HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-01-14, Page 3J*Mtry 10b, 1,909
SHE ROASTS CANNERIM I � INDIAN $UPEMITIONS, 448AMENESS." OF'THe N -IM . ___ �;,�_.;_ ' 71 & ... � .... . .. . ._� , I . ,� I 11 - -, 11 . 111111111111111111111
M144 WrPret�Qarlyle Oayii WashinS The Red Man Clinp to Many a Weird -1 . __ A Lovely Mcno_to�nyof Golden Wight . . 11 I , � �IkL
'if Is Too "I nfroquont. Bit of Belief. . ,and of Delicious Air. ,. ! I'll, I 000y
::: I
4. The women havQ .no, Particular de- I many a bit.of strange superstition [HUDSON SAY CO.'$ "P191.10AN" IS So!pe peoplo talk of the $40ke- FIFTY-TWO YEARS, . � VIV
IrQ to Wash. and the manner in which , and woodland fancy still lingers . TIME-HONORIED CRAFT. ness , of tha Nile, and there is a . 1. 0�# .
the w4shins arrangements are pre- Ainong the Canadian Indiana although . lovely same'llec's of golden ;Ight, of S.A, y �q I I r., O W L.,g I I IS 11 11 I 11.1 � LT ta Jura
*eUte'd to th�m do,e4i not alter their . __ _. - - � . , W0NI)r.,R_, 0
Opinion. Neither the ,.employer nor with tile influence of the Indian delicious air, of people and.of scen. IFUL )0*414-110y TODODDIS KID- �
the, employga seem � to realile, tile Schools and the pushing of railways Once a British $loop -of -War She, Is ery, for Egypt is ,after all mainly a i 7 Al �
, I . . eat river with Strips on each side I NR�Y FlbLS. . 1 . .
Aeces.sity for P into the remoter districts, every year Now EngaSed I I
,,I I
. Manliness." These, seri. In Cavyins Food 091 cultivated land, flat, green, not . . I , . .1 .
't�nce`A, xOfeilnng to sanitary condl- Sees the Redman losing something of and SuPplies to the Great Cam- very varied, River, green pla,i Was Tortured With Rheumatism And . Tux, - I
i4ins, in, Same of &he canning . . us, yel-
, . l factories his distinctive traits. The soplusti- pany!s Fortit on the Shares of the low plains, pink, brown, steel gray I a Cripple Till the Great Kidney - �� . I
It 044iio. are taken, from the re,- cated Indian now smiles a or pale Yellow mountains, wall of 1 'Remedy Cured Him, *
Port of Miss Narkaret Cirlyle, Ise- ,t mentimi, . 0
� .I , at the Windigo or bogey mail, but Day -Her Captain Does Not Think shadoof, wail of sak W,
tories insi , . I . . job. yes, 1 1514131- Six Nations, Oat., Jan. 11th.- . T T
pector for the westirn Part deep down in his heart A certain Much of Railway ft, alk -Over Habit
of Ontario. Although the report, amount of credence . home. I pose there Is a'sameness' a @art '01 I (SPecial)-Fifty-two years of age - I
, � is given to not golden monotony, in this land per, I �
which has recently be -en. issued, bearo A sloap-of�war propelled, , but still young enough"to. captain the .
*%"Upon conditx , a lew of the old beliefs cherished of course, vaded with -light And pervaded with i . I I -
� aus in i9oT,. yetthe fact by his untutored ancestors. In the by $Alls, and A "Dreadnaught," of sound. Always there is light around lacrosse team, John. Silversmith,, of �
thAt this, la tile busy season for the Indian Departzu6t of tile Federal steel driven b;y the most powerful ea- you, and you are bathing in it, and this P1ac6 can tru,Y bi looked on as I
O�naiiig ind�qt_ry. makes the critl� Government at Ottawa 10. a full. glues Yet devised, mark the extremes nearly always, if you are living, 48 I I a wonderful a.thicte. , � Not 4 habit to Swear OFF botit habit I
CAMS of Special in - ' of the oreat navy 'with whicb. Bri. One would .nat- � . I . I .
-3 , at tim, __ . teresit At.the pres blooded, Young Iroquois whose as- was, on the water, there is a multi. ursilly
el ., e,. it is add that sum t- f it.. _tat_ .- . tain. polices the high- span The n. # * � thinkhewas allhis life a heal- to e ear BY . .
I W V man Xwe 0 1 . �, V � Lrung,ling sounus aoa;gng, tby man. But it,was 0 .
Vios Carlyle. says that .substantial so complete as to include his roar- trasVemphasizes the progress made floating. to your ears. As there w, far otherwise,, . I
*PrOvemeuts had been ' de I I ri and he unhesitatingly states that his .
MA , riage to a * by naval architecture during the past .
I girl of English birth; yet two.lines of green land, two lines of
111411Y of the fruit-preseiving factories lie distinctly remembers tile solicl- quarter of a century. mo�ntaiils, following the course .cf wonderful energy and V11tality are .
during. the yea ' � . � , . People who have got the Walk -Over .
I r i
U , it, regard to candi� tons care . uaw Not many of those; old sloops re- the Nile, so are th6re 'two lines of due to Dodd's K I -
ons generally. She remarks, how, Ilia sq mother took, ' . idney Pills. I
following an old tribal custom, in main And they are no longer, taken v,teea .t t "I suffered from Rheumatism �
ever, that the idea seemed widesp - read . order that be ishould'bave- 4 . . puting .the so 0 ha cea,se their calling and for
among some, . I . good into. account when coin ,A- their singing -only as you draw near over seven years," Mr. Silversmith � b"bit know what it means to have.
owners that. Suitable, . set of teeth in his. head'. Wh a . ,,, , an to Nubia. I . -
. lie wer a e mpire, u a ... a - . I . ,
sanitary 0,6commodations e tiquated and comparit SAYS in telling Ills -story, "and itfin- .
