HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-12-02, Page 20. Aill The Clinton Xew Era ./.-v I E 1. 0 1 , Dec, and,. igog , I I '" ____ ___ . ��;�;_.. � -,�__­_ ­_��Ia�_, , —_ Tho New Era " For These Who Wor,k 1p 811tAte, I ­;� I � ­ - _____4,�_ __ � 1. I - .. I . .. W- __ ' . — I Nature makes the, cures Wbitt A Velilt'ji Worth 0i.r Meet- I I I 1 - _ ­__ � 4 so pub.11,ibed. every, T�Iqrsday at ricity Will 00 . ­­_ I . - ... I i or Sale- 'or 1Z 14 (-#'-'V ' 1, . Truegveatne6s lo notably modest and R.k PrIntin "Ifouse, reticent, ho haa doneuome afteir all. INVIGORATING TONI — � ente PRO " ION' t4ONME K; C, Fzbb AL NOW Zebol; =7-,.-'-- --r--;- �-Z_':—,�,__ Zr - _= �, did,tbitig who b" made a vallua Probably fe people have ever stop. _­­ ___ ks"c STRUXT % 1. I. 9 19TOINTON. ets pedtothinkw at& powerlejectricity " discovery, ;)r through long. years of Now and then she g' 11 FoFt JiUN-DOWN PEOPLE .;;r— Teppasof imbscriptlop—$1 per year toil anti ,study haswrought out a great , 'li- If one has never thoogbr. the � Your Mood. has bNome thilti*lw Weak. For Sale I wo '"U'ViDOMA i u4vance; $1,69why b6.cliargtid if into mattergver,it will- be su ng its 13ABUISTBB li%rolTor,' VOT44 , � principle, ig, the last to desire. fla,al- a- tight place and The 4rain upon your system lhe Past low atiod Top Ruggy and . pearly se goed. votAo paid. No lisper, discontinued boYaut advertising of hio achieve. � well as interesting to know"P21114i b can inontlishasbieriver cat. YQU#raWu. : Ila DOW. Al)pIY aft NEW . w Vftr antil all arrears are paI4,-uqlesi at_the merits. needs helping out. be done with one cents worth of ON soguently feelix "rout of sort$** 40 A I I __,1 - rromo. ZTO". 0 ition of the publisher, The date to It is that alleat workers of the world marvellous power. "rurt,dowa." ��o'ur appolte is bad and � I — I I MINTON 0 which every egb.scivilitton, is. paid Is do, .who have been the greatest factors in Things get started in *On the average rate and discountis have 4"h energy left to ,do Fairm lo .Rent. ___________________�. . watecTion tile label, I . 1. —_ . bomart progres.e. By their w�orka these I of4tbe ordinary cone.u1ner, a Cents F'u2iltat!'I duties. You; should take Ind ('once I � 4.4vertising rate-..—TrAusIerft a4ver. silent workers live, ,and obtain, Malay the wrong direction.- worthof electricity will operate a SYC4Q11t greatestof Tonics,with. 011. tile 1. osiou, H R B,. Tuelterarnith. i 141 wments, 10 cents per , , - : _, IOU at'rel; poseeasion Alwit lot. lot(). Will rcut FwHAL N48TATE AND INSUPtANCM ' ! L nopparel.L line of them, dea,tbleft fame, but the fame , twelve Inch fan for ninety Minutes. outlielay, Th4ewill put you on your feet for one Year only. Apply to LEVA STRONG. , t T flipt insertion 44d $,cents per ,litip was not what they sought4nd iftbey � 01 i foreACIA substi"oritinqertion. Small. h Something is needed to t Will Operate a Sewing maellinewt. at OACO, I I I , Steelton, Ont. Hurori St., Clinton. ad been under 'the net, I . I ­ Iii4sert4grae;1 . 'a .essity of do. . . or for three hours, Gentlemen -1 have used PSYCHINE — , , -L N, I , �%UQt­tCXoxoeed_onA.wch­Cn e - and I dothilik it is the F .. I , ap, K.LfQl: fAMoiapQP'th@lr�9w`PLloud . ch' c1c. . disease and -start WillkeepA Blx-poun4 electriollat- t I ast t -eatest tortic Ana ucb PA "Lost" "ftrg,yed," ii,stolon heywoulO have sunken Into in the righ L iron hot for afteieLi minut-m. system W NO Tarm to Rent to, inserted on L Cie, foi 35 o6i . � � nts, or one oblivion, . buil4er-known., --twouldAdvi __ H. T,.'- R A N 0. -E . I . . mu0iM'tbfoi$I.0Q. nloa0iinp intended ' Because real erit. cannot be oer- the system . Offee in arl , IF . mlA u . in t Will make four cups of e who. are run-down or physically weak to The Ostrain farin. Loti 28.9th Con. of aoderjob . . Notary Publico Conveyancer, for publication must, as a, guarantee of ruatiently obscured by noisy pretence electric coffee percolator. useP�4YCHINE." "I ount truly" mn- Jas. ta-0croeJails oVered to rent. Apply to . TP41W , Otto IIIRS.J. HALSTEAD. . � accompanied by the ' history is fall of achlilvemeae of those direction toward health. 30 I Fluttricial and Real Estate. good faith, b( I . . , . L Will �eeplhn eight-ineh' disk stove gertra4g4, West Toronto. ("Onton" a Gooerich., INOURANCL AGENT—Representing 14 FIrL la, sa.me of the writer. who. have wrought, in silence and - who. hot for seVert min uties', or lonw enough, 0 YOR are wask PSYCHINK win imakit, you *ONE. ...- I I I SUrRACID Collipanies.. T6 Inoure publication in current wrought to great purpose In the lifting Scott's Emulsion of to cook a steak. . I . For Sai 63,4 or" - Ix $1 . I 111livisloit Court ofilee. I,= . seue copy of advertisements Should. -be of the worl't to the 10umate beillilits Will: operate 4 luminous radiator. for uViliater4sle To Rent. . .. . ireat lia early� . I to which it, maist some time attain, .LCod Liver Oil with byPO- eight minutes. I 1. Dr. T. A. KOCUM The Drilper rar i&9 ; . - - -------- ----- I...., .... 1.­� Contract rates — The tollowingtable , War, is nawrally and inevitably ac- � UNITED, . lots 53. 