or three the stomach -and does little but harm honor bestowed the royal crescent.. I � . - � I . � . . . . .. �.
� . .
I am very glad to. endorse' digest , Ion. It's al-together'i Aiff6renit badge upon the town as its 'coat of' . Hudson Bay and the Rocky Moun- . .. . I . . . .
Hyprael years, but a number have endeavored tains. Its current is strong and the � ' I � . . . .
I r .
as ark article of uncommon merit.1i' to. work thei passage back to cailada with Catarrhozone-it curer? because arms. "A crescent -of gold in a shield 'Volume of water,,, '-Ing down is en- - . � . � .
i .
Hyomei T unced High -o -me) is again , � . . . � . I s rightAt the trouble, you,in_ azure with a -blazing star of eight . Its mouth it is fourteeyk, - : . . I . I .. � ... . .
pronq ' it get . .� ormous. .At . . .. I " I
medicated and, antIS60tic . air. Y f(I 'have fre4iient- applications for I points or rays of, silver between its , I . I . � . I
ou liale Cata'xrhozone, breathe in �the. , miles wide. ,, . .. . . 11 � .. �
assistance for passage, and in some. ' Va- horns" is the. exact . aescription of' . I . . . .. - -_ � . . . . . . I I. .1 . . -
breathe itintothe Itings through a . n order to purchase por of -healing balsams that stren During this 'wait at.the Nelson : I � 4) � .. I �
, . ,
n� cases f or money I . . gth' 'the device which .6 this day meets' 'er,. ,which lasted twonty4hree days, - . . '0. Q I FIRSIT-READ OUR
, .
small pocket I haler allia its so6thingL food from mew who report that they. en and restore the wcak t1hroat ties, the eye every�vhere.in the municipal- �. s . I . . - I
the Beech f amily were located in a 0 . I , . . - , ,
. influence as It passies-..over .the . iqflam�- have been unable to got work, . and S I'YoU'll ,not have, coughs and'colds, ity, Tbenceforward, too; tbe'ereseent, rough shanty oil ttio bank of the iiv- .. ... . : . . I.. . . .
ed menibraneL'of the respiratory tract - are reduced .to tile utmost distress- �Thr�oat Trouble and Catarrh will aAd . star . became the official. badge . I I
.1 . � , er, which. they' shared -With five In- . ffff .GATALOGUE ,
stops th hiucous disr i occasion"ioT the of ihq admiralty and was used as ' � . . . . � . .
0 _lrarge,; Allays There .is not much disappear with the use 0%,Oatarrlio- than families. � They had only such 1. I . . I
the infla � hungry: as the Government I ue " . .. � . cli up to -the year 1545, -when it.,wai - Provisious as they brought with them . THEN Decide'on ilie Buoluiss C'olloge
m1nation.and the cold -is'.cur- men to.go . -zone. At. all dealers,, 25C and $1.00, 811 . - I . .. . .. . .
etl. A y I . has made ample provisions whereby ' ,. . . superseded h.v i -be anchor. � "_ . I . I .,� . I .
' '
complete kI ome'* oiltfit costs. man can earn -his food for. a BhQrt Get it to-diy. 7 ' '_ . . . ' . L. . . . .1 .1 . . .. I . .� . . I . . 1 � 1. � . and the' food. for the' -dogs had be- - .. .. I I .., We 616 the privilege of sending you
$1. 00 and W. S. R. Holmes -will - re- time... But Canadians. �hould be ad- - : A I .. .. . . . .. . ! � . .. . come exhausted.. During the'whole*. � I �
. fund your money. if it fails to cure� vised not to - c6me to, this country, un- . ., _ �-- -;7- . . .. . . � I . . . . . . , . . I . . I � . . . I .of this tedious thr�e,weeks-the dogs 11 , our intenseli4ritiresting, handsomely- I
� . .
� ... . .. . �. . � . e, sufficient - meal -is to ..., I ' . . ., I . . .. . � I - ..... I : . , . had., not a bite to eat, 'When at' � . . . . . . . . "I ��� , . . illustrated FRE . 4 43A TALOGUE. In . �
I . , ., . .. less they hav . _. ,Tbb Queen Ultaly has organized a , . . . ..., th' . � .
