HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-12-02, Page 8CLINTON NEW BRA
r •
Loral Notices'.
11 Ila• RTtFM a t the (U+ Tor JiNIT-
.: ]fOYCa �•A
11 IN
T1YCi I'ACTQIt cgt Y etnlrloylaeaG.
FI ur. &.17u her pcir4d vet �iEIIe .i X'awil�
Ih icA Anrtea sail �'outtnv wrataa.
'0►c* 0 75c and 0 Valuesfor39c.
T�i¢beSG Price lxid.l4•AtrTk ]40Ir' DUOS. Cllni out
00119, Cu
$oo yards• --a ,cleaning up of. our I rets (Goods Department, and a °rat, BARGAIN. Venetians, Holm- vDr g� a �� e, ons lie day, I!
Cheviots, Mohalrs,, Lustres ..and Tweeds, in black, blues, reds, browns, greens and greys. All dress length and over. Dec. 21st. Qlasoes pro sly fitted,
We have even our patrons, man bargains, but this is the best value we ever offered, e , �eafted. catarrh da x ��d re�i�n$ eresi$l,t
• g' 1? Y g �n order to give our Dili -of- ,treated. All day.
town patrons a cfial' a at this big snap, we are putting them on the counter°at Saturda iitoritinn Orily, Regu.-
ltui re►xtn
lar values rjQG to 75c and $x.oA, J. Scruf,on is having his batcli(p
• shop, re -papered and painted.
- Al at ifte Price Saturday at l . a clock, 39c,
week.[ Ta • aid it Ell -
L tsG w Taylor p b W
° iatt $300 in• full of his: claim for the
- Wo"'
recent fire •that destroyed his barn.
' 4rt0S =NOW llle new N oly
: / a �"%y A are receiving ibscri:els gvery
10P- ler PAWS as well as new snhscribers,
a' new story��fiis G`outtshi ' commences
\ ) . with the ext issue, p
' • Misses, and Children's"Coag per cent. off �t y1sltto senfortit
� me n �s,,
I� Alo,,d of the A:. V, P. A.., members
• , " of 5t, Vaut's Cburch,droye to Seaforth
• 2o0 new Winter Coats,. in the very newest styles, Women's, Misses and Children's, all on Tuesday evenfpg to visit the society
new this season, in black;, blues, greens, reds} •browns,, tape, etc, The reason for clearing there, A good time wets reported by
rhese out at cost, and less, is ours; the beltelEt is yours. Comte while the range : is large W. 0. W.
and complete; and get first choice. Women s ,•sizes, a2 to 42; children, all sizes. Colne,
ectal iwetin of the Woodmen
•lookthem over ; it will be worth your while, whfrxhiPt you buy or nqt, oflthbp�\"orld teas;hold Tuesday even.
�7 I �" ing andnearlya .dozen new ti embers
Your choice o'f our complete. stock at 25. per- f joined, die r the �aod works of. Or.
�r • c�e11t• off ganizer Chard, .
Got This Picture.
regular .prices. s w$ . Joe, R;ztttenhury.received
°photo froth. G, E, Swartz, of Wing:
itam,,of Durkey'lial (?.0'3) who holds
1 w. the world'ar•ecord for too (teat race.
Mr.liattenbury prizes, the picture very
tree s In MOWS f-sutu � Oulu}
fnticit, ^.- .
Anyont�Jritiin to totvfi to attend
ga " 'i"G'es'ey Church, the nese sheds resent-
., ,
READ THE LIST OVER, CAREFULLY AND THOUGHTFUL'L'Y', Lpe�e�ted are now ready for use and
�. t th m i t
, biose f ctrl a country may tort/ use
Pa,crery. Cotton SC � thein
I Itis hcrton ac:hlog Staff
Flannelette w , 12+0 Toweling, roc. s y
1000 yards. good, clean, round.- bit It G Hollond, of Woodbridge;
thread Factory otton, 3:} iticlies ,500 yards pure. linen roller" Towel anti bliss k lien Switzer, or Dornoch,
Blankets', have Repo engaged on the public
wide, rib. ioc, for i3C, )lig, �vlth.or without border; gOOd sehoolstaff tot the coining year, :tod
25 pairs only white and grey. _ heat/ w6 ht 'round thread' will bliss All,,
Chulley, of Clinton, Witt be•
conte aesistaht to -Principal blareellus
�•- Flannelette Blanl;,ets, with pink or Wjl1'SC('ll IloSe, ,3 C giv f : t e be t wear: In the Mace of -in the"high school.
