HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-12-30, Page 3Doc.'36th, ivq
I -
I I The 011*01t XOW � are
17- Wwwww -W.I.JIF -
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: � lw�-- -, ,' , , Rpm - . 0 . � " I -1 - - - 11 - _ . � I .1 - I . � I I . I I 1- . .1 . � � . .
11 ,. � I I - � * 11. , .1. 1-1 ... . � . �- . 11 .1. I., 11111111,11111111111111111i.111.11flII , 1- I .- , I I I � - I 1. 11 �� ., , , , � .
, I ____ �'_ "'. . _ __ _
: - Want.# oil I Ho . !:, abled With
I v woula 'not "t've tAt - ndi-ges a .now
. : . tertalped to 1%111 film. still so Ho told, -
theti� plitlali before fie wus crueiW. - .
,-THI SUNDAY-, SCHOOL but tue' I A CloroymIn's, Lrxporisnoo �m * Oritish AM
. I � .1 . N .I list the Idlisdow would I* postponed 0 - - Columb!4 Trip.* . � ia'chache For -
% �, 4-0 III Ulu -retum (!.uke x1s. .11-131. Tb.1 Pain, Abr Eating I 1-0118W the Rev. Jobli .1�lioepshauklp. 0, Butter Paper .
1,, , t I '14a, of tilt wyA;tj-r.v. or the t'lwe be- . � Now com- . I
. . esw)f . +- f irst Quarter, For I . - later on t4e, bishop of Norwich. was _ . . �
. I Jin. 2y 191-0. . tWeeu 11-Isrejection 4od His returti, Is- No remedy compares trave)Ing through PrIfth Columbia. Years, vioteiv c=o4. Genuinu Vegetable Fibre Parchment. for wrap-
. fast cloallog. tho klugdom Is Agalu at with Xervifte�' It instAnt. . ITU beol;� "A Distiop )a the Itougb" By The Use Of . .
I I . t . . ..
T_i I I I I band. .and It becomes us all: who be� Ik Imparts & gentle stiM. reIntes hl.,s experiences, on tbo Douglas DOAN'S KIDNEY PI"A. : ping, butter -the best sheet on the, Market, in .
TflE JNU.MATIONAL SERIES lievo Infiliv to preparc, The wily of"012 trall. where the greatest diseomfort � , I I .
." , T,ord by preactilbg the gospel every- ulus, to the digestive or. mas caused by the swarms of ferocious Uri. NY. 0. Doerr, 13 Br%btoix St., packages, not printed . �
' 11 I � . � I L n a., ri es. F11 is I I " ,
. . 1.1-1 where, and call In.-* upop Wen to repent. gauss, and- effectively0pre. tbosquitoes, He met with Indians cov, . 0, don, 0 t w t - t w tl .
. pleasure that I thank ii. for the gobd 400 sheets ... I ....... I ........................ 59C.,
'Toxt ,,of the, Lesson, Matt, !if, 1.12. Tile thlogs,of this -.Igq should beas, ull- vents the unpleasant co, - ,ered with paint, carrying brtiuches of your Doan's. Kidney PiTiso have done roe. I
, .. '
1". . ;Ittractive to us"Is they %V re to Johi? . I � . n trees In their hands, which they � 9" sheets ....... ....... * ........ I ........... gk@ .
Memory Yorsest 2, 4 --Golden, Timt,, e ' , wore Rave, been. troubled with backache for
I . . Matt, if!, 3-lPommontstry Prepared .1114 food and ralmeat should �Pwboll.� I �e sweeping around them as they .walked. years. Nothing helped me until a ffielid .
I . A P sevondary. if we sepk first the. klag� 4 in the atom' Uh. They were evacuating, their country, brought me a box of your Kidpey Pills. . - I -
I oy Rev. P. M.. $tq.arns. dom these, thing$ � fly driven out by these I began to take them and topic four boxes, . . . Or Better Still:' I
, are ,iii,ide,surew to, wi being temporar . . I
. AVO, si4ut last woel; In. a part ot (NIatt. vi, ."b3i,1iod till liplieWs slifitIld Sufficiently pleasant to ,peat:s. it by chance a traveler arrived a0dam, glad to say that I am, cured en- .
I , , , 0!1gdoar, tirely and can do all my own work and Have your name, farm and post -office neatly print- . i
Matt. It, and pow, we are to bare ,a be "fellow labi;irern anta I tie, h be given to the youngest at,a. clearing or 4A Open space where
, .
,tNholp year In BlatthewlEf gospel. with !(Col. IV. Ill. As JOhn wagnitled the I . . . .there Appeared to be an famiqnIty feel as good as I used to before taken sick. ed, aud make a reputation for your product. We I
(-,lie or Wore lessons' in e'very chaptel Lord, told of fit$ Volillig and k,")gdow, I child, useful in all4iseases . I - am positive Doan's Kidney Pills are . I
. . I � � from them, ore long. they would ap. � . use ou)y -special butter paper ink, g aranteed not
: 0 . � 4 f3r Illui, I of the istomach, and bowels, � pe r. . all you claim thein to be, and I advise I u .
I The - and -urged men to WNW I * 4 all kidney sufferers to give thern a f,%Ir to run or to injure the butter - �
I put oni% c9nautumatlon of thii BI
. . .
. . - is the 4;lngdota for which we � multlitides (locked to. him and were .1 , Neivillne is sim . "Quite early It) the morning 'after triat?i . . I . �
� ble stor.v ply indis�
pray when we say, "Ttiy kingdom bnl$tiWT of bill, it) JOrdall. co6fesq11.)g - n s I Issued from . Uk boan's Kidney Pills do for you � � 41474 1
I I f-ame. Thy will I)e done Ju earth. as I , u ti-c-1r,Ins. but no illan ever splIke Wore I pensable in every house my tent and founil on? open space on what they have dotle for thousands of INC ... * - 1. ... - I.....