41,65 And 66, Mait- . shows our rates for 'specified periods 'o phosphites can do just - Will bring to a bol I jarla.Q,qn. Godepil.11, Tp,. consisting of 250 acres. AN . - ornpartleti by pomfi and display and _1. I . I I two -quarts of ' I TORONTO Fore particulars, gpply "to, W. 13R -414ledh,W. &Ad upace. loud acclaim, and Is not surprisin water or operate the baby milk -warm 'L . . , , K. I . I 9 . '-?Ji'--,t.,.,: DR .% W. TRO151lisen 17'T 61110. $1110. t 13010 blazoned with the rw this, - or tw1be. � 1$ 5,� '1000, that history. is L . : 41clan. surgeon. Eto . I Uolumn $4000 $2500 cord of warlike arthlovenients. and . - Will make a Welsh rarebib in an I I , I . 809cifif at n givell to disoasgs of tb:p . : � Throat, And Noss, . - , I i Column I I "ale I'll, _ i column 40 W 2b 00 1500 600, that someth,nes we seem to think that lit. ,strengthens the, ele0rio obixting dish. I I For S - 9ye.111. ! 2500 1500 $00 1300 there is no real greatness save that pf . —_ . Pyes *carefully examined, and 4ultable glaj�je_-I, J Column IS 00 1000 550 200 ',an Atexander or a,Napoleon. � . Will operate a seven incli. frying . I � On Itoglan St., I nerves, feeds famish�� tis,, pan lor twelve minutes. I dWriton. niar The rollegiate, : , preseilbed.. Ow 11350 200 before the L . I I .1 storey brick house, with consel-va.toi,y, , . Office And Residinee. Inch OU We bow in. adt�airation L I , Institute. the rest ce of mr. J. Houston. Wo Will keep a heating -pad hot for two R , OUNCE 1,! large . Contract display advertising 10o per genius and courage of our men of sues, . -and makes ric ours. . . KEEN la,wn,1rult trees, (Apple, pear, cl)erry. peach, Two door& West oir the CqnnilierelAit a L inch, per issue, . xpilitar,V powers, but they are not by � ­ , ,. li 1, . plum. berry bushes, elte.) House may be seen by . 8441 . . . .Any xneane'the only men I who have blood. - '- . Will operate an, electric griddle for � I .. I.. � . aliplyingto Miss Jennie Holines. For terms, Onlron lit. . . . 0.g L IT, 34 Rararave at,,-W1n- , I . W. IT, KERR *ht min . write to J. HOUbTO. '� L .. __ - - achieved and wbo are aqbleving trem. - FOR SALE BT A34r, PRUGGISTs . utes. I � ­ - 2eg, I — . � 0 . ----.--,.. . _: _ .1 � _­_ __­ endous t3ngs, It is no baseless 4phor., , — . .NVill run a in 0 for 'lGrand Tritn1k r-811w,ky syste Vr* W. Guan , . th9t ea I 'd 1%., ".,.O assago.' machla . lit . . . r . ISM e bath berVictorles, no be] of paliex and thisi std. for out nearly four hour,f, I . 1: . Dr. W. bunst, x. it. c� r.. x. . W WA tess renowned than. war," L . 11,04900tal Hariage; 13;ink sitid (111ild's Skeox-h-Alook. Railway. TimeTable . Heater For Sale . X.C.O.. 151114. T 34"nolt biu-It. tonwiyw a Goocl Luck Venny. Will'keep the dentist's electric ham- - . * OMOe­O ',trough the pages of history there.. ,� L . � .1 � 8 OLINTON. ONT., DEC. 2, 1009. � —_ I , .. fron ?ml;irlos,re.ot,rcisintiQn�l'.Iiiirpht eall$ Ill * SCOTT & BOWNE , iner and drill going' for ninety irlin. London, liuron and Bruce, Good cbeer Art coal. heater for sale I � door of offica or ld)n Ajtenti,ir7 stal , together with, the generals and . Street. . I ----------.-- . . the Captains of war, such g L reat figures 126 Wellington Stroet, West 'Toronto, QnL Utea' L - . . I . I . � __ _- � I ' . . . . . . I"er Apply to GEO. DAVIS, I ' its 1thagor4e and Aristotle arid Soo, ____,___.__,__,.__ Will keep the foot warmer hot for North . Passeng . 'Officebourast stiltal.-I . .. to 3 Pan.; 7 to 0 v =I I additional Local News rates.and Praxiteles and Solon'and, we I A New Farnt Papero ' L A quarter Of an hour, London, depax%_. 8,80 a m 4AI p in ,� ' 1. ? ­­_ . F 11 .. . _. way say it without offieneti to any, . I N. Will run an electric pianola for one C6ntralia ............ 9.40 5.43 For'Sale or Rent . L . Jesus Christ, and myrid of others, Probably the most remarkahle agri- hour. . Exeter...... ......... 9.53 5, U. � — DR J* We SHAW- - , AfAm streets and side streets are in tg�t,,Qhers, thinkers, artists, stategmen, L L . . � lik-lisail.. ,,,, I , I I I " ­ 10,08 6.05 InHo.u,,csvlII�., �!-of-anaere of land, with a rHYSICIAN, SURG40N. cultural paper ever published in this , 'ill vulcaniza a Patch On an auto- Kippen ............. 10.16 611 good traine liouWof seven roap1a..I)ack kitellen, ' Accoucileur. . etim, office and residence on �, . - - Alioattered-bits -oUrnarble. touch- . country mttdeit%,.appearatoe-last-july�L_ mobile tire. ­­­ k ----'-..--,-- -------.-.-- __Brucefield ,' .__ 10,�80--_-0. S " OP a frigitt-ful - -eondition-f- oitving_ to. the- sw I .WI . large it�liount of mud, while the roiOs la om ' wood-sbed Awl stable, and a large frame build. t8nburY t hodlie,W. Farran's residence, in th� Lo Me; the hand. of genius, are the on, t in thavity of Toronuo. "The appear . � . .11. . --1 .3 � y ' _'__­­­--­­-­______ ­ __ , -eminders of Soros; dust -laden, can- ance of the p4per and daring style of Will heat an eleetele curling iron Clinton , ...... I..... 11. 4"M _ '. untry have been in a fairly .t ugh ' ,,been used-ixs-m-choppingl"ail,17�l�tenty- -, --- ----- ___ __ __ - ___ I � 1015 .33 of good water. Possession,any time after Vb e ­ I . . . — I e -up were somewhat btartling . Bi . . �,'.W L . " "O . I good condition. vases of others. its mak once a da� for two'weekti Loridesboro,.., ... 11-18 1 052 10thOf'Novelliber. Apply oll� .Eum-i reached the price of 30 cents a Most of the great philosophers of The way in which the paper has s!13C' IMT-TIORLd . I dozen lirtit week, I)II e Will.pump250 gallons of water 100 .Ttb,..,* ......... _ 11.217 I . D It., F* Fie AXON t dropped on $at. the pUst )ef t no written word,and their been Circulated � and the energy with feet hign. , . Belgrav6 ............. 