HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-12-09, Page 8tM.. a so 0 to
in which to train for earnin a cod
salary is
cajalaKue expiaias Our superiority pad
for and socurlas a
0004 situatign, Mrite U9 Without doliky.
Add gas, ]!4'.
Addreas'%V. U, SHAW, VjplA
"ronge and Gerrard fits., Toronto.
.10 e InG*
44 -6pp -Da
M Sh
? is the. question that Local Notices.
h ia-t wvpwill Give -for e- hr'ostma, . G t14. CLINTON XNM
S will be asked a'great
eu�tai�s went.
many titnes for the .next sixteen rLOUR uAnitol)z j)atejlb And FAU41y
days the world. over, Why do your shopping, early, when your stocks are largest
and the ;assortment at its best We have made a spejqiai eilart to roake shopping a comfert for early buyers, by;add- Dried A
•lzh�pst P Apples
in txtre. clerks, Don't wait until the last minute, when the service will. be poorer. We are. showing a greater range H 11Pc1ep%iq4UANTU0X4R
DR. OVENS.London, Sur eon, Oou.
of Christmas novelties this season than ever, uiefol pras6a mother lather, Sister, brother and Ille ba list, SPOCIAlist, will be at R.
-ts for moth 4 ,
Presents for your aunt, unele, frienes an4sweelthiarts, will be displayed on our cQunters in great variety, Holmes' Drug Wore. on Tuesday,
Lee. 21st., Glasses ro erly fltted,
deafne&,, catyrh and pfamtiii;•eyesight,
treated. All day,
Wh.* Not Fancy Linens as Presents To-Niglit
The 0, C, L, Cowmencemeiil;,Bnter.
Fau�-y INS]* Shains Hand-dmwn Tea Cloths t9yinment will be hold in the Townflall
Give Furs ?
Dec.. 9tht - 1909
than Globe
We expect will be on sale this week. In
addition to: the mag#zine section which is
replete with stories, poetry,' photographs
.4.1041pictures it has three -large_ c6lored-.plates,
worthy of a frame. An excellent reminder
for your friends abroad,
We D, Fair 0.0.
pie xquisite patterns fancy Working Overti
we snow a splendid ' r, we
The Doherty Piano and Organ Com. 0_0 I - . _"
In planning your Christ- drawn work and enibroid-
mas range Zf -U V Fancy Xyluslin . p,adny Are working every nigh . t, with
giftSo think C& the `----
Bred designs; very hand- 0 rg till after Christmas,
Comfort Piflow Shams, size sDme.and new,
that goes 'with Snow Ifert,
good Furs, and the style Prices 54c, Goe 75c. $1 Tray Cloths and runners, ri A regular winter snow storm ar-
7 . suitable for table -centres, vetlTuesday oxorning ana is continu-
they add, to any. costume, ing, Good sleighirig should be oil the
Runners.. to match. all sizes, trout 75e'to $3, program by the end of the week.
You can meet any pos' Ilecelved
sibie�requirem*ent in the The License Vaminissioners have
pa,(1 to the Town Treasurer the sedond
/� t� iinstalment.due the Town' making it
li/� �ne-of small Furs or Fur e'rb Sto ble 1", t6tal of $9,,51 received by We Town
A ck of Large Tirt
Garifient with the 1.,k- froto the License fund for 1.901),
est stock in Edrs at gout ..Covers, Napkins and -
h All M trij
Lent will begin on Feb. ftb, iifteen
disposal., earlier
L tball it (lid this 'a
Table Untens.. dlult R aster Stinda,
Hamm Stole, inuff to ntait(ll y,,011 fAl on �Iarcjj
28tb. '.Chis be the second earliest
Alaska SOle stole.-inuff tt) "tt(lir , N aster in a quarter of a century.
juknow w&6 are stfowiug one of the most attrac-
Grey S'quirrel Thr,# -Ws,, inuff to, matell rive 'stocks'.'Of Table . Linens and separdite Table, Cloth, A Vood Sitecess.
luana(11'.111 Tlxe'Bt7marheldin Nves',eyotiurch.
9 muff (0 moteh, with. Napkins to . match nn:Tuesday afteriloon find e
ever on. our counters:' 1.f The. WRWiex vening.
