HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-11-25, Page 3I I , Nor. istb, i9c,9 Tho Oftatoin Now 04* � * . I 1. . . .. Zven people who are usuall:� WOMON's INSVIT"s cexvxr" 1 Proper attentio4 to the haii The Poet's. Corner TION. 9 . FIVE CUPS FOR ONE CENT ,I ... . . _ occasionally require and scalp is the best preventive THE SUNDAY SCHOOL , - . , _­ —io—TH, — _­_ =d.of afoodtoUie.vper. The annual convention Of Ontario of ttaldness. Ano6casioual ap- � Is Certainly sLA ecolool"Ifal beveragell, � . . I I V*Wt Worges To WrIte, Your rovim, that excellent com Women's Institutes will be beld In plication, of Rearhie Hair 1.)om., � � . , . bi- Massey Hall, "College, Guelph. oi� D Aortcultursl a4e keeps the sca$ in healthy Lesson IX.— Fourth Ouarter,, For - yet this Is all that � lKotiker, nation of beefi- iron and sherry. ecem e � <1." , ".". � 4 Tho followhig program has been ar. I` ' Ngv. 20 1� , . I wine, if taken when the sys. ranged : — condition. It nourishes the I lo 1909. 11 , _ I . S I I . � If arty-4hother Is illo unhappily situat­ er Sth hair folicles and supplements ' - , I , , _ . 04 to have A 144, 0ar slimewhere W120 ,tem is'run down from ovler� Wednesoayo,octeemb � r , . � . , - torgete,to. write to bet-, she should cut work or a sligh I MORNING 8110810:4-xr. O. ().--Tames, the natural oil of the Lead.. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. : If � I. . . I if . , . , t cold, will . : . 6 � . I I ' ter of Agriculture, pro. . 'I I . piapowin � , . g beautiful verses ond )e "'y M"a"' 'Beariue not only prevents fall- 1 1 111W ., . serious i1lUeSS. !sldfu . I I , , senitbora,gohim, They were written r preVent a More . I I . =yy ,., - the Fe*ovim gives strength tocou 10,w!�atlonal Anthem. ig hair but ..stimulates. new � . . � . - , , pars a%o by An Irish 144r,, , , . 11 Text of the Lesson,. Rom., xiv, 10-21 . . , 4) I id lavoc%tion-itev, X H. Bell, . f * Pros yter . likuniluiater,in E - va esce . growth. .50 cts a jar at your Memory Verses, 19, 20-Oolden Text , : � 4tabgrgh, who, hi I uts and all thin,blooded � : . I I L_ , I . I..., . ,, . ., , _4 pons of her own in - I Guelph. D,A � � Amerldix. There is a bearti-break in people. $1.00 a bottle. . 10.3a-Addiess of weloome-Presiderit, d=99iSt$L - I Rom, xl�f 21 -Commentary lirepared , .. � ' ft t4om and loneliness A , lid tearfi.- ---- - . G. 0. Oreelman, 0 A 0. Guelph, I not by Rev. p. M. Stearns. cost. One pound Will inake .910 cups, of ' - — _ft — � I: Have You Written Home To . ---"'--'- . . 10.45 -Reply to Address of Wo.come , . . 0 � Mris..,J, Talcott, Bloomfield. 59, ME. INT Illshop, f this SeCtlo"THA tile purest and most delicious Atm. I , , , . I - - � Notherw .1 .­ � I Ole . � I'Loo �Ifevlew of YeaPo-`W1ork-Mr. G, I , r � - -_ I .1, - � 1. -_ I 1� 0�r EM � of this epistle truni, chapter %it-onz- I I ._,__________._.____._ ---,-------- _ , ,_ I . . I � X � - A. Putnam, Superintendent. ! DA*, , - SAME , , 1 4111111111111111111- . 3W L*112,' �11.80-County Convon�jons-Dis6us- OWNL I Ward as -Present duties in 0 11160, IN WM , . Pr may, I ask you, worthy la.4, , . PLASTFIN' � . - � ot eternal favis." 1,;ome of the facts � I A wo ZA-0 mose smile no care can smother, I, ston b� Instltutb Oftleers who elm Tkoukh busy life throbs round about. 29ES ecver At% of Muscular pain, � � have bad e . . !gauiz. on. lire the sin that is In man, I M wwwwws - wo-,7W I h ,,, S istr - lence in ot , A simple effective rernedy for many 11 tile - .the re� � . c t 11ty I ­... � . ­­­­ ......... ­ a, titches. Cricks. Tic. 1-�.1.1.11�..�l.,t�ng,f�ti(l��qg= MIX .. .-JHA,V,O-Y.()U-.written.-home.,to...imnother..2.,. ­ �; 0 _qQq_ ..A*.. � -ills,as-wettes6ome44.;!tavc.iAot-,e�ii4id�!rt4.- - .�-doinptl.oii,-.itiat--)&..I-D, ... ubrlst-.JF� I _1 ... I—— .-1..--1..-.._ . I. I. � .1 I I—— ­ 11- - . I—. -- and Headache. Don't,thro N014, Acouniound %vith a Vaselinebase, in . .......... - � Twitlif Aig'' of - At hie"' M usipTis"; ' Li qwb a -g -9 ... vendons, , lie'.1or'. .- i I _w away . You are forgetting, Aren7t you, q money forv�vorthless imitations, by un. AF,rmtNo � anese Itlenth'il Ait'd alliful. man. the "no condemnation" , M* %I . ulte. I ox Snissiox-Mrs., D. Me- - 1�,. conjunction witt' JaP I I I othL�rdTitestnakiiicaijeffice6cious.r4medy(Qr ..e . . � . and IIQQ Separation" of chapter vul as , fA Mic _ . , How fast the -weeks went flyipg, scrupulous mak to. Get the genuine. . Taviab, Port Elgin, presiding, Soro, T"oskit . ""a WNIR Of CUNTON ; And that a little blotted sheet, - I.3U-Address -Environna6ut" BUnp, Bruises, 4 rein SLVV _p . F�acli plaster -26c. in an air-ticht tin - Dr. .- . ,It of that great redemption and . *In;, I . Wrianswered still is lyin I box. i Yard roll $1.00, Mailedupoit . Stratiani'Spratins, W11111,111111 - , I g !` remipt of price, or sample for 5c. � Annie Backus, Aylmer. ; as W011L as for Iuseqt Bites, Cuts, etc. till% farreactilug, glorious prospect for ------- a— . I . *4 ft : . "O 2,15-(l) Reports, from Represents- Just the th na for c 'ro be Given NEW Sub- *-WA Don't you remember how she, stood - WE GUARAtlITEE That they will relicyo tives of various districts . I ,Ivtll as for those that ,,T,n,7tr,8,,11,u,atcr8, atl the whole creation with, Israel its a � � . With wistful glance at pa:pting ' ., pain quicker than any other plaster. � . (21 Discussion on difficuli ies met .... - * 05c. a box. , righteous conter bringlug true riches � I � , . . 