11 . � Would 'not Arrived at the age at which children . ti el owerleso � I I shoes that are, elegant I
. be 009clate'd, Where good Washing ,, For then, with the green land, they :ally made a complete cripple of 'me. in style, easy, on the
, get their new teeth big mother in- a.. they are, in time of pea e t e Are fade away, these miles upon , miles ,
,. I Of, My back WAS bent nearly double, and
Conveniences had been provided, away structed him how to secure a set caAbie - of render! 'lling ond singing brown men, and I �
Ir I . . _ , al ble ea . feet, and long in life. .,
QM dirt and dust, with plenty Of that should be large and strong. H ice. ne of these al - loo a is amber and ruddy siands creep, downm .
soap and , I , 13 se when I tried to walk I had ito, use , .
. .clean towels., the women was told to, go. out. alone at n- � now making her way the ports on word to the Nile. And the air seems crutches. Latterly I could not get .
.. I
made good use of them'.. : when everything I -was quiet', 1ki Canada's Qand a , udson Bay, subtly changing, And the light per. ar und at all and I suffered, excruclat- . . . . .
. �
The-wcond3tiori of the floors in. many , I on A M,ss,o O_ I Swear off paying out good
I . : steadfastly towards the' Woods, n of impo, tanee to Cana- haps growl g, a litt I . �
factories comes in for aeve u ,le harder. An .
re can- call three times to the marten. P-4 dian, trade in the Far Nooh, for she . ,d Ing pain. money for
demnidion. Th .� . 1# You are aware of oth . U I
. , er r�glons un- "Two boxes at Dodd's Kidney Fills
, gy should, says the re- idea was to request that animal L,� ,Ing to. the "Great Company' like those You are leaving, more .
_, ;�,c4rry , nsatisfactoty shoes.'
lx)rt� be kept in sound conditi ts it� . 0 gave me relief; sixteen. boxes cured � .
� On 80 exchange teeth with him, and the ng the .Bay supplies for the ,
80 to prevent retent' ecumu- Afri more 6 I 1) . I
threw towards the woods an old a0rid their men avele, less Ouave� less me completely. .
latiog of water, ion or a � factors and goods to like cand're,aming. . nd especl . I ..
which causes net only th his hand. be used in barter wi . ally the Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure .
I ,
discaom I . I he had brought out In th the trappers silence makes a, great impression on I
. Jort, chills and colds, but Also, . I , Acquire the Walk-OVer - habit, it' �
the rj$k of in . I , rom what his mother told him, lie And the Indians who, with 'the little you. .But before ycni enter this al- Rheumatism because Rheumatism is , , .. . I � S a
.1 - ore serious troubles. In new. when he heard the anmiering isolated bands of Royal Northwest lence,'betweerr the amber and ruddy cause X. Kidneys and habit you'll never l5wear off.
many food factories the floors were noise in Mounted Pol d by disordere . I I
. . the woods that his request ,ice, still form practical- walls that will lead you on to Nubia -Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure dis� I � . . �
. found coated with black, greasy, sour- would be granted. If he had prefer- ly- �he only inbabitanta of that vast and to the land of the crocodile, you I ordered. Kidneys. .
. I .
. I .
� smelling mud. The employer dePlor. red squirrels' leeth he would. of region. . . �. . have a visit to pay, for here, high � . I I - ..
-ad the condition in one place, but � . - . . I ------------- ----- -
seemed to think that the mo . re, it Was course, have citIled to th squirrel ,, This old British :aloo"f-war is the up on a terrace, looking great .- - ., .
. .
imtead of to the marten. e Pelican." She sailed from London, bend of the rlv�er,js Kom Ombos, and 1.
Swept t e worse it grew, and was aa- AAnother odd bit of fancy is that Eng., for Montreal, touching on her Kom - Ombos, is the temple of the I .� FOOD FOR THOUGHT. -
I I .
tonish3 when told that the floor song, sparrows, inste- ith WAY Out at. Points on the Labrador . J. W
should be relaid with an , itable' mater- . �d of going Sol crocodile- god. . . I . Twitchell `.Sons . .
for the winter, turn into moles, spend coaA, where supplies were landed for World Wide is a publication that . . . Vp -
. . . �
ial to prevent so much grease ac. i the winter -in - holeil under the snow Dr., Grenfell's missions.' Then the n not interest the ignorant or the . ..
cumulating on it. Miss Carlyle re- and c . ban . e back into birds in the Pelican proceeded up the St. L QUICK-3MOKING COMPETITION& "I' . . .
grets to be , . I 9 : aw- � . ,people Who do not want to think,, but 1. Clinton, - Ontario I
unable to report much spring. - . rence river. and docked at Montreal . Smo I kers Clubs Are Prov . Ing Big Suc. ,those -who wish to keep. I I n touch w . ith I . I I �
Progress along the line.of housingthe Signs and omens from birds and For a few days she ;Was one of t& ' great thinkers of the time in -Great � .
pepple engaged in this industry, The beasts are among the Indian. super- sights of the' harbor, where, Among ,.r cess 'in Germany. . .'I , , I 1�
act- . 0 Started in. one or two small plabes . . .1,�,.� " A ...
