HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-11-25, Page 20
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110 , * The Clinton X4w Era I I . Nov. 0
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.1. I 11 . th - 4 d swi-doWn,
t,b9lids, lip e a #
' a not A
. ara way
6y=,4a'n'1d p,QQ 1�ottles At all ,drug-
gists* . .�
Be sure you. get oe,-genulmi. -
.. . I
I I pavis . & Ulmence Co., Montreal,
I .
_4��__.____* 1 - I I
The New Bra �
Is publislied:every Thursday at
the Nlmw BRA Rrlatlng� 130URPP -
Terms of subscription --$,I per year .
U advance -, $1.5Q 1 1
. . may be charged if,
not 80 pttid. No Paper discontinued
Illatil all arrears are. aid, unlesivat the
o ition of the publifiger*. The data to,
. which every subscription is paid is de. -
v ated on the labeL .
Aaverth,.'rig, rates. �TrAnsient adver-
tisements, 10 cents per , nonpaiel, line
!or first insertion and 8 ceiLts- per line
for each subsequent insertion. Small '
ndvert.iseme � nts'not to exceed one inch
uch as "Lost"' "Str ad " "Stolen,"
I te, inserted once for 19 c;,nts, or one
monthfor$1.0ommunication . a intended
T-ar publication must, as a PiFantee of
. ,
good falth� b6 accompanied by the �
same of the writer.. �
To insufve "publication in' current
saue copy of advertisements should be
seat in early. � I
Contract rates - The tollowingtable
hows our rates for specified periods
aad apace. I yr. Oran. Smo. 11100
I Column $75 00 $4000 P5 00 $10 00
. J Column 4000 2600 1500 6 f)O
. IColumn 2500 lti�_00 - 'S 00 - __3 -00 - -
Column 1800- 1000 550 200
1 Inch ti 00 350 200 W
Contract display advertising 10c per
inch, per issue.
. W. H. KERR . .
I .
__..._._____ ..-.-- �
- '
OLINTON. ONT., NOV, 25, 1909. .
.... . .
_ - - I
. �
" . .
Carefully sa ing and investing his
. tips. a New York waiter has accurnui
lated $5o).ax). rake a t ' ip, young man;
gi thou to,nd (to likewise. I
0 110 be .
The now C,madian cement merg(r
* has appointed for ' itself a general man.
ager with a salary o? $25,000 a year.
And the consuiners will pay the salary
without dcubt. . .
. .
Plowing by steatu in Ontp6rIo, is not
. very often practised, though on, the
large farina of the west it is quite com.
monly done. Mr. W. Forbes, of West
I Zarra. Oxfoid County, is'l�ow trying
an experinient which.if succass........._,,
indn ' cc others to use stearil in turning
,)ver thesod where the fields are large
enough. ,Nlr. Forbes has attachea two
double plows ti ' irnina four furrows to
traction threshing engine and, has
. �
started In a 22 Acre fleld, which he ex-
pects to finish in 4 days and. armuch
less cost t - han that of plowing with
horse 4. Coal and wood are. b6th used
as fuel. . .
THE ChaChain News suggests . that
instead of a fine or ten days in .jail
. it might,be a good plan to sentence
some offendars to -4ten . lines In the
newspaper." .This is its s.umming up
of a somewliat lengthly article on the
sub.r'dt of crime and publicity, in
which it sets out the difficulties of
newspapers in regard to keeping out
. names. In the Pourie ef of this article
it points out that once a case is, in
court it becomes public property, .. and
. I
. the man who make,s threats if an ob-
noxious itein is.'Inot stipRressed is
treading on dangerous ground. It also
StatOS WhAt it very ttue that the so
, .
cial status of a man has very little
to do with grAnting, a request for sup-
prz."'on, and the experience of the
. News is probably, that' of most'pub-
lishers �hat men without a penny have
been shown leniency when others who
have friends And money have been
denied. It is also correct in saying
that this is largely a (I tiestion.. of 'the.
individuil judgement and . whether
witbolding the name will do tho
I mostgoodor harm. Thepublic Find
probably the newspapermen wouldra-
I the.r help a fellow up than down, but,
they bax a a duty to discharge as pur.
� I
veyors of news and some of the very
people who find - fault because nanaes
are published in one case would be
the very i first to complain if they w�r'e
suppressed in another. The . better
way to avoid newsparer publicity in
the matter of offences against the law
is not to he guilty of them. .
. -1
Have One
Doctor. - :
11 No sense in running.from -one
doctor to another. Select, the
. beft one, then itand: by. him' .
Do not delky$ but consult -him
in time when 4pu are sick.
Ask his opinion.-of'Ayer's
Cherry. Pectoral for coughs
and eolds. Then us;, it or
I not$ just as he says.
. I -1 I
- I
We vu ou =,..