I—., __ . � . . . I . . I . . e river froze and a
. . time . . I � I . . crossing was ' . .
. .
. , . . . "s coneideriable'' . . �,� he ' 'at . Ruined His Feet'. - : . effodted, 'the dogs were, s�arcely able I - . YOU . I
. keep them for 'a
. . I ,fter . . . . I SeWing Society in t Quirinal � , . . fatt, really owe it to yourself -to get
. The Venezuelan. revolution led' b' I ttleY..'arrive. . 11 . . . -?. I . . I ..:, - to draw the loads ove' I
. . 7 '. . , . , . I I Rome AnV'lloble ladies and, workgirls . r the ice. Af- at' City a copy, and reid, it thoroughlybefore you .. � I
. � .. , I . .. ,;..111�` '. I �. Used a ten cent . cbrit, salVe,74or . a. ter , the crossing, .:an Indian chanced. . The for ..
General 24endible has failed,.. and . the ., . 1. . . . �_ . . , toil together there, .making clothes I . I - slowthe'lla wlect the Busintiss College -to attend.
. . � . . , I . I ,.quarter be could have cured his corns .along with scant orovisions and re- .. . I . I I .
-'insurgents are fleeing. 1 , - . - I I . _� _--4---f_.. ar. 'erers... . .., n , ' Ruatl6ix ' . 11 usiaoss 9, go. o6t.:,10 I - �
. 1. . � ... . .. .. 1.7. _.� ,, . , � I for .e thquake suff I with Put am!s Painles lieved' thei si - � � ir,i'lle . This Catalogue explains all about our
� . . ... .,� � 1. . I. .. . .1 � . : . . . . s Corn ,E, xtrac-� ' . for &'fe* days. - . . � *
It is understood that the Sultan. 61 �. Repeat it :t7=vShiloli1§ Cure.w, - -; i ten say§ , M, t0r '�Jse, the. bert-IIIititn4mls.7) I . Ile and' Mi. Beech started -off on a .' , 1, ease , , School, our,fa:culty, our different.c.ourses.
, It al I ,tr; �. Henniker- 14cal r. .., 1,
. . ays ell 'i . . . .. .. � ,Y I .. . . - I I . I. . i I .:.. ... I . unting.trip Aich lasted nifie days, I . . ..Tells why we honestly. believe our Col- .
. . ., .1 - I �
Turkey will use his influence to' keep NY . .rp my coughs and. colds." ' 't I 1' 'land ,liA5, ,given I , . .. . . . . ut-not.a deer, rabbit or'game,of any I . . I
I . Lemieux's visi o �;n� . . , . . �
: .- I . .1 ... , - -he 6ment f6 penny -a -word � cat-W.'s- . .11 . I. . � , A&r reiding. thei- book w'd will leave
the MohamMedans of India lcyal. - , . . I � __ - - . .. 1. I : t . MON r . � _. - I . . kind lege t6 be the best for you. - .
. . � . . I . . was � sighted. E ventually, how- �
. I . I ' I � . , I
I � . , � . . . I . . I . . lo ifidge for-yourselt. - - Se�Jing for 6 copy places you under'm - I ..
. Ace nipqtm . . , I .
. . . . . I . ... I � � . : . I . . I . I 1. 1. . . ,,a., i(led .I I � . . . .� . I Saknon.Run' Is Goo;.'. �. ever;. the party managed to reach' . you . � .
. . �. I- . . 1 . - . I .... - .
. �
I � .
I . .. . . . . . "-` ... I . .. ". �� . 1. , � I . I I .. . The run bf sl�rfiig. salmon in". Brit- York Factory.' Here they fared . a' I obligation, Just mad your name and address on a postcard. . . .
- , . . ' .