in the. rooms where they Ing of an owl that has lodged in the Small and quaint.. I I . , . ,find it both invaluable �and ex remell�l " -q I
panic defects and discomforts exist - stitl6us that refuse to die. The h tfie big stoamsbips, she . looked s . I I Britain and the� United State will
. a wl
, .eat, sleep, tremely 011 � "
" ,
------ - .., � a,
. � a -few years ago, "SmokerW Clubs" � _.__...00 , -,�.l , A
P is 0 � ni entertaining, World Wide is uniq 4�0 ,� 46, .4, L
� "a 0-jo,
bad ' . ost popular ins 0. .;&-?�,c ,,, I :� m ,�A v 61
. and perform their domestic duties. trees near a cam considered a The Pelican carries. three masts have proved ;titu- . .,
But here again she mentions' some a sign that -the .,Indians will and her niqss a-- riggin It is the only Canadian paper of . . � - _4 ani A Q- .%: I .
0 I 10
bright ex*tions, where there had 9, so ConsPicu- tions, in Gennany, 'and are -now W.- kind and the onl - , paper of its'kind in --- - � .-F, Q 4
y I -1 _ -.-,. �- .
. forthwith:move their,qu4rters to some ous on a sailing vepsel, al ost hides be found 'in .fiearly every village, - - IWO =9 . _"`�i �
- WIS The member's meet ocal the World to our knowledge, that _____ ----- .
been great improvement. other spot. The -whining of a fox in her little.funnel, for besidems h4r ' in the I - ____ ___ I.,
___ - . .
. the vichifty is taken .to presage death the Pelican is fitted with -an engine. taverns once a -week, -and drink much gives such A � V44111111111411164111, �
BUFFALO RUVA GARDEN. , in the family. Tf you are oil the.road . As -she could riot carry supcient coal h . . wealth of. strong sad . !i� . 4 ... 0$1 4 " " 1411"111116* I
. * , -suggestive writing 64 every subject for . . . I .1 . I
I - -earn across the tobacco' . . . I 1. . �� . . . . . to
, .and turning around abserve .a part to"Onable her. to at _ �beer a d "smoke many pipes of'
Indian Bison Shambles Is Now a . ridge' following you. -the omen -is, a Atlantic or -from Montieal to Hud- ' . . � so Small a subscription price, :. - A TH'IRTY DAYST , . .
. . good one. You will have asuccess� ,aon.B4y and thence back to t '. -The most interesting. feature of , . I - .: , . . I
Fruitful Garden. .' ' i ngland, I I The peculiar mission of World Wide . � I I . I I I . I . to , . , .
ful trip, free. from accident. But a her engine. is ilseol,.6nly An citse of, these clubs, however, is - the anniaal , � .s . . . .
At Shaganappi point, three miles chickadee singing -in front of a party calm or. head wind cr when impeded festival, to which members . of . neigh- , , seem$,to be that -ofturning, the. full � `2 � S-,1 , ID , I 0 - . : , _3111. * -
. ,
vest of Calgary, the Indians used to of sportsmen setting out for a day's by-tho ice of the northern sea. . boring clubs -are invited to take part ti(16 of tritilsh'And American thoughts . � ]a .- Is -
. �
herd the buffalo over the out bank," sport is held to.mean bad lu(,,k.,.All . The ,Pelican was built. thirty,one in 4 13mokers' competition, held, under I into a.0anadiAn ;.chdnnq1 Alt a price. - aT1109- PiriCel. -.0 I . -
� I I
where they would pile up in a pitiful' the ty might, as well return since S�bars ago at the 'dockyards of the precise and elaborate rules and can- . which is -witillin. the �cach of everypne. . . � �
I . I , par I I . . � -
heap of misery. t was -great sport. no game - will. fall to their guns'that British Admiralty at Devonp ditions. .The contestants ate divided,' World Wide haS. no axe to grind a I - - . � t " "
. I Ind is I 0
for the Indians, -and from it they- de- day; .but unless thd men iiho first Shortly after g . Oing into .corort' E"g' , into two parties of ten each, and are
ninission . . I free Alike from partizanshill' and fadd7
. � sea . opinioVs may 'to .
rived a handsome profit by takingAhe hears the chickadee turns back at vessels of this class- were,� dropped - theted.�on 6 platform. at the .end of tallness. Tile following
robes of the slaughtered animals once, - SOM6 accident will 'befall the. .train the Admiralty list, and so the room.. The, president then weighs . . !- Form are and ID
About the time. the buffalo ' ' . . .. � .. .... Pelican was sold to the .out -with, ude five be -tahvn as representing �he opinions I . I I
, became' . great exaetit . � I .
, party. . . , Hudson Bay bout one4ixth of i World ,Wide readers who are to -
extinct, an Eiiglishman, J. Lauri, On the other hand if the sportsmen Co. as a supply.ship. Her length is grammes-:-& an of all - � .
wandered across the plain, and set-. hear the call of the wood-pigeoh' early 180 1 ounce��of -tobacco for, each man, who 1wont to speak mos I 0
.eet, breid0i'.36 feet,, and depth., I I t -111941Y about their 1.0.11ISh * L ,
tied on the point, where II6 enga 16 feet. S116 is of 632 tonnagie-a rams -it. into a new pipe. �� - - ' favotite review.. '. - . I , L
in truck farming in. a am ged in the morning they may consider hgIn . e has . - . nd her. 'At a given signal match . . 41 , ]ROuse - Fi 17 111gS -30
all way, Ahemselve� fortunate. They *ill have (1, a capacity. of 122 borse- .. ' es ,,are I WQrl(Y Wide is a very interestiar, and, of L - � , ,
�n .struck, pipes lit, axidall. begin amok- I . I . .
bringing his green stuff into the mill- good hunting that. day, but will nev " poWer.. ' The Pelican is. - commanded . instructive paper,'and its selections , . � I to
-tary Post with an old white horse, ertheless need -to �bVeareful for ,bv by Captain -Gray, � a weathe beaten Ing furiously, so that tbey are' soon 41.1. '
the same - 'wo - hidden in clouili of smoke. have been inaac with exbelleat judg-' ' ... I � . . . .� � . re Store, -30
. . . �
. .
