HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-01-14, Page 3J*Mtry 10b, 1,909 a -_ SHE ROASTS CANNERIM I � INDIAN $UPEMITIONS, 448AMENESS." OF'THe N -IM . ___ �;,�_.;_ '­ 71 & ... � .... . .. . ._� , I . ,� I 11 - -, 11 ­. 111111111111111111111 SUPPLYING THE POSTS THIS ATHLETE OF . � M144 WrPret�Qarlyle Oayii WashinS The Red Man Clinp to Many a Weird -1 . _­_ A Lovely Mcno_to�ny­of Golden Wight . . 11 I , � �IkL 'if Is Too "I nfroquont. Bit of Belief. . ,and of Delicious Air. ,. ! I'll, I 000y ::: I , � � � .- 4. The women havQ .no, Particular de- I many a bit.of strange superstition [HUDSON SAY CO.'$ "P191.10AN" IS So!pe peoplo talk of the ­$40ke- FIFTY-TWO YEARS, . � VIV IrQ to Wash. and the manner in which , and woodland fancy still lingers . TIME-HONORIED CRAFT. ness , of tha Nile, and there is a . 1. 0�# . ' � � � the w4shins arrangements are pre- Ainong the Canadian Indiana although . lovely same'llec's of golden ;Ight, of S.A, y �q I I r., O W L.,g I I IS 11 11 I 11.1 � LT ta Jura *eUte'd to th�m do,e4i not alter their . __ _. - - � . , W0NI)r.,R_, 0 L Opinion. Neither the ,.employer nor with tile influence of the Indian delicious air, of people and.of scen. IFUL )0*414-110y TODODDIS KID- � the, employga seem � to realile, tile Schools and the pushing of railways Once a British $loop -of -War She, Is ery, for Egypt is ,after all mainly a i 7 Al � , I . . eat river with Strips on each side I NR�Y FlbLS. . 1 . . Aeces.sity for P into the remoter districts, every year Now EngaSed I I ,,I I . Manliness." These, seri. In Cavyins Food 091 cultivated land, flat, green, not . . I , . .1 . 't�nce`A, xOfeilnng to sanitary condl- Sees the Redman losing something of and SuPplies to the Great Cam- very varied, River, green pla,i Was Tortured With Rheumatism And . Tux, - I i4ins, in, Same of &he canning . . us, yel- , . l factories his distinctive traits. The soplusti- pany!s Fortit on the Shares of the low plains, pink, brown, steel gray I a Cripple Till the Great Kidney - �� . I It 044iio. are taken, from the re,- cated Indian now smiles a or pale Yellow mountains, wall of 1 'Remedy Cured Him, * Port of Miss Narkaret Cirlyle, Ise- ,t mentimi, . 0 � .I , at the Windigo or bogey mail, but Day -Her Captain Does Not Think shadoof, wail of sak W, tories insi , . I . . job. yes, 1 1514131- Six Nations, Oat., Jan. 11th.- . T T pector for the westirn Part deep down in his heart A certain Much of Railway ft, alk -Over Habit of Ontario. Although the report, amount of credence . home. I pose there Is a'sameness' a @art '01 I (SPecial)-Fifty-two years of age - I � I , � is given to not golden monotony, in this land per, I � which has recently be -en. issued, bearo A sloap-of�war propelled, , but still young enough"to. captain the . *%"Upon conditx , a lew of the old beliefs cherished of course, vaded with -light And pervaded with i . I I - � aus in i9oT,. yetthe fact by his untutored ancestors. In the by $Alls, and A "Dreadnaught," of sound. Always there is light around lacrosse team, John. Silversmith,, of � thAt this, la tile busy season for the Indian Departzu6t of tile Federal steel driven b;y the most powerful ea- you, and you are bathing in it, and this P1ac6 can tru,Y bi looked on as I O�naiiig ind�qt_ry. makes the critl� Government at Ottawa 10. a full. glues Yet devised, mark the extremes nearly always, if you are living, 48 I I a wonderful a.thicte. , � Not 4 habit to Swear OFF botit habit I CAMS of Special in - ' of the oreat navy 'with whicb. Bri. One would .nat- � . I . I . -3 , at tim, __ . teresit At.the pres blooded, Young Iroquois whose as- was, on the water, there is a multi. ursilly el ., e,. it is add that sum t- f it.. _tat_ .- . tain. polices the high- span The n. #­ * � thinkhewas allhis life a heal- to e ear BY . . I W V man Xwe 0 1 . �, V � Lrung,ling sounus aoa;gng, tby man. But it,was 0 . Vios Carlyle. says that .substantial so complete as to include his roar- trasVemphasizes the progress made floating. to your ears. As there w, far otherwise,, . I *PrOvemeuts had been ' de I I ri and he unhesitatingly states that his . MA , riage to a * by naval architecture during the past . I girl of English birth; yet two.lines of green land, two lines of 111411Y of the fruit-preseiving factories lie distinctly remembers tile solicl- quarter of a century. mo�ntaiils, following the course .cf wonderful energy and V11tality are . during. the yea ' � . � , . People who have got the Walk -Over . I r i U , it, regard to candi� tons care . uaw Not many of those; old sloops re- the Nile, so are th6re 'two lines of due to Dodd's K I - ons generally. She remarks, how, Ilia sq mother took, ' . idney Pills. I following an old tribal custom, in main And they are no longer, taken v,teea .t t "I suffered from Rheumatism � ever, that the idea seemed widesp - read . order that be ishould'bave- 4 . . puting .the so 0 ha cea,se their calling and for among some, . I . good into. account when coin ,A- their singing -only as you draw near over seven years," Mr. Silversmith � b"bit know what it means to have. owners that. Suitable, . set of teeth in his. head'. Wh a . ,,, , an to Nubia. I . - . lie wer a e mpire, u a ... a - . I . , , sanitary 0,6commodations e tiquated and comparit SAYS in telling Ills -story, "and itfin- . 