I . . - . : � � . The. Guelph city council has decided I, . �little better, but - it wsB ',not- ssible . Students adm!tCed ' i timoi Special-pponfnis September and Jsnuary;. . -
. . . 1. . 11 � . anadian Arc',hivipt. to Alc'the, county "Wdge to ilnveatgatd sh Columbia. has sufficiently far ad- to - obtitin a *candle, a .can Pe . any . . I ..
, .. % Beat.0 . I �raficed .to enable one Ao form some of coil- .. .
. .
. . I
I .. . I 11 . .. 0. .M. Burton, the .Detroit milli5m, tile allegations of graft ia-�,connection Idea of its qiiantity I and quality, and denped milk or 4 bit of butter.- All The roresi City Business and Shorthand College . .
. . I re enthusiast 'histo' cal records I .. .1 .
. I . . . . : "ti on ri ' . . gupl�lies *at Fort Churchill. and Yo]rk * . . LONDON. , . . - ONTARIO - . I .. .
.. I And' documents, 'has ."sdooped" the* *l'th the pool-roont: by-law, and .to so faro -Without being inAiny way. he- I , ERV . .. �
. ... . � ' - WEST nelpal ` J..W.-WESTERVEL -MA.. Vice
. . .. Dominion Government in the purchase now pounell . ti nomen T, Factory are'controUed by.tbe. Hud- A WI .ELT. 15� * . T. Jr., -Prin.lp.l .
. �ecommend the 0 -In- . al, the local m. en have one . I . � . . I I . I . I
. ,... of a valuable - c6llectibn . bf'.*.pape . rs, vestigate all! contracts for: ten . � years much: better . than they expected. 'The son Bay Co., and it, is n o*t the' pplicy I . --- - .
,. . I - . . of that great company to encouragoi-
I . . .. . . I - .. . . . a -have been in., operation since . .. . - - - I
. . / I property of the late *Col. John .. I I . I . .. . ... . . I It itor , � . . I . . . I
. . I . . he J .fiack. . : . ': . . tr 08 ginning of Jurre, and up to date- .the invasion ,of i s teri y .by in- - I . ..
. e 79 .. . . I . ' ek .. papers I . . � the be . . � . .
19 . . I A in of Walkerville. . The .... : .1. I � I . . about 375 tons of - spring salmon have 46pend6n-t persons. ,,,, . . . � ______�_ I
whbopind,b, h 4' . Bronchitis 6ntain a great deal of -valuable'In-. I I . . I .. - , , . been salt -cured by - one 'firm for 'the. � - . . . ... I . . . I 1. . . .
. .. , Cro P, - ,- . I � - ., - � . I
formation relative' to the war of 1812. ' - I . - � 1. . * - ' , I
. "? European Aiade. This orily includes' �., .. u ' h F`i wt4 Ti -a - ,
. C900,i, Grip, kthnim, Diphtheria Dr.. Douglity, the: Dominion archivi A , epsia..'. ,., I 0 a oh t I - er'.0 * * .
. . ' I., I 1`14ve You Nervous Dysp �.� � P. - .. W
had been negotiating for them ' :* - .- I I . . I . .�salmon over 15 pounds in weight, the . When she assured me that I might
, .. .
C.res'oicne is a boort to AMniatics .. Th'e. papers have been in the pos-'. * How � it shakes on . e . up., inva.dee.sleep; � smaller ones being either' canned. or . . Look on her always as a sister, I . . e Refieve, Trustees and I .
I ..., I � .. ' - i ' . - . I . I I
. . Dois it not seem more iffective*tobreathe in a session, of: Alex. Askin. of Strabane, detjtroys- strengthi.: adds real misery . -Sold. on the: local' market. ' . .. .. I exercised a, brother's right ... . - . . I I .. . ..
. . I , I And most affectionately kisio�d her, , .. . . . �, ' '
o edy to c a, disease of thebreathing orgapik � , Ont., and the: price. lie received. is .to aqfe.%'Nc� the: stomaph. but. nerves � The spring -salmon is the ihost*vdr - .1 - . ... . . .1. F., : ' - '
ed iron I anti -i ve - - " .. - vange. . . ,:. .� . ... .
