HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-12-09, Page 7OF 4 � � / I . I p Dec. 7th, ,1909 , I .7,=Illollll:ll����l!!�""—"""""O" . , The Vlato'a Now Zra � , - __ G.V I - A,.- . . � WON � 94-0 40"WWW"WOM1010, - .1 I 1.11,10. I - 1�� , �. "W" ­ - ­ teiijus som they aml4 .... ttarezo coutu I . ­­ .. ­PP"IM-PAS N . . . � . . . . I Wednesday dinilqrs, $9 this dinner : ' ' Recommended As lie fetches lem. There t(In't time no more to' send lem word d1fiferent.11 "Ile has -already gone In to the sta- i tlou for them?" Kinross asked in a I H,isCOURTSHIP An Ideal Remedy I tragle voice. . ­_ . I 11 . . I . -,.No, be starts at eleven. it ain't no 1� - - _==_ -1. - __­­ ­.=_ .: eleven o'clock yet." � � � I . 4 .. "if you bad only told me before! By HELEN R. MAR-TIN9 .. Well," be gave It "lip, rising front the . m. - I ..,:.:� 1. �' . table. "I'll have tit bear up. under It- AUthor?f $!Tillie*. A Mennonite Maid." � I - �` 11-:�ii7�7.i,:��::.�.,.. . , I � - : I I I.... , ..�:i I .. . or get out. I gues".1, . . . ". .. . . I . I. - :��:�;::�,:i:�� i�,. �:.��; : :, , "Any other young 1'eller as good a . :: ::.<��:;.,�,��.�:i:�i . I . _ . � ____._ , ­_ -_ --- - - - - - - --- - 1. I—— - ­ � ,, .. - ,---". , " 11-�,-' . . .���i:�. - what you are yet I __ - I I ; �% ��. . . . looker and as tony as r I I I' COPYIKIlGilf'r, 1997. .1111;_ , I '- .. � I I ,* ]3y McCLUEU. PHILUPS & COMPANY, ,. ': . W7. . would be glad rur 'ovo youxi,- lady- , .. .. �:, MV..., : I :?" ...� _.. �, L - .... a ;_, - � hoarders vollidn' oucet!" sl)eg reasoned. 40PEWASN"M 4 Now 4"�R _111 .. 1 77*:�:- 00 . ::77 . .4110-011 -0-VOEMP �_ q�_ I -1 I.. �� i; !� 7. i �, 7 � I - I 111. I . . I ­.. :-;:�. . 11. . followim, hill) to 'tilt- floor. her whole ':y?..,�:i;:;. . I ,.. . I 11 person radiating tier vilritilis, wonder, I I �'...,i. I I .. I fn the main this story is a our alleestors or nTgOAe times in tai t�i�.?..,.;j - .: . . Kinross Stopped Short on the thresh - past than there IS ,now ,whe . U baill. .1 record of the adventure ..:. old Lind turned Litton hor. - "Wha t! Two s of a :i:,.':, - ; -:,:1 ­ , rooth$ I,% the common lot of all," - ::!,:,::"..',Ti�e:!�� :::::.:,: gtrlsl" . I youngnoctor of Philosoph who I %, 7: �: I Y, 10uross did not ebutradlet It. .". ­ I - Tile consternation lit h1% face Ili- . conspires to play the humble ro le "Again, I oncet heerd of a mah. b�ln ::, ;, 1 ..:�-�;- ;: .1 � . 4� _ _. . 0 . 9 :� F . I crensed her wooder. ,*Well," %he ­:�; .,� :, , ! ,, I � .. of hired hand at Mr, 41forning- drownded Ili a bathtub of hot water." : . !­.. .;:!.. I itrgued, I'm-haVs tit(- inatter with. t! tit? , I . . . star's farm boarding house, that Kinross had no, Answer for an argu. "o'.. . A I;ody can't help. fur Iter'sex, call . 1.11, ... :. I 11:.. . . . . .. . . . went so incontrovertible. .. , shel," . ., he may have opport�n ity, for so. ,.,A � , Ic$11 , . _na yet aguin. Gawd certainly In. "I 0ertaluly'didn't .Int, to whell I rious and scholarly meditations, tendeol. fur the folks to wash In .cold . vanie here that I'd be bothered with and avoid the blan , dishments, of water or held of made all, the watez I � �� "I'll - I � -Is ( ave A hot." . . � W. a, PONP, talL, two gh oil ill(' pI . ! They'll e.xpeL � fascinating young lady board- .Kinross' silence appareutly accepted � I tile to lie sittilig .11-111ind will) them!" rs. The resulting complications this doguiatic statement. ge Uoydtown, Ont., March, i9th, �,92;, "Oeh, AvvIl," t,lw toliked fifth playfully For same years I have been gr with her elbow, -yon might lie glad make a story as rich in humor, "Kin you dexly� 10". Morningstar tri. troubled with headaches and indiges- If tile.,. it() W.111t . I -, 'et alongside es provocative of laughter, ab limplipli over hini, . tion, brought on by stomach disorders, of - yoo to) ,,, . I em. is It that y1n) I1111,C1111101 ful*. � , any that has been written in rp- "I _,%,vould not presume to." . . constipation and biliousness. I had' ,soclabilily that w.ty?" she tried to. - "I - III, then, tried many remedies with only indiffer- - -olve thoproblem. "You never lool�K,l cant wears. The characters are , guess anyhow Litot. We nt success, until, � 411truit-a-tives" came " . I .you know why I,tlon,t have Uo,btltb_ e . as interesting as one's intirt to my notice. geing a general store- "'I'll't of ('Iliv or I'llillm'." .late room. it folks would read more in tho k . .. . eeper, I was selling a good =43 � � They 14,ave some sonse. Tboy don't n friends. In fact, they shall be- Book and hesitate more they'd see how , "Fluit-&-tives" to my custonters any, . f-a0do Ilk ille. Thvy let it 111all alono. come the reader's good friends sinful Soule things IS. Folks Is just a remarking how pleased they were with' Tho tirgt girls I ovor sow who illd.11 . I to be