11,40 ills ___1 - - � DIENTIST . I , . . I I urday to:.13 cenris.' Riven that is bi teachings have lived onl as they which it has been pushed are quite (in t , Wili.kqep.a big I glue -pot hot for an Wingliam, arrive ... 11.50 7.35 L For Sa(e. �, . I (Successor�to Ill. Hol�les) ­ _�. 0 have been implanted Ili our earts and of the ordinary. . 8o well has the work . South' Pa,sserger . —, Speelial'ist In Crown and Bridge "67k . when you get 3 go d onei on t on 4 , hour, . I dozen. Tile Elitor can speak from minds of others. been done that the Canadian Farm has . Wingham, deliRrt.. 0.43 a in .333 p in r Th6 N% .5 lot 94 In the Bayfield Concession, Tp. GrfLduat-a of the Royal College oi oerital 'Say experience. � . . Bu t. they -have been the silent.wovk- ,,the appearance of a ps�per Ave' year.Q' Will drive the electric clipper while f 00do Jell, 100 acres inort, or Jess, m acrem geons of Ontario. I . . . " - I . . Belgrave ............ .. 0 5�C. -J Honor graduate of University of Toronto Der, L modesty and real love, of' old.; Its advertising columns are well I . and Pastare land; good Llay loain; I tat Dopartriatint. . era wbo, in shearing orie horse. - - .3.4 cleared And tincler cultivation, the balance bush THINK (if it ! Letters to S%ataclaus . I Blyth__ ......... � 708 1 3 W - Og houKo I L L bavealready lie ' the task in which t4ey unaertook, patronized, L its " editorial coltimns are L Wiltraise ten tons twelve feet high. t�iindeSbOr,D.... . � 404. ftndlargGfrainel)arnot).tlier)reiwso,t. Thl"'Is .Gracluste.ofOhleagdColleg�olDeiital$ut,z�-r7 I ,4an toapppar-in the helped To brihg tw us �the marvelous filled with the very flnost . contribu :: - - - - 7,16 . I ft fine stocR farm. Apply to �Nr SCOTT, Bruee- b . . . papt-i-s. - with an electric crane in le 423 field, or Jok,.4 mccoy, if; , iing. St., ,1.,,,, C olsit; 13ayfield e ' ' .. . sa than one - 01;nton ........ .... 750 - very Monday. . 1. . . will hardiv nuti,!e the time passing Ve hrive many of the silent wdrkers special features, . I . . . . Bricefleld­ ........ �" 8.12 4,130 141,11111torl;. . . . about yout: Christmas shopping. You . % a 1WILe. I linve you begiAn to think her.itage of Civilization that we enjoy, tions, arid every page sparkles' .with . i I . n' WHI raise a large. passenger-elevat - �= . .. 8.23 ' 4.47 -A . . � __ � . ow 13 � . ..' . . . L . . . � k , unLil Uhrkt.urti,:oas come and , and,have had if! the past -men One of the most striking' features I or five stories a minute. H '.' . � . - .1 .. .. -1: ., 8.82 4 629 . . . gone. . . . , . I 6" who Ili; the college balls or in the clols. the paper is, the -nuniber of splendid I . I I 0 t0fti' He FOWLER, * . 'D) th )se who purpose having an Der or in tbe labo Will brand electrically I ........ � , , .. 5.113 . . 9. - . ratory have set, th6m- illustrations to be found in every Issue- . W hams., Exeter I 8.48 . ) . F.04i Stock For Sale � . L . . ___...... -_ � . ­ 1). 00 . - , 5). 15) - . I . , - . . . Auction Salo we wou!d drawattention L . . 1. I - . . . 'Centralia .',`..,.,..'.' 11 . __., , . I � . . DENTIST '. . selyps the task of solving age 61d �pro- The publishers have s ent their money . .. tondorri arriV6 .... � 10 W ''. 6.10 ' 3, good heavy-cint,gilt uI8r3,,G yri, Old; I ge to the fit�t I liat t,-) .those getting *sale . 1) tu"al L Mcee om§i 0IN91L. IE store� - ,: ' blienis or of creating new wonddks, - f&Vibhly� and apparentfy have every in_ L . . 71irphye horso.* I �N,rii Old; 1, heatv-dralig U111, . . I . hills printed at t his office, *we ilre a A"VeLhave had our Huxleys and Ty -n- tention of making the-CAnadiah Vatim. . Well ]Red Blood . i . 13(filalo and Godert:-,b - . - ealt, ri Illontlis 01; .1 come, SkIppoigi 0 be ill Spnoial care taken to, make dental $real. I I lace and dat g r t I . . . I , I calf; 8 good yearling heffer.% I buggii-, nearly . tree notice of t eo he dals,, and we Wive our Edisons and the best illustrAted'papei of any kind ----.-- - West - Passenget' now* I bran(l now Port] "ientli is painless as ribetfible. - , . 11" ­ sale, which tit IV 11% many dollars. to Burbank% U is true -we have ' . . and cutter; 3 set r f 1)ob . . . - I the receiptts of any sale. .. notoriety seekers. . L also our I in the Dominion of Canada. it is. as. Yoti Will Never Have It as Long as � it in p -m p ni pi .in slaiglis", I set single harness, nearly new; 1 goat -!-,. - �. w L . _� . . . .. ... tottishing whht progress is 11 . - qtrAtford ........ 10.01) *12;20 5 21 10, 2(j robn, All inusd be gold. as probrietol. Ila,; so �., I -_ ­ t__­_.:__!t- . belngruLhde ,. You HaveDyspepsia , . - > 12.45 5.55,10.47 his- flirliI.-JOHX LITTLE% Clinton 11.0. , Id I . . L . . I . Ki NWA.RDI N K Council will likely sub- We sometimes hamper out 'real . along the lines.of Illustrated paperR . . I — . . . X,tchell­ .......10.22 THOMAS. , .1 ­ . - , --�____ 0 . Seaforth..........10 45 1.10. 6,18 11,1,> - GUN hy L ' ' , anit it by-law t,, i lie rate' -payers in Jan. workers by inaking to loud an-hurriob. and how much more * attractive arld. Just a, long as Y011 have., dyspepsia. * Wnton ........... 11.07 1.25 6.40 .1 28 611. Hl, eon,_ Cv0.il1)1-y ..