11 . � Would 'not Arrived at the age at which children . ti el owerleso � I I shoes that are, elegant I . be 009clate'd, Where good Washing ,, For then, with the green land, they :ally made a complete cripple of 'me. in style, easy, on the , get their new teeth big mother in- a.. they are, in time of pea e t e Are fade away, these miles upon , miles , ,. I Of, My back WAS bent nearly double, and Conveniences had been provided, away structed him how to secure a set caAbie - of render! 'lling ond singing brown men, and I � Ir I . . _ , al ble ea . feet, and long in life. ., QM dirt and dust, with plenty Of that should be large and strong. H ice. ne of these al - loo a is amber and ruddy siands creep, downm . soap and , I , 13 se when I tried to walk I had ito, use , . . .clean towels., the women was told to, go. out. alone at n- � now making her way the ports on word to the Nile. And the air seems crutches. Latterly I could not get . .. I made good use of them'.. : when everything I -was quiet', 1ki Canada's Qand a , udson Bay, subtly changing, And the light per. ar und at all and I suffered, excruclat- . . . . . . � The-wcond3tiori of the floors in. many , I on A M,ss,o O_ I Swear off paying out good I . : steadfastly towards the' Woods, n of impo, tanee to Cana- haps growl g, a litt I . � factories comes in for aeve u ,le harder. An . re can- call three times to the marten. P-4 dian, trade in the Far Nooh, for she . ,d Ing pain. money for � , ' demnidion. Th .� . 1# You are aware of oth . U I . , er r�glons un- "Two boxes at Dodd's Kidney Fills , gy should, says the re- idea was to request that animal L,� ,Ing to. the "Great Company' like those You are leaving, more . _, ;�,c4rry , nsatisfactoty shoes.' lx)rt� be kept in sound conditi ts it� . 0 gave me relief; sixteen. boxes cured � . � On 80 exchange teeth with him, and the ng the .Bay supplies for the , 80 to prevent retent' ecumu- Afri more 6 I 1) . I threw towards the woods an old a0rid their men ­ avele, less Ouave� less me completely. . latiog of water, ion or a � factors and goods to like cand're,aming. . nd especl . I .. which causes net only th his hand. be used in barter wi . ally the Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure . I , discaom I . ­ I he had brought out In th the trappers silence makes a, great impression on I . Jort, chills and colds, but Also, . I , Acquire the Walk-OVer - habit, it' � the rj$k of in . I , rom what his mother told him, lie And the Indians who, with 'the little you. .But before ycni enter this al- Rheumatism because Rheumatism is , , .. . I � S a I .1 - ore serious troubles. In new. when he heard the anmiering isolated bands of Royal Northwest lence,'betweerr the amber and ruddy cause X. Kidneys and habit you'll never l5wear off. . many food factories the floors were noise in Mounted Pol d by disordere . I I . . the woods that his request ,ice, still form practical- walls that will lead you on to Nubia -Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure dis� I � . . � . found coated with black, greasy, sour- would be granted. If he had prefer- ly- �he only inbabitanta of that vast and to the land of the crocodile, you I ordered. Kidneys. . . I . . I . � smelling mud. The employer dePlor. red squirrels' leeth he would. of region. . . �. . have a visit to pay, for here, high � . I I - .. -ad the condition in one place, but � . - . . I ------------- ----- - seemed to think that the mo . re, it Was course, have citIled to th squirrel ,, This old British :aloo"f-war is the up on a terrace, looking great .- - ., . , . . imtead of to the marten. e Pelican." She sailed from London, bend of the rlv�er,js Kom Ombos, and 1. Swept t e worse it grew, and was aa- AAnother odd bit of fancy is that Eng., for Montreal, touching on her Kom - Ombos, is the temple of the I .