carried afterward in pleas. little ignorant about some things, the -results obtained from . using "Fruit- IN11%;. Uo I'll I tig-s tal, lauglwd bolsterous- . They're not enough , loosed of rl�� a-tives," I decided to try them and, I IY. 1%kie het.e I w;;x tvIlill, 011le every I . , , a7lt memory. There is a Mildly world, 111ride has come into the church mig�t say, the effects were almost (Illy silive .Volt voloc wt1Y didil't she . , . I . Lag;cal. Headaches and biliousness .and stately young woman who that it's something Shameful. There's .ill I pork tit? and spval� mollit. voil worstntlou ch joining chuvelt to ctxjoy� our- disappeared and to -day I recommend ,would return io natura and �nci- too mu . , to .Volt that WILY. It tilli't that 011ie's I . I (L" 41 Fruit-a-tives' I to my customers as "An KAvOS instead of to serve Gaw I I . dentally uplift mankifid .in the ' ideal remedy.' I I Ignorant tll:lt 111,1)ws hor Iwvp so 1pflet, . . And, swelling -with Ills easy success, . 'Volt,'* s returning, and there is a viva- itild ,Uornhigstar ,,41iialliblool Out Of the . "I might also add that about three -before , liv ('wile I.) Wig derellst, Of , years ago X was laid up with LUM- .110to ( Lug II fliter. -Ii.tir silo%,;-; sonie bavk_ cious beauty who aspires to fol- room, leiviu.- Ills defeattid bottilder to 13AGO AND SC*IA*CA-Z--c6uIdn1t get I . ,'in . N1.111.01 .Volt boill" a.towiler IIII(I lim" she low this lofty exanzplc,- but who . the COntcmPIAtIOU Of his possible out at bed or lift one foot over the. was � always a vountry girl stlil." . � I I . .fail . s for reasons which will in- breakfilst. - . . � I . , other, A good trrAtment of "Fruit -a. - - She liffla, It gowl do -111 111ore than Ell. ' . oThe''kitch6iii In -tylitch he ate was alsp. tiveall icured me of these 'pains and . oso. loc, I 'ho', - In t terest and delijht the reader- the favilly living rooin, as all renn- banished the Sciatica' and Lumba . nice does, though, d sn't s "' Ile I And there is another 9 out It feelen 6 . � I . . ,girl—Loid sylvania Dutch fa�mb6uso,.kjt,hejI I S. that to -day I am as well as ever aiz� can . - . I Ivioi"ttit . I Coll temptio. � -wa i arge, brl It . m . - lift anything ( ,,,ecra;y I - "001, livr." -.lit, loveher! who shall'jivoexamr are. It S a, 1, g .t roo , very. I ig od ;" . 'ttlpid.) . PIC of the heroism of humbIc simply furnished, but spotl6i;sly-clean, I - $ BOND. I Onsly; ­-qio's (111111111", (S * . But . and of .i certain homely COZ1110,4S. ' .j . .............. ....................... � ........................ I ..... !!!M. Olife she , S. .-6t. till olegailt o�lllva ti oil".,. _.... . , I lift and prove 'anew the- old The breakfast e - onsisted of cold.. curn- , . . . . she nflirmoJ, stal)(1111g, In tile littelten truth that blood will tefl. Asfor ed beer, gz�asy saustige, seVeral kinds aUtte(l QlSCrlWIIlILtItI_',"1Y­­1 Vito . K 1.111trS + (jDorWay,. with hPI, barod m-lils restilig ,9�r hero, wo shall love him- in'. .of very pale, lartly looking, ples all . d A -Dutch"' . Oil hor iluiple, h1I),;, While I)V. Klul.01;4 , ak - . . To propitiate lier lip' belped lihnself 1(.-allcd fl-"L�11'18E N IlilIZIP of tilt' t")6l'i'l), his spUe of his awkivardnesc, bash-. plate tille(j high �vlth Iced c -e. . . . . I . , . experlinen tally tu .-wilic of. tljc� apPIO eye,�.;. foll(.,Villg illo, youll", elildcolls fulness and learning. Theria 'shall 111-1,unide'll Mrs. Morningstar :shrilly butter. . . - . . ... .) - I . Adopted . "We're gettill­two IlvW I.) � which V:jn about 01) tile grnps, "I left called to the.young girl, her . 1, oarflors till 11 enter also, late in the his4ory, a dan' Or cm to svilo6l till she wits firteell -It,' r, opi)cared Into - * . . � � " g 16 who had tits. she .1. ., . . this dinnor Wready." ., reniurked, , ready. 1�111!11(le she v - woman of the great world, , who the outer I;lt(:heu. "llere'R the Doe � I ­ was 111ol rill . ' . plishing a ple witl4fil Ilk- rottell" though . books.'rtrid %tiiflyliV, anot all Illw" that shaltpay with no hesitation Me eatiu4' dry bread -Iina butter yet' . . L , t1lilt 110 th, , wIl L toll, .It ,oj. Wit, '. ill , . . she lull, A at , Where's the Spread')" . .1 . . ., � st ktiow ll.� Ahis tim ' .. . I . � bilt", 811(�,.,., ?I (Es - debt that is due to honor and . never ate ber,plv.4, not even. lit break-.. paragingly, ­sho� aln't gilt 011ie's 111ce ' ' . ­iucy of this hiquir;� not be, L aSt..'' ' L ' . . . . The releN. jt4 __ C, . . . .1 L I " " a good 61d name, A charming In- apparcut', a 4*9pread" Ili Dr. n. ; I . . . �iidiicatlou, I)tlt Lll('I'. I)elll. 'lliSt jj&)I)t��(l . . . I , story, which shall exact the irib-, ' ll(,Z.,4ta.t.orLielit.,tlilijL,,Ir(%(I to be .1 bloW t1lat wily,alld not -illy LINN-tl flesh and ross' vocabulary belug .in Outside cov. , . I . �or . . � . I to him. Thrustili.4 tilt, .aivle blitter b)ood I tool� ij(,� 4)klt So.) o(L)l till , ute of tears) as well as laughter, ,or to it he(l, it(' 9--.