HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-12-09, Page 1t
rho pe d . LET US DO YOUR PRIM l INQ r
gill ,xtr•rt � . TJ: NEIV' X1 1 a tnttio .»fro "
peplr. 'I' 0 > e1�1e of ON Soto e ds � � I�xe��r�yalir ra
flute tLuAt Allitlurl� nI1 fling 1 and
S„ N you
>� don'tneeed0, 1 Headr�, Letter
1M�1M>Mt 1111'towltL ua8 its �aslul ne JrK» ' ' ,, ,k a nve o es, etc. Work
rlY t4>Ird 1,'10 taiti el3r �ctlrerti lit "
a�Mlrlaials«d o#i ilPpliCaltiOn«
promptly one,,
. a tCl� d
vat, -5 so, 23W! H. Kerr & Son,. Editors and Publishers.
c illo T u n' 'ou t from J Kohl, 4ttt II, Kehl. Sr 8trd Jr Srd
41, R Huron (r i�.y
' " e >c'arllLerrt' Iustltnte« I Martin b � a nn and. his wife, Mar stet monthl s 1UuR tnatchPs ere: 5th--
1 TII " " the deoistoa of Mr Justice Britton .ills- J Collins., becand Cecil .,fghnaton,
List of West Huron. 111eetiggs in Janu- rnissing their damage action against
ar and February. o for injuries e sustained
� rbu�rn
Rote 14apki' y MtcIntosh orinjuris heoyrgsSte t'
. _ of the West b in run . into - h defendant's Clarence . Cox left _[au Weddt)esday
V), re uI r meetings y g y for Pane Wood %here lee intends
j • OF CANADA Huron h�ar�ere'-Institute will be geld %grass October Q. 141811' Mr Justice
' . , ,� at Auburn (Temperance Hall) on Jan- Britton field there was no. negligence spending a few months.
1�kA.1Cl QHIt' 'Q�s, NTREAL uary5th, and Rintatl (Young hall). on nn de%ndant's art. but provi4elIMAt R. Scott has been, sue6ri g with a
January 6th, The delegates appoint if the divisional court thought diger- sore S No 'O intend holding I heir enter.
715, Branches. and Correspondents ea tq address these meetings are Q. eptly the .damages should be assessed
le throughput the world, W Nash of Toronto and Mrs. Woe- at $100 for Martin Ryan and $3.00 for tainmenton' �iVednesd'ay, D c, 23nd:
1171, Elliott spent few days . S
Mesa .,,-- .---.� parental roof.
° �•, � larid,of, x'orest. Supplementary meet, Digs Ryan, Chief Justice Falconbrid'ge with Miss It�ch.el P�ttarso ', y - - ; p IYir Willard Lee,, of I.ondea:boi•a ° •
CW141 ae4 Reserve , ,$1015,001001- in s will be held as fellows , aad Mr Justice aiddell agreed there s d Exeter r Fbolly G,00/is,
g Mta Rachel Patters it tertaine Sundayed at the home of Air F,
Feb .1•k-Loadeaboro', Bell's ball, was no negllgence but Xr Justice afewof her friends on Ifirid iyevening. FUI.LICK-FENSVICIa -Irl Hay, I'ertlnnlcog
Total Assets. ..:, .$5a,50.,8UQ 15- Holmesville, Wilson's hall., Teetzel held tkie defendants did pot oh J ek •1 art Dec.X, 1-, li7N Annie' Fenwick, Iturschenski, � Toilet Cases,
•' " XO-.Benmiller, C�iedhiil's hall, exercise tea oaabie care. 7 .-n :� son had Ata , face k . j. F Youngb ut s steam sawing outfit Manielll>!•e Seto.
�-- •' 17 -Dun annon -Elliott's Ball, while fixing•a wire fence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Fen bas Been buzzing !it olii pelf ltboriiood • Leotlier Coods,
--•�P---- -r^—^-- wick, to Mr,. Enoch b'olliek, of Hay; the est week,
Special attention given to )Deposit Ac= a " 1s -St. Augustine, Church hall IBrue0l e'd---•"--^ - ^ by Rev. Ephraim Koyle. p. SLrivip Secs,
' a rte requirements " 14) St. Helens, Mechanics: Inati P "Wier has his fine yours driver a g
counts, and, t- req me bliss Hamtlton..of Iowa, is the guest Qoderic4Townahlp The Golden Wedding anniversary of in training. at present.. g �' Ladies and �,en0Cow,
of Farmers, tute. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch l+ollick was cele. paniollB«
of her sister,' Mrs. `swers, of ,the Miss Hattie Middleton' is visiting Chas Oke 'has purchased a flock of
«� please. friends in Goderich, orated, Wednesdwy, Dec 1st at the , pure bred sheep at a fancy figure. The Fancy Stationer
' Joint accounts on which interest will Tuckeramith Tho Sabbath School scholars are busy We are sorry to hear, , that .'lilt's f`tmtly residence Main Street, Exeter j gradual iinprovementof farm stock ie,.