�, Live stock and, general Auction -e- - - . A uary providiiia for a system of sewer. about them, and we soinetimes seat , instructiveeach'papers are. UT food Will'n()t properly digi-'St,and � . 1. , Iteeling . .1 . I . L, . . age. KiIlC1LV,iiIlV,&8 the case in Wing- pretence upon a temporary throne by . Another feature of the Canadian 'yo * . L Holmosville_-...3.1 16 1.43 6 40- 11.38 - - ", , the putritious elements in the food Gode I Council . . 'GOD8MO hall), Lhas hai irs share of typhoid . our adulation,. but in the final settle- Farm is that it claims to be national. . .rieli, ......... I t:,'35 ... 1. 5 50 7,05 11.55 . . . I IH ONT-, � n_ . I I . .. . . I I ___ . , . . .. .... I "'al" olues.a speclmt� jjleel� afL .A). -, EVery' Umber' contains Something 1 , No, E, ' feverand the C.mncil is endeavoring merit of men a merits pretence Will cer vVill.notbe e*tracted or absorbed, and . to adopt me ins of putting the town in tainly fall, find the litoorl--i6f the reaU beat mpoveri.ghed or watery ,blood will- L - E ast Passenger Tile ('3uncil'of tile corvorati6n of tbe Voun Office, Olintoli, Picinpuy adenoijild ' abetter sanirwt,y condition. We hepe Ing upon agricultural work in all f . .." . . AM , � L M Of Hui -on will ineet in the councli ty . to. Terms reasonable. re,rmero, sale jao4,, I Uo the Town of Gotip ich, on Tiles Oiamber, ill . . workerse, ollow., I � M day. the I tb day disL-ounted . . . . . though they ha4e wrought in parts of Canada. and through its stal This copditioii may not tie apprent G.oderich ............ 7, 10 40. . 5 ofDeLr�nil)ei,,a,aol(.iov,iiT)jiii. A.11 , '-------- �--' - U - to see both NVingliam and Kincardine silence and bave modestly refrained of special correspondence each issue .. i. acconots for - L . from blowing a, -blast, in their own CQnLainS tLhe.latest news from all pro-' . . . J . Clinton .............. 7, 35 ' 3 07 15.15 beford the abow'i (I oil witli the Qle,h on or Q.JD. Xc%laggart rate payers carry the by-hims. . at first, .but it will Come (.Is. as sure as Holmesvilte.. ....'.. 7.26 - 2.57 ' 5.W settlen�qntninqt 6o 1kaL � I I the sun Will rise again. I . . . ate. W� LANE, Clerl� The "Toronto News" is to be ion- praise, will. abldte�as their only'and �vincas. Up to the pires0rittime it has Seatbr* th - � .......... 7.52 .13.25 &.- Dated Novi,!4 Ili 1w),. � 11 ,.� . , ., ritta ated u on the high cla n irclposdble to publish All . � ' I , iklod Mitchell ............ - -5.55 .. ­ � -_ I —_ L . I I , . t AdTaga, .. se serial sufficient moriume it, , . � been considered � . Any stomach ailmer-A. including .32 _ 0 . I forw�t of indigestion, can be pro ,. �.16. 3'48 � art., Bros " stories, insta Intents of which appear � — . . &Aarm-w*eekly which would circulate curad by UsingLM y Stratforia .............. 8.40 4i 15 6.20. . . ; - WA-Nt T.D16 ' w � - - . i . 1111 . - . . . ' . 11 I . ' ' � I I � . I in every p . a o_ - I . . . . . . I . I 1. . . . .BANKEJIZS , ­ ' ,til. -e by the best authors ' .. rovince of the Dominion, tific treatment unsurpassed; ... -_ . . dAily. They all * :.D-na� tablets, sole I . . . .� � Canadian L . S11111111 'to�.palirefrent . . -SA .flat the. publishers of, tht . A rc;hble�?Ind V114,11iog pft,le I . 1 and are interesting up to the laWeliap. 11MI)le Bktle'Curt'd Off' thaf hing_of Stiita ; ---ado,l . * n (tilt] I'llstriat. . I . L � h. L. ., I , 1 i arlwh . IV stops fermentation, bele' . L e of Ohio, City of Tole . Its in..0into I ALPtERT 8`1",�, , - CLINT-ON ' - . ters. NV�- iiinderstand the News has . I I 1. -.,. ... � . ,r aye shown this is pogMble. ,is . 'tt , Ss A )crillancritt po.51. . - I . . I . � � . I 9 and.taste of sour -foo& -almostl .. Lucas County . i � tion far the risth" Illon. . . , I . - - . I . I . I . . - , rank. J. Ch eney makes h that he I 'I I . Sanking . I . just pronirp.d the Canadian - serigi - ., , Another great featute of the paper I . . . F oat . . I ('e�,tiil - . . rights on "The Circular Stair Case," Of Rczema on. Her Hands , , ,R i ts ' market, reports. The publishers, once. ,, I . I . I . STO's -', & WELLINGTON. .. � ­ Buslues � , ., . . I - . . . I - The migbty power of-Ali-o.na to. in. isserflor Partner Of the firm of 17i; J- . - .:I,'c)nthlll,,Nur,,t-r-cs,li'oraiito',ont, I , tranoti'd6d - I . Our readi-r-, can have the pleasurp of . . I . � . claini. that they give more market in. vigorittei and -restore .the su ObeneY & Co., doing. business in the, �­ —. ------ �- — I . . ,., — L - . - .. ' ' � �, .. . I reading this enthralling. story by sub. . We are al'ways glad -of an'o�porftir.'- 'formation thati L any i other paper. -in . otuach to City of Toledo, Cotinty'andState, afore- . : . I -� � - . � .. .NOTES DJ SCOUNTED I 'a , L . , I , ity to send a'sample bottlb. o I f D'D D Canada. L They vrint 'fast presses., perfect condition is ktiown every-. , .- . . .-cribingl'of.-Tho Newsaafly, and.�4aw I h r - . I , - L Notice 0,� 110OCTaxes . . on .w . qaie, and that said flrrjri will pay. the I I . . DAfss iss -- I . I 1. ued. � . . . Rr,% once a week, $2 25 a year, at this eresnriptiOn to all emema miferer and their marl;et re6orts - are always e.- - I � � - . . . . , Interest allowed a* � . .., I offlee. I because we are sure c it will - stop tbZ uici to -date. L In these days of - Swiftly Mi,o-na 6ures by building uo-b run' of ONE HUNDRE'D DOLLARS* The undersigpe(ILNI.ill � � deposits. - I . . . 