Qaertunrt iMink Stole,muffto inateh' you have any Linen needsrtwill pay wits - disagreeable' but
Y-6tj to. coine to everything offered was - sold, Over
White Chen(iiia'Stole, Moirto, niatch - - this store. $80dollars was -taken in by the ladies,
satisfactory T'L.Si
Harkdalp" w.tterworks system was
Tozer & Brown Sell -the Best Underwear forAn Women A e 'Childr 'tented on Monday wit It most satisfact
en oy restilts, It,hasan abundant sup:
PI.Y of pure water. `!.'here's pnwer 'to
spare, the pressure from. -the pumbo
USEFUL PRESENNTS 101t J1 0 11 E USEFUL'PRESENT -SEIFUL PPEiENrS UQUE -e throwinga, stream upwards of R
$ for BA BY' U
o thirty feet higher tb-in McFarland mid
Wool Biankets Christma' ill RUJ6 elevatovs At the station, The
Christmas will m4ke. You re-' Few'Frilling's
Union And pure Wool Blankets 'with ink In does its work with ease and al-
% to$,l % 00 ron
or [)]us border, firom ...... .. 82.50 4 member the little ones..- We •-have a The -new: •Obil.4tinas' r4rillings, 'are hete. frictionless, Tb6' ins and
Th;�y Are. very, pretty 0(idie'an .9 tbeIT4. e 'proved watertight, and
Bed Comforters, large size, satteen and complete assortment of useful:, and d see standpipe
Per. frill.. � ...... 106 6verything1rom intake to ooze nozz"
pretty gi e
Down Comforters' gave evii1ence Of excellence in. both:,
chintz, in new de . signs and colorings, lorings, system and installation.
from ....................... $1150 -up to $11.00 10-t-AntV..4nitud. Coats, Gloves. f6i. Ceris!'_
To The Elert.Qs
In.assorted pink and blue,.'also white, - live have just received our Christaias Glove
Rugs and A' fats lel" shipment. Oloves that we know an.1 guar- Mr Wiltse having announced his
purd wool and comfortable, .75c and
A pretty Rug for mother would b W I •
o. aintee Alloolors and sizes $1,06, $1.35'andsi.50, retirement a� !Via or, for the 6p ing
e ap.
preciated very highly. We bavp all t be large number of our heaviest rate lay -
new designs, from........ ,... $L0 up to v� s"Booteel,
0 $35 00 Childreni CW"
istmas Belts era. I have decided' to oft
er myse t as
dandidate,, and most respecti allv
In Wiiin' large range of rkeW.Ch Bel ite.and' inflnenre If
6 Frills, in a box, 35C and fancy colors, special for the
ristwi6 ts, i
I e new -styles and col sojiclt your vote
Six Collar frills in a pretty-Chri§tmas ........ and' 2ft �1' ors, in silk; electeclTwill. endeavo
Z3L r to guard the -
box, -no two alike.:. These would mak lexther and elastic, from ........ up to $1250:.. Towns interests financially, and other
a 25c.
very dainty present, at a moderate cost .1111a6ts" Bibs. %ise,as.1wouldmyown.'
Sincerely outs.
Parasols and'U in'brello, _A 6 V
Fancy Collars, boxed separatoly, 6oc_ 'A, large ran JJACOBTAYLOR
f go to choose flow,, in
Collars. ovith extra.frill, in &-pretty Oth andy, s Parasols And
Fancy �Coll. 0 . plain and li�ciRl for Christ Umbrellas in great. varletg,. Tht:Boys Cone.ert
separate box, all colors ............. �4 U.0 Mai •................... bought �speolally for Christ Inas, presents,
15c*2,0c And 25c fr
Pox .... .......... $6,00 The -Boys of - the 136yo': Aisdciiatioa
61-00 up. to
Areas basyns,bees this onthgetting
tip their. Big 'Show; for' New Years
't night. They say they b h
In: -mor A ey. will - give the
best ab�d the biggest;Ai.dw for 2
.5 dents
ever givenin'the Hall. begides Master
y of Toronto the
grext Boy singer and a good' big, show.