'• - Enoch rollick and Annie Fenwtek Everything for the smoker. Lel.
halt-yearly, may be open. $r, the last regular meeting o£ the I nracticisin -for their Christmas Tree Anderson, Bayfield Linei is main in , one of the pleasing sigu.a of the grow- act now, we will put them
g were married on Dect, lett 1850, in the ! p
ed I* the name of two persons, with-. Tucketstakh Council, it was decides Entertainment for Christmas Eve, very poor health. and is not improving, Ing prosperity o[ our, agcicultitristal'. aside for you,
y P On 13abbatli last, R,ei�t Neil Shaw, as quickly as her roan fri@ndo would township of Hay, by Rev. Ephraim
drawable h either arty. to ofiei for sale .debentures to the am 1 y y 7 he Benmiller Beef Iting have moved I
oust of $17,000; for the purpose- of of I,gmondville, preached a strong and :wish. Royle, and have spent the fl°fty years their sla�ughter•house to the farm of
of married life which was completed T
defraying the expense in connection impressive Temperance sermon In the Mr .Norman. Welsh had returned p J Schwann, who is the butcher. this •'
with the New Telephonp System Lust ,Presbyterian Church. He ur ed all home front the West.- to, spend the yesterday in and around Exeter. Of �Q
p R. E, MANNINOP Mgr, he townshu , g the twenty-two persons, adds greatly to the convenience of Mr A McConnell
completed throught A to take a strong stand for Temperance winter with his parents, M�Ine
and Mrs. y p sons• who witness- Schwauz. and indirectl benefits the
p ed the marriage only seven] survive, yThere were foyr tenders for itis par• and to'vote aaiust the..great evil of Alex Wrleh, Bayfield . MTs , inetnbQrs Iso.' chase: of> the said debentures, viz-- One of those, Mrs. James avrott ofGLINTON DRAiVOH strong: drink., Rev. E H. ,bawers also many friendsa re pleased see him 7.he farmers of this section have >'hm. B,
Messrs. Wood, Gundv and Co., ueo.A preached, a Temperance sermon. in back again. Hensall was the bride's maid. Six sons made good use of the opportunity of --Stenson andeo„ Brint, Nixon and Co., the 1,i mondville Church, Mrs Green and family, who moved and two daughters were born to Mr, forded by the Etna weather of, late to C.P.R.f'PR'telegraph Agency'
-- {{ g and Mrs. k ollick of whom three sons.
all of Toronto, and John Rankin, of .------ to (�oderich a short time 1 ago, have g;et their .fall ploughing ,and outer .
' 1 Seaforth. Mr, Rankin being the high- n and two daughters survive, The fam=
' iClppeu got comfortably settled -in Their new -work well under way which will give ,
•. est tenderer was awarded the bonds. home. Their many friends and neigh: ily was all home to Celebrate this them an excellent start next spring.
' i From the fact of such strong outside Mrs Osborne and son Roscoe spent hors*were • sorry to lose them from event which is rarely the privilege of a 1it,ha, the approach work is not 1
. V a week with friends in Wingham. theft midst. 'Mr Percp Cale, who par family, to enluy, They consist of Mr. I yet completed, the new bridge is open
�� rr�rdo4 ♦� �ti'r�
Xtas �IdfS firms tendering for these debentures, ( p p
Miss Bertha' Dayman was quietly , and Airs. E. A. Follicle Aliss Hattie, for ]united traffic and the residents of i
1ankin is to be congratulated oil . chased tilts Green's tine farm is rusk-
{ his,silocess in securing them.' married on the 30th alt, to a gentleman ing several improvements now Percy M'ss ):%dna and Master Joe of T%xeter ;
to Toronto. ( Dr. an Mrs. Follick and Miss Mable the Maitland almost forget the i neon• � �mas J l'L's�n�S
r ` Ebony Mirrorl Council .met on Saturday of this , )has secured the cage, all he needs is d venience which'' they have endured
Mrs. J. B Diuedale s many friends the bird, of St. -Marys ; Dr. and Mrs E R Fall- the past summer, when crossing thea _
Military Brushes weak at 10 a in. will be pleased to bear of her recovery Cole's Me,liodist Church have de-. Irk stud son Clifton R of Grand Forks,' handsome new structure,
•' Hair and -Cloth Brushes I - after her recent illness. • cided to hold a Cbrisrmas. 'free .and B, C. ; Mrs,_ Maria.Uul, of Grand• Bend Durst Bros.,Iire exhibiting ,% number Our stock makes the selection'
„ , 11[clCillop Entertainment on . Friday. evening, I sistar of. Mrs. Follick, and Rev.. C. W. � of their prize fowl at Gtiel h this week
' Manicure Articles Mr. and Mrs..D, K. Alton. 'of Ganes � y g, easy.
The 11lilvertcn Sun of December 1 were visit►ng•last week in the. homes ,Dec. 27th, 'An excellent ro lent a .$"Iter of Arkona, Ont; completed. the. T(ie are io ressive and energetic Our prices makes. buying Yasy; `
•' Toilet and Manicrue Sets says : What looks like a traged.v oc- of their brother-in-law, It. Stephenson consiatin of music, • die o ues and company., poultrymen •a d we shall bed s- oint 4
curved in the township of McKillop and W . H Johnston. g S "E en down, to old sae all m people y . • pP F 1iodaks And Supplies
recitations is being re erred A sit y p P edit they do stiatnin their ire tttation
Gillette 1Eszor Seta. _ �- The Alethodist choir provided music lfrom the ro ram ne and .ultrisrnaas shall prove by bringing 'back a ciodl number of Manicure�Casibs,
r: about a mile and a half from Brodha
fur the annivetsar services at Six• N My-srivirrei n etexnal uncban sable `� g g y dl. Military Cases
Holiday perfumes all best orors en acid shout nine miles from Monk y Tree thepI� dies . Aid wild .present g g the prizes awarded to their class. I[a11ll Rags
I ton on Monday morning' last,. when smith on the 28 nit. The Revs. Mi 1• spacial prizes Co itis cl►ildren f°r rr u- love h D Snyder leaves'shortly for Guro e i a;
in bulk and farcy packages were the h P Pocket Sool:
p Bertha, the forty -year-old yard affil It Hobbs, of Exeter lir attendancE and the inemoritng of I And when hoary hairshall .their going first to England where. be will I' ,
�t Pipes, Ci;iais, fohaccos and of Henry Ziegler, an old -man living rPacbers, verses. Att en'o able tithe is ex octad temples adorn. remain until after the British election. Our Elwuy Hair Brush
Tobacco pouches, Cigar cases on the.f?th concessiomwais found in a Christmas Tree services are to its Do riot iniss is Admittance 15c, %eke: lambs shall. thAy still iIt :VIT he intends'to make an. extended tour :it $1 is a (landy.
