HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-12-09, Page 511
I J)ec. 90, i9c 9
Our New and Beautiful Line of Holiday Goods
Rill of Choice selections for the Claieistmas Trade is
now ready for the inspection and approval of all.
r. . .
. . I
, I
TT-kimffil a.nrl Appropriate .. Gi . fts
I Births Marriages A Death$
!� I BOUN,
�31('111 Colborne township, on
NOV. Ise1'r
't; 15,1. and Airs Ross AlWee,
I-Akw". I
PIOXAHV-1n Seafnitb, oil Nov.
30til, to Mr. and Mrs, 1V ilii Pickard,
on. .
�,'� 811-InWingbaw, onN,vember
gotbNoMrr.,and 3115. Alfred Varr, a
WHITE'l-In Exeter on Nov. 20th,
to Mr. and Mrs, Fred WbItt-oi, daugh-
ter , , I I
Th. Chu, ton -Now. WeI
. . I A
1. .".,,".
0 At 6 '. I
'. . I
I vs 2. C
: . V .
!s . �� It
- . I R
. ..A .. ...
I 8. A..", � 4.9.. � oil
of Waterworks was read. Gad
on motiga, of Holloway axid
" Moved
I R1
, now read
XAyo , -ca on for
. Reeve, 'ouncillow And tiollool
!Iiug for now1w
'Trustee' Nomination to be held in
I T9wn 11" lion Dec. 4, front the hour
of 7.30 to 8:30 p in., and that in -:%se of
ejection the twits. to be in thetollowing
places with the following Returning
officers and poll clerks:- JPJ0
-Polling Sub No I-AtTown Hall, W
H Manning T)eputy eturning OlAcer,
Fd Sa4sle Poll, Clerk.
" Boots, Shoes and Q)thing-,,�
I Although these two dpportunities,
artments are already
i brim., full of money -saving we have.
I I �. . WE 1) � I " * ? .. I . 'vap. !
I � , .0,0 . I I rolli No 2 -At; Downs H decided to give a Speeial 10 ptr cellt discouilt ,I
. I I ..* 13fillousaLA �
, I " 0 4., 1 . orator' D. Johnson, - '
I . ,RR.z-' t p,,stD,eput, Re
' SHEPPARD-.1a Clinton, oil Dec, I '.. . timaNg Oftleer. Edgar oIt � lerk Off all goods in thi�se departine'nts for 30 days, �
� *. o. )
- 5th, Jamessilappard, aged 70 years, . .11 " . S , Polling $ub.No At Thresher Cow- . . I
for Little or Bigg Old or Young months and 23 days. . . .. I 1. 'a OfH(-
, I %n ,(*, Jae. U. MeMatli, Depti, .�
. _ .. - . _ , f ruingOtlicer H Alexander. Po' ��
� -1 � � � . I . - - '. '4NING- I In Hullett, on Dec.5th, - _-11 1. _. 1, I - ..'' ,ety 10 . . .-
* MA, 11 , H.
% Commencing $at., Nov, 20thp
- LauraMayMcQ6ol, beloved wife of Uolitair Round Time Clerk. . I
. I � I I
Do not fail to sze the special attractions in . .Thos. E. Manning, aged 28.days, 4 17here is no feature of our buel- . ,as$ I
. � , f I - : Polling Sub. No 4 -Ato Leslies- 6;i in order to induce our 'customers to purchase be-,
1 . � months and 9 dap. I ness that we wish to impress I riage Shop $. J. Andrews, Deputy Re. �
, I im " turning Officer, J. Cunningham, Poll u
I � HOHLIN-To the township of Ash more than tbistwe Clerk. . f --re the Cliristmas rush' is, on, and also. to make
Diamonds, Watoliesi, . field, on Thursday. Nov. 250i. Samuel want you to feet just as free to . new customers for these departments. With out
. . . Echlin, aged 48 years, 4 n.onths and come in and view our stock as to The following letter was read from
. . . . an the Health Officer, Dr. Shaw. New Fall Stork§ all in, and prices 'away below all i
26 44yal , ce in the -window when pms- . I I and'
MA R' 1. I Oftie of Board of Health,
Clacks Cut Glass, Jewelery, I oMILLAN-In'Goderieb, on Fri. in + Anythingyou way select . others in the trade, this discount offers one of the 1
I 1� . .1 day,.Nov.,26th, Effie Morriflon, relict will be laid away for yen till later Clinton, Ont., Dec. Oth, IOW trade, . I .
. . I . Of on e now choos- To Mayor and Town Council,-- greatest �
the late Malcolm MoMilhin, and ii,taome buyers I Money-SaVing opportunities ever offered i
. I hey intehd to give for Christ- A beg to submit the following report, � I
. mDtherofXrs. (Capt.) Ww. ti at this season of the year. Buy now,',' while the .
Silverware and. China I land, -aged Myears4 ,. was. tis
a good idea this. choos- as Health OtTicer of tile Town of the .
7��- . - SCOTT -In Fordivioll. on Nor. 22nd, ing of gifts early. . . year IWJ. , stock is fu . llest and prices lowest, . -� . 11
. . I It bas been an upe�entful year as re. . .
I . Martha lianna,relict, oZ the late Aclaw � -
I•. � I golds any particular epidemic. with Special in Underwear. I I
ock is generous in variety Scott, aged 0.1 years, 7 inontlis suid 12 A , Grigg . .1
Our st' . I , . days. . . . . I %,A,, and Opt ria... the exetptloi) of ligfit cases of typhoid Alen's pure wool, elastic kniti unshrinkable Underwear, �
no contagious ditiesses have been re- all sizes, reg. $1.00 value, special at .......... : . . ......
. I Issuer of MairriagelLice Licenses po � !