� FOOD FOR THOUGHT. - I I . tonish3 when told that the floor song, sparrows, inste- ith WAY Out at. Points on the Labrador . J. W should be relaid with an , itable' mater- . �d of going Sol crocodile- god. . . I . Twitchell `.Sons . . for the winter, turn into moles, spend coaA, where supplies were landed for World Wide is a publication that . . . Vp - . . . � . ial to prevent so much grease ac. i the winter -in - holeil under the snow Dr., Grenfell's missions.' Then the n not interest the ignorant or the . .. . cumulating on it. Miss Carlyle re- and c . ban . e back into birds in the Pelican proceeded up the St. L QUICK-3MOKING COMPETITION& "I' . . . grets to be , . I 9 : aw- � . ,people Who do not want to think,, but 1. Clinton, - Ontario I . unable to report much spring. - . rence river. and docked at Montreal . Smo I kers Clubs Are Prov . Ing Big Suc. ,those -who wish to keep. I I n touch w . ith I . I I � Progress along the line.of housingthe Signs and omens from birds and For a few days she ;Was one of t& ' great thinkers of the time in -Great � . pepple engaged in this industry, The beasts are among the Indian. super- sights of the' harbor, where, Among ,.r cess 'in Germany. . .'I , , I 1� act- . 0 Started in. one or two small plabes . . .1,�,.� " A ... in the. rooms where they Ing of an owl that has lodged in the Small and quaint.. I I . , . ,find it both invaluable �and ex remell�l " -q I panic defects and discomforts exist - stitl6us that refuse to die. The h tfie big stoamsbips, she . looked s . I I Britain and the� United State will . a wl , .eat, sleep, tremely 011 � " " , ------ - .., � a, . � a -few years ago, "SmokerW Clubs" � _.__...00 , -,�.l , A P is 0 � ni entertaining, World Wide is uniq 4�0 ,� 46, .4, L � "a 0-jo, . bad ' . ost popular ins 0. .;&-?�,c ,,, I :� m ,�A v 61 . and perform their domestic duties. trees near a cam considered a The Pelican carries. three masts have proved ;titu- . ., But here again she mentions' some a sign that -the .,Indians will and her niqss a-- riggin It is the only Canadian paper of . . � - _4 ani A Q- .%: I . 0 I 10 bright ex*tions, where there had 9, so ConsPicu- tions, in Gennany, 'and are -now W.- kind and the onl - , paper of its'kind in --- - � .-F, Q 4 y I -1 ­_ -.-,. �- . . forthwith:move their,qu4rters to some ous on a sailing vepsel, al ost hides be found 'in .fiearly every village, - - IWO =9 . _"`�i � ., . - WIS The member's meet ocal the World to our knowledge, that _____ ----- . been great improvement. other spot. The -whining of a fox in her little.funnel, for besidems h4r ' in the I - ____ ­___ I., ___ - . . . the vichifty is taken .to presage death the Pelican is fitted with -an engine. taverns once a -week, -and drink much gives such A � V44111111111411164111, � BUFFALO RUVA GARDEN. , in the family. Tf you are oil the.road . As -she could riot carry supcient coal h . . wealth of. strong sad . !i� . 4 ... 0$1 4 " " 1411"111116* I . * , -suggestive writing 64 every subject for . . . I .1 . I I - -earn across the tobacco' . . . I 1. . �� . . . . . to , .and turning around abserve .a part to"Onable her. to at _ �beer a d "smoke many pipes of' Indian Bison Shambles Is Now a . ridge' following you. -the omen -is, a Atlantic or -from Montieal to Hud- ' . . � so Small a subscription price, :. - A TH'IRTY DAYST , . . . . good one. You will have asuccess� ,aon.B4y and thence back to t '. -The most interesting. feature of , . I - .: , . . I Fruitful Garden. .' ' i ngland, I I The peculiar mission of World Wide . � I I . I I I . I . to , . ­ , . ful trip, free. from accident. But a her engine. is ilseol,.6nly An citse of, these clubs, however, is - the anniaal , � .s . . . . I At Shaganappi point, three miles chickadee singing -in front of a party calm or. head wind cr when impeded festival, to which members . of . neigh- , , seem$,to be that -ofturning, the. full � `2 � S-,1 , ID , I 0 - . : , _3111. * - . . , vest of Calgary, the Indians used to of sportsmen setting out for a day's by-tho ice of the northern sea. . boring clubs -are invited to take part ti(16 of tritilsh'And American thoughts . � ]a .- Is - . � herd the buffalo over the out bank," sport is held to.mean bad lu(,,k.,.All . The ,Pelican was built. thirty,one in 4 13mokers' competition, held, under I into a.0anadiAn ;.chdnnq1 Alt a price. - aT1109- PiriCel. -.0 I . - � I I where they would pile up in a pitiful' the ty might, as well return since S�bars ago at the 'dockyards of the precise and elaborate rules and can- . which is -witillin. the �cach of everypne. . . � � I . I , par I I . ­ . � - heap of misery. t was -great sport. no game - will. fall to their guns'that British Admiralty at Devonp ditions. .The contestants ate divided,' World Wide haS. no axe to grind a I - - . � t " " . I Ind is I 0 for the Indians, -and from it they- de- day; .but unless thd men iiho first Shortly after g . Oing into .corort' E"g' , into two parties of ten each, and are ninission . . I free Alike from partizanshill' and fadd7 . � sea . opinioVs may 'to . rived a handsome profit by takingAhe hears the chickadee turns back at vessels of this class- were,� dropped - theted.