etc. mudhol'e lying with. her face .buried 'held in both churches. The Methodists bosom be,borne."
of .,,he continent luta also western '
deeply. On her forehead was a bruise intend to hold theirs on Ohristmas ,! a '"
Asia. ,Mi -Snyder. hits not deftnitoly � l�] Rl~U ES
toa,ll. appearances inflicted by some and have eugaged Miss ,B»tt of Cen-' Goderich Ti.F XEw Eu.k to January Ist, 101.1:, 'decided as to whether he will return
' circumstances were hem •. The Presb - pp Another n •i h death ok place
dull weapon. The circa tralia to sing fol t Y { J A G dei c a h t0 p e to new subscribers for$I,00. S iklscribe to'Ciinada hitt may eventually locate tiVe have a 1 eautiful selection of
r �■ �'. ��-'� such as wiirranted an : investigation terians will'hold:theirs later.. ! Sunday. Burnett 'Lawrence, tee now, in Glasgow. beautiful packages with very
Dispensing, Chemist. and an inquest was ,held at Seaforth, �."- T_- t youngest and only son of Mr snit Mrs _
P g but on goingto press_ vve are' not iii John McAvo passed awe at the choice odors, at all prices.
r '
possession of the verdict. '1'he, only. Stanley
11Ir.Iii11 drsty some of the steel gird, i age' of twenty -to years And -one
member of the family at home when month'.: The cause of the young man's r c m
tragedy occurred was the father, an era for Glen's'Bridge at the end of est death was consumption to which tie w�Ss • �o meS
i R
ald roan who Cts around with the aid !week, (( otl er obildren of the family bad' -al- THE MO. L Q�NS A `Summerhill of two. eanos.g From ail -reports' lie me Wm C•alen, reeve,is attending thee.(ready 9uecum'bed,I �.
Sunday in ()lin- was.ratl'ier hard to gets along with. .the ' meeting of the, C°tint III One of Qoderich's old residents, in Ineorporated 1$55 Phm B.
lilies Rands spent Sun y j
M1 , L he high constitblo.; at -Stratford and Uoiincil this week. rth visited at i fhe:person: of .Mrs. Arthur Cantelon, y •
ton' tla ;ia+tbrtli'pplice, the crown attar. Mfrs Elliott: ut Seafo , i%IitinU'f,1CrU1'lnf' Chen>i18C.
• Meas C. Button, of Londesboro, was a corbnei at the home of'11IrThomas. Baird during ;passed away. or! Saturday last' at the IL$p'ltu,. PAID L'P'�,�oQ�('0. f
net at Goder'ich, and th . , age of seventy-four years ,. and eight t v� w1��v1�•"IVv1`
visiting. M isses Ball' Mitchell were called b The Free Press. the first of the -week.
A.raumber in th's community at.month-. 1'heDeceased'had been..,in Rest Fulnd s_+ $31,5d�,C0q t �----- -
over the long-distance phone in Gonne. � 5chpol Repgrt-The following is the M poor health since she had a stroke of.
tended the funeral of tae late.Thomas „No 1l Stanley , is t '
'monthly for 3 5 _ p . p ago,. By the way, velli begun to err-.
tion with the. abpve item, but: np~pee,' •. _ aralvsiq five ears. a ° Site was :a �'1S 'i3 j>jC.ltlC�185 iii alliida, and. A{;L111tS and •Orr0sp0uti8n�>�Ln .Ell j
3Sanning on Tuesday. a eyes Linn of the coroner .at% ,Tames are m order of. merit. , :Irh J I native of Ireland, but lied begin a ie i- � • { range f6r your• Christmas .shopping.
Messrs. Baily and j� illiams, of Clin- with the p about phi A Dinadale. G M>Ie$ path. •lth • 1 the Ft inClpal CltiOs In t110. W Orhl.
Seaforth res eedvel spent Mitchell had -heard .anything `V K dentof Qoderich for ma,tiy years. She 'Co Ju( from souls. of our esteemed
ikoti and P Y. P Hg ail heard that the fat• i, Kehl, EI A Fisher, L Rathwell. I,is survived by her husband and by tw.o A GENERAL. BANKING S1TSI31TE51$;TIiA11TSebC'lED. 'enterprises the people, of Cr+natia ave
Sunday on the sixtee tb.. the,oase. h, H dI'Parsons
G .'
p Anna Hood rte's fur tlleru,elvea it
announced rTast week that .hex. of the gl11 hwd been, arrested and Sr i -J Collins, , ;brothers and two' staters, a's follows:
It was oderich but the crown at- Jr ;; _L E Wasman, J .Collins, •J N -.Adam and Joseph.Ourry;. both of Go'd A.V 1 N - B Canadian 'Policy policy with teF'r>'eitc6l to ,p
there will be an entertainment and taken to G a 4S G S A N K. D E P,A: R M N �'k
Lorne there'had heard ubthing of it. ;Hood. Sr 2.-G Ross, A Fisher Cecil : erich, a nd.Mrs' Elliott and' M s Curry, Imperial defenr•e.' '1'hc,y* should beep
Christmas tree, in connection with y P In'Ivorth.Daaot.t.. at all Interest,.ali'ived'tithighestcurrent ra#e. their eyesore Aalstrulia.anclsay amen
the Sunday School. Please take not- He also beard that. the cause • of .•the • Johnston. Jr 2- W° Cooper, Second '• -
ice that the date pas been changed girl's death was an accident. Pt -,W Parsons, B C°h}ns,. •M Cooper, i -
to *hat. Ausfra.l.ians do: Some Canad
i d es of . a 3ivisional .:court. First Pt -W fl Collins, A R'Parsons, . Clinton Brai]ch; -. C .:E.1 • DOW D' NG. Mans a tans apnear to halved very, poor iipin-
from Dec.23rd to Wednesday Dec. Two 7•i the ' OL i 1909 is`now,on: the horns stretch. ion of Canada. °
end. All are welcome, )agree in
dispnissrng the appeal of N . good, The.. best 'spellers in —
LwEt i11°
remains YS i which
There 'rem s only 12 $[JSIIVESS' DA n w c to pr -
Ch ist nts The' maYority �of`°peoplehaye`.thesame
cure r mssresee .ri -vin m th i b7in u til a' s be1
ex r e ce of le ost of a 'r . , u n a • f ew d y12g Y g .