. plitinly- to professed followers Ili -it! hold. is m in yours ? the rlrerlo Ode where I could get my others. They cure all forms of kidney, %4100 ...... :,..,.:**,.:*: ........ I ... ..... ... 0.00;
I 4eaveu." 11A new earth wherein I
. is� Jowl did to these. Ile, told them that . � I bath, Flut no sooner bad I emerged trouble and they cure to stay ellied.
dwelleth righteouress.11 Mattliew . I , rM)OO .... 11 .................... � ................. 7.00.
a do= lice was real they MUM I I I
peculiarly the gosoel of -the ki g if their ropenta , from the water than, I found swarms Price, 50 cents -per box oi 3 boxes for .
. I , U.25 at all dealers or inailed. direct on
� b-, work% of righteousness' I
ju chapters I and Il. we have the -gea. In't.re it , I�Nervliine of mosquitoes ass,,tillng me, and. d'o- ,eipt of. price li� The T. Milburn Co.. , Wrap your btitter, and get two cents per pound
. calogy and the birth of tbe1Ktng, the 1'01441. .111 could. see. for unless. thore � * what I would. slaughter them by doz .1 Lreilinited, Toronto, Ont. � . . han if unwrapped. I
� ado . fruit them would most sure. , , It'Corrects, the Stomai:;4 Trouble ens. I suffered severely, � When ordering specify "Doan's." I more t .
, . ration of the me go 4 .
, . . .a fionil the Post, Wtt'.4 ' Od "It was on that saine, day, (lining at I .
. , i.h0 sojourn Ili Egypt A1143he return to I,y .I.e thp Inirtling, Ile told them that and Stops the Headache. I I . 11 ..1. . 11
4 Nhzaret4 and the massacre of the his haptism with water was to be fol- a wayRide house, that 1 tool; part to a � ; . . ; '"' . . . .. 1. .11 -I. I �
.*.. . I Iv, Urge. bottles, 25o. Sold eV�ry' scene which I can never f rge . t Thefe. ,;, I ,... I The New Era, Clinton, Ont.
. . tialies at Bethlehem for His sa4e; the lowed by -.t. balithim will, tile Ili), , Where. - , I O twe is sneti'xi tuing us au uv�Luutie . .
,' I I Gliost nod with tire from 111m wbi; . were, twenty.. tire men going up to. the. ' �
. first martyrs -for Him. In Blatt., , , wc,uld follow hill) und whose V�ay he I . . . . I 1. .1 I . I I �t watcbfulnois. -_ - - ______ --� 111111111111 . 10
I 11c Is the son 9f David, the son of . . I .. . I mines. Pood was on the table. There. it problibly never oectirs to such a .1 I - -_ . I . .. I I I I
, ". . A bra ham, and therefore to Him all !be w. -Is preparing, He told-til"M 81SO of tS u was; ceaseless hum It) tbea.partment, n3other thut. site, Is actaully harming . . .
, . ,I harvest tltut� when the husbandintio , � ggestions For The,Rousewife - -_ - _____
. promises to Abraham and to David, . . - , - for t was literally brown with thou, her child by tier continued watchful. �_ � . . ;,.!!!
I I I . .
., � Miall be fulfilled, all tfi,at was pro in.
ised them concerning the land and the
would gather t4ie wheat 111to 11 - 148t, I I
ner. buk burn Hp ill', Chair with, fill- When boiliUg fresh potatoes or peas
a sprig of Inint in the. wtiter gives a
Santis OL WOSQUALoes. �
. -It was swelterlogly.bot,* yet every
Oess, but tile trillb Is illut. She is i4ah-,
1�lg bla) self con,tejons and lacking in
throne at Jerusalem. 110 will be first
'liable tire� All who hear the go$. I .
flavor. .
man bad made blalsel(,as impervious
oissurance alid developlug Ili him a
� Kilig of the Jews And then King of all ,
Vol aud profPss to tielieve It are eirlier I jA Custard pies will be much -nicer if
as he could. Each ma*k.wore his coat
Sort of repressioit wid timidity which
mitions, King of kings and Lord. of
wile:lt or clialf. wileat or tores. and the pastry is.made and spread onthe
buttoned up.. strings *ere fastened,
are positively harniful to hiui, both.
. I
.rds, reigning In rigUteousness, Isa*.
will be, for till Other the Ongdoncor plates the day before baking,
'01att. '
round big cuffs, and trousers also If be-
I)hysically and Illetitally,
;..,h. who'lioretold so much about the
xxv 34. 41. .
tbt� vverMstlim tirk- , Curried crackeus, ,are dainty for a
bad not on top boote, They bad garint.
The devotion. of .rnodern mothers
. . Lingdom (see It, 4, il, 17; U" 0, 7,,�-.xl,
101- Mile tlll)-(� "torl's Jllqt mfel red luncheon4 Butter them spread Widi.
I lets on their hands, their bats were on,
comes in for 'a 'word of criticism Ili a
z-10; xx1r, 23� xxxii, 1, 17; Xxxf, 1-10, ,
- - -0100 to a 8[)P- - ourry, an(I brown in the oven.
�O have a spe0al appll(
find veils hanging down covered facQ
r4,c,,nt issoe' ot flarper's Bazar. The
. et a I.), foretold also of one� who should ,
-1 � S . net - U
oll Judgm(4it. there I. a PrI lift 1 Bayberries and leaves, dried,thrown
and Heck.' A man would stick his fqr,,k
following dialogiie illustrates -the case
. '
yrepare the'Way before Ulm (:�I,� .1-5).
1,11eill w1ifeli i1ppiles to till bellOverS .1,110 on the fire, will fIll'the house with a
. �
into a piece of ineat .and pop In under
i -quickly
in poil,(: 9 .
,.� I
See also Mal. Ili, 1. The sawe'Gabriel
IM111('11ev i�,,S. .11, 1�1,jtt. -,111,. 40-43, otir a lasting odor.
' ,
the voll as ns possible. When
Iteggle, where ate you?"
who appeared to Daniel and 1:614 him
� I
7�onl Willsolf sTleaks of the riMiteolls ry IS rvIng a e sauce with VvhiP-
crea .an few chopped walnuts
11vil 'hl6e forth ttiv still ill the pe �
'0 s
drinkIng, their coffee the men would
hold the (!it . 0 underpea(b the veil, first
-Just here." I
. I I . of the kingdom told Zacharias that his
before the Messiah in
will .18 .