1�1 I . i1o,at tho.foilow;ng .. . . I.. � . � � . . . ly for each and every case of Catarrh that Mace%: LOLldesboro, xov.* wtp and Ded. 1011, , I I ______.: L , . I awful torturing itch at once andfstarr,' Changing prices all 0an'adjan farmers �banlsbirg tile causic.- 'For thin people eannot.�bie cured by' the Ilse of J3all's *0111itOn DOc. Still; Auburn, Dec Otli, 06n9tance, P MUtUAl I L'. � t,be atient on thie:r' . ()HE MCKH10 At tile rvuent Annual meeting of the oad to. recove1y,!L !should keep thoroiiAhly posted bn pre- it is a gre;�t fleShL builder, because.it Oatar�h Cure, F RANK J. A Nty . Dec. 10th. All t"es due the Townshin QfL ki Ili.' The, I .1 . . in( sent prices a -ad on the probabilities of . lett, no� im 1d. will be chargedoo -par cent. after ' ' I Brussels j3rannh of the Upper Canada Batpno expeat,4��the. -necessat-hy . I � It cures Sworn to before file find saliscribed Dec. 14ib, IjIM. �V,. H�.'�NJOOI,T, (' Fire Insuranc ' eo.. , ' . . causes the stonlaclit"to. give we and Bible Socipty held in Brussels, W.' -one . . joilector. I . . e H. lierr, Owner er.d Publisher of the smalleampleLbottle, to-Ciomplete tbie' :the futuA. purer nutrition to the blood. in nl� iwesence,this Oth da of"Pecem- , - . . � . 1. . . . . . � . . . . .1 . seiLandcar sidkness and 'vomitingof _ I . I . I � IL L . � __ — ,� - cure.. W At L � . �, . I .. . . ..Anyup-to.ditte farmer desiring U) .91 , .ttely. W S . ber,.A. D., 1886 ). L 7. . . ., . I . � .. . . . P.arw and Isolated Town Frops L I INLw FR.% was present with a Life Thati's h' *it did, however,. for'. see's �opy 'of I this ,excellent weekly, nancyalmost immed � .T . erty Only.1noured, . .. :. . Membershi Ceitificate neatly set in a. . . olmes sells. Mi-o,na� f nor 50, cents a . . A;,W. GLBA86N. . IN OTI V E I . I ,. � . . p , . . Ala. dame Matilda Boudreau,ofAmherst; Paper . a I ay. t a sa triple copy ,at I (Seal.) : . . .Notary Public. . ., . .TO CREDITORS# ' ' . I . ' . .or I gilt fiame�fronitbe Upper0ahada 'L L , and guarantees it to care' I . � I � ­ . . OFFICERS.. . . i blagdalen-'Isl%nds. N,V-riting, Lon June! this office -Me are also able to make large box Hill s Cattari h Cure is taken intei�d- .--Z— - � I J." B. McLean,Prejident,Seaforth; Th"01. , �, , , . I . I . L . ' * I I'll . .11. . _.. I - an ad � . . ally,and aet� flit ectly on- th . 'lliam L'JMenS,L - , I Bible Society in recQgnitlon'of his 98- 18th- last she says:-- It 1 M . y L . . n. the inatter 6f. W-1 'VV. � _'N con3eL-11 I L . .. ... L L "_ clubbing: o1jer. mon�e' ba:ck. - - , ' L. . L ' . � L Le blotia uniT :1 insolreat. . : �T.,, L ' Erager', Vke.pres., ' tive years as'Serwetary-Treas, � -, .,I Wai'dufferihg with �czeriaa oirlhf!' I. . . I I.. L . . ... I � . ro,ilCi)US,qurfaee� Of the S . :' 4n . ' I Byticefield; Thos, R �. I . . I ... ' L . urer. la his annual- report thia, year. hanUfoj about three months whert i - killer's — . - . I I 11 I Em. , , , ,ysten)� ,* . . � ­ . . . I I. . r.r-� . 1."_.,.. Hays, '-Secy. � Treas.,,.. Se4orth . : � - ' . . . . . 1. NAio)ens carrying on bii8iness its it bakcr,add.o . . uctibsts. : . � 'ZOT101 ' . � '.. ,hir 11 . .. .. . I ­. the following particulars werre gleaned .,started �1�1b� D :D D p, t , Kidnty' land Blaader .Pills I I r,. �].,CHENEY & QU, 11oledo, 0 N I' is heilobs, giva� filat NVII1111in U%.: ;? . 1. . , - , - . ' . I . . 11.1 ... .. - the past 80 - � P lon,an ' *,are old at4)Q L a, tox. SDI& [ly Mi S. I Sol ' d -b dru�gists %. . . =4 � . . I . from it. Presidents fot 'esbki * - a 8, L . aftOr 1 Wed a aixij'ple bottli& I was en.- . I feetioniif At lbe Toim of 0 i L . ' ' . I . I �: Take I aWs Famil". - . ntonln we'Couilty a years were Rev. Dr. Perguson. Rov, tilq,iely cured'.L. l'i6co R' liolnleS' , - I I..L' - I . I . . I . �� . Z y Pill 3 tor,coAstipa", nt Huron. hai, made an assignment..unclor.R. §, L. Jas. ' Connelly, Hoirn av,ille;; * ��jc�r ��-. �.: ;A . . I IV, lI&­1r1r-,t l.ily, F Ryan, liev, Dr. inniellid D' D 1) to . - - � , L . 11 I'll . I L. tio'n. - i '� ' , .. ' I . 0. 1891 Cbicri� 14"I an(IL Atuel3dJngAct,,, of all hii; Wat4 - �Iarlock; G. Dale, Clintoo, M. .'. � I "3 I .. O."Itect � I , . . . . .. .. I I.L . .- r I . - I e$tato, Credit Still ell'eetg tojabob 'J�kIS,16,j;of tile Chesney, Seafoi L tb; J. Evans,'.,,, Be6ch, . . 16 I T66.4% lqfracb�% Ill i4rs,) ReT. D D D idireftly attacks the germs in - . . . . . I anybody suffering with skin ,disoase;' . _�.140veiy 1'r N1,61!1:0-fif,f) . . . . . r . � . . . I _ . - stild Town of Clinton. insura,liec. * L..ied Man ' - LeneLfit of biscriiditorli. r, ageilt, torthe - ) ! I throp, J. 1�ea. ,. ` '' the number.are deceased. ,r 00(l "Uri, riftarr - I . - - L They Were Shady. : , L . . woon, J 6. orid*Vc,"Win. . . . ..:. R. Pauland A, AL Meltay. Three of the skin ,wbidh .cause eczewa7_ hills..I, n1ster (� ) Do GORES CATARRH,, ASTHMA, - '' . . tl" A ilieeting of his ereclikors will be hei'd at the neweis,'BKo,dhRgen. - . . The three I . . . '14:. . - � I Bun, --'So 5,�u.ha:re suecoutled lil . . I .. therm-J%elleyos the torEurJng1k61-ItLrt yotiwislito.niarr,vt'his,w6m,tn'.," '­ office of t1ke asEignee in the Town 6f .