HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-12-02, Page 611 . � "I . I *&,6d.h ..�_ . I . I ,.. ... . - 11 I
6111111hish - ;_' , ` IiiiiiiiiiiI follidd9miulkwhoalLi�. _Afi9hN1h.MWAA�_, A - �_.....A&..A
"Wimbak" - __ - Is IIA , �t_I�Zl-:�W'r . 11 -1i *1- we W�v ip
, covery. It has oeen mallitablea by one
. � �. - ===========�
I Phoenicians were . � �
.1 the Inventors, by another that the ---,---- I .1: "' , -,,,-"*,-"-,, ,,, , ,
I 0 Greeks and Rama its had a khowledge . . a �
, of IL Such notions. however, ba III el too AfeQl U.-ATUTIVIIII UUrIU6- kutt
�ve tw fth 'and thirteenth centuries was
�� been completely refuted. a very uncertain .and unsatisfactory,
- One passage, nevertheless, df a re; apparatusi It consisted only or a mag- 0
� markable character occurs to the work! Vetle needle floating In 11 rase or basin
i ,_
- of Cardinal de VittY, bishop of Ptole- by means of two straws on it bit of,
: mais, In Syria. He went to Palef$tifie� I cork *supporting It oil the surface of
�� during the fourth crusade, about the the wute�. I
I �
11 year 1204. He returned afterward to
, I The compass used by thii Arabians
� . Europe and subsequently back to the I in the thirteenth century wiV ail ib�
I I ,11oly Land, where he wrote his work. strument of exactly the same desprin.
� entitled "Historia Orientalls," as near. '' Now, the Inconvenience and In . . .
� tion. . � OXVORD DOWN RA31.
� ly as can be determined, between the I eiD.clency of such rifir apparatus are ob- I .
. years 1215 and 12220. In chapter 91 vious, The a-liption of tile ocean and
I ft , live I'LtIrts Ot scrub blood to three parts
. . of that work he has ,this singular pas.- I the tossing of the vessel mightivender of Improved blood. The -%Yo I
. sage: �
: , !�he Iron needle, after contact with It useless to a moment.,, . peovvinvirt has ninde no progress.. .
, ' 'ven ,oin
I But Giola placed the' magnetized R with. a grode .sire fi the
I the loadstone, constantly turns to the needle on a pirot, which perm �
,Its It to 'thl"d VrOSS. a* sereti-ei-Ifflis blood
north star, which. at the axis of the torn to all sides with facility. After� ,1110Q, 414t0d' with the svrub. breeding
� firmament, remains, finalovable while.] -st.ock. _t1wro.would be---uWe,--pa,rIs.of--
� ward,it.Was n-tilietwd lo -a card'divided
the others revolve. and hence it is es,w Into thirty-two points, called rose de - sCrUb U100d to s.even of .1tinpiroved.
sentially liecessalY to those onrigat. vents. and then the I;ox conta�iuln_ it�. blood, scrub blood, still In tile major-
. I I
I V Ing on the ovean." 'was suspended lo.sueb a manner t'hat, ltV MO. i'llprovelnellf liew fiack, as'this ,
,.These words tire Its explieft as they however tilt-, vessel nlight he tossed, I sernt) blood Is wonderfully prepotent.
I a -re extraordinary. The), �;tatea fact it would alway*s remah: horizontal,- ' "nw.s,, rnets ,;hould doulonstrate the,
; . and announce a use. 'Ube thlll� there. Electrical LIngiryper. ., . - .
, 0, I fp1l,Wy (it usill", gi-jiAle, Si;,es foe Im.,
� I, , fore, which essentially constitutes the - . . . provin.4- or gniding it[) our .live stock,
. �
i Compass must have bee'n knuwn long For Rheitutat'1811114Cis not necess, hw - Ili them -broed, prepoteucy an(I
.11 before the birth of Gloia. In addition a, -y to, go to tiot spvillg4. J 114i -use t-harat-wrisLics. have Ing beeti.fully es.
. to this fact, there is another equally, I -'the D. & L," Afenthol. .Vlaster and re. , lat)[Ished and fixed. Therefore, they do
I fatal to his claiiii its the original tit Suits Wdl I
- . C, s- te s-itisfactory. 2,3c at t * It
� - kl6t possess. that -power tp ransmi,
I coverer. druggists. 'D:t) i 3 . it T,a ivrence CO.,. ,th, d'esired or breed,qualities and lot -
I I ,
. . . .
It is now, settled beyond a doubt i nianufact;urers. 11 . I . . I. -prQvenimit of their olfsprin- - .
. I .d_. O' '
that -the Chlu.ese were acquainted with . . I �, . , M61% bpF.P01 Mr. . , . -Oil tilt, other band. In thl . S Process of
the compass long before. the R,urope, f q,hp il fu.Att,, , I .
liti,111 .,111,w�.11 11:1 t q
I . up. gloadlug up or.J � alp,roving duw live stock
I � . slits. It is certain, that there are allu- i porter. You. tilay %vu . il(ler whilt this the pure bred .sire has that power
* I
. . sions to. the magnetic needle in the I Curious edifice 1" lilt. vIldtql for. 'but fi,-om, a, long line of pure l3red a.nce$try, I
. I
traditionary period of Chinese history, when to t1w, . soel ,of, tra ]mnl I ttln,� to his offspring. his
: . you are let In. , et You 0 . .
. j acteristic�, .traits* and lndl-;
I about 2,000 years before Christ, and a will at once rpiillze its w."irtll. It js� bref,d. oblit',
, � Still wore credible accounr of it is . � ' . vidual e.,ecellenee with a remarkable
� used lit a 4111box to hold up I ho. prps- - - . .
:� i .tainty. as,br ed,'ebarac-
�. found in the reign of Chingwang of the ent.stylp or entinhous Owpoall, %flth d6gree of ee.i . e
w Chow dynasty, before Christ 1 Ill. i its profuse- itfidertill III— 11-1111111ing 'and I terisTics. uniformity 'of type, quality
: . - . - . .
I .j All this, however, may be granted illv long, .dr00I;1II;'1 ostrich pitillips. and production 4n. live stock are the -
; . without Ili the least impairing the just : Thus It prevents , these cosifly, tritu- triumpli.of-persistont alid long line ot.
� I . I
: , claimsbfGlolato tit(, gratitudeofman. - I .
i � miags from being �ru-,Ilt�d wlien net straight breeding. , . - . .r
. 'Uth appears to be that . . I . I . 'use of a grade sire will 'only
I kind. The Lt . 1. . T he" �
,� i .
the position of Glola in re)atinn to the , ' " . . I . . tip
� compass was precisely that of Watt to I . 11 . � . lead to degeneracy Or s�rubs,* dis.. -
. . .
I I - . . .�
. I � . and fit ,� I
� I - _ Illk . .1 ... p6intment , . . ilo� .1 .
, relation to th'e stenni cn�ih(--the Ple- 1 - = - - .- . I . . � I . . . *--.
� � I
I I - - I . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .�_ ..
. ment existed; be augmented its utility. I . � I . . I -_ I 1. . . � . -
! The conivaqs used by the mariners I I . . I � . .1 I . . .. . . . . . I
; . � I I
� � .. . . .. .. . . .
�, - - �� I I I . .1 ,
I .. .,
. 1. . - �
7� ___ __________ ___ __ I . 1. For Palle. .., -
, 1. . . . I
.. . I . .
. . . a
I I I I . . I . I.,. 'I , Diefidate Peo,ole .'.. .
I . .
� .
,__� .� .
I r_ - I
� TEUIVA, ve-5-A& . I .
A-� 9". I.. �- ., ^_". __ I
I ,V adw�. - - I %V, , I
� , I ��� I . � I I . � . . .1 ... .. I
i � I
. 11 I I � Bull& tip Strength"; brings bacl . ,- the -.
, i � .. 11 MN ... - . . . ruddy.glow of healtl ' i.by creating' -a � .
_�4, k - I ;/ 1) I .. . :, natural appetft6 for nourishing food.
. .. I . .
I I - . . . . .. Get.only the A 8� L.,the orfkinal.
I - ) . . � I I . .. . . I ' . .
4 1 . nAT SUPPDXV17ER. . ... . '50c.. and $1. 00� at all druggists. :
. ,
I I � I . ... I Da.vis. & i.A:WreU4* co..'Ai,outmal. - . . � I .
- A I in use. ,, Tlxd li�t rest *ts.made out of . . .� I . . . � . . �
. I . '
I - . two embroidery hoops. one.a half Inch � � .1 1. . . I . . . , ..
. � I � - .
I 'Smaller than' flie .other. 'These, are --!.,_!i!�--,7 . , . , I .-- ---.
. I .. . . I tbr&- at ' ... . . . I . � .� . .� . .f. . ��
�.counected by.. aodards, made 1. . ., . .
. of cardboard. corsef,steeis,, whalebone Results From Separator. . �
11 � I . ., To get. the best results froin the spp-
I __ .. or thin strips. of Vood. Standards ' . .
. .�� I rings tire cl"el'y botina with Ohm arator tile liansas exi)6rimelit st4tion
I. . '
' ' .
. 11on' and. the joinbs, 'where the hoops . It , rges observance of the. three .rt.i.les
. wo
I . , W,hlch 'foilo , 1,1rst-Tbe sp6ed of 06 '
I )ire sewed'to the 's,tandards. are, bid- I . . . .
den. , . .bowl.has an influeqcOl , on .the crea � m.
� 1. . .beneath'-stnart I! , ttle, bows o('the - . . .
I 0 . . , thing of ,� change in speed from: One sepam- . "
I . . riblion.. The re,W, In no ' NV 11, '. -1 . lion to another changes the per cent of
� I
I as -the " BlaiW, Kniglit, I . hen � u ty and IS r�ady-to.be it i . o.�* I f not .- -
come to your howe ?. . . rort,vor . at least for its long, its tl . te. fa - t to the cream. . Second:mTbi tem-
. - . , peratd�e of1benlilir affi�cts the creami
. . ' i
- present f;t.�111(111 I .1. I. iIat�.,,. i.fn . gel....'. . " e I . ,
. . Let hilli shov� you the . . .-.-- . .-- I It the mllk.ls .warm tb .cream will be
I -
quick and edsy wayto shifle . I . . . I . . I .. Thipher illan If it -is cold.- Thlrd�Th6
. I . '
. I . .1 I .. . ,infount separated per hour is aiiotfi,er
the stove,,-,, e� 14 u1ne bist.Qfy. or. tile Stissoons is. otiv , I t,
� . �7 ,. I . . factor. , .This Is especially. importan
,,% I . .
" Black Kilight I I takes jor If the milk Is unevenly fed Into
. offahe most &aniatle 16 the. veeydra- . ,
,, al), the luird work and dirty matic Story of tliellehrc�w race. The tbo'bo*W1 the thickness oi'the- cream I is '
- . .
. 60-Infil Sassoon was a Bombay mer- . I
.� ,Aork o ` of stoke pWishing. � vastly influenced. The amount of wa'
. W, -1 chanti put the family is descended ter or skimmilk us6d to dusfi out the
.. "I It's X paste-s%ltliere is from a group, known its Itin Sboshan, bowl' wilt . affect the *qualfty Of! the
. I no watery mixtuie to . be . who nt one time held the position df, I eream.. . All tbese'things tend to show
I , prepared. nossi of Toledo, The 'name. Shostian. .% k handled
I � . that the iseparitgr must be .
Just a few rubs with cloth or which signifies *Illy" in. 11'ebreW4 Was with. care and good. Judg mient. . .. .
.. 1��9 brush brings a wirror-like'thine * -rtiduall . . . 1. . . .. .
� t y transformed Into Sassdbn, I . I . 0
. . � . .
. that "yougin secyour faceit0l. . 81-tilrying "glitoness." - Tbe fa,mily - Cinadian. ,jbehr. grease will -surely
, ,
And the slitne lasts! claim Davidle descent. . and' Abrahani grow hair. .. That's why Bearines. the
� fi Most dealers handle and reconmi. , sassoon, Wb(), 116urtsbed.in .the i � eveti- . pomade made frod it, makes hair
" L
. I .
. mend "Black Knight" Stove Polish. teeni,bDeentury; ,stated . that he, was a'- grow- 596. &Jmr . '. , . .
If yoqr dealer can not supply it, send .. I . . I
toe . �?r a big cati-sent po�tpaid. �. direct �flescendant or ShePhatlah, .M6 .� \� I - . I I. . I *� , -
ci �,, . e, 9 . Jifth son of David. .Not only are there . I .
THE F. F. DALLEY iO. LIMITED. Illany r6f6retle . . I. tituncl.. . , , .
0 eS .to the.naine In Hew 'he old gentletwin went into tbe�par-
Hamilton. Ont. is brew tnedineval llte�nllire, but men- 49 . . .
Make". of the fo...& "a i. I" Shoe Polish. tion or It Is tuade fit tile Talmud -Lon: ]or the other ulght�nt the%witchin- '
e, . . . 0
� I , I . hour of 30:30 ,.Old foufldc!he lights out
- V doll .N.I. A. r�., ;. . � . � . . I . .
. . �. I � . and his. daughter nlid ,I Mi� friend
. . I . . I .... ' �
. . . I -enjoying' a tete-a-toto Ili u. col,ii6r by
. . . . .1 . . . .
- I -1 . , . � I . d ,i . I .. :I the *1 n*dow. I. . . .1 . * , .
. . . . "Evangeline," said ItTo Old man -stern -
I � ly, "tills Is setiodillb.'I , !" .
Be Wise, in, Time '. 11 , . .. I . ' I . 11:Yes, papa,". site hitswered 'sweetly. .
o . __ � . . . "It Is candle)pss'. beciluse times are
. . ..
I , A �� . . � . . I . I
'You caM16t keep well unless the bow.els are -regular. . I hard. , Lights cost so much V�rdluaud
Neglect of this rule of health invites t'W the .sicknesses .and I sald we would ge�.ujqng with,
. from whicb--we suffer. Keep the bowels - rigIft; othekwise . . the starlight." - , " I. . .
� waste matter and poisdils which sh8uld pass out ofthe , And pap� turned '(11YOut: in speech-
less amazement find tried to walit out
body, find theirWay into the blood and 4icken the who I le, , . f of: the room through .a p�h,ll In the
system, Don't wait until the bowels'are constipated; tdke . _ . .
. . I � 11 . . � . wall paper..;--Exeltauge. I
� C- A , , I . I I 1 . I . � 7 ;. I
. . : , �
I fho Difference, - . I
. I . 1174 ather," AM' little Rollo. 44what* 1%.
�� - - I � " PS P11"L81
, 0 - Alt -', .
BEE it � the dilrerence, between farming and'
I . �-� I flVicultur6'.", .
t I . . . ., .
* " "Well. my son.. fi;V (atunIng yon-tieed,
They are the finest natural laxative hiAhe world -gentle, .1 �
� . i I a plow and, a horrow an(l it lot of other
safe, pr9iApt td thorough. They .strengthen the stomach Implements, And for ag,rleultuic all
muscles, and 11 not injure the delicate mucou's lilihig of . . - yout need IS a Pencil and a piece �e
- I I
. .11 I -
the bo*els. Deechani�s Pills have a con8titutiotfal actibn, - - . . . ..I'--- 1.11 paper. irk - d - I., � � I . ____ I . _.� I—— - -
That is, the longer you take them, the -less freq'iiently you L . I 1.1- 1. . .I . . . � . I . 11 I I ., I
need them. They help Nature bplp herself anil � _--..__..1_. .__ . - -_ �__ , - !"""
. 11 . I . - - . .. . . 1. .
. * I I ?I,- "aft
&%%4% . 4k=p I
Keep the Bowels Healthy %--,&,A'T0R I A �
. I . � roz, Infants ana bmwon,
14KIMAOU Have Always Houghf
. Bile Active& Stomach Well ' � bo .$
Pre ared only by Thordati Beechatil, St. Heiens, Lancaifilte, Hiegland. L Mar- tho ,� " .1 -1
1. solteby all Druggists In Canada atid. LT. S. Anscric4c, to boxes 29 cenits. I . "' - ;�07 * �
1, ��, 91 W,_ 00i
I . I %_ .. 11 � .1 , . .1 . . 11 . �� �� - 1 _:,".uro of 40" ,
....W� I ne, -
. .. 4 ,
. ; � I I . I I . I . . .
. I . .
. - � . . . .
. I :1, .. . I . � . I . . � . . . I
� I �, � . � . � I �.
, I .
" � . . � L" 1V . ' ' I I I I
- � � �. . ' ... - - .. . .. - _ __ - __.___,_____.______
It is w,ell to have on 11all"I TRAINING A SHEEP, DOG.
a �
..tmc(ly, simple, effective aud - ` .
eagily a�plied, for mwquito, I This First Mostintlat Is t9 Totich Him
bites, insect stings, sore I to Lqys 0 You.
.4) If there Is allytitim, that a cillep1wro
bruises, .sunburn, aud injuries needs belp about It Is training a olivep
to the skin, and forty other 110' say$ Professor Arbuckle to the
Americ-an $beep Broeder.
ailmeuts, not always dauger. You waut your do- to come to youl
ous,, but which can be cured .Its it pup not over two mouth$ old. as
by outward applicatiou. SUC111 .*:(Ill Want Win to know.no other ma. -ter
, than your.gelf. At two months he will
a remedy is Davis' Wuthol learn bIs name �Ind Plel, up, simple les.
Salve(Th I el).&L.),which comes solls It will be well ror'blio to go
i* tius'fQr 25 cts. at druggists. where' the sheep are, but 'N'ou must
I not *try to teach him to berd, thetil,
. I.. �� I JNJN�V 'L nor must ei,ou lot -a ewe with ,I lam6
11 get-&oclose enough to make a pass at
. A . '. N I - him. Ile must not be frlg,h�pne(j with
. I .. VA . I sheep. I I .,
.. ,
I I TRLD bular . The first lesson Is to teach him to
0 . '.
I - , , � - " , - ' T. TO
.1 I __ - , I- tore y011. XITISAS UST.' it L OIT
/ , , y It
I gentle with him and will pet him fro-
,, ... ; .� .
I �;�.:�, - . , � --. -
� �:Di� �
d".1 11". - .. ,11 ,��i�-,iA4' , V
q � . . � . .t I -..-.,. i-.;:. ,
. .1 �.. .,
,:11- , , I I..''
. . , .:! �
0% V - / - , ,., , . ..; IC1,
op., I M, ", ��!:� -�:�:��j;�� i�: 4_4 --::�� i
� �,�::10�: . -
. ZN e � ii, - .!"�, . I ?...:...
.: 0 ..... �
. I * .." . � 11 ��:. E:,�,.i: 1.
.. , �', . i..."': - ,.:;�.4'
- '.... .... �..... .. ;�% .:;.:,..I,
. . . � , - . P,
11 ..,; . : . 1: � I
. ..
. . I
..'..., ___ I �, . .. . ::* . 011
. I �
. .. . I I . I
___ - - 1 '..... . 1. 1�1 .
. ' � I .
-.4 � .
� FATTENING HOGS - -,�. ,.:::' . "I r� � W I
� I . . . ""',*
.1 .
I A farnier of whie vXporiplJoh all(T quently rot- tile collie loves a caress
Observation, 4�agwr If') 1w of soulp . help I as mucli� its lie does his breakfast. Give
-� to others, ,,,ilys: -For. yoni's I 11.1vo. him it shcrt ntuve ,and use -it often.
read farm journal,,, farmers' bulit,tins, Speak It Portly with the. caress aud
Whet e er yon
and werythIng front which I cotild .
. L harsh with .I rebuke. I v . .
llope to learil .4oluellillig. that woul approach his yard or kennel call him
11 to ,you by, saying 'Toine.11� You a)
be (!,f [tell). � I aIn II(AV very gla(i tilat .ay
.. I (lid so, as, it wa.-4 vvi-y nevessary for accomp.r,uy tills with .ills name or with
me, to econonlize tlos year in ev( a wIllstle. ,Ili(] you inust be careful to
wav espf-cfally III feed. glye 'I".1111 tile Savie whistle always.
"I'llild little slodc to food anli le.,q:, Tit IS 1- ' i fils next i��s4on, Ile -will soon
learn this. ailti,sooll'you will have the
to food it oil, 1. 11,1(1 no'Vol-11. 41116 1 lictry . .
I * -ii, _-, '.. . _must: .dIfficult lessoir-of,tall -1:6-"git-b,
� mis. N-(,r,�"[Frtli�"fijil".�,ili�- lit I(' co" 11 1 I')" Thb�k is to teach him to obey, When.
� wilk1t ninde the (juv.stloll of gvl(iII.,_, You .4ay I . 'Coal - o" liv must come*tor you,
lily. few ho-, 11) (.4;Ilditio.11 for 111(.,It n .
VVIIX 11611011s, olle. Vigurill , .1.4 IIII of it it(' lie inust know tbathe is compelled
g, . I
to . , ie d6sires to do so
tile Journal"; .Ind bullvdils do. tell I I otlie *Ilether I . . .
6usbols of vorn for vavll loo pounds 0I . Ur. lwx� � .
. .
pork, It woul(I retl�lllv 11w purt-littse of . , Ju.5t herelit-ou and your pup will have
Six . ty hushel., of'(-orll for 160 ImIl"Ids Your flr6t batIle, and ff,tbe,victory is
gaill oil ellcll [log. I . . I I yours you are well on -the *ivay to sud-
eemful training, If lie reruses to come,
"Tilts would Ille.11) lift- sIn-1)(1111, of �. .
' gwi after, him antl bring him to you
VJ0 to $40. 1 did not linvo il'iN vwney. . r
11 nerow, um I baye ;'k way tyf getting it. miressing hill] foil. �otue' time. Then
but I 111.111aga'd it) get foarteeliall(l oile- try It over again. ,Never let him feel
- .
AnIlf,blishills of corli froll) .1"lleiglilfor. that1he Is having Ills ,way,.but avoid,
I nlakin�g. ,It clear igsue with him yet, for
. I
I fed this corn to forty elile-kells and Ile must krtow . . .5 -
six Ilogs. Five of *the hugs wero I . . , punishment , .fir t, and
, you musb,kttow what.forin of punish -
shotes welghing about fifty pounds - ,,,nt will suit the
each. Aloo�' w4tIr this e0,1.n 1, f(,(, .Individual dog best.
.. . Sothe day,,after you bave taught hill!
sugar beets, Avillter 61(fl,'lles, -caltrots. what 114joine'? means, he will dellbevare
. . ;
pal -'snips, toillotoes. tin([ scraps..from I . .
I . ly run from .you just to test you. Keep
Lhe table. disbivit'ler, a stilall, (Inalitity - yonr patience tow and be willing to
of .5101) sluff and Nviwat brall, � . 0
- . tnko two or three hours off just here.
"Wheft tile corn A% -.;is all its.cil III" It is, worth it.. Try. as before .to i5ring
SOAV hild plit. oil about 12--) Poall(1�4 211)(1. him by caressing, but he Is* lik"el . y to
eacli sh6te . - about ii.fty pounds, Tito sat, fils head on disob6dielic.e, so'you
qllfil tot.11 of tills Ini-rense lit we�gllt nipst pimish idin. I �. . 1. . .
, .. .
. I �.. .
. . I .
. . . .
- X Inny d's I I'll VININt clives . 'Ga rge I I 11 If f, Ill 9'
. I
� , - __
. .
. � .. . . �
. I ..
.. .
. . .
I �
. NV:111..about 3T5 t)ou . lid,, *at, .ii . I' nclual 1,
cost 'of. about $14. it 'I'll H 11g.. everything'. 1
fed at 41 * le Q,pell. Ill-ark6t privo, - . I
I "This, is the reverst, Of .111 experl- ��
Pllc-c I had ollet, ljoforo. Solup years,
a I g, -o I -fed coni n nd vi; -n r NN 11 t vr (.,I � ltirel.A . '. 1,
' . . . I
It. the.corn the.11 fod hild bek-11 Sul�l lit
. .
the-Itlark(it price .,Ill(-[ pork hought with . I
016� Illbue, revelyea �tllv illone" Avol . It . (I
1. . � � -
� I .. . . . ...
. . . vs.
I .
� . 1.
'LUN G .'. 1. -
.BALSAM.. .. � .
. .
I I . Vor deep -:seated I . . . � I
I "' -
. .
I . I I .. COLDS, -
. .
I .
- I � . CROM .� .
. I .
A 26(,- Bottle rw a Sfrnpte� Cold., � .
. A 60c. Battle tora Heavy -cold .
A ,
4 . �1.00. Noult for a DeepwseaWd Cough. I
Sold by all D rugkists. 1. �
. .
DAVS, Sc L_A_WRI�,1TCn C(k,i. AlontretlL,
� _ .
� �
. . I
. .
I . . .- __
� , . .11 - I 11 . I �
� I
I We know of no other rnedicine which has been so suc-
cessful in relieving the suffering of wornen, or secured so
. many genuine testimonials, -,u, has Lydia E. Pink -ham's I
I . Vegetable Compound, � . ..t I
I In almost evely communi y you - -WU1 -find wonten who
have been restored, -to health by Lydia E.* Pinkliam's Vegr- .
etable Compouiid. Almost every woman you meet ha's
either beeii'bexiefited by it, or knows some one who has.
I . �
In the Pinkham Laboratoi y at Lynii, Mass., are files- co'11
Uining over. one million one hundred thousand letters from " � �
wonv . ea see�king healtli, in wbich many openly state over
. their own signatures, that they have regained their . he.alth
by taking Lydia E. ^Pffikham's Vegetable .Compound'
'.. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable -Compound has. sayed
. I
. many women from surgical o . pefations. . .� 1�1' - .
Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetabI6 Compound is made ex.,7
clusively from roots and her�s,.and is perfectly 'hatinless " �� '
. . . * 1*11
. The reason wby it is so successfal is because it containsl I
. ingredients which. -acit directly upon the female organism,
. .
I. restoring, it to healthy and norm.41 activity. - . . . .
.. ---Tholl-Sands -of-unsolicited, ai'-ia.--�nui-ne�.,tes-timoni-.t-Is-siicli--,----�1--��I
. t' .
as the following prov6'the efficiency of this simple remedy. -
- � J 7
. peii�river, Qm.-I'Mritliotilt Lydia E. Plifilchani's Vegetable
Cointiounfl-I AvoliLld ittotbe alive. For five months Xhad pailLiful.
. andirr.egitlar periods aud'inflainniationof tile uterus. Isuf-
fered like a, ulartye and thought often of death. I consulted
� .two doctors who could donothililgfor m.6, I went to a; hospital, .