. It Ill b foun leaso,pt change,
lzli),�dom and tlib tare,4. which will I!e , .
clearing out .thC, bodies of the mosqui-
tire son doing?"
, 1. . . I .
k - ., �
- sou would go
the spirit aud power of Elijah (Luke 1,
btlr-,1(.4 Ili tb(� 11re., lt,is awfully sol- .. 8vaking the bands and. wrists in
. hot water wiJ , sometimes relie%te a
toes -",Iilcb possibly .had.,been, feeding
. --
" I
"Now., Iteggip,. don't fry to deceive
. 9 iTi. , This wonddrful child of Zacha-
. I
01nil to hear 111M say 1,11 -it 10 I . h0 I d;lTy' headacbe, Soaking the feeit in laot
upon the halry'miner MOM at band.
I 14 . . � L .
-me. Tell.me this inino e whaf are you
. t
I& . ;
. .
et, iNot a word. Was ULLerekl durbir, L at; . . �
,tq- fle ,Nvlll 11.1,ve tp.say� to some rare pio* , . . . I . 1. I I � . � '. . .
. rins and Ellzabet:4 was Ili the des . . � water also helps. � doing'.," . � . � I .
.. ., -,p, � . brief meal, for we were beatea down "N6thIng, mother; jtist playing . 11 �. _� .- _ __._ __ -
'� . S,:;1)t..q: -I llpvt�r knew .Von, DeP11"t - with � __-----_--____�
, - el. . . .
, till the day of his slidwinguni6 lsl,a� " . Chopped pistachio nuts are delicioui I . I I . . I
I., 1, trom Mo, ye thit.work '1111(illity" Matt. . and -cowed by the Insects, The.first I I . I . t. I I
0.1 and at the aptiointed,xime the word'of . served with plain vanilla creaut or . .. I illy blocks.", . . I ... ..
_ . word -en were by a. miner Ifi p . ... -
3). ,.�liiy we, bt,- falth�il w)� s spok ush-
(104 came unto 41m, and*.be.wout forth 1 . vil'. 21.2 41
� . blanc'mange. .. . 11%'ell. be oareful." - , . I I � . I . .0 I .
I � . -
. . preaching the baptisui, of repeutauce I nN48.0',. fruit beating branches in the I I'Viien broiling h6libut cover the Ing away Ills.clitkir ftorn'the table, 'Oh, , ,.I.H., belng,it." - .. . � . 6 I . . I �
. . . I I
. ..
for the remission of sitis . (Luke � 1. 80; � Trtie Vine. . .. . .. � .., The I thip God forsaken country!"' � . � � . .
fish with minced green pepper. . . . . . I . i�ljd It seetils thilt.this boy was frail, � . - .
I . . . - .. . . . � . . . . . . . 4. . . I .
I .. I 4�
Ill, 2. "). lie was trul '�tbe 'Ld�d's . � . ., I . seasoning will be tound delicious, . . -
. , y � . � . . Suppose yoij bad to -live through days t, .
-ne � . - - rind olive 0.11 applied [_ . � - IV ammm Farficad RakinLr ) . ;�__ .11 ... � ..
'senger with the Lord's lillessa.e'l- state bf Ohio,, City of Toledo, ) - 14true water of Plat sort of thing. ouldn't you be - .
41 -la 1 Lord I U - ** K* a M e d i c a t e d - 11ads . . . s. � X I , . . I
, ,
_80 with a soft w us in rug, 18 One. of the idney� nd Livee .. . I . ., . - I .. .
- ' . 1 __=:__ -
g. 1, 13). and In Mal. flt,'J. the Lucas C6unty . . I " . tatbet, frail"! . � . . � I . . � . .
I calls him ,,)Iy i messenger." -All qbr�t Frank J Obelaey makespath-thatbe bestlocatonsfqrbiiinsand scalds.. , Qitre at I Kidnqy wid, iT ' Upe verdift of. Tbe doctor.:-,vbo Nvaa . .. . .
. . , - - , ft L
I Weakness, Pains inibacki Luulbtt� .1 I .- � . � : ,
':ks reqult'cd of a niesseng is senior partner of the. firm of F, X? Butter kee6s best in stone jars Avith - ... Rhetiniatic,Neurlligift-, All IJ- (�4&d In to prescrib for this frail I I � � �
,erJs tbo.falth- .. 110, .e . . . . I I ,""W L ... I
I . ful delivery 'of the niessago, the . o.,, doing business in � the stone -'lid& Wrap_,,the batter in A er ,and Stonutch coulplaivis,.All, 16oyl was "too nitivii watclilng." 11 . I I . � ', L -
andState Rfore- clean cloth,.wrang out in salt water. - Veniale- weakness, painful and L I L .. -I- �Zl I -1 - - .. 11, 1. 4 .
se ding the message being respo0sibie Qity of Toledo,Oounty, irrewillaLr Pektods, Men. Woomi �"Let him nlone.'! -be' sliid. "There Is . , �1_ � 'r __ ,-. . %_
� - .
I . . . .. sale, And that said firm will pay the � C . THE AERATED OVEN practically ,- I . -, _ - - . .
. ,reen grap -.eldeiberry make a' ; and Children are ben�fitted alike . . ,,,, - - . f - _� �1111 ' L
13 � e and . I I 0 , ,��--; %7- _
fdr the results. ' What ik-coinforL "4 L sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS delicious combination for a jelly, Use � 0 Price one Pair one doilnr.Aint 4L S01 C or psychologh!al itillpence w-hich laces the- Souvenir in a class by 11 � .
. . - - __ . 4 . . . .
-such a messenger. are such �words as ' for each an&every case ofCatarrh that . , Ito qttickly introducewill mail wi(h .19 bill-d'to eXplilill that. WOrk-S On the its0f. Ordinaryovens burn, the nu- . ,t��_ , ' . . - . I . .1
i . , . , I . �
. I . L . 8 twice as inxich, elderberry Ob grape. . - .. * 4 thild Who 13 a �Vity, and - - . L _�:. - ,_
these: "I will lie wlth-.thy mouth wiO- canuot be cured.by the ase of Hall' . I . first order One Pair Fre�e-tb'afls twovairs on, I i s. Watched . tritious.elenients out of food; but . . �__ :::.`.11 .. .. . L
L --r.p. � Oatarrh Cure. raight hair can be curled by mole . -receipt of this advertisment and one dollar. Order wbich ta Les the, life ont of him." , And the free circulation of pare air in the - �� . L 1_". . . . I , . ..
