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Clinton New Era, 1909-12-30, Page 6
F S The ellston Now Whitt 1 M Dec , 3oth, tt .., _ --.--.- . _ _ . _ Tal Well 3111 to e effective o> liazd.apalzes+ M+e~>llithal is unequal, iltilfl�l■IA 4 " A' ff MKT HAI■� G �'i ,+ EI" .. .. .. - y, t ective and part relievixzg a";ent. • easily applied, , foac mosquxta ; Apel cd u lite ` )'. Ir:'.. , I mites, inscet stiugsr !ares, `.."" lkleuthctl Plaster it is the mlas �X11 0 s t� wises suuburu, and taa� uritis 1t Knooked All the otism Cut _ _ _14-1. . g Sciatica � effective remlecly �Ixo��vllt far to size' skis, and forty other ' of ,the:New C�tdet. Lumbago, , Rlzeumatic ou Tautkl u t tired. Menthol Plaster r tlz+ " danger.,aches and Paius. Tx a, "1) . ; 77 t?RFTI[IRi% A�SQGI'1'lI RON. A. J, RAIylX)tlik ., _. .... I outward, application. Such SX GlNGI HI PRAISES, ztcxt time you art:.sutierxzl% *• a it-Mecly is. Davis, Menthol from any one of these. C' OM - He Woo rept i:it It to ,His Own Morti, , S . : alve(Tliei . T..), � iChccames 0c,t)9n �1nd the Polight of the upper Plzints ander convinced. 25c. � 112 tXil$ for 2�: cls. �'� druggists. �1#Iss Men^A Clipping From liiTt CO.C�L �,t (�•r7„1,b��S�S. THE - BRITISH ELEkA x .. llotne PaeRer Statrted: tits Trouble. I" ft Hazing at the United States Mliltary Utile: - _ a AND 1.'` academy,• :est Point. has In the past. Imten.years been so fretluFntly followed o11 , rsans[ur:+c t►y punlsbntent and othc>r�cIae cJlyroun• , FE ,.,.�rl lP44 tenauced that it Gas' practleatfy brcotve V ••. ,, �/ a thin: of the past, A third of a cen- A Spleinald Torti0tury ago the modes of bazing were . y0. varied and muny'of theta unique. �. Ei411id$ uptthe l3y'lftailtl! rf,. ,a i ti lcertain. graduate who batted from Stren$thens the y� . A #south of Mason and )Dixon's tine and mttsoles , TOKONTO " APB rtn I r 'from west of the A.Ilegheny mous- �!'' tains tela this iter or his own ex ed R"`iVe►4 Now Life K c a t !, rawbon d 4 ]love 19at41 LX all medteina dnalelta. ` what rxt�ln re a,td , tl�e must n-ionnentuc�s Slues ever settled b ,. rleoce+ y If 1.�� Se was a! a f' Davis4LawrenceCo. Montreal. �� "�� °°• 1.the Ballot B,ox will tae -fought out in Gteat Iaarit,liin during the T when be eAlered the academy as a MWOR "plebe and had been assigned to a 7 -- ____M next two months, 71%o full and accurately re ort the 17CWS of this ' 4 . room with a bright little chap, with: f p -" whom he soon became ser friend! . PA7T! SARI�iNGS, t: M4- Hklir4, l AtaxVri�, great. struggle 1�►e Globe has made elaborate arrangenxents. and. confidential. Several weeks atter ' The .Famous Prima .Donna. a Fine • Cheat Brush and Weed Eater and he had entered, the academy tie resets- . ed a letter from his rood mother, in Business Woman, Costs Little to KeeP. Adeiina T*atti. itg�er suffered rroiu '�/� (�r�+ `fir " Every fanner who tins brush and which she had inclosed .a clipping from the financial tlntidity of a Jenny T.lud: ° • 'IIS MR— S •Z E �• A1'r LYON .ON ' needs should bate a bunch of ranrtt,' their county newspaper. ' hot only was she a strpretne