blue border. Best quality and-,* Q all cotton and linen goods going- up )Practice. Ntght
WE, and perfect goods. 6$x7 Bgys .black" Worsted Hose, all in price, th s""is an.except%onal.bar Next'Tuesdavevening the members
inches.. Regular $1.50 per pair, sizes., 'reg, 50c, for 35) c, 'm of the. Boy's Uig#yniztition will .meet
„sill: Our. regular•I. G Toweling, at the Pastime Club rooms at �.,4) to
Saturday $1.10 prucficefor Lheir boys entertainment
y •) / ► Saturday for 10co , to he given New Year•'sNight. Every
Nye IVQrstCtl ,llloSe, 1,)t boy is requested 'to" be present oil
Tnesday rfiglic.
Bo)�s black Worst cl Hose sizes
Y 4 ?Harried To -D.4)
6 to z o in., reef;. Z5c, or 1:)i' 1,44C V,ac, tory.Cotto,D, IAC. : " Mf sydne Oooj,e: of t.>,wn, has're
Fuse wool Blankets y ,
signed his position as.- Captain of the
• ,�_ 1000-yardG of hely Factor Cot- Sisf vatfon Army also bliss, A Obariton
Ask to see our Special all pure .3e,e. Cmlilne.ro Erose, :NaC Y Y as,Entig'n of the sante orgauizaticin,
ton,, round theead, 40 inches wide, tv;ttt the purpose u oinin each wilt
wool Blankets, at � ,. p lz i. g
Women's black Cashmere' Hose, regular 12xc other. the marriage. ttil;es•. pl:bge�.at
�� theb6me of Miss Charlion in: the c tv
$3.75 1!er flair. all sizes, reg. ,tsc, for 2.55 Saturday for 16e. of Detroit to -day,
Well E,•trned torr,'
The Ottawa Free Press has the. fbi-
lowing to say of the nember- of West
/. �. Huron: -Asa creator of :bills in the
c publ•io interest, Mr E N . L:ewis is.a
y / shining success. 1fe may. not be" able
to force, his ideas into lgiw, but,. -even if
he does not, he. gives the: other lav-
�, makera.something, to think about,.
C.GJ1vT.ClN 1'rOgCCtS Look; Brigict
The Huron- Poultrq Assfit,,: are re-
ceivfng di,iiatlons" for. their}. .coming
show to fro .held in Clinton.The.latest
f are :from .the Clinton Knitting Cti.,.the
f T --- -- - �_-- Jackson Mfg., Co.. and a valuable -il:
a>•hvays Lacking Spaiu 06.. Sk:tiing: .•ver cult front Al. Y.. McLear). M. Pt rot
• ! ' The work has. been began at the Scuth Huron, It is expected theme will
What the Cttt� na it H • all (� I the New, Era is always., looking; for rink, in preparation of the season•'s be a very; large and valnabie li=st of
e ei?S dli news, a,nd if -you have. friends Visiting � at' i l�'mdfs osition' of the nnana "SF?ecrals; which is thernain dr:►win
you, or•if gonare going away, or haveent has y:et . bees made, althonh eard in. connection with such affairs.
been,away„send in your .personals.
i rr� several are after the ,Uob. '.NWe -ho;peso
Ar ora Sa a��Ut Local V t���.•' ' °good; lively`hoc>tey clab, t ee 1)icd itddenl�
1 ' � beinL severs! cod” lavers at resent •' Last Thursday Henry Marshall,a gest
lbetneurll�•r 1 Lis � g .. p _ p �
--•- - r in the town, who are, : -anxious to see 77 years passed: -away at tate home of
I Clinton merchants whose advertise- I the town re resented i : his neph,6w,•Wm. Marshali,toiin. De -
No e infife League• ceased had his supper -and was sittiri
I meutsappear in the coluircns.• of this No.effort has yet been made' towards pP g
11ENSALL My business has" increased since Lo= 'paper'have well=stocked stores goods tbat-end, but doubtlessly willl be fn a, in a chair were he died instantly.