. . SPINKS-In Howick, on Nov. 4-)nd,. . erred to W'6.' The drain problem has
. JobliSpinks. ageO 39 years, 3 niontlis . see our Ladies' Hantles and 81f lrt-i- ' ,
Our Very Reasonable Prices - . wilF I � . 1. I 11�1. I . I I . 1. .. .11 I . .been the most conspicuous 100 dotlbt, . i
. . and 1'.) days, I . I -_ ow o the wet seftson, :1 hit've been . � . . Vallstock of Statile and Fancy Dry Goods. �
. moved from the villnge to the ho r I'ill I
4IRKPATRIOX-4n Colborne town" we o te ep iotied for, urgent. meld,ges 8ent .4 .
. -
ship, in several case , ,,,,,y a . . - .
I . Young,
on Tuesday, Nov. 30th, Agnes their, son Oh&rles for - the Winter or s to ionic , � .. ,
Delight YouO ung, relict of the late Alex. Kirk- 'until suvh titue its I Mrs Manning re deaul oneqattl to its ta,,k with the re- � �
�_ ? . I .
�N � .. I . . . . . I 19,her 133rd year, covet's her 1181m, activity. . . ' I . I
. I
0 . Patrick MrA f LQndesboro This is not tile Board of Health's duty.. . Plumst el Bros, .
. stilt there was %atex in the collar,
- -W_MPB'FLLSyra cuse, NX . 0,11 . J anies Webster, o . e �. I . . .• .
_1(ov'27th Marger;dt C11,111pbell, Ai6ed 30 walt visiting her daughter, Mrs.. F., It comes tinder that of tile town eum I 11 I I �1111111111111 . �
8t re - Open Evenings Saville this week. . � gineer to inake amap th. __. I 0 . I ye;iWa and 8,111oriths. , ' . I
. I � I m. Sask, Jaineq, .- . cotirse drains with the oize of tile used - I - ____ -_ -_
I I . I . . HAYS- At Up . in differeii t places tete the courses of I I . - I I �
� second son of Will. Hays, and grand. . to(, I
, . . - Ralimeaville obstruction CQU,d b-- located
easily. 34
son of .Tallies Hays, se., of .Seaforth, The- Women's Institute will meet at Quite ,A, lltltnb con of septic tanks. have * **** , .V*
, . I I
I .aged 18 years. . . the houxe of Mia, Mulholland on the - been installed during tug year Atli pruv- *_ -
. I
&I - I.- .. 0 . I . Wingbam, on ,Nov.20th, afternoon of Dec0IGLb, The subjects ing very satisfactory. . 0 41 - -.-..-..-, _... .1 � -11-1 .- -.1
- _0__... . I . I ... -.1 -'Watt. , - . - ,.*" -1. - ...... -1 ..'' .... ... ,
� I - '" '7- .-". � - - -will be „Thou on, the, .There were 34 bikhe ani 32 aea-11i's * . - -- - - ,
. . McQALUSuddenlV, at Seafortb,on year, taken by Airs. Ge. -age Tebhett, in 1009. All of ,which I res�ecttuliy
. 1p , _6& . . . . . -1
I fo e � John , and "How to hAlp our members haveM._11.
. I . . Monday Nov. 2901, Mr.:s, Clefijentine submit. J, W. SHAW, U. . I inery .
Jeweler I I = = I . MdOall,"widow of the late Jinnes Rail. a Merry Christmac.." taken by Mrs N' . Conn Ford brought in it, motion ask-' * . I 4W
.1 �
I I . I Clinton. . day, .McCall. . . . . W Treviartha, I . ing that a by-law be prepared so that * I .
' .
= ! I ' . . -The following is report of the pup- money could be raised for flia purpose � 1* . . .
__ 1. . W., S�t * , . , . . . . , * ,
- ___.________________ MARRIED ;
_ ,--- __ -7 . ' . . � � ils of S. S. No,3. for the men th of Nov,Xovof making good roads next year, This . . I . � ,
HUTCHISON- CASH -At Ashcroft vember based on regularity. good de. brought out a big discussion and on * ore.. , . k%, I . . . * 11 ..
ll .Portmentandgeaeral proficiency: - motion of Coun. Jackson se6onded by . . .
. I B. U, on Nov, 10bb,. by the Rev.. Mr. -h Class . ,F,_aenkins,OMair,A F"w Coun. Taylor, Chat the Good Roqda . be .
"R .
. C .. � *
I . i � It Henderson, Daniel W. axitqhNoh to. -, � o . I ), . .
. .-
;E 113dilh,Aknes, daughtei? of. Mrs. E'.. rtin, J. Palmer, L Lavis, D Huller, 0 . left over -till next y0ar,it was only car-* I . , . . � . : ..
I . I .1 Conn6ll, 0 Alcock, A Connell. Sr.ard lied by. ilia casting vote of. Mayor I . � . I
. Cash, of Seaforth. I .. � . M Ostrc,m, R Ostrom,. E. Farran, H Wiltse,' * For--�Jooper, Tayl6r, -lack- W A Window 'Of. Hats at
, . ,
10' r I . Thl@[L-KOQH--A,t DAshwood, on L%vis, 0 Holl%nd. Jr. 3rd, H'Ostruln, $on, Mayor, Against-GibbbIg, ftill- SchoolSh0es' he '. .1 � 1, . � 'stem. I
. I
.. . .�
� . , .Nov. 2-Ith, Himor Theil of Zurich, to V Jervis, H Procror, P Pal mer,R Mon•� - 0 4nd Ford. . � i . 3 $4 -'
. 9 � . wav -wn wished tosee the . �$. . * I I
-10 . --tx Miss Amelia Xoeb. - . I .1 � pings. 2nd, A Leonard, M Holland, L 0611deillor Jacks t . I '
. , I . -
0 , IIABK1RK -'- RABKIRK - At St. 10lu'l, I I ,� I
I , �er.,tS .Rair, D Gliddon, r, Jer0s, photos'of every Mayor hatiging in � -W - SPECIAL -REDUCTIONS IN. TRIMMED ' * .,
I . Andrews church Manse, W,iiinlipeg, on , 0, or. 'Sr;, Pt. 3. F L%v1s,, W, tile. Council chamber Init lust - livs re. . . . .'DRESS' .HATS I . , , ".