* I � . " ) s�(.� ,�I) iLS'l�Ujilee L - ' - , . I I : '11(, (.1.1efl. woll(It'rfill to he L . 'LlIrt, -111) kit. her, chagrin wits' t . ftOill JAIIII, ,110 S 14t ., n .appeared in the doorwa,� -to listen to 1 . � . e. .\vo - � I if. , I , and'tcaph ma .9 a good moral and keen diskippollament Ill Ills-rao" ) 10 ars !and leave the r6ader in a vzood her xim\ver,' thiolLigft, to tell the trutil, � � . . , .. .left kel oil, blit. Ittfile I r 1) 6,; g L " . - . - �*'N , r -, lills 'r to fetch . L -oi- -he , l . . I Igto Ile goe: ., dillIlL collitlyi,11�0 viloo" .s and s '1111st earif . . . Lie `%vas hot so dirlow,16. learn 'where 'enIL .. , , - 'F r 111.�[I,,.L . 4�) tljo�jj ", at the end to invoke a blessing the ,1s&ead" was as�. to licar- the Sound . . ou.the bugg"y olit", Bile jflformed� Ile 'I _1(� jjo�%.(�J. S:jl(l (lot)]. L ' . I - Iiiiii. 1'(ino or 'em's oiverqtud jbq .- . Y04; ill" �rlorocy rti).oilt ,It. 011ie she pip con; upon the good and bright woman , 'of the - -Irl's, voice, Ili thd ten days bra lit goln' to 044-11,10- - yc3,'."%SIIO in- wersepilel:V.11: INIVU. 'Nlorllilq,�Stall Sud - L . who wrort: it. I . . .. I that he'liad speut at tile farnr.be had , - - '"the is sueb I . . . I . . . � sist-d tir-, n ii -it tati-el, � . I _.w_ � . I . I .,:" . . not once h0trol tier atter it -word, q . n th-Itig ,iI,� . o%.*QVstudyJIp' . i * bra 1 . u.- ei�pe- , , . , . . - . _. W thiee tllneS: IL day I -s whL . . though he saw ii(? . . . I y . . (IIIAPTElt 1. . , 6all* 'fur azeutintry pej,ou �roi ain't 11, I'l-,oTER KI.XRO$S hall ji :if tile table. This Strange Silence, Afith � used to It ,011. To 1)o .sure, you .both' ist I,ome other inexplicable thlil9s -abOlat ' 0 doctclr that way, yon'ol-,know-yourself , been, deinanding rather irrIth-: ... lier,!h 4 began to "get'oil his nerves -11 , , . , . ,a L ..'� Itbe braln.kin * be over-studiod." - - lily of the shaggy little farav Ile had t:iinle out to this farm to be, - - 1�1& dId not. I,ollso itilliself to explain . I .. � L D er, his ho,s,t. why a bathroom -(Iiitiet nd un isturbed, and here rath- it ll(� LW, . .1" I a .41 I I ., ljoit a doct6t, of * had iiot beon put into tilt, house _wJIQIj' c L . . . I to h6r 11ill � r .to his- (-bagrin, was,:a mystery rls- - -ug. I . I It �vcfuld in. � it was renovated for 'summer. board. .-In- ell his horiven, . I .. (It q. but of philosolAly. . ' ' ­ . . ­ . volveL s 'm X'.tioll$ t� .o ,Lilly (ItIL'.� oil her part. ' . I I ers, and the fartlier, standing over llljn-,� :j16 watted, �vith his glass balfway - and . so . mijob (-xplaiiatlo . it on. Jils-and gis be. sat at his belated breakfast lit U� Ills lips, it) hear tile gltl's reply. I the . till . y was-Mi-vady ]lot. '. . . . I L I * - L the kitchen, was replying with a logic - ' She* mune lieras,s the Icitchou AoArrylng ��Do . . I. r . . .. %*oIt thillk � N, II'd Ile .� .Which left his Protagonist dumb. . a 41sll 'Of apple jo]1,N' In One Ithild -And 7 r _� 'tter r I A, ..-. ia k, I , - - - ' I I.Flitstly, It's contrary to Scripture. ,, r, , .1 sa.11cor of-;ippi� loitter In file other. ing:,livo niqvc boarolons?" be asked ber 11 . "How file devil do you milke that ' r ,,,,,,,,,,, JVL - doilbtfully ivitilit1w faint hope ,or'fv�ert- r - , .4 .1 grjj�o 1 11 he %ments . L I 4)ilt?" Kinross inqiilred, unawlirc: Oj,r *o r I' , I0 , , - Ir mov,L ing the J111polidill.g. calawity. , "WoTVI: it lc�r Ling, slini'ligilrb 4hat was con-' : , - . , , I I L , d� ...., . . 'th L I YO '. I . . . .. . �e -011,� 11; ' . gh ,N n ,I Illo0.1t o? .Ind you are . - -ly- hickjn,� ill ��lrs. Iforning- : . � low such eplth,cbts Startled e 111111C qIii.etio.us l, , . . , I . biwN.,froll) Iwlrljfilg� toll Ilight 111niv.".. , I ,customed cars of the farmer�s wife, . - . L ". 11 I . "t,jr%_ wn daughter of! the same a ge. . . ., . , o I . . . .1 I.. ... L . "You U I I nk'.," j�h v laughod, -0(.,h,- ill,:. . oy L : . . . I and of the � girl, Elmice, who waite( . oil Iler ,,cs wei�Q_ as always, downt'dgt 1, Ain't i)%,,ku,%%-orkcd..-1 vaja stond hi kim. . . a. though to vell a "4061 -sive -did.-no - t. .. L . . L. 'k � I _, L , , .� . i I 1011y. U � �' . 'How I make that out?" Alornlu _ . _,,6ol bIt yet. Tolls ,.� . ,wish to (11.9Z,over tV those. abot'lt'lfoi. - � I ' . 11 I . lid . S t . star repeated. "Because the Scripturel' L J�Inross ,had .nover yet succooded In. 370ur . 911C W011LIOV1111 White ..till r - Is silent oil the subJect." . . , ., even ou tile nicn." she added, unable to . I D� . . , . dikovering, the color Of. tier QyV_- Which of course left Kinross- with $oitchow the girl Always . b6re a iyoUt. r 1�eep 4 ,))it. of ('oi]ti�lllpf frou) her bon - nothing to say. He flf . ted his glass of he - r tin air of, detadliment from Jiei sur-, . (­ "oh, S , a 'on �) st % . .