_ Ch istmas, when tilers is a rush, and a a consequenc+r: do:'
fore. r
p PP g F suggest g
not have the same chance ter make .as goof selections aswhen done earlier, when stooks are com tete .and she in a Leasure. We wools su est maim' your purchases
novelties ma be had. ' Our store Is sim ly'full of . new goods; too numerous to give -descriptions of,• but a personal �;t>l�spectaon' .would ;
early, when the bestcholice 'of a1i the new Y
be the. most -satisfactory:
> IGHT : HERE is where we. always � I alt ; . Our Glove stoek is a hard stock to tell you about.
r-^ stud of ��' '= �' • V4 e have so man styles of Gloves so man'. cuts and
score d H. 1. We have,mad a y. ��''< y y r y
•, �. ,;, •so,many leathers, that a description of. all the good
BOYS' REQUIREMENTS -- and they' styles is Tim ossilile We .sell onl loves of well;
d wilt have ,` �; p p Y. . , I{°
x• err
ds know what is. correct, an , , ''' known makers, whose reputation for malutg good
nothing b,ut up-to-date styles end `goods. rr, Gloves : is. widely known.
h•ri and' .„A. �
The .goodness. of 'our';13oys Clothing', g; ,`a f
r is well la> i . 4 to suit all -comers. at from A � � � Ina
our ability to clothe them correctly
75 3 5o. a - pair.
ltnown, which accounts; for'the. success..6f, o f irl/
C' O, •
our' =BOYS CLOTHING Department. "
{1 aY'kr
fi y
Nothing ulcer for a Chris
tmas_ present than
��SNRINKge j�
one of our new; 'up -to, -date Suits. 0 .
I x .,,
x r,
r� au. !
t (� EORGE 1V,o'f
Goad assortment of patterns and. cloths I�EV111�O�1 �+
England •-- and AM H R ST. We. invite you to see
at )fr01XlIt 9$ ilp. many princes and• •society , . •'our large collection of
leaders since his time have :':' v�1/p P� N. n
ERWE (wal Bratld
( l
. '
"c`%/edllanaitu� Xu�`� t
a t
&*%V1at.wa. 1PorrAl.o, N.Y. r;�NSHR/
Most any than would be deliglited to have an op'portun= Nkq�
ity. to wrap up his neck, on a stormy day► tri one of our hand 1
Hewson 4� nde w
Some Mufflers. We •ire slowing several 'new Ideas In Muf-
. e
Hers this: season, In Silk; Worsted and Tool, at trom
,r"! ��ES . `n Nova Scotia"
- We show all the best models �
in-,3weaters,•';,v'itil "a C O*A T : The "Oval Bratltl A is elle pOpular brand 11t9>khc' West.
� � ..C' 0 $2.Sa each. But that is the 'least of the a '
S �r s
SWI+:ATP%R easily in the lead NTER UN R
a favorite. All worsted yarns, i reasons why ;veil,. should I. Our I it 111 Wi
.wear them.
j I , ; . � � � A
fuli fashioned. extra heavy, with ►S� a vV ti d finest 1P you Want a strong; hated% , � display iag the nes we haveever
%ono or pearl buttons; acme of I WEAR This weather suggests heavier Underwear, We
� some love, well. fitting and.
the styles having contrasting' pro erly put td ether, you study the Underwear question and appreciate the dif had the l.1loitstire of offering our
rolors around•.the collar and p g ' , customers. The new Shnrtings
' wiltappreciate reclate the ' material,
`i There is no time life the' Pp that ferent reairernents of then;'; Some then Want tt'Ubl Or are vary llantisorne, while the.
down the front. \ \ r style and Workmanshipt . a
' \\, 11 making oily selec a e ,. FOWNES a> nothing ;others' would not and could not wear wool at fit, ttiake and q nano y of material
pre�e t for g y have m d forill a CoitlltillaLtitru of S1itlt'1'
supreme for one hundred ill, so we provide the best ll] all the ,different binds, I'iti1Llt'LCITION. We have these
Selling at 1`1.0111 $1.00 to ,. .' tion of Christmas Neckwear, p '
�t, � _.. -• \ :u _ _ _ _ - _ ____ . � I'hev�ial7.that-_IS.alwa. s trol�k�l.ec1_wlt�i.)zut_getttn,�sa_tts-. in ntaiterl..nr._p1<�int�espn,lV, �1a�._.:
$:;,r„ eaClt. J -. l . and thirty one years. � � All sizes at or coat st le, catty attached or
l l� Our stock is now complete, ��, �,ae factory 'Underwear, can be relievtd here. detached, there is no Metter
at] never before have we fled Sold by IIead steres _ 1 timo than right. NOW to' make
everyivhere'�-never �-+ / our selection of thi+sr! goods,
110p, til/.es at frollil NO . C:,• � under Any ether narne ��! From $ i to $6 per Sul i. � Tell�ive the wtllliT Y().J:1+%
y�y (� ..,�♦.,/�,-; , ,,.,;j.�'a Y! such a 1tiC Sel..Ctl0l1 to CllbdSe chart Corvtics. �• ='",�' C - r Q11101, 1, anti, at any price you
to $i«ri0 <✓K,,1 i%61id %[//GGb'. a , �4Oportiv.rti.
f, ern. - , .,ti.�. ..�.....�.y,,�.: _..�- -- � lesl�lorrllllilrinlrinllrlw�l�r
•� � .- .:.. -.. �... .. .... .'... `... ...: .. ... VI -. ,..cru—1rw.e�i��i�r �Il,■YY.�..�
' ay wis i
A; SQ(TIRE 0111.1L 1"()1t EVERT MAN
.. ....