. .
that still lives at the point. -token thL od-pigobn�s call 800ttisb ..suilor,, who, has nar . ge Mean- I . - . . 0 .. * . ,At Walker's Furnitu
. The log huts built by the pioneq * may'f . or I etell that s6md .inembar of Hudson. Day for thirty -s vigated , while Ahe jud ' counts: Aloud . the 11L%t---�-H, J. Cundaill- .:01i.arlottetuwn, 6 I . . . .. 1.1 . - . . . . . I I . . " � _* I
I I even years. Till fl .' I I . .. I I 3. . I .. I � ... . w . . . I ,
truck gardener are still there and., the party is..destined to meet -with A An' experience ,exteudihg over' that . see6nda. ana mi tes'as they y, And 1'. H. I.- . � - � I . I I . � . I . . . . �. . � � . I .. _. . I
' . . . 1. . . . before., three minutes have passed. ,-: I bave-toafid W,orIU7Wide both ii I . . 11, . 1. 20 �
are being preserved by the present fatal inju . , ., - . length 'of time g' t`o. his � �
ry - , . ives weight, I ,ter" . Th -e .. .
owners. John and Henry Williams. - Some years.ago il white hunter was opiniolis respecting -the cominercial most of the pipes have beeji smoked "ting andinstru'6tive,' a the articies � . .. * Jines'we.handlo are v,ir;ed. The Selection .. . .
. . I , . �
The Williams boys, neph%ws of the found dead in hik-cabin in the woods. navigation of those vitters.' Captain - ,out. Eaeb man's'time'is duly enter- 4 i's -unequalled in �
w and , c, S
pioneer. inherited the place after the e I 'Q ay 'does not' think highly. of the . Jv artoon Judiciously. sele-el,rd.- -the county. - The prices low and . '39 � , I
The guides,,who di�coyer d his`bodv� r dd on a sheet. as he:hasids over his ,d - - - I - , . . I
old man's death, and oilij three years ., ge. . -0., 0) UdIps, -4 � .quality high., -
. observed that a wood-pigroon had bnfit Hudson Bay route as a �ossible out- PIPe, and. the' tobacco ashes- in it are 0. Ermatinger, " . . -,. The stock is heavy-aud must be '30 ,
, . cal;,�f u . I - Chaniber�;.St;-Tliomas, Ont. . I .1 .
ago came over from England to In- her nest in d tree direetly'abov6 .the.. lot -for ihe central CanAdiazi West' - lly * examined - to, see that the . I . . 4. keduced, and a a0ecial -price on - every 4 rticle w .
vestigate its value. They are making i i a pip� his really been smoked out. - '. - !.. I have takeii W6rld Wide m er -since ' .. .. � e - - I
. . I . tion; and .1 consider it I n . ot' . � . Q I . . I . I . I .� �.
produce profit but in a vastl as shott stmi , I .wi'l be given,'" . . . . . .
i� Y more to explain. his extraordinary supce . Montreal lid' discussed . I .. or It - - � - "I
' shack. Her presence. there was taken and in. an interview,given during G hand!'
. � . iu� I The prites consist 'lor thd ulost . : its Pubifell .. . . .. I .1 .
civilized way t&n did the aborigines. . In- hunting Arid also- to signif� his that project very- frankly, � . part of -beer f'steins" -and, sVaokeis'. onlyllid best eclectic- at, the -price, 4)Ut � I ; . . � . .1
. , I . . .1
. . �. .Arin Chairs.'A�m Rockem, Brass Bpds,: brass Poles, 136ol . . I I
. .
This spring they sold 500 dozen heads untimely death.. 1. .. . � . . "Special.. ships.' lie thinks., would articlea; such As pipes and 'tobacco Abe equial of any and th:e superior of .Ca k.Sholve.,tj - Bed Spring.4, k 1, - � -
of lettuce to the people of Cal . . . . . .. .1 . aes. Boo Bnffets,. Baking CAtitnots, I .1
garY. I Generally speakfn�v the raven is rew havo to. be constructed - for that sdr- jars. and cases 'Music plays �a prom- r - It is a great boon to.A busy ink Cabinets, Coueb�s,- Carpets, 10ribq; Cradles. Cots, Curtal"ns, t
'Recently they have marketed here a garded'as -a bird'i1evil �omen,- but 7i0p. .-At the, longest .tlib season of in.ent .part n the , entoertainnients, '� .