<" wit - !It, lier .v."-�e reste r. c,kimmed inilk and sipped with half. I . . . . I 1,�lljro,.q�,, (q,j),tilit. looijing but.-irell kept , 11 . . . I rollutlings;1alwost like one hiovIng ill 'r I . . . closed eyes. � . . jj'�Jjd'- a'.j 116L (I*Ijil.'Jll,� 10ocked OJT the a dream. .Just now .She Searcely" ii6m- - ., - * ' ' "Another reason;' 11orningstar laid . c(I , eouSeloils of 'him At all as silo tol) .of till ,egg,%Ijt-fI. _­Y6us_don�t -know it 'Oft. "there was less SICkneSS Uniting T , , . what, 'Work'4s, � _ '.�'Il,�,boA-,"' lk it.L does . .. placed. the two disbeg On lbe ta.Np be- �' . . . .1 . . . . . . . I forb. him. . andrthen turned and -A#a . Iked s ovel-do wo- to take* two n-lore'hoarderS L . I . A t - 1. oia� �f tile room. I . I 1 VI I lie . 11ttio'011 t1jo. jualte" , ' 00., YOU L . . a . plitued 'of . . . r SQ0.". . . . .. - . % ­ . . . . � . - L - 13100TURS OV14E '.'L I I - I ' 18 c lopity, -Increased � Ills . "Jul!" r 11 . 0 ext � ftlilnu I ?d. Ills gloont lifting , sen rr s in gen-. I . . . � . a little, r "I'll. pay' 1-01) tile - price of . oral to positive Ill - t6mper.'. This dainty , r, L . ' ­ . , , ' r"()r -hr e � MEDICATED AIR looldhgL Adopted daughter of ,the housew bon rd , t. .,o If ,�01111 send. them , 4 ' . ' ' word not.to conle .Ind let me ,continue L . ,L' . hold, who, lie .had at first .thought, . .. -we in pence." . . ' r : , to have the run of' tile lit. . . )jOrhjUggtnr'S I.It, face ", OW r r L inui,.4t be a fair Illy nini ' oug gross weeds, � ' ,, ' �N I rs. . , r _ . I It Cures Catarrh . - Coldsor So r delicate her .features,' s&� glifteefiftl . . . ishiII7 "Lle _ . long.lu aston. (lit. ., .I�j a reckless L . tier movements- .Ind so appealing to. . r pojjItIQS�j . � B r o n c h 1 t I s-9 Asthma, Ill.,; poetic sense I . ier. -Mill -beauty: .(Iii and appareutJy . r %Va Ste " of ' ' . it 0 I � . 1, A. ­I. 1 'All money -was A thing Incompre4engIlRe . � ) 1hroat Irounies, no rse. ,qp ev ­,lL ,­­ ­­­. - , . . I . - proWily no exception in.1be, she , to the Vennr4ylvallin Dntel� latind. � I ,� I . I . . . Dr, K!,ro-am . . ..: % . . � I . was . . I . .. I 11 ,.� linvolle .atniospbere of the nessl, r'-'Wina?" '�'Are A--Lti A01110 halIllf"I -0 . � . ' ' I . ' I I ., � . I I . . . I . � . . * ,ello-rally I . I . . . � I ' A . r a I — � . ... � . '8forulb,zitar. 'filftl0ioilse, .) - . more she cliviously ti.nqulmd� . , "I -tiess-i'm ,%Vjl.q - t.- Come, wjljl�vou denly,dropped tilt, subject of her fo.4- I ter child,and,re . hiriled, to tile 11101`e� ('011- . ror illse"vs of the lungs, throg.t cowlike 'hord -of people he had eel�, . I . and nazal passages mountain Air has- 6inly never 'eliebuittere.d. : . . � , , . : . . . . . I., . . . ,do W!" * . . I ., . 1) oke lmebbe,9 ,she " re you qVI-ssill, a i R ,� . . , -of. her owkj daugl .1 genlill theme . . . . IttlKI! ,as ' bserv-d Out 1. -tile mention she joajO&sJy 0 always been dremed, .salutary lie- Was She not lilt exeeptioll? Then. mus(i of its pureness and freedom. . why this '(-ousth I) fly. -doopell I fig. 11)) pri's- I .. qllv�Ftloned. uncerwinly. . . I . of Buinice seemed to arriU,L 416 WIlilder- - . . ' I from d'ispasia. gprms. Tho air of pine slou on: Ills mind, of . ail indefinable ";Never, Nvas 11, nwil more *�4340118. Ing attention of her Ivea iex. ­� krid 011ie . forests, laden with ininute' particles* ilf volatih, germ- destroy Ing �1)rin- I charm, a iniglie nlysteryj enveloping I'm willing to pay for the xat�. g' . " ulet She knows just tile riolt wol .1 IS to put vii)les. has (;njoy(,d air almost unok- 'the beautiful gid who -drudged At b6r ainpWd 1-talutation In thase dis0ases , . I've enjoypd'o.ut bore .the Past ten . d,lys. Will Volt smul lbein word they � .. In -but Somet;IUW4 she's. mo. is.tubborn . headed fur me she won't collwerme- I . I . household tasks- lit npatlictle and stu- also. . . pid. coint�djncnt With.apparently 'net -MARVELLOUS . , I . . I.. I enn't. come,Vl be urged. I . I . "�;OW, If 141*kC Sooner!" like what she's betna shive you come. , A DIISCOVEMY. it thuiight 'Or lustInct above tier nar- * ' �yotj*d only ,j "To it ,1�ut. to b4tlT.k"".�;lji-"(�oij(-.cx(itid,."'if ,Volt . After Yoars of .v�llaustfve study a roly, inotiotonous round of U,Orkt, to(, qfolly.: lie sure, site said regrL . � like lem beftew (Intel"- .14fle -paused , chemist doviged a rnpahs'of Suj�ply- dull even to sharo-the curlosity and Ing right at home a healing balsamic would, of paid botLor to ,get the price i of three fur 6uo. I But poi) lie- wrote � uniocrtalmly,, but laer look and lone'llyi- pile( � . I that that ilillprell t�o ,cifso and Ili- rolinvoly that Is eveli'more effective, in. Interest of the rest of tile family colk- . d ('atarrhal diseasos than the air,of the coruln.