1 . _1111 i, Don't you remember how the tears ? 1, DAVIS & LAWRANCF. CO., Xoptrqal, DAVIS & LAWR]I�NCR, Montreal,' . to all nations. The efroctof this upoll M X* I . I --- ------ � ... with In Institute work, and . - iscribers to the Ne -%V 15,NrEL . , Wete in her soft eyes starting 9", 1 7 - - I means of overcoming the same. I . . .1 . 1. ­ .1 . �i I the MJnd of the liellever should be . . . . I . I . I . I . .1 . I . Have you forgotten how her arms. I — . . ,Thursday, Deceniber Oth � . - Sllt:l)L -it renewal that henceforth he to M , . K! - � . . . I . fStole round you to caress you I, � , , I � . MoR,xiNa ftssxo,q�Mri 0, A. Put- I I don , 0 with this present evil age and . M A handsome Souvenir oi�Clintoia, is being IkOffl ' . I DAIIII.- UVISJUM. � . DiAiry Qems. . � printed on our presses, and will -be completed � . Hava you forgotte,p those low words, nam, �iuperintelftllenl;, president, pre- done with himself nnd dinermlited to "GOI)d-bye, my son. God bless UJIX regularly and at reasonable .in A few. eays It 'is in pamphlet form, pro.� you" " - . siding- . live wh,olly in the lwrrp(!t will ot God, . M . : Attention tq Details Sure to Bring. the 0,30 -Address )'The T)AY's Work"- hours. ' I . . 'its a new creature ill CbrI.9t, old things � . M f9sely illus tra-ted with local views, and printed "A . Oh I do not. wrong bet, patient love,. I . I I I on super-calendared paper, in an artistic and I ow .. I , Genprat plans for . Tile farmer iv , Is not , ract! � - . Bcst Results. I. household ' bo millIcs cows 'passAxl away, all things become new � . att ve cover. Wd purpose presenting each :11raift gave God's there is no other, Give tbp dairy titeimlli a' good sun . management and work in the- U . . So faithful through all mists of sin- . . : country, town and city I Iways a dalryllian. . � 030111. xii, 1, -2: 11 Cor, Y. IT). Even NEW subscriber who enters our Subscription bath oacib day, . I ' Christ pleased not illmseir, and in the - List., during SEPTEMBER o . r QCTOBER, . - . . Fear not to write to mother, � I Mrs, W. W. Farley, Smithfield. A rew good coivs .ire worth more . I - _;9 4 , . I Tito stingy Pseder cheats hlinsielt gs � -, . - M with ope'bf these Souverifts. Only a limited . Mrs. John Cumberland, Bramp. ttlan ,It lot or ord4imy ones, epistles we are taukht how we ought xa--* I Tell her how hard it is to walk, well as tbt cow. I . ton. ' - � It's good intinapenient. flot luck. that to walk and to please.God and to let . number are being printea, so all who -wish to , As walked the Master -lowly; ' . . . secuz�o one should4DO IV. j9OW. . . :_0 . 011itipal ls,good for The cows. it Mrs. W. W. Howell, West Tor- alakes dairylyig profitable. every one of its pipase his neighbor M =W - � . I 1'eli her how hard it, to to keep , -onto. . Spend plenty of time lit 111P. d . ' . :k%-* . A man's life pure and holy, � will - prove, a pay ration. ' 10,30 - Discussion. airy for his good to editication (xv, 1-3). LSubscrip-tion, $1.00 to end of 1910 ' litsufficient fppd trud poor shelter I.I.SY-Aldress "Nerves" - Dr. Helen bartis. on the state fair grounds. . Now, It seems to, a)(-, t4lit the great ,. ri_­ 8 Cil 25c to end of 100i) - I ' . I Tell her to keep the lamp of prayer I 'Ing belfer, point it) our lesson is that eacti one M , , , - I . will I'lilli tile tuost-prollis MaoMurchy, Toronto, The cow that pays tbrou-I M K! , I I the pall . � . Alight -a beacon burning; - , shoilld toi- himself get rl,,bt in this . l � . Whose betun shall reach you far away Fresh, qlean Witter Is important witli AFTIimt,rooN SEssioN. -Miss M. -U, ind separator is the cow to keep, . . . FKAmerican, tubscribersmiust add postage, - "O . I I I � � - - �-----�--.-----.-�-.-Nto----,��.- � I - - _ Shall lure your soul ret ' v-mw-attim.t"n-tbo--farai4n--the su - --,,,,- __...,"Instrititto, - t, I ­ D. 1. e V alid--not. tufi�petid_�_tirae in. , __ - ._ . _____1W___,_,__,-_ ____ ­ ____1 � I Watson, Macdonald . ..,Cn,ro--iti--Pi.,ii,l;(,ttiig--tlie-I)i-i.tto.i-,;-tt- � I I it . - - - � __ _urn -Ing. - ---___p 111- -.---- ­ 901 . care III ,)�odue. seeking to get others right while lie I 6 1w _11111 . . presi ing. tonst as Important as . - � . -A% Tell her you love her dearly still, ater little, but above all others wit.b.the.. 130-11What Macdonald Institute is. ill; it. I � � blinself. is all wron- *101ver, one of 56" V#"W_.1.0_ IS" I . . � M=W! L1Nn:W_A 'Vo" 4 V" 1, . - . - ,iir � us shall g9ve it 1. � nz M: = � . . . Foe fear some sad to. f!Ows. 1. 45 repared to dofor thelnstitutes.' � .� ;it of blinsielf- to I'll- -- . morrow, _t ' acco . M - ._ - _=M: - , VI�,,�el)ell�.1'31.qfll*,04N,111,iiefte,,�, v, Do --- - 1. 4 xhibition and description of I . - -",�w w -w 4w �Mll I -Shall bear away the listenink soul, A sour feed'pall has, wrought havoc ' God" (veZ 12i.. Th,ref6r OMM" . . o ) , . e why Judge . I I And leaye you lost in sorrow. I . . dustless -sweeper, laundry, ao- Dot tr.Y to get along wItIlO11t Ith"111, . out, brother In ,,,, r - - .. 11111111 � .. . I ilmotig the calvezi on' the farm. The ' .. matter, and espe- .--7— .. 