W/ellda avid fiblil(`it },l►llr,,p Morrish'&
, 0
Mr. feed Caldwell, who, has been
West for three
out the, past • months
returned home on Tuesday,
Vt�4 4>?
t uT i lQ
Mr.. glias, Hoiland,teaeher of School
Section No, 2 is training his pupils for
an Entertainment to be given, on the
' "
eliday 49f)OCIs
, evouing of Dec, 23rd. Silver collection:
at t ie door, All are welcome,
Our display of Xmas goods is
now complete and we are
(ILYoung oim} spent ;Sunday under the
showing some very hand-
some thin a in
1171, Elliott spent few days . S
Mesa .,,-- .---.� parental roof.
° �•, � larid,of, x'orest. Supplementary meet, Digs Ryan, Chief Justice Falconbrid'ge with Miss It�ch.el P�ttarso ', y - - ; p IYir Willard Lee,, of I.ondea:boi•a ° •
CW141 ae4 Reserve , ,$1015,001001- in s will be held as fellows , aad Mr Justice aiddell agreed there s d Exeter r Fbolly G,00/is,
g Mta Rachel Patters it tertaine Sundayed at the home of Air F,
Feb .1•k-Loadeaboro', Bell's ball, was no negllgence but Xr Justice afewof her friends on Ifirid iyevening. FUI.LICK-FENSVICIa -Irl Hay, I'ertlnnlcog
Total Assets. ..:, .$5a,50.,8UQ 15- Holmesville, Wilson's hall., Teetzel held tkie defendants did pot oh J ek •1 art Dec.X, 1-, li7N Annie' Fenwick, Iturschenski, � Toilet Cases,
•' " XO-.Benmiller, C�iedhiil's hall, exercise tea oaabie care. 7 .-n :� son had Ata , face k . j. F Youngb ut s steam sawing outfit Manielll>!•e Seto.
�-- •' 17 -Dun annon -Elliott's Ball, while fixing•a wire fence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Fen bas Been buzzing !it olii pelf ltboriiood • Leotlier Coods,
--•�P---- -r^—^-- wick, to Mr,. Enoch b'olliek, of Hay; the est week,
Special attention given to )Deposit Ac= a " 1s -St. Augustine, Church hall IBrue0l e'd---•"--^ - ^ by Rev. Ephraim Koyle. p. SLrivip Secs,
' a rte requirements " 14) St. Helens, Mechanics: Inati P "Wier has his fine yours driver a g
counts, and, t- req me bliss Hamtlton..of Iowa, is the guest Qoderic4Townahlp The Golden Wedding anniversary of in training. at present.. g �' Ladies and �,en0Cow,
of Farmers, tute. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch l+ollick was cele. paniollB«
of her sister,' Mrs. `swers, of ,the Miss Hattie Middleton' is visiting Chas Oke 'has purchased a flock of
«� please. friends in Goderich, orated, Wednesdwy, Dec 1st at the , pure bred sheep at a fancy figure. The Fancy Stationer
' Joint accounts on which interest will Tuckeramith Tho Sabbath School scholars are busy We are sorry to hear, , that .'lilt's f`tmtly residence Main Street, Exeter j gradual iinprovementof farm stock ie,.
'• - Enoch rollick and Annie Fenwtek Everything for the smoker. Lel.
halt-yearly, may be open. $r, the last regular meeting o£ the I nracticisin -for their Christmas Tree Anderson, Bayfield Linei is main in , one of the pleasing sigu.a of the grow- act now, we will put them
g were married on Dect, lett 1850, in the ! p
ed I* the name of two persons, with-. Tucketstakh Council, it was decides Entertainment for Christmas Eve, very poor health. and is not improving, Ing prosperity o[ our, agcicultitristal'. aside for you,
y P On 13abbatli last, R,ei�t Neil Shaw, as quickly as her roan fri@ndo would township of Hay, by Rev. Ephraim
drawable h either arty. to ofiei for sale .debentures to the am 1 y y 7 he Benmiller Beef Iting have moved I
oust of $17,000; for the purpose- of of I,gmondville, preached a strong and :wish. Royle, and have spent the fl°fty years their sla�ughter•house to the farm of
of married life which was completed T
defraying the expense in connection impressive Temperance sermon In the Mr .Norman. Welsh had returned p J Schwann, who is the butcher. this •'
with the New Telephonp System Lust ,Presbyterian Church. He ur ed all home front the West.- to, spend the yesterday in and around Exeter. Of �Q
p R. E, MANNINOP Mgr, he townshu , g the twenty-two persons, adds greatly to the convenience of Mr A McConnell
completed throught A to take a strong stand for Temperance winter with his parents, M�Ine
and Mrs. y p sons• who witness- Schwauz. and indirectl benefits the
p ed the marriage only seven] survive, yThere were foyr tenders for itis par• and to'vote aaiust the..great evil of Alex Wrleh, Bayfield . MTs , inetnbQrs Iso.' chase: of> the said debentures, viz-- One of those, Mrs. James avrott ofGLINTON DRAiVOH strong: drink., Rev. E H. ,bawers also many friendsa re pleased see him 7.he farmers of this section have >'hm. B,
Messrs. Wood, Gundv and Co., ueo.A preached, a Temperance sermon. in back again. Hensall was the bride's maid. Six sons made good use of the opportunity of --Stenson andeo„ Brint, Nixon and Co., the 1,i mondville Church, Mrs Green and family, who moved and two daughters were born to Mr, forded by the Etna weather of, late to C.P.R.f'PR'telegraph Agency'
-- {{ g and Mrs. k ollick of whom three sons.
all of Toronto, and John Rankin, of .------ to (�oderich a short time 1 ago, have g;et their .fall ploughing ,and outer .