I . I I L
. septic is carried over the diteas � I be remembered, , I . . . .. . . salmon, and is, not �cannod like the � "If . you keep,on annoying.me . In �th - I - s , . nelabip � ..'��..,
I trhe-.n to .k.utheremedy-iotothostomach?. :, .: . . . I 11 I uablb of all-thb different Varieties of . � I . � , �
. It cures because the. air render . sairl � th have made a tidX sum. �- I . Are aff6cted. - Star * d nerves cause,tho, . . . . . . . . ;.R6 . . �
ed surace ith' Afr'.'Burtim, it wil &ecutors of Respo , , .
everybreath, Oving prolonged abd stanttrw S,t ' '' L whole trouble. .You: � need Ferr6zone * It is 'cut opea'and 61eaned ' ., I .1 AA49 ... I
e -t- � ,was som�' years ago anxiob o re. I I . '' aockeye, ' . . . . .4y . .
meet. it is invaluiWo to mothe it Imiall, . because it's a . . It supplies . and, lightly, salted. � .Then the -fish ' are way# I I 1. . . I . �. . . 1 �. , . t I .
. . . . - __1 cover some wir-ti e hulks. Item the I , . nerve: food-. . - I'll -All. - give � my wife -a, now:hal�' . ; . �
I I I I . . .. . I ; . . . ,
I � � . � �
children. . � .. I I river at Chatham Jor. e el eikts .that ate -needed to piake packed: ,in tierces and put : in cold and then yoiNl have to, give y .. Many trustees : and ' executors. .. they can , exercise a 'su'p,orvislo'n - , .1 - : .
I Those of a consumptive 6$ 0 pregervation� at. th. em . I . I ourp.one 11 . � . , . . � ... .
.. . � . .
'mmediate . I . . � -
. tendency find immediate B�lle' IS16 L but -was . prevented' rich red blood. This ' is ibe savings . storage and 'shipped to Europe. On, too!,gllegen.de'Blaft6.-. : .:. . .. . have.theii tirne fully occupied with i, ove' tbe�
. I relief from copghs or in- . :7hrki . rival' they are treated once'..More .- . I. ... .. - J .� . ... 1. . . . � . - r . nianhgemeqt of.,.the ., . . I I
flamed conditions of, the by -the illogical opposition: of .sorhe bahk:'6.f'. health. Th� richer the blood. " - . I 11 . . . . 1. . ..
!" , - d . L . . . .. . .1 � .. . . I the r, o -They. . I �� . .
throat. , well-meaning but misgu�ded patriot . by a method whibh gets rid of the .-. I ! . . � . I ,, wn budnbss affairs. . . estates, committed to oui: charge- ..
, . ..s' in red. cells` the'richei you're sisre to - . . J I ' . � .find it difficult to spare 'the time ' . I . . .1 .;. I .. . .. I I
Sold by druggists. . - ,$ I .% I � . . salt -'and they ate -sold, in: their nat. the ,Spirit. of Winter.' ` � . . .
- '. I . . . , . I . Our i , 'Ation with ,- .
- � . I . � . t I . . . .. � be in health, Ferrozone qui k ' ' from, which .' � . , , .. . .. nd to tfie manifold . , nitmaie, -,associ . . . � .
Send postal for booltlet. . . . �.. dicIT MEL cs ural state. as'fresh fish, � .
. I . . �. Steel Wagon Shifts. I blooff-, s*cngthens the nervous- sys� and,fetch ,.The spirit.of wintef. is vith.usl . I the Huron & 'Brie Loan and �. .. . .
. 41 LES CO. �� . .1 . . they are indistinguishable, .. . � . details in connection "with' the. . . . I
. .
Lo , "G ' ' ! I . I . a . ?- invigorates -the digestive or. high prices, They are sold chiefly.on - mAkling its , presence known. iii4nally ... .. . , . . . .1 . I i". , ,.
Li it'.d A ti� Mont. . Jos�)ph' D. - Hilts, a Hamilton. bl'6k- ,tem, . .
rest C ... 2% I � � . * administration - t' . Sav!ngg C , gt,ies us the pnvi ege . .