1 . tbh k1dattol
wo '= M 613161
A., -
I I I Vtilf M",
Aue A——
Alwtys keep a hot of Ay6rlt Phis in the
house. Ju&toho pill Atbodtitne, floW and
theop will ward of maby sift aftek Of
blllousfkfts�, itidilpirtion, sick ha#Afthis.
How ftity years hike yatit dcii6wfkb6*h
*m01110 Asklildialfibout6edi
; wm*�*l1"t.0.A0ftd**%0"*W(k-ft
. . . .. .
.� �
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. � I I - - - - . - WtUwsky System " '
I ____ __ I- _0 .1 I . we- , Qrsind TrunRV "4 b. ,
. I 111. __ - - " 11, � "......."� . . 61 OR i �11, . Had WeakRack. 11411way Time Table _ PROFE""SIONAL I
�, 11 .
I M . WoWd Often ao 1W ReOL For oudon, Hbrorlaud Bruce. I W, RA'9]D0XJ&,' . - -
� ,,� - L � �
. . . I . jDairs, 090geoly Able To ' � Worth Passenger I)ARRISTS R SOXMITOIRI F40TAR �
� ! ,. I
. I � . Turn Rerself, I London, depart,.. . 8.80 a m 4A) p in I MIATON �
I I C.6ntralia ........... 0.40 5.43, 1 -
I Mrs, Arch. Selinare. Black Point, N,B., i Exeter, ...... ...., 9.53 . 5.54 I I .
0 I . . writes-.-" For years I was troubled. with ' Henssil ............. 10.08 0.05 11, 491111ARLES 13. 191111.1a
weak back. Oftentimes ]�;have lait I . oil I I .�
. it in Kippen ............. 1010
I . I � I . bed for days, being scarcely able to tursi Bruceflelil .......... 10,30 0.19. CONVEYANCER,- - NOTARY .
. . myself, and I have a reat Chirlton ......... 4 ". 11A 0.35 . COMMISSIONER. I 'L.
safferer while tryim to pprforra Lovidesborc......t... 11.18 6 52' I
L � , * LOAN.
. ..... 11,27 7.00 �
� . housebold duties. I' ad doctors atte ,
. I I I ing 4e without avail and tried liniments BelgrAve."..L"...... 11.40 031 . . I .
W I and plasters, but nothing seemed to do Wingbaral arrive,_ 11.50 7.35 i
� ,..-..-. _,,,..0M4n.s Thoughtlessnes.,s L .1 lygood.' I Wag about Jo'gWe Up in L - - ' South L - - ''. � P 1.11 - _
� -
-me al A"Onger - . I -- - H,.', To' L R A ?4 GEY ,
� . . I I . despair when iny husband induced me to WLilogbam, depart., 0.43 am 3.1.33 p ni Notary Public, Convoyancer,L .
I I try Domi's Kidney Pills, and after itising Belgi-ave. � ........... 654 3.44 � Financial and Real Estate.
. I . I two boxes I am now . well and able to (10 Bifth, . 7.08 360 INSURANCE,. AGENT, llelires;,2 - -
' L
discussion arose recently in regard to the practice of some ladies of Clinton, -i); ...... �- " .' 7.10 4.04 . L .nepa. , �!iiig 14 Fire In .
. . . _ 3ir shopping or patronizing t AT, work. I am positive Doon's NidrieY T,ondes ,ro,., ' ,::.:' .: 750 423 1101VISIon court Office,
A toilog, to the larger exties to do thi .,he mail order a are all that You claim for them. and I 0,14ton .......
ousies. Onect the members of the. grouo, while defending the ladies against 1. would advise alt kidney sufferers to give Bracefiel4 ........ �. 8:12 4.89
i , any =gfut intent, stated that women did, more harm through thought- � . , ) them a fair trial." . is,Ipperil.. . .......... 13:23 4.47 '- J I I . I . .. L
- eas than man did from deliberate malice. There- seems to be con- DOAN'S TO WNE Y PILT,S area purely 142 1> - 1,
. I .
', L (Z,� siderable fotxndation for this contention,and certainly if odr fair friend* I vegetable medicine, . realizing quick, per- Hensall,......... ,.. $1, 4M Medit'Al. I
-;&v;. , . Exeter ............ ".. 8148 5.05
6 thought'to. the. matter as they should, they woul * ' m4nent relief, without qny after ill effects. Centralia I .... ... 0 00 5.15 1 , ,
gave as I1111c. h L I . d appreciate the far- I IQ 00. L 6.10 DR �-.. W. T)ROMPSOX,
reachirig,efforts of t , -air actions. I 1. A madjoine that will absoluteh, cure Back-, London, arrive ..... Allian. Surgeon. Etc I
: I . riche and all foruir, of Kidney �nd Bladder' specla) atte4tion given to diseasea at the
� I . I Disease., , I . . Buffolo and Goderich Eye. Bar. Throat, and Nose.