-n's mgvin Pictures. 'he''firat part. a
-he,me. i or T
Juvenile lliostrim 8110w,.witlxa chorus
9f11ftY boys in "!74AZICY. Ccistoolds, tell.
asStoing funny stoiies,singing funny songs
will make a program th�t will satisfy
ts =ne� Ne pains will be.spared
9�,Tioes it deservitift of the atrdkiao of
. . . . , .9 . all
" t h epeople money of Clinton d the boys
need the o erfor ttieir.w6rk in their
._ .�ufff ers,
Funeral Of, ItIrs U.-tjIlon
The funeral -of the late Air '.John
Haiiian, took place from her late resi-,
urge eat
The New Christmas,. Goods for Men and B:)Y-s g 0 now. in stock, and we again' ly-,buly- deuce to St. Mary's Church, Wood -
res ck.' Solemn Requiem Mass was
Ing,1when the stock Is complete and service good. U w'flt h, any ,new us9ful P ents"here sung nd m;- stool;,
*by her son, Rev.' Fr. Hanlon,
Pastor of St Joseph's Chut-ch, Olinto�
ld he w.,s IISS!Aad by . Priests L can
U durrolludlug churches and by Rev jj'r
Christmasi Ti for Men if
oVes as ts Laurendean, of SL Augustine. The
funeral oration was delivered, by Rev'
A . great . range of ,ens Alitis 4if L
The Christmas Ties c`bniie'- In, and, goyg's'good. Warm Glov6s Aylwdrdreetor of St'PeterlsOatnedral
and -colorings.. . to suit �Lny� tas-te: �40ur- in? hand, - And, fd lini I n an ondoh, who spoke at length on the'
styles Kid.an Mocha :With wool'. g, all sizes MAAV Bile qualities, of the deceased.
bows, strings, ascotts, puffs,'tucks etcl,� prices run from 0-0c lip. to $3:90 J, -Th.6 speaker made special mention of
from 15C lip to $1;00 tile fact rust gov. VV Hablons son of
deceased, was tha only ni4n, from the
parish Of WOO48Eook and Princeton,
BOYS Clothing who.ever took the -priesthood, as his
Vocation art
Fr Aylward - said that it
'Was his mother's undying edOrtS more
We have just opened up a,new 9hipmeni of 130 thaq.an�rthiog else that ind d her'.
Braces for Men -tin' 80Y.8 S n Ts $On to become a, priest I
U't§, i fine'. Worsteds and Tweeds, with neral
knicker tp' T btoollier.'. whiell. was largely attended borrow
Men's fancy web Braces,. ih separate boxes, in very Pusers, at.$3- 60. and $5.50 ingfriendsand relatives of the de.
pretty colorings and styles Froin ceased,was. one, of ille.most hlipressivp
11 om Ile -up to...75e- These. are particularly' good Value. ever held I in this parish, The pall,
hearers were Messrs Win and Thos.
Hanley, AV111jam Kimey, J. Manning,.
Joseph and Archie McGuire�,
Ordered clothing
Mufflers for Men and Boys
T�:iclteis` fleet
During the rionth.of December, we Am holding a executive conimittee of the
Fancy Ne(k Mufflers, in special boxes., for men, SUIT 9ALE. Now is the time West, 1juron Teachers' Asaociationi
girls and coys; Bradley anil square from 15c up to $3. to get a good tailor-' met in the Model Schp
ed suit At a saving. ol, Clinton, , on,
Saturday last, Those present were :
Messrs. j H Lowery, Clinton, pres.
ident, bliss A Al Johnston, Exeter,
Rbgular $20-OOSUit for $17.00 vice-president; W H Johnston, sec.
-Fancy Shirts as Glifts $22.00. Suit 'for $18.00 ratar� Kippers J A Delgaty, Bayfleld;
Miss Wiggins and Inspector Tom
Ooderich , em Baird,'Olffit6nj and N
VV Trewartha, IiOlb*Sville, Mr. J.