.. i%nd the best doctors s�ftjd I nixist suibinit to ail, operatlail, because
1hadatumor. lweiitbLi(.-Ikhoi*nemuclidiscoitr4ig.ed. Oneor: � �
. my cousins advised ine to take*your Compoiind, as it had'eure4 I
. her. I did so aviLd,0mi. commenced to fe'461 better, and wyappe-
11- AM -Pu "I T. 4P I 4 A
� =
. I . .1 I
:: IDiLce ealitle Itekc witil ,une rs V �. $11. _� - I- - - __ , *
, . aise." r
. ,cured. Youtir remedy 4s deserving ,of lir. - X s. Einatta - :
I .1�1. . I . . . 11
Chatel, Valleynelta., elleriver, Qu ec.. . I I .
� I � '
. . Woi,nen _wbo are. suffering from .those'distressitig ills �
I . . - -
. .Peculiar to their sex should not lose sigli.t of these Jacts I
. .
I -' am's Veg�table . �
I or. dotibt the ability of Lydia. E. Pi ' nkh, '
' . . . .
Compound to restore". tlieir health.-- - '. I .. . .. � I
. .
I "!I21 . I ': . I . . - 11. . .. .. I _ I .. 1. � I 1. .
� . . I . '. I . . .. ...
. . . . . . �
linve Palo: fur about, twice .t,,- IIII.V1. � I . . -
. . ' = ---. . :.-.. . . - -1 - - ...... - ,
pork as we W10- whou .Nve. killgd. our .. .1 1. . . I . ._. . . .
hognt-,.,: T-111.4 was at ;j� tinle whell qorll . ' I .. '
:ost frolil 30,to 4U �ellts' It bil'shol 'and . S1C1(HEADAC.H.t- C U'R E S.'�
I . . .
It'008t: about 3 cents to'feed hogs. ,Tl'i,G- .1 - I. . 1. -_ . '
. . . . How to Relieve This Most Distressing
weather.wab very unhi'Vonible also. . . . . . . I . .
, . . � ..
"I Illave learned that .1 few vegeta- -( . . Form of A illiess" .. I
' I n"-
bles are rellshedt by bogs.as well as .- 1,zi'vk 'heathicho, Nv ifle *not da per.
by human, 'beings, and- they "also' ald 'Ou'S, is one of the most' disal-reeable
I .
digestipti. ', I have fed * im , o�pkbis and forms of , I 1 11 ess. "4otlle* wommi - are .
, . . . ,, 1, es sitbject to it at such frequent. ixiter-, -
,,quaklies..ftiong with corn.. squds . .- . .
- ' vah; that the", art, incapacitatod for
are tho'better feed for bogs, but they vj�vi. , � � . �
. I * ., till,vs at it little. .. . ., .1 . .
are not ds va luable its. sugar be�ig' ra I ,
I . . C, , % i '"' , Uiile,ss tho be'ada.ehv I., known to '. �
ints.and,parsnips.. . - . i � I colne front snimi functional diSca-der, . .
�'I,'Intve found I lie three latterveggeiio- "I .it (-an genorally Ili, traced to ifii*Pa,'1r-- ,
tables the easier produced -that 1�;, can . ed. digestion or a Aluigish li�er, These
be' gro I w . a more abundantly on Impro- must Ile treateJ lit the interim-, 61 fhe �
* i
vised 11111d, -Rud it requires fairty good Tleadavile:;, II.S. ,'it t.hv tithe natbing'but .
solt for. iW raising of squashes and uTleviating rentodies tire. possible'. I .
pumpkin$. In-past.y6ars I haye�prie-, A treatment that i.; often success-
. ., . , -a I t, abstain front r6d ineitts for
. P' 4, to , I
- �
. � -
. I
. .
I . I
. I
. �
. . .
. I I
. .
. � . I .
. . . .
. .... A.'Newspaper .I-. .�..
. . .. . .
.... . "'Or 1M 99, . I
,.Not -An I . gaAL:
. I... . . . 1. 1.
. . I I .
, . "I �
.. . I
... 1 .. .. . .. � I . � ...
. : * . Tl4e nian: who waqtg an open-minded. discus�si6n .of - '
I - politicst the ste-acly.supp'ort..of right; justice, and .
. . . decency, . without cant or . bitterliess, .itild, an u . npre- � , ,
.- . .
. . jndiced,-coniinP117Sense treattxieiit.of;pib1ic affairs, ' I
. . ghlyenjo the , ' 1.
1. will,,thoroug y . . I
. . . . I � I
. I I
. . I � ,
. . .
.. , . � .. . .� . I . I I
. �
L . 0
I . 1. Am .", 6M
I , lu .011, i v r ,
� T r to, Da I' Sta *
. I .� � . %V ... . ..
, � I
. . � . . .
. . I . .
I . �, . Th� Star is not tied.to a7iy party or arty, "Int6rest..
I . - .
I L. It lIaS (lQf1IJite L ophiions..of ito, own .oil p'o.litic*aj, Social,
.� ."% and moral q'ilestions-but it"iecOguiz- tli,- right,of - - .
I I � I � . . cl .. . 1.
. other.i to hold e%-actty .oppositc, opilliolis wit-holit, .
'. . . ..
... . subjects for abuse. . �
. , nec�;�s.��irlly behicr scoundrels or fit t .
. I . . � c, , . . 1. M . .11 .. I ..
. The . Siar's editorials, are broadmirlitided, lione8t, M . 5
' '
keen and clever as So m*e of the ,best writer's in Canada , .
. � I .
. ': : can indke theni, and al.ways Pair.. I . . � . . . . . . .. . I
� . . I . .. . I . � .
. . The: Star is published fov- fair-minded, in, tellij�nt " '
. � . . - a '
� people who take n.n.active interest in .0 nad'a and the
. .
I world., Consequently It.Has.More Rc�aders.Thsin .
. I I . .
Ady Other. Paper. Ili Ontario. - . I
. . - . . . 11 .
� . .1 . . �
. . . I
. _ . * ' I
. �
. . $1.s150 A Year. 1.
. . �
. . I . I .. .
I .
. . ..: . I I I..
I . 11. I , I
. lhis paper and the TORONTO DAIL Y STAR together.for
. . . .
oneysar,$2-240- Gu'aranteedFounfaiih Pen #iven for 50c.
1 : ..
. . added to above subscriphorl. prices. . ' - I.. I
. . . . .
. . . . .
I . I , I
I . � .
.,� � . . .
� 4 . � I I . . . . m. .
. . . - . I . I .. . � .
� .
. . . �
�*. - 4� ,4 1i
. I .
pared a few hills, making thern rich- , a tinio and tt� bt, careful about takirig 401MWPEW� . I - I � -_ - . -_t I � -_ .. 'I
, . . . . I . . . . � .
*Ith manure aud- plahth'ig the seed to ... 1, t),at ferhient estAily. One 'man; . . . . - ! . , . . . . . . . .
rrom May. 20 to. June 1. ,When the wit,), -Tigd doet.Q.retf for years -for sick . - .. . .1 I I 1. �
y , A � I I . .
I- Watered these hills fioatlach6tk ivas,'-cured by his wifelioe- ' THX CLE N WAY OF - � . . � I . .
. I
. . .
A apd�haA gobd results. As. - hi- to it" thut, ffi-. drank a rill) of T16t . AEMOVING ASHES -. ,' '- . . .
affer:suiisc " MQJn2iiiiia .
this experilueot proved sucdesMl irith ,%valq Avith a- IfOr -teaspoonfal of salt � . - .. � . . I . X, � . . .
me I thought 'it might pro,ie. s6 to it' A ' E cle!r spar.e. allowing for I
I . , I .0 .
I I .
.. . 1. . . " . . .
others.11 , . . I . . ing, t a . s r,o6rt A* ht, I arose inA . ie I inorn- I irlarge size aft'an-7This. is . . : .
.' .
. . . . . I . .
I . . . . . Of T(-Illf�n -,I�l .- . -s . . I . . .
_V_* - - . I A It, it las. of. cot(; another.of the bright featili6 - .
. . . I _Q I .1 I � witivi. takoll nl_�'Tit tknd � morning I.,% . . iound only in the- - I � I � I . . ., I I
. . another rt-illedy ,th6rIbIts' proved-1telp- , I . . I . I . . . !�
. . . .
; Hitrus, hites, bridses, and boils. fill to Illaily. I I . . . . . . IM.PERTAL�,OXFORP , - )
Davis' Menthol Salve will soothe and DuRng the attat�?v n,st and .quiet. . � .. . . . .
he!tl them all. I 25 a a tin at all . Irf-ituperatiArv. l'ie'dowli in't dal . RANGE �. I i .. . i
. I , drugg, Ill t -k- , . . ff 0 r
Ists."'. . I I .. . . - I � L . - of . If you'll but take the trouble � I
. mled rooln, (Irhik quantiliv.s bot I .
I I I I I I --- - : IV.1 apply elther a*hot water ' to.,call,inwe'll gladly prove to , 11 �
. I .. I -1 .1 � . �ter and' . - ' - " . . . I
I � .� . I I . I bottle -br-'all Ice bag to -:11w temples - you ,why this rangp is so -popular.. - � I . I �
, . )f t1w brain, n I . SEE us BlEvoitt Y . ou BUY : I 11
. � Cloths rungp'.out of hot lazel . . I I .
I -
Troubled.With . ""T' tlll� `as('t witchi . . . . .. - . I
� . I . I ' . . � . . �
. '. 6fi-it .. .
I . t, bring quiel, roliof. : Hendache � . I I . . .. �
I eolo�lv if rubiwd oil tll(' toill ph -8 - in . I . I I
.. Backa&0- For* tinw�llvts as a-pl-vventivo. while 401116, . � - DAVIS& ROWLAND, I '. I
. . I . gow-C MI. . -&;uffPrvrs .,ire , holpod. -by talcing. -,-I . Sole agents: ' . . .. Clinton, Ont. . �. . . I I
4-aOijwtic at, tilt- first syruptoin , .. .
Years. 0 , I . I . .. . I �
.. pletely Cured - 'Ill st'vore cases live �)I- tell Illinutes, I I � . . . . . . . 1. . ... ;...
I . .
. By The Use Of r, troatinent with. .,III ol �Ctric battery -is .. 11 I - ___ . I I I I I . .. . .. .
. � invaluablo, This i -s better tilall 16as- � - ___W _1 I �
� DOAN'S.KIDNEY PILLS. sn're . , 11,-t . fliv pri-silre is'sonletillies too , * . I ;
. .. -,
strong Wll('Il tilt. .
Nlm. W, V. Doerr, 13 Brighlon, St " hf'atlacllo is, bad. L 00k H E. k IS1. Ford & - Mc' L e o d' : . �
,t,stv.jos 6f.delt beadyclic . . �
London; Ont., writei:-111t is wilil, Ili the firs .. - . I . . . . .
ple . asure that I tliaftk oll for the pf'ood it, call offi-Il be � 11vorted by taIjing . I I . . . I .
,volir Doan's Xidnev PiTis have, dolle. ftle. abdonlinal and iwelc oxvreis("."; an(l by L0111'41 FOR., SALE . - ' I
F I . Raying secured a commodious Grain I
have been. trouble'd with backtiche. for putting it inustaril phiqt(sr twor the , I . AT* THP, I . Stotehouse, we are now buying all � .
. . . . . . I . .
year.i. Nothing helped tile until.a fricnd . stolull(41, I .1 . . ' kinds of grain, for which the highest, -. " � . ..* I
-ougl tile a, box of your Kidney Pills. ' . I , tirave'. LhIle'Workso prioeswill- be paid, .
Ili it I .. Ad, .
I began to take them Ad t ook foul'bom,s, . Pire,Grown Plowerd., � Alt nufactnrers of Virst-olass Lini'e, ' . I . � 1 A4
. 1.
111111LI arn Alad to say'that I ain eured en- NVIII-atall,. N,Vlli(.Il. is ill(.% Tlaw, of 06 NIOTTO,-VitAt-eliiss Vine Rold. and . Bean, Shorts, Oorn and all kinds of �
-, .
tirely awk can. do all lily own Avot,k and i ill(% liner Illissility for so long, h-1.111so. ., PrI00%withirtreltehofall. . grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on ..
,feel �s good as 1 used to before takensick, flf(, TJJJuI(, of I I,(-. imt�olllll flower hand at the storehouse. . . I . � .
L.ai�.positive. Doan's Kidne-y-Tills turc - ,\1Tgtrali.,I,, I of ,- 20c, p )c,- lor .50. ,. -1 I � I � �.- .. . � . . - - � - - - -
. . % 1. . er b kishetnt kilias. Or 4
. Imshel. loads, delivered at Graham's, . I * 11
all you clahn. thein. to -110, ftlid Vadvise Walking.' or riding throxiall. ilm 110tel Clinton. .�, . . I . .1 � , 6.
rdl kidney sulT-crers to give thein afair ll,,tralfiln 1)11'11� tilt, iraveler will I . I . I . ,
trial." I I . k eclisionally 6oaw t,iliddouly Upon it Orders filled promptly. . . Ford-&Adeod � I . I I
. 11 . . 11
Let Doan's M(Inev Pills do for yoll IIIII-Ilt-out 'j-i(lg(-, Avlwry v scrub -fire A, NICUOLSON' & 8012%1, lllropl.s.. . .. I
*Ilat, 0lev have (106o Tor t1lousand.". or lirs swvpt awtiv -tilt, unelf�rgrowtfi. G, 1'. It, STATION. CLINTON.
- e � lulgrave, Ont. . . � .
ethpr-i. 'thow cure all forms of� Lidn Y . niang tho'eliari,od trobs, still'statitl- " . .
trolible ,Intl New cure to stav cured. �iwr, tonguvs of Ilaint, tseoni to lick, I __ - - . . .
. I .
Privo 5o ctinis por-liox or'3 ho\eq for I 'I'llf-so arly 111v Avorati'll.q, vach Aetil 1 � - . .
stoppedin 21) Ininutes .
$1.25 ai all dealvi,q or mailod dil-ect on - ,lbout 6 fvA high, IIIId,hv;WlII..,t a sill- - Children Ory 41..#� Nvith,J)r. Shoop%l, .
ropoint of prico by The T. Milblirn Co., I :."If, burnina-rol i1V,sv(,r,. shapol liho .I I It Croup Itelileds. On., . . . I
l,i�iiiiiecl,,'I'oroxit,o.*(Otit. I FOR FLETCHER 8 C-RIIUPII"tl"k.illRll1,4,1�,I)rovo. �
.11141 .tit( lz� No voiniting, It,, dig- .
lit%u-t, , , A- - of a 11:1111's vlos�-d .
When ordering .qpecify "Doan's." I halpl. � .
- .1 �� 1. . . . . 10 A SIT10 R I A tms,l, A safe and plea,ing.,yrup Zoe, Vrug4l.st,4. �'
� I '. -_ I . . I . I I . . I 4 . I . A
I . I .
. � I
. � .. I
I . IN I
I I I . I - I
I I . .
I \ . I � I I I &
I . . I . . M
" "'Aw,
Japanese Ment'hol Is'utlequal.
led as a Vaiu relieviug agent.
Applied in the " 1). &- W,
]Bluo 1111lood of Noo"-
lvleutlaol Plaster it is th4Z most
iory For Keoping Vp StorWard.
, .
,Uttla Known. of the Real Origin of
,effective remedy known for
A writer lit 1,'arto ood Progrew, says o*
A inislakelt Idea that is very mislead.
. . theinstrument, * -
Lumbago, $ciaticaj Rheumatic I
lor, alla practlet'-(l, by a greilt many
. . I 0 .
Aches and Pains. Try a "D.
f.traiers is In ilsing a grode sire to
& W1 Menthol Plaster the
grade tip their berds or flovk.
The use ot ,a grade stro in bre'eding
Ilext firne you are zuffering
atly iulas.,;l of IN(- titoelt vaunut be I too'
� � .
Won0orful Polopto Knew, of ths
fiom any otie of these com-
strongly c7ondpilmed, and I am sure It
911010 No.0414 I�Qng. Refore th.0 I
plaiub-'randbeconvIced, 25C.
each tit druggists.
those wllo'use, i,.'radcx sirps Would rec.
ogulve tile laws that govern breeding
Cfhristlgo gra'Thq. p1jillinsL of Qolel,r I
t hey wou Id not use� I bent.
tho Pilot, and tho Croitit Puv Him,
Tilt- temptation. to use grade sires,
Much Interest must forever attg
... .r . ch to.
If"" ,ver, Is,linvilubly on account of
the low "-h he
for be,
tb,e dIpcovery of that valua.4 tostru.
. r :
price call se.
:. s� I
: inent the ronritier's, campus , an(t yet
cured ,
and the resemblance be bears
to the [lure bred animal. Ili case he is,
. there are few subjects concerphig]
lrRA76 1.
- . -Whia Im Is kAowlt. -1;',Qr a, period 'E"ho" '
hO4Or of the invention was Pscri4ed to
I A. 8131endi'd irofild -
I � c
-half I lood
I -o , 1--gr"'J�V' 111.11('(1- 1JVLItJL
oIle � . be
svruh breedinev stooz, there sizould.
. .
, I Gtola, a Pilot, boru ;I; Vit-91tallo,
, .
tin llii� .ht4 4t..*..
014ildS Up the SyAtem
I It roe parts of ,44 -rub blood to JI)IIe part
smalt village situated near Awal
, I � r 4t 1,
I . about the end of the tWrteeath cen.
Strongthene the
of improved 1)1001(1� and III tills event
-vrnt�llt wool(l, sti
11upi'm be lulpo.. Ible,.
I r
I � Wry. His claims, however, have been
11 .Muscles
� .
Take it grodt, sire. tile produa
(t from
I . disputed. .. I
elves Now Life
-1 sovonfl cross, I
, I threo fourths 0lood
I . Much learning and labor have been I
r bestowed upon the subject of the. d1s. 1,
r Sold by all ipedlolne deals".
. r
gnide. mated with ,svrub, breeding
stocU, there would be lit this ualon
. I 11
I)avls 4 Lawmace co.,,Xoutred;
, covery. It has oeen mallitablea by one
. � �. - ===========�
I Phoenicians were . � �
.1 the Inventors, by another that the ---,---- I .1: "' , -,,,-"*,-"-,, ,,, , ,
I 0 Greeks and Rama its had a khowledge . . a �
, of IL Such notions. however, ba III el too AfeQl U.-ATUTIVIIII UUrIU6- kutt
�ve tw fth 'and thirteenth centuries was
�� been completely refuted. a very uncertain .and unsatisfactory,
- One passage, nevertheless, df a re; apparatusi It consisted only or a mag- 0
� markable character occurs to the work! Vetle needle floating In 11 rase or basin
i ,_
- of Cardinal de VittY, bishop of Ptole- by means of two straws on it bit of,
: mais, In Syria. He went to Palef$tifie� I cork *supporting It oil the surface of
�� during the fourth crusade, about the the wute�. I
I �
11 year 1204. He returned afterward to
, I The compass used by thii Arabians
� . Europe and subsequently back to the I in the thirteenth century wiV ail ib�
I I ,11oly Land, where he wrote his work. strument of exactly the same desprin.
� entitled "Historia Orientalls," as near. '' Now, the Inconvenience and In . . .
� tion. . � OXVORD DOWN RA31.
� ly as can be determined, between the I eiD.clency of such rifir apparatus are ob- I .
. years 1215 and 12220. In chapter 91 vious, The a-liption of tile ocean and
I ft , live I'LtIrts Ot scrub blood to three parts
. . of that work he has ,this singular pas.- I the tossing of the vessel mightivender of Improved blood. The -%Yo I
. sage: �
: , !�he Iron needle, after contact with It useless to a moment.,, . peovvinvirt has ninde no progress.. .
, ' 'ven ,oin
I But Giola placed the' magnetized R with. a grode .sire fi the
I the loadstone, constantly turns to the needle on a pirot, which perm �
,Its It to 'thl"d VrOSS. a* sereti-ei-Ifflis blood
north star, which. at the axis of the torn to all sides with facility. After� ,1110Q, 414t0d' with the svrub. breeding
� firmament, remains, finalovable while.] -st.ock. _t1wro.would be---uWe,--pa,rIs.of--
� ward,it.Was n-tilietwd lo -a card'divided
the others revolve. and hence it is es,w Into thirty-two points, called rose de - sCrUb U100d to s.even of .1tinpiroved.
sentially liecessalY to those onrigat. vents. and then the I;ox conta�iuln_ it�. blood, scrub blood, still In tile major-
. I I
I V Ing on the ovean." 'was suspended lo.sueb a manner t'hat, ltV MO. i'llprovelnellf liew fiack, as'this ,
,.These words tire Its explieft as they however tilt-, vessel nlight he tossed, I sernt) blood Is wonderfully prepotent.
I a -re extraordinary. The), �;tatea fact it would alway*s remah: horizontal,- ' "nw.s,, rnets ,;hould doulonstrate the,
; . and announce a use. 'Ube thlll� there. Electrical LIngiryper. ., . - .
, 0, I fp1l,Wy (it usill", gi-jiAle, Si;,es foe Im.,
� I, , fore, which essentially constitutes the - . . . provin.4- or gniding it[) our .live stock,
. �
i Compass must have bee'n knuwn long For Rheitutat'1811114Cis not necess, hw - Ili them -broed, prepoteucy an(I
.11 before the birth of Gloia. In addition a, -y to, go to tiot spvillg4. J 114i -use t-harat-wrisLics. have Ing beeti.fully es.
. to this fact, there is another equally, I -'the D. & L," Afenthol. .Vlaster and re. , lat)[Ished and fixed. Therefore, they do
I fatal to his claiiii its the original tit Suits Wdl I
- . C, s- te s-itisfactory. 2,3c at t * It
� - kl6t possess. that -power tp ransmi,
I coverer. druggists. 'D:t) i 3 . it T,a ivrence CO.,. ,th, d'esired or breed,qualities and lot -
I I ,
. . . .
It is now, settled beyond a doubt i nianufact;urers. 11 . I . . I. -prQvenimit of their olfsprin- - .
. I .d_. O' '
that -the Chlu.ese were acquainted with . . I �, . , M61% bpF.P01 Mr. . , . -Oil tilt, other band. In thl . S Process of
the compass long before. the R,urope, f q,hp il fu.Att,, , I .
liti,111 .,111,w�.11 11:1 t q
I . up. gloadlug up or.J � alp,roving duw live stock
I � . slits. It is certain, that there are allu- i porter. You. tilay %vu . il(ler whilt this the pure bred .sire has that power
* I
. . sions to. the magnetic needle in the I Curious edifice 1" lilt. vIldtql for. 'but fi,-om, a, long line of pure l3red a.nce$try, I
. I
traditionary period of Chinese history, when to t1w, . soel ,of, tra ]mnl I ttln,� to his offspring. his
: . you are let In. , et You 0 . .
. j acteristic�, .traits* and lndl-;
I about 2,000 years before Christ, and a will at once rpiillze its w."irtll. It js� bref,d. oblit',
, � Still wore credible accounr of it is . � ' . vidual e.,ecellenee with a remarkable
� used lit a 4111box to hold up I ho. prps- - - . .
:� i .tainty. as,br ed,'ebarac-
�. found in the reign of Chingwang of the ent.stylp or entinhous Owpoall, %flth d6gree of ee.i . e
w Chow dynasty, before Christ 1 Ill. i its profuse- itfidertill III— 11-1111111ing 'and I terisTics. uniformity 'of type, quality
: . - . - . .
I .j All this, however, may be granted illv long, .dr00I;1II;'1 ostrich pitillips. and production 4n. live stock are the -
; . without Ili the least impairing the just : Thus It prevents , these cosifly, tritu- triumpli.of-persistont alid long line ot.
� I . I
: , claimsbfGlolato tit(, gratitudeofman. - I .
i � miags from being �ru-,Ilt�d wlien net straight breeding. , . - . .r
. 'Uth appears to be that . . I . I . 'use of a grade sire will 'only
I kind. The Lt . 1. . T he" �
,� i .
the position of Glola in re)atinn to the , ' " . . I . . tip
� compass was precisely that of Watt to I . 11 . � . lead to degeneracy Or s�rubs,* dis.. -
. . .
I I - . . .�
. I � . and fit ,� I
� I - _ Illk . .1 ... p6intment , . . ilo� .1 .
, relation to th'e stenni cn�ih(--the Ple- 1 - = - - .- . I . . � I . . . *--.
� � I
I I - - I . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .�_ ..
. ment existed; be augmented its utility. I . � I . . I -_ I 1. . . � . -
! The conivaqs used by the mariners I I . . I � . .1 I . . .. . . . . . I
; . � I I
� � .. . . .. .. . . .
�, - - �� I I I . .1 ,
I .. .,
. 1. . - �
7� ___ __________ ___ __ I . 1. For Palle. .., -
, 1. . . . I
.. . I . .
. . . a
I I I I . . I . I.,. 'I , Diefidate Peo,ole .'.. .
I . .
� .
,__� .� .
I r_ - I
� TEUIVA, ve-5-A& . I .
A-� 9". I.. �- ., ^_". __ I
I ,V adw�. - - I %V, , I
� , I ��� I . � I I . � . . .1 ... .. I
i � I
. 11 I I � Bull& tip Strength"; brings bacl . ,- the -.
, i � .. 11 MN ... - . . . ruddy.glow of healtl ' i.by creating' -a � .
_�4, k - I ;/ 1) I .. . :, natural appetft6 for nourishing food.
. .. I . .
I I - . . . . .. Get.only the A 8� L.,the orfkinal.
I - ) . . � I I . .. . . I ' . .
4 1 . nAT SUPPDXV17ER. . ... . '50c.. and $1. 00� at all druggists. :
. ,
I I � I . ... I Da.vis. & i.A:WreU4* co..'Ai,outmal. - . . � I .
- A I in use. ,, Tlxd li�t rest *ts.made out of . . .� I . . . � . . �
. I . '
I - . two embroidery hoops. one.a half Inch � � .1 1. . . I . . . , ..
. � I � - .
I 'Smaller than' flie .other. 'These, are --!.,_!i!�--,7 . , . , I .-- ---.
. I .. . . I tbr&- at ' ... . . . I . � .� . .� . .f. . ��
�.counected by.. aodards, made 1. . ., . .
. of cardboard. corsef,steeis,, whalebone Results From Separator. . �
11 � I . ., To get. the best results froin the spp-
I __ .. or thin strips. of Vood. Standards ' . .
. .�� I rings tire cl"el'y botina with Ohm arator tile liansas exi)6rimelit st4tion
I. . '
' ' .
. 11on' and. the joinbs, 'where the hoops . It , rges observance of the. three .rt.i.les
. wo
I . , W,hlch 'foilo , 1,1rst-Tbe sp6ed of 06 '
I )ire sewed'to the 's,tandards. are, bid- I . . . .
den. , . .bowl.has an influeqcOl , on .the crea � m.
� 1. . .beneath'-stnart I! , ttle, bows o('the - . . .