. It is. strange that Women will give largely of their time, energy and money toward . Eyes carefully exanitned, an:1 suitable glx�ses
. educational and charitable institutions, With a public spirit and disinterestedness that -, Price, 50- cents per box. or, 3 f;r $1,25 ' West a Passerger To .
I I at 9,11 dealers or The T.Millourn Co., l,im' ' Aptin Pin P . presexibed. -
is highly cow . I . , -, 10.20 .
L - mendable, and yet.will thoughtlessly do. their coriamunity sufficient harm it6d, Toronto, Ont. � . 9trittford., 10A 129 20 0.9.7 Offica'and ReBidence.
L to inori than offeet their good work in other directions. Yet it is true that many of I m " DoaxVa-" Mitchell., _ ::::, 10,22.'M45' 5.55 1047 Two door& . was$ at Me Coxiiincimial W*;,#4- .
11 the . evils w , hich these ladies work so a. asidtiously to overcome, are directly traceable to , - .:p . I Seaforth ........ 10.45 .1,10 6.18 ]I-12 1 4 wares, lit. ,
this per . n1cioue habit of dealing with wait order houpes. . � . . . ---------- 0 Clinton .......... 11.107 1.25 0.40 11.28 � .
I ---
I I L - f I
It I � . . , . Ho)pieo4jlJe., ...11.16, 1.33 046 11,38 . - .
I . � For the Wks' of , 0 ' goderich ......... 11-35 1,50 7. 055 11.55 Dr. Wo Gunn I I
. if there is poverty or distress, the ladies will bestir themselves. District. News . . . I .
6� I sweet charity they will do onders. They will, organize bazaars and patronize them; East . , 0 Passenger or ,
paying ridiculous T)rices for things they do not want, or at least do not'beed. I 137hek -will __ a in , Pm p in . ".W.Gaulk,z.lz,�C.P..]L.R.C.O.,M.ai
. . � . - I I . . 1.
11 Waste sufficient 6ioney in this way to buy many useful articles frona our local march- I front dogrof ofAce: or realdeace; 4000-7�
_ L- ' Miller's Grip. Powders Cure.' Sold Goderieb ............. 7.10 ' 2.40 4.50 office -Ontario street, Olinton. Night calls av
, a pend valuible time and energy, and in the- end they have acoom- by W. S. R. Holmes, Holmesville .. ...... 7.26 - 2'67 5.00 Street. � . 1. . I
plished what *?---- They have simply helped to artiv undo.tbe mischief that I 4, cider mill hits been introduced by Clinton ............... 7.35 i,07 5,15 .
, in 9 .-I to 3 .
was caused by their own thoughtless ess and mistaken frugality. If the same amount an apple grower near Morden. Seatrirth ............ 7.5. 3.25 .5.32 Office hours at Spital* .M.'
ii .1togoni,
. .
of vital force that was expended in these charitable schemes was directed into tither . . Mitchell ........... * , 8.10 348 5.55 � '
- channels, our whole community would be benefitted, morally, physically, and spirit- . The G. T. P. roundhouses and sh6p Skratfora. .........'..'830 4.15 6,20
. ' . E at E'duiontori'are about completed. . DR - J. W, SHAW
ually.f W.e emphatically state that much of this charity is necessitated by the worse . T brid ' . L . . . PHYSIC11", SURGEON. . .
') . than oolish habit of discriminating against orur own town and our own neighbors. Ouc ,hree government gei are to be . L I
. L State cf0hio, Cityof Toledo,J Accouclienr. ate,, office and residence on
friends can 9"urely see that if the benefit of their purchases remained with the local I I built in Melfort $ask., districtduring . Lucas County issl . I tenbury St.. oID110site W. Farran's residence.
. . merchants, these merchants would. be in a better position to contribute to !ocal Insti- � this winter. .1 . Frank J Cheney makes oath that be . - I �
. .
tution nd would also be better able to: offer am y of the youti ..ple 'It A fire destroyed seventeen loads of er of the fir of F, J I - . . . I
. a.a . . ployment to man . gpeo � is senior partn In
_ -
- --whwhivre-at present to seek other fields. . t . _ ___ ___ � ____ -�,-wbeab-on'thefa�m.ic)f-D-e-an�eronisou-th..--olie.ne-v--&-0-6.--dui-n-,--blw4mg-x'n-tbw -----VW.- .".-AXON-- �
. . . . * 1� . P I ' .
� � I . . . I � � . �. � . . of Nokomis, Sask. I City of Toledo,Oouuty and8tata afore- . DENTIST � .
. . . .
. I I putting thenlatter into plain language, the women who do not patronize the mer- Anew post rffice has been opened. -saie, and that said firm will p" the . (Successor to Dr. Holixes I . . I .
. . . chants of the town where their living is made, ate blind to their own best interests. . at Miiivfield, Man., with Miss McLach- sinn, of ONE -HUNDRED DOLLAW� spectioust inCrown andBrIdgetywark.