' 1 Seaforth. Mr, Rankin being the high- n and two daughters survive, The fam=
' iClppeu got comfortably settled -in Their new -work well under way which will give ,
•. est tenderer was awarded the bonds. home. Their many friends and neigh: ily was all home to Celebrate this them an excellent start next spring.
' i From the fact of such strong outside Mrs Osborne and son Roscoe spent hors*were • sorry to lose them from event which is rarely the privilege of a 1it,ha, the approach work is not 1
. V a week with friends in Wingham. theft midst. 'Mr Percp Cale, who par family, to enluy, They consist of Mr. I yet completed, the new bridge is open
�� rr�rdo4 ♦� �ti'r�
Xtas �IdfS firms tendering for these debentures, ( p p
Miss Bertha' Dayman was quietly , and Airs. E. A. Follicle Aliss Hattie, for ]united traffic and the residents of i
1ankin is to be congratulated oil . chased tilts Green's tine farm is rusk-
{ his,silocess in securing them.' married on the 30th alt, to a gentleman ing several improvements now Percy M'ss ):%dna and Master Joe of T%xeter ;
to Toronto. ( Dr. an Mrs. Follick and Miss Mable the Maitland almost forget the i neon• � �mas J l'L's�n�S
r ` Ebony Mirrorl Council .met on Saturday of this , )has secured the cage, all he needs is d venience which'' they have endured
Mrs. J. B Diuedale s many friends the bird, of St. -Marys ; Dr. and Mrs E R Fall- the past summer, when crossing thea _
Military Brushes weak at 10 a in. will be pleased to bear of her recovery Cole's Me,liodist Church have de-. Irk stud son Clifton R of Grand Forks,' handsome new structure,
•' Hair and -Cloth Brushes I - after her recent illness. • cided to hold a Cbrisrmas. 'free .and B, C. ; Mrs,_ Maria.Uul, of Grand• Bend Durst Bros.,Iire exhibiting ,% number Our stock makes the selection'
„ , 11[clCillop Entertainment on . Friday. evening, I sistar of. Mrs. Follick, and Rev.. C. W. � of their prize fowl at Gtiel h this week
' Manicure Articles Mr. and Mrs..D, K. Alton. 'of Ganes � y g, easy.
The 11lilvertcn Sun of December 1 were visit►ng•last week in the. homes ,Dec. 27th, 'An excellent ro lent a .$"Iter of Arkona, Ont; completed. the. T(ie are io ressive and energetic Our prices makes. buying Yasy; `
•' Toilet and Manicrue Sets says : What looks like a traged.v oc- of their brother-in-law, It. Stephenson consiatin of music, • die o ues and company., poultrymen •a d we shall bed s- oint 4
curved in the township of McKillop and W . H Johnston. g S "E en down, to old sae all m people y . • pP F 1iodaks And Supplies
recitations is being re erred A sit y p P edit they do stiatnin their ire tttation
Gillette 1Eszor Seta. _ �- The Alethodist choir provided music lfrom the ro ram ne and .ultrisrnaas shall prove by bringing 'back a ciodl number of Manicure�Casibs,
r: about a mile and a half from Brodha
fur the annivetsar services at Six• N My-srivirrei n etexnal uncban sable `� g g y dl. Military Cases
Holiday perfumes all best orors en acid shout nine miles from Monk y Tree thepI� dies . Aid wild .present g g the prizes awarded to their class. I[a11ll Rags
I ton on Monday morning' last,. when smith on the 28 nit. The Revs. Mi 1• spacial prizes Co itis cl►ildren f°r rr u- love h D Snyder leaves'shortly for Guro e i a;
in bulk and farcy packages were the h P Pocket Sool:
p Bertha, the forty -year-old yard affil It Hobbs, of Exeter lir attendancE and the inemoritng of I And when hoary hairshall .their going first to England where. be will I' ,
�t Pipes, Ci;iais, fohaccos and of Henry Ziegler, an old -man living rPacbers, verses. Att en'o able tithe is ex octad temples adorn. remain until after the British election. Our Elwuy Hair Brush
Tobacco pouches, Cigar cases on the.f?th concessiomwais found in a Christmas Tree services are to its Do riot iniss is Admittance 15c, %eke: lambs shall. thAy still iIt :VIT he intends'to make an. extended tour :it $1 is a (landy.
etc. mudhol'e lying with. her face .buried 'held in both churches. The Methodists bosom be,borne."