! Lads and', I,as, I . N`ov,23rd,-by.Rev, Mr. Sinclair,:Mr.i Alcodk. Jr, pt..'2' A McCartney, E quest, along. with his request that a , . W . .. . .: I . .� . - . I
. I Robert Habkirk, of Neepawa, Alan., to Ford N I I - Read, -A new chair be purchased for. tho Jkldge, - . . . .
. I F , Mail,, 13 Holland, G , . " . I .. I . I
- . I . I . ord. ' * -_ - . -, _:__ .-__-- - _z;;��_ * , ,
. I � . Miss, Belle RAbkirk, of Brussels, Out, , J Ostruini, Pt. 1. N. Miller NV .Mayor and Magistrate. He was able: � , , � . .- . .
. J ". No. oil roll 371, Average NY. . to get through Magistrate.
.other requests * - ..� , . . .. . . . . � . . . I � .1. . . '. I .
Ever healthy school boy and girl. As hard on . RATZ*�FAIIN8 R -In, 'Stephen, at arv's I .1 I ' ,
T . I . .
the home of the bride's parents, z Mr, W. Trewartha, Teacher. . . 1. . . hdwever,.andthese,tbree� are indeed * ;. ., . . ` CANTELON'& .." -* I :
I Shoes. This time of the year, they need good, I and Mrs, John Paliner, on 'Dec. let . - . .needed, A, wicket to be placed, inside . � M1 " S.S.. . . Coe,; .
h, . .• .� . � : . I the door of Olerk's o0lce for 0 -sell . * '. . . . I . . . . . I
strong Shoes to keep.th6ir feet dry.- We have just William. H. R%tz, to Miss LaMna'Fa - . - -. . I .1. Ruburn I I �
. I . . : have ner, all -of Stephen. . . . . � � ticketswhen concerts are held. )
" � . . 1: Miss IMay - McBrien, of -Detroit,* is A stove, for the Committee room and .' -** -*-***-,* ********0%-*** �
. i OL1'IC11_1,-R9A- InBlanshard, .on . I . .i. � . . . . I � . : .. .. . . �. I
placed on our -shelves a well assorted stock of Schoo'l-.:. •It ,visiting. bece;abouts. . . 4aveftielfo,r'furnace. (3.), 25 * ***W * . I . I . . � I
' ' ' . . mare . � " - , i, ___ � ___,_ '-% -.,-- ___ - . _ . _____._ . .
Shoes, bought from -'ttl-e'. leading- maqu'facturers In Nov. 25th, L' I.t.'Follick, of 86, , SoClAL-7A Box doe . . I . . . .
. Box
I . . . . . . . I . !at under chairs for auditortuai. .1 I I . . *4 .1 ... I . � :. . . .. . ,. .. . .
Canada. - . I.. I . . . .1 . . . . . . ... I . Mary 9, formerly of -E xeter, to XNs, 'the. auspices .of the Public. Library, ., Councillor (16oper brought up the . � . I . . � .; .11 I I
.. . . I . I I � . . . Zell& Grace, da'tighter of Mr. and Mrs. will field the Temperance Rail follaiwing estimates and were ordered. , . .. . . . . . � r..
. . . .- . .� . .
. ."I
.� . .
. , . . ..� .. I .. � . .. Samuel Rea of Blanshdril. -, .. I on Friday, the 10th; A first class misa. to be paid', - .. I . ,.. .1 I I � Good Colt. For .8gle - .�. I I I . .
, . - . I .. . .
. � ' . . '
. ' . � ... , , , . , - . ,
I I � .
. BOYS - � 11 , ... . � I . � . - WALP&��ELI,idw� In London_ PpIlaneous progrOM will b 'Van- 1111�4TFR C.
I . � .. � . USSEIS, :. .11 � I .
� . . I . 4RIDGE&BOWLUIt CO.0. '
I I . � . . .. . 1. on Dec. Ist, JollaWilliam Walper to - � Ladies br�ing'oaskets, with I'aAaw, for . ,A good T wontjl� Old, gQ11eA: .�ose Colt - to - N6VOWber.
. . ,r .... �
. I . Water Tow�r Foundati on. . a f)ui .i.
2_0 Sizes -from I to 5. Bo's'` Box I •. -Slies'll to 2. Missei Bal and Miss Lottie Ada Elliott, both of Ex. - two.- .� . .. 1. I I . I I ....... $15UO. . ,*Ile pply to P�,(V�08 , .
Calf,' Grain Calf and Boston Blucher in ,Kid, Box Ualfand : 'eter. - . . . . � � � . - � . �- .. I ThePa'stor will preach at the. Ball. , 49. 64 .. I . .i .... $1,610.00* . . . . � � . ,� . . � . . . .. "..... . , . : .
. . ... . . S Cooper, pump hottse.'- , & . . . I . . I . H
Calf. Prices $11�50, $.1,15, $2 Grain. Zwf. . -Priecis $1.35, . . I ; � . � 7 . .. ... . tl�t Chur6.h on Sunday poxt. - Subject, ,.;•
��. .100;00 . � •
- �
.. I I.. I . .. . . I q . . Kerr Engine Oo., . � C11110n . .