I , , I
The fathers, brothers or husbands of these -women Are making their-liveliboods here in tan as postmistrebs. .7 � for eacli'arld every case ofCatarrh that Gr I a . Dental,Bur .
I d I 'ORO liv the twe of Hirli's g � 4ua'e o"be Royal college 0, .
Clinton for tbehaselveg And.those dependent upon them, and if some.of these men are . ompoutid Iron Pills have viot -be cured 0
1 1 . c I's of Ontario,
forced out of employment on accourit of lack of business, bard times, etc,, the respect- . Willei?s ,ye'ihould tf Catarrh Cuts. FRANK J. CHEN BY on or. .. . .1 Uiri"r-ity of ,Toronto Dow!
I I -this town I such virtue that everym : y 8w.orn to before me -and subscribed te'l Dli-r��d_b! ntal sur0arr, ,
ive wives, daugbte0o and sisters are ant to complain of things in general and them. Sold by'%y S. R. Holoaev, -in my preaence,this Oth day (if Dapem- dli.t...f Ch .
� * ors I...,. C-11.9. Of D.
( ell'.
- . - -in particulori How.many alize that . . . 31' t . .
. I � I .. of them will look into the matter suMclently to re . Miller's Kidney and Bladder Pills bler, A. P., 1880. . . Will '!.It B.,fleld .,wry mo.a.y. I I
. they themselves: are partially redponsiblaloi� the lack of business-_ 1.�. " � . I . .
, -
. .. . . . . . . I . cleanse the system atid purify the . . A.'W, GLEASON. . . I A
. . .
I . . . � . . � _. . . . . blood. Sold by W. S. R. Rojines. I ($eal.) � . Notary Public. . . I . . . . .
. . If each reXder qt this article will give the matter careful, thought, we believe there . . - . -r i tern- . DR. H. FOWLENg'. ..
. . The Cornet at Earl Grey;tlie Ga zette, Hall , Cattarrh Cure is taken, n .
. . would be a eat improvement in local business conditions. Do not wa.it for some . at- Seamans, and the News, at Lpre. ally,and *Aicts directly on the blood and I . DENTIST. . � . . .
. . .
Vert gr a . . ;) 'Sask:, are, new Western pap�rs. mucous . . �
. personelse to act. Do your duty as you:see it. - Deal it home. . . burn surfaces of the s�stem,. *. . I
. . . .., . I . I . I �, . I. . I . I . . . . . Pffloes over O'NEIL'E bfore. I .
� I . . . . I � . . . .. . 6 . .. . I.. . I pgBon �ul%ring from Ueneral I F. 3_01-1ENE Y &.CO'.Toledo, G I . . .
. . . " very I . 13peoial care taken to make aental treat.
. * 1. - - 9, . , � . . � . Debili , Jou d taxe itiller's Corn- Sold by dtuggiats,'75c. . . . �
. . . . ty pill .Sold by %'V. 9 R. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti - I .
- � t IP47 ment as painless Ra PO'sdible. * .
� � . 0 �r�n 8 , . . . - tion.- .. , I . . . . I . 11 . . . . . . .
____ ---
�. . .I le'. a d the , thl I W , k und - , . . . . ______1 �'. , - _ �
- .ads 'S. ee � . . -
, . . I.. I . . I., . . . . . I . . . I . . . .1 . A elt-.rgyman writes:. "Pieventics. . I I .
. � . I . . littleCandy Cold .Cure Tablets I . . . _Q . U . , .
. . . I . I I . . . . . ...I I I I � . those . . a__X%JF .. I
. . ,. . I � : . . . . are worldrig wonderful ifi my par* b I? THOMA G NbRy
I a � ,. � I is . Live stock And 'general Auction i&. . '. � I
. . .. . . . .11reventies surely will check a col ent, . . . 17.1
. .. . . . . d, or F6 to Sale. or DXX%_ I . . ..
. . I.. . . I . I I . . I � I . ... . . . . . .the Gri'ppe,*i n few hours. And - ' ' - - . 1. . I I GODER10H ONT -o . ' .
- I I . . . .. . � I 1. ' '�Very I .. ,
. � .. . I . .1 �. . . .. I � . . . � I I I . . Preventics are ,o safe And haviriless . . aall�; OAdets ..,*f &% ... I
. . I , � .. . I . . . sh nor sicken ., Farm to ftellf r - . "' W'§tb'�C "Je$ a spqtl .
. : . No Quinine. nothing bar I � 4 Nzv* Ekk oince, Clintdn, lin;mptli attended ' ' .
I . . I . .
I . . -.1--.-
I I : . . I I . . . . " Jn 9tlessehildren . - __ �. I ___ . , to. Terms. reasonable. Farmerslsa.16 -boi4.. '
. .