I 0 . . , thing of ,� change in speed from: One sepam- . "
I . . riblion.. The re,W, In no ' NV 11, '. -1 . lion to another changes the per cent of
� I
I as -the " BlaiW, Kniglit, I . hen � u ty and IS r�ady-to.be it i . o.�* I f not .- -
come to your howe ?. . . rort,vor . at least for its long, its tl . te. fa - t to the cream. . Second:mTbi tem-
. - . , peratd�e of1benlilir affi�cts the creami
. . ' i
- present f;t.�111(111 I .1. I. iIat�.,,. i.fn . gel....'. . " e I . ,
. . Let hilli shov� you the . . .-.-- . .-- I It the mllk.ls .warm tb .cream will be
I -
quick and edsy wayto shifle . I . . . I . . I .. Thipher illan If it -is cold.- Thlrd�Th6
. I . '
. I . .1 I .. . ,infount separated per hour is aiiotfi,er
the stove,,-,, e� 14 u1ne bist.Qfy. or. tile Stissoons is. otiv , I t,
� . �7 ,. I . . factor. , .This Is especially. importan
,,% I . .
" Black Kilight I I takes jor If the milk Is unevenly fed Into
. offahe most &aniatle 16 the. veeydra- . ,
,, al), the luird work and dirty matic Story of tliellehrc�w race. The tbo'bo*W1 the thickness oi'the- cream I is '
- . .
. 60-Infil Sassoon was a Bombay mer- . I
.� ,Aork o ` of stoke pWishing. � vastly influenced. The amount of wa'
. W, -1 chanti put the family is descended ter or skimmilk us6d to dusfi out the
.. "I It's X paste-s%ltliere is from a group, known its Itin Sboshan, bowl' wilt . affect the *qualfty Of! the
. I no watery mixtuie to . be . who nt one time held the position df, I eream.. . All tbese'things tend to show
I , prepared. nossi of Toledo, The 'name. Shostian. .% k handled
I � . that the iseparitgr must be .
Just a few rubs with cloth or which signifies *Illy" in. 11'ebreW4 Was with. care and good. Judg mient. . .. .
.. 1��9 brush brings a wirror-like'thine * -rtiduall . . . 1. . . .. .
� t y transformed Into Sassdbn, I . I . 0
. . � . .
. that "yougin secyour faceit0l. . 81-tilrying "glitoness." - Tbe fa,mily - Cinadian. ,jbehr. grease will -surely
, ,
And the slitne lasts! claim Davidle descent. . and' Abrahani grow hair. .. That's why Bearines. the
� fi Most dealers handle and reconmi. , sassoon, Wb(), 116urtsbed.in .the i � eveti- . pomade made frod it, makes hair
" L
. I .
. mend "Black Knight" Stove Polish. teeni,bDeentury; ,stated . that he, was a'- grow- 596. &Jmr . '. , . .
If yoqr dealer can not supply it, send .. I . . I
toe . �?r a big cati-sent po�tpaid. �. direct �flescendant or ShePhatlah, .M6 .� \� I - . I I. . I *� , -
ci �,, . e, 9 . Jifth son of David. .Not only are there . I .
THE F. F. DALLEY iO. LIMITED. Illany r6f6retle . . I. tituncl.. . , , .
0 eS .to the.naine In Hew 'he old gentletwin went into tbe�par-
Hamilton. Ont. is brew tnedineval llte�nllire, but men- 49 . . .
Make". of the fo...& "a i. I" Shoe Polish. tion or It Is tuade fit tile Talmud -Lon: ]or the other ulght�nt the%witchin- '
e, . . . 0
� I , I . hour of 30:30 ,.Old foufldc!he lights out
- V doll .N.I. A. r�., ;. . � . � . . I . .
. . �. I � . and his. daughter nlid ,I Mi� friend
. . I . . I .... ' �
. . . I -enjoying' a tete-a-toto Ili u. col,ii6r by
. . . . .1 . . . .
- I -1 . , . � I . d ,i . I .. :I the *1 n*dow. I. . . .1 . * , .
. . . . "Evangeline," said ItTo Old man -stern -
I � ly, "tills Is setiodillb.'I , !" .
Be Wise, in, Time '. 11 , . .. I . ' I . 11:Yes, papa,". site hitswered 'sweetly. .
o . __ � . . . "It Is candle)pss'. beciluse times are
. . ..
I , A �� . . � . . I . I
'You caM16t keep well unless the bow.els are -regular. . I hard. , Lights cost so much V�rdluaud
Neglect of this rule of health invites t'W the .sicknesses .and I sald we would ge�.ujqng with,
. from whicb--we suffer. Keep the bowels - rigIft; othekwise . . the starlight." - , " I. . .
� waste matter and poisdils which sh8uld pass out ofthe , And pap� turned '(11YOut: in speech-
less amazement find tried to walit out
body, find theirWay into the blood and 4icken the who I le, , . f of: the room through .a p�h,ll In the
system, Don't wait until the bowels'are constipated; tdke . _ . .
. . I � 11 . . � . wall paper..;--Exeltauge. I
� C- A , , I . I I 1 . I . � 7 ;. I
. . : , �
I fho Difference, - . I
. I . 1174 ather," AM' little Rollo. 44what* 1%.
�� - - I � " PS P11"L81
, 0 - Alt -', .
BEE it � the dilrerence, between farming and'
I . �-� I flVicultur6'.", .
t I . . . ., .
* " "Well. my son.. fi;V (atunIng yon-tieed,
They are the finest natural laxative hiAhe world -gentle, .1 �
� . i I a plow and, a horrow an(l it lot of other
safe, pr9iApt td thorough. They .strengthen the stomach Implements, And for ag,rleultuic all
muscles, and 11 not injure the delicate mucou's lilihig of . . - yout need IS a Pencil and a piece �e
- I I
. .11 I -
the bo*els. Deechani�s Pills have a con8titutiotfal actibn, - - . . . ..I'--- 1.11 paper. irk - d - I., � � I . ____ I . _.� I—— - -
That is, the longer you take them, the -less freq'iiently you L . I 1.1- 1. . .I . . . � . I . 11 I I ., I
need them. They help Nature bplp herself anil � _--..__..1_. .__ . - -_ �__ , - !"""
. 11 . I . - - . .. . . 1. .
. * I I ?I,- "aft
&%%4% . 4k=p I
Keep the Bowels Healthy %--,&,A'T0R I A �
. I . � roz, Infants ana bmwon,
14KIMAOU Have Always Houghf
. Bile Active& Stomach Well ' � bo .$
Pre ared only by Thordati Beechatil, St. Heiens, Lancaifilte, Hiegland. L Mar- tho ,� " .1 -1
1. solteby all Druggists In Canada atid. LT. S. Anscric4c, to boxes 29 cenits. I . "' - ;�07 * �
1, ��, 91 W,_ 00i
I . I %_ .. 11 � .1 , . .1 . . 11 . �� �� - 1 _:,".uro of 40" ,
....W� I ne, -
. .. 4 ,
. ; � I I . I I . I . . .
. I . .
. - � . . . .
. I :1, .. . I . � . I . . � . . . I
� I �, � . � . � I �.
, I .
" � . . � L" 1V . ' ' I I I I
- � � �. . ' ... - - .. . .. - _ __ - __.___,_____.______
It is w,ell to have on 11all"I TRAINING A SHEEP, DOG.
a �
..tmc(ly, simple, effective aud - ` .
eagily a�plied, for mwquito, I This First Mostintlat Is t9 Totich Him
bites, insect stings, sore I to Lqys 0 You.
.4) If there Is allytitim, that a cillep1wro
bruises, .sunburn, aud injuries needs belp about It Is training a olivep
to the skin, and forty other 110' say$ Professor Arbuckle to the
Americ-an $beep Broeder.
ailmeuts, not always dauger. You waut your do- to come to youl
ous,, but which can be cured .Its it pup not over two mouth$ old. as
by outward applicatiou. SUC111 .*:(Ill Want Win to know.no other ma. -ter
, than your.gelf. At two months he will
a remedy is Davis' Wuthol learn bIs name �Ind Plel, up, simple les.
Salve(Th I el).&L.),which comes solls It will be well ror'blio to go
i* tius'fQr 25 cts. at druggists. where' the sheep are, but 'N'ou must
I not *try to teach him to berd, thetil,
. I.. �� I JNJN�V 'L nor must ei,ou lot -a ewe with ,I lam6
11 get-&oclose enough to make a pass at
. A . '. N I - him. Ile must not be frlg,h�pne(j with
. I .. VA . I sheep. I I .,
.. ,
I I TRLD bular . The first lesson Is to teach him to
0 . '.
I - , , � - " , - ' T. TO
.1 I __ - , I- tore y011. XITISAS UST.' it L OIT
/ , , y It
I gentle with him and will pet him fro-
,, ... ; .� .
I �;�.:�, - . , � --. -
� �:Di� �
d".1 11". - .. ,11 ,��i�-,iA4' , V
q � . . � . .t I -..-.,. i-.;:. ,
. .1 �.. .,
,:11- , , I I..''
. . , .:! �
0% V - / - , ,., , . ..; IC1,
op., I M, ", ��!:� -�:�:��j;�� i�: 4_4 --::�� i
� �,�::10�: . -
. ZN e � ii, - .!"�, . I ?...:...
.: 0 ..... �
. I * .." . � 11 ��:. E:,�,.i: 1.
.. , �', . i..."': - ,.:;�.4'
- '.... .... �..... .. ;�% .:;.:,..I,
. . . � , - . P,
11 ..,; . : . 1: � I
. ..
. . I
..'..., ___ I �, . .. . ::* . 011
. I �
. .. . I I . I
___ - - 1 '..... . 1. 1�1 .
. ' � I .
-.4 � .
� FATTENING HOGS - -,�. ,.:::' . "I r� � W I
� I . . . ""',*
.1 .
I A farnier of whie vXporiplJoh all(T quently rot- tile collie loves a caress
Observation, 4�agwr If') 1w of soulp . help I as mucli� its lie does his breakfast. Give
-� to others, ,,,ilys: -For. yoni's I 11.1vo. him it shcrt ntuve ,and use -it often.
read farm journal,,, farmers' bulit,tins, Speak It Portly with the. caress aud
Whet e er yon
and werythIng front which I cotild .
. L harsh with .I rebuke. I v . .
llope to learil .4oluellillig. that woul approach his yard or kennel call him
11 to ,you by, saying 'Toine.11� You a)
be (!,f [tell). � I aIn II(AV very gla(i tilat .ay
.. I (lid so, as, it wa.-4 vvi-y nevessary for accomp.r,uy tills with .ills name or with
me, to econonlize tlos year in ev( a wIllstle. ,Ili(] you inust be careful to
wav espf-cfally III feed. glye 'I".1111 tile Savie whistle always.
"I'llild little slodc to food anli le.,q:, Tit IS 1- ' i fils next i��s4on, Ile -will soon
learn this. ailti,sooll'you will have the
to food it oil, 1. 11,1(1 no'Vol-11. 41116 1 lictry . .
I * -ii, _-, '.. . _must: .dIfficult lessoir-of,tall -1:6-"git-b,
� mis. N-(,r,�"[Frtli�"fijil".�,ili�- lit I(' co" 11 1 I')" Thb�k is to teach him to obey, When.
� wilk1t ninde the (juv.stloll of gvl(iII.,_, You .4ay I . 'Coal - o" liv must come*tor you,
lily. few ho-, 11) (.4;Ilditio.11 for 111(.,It n .
VVIIX 11611011s, olle. Vigurill , .1.4 IIII of it it(' lie inust know tbathe is compelled
g, . I
to . , ie d6sires to do so
tile Journal"; .Ind bullvdils do. tell I I otlie *Ilether I . . .
6usbols of vorn for vavll loo pounds 0I . Ur. lwx� � .
. .
pork, It woul(I retl�lllv 11w purt-littse of . , Ju.5t herelit-ou and your pup will have
Six . ty hushel., of'(-orll for 160 ImIl"Ids Your flr6t batIle, and ff,tbe,victory is
gaill oil ellcll [log. I . . I I yours you are well on -the *ivay to sud-
eemful training, If lie reruses to come,
"Tilts would Ille.11) lift- sIn-1)(1111, of �. .
' gwi after, him antl bring him to you
VJ0 to $40. 1 did not linvo il'iN vwney. . r
11 nerow, um I baye ;'k way tyf getting it. miressing hill] foil. �otue' time. Then
but I 111.111aga'd it) get foarteeliall(l oile- try It over again. ,Never let him feel
- .
AnIlf,blishills of corli froll) .1"lleiglilfor. that1he Is having Ills ,way,.but avoid,
I nlakin�g. ,It clear igsue with him yet, for
. I
I fed this corn to forty elile-kells and Ile must krtow . . .5 -
six Ilogs. Five of *the hugs wero I . . , punishment , .fir t, and
, you musb,kttow what.forin of punish -
shotes welghing about fifty pounds - ,,,nt will suit the
each. Aloo�' w4tIr this e0,1.n 1, f(,(, .Individual dog best.
.. . Sothe day,,after you bave taught hill!
sugar beets, Avillter 61(fl,'lles, -caltrots. what 114joine'? means, he will dellbevare
. . ;
pal -'snips, toillotoes. tin([ scraps..from I . .
I . ly run from .you just to test you. Keep
Lhe table. disbivit'ler, a stilall, (Inalitity - yonr patience tow and be willing to
of .5101) sluff and Nviwat brall, � . 0
- . tnko two or three hours off just here.
"Wheft tile corn A% -.;is all its.cil III" It is, worth it.. Try. as before .to i5ring
SOAV hild plit. oil about 12--) Poall(1�4 211)(1. him by caressing, but he Is* lik"el . y to
eacli sh6te . - about ii.fty pounds, Tito sat, fils head on disob6dielic.e, so'you
qllfil tot.11 of tills Ini-rense lit we�gllt nipst pimish idin. I �. . 1. . .
, .. .
. I �.. .
. . I .
. . . .
- X Inny d's I I'll VININt clives . 'Ga rge I I 11 If f, Ill 9'
. I
� , - __
. .
. � .. . . �
. I ..
.. .
. . .
I �
. NV:111..about 3T5 t)ou . lid,, *at, .ii . I' nclual 1,
cost 'of. about $14. it 'I'll H 11g.. everything'. 1
fed at 41 * le Q,pell. Ill-ark6t privo, - . I
I "This, is the reverst, Of .111 experl- ��
Pllc-c I had ollet, ljoforo. Solup years,
a I g, -o I -fed coni n nd vi; -n r NN 11 t vr (.,I � ltirel.A . '. 1,
' . . . I
It. the.corn the.11 fod hild bek-11 Sul�l lit
. .
the-Itlark(it price .,Ill(-[ pork hought with . I
016� Illbue, revelyea �tllv illone" Avol . It . (I
1. . � � -
� I .. . . . ...
. . . vs.
I .
� . 1.
'LUN G .'. 1. -
.BALSAM.. .. � .
. .
I I . Vor deep -:seated I . . . � I
I "' -
. .
I . I I .. COLDS, -
. .
I .
- I � . CROM .� .
. I .
A 26(,- Bottle rw a Sfrnpte� Cold., � .
. A 60c. Battle tora Heavy -cold .
A ,
4 . �1.00. Noult for a DeepwseaWd Cough. I
Sold by all D rugkists. 1. �
. .
DAVS, Sc L_A_WRI�,1TCn C(k,i. AlontretlL,
� _ .
� �
. . I
. .
I . . .- __
� , . .11 - I 11 . I �
� I
I We know of no other rnedicine which has been so suc-
cessful in relieving the suffering of wornen, or secured so
. many genuine testimonials, -,u, has Lydia E. Pink -ham's I
I . Vegetable Compound, � . ..t I
I In almost evely communi y you - -WU1 -find wonten who
have been restored, -to health by Lydia E.* Pinkliam's Vegr- .
etable Compouiid. Almost every woman you meet ha's
either beeii'bexiefited by it, or knows some one who has.
I . �
In the Pinkham Laboratoi y at Lynii, Mass., are files- co'11
Uining over. one million one hundred thousand letters from " � �
wonv . ea see�king healtli, in wbich many openly state over
. their own signatures, that they have regained their . he.alth
by taking Lydia E. ^Pffikham's Vegetable .Compound'
'.. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable -Compound has. sayed
. I
. many women from surgical o . pefations. . .� 1�1' - .
Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetabI6 Compound is made ex.,7
clusively from roots and her�s,.and is perfectly 'hatinless " �� '
. . . * 1*11
. The reason wby it is so successfal is because it containsl I
. ingredients which. -acit directly upon the female organism,
. .
I. restoring, it to healthy and norm.41 activity. - . . . .
.. ---Tholl-Sands -of-unsolicited, ai'-ia.--�nui-ne�.,tes-timoni-.t-Is-siicli--,----�1--��I
. t' .
as the following prov6'the efficiency of this simple remedy. -
- � J 7
. peii�river, Qm.-I'Mritliotilt Lydia E. Plifilchani's Vegetable
Cointiounfl-I AvoliLld ittotbe alive. For five months Xhad pailLiful.
. andirr.egitlar periods aud'inflainniationof tile uterus. Isuf-
fered like a, ulartye and thought often of death. I consulted
� .two doctors who could donothililgfor m.6, I went to a; hospital, .
.. i%nd the best doctors s�ftjd I nixist suibinit to ail, operatlail, because
1hadatumor. lweiitbLi(.-Ikhoi*nemuclidiscoitr4ig.ed. Oneor: � �
. my cousins advised ine to take*your Compoiind, as it had'eure4 I
. her. I did so aviLd,0mi. commenced to fe'461 better, and wyappe-
11- AM -Pu "I T. 4P I 4 A
� =
. I . .1 I
:: IDiLce ealitle Itekc witil ,une rs V �. $11. _� - I- - - __ , *
, . aise." r
. ,cured. Youtir remedy 4s deserving ,of lir. - X s. Einatta - :
I .1�1. . I . . . 11
Chatel, Valleynelta., elleriver, Qu ec.. . I I .
� I � '
. . Woi,nen _wbo are. suffering from .those'distressitig ills �
I . . - -
. .Peculiar to their sex should not lose sigli.t of these Jacts I
. .
I -' am's Veg�table . �
I or. dotibt the ability of Lydia. E. Pi ' nkh, '
' . . . .
Compound to restore". tlieir health.-- - '. I .. . .. � I
. .
I "!I21 . I ': . I . . - 11. . .. .. I _ I .. 1. � I 1. .
� . . I . '. I . . .. ...
. . . . . . �
linve Palo: fur about, twice .t,,- IIII.V1. � I . . -
. . ' = ---. . :.-.. . . - -1 - - ...... - ,
pork as we W10- whou .Nve. killgd. our .. .1 1. . . I . ._. . . .
hognt-,.,: T-111.4 was at ;j� tinle whell qorll . ' I .. '
:ost frolil 30,to 4U �ellts' It bil'shol 'and . S1C1(HEADAC.H.t- C U'R E S.'�
I . . .
It'008t: about 3 cents to'feed hogs. ,Tl'i,G- .1 - I. . 1. -_ . '
. . . . How to Relieve This Most Distressing
weather.wab very unhi'Vonible also. . . . . . . I . .
, . . � ..
"I Illave learned that .1 few vegeta- -( . . Form of A illiess" .. I
' I n"-
bles are rellshedt by bogs.as well as .- 1,zi'vk 'heathicho, Nv ifle *not da per.
by human, 'beings, and- they "also' ald 'Ou'S, is one of the most' disal-reeable
I .
digestipti. ', I have fed * im , o�pkbis and forms of , I 1 11 ess. "4otlle* wommi - are .
, . . . ,, 1, es sitbject to it at such frequent. ixiter-, -
,,quaklies..ftiong with corn.. squds . .- . .
- ' vah; that the", art, incapacitatod for
are tho'better feed for bogs, but they vj�vi. , � � . �
. I * ., till,vs at it little. .. . ., .1 . .
are not ds va luable its. sugar be�ig' ra I ,
I . . C, , % i '"' , Uiile,ss tho be'ada.ehv I., known to '. �
ints.and,parsnips.. . - . i � I colne front snimi functional diSca-der, . .
�'I,'Intve found I lie three latterveggeiio- "I .it (-an genorally Ili, traced to ifii*Pa,'1r-- ,
tables the easier produced -that 1�;, can . ed. digestion or a Aluigish li�er, These
be' gro I w . a more abundantly on Impro- must Ile treateJ lit the interim-, 61 fhe �
* i
vised 11111d, -Rud it requires fairty good Tleadavile:;, II.S. ,'it t.hv tithe natbing'but .
solt for. iW raising of squashes and uTleviating rentodies tire. possible'. I .
pumpkin$. In-past.y6ars I haye�prie-, A treatment that i.; often success-
. ., . , -a I t, abstain front r6d ineitts for
. P' 4, to , I
- �
. � -
. I
. .
I . I
. I
. �
. . .
. I I
. .
. � . I .
. . . .
. .... A.'Newspaper .I-. .�..
. . .. . .
.... . "'Or 1M 99, . I
,.Not -An I . gaAL:
. I... . . . 1. 1.
. . I I .
, . "I �
.. . I
... 1 .. .. . .. � I . � ...
. : * . Tl4e nian: who waqtg an open-minded. discus�si6n .of - '
I - politicst the ste-acly.supp'ort..of right; justice, and .
. . . decency, . without cant or . bitterliess, .itild, an u . npre- � , ,
.- . .
. . jndiced,-coniinP117Sense treattxieiit.of;pib1ic affairs, ' I
. . ghlyenjo the , ' 1.
1. will,,thoroug y . . I
. . . . I � I
. I I
. . I � ,
. . .
.. , . � .. . .� . I . I I
. �
L . 0
I . 1. Am .", 6M
I , lu .011, i v r ,
� T r to, Da I' Sta *
. I .� � . %V ... . ..
, � I
. . � . . .
. . I . .
I . �, . Th� Star is not tied.to a7iy party or arty, "Int6rest..
I . - .
I L. It lIaS (lQf1IJite L ophiions..of ito, own .oil p'o.litic*aj, Social,
.� ."% and moral q'ilestions-but it"iecOguiz- tli,- right,of - - .
I I � I � . . cl .. . 1.
. other.i to hold e%-actty .oppositc, opilliolis wit-holit, .
'. . . ..
... . subjects for abuse. . �
. , nec�;�s.��irlly behicr scoundrels or fit t .
. I . . � c, , . . 1. M . .11 .. I ..
. The . Siar's editorials, are broadmirlitided, lione8t, M . 5
' '
keen and clever as So m*e of the ,best writer's in Canada , .
. � I .
. ': : can indke theni, and al.ways Pair.. I . . � . . . . . . .. . I
� . . I . .. . I . � .
. . The: Star is published fov- fair-minded, in, tellij�nt " '
. � . . - a '
� people who take n.n.active interest in .0 nad'a and the
. .
I world., Consequently It.Has.More Rc�aders.Thsin .
. I I . .
Ady Other. Paper. Ili Ontario. - . I
. . - . . . 11 .
� . .1 . . �
. . . I
. _ . * ' I
. �
. . $1.s150 A Year. 1.
. . �
. . I . I .. .
I .
. . ..: . I I I..
I . 11. I , I
. lhis paper and the TORONTO DAIL Y STAR together.for
. . . .
oneysar,$2-240- Gu'aranteedFounfaiih Pen #iven for 50c.
1 : ..
. . added to above subscriphorl. prices. . ' - I.. I
. . . . .
. . . . .
I . I , I
I . � .
.,� � . . .
� 4 . � I I . . . . m. .
. . . - . I . I .. . � .
� .
. . . �
�*. - 4� ,4 1i
. I .
pared a few hills, making thern rich- , a tinio and tt� bt, careful about takirig 401MWPEW� . I - I � -_ - . -_t I � -_ .. 'I
, . . . . I . . . . � .
*Ith manure aud- plahth'ig the seed to ... 1, t),at ferhient estAily. One 'man; . . . . - ! . , . . . . . . . .
rrom May. 20 to. June 1. ,When the wit,), -Tigd doet.Q.retf for years -for sick . - .. . .1 I I 1. �
y , A � I I . .
I- Watered these hills fioatlach6tk ivas,'-cured by his wifelioe- ' THX CLE N WAY OF - � . . � I . .
. I
. . .
A apd�haA gobd results. As. - hi- to it" thut, ffi-. drank a rill) of T16t . AEMOVING ASHES -. ,' '- . . .
affer:suiisc " MQJn2iiiiia .
this experilueot proved sucdesMl irith ,%valq Avith a- IfOr -teaspoonfal of salt � . - .. � . . I . X, � . . .
me I thought 'it might pro,ie. s6 to it' A ' E cle!r spar.e. allowing for I
I . , I .0 .
I I .
.. . 1. . . " . . .
others.11 , . . I . . ing, t a . s r,o6rt A* ht, I arose inA . ie I inorn- I irlarge size aft'an-7This. is . . : .
.' .
. . . . . I . .
I . . . . . Of T(-Illf�n -,I�l .- . -s . . I . . .
_V_* - - . I A It, it las. of. cot(; another.of the bright featili6 - .
. . . I _Q I .1 I � witivi. takoll nl_�'Tit tknd � morning I.,% . . iound only in the- - I � I � I . . ., I I
. . another rt-illedy ,th6rIbIts' proved-1telp- , I . . I . I . . . !�
. . . .
; Hitrus, hites, bridses, and boils. fill to Illaily. I I . . . . . . IM.PERTAL�,OXFORP , - )
Davis' Menthol Salve will soothe and DuRng the attat�?v n,st and .quiet. . � .. . . . .
he!tl them all. I 25 a a tin at all . Irf-ituperatiArv. l'ie'dowli in't dal . RANGE �. I i .. . i
. I , drugg, Ill t -k- , . . ff 0 r
Ists."'. . I I .. . . - I � L . - of . If you'll but take the trouble � I
. mled rooln, (Irhik quantiliv.s bot I .
I I I I I I --- - : IV.1 apply elther a*hot water ' to.,call,inwe'll gladly prove to , 11 �
. I .. I -1 .1 � . �ter and' . - ' - " . . . I
I � .� . I I . I bottle -br-'all Ice bag to -:11w temples - you ,why this rangp is so -popular.. - � I . I �
, . )f t1w brain, n I . SEE us BlEvoitt Y . ou BUY : I 11
. � Cloths rungp'.out of hot lazel . . I I .
I -
Troubled.With . ""T' tlll� `as('t witchi . . . . .. - . I
� . I . I ' . . � . . �
. '. 6fi-it .. .
I . t, bring quiel, roliof. : Hendache � . I I . . .. �
I eolo�lv if rubiwd oil tll(' toill ph -8 - in . I . I I
.. Backa&0- For* tinw�llvts as a-pl-vventivo. while 401116, . � - DAVIS& ROWLAND, I '. I
. . I . gow-C MI. . -&;uffPrvrs .,ire , holpod. -by talcing. -,-I . Sole agents: ' . . .. Clinton, Ont. . �. . . I I
4-aOijwtic at, tilt- first syruptoin , .. .