of .,,he continent luta also western '
deeply. On her forehead was a bruise intend to hold theirs on Ohristmas ,! a '"
Asia. ,Mi -Snyder. hits not deftnitoly � l�] Rl~U ES
toa,ll. appearances inflicted by some and have eugaged Miss ,B»tt of Cen-' Goderich Ti.F XEw Eu.k to January Ist, 101.1:, 'decided as to whether he will return
' circumstances were hem •. The Presb - pp Another n •i h death ok place
dull weapon. The circa tralia to sing fol t Y { J A G dei c a h t0 p e to new subscribers for$I,00. S iklscribe to'Ciinada hitt may eventually locate tiVe have a 1 eautiful selection of
r �■ �'. ��-'� such as wiirranted an : investigation terians will'hold:theirs later.. ! Sunday. Burnett 'Lawrence, tee now, in Glasgow. beautiful packages with very
Dispensing, Chemist. and an inquest was ,held at Seaforth, �."- T_- t youngest and only son of Mr snit Mrs _
P g but on goingto press_ vve are' not iii John McAvo passed awe at the choice odors, at all prices.
r '
possession of the verdict. '1'he, only. Stanley
11Ir.Iii11 drsty some of the steel gird, i age' of twenty -to years And -one
member of the family at home when month'.: The cause of the young man's r c m
tragedy occurred was the father, an era for Glen's'Bridge at the end of est death was consumption to which tie w�Ss • �o meS
i R
ald roan who Cts around with the aid !week, (( otl er obildren of the family bad' -al- THE MO. L Q�NS A `Summerhill of two. eanos.g From ail -reports' lie me Wm C•alen, reeve,is attending thee.(ready 9uecum'bed,I �.
Sunday in ()lin- was.ratl'ier hard to gets along with. .the ' meeting of the, C°tint III One of Qoderich's old residents, in Ineorporated 1$55 Phm B.
lilies Rands spent Sun y j
M1 , L he high constitblo.; at -Stratford and Uoiincil this week. rth visited at i fhe:person: of .Mrs. Arthur Cantelon, y •
ton' tla ;ia+tbrtli'pplice, the crown attar. Mfrs Elliott: ut Seafo , i%IitinU'f,1CrU1'lnf' Chen>i18C.
• Meas C. Button, of Londesboro, was a corbnei at the home of'11IrThomas. Baird during ;passed away. or! Saturday last' at the IL$p'ltu,. PAID L'P'�,�oQ�('0. f
net at Goder'ich, and th . , age of seventy-four years ,. and eight t v� w1��v1�•"IVv1`
visiting. M isses Ball' Mitchell were called b The Free Press. the first of the -week.
A.raumber in th's community at.month-. 1'heDeceased'had been..,in Rest Fulnd s_+ $31,5d�,C0q t �----- -
over the long-distance phone in Gonne. � 5chpol Repgrt-The following is the M poor health since she had a stroke of.
tended the funeral of tae late.Thomas „No 1l Stanley , is t '
'monthly for 3 5 _ p . p ago,. By the way, velli begun to err-.
tion with the. abpve item, but: np~pee,' •. _ aralvsiq five ears. a ° Site was :a �'1S 'i3 j>jC.ltlC�185 iii alliida, and. A{;L111tS and •Orr0sp0uti8n�>�Ln .Ell j
3Sanning on Tuesday. a eyes Linn of the coroner .at% ,Tames are m order of. merit. , :Irh J I native of Ireland, but lied begin a ie i- � • { range f6r your• Christmas .shopping.
Messrs. Baily and j� illiams, of Clin- with the p about phi A Dinadale. G M>Ie$ path. •lth • 1 the Ft inClpal CltiOs In t110. W Orhl.
Seaforth res eedvel spent Mitchell had -heard .anything `V K dentof Qoderich for ma,tiy years. She 'Co Ju( from souls. of our esteemed
ikoti and P Y. P Hg ail heard that the fat• i, Kehl, EI A Fisher, L Rathwell. I,is survived by her husband and by tw.o A GENERAL. BANKING S1TSI31TE51$;TIiA11TSebC'lED. 'enterprises the people, of Cr+natia ave
Sunday on the sixtee tb.. the,oase. h, H dI'Parsons
G .'
p Anna Hood rte's fur tlleru,elvea it
announced rTast week that .hex. of the gl11 hwd been, arrested and Sr i -J Collins, , ;brothers and two' staters, a's follows:
It was oderich but the crown at- Jr ;; _L E Wasman, J .Collins, •J N -.Adam and Joseph.Ourry;. both of Go'd A.V 1 N - B Canadian 'Policy policy with teF'r>'eitc6l to ,p
there will be an entertainment and taken to G a 4S G S A N K. D E P,A: R M N �'k
Lorne there'had heard ubthing of it. ;Hood. Sr 2.-G Ross, A Fisher Cecil : erich, a nd.Mrs' Elliott and' M s Curry, Imperial defenr•e.' '1'hc,y* should beep
Christmas tree, in connection with y P In'Ivorth.Daaot.t.. at all Interest,.ali'ived'tithighestcurrent ra#e. their eyesore Aalstrulia.anclsay amen
the Sunday School. Please take not- He also beard that. the cause • of .•the • Johnston. Jr 2- W° Cooper, Second '• -
ice that the date pas been changed girl's death was an accident. Pt -,W Parsons, B C°h}ns,. •M Cooper, i -
to *hat. Ausfra.l.ians do: Some Canad
i d es of . a 3ivisional .:court. First Pt -W fl Collins, A R'Parsons, . Clinton Brai]ch; -. C .:E.1 • DOW D' NG. Mans a tans apnear to halved very, poor iipin-
from Dec.23rd to Wednesday Dec. Two 7•i the ' OL i 1909 is`now,on: the horns stretch. ion of Canada. °
end. All are welcome, )agree in
dispnissrng the appeal of N . good, The.. best 'spellers in —
LwEt i11°
remains YS i which
There 'rem s only 12 $[JSIIVESS' DA n w c to pr -
Ch ist nts The' maYority �of`°peoplehaye`.thesame
cure r mssresee .ri -vin m th i b7in u til a' s be1
ex r e ce of le ost of a 'r . , u n a • f ew d y12g Y g .