- their "gent'inaii bbarder," 413 . ., . orn IX.L noistal 11I.A.wi, Imiturdays Wreadv ; . I I . voived her 4forgiveness of 016-4 ..ob. * ))tilt- woods. Of course, this remody tOo,'pblcgIIjatj,! to resent tier foster I . . , . . . stinacy In refusing to di,splay her -con-, . . ,was copyrighted lift evory civilized motber's.unilust and often tyrannical . I . . . I I .1. ­ � 11 I �"""". I . versattollal powers. . . - . . I country and was at once offered to? 9 the name 'of 1'01a,6 1),�rtlallty to her own daughter '011ie - "Butilee bit$ hild .no so-hoo1j.rig �Stnvo . Kinross farrhozonv." Its success has beo,n - More thik olice lie Ilad been on tile , , suf fered she was twelve years oldlill antly asked When 11m. Morning- Ins -b . , , phenomenal. point of asking Urs. Atorilingstar to Just think of it ! A boallng. sooth- tell Jilin joinetliffig of Bunifeels bt$-' . . � I . . From Hor idneys ' Star's pausing to fi�ke hl ,. ,=V0 .him , 'e"th ( ing substance capable of destroying tory. But %011ie sil"btle instinct which these noxious organisms which excitte. . Terrible . r. or XiU6 a chance to put In it question. ,,Nlo, And she' ' wonderful. duaini to- S and maintain disease. Capable, also, lie had nover allalyvotl had held him q)f allaying congestion and of stimil.- lit theck. 11orbaps it was. it chlvalrou;; � . . M I Months. . . r a i n 8 I . ,%Vfird what 01110,1s." . . . . lating the hoaling processos of na- Aversion' to pryinp.; into what the glt,l , liumph!" he grunted. " torv, which are cornbined In that In- iiersolf so evidently wished to con- . � "Yos, And that ongra tef,ol 6e,in fur ValuablN.compoilnd so well and so � ftivorably known to the mediefLI. ceal. Perhaps It(,.? wa% not, after all, . � For Bacl.lache. Lame or Weak Baelk- all we done Air IA(%V Yot-118 10ftVin' her 't elf a' ady go to schw1,1111 she was w re world as "Catarrbowne.11 I I'll a hurry to. have file filierest Ing mys- CATAR11111IOZONW, CVnri,R, -1 tery explained Away Into. ajnWe.com. one of tile eo.iiiii6nestadd most distressing spliptollis of kidiley inact ion, "there is no and her not Our own flesh And blood- - illollplace Ovel'IlinStAlUT, the usual out- remedy ciluid to lloan'g Kidney Pills for ' and then w1jen s,ho had to come off of Cntarrhomne 1.4 qlmpl�, thi, ronerm- , . . fritt-d tittalltivs or thi, ail- of phity I (10)110 or Intert'stin- lilysterles.. , � faking oitt the stitches, tivitehes and twinges, linibering ikp the stift, baek, and school she took on; It was somepil'), ill . I woods. if you broathe It volf will, I "Well," lie do'lliandod Ot !Nfrs. Morn- 41,�r]Ni. nion- benefit In Ono bour t hn n in,,tstar when, after 1',unice had disilp- -got . giving perf&t eginfort. . A Inedicine that strengthens tile kid - awful I � I I !,But a tWelve-year-old girl IS liardl� ,,oil cotim po4qIT)1v from- thi� , i .* )(,are . I.Aloods 1?1 it yvall. I ill the landlady stood boside blui ­ I:16ys 40 tillLt t1*V are -#nn I'lled: t"e,xtTra_qet - � .... iable of realivIng *bat She 1.4 1014- mp 1 - Ing jh-having-no schobling?"-lie'suld This grvnt advantago arlstAq frnin, fllid refilled tits glass with aillk, tier the poisonou; it'. Re aoid fro,.n the blood , qtiostioningly. th(� fact that, In addition to thoFo stout bulk a.grotcqquo contrast to the %nd prevent 41le (qlief c1luse of ljlIcujjIa� . "I fur She healing f-matiatiots from phiv, (ithor Itimignificalit stature of tier husband, Ingroillents (114tilled from the vvgvt- , who bad been ovorpoWering bJw with ti-hin. I .Nir, Doagalcl. A. Niclenne. Broad Cove wits Always woudertal stttd3-iii'-.ftilltjittcltt;(i.,.kb,odycoulaultI ,,,I nblv kingdom 11110 so 111titpa as to gi, I rostilts tlint could not posqffily be (I , his logic A few moments before, Banks, N.S., 'writol;:-111 was trolii)lcd wit" till, , liOnews for nine nioliths. and ant jin worlt owit. All hel. ollent sho oiO . . I . � rivcd Ili (lit, utinille form Ill ,whf(1,'1; I "wher, Is the Spread? She didtilt tell . suffere.4 with Stich terrible pains licross t!��!t tt!� t�t�t=_'�. o!L'=t T_`!!�­­ — natury slitoplies ravolicated alr, . 1 5,011,!, . � . I I the witall of lily back all (lie time that I 20,000 11111YSIVIANS T,'XD0ltl41--, IT. I "But silo brilng 'otn"I exclaimed the could hardly g,!t :Around. After taking 11 .... r - rlOr nil (IIII(IftsPS of ill(' DoRe, 4-9r, woulan In astonishment I'llerell' two I,ioxw (� Doan's'Kidnev Pills I began CASTORIA throat. 