Years. 0 , I . I . .. . I �
.. pletely Cured - 'Ill st'vore cases live �)I- tell Illinutes, I I � . . . . . . . 1. . ... ;...
I . .
. By The Use Of r, troatinent with. .,III ol �Ctric battery -is .. 11 I - ___ . I I I I I . .. . .. .
. � invaluablo, This i -s better tilall 16as- � - ___W _1 I �
� DOAN'S.KIDNEY PILLS. sn're . , 11,-t . fliv pri-silre is'sonletillies too , * . I ;
. .. -,
strong Wll('Il tilt. .
Nlm. W, V. Doerr, 13 Brighlon, St " hf'atlacllo is, bad. L 00k H E. k IS1. Ford & - Mc' L e o d' : . �
,t,stv.jos 6f.delt beadyclic . . �
London; Ont., writei:-111t is wilil, Ili the firs .. - . I . . . . .
ple . asure that I tliaftk oll for the pf'ood it, call offi-Il be � 11vorted by taIjing . I I . . . I .
,volir Doan's Xidnev PiTis have, dolle. ftle. abdonlinal and iwelc oxvreis("."; an(l by L0111'41 FOR., SALE . - ' I
F I . Raying secured a commodious Grain I
have been. trouble'd with backtiche. for putting it inustaril phiqt(sr twor the , I . AT* THP, I . Stotehouse, we are now buying all � .
. . . . . . I . .
year.i. Nothing helped tile until.a fricnd . stolull(41, I .1 . . ' kinds of grain, for which the highest, -. " � . ..* I
-ougl tile a, box of your Kidney Pills. ' . I , tirave'. LhIle'Workso prioeswill- be paid, .
Ili it I .. Ad, .
I began to take them Ad t ook foul'bom,s, . Pire,Grown Plowerd., � Alt nufactnrers of Virst-olass Lini'e, ' . I . � 1 A4
. 1.
111111LI arn Alad to say'that I ain eured en- NVIII-atall,. N,Vlli(.Il. is ill(.% Tlaw, of 06 NIOTTO,-VitAt-eliiss Vine Rold. and . Bean, Shorts, Oorn and all kinds of �
-, .
tirely awk can. do all lily own Avot,k and i ill(% liner Illissility for so long, h-1.111so. ., PrI00%withirtreltehofall. . grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on ..
,feel �s good as 1 used to before takensick, flf(, TJJJuI(, of I I,(-. imt�olllll flower hand at the storehouse. . . I . � .
L.ai�.positive. Doan's Kidne-y-Tills turc - ,\1Tgtrali.,I,, I of ,- 20c, p )c,- lor .50. ,. -1 I � I � �.- .. . � . . - - � - - - -
. . % 1. . er b kishetnt kilias. Or 4
. Imshel. loads, delivered at Graham's, . I * 11
all you clahn. thein. to -110, ftlid Vadvise Walking.' or riding throxiall. ilm 110tel Clinton. .�, . . I . .1 � , 6.
rdl kidney sulT-crers to give thein afair ll,,tralfiln 1)11'11� tilt, iraveler will I . I . I . ,
trial." I I . k eclisionally 6oaw t,iliddouly Upon it Orders filled promptly. . . Ford-&Adeod � I . I I
. 11 . . 11
Let Doan's M(Inev Pills do for yoll IIIII-Ilt-out 'j-i(lg(-, Avlwry v scrub -fire A, NICUOLSON' & 8012%1, lllropl.s.. . .. I
*Ilat, 0lev have (106o Tor t1lousand.". or lirs swvpt awtiv -tilt, unelf�rgrowtfi. G, 1'. It, STATION. CLINTON.
- e � lulgrave, Ont. . . � .
ethpr-i. 'thow cure all forms of� Lidn Y . niang tho'eliari,od trobs, still'statitl- " . .
trolible ,Intl New cure to stav cured. �iwr, tonguvs of Ilaint, tseoni to lick, I __ - - . . .
. I .
Privo 5o ctinis por-liox or'3 ho\eq for I 'I'llf-so arly 111v Avorati'll.q, vach Aetil 1 � - . .
stoppedin 21) Ininutes .
$1.25 ai all dealvi,q or mailod dil-ect on - ,lbout 6 fvA high, IIIId,hv;WlII..,t a sill- - Children Ory 41..#� Nvith,J)r. Shoop%l, .
ropoint of prico by The T. Milblirn Co., I :."If, burnina-rol i1V,sv(,r,. shapol liho .I I It Croup Itelileds. On., . . . I
l,i�iiiiiecl,,'I'oroxit,o.*(Otit. I FOR FLETCHER 8 C-RIIUPII"tl"k.illRll1,4,1�,I)rovo. �
.11141 .tit( lz� No voiniting, It,, dig- .
lit%u-t, , , A- - of a 11:1111's vlos�-d .
When ordering .qpecify "Doan's." I halpl. � .
- .1 �� 1. . . . . 10 A SIT10 R I A tms,l, A safe and plea,ing.,yrup Zoe, Vrug4l.st,4. �'
� I '. -_ I . . I . I I . . I 4 . I . A
I . I .
. � I
. � .. I
I . IN I
I I I . I - I
I I . .
I \ . I � I I I &
I . . I . . M
� entitled "Historia Orientalls," as near. '' Now, the Inconvenience and In . . .
� tion. . � OXVORD DOWN RA31.
� ly as can be determined, between the I eiD.clency of such rifir apparatus are ob- I .
. years 1215 and 12220. In chapter 91 vious, The a-liption of tile ocean and
I ft , live I'LtIrts Ot scrub blood to three parts
. . of that work he has ,this singular pas.- I the tossing of the vessel mightivender of Improved blood. The -%Yo I
. sage: �
: , !�he Iron needle, after contact with It useless to a moment.,, . peovvinvirt has ninde no progress.. .
, ' 'ven ,oin
I But Giola placed the' magnetized R with. a grode .sire fi the
I the loadstone, constantly turns to the needle on a pirot, which perm �
,Its It to 'thl"d VrOSS. a* sereti-ei-Ifflis blood
north star, which. at the axis of the torn to all sides with facility. After� ,1110Q, 414t0d' with the svrub. breeding
� firmament, remains, finalovable while.] -st.ock. _t1wro.would be---uWe,--pa,rIs.of--
� ward,it.Was n-tilietwd lo -a card'divided
the others revolve. and hence it is es,w Into thirty-two points, called rose de - sCrUb U100d to s.even of .1tinpiroved.
sentially liecessalY to those onrigat. vents. and then the I;ox conta�iuln_ it�. blood, scrub blood, still In tile major-
. I I
I V Ing on the ovean." 'was suspended lo.sueb a manner t'hat, ltV MO. i'llprovelnellf liew fiack, as'this ,
,.These words tire Its explieft as they however tilt-, vessel nlight he tossed, I sernt) blood Is wonderfully prepotent.
I a -re extraordinary. The), �;tatea fact it would alway*s remah: horizontal,- ' "nw.s,, rnets ,;hould doulonstrate the,
; . and announce a use. 'Ube thlll� there. Electrical LIngiryper. ., . - .
, 0, I fp1l,Wy (it usill", gi-jiAle, Si;,es foe Im.,
� I, , fore, which essentially constitutes the - . . . provin.4- or gniding it[) our .live stock,
. �
i Compass must have bee'n knuwn long For Rheitutat'1811114Cis not necess, hw - Ili them -broed, prepoteucy an(I
.11 before the birth of Gloia. In addition a, -y to, go to tiot spvillg4. J 114i -use t-harat-wrisLics. have Ing beeti.fully es.
. to this fact, there is another equally, I -'the D. & L," Afenthol. .Vlaster and re. , lat)[Ished and fixed. Therefore, they do
I fatal to his claiiii its the original tit Suits Wdl I
- . C, s- te s-itisfactory. 2,3c at t * It
� - kl6t possess. that -power tp ransmi,
I coverer. druggists. 'D:t) i 3 . it T,a ivrence CO.,. ,th, d'esired or breed,qualities and lot -
I I ,
. . . .
It is now, settled beyond a doubt i nianufact;urers. 11 . I . . I. -prQvenimit of their olfsprin- - .
. I .d_. O' '
that -the Chlu.ese were acquainted with . . I �, . , M61% bpF.P01 Mr. . , . -Oil tilt, other band. In thl . S Process of
the compass long before. the R,urope, f q,hp il fu.Att,, , I .
liti,111 .,111,w�.11 11:1 t q
I . up. gloadlug up or.J � alp,roving duw live stock
I � . slits. It is certain, that there are allu- i porter. You. tilay %vu . il(ler whilt this the pure bred .sire has that power
* I
. . sions to. the magnetic needle in the I Curious edifice 1" lilt. vIldtql for. 'but fi,-om, a, long line of pure l3red a.nce$try, I
. I
traditionary period of Chinese history, when to t1w, . soel ,of, tra ]mnl I ttln,� to his offspring. his
: . you are let In. , et You 0 . .
. j acteristic�, .traits* and lndl-;
I about 2,000 years before Christ, and a will at once rpiillze its w."irtll. It js� bref,d. oblit',
, � Still wore credible accounr of it is . � ' . vidual e.,ecellenee with a remarkable
� used lit a 4111box to hold up I ho. prps- - - . .
:� i .tainty. as,br ed,'ebarac-
�. found in the reign of Chingwang of the ent.stylp or entinhous Owpoall, %flth d6gree of ee.i . e
w Chow dynasty, before Christ 1 Ill. i its profuse- itfidertill III— 11-1111111ing 'and I terisTics. uniformity 'of type, quality
: . - . - . .
I .j All this, however, may be granted illv long, .dr00I;1II;'1 ostrich pitillips. and production 4n. live stock are the -
; . without Ili the least impairing the just : Thus It prevents , these cosifly, tritu- triumpli.of-persistont alid long line ot.
� I . I
: , claimsbfGlolato tit(, gratitudeofman. - I .
i � miags from being �ru-,Ilt�d wlien net straight breeding. , . - . .r
. 'Uth appears to be that . . I . I . 'use of a grade sire will 'only
I kind. The Lt . 1. . T he" �
,� i .
the position of Glola in re)atinn to the , ' " . . I . . tip
� compass was precisely that of Watt to I . 11 . � . lead to degeneracy Or s�rubs,* dis.. -
. . .
I I - . . .�
. I � . and fit ,� I
� I - _ Illk . .1 ... p6intment , . . ilo� .1 .
, relation to th'e stenni cn�ih(--the Ple- 1 - = - - .- . I . . � I . . . *--.
� � I
I I - - I . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .�_ ..
. ment existed; be augmented its utility. I . � I . . I -_ I 1. . . � . -
! The conivaqs used by the mariners I I . . I � . .1 I . . .. . . . . . I
; . � I I
� � .. . . .. .. . . .
�, - - �� I I I . .1 ,
I .. .,
. 1. . - �
7� ___ __________ ___ __ I . 1. For Palle. .., -
, 1. . . . I
.. . I . .
. . . a
I I I I . . I . I.,. 'I , Diefidate Peo,ole .'.. .
I . .
� .
,__� .� .
I r_ - I
� TEUIVA, ve-5-A& . I .
A-� 9". I.. �- ., ^_". __ I
I ,V adw�. - - I %V, , I
� , I ��� I . � I I . � . . .1 ... .. I
i � I
. 11 I I � Bull& tip Strength"; brings bacl . ,- the -.
, i � .. 11 MN ... - . . . ruddy.glow of healtl ' i.by creating' -a � .
_�4, k - I ;/ 1) I .. . :, natural appetft6 for nourishing food.
. .. I . .
I I - . . . . .. Get.only the A 8� L.,the orfkinal.
I - ) . . � I I . .. . . I ' . .
4 1 . nAT SUPPDXV17ER. . ... . '50c.. and $1. 00� at all druggists. :
. ,
I I � I . ... I Da.vis. & i.A:WreU4* co..'Ai,outmal. - . . � I .
- A I in use. ,, Tlxd li�t rest *ts.made out of . . .� I . . . � . . �
. I . '
I - . two embroidery hoops. one.a half Inch � � .1 1. . . I . . . , ..
. � I � - .
I 'Smaller than' flie .other. 'These, are --!.,_!i!�--,7 . , . , I .-- ---.
. I .. . . I tbr&- at ' ... . . . I . � .� . .� . .f. . ��
�.counected by.. aodards, made 1. . ., . .
. of cardboard. corsef,steeis,, whalebone Results From Separator. . �
11 � I . ., To get. the best results froin the spp-
I __ .. or thin strips. of Vood. Standards ' . .
. .�� I rings tire cl"el'y botina with Ohm arator tile liansas exi)6rimelit st4tion
I. . '
' ' .
. 11on' and. the joinbs, 'where the hoops . It , rges observance of the. three .rt.i.les
. wo
I . , W,hlch 'foilo , 1,1rst-Tbe sp6ed of 06 '
I )ire sewed'to the 's,tandards. are, bid- I . . . .
den. , . .bowl.has an influeqcOl , on .the crea � m.
� 1. . .beneath'-stnart I! , ttle, bows o('the - . . .
I 0 . . , thing of ,� change in speed from: One sepam- . "
I . . riblion.. The re,W, In no ' NV 11, '. -1 . lion to another changes the per cent of
� I
I as -the " BlaiW, Kniglit, I . hen � u ty and IS r�ady-to.be it i . o.�* I f not .- -
come to your howe ?. . . rort,vor . at least for its long, its tl . te. fa - t to the cream. . Second:mTbi tem-
. - . , peratd�e of1benlilir affi�cts the creami
. . ' i
- present f;t.�111(111 I .1. I. iIat�.,,. i.fn . gel....'. . " e I . ,
. . Let hilli shov� you the . . .-.-- . .-- I It the mllk.ls .warm tb .cream will be
I -
quick and edsy wayto shifle . I . . . I . . I .. Thipher illan If it -is cold.- Thlrd�Th6
. I . '
. I . .1 I .. . ,infount separated per hour is aiiotfi,er
the stove,,-,, e� 14 u1ne bist.Qfy. or. tile Stissoons is. otiv , I t,
� . �7 ,. I . . factor. , .This Is especially. importan
,,% I . .
" Black Kilight I I takes jor If the milk Is unevenly fed Into
. offahe most &aniatle 16 the. veeydra- . ,
,, al), the luird work and dirty matic Story of tliellehrc�w race. The tbo'bo*W1 the thickness oi'the- cream I is '
- . .
. 60-Infil Sassoon was a Bombay mer- . I
.� ,Aork o ` of stoke pWishing. � vastly influenced. The amount of wa'
. W, -1 chanti put the family is descended ter or skimmilk us6d to dusfi out the
.. "I It's X paste-s%ltliere is from a group, known its Itin Sboshan, bowl' wilt . affect the *qualfty Of! the
. I no watery mixtuie to . be . who nt one time held the position df, I eream.. . All tbese'things tend to show
I , prepared. nossi of Toledo, The 'name. Shostian. .% k handled
I � . that the iseparitgr must be .
Just a few rubs with cloth or which signifies *Illy" in. 11'ebreW4 Was with. care and good. Judg mient. . .. .
.. 1��9 brush brings a wirror-like'thine * -rtiduall . . . 1. . . .. .
� t y transformed Into Sassdbn, I . I . 0
. . � . .
. that "yougin secyour faceit0l. . 81-tilrying "glitoness." - Tbe fa,mily - Cinadian. ,jbehr. grease will -surely
, ,
And the slitne lasts! claim Davidle descent. . and' Abrahani grow hair. .. That's why Bearines. the
� fi Most dealers handle and reconmi. , sassoon, Wb(), 116urtsbed.in .the i � eveti- . pomade made frod it, makes hair
" L
. I .
. mend "Black Knight" Stove Polish. teeni,bDeentury; ,stated . that he, was a'- grow- 596. &Jmr . '. , . .
If yoqr dealer can not supply it, send .. I . . I
toe . �?r a big cati-sent po�tpaid. �. direct �flescendant or ShePhatlah, .M6 .� \� I - . I I. . I *� , -
ci �,, . e, 9 . Jifth son of David. .Not only are there . I .
THE F. F. DALLEY iO. LIMITED. Illany r6f6retle . . I. tituncl.. . , , .
0 eS .to the.naine In Hew 'he old gentletwin went into tbe�par-
Hamilton. Ont. is brew tnedineval llte�nllire, but men- 49 . . .
Make". of the fo...& "a i. I" Shoe Polish. tion or It Is tuade fit tile Talmud -Lon: ]or the other ulght�nt the%witchin- '
e, . . . 0
� I , I . hour of 30:30 ,.Old foufldc!he lights out
- V doll .N.I. A. r�., ;. . � . � . . I . .
. . �. I � . and his. daughter nlid ,I Mi� friend
. . I . . I .... ' �
. . . I -enjoying' a tete-a-toto Ili u. col,ii6r by
. . . . .1 . . . .
- I -1 . , . � I . d ,i . I .. :I the *1 n*dow. I. . . .1 . * , .
. . . . "Evangeline," said ItTo Old man -stern -
I � ly, "tills Is setiodillb.'I , !" .
Be Wise, in, Time '. 11 , . .. I . ' I . 11:Yes, papa,". site hitswered 'sweetly. .
o . __ � . . . "It Is candle)pss'. beciluse times are
. . ..
I , A �� . . � . . I . I
'You caM16t keep well unless the bow.els are -regular. . I hard. , Lights cost so much V�rdluaud
Neglect of this rule of health invites t'W the .sicknesses .and I sald we would ge�.ujqng with,
. from whicb--we suffer. Keep the bowels - rigIft; othekwise . . the starlight." - , " I. . .
� waste matter and poisdils which sh8uld pass out ofthe , And pap� turned '(11YOut: in speech-
less amazement find tried to walit out
body, find theirWay into the blood and 4icken the who I le, , . f of: the room through .a p�h,ll In the
system, Don't wait until the bowels'are constipated; tdke . _ . .
. . I � 11 . . � . wall paper..;--Exeltauge. I
� C- A , , I . I I 1 . I . � 7 ;. I
. . : , �
I fho Difference, - . I
. I . 1174 ather," AM' little Rollo. 44what* 1%.
�� - - I � " PS P11"L81
, 0 - Alt -', .
BEE it � the dilrerence, between farming and'
I . �-� I flVicultur6'.", .
t I . . . ., .
* " "Well. my son.. fi;V (atunIng yon-tieed,
They are the finest natural laxative hiAhe world -gentle, .1 �
� . i I a plow and, a horrow an(l it lot of other
safe, pr9iApt td thorough. They .strengthen the stomach Implements, And for ag,rleultuic all
muscles, and 11 not injure the delicate mucou's lilihig of . . - yout need IS a Pencil and a piece �e
- I I
. .11 I -
the bo*els. Deechani�s Pills have a con8titutiotfal actibn, - - . . . ..I'--- 1.11 paper. irk - d - I., � � I . ____ I . _.� I—— - -
That is, the longer you take them, the -less freq'iiently you L . I 1.1- 1. . .I . . . � . I . 11 I I ., I
need them. They help Nature bplp herself anil � _--..__..1_. .__ . - -_ �__ , - !"""
. 11 . I . - - . .. . . 1. .
. * I I ?I,- "aft
&%%4% . 4k=p I
Keep the Bowels Healthy %--,&,A'T0R I A �
. I . � roz, Infants ana bmwon,
14KIMAOU Have Always Houghf
. Bile Active& Stomach Well ' � bo .$
Pre ared only by Thordati Beechatil, St. Heiens, Lancaifilte, Hiegland. L Mar- tho ,� " .1 -1
1. solteby all Druggists In Canada atid. LT. S. Anscric4c, to boxes 29 cenits. I . "' - ;�07 * �
1, ��, 91 W,_ 00i
I . I %_ .. 11 � .1 , . .1 . . 11 . �� �� - 1 _:,".uro of 40" ,
....W� I ne, -
. .. 4 ,
. ; � I I . I I . I . . .
. I . .
. - � . . . .
. I :1, .. . I . � . I . . � . . . I
� I �, � . � . � I �.
, I .
" � . . � L" 1V . ' ' I I I I
- � � �. . ' ... - - .. . .. - _ __ - __.___,_____.______
It is w,ell to have on 11all"I TRAINING A SHEEP, DOG.
a �
..tmc(ly, simple, effective aud - ` .
eagily a�plied, for mwquito, I This First Mostintlat Is t9 Totich Him
bites, insect stings, sore I to Lqys 0 You.
.4) If there Is allytitim, that a cillep1wro
bruises, .sunburn, aud injuries needs belp about It Is training a olivep
to the skin, and forty other 110' say$ Professor Arbuckle to the
Americ-an $beep Broeder.
ailmeuts, not always dauger. You waut your do- to come to youl
ous,, but which can be cured .Its it pup not over two mouth$ old. as
by outward applicatiou. SUC111 .*:(Ill Want Win to know.no other ma. -ter
, than your.gelf. At two months he will
a remedy is Davis' Wuthol learn bIs name �Ind Plel, up, simple les.
Salve(Th I el).&L.),which comes solls It will be well ror'blio to go
i* tius'fQr 25 cts. at druggists. where' the sheep are, but 'N'ou must
I not *try to teach him to berd, thetil,
. I.. �� I JNJN�V 'L nor must ei,ou lot -a ewe with ,I lam6
11 get-&oclose enough to make a pass at
. A . '. N I - him. Ile must not be frlg,h�pne(j with
. I .. VA . I sheep. I I .,
.. ,
I I TRLD bular . The first lesson Is to teach him to
0 . '.
I - , , � - " , - ' T. TO
.1 I __ - , I- tore y011. XITISAS UST.' it L OIT
/ , , y It
I gentle with him and will pet him fro-
,, ... ; .� .
I �;�.:�, - . , � --. -
� �:Di� �
d".1 11". - .. ,11 ,��i�-,iA4' , V
q � . . � . .t I -..-.,. i-.;:. ,
. .1 �.. .,
,:11- , , I I..''
. . , .:! �
0% V - / - , ,., , . ..; IC1,
op., I M, ", ��!:� -�:�:��j;�� i�: 4_4 --::�� i
� �,�::10�: . -
. ZN e � ii, - .!"�, . I ?...:...
.: 0 ..... �
. I * .." . � 11 ��:. E:,�,.i: 1.
.. , �', . i..."': - ,.:;�.4'
- '.... .... �..... .. ;�% .:;.:,..I,
. . . � , - . P,
11 ..,; . : . 1: � I
. ..
. . I
..'..., ___ I �, . .. . ::* . 011
. I �
. .. . I I . I
___ - - 1 '..... . 1. 1�1 .
. ' � I .
-.4 � .
� FATTENING HOGS - -,�. ,.:::' . "I r� � W I
� I . . . ""',*
.1 .
I A farnier of whie vXporiplJoh all(T quently rot- tile collie loves a caress
Observation, 4�agwr If') 1w of soulp . help I as mucli� its lie does his breakfast. Give
-� to others, ,,,ilys: -For. yoni's I 11.1vo. him it shcrt ntuve ,and use -it often.
read farm journal,,, farmers' bulit,tins, Speak It Portly with the. caress aud
Whet e er yon
and werythIng front which I cotild .
. L harsh with .I rebuke. I v . .
llope to learil .4oluellillig. that woul approach his yard or kennel call him
11 to ,you by, saying 'Toine.11� You a)
be (!,f [tell). � I aIn II(AV very gla(i tilat .ay
.. I (lid so, as, it wa.-4 vvi-y nevessary for accomp.r,uy tills with .ills name or with
me, to econonlize tlos year in ev( a wIllstle. ,Ili(] you inust be careful to
wav espf-cfally III feed. glye 'I".1111 tile Savie whistle always.
"I'llild little slodc to food anli le.,q:, Tit IS 1- ' i fils next i��s4on, Ile -will soon
learn this. ailti,sooll'you will have the
to food it oil, 1. 11,1(1 no'Vol-11. 41116 1 lictry . .
I * -ii, _-, '.. . _must: .dIfficult lessoir-of,tall -1:6-"git-b,
� mis. N-(,r,�"[Frtli�"fijil".�,ili�- lit I(' co" 11 1 I')" Thb�k is to teach him to obey, When.
� wilk1t ninde the (juv.stloll of gvl(iII.,_, You .4ay I . 'Coal - o" liv must come*tor you,
lily. few ho-, 11) (.4;Ilditio.11 for 111(.,It n .
VVIIX 11611011s, olle. Vigurill , .1.4 IIII of it it(' lie inust know tbathe is compelled
g, . I
to . , ie d6sires to do so
tile Journal"; .Ind bullvdils do. tell I I otlie *Ilether I . . .
6usbols of vorn for vavll loo pounds 0I . Ur. lwx� � .
. .
pork, It woul(I retl�lllv 11w purt-littse of . , Ju.5t herelit-ou and your pup will have
Six . ty hushel., of'(-orll for 160 ImIl"Ids Your flr6t batIle, and ff,tbe,victory is
gaill oil ellcll [log. I . . I I yours you are well on -the *ivay to sud-
eemful training, If lie reruses to come,
"Tilts would Ille.11) lift- sIn-1)(1111, of �. .
' gwi after, him antl bring him to you
VJ0 to $40. 1 did not linvo il'iN vwney. . r
11 nerow, um I baye ;'k way tyf getting it. miressing hill] foil. �otue' time. Then
but I 111.111aga'd it) get foarteeliall(l oile- try It over again. ,Never let him feel
- .
AnIlf,blishills of corli froll) .1"lleiglilfor. that1he Is having Ills ,way,.but avoid,
I nlakin�g. ,It clear igsue with him yet, for
. I
I fed this corn to forty elile-kells and Ile must krtow . . .5 -
six Ilogs. Five of *the hugs wero I . . , punishment , .fir t, and
, you musb,kttow what.forin of punish -
shotes welghing about fifty pounds - ,,,nt will suit the
each. Aloo�' w4tIr this e0,1.n 1, f(,(, .Individual dog best.
.. . Sothe day,,after you bave taught hill!
sugar beets, Avillter 61(fl,'lles, -caltrots. what 114joine'? means, he will dellbevare
. . ;
pal -'snips, toillotoes. tin([ scraps..from I . .
I . ly run from .you just to test you. Keep
Lhe table. disbivit'ler, a stilall, (Inalitity - yonr patience tow and be willing to
of .5101) sluff and Nviwat brall, � . 0
- . tnko two or three hours off just here.
"Wheft tile corn A% -.;is all its.cil III" It is, worth it.. Try. as before .to i5ring
SOAV hild plit. oil about 12--) Poall(1�4 211)(1. him by caressing, but he Is* lik"el . y to
eacli sh6te . - about ii.fty pounds, Tito sat, fils head on disob6dielic.e, so'you
qllfil tot.11 of tills Ini-rense lit we�gllt nipst pimish idin. I �. . 1. . .