vocalist, - , ' as there Is no r'Fge?tativti whicil they' The article meatloi)ed the fact that . will eat In preference to the tea res young Mr. had received an up- ., but, its Colonel Umpleson remarked, . � L � d . sand twigs of all kinds of ba4hes, says potntmeat to West Point and had left; `:\o cine ever Approached her in the it-, — �dlt�a>r? Of T h G�Obe, and a thoroughly informed Cana- a successful Iowa breeder of x1 ugvruv, . for that (dace several days before; that, art of obtaining from a nranntrr the t , A patch of brushwood fairish n1;4Y be Whereag they extended congratulations greatest possible suns be could by any than, will spcncl the next. two months 'in the British Isles. His letters. n ro dense that a man cannot-• get to the young man, the 'United States possibility contrive to pay: ` But the - , ] T , ), through it may soon be corrterted Into government was to. be much more musical miraele'was the spelled +alar. will appear exclusiv'ly in The. loom, Mr. Lyon is peculiar an open vvocd lot if Angoras ire liel,t greatly cougratuinted.upon.obta}uinn Ila .of ht'r (lay, and she never f;illetl 1 t �i� • as one of Its embryo soldiers 'a man to obtain exactly what she •%valued. - . ly fit e'd fol' such a mission. A dative of Scotland on it for a season or two.. 'l,hec tt')tf• c , it CIoS� stildent from their community,.tbe son or such She i' �s first engaged in I.onaon; in often strip saplings to a ImiUtic.Ut fire s , of Old Counti-v politics and one of the. foremost journalists• of the � a tlobte sire, whose sire and great -sires ISUi,. b i1i tpteson, to sing fgitt uT'rlll's feet. had been equally noble. a. young. rmui "Oil approval"' and, In case of sueveEss, � , +i r � . While the chPnl, Is a natural ^•rn7er: above reproach, or great Intellect unci to obtain t40 a week, . 'T'his contract •►-�'(�minidn, . his contl ibutions will n1'esent vivid and luminous fiql�en pic- . . the goat is a brow,,er. Goats miry be bound' to make his gnarls In any call.. was not fulfilled, .hoti-ever, for, being; tY r tr i' p . I , r-----. _-•-.. _. . „ tures of the Battle of ,the Budget :' iIng' he might elect. etc. hard"tri'eSSCci AnAncially, she halt bor• This article insplied its _recipient rowed .00 from a rival wautinet, and rIMM ^ ''�' with pride rind jil.easti . tie found it het* receipt prated practically a con + $ e CABLE Impossible to refrtln atom !.bowing it, tract.li tFJI`./�SERVICE .. ,_ to his roontmatte atl'c7 an hour after This was the beginning of n career • having done so was accosrod while so dnzzllu„ that. its successive $te,ITs . 1. - - zt. going' downstairs by an upper Glass ply. a ser}es of increasing; banh- W1t.1 1I1GZt7dle are, sim \ ' ; w 1 man w.ho hno .been drilling hire and notes,, In AS 2. she vbtal, in I.ou - . ,�f - On .�.�� ", rr - - .. - - • I'll f„ N�T ,ads hall been very severe> Atilt)$ meeting l;uineas:a night, s}n a she it). r s ' tile.°upper class alga, lslio .was, about sistecT ou havinl;.nrnre Lunn L'trristine• f "1`EWAFLT L�(Ohi SPEG�A�„�► ' Nllssou, who was re•celving t:' 00, She Vin: {'� s k. half tris: size,., tooled at bins solemnly, ? . • ii T �� S - ME ,'i'a�fiE "'SPECIALS I^�r.I •removed fiis'ca0 and''said: -m . --, i.