1wrtinehial tixli(..,q and ILI" pa -Se- Shoving toward blin the jetty and the nges-for vatarelt, In (.very forniL- to feel bottor, and by the tit' lie I had taken three I waA co tipletely cured." Yor Xtifwats alid ChiWo.n, ,apple butter. I eure Is c'-ftalft with Vaiarrliozow-, whieh IS not ,it nostrum, but a high- "The Sproadle" lie repeated blankly. Price r)() cents por bw. or 3 for $1 25 all deilers oriodiled dire'et on ieceipi 01 .. * Th K10d YOU 118VO AIWAYS Night 01ftss flefebtl](10 treAtInefit. rAtgd "Ain't them spreadin's?" she asked, ih,ze by ,mcj, Hilburn Co., Limited , 0 1. I size, sufficient for two months, U.M6 it touch of wounded feeling mingled (guattlantoed), prico $1,00, ,.qmdtl<lrt* T oronta, 011t. 1parg the -4 64W, flk�-_M * I , (14. with bee pumled surprl,--o. , To be falre, sige 500, at all deajert4 01, th(., Wbon ordering Apeeify "Man's." mw ,,, ,Sjp6tUre of tarrhmono Compliny, XIngstotit, Ont. 001110 V'All$ 'eaf the swear, 330,11 ska . 1. **� -%_001w*�� .e .00 *** . I .1 1\ . * -L----..-1 _­ ... ..... ­­­­ ­­"""' ---r---- ­ ......... .. . . --.�-,-,�,�,.-.--".-----�-.-.--,- ---.. _,__.--j---'--_-_-, .. . ..... ___ . 10 , - �' holt Of A book—anol til.14,$ why pop lie Ntyell now She must colue off school, lie sayed, or sbeld soon not be earplill tier feed." "Umpb!" again grunted Kinross. sur. 110sed into it pang, of pity for tile flow.; t-rilke girl who wits .tile household drudge to'the rariner's famllY. 11itly," Alm: .Niortilngst.ir Abruptly do - mantled, *'(to you want fur .%lie to tell tbeso,here two young ladl e when they vollit, that yoll. Ill"'t wuf!b rur Hoclabil. ity and that they're to leave you be Ind not Witter you auX.-you belu'sorie .Ilver'r" . ' -Now,'). - -T(if ljjhgc . f r�' .,. �N slar;" ljLj78ijjjWU_"_ yoll are It frivild lit need. Suppose you to warn thein' Off. Where Ure kuvx, eoul"", . . "Frow into town. Their names Is 'vorglao, Y , a Nifer itud Palsy lllar44," Kinross lifted tits lit -lid and looked -it Irs Nforningstar, surprise, annoyance, timtevii-ation, Ja tits face. -Gods .lull little fishes!" , Ife pulled tits I'miama hat over Ills .-yes, turned abruptly and stroile away. Urs. Uorningslgir stood,stolldly where lie left tier, gazing after him as be walked with. long sVpq through the orehard,,toward the wiloas where lie usually Spent most of tile day, au'd finally.sbe i4hook her head and drew A loll" breath. . � � , "It bents tile what fur it mail It(,. Is. " . 1111.0ow!" . - I � 1. I I ; I . I � 1. % . 010 on Vood?fj rAormhadine, 11-.- I ­ - ­ ----- _­-ivomntoj Onto yo,ruierill WlWsor) . . . i ."T. , .- � I I'll L I ..".. -111". ... 1-1. � - - . The Mason and Risch 11 Sustension " "LVe, e sounding bo;ird—sensitl lastic kip I I . and resonant L . .. k . . � . . PETS OF SREAT LAOIES. __ __ . . � . , Some Curious Affectations of London's � I . SoCial LF-avoritcs- . . . . . I Soilie pretty roti. -It. thing-, hard been , said About tho-AlfectatiOns Of E,n9lish , I aristocracy froln tilne to tIll)�,--but tile - , recentaccoubts of their holosehold Vets . .� . I I . I . . . � I . . � I . . . 11 tire about AS Inoinprobonsible as'nu . . . I .. I . . . I Narne ­­'I"q ............ i ... -.-ti. .1 .� ii 6L I ' I . . : . . of their other"folbles. - The greyhound The. Maso nd Msch ' - . � . I . � ' ' . . . alid We loug, slilty parod spnqlel twe - - Pia.no- Co, Limited,- , . Street.....,-.......,.., ......... I ....... e ­e I � �� . . . - . . I thiligs, of jho,past,� The Duchess Of , 3:2 West King St., . . . . . .1 � . I I . I . 11a0borou . -1 11 . . I � . gh Is stild to have a ,v,Vn!.. * I . Toronto. .. .11, .. City ........ �.. ......... 11 . .1 ........... 4 .... i.....# . . ; . I .. folitlile." lorsorpefils. q1te spi'lid.114 flays . - 7. . � I . . . I . . ' . . . . . . af`*O ill tile inirli al. BILILUOILI With QL�P . . . . . . 1. Province. . ....... o .................... 0 ........ ! ....... . I I I . � . . I . I . . I . . I . . . I gazolles, which llf.hev soddty see,o) to . . _. � . .. . . . I .� .. . 1,14 1 , I . 'Orget' their tratifflonal shyncss. liar � __ ____ - � - - - I � . � . . . � uv�_ I �01 I I � I 't I &, ­i.1..I.,j­ ell. A ­ . . . . . Ot l". 1,04. It", 'I � I I � M V � . � PlIns. which Inny ,be seen fibout the : shol'es' of 1114 II(III(I'j. J'Ildy .%Vjjl-LAvjCj�" '* -the d0cil 80C.ItiINt .1,P1.1 -der. especially. . love$ white anillwig, and Ili, tier groquils I, - ' it�:\J'arwl(-I� ,Ire wilite peai!oul,.';� all kinds of vl,Wilo, birds. oveli a,whil.6 clt�:. . plialit.: jIPr..�I)(iCI.,1f treasur(� Is -I white. :1parroL,whiell ks said,to be Illore lball ,it . I eviltury Old, , I . - . . - ..I �;Idy -endoRi0i bas it fainolls collpe. � . .. � I tion of silake!§ . . 1,41le is able to (It-.) soine of theill zi boill her .Ili such a wity - that jhcy,,,�erve ,jS jewelry... Alpolig, . I I . tior pf� . ts a rL tw . o tnillied. . lizards. U cottellhatil wir..'(4 with great enre lit.. I dortill"', � anif 1.;Idy� (I.filirchill. Is Said to 6o'h.jiipl�,st lylien her cro(-odilo, is near * �her., Lad,y 11opp's pet is ail ape.from . Senegal. N�.hile,.,.\Irs. libse Hubbard. one of, tive most popular of *the womev . in Airs. ,Repl)el's .set_ 11ii-Ises gopse.. 