.. - %
1 t4pach thee what. thou sl)alt say." .. 8wor 'and -subscribed, tening with quincei seed, rolling in Io . e. . , I � , oven of The FdabilySouvenir assures I . . .- _. . � . . . I . .
I hold. I have put my words Ili, thy . p to b'efore MOL . r and holding' in hot tongs'to -day tills Ch aPL and fefial�le treattacht. 15. - 1110 doctor is quotoil a4'ii.VIHg further,. sanitary and' .wholesome I . .� I
� mouth" (Ex. IV, 12; Jer, I. 9). . . . in my presenceitbis Oth day of.Deceiii- pape . I . .. . . . . . . Addr6ss�-THE ME61CATEO PAO COMPANY I !-,kfie Oulle . . yoll Oke' . of the ch . lld is cooking. � . . .. . .' . . I �1.
. I �ber,:A,'D_ .1880. - . . dry.� � ' . ' . . .. . 90 V1CT0A1A'AV,r,, . ivu,qDsoii, b-,T.,,CAN'ADA I ' I I Our -free book, giving.the facts.you- ' , We Watit to Lapd I . . . � I
� The first %vord'frbw Elligill is .'The , . A. W . GLEASON. ,' A pinch of soda. in watep Ili, which - ; . . I I . . . . . Little parts settish. You aro really less- - u request.. .. ' I . I I , . . � I :
I . I . . . . . .y .
� I .1 . . 0 g4t. to know, mailed on ,our first order ba-caase we k
i . 1
,6 . 11.ord God of Isenel livet , b. before.'wb9m . (Se . a . I ) . I I . Notary Publici green vegetableii, p"s, string beans - . . I I .. . . .. voim-ruod aboia him than you are . � .1 . .. . I . � ' I now thit ,
- . I . . I . .. . . I I * . . GURNEY. TILDEN & CO., LL the satisfaction you will deriv6 fropi.
. - . . . I . . . �' . . . . N11TED . .
I stand*, (I Kings xvil. 1). gnd1he,an- - 'jjall-s Gattarrh Curi� is. takenintern, and cabbage are boilect, will. keep the . . I . � , � I . .1 - . � .111)01),t yourself. . Yoii don't want to ' ,. . I 'that *Willopen..'your -
.-. I
"01 said. -1 am Gabriel. that I stand.1a ally,wid acts directly on the blood -and color. . - � 11 . . � . ... ., . : .. '. .NAPL.ITHA. , ; % : have'to worry about somettillig .'that, .HAMILTON I � 1903 . ot A ' eyes.. t6 the fact ., . ��
I r o better anywbere'
- . I . .. . . . Mantra I Winniveg Calgary Vanconvir ohatyou cann .
tile presence of God" (Luke 1. 10)., mucous surfaces of the system, .. if ol�t,of the rooms;, in the .house . -.: ' �. ------- �_ . I . inay hablien to him, That Is what Is - ; .. a ..I . I . '. e4se that you can with as. You *i1f , ,� , - , ;
I *
. I
, . '
I lJoho wi�nt forth with a similar con- - F.- 3'. CIIENEY & CC`, Toledo, 0 6eeins 0 ,dark, try putting a, . plec . e Th 1 6 Nptural, Products �ind Those Oj)w frighte'lling.yon.." . . .... . �.. I I � ' . I . .1 . . .. . . I. rind that we are not "all at sea" in our . . -.-
I ..
. . I id wl t . ,It the - S61d b d ' I ts 75c. .... . . of brassware hi lily polished in a con- . i � . . . Navis & .0'% lAnd ,. .. 7
Ise was tille , DI ruggis. , I 9, . ..I ft fained'From Petr,�Ieum... , .1 . . The . doctor's analysis of the mother's - L AN."w � , businesii, but thproughly -$up - to - the I .
I lousness. for he E� 13 . . . . . I ' I . ' . ' � iiiinute" and watchful oithe* interests... . :
Holy Spirit from his birth (Luke I, 15). Take I all's Family Pills tot conatipa�- s 'icuous place,. . �apbtlla� is, tin Inflammable ,JI(1pid concern i§-eenis 'a little hatsh, but -it ' ' -ole A:g ' . ... 11
� .
. . I . I ,N . . . , _S. elats, 01146no , , , ��
�w How great Is the need that me : . � . .- _. I I . . �.. . . . Keeping vegetables in the ebokii6g . � ble cerjuiti does stig -st thni a niore truly unself. -_ . I .. . � _. A our oustomerg, knowing that; by so ,: . I ::
. . . n should, tion, � I I -on'. ., g, loing, we are really acting -.for. our .
. . I repent, for God -How commandeth all - ..-.-,. . . , i . I water afterthey -are done spoils both 7 .11 exades ff I - tile 'go" In . - ` . I . 11 . .
. . . . flavorj:and appearance. � PoUr the . part% of Persia. Subse(jitently.-the tise Jell spirit. would be one which,would ,)wn ult mate berieft. . . I 1�.,
... I �. - . � . . .... �. . . . ,,,
. I risk a,fiAw. Ninbles-and b s " . . , .. ..,
tuen everywhere to repent because the . THE bIGESTION. -. water off � abd reLurn to the fire for a .of the' fOrm' spread to. Include somi � . . ridse aud ]FO We CUTLER, - . :
' ,
dx d the Judge are ftp- .' . . . . . ". ,inoment to.dry them off, . vOlatile' oils found in Etirolw a6d evoij. even U broken bot'IP or tw�. rather than' 10alater and Paper Flangqr � . -A. DOWNS . ,.
I ly of judgment an . � . . . . . I 9 I Q.. I . � � .9', .1 1, ..
, .
I p6trited (Acts xvil, 30, '41). ..The woes' T',_,atment, That Will Be� Found, More - p - . first wash itand . Anierica. . The product of the, oil tiolds . to worry ind harass her sitiall S.03 lilts , 7 - .. I . . I '..