I $1. 50 stud $1.75 . 1 . . . . .'Our debt to th . Hydrants and. * ' � . I �
I and $2.25 - , . : . � . . . , . �� � �� I � . . a ,-Heathen." on.
. 11arket Report. : Bargains.
� . . . , C. . � , � � , ' . I I Valves-......-... , ............ $07 96' , I �. . .. I � . , .
I _ . .� . . . . . ' . offering in file Sunday School on. )e- T M 933:r Corrected. every �VhlirddO wrternoon . .. .1 . .. . I
� � I Cullen,*p1pelaying ....... $1, . . . I
Yorwus ..� . .. . CHILD'S ' ' : -:.. .. ... District ,New,S half of Foreign Missions. Tito Lord's -m - ' 571 . .11 . . . ,. I . I I . .. .
I . . •
... . . . . . . . . � I . a�.kdnvle Milne &Vo ,�' .. . � � t . I I
.. 11 . .. . . . .. I I Supper "will after the ser- % I . WIIL �tt, ,(new) ..... I..,. 1, 02 to 1 02 . 100 -lbs. Redpath's. Gran.,
. . I . I. . - .
Sizes 11 to 1%, in B 0 if Sizes 8 t6 101, in Kid and:.13ox . -.--.,. , ___ .- % � . . deep well tubing.. 4; ....... ( $194,33 Oats, (old) ............ I. 0 4o to 0 40 * . Sugar -....;.'.;.,.'.'.'..,.$5,.00 ...
:1 _ , ._:-z��:,.z=l��. vice, I ... Vo- " ' 11 I
. l
I cnX, 6,a,if: 6 al If2 . Pi -Ices * $1.10, $i.95 I., .. � � � I . I Bowler, of M , A Cantelon,Reser ir ........... M-.00 . oats, (new). ..'.. i, - 035 to C 86
I Grain Oall and Boslo .. . . 11111Wtt. " , : . . Johh NV, B apitou, Mati., . -- . .19 lbs. Red0ath's Gran. -
I . . ,. n. Keystone Driller Co.. - � ... :..: 0 0 3 t . 0 ,-,.--,
Prices'$145,. $1.50, (tend $1.50. . . . . I I I visited bis wife's people,the Knox fill � . � -) , - . Sugar for ............._' 1.,00.
. . . . .1 .1 . .. . ". . . . . deep Wall plivap fittings.. .. $306A Peas ......... �. "S... .. .. . . .
� . . .. . School Report--Thd,f011owing is the ::ft,1 lie first of the week. His objedt.. . 0 85 to 0 81 - 14 lbs. New'Oleaned Our• I
* I . . .. . a ort of $ 8 No 0, Hullett, for�,Nvvenl . in coming East. is to pick up �a c6up'le Canada.Founury Co. . I .. . Eggs ......... *_?-.-i..-0 23 to 0.2et . � . rants ................... 1.00' .. . I
A full assortment of all kinds of Fall Foo I tonnes.. Butter ............... �_:() ,I to 0 22 :. 14 lbs.'New Selected Raisius I *00 � I
twear.' . bar: -Sr 3 -1? Fingland, R, Robinson,Robinsitit, of of horses thizough- Briice-, , Water Tower special,
I ........
. m n . � s our stock.. � . '.- M TV1-cLe . od. Jr3"D blogridge, Win .Co., -his tortnei home. 'H.t,,'Knox ac- " tiop, -a-Thom ;o.;;dc)::...........�..",r).()O . 1109s; -, -'- - -1 - -;- � - t,'- - 1 5U to 7 50 I I . .. . I I.,
Come: in and in pect . . . 'Good, Sr -X Wagner, G Roberton, .00, ,,, _ Gartshoi.
I . . ., .... � . npanied hirn'to, the Guelph Stack Cast iron pipe. aind specil's. $2,717,57 Potatoes * .... I ........... 0 80 .to 0 30. 1 . . I NEW. PEELS. 1. .
I . I
' "' - - J Govier, W :-Wagner, A. Robinson-, M. Show held this week. . I . , . I I .
I I WE ARE SPECIALISTS : -IN THE SHOE. : . I Cox. Ji 2 -E Good L B;J1. M Oft. ,The. sh6ds at the .Baptist Church Reeve Gibbin a read the following _" - ' ' " . 1,emon, Orange And Citron, �, _4, .
I I I . 4 1 .
I . � 9 9 I
. .
�"" . TRADE. � I , . I . . . . . . Jr )-)E. Good,
L Ball, M Wapner, R were last week make .a and WOre-orde.red to.be. paid, . MEMMMUERFM . mixed, per lb .......... 15C . I ... .
- . . : . Runking. - . ... .
. .Sr Pt, 2 N Paterson, D m .1.v , � W � 1 7 11), box for. ......... . .: - 1,00 �
,nod appearance at the. .rear of the . , 7 gill.w A((o �C�v WINTER 11RN tROM JAN. 5pd
. �. . . . ,g -friends pav , , ` . I . . .. I I . . ' . � I
-1 .. . I I I . . . , :.. McLeod. Ave, '25. F 0 Hesq,Tcacher turned
- goodly :number of � :sheet NTOV., � ......... . . . I . � �New Cooking.Vigs, at Oar lb�-. 5c 1 1
. . 1.
r . � :Our sc"hooi is having -aliConcert •,on turned out to. ass"istin the ralsilig - and':, �. � .1.!...1..$20,W �,'A� . I � , New Do,teg,....&.-........-......','..g
_ LOree; drA%y1ng-....;... ...05 9, GENTR L . 1. e
* , Decembet2'2n& 1-.^,,-,_,�rm , . -.��-�,�q,.";�tias. the Ladies Aid' provided - dinner and "Seeley.& West, repairing tools.. $6.60 . . . 11 ,� . � Now Prunes. .-; ....... � ....... Ift �:` : . ,
mss. C. Rath 'well. Clinto'n' ' 9' ' � '. I 74c-lj�o'ij� -............„-.y--.-.:-; -,, supperlor themou Tuesday and -ain" 11 . 1,1, � I I . I .