11ISs flese. Bdughlon.,.onp. of the inost I I . IV,e.d df the till inn torjed.giris in Lond6n I . . � I C society, 111%lsts� upon taking to all ithe houses flin't Will . allow her R byew . a tfiat.s:h� 6�ought -f , row Constantinople . � , I . .�., dt'llas thillied.. 1 - ' . - . . . nn . I . I . . . I . . .. . I . . — . . . . . . . ., , . . . . . ; I . . .. . . I . I . . . . * I . . � . . Hq Spol<6 Tod , -Soon, I . . . .q 'd . A well known 1;11.qllles� Mali attendt . . '' . . � ,,,is ,r),ILj�htvr1g cotpinen6omebt exer- - ' �-Ises ot -tin, pnstnrn college.. ; He had . been gi-oatly plealed welth .the beaut.r . , .,Ind Aignity o , f the exercises And was . di,sworueslilg to� tits wife upon tbL, reti.u-' lnginfliiefi�es of.collego, life. Sudden-. � . , . J . y his.%impressi've nippologue 'was cut I short, A girl lit , - -� v lid gowl)'camQ! . dasWn . ,,- down. tilt ' . -,16.1)13 bf the main , fiall ,waving her -titplonla. and shout- . I . I Ing, - "Ldlicated, by gosh".1 . . . . . . � . - I I . .. . � . I . . I . . . . . . I . . . . � . I .1 . I Nat Ano0ous. . - I I 'iYou . have quite, a. nutabol bf .file , I . � poets.11 stild Goodby. who was Instpet-t- - . lrj,- Woodbyls library. ",kh, fherWs, Bpos,irning, Do..Tou under9tand.bluall" . . . I 1t,\o*, I.,don't," said Woodfnr. '. : . "AbIll sold Goodby. coatkitz'h)z hiv, . � exalid Ila I loll, "have you :Prl (�(]'Fl . I "Certainly not. What's the liso of - . . , 0 � prilving? I aln't anxious to under- , . . ,qtand tilm.11 . . I I ­ � . � I � . . . � - I I . . . . ' . . rroo hopor leaves no toot-), for hes!.- . I I tation ,ar doubt--trilitatch. , . . I . . . . � I . . I . . � � I - 1. _­ , . I - 1. . . . . . . — — . . ­ ­ - HERE'$ a sounding I board -that's a alive. Every inch, of .. 1. _.... - it v1bk4tds with' - each 11 � . I � note struck. That's: I . . L I, one of the reasons for a 0 the full, rich, resonant . I tone of the Mason and I I Risch piano. I In most plemos the p ... L . sounding board is - . . attached to the'case in I . . such a'wanner that it loses. most of its resiliency- -And resiliency is the most ituportant 'fea . ". 11 L I I ,ture inL a . . 11oulliding board.. - I . I I , _M. __ a* s o tlooft -?. Ind Ri s c h . , . . .1 The piano with a soul I I . .. , . In the.Mason and Risch Piano the 41 sustensioxi " . sounding board is raised on bridges in su�h a. manner , . that it leaves every part of it free, giving the instru- M.ent L a remarkably pure, full, sustained, -tone . .. I I . . . quality. , - .. . .. . . We would like to tell �ou more about ' , ,.' .. L, the construction of the Mason and Risch - , L . . piano. The story is ititoresting to all wbo .... 1. MASON I . . own or conterriplate dwairig. a pidno. , . . And RI$CH ' . . Mail. this coupon to us to -day and I PIANO CO,. I . . � . I-liulted, - we will send you all the reasons why / / . TORONTO . I . yo u should h ,t v e a M a s o rr a*nd ,,,.-, s4lid — your Illus- . . 1 tratead booklet explain- LRisch piaiio iii, your home in -, i.Ir th. -r�asons why I I prefatence to anyL ather make. I " should ovm a Motsow aad, . I L - L I . I 'Risch piano.,. -This in nit way , L . . I L L . L . . . . � � obligates ine, to purchalip- . . . . � . . . . � RE a I I Is th'.1liAn, ANCtdittly lives t hem Is *b : om Vt make oat great boiaatk4, 0 Illoctirclitwus Others do not. Clittet's Little Lig Pills "O Wky lifte'll fold "0 easy to titke. no lit twoXIII81011ke a dom Thor are stritug veg6tab]6 an db not gr.1 61! Ourga, bilt by t dt geatia UtIon plovA WrV1 . *10 .00 two. � �, �,d "t"111101110=4VIs"wUlt. . . W &AW-Ut W 11.k. I � -­ � ...-. _____ 1.___-_.__-___,_______ __� _ - . . __ - - � . . " I . � . . .. I 1. � . ' ... 11�.. 1. � 11 �. ake 'Each 4 ni'mal I a I Worth - ..... I'l I . KzlI ,; . jl,'I,��?,'tl� ...'', . I VN fila 0. -I - I..., . . I . . � ,,, .. 25% Uver Its, Nod -, It", . 01 Wdl'iis", .. I . . ... . . ,I I lj,, - . 1".. % . - . . . . ., ­ . . ...On 313 -of d C e nt a'D ay. I .1 , I'll V . I � I . b I . I .1� Nilboilly evet� heard 0-stodc Food" tAlling the. Qt.q 01'.6011C, M*11 �;:-9 -2, ,ing the -yield. of lffiilc five jimir.,4 per cowa day, 11 . hensftiyinw�nter.h*rcv. . I ',� � . ..01* restaringeun'down anirmils to pittmilness and vigor. - , �. �... . . . I . N%rilen yoLl feCd "' StoCli 1`00d " tG �'OLI�* cow, horse, swino ar jiloultry, " t I � U are merely feeding theni willit y6tj ar6 growing on your own farni. ''. � I "TFE , � 1, -yo Yottv, animais do need:not more feW, but sornething to*help their, 1 ; EEL" . . . . .. -AlIthe goodoltit of'th4'feed you give thein so theylian*9etf2t . boil les get , . . .. 