01 I . . I . . r . . I Bg .
., Fine foi feverish re,
. . . . . 93c. Mon. H R S.. Tuckernnith, ,discounted . I . . . . - I .
. . . 11 . � . . . . cif 48 itt Sold by; all dealers 011 the 2na conces. I ..
�:! . . . ... . . � I . . . � . I . 100 acres pd,session April 1-4, 3010. Will rent . -_ ; . .
. I I I I ONG, . . .
I . I I I . I . . . . I I After the aje� of fifty people find for oneyea� oill ' N,.. A pply to LXYI STR I � . .
. I . . � . a I . . . " Steel %: �
. . . I . . . . . . G, 'hat.their strength is not�vhat it tised:. � ti. . . . ten, ont. G.1D. MeTaggai. . At.. D.� MoTaggar '
� . . . ,
. I . . � . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . .. . I I I . I . I .. . ,to be, and they frequentlysuiler f . I . . . . .- � I I . . .. ... � I . -1 � � I . . . .. " .
. , I I .. I .. . . . : . . . . I . . � .. I I . . I - : a rc%ni . � .1 . .1 AcTaggart B.ros, . ,4 .
.. I . . . .
I I. ., . . .. . : * . . . . .� - . I.... . I. I I . - . . -1 I an. I .. . I ' 114me uAid tot .,.for Sale - I ., .: I . . � . . ... .,..
� . .. ; .. .. . � . . . I I . .. . . I . . . tion, To a] . ch we recommend iho ., . . 11 . . : . I WINNERS' - ` . I .
. : - -- ' - ' ' - ..
I . I I . I . - .. � . in vigoratink I i V� �
. � sudden exti 66on *And weak heart ac-
. 11 1111101-0" . - �_ - - - , . . - . inic Ferro' inic6iriposed ' , - 7�. , �' - - . - � *
- . . of f resh beef, Citrate of lion- and pure ,On Maole St. one"I.ial.f. acre of gronna,. ALBEW.11,'S.T,' . CLINTON . . ..
__ . - .. old Spanish -Sherry Wine,`N6fliint good fruit' 64c.s slid olheir**F:,P,dl- friiit. . . I I . . . . . 11
. � . I . ojacnjit!,Jlj� �klpplv to � .
. . I � i I - � � . . . . h I - General Banking' , Buisineoil' I . .
. . . . �. . . I I. . could be more, beneficial in stich ca�ses .01198 In AP . , . , . .
... . I - . . . . � ,. �. .1. I ... . � I . I - I. . I I � . .;.. . I ' I., I . . . . I . . .W.W. NUTENS. , ' I ' tranpacted, . :,,� .
I . $1.01) a bottle.' � . . .. . ..
- . . ___ - , . : . , i . % ,. � - �.. ,--. . . I . . . ... � . .- .
- __ , . . . I . . . , . . , .. . o . .� . , - . . - - .. .. I.. � I . I.- - . .."'.. . _. �
� . . . . ,. � � I . . � . "' 'NOTES, D.-ISCOUxTED'' , , , .
Ills I I . . - . �. . � . I . I
. Wj0VWM WW" Leduc, a�e hatiling .Wheat to the rn� I 11, , n(l, I :., Taini lor;�llp,,.or toRe"nt - . .
a ow W , Reliable. tdiel ., '' . .:.NOBODY SPARED', ... . � I . . - - I Drafts issuea. 'interest allowed an . I .1
� . . in *�9 trathcona; Alta, add are realizing - . .. _ . , . . . I . I ___ - . . . . I �'. � . . . I .
r . � . . I � better prices than can be secured., in I , , . For, All'Children. , . '..._ . , . . Lot IG, Huron Road, 'Ooderich- Tp., ft&rne . � I 1. deposits. '. , .: I : , " r I , I
� . , . . L q 0 . . 1, .
WESTERN . � . & their iiiarket to wii,. . . 1. . � I ., � - - Kidney-Troubles'Atta& Clinton Men .3101'sei b4alt barn. Stone stable, good ivs*r , .: . . .1 , .. I 1. . � . I � - .41
� ' * ' I :- . I . I I I I . slipply, Win mostl' in gra-s. possession ' ' - .. . I . . � . - �
I . . % .
�rs �- -NEWS, NOTES . 6risiderfibbi damage. has been done - Bab�'s Own 'Vablets itre tibsolutely t�nd Women, OldLand You � ug . . ; now -or In fall, . tit .W.. BRYDONE I , , ,
- yp a . . .� . . --- . . I 1, � . I .. Hop, I -
b iiairle fires in Aleliorttlistrie'tchri safe. This medicine, is as, good- for . I . . . .� � � . . . .. � � The. McKi -� mutu
. � - - ?J"N I , Patters . on wasburn'ed tynt.and ,lost. the- newborn babe as the wait grown' . '. . . _-7. I 1. - . .. .- I , k! -
�&.Wwww � � I , hild, 'ns no . � - .. .. . Tarill 46 Rent � - . Fire Insurance eo-9 .