of every kind, with holidayspteeiA;ls few days: Funeral v'as held oil Saturday and
My business has not suffered through i cal Option came in force, , Real ;estate arriving almost, daily. They deserve. the services at the home and rave
Local Option. Fewer people are ass - 'has increased in value. Both 'as a bus- � the liberal patronage not only. of.citi- The Bazhfir were conducted by liev..•Alr, J•011itite:.
ing for credit than ever before, Fur• iness and a residential" place Henssll.) zens of the town, but also of the aur- Last .'Thursday.- S .. 1Pauaf's ble Marshall recently returned from
seems to be in" errand: rounding country. $y supporting• ) t Ladies" the Pacific Coast,where he was•visitintg
khermore I cannot see that " the town d Gnild held their.Ba,vtar in the Town
J: C, STONEMAN,, 3eweller,."I,home merchants the money is lett'; Bali` and it was.a decided sucleos,,The his son.
bas suffered commercially, and it ger• - . here,for furthar.local development.' A
different booths were:weli patronized On Suspended Setctenco'-
tainly has gained morally. 1 visit to the stores of advertisers will , a P
ALE\, McPHERSO�V, My restaurant business has largely, convince intending purchasers that t : ea many useful . at also - were sold. Ma i
increased'since Local O,ption.: Anon.. goods are sold .at prices remarkably Taa +Lod lunch was also served. In h, • 3l Pirate Andrews had a easelast
Merchant tailor, the evening a progrartu was also given" ridgy venins; that was -of City order
` siderable number of .people can afford l he city.
nd in son.e.lines, lower than"in in connection .with the: sales. the a workman engaged,' ori the, Water
f the city. �,. , + works system had his paramour ar•
IViy business has largely increased more luxuries.' Our. business i ri..gener! principal. item being The " Old Maids y p
since Local •O tion came .into force, al has been, better. I van:"nositivel l Convention and was, langhable"and 'rested at Owen Sound• and brought
Option - y Rhe Ja'cksolk Mfg. CO.For, Exeter well done. The jokes on the bachelofs back here on a charge of.stealing.
Fewer asking; for credit -more paying say the. moral effect has been excellent in town should cause them• to wake Crown Attorney" Seager prosecuted
cash. Real estate has increased in -Itis UIP to the ratepayers of Exeter up and secure a helpmate .before. it ia' while W Brydone acted for the, dem
o sa
J �V P RL R t e r, t
w h zi wa t a
A l n, h n fIt
)'. h 4 ey ince. The woman was' iiia d
Ft 4 i? n tri
valve. J. W. ORTWEIl�I, 71Tercltan„ branch tot one'oit°i h'e CcSost oritertirfsin too late. the successful reason to be and was let out on suspended sentence
Dr Goods and Groeerie9.j g•estauri4nt, .etc, g' proud of their successful Bazaar. p
(Dry '. ' Aiad�flourfsitfrrgl industrfes.in„ kYestern. f ; ; . " and
not "befPre both the (G'ro'wn •At -
_..,r «. _- ; Ontario for our town, namdly the Jack (fear lyalter Garclo>ti Craig C C I torney:i,nd Magistrate Andrews ave
Our business has increased singe Lo- son MantiNcturing.Company, of Olin. Eniertaininent d them alecture on the way they Rau
cal Option. We find more ready cash ARKONA ton.. Air. Thos. Jackson, a member of. (, : been carrying, on. _
the firm was here tuesdav' and .sub• the recital given by �r '.'LValter
is circulation, and are' not asked for Arkona is one of the villages in Gordon Crai ' in Associatibii Hall was.