I . I . . . . . 1. ,01 0 j_SodS . . W . I .
- I I. . � . .
�J•� : . I I � report.for. H Hill,,curb arid �valk ........... $41.50 ,
I . . I ner.on-,W�dnpsday.' To all. who help, . � . . . I . I 14
I , � 8 Na: a, Hallett; for Noveniber,marks . h I .
. I
. � �thanks..:I
� . � . . . I . .. . ': -I .
. _. I
_- names are in, or er 0 --Jr 4- . ed the trustees desire to: tender . their .11 I PitoPiciurY. AcCOVINT' . . . -STF`1 At.PORD, ONT. - - - . ' " OINEIL
WWWMM7 WWWWN"I ... are based on conduct and proficiency ' . � . . I 51t . . . ,
. , hearty and sincere . ;'. Blebtric, Light' Oo,street..... I ... $1Q2,U0 .' . ' -ainln�� W - I �.
----. d f merit: Considerable ititerest was attachdd .96 . :,. , 11 The beef ImAlcal ti of On' • i 4 I T 0 � . �
. . . I . I -I-., V Cole. - Sr- 3 -IT Siedool, Ai- I . I .. hall.. - .%_..... a 8 89 tarlo.i.Ve offer, advantages offer . I . � .
I . . . . ! � molal . . . . elsewhere
'I'd.. . . •I ... &.
.. ".11.1'.... •I."..�.�."...."�d.�,.�.4'...�-.1.1 -�,11"..".,�....O!.,..,.�...,.�..�. � to the Fervice on •,Stuiday last at the - ' ore lu Canada: Our teachers ale Phone 48 - '
-1 ............... I.....,..,..,..,.,.......,.�,,-�O.- . . . - . . �' "Voilden, R ,'BroVV6, A Littie,"Ai Apple- . . . LM�L 1AJj-]toVl&1j\T1;iN�TS�-, .' ; . ..
* . .
. I " . . z Baptist .. a . I m 13 .
. . . . I . . . . . Beal
ced, cours.es blibroiigh raiii iliac- I . . .., . .1 .
- M * " ' : bp. Jr3-FIToddell; K-Waythoutb,. preached a. special' T a. m'p a r a n c 6 lov. I � , d we assist graduates to good poj-' ' ... .
- . . . . - " .' Church '-wh n -the Paster I.pa*y sheet, Is . ........ $46.00 , , au '
. . apson, E � . .
.' I 1j. . J Miller,13 loads 4;��i�i ......... �S&()o ftions, The 'doinand &V proserit greatti- .. THE RUB GROCER. , I
? 1 4 Lee.. Sr2=y -Cole, I R, , . .
I sermon the s6bjectbeing'"GO&S woe oxceedsthostiphly� woprel)areteacliors .. . . . . . ,.. . �. .1
. � . '$L.9, � -IjittI6, J Gorbatt. - Jr2"M'Taylor, F 3.78 � . �
FA �LL TE.R - - ' -
. , ' for Butineigs College wb6,, . I I . I - ----- 4�. � I.,
- Begins on Sept. est. shod ind 3. , % . � .. �. 6 2 0 .* . - oil Drunkard rnakeis,'! taking as his I 3 Hamilton bbls cement...: .... $9. . I . . . . . .
S Oar old,eitablish . � I . - J Hamilton drayftig water..., I . $1.75 . . .
'reliable school ofters the best, facilities foll? , -- .. .. - ... � - . .-. ,Nfcoodl, W McCoal. ,T Appleby, A text, Hab. 2 -15, * In forcible language . � .� . Writu-now for our Free Catalogue. . I I �
I tipsiness J.. .. Qarbutt. Sr4-A Vodden, G1 - I ews,- tile ................ $1.69 . . Botter andE99SWante.d
, * ,
V'SeCllrillg F64VIldf. -►. . cribed the pitable condition ,c . . . .
, tvaining, I -. I X . � - � ; "' "' � T McKehvie,. lumbed......,....-. 40.51 -D. A McLachiin . I . . I
iness alid. shorthand J * 14 . . ' r Vadden -he des S J'Andr
. t. � WMYS - to - z ., . . , A Waymouth, . M -Gorbutt.- Jr I -J the Drunkard and his farlifty and.. . 4 I . I
- . Catalogue'. . . . . . . I . . I .
.•I - . . . . . I . : . �
investigate. I . I . . I . I.. I - . . I . . . .
I . .. . I 4 *I. * . . Taylor, R'Oorbubt.-$- Lee�' The best showed how Drunkards were made by . . W.k . I . . PRiNdiPAL . I
- . I I I .. 1_.� . Tr%riwolucs Accovti,r - . . . . I
- ge �
spellers during the month are: -Jr 4- . . . . . .
I i .
. : Z Q . . .f, . . i
- X
I Grillsh AmericavAusiness Colic t _. . I yeal. ago, Mr. George - ' direct solicitationi:by careless example L Crete tinloadill ' gasoline engliie$5.00 . , , , I . I I .
. Mair. �Sr 3 -F, MqCool. ST. 3-K 'and by party. Politics. ,The serntefi . 99 . . I .
. .. = 0110 , .. . '. .
E -Akd-an Wag eirningaboub $100 - an . � . � . .
.- Yonge and McGill Sts., ToronW . - c - Waymoilth. ,Sr2V0ole. Jr 2-M . J 8rown,'470 lbs .coal.... I ........ $I.41 - '. . . . , ... . q I .