. . d.. I . -, -as invented steel shafts for .. of * he . , o . . ..
1 307 1 1 . smitli,, h gans and presto R. the ineirvous, disturb- the. G6rnian'niarket, but. also to some .different .ways -sometimes. by' cheery . .
. - - 'light and heavy wagon's, -and ,he 'had . I �, . .11 I . I I , i estates entrusted to them.. ',' I . of procuring for pur Estate Funds �- �
I � � .. . .1 . ancodigappears. -.You'll try Ferroz9ne extent, in Englandi . I sunihine and glistening - pliows, And . . . . . .. .. .. . . the b . est'class of dound) p '! .
I . . � . . rofitable . -
- � . the! -contrivance. patented. . Th6scarew I . . etimes by driving winds. % This Company. has a message
.. - wood - suitable for * this - use led '60c per. box at All - dial.ers. �.. ...I . . - � -dirnic' of Suicide.. - I Sent . . . and blin- . .1 . . I . I �� . .. . � . I
I .. . ity of . 1. �... . � � Epi --storms, To many 'people it fot.,busy trustees. and executors. investments. . - . I
. . I him: to experiment.- with steel, * with . . . . � . .. . . Three inmates- of . the Victoria ro-. ding . L � . . ' . . I N �
. the result, that he has. ready to place . . I—' . lice Station attempted Suicide in the seems to take a delight''in making bad . .We will- -relieve 'them' of the. , .'Correspondence Invited . and
. . ... . � . I . . . I ,
. I. - - . .
� The P, . on the n�rket this product of his Gore Bay's First Awro. same dai�. recently. . I .. 'things 'Worse.. for ,rheumatism twist§ responsibility and detail work, and . promptly ahswered. . ..
. . ' . I . . I
I . . . . . . efforts'. . He kas already been offered I . � : . . I . . .
. . � "I'll " .1 ,was treated to its , Arst . John, Henry, originally arrested on batder, twinges.. sharperi catarrh. be- . . I . . . I � � .
. . .
ony a .flittering sum tor his patent. - I, Gore Bay . suspicion ot highway robbery,,, and . re Annoying, ' d the, .many , I . . � , .
, 1. � . automobile a few. days . comes mo an "I , . , ,
. ., I . I . . . . . sight of an Dortation, twice attempted r.m . I .
.. . . . . The machine. belongs to Dr, held . for Ael I . symptoms of .scrofula - are developed
-.:11.1 . I
I I tij.'', I ago. . '
I—— . � ..
I .;Z., -.�'�% � . to hang himself, and -a third t.iime .
... �;,,�4,_
I ... ... 1. 4_ �. .--.� . . I I . I.. . . an who is gum- i4, not qAvqi
: .... :: . . . Wright, an Ameri.c and', aggravated� There . .
.:� . � -iron, - .
. .- -_ .
I . .
, .: . . '. . . . ' llut' 'there is
, . I'll, ; . mering at Little Current. Needless . climbed to the coiling -by the , .poetr� in this .
.. . k: . . I. . the floor, . .
, . : ' . . t say, the app0aran '
, I ce of the auto- bars'and threw. himself to . trutli� -
I - ' "Shiloh's Cure *will at- .0 6 ' and'it is a wonder .. tha� more, people
. ,� , M119M - mit
. .. :.:,.:1 , . mobile and the sound of %6� .ever- � kull. ' - . . . I . .
: ' ;"": ,
1. :;:;_:`,� :Repeat it *.. sustaining, injury to the I . . I . I
.1 I
, , '0" , , I .
q-- fam- �Mwhb..
N., , I :il% ' ' , , . . these ailments. The. . .
' L , f M131
. I . . � .
,.. ways'cuie. my coughs and coil-. ., . et William Long, - it dipsomania�, un- don't get rid o.. ' ' ' . I . I I I . . I . . . .
., . I
, ", i- ,j. -1 . � I . I . . . � . . . cronk,.cronk" created quite der t I he 'impression . Ahat he was . to- be medpine - thAt : ' to -Koo��41S I w . . LON - � 00' , . . . . .