11 --- " . I I . plianbes, etc. - 'hvI.9 of -Ax,heat to, file . � . . . . � . Even forty Inis I I I . And then, through bitter falling tears, time sI)ent in. sealding'the pulls Is well 2.15-, wer. '. Avre at $1 per bivelrel can't Iwat A: Air. cially in eating, and drinking, since till . . I , - . Question Dra W v . I I I I I � . . . . . . I . . � And sighs you may nob stuother, .sl)*t-llt * .. . . I I . - 3.15 -Address—Ttie Development of far tillig. . � 0 I bf-Ilevers initst-sland before the Judgm. - ___. I The Store, Nvh6re. yon. -X � )L - 11 . I . . I --- " ___­__­ ­­ '1� ­" - ­ - mvnT--9eat­-6r- G (3d, -dr of CTffikt; - -for - � . I gttr the utost for our inoneyi . You may remember when too late, � a _S7oqp_q_L3qdy,'.Mr,s.,F. .0. ffart,-- -- -7 I � - --- � _ . . . _ _.�._1!"t4r4_tbe1..CoW,i fit, Ilight-u-nd. -koep . . .mls a erc I � I . . ,� . I - . . � . � � I . . You did 4QL write to mo-th6f�­­.' -, Galt. I . I t's a s1liko to build . -timery . . % . . ' �- . In I lie 6arn during.tbe beat.of the day, Womens Instittite sv . ork -has extend. : her. r I qbrlst is God?'(Versa 10.) If we have .. * I . � � , . . o I tlle�e Lire cotrs eflough to make" I - . —_ . , NeeffloAs to say the barn Should` be . � I . , . revelved (lie L6rd Jestis, t1leti we are. . . IMPORTANT TO YOU I . � ­ . -1 HOW 18 THIS? � .� ed considerably in Ontario during the. It a sucee,,is. I . . . . .. ,� I I '11rist , . . . I . . . 11 screoned.". .. . p I ast year. 'There are, n6w &�O Insti- . ,j'he stal'ol-aptit that,tile C"tnlld � In..(, And. tire looked upon. as har- . . . . � . . I � 111. . 7 Sassafras andBlit-dock for the blood., - ' Gurg�t. or. congoc;t � ed -tidder, . can be tutes, with a memberiihip':of nearly . . . .. . .1 1-d Oil . ing died. . with . - 13 hii: . and risen With . . . .. We are offering gr%!A bdgs at fPom:2j5c to 75c lower than most of. . I � � X)andelion and Rhubarb fer stomach, �.euvrallv vellaved by bot.appliegt - ions 14,000; Words of appreciation on: the vompany. vali make buttur out I cd Its . gillerif for sill is I other'dbalerg. That I -, � . E11111, so that. Our Jf1d s also the way with all classes of Rubbers. Wo . . Mandrake ,and Ju - - I - . bylil%flticts Itin't worrying real .dalry-. � . can give you extra value 'in storm smoek9 and coats. . Plush Migs, ' ' . .. niper for liver and - aud vigorous rubbing and kneading. of part of those connected -with them -are , . - . . ` . . I . 1. past on 12nivary. .Ind we jln�e HIS .11s- . , Horse Blankets, Robes, Whips%etc. We handle the beat groq&I - to . . kidneys, Casearra and Senna for the . the aVected part.'.. . . I (Twil 1111161, .. I . . . . .. , lss I . � I borwels, Capsicum and Aloin. 0 pre- � AlanY, The Institutes have already - ' ' -stiranm ilint one sins uod iniq61tios . . . (lone much to improve home'and coin. When yon admit [bat you haven't 'flemil.1-remember no wore. befound, and at very low.prices. Try us for Flannels, Cottons. vent grli U -Need -a Herb Tablets As Compared with the old pan wetW. . I I r liniv to test and weigh the 111111�­,o . stock of Stove Stout I . . inunity condition . . . M"" - possible as. I-11s.redeptned- ones . I IL - contain = ..s. . . . � � , . , . . I Blanketei Underwear, etc. Wk4ave a and Ohii valuable ingredients. 50 -oil of raising, cream, .the �Oparator IS . . � . It is � .. . . coal. ... ,. ., . 1. . . . . � � ' —_ ' to keop it reeord of each cow, yoli to wilik ,lit the ligbt, under the. shelter . . I . I . . I � . I �' tablets for 25c; 250 tablets for $1.0U. A as far eAd (if the old, method as the � . . " ' . � . . . . . . I . doctor for half -a -cent a day. Free . I tit; ah . tiiaven`t� time to aairy right. , . of Ills., pre0ons - blood .'and have con- - -Higliestfirice, for Butt .. . . . 1:mll.el� is ahead of the old fiall meth. L* CAIJ�t AND d9f . . . 1. er, Egggli, Lard,. Talloiv, Dried Apples. . , � samples at all drug store,q in Clinton. asbing grain., . L ; . . . . . .. . I . I . . * ... ­ . . _.... ... . . - . ­_ � . , w . . seloug and.*nnbroken fellowship with � . ­ .. . . .­ .. . I I. . . .. . I � .1 , . . , . , 'Warcb2-9-yr-xi_ Ott. AA f �'t hr � . . .. . ), . 1 6 . .. __ ' . D aes Your Back -Ache'. -Don't 'flim as we'.VI(40, oul'selres to.. 111n) . . . I . . . . ... . . � , I No. tices in.the iiasture',) . Then make. , , Of XURALGIA the .. . , 1 ` . * * ' ' . � I . - .. . osThe.f . lit by 11)6111 , a � he . .. . londes* . SOMEBODY L � . shade for the eoWs by putting up some I . . ... . - . I . I . experien,ce with, imitatio�s but get -ino,me ont to W0k`i'd-'L.t . ; R. Adams, . oro,. , �e . . I . . ' ­ � fflSpof I -genuine, ). & L.". Kenth -oad works 110 ha.%'befor�bamd p* - . . . . . I . I . . - Somebody domes to our house, posts and ',throwing. ove'r them a. Hoderily �Xethods 1 .40 of,.I:tb .0 L t0i . I it cures. avis & Lawrence Co. - , I �. re . ___ __ ­ . _�.. _- — - - . . . . . � . t4iu-t-ched-iii)of.—I,t-l-,,-,t-s�blimt- -to-k­eep- -- the maxers. . . . � I . . . � -1�,Ltfed-f-or-us--.tF-d--L'97)i'ri'-t-klQ-1-�fe-Or"t�- —-_-_7— —_ � - -----'----"— "71 - . That I'dJustlike U6 ca66h, __ _- _— . 7 T —44se.-In stead, of Tir e-atin-g- . I I . . . I . . . tq self,rentinel4tion Which ffe desires' — ____ - . I . I . I : . 14.,..] .Z, ; . . . cows under -Lbe hot ravi of the sun aII L . - ' ' 1 . � I .. L _� . .. . . . I . I . - . . I . I � . . . I . I . . -_ nuo in se te � . da��. . . . . - I . . . ,., . . L . . . . i51flion. I I . I . , � I 0 li,vii to Ills -glory, WRkiilg ,it our I've never Met his match I I . . 