�on 6 platform. at the .end of tallness. Tile following robes of the slaughtered animals once, - SOM6 accident will 'befall the. .train the Admiralty list, and so the room.. The, president then weighs ­ . . !- Form are and ID About the time. the buffalo ' ' . . .. � .. .... Pelican was sold to the .out -with, ude five be -tahvn as representing �he opinions I . I I , became' . great exaetit . � I . L , party. . . , Hudson Bay bout one4ixth of i World ,Wide readers who are to - extinct, an Eiiglishman, J. Lauri, On the other hand if the sportsmen Co. as a supply.ship. Her length is grammes-:-& an of all - � . wandered across the plain, and set-. hear the call of the wood-pigeoh' early 180 1 ounce��of -tobacco for, each man, who 1wont to speak mos I 0 .eet, breid0i'.36 feet,, and depth., I I t -111941Y about their 1.0.11ISh * L , tied on the point, where II6 enga 16 feet. S116 is of 632 tonnagie-a rams -it. into a new pipe. �� - - ' favotite review.. '. - . I , L . in truck farming in. a am ged in the morning they may consider hgIn . e has . - . nd her. 'At a given signal match . . 41 , ]ROuse - Fi 17 111gS -30 all way, Ahemselve� fortunate. They *ill have (1, a capacity. of 122 borse- .. ' es ,,are I WQrl(Y Wide is a very interestiar, and, of L - � , , �n .struck, pipes lit, axidall. begin amok- I . I . . bringing his green stuff into the mill- good hunting that. day, but will nev " poWer.. ' The Pelican is. - commanded . instructive paper,'and its selections , . � I to -tary Post with an old white horse, ertheless need -to �bVeareful for ,bv by Captain -Gray, � a weathe beaten Ing furiously, so that tbey are' soon 41.1. ' the same - 'wo - hidden in clouili of smoke. have been inaac with exbelleat judg-' ' ... I � . . . .� � . re Store, -30 1 . . . � � . . . . that still lives at the point. -token thL od-pigobn�s call 800ttisb ..suilor,, who, has nar . ge Mean- I . - . . 0 .. * . ,At Walker's Furnitu . The log huts built by the pioneq * may'f . or I etell that s6md .inembar of Hudson. Day for thirty -s vigated , while Ahe jud ' counts: Aloud . the 11L%t---�-H, J. Cundaill- .:01i.arlottetuwn, 6 I . . . .. 1.1 . - . . . . . I I . . " � _* I I I even years. Till fl .' ­ I I . ­ .. I I 3. . I .. I � ... . w . . . I , truck gardener are still there and., the party is..destined to meet -with A An' experience ,exteudihg over' that . see6nda. ana mi tes'as they y, And 1'. H. I.- . � - � I . I I . � . I . . . . �. ­ . � � . I .. _. . I ' ­ . . . 1. . . . before., three minutes have passed. ,-: I bave-toafid W,orIU7Wide both ii I . . 11, . 1. 20 � are being preserved by the present fatal inju . , ., - . length 'of time g' t`o. his � � ry - , . ives weight, I ,ter" . Th -e .. . owners. John and Henry Williams. - Some years.ago il white hunter was opiniolis respecting -the cominercial most of the pipes have beeji smoked "ting andinstru'6tive,' a the articies � . .. * Jines'we.handlo are v,ir;ed. The Selection .. . . . . I , . � . The Williams boys, neph%ws of the found dead in hik-cabin in the woods. navigation of those vitters.' Captain - ,out. Eaeb man's'time'is duly enter- 4 i's -unequalled in � w and , c, S pioneer. inherited the place after the e I 'Q ay 'does not' think highly. of the . Jv artoon Judiciously. sele-el,rd.- -the county. - The prices low and . '39 � , I The guides,,who di�coyer d his`bodv� r dd on a sheet. as he:hasids over his ,d - - - I - , . . I old man's death, and oilij three years ., ge. . -0., 0) UdIps, -4 � .quality high., - . observed that a wood-pigroon had bnfit Hudson Bay route as a �ossible out- PIPe, and. the' tobacco ashes- in it are 0. Ermatinger, " . . -,. The stock is heavy-aud must be '30 , , . cal;,�f u . I - Chaniber�;.St;-Tliomas, Ont. . I .1 . ago came over from England to In- her nest in d tree direetly'abov6 .the.. lot -for ihe central CanAdiazi West' - lly * examined - to, see that the . I . . 4. keduced, and a a0ecial -price on - every 4 rticle w . vestigate its value. They are making i i a pip� his really been smoked out. - '. - !.. I have takeii W6rld Wide m er -since ' .. .. � e - - I . . I . tion; and .1 consider it I n . ot' . � . Q I . . I . I . I .� �. produce profit but in a vastl as shott stmi , I .wi'l be given,'" . . . . . . i� Y more to explain. his extraordinary supce . Montreal lid' discussed . I .. or It - - � - "I ' shack. Her presence. there was taken and in. an interview,given during G hand!' . � . iu� I The prites consist 'lor thd ulost . : its Pubifell ­ .. . . .. I .1 . civilized way t&n did the aborigines. . In- hunting Arid also- to signif� his that project very- frankly, � . part of -beer f'steins" -and, sVaokeis'. onlyllid best eclectic- at, the -price, 4)Ut � I ; . . � . .1 . , I . . .1 . . �. .Arin Chairs.'A�m Rockem, Brass Bpds,: brass Poles, 136ol . . I I . . This spring they sold 500 dozen heads untimely death.. 