• S6lii; twice a wvok, '.ren reals Jnter ��.t.�� ��� � , : �I humhly beg your pardon for having she was given $,.000 it night: Her.1. CANADIAN ASSOCIATED S DESPATCHES . I ,� . I . .. 'A . . been so' stern with you. I. did not. °famous••eoutract to s}nri in �iner�lca .. AMERICAN ASSOCIATED PRESS DESPATCHES • g: ' •. a. • know until n few moments itgo what a provided .that* the . money should ' be . La distinguished and intellectual yours^ p;Iid to her tit 2 o'clocl: on lite da MA�{OC3'NI WIRELESS..DE PATCHES 3,'•w t°«:.� x: sire snug; also - a (1r twhr roo[u tract . t.,:: man you were.- You honor us by be• b' fi 1. . r...."'4'1,,'0*>r$; cotnina one of tis." slcepin tar to -be es teei;iJly btiilr far n . ; ?g'.&Lc�'a,., q. .<;,r;. 1Ge.�•pleased ••plebe, never for a her, with cousarvatory, fernery, etc. f f r la.e 1�C1t fi,�4 11L S .Zt! l �)' a S . . . „ � �1r _ ...„.> A special 'feature . of - .'the Globe c} t c, l L cries ; f r >. l� z, . , grianin„ly' Fbrthor, -there was it) . be deposi.te(l ;: aaa • >.<:.�sr<` mo eat. scentin^^ mischief !+'s�, , . -- .. iii,+. 4�O L �Y` h - . ..'.14-k.,, 1:i rep,.iea: "'riratfs.'a11 right, )>tp. -;.: 1 to her credit . q.lu.twtl for p:tgtnciTt. character. sketohe5 cif I3rIti511 stateSillClx front the l) tt of I>r; J. A. 1Iac -- -a _�.. �. a ,- forgive you” of the last tt:n perfotmtlnces 1'tt"i's • �o That evening v✓la4te the "plebe" and favorite devlce. She thus rceeived C14T1�T1( , 1'Zalla 111 v T clzt(7l. of rhe Globe. A OS9)rTr01. MNGOR:k. h . L, • his roommate were engaged In study .: nbout.twenty times what ytar•iti •sop , . . .. t X40 ~ j uJ' kept in Pastures .with 'streap, eattleag4l there was' a knock:;;lt their door, and Grist got. 0 horses and are in no tray obnoxicius• to there entered the a er h. Her ,irivate car. Incidentally,1 an of these animals pp C . gs man, who t cosh SPECIAL,. 'TRI�i:I:, 'T�I:P � . 1.y Un the.. other, had: it costed and- apUlogized' to the. $x0,,000 and• coutulucd. a silver troth ��, , hand, a few of them }n a Hock of str . ') .• „ . . •, plebe on the'stales, he being-accoilr and::gold i.eys. to ,the doors, to fav; . . . '.�� .. . Ore a protection against • dog, itch anted': by a doyen nothing of a '?OQ tan P n * , b .. a� . -01 s p ... olher-upper class g . , .,0 p o Patti gll,� .co new stibsekibers. (1oaonto e.xcopted) THE dl,.OBE; will be sent 5 mail: o ve . They do well ill practically ' men. $e thus addressed the "'le e:" •to the rilaaaget' only her tutee and +, t 1`'. t i• 'p T•M'i 0, •oS . • .� • any section of the coral' OFlt.anct seem, p b daily for t -%v6 months fol Fifty. Gents. .lk' `t,ot,,: ilo-,v :t caste k E' ko ''. ,y o Mr. - , here area• number of our.• Tier. costumes. ITer drawing..capacity a be able to !rand Fstre(ne UkT1t as Y ,. GLO. SE consult yuuf newsdealer .:or rolxiit to-tirr,y �yith.i iit�. at1 a�+fled 0¢" . c� !! brother• cadets w'ho are desirous' of justified this. Lucia, as all. exa'tnple. ' M` .A . . well as extreme chid. They are also . LrioNlrrguat a .particularly ;distitr- svtis snug to all :[sciage of ; $t t.