, .. .
. I �.. .
. . I .
. . . .
- X Inny d's I I'll VININt clives . 'Ga rge I I 11 If f, Ill 9'
. I
� , - __
. .
. � .. . . �
. I ..
.. .
. . .
I �
. NV:111..about 3T5 t)ou . lid,, *at, .ii . I' nclual 1,
cost 'of. about $14. it 'I'll H 11g.. everything'. 1
fed at 41 * le Q,pell. Ill-ark6t privo, - . I
I "This, is the reverst, Of .111 experl- ��
Pllc-c I had ollet, ljoforo. Solup years,
a I g, -o I -fed coni n nd vi; -n r NN 11 t vr (.,I � ltirel.A . '. 1,
' . . . I
It. the.corn the.11 fod hild bek-11 Sul�l lit
. .
the-Itlark(it price .,Ill(-[ pork hought with . I
016� Illbue, revelyea �tllv illone" Avol . It . (I
1. . � � -
� I .. . . . ...
. . . vs.
I .
� . 1.
'LUN G .'. 1. -
.BALSAM.. .. � .
. .
I I . Vor deep -:seated I . . . � I
I "' -
. .
I . I I .. COLDS, -
. .
I .
- I � . CROM .� .
. I .
A 26(,- Bottle rw a Sfrnpte� Cold., � .
. A 60c. Battle tora Heavy -cold .
A ,
4 . �1.00. Noult for a DeepwseaWd Cough. I
Sold by all D rugkists. 1. �
. .
DAVS, Sc L_A_WRI�,1TCn C(k,i. AlontretlL,
� _ .
� �
. . I
. .
I . . .- __
� , . .11 - I 11 . I �
� I
I We know of no other rnedicine which has been so suc-
cessful in relieving the suffering of wornen, or secured so
. many genuine testimonials, -,u, has Lydia E. Pink -ham's I
I . Vegetable Compound, � . ..t I
I In almost evely communi y you - -WU1 -find wonten who
have been restored, -to health by Lydia E.* Pinkliam's Vegr- .
etable Compouiid. Almost every woman you meet ha's
either beeii'bexiefited by it, or knows some one who has.
I . �
In the Pinkham Laboratoi y at Lynii, Mass., are files- co'11
Uining over. one million one hundred thousand letters from " � �
wonv . ea see�king healtli, in wbich many openly state over
. their own signatures, that they have regained their . he.alth
by taking Lydia E. ^Pffikham's Vegetable .Compound'
'.. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable -Compound has. sayed
. I
. many women from surgical o . pefations. . .� 1�1' - .
Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetabI6 Compound is made ex.,7
clusively from roots and her�s,.and is perfectly 'hatinless " �� '
. . . * 1*11
. The reason wby it is so successfal is because it containsl I
. ingredients which. -acit directly upon the female organism,
. .
I. restoring, it to healthy and norm.41 activity. - . . . .
.. ---Tholl-Sands -of-unsolicited, ai'-ia.--�nui-ne�.,tes-timoni-.t-Is-siicli--,----�1--��I
. t' .
as the following prov6'the efficiency of this simple remedy. -
- � J 7
. peii�river, Qm.-I'Mritliotilt Lydia E. Plifilchani's Vegetable
Cointiounfl-I AvoliLld ittotbe alive. For five months Xhad pailLiful.
. andirr.egitlar periods aud'inflainniationof tile uterus. Isuf-
fered like a, ulartye and thought often of death. I consulted
� .two doctors who could donothililgfor m.6, I went to a; hospital, .
.. i%nd the best doctors s�ftjd I nixist suibinit to ail, operatlail, because
1hadatumor. lweiitbLi(.-Ikhoi*nemuclidiscoitr4ig.ed. Oneor: � �
. my cousins advised ine to take*your Compoiind, as it had'eure4 I
. her. I did so aviLd,0mi. commenced to fe'461 better, and wyappe-
11- AM -Pu "I T. 4P I 4 A
� =
. I . .1 I
:: IDiLce ealitle Itekc witil ,une rs V �. $11. _� - I- - - __ , *
, . aise." r
. ,cured. Youtir remedy 4s deserving ,of lir. - X s. Einatta - :
I .1�1. . I . . . 11
Chatel, Valleynelta., elleriver, Qu ec.. . I I .
� I � '
. . Woi,nen _wbo are. suffering from .those'distressitig ills �
I . . - -
. .Peculiar to their sex should not lose sigli.t of these Jacts I
. .
I -' am's Veg�table . �
I or. dotibt the ability of Lydia. E. Pi ' nkh, '
' . . . .
Compound to restore". tlieir health.-- - '. I .. . .. � I
. .
I "!I21 . I ': . I . . - 11. . .. .. I _ I .. 1. � I 1. .
� . . I . '. I . . .. ...
. . . . . . �
linve Palo: fur about, twice .t,,- IIII.V1. � I . . -
. . ' = ---. . :.-.. . . - -1 - - ...... - ,
pork as we W10- whou .Nve. killgd. our .. .1 1. . . I . ._. . . .
hognt-,.,: T-111.4 was at ;j� tinle whell qorll . ' I .. '
:ost frolil 30,to 4U �ellts' It bil'shol 'and . S1C1(HEADAC.H.t- C U'R E S.'�
I . . .
It'008t: about 3 cents to'feed hogs. ,Tl'i,G- .1 - I. . 1. -_ . '
. . . . How to Relieve This Most Distressing
weather.wab very unhi'Vonible also. . . . . . . I . .
, . . � ..
"I Illave learned that .1 few vegeta- -( . . Form of A illiess" .. I
' I n"-
bles are rellshedt by bogs.as well as .- 1,zi'vk 'heathicho, Nv ifle *not da per.
by human, 'beings, and- they "also' ald 'Ou'S, is one of the most' disal-reeable
I .
digestipti. ', I have fed * im , o�pkbis and forms of , I 1 11 ess. "4otlle* wommi - are .
, . . . ,, 1, es sitbject to it at such frequent. ixiter-, -
,,quaklies..ftiong with corn.. squds . .- . .
- ' vah; that the", art, incapacitatod for
are tho'better feed for bogs, but they vj�vi. , � � . �
. I * ., till,vs at it little. .. . ., .1 . .
are not ds va luable its. sugar be�ig' ra I ,
I . . C, , % i '"' , Uiile,ss tho be'ada.ehv I., known to '. �
ints.and,parsnips.. . - . i � I colne front snimi functional diSca-der, . .
�'I,'Intve found I lie three latterveggeiio- "I .it (-an genorally Ili, traced to ifii*Pa,'1r-- ,
tables the easier produced -that 1�;, can . ed. digestion or a Aluigish li�er, These
be' gro I w . a more abundantly on Impro- must Ile treateJ lit the interim-, 61 fhe �
* i
vised 11111d, -Rud it requires fairty good Tleadavile:;, II.S. ,'it t.hv tithe natbing'but .
solt for. iW raising of squashes and uTleviating rentodies tire. possible'. I .
pumpkin$. In-past.y6ars I haye�prie-, A treatment that i.; often success-
. ., . , -a I t, abstain front r6d ineitts for
. P' 4, to , I
- �
. � -
. I
. .
I . I
. I
. �
. . .
. I I
. .
. � . I .
. . . .
. .... A.'Newspaper .I-. .�..
. . .. . .
.... . "'Or 1M 99, . I
,.Not -An I . gaAL:
. I... . . . 1. 1.
. . I I .
, . "I �
.. . I
... 1 .. .. . .. � I . � ...
. : * . Tl4e nian: who waqtg an open-minded. discus�si6n .of - '
I - politicst the ste-acly.supp'ort..of right; justice, and .
. . . decency, . without cant or . bitterliess, .itild, an u . npre- � , ,
.- . .
. . jndiced,-coniinP117Sense treattxieiit.of;pib1ic affairs, ' I
. . ghlyenjo the , ' 1.
1. will,,thoroug y . . I
. . . . I � I
. I I
. . I � ,
. . .
.. , . � .. . .� . I . I I
. �
L . 0
I . 1. Am .", 6M
I , lu .011, i v r ,
� T r to, Da I' Sta *
. I .� � . %V ... . ..
, � I
. . � . . .
. . I . .
I . �, . Th� Star is not tied.to a7iy party or arty, "Int6rest..
I . - .
I L. It lIaS (lQf1IJite L ophiions..of ito, own .oil p'o.litic*aj, Social,
.� ."% and moral q'ilestions-but it"iecOguiz- tli,- right,of - - .
I I � I � . . cl .. . 1.
. other.i to hold e%-actty .oppositc, opilliolis wit-holit, .
'. . . ..
... . subjects for abuse. . �
. , nec�;�s.��irlly behicr scoundrels or fit t .
. I . . � c, , . . 1. M . .11 .. I ..
. The . Siar's editorials, are broadmirlitided, lione8t, M . 5
' '
keen and clever as So m*e of the ,best writer's in Canada , .
. � I .
. ': : can indke theni, and al.ways Pair.. I . . � . . . . . . .. . I
� . . I . .. . I . � .
. . The: Star is published fov- fair-minded, in, tellij�nt " '
. � . . - a '
� people who take n.n.active interest in .0 nad'a and the
. .
I world., Consequently It.Has.More Rc�aders.Thsin .
. I I . .
Ady Other. Paper. Ili Ontario. - . I
. . - . . . 11 .
� . .1 . . �
. . . I
. _ . * ' I
. �
. . $1.s150 A Year. 1.
. . �
. . I . I .. .
I .
. . ..: . I I I..
I . 11. I , I
. lhis paper and the TORONTO DAIL Y STAR together.for
. . . .
oneysar,$2-240- Gu'aranteedFounfaiih Pen #iven for 50c.
1 : ..
. . added to above subscriphorl. prices. . ' - I.. I
. . . . .
. . . . .
I . I , I
I . � .
.,� � . . .
� 4 . � I I . . . . m. .
. . . - . I . I .. . � .
� .
. . . �
�*. - 4� ,4 1i
. I .
pared a few hills, making thern rich- , a tinio and tt� bt, careful about takirig 401MWPEW� . I - I � -_ - . -_t I � -_ .. 'I
, . . . . I . . . . � .
*Ith manure aud- plahth'ig the seed to ... 1, t),at ferhient estAily. One 'man; . . . . - ! . , . . . . . . . .
rrom May. 20 to. June 1. ,When the wit,), -Tigd doet.Q.retf for years -for sick . - .. . .1 I I 1. �
y , A � I I . .
I- Watered these hills fioatlach6tk ivas,'-cured by his wifelioe- ' THX CLE N WAY OF - � . . � I . .
. I
. . .
A apd�haA gobd results. As. - hi- to it" thut, ffi-. drank a rill) of T16t . AEMOVING ASHES -. ,' '- . . .
affer:suiisc " MQJn2iiiiia .
this experilueot proved sucdesMl irith ,%valq Avith a- IfOr -teaspoonfal of salt � . - .. � . . I . X, � . . .
me I thought 'it might pro,ie. s6 to it' A ' E cle!r spar.e. allowing for I
I . , I .0 .
I I .
.. . 1. . . " . . .
others.11 , . . I . . ing, t a . s r,o6rt A* ht, I arose inA . ie I inorn- I irlarge size aft'an-7This. is . . : .
.' .
. . . . . I . .
I . . . . . Of T(-Illf�n -,I�l .- . -s . . I . . .
_V_* - - . I A It, it las. of. cot(; another.of the bright featili6 - .
. . . I _Q I .1 I � witivi. takoll nl_�'Tit tknd � morning I.,% . . iound only in the- - I � I � I . . ., I I
. . another rt-illedy ,th6rIbIts' proved-1telp- , I . . I . I . . . !�
. . . .
; Hitrus, hites, bridses, and boils. fill to Illaily. I I . . . . . . IM.PERTAL�,OXFORP , - )
Davis' Menthol Salve will soothe and DuRng the attat�?v n,st and .quiet. . � .. . . . .
he!tl them all. I 25 a a tin at all . Irf-ituperatiArv. l'ie'dowli in't dal . RANGE �. I i .. . i
. I , drugg, Ill t -k- , . . ff 0 r
Ists."'. . I I .. . . - I � L . - of . If you'll but take the trouble � I
. mled rooln, (Irhik quantiliv.s bot I .
I I I I I I --- - : IV.1 apply elther a*hot water ' to.,call,inwe'll gladly prove to , 11 �
. I .. I -1 .1 � . �ter and' . - ' - " . . . I
I � .� . I I . I bottle -br-'all Ice bag to -:11w temples - you ,why this rangp is so -popular.. - � I . I �
, . )f t1w brain, n I . SEE us BlEvoitt Y . ou BUY : I 11
. � Cloths rungp'.out of hot lazel . . I I .
I -
Troubled.With . ""T' tlll� `as('t witchi . . . . .. - . I
� . I . I ' . . � . . �
. '. 6fi-it .. .
I . t, bring quiel, roliof. : Hendache � . I I . . .. �
I eolo�lv if rubiwd oil tll(' toill ph -8 - in . I . I I
.. Backa&0- For* tinw�llvts as a-pl-vventivo. while 401116, . � - DAVIS& ROWLAND, I '. I
. . I . gow-C MI. . -&;uffPrvrs .,ire , holpod. -by talcing. -,-I . Sole agents: ' . . .. Clinton, Ont. . �. . . I I
4-aOijwtic at, tilt- first syruptoin , .. .
Years. 0 , I . I . .. . I �
.. pletely Cured - 'Ill st'vore cases live �)I- tell Illinutes, I I � . . . . . . . 1. . ... ;...
I . .
. By The Use Of r, troatinent with. .,III ol �Ctric battery -is .. 11 I - ___ . I I I I I . .. . .. .
. � invaluablo, This i -s better tilall 16as- � - ___W _1 I �
� DOAN'S.KIDNEY PILLS. sn're . , 11,-t . fliv pri-silre is'sonletillies too , * . I ;
. .. -,
strong Wll('Il tilt. .
Nlm. W, V. Doerr, 13 Brighlon, St " hf'atlacllo is, bad. L 00k H E. k IS1. Ford & - Mc' L e o d' : . �
,t,stv.jos 6f.delt beadyclic . . �
London; Ont., writei:-111t is wilil, Ili the firs .. - . I . . . . .
ple . asure that I tliaftk oll for the pf'ood it, call offi-Il be � 11vorted by taIjing . I I . . . I .
,volir Doan's Xidnev PiTis have, dolle. ftle. abdonlinal and iwelc oxvreis("."; an(l by L0111'41 FOR., SALE . - ' I
F I . Raying secured a commodious Grain I
have been. trouble'd with backtiche. for putting it inustaril phiqt(sr twor the , I . AT* THP, I . Stotehouse, we are now buying all � .
. . . . . . I . .
year.i. Nothing helped tile until.a fricnd . stolull(41, I .1 . . ' kinds of grain, for which the highest, -. " � . ..* I
-ougl tile a, box of your Kidney Pills. ' . I , tirave'. LhIle'Workso prioeswill- be paid, .
Ili it I .. Ad, .
I began to take them Ad t ook foul'bom,s, . Pire,Grown Plowerd., � Alt nufactnrers of Virst-olass Lini'e, ' . I . � 1 A4
. 1.
111111LI arn Alad to say'that I ain eured en- NVIII-atall,. N,Vlli(.Il. is ill(.% Tlaw, of 06 NIOTTO,-VitAt-eliiss Vine Rold. and . Bean, Shorts, Oorn and all kinds of �
-, .
tirely awk can. do all lily own Avot,k and i ill(% liner Illissility for so long, h-1.111so. ., PrI00%withirtreltehofall. . grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on ..
,feel �s good as 1 used to before takensick, flf(, TJJJuI(, of I I,(-. imt�olllll flower hand at the storehouse. . . I . � .
L.ai�.positive. Doan's Kidne-y-Tills turc - ,\1Tgtrali.,I,, I of ,- 20c, p )c,- lor .50. ,. -1 I � I � �.- .. . � . . - - � - - - -
. . % 1. . er b kishetnt kilias. Or 4
. Imshel. loads, delivered at Graham's, . I * 11
all you clahn. thein. to -110, ftlid Vadvise Walking.' or riding throxiall. ilm 110tel Clinton. .�, . . I . .1 � , 6.
rdl kidney sulT-crers to give thein afair ll,,tralfiln 1)11'11� tilt, iraveler will I . I . I . ,
trial." I I . k eclisionally 6oaw t,iliddouly Upon it Orders filled promptly. . . Ford-&Adeod � I . I I
. 11 . . 11
Let Doan's M(Inev Pills do for yoll IIIII-Ilt-out 'j-i(lg(-, Avlwry v scrub -fire A, NICUOLSON' & 8012%1, lllropl.s.. . .. I
*Ilat, 0lev have (106o Tor t1lousand.". or lirs swvpt awtiv -tilt, unelf�rgrowtfi. G, 1'. It, STATION. CLINTON.
- e � lulgrave, Ont. . . � .
ethpr-i. 'thow cure all forms of� Lidn Y . niang tho'eliari,od trobs, still'statitl- " . .
trolible ,Intl New cure to stav cured. �iwr, tonguvs of Ilaint, tseoni to lick, I __ - - . . .
. I .
Privo 5o ctinis por-liox or'3 ho\eq for I 'I'llf-so arly 111v Avorati'll.q, vach Aetil 1 � - . .
stoppedin 21) Ininutes .
$1.25 ai all dealvi,q or mailod dil-ect on - ,lbout 6 fvA high, IIIId,hv;WlII..,t a sill- - Children Ory 41..#� Nvith,J)r. Shoop%l, .
ropoint of prico by The T. Milblirn Co., I :."If, burnina-rol i1V,sv(,r,. shapol liho .I I It Croup Itelileds. On., . . . I
l,i�iiiiiecl,,'I'oroxit,o.*(Otit. I FOR FLETCHER 8 C-RIIUPII"tl"k.illRll1,4,1�,I)rovo. �
.11141 .tit( lz� No voiniting, It,, dig- .
lit%u-t, , , A- - of a 11:1111's vlos�-d .
When ordering .qpecify "Doan's." I halpl. � .
- .1 �� 1. . . . . 10 A SIT10 R I A tms,l, A safe and plea,ing.,yrup Zoe, Vrug4l.st,4. �'
� I '. -_ I . . I . I I . . I 4 . I . A
I . I .
. � I
. � .. I
I . IN I
I I I . I - I
I I . .
I \ . I � I I I &
I . . I . . M
I ,V adw�. - - I %V, , I
� , I ��� I . � I I . � . . .1 ... .. I
i � I
. 11 I I � Bull& tip Strength"; brings bacl . ,- the -.
, i � .. 11 MN ... - . . . ruddy.glow of healtl ' i.by creating' -a � .
_�4, k - I ;/ 1) I .. . :, natural appetft6 for nourishing food.
. .. I . .
I I - . . . . .. Get.only the A 8� L.,the orfkinal.
I - ) . . � I I . .. . . I ' . .
4 1 . nAT SUPPDXV17ER. . ... . '50c.. and $1. 00� at all druggists. :
. ,
I I � I . ... I Da.vis. & i.A:WreU4* co..'Ai,outmal. - . . � I .
- A I in use. ,, Tlxd li�t rest *ts.made out of . . .� I . . . � . . �
. I . '
I - . two embroidery hoops. one.a half Inch � � .1 1. . . I . . . , ..
. � I � - .
I 'Smaller than' flie .other. 'These, are --!.,_!i!�--,7 . , . , I .-- ---.
. I .. . . I tbr&- at ' ... . . . I . � .� . .� . .f. . ��
�.counected by.. aodards, made 1. . ., . .
. of cardboard. corsef,steeis,, whalebone Results From Separator. . �
11 � I . ., To get. the best results froin the spp-
I __ .. or thin strips. of Vood. Standards ' . .
. .�� I rings tire cl"el'y botina with Ohm arator tile liansas exi)6rimelit st4tion
I. . '
' ' .
. 11on' and. the joinbs, 'where the hoops . It , rges observance of the. three .rt.i.les
. wo
I . , W,hlch 'foilo , 1,1rst-Tbe sp6ed of 06 '
I )ire sewed'to the 's,tandards. are, bid- I . . . .
den. , . .bowl.has an influeqcOl , on .the crea � m.
� 1. . .beneath'-stnart I! , ttle, bows o('the - . . .
I 0 . . , thing of ,� change in speed from: One sepam- . "
I . . riblion.. The re,W, In no ' NV 11, '. -1 . lion to another changes the per cent of
� I
I as -the " BlaiW, Kniglit, I . hen � u ty and IS r�ady-to.be it i . o.�* I f not .- -
come to your howe ?. . . rort,vor . at least for its long, its tl . te. fa - t to the cream. . Second:mTbi tem-
. - . , peratd�e of1benlilir affi�cts the creami
. . ' i
- present f;t.�111(111 I .1. I. iIat�.,,. i.fn . gel....'. . " e I . ,
. . Let hilli shov� you the . . .-.-- . .-- I It the mllk.ls .warm tb .cream will be
I -
quick and edsy wayto shifle . I . . . I . . I .. Thipher illan If it -is cold.- Thlrd�Th6
. I . '
. I . .1 I .. . ,infount separated per hour is aiiotfi,er
the stove,,-,, e� 14 u1ne bist.Qfy. or. tile Stissoons is. otiv , I t,
� . �7 ,. I . . factor. , .This Is especially. importan
,,% I . .
" Black Kilight I I takes jor If the milk Is unevenly fed Into
. offahe most &aniatle 16 the. veeydra- . ,
,, al), the luird work and dirty matic Story of tliellehrc�w race. The tbo'bo*W1 the thickness oi'the- cream I is '
- . .
. 60-Infil Sassoon was a Bombay mer- . I
.� ,Aork o ` of stoke pWishing. � vastly influenced. The amount of wa'
. W, -1 chanti put the family is descended ter or skimmilk us6d to dusfi out the
.. "I It's X paste-s%ltliere is from a group, known its Itin Sboshan, bowl' wilt . affect the *qualfty Of! the
. I no watery mixtuie to . be . who nt one time held the position df, I eream.. . All tbese'things tend to show
I , prepared. nossi of Toledo, The 'name. Shostian. .% k handled
I � . that the iseparitgr must be .
Just a few rubs with cloth or which signifies *Illy" in. 11'ebreW4 Was with. care and good. Judg mient. . .. .
.. 1��9 brush brings a wirror-like'thine * -rtiduall . . . 1. . . .. .
� t y transformed Into Sassdbn, I . I . 0
. . � . .
. that "yougin secyour faceit0l. . 81-tilrying "glitoness." - Tbe fa,mily - Cinadian. ,jbehr. grease will -surely
, ,
And the slitne lasts! claim Davidle descent. . and' Abrahani grow hair. .. That's why Bearines. the
� fi Most dealers handle and reconmi. , sassoon, Wb(), 116urtsbed.in .the i � eveti- . pomade made frod it, makes hair
" L
. I .
. mend "Black Knight" Stove Polish. teeni,bDeentury; ,stated . that he, was a'- grow- 596. &Jmr . '. , . .
If yoqr dealer can not supply it, send .. I . . I
toe . �?r a big cati-sent po�tpaid. �. direct �flescendant or ShePhatlah, .M6 .� \� I - . I I. . I *� , -
ci �,, . e, 9 . Jifth son of David. .Not only are there . I .
THE F. F. DALLEY iO. LIMITED. Illany r6f6retle . . I. tituncl.. . , , .
0 eS .to the.naine In Hew 'he old gentletwin went into tbe�par-
Hamilton. Ont. is brew tnedineval llte�nllire, but men- 49 . . .
Make". of the fo...& "a i. I" Shoe Polish. tion or It Is tuade fit tile Talmud -Lon: ]or the other ulght�nt the%witchin- '
e, . . . 0
� I , I . hour of 30:30 ,.Old foufldc!he lights out
- V doll .N.I. A. r�., ;. . � . � . . I . .
. . �. I � . and his. daughter nlid ,I Mi� friend
. . I . . I .... ' �
. . . I -enjoying' a tete-a-toto Ili u. col,ii6r by
. . . . .1 . . . .
- I -1 . , . � I . d ,i . I .. :I the *1 n*dow. I. . . .1 . * , .
. . . . "Evangeline," said ItTo Old man -stern -
I � ly, "tills Is setiodillb.'I , !" .
Be Wise, in, Time '. 11 , . .. I . ' I . 11:Yes, papa,". site hitswered 'sweetly. .
o . __ � . . . "It Is candle)pss'. beciluse times are
. . ..
I , A �� . . � . . I . I
'You caM16t keep well unless the bow.els are -regular. . I hard. , Lights cost so much V�rdluaud
Neglect of this rule of health invites t'W the .sicknesses .and I sald we would ge�.ujqng with,
. from whicb--we suffer. Keep the bowels - rigIft; othekwise . . the starlight." - , " I. . .
� waste matter and poisdils which sh8uld pass out ofthe , And pap� turned '(11YOut: in speech-
less amazement find tried to walit out
body, find theirWay into the blood and 4icken the who I le, , . f of: the room through .a p�h,ll In the
system, Don't wait until the bowels'are constipated; tdke . _ . .
. . I � 11 . . � . wall paper..;--Exeltauge. I
� C- A , , I . I I 1 . I . � 7 ;. I
. . : , �
I fho Difference, - . I
. I . 1174 ather," AM' little Rollo. 44what* 1%.
�� - - I � " PS P11"L81
, 0 - Alt -', .
BEE it � the dilrerence, between farming and'
I . �-� I flVicultur6'.", .
t I . . . ., .
* " "Well. my son.. fi;V (atunIng yon-tieed,
They are the finest natural laxative hiAhe world -gentle, .1 �
� . i I a plow and, a horrow an(l it lot of other
safe, pr9iApt td thorough. They .strengthen the stomach Implements, And for ag,rleultuic all
muscles, and 11 not injure the delicate mucou's lilihig of . . - yout need IS a Pencil and a piece �e
- I I
. .11 I -
the bo*els. Deechani�s Pills have a con8titutiotfal actibn, - - . . . ..I'--- 1.11 paper. irk - d - I., � � I . ____ I . _.� I—— - -
That is, the longer you take them, the -less freq'iiently you L . I 1.1- 1. . .I . . . � . I . 11 I I ., I
need them. They help Nature bplp herself anil � _--..__..1_. .__ . - -_ �__ , - !"""
. 11 . I . - - . .. . . 1. .