� . , ctiost.. -.0h ,
.I I . . ;,
qua . . . . - man 4,. Carpet. Sweepers, ( -30 * , , ,
6ntity Of this year's green crops, the guides awk foro- , w4vigation would last only from the :which. are. becomig increas, I �-Rev. F. F�iggens .Liverpool,, Ourfain Poles, D' I ' Room Ohaiis, Dresperit
,believe his squ A � Ing y I- . n , , ,
. .N_S� , . 1*� . . and.Stands, Divan*i, EASPIA,.Etching .. 1. I I
including first prize radishes at tells g od sport, couple with no- ac.Qi. -middle ol'Tuly to the ' ero. . ular. . . . . 1. . 1�,sl7Ernitnre Coveting, Pea- is
� , - -
twenty�eight . , . end of Septoux- .. . _� .. ',a let, -tIIeVPiI0W8'1 Flamesi.'PloonCo*vering, Fringe, Grftnd-fathors'
days from the seed. dent, t0hai . ber, whon- I i . . ____ . � . :1 I'Vp..rld Widc� I invalu-mble to'busiar � . . .
� 5 Providod the 'chickadee t is time for vessels to ' . .. Z. . ,(,,hairs, fiall0hairs, hall -Mirrors, HaIlRacks.' Higb0hairs, . , . .
They have in crop twenty-two acres, does. not set 'up a'chirp'n g at -about get out th(- Bly b -fore the Straits': " Furniture, .r. China.' . � I
.. Of ess men -and others As a . means of IV , Ingrain Rngq, Inlaid Litloleumi4, Interior Decorations, fron'Beds, . .
. �.
comprising every variety of gar en the same time. . . . I are closed wit'h ice. This would mean' IMallufAetUriers of furniture for' the'kbePing in touch with current thou.-bts,l . " gA . Jardineer Stands, Japanese Mattings, Kitellon Cabinets, Kitchen t .
vegetable ever grown anywhere in 1: � .. � . . I .. . . that - the vessels engaged in this trade � Chinese market have. their troubleS. land events. the wor'ld. ove .�Mr.,1411-1� - :Z Tables,.Lntingps, Linoleums, Ucirriq Chairs, Mifror,Plate i Mitt- . . I
this latitude, and the growth . � . . r . . .si Mitt! .!
c Is "a at Ipast 'eight . '.Loosemore,,* Standard, Banki Parkilill "W Sewing Machines,. �� r . .
uniformly rank as to prove on' clu- - SCOTTISH FARMERS COMING. - w6yId be idle foi- In the months of June, July and. t.resses, :'Mouldings. Needles for all makes of. .
l � .. - dampness , Jiso. pre- I , � r , , , ,
, .. I .
I -.,- , . August excessive � � . . 'Orkans,*011cl r I I
* . I , 11 - . , months of the year, for bel7iq of spe- Olit. . . I �. . . Ir ... . oth.� Offtce . Furniture, Odd Pirces; Pianos., Parlor � .. ... 11 .
I sively that the Calgary district need- cial eonstruction they. 'could' not, be valent'throughout the entire. country, . I . . . 1. I I . � . . : Suites,PXrlorCa inetsi Parror-Titbleq, PiCtt1rea,,Q1laIr liy Bed% . .. .� . . . . I
not look beyond its borders for its � A -gr . icult.urat,'Ex'perts Will Spe'ria SeV- ,: � � -1 hay -e -taken World Wide 6 oilel(.?�h, , r .1
� .. - .. I r , I . . I especially in the,southernp .. Dur- * . for six �., :�.._ Rugs. Ratan Chaii,s Sideboards. Stair Secri3tarles. : . . : . . �.� ...
vegetable supply. . ". ... .. en Weeks In Canada OcO]iOmiba.IIY .'�.56(1 elsci,�vhere. As the , arts 3, . ,.
. I . ,.sea � ti YX WoUld r Close I, " Ing thesb" &mp months .furniture t vear§, and'I consider it excellent. , I r ,4 , Sewing Mac�bin'e,s, St' " hRirs, 8 nolo, Tables, Toy Sets . � . . . .
Round about are thousand of buffalo I * . ... . 11 � . I � ,son al n n . r I . . . I . . I. . . . . . ndont's 0 . t f, ... �. ..
Av, Undertaking--evervthi6g the bpcitand prices low, Velvet Rugs, . . .
1 On. the invitation 9f the Canadian .Spptomber', Uallleer's , �fop in, tile which is 'put 'together wi�h glue falls look forward- vith pleasure to it's - I . I . . .
skeletons now nearly assimilated by � . ' r' "r. . ' I W&- I t, drawers. Stick, rolling tops I. I I always r writing Desks, willo%� I . . I . ..
, a commission of Scotw A could not b,) exported by --this . I . W* find it , , '', r ,
�s that I , eekly arrival, an& . Ohairs, Extension Tables, 'Your money.: .. .
the earth and it is these earcase , Government � Par re� 4 r - .. . I
have made Shaganappi one of thes I U61I . agriculturists , AT - to - � visit the -seasbn,., ' � � ps .warp and most interestin g I , " " * - , , . .. I � � �. .
. rollte., until the followinm luse, -to Work- and flat to . cheerfully refuilded it goods not sAt isfectory'.' - ' r * . ..
0 rt -Bay ---�-W� ,. B. Mailson, ,
, Dominion. The Object. of. the visit r The-rbest harbor. in lie � - I ' . ,C . - . I , . � . _. �.. .. , . ., . I I I . �. . . q I � .. . ;
. is that , split. Furniture for tise, .in this ,ch 1.0-riinsby, � Ont. - . .. I . I . . . ,.. � .. . . . . . r - . I .. . . I .
richest gardens in the, West. Old . at Port, Churchill-, �wherc thpri� is a� .. . . I � . I . . I I . . . � ... .
. I .. .
- . . . � .