(1U0, r•oupon: titin less expensive to keep than sheep.' n a ... k'i ..b'roe• . a, gulshed man they have ainon�, them, .'Trhviata" draw more, srnee sbG sang ,Z /G� ' In commentiu"r on the Angora � � ' •tie �. !q =,Oat YoU with therefore kindly . read what more notes. it rvas.'a frequent -occur• 0 .,$ o ,� �, . In his' book on 'Types aiod Breeds .your newspaper says of ,con." . rence among the -poorer music lovers. V. • a O1i� o, ' V,. . of Farm Anlrnals" i'rofessor, I'ltiiub, _ ' to buy .[ club: ticket and each, t:ilte THE GLOBE by inail.Two�Months for SO:•�ents. �y L 4 , . 'the. •,plebe" was Inclined t(1: delxrnr, .. tiw states that they range to weight from but•the'46teruil ied .1 -mi ger and steely ' turns at h6aring her•, for''. twenty �nrlu- :.. ' !, a '>' . 60 to 100 pounds, although sotne are e F of the Ilttie u �' ufes. .lf .otic ovttrstliyecl his 'flute Ire Y c�Q�g� y , peer class 'Klan roar . found that weigh considerably more, ai �� • { g y p'e11ed obedience: >anbairrassed: he h d for file entire ticke Some math .yam • . ., . especially if fat. Their value as -rout- 'stumblingly read the 'tt hole al t)cliT, sit ematlelans coinputed by dividing theHOMwmmw� - - tea producers is not regarded cornr.:er, the conclusion'of.-which the little ul>pa�r number of notes sung � iuto t'he sum . r -" "':. rfaily as very important. The 8estl o* 'class n r aide thae in " „ P ma shied .that the reader had, c Semltamrde. Patti re S UND Wh Women's Minds Are Cleaner" .,AV-0.rr%©.1P.ifi I 1' seised 4� 3 cents' each note. -This - E... Ei� "WATER. , :. Y e 1 p-iP VIAP.OP.F?.©.aP.ip.ip.�.p.& . the Pat young Angora' mattes escegtent .,mumbled fu parts; had failed to enun•, of coltrse tvotnen. sboiiid vote, he mutton. Howeve[, as n rule; .nothing elate distinctly and required tile oor ; was found to be juste 1-7t),cents net ., 4 11;,r _ ,, .. : , pe .. The' Refraction of Light and the Lim, said.. , Women . de-ser'F9 the suffrage .. Q KEEP POST. .D ON FARK N WS '. but mature stock . Gnds..its wa_y to the plebe., , to read it: agatn...This having note ;more than Itossini got for .writing ilia I as much as n -tor ' _._. g Angle of. Vision. tae.. o•e, because their, . , . market, as even the wetiiers are rein- bee>I:`done, all street: hands ith. •htin . the n hole..overa. ..Uhe of tbe. itrost eculiar ::brig s, n, minds are purer and cleaner." p . , .fi t. monly shorn for several years before in an apparently. most.deferentiaitm n- •. - a cQhizectiou ,1 ifb }i e v _ Cleaaerh, erred the. sweet Y oun o Q, f, grader a alai is t ., y g being .fattened. Tito., browsing of. the. net, after .which the I}ttle..upper clriss . (vltat is known ars the linritin an of I thing be "Of RQsi,st Malancholy. - g b taken !n to droner,�- - -1 % angora gives to the meat a eniney' ma'n stated: that flick wduld call the ,. had t 4.,. � ani► tan• F�►rm � o flavor, regarding the next .. : .1\ever gh,(?. way, ti, � 1114-1:11 holy; he r ision. T his .app)ies to . tisbts, .divers. . course they