.. I. I i $2Z in cash that was in. the house at 0 It cobta, -opiate or pols- Kidney ills seize young and old. �, I � I .
. I . . � - . .._1 � ... � .. I . . . .
I �
. t�e.SecurityEle;vtitar.ColseleVator 'the time. Several-. other, citizens lost onous stuff.' - The. mother who givex . Come quickl� withlittle warning. ': � __ . . ,_G"�deri�h Parm and Isolated,foxin Vedvoi .
* ' * . . � this tnedicirle to ,her child -has , the Children saffer. in their early. years.. �: Th6 Ostrani Yarin; Lot 28,901 Con. of . .
at Biggar, Sask., is completed. ' everything.,. , ' . . . . (;ahlt; co ntrol tbia kidney se&etions. To., 80 s:eresis offered tovent. Apply eFty Only insured. . . I
* . ' guarantee of a govern,mefit arial at - V, -, '* . . ..
. JOSH. cooli. or to AtRS. - J� HALS EAD, � . . . I .1
� 'Ills Girls arii,-Ianguid. 'nej.-vobs, suffer. , . . tf ,. Goderich. ' . �
. Or-6ssfield, Alta., is to have a, good!: Whilstrouridini-up''a steei, D Me., that these sta�tesuients are true. T . .. . 1. . . . Clinton. I . . I . OFFICERS. . ; - - I
I . . . . . . .
skating rink this year 190xISOJeet. .Laren of Peo�apl SaSk.'_ wss - thrown i8rwoithsomethin't.to. eveit. mother. pain'. � t - ..' I . � I . J. -B..McLi�an,Pres�cient,Se&fortl;,.Thos .;
. I I . � .. I . I
- - I ii s..ePO .' 'a ' `__ � ' � ... . I "
. r a' wri, from his horse by the animal t' Ing for B blets is the (inly Women worr)�,.6.ant do dally.work. .. � ' I . 'Eias�r,.Vice�pr�§,,;.*Brucefi�ld,, Thos. 111 . i
. G.�orkb Smith sold a qtrarte ectf horse rolled over U�by'g Own . . - . .
ne - Alta,,, last Week to j p iwabadgeoi� hole.. Th6. . " -sold under'suOh a -Men have lani6 and aching back�'. .. . .� I �,.� Jo*R014L ... .'� � . I , , . � �.. .
ar Olds,' I medicine that .,.a .. . " � . . � . . -Hays Sdr,y.' Treas, Se*af6rth: �
-on: him cutting his face ' . . -, . . I , .. I .
. :, � badly and aldo - rantee...: The. Tablets'' cure The curb-for.man, woman. or child. .. . .1 I ., - . a .. .... . . I 4)
- I . suell - " , ,
Dodd. at, $25 per acre. 1 ;* injuring his side�. - -. ; * . . gua . yo.,.... .Tbel).r4l)prFtLi-iki.loib,;.-,,I,,1)4�-C,�)Riid 66,.Uait- I � . .. - -, . ..
. I.. i 'Is to car'..,the c use� th k e. q -DIRECTO)ASi - . , . .
The Bank of Ottawa- i's g'6ne to 6reof I � . I .. . .. .. � 4ilmepts as indigestioti,colic, constipa- f a 6� idn land Con,'.GoderJeb'Tp:, consisting of 950, -e .
I ,
a brincli on the old citv 'site, Ile - . . . . � tion,. diArefioea, and teething troubles, . Bo6th's.'Xidney Pills cure..sieft kid- Pori particulari, sliply: 1 to W. BIMM E. . . 'Ja�'.',-'Connellyj f1blinesville; Johlb... , * .
. gina'. 1 - - . .. I I ..: . i I a, break up colds' -and neys. - , . - - -.11 - � Lf . .. . . . 1. . . I Qlintoii, W kt, Haklo&; , G. DAle,. Cl'into �
. **
. pa I ying,$09,000 fox it. I , I `- , '. It isn't ad difficult to strengthen- a I 46sfrofworty . � : . . ,:1 . � I . '_ .. I . ' ' a ii, M. ... ..
. .
I . - , , ..
. . . I thus preveixt dcaoly Croup, 'Sold -by Cure all.fornis of kidney suffering. , I . � -; . . Chesney . Seafoi th i - J. . 8vans' - Beech. -
The house of Ezra Strouie,of Green- 1 week Stomach if one goeaat it correct . . . .t.- � . . I . � ), I " . .
' medicine de%lers or'by -mail at 25 rents ()linteth- testimony pi-oves 1, . .. . ". 1. .
side dist,rlot, bear WatsoO,.-Sask.'. " was. ly. - And this is true of the Heart and I woon; J. G.,Gri6ve, Wixxthiop .