. . .. To, dry . . . . ' All work guara . t�ed. . I .
. Helpf 'ne. I tha(F .. . . . .. n I . Merchant Tailory . .." Oint.on, .
that ,ire coming'on the earth gnd tlie' ul Than .Medici : indey., I usually oillod.
. . . . . ehakewell spread Ili .a, bake pan of southern, ltusqa Is I . a state ot. somi-ilivailidishi.- - I Prices reasonable; � ,' - ..
. ' . .' I - I . .. I I I . I . . . . . . �
vials of Uis Wrath are to the end that' Digestion Is. Aeldot" Jiuproved 111 and put in a. rather copt oven. . NV12en ,n..I,I)Iltll,.I,.iltlioti,,,�ii It differs 11) no wny . .1 ... I .1 I . . . � � � 1_.
I . . .
I -
mep may felient (Rev. tx.'20,.21; x0, 0, k,110 takIllp, of Hiplficine,,4. declares all, it beco sb cool it and pack tfiem' .-from the ordim, "Y grade -q Of. POt"(11P11111. I . . . Residince nearly'opp6site tht .. �. � . . . I I .1, '' -- 11
. .. n�ea cpi .. The "D ck L" Einulsiolt is taken., e. I . . I . . . �, , I . . . I ; �
. . � � - , � 1. . . .1 . . . . I _�
I 1 i, The kingdom was preached .as be- cild T.111111y, phy.-jit-ii1n. :-Wt- .111 know tight 1, glaw,cans, . .r3 N*,9ph0la properly 11)(-hIdk,,,4 tho 11,10111- with the greatdat benefit � by those � , 1, . * , I
P I ing q t bnnd by 3ohn and'Josus und the ' 'of old bo . . Colle'giite' Institute. � . .
.1)1 dies' of -both seses - Sheets -and long'table clothi are bhd . cl. 4)il,, *wt,icii Iniss-off tfi-st, in i 1w dis-' suffering with Lung troubles with ten- * _. . . . I . I . . S � : . . � I �� . ,�
* who have InVen ,uledlel le en ,B to take from the boiler, 'Or to t1l-1;1ll()11. of pell.olealli,, ,.Ile gr;1%*jll,.s dency to herhoribap, es. A few bottles- I ..
1welve aud then seventy, and IE: was , - t otio.h.to thing . . 11 . I . 11 . :11,
I I ' i juken'rf . - stopped'i . . � I � �..
I sA hand and would have th I *taken lt,,as -sort on : wash .dmj,s. It will save I ,gularly ruitkes.� a wonderful in M minutes
� en:been get : floa� it battleship n I thatub rap"Ing, froll). jN) to (Udeg;revs tleamue. . � �C . .: :, . I
. � 1. trouble to loop tlieta uii -in a big looSe . - � I � sute with Dr. Shoop's - . . . . .
. . improvemen .' � ;_4 � . .
- . �
iin . .. '11 . . , ; . . . . . croup. ReinddN. On-! I . �. . .
Af Israel bad received bee: Kingi of i4ous duty," .fie'..says, �Ibut. these llpullsylv ilill cl,uoe oil contallis trolli ... . I . I *0�' G`
I enty . . . I
. .
. � - . . �
� . 'knot before p I I - . . ': . . I I . . . I . . -4 , .
I . I - . utting them in the boiler . I ._t� . . - . . I te%t. will. surely prove: I , -1 . . I .1 .
. I � �. 1� I ; �old bodie - s* hil X111 to liro'lu'spiie"or I � . . . . I . njilitba. lo the . � . I . I . 1 �- GROUP . L - . I .. .:..
. 'lig . s to%,_)0.pi.r,vP6t�of,Ai, . No, di . � ''. .
. ' . . . I I ' . V01alt'IMR. no. I . I ..1. I 1. I. .� �__
I . , � I .. . .: : Dampness O,�ten leavos &.haze, on , - I prod- . Kissing the Book.. . - I . tress. k slife and pleasingsyrnp-bft Druggist*.' . .. .. _' . - ' ' "'.
ms�- ttieli, diasiag, not. i hroi;411 JR. - � .� L, .11 _14 W - rVIA113g of suell wiplitha severa I � .,� . _. .. - ows .111- qrmra� - 11; - I
. wnrgp* A *iL,r _11
_� . . . I .
I : r
. - I," " , . . .
. ,,,&, Ir; ass or %v.3-tep taken In the.
. _4j � g 1, . I
"after I
ln%bogany� -T Let m eeas yre ov
ed by iubbidg with a soft linen cloth '
. -
1.,irei obtftillPa by frac6oual distillit-
u0t I
. I
n England i1nd ALL. tile mChtlgl&Sa
: I . . . - ..
countries the k1si.ing of the
inorlillig 11irvativ -rising nfid
- "
mofatenedwitholive,oil'.. Therubbing
ss firsf-�-
'tion; . Those, which On . . I
. ... f6re' - the oath.cbmes from the. I
book be
. . .
I . L, the tel"th. :11-P w6rlh-all ,the
-must bi kept.up udtil, the furnitur�e is
narlicly,"rhIgolone atid cylilogene-arej
� I , ,
actice �Qf touching.a'.11halidame,1.1 or
Food -Does Yo�j No Good.,.
* Ili Id. The
aberlelit: wbatwes the
. .
. quite drV, . 11
11 � . . ... � '.
, . I I
I , ppriltu,rps
,at ordlual ly tom .
. . I .. I .
pr .
' a red object, cis the old Roman. -touched'
s C
. .. I
�� - . . 0
. %
juice of' ()11,c:,.or two ()r.lages. takQ6
I � ,
lotig� lwfor(� brcakfzl�,t as Possible,
, A good cement for china is madei of
one half ounce. of gum alza life dissolved'
are seldom'-say0d. The neZL. pr6duct.
a materhil large-'
is known ns ,i I
- �.
t he v6tar ortfarold the casket of relies.