are, ever. and e9tr sq mileti g a excellencET of zt evening augmented bR other ear• sub r I cleaner: lint bow do' you e1' � '� ' which there is a differen ' fiefs an h' + ; silt it steadily.. fol.. rite ba I I l}ill till• .. iva.rhe,_crerv. and. in't. tiny .be, y lilll7VP.,that. h • difference'of opinion d that. in 1hE menntrure 'tht 1 4 • . .. ,, criracb, } olrce g;'ai 4. a tad;c tivii arnei jn:; PossFcsirtg tiro itotver of !teat atilt "Because they change them so much r $pd t�14 The fleece of the Angora goat is seta, Plebe wailed camnift the arfiele to : (i ,, tt oftener'. ai of twenty recipes ilgaill.4t "im law 11bl esn itl t.o look throe h the water at, i ,, s d be s emnly.-Exchange. a n mealy known as mohair and some- ' memory and be fn readiness. to repeat `' e I . what coarser than line wbot• but is: It when they cr[Ite . one wits a bright lire: allother'rir re- objects in the .air: The effect Is not n d .member all the pleim,int t6higs sand to : 'due -to a detect i;i vision, but to the re. � lrr;Dou6t. �: ^ ,D 1j, .. . t longer and stronger. An avPrSgF fleece His manner brooked nb disobetttE+ace, " 4 Bell n tQ n 'New r 'r , bud ;of her; :Inothet to keep ;[ tial Eft' Fraction or bending of:.ligbt,'und no Mrs. >ileadow {at Parfs.hotei)-Deet �, weighs about three pouilds, though. it ltre call .was mard( the next eventu „sng;[r plume on tha-rltttnney jiiee .Inc) telesroire or -otter optical iustiuwent There's a.8y i.n this avant Q may yield as heavy as sheep under the number of vildets being llFarlV a kettle siurnrerfil+* a thi h ,' call get around it ' RIr Meadow w 4 ]E'er $1.5Ci �: The most favorable conditions, '1 he. �Toubie that of the previous eFemn•*,. r . o t a,: >, { ho has traveled a lit- ^. thUtrplrt this ruero'trhlin'„• ,at the loo• The effer„r consists of the imlfossibil. 00e 17Hush, Rlirand1m, don't, speak so'� mohair lies over a !hors coat of hair and.. 6e repeated fhe article. being ; . a , , �j ruent tit bate to it -Pitt life -di (.ut4'lu! It3 of SFFIu , V known as kem , which Is ' !lard and prompted by the little upper l: s „ anrthlug en the diliside�, loud. No use expusin our Ignorance. - THP, CANADIAN i'Alirt, published in Toronto is the w E' pP• cis, -'oft cit is thio theae.littfeplensilrew' unless .tile-ubserver•directs�Gis line of i'ttis i,'til ot.fare is sit !n French and Weekl Aaricultiira t Natitsnal bite and is very objecdonable fiber. man. Before the departure or his rig. - • Y b i Paper of the Doul nion. The work; and "'t Its presence in America flocks Itors b. often banish melancholy• better cb;u, sight -within forty-eight degrees of the toebby we'ordered ey soup.