'! -11 - is- to obtain an independent report by matie must, th6r�fore,: be wen beason:- ' 'itatio in' �xpressin � -A�Iifkinds.,of Up6olstery dpn6*. Co . , ,.,.".
Shaganappi Lauri was wiser tha)2' practidal ScottUh- . a&iculturists .'on . depth .of nineteen fbet,., but at York ed - before .' i 1. . uf "Alife. During. I have no - � lies n I 9 . . ; vering in ..it big. Variety, . r I . � ,�
men though+- .. - . .. , I z man a( -my unquaUtied satisfaction with World .40 :bf colors. cart ied fn stock. . . . � . . .. . q .. . .. + r . �
agricultural matters in 10anada. Factory the wpLter is so shs,116w that ,the winter. months in north Chibar '. r � r . . A. ' r . . .
I . . - , , , .. . . .� . I. . .
. . _ .� The. visit will occupy'sev6A, weeks, tho'1`61icanhas often'to anchor eight Ahe climat6"beloomes extremely dry . Wide. The aftibi6s are selected with 4 '. I . .� : . � * �. ... � I . . .
. . I . I Pictives Framed while you v�ait. Satisfac�ion Guaranteed. .. . . .
r 1 1 -and r th I e too shallow to Porn ' IS r the coun ' .. . ; 11 I .. r .
. rexe usi4o' of the 'time' occupied- on . miles out. .Tames Ray, lid 9hys; - and in' and About Pekin and Tientsin' 'caie- and discrimination.-Rer. A. A. We are 'bd.und'to -please our cuetbmers, I : . . . .
' i ,
. I , way, . [oil � 'try "is visited by heavy dust ifflatid, Bergaville, Quo, � � I r . . . I . I . . .
i the sea voyage each .. lit its uavigati . I r Von . . . C ' . ' I . . . . . ..
I. . . . . . I
.1 . . w I �
A Sprained Ankle. . commission will travel across the by ocean Aeginshi' I I . . torms ' Furniture which has biiekle. World Wide is issued every -week -at I . I . -and Tables f r Rent .
... is r P I . a I . .d hairs r .
. acific. - - - a in -Tudson Bay Co.. , and war , - at all Ahe leading I * � . . .. . ..o . . . . .. . .
, o,ountry'to the. P, . . In th 'ervice tl I ped'during -the slimmer re Ifive bents a copy " . I . I . .� �, . .
, * �
I . I ' . � . r -
As a rule a man will feel Well Sat- I Among. - tbose *who will .form'. the. have, - besides the Pelican, two other 'turns tQ its'n6rinal statii. or else goes. . , r . We al6o rent our Sanitary Carpet Cleaner, the Dd§-Xot,' '. r . . .
� I
. party ar'e -Sir John Sinclair, cousin . vessels of about the same 'iize. Each - to the other extreme and exhibits bookstores, or at '$1.50 .a year, by . 13.1 .. . . I I. . r �, . . I r � .. . . . � r .
isfied it he can hobble around on crut� I of r the Secretary for Scdtlaild; Mr. - make's annually'.'one . ' I John Dougall & Son, Witness Block r . � �. .250 PICTURES-Priceg nearly out in half. . . . I I .
I . round trin to cracks often. half an -inch at more in . . � . t See our window . , I
a, r 1. 1. . . ,dav and next, wpek. . They ,won't last long. 'Re ulate . .
ches in two. ok three weeks after John .Spiers, Newton,- W. � 133arry the 'B .from England; -taking' out width. . . I Montreiki. . � . . . .� � . ar Satut I I . I 19 . I . I . .
, r
airm , an the ".'sUpplies and goods and rptnining with . � - __ . . . � . � . . . 1. I r . :��, .. . . 60.c at 10.6. Regplar $119) at 35c. . . �, . .. . r :
. I
spraining1his ;ankle and it is often two I Hope , Baro6yhill, Ch of lir . . . .. . .1 � . I . I . I � . . . .
or three months before he r is fully rd i -Scottish Charnber of Agriculture;, Mr. fllMfoi: the British m-rk-2t, -Th � Pe - ExchanS6 of Preients In Africa. . I . . I r . . __ r .- . , . :, to r I
� . r .
I - John McHutchen Debbie, Campend; �an'ihofiid be in Londim, oarly'in the * Frequently ono has � to deal witl I I Repeat it :�-'!Shil . al . i's .. Cure � r.jll* al- ,� e.could not have put this sal� oil in a better time suit Ouk . . � �
covered. This is an unnecessary loss I Dr. Shirra Gibb Prof Wright, prin- Autumn. . . . . . .6hiefs; in fact, in every 'Village the -1 . . . . t au't,mets. as Christmas is only a few days in the'distitnee, and to . . I .
I . ways, cure in ,olds. " . . fegt.nice, clean, new. up-to-date goods at the. priceathey 'are sella . . � . . �
e,%,,,, . . y coughs and ,� , n , ill lay aside and deliver when you
of time, as by applying. Chainberlain's -cipal of ., e gricuitural Call .1 Prom Monfrogl thn stout little ves- traveler . -will- .probably be welcomed I , . . . I . . - I. �. � 9 a, rare.chanco. We wi . I
qlasgow; Prof. - Bruce, Edin g ; BP -11 Nkill � proceod . to Fort Churchill by the chief. An..'interchange of . . . . , .. . . .. I I , want the goods, any -article, hYpAvitigasmalldeposib. Every . I . . I . �
' .