Hialf the time you're afra-ld to eat;
-your is coated, molAth, ta,ates
as I
1011t &l. efc, uilig ut, the di-
ig �xce'l t 0
� . .
in ,,three � tablespoditifuti . � Gf b6iling,
ic0nos ond for-Illullilliat-
ly."ed Ili ini I .
is - -
The form ."So fielp me GQW. . in
i..(I�l stomach is* bloated. If You �mp-P
, gestive travt*3ind �!V'lnl- it)(,, uppelite'a
water .'and thqn enough plaster of
Paris stirred in to make a thick 6aste.
. qove
1]3g purposes. I 'After tills R0111c..
herited from- anclent Veutonlc�Scan--.
dinavlan law. under which the old
1.) iet well, stop using d�yspepsla-tab
L I �et., and go to the source of tb6 trou-
11111p.. It 14 well to fullblv the '"or"- (This
- in�z tlib with toll 1111tiuk's or so of ex-
will h.%rdeia very quickly. . - -:
1100bib-1 itild, ,-,:is, witilithii; - tfie''littler
1� being the bmw of 1�aucb �ur tile Illooll.
. . '
b en touching the blood daubed -
nort in ,
. We before it. is too late. SUengthen
I your stomach. ca,%t out the �lle, 'regu-
. ,
"erciseg whiell will stliulilitte the . stoui-
. , 1. ..
TO ,prevent 'a birthday cake from
being ruined by. dripping candlegrease
� . . .
. Hitting gas iiow madr. ,
ring on the altar. swore, "So help. me
Nlordb and the AlrHlibiy
� .',ate the boweli-ft thts, and dympqp-
. I .1
� -
:tell and liver. ,Stand upright. %1-1111
6 -
covel- it oyer with ii piece, of . card-
leum aplithil, Is Oft treated
Petro . , a
Vrey � .
* Q dl' -that Is, Thor. Tbe,flist and last.
&�ia will he no mor e. - . .
I * emriD-
� Por your condition the best. pt �
"ilie'llitilds above:tho hi6ad. ib(") b('11d
keeping .1 lie k n(,:es strai,olit.. 11 n-
boardeliftosize and .'put a little disc
. paper under.eaeh'of
of colored tissue
g x
wit6 �befll!6119 to. deodorl e It,.' - ftPti-
' also be tuade -In"the distilla- �
tha may
� . � . . .
of. these are the two old English gods,
I tion is Dr. Hia-rpnton?s Pills, whio-li am
made specially for the stomaeh� kid-
ill tile tips dU (lie finget's tomb tile, ,
the candies., ' I � -
. . . I . I
. tion of Wood and coal. U'r. t". -
whose namesp we .keep up. In Friday*
I ". I . . . .
� yR and liver. No better remedy -will
� U s ' I I I ,
floor. : Re�peat, this eight I I i m. en I
. .
vhen,the top of the din.
Frequently N _
I .
I I .
, . . . .
. . . _.
. , �_ I
- ,
� and. Thursday, 4 . .
', . # .
. . � I
- - , I
. . .
, ,
117 . 2qeWD1scbv'eriesbyan6ld phy . st . clan
tmw devised, for, Dt% Hanift-LOW.9 Pills.ar4
,nerbeat. I . .
put the hands.iin the lillps and, hen -d
. ; .
ning room table is very dull all that it
I ---da is washing - Wine it off with a
. .
. . I .
. . scour the. Irons. -
I . I .1 from side to side. This massages. tile 4 . ' I � �.. - . . -
. DR. HAMIUTOW6 PILLS . -liver' And stimulate : the dig � pstion. soft cloth dipped in irater with the UR rLe.N.Tabletsforinterual use. C. N. A One point .Ili. which tilt, "OviCe In'. : � I I . -
. s chill venioved. Then. rdb with a dry � AND local nourislier for external Ilse. . . . . - ITIC A
1. . . . I . i fteli falls lips. ill llotllaving i rora A ,�LeO(l - , .
The two* both used In con unct- Ironing o . I . . .
A SURF. CURE . -� , Por breakfast ent.porridge and browli piece of flanytiel until the polishisre- [on at the saine time produces niore, .1 - the irons'lieffectlY. Olean tefore begin- . . . , . I I I .. . I . . ..
bre6d and some fruit; TrItiles are Ilia stored. - - . . I CONA invigorating, vitalidne and rejuvennt-, . � I Having secured acontut9dious Grain - "
. . . . [ nlug work. To do really good Work -For Palo . � 8 we are buying.. all �' : ,
"No one could' realize sufferings. , - tingeffects then bas ever before been offered. Syffm . . . torehouse, now . .
from stomuch te6able, anFindigestion.- beft If there -is. .1 tendency.Ao con,tti- . - A good calipet cleaner may be made that i1rhm the Irons thoroug4a . � .
r triken ji . i -t � i!rers ftom vital.weakness and lost v'gori each begln::by, set) � . gjelii7gie poopl�i �, , kinds of grain, for which the highest.''
Ivor five yk,ars I have not been, ,%v.,bii. * 'pation. A glass. (if ;wate, I " ': by'shaving a - pare white soapi in it the pleasures of,life, will find one. hor. ' _. .1 I .. .
I .. . � - 17, with soapand water, tfion.dr,t t 1. - - -prices will be pidd.. * ' , 11 . . I
I I . My food 4aid me no good, because -1 before. going. to *.bed Is excellent rue ,eLter and letting it boll un- plinuceswonderful. itivigorntint,,didarging and . . . . . mple . . . . '. I . I I
. I .