-ipndgn. j 4 rinotie spent s r p n eek• is due a was Informed ! that Fie ,would ,, ; , .c, cpr t n ( Y C? its p oduction makes it incom incomparably su e'rior hl Ger'err timreFxultFd ub,ic(t • th:[t nu t cat. l.t a torts-ninedF gee an lees it•Blto, P Y P to the Influence of.common goat blond br visited fire ner't.evening.by a' st}.11' �, r r: , >• -- -... ' anything of the kind. "Special, vVriters fpr.! eels ` on which the Angora Gas been crossed . !rester number of cadets. nteans.oug.hr.ru h( rhvu, lit run l l tcfnit o c4 .ls taken, fire silif,tee, no waste- n t p i depart . , P - .Q C d ts, and he was p T t u S. All, original .matter in ever i S tend7d and ' In the past. In selecting sires; there• ordered to .bty rte aged to declaim h which Can .oppose it eTthtr iu UursyelrFt bow clear the water rs. acts awn ar- `it re r y Slue• p tore 'those wf h p �.. t..e or others. -Sydney tilnith. feet mirror and; refects objt'tts,at the i able crop gild market>reports. Everything Up-to.date. t a great amount rf article depleting his t irtues. bottom of the water thus:no till allowing illustrated. Choice find in r t b ng kemp should be avoided. Like: wool, The visit was mride'aud the declama- - 4 st uctive reading for the R I g farmer and his family, 'No farmer can afford to 'be with . 4 _...-..__ anything on ttre (rutaide to br' seen. Cum"• �r mohair differs considerably in quality. tion rendered. lle..tvas then' informed The. consequence of this ..property .t $ Q it. Ever farmer wt[f make more . ,".. money tvho' reads !t. and consequently sells at raising that he would be.aRaln,risifed the fo!• - Y e mon J prlces, lowing; evening and 'would r TIRED,,WEAK. the most startling; ota}i. For eyerytirurg ��� . Q j g p ehnre _ on the outside can ' ipe ,seen and thus'. J� : Irir �%r�I n � . I .' him' 4611 so as to lie -render file has..to 'Ge' seen In the' cope described g article in i;ong. This. .visit �fas m:lde, . .. . . Q' At1 suLal�ihii�ers get Tixti: Canadian Farm " by .the, forty e.lgut degree angle froax from now^ to tine last o> .. an. ' the room being ftrirly Packed scitG czt•.. , AND NERVOUS• th(� eye. This shows tttl Outside okr -I n '!'I e%. J , 19Y11.' fiefs. and' ,the poor. "plebe" "tvas rF- ' -- r tests. hudtilcsd together earl appearing I k.. guired to stand on n,tabto ;rad, howl '. " ' . . high It) ,air.. T u.% . b g, rf one dives into the _ Our. Clubbing rate is $1.50 for the 'ttvo n ers. Subscribe oLUTE the article front start fn finish, for hF MOrAlI1 'rx1'edlaeSs mallett A bistrtlsttiing, Tleuliln Sensa- p• I g . middle'of :i icicle rlrer�,dn looking up �' Q at once and set the .ben.efit of the f Cy had not the faintest unt7E't;atanditi; or:, : You . wish It tYex"e nglit. , ppea•r close 4ogetl#Fr, the banks will i tion In The ,Thr6at. 1, till -term.,. h how to sing. be turd a. 't it e. to n fter * bu,. at a great distance from the ob- � Sampi•rCepies,sf T64 Canad'Iaa•Fsrm to be seen at this 4" ` Years ho -said that If he hnd ever had Wh6n night' Comas* refresh-- ` server, bleb ill 'lir. Mr. Albert RZacPhoe Cl i aceto 31it1" tiny egofiStn to his conlliosN tart it tr Tip 111 Sl(?0 is. liard to obtain. g e4t SECURITYs g p TGIr; atrrgle Is called the "criticai" stn• ,n,., n•rites:_ ":In Ott.,..ii}0S I c:cu *lit . ' w G1'CJJ'C�J`4'©O'4G1+D'4'1eJ',C�'�`OO'f r@ iCJ'; Qr .. Compicfely i;noetted out'of hila by hay � You e run dow:a. Your file and nt course with the filo ' *�. Ing to handle that irtiele as he hlld to ooicl ,try working in water, and lra.