1. . . . , . . Ovvn�rs of World's.G.01d. ' - .. its t . I .. . . . . I __w_ - . I I ' i to be acce t- . � I .1 I . . 4 I ambition' in. till trihigs �p.. He steals oar morning paper, . 14171110 ticks on cllttle�6111 �be *got -rid of ... If. LS a. �0111e�0110. CUd0l.1S. f i6t1hat I . . I . ' I , . ' . And.does not [eava a track, .1 I .by goitig' over the an, linals %vi .. tit, a, �.Ne'xifalg­rk` means. LS. Mply "nerve " tl)(� , I.,1lgTig1..,1.lr.,:,,, , t, .. .,W040 � Uillf (VPIC 11,- 10�- It Cor.. tv. : M ' It . I I I _ .�pj!,, 11a, lor�, t)�vp . $ � . Re borrows father's pencil,. I . sponge molsie . ned � it I A, -i-rude pplroi��um. . .palii,ll 6o t ere may, be.'A great vari- ni,urly all the wurld'zi productive goIjL , 10.,11,.�vj 91., Althotigh our Lord stild . . . And does not give it back. ' ... . ' . I I . . ation in the character * and intensity i1iiiies. - ... . . . .. I .to His disclplei' lit- LI10 last Passover, * . . Go over again liT al-Ilt' M6- WOPIM - .of the pain and any'.,nervii Lin the body'. Thus England,, with it-'�- CiMadiar., --I':ap * . . I ' . , . I I . . - 4 He leaves the se ,�. when the eggs It 1-1 L - ' I . ..p6int nato. .you. a IiIngdom ,as ' Feen doors open. . . . ye hatobed a new - ml, be affedted. . There are a niunber u,;traIian-`a'.iid- South- Afrie'all 111aws'. , appoitited- nnto.bile.� .. . .. . I 1. - neuralgia, 'but the most il, A, - Slk. Fa t tier bath , Till the house is filled With fli�s, - - .brood. . � . * Of causes of A - mpt, and tll(,- . ". . . . . k. 1: .ill 6 atAfy,tL . ,He brl0g3 mud on the carpets, ... I . .—. L* l� . ­ . . I I I . .1 -commonis.a.general ,rundown concti. ro,flit'(4 Nvi ,1.))ei I I . th,A,f.T0..niay.P.tt,and drink . able , Till . I . � I . I .L. Pion , Unit�d 1.316ftes w1th �122, making an ag- . ' my mother frowns and sighs, of the'system. .The diseoveryP'of L� L , P 'In Xly k'119dom allid. sit on thrones . greirate Of 83 �er ceiit.� �vhile- all tll,L . I L I . . He hides poor grixpdma's glasses, . , W.'s Qftod Root Conipoun& i�hlli faet.-f roin rellal)ld L stailtistie'S' led , , `gets tlin rofi't, ' h] � Jud -in the twelve tribes of, Israel" , I 11 . I'll . I I , I ' tothe,new treatment for neural" rest Lof iho . '. .. . L1.1-11 I I - the last pladAi You would look, . 9" II per evnli, -worict , I . . ig . . 9 . yet "the kingdom .... ,The great Uterin I . . . . (Luke ,,ftil, 29, 30i. I I . . I 'Sometimes she hunts and hunts for Only safe offedfud Monthly. which consists in building'. tip -thAJ ken- kecord'i - III,, to tli'e s0ffl�tie5; . for: -M07, ' of God is not meat. .and drLnk- b . ut . theiii 1 Regalatoron'whicii women can - eral health by the tonic treatment., L and . . , , . Al joy In Lt he � And finds them in her book. .... . . . . . I depencL Sold in three' dogrees so disposing.of the cause of the.trouble, tlii,. aniount of ,-�I(l min,10 iji*..- the :� rtgbieousnessand pea(�e .1 U, ' � I I of strength�No. 1, $1; No. 2, I Persons'r6duced 'by -acute -sickness, whole: -%vorld was 19.764,MS ounces, Il6Iy,(;ho,.kt!1.(rerse I -it, anil the'ebier . And often, in the mormn : 10 degrees stronger IS - No 11�, . v . abied tit. neakly $420.000,000, of wnich object of out-fliough(s lie.re should. not g. . I ,dses, t ' for special 4 . ', per b4x. or by severe mental or liltysicalstrain' ' . . When it's time to etarti for school . Sold by all drugg is, or sent .o v by loss. of- - sle3p. are frequehl,li . $348,0Q0,000 worth was produced 611 1 . � , MV cap or mitts, -or books are,gone - :.. prepaid, on roceilt of prico, be what sbalt wi-� eat .and 'drink .and . . � . v - -, king . . . I For its Sbmebody't§ rule . � .. , I Froa pamphlet. A dress: TH victims of -neuralgia and it is common, 'soil liold . I) I , two .1"ngligil spe'.1 viea0 but bo�v can, we best make watil-, - , 'To nIaL-. 1-1,;- & -'- ! C Witial OJOHONT0,061T. (fOrmel'10yindeorl in the case of those� 'suffering from. witions. T106J.-i aii enurnious sour.ce , f..*- 7 -;�,,A —tit-& . k.nm . vkj -His I righteous. ' I F'S UP12 UP M 9 Ug . When I'm in the greatest burry, And .vben I hear the echoolbell ringin.g It's enough to make me worr . 11.1 y. � I I I _. , , . - - . , , . . . � . .. .- . - . , .. -A Seaside 'Tin�.,! - ,. , . . Do-�.er, Eng., bpen chuckliril . anaeallia or bloodlessness, This brings us to the actual cause of'rieuralgia, which is nerve, starviittom The� bl&6d which in normal health carries to. the ,of power. I � . .� I . . I.. .. : I I I .1 . . — - I I . . -' Are `kYou Logi 19 A BuRder . I Weight? . ­Thei - D. &',-L," Emulsion . I ' iiesi. Which Heoffiers freely to all,ankl . till", hasten His'kingdour of fwace on', . I onrih.- We should .111likk of every olie . . . . - . .. . I I I I . . . _�� . I .1 . . . 1111111111 ' 19EI * I . . I . bu Af IG"'y �� . I . I . . I . . . - I . ­ . . . ­ - . , , I , � A 'PRISinSss Htaa. - .. . I , . - . . , For Somebody .h.9s. . L _ , * 11'stikVays help ' build "onL- ­ ." NI'm 4) �)v S _" S till- , t1longl'u", "I L . . . . I I I � . has been here - over a lloaxo olther:pla5�ed by , or -orl 6urish nerves all- theirn, ment, is it e iiabl Wi abd you up. Re- . bit - earth as fov -whom L C'fil'igt .1 . . � I - , . ­ ' ' L . - ­ ", . . . - . I ,� And mislaid all our things This Somebody, is he* ? fl:: 166P.1"', h0�vlkpa,,L)Vl',: which'..publisliet!' . L ­ : .