OF . - P�:.:! . . - �_ ... . . . � . a tipple of iMerest- as. -it glided down - I . . I . ,on sAhem . . I I . 11 . . I I � . �. . . . . . . . I
. . . . . .. I . . . . . .
. .. A :A,-.,I.� .. . I ;. . ' ... . hanged, broke a window -in the 6611 Sarsaparilla'- is �easily obtained and. *
_�,. 5. , I . . . _.. through 'the town. , , , I - . .;_-110# - ,
-��,�,. %, .. �� , . . I . I . . . . . I . -='_ 1. � 17�
. ., � . I .. .
- . . I
. '
--*-.��,�,. , '. I . ! . . .1 To make the event all the more re- . abd cut his- neck with pieces of.glass. there is albundant proof that its cure�s . . .. ,' 7�7--,-,7�7-�� I �
, ;I - .., .;.., ,
. I . : . ...
."""" "; Cured of a. 96vere Attack of, .Bron- Alistic f ' are ridical. and peiniAnbrit. . ; � . . � . . .. . I.
, .
I . I V.. �,X, Later,he attempted to butt,his brains, .
. I W%;:i,.� d nev . . . . I .6 I . .. .. .
. I NQ . . . chitis by. Chamberlain's . - � or those who ' ha er. seen )ut against the cell, wall. ' . . .. � I., � I .. I I . . . . . . ..� . .
�. . ono before, the auto I
,`7.;� , . ,sprang a leak - I . I I., . . . , ' ' ' . .
I . ,,,�": j, q - - Cough -Aenedy: 11 . in the gasoline tank on. tho, road. and . John Irvingi who, for years brought - � - . . P: . . I I . . I
1 �� .. . . rol odla -to 'the ,prisoners inc4r4 . . . . � .:
Ok-�., . e Mi
,�:,, ,in. 6c+nl,.v +h I..+. 144.1. . t lu oersted for mental'trouble, refused to ' I .� . . I pi .I. 00 rd.: Chh
11 . I . .. rmirs were made outside the Ocean in th . fl, . .Nei W*Lq0R ')d N �., -
. I . I _J1 House, and A looKea exuclay I Ice e
I tiliree year'old daughter contracted A scene fil the papers. .. . I eat for several days and had to be
. . severe cold which resulted in it . bad The Gore Bay Conservator . says, fed. forcibly with milk through a tube.
. . � . .
. . . . .
. . . I
I I . 11 "Our dovil, since being- around -that' . I . I
WILY those wvho suffer case 'of bronchitis," says Mrs. W, G. . 4 � .
I I from plies know ihe Olbsop, Lexington, K�. "Sho- lost autom'obile the other nivht,.thinks be. ' I . M � I
. coul(t qualify as a M 4shofare., He's � . . . I ...
wy It brings 1, 11,10,1 'the power of speech .completely . and � . I .
.MISC . I ii�ed to the smell of the exhaust frorn ' - TH9 INTERIEMSTING ROTJTE.
I life of its, pleasure, steals, was a very sick child. Fortunately the gasoline engine., And' -knows -All - . .. 11 . I �
. ' '
.M 1.
the brightnpAs from exist -I We ihad a.bottle . of' Chamberlain's About spark plun,' I . . To Manito'ba, Saskatchewan And -Al-
' . . . .
en�ce, and substitutes days of dult" Cough Remedy in the house an,d gave I . I . . . wta,As via Chicago and St. Paul,
pain and moments -of sitito agony I it to. her According to':the printed' . . Vast Ooal. Area. _ . .. be
c . � Minneapolis or Duluth. Through the
Alost so dalled "iremedles", gi�e directions. On the'second -day she Forty4ve billion tons of coal, in- brilliantly lighted St. Clair Tunnel by
case only for it time', and then- was, a great deal better,, and on the eluded in the greatest coalfields in Electricity, witholit, .smoke, gas or,
. Lack comes the trouble and pain Ifilth day, October 23rd, she was eft- western North America, wilLbe Avail- dust Secure pamphlet, - "New Route
-Buk curds Plies I tirely well of her cold and 'bronchitis, able as soon as railroad oxtensiom '
�and miseryl. Zam -1 - I I , now I . n progress, tapping the. Crow's to Winnipeg and.West" fronX nearest
And cures permanently, Pro �� 1 which I attribute to this. ipleridid Nest Pass regions are completed. go. Grand Trunk agent. .. . .