miffed a proposition to, the council, g -, :
so much credit. From a moral stand- which the. liquor party made a stoen•) and if accepted the company will to-. listened to by a most appreciative Voters -List .Gout t "
point the town has certainly improved none effort to secure the repeal'of Lo -1 sate a branch here . •inside of a couple audience.:' •Mr Craig gave a. number Judge Doyle conducted a fina .re,-
BRO WN & CLARK, cal.Option in January,1000; and failed.! of months. The proposition is that •"of readings. includin); 'Aa .Red Mem vision of the.Voters'ltsi on Saturday
Carriage makers, blanksmiths, etc. Three years ago Local Option was . they be given free rent of the Robert Die' und.,Kinp Robert .of Sicily.'. In last, in the Council cliamber,the town
} Pickard building; for a term of -,ten these two s leetiob,4 he appeared to clerk being in attendance. The tem
Since Local Option came into force,
carried in• Arkona by a option
vote., years, " exemption from taxation .ex very great advantage. Mr Graig a so peranne 'people .•made , applieation.to
.We "believe the 'measure has .given sept school taxes for that period a•nd a pave :,once Scotch readings. In his have -several names added .and their
my business has increased 20 per cent. ver ' general satisfaction. These I pasol'►no engino not to cost more than' interpretation of .'Saunders McG;laeb-• interests were looked -after by A A
NVe must largely acknowledge it has y g three $ZZo, they in. return to' employ At the i an'a Courtship' he nfade quite a hit, Hill, the local Secretary. The follow-
largely shut off drinking. It is the °years can be counted as the most suc- i end of the first�year•not less' than Z1, and was deserved y encored, respond, ink 4names 'were added to those
g y 1; cessfuf-socfalty, morally and fliiany' hands, not lees than 11) ;it the en of rqg with "She Liked Dint Kale Wool.' entitled ' to vote at the mttni-
beat thing that ever happened Hen. Ifile second year, after that an num- Iitdgzing by the work done by hfm.Me cipal elections: -Prof W Brown,. Jos
sail. JOHN Zt;1FLE, orally -in `tile history. of :they village, 1 _her up to 1110, 'Che council int/ any
the Cratrg has a promising future before •Barber, Rev 1 W Cosens,Rev, Charles
Boot d Shoe maker, and repairing. "and every business man who is in bitaitiess men and others to a meet* I hfcn. Altogether the -entertainment; worth; T M Cullen, Chea Cook, A F
-sympathy with oo3 moral '' � which was held.' fn the otvn -Hall 4°was most enjoyable." -The (Robe, t`.udroore,,Gao Cooper, W N7 Duncan,
g s is very. Mrs Ginn, W K ureenwood, Mrs H B
My business has. not been hurt by anxious for a continuance of the same. Tuesday. evening and Et as largely l,; He was oalled'time and •tiine' iikaiu, Derr R H Mannin Jae Manni
.LocalOption. Local Option is all right. attended. J. A. Stewart tdas appoint- his work being more and tnorein favo'rl g' n�"Alf
McRwan, Carl Olson. Wilfred Pickett,
G. F. YUi�iGBL°L`T, Property is increasing in value, as t ed chairman of the meeting and he as the evening went on, it cars 1 e A os Townsend Thos W
sales for the last few ears wilt pro 61 called upon Connecllor Reaman to give• truthfully said that Mr Craig's read• ht ails, rtV S
Boots R.Shoes, etc, y p f an outline of the negatiations, which "ing°: were equal to aiiythirl heard in Downs.
to be the�case. "The accommodation is lVIr.. Stewart And Mr. Heamail, 'i`orento in t'ecent ears.andtbe future
I do not consider that Local Option all that can be de'sir`ed• The village is i had with the Jackson Company: has undoubtedly n bright career fn . House, of Refuge
has injured my business in the least, free from rowdyism, andseldom.do. we i nftl`' lilt, T.ieifman had given at very ! store for him.-••Lvening Telegram, A rep�sentative of -the N>:yv E[tn
%n fact,m business has.beenincreadri I to gent repog.,t,Mr. Jackson ekplain, called on Mr. arid• Mrs". Mut It on Tuor -
y g °see a wim the worse of II(pioi., ,Liquor, ed what the company would do in •re• flay of this. week>al� the house of -Re.
ever since Local Option came in force, a " d t bl l h d " h d turn for the acceptance of their r- fu a anti wag shown throw h th
3 do not claim that Local Option is re•
n sou e a ways goes an cn an p
To show the sentimental e'position. A number of others present t
ti of LI safe• were asked to
sponsible for all the increase. This
will say, that there, are fewer of my
give their. views and all
payers the temperance committee sub• were# unamions in having a by-law
customers asking for credit Some
witted the following for si ature : submitted, and a vote will I)e taken at
f, gr} . the coining; Jnnuavy elections, The
whom we always carried are now pay.