1. .. . � . . "Special.. ships.' lie thinks., would articlea; such As pipes and 'tobacco Abe equial of any and th:e superior of .Ca k.Sholve.,tj - Bed Spring.4, k 1, - � - , of lettuce to the people of Cal ­ . . . . . .. .1 . aes. Boo Bnffets,. Baking CAtitnots, I .1 . garY. I Generally speakfn�v the raven is rew havo to. be constructed - for that sdr- jars. and cases 'Music plays �a prom- r - It is a great boon to.A busy ink Cabinets, Coueb�s,- Carpets, 10ribq; Cradles. Cots, Curtal"ns, t 'Recently they have marketed here a garded'as -a bird'i1evil �omen,- but 7i0p. .-At the, longest .tlib season of in.ent .part n the , entoertainnients, '� . � . , ctiost.. -.0h , .I I . . ;, qua . . . . - man 4,. Carpet. Sweepers, ( -30 * , , , 6ntity Of this year's green crops, the guides awk foro- , w4vigation would last only from the :which. are. becomig increas, I �-Rev. F. F�iggens ­ .Liverpool,, Ourfain Poles, D' I ' Room Ohaiis, Dresperit ,believe his squ A � Ing y I- . n , , , . .N_S� , . 1*� . . and.Stands, Divan*i, EASPIA,.Etching .. 1. I I including first prize radishes at tells g od sport, couple with no- ac.Qi. -middle ol'Tuly to the ' ero. . ular. . . . . ­ 1. . 1�,sl7Ernitnre Coveting, Pea- is � , - - twenty�eight . , . end of Septoux- .. . ­_� .. ',a let, -tIIeVPiI0W8'1 Flamesi.'PloonCo*vering, Fringe, Grftnd-fathors' days from the seed. dent, t0hai . ber, whon- I i . . ____ . � . :1 I'Vp..rld Widc� I invalu-mble to'busiar � . . . � 5 Providod the 'chickadee t is time for vessels to ' . .. Z. . ,(,,hairs, fiall0hairs, hall -Mirrors, HaIlRacks.' Higb0hairs, . , . . They have in crop twenty-two acres, does. not set 'up a'chirp'n g at -about get out th(- Bly b -fore the Straits': " Furniture, .r. China.' . � I .. Of ess men -and others As a . means of IV , Ingrain Rngq, Inlaid Litloleumi4, Interior Decorations, fron'Beds, . . . �. comprising every variety of gar en the same time. . . . I are closed wit'h ice. This would mean' IMallufAetUriers of furniture for' the'kbePing in touch with current thou.-bts,l . " gA . Jardineer Stands, Japanese Mattings, Kitellon Cabinets, Kitchen t . vegetable ever grown anywhere in 1: � .. � . . I .. . . that - the vessels engaged in this trade � Chinese market have. their troubleS. land events. the wor'ld. ove .�Mr.,1411-1� - :Z Tables,.Lntingps, Linoleums, Ucirriq Chairs, Mifror,Plate i Mitt- . . I this latitude, and the growth . � . . r . . .si Mitt! .! c Is "a at Ipast 'eight . '.Loosemore,,* Standard, Banki Parkilill "W Sewing Machines,. �� r . . uniformly rank as to prove on' clu- - SCOTTISH FARMERS COMING. - w6yId be idle foi- In the months of June, July and. t.resses, :'Mouldings. Needles for all makes of. . l � .. - dampness , Jiso. pre- I , � r , , , , , .. I . I -.,- , . August excessive � � . . 'Orkans,*011cl r I I I I I * . I , 11 - . , months of the year, for bel7iq of spe- Olit. . . I �. . . Ir ... . oth.� Offtce . Furniture, Odd Pirces; Pianos., Parlor � .. ... 11 . I sively that the Calgary district need- cial eonstruction they. 'could' not, be valent'throughout the entire. country, . I . . . 1. I ­ I . � . . : Suites,PXrlorCa inetsi Parror-Titbleq, PiCtt1rea,,Q1laIr liy Bed% . .. .� . . . . I not look beyond its borders for its � A -gr . icult.urat,'Ex'perts Will Spe'ria SeV- ,: � � -1 hay -e -taken World Wide 6 oilel(.?�h, , r .1 � .. - .. I r , I . . I especially in the,southernp .. Dur- * . for six �., :�.._ Rugs. Ratan Chaii,s Sideboards. Stair Secri3tarles. : . . : . . �.� ... vegetable supply. . ". ... .. en Weeks In Canada OcO]iOmiba.IIY .'�.56(1 elsci,�vhere. As the , arts 3, . ,. . I . ,.sea � ti YX WoUld r Close I, " Ing thesb" &mp months .furniture t vear§, and'I consider it excellent. , I r ,4 , Sewing Mac�bin'e,s, St' " hRirs, 8 nolo, Tables, Toy Sets . � . . . . Round about are thousand of buffalo I * . ... . 11 � . I � ,son al n n . r I . . . I . . I. . . . . . ndont's 0 . t f, ­ ... �. .. Av, Undertaking--evervthi6g the bpcitand prices low, Velvet Rugs, . . . 1 On. the invitation 9f the Canadian .Spptomber', Uallleer's , �fop in, tile which is 'put 'together wi�h glue falls look forward- vith pleasure to it's - I . I . . . skeletons now nearly assimilated by � . ' r' "r. . ' I W&- I t, drawers. Stick, rolling tops I. I I always r writing Desks, willo%� I . . I . .. , a commission of Scotw A could not b,) exported by --this . I . W* find it , , '', r , �s that I , eekly arrival, an& . Ohairs, Extension Tables, 'Your money.: .. . - the earth and it is these earcase , Government � Par re� 4 r - .. . I . have made Shaganappi one of thes I U61I . agriculturists , AT - to - � visit the -seasbn,., ' � � ps .warp and most interestin g I , " " * - , , . .. I � � �. . i . rollte., until the followinm luse, -to Work- and flat to . cheerfully refuilded it goods not sAt isfectory'.' - ' r * . .. . 