. * I I ?I,- "aft
&%%4% . 4k=p I
Keep the Bowels Healthy %--,&,A'T0R I A �
. I . � roz, Infants ana bmwon,
14KIMAOU Have Always Houghf
. Bile Active& Stomach Well ' � bo .$
Pre ared only by Thordati Beechatil, St. Heiens, Lancaifilte, Hiegland. L Mar- tho ,� " .1 -1
1. solteby all Druggists In Canada atid. LT. S. Anscric4c, to boxes 29 cenits. I . "' - ;�07 * �
1, ��, 91 W,_ 00i
I . I %_ .. 11 � .1 , . .1 . . 11 . �� �� - 1 _:,".uro of 40" ,
....W� I ne, -
. .. 4 ,
. ; � I I . I I . I . . .
. I . .
. - � . . . .
. I :1, .. . I . � . I . . � . . . I
� I �, � . � . � I �.
, I .
" � . . � L" 1V . ' ' I I I I
- � � �. . ' ... - - .. . .. - _ __ - __.___,_____.______
It is w,ell to have on 11all"I TRAINING A SHEEP, DOG.
a �
..tmc(ly, simple, effective aud - ` .
eagily a�plied, for mwquito, I This First Mostintlat Is t9 Totich Him
bites, insect stings, sore I to Lqys 0 You.
.4) If there Is allytitim, that a cillep1wro
bruises, .sunburn, aud injuries needs belp about It Is training a olivep
to the skin, and forty other 110' say$ Professor Arbuckle to the
Americ-an $beep Broeder.
ailmeuts, not always dauger. You waut your do- to come to youl
ous,, but which can be cured .Its it pup not over two mouth$ old. as
by outward applicatiou. SUC111 .*:(Ill Want Win to know.no other ma. -ter
, than your.gelf. At two months he will
a remedy is Davis' Wuthol learn bIs name �Ind Plel, up, simple les.
Salve(Th I el).&L.),which comes solls It will be well ror'blio to go
i* tius'fQr 25 cts. at druggists. where' the sheep are, but 'N'ou must
I not *try to teach him to berd, thetil,
. I.. �� I JNJN�V 'L nor must ei,ou lot -a ewe with ,I lam6
11 get-&oclose enough to make a pass at
. A . '. N I - him. Ile must not be frlg,h�pne(j with
. I .. VA . I sheep. I I .,
.. ,
I I TRLD bular . The first lesson Is to teach him to
0 . '.
I - , , � - " , - ' T. TO
.1 I __ - , I- tore y011. XITISAS UST.' it L OIT
/ , , y It
I gentle with him and will pet him fro-
,, ... ; .� .
I �;�.:�, - . , � --. -
� �:Di� �
d".1 11". - .. ,11 ,��i�-,iA4' , V
q � . . � . .t I -..-.,. i-.;:. ,
. .1 �.. .,
,:11- , , I I..''
. . , .:! �
0% V - / - , ,., , . ..; IC1,
op., I M, ", ��!:� -�:�:��j;�� i�: 4_4 --::�� i
� �,�::10�: . -
. ZN e � ii, - .!"�, . I ?...:...
.: 0 ..... �
. I * .." . � 11 ��:. E:,�,.i: 1.
.. , �', . i..."': - ,.:;�.4'
- '.... .... �..... .. ;�% .:;.:,..I,
. . . � , - . P,
11 ..,; . : . 1: � I
. ..
. . I
..'..., ___ I �, . .. . ::* . 011
. I �
. .. . I I . I
___ - - 1 '..... . 1. 1�1 .
. ' � I .
-.4 � .
� FATTENING HOGS - -,�. ,.:::' . "I r� � W I
� I . . . ""',*
.1 .
I A farnier of whie vXporiplJoh all(T quently rot- tile collie loves a caress
Observation, 4�agwr If') 1w of soulp . help I as mucli� its lie does his breakfast. Give
-� to others, ,,,ilys: -For. yoni's I 11.1vo. him it shcrt ntuve ,and use -it often.
read farm journal,,, farmers' bulit,tins, Speak It Portly with the. caress aud
Whet e er yon
and werythIng front which I cotild .
. L harsh with .I rebuke. I v . .
llope to learil .4oluellillig. that woul approach his yard or kennel call him
11 to ,you by, saying 'Toine.11� You a)
be (!,f [tell). � I aIn II(AV very gla(i tilat .ay
.. I (lid so, as, it wa.-4 vvi-y nevessary for accomp.r,uy tills with .ills name or with
me, to econonlize tlos year in ev( a wIllstle. ,Ili(] you inust be careful to
wav espf-cfally III feed. glye 'I".1111 tile Savie whistle always.
"I'llild little slodc to food anli le.,q:, Tit IS 1- ' i fils next i��s4on, Ile -will soon
learn this. ailti,sooll'you will have the
to food it oil, 1. 11,1(1 no'Vol-11. 41116 1 lictry . .
I * -ii, _-, '.. . _must: .dIfficult lessoir-of,tall -1:6-"git-b,
� mis. N-(,r,�"[Frtli�"fijil".�,ili�- lit I(' co" 11 1 I')" Thb�k is to teach him to obey, When.
� wilk1t ninde the (juv.stloll of gvl(iII.,_, You .4ay I . 'Coal - o" liv must come*tor you,
lily. few ho-, 11) (.4;Ilditio.11 for 111(.,It n .
VVIIX 11611011s, olle. Vigurill , .1.4 IIII of it it(' lie inust know tbathe is compelled
g, . I
to . , ie d6sires to do so
tile Journal"; .Ind bullvdils do. tell I I otlie *Ilether I . . .
6usbols of vorn for vavll loo pounds 0I . Ur. lwx� � .
. .
pork, It woul(I retl�lllv 11w purt-littse of . , Ju.5t herelit-ou and your pup will have
Six . ty hushel., of'(-orll for 160 ImIl"Ids Your flr6t batIle, and ff,tbe,victory is
gaill oil ellcll [log. I . . I I yours you are well on -the *ivay to sud-
eemful training, If lie reruses to come,
"Tilts would Ille.11) lift- sIn-1)(1111, of �. .
' gwi after, him antl bring him to you
VJ0 to $40. 1 did not linvo il'iN vwney. . r
11 nerow, um I baye ;'k way tyf getting it. miressing hill] foil. �otue' time. Then
but I 111.111aga'd it) get foarteeliall(l oile- try It over again. ,Never let him feel
- .
AnIlf,blishills of corli froll) .1"lleiglilfor. that1he Is having Ills ,way,.but avoid,
I nlakin�g. ,It clear igsue with him yet, for
. I
I fed this corn to forty elile-kells and Ile must krtow . . .5 -
six Ilogs. Five of *the hugs wero I . . , punishment , .fir t, and
, you musb,kttow what.forin of punish -
shotes welghing about fifty pounds - ,,,nt will suit the
each. Aloo�' w4tIr this e0,1.n 1, f(,(, .Individual dog best.
.. . Sothe day,,after you bave taught hill!
sugar beets, Avillter 61(fl,'lles, -caltrots. what 114joine'? means, he will dellbevare
. . ;
pal -'snips, toillotoes. tin([ scraps..from I . .
I . ly run from .you just to test you. Keep
Lhe table. disbivit'ler, a stilall, (Inalitity - yonr patience tow and be willing to
of .5101) sluff and Nviwat brall, � . 0
- . tnko two or three hours off just here.
"Wheft tile corn A% -.;is all its.cil III" It is, worth it.. Try. as before .to i5ring
SOAV hild plit. oil about 12--) Poall(1�4 211)(1. him by caressing, but he Is* lik"el . y to
eacli sh6te . - about ii.fty pounds, Tito sat, fils head on disob6dielic.e, so'you
qllfil tot.11 of tills Ini-rense lit we�gllt nipst pimish idin. I �. . 1. . .
, .. .
. I �.. .
. . I .
. . . .
- X Inny d's I I'll VININt clives . 'Ga rge I I 11 If f, Ill 9'
. I
� , - __
. .
. � .. . . �
. I ..
.. .
. . .
I �
. NV:111..about 3T5 t)ou . lid,, *at, .ii . I' nclual 1,
cost 'of. about $14. it 'I'll H 11g.. everything'. 1
fed at 41 * le Q,pell. Ill-ark6t privo, - . I
I "This, is the reverst, Of .111 experl- ��
Pllc-c I had ollet, ljoforo. Solup years,
a I g, -o I -fed coni n nd vi; -n r NN 11 t vr (.,I � ltirel.A . '. 1,
' . . . I
It. the.corn the.11 fod hild bek-11 Sul�l lit
. .
the-Itlark(it price .,Ill(-[ pork hought with . I
016� Illbue, revelyea �tllv illone" Avol . It . (I
1. . � � -
� I .. . . . ...
. . . vs.
I .
� . 1.
'LUN G .'. 1. -
.BALSAM.. .. � .
. .
I I . Vor deep -:seated I . . . � I
I "' -
. .
I . I I .. COLDS, -
. .
I .
- I � . CROM .� .
. I .
A 26(,- Bottle rw a Sfrnpte� Cold., � .
. A 60c. Battle tora Heavy -cold .
A ,
4 . �1.00. Noult for a DeepwseaWd Cough. I
Sold by all D rugkists. 1. �
. .
DAVS, Sc L_A_WRI�,1TCn C(k,i. AlontretlL,
� _ .
� �
. . I
. .
I . . .- __
� , . .11 - I 11 . I �
� I
I We know of no other rnedicine which has been so suc-
cessful in relieving the suffering of wornen, or secured so
. many genuine testimonials, -,u, has Lydia E. Pink -ham's I
I . Vegetable Compound, � . ..t I
I In almost evely communi y you - -WU1 -find wonten who
have been restored, -to health by Lydia E.* Pinkliam's Vegr- .
etable Compouiid. Almost every woman you meet ha's
either beeii'bexiefited by it, or knows some one who has.
I . �
In the Pinkham Laboratoi y at Lynii, Mass., are files- co'11
Uining over. one million one hundred thousand letters from " � �
wonv . ea see�king healtli, in wbich many openly state over
. their own signatures, that they have regained their . he.alth
by taking Lydia E. ^Pffikham's Vegetable .Compound'
'.. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable -Compound has. sayed
. I
. many women from surgical o . pefations. . .� 1�1' - .
Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetabI6 Compound is made ex.,7
clusively from roots and her�s,.and is perfectly 'hatinless " �� '
. . . * 1*11
. The reason wby it is so successfal is because it containsl I
. ingredients which. -acit directly upon the female organism,
. .
I. restoring, it to healthy and norm.41 activity. - . . . .
.. ---Tholl-Sands -of-unsolicited, ai'-ia.--�nui-ne�.,tes-timoni-.t-Is-siicli--,----�1--��I
. t' .
as the following prov6'the efficiency of this simple remedy. -
- � J 7
. peii�river, Qm.-I'Mritliotilt Lydia E. Plifilchani's Vegetable
Cointiounfl-I AvoliLld ittotbe alive. For five months Xhad pailLiful.
. andirr.egitlar periods aud'inflainniationof tile uterus. Isuf-
fered like a, ulartye and thought often of death. I consulted
� .two doctors who could donothililgfor m.6, I went to a; hospital, .
.. i%nd the best doctors s�ftjd I nixist suibinit to ail, operatlail, because
1hadatumor. lweiitbLi(.-Ikhoi*nemuclidiscoitr4ig.ed. Oneor: � �
. my cousins advised ine to take*your Compoiind, as it had'eure4 I
. her. I did so aviLd,0mi. commenced to fe'461 better, and wyappe-
11- AM -Pu "I T. 4P I 4 A
� =
. I . .1 I
:: IDiLce ealitle Itekc witil ,une rs V �. $11. _� - I- - - __ , *
, . aise." r
. ,cured. Youtir remedy 4s deserving ,of lir. - X s. Einatta - :
I .1�1. . I . . . 11
Chatel, Valleynelta., elleriver, Qu ec.. . I I .
� I � '
. . Woi,nen _wbo are. suffering from .those'distressitig ills �
I . . - -
. .Peculiar to their sex should not lose sigli.t of these Jacts I
. .
I -' am's Veg�table . �
I or. dotibt the ability of Lydia. E. Pi ' nkh, '
' . . . .
Compound to restore". tlieir health.-- - '. I .. . .. � I
. .
I "!I21 . I ': . I . . - 11. . .. .. I _ I .. 1. � I 1. .
� . . I . '. I . . .. ...
. . . . . . �
linve Palo: fur about, twice .t,,- IIII.V1. � I . . -
. . ' = ---. . :.-.. . . - -1 - - ...... - ,
pork as we W10- whou .Nve. killgd. our .. .1 1. . . I . ._. . . .
hognt-,.,: T-111.4 was at ;j� tinle whell qorll . ' I .. '
:ost frolil 30,to 4U �ellts' It bil'shol 'and . S1C1(HEADAC.H.t- C U'R E S.'�
I . . .
It'008t: about 3 cents to'feed hogs. ,Tl'i,G- .1 - I. . 1. -_ . '
. . . . How to Relieve This Most Distressing
weather.wab very unhi'Vonible also. . . . . . . I . .
, . . � ..
"I Illave learned that .1 few vegeta- -( . . Form of A illiess" .. I
' I n"-
bles are rellshedt by bogs.as well as .- 1,zi'vk 'heathicho, Nv ifle *not da per.
by human, 'beings, and- they "also' ald 'Ou'S, is one of the most' disal-reeable
I .
digestipti. ', I have fed * im , o�pkbis and forms of , I 1 11 ess. "4otlle* wommi - are .
, . . . ,, 1, es sitbject to it at such frequent. ixiter-, -
,,quaklies..ftiong with corn.. squds . .- . .
- ' vah; that the", art, incapacitatod for
are tho'better feed for bogs, but they vj�vi. , � � . �
. I * ., till,vs at it little. .. . ., .1 . .
are not ds va luable its. sugar be�ig' ra I ,
I . . C, , % i '"' , Uiile,ss tho be'ada.ehv I., known to '. �
ints.and,parsnips.. . - . i � I colne front snimi functional diSca-der, . .
�'I,'Intve found I lie three latterveggeiio- "I .it (-an genorally Ili, traced to ifii*Pa,'1r-- ,
tables the easier produced -that 1�;, can . ed. digestion or a Aluigish li�er, These
be' gro I w . a more abundantly on Impro- must Ile treateJ lit the interim-, 61 fhe �
* i
vised 11111d, -Rud it requires fairty good Tleadavile:;, II.S. ,'it t.hv tithe natbing'but .
solt for. iW raising of squashes and uTleviating rentodies tire. possible'. I .
pumpkin$. In-past.y6ars I haye�prie-, A treatment that i.; often success-
. ., . , -a I t, abstain front r6d ineitts for
. P' 4, to , I
- �
. � -
. I
. .
I . I
. I
. �
. . .
. I I
. .
. � . I .
. . . .
. .... A.'Newspaper .I-. .�..
. . .. . .
.... . "'Or 1M 99, . I
,.Not -An I . gaAL:
. I... . . . 1. 1.
. . I I .
, . "I �
.. . I
... 1 .. .. . .. � I . � ...
. : * . Tl4e nian: who waqtg an open-minded. discus�si6n .of - '
I - politicst the ste-acly.supp'ort..of right; justice, and .
. . . decency, . without cant or . bitterliess, .itild, an u . npre- � , ,
.- . .
. . jndiced,-coniinP117Sense treattxieiit.of;pib1ic affairs, ' I
. . ghlyenjo the , ' 1.
1. will,,thoroug y . . I
. . . . I � I
. I I
. . I � ,
. . .
.. , . � .. . .� . I . I I
. �
L . 0
I . 1. Am .", 6M
I , lu .011, i v r ,
� T r to, Da I' Sta *
. I .� � . %V ... . ..
, � I
. . � . . .
. . I . .
I . �, . Th� Star is not tied.to a7iy party or arty, "Int6rest..
I . - .
I L. It lIaS (lQf1IJite L ophiions..of ito, own .oil p'o.litic*aj, Social,
.� ."% and moral q'ilestions-but it"iecOguiz- tli,- right,of - - .
I I � I � . . cl .. . 1.
. other.i to hold e%-actty .oppositc, opilliolis wit-holit, .
'. . . ..
... . subjects for abuse. . �
. , nec�;�s.��irlly behicr scoundrels or fit t .
. I . . � c, , . . 1. M . .11 .. I ..
. The . Siar's editorials, are broadmirlitided, lione8t, M . 5
' '
keen and clever as So m*e of the ,best writer's in Canada , .
. � I .
. ': : can indke theni, and al.ways Pair.. I . . � . . . . . . .. . I
� . . I . .. . I . � .
. . The: Star is published fov- fair-minded, in, tellij�nt " '
. � . . - a '
� people who take n.n.active interest in .0 nad'a and the
. .
I world., Consequently It.Has.More Rc�aders.Thsin .
. I I . .
Ady Other. Paper. Ili Ontario. - . I
. . - . . . 11 .
� . .1 . . �
. . . I
. _ . * ' I
. �
. . $1.s150 A Year. 1.
. . �
. . I . I .. .
I .
. . ..: . I I I..
I . 11. I , I
. lhis paper and the TORONTO DAIL Y STAR together.for
. . . .
oneysar,$2-240- Gu'aranteedFounfaiih Pen #iven for 50c.
1 : ..
. . added to above subscriphorl. prices. . ' - I.. I
. . . . .
. . . . .
I . I , I
I . � .
.,� � . . .
� 4 . � I I . . . . m. .
. . . - . I . I .. . � .
� .
. . . �
�*. - 4� ,4 1i
. I .
pared a few hills, making thern rich- , a tinio and tt� bt, careful about takirig 401MWPEW� . I - I � -_ - . -_t I � -_ .. 'I
, . . . . I . . . . � .
*Ith manure aud- plahth'ig the seed to ... 1, t),at ferhient estAily. One 'man; . . . . - ! . , . . . . . . . .
rrom May. 20 to. June 1. ,When the wit,), -Tigd doet.Q.retf for years -for sick . - .. . .1 I I 1. �
y , A � I I . .
I- Watered these hills fioatlach6tk ivas,'-cured by his wifelioe- ' THX CLE N WAY OF - � . . � I . .
. I
. . .
A apd�haA gobd results. As. - hi- to it" thut, ffi-. drank a rill) of T16t . AEMOVING ASHES -. ,' '- . . .
affer:suiisc " MQJn2iiiiia .
this experilueot proved sucdesMl irith ,%valq Avith a- IfOr -teaspoonfal of salt � . - .. � . . I . X, � . . .
me I thought 'it might pro,ie. s6 to it' A ' E cle!r spar.e. allowing for I
I . , I .0 .
I I .
.. . 1. . . " . . .
others.11 , . . I . . ing, t a . s r,o6rt A* ht, I arose inA . ie I inorn- I irlarge size aft'an-7This. is . . : .
.' .
. . . . . I . .
I . . . . . Of T(-Illf�n -,I�l .- . -s . . I . . .
_V_* - - . I A It, it las. of. cot(; another.of the bright featili6 - .
. . . I _Q I .1 I � witivi. takoll nl_�'Tit tknd � morning I.,% . . iound only in the- - I � I � I . . ., I I
. . another rt-illedy ,th6rIbIts' proved-1telp- , I . . I . I . . . !�
. . . .
; Hitrus, hites, bridses, and boils. fill to Illaily. I I . . . . . . IM.PERTAL�,OXFORP , - )
Davis' Menthol Salve will soothe and DuRng the attat�?v n,st and .quiet. . � .. . . . .
he!tl them all. I 25 a a tin at all . Irf-ituperatiArv. l'ie'dowli in't dal . RANGE �. I i .. . i
. I , drugg, Ill t -k- , . . ff 0 r
Ists."'. . I I .. . . - I � L . - of . If you'll but take the trouble � I
. mled rooln, (Irhik quantiliv.s bot I .
I I I I I I --- - : IV.1 apply elther a*hot water ' to.,call,inwe'll gladly prove to , 11 �
. I .. I -1 .1 � . �ter and' . - ' - " . . . I
I � .� . I I . I bottle -br-'all Ice bag to -:11w temples - you ,why this rangp is so -popular.. - � I . I �
, . )f t1w brain, n I . SEE us BlEvoitt Y . ou BUY : I 11
. � Cloths rungp'.out of hot lazel . . I I .
I -
Troubled.With . ""T' tlll� `as('t witchi . . . . .. - . I
� . I . I ' . . � . . �
. '. 6fi-it .. .
I . t, bring quiel, roliof. : Hendache � . I I . . .. �
I eolo�lv if rubiwd oil tll(' toill ph -8 - in . I . I I
.. Backa&0- For* tinw�llvts as a-pl-vventivo. while 401116, . � - DAVIS& ROWLAND, I '. I
. . I . gow-C MI. . -&;uffPrvrs .,ire , holpod. -by talcing. -,-I . Sole agents: ' . . .. Clinton, Ont. . �. . . I I
4-aOijwtic at, tilt- first syruptoin , .. .
Years. 0 , I . I . .. . I �
.. pletely Cured - 'Ill st'vore cases live �)I- tell Illinutes, I I � . . . . . . . 1. . ... ;...
I . .
. By The Use Of r, troatinent with. .,III ol �Ctric battery -is .. 11 I - ___ . I I I I I . .. . .. .
. � invaluablo, This i -s better tilall 16as- � - ___W _1 I �
� DOAN'S.KIDNEY PILLS. sn're . , 11,-t . fliv pri-silre is'sonletillies too , * . I ;
. .. -,
strong Wll('Il tilt. .
Nlm. W, V. Doerr, 13 Brighlon, St " hf'atlacllo is, bad. L 00k H E. k IS1. Ford & - Mc' L e o d' : . �
,t,stv.jos 6f.delt beadyclic . . �
London; Ont., writei:-111t is wilil, Ili the firs .. - . I . . . . .
ple . asure that I tliaftk oll for the pf'ood it, call offi-Il be � 11vorted by taIjing . I I . . . I .
,volir Doan's Xidnev PiTis have, dolle. ftle. abdonlinal and iwelc oxvreis("."; an(l by L0111'41 FOR., SALE . - ' I
F I . Raying secured a commodious Grain I
have been. trouble'd with backtiche. for putting it inustaril phiqt(sr twor the , I . AT* THP, I . Stotehouse, we are now buying all � .
. . . . . . I . .
year.i. Nothing helped tile until.a fricnd . stolull(41, I .1 . . ' kinds of grain, for which the highest, -. " � . ..* I
-ougl tile a, box of your Kidney Pills. ' . I , tirave'. LhIle'Workso prioeswill- be paid, .
Ili it I .. Ad, .
I began to take them Ad t ook foul'bom,s, . Pire,Grown Plowerd., � Alt nufactnrers of Virst-olass Lini'e, ' . I . � 1 A4
. 1.
111111LI arn Alad to say'that I ain eured en- NVIII-atall,. N,Vlli(.Il. is ill(.% Tlaw, of 06 NIOTTO,-VitAt-eliiss Vine Rold. and . Bean, Shorts, Oorn and all kinds of �
-, .
tirely awk can. do all lily own Avot,k and i ill(% liner Illissility for so long, h-1.111so. ., PrI00%withirtreltehofall. . grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on ..
,feel �s good as 1 used to before takensick, flf(, TJJJuI(, of I I,(-. imt�olllll flower hand at the storehouse. . . I . � .
L.ai�.positive. Doan's Kidne-y-Tills turc - ,\1Tgtrali.,I,, I of ,- 20c, p )c,- lor .50. ,. -1 I � I � �.- .. . � . . - - � - - - -
. . % 1. . er b kishetnt kilias. Or 4
. Imshel. loads, delivered at Graham's, . I * 11
all you clahn. thein. to -110, ftlid Vadvise Walking.' or riding throxiall. ilm 110tel Clinton. .�, . . I . .1 � , 6.
rdl kidney sulT-crers to give thein afair ll,,tralfiln 1)11'11� tilt, iraveler will I . I . I . ,
trial." I I . k eclisionally 6oaw t,iliddouly Upon it Orders filled promptly. . . Ford-&Adeod � I . I I
. 11 . . 11
Let Doan's M(Inev Pills do for yoll IIIII-Ilt-out 'j-i(lg(-, Avlwry v scrub -fire A, NICUOLSON' & 8012%1, lllropl.s.. . .. I
*Ilat, 0lev have (106o Tor t1lousand.". or lirs swvpt awtiv -tilt, unelf�rgrowtfi. G, 1'. It, STATION. CLINTON.
- e � lulgrave, Ont. . . � .
ethpr-i. 'thow cure all forms of� Lidn Y . niang tho'eliari,od trobs, still'statitl- " . .
trolible ,Intl New cure to stav cured. �iwr, tonguvs of Ilaint, tseoni to lick, I __ - - . . .
. I .
Privo 5o ctinis por-liox or'3 ho\eq for I 'I'llf-so arly 111v Avorati'll.q, vach Aetil 1 � - . .
stoppedin 21) Ininutes .
$1.25 ai all dealvi,q or mailod dil-ect on - ,lbout 6 fvA high, IIIId,hv;WlII..,t a sill- - Children Ory 41..#� Nvith,J)r. Shoop%l, .
ropoint of prico by The T. Milblirn Co., I :."If, burnina-rol i1V,sv(,r,. shapol liho .I I It Croup Itelileds. On., . . . I
l,i�iiiiiecl,,'I'oroxit,o.*(Otit. I FOR FLETCHER 8 C-RIIUPII"tl"k.illRll1,4,1�,I)rovo. �
.11141 .tit( lz� No voiniting, It,, dig- .
lit%u-t, , , A- - of a 11:1111's vlos�-d .
When ordering .qpecify "Doan's." I halpl. � .
- .1 �� 1. . . . . 10 A SIT10 R I A tms,l, A safe and plea,ing.,yrup Zoe, Vrug4l.st,4. �'
� I '. -_ I . . I . I I . . I 4 . I . A
I . I .
. � I
. � .. I
I . IN I
I I I . I - I
I I . .
I \ . I � I I I &
I . . I . . M
It is w,ell to have on 11all"I TRAINING A SHEEP, DOG.
a �
..tmc(ly, simple, effective aud - ` .
eagily a�plied, for mwquito, I This First Mostintlat Is t9 Totich Him
bites, insect stings, sore I to Lqys 0 You.
.4) If there Is allytitim, that a cillep1wro
bruises, .sunburn, aud injuries needs belp about It Is training a olivep
to the skin, and forty other 110' say$ Professor Arbuckle to the
Americ-an $beep Broeder.
ailmeuts, not always dauger. You waut your do- to come to youl
ous,, but which can be cured .Its it pup not over two mouth$ old. as
by outward applicatiou. SUC111 .*:(Ill Want Win to know.no other ma. -ter
, than your.gelf. At two months he will
a remedy is Davis' Wuthol learn bIs name �Ind Plel, up, simple les.