(!]I.ntDn 0.11 , I ' L . Secretaries have been J. R. Grant, of once ind lr�stor6s* .the skin . to ,a ' - . , , .. '. . l3rosid4tis, Croup, Caujits and Colids, or. . . Is yout' , EathVireptor is inspector- of losses In I, Winn'.peg: I)r. D. Watson, of Brant— . - Man I -do. : , . . .., I back., Sold and guar,nteed,b3� .lng,btiCk aly aneestors'.1 Wbat ., Vedn6sdav, the24tb day of Novenil)er attbe � I . I . Nibister- Do y6n,wish to marry this 'y . fize? Genealo,,,Ist�'.rvi,(.-.fi,iV'gti-*!.-i(�,i I . . healthy condition, . I , . . I �; -top� lloflr b,f 1,80 o'clock lb the afternoon'to recei-val .his own locality. . � . . . � I . ford I and W. 1-1. Kerr, the latter hav- For free sarriple bottle of D 7) DPres I I . . , �`O` . I I I .. . . . � it stmouienti ofaft'airs, to appoint inspectors and I . . L ;,. ' ing comp'eted 28 consecutive years bv Arlan', ' I I keeplag quiet about theiii.: fix their r6ipullerailon, and for the ortioring of . �' . I AGIONTS. - * - " � . . I . an-* ' ... We S. R. Holtnes Cll'ntbn. . . � I L . L . I .�� I : I cription, write to the 1) DDLabiratory W�111 I do. - IF . ' . . . .. .,.. . .tljeatTairsoftbeesta,te-goneritil�,,�.. I . . . . . , next8unday. Nov. 14th. Out of 40 DepitrtinenbNEI�iJordari.St.,,roronto . .;Ministerw.--Di you like the city. as a .. - . . . . .. . .1 L . . I . . ,. Crelitom are.roquilsted to file their ('16iiii" Robt. Smith, fl;irlock; -.'Ed I Hinchley . crintribiviove of $1.00in 1878only 5are . — � L L . . - ,� L ., . I , -_ with the a8signee NT.Itb tije proof,s and p�rticlj_ Seafortb; James Cu ' ' E nd, . , I - -Forsale by �11 druggists. - '..' , . . . . . I . . . . . . .. -s tberb6f reivArod by the said Acts on or be- Ville; 1. W. MM1991 9mo n01v residents viz : -J. Leckie, G. A. . . .1 . . . �. r� . .. . .. I place, of -residence? - ' . ' .' ,Lv . ' 'Homemade. .' � '. W . �, V - Holin 5 . ,4 ., : L L Man -No ; I prefer -he suburbs. - ' � The Beginnings of. 011ir N. -y I fore the dii-y of such.meeting. . I .to, I e ville : , . . Deadin-Au, B. Uerry, A. Ntewart, and ' "' . . . L t . I - - nlwn� . ii And notice is further given that, aftei, L - :1 � NV. H. AI,C'raeken. In 28 ears the I Winter F.ih-. !Aeetlle�� '' . W injs6er- Do you like the. subur6s �1' . I . . . . Bill-Tliought you vs smoh-e the 1.5th � - -- — ----------------- �. - - . . . I I The plans of the Dotnininn Govern- Havani cl,�ars? Jilt -So I do 11ill - It -day.of-DeeelnberI900.tlIe aiiS1gneO'WIlILprOCeQI . .. . g2nerous total of $4,111 has Mn eon-, . �. I I I . I I I . NVoinan-No, . indeed . I prefer.. the M . . " - - . ) dIstriblItO the Rasat', of tile debtor, amolig,it' J ACOB TAYLO P? ' tribated liv Brussels Branch, an aver . I . I . city., . . I . . .. ent tor r ' ' 'b tile Partie.; entitled the"to, having regard . . naking a beginning ' in the: says "Coltirado7' o6 tbat. ol souju-st 0( . L tuKe this, year in connec� Minister Are you',a ' . I I ,. to the -clahns -of wh1ch' notice. Rhall then on", I e L1N,J ON L ' . A special. fea - 6tistrue.tion-of a Canedian"navy have I 11.111, . n ge of $14 1. For 2.3 years thd annual . veg.etarian in' c luande-d me. ,. . r, . . I . beo,) gi � On and tiiat he NN -M not be liable for the . . L ' _ . . anjount exceeded.18125and on only two ., tion with the program of 1ectimes. at illiet P . I I I .been Completed. Theinitiat'ekpendi- - . . .. _11 — . AsKets Or (Lily part thereof so distiftntea to any L , I . .:-_ - ,. I ; '. . . !he Winter Fair, Guelph, will.be- a die. ''Man-khate - vagetables.'' I live �oil ture willrun to twelve million'dollars Ocrpiris Of whose olain) be aliall not . 'L .. , .. I of the p . roper type to be soug . Do* but haff of wbrit ydn (mn. nPil """' or .. . . . . ht' �Von­ . . S . . t1fen have had notice, � . I , - .'L � ocr,iuhns wns it under $100. Record cussion ' . .., And the ves � els co be , construbted by . ' ar Wag 1804 with $1.84 (11 to the credit for in. breeding the purl� breeds of live - beef I . .91til OWU dill JACOB TAYLOR, . Fire Life and Accident 1. Yei . C' this expenditilre L Will L include three .you will be surliriSed aty . NN7. j3Rybo,m, . I . . I (if the Branch. IW3 was the other ex. stock. Eaelh bmed -, )an -I .)n'tb6arnleat. kama . four Lgfillep. � , . � I... . . I . I Assignee; . . Solicitor for the Assignee. I " . I lnsurai� L . � . .. treine the suni being $80.8-1, Last vill be dealt with �egetarian. . , . cruisersof.the Bristol type and I., L I . . L - . ..� . L . . .. . . . � . . . � , I I Ce .1 . by a recognized autborityj and repre- Alkiister-Do You'lik6, a sileepin destroyers. . . - - . I . � � M._� ­­­�!_ �_ - . . I I . �., I . — . . . . I . yenr the total Was $154.31. The Bible , . , . . - _7 . 9 .. '� 1, , .;.... . .. 4 -!._,!t!� _� - , I . sentative anioials will- be used for. ill, rbom well ventilatedP �. .. .., " .The Bristol type is the latest devel- . - * - �. . . . ,� . . 11 .L. .. . I . L. . .11 .I.. :- Re'al 4111state bi�t�#ht and sold .. Depository was closed several years ustration purposes. *..:These silbJects, 'Alan -Y I � ' . I L I .. .. gl�t, L , I � . . .1. I . ago as it mas thought unnecessary .es, I want the window down' opment by the Admiralty of the oom- .. i . I � . � . .Three T! wads. I , . ... . L , . . . . - - will be'taken tip in such it way 'that 6ummer and winter. . ... merce Protecting ctuiser;,. 