Xr. Morison, Stravithie; Mr. Hen- And there discbpr,:e the greater part . greetings through an . interpreter . . . . � . . .. .. � I . . article will'bave'a Special price. .- : Come and see ' through our es. ' I . .
Liniment, as directed, a cure maY as I, I -
. . . . .
a rule be effected in less than one aerson, Lawton; Mr. James Dunlop, of her 6arvb. Tlinn crossing the Bay. establishes. a good understanding. An - *The -Passengers - A' : .'I tablisliment, it will inake your, heart bound wit'hundescribable I. . . 1.
.. gents'..Associa- . . I.
. - Taevit, sho will ilcirt, 'of'presents is usual on tion has refused to grant txcursioro joy and satisfaet . ion.. A pleasure to show good ' ;1 . . . ..
. .Midland..and Prof..Qreig. Abe* tlie Unrnva coast,. int6rchange � I . . � I
weck�s time, and in many cases with- ; I . I I .� . . . . . .. I ... .. .. . .. I.*. . , I � I . 1. . . .
I I . .. . . . I . . �. I lancling BnWi6s'at Fort Cbimo. *She these Occasions, -and is an almost uni- rates to the Montr Al -Winiev'CarnivaV . __ __ - . I I—, ... - � � .. . I
� . 1. . . �� . - �
. � ,t,,,,,,,, e . . ... . . . -
� I
___ . . . . . .- art timp. before'sail.7 -,As..a rule, . a -chi ly offer a a r Ot- - . . . .% ... . . . I I .. . I : . I � .. � . I
, *
in three days. Sold by all druggists. . . � . I ... � Nvill 1pive ,two 'Passengers there, 'Mr. vorsal custom. - Etiquette*. riquires. James wag � ily . , .. 'W . . WALK I ER' I
. . . .
. I
. - I I . . _1 1, I and Mrs. Stuart Cattcr, who Were the. chief to give -a Present in . i accid6n. shot. .. � � .
----------------,% M_MM_MM_"_WW_A__. : li-arriod. but a all of Cali or)' retu"'4' lid kill�d by his brothe while sh6 I
. . . . I 11 . .1 . . . .1 inu f,-om Montroal. Mr. (,'otter is bunch of bananas, .,3ome paw -p I -ling rabbits near Oil Spriogs. . . ' I I . , I . . . . I
. awa or .. ' . . �
. I . I . . . . I I . . . . poing to Port Chimo as factor for possibly a goat.or.twd, sbri:I6 of whieh A:ustr4lia will,probably send a rep-, F . e I . . . � I .
. . . I. . I. .t%(� Hudson'Bay CO. and big stay may 1. urniture D ' aler and Undertaker, Clinton t .
. � . .� . . possibly be - welcome. On a -res6ntatrive to the conference al the , I . . � . . .. .
. . . . � . . . ,qt flint, lonelv 'northern out.nost'will special, ocaasion th hief, rhay offer I . - . . � Phone28. Call day,ornight.'. .
. . 11. . . extend over - ,-46Vcral ye W, I govi5rnments interested in the all -red I . . . �
. ., . .
. . . r1le"IT ars. 'the traveler a* fz so gift which he route. * I . . . "I I
. r6t, Mr, - Cotter ond .his -wif wore , . .
,IF your.* - flo'ur doesn't aCt will probably' decline with a great . .1 . . I I .
. .
. I , 'W _W_W
. re the . . � .
. . � I .bo, -n ill the Par North ', wheO prolusion of thanks.
1 ------------- � rigbt . whom 60 %. npnts of both -%v,ro for manv Years ' . - ''d r . , , '. . .. . . I
I I I .. . YOU in tfio. service of the Hudson Day. 06. . � ' . . � I � . � _______.___. - ------.-..I-. ____._ - ___ - I
- - . . , Joterested. . . Repeat . it :�"Shftollls Cure will al- .040"�olotolopio-wm-P,"to%wAwntio . 1. 0�0�Lioow%%04*0 10014101MAhl%W40W110 - _____
I bl=6 0 The grocer? Re . ' . , I . - r - " "It is amazing the . . '� r ' . . r. r .. . .. .. . . . 7 .
.. - INVI - ... . r . . I � I � ��. . r I Prinee's Gift, . . . interest a crowd wayscur., . my dot . ,glis and colds., 4 � . . . . . . . . .1 I .
- A . - ' r I . . w�ill take in triflosl" exclaiined the .. . I . 1. .
- ..; . . .. . - I . . I
_, didn't make it. The tra. . . .w The -Prince of Walos has. presented fil-st cy'nic. . - -_ _.
,- ,. . I . .1 . . I . . I . �.. . . I
to tlio Govr-rnment -M-ohivea " isn't'it?, exclaimed cynic number A Swede M I .
I velling salestnan told him ! ment, the chair occupied by - two. "I quite ag . . . .
. * r .Part, ree with you!"
. . . 1. . . Rvu e r a 'Why, 11 � CHINAWA .
it 'was ' ood and soir Wolfe In his c.-ibin on board the war 4 . proceede& cynic number 1 -killed. and� another.itau nained Ander- r . I . . . . , . I. REI. ''. ..
. . 9 � . .eb0dy - - 11 'Ve!-,A?31 wIlich broii&.11t; him from Eng- .one, "as I was coming along just now ,son fatilly injured in A dynamite ex- . . . . . . . . .. . . .