(i ;> _ bloc is thin anct water . Tile Alowa in contact, vet . _ W. _ �, handle '•if, -J. W'. Minenai 'fn I.lppin• , • y If one desires to make the esperimettt y bad cough• anti that distreosing, The Cow' . ,` con`s, vel° tlioil ht of effdrt.Nv'ear a, s(nar» .r tiel ng sensation in my, , throat so i s Udder. iAnadi tl HR>flh l et5 o1' f@ ' .Ilet9!l9ti8 y g 1 glass box ter nn a nariutn will n 4 If is not unusttti fv[ tello.w matter - i 0 i.� our answer very well. Suspend this from F,ould"Jil 'c sleep at night, and guy lungs I like fluid to: a W C r, ' The Black Hand Business. y ppFar in the ridden Of s .. the! coilIngor, support it on .'a wall were so very sore i )rad to give up wort.. row that is to come in soon,. Usually 3lrs. hart--,1iy fill"Nuld got n Iettor bracket and look tinder it at an angle. oar.dgctoi arse rite e(licine tall it After arturitfon ' .� CarteLra today suytn something dTeszditti tv(tttid . g. m A dT I p and four or five milk `- 'x`he phenomenon . will be observed its ;nae nog' E o !gat a ITottle of Dr. Woodl.i . -Ings,the milk will -be ,all right. It i , , . . happen it lis' didn't send the writer a Indicated, The clonrer the water and Xonvat T''n ft,m s a ear'in tUt udder p will restore graq, trtitr to its natural color.. Littl?'• y . CURES the stronger•tbe fight the more clean , rtlp and by lite #t.rc I p pp dtie bathe every. f3tond failing hair Causes tb grow on bald e ••. • s4tm oP monF . Rlrs. 5nlart i�1y has• y• 11ad a ell �t o bottles X las entirely, two or three Goerswitlf water As hot stead CuresdandinfPltohin scat'* Um P bitftd gets 4lnitned far his bills too. , appear. w Cured, Iain antra s as the Gand will beta, atria bettceelr E a, pdiseos4re, t S �erro7.o71C oU , ne.t?fl. y recolnmcnding it to Sk i s use thiq hir)r grows lutcttriantiy. will things . n . Y ,iles rub It severely with cam otat• g1tset Bear stgrierture, ve , -_`- :. It 1<x 4kes blood—&a Stron my, friends. PI► Contain'! fro Qtly or greasy tngiETdientd. Sdme 7hinrT. Why He Was it lieathe.n. .. T)r. ]`Good's �,"or.(va pine 'rtt cdttt- e r Is entirely uuliko any nthg>` hair prepaka• eel oIl ted 'hind. 3' J p .. tlot ever offered for sales Sir Arthur f":inch:tcvt•eti4trdrtnartlus- trine, firs i, Clint licuIing virtue,,; of the 1►goai,iTtabloCanailfan preparation. E ,. Seribb)er--1: don't Ilim `the word p An etitwe 7 You'll e:it tr, , k ", '"chaos." (give me it syndtlyal.. Scrawl• ,pp g story of a Mobaninatdali servant ',orway pmq tree yritli otlferalrsorl>errt � . IlnsoltettedTestintolitalu �� * Ch Cx' or -now would hotlsecleaning time cad? , everythffig, and digest it, who schen ttskod Itis religion repiled: expectorant and :loothing tr\ecllentes of Lraith tl . 8rrrka, Missionary >�. M Chart% SeetruT-Simlte Wrapper i3ct4er. Bog pardon: stir, I'm a tleatben,* - °" � FOR' FLETCHEWS Akhimim Egypt, afidfriends, greatly pleaaed r 'foo. , recognized worth, and is absolutely hatrrn- with Re Ris after two yews, using. . "tt iten asked by }tis niasler' wha t . he s la A. Belies, "4"i*Tlner, ltfoatana. Ur biers Strength h 'lent.