e-'Ouldn't digest or assimilate. My d0c.- flushing out the stomae� find keetillig, gtl�i`ldloi ssool'vwed . . .To this add an ounce of lasting results. Free Trial Sample -ited in ' oughly. with a .soft rag...-,.'17Iwy must I - 11 . . . . A, I . I . �
, � . � I . Ailain-packngeonreceip1of tbisadverfistneu Land - not be'dried 406 tile fire, its t4is crclateP . I, . . Bran. Shorts, Corn and all kinds. of, .. -
tor sal -d constipation was, at the root of,. I imb the carpets thorough.. - ddresi�THE NERVINE CO. I - 'A I grain, Seeds and other feeds .kept oft
'got Dr. Hamiltmea . ,� � . I and afthe'storehouse.' . . I..� ., ,
.Valii.after . .. . . . 1 90 Vic I TORIA AVE-, _WINDSOR, ON ,. CA � I . . . �, V114. � �
the digestion In order." t I either'anO ad . � .f t9 in - A -
. �
iny tmuble, go I . � . . ly with the miFture. Later tinie with s x "Ca Do! ge T NADA au.1inmediate rust� which works � ON. Im I .. . I I i
Pill% My appetlt(� lmpeoved,_ I 0 0 . . I . I I waOer.. . . . I I .* I . . I .. . va. The clothes. - . . � � ; . - . . I I
I � ating - -ceased, and my food! dlge�pted -, 1. Riddles'and Answers., - fr . esh - - . "' I . .. .. . . . _. . . . I . t. I . k t ie' . * , ' ' '
luicid-A. I am delighted wlith th,e th-or- . I .. .. I I . .. . . � I up tren t ; brings bac I I . , I � I �
� .
. I
., . 111 - f Chamber- I . . . . . to of health by( . f -or & . . I
-iugh edre I dorkyed from Dr.'IU& - .� :Wh s . e' The pectil ' . . . �'. ' - d. A edd '
y doe'.' a band of choristers r liar properties'Ll , :reatitig a
. ' . . . . i d * ' I
. . .
I .
0 r
" I
O' -
ailds ack the
13 - _J
Bt d g w �at -
rt ail SUP it'g
.= P d.
idd _ low fr 'I.
iiatu V 9 g
AI(Silgrue 9A I ins Ciotigh Rem 'TOO . MU ..... a . � , .
ton's Pllls�. . 0 semble twenty-four.,sheets. of.pap6Jr? 14-- teay have been thor- I al a petite for nourishing food. .
,d) MIARTIN ni. wk'x Because th�yform a chok (quire). etaics of in- CH DEVOfION., , G t P )" I . A, . I
0 1
. . , . nal. - T. .,ST010N. CLINTOX. ' , - ,
"Brldgewut�,,,, oughly tested dating epid i 9 . i - Get only tile D & L., the origi G* R,
. . . , a
I * . ,. e . I . I . 50c. - ,jets . . .
Wbat root Is the best' for a school- flaenza,and when it was takeu in tim' ad with P0, or., , , I , . . . .
QuIck, resiAts aittend the use of Dr. . , r's cane? The .beat (beet) . ftot.L We have not heard of a single case of T.h& Aveeaq'S, Child Is Kill . . .. I 50c. an(I $I.W, at all druggists;. � i
maste . � . Kindnqss.. . . D a I I real . ___ - - . �
I . I I ee Co., montreat. I . . . � I
ljamil,tor�s Plus; thls ni-edicine cures . I . . . .0 Davis& Lame# . i .
Ili and dlgej�- Wbak pfirt -of a tree is the most 00-;. pndumonia. ' Sold'by all dealers. . . - 0 - - slllviarW Xtalment cures Diphitherisk..
all trouble In the %Wniac: � � . . . No doubt ten children suffer from I 7 - -_ - . . . I
� - L . � 4- - I . - . . . � I . 7 � . I
-Jve organi by removing theoaus,al llt�?. T11e.ysqw.(b6ugh). �' - . J , - . I � . 'I Digestion - . , I .
I . . . . . 1. I neglect Ili their upbringing wherer0i - '�* . ====�__ __ _ - . I I . . - . - .",
I . . . I .. . I . . � . . . I . . - . � �� _7 I . . .
. I .. - .�__ __��__ -_ . I . I .. . . I � sullers from too much attention. A. . ... dFor ' I . . - ... � . I I . . I 1. . . -
I . . I � I I . I . I . . I . � first Signs of stom" I . . . .1, I � I. � . . I I
� . I I Hare Paintings on Stable Wall. great deal I,.; said about thq ten aeg- This,is one of the I . � . � . I - _
. 0. I .
. I 1 LqW4 Agwo4z, 'fainons AMPHNID 119tll- lee .
. A, G; - Emy 1310111(wil, grandillpee of Jean institutions . ach weakness. Distress after eatine. .
I" Ach � led ones. *There are . _, I
and organized charities soor eructatilons, si& headache, bit, "?i . ,
Yogi I . BRONCHITIS and b6spitals , . . * ;NW;N;NWWMWWWqFWA9;1, I - �
0 111111i-,t,11nv,, dW-overed pnintitigs of lligh - conditioltig are all iftdicative . I I
If Neglected, it so;n teuhes.the Lungs aliiNilc incrit on tile waills (it it stable I to care for them. But It )iever oedurS IOUs � I I
'I 11L ',k. enter a protest on be- that it is the stornach that needs . . .
. . ill ,Ile vill1l'- 1. I of C1 . I
. Satisfic d - . and wity Pr'bye Fatal. ' I ,e of ,%Ik,r,11l, it, , V1,01. to. any one to I M
. Mr, G. L. Gareow of 1 1,6 Millicent St,, I .� 1, 1,.4 1 4�hll assistance, Hellp it 1:6 regain health M ,
. 1�1(,Ilhorn IlVpq a
with the clotlWs'yon have been get. . 0 . ,,VIll) Ilpl. Inothp.r, litilf. of Ili d who is killed with d Sirength by taking SOUVININ I INTON tu , -
ting? Ifuot-trvusforyournext-Suit Toronto, writei; under date of September . wilo islt wrilpe. The "lliblo was onee kindiiess, though the kill ' Ing Process is an . . I I
or Overcoat. There's some elass in. . 13,1908, A#Onoyearagotlnaspringlcon�. lised as a chapill, bill that. hlet wil'; just as faPI in one case as In the . . S M . � � . . I �. I
*Aathes Wilored by its. Doesn't look tracted a levato COIA in the chest. which I fol.1,1111vil. and dw paintiligs %A -Pre cov. other and the tictini.jusios,desdrving . - - "Ar I
aeveloped into Bronchitis, I took thrte 11ro -be Gi *reft N E W Sub "_ I
like 9, uniform that evervifod iris wear� Aan'�a %vidi the dwat Mid dirl,ol'ilevades, of commiseration. I . . I . -_
. . ing. There's a big ihakweiiient too kinds of medicine and f6und no itnprove� BEED HAM 8 M '. X*4 .1 .
w, ment., Afriend 6fidinea4vised me to try .%I)�N Elchhorn hitil lbe WAIIS clealied. one %,vouldlit espect much, from A. . . .ra I , I . *
en you see the goods and ask1the ' by, the rkojC s4c;eibera to the New E
price. . PSYCI41NE and in thtec dayd Helt like a itial ii,le plettires slood out clearly. little plant that was pulled up I . � . I 1. � . �
. t, I . rkeWmanagain. Idesiretoletothirsknow .,I'lll..y :ire in lwiie!q. nod experts frolti roots every day to qeo bow It was � - . . VA . � . .91 � * .