, a box frorhThe Dr. Williams' Medi- 'Mrs V� X. Mogridge of -Ontario Road . : � . Fo'f'Sale.. I . . .1 I .,�. J. . Bed -'.. 1.
destroyed bifike with conteD0. . , Kidndys.* The old fashioniW way. of - cine Co. Brockville., Out. . - - � - � , Clinton, Onr,,., eAys.'-.1,Sitice the early , . �'. I , ___ . I � . . .. �. ne*ei�,. Brodhagen. : ..., . I .
. . ' .
' '
. . . . . .. % . - . � On Raglan. St.. Clinton, near the Collegiate Each Director is inspector of -losses (a I . kv" .1
I The Bank of'Ramiltbn is erecting i dosing the Stomach or stimulatifig.the. ..: I bad. suffered with occasional, Thstitute, the residence ot Xr: J. Hou.stoil, Two .�
111 bank building at Roland,Man,,30x50 Heart or Kidneys is surely wrongi Dr . . I ... I I . .. I I . I winter ' i -his . - , ,. . . .. I
. . spells of headache Arid dizzinbss.,and . . .i y.
'With basemeni, at a c6st'bf S10,00Q Shoop first pointed out this error. "Go . . . .. 44'... �. . . storoy brmc.libuse. with conservatory, large .own local.'t . I . . ... . . I
. . I . I . li, . � , . . .
I I . I . . . .. 1there'was'a constant, bearibg ONV�.n law-ii,fruit trees,. tapple', pear. olicrty,'peac - . Aokiqm . , � .
. I to the weak or affing nerves. of - these . . I.. . . � I . .. I . . . aciQssthesimallof my .1 "I berry bashes, btc,) Rouse way be seen b.�, . I � I
Sixty cars of material w�re �unload- , . , . pain, , back 011'.. . �
. of these organs", said be. 'Each inside . . 4 F IT. - ' - - 'applvingto Miss Jennie'Rolihes. .For ternlii,. Robt. Smiih, Harlock; .4d'tj, Hinc�ley .
edat Russell, Nlan., last w6ek, for I - I I . ., . , felt languid -and.d one out and.iry 90-11 writ; to J, HOUSTOX,'34 augraxe st., W1 -. �
N� n. organ has its controlling or "Inside . . _�_ . . . . � Seaforth; Jaim�s Cumming, - ggmond. - ,
constru -Alon work on the., C. . 1: . nerve." When these nervesr'fall -then . I . I . . �. � ". I . ., eral'healthwas greatly run - dov�n; I nipes. I I . . . ..1. . . I :. ville;.J. W. Yen, HoAmesville I . I . I
next season, . . . . those organs must surely falter: 'This - * Gosinping. . . I . . . . had ttted,s6yeftl remLies, butfour.i%d .�' .1 . .. . I . . I . I ... . �__ __ . . .. 1, . . . .
. . .. . . . i
i leading dru . gg ' Fidgeting. . . . . . . little orno. relief. The lumbago -be. . : .., .� 'Gir;s Wanted. , ` . .. .. : . I .. . - ' . . I
Rev S. Ryall on leaving O,tlggry waa ,ists every- . . . .
vital truth is ' . I . cameso severe that I.Could uotstoop. .
. .
the,recipient of ,a gold headed calls of I where to dispense and: recommend 15� Grumbling. ' - �:, . . . . I over or. stra Ighten myself up. Vlearn 1. 1. . __�. . .. . JA-OOB -TAYL.OR ' '
ebony presented by the young people I Shoop's Restoiative, A few days test fate is against you. Overator� i)nLadilisl Whigtig, and Williewear, . . -1 .. I � . . . .
I . I .ad of Booth's. Ktclnev' Pills and prb- 1- . . . I I
- . � :.. Saying that, . Good Nvages. Steady worl., � . eLINION * -. 1. .
. Sold by all dealers I ' curing a box at A] -.7,29.tf , , . .
of th:! Anglican church. I. , will surely� tell! I -eath * ' ' ' Ir fto] ines'Phai�ms cy - . Tbe.9TA10NIHITH . .. I .. .
I . � -. 10ifiding fault with .the w . at. . - WEAR;,CO.. Berlim Onti . I � --- . - I . .
.. �,Vhilst ffiretbing on the farin oftbi , . . . . .0 I . ., I . . menced tileattijent. The headaebts �. I �. I . 1. . I . . . I . I . 1. . . I
. - . . 0011) . �
.late A McKellar R Haggerty: of 8 tony . � . . I . I Anticipating evil it! the future, . . dizilness had soon gone and-in-tbe . . 1. . . .1, . Fire, Life and Accident . .