Men's and Hoysriancy Shirts,. in <Yrea,t variety, in �01e'o�uula"rr '$ 2 4. 0 0 Suit for -$20.00
all sines, from 50e -up to $1.50 Hartley was chairman. it was decided
Regular 825,00'Suit for $21.00 that the next Institute kneetin * will be
held -in Godedch on Friday n Satur.
day, May 20th and 219t next, sul),ject, to
-OVAI.pf the Depart
tile AWN ent: The
tAlodel school library was
alsposedotbydeciding-tha.t the books
be divided and tb1t Mr. Toni is em.
powtlteu to have 4)oxes made to hold
th a books while they were being itnoved
And kept at the various centres. A
h(*4rtY VOW Of thanks was, tendered
the Rc1hUAL04rU tot, the Alseof the,
aqbool and to jjiittf�y 1,or
his courtesy. Thefolloivinqresojl
wits unanimously laTdopte(l, . 0 the
11111011 ( , 161111V Obancil - , Resolvcd
that the attention ofthe Cotijity (:Iotih.
The -present season is so Wet, th-tt every man
.whose, businVis requires him to wade through rnud
and slop, should have the protection afforded by a
pair of our Leggings," We have a big stock
of the
best that Canada produces, at prices suitable to any
Willia,1118, loatent Leggings, bestqqalll-
grain leather............ i ............................ I ........
Williams? lia.tent. Le I ggings, best iijuality
split mather ....... ....................
First quality g 1.60 lica y
V grain. -leather .... ......
First qllality lig,,ht.gralh lea ber . .................. 1.50
Heavy duek- Leggings, Itattier*bottlld'..,...".,'....- 75'*
HeRiT Moleskin Lefro1bgs ..... 4 ....................
Fine g.patn leather Legg-Ingne, tfll boys,
at .............. S1.50,. and .$1.60
J ccs-Fied"
called to the matter of grants to whereas we believe thev intended to
Olasseq as we believe 11, nlistAke pay double tbh+ graint to plith Vinstes
wen wade, in payingait) r-quivillent, as they are fthig to, Continuation
IN 01?ILLIA' ,"
I twill be. observed that Orillia carried Local
I . ! Option,, ,but
. . .
w .
the by-laiv eras on teebbicaliky. The. Gcvernmentt
however.- exercised the veto power- and: no ficens6 will be
-granted there daring' the three years'.period.
The police magistpate te.9tifies to the success of Local.'option
in' Orillia as -follows
"It is ,,-,Olficwha6 difficult for me to give statistics in the
matter,, as thet circumstances Are so different. Under the lic•
ensp system a ti,:ian bA1d�tObboth drunk and -disorderly be-
fore the'Police ran min. tinder the present system if a per.
.up a state of intokicatiqo he is
s h street. i a
pears 5p, the in
pinc e e. The consequence is•that.& drunk man is as.
scarce an article on the st�eets.now as ho wall .plentiful before.
You will anderst,%nd; - therefore, that.criniehas decreased in A
like ratio. Six months previ6tis to the passln�, of Local Option
the, the more ser -
y Crown Attorney (whq'only appears i
Count n -
Ants cases), appeared in my court here sixteen times, while for
the sial months after the licenses were cutoff he only had to
he polioe'cotirt has fallen oft' to
come here once. The Vot-1, in the
about one-tourth what it was unde'r the -license systen . i
"We had considerable trouble, here, the first few noontbs
after the licenses were cut. o1f.0 the whiskey people 6v!deqtly
thinking that the law would. not' be forced. and that they-
couldgo and sell and defy the powers, but when they learned'
that the people of the town were behind the onforcement of
the IAW', and that they must live up to it ortake the conse-
quen.ces, the do nsequetr�'s �ei nig fines of 450 to $100 for Infe9c.
tions, with gaol is The alternative, they have walked very,
circumspectly, aud,'I believe, the majority of the hotel -keepers
are now living up to the requirements of the law fairly. well.
There is no.open or flagrant selling, and it is hardler to 'get a
drink in Oriffli than it is for 'ail outsider to get into a Masonic
"Of'course the thirsty ones can get all they want.bg Oing..
to Athorly, three miles Away, but an Atherly jag, if the jagged~
one falls irto the hands of the police, costs $10 to 614 besides
the amount spent for the CAUSe, and few there Are that car
to try trio experiment,
called to the matter of grants to whereas we believe thev intended to
Olasseq as we believe 11, nlistAke pay double tbh+ graint to plith Vinstes
wen wade, in payingait) r-quivillent, as they are fthig to, Continuation