. itch PILLS ' A handsome Soayenir of Clinton is being
- Fall and Winter Stripe Worsted winkit'a valutible cure you h4ve in PSYJ ' IWI-1111 14re * to examine thell). Ali old �,,,'i,owlng, and yet that IS tlirett`Y In I
I Trousers. Ne,tivest patterns CHIN�forite.utedrnewheteitllbthetmed- nlr ro wed hntill-, .4twil tile tile way sonle women watch and tend -1 , �
. 1 V11M, lielplif . for they are a stomach remedy that', printed on our presses, and will be completed
I � made to yo i . A(ulto lill.till,tis �VhpTj ,11(% �Vjls .1 1)jvy. but lie their childre I ey ro Heve � 'M , -
. ur order -$5.00, icineshadfaileA lanitnorethantha I . . 0. X11 A r out of I X1 �
k be well again,andfor thesake of6therswho rieverdisappointg, Theyactquick-, in a few eays. It is in pamphlec Torn), pro
;. fews, and printed .
A speelal 9111C selrgk" Sidt made 81141 "Ilobody 111olight they JIM ,.Illy tile rillige of the watefiftil mother eye egtive . fusely illustrated With local vi *0 .
maybeill,you MJ publish thiliestimbM,al." 1 ly and gently upon the dig �., M W I
to your ordor-$18.00� I . i %-alm"', '11114 allitilde 11111'sillpis ilint or and Hover out of b0arI119 Of tbat ad- on supercalendared paper, in aft artistic and I .
� Stop that col ot the rehalts,will be orpns, sweeten the contents of the . attractive Cover. We purpose presenting each �C*_* .
. . , ,4 by toning uphe .. ; 1111,11fpV ft)lk ill lilt, Ipq,t4l or ir(,iliil(I luallisbing voice which says, *"Now, ' . liters Our 8115beription; , .
serious. . You Cain do 6 . -1,.11p(J oIll ,)r (,%istplwo otio do bd careful." 'A I .1 stomach, carry off the d.,isturbing. N141W subseriet, who e
, M13H
. 19io Shirts , . system with PSYCI41NE. 1 %A Ill, wll1te%,v_, - - during SEPTE ,R Or OCTOBRU,
fit' tilt, most intert"41111" relles, of Dean . It is pretty �vell for a mother to elements,and Wablish healthy, con otle of these Souvenirs. Only a lluii0d N! � I
' . gild lit.all Drugghts, god. & $1 Ott 61de, � 1 s play as Well as ditions of the liver and W1 ' M , uiqtt�, �
f0f �*%Vjl,t. t1p ,;( child', ek, na.
., .1,1l)1)11ql -.I, a
. Wewero abletogetafew Shirts � f . Dr. T. A. SLOCUM .� .11y - I 111,11., ljt��j 01, know bout a . I ber are bt4ng printed, so all Who Wish. to . .
. .. I ibe %itill'.4 tif *1 slihsl ,,Ill In It.%' built -41'.1111. his vatlug and sivetillig, what his vom. *40W
in advatire from the factory and Will , . . WAIT91), Ind of . The Nvonderf Lit tonic and streti,q,th- 1-� secure 0ae'slinuld DO I -V i - I
. -offer these regular I I . I I I � I)a11p)H,,, ;ire Ilke mid',whilt It I 1. . I 'I � lbs � M �
I t, ! C1111 , criptioll.,,$1#00 to end of 1010 F ,
% ot.ft-_ I TORONTO ly 111 41 F!?""'4e """ll' "111' 111""' %"`4 i -effects frotn Beechaln'.q Pills, a . %
", *, $1,250 .141dirts for $1JD0_ ' - 111,1114,1111,od 111,111y .%va.--4 1311ill 11. f:lr1l1t,1, g1l 111pq ,Iys; hia, ashiv froui thn - 623e to end of 1009
� . . .. ., I—— I I � 1. � . . R I
. 114, 1)1, I
I � I � .- . I .1 I . . woll in.pliv (bly with lilt,; hilek-t (if. � . � . inake them a safe I remedy -they I 61 I
�, , I I
.� I . I 1. %% till,,%t1,,11 ;l.rill 0t)io,,ialv(l eVory wnr(t i - I ___ I- - I M
1 . . I I
11 I . . I I . liq!� . , , - I . 4 . Anierican -ailiscribers Inust add postage'.
L GEO, W6 -BARCIE, - . I. 'writlof Ili- r1le 1.�101 -Ir Swat, M I . Help.Weak ,�.#. . .
. t'iehhorfi "ll-I'mcf, flirlimil %1. ". - . .
! V F iftib merefilult Ifidloking" I I il it, ill I'll.r.pie. i I I .1 1 . I I M
I . . h A � 1 04 " - OMMMMMM91 I ,
PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN' wav,b. .* ' Stow - I - .91-
F red jaekgonls Old ,stand, . 1111.1's avilig vstal�. it cont (A wlwc- - �
I .1 1, achs
� � ,100 I' , _11Z
.� � ,kg6litfor 'Aritiab-Amorlean Cleanitig � I 11 � _1 I—. 11 i I , y , 0 5 0 0 I N, ,,(r' ,!;.911? M!, VL
& Dylog CO. Montreal, . I , - - _ - __ , . � th - t r at an I wg3 . . 2e co*ttj� - S014 Everywhera. oxe % gs'j Centel.
. , I � -41 �
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