Salve(Th I el).&L.),which comes solls It will be well ror'blio to go
i* tius'fQr 25 cts. at druggists. where' the sheep are, but 'N'ou must
I not *try to teach him to berd, thetil,
. I.. �� I JNJN�V 'L nor must ei,ou lot -a ewe with ,I lam6
11 get-&oclose enough to make a pass at
. A . '. N I - him. Ile must not be frlg,h�pne(j with
. I .. VA . I sheep. I I .,
.. ,
I I TRLD bular . The first lesson Is to teach him to
0 . '.
I - , , � - " , - ' T. TO
.1 I __ - , I- tore y011. XITISAS UST.' it L OIT
/ , , y It
I gentle with him and will pet him fro-
,, ... ; .� .
I �;�.:�, - . , � --. -
� �:Di� �
d".1 11". - .. ,11 ,��i�-,iA4' , V
q � . . � . .t I -..-.,. i-.;:. ,
. .1 �.. .,
,:11- , , I I..''
. . , .:! �
0% V - / - , ,., , . ..; IC1,
op., I M, ", ��!:� -�:�:��j;�� i�: 4_4 --::�� i
� �,�::10�: . -
. ZN e � ii, - .!"�, . I ?...:...
.: 0 ..... �
. I * .." . � 11 ��:. E:,�,.i: 1.
.. , �', . i..."': - ,.:;�.4'
- '.... .... �..... .. ;�% .:;.:,..I,
. . . � , - . P,
11 ..,; . : . 1: � I
. ..
. . I
..'..., ___ I �, . .. . ::* . 011
. I �
. .. . I I . I
___ - - 1 '..... . 1. 1�1 .
. ' � I .
-.4 � .
� FATTENING HOGS - -,�. ,.:::' . "I r� � W I
� I . . . ""',*
.1 .
I A farnier of whie vXporiplJoh all(T quently rot- tile collie loves a caress
Observation, 4�agwr If') 1w of soulp . help I as mucli� its lie does his breakfast. Give
-� to others, ,,,ilys: -For. yoni's I 11.1vo. him it shcrt ntuve ,and use -it often.
read farm journal,,, farmers' bulit,tins, Speak It Portly with the. caress aud
Whet e er yon
and werythIng front which I cotild .
. L harsh with .I rebuke. I v . .
llope to learil .4oluellillig. that woul approach his yard or kennel call him
11 to ,you by, saying 'Toine.11� You a)
be (!,f [tell). � I aIn II(AV very gla(i tilat .ay
.. I (lid so, as, it wa.-4 vvi-y nevessary for accomp.r,uy tills with .ills name or with
me, to econonlize tlos year in ev( a wIllstle. ,Ili(] you inust be careful to
wav espf-cfally III feed. glye 'I".1111 tile Savie whistle always.
"I'llild little slodc to food anli le.,q:, Tit IS 1- ' i fils next i��s4on, Ile -will soon
learn this. ailti,sooll'you will have the
to food it oil, 1. 11,1(1 no'Vol-11. 41116 1 lictry . .
I * -ii, _-, '.. . _must: .dIfficult lessoir-of,tall -1:6-"git-b,
� mis. N-(,r,�"[Frtli�"fijil".�,ili�- lit I(' co" 11 1 I')" Thb�k is to teach him to obey, When.
� wilk1t ninde the (juv.stloll of gvl(iII.,_, You .4ay I . 'Coal - o" liv must come*tor you,
lily. few ho-, 11) (.4;Ilditio.11 for 111(.,It n .
VVIIX 11611011s, olle. Vigurill , .1.4 IIII of it it(' lie inust know tbathe is compelled
g, . I
to . , ie d6sires to do so
tile Journal"; .Ind bullvdils do. tell I I otlie *Ilether I . . .
6usbols of vorn for vavll loo pounds 0I . Ur. lwx� � .
. .
pork, It woul(I retl�lllv 11w purt-littse of . , Ju.5t herelit-ou and your pup will have
Six . ty hushel., of'(-orll for 160 ImIl"Ids Your flr6t batIle, and ff,tbe,victory is
gaill oil ellcll [log. I . . I I yours you are well on -the *ivay to sud-
eemful training, If lie reruses to come,
"Tilts would Ille.11) lift- sIn-1)(1111, of �. .
' gwi after, him antl bring him to you
VJ0 to $40. 1 did not linvo il'iN vwney. . r
11 nerow, um I baye ;'k way tyf getting it. miressing hill] foil. �otue' time. Then
but I 111.111aga'd it) get foarteeliall(l oile- try It over again. ,Never let him feel
- .
AnIlf,blishills of corli froll) .1"lleiglilfor. that1he Is having Ills ,way,.but avoid,
I nlakin�g. ,It clear igsue with him yet, for
. I
I fed this corn to forty elile-kells and Ile must krtow . . .5 -
six Ilogs. Five of *the hugs wero I . . , punishment , .fir t, and
, you musb,kttow what.forin of punish -
shotes welghing about fifty pounds - ,,,nt will suit the
each. Aloo�' w4tIr this e0,1.n 1, f(,(, .Individual dog best.
.. . Sothe day,,after you bave taught hill!
sugar beets, Avillter 61(fl,'lles, -caltrots. what 114joine'? means, he will dellbevare
. . ;
pal -'snips, toillotoes. tin([ scraps..from I . .
I . ly run from .you just to test you. Keep
Lhe table. disbivit'ler, a stilall, (Inalitity - yonr patience tow and be willing to
of .5101) sluff and Nviwat brall, � . 0
- . tnko two or three hours off just here.
"Wheft tile corn A% -.;is all its.cil III" It is, worth it.. Try. as before .to i5ring
SOAV hild plit. oil about 12--) Poall(1�4 211)(1. him by caressing, but he Is* lik"el . y to
eacli sh6te . - about ii.fty pounds, Tito sat, fils head on disob6dielic.e, so'you
qllfil tot.11 of tills Ini-rense lit we�gllt nipst pimish idin. I �. . 1. . .
, .. .
. I �.. .
. . I .
. . . .
- X Inny d's I I'll VININt clives . 'Ga rge I I 11 If f, Ill 9'
. I
� , - __
. .
. � .. . . �
. I ..
.. .
. . .
I �
. NV:111..about 3T5 t)ou . lid,, *at, .ii . I' nclual 1,
cost 'of. about $14. it 'I'll H 11g.. everything'. 1
fed at 41 * le Q,pell. Ill-ark6t privo, - . I
I "This, is the reverst, Of .111 experl- ��
Pllc-c I had ollet, ljoforo. Solup years,
a I g, -o I -fed coni n nd vi; -n r NN 11 t vr (.,I � ltirel.A . '. 1,
' . . . I
It. the.corn the.11 fod hild bek-11 Sul�l lit
. .
the-Itlark(it price .,Ill(-[ pork hought with . I
016� Illbue, revelyea �tllv illone" Avol . It . (I
1. . � � -
� I .. . . . ...
. . . vs.
I .
� . 1.
'LUN G .'. 1. -
.BALSAM.. .. � .
. .
I I . Vor deep -:seated I . . . � I
I "' -
. .
I . I I .. COLDS, -
. .
I .
- I � . CROM .� .
. I .
A 26(,- Bottle rw a Sfrnpte� Cold., � .
. A 60c. Battle tora Heavy -cold .
A ,
4 . �1.00. Noult for a DeepwseaWd Cough. I
Sold by all D rugkists. 1. �
. .
DAVS, Sc L_A_WRI�,1TCn C(k,i. AlontretlL,
� _ .
� �
. . I
. .
I . . .- __
� , . .11 - I 11 . I �
� I
I We know of no other rnedicine which has been so suc-
cessful in relieving the suffering of wornen, or secured so
. many genuine testimonials, -,u, has Lydia E. Pink -ham's I
I . Vegetable Compound, � . ..t I
I In almost evely communi y you - -WU1 -find wonten who
have been restored, -to health by Lydia E.* Pinkliam's Vegr- .
etable Compouiid. Almost every woman you meet ha's
either beeii'bexiefited by it, or knows some one who has.
I . �
In the Pinkham Laboratoi y at Lynii, Mass., are files- co'11
Uining over. one million one hundred thousand letters from " � �
wonv . ea see�king healtli, in wbich many openly state over
. their own signatures, that they have regained their . he.alth
by taking Lydia E. ^Pffikham's Vegetable .Compound'
'.. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable -Compound has. sayed
. I
. many women from surgical o . pefations. . .� 1�1' - .
Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetabI6 Compound is made ex.,7
clusively from roots and her�s,.and is perfectly 'hatinless " �� '
. . . * 1*11
. The reason wby it is so successfal is because it containsl I
. ingredients which. -acit directly upon the female organism,
. .
I. restoring, it to healthy and norm.41 activity. - . . . .
.. ---Tholl-Sands -of-unsolicited, ai'-ia.--�nui-ne�.,tes-timoni-.t-Is-siicli--,----�1--��I
. t' .
as the following prov6'the efficiency of this simple remedy. -
- � J 7
. peii�river, Qm.-I'Mritliotilt Lydia E. Plifilchani's Vegetable
Cointiounfl-I AvoliLld ittotbe alive. For five months Xhad pailLiful.
. andirr.egitlar periods aud'inflainniationof tile uterus. Isuf-
fered like a, ulartye and thought often of death. I consulted
� .two doctors who could donothililgfor m.6, I went to a; hospital, .
.. i%nd the best doctors s�ftjd I nixist suibinit to ail, operatlail, because
1hadatumor. lweiitbLi(.-Ikhoi*nemuclidiscoitr4ig.ed. Oneor: � �
. my cousins advised ine to take*your Compoiind, as it had'eure4 I
. her. I did so aviLd,0mi. commenced to fe'461 better, and wyappe-
11- AM -Pu "I T. 4P I 4 A
� =
. I . .1 I
:: IDiLce ealitle Itekc witil ,une rs V �. $11. _� - I- - - __ , *
, . aise." r
. ,cured. Youtir remedy 4s deserving ,of lir. - X s. Einatta - :
I .1�1. . I . . . 11
Chatel, Valleynelta., elleriver, Qu ec.. . I I .
� I � '
. . Woi,nen _wbo are. suffering from .those'distressitig ills �
I . . - -
. .Peculiar to their sex should not lose sigli.t of these Jacts I
. .
I -' am's Veg�table . �
I or. dotibt the ability of Lydia. E. Pi ' nkh, '
' . . . .
Compound to restore". tlieir health.-- - '. I .. . .. � I
. .
I "!I21 . I ': . I . . - 11. . .. .. I _ I .. 1. � I 1. .
� . . I . '. I . . .. ...
. . . . . . �
linve Palo: fur about, twice .t,,- IIII.V1. � I . . -
. . ' = ---. . :.-.. . . - -1 - - ...... - ,
pork as we W10- whou .Nve. killgd. our .. .1 1. . . I . ._. . . .
hognt-,.,: T-111.4 was at ;j� tinle whell qorll . ' I .. '
:ost frolil 30,to 4U �ellts' It bil'shol 'and . S1C1(HEADAC.H.t- C U'R E S.'�
I . . .
It'008t: about 3 cents to'feed hogs. ,Tl'i,G- .1 - I. . 1. -_ . '
. . . . How to Relieve This Most Distressing
weather.wab very unhi'Vonible also. . . . . . . I . .
, . . � ..
"I Illave learned that .1 few vegeta- -( . . Form of A illiess" .. I
' I n"-
bles are rellshedt by bogs.as well as .- 1,zi'vk 'heathicho, Nv ifle *not da per.
by human, 'beings, and- they "also' ald 'Ou'S, is one of the most' disal-reeable
I .
digestipti. ', I have fed * im , o�pkbis and forms of , I 1 11 ess. "4otlle* wommi - are .
, . . . ,, 1, es sitbject to it at such frequent. ixiter-, -
,,quaklies..ftiong with corn.. squds . .- . .
- ' vah; that the", art, incapacitatod for
are tho'better feed for bogs, but they vj�vi. , � � . �
. I * ., till,vs at it little. .. . ., .1 . .
are not ds va luable its. sugar be�ig' ra I ,
I . . C, , % i '"' , Uiile,ss tho be'ada.ehv I., known to '. �
ints.and,parsnips.. . - . i � I colne front snimi functional diSca-der, . .
�'I,'Intve found I lie three latterveggeiio- "I .it (-an genorally Ili, traced to ifii*Pa,'1r-- ,
tables the easier produced -that 1�;, can . ed. digestion or a Aluigish li�er, These
be' gro I w . a more abundantly on Impro- must Ile treateJ lit the interim-, 61 fhe �
* i
vised 11111d, -Rud it requires fairty good Tleadavile:;, II.S. ,'it t.hv tithe natbing'but .
solt for. iW raising of squashes and uTleviating rentodies tire. possible'. I .
pumpkin$. In-past.y6ars I haye�prie-, A treatment that i.; often success-
. ., . , -a I t, abstain front r6d ineitts for
. P' 4, to , I
- �
. � -
. I
. .
I . I
. I
. �
. . .
. I I
. .
. � . I .
. . . .
. .... A.'Newspaper .I-. .�..
. . .. . .
.... . "'Or 1M 99, . I
,.Not -An I . gaAL:
. I... . . . 1. 1.
. . I I .
, . "I �
.. . I
... 1 .. .. . .. � I . � ...
. : * . Tl4e nian: who waqtg an open-minded. discus�si6n .of - '
I - politicst the ste-acly.supp'ort..of right; justice, and .
. . . decency, . without cant or . bitterliess, .itild, an u . npre- � , ,
.- . .
. . jndiced,-coniinP117Sense treattxieiit.of;pib1ic affairs, ' I
. . ghlyenjo the , ' 1.
1. will,,thoroug y . . I
. . . . I � I
. I I
. . I � ,
. . .
.. , . � .. . .� . I . I I
. �
L . 0
I . 1. Am .", 6M
I , lu .011, i v r ,
� T r to, Da I' Sta *
. I .� � . %V ... . ..
, � I
. . � . . .
. . I . .
I . �, . Th� Star is not tied.to a7iy party or arty, "Int6rest..
I . - .
I L. It lIaS (lQf1IJite L ophiions..of ito, own .oil p'o.litic*aj, Social,
.� ."% and moral q'ilestions-but it"iecOguiz- tli,- right,of - - .
I I � I � . . cl .. . 1.
. other.i to hold e%-actty .oppositc, opilliolis wit-holit, .
'. . . ..
... . subjects for abuse. . �
. , nec�;�s.��irlly behicr scoundrels or fit t .
. I . . � c, , . . 1. M . .11 .. I ..
. The . Siar's editorials, are broadmirlitided, lione8t, M . 5
' '
keen and clever as So m*e of the ,best writer's in Canada , .
. � I .
. ': : can indke theni, and al.ways Pair.. I . . � . . . . . . .. . I
� . . I . .. . I . � .
. . The: Star is published fov- fair-minded, in, tellij�nt " '
. � . . - a '
� people who take n.n.active interest in .0 nad'a and the
. .
I world., Consequently It.Has.More Rc�aders.Thsin .
. I I . .
Ady Other. Paper. Ili Ontario. - . I
. . - . . . 11 .
� . .1 . . �
. . . I
. _ . * ' I
. �
. . $1.s150 A Year. 1.
. . �
. . I . I .. .
I .
. . ..: . I I I..
I . 11. I , I
. lhis paper and the TORONTO DAIL Y STAR together.for
. . . .
oneysar,$2-240- Gu'aranteedFounfaiih Pen #iven for 50c.
1 : ..
. . added to above subscriphorl. prices. . ' - I.. I
. . . . .
. . . . .
I . I , I
I . � .
.,� � . . .
� 4 . � I I . . . . m. .
. . . - . I . I .. . � .
� .
. . . �
�*. - 4� ,4 1i
. I .
pared a few hills, making thern rich- , a tinio and tt� bt, careful about takirig 401MWPEW� . I - I � -_ - . -_t I � -_ .. 'I
, . . . . I . . . . � .
*Ith manure aud- plahth'ig the seed to ... 1, t),at ferhient estAily. One 'man; . . . . - ! . , . . . . . . . .
rrom May. 20 to. June 1. ,When the wit,), -Tigd doet.Q.retf for years -for sick . - .. . .1 I I 1. �
y , A � I I . .
I- Watered these hills fioatlach6tk ivas,'-cured by his wifelioe- ' THX CLE N WAY OF - � . . � I . .
. I
. . .
A apd�haA gobd results. As. - hi- to it" thut, ffi-. drank a rill) of T16t . AEMOVING ASHES -. ,' '- . . .
affer:suiisc " MQJn2iiiiia .
this experilueot proved sucdesMl irith ,%valq Avith a- IfOr -teaspoonfal of salt � . - .. � . . I . X, � . . .
me I thought 'it might pro,ie. s6 to it' A ' E cle!r spar.e. allowing for I
I . , I .0 .
I I .
.. . 1. . . " . . .
others.11 , . . I . . ing, t a . s r,o6rt A* ht, I arose inA . ie I inorn- I irlarge size aft'an-7This. is . . : .
.' .
. . . . . I . .
I . . . . . Of T(-Illf�n -,I�l .- . -s . . I . . .
_V_* - - . I A It, it las. of. cot(; another.of the bright featili6 - .
. . . I _Q I .1 I � witivi. takoll nl_�'Tit tknd � morning I.,% . . iound only in the- - I � I � I . . ., I I
. . another rt-illedy ,th6rIbIts' proved-1telp- , I . . I . I . . . !�
. . . .
; Hitrus, hites, bridses, and boils. fill to Illaily. I I . . . . . . IM.PERTAL�,OXFORP , - )
Davis' Menthol Salve will soothe and DuRng the attat�?v n,st and .quiet. . � .. . . . .
he!tl them all. I 25 a a tin at all . Irf-ituperatiArv. l'ie'dowli in't dal . RANGE �. I i .. . i
. I , drugg, Ill t -k- , . . ff 0 r
Ists."'. . I I .. . . - I � L . - of . If you'll but take the trouble � I
. mled rooln, (Irhik quantiliv.s bot I .
I I I I I I --- - : IV.1 apply elther a*hot water ' to.,call,inwe'll gladly prove to , 11 �
. I .. I -1 .1 � . �ter and' . - ' - " . . . I
I � .� . I I . I bottle -br-'all Ice bag to -:11w temples - you ,why this rangp is so -popular.. - � I . I �
, . )f t1w brain, n I . SEE us BlEvoitt Y . ou BUY : I 11
. � Cloths rungp'.out of hot lazel . . I I .
I -
Troubled.With . ""T' tlll� `as('t witchi . . . . .. - . I
� . I . I ' . . � . . �
. '. 6fi-it .. .
I . t, bring quiel, roliof. : Hendache � . I I . . .. �
I eolo�lv if rubiwd oil tll(' toill ph -8 - in . I . I I
.. Backa&0- For* tinw�llvts as a-pl-vventivo. while 401116, . � - DAVIS& ROWLAND, I '. I
. . I . gow-C MI. . -&;uffPrvrs .,ire , holpod. -by talcing. -,-I . Sole agents: ' . . .. Clinton, Ont. . �. . . I I
4-aOijwtic at, tilt- first syruptoin , .. .
Years. 0 , I . I . .. . I �
.. pletely Cured - 'Ill st'vore cases live �)I- tell Illinutes, I I � . . . . . . . 1. . ... ;...
I . .
. By The Use Of r, troatinent with. .,III ol �Ctric battery -is .. 11 I - ___ . I I I I I . .. . .. .
. � invaluablo, This i -s better tilall 16as- � - ___W _1 I �
� DOAN'S.KIDNEY PILLS. sn're . , 11,-t . fliv pri-silre is'sonletillies too , * . I ;
. .. -,
strong Wll('Il tilt. .
Nlm. W, V. Doerr, 13 Brighlon, St " hf'atlacllo is, bad. L 00k H E. k IS1. Ford & - Mc' L e o d' : . �
,t,stv.jos 6f.delt beadyclic . . �
London; Ont., writei:-111t is wilil, Ili the firs .. - . I . . . . .
ple . asure that I tliaftk oll for the pf'ood it, call offi-Il be � 11vorted by taIjing . I I . . . I .
,volir Doan's Xidnev PiTis have, dolle. ftle. abdonlinal and iwelc oxvreis("."; an(l by L0111'41 FOR., SALE . - ' I
F I . Raying secured a commodious Grain I
have been. trouble'd with backtiche. for putting it inustaril phiqt(sr twor the , I . AT* THP, I . Stotehouse, we are now buying all � .
. . . . . . I . .
year.i. Nothing helped tile until.a fricnd . stolull(41, I .1 . . ' kinds of grain, for which the highest, -. " � . ..* I
-ougl tile a, box of your Kidney Pills. ' . I , tirave'. LhIle'Workso prioeswill- be paid, .
Ili it I .. Ad, .
I began to take them Ad t ook foul'bom,s, . Pire,Grown Plowerd., � Alt nufactnrers of Virst-olass Lini'e, ' . I . � 1 A4
. 1.
111111LI arn Alad to say'that I ain eured en- NVIII-atall,. N,Vlli(.Il. is ill(.% Tlaw, of 06 NIOTTO,-VitAt-eliiss Vine Rold. and . Bean, Shorts, Oorn and all kinds of �
-, .
tirely awk can. do all lily own Avot,k and i ill(% liner Illissility for so long, h-1.111so. ., PrI00%withirtreltehofall. . grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on ..
,feel �s good as 1 used to before takensick, flf(, TJJJuI(, of I I,(-. imt�olllll flower hand at the storehouse. . . I . � .
L.ai�.positive. Doan's Kidne-y-Tills turc - ,\1Tgtrali.,I,, I of ,- 20c, p )c,- lor .50. ,. -1 I � I � �.- .. . � . . - - � - - - -
. . % 1. . er b kishetnt kilias. Or 4
. Imshel. loads, delivered at Graham's, . I * 11
all you clahn. thein. to -110, ftlid Vadvise Walking.' or riding throxiall. ilm 110tel Clinton. .�, . . I . .1 � , 6.
rdl kidney sulT-crers to give thein afair ll,,tralfiln 1)11'11� tilt, iraveler will I . I . I . ,
trial." I I . k eclisionally 6oaw t,iliddouly Upon it Orders filled promptly. . . Ford-&Adeod � I . I I
. 11 . . 11
Let Doan's M(Inev Pills do for yoll IIIII-Ilt-out 'j-i(lg(-, Avlwry v scrub -fire A, NICUOLSON' & 8012%1, lllropl.s.. . .. I
*Ilat, 0lev have (106o Tor t1lousand.". or lirs swvpt awtiv -tilt, unelf�rgrowtfi. G, 1'. It, STATION. CLINTON.
- e � lulgrave, Ont. . . � .
ethpr-i. 'thow cure all forms of� Lidn Y . niang tho'eliari,od trobs, still'statitl- " . .
trolible ,Intl New cure to stav cured. �iwr, tonguvs of Ilaint, tseoni to lick, I __ - - . . .
. I .
Privo 5o ctinis por-liox or'3 ho\eq for I 'I'llf-so arly 111v Avorati'll.q, vach Aetil 1 � - . .
stoppedin 21) Ininutes .
$1.25 ai all dealvi,q or mailod dil-ect on - ,lbout 6 fvA high, IIIId,hv;WlII..,t a sill- - Children Ory 41..#� Nvith,J)r. Shoop%l, .
ropoint of prico by The T. Milblirn Co., I :."If, burnina-rol i1V,sv(,r,. shapol liho .I I It Croup Itelileds. On., . . . I
l,i�iiiiiecl,,'I'oroxit,o.*(Otit. I FOR FLETCHER 8 C-RIIUPII"tl"k.illRll1,4,1�,I)rovo. �
.11141 .tit( lz� No voiniting, It,, dig- .
lit%u-t, , , A- - of a 11:1111's vlos�-d .
When ordering .qpecify "Doan's." I halpl. � .
- .1 �� 1. . . . . 10 A SIT10 R I A tms,l, A safe and plea,ing.,yrup Zoe, Vrug4l.st,4. �'
� I '. -_ I . . I . I I . . I 4 . I . A
I . I .
. � I
. � .. I
I . IN I
I I I . I - I
I I . .
I \ . I � I I I &
I . . I . . M
, .. .
. I �.. .
. . I .
. . . .
- X Inny d's I I'll VININt clives . 'Ga rge I I 11 If f, Ill 9'
. I
� , - __
. .
. � .. . . �
. I ..
.. .
. . .
I �
. NV:111..about 3T5 t)ou . lid,, *at, .ii . I' nclual 1,
cost 'of. about $14. it 'I'll H 11g.. everything'. 1
fed at 41 * le Q,pell. Ill-ark6t privo, - . I
I "This, is the reverst, Of .111 experl- ��
Pllc-c I had ollet, ljoforo. Solup years,
a I g, -o I -fed coni n nd vi; -n r NN 11 t vr (.,I � ltirel.A . '. 1,
' . . . I
It. the.corn the.11 fod hild bek-11 Sul�l lit
. .
the-Itlark(it price .,Ill(-[ pork hought with . I
016� Illbue, revelyea �tllv illone" Avol . It . (I
1. . � � -
� I .. . . . ...
. . . vs.
I .
� . 1.
'LUN G .'. 1. -
.BALSAM.. .. � .
. .
I I . Vor deep -:seated I . . . � I
I "' -
. .
I . I I .. COLDS, -
. .
I .
- I � . CROM .� .
. I .
A 26(,- Bottle rw a Sfrnpte� Cold., � .
. A 60c. Battle tora Heavy -cold .
A ,
4 . �1.00. Noult for a DeepwseaWd Cough. I
Sold by all D rugkists. 1. �
. .
DAVS, Sc L_A_WRI�,1TCn C(k,i. AlontretlL,
� _ .
� �
. . I
. .
I . . .- __
� , . .11 - I 11 . I �
� I
I We know of no other rnedicine which has been so suc-
cessful in relieving the suffering of wornen, or secured so
. many genuine testimonials, -,u, has Lydia E. Pink -ham's I
I . Vegetable Compound, � . ..t I
I In almost evely communi y you - -WU1 -find wonten who
have been restored, -to health by Lydia E.* Pinkliam's Vegr- .
etable Compouiid. Almost every woman you meet ha's
either beeii'bexiefited by it, or knows some one who has.
I . �
In the Pinkham Laboratoi y at Lynii, Mass., are files- co'11
Uining over. one million one hundred thousand letters from " � �
wonv . ea see�king healtli, in wbich many openly state over
. their own signatures, that they have regained their . he.alth
by taking Lydia E. ^Pffikham's Vegetable .Compound'
'.. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable -Compound has. sayed
. I
. many women from surgical o . pefations. . .� 1�1' - .
Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetabI6 Compound is made ex.,7
clusively from roots and her�s,.and is perfectly 'hatinless " �� '
. . . * 1*11
. The reason wby it is so successfal is because it containsl I
. ingredients which. -acit directly upon the female organism,
. .