- of di- '. meant by a heathen the titan answer- less, •l,rompt and safe far tl,b care o£ 1 0 A S T O R 1 A Old ryhlskera restored to natural dblor,ddtk, . "inti] smlerl Evil! ne ba9y History !s bat the tlllrolled scroll of g w ell: Got[g11sT Colds, Bronchitis; Croup,nre luown,byusingCaaruliau>cIair Restorer. trt3a+iilr oa s>trQaxa, teaplleol, Ciarlielti'. ges'ted food k111d l esef i71 ,,iE*e7i �.......�.-...- .1 . •" n 'throat , fain or Tis*htnem int Mlle Che:•t i U.Orunl,linr�rossv'itle,Qnt. Canadlo i$a!e brie S that, y Tie, pardon, .far, a tsorsb)per of a n * ! Rector(TrlstlrCbestIhavUevornsed. ' ,... S ragmiilkeve, _ -- � _- g Trv'.i+errozone Q e stoM.s abet Stones. arfdall Yhroatgust f.rmgt irau1r16s. At Onindma's, - John GT.III•a11,.9awA'berdeen,Ce1peftet:nn :. fie �pRli11Ilfttoa.' . and Avateli re�,tilts 1t. SI0"N.'' '"C611folind it"' ren,ar.ei' 13Ctvilrrt o "`t , t .At „ratnma'E+ tclr l f!i auildlanIiuirRestomrhuswbrkeclisondet's.. • t i the utastel, t ntnCittiotis v! 4 1, 41.(r., , a ell 1 go tats ( q head is nEarTY.dll Cbverbd with thtok. �Q� BIUl1!lFi1iFS"E� ' "I tan't ke , n man lilrt* drat in to Tvorway ]'Ino +yin T. �Aa;l: for it ;tit:) ; '1hQy are so nlre tv litrlF tact growtllbiaokhreir,:briglnrrl;el7Tor: E;liR `it�ltp6D LIVER, ' ' falls t{} t'ltx'e. vorvire." x ► y " 4Sold by till wholesale ana tall dru • a A TCS R p A „ , r atl.il,`t Ulf gi'tting what ;edit avis f(rr, . It i.3 I I Rot lip at 7124} ttiirl(x TT4hh �trld Q g CONS1'IPATIo '. 114OR 24ZON.7. iy a raarvFlotr:: 110,01• to W11101 carue the �In nib r• : Arthave tibnit+ eutte :t 1' r Mailed td any nddzessirrthboivitizedwetl(t r l t 1'tte rF I,tl� tr11 Ina yellow wrapper, 011w. p; -c I Viloy walt on Ill(, lit: „t:.,sen r�ie! anreaetptof priee,W06 21tannfaututtodby . >p%�.i.t1Pr� ' �p- niM , .i�:(ix Ii.ac�.32.,s '.Lll,ti t�hiitireII, edy, it ettnta.tns ht (•ring(*ntratrri f1x'•Tn .\,» (.)ndve: t h l fol..v: EOR�,tdLOW.,°all!'. ect+tnirr ratrc� nnolitic that l:; tE•ct(t,Tfy t fr(' t :An' nlways t-lu„il :it. u % n TQM ��C�.��'Yitld9oi!�antk,i�t�t,; . „ , flit• trade rna[1., slid Ciro ]trite :,:i ;. t i,(.5. d 11 t "„a ` r I I,(\g 11:11 -doll. ^ar, 111 yolir ;llytn rF9q a ylD11< I1���I;alai.l xaoai ,. 1.c/.tl You �• ave AIWays golliht fit It in (a,se:4 of rtarraetilia., Flair c•t,l : •, cents, ) , tits crusta iter TTr ger. rntalt) art=. eat �."y } % }� NV (� �h ' r 'ervive all• tittle to i1'.,l'.".h linythl"gl" r. , All, gives tilt, S-sld in lititon by i"�/�. t•✓, Pt, jF` 1 Q}7glYEtA'itfiC NUEtix1VL�E1 pA�e. ,�.. hllitt. 171/r[)(l, ilre(1ne•S. At1(T 1U4:: Ill ) tt'ttly' f(1:r tS 4r 11 St4$Qt. ` itf`cl°result'abectiiuirlo,r�.c'' ,,.� wF.il;ltt. I.oYulilu rtes. I tlttiluiartttreal nnn• lT,r The'I�,'SCi1';crit . '. ,• t +oi+ '"fir,' A. , EfoltlneS Bold Ito: 50 coat 'boxes Try all, deal- �~w �--• Co., Limited, 'tor utv out.. l I hbrA a tote s tial(: o t rangy, J. y► BUtil~ :`t1tiK l�i:Adl1”' �.t;..d (t' A . a.a Cry.. #fit sratnirla'il tt'.arr s "p to tax. McCot,iell,, druggists, a+ \,. . 1 , • 1 - I , . .. . - _ . .....n..-•-., ... �-�-..,.__.._� -.� _ _ . ,. -... .A. .-..-- ..... .......r....•. u"-. -,-,. :.."—.._. ,e ., .. I ..