�. :to* 'perform ,this.. Auty. tiabisfactorilv � ,, , '' L L _ 1, . stbres'pr6p6r, . digeqtion � and brings �­ . ,. . back health. ... -L. .. . I ­ - d1eV itverse- 15) a lid trust 111m to use � . . L �Iiith er, I . lat NOW11 �-()Ll get a imfl-co A � � . . ' ' N_oll (ILO C (,I ponliv or " nickol not * pla a : . .�L H. _�_ * 'L ' d. ' , L I - : r I ... ; �IS . Sa, 0 Z . who . . . . - the folloWing paragril.1A.: . - . Whorlit 1sLWe,%Cor1mpl) . Build L L xe -tip. � I I � . I.. . .. � I . . . . us to bring as . many as possible."to .. Santa, .1 I . ' . I . . L . I He:surely can't have wings. - . . . And yet we never catch him . _vel'.�'L fille ; "'A' - . . .. .,#eeini14ji`.of a wa0t* . . . . ottet Was'eauallt (in 'tile .910TY�, lit the the It the blood and euralgia . pain . will disalipbstas the ri&ves -become bet-' . .1 . . . .: . . . . I. —_ . . .. . . � I .­ ' � 1' .. L . ': , . . ­ film, tbat'dwy 1010 -tit q6taill and . 'c'37 . . 'pe#e it' ill' tho jittfo .,;,j,�iii,-s--bliiik Cla�U.�, I)t011g astio -ism", 11. L �Ilt fOr YOLF1, .I] I ". . I . . .1 I . .". I . . I . . I . I . . . .. . . .. . WL have beet 'get- ' � , �,': "th the.. clot4hes 1'. Nor meet him face to face, , " - . root,:of tbe Eastern. Arm'.this week ter nourished. Dr, Williams' Pink . . . Proft Fe6�ni S OWS. L . . , � . 'More and and . %y_13Is righ.tti.ouliness . J . . . � ,;,­I);tp�J'­ - . ­Nf)t n swers the aI%VtJ"V. ffi you .!.! ' 'If noig tfy' us for y6ur oexubuir, '� . . Jing? . � But still be's ihtoltnischief, I I -krnpii. It'is beim, of tho woj %. are a blood�making* tonic" and' -feli"Itshis -if tlitre.1sA proBtahlo. breed- . . ' to'�Ltbo So 1110. W be then brIng.9thPrs I . .n . " b(�11113, ('11 i I(], - � . . : � . . . L L . - . . : or Ovetcoat..L e' . -! Tfi, re's SOM0 in , . And goes and leaves no trace. �- . ,pon,v . . . . . , tub - near the tv� 11 I set�ne of Ros . -reasoti 6ure ev'en . -' ' ' ' the most i- animal on A farin than- &. good it � L I I 1.11L tile kingdoui conies rind aL Kilik .qb:' . . . L,li, _,y.;" if T t,.M ,lot lai8t'13C.'. ".,� 1. i ' T b . ,class . . , - . 'etc thes' 'tailored by. its. Doesn't; look . . � . ____4ft_ . , , -it . .. capture, . I I I . . I . oliAtnate cases. of neuralgia . . . gverk * . SOW ve not foudd It,. s writer I T ba qx$ a , a rOgn, lit rijXhiponsio-sq. I hen on 01 tho ' � ,.oul. r, A, vott .,I)�:lvl I 1(.nlli(,*, and - . it, tbz�At­ � L' , . . I - body is ' � . like a tinifo rib that every wear-, L . . Ticl;llng, tight Coughs, can be . Interosted, Ktu�,!erltll'i of hatur(�. -tyllo... . . dose. of this. medicine makes 'new, . in'the Bree4r's'Gazette, Chicago.. She . earth the Work, 4if righteousifes.§., shall , I ' ljttI1�'.­t(;T6. around the- . niclwls,, at -.1-1t, , ., . L .. . . . , . L .. 6 . There's a 'big inducement too ir,g.. . i . L ' surely %nd quickly loosened with a pt -eserl ' � W. procee ded t.o'th(%,. scone of t he all�kod 'bt,side'the -Na. riu.h bloodw which feeds the stgrViAtd out the- shirp, dart- - bai not tho habits or �mak-eup to I - I liter- ee. a it (I I lit-, sery I . � be p�-a vp of:11glileolig I *bequiet-ne.4s C rn 1'. . 0 , I .... . I ")i�vs ": I)af*%,.,) . :.,. . ,* . , . . V rhen you see the,goods a d ask th n .e . .6. .. . . I zion Druggists are dispensing every" .1 Where as Dr Shoop's Cough Reniedy.' . curious captury noW A tiobal -1-Tarb-)r' '%Ntorli.s dis'CoV*j1.pAI tI10. yeinswriddrives Ing stabbing pains -of- neuralgia. , Mrs. est al fstoekm6n, So long As'the world. can not �e -fed wlthbut;,Iiorl� the' sow ness.stfall and ns-,�,tillanft , for6vPr..jIsa...XL.'�X ii.: 1. IT): - There 0a, 11 . I . I I ... . "U',141 - jity boy it �iou dor' not .,�ave I ." I pri e. , . . I .. . . . , . � . . . , i . 1. . I . � ' ' � _ ivat Pr otter" to bo ft'riAller batteked . s : _� John Tibert. Little River,i%T. 6.,sav . - 1. -� . . your nion y TioN�.,'whftt (it) you -expect . Fall and Winter Strilib Worsted .-. - � 11 I And it is tro very, very diff6rent. than - � . Sp0clinell of the fainily-�oith-. " A few. -years ago Iwas a . 'red 61; w .. 1p p will be objects of Jill- ad I . I be no pea e to in individual or .to 8 r C .. , ?I, . I "it. -N -oil grou, up , W do wh 1. . . Trousers. NeWest patte - � . rim s . : I % . 20111103on cough medicines. No opium, � . 1. I . .I.. I from neuralgia I n rny bead and- face. terest to. the farming world. . 5 apart. fr(�f11.-t.1_Iit- . nation or to. lAntion m "I ant - going to a little storp :- made to your orde� -$0.00. * - . . ... . � �io Chloroform , nbsolutely nothing tharsh or unsafe. The tonder leaves of I � . . . � � . .. .. - Lack- of Judgment. 1. . . I . I . Attime's theattacks weresimply .ex. . cruciating, and 1.1vould.: be forced to , ' It IS a, Sa(I Colrimentary on .the meth- bds �f swine that 50 cent I . .Pnusnp . ss, and ihe�e`ig" �01-1!gIl.teA)1,s_. . ijoss worthy of tit(. natile exeeiijt that_ .riiii ar.rjll�,I(l .tb(, c()1,11k,r, ,):Ily�,. -q,ll(�71. 1,11,1 .1 .� get all the ponui",�q and 1J­1wP.1 . . .r . 1: ­ . . . .1 . . . I I . . -A Special Blue Serge Suit ifiade. . I -, ; I a harmless, lung heating mountain Otis � -shrub, gives the curative s.to - - . "So Cityuse Charley -inet his,'fata at I . . the hands of a,postsc?" � ' remain in tied. 1, tried doctors medi. . I growers per or more o f pigs Pirrowed perish .In 16- * � e which God has provided lit ;hrlslt, th . ' : 1, . . . . . . , to y our order -$18.004. - , . ,� 1. . . 