2:021 . ,andstayfat all yetir.rotand; also to prevept disease, 4ire,dige;ise a�d luicil . - . t"hFM Upto the best n4ible �ondfflon. No "stock fc)od" Can do all these I 1.a)'�-esl Whilter oj' E STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. It k a d;, .A a ce r On. Uungs. ROYAL P RPL I , r G.xalid Ur4ldll 1o8 Not a.l."Stock F6od" But a "Conditioner' .. I . . � . � I .. I . , , . .110VAL PURPLt STOCK SPECIPM �Oataiivi no grain, nor farm ifrodwts�. 4fincrease,. � yield of milk'from theee to five polunds, per vow. ver tlay NAom.the Specifie, has been tisod.t%vo. I weeRs. It niakes the t'nillc richer and zidds Jl0sb f.i4or than any other Pri-Paration foloWn NoLmg calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE ,Ire :is I-,Ivge rft S , nc wc.uhs 91d.at; they N.Vould bewi),,� . fed %vith ordinary maierialsotten weelm � I . ' . . . .. . ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECtFIC builds 013 rUri-1J1-i)%vn inlinals and rLstorm them to Outrillnessairnostmagically. Cures, botsl colic, worms: ,skin tlisc:'t,ies and debilitMermanelitly. . 1.0h McEwan, the horseman. says:. " 1))aVQAi%cj ROYAL PURPLE STOC SPECIFIC . ' rarsistaiitly in the feeding of'The Bel,' 2,02i, larsest Nviondr.bf any baclir on Grand Circtflt in ­ 1908 and 'lienrY Wint6m.1 2.09t, bi�othar of 'Allcri,%Vinte�s,, willneri)f $34.bbo iii trottitig staims ,, in 1�68.. These h6rses have never. beoti off -their feed sinee I coninienceld:itsirig Rq�qlj Purple Specifidatmost a year ago.. and I ivIll alwayj ha,�Q.it in my stablct-'! .- � .. - . � , . I , ! ... � .. � ­ . I � . . 1. I I . I . . '.. . � I I � .1 :I '11111111111116 . � . I .1 : . . : I . "a I . I ju . , . . . . . ..I... I STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS , . I . . � .. � , . .. . -One50q.P2dca9eaP*RQYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC %vill last ona atiimal seventy I days,which is a little over two-thieds of a cent -it dny. .M6,;Jstocicfood,iinfift6cegtv,clt:lge,� last butlifty days and are given thece Ones a diy� .ROYAL PURPLE.STO K P CIFIC . is given IlLit: bade a day, and luts haff �igafn ag lon,q. A USOB.fll cadtainirig four times the , amount of the fifty cent package will last, 280. - IKOYALP RPLE will increise the value . Of yout, stock 250. It is an a5tonlShttigly 4ja�k..fattenee, gtilirltilating,the apiletiteatiot,the relish for food, iisbisting nature to dig,ast and turn feed into flesh, Asa h�ifltttener itisi leader, .It WILL save manY times its coi;t in veterinary bills.. ROYAL PURPL POULTRY,SPECI- FIC Is our other Specific for oqultr�,, not foV stock. One go cent package will last h4venty-five hens 70 days, or a 0ail costing $1,5D will last -twaiity-five hens 280 ditys, which is four timQsmore 'i'liaterial .for Only three times the co�t. it milic6s. a " laying njachine " out of yottr hens . sunitner and winter,,X6eyV,0n,t8 fowts Idsing flesh -.It molil ' titpe, and ewlv; valtAdisea-es. . 'in -oc P . Every. paq1tage of PURPLH STOCK SPEC101C ,OULTR S CIFIC ii guatanteed. - .� � . .. ,- I - . Just use ROYAL PURPLE on one oP your ailitnals and ,Illy ot el' PtVaration on niiotbc�- � aninialin the. sitne condition: after cotrparin�. results you %vill say. 0 AL PURPLEhas. � thdm all beat to.dirath, orel,se back comel; you r nioner. FRE - 9 - I . ' � , � yque merchant or.%VrIte LUS for our valuable 32 -page booldet on caftle , . . I * I . � . and poultry diseases, cont�tinina also. ­- I . 0001rilig �receities ztnd full particularR about If I -- ..- I . I ,L I .% . OYA PURPLE STOCK and FOUL. .. ­,�,": ... �e-. ,� . 411-11';�SPECIFICS_ - � , .- ;,06-1 " . ll - . . . - F"'I P,g- . �t , ,� I If yott cannot got Royal Purple , .,,,� ,rj i Specifies from merchants or agents, we &,V � 1, , V 71 . . . will supply yool direct, express prepaid , 1i N, kN. Ao , on=r$1.60A pail for eltherftultt!� Flt,,,�.* � � . or . Specifleg. . . �',?,'f,,�,' I" 11 I. I . .. I ,,�,. , I , . � as o4v agent I n I NO, . rourdistrIct.. Write.forterms, . I I . . I . . , I . ' I - � . . . I For �alc by all. up-to-date merchants, . � . ��� I r I I , I r . 1. . � I. W. 1. Jenkins Tffg, Colt .Lolldollt, Can. ,. ...0 ' ..- . . I . . . - I � . I I . . . . . . � Boyal PuriltUt 8toelE and Poultry S ecifies and,iree. Bookliots arP . ,; I . . , . . . 11 . � keltit 111L stoek by IV! S. U, Holmes. : . . � . . . . . . I � . I I � . . I . I I ­ . . - - I �, . .... ­-­ ­.- ---,---. __ - __ . I . . . . I � �. .. I � . . . , . .9744PAV",,&�& ,4P 4'. � I � .1 . . . . . - . � . q " . I I , . 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".., "I I I � � q - � % All sUbsieribers .got The Canadian Farm'. froth now to, the, TIt of janst 1911. . � 11 , . . i I � ____;=_V . � ..., k) .1 Out 6lubbing rate is $1.50 for the two papenq_ Subscribe � . i , I t � � I at 011ce and get the bendt of the full term. . : � . k 9 Umolt 0#01atefTht Cittiadiam Varit it be seltin itillhij,tittido. � i I . � I , � i � . I I . r. . . ­ ­­-'_...­ . ­­. � - -1 - . _. I . _A