0 rt -Bay ---�-W� ,. B. Mailson, , , Dominion. The Object. of. the visit r The-rbest harbor. in lie � - I ' . ,C . - . I , . � . _. �.. .. , . ., . I I I . �. . . q I � .. . ; . is that , split. Furniture for tise, .in this ,ch 1.0-riinsby, � Ont. - . .. I ­ . I . . . ­ ,.. � .. . . . . . r - . I .. . . I . richest gardens in the, West. Old . at Port, Churchill-, �wherc thpri� is a� .. . . I � . I . . I I . . . � ... . . I .. . - . . . � . '! -11 - is- to obtain an independent report by matie must, th6r�fore,: be wen beason:- ' 'itatio in' �xpressin � -A�Iifkinds.,of Up6olstery dpn6*. Co . , ,.,.". Shaganappi Lauri was wiser tha)2' practidal ScottUh- . a&iculturists .'on . depth .of nineteen fbet,., but at York ed - before .' i 1. . uf "Alife. During. I have no - � lies n I 9 . . ; vering in ..it big. Variety, . r I . � ,� men though+- .. - ­ . .. , I z man a( -my unquaUtied satisfaction with World .40 :bf colors. cart ied fn stock. . . . � . . .. . q .. . .. + r . � agricultural matters in 10anada. Factory the wpLter is so shs,116w that ,the winter. months in north Chibar '. r � r . ­ . A. ' r . . . I . . -­ , , , .. . . .� . I. . . ' . . _ .� The. visit will occupy'sev6A, weeks, tho'1`61icanhas often'to anchor eight Ahe climat6"beloomes extremely dry . Wide. The aftibi6s are selected with 4 '. I . .� : . � * �. ... � I . . . . . I . I Pictives Framed while you v�ait. Satisfac�ion Guaranteed. .. . . . r 1 1 -and r th I e too shallow to Porn ' IS r the coun ' .. . ; 11 I .. r . . rexe usi4o' of the 'time' occupied- on . miles out. .Tames Ray, lid 9hys; - and in' and About Pekin and Tientsin' 'caie- and discrimination.-Rer. A. A. We are 'bd.und'to -please our cuetbmers, I : . . . . . .. ' i , . I , way, . [oil � 'try "is visited by heavy dust ifflatid, Bergaville, Quo, � � I r . . . I . I . . . i the sea voyage each .. lit its uavigati . I r Von . . . C ' . ' I . . . . . .. I. . . . . . I .1 . . w ­ I � A Sprained Ankle. . commission will travel across the by ocean Aeginshi' I I . . torms ' Furniture which has biiekle. World Wide is issued every -week -at I . I . -and Tables f r Rent . ­ ... is r P I . a I . .d hairs r . . acific. - - - a in -Tudson Bay Co.. , and war , - at all Ahe leading I * � . . .. . ..o . . . . .. . . , o,ountry'to the. P, . . In th 'ervice tl I ped'during -the slimmer re Ifive bents a copy " . I . I . .� �, . . , * � I . I ' . � . r - As a rule a man will feel Well Sat- I Among. - tbose *who will .form'. the. have, - besides the Pelican, two other 'turns tQ its'n6rinal statii. or else goes. . , r . We al6o rent our Sanitary Carpet Cleaner, the Dd§-Xot,' '. r . . . � I . party ar'e -Sir John Sinclair, cousin . vessels of about the same 'iize. Each - to the other extreme and exhibits bookstores, or at '$1.50 .a year, by . 13.1 .. . . I I. . r �, . . I r � .. . . . � r . isfied it he can hobble around on crut� I of r the Secretary for Scdtlaild; Mr. - make's annually'.'one . ' I John Dougall & Son, Witness Block r . � �. .250 PICTURES-Priceg nearly out in half. . . . I I . I . round trin to cracks often. half an -inch at more in . . � . t See our window . , I a, r 1. 1. . ­ . ,dav and next, wpek. . They ,won't last long. 'Re ulate . . ches in two. ok three weeks after John .Spiers, Newton,- W. � 133arry the 'B .from England; -taking' out width. . . I Montreiki. . � . . . .� � . ar Satut I I . I 19 . I . I . . , r airm , an the ".'sUpplies and goods and rptnining with . � - __ . . . � . � . . . 1. I r . :��, .. . . 60.c at 10.6. Regplar $119) at 35c. . . �, . .. . r : . I spraining1his ;ankle and it is often two I Hope , Baro6yhill, Ch of lir . . . .. . .1 � . I . I . I � . . . . or three months before he r is fully rd i -Scottish Charnber of Agriculture;, Mr. fllMfoi: the British m-rk-2t, -Th � Pe - ExchanS6 of Preients In Africa. . I . . I r . . __ r .