1. I : - - - ' . . . I . propertie Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy. Those . "Yep," ans*vr,,d' Threv -.Vin gvr�'%(f . cines. -but,did not raceive any. be*06fit, I britil I began. using Dr. Wit lams' I fducy.. It is not reasonable toli�dppose .righteous one; biit. b'Plieving it) 141m. we - I . . A)falfa For. Sheep. . . . I - . . . � .. � ; 1. :!; Shirts '1910 . I � leaves have the'power tocalrathe most ­ .. I Sam. . . I 1, . . I . . Pijnk Pills, and I am hapoy to say this skich a cutting down of the legitimate'- , tire thus justitled a.0 tilive peaep with Mralfa... Aiiid sheep. go together -just . . . . . . . r . . .1 �, distressing Cough and to soothe. and ."Wllat -%rag the iroublil?" �. - . � ben6flb .1'redelved from these was , P"Otits of the busitiessols necessary.* . Und and' rejoice. lit fiope of the glory' . ,As naturally'as ducks.. autr water, Al- I I � We. were able- to get a few Shiris , . . : heat the most sensitive bronchial mern -� "His imniejit difficulty wns 'a lacic � , wonderful. I may also add that Dr.'t . . I . Like too many other losses, In stock , of God. * . . � . . ,. " .: '. .1 . falfa. as ,a feed has -proved beyond I , L ' , ' . in advance 1rom the fa6tory''and will : . I , brane. Mothers should for - safety's . of judgm6lit , As to sp�eld. He -helped . Williams' Pink Pills cured ri�iv' daugh. . . growing, Jt Is largely preventable . . . .11'Jiroligh the comfort of the, Svrl�_ . , . doubt that A Is far a head of any,otbe.r offer.theseregular , . I � . . . sake alone. alwav nop's , s demand DrSh . 9 t can with perfect freedom be given, himself to. -6 horse, 'but didn't Pick on(,,. that was - fast onotigh. to ,kovp tel: of anaem' ta, and indige$'tion, at a � time began -'to. .. . . I . . � . - , , , . . ' I . . . 1. . tilt ptitiptitly for tile b6pe � tures we w. . I I . � . roughage'f6r she6p. ' All over the West - 'alfalfa ' . -.111-25 Shirts for $1.0.0 . I .. . � I : I I to even the youngest babies. Test it -yourself and sep! Sold by dealers. ahead of the pat-ty 4s went �after him." . I I . 1. . when we dispair of her getting better, .1'ealihighly. reabm� - . . . ' .. Allen's. Lano Balsanit is the stand- �'llld the God of patlenee and Colnjo-v� L givos its the mill(f. of Christ toward is- tin' Indispensable factor in winter feedlug,' and so. we !11 do sheep . . . I . . . L . . . � I �j . GEO, W.*,B. '" . � I AR all . I . I I , . . . �� . mend ffiede Pb Is to anyone suffering ' ard curefor coughs land tolds in the , - llwd of hol�e till"' - t1irive ou It that eastern are. -0:13. . - --.._ L I I � .. . I . - . — . * . ... t . .. I moo" from these troublim" L . ­ . I . � You can get :Williams' Pink ..� I States and Canada.. : . . . . . . . - ' V . . '.I . others, whilb. -Ihi� I . � I �e- In Uolh-ving ,its ivill) joy hild � peal ' o . . .,farmers taking It.pit after waltin'-Aft' yeara . y I . .4 Vine Ifferch no.. � L � . . ant ftflori, M : q .---- � THE CH ONE . : I , 6 . Ali, , . I . I& � p 4 ( I - L . B r' fthifis. I .Dr. Pills from any dealer in, medicines - or . they will be seni by mail at 50, cents a. . , 1� ... — . . l. . . , ' . . . I - . L . . Alfolfit"haT for u s 0 In 'the whAter . . � � . ?nialflng its to, nbolind iii-holie-Aill'ou."ll.. the-'pow'et of t lip; 1161y ,14pirit; and I US. o t ' L ce. L , for the West t -se the pa . ___ . .. .. . . .. .- .. I . . . - .. . . L . I . Fr I ed ,rackson' . s Old Stand. . . . �, 11 i i 'L . . 11 . . I � � - 11 . . � . I I Agent for British � . . . box or six boxes for $2, 50 by ' 'Th Dr. . I . . .� -American Cleanin - . I 9 I I . All the folks in our house had to tell- . . t . I . � L eL - � -Williams' -Medicine - Co , tz ... Ir-Ul. time 1, I .i the hog, lot should be cut just ,i ce I. 14 :Ind givel; us (�od of pp. .q witti i NO LONGER T . .011TURED, L I L . . & Dying Co; Montreal. J� . . one day, L 110 . '. — . I . . . . . I . .J. . . I - . . . Ont . . (ts the blossoms are beginning to show. I , lience always Iq all means. (Rom. Y, . . . L In which one of all the rooms they . . L ' ' .. . THE! SYMPTOMS. ARE , I . . . ! ' L , L . �., - If it flowed to stand lint 11 Well in, blooni 1. 2; xv, 4, .1, 13, 33; 11 Tb($814. Ill. 101.' . A. Sergt..-W heeler in R. C. A. Finds I ' . . like best to sta�. . . . L ., . � . I . , . . . 1. � the stfilldi become woody. t1hore f§ n. - ', ,* A immors. If It Is I Ilus .1thr its t lie 11011 )11 . Care from Agoixizing. Skin , I Mother chose the living room where . we mostly sit: L I I ' � I I . . ­ Tightfiess across the 04est,�-Sharo An ingenious Internal macnine. , . ' g -Pwor lo,4s of leaf it) curim, . and there � ,ni '. I . .� of eating'and ,drinking will keep ,t livir . . ' . I ; . Diseases ; . I Sister likes the parlor nights with the � Pains d'a, Difficulty. in Breathing, a all . Perhaps thv*' niost Ingenious infer- L Ainachinp '6vQr fkvisekl �was­ that .14 tinieli waste and loss, (if feeding, '­ojlp, ' . . . I right lflieo and we' will nevOr Iw f1mild Insist im, that L w.e. Itilly eat this. Illid, . - L . — I I I I ! big lamp lit-, . ScAiretion of Tiiick Phl6gaij at. first whit ei, nal � lor the. of! , killing I ,.. . .. I . . I L . -Sergt. Wheeler Thoi' P. Denneft,'R. . Oranny said her ownty room's bettern all the rest; . .. . btit-later of a greenish or yellowish color . inade purposo Louis phillippc, This - machine., L . . I I . I . . � I I I I . . drink .that, no niattot� wimt Olhom n1a.N'L L honght,, of So F; but. boing IIII&I with I C. A., ,who lives at 705 Albert 9t., Ot. tawa�, describes the relibf-which he got � _ ,. 