'Those who .. � L . . . I . . . . . Money to loan . . � , P111- - . . .. " I . I. , . here. : . . . they will be --of. interest *and value. to .. . -regard tbes . . . Spe'll'ing of tlght,XX�fldi, '11- Texis .. I � . . , . Winister-Do you like 'so much fresh . e vessels as �Itoyl or 'baby,' FIGHT .0 ,. - I _ — , . .. . . . . . . - �: I i ()or says: It. is reported Wilt three, of, . .. . ,. . .1 . . ­ .. . I , L every Urraer wbo:is, tryipg toLiMproVe air. - I I .. warships piobably speak. out .'of an 'lie stlog)i&st moll in the sttite'%yere in ' OfAqe Issac $trepf, nex - door b5 - Ne'w, . - , I . ­ . . I . I . a . Woman- No', I i . . . . Era * , - 11 nitnals bi� pTAre-breds or g tdies. * want all . ... are 480feotin'length,with 9, -displace town .Vesterday. One of them will not.' � , -.1 I . � , - � I - — . .t . the:wl�dows closed. L- - ___ ec -90-1 .- - I ' -eneral :;slb . , I ' ROK08- - ilk as inuch wate�.as he' wants iin- . I . . . — thequality0flijiLstilck; ;Whethei? his . lit w6uld'kill, me I abouriiditigiguorAvrice, .These:�iulsers H . . a One Of L the .f . TwBE IS...- . , . . _ dil. . * I , . I te to be . Minister -D6 you like a lightin the ment of 4,800 tonso th6 indid'ated.lidrse . ­ . . . I . . ­ . --- � ,. L . taken 110 will be that, ot I I nder-drain- room'? . L .. . � I . . power is 22,000 aud the speed 25. knots, Vitlions of leafteta are `1)eing less it,19,from inother wah.'s well; Tbp- � . I ­ .. L ing." This will be diiscussizid by PrOL Man -.'No; can't sle6p with a light; The decks are he�vily armored a�d - . socowl rd&lds auy.6f til"'fa-clilly froill , , . �. M W.. 11, Day', of the .Agricultural cirCulated altiong .tbe peQple df . i I . . . . . Col- want the room dark. . . . tha*guns are amounted in ca'somates. , wrltln� anyliling, M t ii sinall hand,'as � I " logo, who Will illustrate his - ribmarks 24inistei-Aro you afraid in the dark rhey carry large' targ eS Of Co ), fl, . I I '.r� - - -.� -_ ­ - - I d a $ . .. Z. I - . I i he Fa dy '. ke Empire, inforivil,fig the masse It ht a wasto 0,f Inir to niaLe larft"e let- .. I I I by charts and *apliliances necessary Woman -Indeed I am, I have. &I. - Their high speed and 'heavy armor howt6 guard, again'st Tubercul- IV; . .. for the proper carrylilg ,out pf t,he ways had L vs., . 'The third stops bis qlocic tit . . I . work . . , a bright light in rhyrooth. lifithern specialty for 'protecting trade OSis, Cif which oo Germang ' � Physkian . 11 . . L . Ministier--Do you like many. bed routes froth privateers, They* cost Hilylit Ill oflJor tO silke weat, and'tear .' , ,, . . '00 0 decline L . - In view, of the high prices now 'pre cloillesp - . . . - 'die eVery.year. Tli'e thile, is .fast .'z),' fil (Ificline ... . , I tivo and a half million dollars each- , i the Mat-liffiell.r. -All of the'm hig for the various grain feeds.' it - price which does not suggest toys. approachin . I 11 Vail) . I '%n�All I canLpile on. V. a g When this disease. to wke, 061r coun'tS, . p,iper -oil flie - . . ­ I has been considered timely to have the M '. .. � Ane'11611 Sale . I The best Medicines in the Minister - Do you? . . . .11 a e rible.strailn oil . . . , The destroyers are to be of the river Wifl be treated like diplithe-64 gi-ourid'11ii t It' Is- Ur . I . . I world cannot take the place of following. subjects dealt with .-. . lie 0 1 �_ P'a e * . F, ' URDAYat thei AVC110M HOUlk. .. L "�&t" . Wornan-No, they suffocate me;,' . class with a speed of 25.1. knots. T s and sma 1PDX the ti nt being , tholl. spee(rieles to rend nowl,pape G I r . rs I - fiftles cobdoetbil anywbore. any y� 136th the mlsor�s and do M 'tit' lit dit' A-illile., - '71 the family pbysiciall. Consult "Profitable Production of Poultry Ministerv-1 hereby pronounqq you .too, are the latest designs of tbe,Ad tintlo, Meirellandfise,real vAtide.livoi4ock. e t c. . . I oil the farm." � , 11 . isolated and removed frO Con.' 0 . . . . . . iflm early when tak' "Poultv man and wife, and way everybi,essing . fniPalt or - . 1. ., . .. . ... 0, NV. BtICIM"17T, Ailotioneer, en ill. if v bleeds and Peeding." an I happiness in life be yont"s, L . stroyers wilf be identical - with Ships * . L . . I I .. Plione, 308 . . Pox 163. GodorI4 lit tile trouble Is witfi y F_ , ----- I . tact with others, - - O' . .. . . . ou* . 'Lessening the Cosi of Milk Prodno- M!==M=T_. of the same class -in the BritiMi navy, Meantime it is to be - holled the �_ " " I . I . tion." . �'. . ---�--�--- ­ -------- . L I .. L . I I . .find they will be built from the Ad .. ­ 'L , . . ''' L . � L, t S throat, bronchial tubes., or "BestTypes of Amsilage Corn, foe I bly plans and specifications.under rhatses will.learn the all-ilnpor� I . . I --- I I lungs, ask him about takl�g, 6 tant lesson .-of I . Monumen I the Various Stock-Ralsifig Districts of d . - Bado t-hertupervisiowof Admiralty vincials. � . I . Ontario." G I . I — . sible i . n g I :I . . %4' I I I , I I. I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral'. Then , �_ . � . . . I .. I They will ,be manned, so faras pos g u a r d I � In Our New - 'Choice Desigghs I by Canadian prews.t. and the annual fiervifine L . I I . ,. take it or no s Corn- . - -(,,q '111pi 'cost (if maintaining them wil 1, mount against coughs . . �. . I . BeSt MaterialS. t, as he says. . Thin people sou Id take Amier, Froni. i.ripfirts blilo,l miu . Ill CIS .1 . L - . . We Publish'our form I I . . ' _ L and chest colds 'Stand. . . . . ound tort. Pills, Sold by Wi S., It. 110il-�- 11cors, Turnors. Al)ACNSCS, F'esler- to some three million dollars. U " - � — 111" Wolines. I 0 !