I. restoring, it to healthy and norm.41 activity. - . . . .
.. ---Tholl-Sands -of-unsolicited, ai'-ia.--�nui-ne�.,tes-timoni-.t-Is-siicli--,----�1--��I
. t' .
as the following prov6'the efficiency of this simple remedy. -
- � J 7
. peii�river, Qm.-I'Mritliotilt Lydia E. Plifilchani's Vegetable
Cointiounfl-I AvoliLld ittotbe alive. For five months Xhad pailLiful.
. andirr.egitlar periods aud'inflainniationof tile uterus. Isuf-
fered like a, ulartye and thought often of death. I consulted
� .two doctors who could donothililgfor m.6, I went to a; hospital, .
.. i%nd the best doctors s�ftjd I nixist suibinit to ail, operatlail, because
1hadatumor. lweiitbLi(.-Ikhoi*nemuclidiscoitr4ig.ed. Oneor: � �
. my cousins advised ine to take*your Compoiind, as it had'eure4 I
. her. I did so aviLd,0mi. commenced to fe'461 better, and wyappe-
11- AM -Pu "I T. 4P I 4 A
� =
. I . .1 I
:: IDiLce ealitle Itekc witil ,une rs V �. $11. _� - I- - - __ , *
, . aise." r
. ,cured. Youtir remedy 4s deserving ,of lir. - X s. Einatta - :
I .1�1. . I . . . 11
Chatel, Valleynelta., elleriver, Qu ec.. . I I .
� I � '
. . Woi,nen _wbo are. suffering from .those'distressitig ills �
I . . - -
. .Peculiar to their sex should not lose sigli.t of these Jacts I
. .
I -' am's Veg�table . �
I or. dotibt the ability of Lydia. E. Pi ' nkh, '
' . . . .
Compound to restore". tlieir health.-- - '. I .. . .. � I
. .
I "!I21 . I ': . I . . - 11. . .. .. I _ I .. 1. � I 1. .
� . . I . '. I . . .. ...
. . . . . . �
linve Palo: fur about, twice .t,,- IIII.V1. � I . . -
. . ' = ---. . :.-.. . . - -1 - - ...... - ,
pork as we W10- whou .Nve. killgd. our .. .1 1. . . I . ._. . . .
hognt-,.,: T-111.4 was at ;j� tinle whell qorll . ' I .. '
:ost frolil 30,to 4U �ellts' It bil'shol 'and . S1C1(HEADAC.H.t- C U'R E S.'�
I . . .
It'008t: about 3 cents to'feed hogs. ,Tl'i,G- .1 - I. . 1. -_ . '
. . . . How to Relieve This Most Distressing
weather.wab very unhi'Vonible also. . . . . . . I . .
, . . � ..
"I Illave learned that .1 few vegeta- -( . . Form of A illiess" .. I
' I n"-
bles are rellshedt by bogs.as well as .- 1,zi'vk 'heathicho, Nv ifle *not da per.
by human, 'beings, and- they "also' ald 'Ou'S, is one of the most' disal-reeable
I .
digestipti. ', I have fed * im , o�pkbis and forms of , I 1 11 ess. "4otlle* wommi - are .
, . . . ,, 1, es sitbject to it at such frequent. ixiter-, -
,,quaklies..ftiong with corn.. squds . .- . .
- ' vah; that the", art, incapacitatod for
are tho'better feed for bogs, but they vj�vi. , � � . �
. I * ., till,vs at it little. .. . ., .1 . .
are not ds va luable its. sugar be�ig' ra I ,
I . . C, , % i '"' , Uiile,ss tho be'ada.ehv I., known to '. �
ints.and,parsnips.. . - . i � I colne front snimi functional diSca-der, . .
�'I,'Intve found I lie three latterveggeiio- "I .it (-an genorally Ili, traced to ifii*Pa,'1r-- ,
tables the easier produced -that 1�;, can . ed. digestion or a Aluigish li�er, These
be' gro I w . a more abundantly on Impro- must Ile treateJ lit the interim-, 61 fhe �
* i
vised 11111d, -Rud it requires fairty good Tleadavile:;, II.S. ,'it t.hv tithe natbing'but .
solt for. iW raising of squashes and uTleviating rentodies tire. possible'. I .
pumpkin$. In-past.y6ars I haye�prie-, A treatment that i.; often success-
. ., . , -a I t, abstain front r6d ineitts for
. P' 4, to , I
- �
. � -
. I
. .
I . I
. I
. �
. . .
. I I
. .
. � . I .
. . . .
. .... A.'Newspaper .I-. .�..
. . .. . .
.... . "'Or 1M 99, . I
,.Not -An I . gaAL:
. I... . . . 1. 1.
. . I I .
, . "I �
.. . I
... 1 .. .. . .. � I . � ...
. : * . Tl4e nian: who waqtg an open-minded. discus�si6n .of - '
I - politicst the ste-acly.supp'ort..of right; justice, and .
. . . decency, . without cant or . bitterliess, .itild, an u . npre- � , ,
.- . .
. . jndiced,-coniinP117Sense treattxieiit.of;pib1ic affairs, ' I
. . ghlyenjo the , ' 1.
1. will,,thoroug y . . I
. . . . I � I
. I I
. . I � ,
. . .
.. , . � .. . .� . I . I I
. �
L . 0
I . 1. Am .", 6M
I , lu .011, i v r ,
� T r to, Da I' Sta *
. I .� � . %V ... . ..
, � I
. . � . . .
. . I . .
I . �, . Th� Star is not tied.to a7iy party or arty, "Int6rest..
I . - .
I L. It lIaS (lQf1IJite L ophiions..of ito, own .oil p'o.litic*aj, Social,
.� ."% and moral q'ilestions-but it"iecOguiz- tli,- right,of - - .
I I � I � . . cl .. . 1.
. other.i to hold e%-actty .oppositc, opilliolis wit-holit, .
'. . . ..
... . subjects for abuse. . �
. , nec�;�s.��irlly behicr scoundrels or fit t .
. I . . � c, , . . 1. M . .11 .. I ..
. The . Siar's editorials, are broadmirlitided, lione8t, M . 5
' '
keen and clever as So m*e of the ,best writer's in Canada , .
. � I .
. ': : can indke theni, and al.ways Pair.. I . . � . . . . . . .. . I
� . . I . .. . I . � .
. . The: Star is published fov- fair-minded, in, tellij�nt " '
. � . . - a '
� people who take n.n.active interest in .0 nad'a and the
. .
I world., Consequently It.Has.More Rc�aders.Thsin .
. I I . .
Ady Other. Paper. Ili Ontario. - . I
. . - . . . 11 .
� . .1 . . �
. . . I
. _ . * ' I
. �
. . $1.s150 A Year. 1.
. . �
. . I . I .. .
I .
. . ..: . I I I..
I . 11. I , I
. lhis paper and the TORONTO DAIL Y STAR together.for
. . . .
oneysar,$2-240- Gu'aranteedFounfaiih Pen #iven for 50c.
1 : ..
. . added to above subscriphorl. prices. . ' - I.. I
. . . . .
. . . . .
I . I , I
I . � .
.,� � . . .
� 4 . � I I . . . . m. .
. . . - . I . I .. . � .
� .
. . . �
�*. - 4� ,4 1i
. I .
pared a few hills, making thern rich- , a tinio and tt� bt, careful about takirig 401MWPEW� . I - I � -_ - . -_t I � -_ .. 'I
, . . . . I . . . . � .
*Ith manure aud- plahth'ig the seed to ... 1, t),at ferhient estAily. One 'man; . . . . - ! . , . . . . . . . .
rrom May. 20 to. June 1. ,When the wit,), -Tigd doet.Q.retf for years -for sick . - .. . .1 I I 1. �
y , A � I I . .
I- Watered these hills fioatlach6tk ivas,'-cured by his wifelioe- ' THX CLE N WAY OF - � . . � I . .
. I
. . .
A apd�haA gobd results. As. - hi- to it" thut, ffi-. drank a rill) of T16t . AEMOVING ASHES -. ,' '- . . .
affer:suiisc " MQJn2iiiiia .
this experilueot proved sucdesMl irith ,%valq Avith a- IfOr -teaspoonfal of salt � . - .. � . . I . X, � . . .
me I thought 'it might pro,ie. s6 to it' A ' E cle!r spar.e. allowing for I
I . , I .0 .
I I .
.. . 1. . . " . . .
others.11 , . . I . . ing, t a . s r,o6rt A* ht, I arose inA . ie I inorn- I irlarge size aft'an-7This. is . . : .
.' .
. . . . . I . .
I . . . . . Of T(-Illf�n -,I�l .- . -s . . I . . .
_V_* - - . I A It, it las. of. cot(; another.of the bright featili6 - .
. . . I _Q I .1 I � witivi. takoll nl_�'Tit tknd � morning I.,% . . iound only in the- - I � I � I . . ., I I
. . another rt-illedy ,th6rIbIts' proved-1telp- , I . . I . I . . . !�
. . . .
; Hitrus, hites, bridses, and boils. fill to Illaily. I I . . . . . . IM.PERTAL�,OXFORP , - )
Davis' Menthol Salve will soothe and DuRng the attat�?v n,st and .quiet. . � .. . . . .
he!tl them all. I 25 a a tin at all . Irf-ituperatiArv. l'ie'dowli in't dal . RANGE �. I i .. . i
. I , drugg, Ill t -k- , . . ff 0 r
Ists."'. . I I .. . . - I � L . - of . If you'll but take the trouble � I
. mled rooln, (Irhik quantiliv.s bot I .
I I I I I I --- - : IV.1 apply elther a*hot water ' to.,call,inwe'll gladly prove to , 11 �
. I .. I -1 .1 � . �ter and' . - ' - " . . . I
I � .� . I I . I bottle -br-'all Ice bag to -:11w temples - you ,why this rangp is so -popular.. - � I . I �
, . )f t1w brain, n I . SEE us BlEvoitt Y . ou BUY : I 11
. � Cloths rungp'.out of hot lazel . . I I .
I -
Troubled.With . ""T' tlll� `as('t witchi . . . . .. - . I
� . I . I ' . . � . . �
. '. 6fi-it .. .
I . t, bring quiel, roliof. : Hendache � . I I . . .. �
I eolo�lv if rubiwd oil tll(' toill ph -8 - in . I . I I
.. Backa&0- For* tinw�llvts as a-pl-vventivo. while 401116, . � - DAVIS& ROWLAND, I '. I
. . I . gow-C MI. . -&;uffPrvrs .,ire , holpod. -by talcing. -,-I . Sole agents: ' . . .. Clinton, Ont. . �. . . I I
4-aOijwtic at, tilt- first syruptoin , .. .
Years. 0 , I . I . .. . I �
.. pletely Cured - 'Ill st'vore cases live �)I- tell Illinutes, I I � . . . . . . . 1. . ... ;...
I . .
. By The Use Of r, troatinent with. .,III ol �Ctric battery -is .. 11 I - ___ . I I I I I . .. . .. .
. � invaluablo, This i -s better tilall 16as- � - ___W _1 I �
� DOAN'S.KIDNEY PILLS. sn're . , 11,-t . fliv pri-silre is'sonletillies too , * . I ;
. .. -,
strong Wll('Il tilt. .
Nlm. W, V. Doerr, 13 Brighlon, St " hf'atlacllo is, bad. L 00k H E. k IS1. Ford & - Mc' L e o d' : . �
,t,stv.jos 6f.delt beadyclic . . �
London; Ont., writei:-111t is wilil, Ili the firs .. - . I . . . . .
ple . asure that I tliaftk oll for the pf'ood it, call offi-Il be � 11vorted by taIjing . I I . . . I .
,volir Doan's Xidnev PiTis have, dolle. ftle. abdonlinal and iwelc oxvreis("."; an(l by L0111'41 FOR., SALE . - ' I
F I . Raying secured a commodious Grain I
have been. trouble'd with backtiche. for putting it inustaril phiqt(sr twor the , I . AT* THP, I . Stotehouse, we are now buying all � .
. . . . . . I . .
year.i. Nothing helped tile until.a fricnd . stolull(41, I .1 . . ' kinds of grain, for which the highest, -. " � . ..* I
-ougl tile a, box of your Kidney Pills. ' . I , tirave'. LhIle'Workso prioeswill- be paid, .
Ili it I .. Ad, .
I began to take them Ad t ook foul'bom,s, . Pire,Grown Plowerd., � Alt nufactnrers of Virst-olass Lini'e, ' . I . � 1 A4
. 1.
111111LI arn Alad to say'that I ain eured en- NVIII-atall,. N,Vlli(.Il. is ill(.% Tlaw, of 06 NIOTTO,-VitAt-eliiss Vine Rold. and . Bean, Shorts, Oorn and all kinds of �
-, .
tirely awk can. do all lily own Avot,k and i ill(% liner Illissility for so long, h-1.111so. ., PrI00%withirtreltehofall. . grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on ..
,feel �s good as 1 used to before takensick, flf(, TJJJuI(, of I I,(-. imt�olllll flower hand at the storehouse. . . I . � .
L.ai�.positive. Doan's Kidne-y-Tills turc - ,\1Tgtrali.,I,, I of ,- 20c, p )c,- lor .50. ,. -1 I � I � �.- .. . � . . - - � - - - -
. . % 1. . er b kishetnt kilias. Or 4
. Imshel. loads, delivered at Graham's, . I * 11
all you clahn. thein. to -110, ftlid Vadvise Walking.' or riding throxiall. ilm 110tel Clinton. .�, . . I . .1 � , 6.
rdl kidney sulT-crers to give thein afair ll,,tralfiln 1)11'11� tilt, iraveler will I . I . I . ,
trial." I I . k eclisionally 6oaw t,iliddouly Upon it Orders filled promptly. . . Ford-&Adeod � I . I I
. 11 . . 11
Let Doan's M(Inev Pills do for yoll IIIII-Ilt-out 'j-i(lg(-, Avlwry v scrub -fire A, NICUOLSON' & 8012%1, lllropl.s.. . .. I
*Ilat, 0lev have (106o Tor t1lousand.". or lirs swvpt awtiv -tilt, unelf�rgrowtfi. G, 1'. It, STATION. CLINTON.
- e � lulgrave, Ont. . . � .
ethpr-i. 'thow cure all forms of� Lidn Y . niang tho'eliari,od trobs, still'statitl- " . .
trolible ,Intl New cure to stav cured. �iwr, tonguvs of Ilaint, tseoni to lick, I __ - - . . .
. I .
Privo 5o ctinis por-liox or'3 ho\eq for I 'I'llf-so arly 111v Avorati'll.q, vach Aetil 1 � - . .
stoppedin 21) Ininutes .
$1.25 ai all dealvi,q or mailod dil-ect on - ,lbout 6 fvA high, IIIId,hv;WlII..,t a sill- - Children Ory 41..#� Nvith,J)r. Shoop%l, .
ropoint of prico by The T. Milblirn Co., I :."If, burnina-rol i1V,sv(,r,. shapol liho .I I It Croup Itelileds. On., . . . I
l,i�iiiiiecl,,'I'oroxit,o.*(Otit. I FOR FLETCHER 8 C-RIIUPII"tl"k.illRll1,4,1�,I)rovo. �
.11141 .tit( lz� No voiniting, It,, dig- .
lit%u-t, , , A- - of a 11:1111's vlos�-d .
When ordering .qpecify "Doan's." I halpl. � .
- .1 �� 1. . . . . 10 A SIT10 R I A tms,l, A safe and plea,ing.,yrup Zoe, Vrug4l.st,4. �'
� I '. -_ I . . I . I I . . I 4 . I . A
I . I .
. � I
. � .. I
I . IN I
I I I . I - I
I I . .
I \ . I � I I I &
I . . I . . M
- �
. � -
. I
. .
I . I
. I
. �
. . .
. I I
. .
. � . I .
. . . .
. .... A.'Newspaper .I-. .�..
. . .. . .
.... . "'Or 1M 99, . I
,.Not -An I . gaAL:
. I... . . . 1. 1.
. . I I .
, . "I �
.. . I
... 1 .. .. . .. � I . � ...
. : * . Tl4e nian: who waqtg an open-minded. discus�si6n .of - '
I - politicst the ste-acly.supp'ort..of right; justice, and .
. . . decency, . without cant or . bitterliess, .itild, an u . npre- � , ,
.- . .
. . jndiced,-coniinP117Sense treattxieiit.of;pib1ic affairs, ' I
. . ghlyenjo the , ' 1.
1. will,,thoroug y . . I
. . . . I � I
. I I
. . I � ,
. . .
.. , . � .. . .� . I . I I
. �
L . 0
I . 1. Am .", 6M
I , lu .011, i v r ,
� T r to, Da I' Sta *
. I .� � . %V ... . ..
, � I
. . � . . .
. . I . .
I . �, . Th� Star is not tied.to a7iy party or arty, "Int6rest..
I . - .
I L. It lIaS (lQf1IJite L ophiions..of ito, own .oil p'o.litic*aj, Social,
.� ."% and moral q'ilestions-but it"iecOguiz- tli,- right,of - - .
I I � I � . . cl .. . 1.
. other.i to hold e%-actty .oppositc, opilliolis wit-holit, .
'. . . ..
... . subjects for abuse. . �
. , nec�;�s.��irlly behicr scoundrels or fit t .
. I . . � c, , . . 1. M . .11 .. I ..
. The . Siar's editorials, are broadmirlitided, lione8t, M . 5
' '
keen and clever as So m*e of the ,best writer's in Canada , .
. � I .
. ': : can indke theni, and al.ways Pair.. I . . � . . . . . . .. . I
� . . I . .. . I . � .
. . The: Star is published fov- fair-minded, in, tellij�nt " '
. � . . - a '
� people who take n.n.active interest in .0 nad'a and the
. .
I world., Consequently It.Has.More Rc�aders.Thsin .
. I I . .
Ady Other. Paper. Ili Ontario. - . I
. . - . . . 11 .
� . .1 . . �
. . . I
. _ . * ' I
. �
. . $1.s150 A Year. 1.
. . �
. . I . I .. .
I .
. . ..: . I I I..
I . 11. I , I
. lhis paper and the TORONTO DAIL Y STAR together.for
. . . .
oneysar,$2-240- Gu'aranteedFounfaiih Pen #iven for 50c.
1 : ..
. . added to above subscriphorl. prices. . ' - I.. I
. . . . .
. . . . .
I . I , I
I . � .
.,� � . . .
� 4 . � I I . . . . m. .
. . . - . I . I .. . � .
� .
. . . �
�*. - 4� ,4 1i
. I .
pared a few hills, making thern rich- , a tinio and tt� bt, careful about takirig 401MWPEW� . I - I � -_ - . -_t I � -_ .. 'I
, . . . . I . . . . � .
*Ith manure aud- plahth'ig the seed to ... 1, t),at ferhient estAily. One 'man; . . . . - ! . , . . . . . . . .
rrom May. 20 to. June 1. ,When the wit,), -Tigd doet.Q.retf for years -for sick . - .. . .1 I I 1. �
y , A � I I . .
I- Watered these hills fioatlach6tk ivas,'-cured by his wifelioe- ' THX CLE N WAY OF - � . . � I . .
. I
. . .
A apd�haA gobd results. As. - hi- to it" thut, ffi-. drank a rill) of T16t . AEMOVING ASHES -. ,' '- . . .
affer:suiisc " MQJn2iiiiia .
this experilueot proved sucdesMl irith ,%valq Avith a- IfOr -teaspoonfal of salt � . - .. � . . I . X, � . . .
me I thought 'it might pro,ie. s6 to it' A ' E cle!r spar.e. allowing for I
I . , I .0 .
I I .
.. . 1. . . " . . .
others.11 , . . I . . ing, t a . s r,o6rt A* ht, I arose inA . ie I inorn- I irlarge size aft'an-7This. is . . : .
.' .
. . . . . I . .
I . . . . . Of T(-Illf�n -,I�l .- . -s . . I . . .
_V_* - - . I A It, it las. of. cot(; another.of the bright featili6 - .
. . . I _Q I .1 I � witivi. takoll nl_�'Tit tknd � morning I.,% . . iound only in the- - I � I � I . . ., I I
. . another rt-illedy ,th6rIbIts' proved-1telp- , I . . I . I . . . !�
. . . .
; Hitrus, hites, bridses, and boils. fill to Illaily. I I . . . . . . IM.PERTAL�,OXFORP , - )
Davis' Menthol Salve will soothe and DuRng the attat�?v n,st and .quiet. . � .. . . . .
he!tl them all. I 25 a a tin at all . Irf-ituperatiArv. l'ie'dowli in't dal . RANGE �. I i .. . i
. I , drugg, Ill t -k- , . . ff 0 r
Ists."'. . I I .. . . - I � L . - of . If you'll but take the trouble � I
. mled rooln, (Irhik quantiliv.s bot I .
I I I I I I --- - : IV.1 apply elther a*hot water ' to.,call,inwe'll gladly prove to , 11 �
. I .. I -1 .1 � . �ter and' . - ' - " . . . I
I � .� . I I . I bottle -br-'all Ice bag to -:11w temples - you ,why this rangp is so -popular.. - � I . I �
, . )f t1w brain, n I . SEE us BlEvoitt Y . ou BUY : I 11
. � Cloths rungp'.out of hot lazel . . I I .
I -
Troubled.With . ""T' tlll� `as('t witchi . . . . .. - . I
� . I . I ' . . � . . �
. '. 6fi-it .. .
I . t, bring quiel, roliof. : Hendache � . I I . . .. �
I eolo�lv if rubiwd oil tll(' toill ph -8 - in . I . I I
.. Backa&0- For* tinw�llvts as a-pl-vventivo. while 401116, . � - DAVIS& ROWLAND, I '. I
. . I . gow-C MI. . -&;uffPrvrs .,ire , holpod. -by talcing. -,-I . Sole agents: ' . . .. Clinton, Ont. . �. . . I I
4-aOijwtic at, tilt- first syruptoin , .. .
Years. 0 , I . I . .. . I �
.. pletely Cured - 'Ill st'vore cases live �)I- tell Illinutes, I I � . . . . . . . 1. . ... ;...
I . .
. By The Use Of r, troatinent with. .,III ol �Ctric battery -is .. 11 I - ___ . I I I I I . .. . .. .
. � invaluablo, This i -s better tilall 16as- � - ___W _1 I �
� DOAN'S.KIDNEY PILLS. sn're . , 11,-t . fliv pri-silre is'sonletillies too , * . I ;
. .. -,
strong Wll('Il tilt. .
Nlm. W, V. Doerr, 13 Brighlon, St " hf'atlacllo is, bad. L 00k H E. k IS1. Ford & - Mc' L e o d' : . �
,t,stv.jos 6f.delt beadyclic . . �
London; Ont., writei:-111t is wilil, Ili the firs .. - . I . . . . .
ple . asure that I tliaftk oll for the pf'ood it, call offi-Il be � 11vorted by taIjing . I I . . . I .
,volir Doan's Xidnev PiTis have, dolle. ftle. abdonlinal and iwelc oxvreis("."; an(l by L0111'41 FOR., SALE . - ' I
F I . Raying secured a commodious Grain I
have been. trouble'd with backtiche. for putting it inustaril phiqt(sr twor the , I . AT* THP, I . Stotehouse, we are now buying all � .
. . . . . . I . .
year.i. Nothing helped tile until.a fricnd . stolull(41, I .1 . . ' kinds of grain, for which the highest, -. " � . ..* I
-ougl tile a, box of your Kidney Pills. ' . I , tirave'. LhIle'Workso prioeswill- be paid, .
Ili it I .. Ad, .
I began to take them Ad t ook foul'bom,s, . Pire,Grown Plowerd., � Alt nufactnrers of Virst-olass Lini'e, ' . I . � 1 A4
. 1.
111111LI arn Alad to say'that I ain eured en- NVIII-atall,. N,Vlli(.Il. is ill(.% Tlaw, of 06 NIOTTO,-VitAt-eliiss Vine Rold. and . Bean, Shorts, Oorn and all kinds of �
-, .
tirely awk can. do all lily own Avot,k and i ill(% liner Illissility for so long, h-1.111so. ., PrI00%withirtreltehofall. . grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on ..
,feel �s good as 1 used to before takensick, flf(, TJJJuI(, of I I,(-. imt�olllll flower hand at the storehouse. . . I . � .
L.ai�.positive. Doan's Kidne-y-Tills turc - ,\1Tgtrali.,I,, I of ,- 20c, p )c,- lor .50. ,. -1 I � I � �.- .. . � . . - - � - - - -
. . % 1. . er b kishetnt kilias. Or 4
. Imshel. loads, delivered at Graham's, . I * 11
all you clahn. thein. to -110, ftlid Vadvise Walking.' or riding throxiall. ilm 110tel Clinton. .�, . . I . .1 � , 6.
rdl kidney sulT-crers to give thein afair ll,,tralfiln 1)11'11� tilt, iraveler will I . I . I . ,
trial." I I . k eclisionally 6oaw t,iliddouly Upon it Orders filled promptly. . . Ford-&Adeod � I . I I
. 11 . . 11
Let Doan's M(Inev Pills do for yoll IIIII-Ilt-out 'j-i(lg(-, Avlwry v scrub -fire A, NICUOLSON' & 8012%1, lllropl.s.. . .. I
*Ilat, 0lev have (106o Tor t1lousand.". or lirs swvpt awtiv -tilt, unelf�rgrowtfi. G, 1'. It, STATION. CLINTON.
- e � lulgrave, Ont. . . � .
ethpr-i. 'thow cure all forms of� Lidn Y . niang tho'eliari,od trobs, still'statitl- " . .
trolible ,Intl New cure to stav cured. �iwr, tonguvs of Ilaint, tseoni to lick, I __ - - . . .
. I .
Privo 5o ctinis por-liox or'3 ho\eq for I 'I'llf-so arly 111v Avorati'll.q, vach Aetil 1 � - . .
stoppedin 21) Ininutes .
$1.25 ai all dealvi,q or mailod dil-ect on - ,lbout 6 fvA high, IIIId,hv;WlII..,t a sill- - Children Ory 41..#� Nvith,J)r. Shoop%l, .
ropoint of prico by The T. Milblirn Co., I :."If, burnina-rol i1V,sv(,r,. shapol liho .I I It Croup Itelileds. On., . . . I
l,i�iiiiiecl,,'I'oroxit,o.*(Otit. I FOR FLETCHER 8 C-RIIUPII"tl"k.illRll1,4,1�,I)rovo. �
.11141 .tit( lz� No voiniting, It,, dig- .
lit%u-t, , , A- - of a 11:1111's vlos�-d .
When ordering .qpecify "Doan's." I halpl. � .
- .1 �� 1. . . . . 10 A SIT10 R I A tms,l, A safe and plea,ing.,yrup Zoe, Vrug4l.st,4. �'
� I '. -_ I . . I . I I . . I 4 . I . A
I . I .
. � I
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