1111111111111111, ----';'-"- -_ — ­­­ Jack, (he's always studying) likes the . I lib'ry . best; I ' conting from tile bronchial tubes when . . coughing,'especially. the first thing in planned by Fivsobi, ,%Va.,; cakulate(], , to'do the'Nvork of 25 mairksmen armed - .'' .. I . - DYSPE PTI co I L hJ1,.V" Ave, �l I 11 rg kin'gdoin till( g. live. salvation front MD. D, Preseviptionsi ... "It -gives to D I I just love the attic where there s I . the . I witl) inu.,diets. The designer succeed- ,. . . � ' tor the I an(y pillileatloii or oltv - . me pleasure commend � to front skin diseases� I room to swing, � . . 4)r rollet skate, or spin a top, or . . L . iflorning. . I . Bronchitis is genciull�.the result of. a ed -in Icilling A porsofis aii(I'wound- ing, 24, including. lifinself, . 1)at the . 1. F60d Does You No Good . I , ers rathor'than for otir*(twn. gratifien- tion. As believers 'out, self Iffe was ' sufferers Utbree years'[ suffered intensely disease play, 'mosr, anythin . g; i3ut when I asked my father,he laugh. cold causea - by exj)osure to wet and inclement Weather. and when neglected ,king. eseai)vd. �. . . . . ­ Fiosclfl's Inachine coil sh; I ed of . a I .. .- 4 1. 0 - eat'L Half the timie you're afraid to ' ' , I . crildfled with'Chri.4. nild now"we I 11re . to reekon.%that OI(I ilre at-:. di;*d ,itid,. � from a skin which I developed on .the back of my nedli. It grew, 6on- tinually and. sometimes xast off scalegq ed and said that he I . Guessed he*d .L .will become chronic. - . ­ . . L ' . ' . heavy bak platform inounted tinar a ' . - were Upon this YOU, r tongue Is coated, mouth taste,'i bad, otaniaeh IS bloated. If you want ()UNK] and live it new life wl)i)ll,V 11lit a . L ' t' . . jo�ighbois' ad.vipe, prescrip ions,salves � choose whatever pletco I . Mother to bet Chronic Bronchitis -is one of the.most �vindow.- pbitforin y , fixvA,1 §O �uti birrols,' ,-,i(](- 1, .,i(le . epolm tab - to get, Well, slot) using dyisp Ood 40toni. vi, 6 -Ill, not ill a1ly%v:1v .I I ' - . 1. . '-whieli . expensive. blood mealoines were ­ I . . I . chanced � L I . I I . f. I'll TIR Ition,L Cure tb6 1111011n. .. A, .1 _� . 0 A id kreet %1l(I ,,ill depresse(l -to� eovvr tI leto and go to the source. of the tr(nl- ble 'befare It 19 too late. ' Strengthen tolerating anytbing for our - ,, ,, ,;, r1l ; ,I'%- it. 1, .­, 00 laxishly used. At last I found reliei. in D. D.1), i 'y 1. U 11(111 S M n . ­ I I . . N , . ­ � . . . The rural telephone in Tuckersmith - b0low. The ,gun barrels .'%vora CO111- your .stonlach, ca,st Out the -bile:,. regu- . . .. 1. .-.Used according to directions. It re. � � . I - . . . I . . . ,;H�JWZ , . . I is now in running order. The wires � I. &.� 1�brw ay Fine F�rrup ploWly filled with balls and the entire, I -ate tb�cl. bowelsm-do th-ts, and dyspep- � 23: I John Ill, 21i. I I . .. ed Just one bottle to effect 4 cur6. . I �.. . -1 "I .1 I . .. .. I . I . are kept hot�,vvith messa % I I L. IL IL 11 L �, I L k Miss Martha Bou'. rack ilred almost its one 1w means of sia will be no more. . -All tl)nf God works: lit im to will, T"', 1 s6 1 have, no . . ; .. . , . . I . ... I . . . p .90 T T r. . am no longer tortured . . , I C , ., . .. . . . , ,A, tr,lill (if poivcl(,y laid,aleAg' the baelt ]r4or your ,00ndition the. best preverip- and. t6 .do of nis go(KI 61041411ro will � hesUailicy in ocknowledging to ,the , . '' . . � L � I � '.. . . get, Little 'Pabos, . . I � . , Bearine the standhrd halle pomade, + Brondhitis - , + MiL 1l1,j,-,­.h,,gvnious piece; tion Is Dr. RamlAon?fi, Pills.,; whi,ah lip. app�otvd, , Wif all that Is.,'Of OU world the worth atid - I I . . � . , is made from the greas6 of the Ca Qtle., writes: "Last O)f 010 platfOl .great, viltue of . , That.". - 0 . . . 1, � nad' I + .Cured.. + Spr ngLy . was, very of intilebinery for. the destruction of made �pecfally for the stomaeh� krid. , If ot, to please� juoy will )rovo D. D. Dili . .. . � i Rn Bear which has eaviest coat . 1110,111 ift NvIlich � Inay. be falillil tilp. neys, an,4 Ily.m. INTo better reitnedy wdll for se I . . . - . P Id' I � the h 14+.+,+,, I - IL pol I . ble . ()' be ' Blood medicines. 'eanliob* kill NO S16 .. " � I . . I I I 1. + - DI -13,, had & bad , bo 6ovise4, for Dr6 11amiltonea Pills �arci to I)e wood,, lnt.� unAl sibb t , . I . - . '" 1- - eou , sick , . .1 - ' 11 I .. . , J_ --r-T�-v licad.. - t1l( T ,n) Maxi'lil !ZUI , Perfect. I I burned 'up (I Cor, Ill. 11-15). leh Is .germs In the skin 'which cause eezema . of hair of afiy ani mal. 50c.. & jar' . I principle of llo�lt' , I . . .1 I � I " 1�n elleelt onrlrvoldlio I A, arititit) with."frov"nife-e . ,. Making drains is now,the ion no LL to Fiesell? wifflo lie, Was I s , could not occurrvd A tiiabther skin diseases. Salves fail be- .� ' I , 01R. HAMILTON'S. PILL6 1104"letit.selit of.our lesson ls- . efeat for 11neumonin. To stot) % cold . . . . oceu�atloe Nicep. and was tired all t . they cannot 1.,ienetrate. 