� . - * , iog S(VOR, 100oq, Con,stipation, Hcald� Ue 'Governmetit's. policy 16 thas from.,whicl, tu. Will - I. I . .. I I : . . .V ** banfigh Alfthol .. . ­­.. �... . tclies. Me' . Clear out and deflnite; it is evident berculo s i s al- i troft our3nodiolimps � 0— . . .,As We are .'noW C0111fort- Ljas* D01099. - vi'-U-Tni 74M to . . I . � . . . ON pure blood,and.,keep it 11111-0 liv, that the Opposition is distracted by .-Ways springs. . . . I rs .. r 112MONling every traco e)" im"ure triolYil OPP our new : . Aye '. osifig and clasing opinions. ' , -A.SSiSf ably. located �.in Opposite, the Post Office Olintcm.- I I , . Muob 16 the Filled. 1. p , I'l-olyl (lie syl� teal � y tA:,g , I Vhen 'YOUr qJ _1 -L I M aver J 'rjtj . O& V�khrll- Mf .It ­ t 4 & A ..). eNrp It, t� 4Qtt.#.,t,f, #� . . . Bilious attacks, sick-he"achts, ij I - tion, constipation, I 1*6 spells t =1 =. . ..,.I a a a, ev is I by the Tood they eat. Vor Instance, the dbd& that. live fish have . BURPOOX 131,60b B � I - ­­­ . .LTt'4RS. Vale Peo le Would take Miller's Oompound Vlon Pills. Sold by W. S. throat tiCkles, . your chest feelt tilght and, sore, f IF* 0 . are in --a better pogition' are some of tho of an . . liver. Ask your d000t It he on A. 13shy flavq,r, 'Plie-ifesh blifs a di%agrte ,� Mr.q. Fred. 1,11 ' - ()l,i., - ggs,. King,tion, . R. Holmes. . I when you sneeze and feel cold I . than ever to fill the wants . . Issuer of . Ayer's Pills in tbe6d caseg. d6 The so is st - I able taste,'*Mn fowig tire fed Ob on*. write.,;:, -0 I Wits e6�liplefely 1.1111 dovil, - lily Mobil N%*fts WO of or(16, and 1 11,('41 �,.,) . � � 0 . . A ,shivers up your ,bpi-ck — that be warning. I , of t Ile p I . I ublic, in aiiything Ist Worth VAW149, ,Nt *nd pre- small, one pin 6661dw "�--xmu by ",06 41, Am ". Zovii*14 usav— tons. W,heo swille ate* fed on beooli,t. butfil t1io bacon frow the pi " 'lliffs the 99 Li,l,'t,,%o-%v(iakTNvould be cotol)(Aled to stay f�i bed for wooks tillic, -Herb, T46MtdJIa 'tlidtliet, bad made a __­ ,should your ,. The fOHOWing' trOatment is , In the -rollowing lines -, . . I . Illu(IOWS. I .4 ... � - I � _. , . . I gliest flitror, while llogs, alla*64 tc feod filthy I tit .1. I coi-Ild w; 3 tt. wu,; palealld thin; 081ellv 010 tholight !present t I ,liln, of a 'toy shovel 11Wd Sent him 40tit'In the stiod lot ,to witt' hit knftn ta� be very efficient-. Give . watches, C16cks, - Jew- ---- . I . - � WMN*Mwm; I on stinkIng. slopq and ot was goingt nto efilistitlip'tion. I tried i plity the Chest aftd t1iroat a vigorous , . I . F; W. CUTLER -10 delta dtilmals furnisil food utift to, NIMAD bielngS. There Ja no #ftdlise for fe'verythilliz 11h(l dirff'repit doetom until a hi(uld advist"d tile to Ilse Illlidoelc Jlloo(l ll,aby,lbrothtm "Take cttr6 of imt)y 110 "� W` Won'ray' 01nd 'don't 'Ll A"v"111)" liaAd-rubbing with Xerviline, and -droos -of Nervilitie - elry,'Silverwary,, China . Painter and Paper Aittlat-r, tot feeding 00 gotiodest, ' cle'alltst . it-eshest 14itters" 'I 'di d viol havo olle hottle M�Jlejljby rippetite began to improve. hart him." Wits litiltilln't's plirting hl- Jnnotidn. Preacififtly lake twenty .. U010t, sweetened water. It there � eticat etc. . All work guarantoed, food Arid givifig fresh and .11.4ed TAIN wft�10P. T'liefie Is muob 10 the I Ilit.4 ,,4% hottlos. I ained ten pounds i!It%VoNN,Pekq. 8orminif; or lift d 1, guNh from 'bilify scint the gfrfl(,f(.1.j ir.4my hoarsoness or cougli, gar- - ...11-1-11. . - I . We R. Countero Pricea reosoniablo. . Residence feed. . 0 � —1.6-MI.-W*­."� I NV110111begaillotakeit I 0111�1 -weighod nitiefy-tinvih poulld,�, 11, VfIrebt fl.#11)91 to the stind lot, ,.ror goodness' sake, Totniri.k..wliat hai lim, - sle well With Nerviline and plit a NeTvIline PoMug 111itst&oVer the nearly oppoglita'the 11 : I ! . , I 06166tiligi Yourig stviide�&. , ' ;"It �,N':M-00M'll til; troui thogravensl ticytir-'expeete(l jo Ile stto'nt, olvoin I pollied to the bnby?" sold site. tryilig cheSt. Dy following this advice . I . we'. . I I I V K% e1AX; 41-2L &ULC* . .1 q­%leCt $0`11119 SOW 1499 for breeders 00 Itill pvery surferer of . . . your Wonderful he the walliti"Jurillit. . . 10 SOW � . you ,tan keep Clear i0f. c6lds, - Jewelor wid.0ptlehill. -,-. ".. ;___, � I I �!!I! �� ' t ­ '' ' - ""' ' - ". - � I Now life for a, qUArter, 1%liller'S before thoy are two months -old. y6ung C16vet Alld grAilf *itb skinibillk Ili SkI, Iii0divilie." . Forvilk! by all 60lers. I "Tlicre was a naltght,r y liltilla I'llif 41h tl top of bl' he"d- "I'd :f� *1110(l It ""I" ptieum-diia., bronchitis, aud prt- teme viilfoirn good hdilth. This Issuer of . _ _ ___ __ - � - - �... __ - 11 .el Children OrT, Cumomid fronPlIK Sold by W. IcJ, 0 WaYA PrOM f004 for 919A 841ilietid,f0f , INI-Inufactimll on] burn v by The T!. AM The Nbovel," wits itte proud relily,-1.1,-I Ist Worth VAW149, ,Nt *nd pre- - Marriinge Lkenses I I F09 MUM% . p., "161wel§, . . btftdoi* *1� d6w,,- ii%�� _­� , , , , .. 1. Co.,. Urnited, Toionlo�bnt. I-A-,"�.-,�_­_,,. �...._, _,,,,,� Illu(IOWS. I .4 ... I , .. %oving. 1-1 I ­­­, 1. " ­­­ - .1. .. 11-1-1. 1"IL � .1 ­­ - . - . - I . CA S TO 0* 4 "- I A �