. * . . . I . � . - I 4* .
Z. I I J 2 0 vor Yeak ALI; farm laborer. Now ' was effectivialy illustrated by sketches GNWTelegrap1h Account, .... 50 ..
I . ,...
% .�. - ."a - Taylor. Pt I -Q Vodden, B M Me' Out ti thy . bla�kboaid by 'the ... ,
................ _....., . J he rate of U62 . I 6 zna�x onto
......................•......,.,..........;.. 1. = I . I ..
. I . I -teacher. , : 10, himber .............. %2.70 � . I I
per Year. . . Owan, . T McKenzi . . . . I .•. . . .�
I . Z, ;O� - . . . . reacher, which proved -highly inter- . . -I
. .041l�" . . . . . %V a, legal services .,.,,. .$..-,5,00 . . I - . . .
*qmwa 4" 00 4 1101o"'110,0"111,411 . I - months' training at oar - . .. . . � - . �.. .. . . .
I . : I ". . . . . Sole Agency. of Store EffePM Niq1t . I
. '
. . I I , six
College ,nage the differ- ' . . nce, : , Ahm WATT n AecouxT. � Agency
. . - ,J, . 1 : preacher,
to. both old and, you'n . The . � Bi��don
. I. R.I�txi - �k w I ' . . I I
, . . W. & �. rrt i) � . , 'i I 0. Business .- . . Consta I choir rendered a selection,. 11 a. ill . , 8.1ini, . I 1. I Sole .
. I . AW once. Was it a good inN*astment 1) ' � Conquer." with gre'a't credit. Seeley -kWest repairing pipe._ 50 1 Blyt �.- I ' .....
� .
I , He- thinl;s so. Ells address 1� . W&INTED.-on Dec. 13th and in the worning. � I . . .n I . h ' ' . Jill NeW Vleaos ' .
Girls wf�nbed for ilewoLt. b4ghtbot� •. . 0 . .. . % -of the LIft-Turkeys. 14c; gebse. IOL; ducks, Ile; I I . I - I .•
� . . . F r The . I I
cleanest si , id most up-to-date Blouse and . , ;,) M4.011goode, sack. . I I . V I 1, Posv,koE Aecov.,,,T, . . 1. .. . 0 I I . I � •
. . . .. I - for the Kant- ..' .
whitewear factory in ca -da. -Nvork , I . . 16WI 7o; chokens, 10c. All dry-Ifludked; heads . . . I I
� .•
,Off g, S'orter's 811i% � . I . 14. �
. . COLMsistRofso,wiugL-M(Iiel,'Wilists- Girh-- .1. - Four Courses: I . , eese and duelm. HOIST. C . onstance. . . .DbMacPherson, ostilge, 7 . .. � . . . Sc.idnton Coal.
2 A . W . p I— ''Ill * . SPECIAL !.' � .
. I I �
exl4rienced on power machines Waists,
•�.. : , - . I . I . 1 . Mi.Cart6iis inOuelph '..attending I. Mr Torrance'retufned home on Sat- ' itionths .............. t� ....... . $7.00 .Krack Rubbers I , . . . - . . . I .. .
: . ... tiatory * . I
red, but. beginners will betalight. Com- 400 Prep. E Pat Stock F air -there, urday having'finished. packing &K)Ies. ..
fortabloquarters. Stemdy.,worlr. Good . � T.t[LIESInut Oo
,11WEAR Alva Co. .I. 'r , " ' The Christmas tree Hatortainineni Mrs'Elliott, Goderich, spent & few .
* a
ta -
, 1. � . .
Z wftgos. Tni,, STARW.k[Irl I 6 . Copuaercial.* . .1 at George VanderburgWs *Jast Pgrth-Mutual,extra pi -am........ $9, 71* . .•
I . .
Berlin, opt, -_ W. I . - . . - � will be held on Thursday, Dec. gird in I .. , . 1.
J* . . . - � . . A S Pratt, 4 ilay� work.,. .. ... .....$1G.00. . . .
t � I I = I . by 0- � , s _.. the -chur6h. - " , . I= I . . ...1' ., mil -Hu ry Slaw rhteked
al) . , - lantelon 3,00 e .91'. . I
"0"ft"4k*"0##4 Sitchogra .I
. . I week:
kcDo�u left for, Detroit J�L 0 ,Ijdays'work:..� ... $t I .
. . . I I � . .• . - George T, Dale called on his brother- Al . 1. � . . ..
. . . . V.28 I . � .
. I " . . . I last week, where has secured a W Brydone, Legal -services...... V , . I
. . . .
. .. . I � . . . . .
A . . . Telegraphy - � . in-lavv, W. Connel,' of Holmeaville.one g.h%','.' .. . . Aswedo no�'-carry Millinery over ,from 6fte 9.eason to .
I -1 T. Al2 - . � . " 1. ' day last Week. , . . t . . . . 1x9vjtAx(!j-., Ac(!o(7NT' . I � , . I.
.. ELL . . 0 1 'i - . - position for the winter. . . I . I .. . . . . . . .
. ." anter any,time. Individual n- 1. Mr and' ' Mi,s - MdWilllam's left. for . . . ..
I 1, �!11 . 4� 1
. 1. t; I struotion. - � � kra.Wm. McIntosh spent a few days theirhoweintha Soo last Monday 11 conomical Co Prem, Town another eve: have'decided -to sell of our -Villinery
- . I I I . I the gubat of bar daughter, Mrs.. John . . . . . � I , . I I
. F after Hail ....... ............. $15 75- .
= � Mills,.of Matlock. . , . . spending, a few days at, .Wni . Stock at less than cost. Kindl� take a look' through...