- . , . :, to r I � . r . I - John McHutchen Debbie, Campend; �an'ihofiid be in Londim, oarly'in the * Frequently ono has � to deal witl I I Repeat it :�-'!Shil . al . i's .. Cure � r.jll* al- ,� e.could not have put this sal� oil in a better time suit Ouk . . � � covered. This is an unnecessary loss I Dr. Shirra Gibb Prof Wright, prin- Autumn. . . . . . .6hiefs; in fact, in every 'Village the -1 . . . . t au't,mets. as Christmas is only a few days in the'distitnee, and to . . I . I . ways, cure in ,olds. " . . fegt.nice, clean, new. up-to-date goods at the. priceathey 'are sella . . � . . � -, e,%,,,, . . y coughs and ,� , n , ill lay aside and deliver when you of time, as by applying. Chainberlain's -cipal of ., e gricuitural Call .1 Prom Monfrogl thn stout little ves- traveler . -will- .probably be welcomed I , . . . I . . - I. �. � 9 a, rare.chanco. We wi . I qlasgow; Prof. - Bruce, Edin g ; BP -11 Nkill � proceod . to Fort Churchill by the chief. An..'interchange of . . . . , .. . . .. I I , want the goods, any -article, hYpAvitigasmalldeposib. Every . I . . I . � ' . Xr. Morison, Stravithie; Mr. Hen- And there discbpr,:e the greater part . greetings through an . interpreter . . . . � . . .. .. � I . . article will'bave'a Special price. .- : Come and see ' through our es. ' I . . Liniment, as directed, a cure maY as I, I - . . . . . a rule be effected in less than one aerson, Lawton; Mr. James Dunlop, of her 6arvb. Tlinn crossing the Bay. establishes. a good understanding. An - *The -Passengers - A' : .'I tablisliment, it will inake your, heart bound wit'hundescribable I. . . 1. .. gents'..Associa- . . I. . - Taevit, sho will ilcirt, 'of'presents is usual on tion has refused to grant txcursioro joy and satisfaet . ion.. A pleasure to show good ' ;1 . . . .. . .Midland..and Prof..Qreig. Abe* tlie Unrnva coast,. int6rchange � I . . � I weck�s time, and in many cases with- ; I . I I .� . . . . . .. I ... .. .. . .. I.*. . , I � I . 1. . . . I I . .. . . . I . . �. I lancling BnWi6s'at Fort Cbimo. *She these Occasions, -and is an almost uni- rates to the Montr Al -Winiev'CarnivaV . __ __ - . I I—, ... - � � .. . I � . 1. . . �� . - � . � ,t,,,,,,,, e . . ... . . . - � I ___ . . . . ­ . .- art timp. before'sail.7 -,As..a rule, . a -chi ly offer a a r Ot- - . . . .% ... . . . I I .. . I : . I � .. � . I , * in three days. Sold by all druggists. . . � . I ... � Nvill 1pive ,two 'Passengers there, 'Mr. vorsal custom. - Etiquette*. riquires. James wag � ily . , .. 'W . . WALK I ER' I . . . . . I . . - I I . . _1 ­ 1, I and Mrs. Stuart Cattcr, who Were the. chief to give -a Present in . i accid6n. shot. .. � � . ----------------,% M_MM_MM_"_WW_A__. : li-arriod. but a all of Cali or)' retu"'4' lid kill�d by his brothe while sh6 I - . . . . I 11 . .1 . . . .1 inu f,-om Montroal. Mr. (,'otter is bunch of bananas, .,3ome paw -p I -ling rabbits near Oil Spriogs. . . ' I I . , I . . . . I . awa or .. ' . . � . I . I . . . . I I . . . . poing to Port Chimo as factor for possibly a goat.or.twd, sbri:I6 of whieh A:ustr4lia will,probably send a rep-, F . e I . . . � I . . . . I. . I. .t%(� Hudson'Bay CO. and big stay may 1. urniture D ' aler and Undertaker, Clinton t . . � . .� . . possibly be - welcome. On a -res6ntatrive to the conference al the , I . . � . . .. . . . . . � . . . ,qt flint, lonelv 'northern out.nost'will special, ocaasion th hief, rhay offer I . - . . � Phone28. Call day,ornight.'. . . . 11. . . extend over - ,-46Vcral ye W, I govi5rnments interested in the all -red I . . . � . ., . . , . . . r1le"IT ars. 'the traveler a* fz so gift which he route. * I . . . "I I . r6t, Mr, - Cotter ond .his -wif wore , . . ,IF your.* - flo'ur doesn't aCt will probably' decline with a great . .1 . . I I . . . . . I , 'W _W_W . re the . . � . . . � I .bo, -n ill the Par North ', wheO prolusion of thanks. 1 ------------- � rigbt . whom 60 %. np­nts of both -%v,ro for manv Years ' . - ''d r . , , '. . .. . . I I I I .. . YOU in tfio. service of the Hudson Day. 06. . � ' . . � I � . � ­_____­__.___­. - ------.-..I-. ____._ - ___­ - I ' - - . . , Joterested. . . Repeat . it :�"Shftollls Cure will al- .040"�olotolopio-wm-P,"to%wAwntio . 1. 0�0�Lioow%%04*0 10014101MAhl%W40W110 - _____ I bl=6 0 The grocer? Re . ' . , I . - r - " "It is amazing the . . '� r ' . . r. r .. . .. .. . . . 7 . ­.. - INVI - ... . r . . I � I � ��. . r I Prinee's Gift, . . . interest a crowd wayscur., . my dot . ,glis and colds., 4 � . . . . . . . . .1 I . - A . - ' r I . . w�ill take in triflosl" exclaiined the .. . I . 1. . _; - ..; . . .. . - I . . I _, didn't make it. The tra. . . .w The -Prince of Walos has. presented fil-st cy'nic. . - -_ _. I ,- ,. . I . .1 . . I . . I . �.. . . I . to tlio Govr-rnment -M-ohivea " isn't'it?, exclaimed cynic number A Swede M I . I velling salestnan told him ! ment, the chair occupied by - two. "I quite ag . . . . . * r .Part, ree with you!" . . . 1. . . Rvu e r a 'Why, 11 � CHINAWA . I it 'was ' ood and soir Wolfe In his c.-ibin on board the war 4 . proceede& cynic number 1 -killed. and� another.itau nained Ander- r . I . . . . , . I. REI. ''. .. . . 9 � . .eb0dy - - 11 'Ve!