this lies all around you.' Women . medicine, I recommend Chatrib&lain's Ing far toward averting the predicted. � . .
n�d men In till stations 6t life have Cough Remedy unreservedly as 1. ba�e fuel familie. . .1 � 1.
proved' It -possibly some 6t your found,it the surest, safest and gulck- This vast storehouse Is located in I . . . 1.
ftlends I Let It cuirc, yo � U I est cure for colds, both for children ,a rectanglo. 150 by 200 miles in ex- Goneral MoofiMn.
I I land adults., of any I haye ever used.". tent, comorising 30,006 square miles . The death.of Major-General Charles.
LMrs.Wm. Hughes, of 25�3, llocimlaaa . . or 19,200,004) acres. - Sohn Mi5orsom, which occurred At
, UL_1.�� U --t-1 ...�IIT �e. ,Per sale by all Druggists. . I I 7M.A.41"Ik Cane, Colony recently re-
I 1: illero Was no relief fbr ine-pdn, h
. strength, dulhem, misery, this Wo
I � e util Zam-Buk was introd
I know now that there is nothii
. this earth like it I It cured me of
. aui4 once cured, I have had no fetu
the evil. I ,WNd like till women
. Sager at I did to know that Zalt,
. wi& cure them I . ,
� I Pesidet biing a opecWd for PlItt No,.Pui
I � , blod-pois4nitio, eracL,ea oe 011amd
t tuft, burgs, btuises, sm1p tora, el"i
I k#, frost bitt, 46014 WO, and Olt skill i
I dlw4k#, Alldraggleltandst0fts011
I . of fro* 740-00�0.� �roron'. �� ,,
� �4' I I - I - . "I'll, I'll,
11 I
I .11 6 ,
� - 11 1. - , - a 1,
I . , - i
� - , I 91 'A." � "
I # � _1
it- � � - _.____.__ ... .
. . -,
. . I
I , � 11 , _____ 7M
11 .W
ME -1141,
. .
* ',
� Now is, the time to visit
Mexico, Florida and .
$3.0. , I
From Clinton
the.Sunny South. Round trip
I .
. tourist tickets on sale to all
' I for admis.
principal Winter Resorts. '
ion to Ontario Horse, Jareeders
P. It. I-TODGENS, Town Agent".
t' ,xhlbition. 'Good going Jan., 12-
A. 0. PATTtSON, Depot, Agent.
, nd .
* Return Ilvilt Jan. 16, 1000.
. ....6
The Winnipeg City Council has let
. * .
contracts amounting to a million doll-
ars for the construction of a muaielp-
at po wor plant. This * leaves th6
.Round tro tourist no,w on sale to
I StraefIta"way compaAy Out 0, it*
. all Principal - Winter Resorts,
.1 -L .
information from-
V it Hodgena, Town Agent.
-Reptat it ,e-i'Shiloh's Cure will al-
b, PATTISON, Depot-Agmt.
ways clitc, my couglig and �old3.11
0, )
calls the fact that he saw Aervi.ee in
Canada, and was 'married while here,
in 1864, his wife being 0, daughter bt
James McGill Meoutebeon of Toron.
to, As a lieutenant, General Moorsoin
went through the Crimean war with
-the Mh regiment, And 'Was at the
idege and fall Of Sebastopol, where he
'. .�_Al_ _.t1%1r11aA V'rimi-ne to
of the war, lie wens inrougii uxu x ----
iliti. UAW in 1866. He became a major-
g6neral in 1893, doMMAnded troops in
the Belfast district in 19�06, And Ac"..