- I Write for pairti=14" I . . I . I .v i . ,
. I . Yolinston's. CrOV.,8tio,r.,.rty AccorN . .
- . . � . ' .
. @0 I , .. . . The, Bible Society Meeting was held . '. .
. .
, . . 1.
cor. 'Yonge and Ajewwder Sta., Toronto, - . . . .- onThurpilayVIvening. Rev. Cps- Mrs Fred Moore and children, of -_.L____ - . .
. � I I 0 Orich, salary, N6v, .......... %$27,50. - . I . I . .
Ont.' The demaild tok graduates Is f"11 .1 I . . ; . .� . � . . . . I
. I . � * ens, of I Att Will � T Cottle, 2,1 days work ........ VAS . . I ..
five times the sul)pli�, New cateloguo free ' I - Clinton add ,meeting Munro, spent a few days � . I I � skoes I . . .
. winter teiinfroindin.10.1t . I I I .. CLINTON . 1, ' Mrs. Thos Trowes an n,, of Bran. Johnston's last week�her sister Minnie T McKenzio lumbel. ..... .. .., 2.1,71'1 � 111000 alltt SlIkOeS. , . .
.,. - - - - . I I . . � ��. . I Men'o Heavy Wor
,I I 1 don Man., is expected arrive this returning hotae with her.. . .1 X -Carrick, salter Nov.. - . .�)king Shoes, reg. - �
Ifoo 'tThis is where you gat big Value for
- .
. . COLLEGE -' week for a yls% with Mr. and mis.,.W Thos and Mrs Elliott have moved. -in , U .50 for ......
. 7 q•BUSIMSS '�- W 1-1 Kerr,printing recount, 1) $1 96
. . - . I , L 4 .yotirmcney., Butwhenwe vea 5 - - .". ""
I . 1:. e,lk to their hoilso,acro6s from John 4164811eavYW ' oes, reg .
* V
,,, No .. I I . .. . B; Cook.laAll q='-=!15 ... 110�%.nl) 0.10 IIE,..LTK q .. to -M per cant discount.o regular I . orking Sh * ,
1. . . . .. , 4�+ . -
-n and Girls . . .. I _ ___ _ T rraneesandas they have,jus . . - -Ilv�l I I .......... , I
wome I I . . I .. While O'wen Flynn -was -riding a 0 c1com- - -a getting bargains indeed 1 200 for .... 1 50* ...
- mericed life's journey together, their 3 W Sha .
I i ,r4 -salary ..... ...... 300) prices, You 11b, Mail's Heavy rking.Sboes, reg .
I , . Guo. Spo*o-x, PrIacipal % horse out to Walton. Hewerittoget, � .it ., , _4.s5 and.bargains an good pound new shoes. . � ..
f . . : � postage..,- O.. !. 1 2 80 foi . ......
I I .........
. I . .1 off,the horse reared and threw him many friends ,journey
them much'joy and . . . � We'will only, quote a few of the prices - - -..� 1 05
NV A N " _P R D I - . - . Men's Fine Shoes, *reg. $2 line for I 25
,�., ............ 14...0.~ ...... 4,110 1. 1-0.06.6,41 ...... 0j.,..,. off breaking Ili$ collar bone and two many years of wedded liallbiness, � . . . onmtrry 1 � I I . . ;
I . . I. -
as machine operators and for other � '.." ribs. His many friends hope ti). see On Wednes&y evening of last Week ' . . Men'dVine Shoes, reg 2.50 line for 2.00 .
L -4_ . , J Wheatley,supplies for it Oatrlck'0,57, - LadleS' FiNle 1(id S11110CS . ;
steady . . Pat. L I I
factory Work. Good wages and P . L I . . v him out soon again, , , . I . a quiet but pretty wedding took,place . . . . 1 25 , Alen's Patent Colt Shoe, best L
employment. Write us, . ri or Sale. . I . . . . at the home of Mrs Lindsay whey her . Council then adjourned to ,meet on Medium Sole, one $10). line for. -$ ! L ent. reg, $5 line. Sale peiae.. '*3 05 1,
. . . �. � ' Fine and Coarse Shoes at 63o
. . daughter Pearl wasunited it, Marriage Dec.15 for final meeting. . out, $22) dull finish top. blubber Boys . .
H&1)1)y T110119116 lunge, In good order, c ori � Landeaboro . . liter - I . I I
le Clinton Knitting Coltd. A to Sandy Sterling both of Goderleb cut Xid Shoes for .......... . I 75 1,00i 1.25.
or%Vood.1A-lrohCh%llongo wood heater, in gfwd Fine Kid Shoe, light sole, blucher .
Clinton. . Onitairlo. order. Will be sold reasonably for atitiloksale. We are havini areal old jashioned, Tp , Rev. Mt McNeil officiating, Their . Appli0ations Wanted MMPs 11nderwear at Greatly ge. : ,�
t Apply to H. BARER, Al#ort ft, nbrtil. winter at present. , ' � . . many friends join in wishing - ithem � 1. out, good value at 61.7.5,an ex- - .,
. 1. . ... . � . Rev. Mr Hackney has been with 'much joy and happiness. . . Applications addressed to Me tinder pro, special bargain at........ 1 .30 i . duced Pekes , �
�_ . . signed will be received up to Monday . . .
. . .. . I . I � . evening. Doe 013th, for thie positio) I is of ' � . Men'd pure liool shirts and .draw.
I . - - WOMMMON drawn from being a candidate .for . I � �.. Utdies' Felt and Irelt4lue.d. Sboeg erp, reg $1 line to clear.....:.. 75.