1), 1). D. Al"'A'Al" sta'"t alul Int . of rnoRt of our townsmen, our V 11 � itne. T+00n. morvill" in tilt- ni'lliv. 11,110 .idva bc- I willstirely be --dry". . * ' Cause 11rovelittes p sitfor than to lot It ron , curried io hiiii ngvlr� wilm, be bOM110 I llorors* only, that they may-- b(�Judged .., % . . stilted two'doetors, and both told .me I . . kills th �vlth A SURE OURA.' goes right into the pores, e, oblisred to our'). it aftormi,rds. To. be suro. I'm. � � ' ' I So i I � I votitles will onro. oven a depplirseated cold, buk I When you'go to the country tait had bronchitis, and advised.me to give tip n m6niber of flit, svel'vt A! Ot Y I . 0 .for I hi�,Ir works4 and h0vo thPlt. p1,1C#8 .germs and cures, ... 11 I ill 1,01 vdrlv-�-ftt tho IffluAlro StAge-thok I)r(..q,l,, Ole - I - � -it tin of Davis� Men thol­ Sal-y"loing._ tlofwhilig� _Ltried almost everything but - _knD.wu_,tw_1bv 11'Wrlits (if ,Nf(-Iy and Citi-. "AN10 one Could t.oqli?"(4.,tn-v..,.Sytrr,�,iqtilgq agslig it * I tr - tbb hNydbi "-d ped' thei om, .,111 - , a0or Itee--mmole bottle of Y JD D , 1wail tiff the4i owly coldil, Thnt!g s6rely better. . . - ___ ___ - __ _ W "10-_ Presbiip � S rM ,d Indigi7aflim,� .' must -'not fie confoonded with-ffie i tion 'write 6 tfWD-T) 1) Lmh­ Is why tbov A% 8, . -_ - - It is un lualled to relieve eariich,�,, none of tii� medicines qave me any, rcliof'." zons.-by whotil 1.0 )VA,._­1i1i___I,Jo as:iits- - from siol-Aftell'trouble all . nuir � itto IledIlrevefit, I _ I . ,or t vot bi,eul well, 11ri-vetitlestin, little candy Cold "i es. X6 QuIn- . sprains, turns, onts, and brfilses; : One of my friends advised ine to try Dr. sillato illp l'ing. , I . . . I .. I lvem �,va.ri I have i f Matt.- xxv or the great White' oratory, Department,rie, 2.1 3okdtin 1�1 .. . , . ie, ." - . 4'....".. . . -_ - I my food (IiiI lyle no goodt; beeau%(. �11 mok'"t 0 I. hlo, 110 DIIN'Siv, nothh)g 8101coning, Mce 16r tile -11 wood's Nonvav 1" I syrup,. I ' had � . coamn't d1gest or assimilate. my doe- throne,of Rev. lit. � St., Vro'nto. � flillfiroti-stia thoroughly safe too, If yoll ivel , " I � I . ­ 1. .1 . . . .­­�_ 1. __ 1!911�_ I warcolv taken 'the first bottle when I . Disposition of '13rdeders. tor said constipation was at the root or %, . I . I F or sale by All druggist4, 011111"ifroll mvvy.("Ifyoll ftelix-all owl-41111kot I bp,ptn io get befter and when I had taken ' ' . I I . . 1�r;wilnflt,,T, ih,oniptnem inity also save hilif ymir . Toa&,g 2hospho I &W,' tlie lourth bottle I felt as well as ever. my It, breedii),­ proritabW horsos eartt iny trouble, oo 1: got Dr. 14-ainlItonlo ...b -'- -.,_AW.iW__ � - � Alma] Mcknes.q. Awl don't forlot ymir ehild, ii 'I Pills, ,'�Iy aliqw-tite iniprov�,4, paln after . I I .1 . . I a vit-ro, is fPv,,ri.Aiii­-;, nitzlitor ( ay. Iletein prol).. .. - . I . . tough had left ific and I muld 4leep w�11.1) -4110tild be 1:1111,011 to '%elect animals .. I I ) I 12 oathig ecased, and my food- dlosted, CURED d�� g "!Aiv 1XIe.; Prev(..10, J 411fuAtt'st 0100.1ley, -Smlil lit , Plid th-ent ROM& JUMOd d% In (.� lot- th-, imoko. also Ill 250 )i(11.6,4 of 4& - 0 knot;ll to posspss* de,dr4ble qualitI04. (11lichly, I ain Alolighted with the - N S IN 94 HOiJRS %",,q . Ilimtm,;CA. hlslaon�our Alftiggists alvIng you 1. Tones and InVigoraboathewhot - Dr. Wood's, is the original Vine Syrup, thor- 146o 0 R .... . I ratein, malted, now It is put ur in b, yellow wrapper, thice should not be bred, odph min, I Alt,rivou from � X)r. 11aimil- � you enifflalplelisiy romovo an CON.14 Q ASTORI A . vletow.4 maros , I I ither . . . M, i vp Nel'o. hard, qoft or bleeding, bil appillylig tilmll's ,, . . Blood in Ai Al Veins, Out I Vor Infantaana Children, calth., I Oita D"�J, Arental and Bf-uft wbt,ry, Dee. pine trees t to trade wark,-atid the price I.;v(wr y , (18lisnod) MAXIMIN' V. WATAU'R Col,11 T."Xthletor. Itilever urlis, eaves 110 111VAll, .0 � eat* hAd eliql-lo-AVoned horsps tot"4 I'Illq, . & pondent " siong. srmir%� 25 cents. There.are inany iiiii(ations of ' * . ' e;)iit,tiit,,iiii)n(,I(lq,lsli.,tvtnl(-s.qbccitllsec()nll)04(1A I .11, lmiaZ Wealkwits, E�kiq ,wnd obire it nutriber of 6ersons to pre I "BrIftunvate'r." - (lilly of he't1log gums and � 1110, KInd YOU HIM AINYS 8011ght � 1"tor)IIAM, and �Wols of ,Abime oP .F4XC 8 , 11 Dr, �Vood'm " so be sure Tou receive . W 1 ttryoam it I . pri perbox,sixforur one,willploft8es. 'genuine w1ion, you ask for it. - tllc matum. grnvos and eripl& othprs, Q1110C rov,1110 11W�Ivd tile uso ,or tnrt uio, Curo lvkrantee& Sold"y 11 aftgls S. 1�0 . Will d0b. Sold by hit dfiiftfsts or ma, le -In wh6v'lllp material dddiit�e they do 1.4 -,1llJ1tl)ll1, es! Refuse subs till 8. ^ plain ly riec, lVetopet Wee Afannfachired'onl� by The T, �lilbura TT .; 11111p; thili ll1pdICIll(,- ,_,w, bottl � � - # _ 11 .1 � 130w��- tho I I 11reviclIntl C%'r.S " : " 1. T _ I et!"I'("'; PUTNAM S. . I I & �. � , �%. � Modidthe Coo' qIlln, eflamderable. ,ill' trouble fit title r-totnach. and klgm,- I LMS , ,,, .� 'e. �-ie , Att I., ge; I __ I 3� - :� ;,- '#W -1 .. I 1!JartV it Co., Limited, ToroiAo, Ont. .....". - - t: a- - . 6,tu�,t'svo zzg . ,:Tarentol, Onto I 0 � i,ive wisaus by I-einoving tho taum. , Sold bY "ALL , DRUGG'[STS"' i I . . 11 ­ . I I CORN, EXT R 0 1 1 . . . '. . .. I � . I . , I A �� T . . . . I . I I � . I . . I 11 k . ..* . � I . � . I � � . � 1 � '% . i 4 1, . . . I . � . I I I t 4 I � I , . . I . V . � �. , I , � - . 11'.'" I 1_-,_--_1_ - _Awaiddilawwa. ---�--�J------..-------.--.—.---L–.—. _'_ I—. I ...... ­_­­ ­ I __ ...._.__)__­­ ...... ... ­ . 11 . . .. � _.__ - - I I- ,