� ,
ea from 1896 to 1906 at P.6wal kind.a
in the Punjab. .
. -.-.,.-*" -
10- . -_ .
To Koop Tourlitts. I I
The lattat scheme in Buffnilo for
directing tontil3t travel from CA114div.
At the garagoa they tell Motor Par-
fim that In Ontario it is Alrl()St im-
pomible to make & trip Witlib"t EVI
ftmot for ox000ding the speed limit.,
. . .
. . . .
Roberts' Memory.
A, striking: instance of the interest
!,old Roberts always takes in the rran
.that have'worked for him or under
him -. was given during his stay in �
MontreAl. The day he was confined *.to
the house throug'fi illness he received
I a letter from � an electrician who was
in'Montreal, who had 1ormerly work�
ed in one of his. houses, He was ,dut
of work�. and asked Lord Roberts if
. he could help'him. "Bobs" immedi-
.. ately ga,ve the letter to one of his
secretaries, and asked him to bring it
down to the host and mention thil
it would be a personal f Aver if � he
would see that the man secured era;.
. pl6yment. . �
The host -sent back word to "Bobs"
that he could count 'on it, and the
man was asked to call at the, office of
the Montreal gentleman. This he did,,
and employment .was secured for him
. at his own trade. Afterwards enquiry
elicited the information that Lord
� Roberfs alwava attended to such to -
quests hinisdi. - - .
. The Nme of . I
Black Wa'teh
On a Tag on a Plug of
Maek Chiwing Tobacco
I Staft foit OURIY.__.
I .
I .. .
. . .
. . . . . I.. . ,. . ..:
I . . . . I .
. I � . .
. . �
. . I . I I. I
. I
: .... � a .9
. bi ''
. �.
. . .. . . I
. . .
� � I
I .
. . 1. I
. . . . � � .
. .
"W'"' t - for, - 19-08 ..-. ,
'Lw . 01. .
: . . I . . ..
. � . . . .1, � � . . � I .
� . .1
- I I . . .
.. . . . .
I .
� . .1. . I . � -1 .. .... �_ .. . I 1
.. .
. I
. I . . I . . .
I .
I .
. . .. I
. I � . .
.. � . -
. . .
. Much go'od reading for little moiie-y,.. - - I
. .
. . .1 . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . .
. . .
The Xews-Record and Weekly, Afail and Empire,. one year., i.'... - $1.60
. 46 64
Weekly Globe ............. ........ . - .. .
.......... 1.60 -
44 Ad
Vamily Herald and Weekly Star..: ......... 1.75 1
6d 44 .
. 66 4
Weekly Witheiss ............. � ....... "...4.., MR) �
it Sun , I .
, 16.0 -
41 I 44 .
. .: .
to Free ]�i�;;'::::::::::::::"*.',".'�.**'.
4. 4i I
64 Advertiser'... , I.., ........ , ......... 1.75
It . 44
.6 F arming World � i ...... I ....... I.. 1. 1-M
it I 06 .
. .
Fawmet's Advocate and - . I .
, . Howe ANIagazille
it If Daily News, Toronto...". I ........ I ........
280 ,
it 14 Star . Is - ....... ,.-..:� .......
2.30 "44��
44 . q . .
. .� . Globe 44 ... I .............. .....
66 d. . Mull to
t.. 4 ........ � - 11 vi -0-
. 1.25
#4 d4 . World . Id , : . I
I . 64..4'
. id . Saturday Xi ht -1 4
- 2,w,
99 da Free Pr6q,Tondou..:*.. - - '# .. ..'. .. .4 ..: 'W .. ..
di " 44 . Pree Press, Eve n I n g Ed I ii'� il'. I I .
2.75 �
. I I
I . .
I It'what you want is not in this list, we can supply
it at less than ii would cosif you by eending diroet,
. by
'T .
ILt.remittim. pkoe �do so by Express Order,
Postal' �
Note or .registered letter and 'address.- . �
, A I I I
I � .
i *.I,* E .
. We I MITC ri I LLO
. I . .
THP. NEWS-RWORu, A Clinton