_ Ch istmas, when tilers is a rush, and a a consequenc+r: do:'
fore. r
p PP g F suggest g
not have the same chance ter make .as goof selections aswhen done earlier, when stooks are com tete .and she in a Leasure. We wools su est maim' your purchases
novelties ma be had. ' Our store Is sim ly'full of . new goods; too numerous to give -descriptions of,• but a personal �;t>l�spectaon' .would ;
early, when the bestcholice 'of a1i the new Y
be the. most -satisfactory:
> IGHT : HERE is where we. always � I alt ; . Our Glove stoek is a hard stock to tell you about.
r-^ stud of ��' '= �' • V4 e have so man styles of Gloves so man'. cuts and
score d H. 1. We have,mad a y. ��''< y y r y
•, �. ,;, •so,many leathers, that a description of. all the good
BOYS' REQUIREMENTS -- and they' styles is Tim ossilile We .sell onl loves of well;
d wilt have ,` �; p p Y. . , I{°
x• err
ds know what is. correct, an , , ''' known makers, whose reputation for malutg good
nothing b,ut up-to-date styles end `goods. rr, Gloves : is. widely known.
h•ri and' .„A. �
The .goodness. of 'our';13oys Clothing', g; ,`a f
r is well la> i . 4 to suit all -comers. at from A � � � Ina
our ability to clothe them correctly
75 3 5o. a - pair.
ltnown, which accounts; for'the. success..6f, o f irl/
C' O, •
our' =BOYS CLOTHING Department. "
{1 aY'kr
fi y
Nothing ulcer for a Chris
tmas_ present than
��SNRINKge j�
one of our new; 'up -to, -date Suits. 0 .
I x .,,
x r,
r� au. !
t (� EORGE 1V,o'f
Goad assortment of patterns and. cloths I�EV111�O�1 �+
England •-- and AM H R ST. We. invite you to see
at )fr01XlIt 9$ ilp. many princes and• •society , . •'our large collection of
leaders since his time have :':' v�1/p P� N. n
ERWE (wal Bratld
( l
. '
"c`%/edllanaitu� Xu�`� t
a t
&*%V1at.wa. 1PorrAl.o, N.Y. r;�NSHR/
Most any than would be deliglited to have an op'portun= Nkq�
ity. to wrap up his neck, on a stormy day► tri one of our hand 1
Hewson 4� nde w
Some Mufflers. We •ire slowing several 'new Ideas In Muf-
. e
Hers this: season, In Silk; Worsted and Tool, at trom
,r"! ��ES . `n Nova Scotia"
- We show all the best models �
in-,3weaters,•';,v'itil "a C O*A T : The "Oval Bratltl A is elle pOpular brand 11t9>khc' West.
� � ..C' 0 $2.Sa each. But that is the 'least of the a '
S �r s
SWI+:ATP%R easily in the lead NTER UN R
a favorite. All worsted yarns, i reasons why ;veil,. should I. Our I it 111 Wi
.wear them.
j I , ; . � � � A
fuli fashioned. extra heavy, with ►S� a vV ti d finest 1P you Want a strong; hated% , � display iag the nes we haveever
%ono or pearl buttons; acme of I WEAR This weather suggests heavier Underwear, We
� some love, well. fitting and.
the styles having contrasting' pro erly put td ether, you study the Underwear question and appreciate the dif had the l.1loitstire of offering our
rolors around•.the collar and p g ' , customers. The new Shnrtings
' wiltappreciate reclate the ' material,
`i There is no time life the' Pp that ferent reairernents of then;'; Some then Want tt'Ubl Or are vary llantisorne, while the.
down the front. \ \ r style and Workmanshipt . a
' \\, 11 making oily selec a e ,. FOWNES a> nothing ;others' would not and could not wear wool at fit, ttiake and q nano y of material
pre�e t for g y have m d forill a CoitlltillaLtitru of S1itlt'1'
supreme for one hundred ill, so we provide the best ll] all the ,different binds, I'iti1Llt'LCITION. We have these
Selling at 1`1.0111 $1.00 to ,. .' tion of Christmas Neckwear, p '
�t, � _.. -• \ :u _ _ _ _ - _ ____ . � I'hev�ial7.that-_IS.alwa. s trol�k�l.ec1_wlt�i.)zut_getttn,�sa_tts-. in ntaiterl..nr._p1<�int�espn,lV, �1a�._.:
$:;,r„ eaClt. J -. l . and thirty one years. � � All sizes at or coat st le, catty attached or
l l� Our stock is now complete, ��, �,ae factory 'Underwear, can be relievtd here. detached, there is no Metter
at] never before have we fled Sold by IIead steres _ 1 timo than right. NOW to' make
everyivhere'�-never �-+ / our selection of thi+sr! goods,
110p, til/.es at frollil NO . C:,• � under Any ether narne ��! From $ i to $6 per Sul i. � Tell�ive the wtllliT Y().J:1+%
y�y (� ..,�♦.,/�,-; , ,,.,;j.�'a Y! such a 1tiC Sel..Ctl0l1 to CllbdSe chart Corvtics. �• ='",�' C - r Q11101, 1, anti, at any price you
to $i«ri0 <✓K,,1 i%61id %[//GGb'. a , �4Oportiv.rti.
f, ern. - , .,ti.�. ..�.....�.y,,�.: _..�- -- � lesl�lorrllllilrinlrinllrlw�l�r
•� � .- .:.. -.. �... .. .... .'... `... ...: .. ... VI -. ,..cru—1rw.e�i��i�r �Il,■YY.�..�
' ay wis i
A; SQ(TIRE 0111.1L 1"()1t EVERT MAN
.. ....
W/ellda avid fiblil(`it },l►llr,,p Morrish'&
, 0