.. .- �.J, . .. " , , � I Burns and Knox churches. I Waterworks Engineer and assistant . I �
'The trustees of 8 8 No 8 have had a. I Wool nap shirts and drawers, reg
A Lorm 'LIST few applications for the Junior room TOWN . COUNCIL . Engineer. D G Macpherson, Town Our $I.tAl Shoe for....., ........... 1 25 . alar $1 line to clear at - ' .7q -
. I . . , 0&k. , � - 1* . . our $ 170 Shoes for ,.... . I I
. . I ! - . 1 30 111eaxy ribbed pure wool shi;,i� WTi� .
stock a but salaries are very high. I . . .1.� Ladie8l. , �' 4' ::, 45 . . ,
. ,
-,- � \ We have added to out, at � . 0600 , - 600 Van plipp r for.....,. . ^
- ; , . The regular meeting of the Council 60 F
I., N long list of useful and attractive Rvaporator veeeivdd a cat, load ra,Werf;,regolar 75a lines..
. . * 1.1 I, Christmas presents, Alve The: from God Lich from the was held Monday evening in theCoun. A6nuil Arc-eting 11011's Velt's'lloes '. Pure wont Fiefte-lined Peiira��'; ;
7 41JLk� . Valley pArlov of apples . . ; I I
.. Chairs and Hookers, Parlor Tables, company that was burnt out. til Chamber. 0 I I make, regular 75c lines for. (W .
I , VA I - . 'Ls Cotton
,tt4,ts Leather on low part, a big seller , Men Fleece •lined ehirta .
. . Desksf Music Oabineta, Couches, Chan Watson and hif. bride have re Mayor Wiltge in the chair. Reeve The Annual itieeting of tili1lolmon a * and drawers, regular 50c lines so , i'
U � I Ag bargain at .... 1 7.5. L
:,.ue. .,.,� Tables, etc. We are olfevibg e, 3. down -tothe sterb. realities of. life, ' Holloway, Jackson and Ford,present. "' 8hoe in our.32.25. _ MeWs. union Shi,rta And Dratom.wers I .1
11 - _
be hold Tliursdavi, December `lied I 75 regular 50e ......... I—. 1. �
- . rich golden The Temperanba Hotel is very likely, . Minutes of last regular and special "" I? . : j.5
Sectional Book Cases, 14' ,xtauslon turned from their, trip and settled Gibbings, Coubobillore ACooper, Taylor, villa Cheesb and Butter Co., ,Ltd, '2') sty
"' �p
'Will '
L. drawer Dresser, in 2.Wtim.,inliolines'Hall. All three I ... I"..... ........ no .
quartor-ant oak finish, with heavy to be c pene4 ti � again in the course of meeting read and adapted.
L Gents' Slippers tog, . W . 1. 50 Ys' ,Fleece lint Shirts and .
tors slid stockholders are requested to I I . . I Dr4*ers, reg d00 linea at ...... g5, ".
1'rItt L '
I I . bevelled '-plate Mirror, at $0,50, &weekorgo. .here were three ap. 0onimunicationa were read from the b ant. Election of officers and , it Vlor Onr Christin . r
Wash Maud to Mitt0h at $2.50,Irou plicants for it. PAllultrvAssociation asking for free use 4 at; .4,41,
" - t'. Beds ranging in Price from $2.50 to The employees connected of HPLII for their show. -Granted MeYAMainess. -Accounts must be in No,xt Week. j R0lld4y'R411dk0reblCf8 In. Vver i
I ; .. hel 3' re *ater. the hands of the Secretary. oil or be. . I Variety of Color, ,I
, k, 120,00, full sized Bed -Spring at with the Evaporator d a' Jubilee V or Willis Chipman 0. I , . I
: i 11.1". 1 :1.50. come in and sea on,, Oster, in the Tp hall on: 1!uegday night. They works system and contents noted. fore a Dec.15th., 1, I , . L ;4 �
, . . d I I ".."..,"I :__ ..... _ M e L - �
time. . . �
Mr re&rey & Ii C . Threshing Co. , . For We 1, . ;
rho ClivaPest Spot 1A Huron to buy aa/ kinds 6f Fatalturd. College student ed by - - . I I , &' eo �
.. .... 1. - I wool? Mattresses. Guaranteed. had a fowl supper an it flne social Vroni Town, Solicitor Beydone re : . -
,Moved by Cdtln. Cooper second G '6 0 hambers ,
. ,L I � ... ISO . . , . 1. . .
I . L I was the -preacher last Sunday and on Reeve 01bbinga that clerk advert' ,
y and Sunday the - liervioes will Ittv an engineer and. assistant�pow. Happy Thought, R� with reser-
pp'' . ' , i
" �'
Cy I' �
*of ""
- F
6&t 60/aA�-
I I .1 ,I
I.. I
- - _��& 7�
WRA A I 0.-.
- �-g-- '.t .ff."I'.
:)"-� t ... h.'. "� - -
oI--ugh - "'I I P..-
-t.. " C
ept ".."tt".
I` .-II-I �
'r-�' ". �
I" A..". .1 t 'I'..
.... '. "
IC� ach I i n
t # I. .1 RINCIPAL , I
f I I I I
t * I.
_JP_. OTi I
I "
&ML 5001 �v
I n, -.1
I I -
.FURNITURE AN , P rido; duo "for lvgeo',�),l. 1_'d . , Blyth- -� I
t1NDSRTA1f1jN . he con .ted by Rev. Mt Grallitm of er hawse and tend m to be'referred to irOlt- Burbil coal Or aria
, .
. 4L ,� 'condition, ubed only -,
O I OVER & ALL19 Altahthaq comfnittolal- P116d � a short timo. 1, . .
.. .1 . ''..... I . L Thos Manning sr., and wife have I 13�4&*,Xo , 8 of the Rules and Rego. I, Ball, Victoria Street.
, . : I i�
. . . . . . ..
I . . ..
I � �