'�V'ei the undersigned ratepayers of Jackson Company at present employ
about 170 hands and doubt if,
Ing cash. .l. NV•EISMILLTut, ¢
the village of Ancona, are etrongly of no they
I can get the',help here, will employ
Dry Goods, etc,
the o inlontthatl ooal Option has been I
p' p wore than the number stated in their ,
Lwml Option lids certainly not in.
beneficial to the social and moral in. I agreement, It is the the best pto. i
_--- -- , t. position ever aubmitt.ed to Exeter and
terests of the village�kand desire coir•
jured my business. The fellows .who
couldn't pay before are able to pay
.it is Out, nitportnnity to get it, An ,
tinuance of the saute, i notion has bee secured on 11 Pick-,
itrd building for n rental- of $60.).per,
no.v. i wouldn't like to see the town
:any ether way, but anderlocal Optic&
With the result that titers tori been
year acid ()very person who has a vote
secured over nigety bona title si;;u:t- ! should support, the j.)reposed by-law.:
'; . '1
ti is first c,a.s,
Tlnr areocnmada on
a • c•
ttiit„ . cute tvlio ore ,tt xy ftoin. the � i 1t Jackson gave file romfnittee l,o '
volas;kw would readil sign if they were understand that nt the end of the
y F.
Dry t+ends, CYlocrtrfea,. etc'
r•ond y'ear,they will in. all nrobability
bore, emilloy 73 hhnds .Exeter Times, °
home. "'the home was clean and tidy
and although a few of the old peoplo
were ill, the general, health of, the
household was good, or, Bruce
Smith, Government. Inspector had
matte his insnection*(tt inorning; and
will give his report I' ' er, Two new
natlents wergg eyed last 'week
James and MaLt%e Stafford, of Ale,
Xillop, ages fid and 08 respectively,
This makes a total of Sri people at the
hoftle. The- Housd of Refuge Com,
mittee`wilf meet next Tuosday before
*he Co, Council opens in Goderinh.
IfuronCounty can beconsider
ed lucky
t h ve the hoitsa under charge
Nfr. and blas. Mittch,for the people In
rite House all speak well of the kind;.
iiess.shown by both, ani.) also. Mrs.
sicripson'the assistant ficztron;
for Mer--, ,
We are into :the. .Ready-made _Ciothing.."to
stay, and cur prices are making new customers:
every 44.y.. We are buying from . the best manus-
facturers,at t'he'best, prices obtainable .anywhere.
Our stock is new and' right' up-to-the-lnillute.
Prtees run. iroin'- $5 up,
Ask "to: see. O:ur $1"0.00: Special.
Gdoi 'warm .Underwear
for • 1VMen: and Boys.
You will. find a1arge._and "complete stock of
Underwear here, in all sizes,
1P100.1 -lined tor,nie'n..56e, Tic Boys 25t: all
11001 H(lererear, .#ol' m>ten, 75c and $1
►`:Stanfiel:d'g Underwear.;
fo'r Men andBoY• s••
•. Stanfield s pure wool," unshrinkable, Under
wear; "for hien .and uoys.• ` EVERY. Gt11iIL+'r�rT
GUIRA\TEED. We have been sole' agents• for "
•` Sta;uliieid'S" for.the past six.years, -with great
sdccess, and our patrons; who are many, know
their quality, and :will -wear -. do other,.' 'Why not
try a suit. "
To'' C A
I The present season is so wet, 'that every man
whose business requires, him
to rade through mud
and slop, should.have the protection afforded by a
f" our Le in� s
pair o gg, g , • We
have a big - stock of. the
'best that Canada- produces at - rices suitable"to'an
p r p Y
Williams' patent Le„ gifts, best quality
;rain leather ........ ........ .................... ......;... 2.00
Wi 'stns' 1ilatent' Leggings, °est quality
split feather. ..........:.....
... 1.'75
First quality. heavy grain leather 1.60
First quality light ;rain leatho r. ..................... 1.50
Ileav•y duek Leggings, leather bound ............ '7fic
fka,t'y Holeskin Leggings ings...... .......•..,.:............ 1,00
Fine !;rain leather Le;gingr4 for boyst
at........:.................,.$1,25, $1.411,. $1.501 and $1.0
i .
: y
n ,
-. .,A � .... .�(' � � _ � '�.� ' ;'-' � _ .� � 4. � ',• , � � � 111 g���I