. else t I Man. r land to'QuPb(,c mid .which has ever 'I saw a fight between 4 bulldog and Plosiou on the National Transcontin- - . I
6! d the- ',sales 'ince boen carofullv prvaerved. Paint. 6 mastfff; and upon my word dur- I ental near Xenora. . .When you need anything in Chinaware
. . I
. t
c h
ng v
d a I
. k I
.,I - t .1
I' 30
1 .I. 4
ings of Gonoral _Wolfe nnd Geneial, the fifteen'rninutes I was i#vateh- . . . - . .
en you b -ay ' Montoaln) will be prosonted by Mr. . more than fifty man were stand. ty, a Welland girl, was we would be pl�ea8ed t '
. . Ing I .you call and .
. . . . Gnorge, Wolfe, and the Marquis de Ing Irene Haft. . � I. o have . . I I
. . . . . , ng. around! 11low Oan People' take 'Saved from droWiling lit a most gall- . I
Montealm. , . � -1 �. . - .. I . . I I
IN 11 4% = __ . . . . � an literest in such thliftgaP" diat, manner 'by Donald .McEftvride, Al- - '� inspect our stock. -Our prices will please I
. "I' can't. Imagine. And, whi4h. dog ter. she had brokonthrouglithe ice . . I I I .
Royal Househaild !Flour Stringent Milk Bylaw. . won ?0# 1��, I . . I wliII6 snating. . . . . you � : . . . I . .
. - , .
. - . A new milk bylaw propared by the . . . -..--- - . . I I . . I . � .1 .. . I I . . .
Votir ri*,tr+;rN�% r� 4 Board ol llealth ' of IMmonton hits Unconscious. , . . � I . I
. . V WAAA�.O U11.1 . . boch 11tie,sed, and it is pronounced "Yolur friend Woodb* left -some I . . .. � . .
I .. .
. �
. the most stringent in Onnadg. The verses with me to-day"that wore vtry 146W'S THIS ? I . I � �
00-4po US. VVO 111-1-ke it know its I P
. 11 I dalryinen, will be given until January amusing,- said the edi r. . I UUr M OCK 011 Watches, Clocks, . .
goodncs$ and guarantee it I next to comply fully with all ita "You don't sayl I didn't'think lit I We otter One Hundred Dollars Re. . . I I . - . .. �_ . .
. scrupulous exactioni touching li� was A humorous poet."' . ward for any case of Catarrh that .4 I
. to both ,YOU and the grocer, 4. eVA". inePectiou", and t0sts of. milk. 'Neither does he." cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh . . JeWe1e.r,V-,- Etc.; is complete. .
. . .
. . . . . I . . . I .. . . _. . � .. . . 6ure, ' - I . . . . . . . .
. It Is always sold under Our 11 . - , I _____ . � A Certainty. . I V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. - _ . _7 , . I . . I '.1 . I
. I 1, , , . � I atu no p6asimlotto =.'"t.a. ' We, the undersigned,,have known P. . . .
name and tradernarit., so Came. Near Choking to T)eatll. Who thinks all thin '
. .
. I I . . But one thfug's sure-olik oAo6 toWel J, Cheney for the last 15 years, and * All goods bought &OM U9 Will be engftwed .
I I � . you cannot go wrong, I A little bo�, the son at cbri.j. D, Is blacker than It's VWnte& I . belieVe'lilm perfectly honorable III all * I . .
� I 1, I APeterson, A Well known resident at -Hanwea W-1dr. iransactiofts and financially able - to tree ot charge.
.11111, . - I I
� . Ask your grocer for Royal . I the village cot Jacksonville, Iowa, 11,1(t, Not t4u6b to tell. . carry out ally obligations. made by . I . I .
L . ,. . . . Household Flour. It's the - a sudden and violtnt attack of crol, big. firm. I . I . I
. 1, . Much thick stringy liblegm eatile .IP- She -Toll me of yoir early i1truggits. . - .... - - - _1V_Z_
., .. 1. . *. I I up He -There's not much to telL The . 0 Walding, Xinnan 4 Marvin, I
� . 11 key to better living, . latter giving .'Chamberlain's Cough harder I struggled the word the 61d NVItolesale bruggists Toledo, 0. , I
I I I �� . . I Remedy. Mr. Petersork says, tit think Hall's Catarrh Cure IS aken later. � , .
� I I
man laid -It on, t , �
� .. I 0gavle 118ur Mms 'Co., tild. I lie would hil,ye choked to death had I nally�,�, Acting directly upon the blood
- '
1we no,t given him this remedy.,, t1of A Podtlo Nation, land 'mueous�- surfaces of the system. - .
I 161 11111101vamu I . sale by All druggists. . Th6 man vho WP6td that *60aniiii "v, Testimonials sent free. Price 76 � � we 21401 Counter 9 1
. . meft"IJ "'res" 1*11 f4ty b4ik , Aceutg per bottle. Sold by all Drug- - . . . . . - .
., . .---- � Radn't th6t tgat AAR: 6t wominthid . I '. J6 o efer atid [Ingiravor. Isiruer ot Marriage Licotit" - .
I That mo*t ot us hav# iftet. gms. .
�� There Are said to be a thousand cas. :-X6*'rcA* 11"d. Take. Hall's VAtilly Pills tot icon- . I
� I ts of typhoid lover in Montreal. 'Alpatioti. l�-�,,�,.---.-.Ok-ii-o-o-o-o-M.-M-0-01-ol.-A-O-- I � .
I - I NOA^ 11111^11%4044 I
I I .
. I I . .
. � . t . �,
el " I F)
I 0
'dffik__ � __ ,
__ _�1._A._.1___ - _.___1_,_11W I-,--- -_�_ __. -