-,A?31 wIlich broii&.11t; him from Eng- .one, "as I was coming along just now ,son fatilly injured in A dynamite ex- . . . . . . . . .. . . . . else t I Man. r land to'QuPb(,c mid .which has ever 'I saw a fight between 4 bulldog and Plosiou on the National Transcontin- - . I 6! d the- ­',sales 'ince boen carofullv prvaerved. Paint. 6 mastfff; and upon my word dur- I ental near Xenora. . .When you need anything in Chinaware . . I . t t t t . am Y P c h ng v d a I I bay too F . k I 11 & 17W t I I I .,I - t .1 'I t t I, Is I' 30 1 .I. 4 1 ings of Gonoral _Wolfe nnd Geneial, the fifteen'rninutes I was i#vateh- . . . - . . en you b -ay ' Montoaln) will be prosonted by Mr. . more than fifty man were stand. ty, a Welland girl, was we would be pl�ea8ed t ' . . Ing I .you call and . . . . . Gnorge, Wolfe, and the Marquis de Ing Irene Haft. . � I. o have . . I I I . . . . . , ng. around! 11low Oan People' take 'Saved from droWiling lit a most gall- . I Montealm. , . � -1 �. . - .. I . . I I IN 11 4% = __ . . . . � an literest in such thliftgaP" diat, manner 'by Donald .McEftvride, Al- - '� inspect our stock. -Our prices will please ­ I . "I' can't. Imagine. And, whi4h. dog ter. she had brokonthrouglithe ice . . I I I . Royal Househaild !Flour Stringent Milk Bylaw. . won ?0# 1��, I . . I wliII6 snating. . . . . you � : . . . I . . . - , . . - . A new milk bylaw propared by the . . . -..--- - . . I I . . I . � .1 .. . I I . . . Votir ri*,tr­+;rN�% r� 4 Board ol llealth ' of IMmonton hits Unconscious. , . . � I . I . . V WAAA�.O U11.1 . . boch 11tie,sed, and it is pronounced "Yolur friend Woodb* left -some I . . .. � . . I .. . . � . the most stringent in Onnadg. The verses with me to-day"that wore vtry 146W'S THIS ? I . I � � 00-4po US. VVO 111-1-ke it know its I P . 11 I dalryinen, will be given until January amusing,- said the edi r. . I UUr M OCK 011 Watches, Clocks, . . goodncs$ and guarantee it I next to comply fully with all ita "You don't sayl I didn't'think lit I We otter One Hundred Dollars Re. . . I I . - . .. �_ . . . scrupulous exactioni touching li� was A humorous poet."' . ward for any case of Catarrh that .4 I . to both ,YOU and the grocer, 4. eVA". inePectiou", and t0sts of. milk. 'Neither does he." cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh . . JeWe1e.r,V-,- Etc.; is complete. . . . . . . . . . I . . . I .. . . _. . � .. . . 6ure, ' - I . . . . . . . . . It Is always sold under Our 11 . - , I _____ . � A Certainty. . I V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. - _ . _7 , . I . . I '.1 . I . I 1, , , . � I atu no p6asimlotto =.'"t.a. ' We, the undersigned,,have known P. . . . name and tradernarit., so Came. Near Choking to T)eatll. Who thinks all thin ' . . . I I . . But one thfug's sure-olik oAo6 toWel J, Cheney for the last 15 years, and * All goods bought &OM U9 Will be engftwed . I I � . you cannot go wrong, I A little bo�, the son at cbri.j. D, Is blacker than It's VWnte& I . belieVe'lilm perfectly honorable III all * I . . � I 1, I APeterson, A Well known resident at -Hanwea W-1dr. iransactiofts and financially able - to tree ot charge. .11111, . - I I � . Ask your grocer for Royal . I the village cot Jacksonville, Iowa, 11,1(t, Not t4u6b to tell. . carry out ally obligations. made by . I . I . L . ,. . . . Household Flour. It's the - a sudden and violtnt attack of crol, big. firm. I . I . I . 1, . Much thick stringy liblegm eatile .IP- She -Toll me of yoir early i1truggits. . - ­ ­ .... - - - _1V_Z_ ., .. 1. . *. I I up He -There's not much to telL The . 0 Walding, Xinnan 4 Marvin, I ­ � . 11 key to better living, . latter giving .'Chamberlain's Cough harder I struggled the word the 61d NVItolesale bruggists Toledo, 0. , I I I I �� . . I Remedy. Mr. Petersork says, tit think Hall's Catarrh Cure IS aken later. � , . � , I I � I I man laid -It on, t , � I � .. I 0gavle 118ur Mms 'Co., tild. I lie would hil,ye choked to death had I nally�,�, Acting directly upon the blood - ' 1we no,t given him this remedy.,, t1of A Podtlo Nation, land 'mueous�- surfaces of the system. - . I 161 11111101vamu I . sale by All druggists. . Th6 man vho WP6td that *60aniiii "v, Testimonials sent free. Price 76 � � we 21401 Counter 9 1 . . meft"IJ "'res" 1*11 f4ty b4ik , Aceutg per bottle. Sold by all Drug- - . . . . . - . ., . .---- � Radn't th6t tgat AAR: 6t wominthid . I '. J6 o efer atid [Ingiravor. Isiruer ot Marriage Licotit" - . I That mo*t ot us hav# iftet. gms. . ­�� There Are said to be a thousand cas. :-X6*'rcA* 11"d. Take. Hall's VAtilly Pills tot icon- . I � ­ � I ts of typhoid lover in Montreal. 'Alpatioti. l�-�,,�,.---.-.Ok-ii-o-o-o-o-M.-M-0-01-ol.-A-O-- I � . I - I NOA^ 11111^11%4044 I I I . . I I . . . � . t . �, el " I F) �� I 0 'dffik__ �­ __ , __ _�1.­_­A._.1__­_ - _.___1_,_11W ­ I-,--- -_­�_ __. - * S