* ;1 and . . '
Beach near Pense, Sasic., had his arm. - .- 381DITORIAL-IIESINGS � :. . . . I . ..... 1. .1
, Pretending,an ,h's Kidney ,Pills,' I . It og Insurance , I
I . . . d be your ,real self. one box of Boot . lys Ha( -k Cider Mill - .
broken in three places.,. . ., i - . I - .. . . , , � .
I , I . . . I . . .. .. . . . Going ar6nnd with &'gloomy face.' , 'Ifoundacomplete*.aud lasting.'eure * __ .. .. . 1. I . � .. . I ... . I I .
. Mr. All Y. McLean', M P, 8outh Hu- . th . . . I . . .
. J 8 Thompson wh6 expects- tw'.Nhve . . . � . Fault findln�p�, ,.nagging alad worry- elumbogo, laniass.trongandwell - - I I .,. .... 11
. . � . blend. will be, in Inn operation. this tail. and will � * -
Laney, Sa,sk., for thq eft,st in a fiw ron, has given notice of a resolution ing, . .. � I . as evev andfselgratetul inrAcom) itnd all apples tbat. conia ard,vi Real estate bought 9 nd Sold ' I - -..
I . . 1111,111ake apple .
� * * - g tg . I . I
,dava was preilented- with 'a Ourse of fo ' I I . I � . . . - ing Booth's Kidney 1,11N."'. Sold by br. . � . Money, to loa . .
. racommittee- torevisethe rulesof 'king offense when none is intend I r. '%Nlill.egrindiN.toi3(ltL3,.Tue.qdaN- and Wed* 1
$16() from his many friends. , .. I . . . Ta . . .. .- Dealer's.. 11ricie 50 cents.' The R. T. �.nesdar., JA5 OARTWRIGA�'. ,.4wlis ��. . I .. . . 11. . . - I . .. _.
� . . , . . -
. . I
. I a .. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., 8016, . _� I ; . ,'' r .., �
- Varliament with av'iew. �G simplifying. a. , 1 . . I I . I , , .. . .
The G. T. P. is - building another ' . . I . , . . . . _ 9 . .
' I . . . . . I
,,kyardat Tofield, Alta.' During procedure, and curtailing unnece6ary ' Dwelling-.o.rt fitnei4- S. ights .. 0,Vd, Canadian Agents. " .., � Office Isaac Mroet, nex , door - to -New. '. :. I
sto( , . . . .. . � . ; . . . I . I 1. � .
tcepiist6w days tan �cars - bf,",stock. Aisqfisstori--�- This is an excellent.move, WrOfIgs. - - - -- .' . . . . S.'alesMak. tftilted - - 'Era , - ". � . . . . .
I .. . . I
� . . � - � I . .
. .
have been shipped from that point., 11 v6 been in I ads last - sea- Talking big things and doing .ainall .. . WhIoleoi- pAr� time; liberal,terms: . . I . �% . . � . . .
. and �shauld ha - � . � .. I I . __ __ - - I � .
. . . - ..
� I
Superintendent PriTn)rdfe,.R- N.'W. siorl. I . . . � . Xones.. . .. I . . . . pifollipt'pay.' Outfit free.- Over 600. . .. . . .
M.R,Maclead, ha ed that '. . I . "Scolding and*flying into - a passion heres'in tr4s. Write at olice. Gaii . I . .
. I . .
Granums Alta., wiq have N regulai * , - , over trifles, . . . I . .. � I . . . . Adals oldest Narspriesf" . � . . .1 . . .1
. I - 41111ard, On Lilkinkeril Curels volds et . ...
officer of the force install.od at once, . . I . . Boasting of what You do' instead of � .. TIHOS W. BOWMAN& SONS CO,Ltd . I .. .. .-:!� , -
. � 1 114 1 ... . (AMWOM -.11
I � I
John N14lock retiring district super- 1. - -.- - . - _______ UULIAS it. , , - : I . . . 2!-02-13 � . .. ..,Ridgeville, Ont. . .
intendent of t - he C. P. R., is in a to- . . I . . . . . OThinkIng that life is a gridd and not . CURES CATARK ASTHMO . . . � . .1. .� . .� 11 __ , I
I . - .
- .. �_ I I � . . I . . Bronchltis,:Croup, Cotighs and CoW 4or. � .. 01 I �
.sp . w i
f, active mood to become a candidate ' . 6ith living, , � I - . I . I . . Teacher Wantell, *- . ..
. )r, I city ecluimissioner'at Calgary. � . , .1 . i tit yourself * money bacL Sold and gauantad by -_ I . � �. . . . ..I . .
I . Talking continually abo. !, I 1. . I . . . � ' . . . .
- Contractor 3 no! I. and yout? affairs. .. . I � I I 'SNo I Auction'Sale, .
PouladnAias applied . � I E I � Teacher wanted forS 90r6derieb. .. � . I . I
. at the building Inspector's office, Cal- - Depreciating yourself and maldlig W. S. R. Holmes. Clinton. ,l,ownship duties to.commelice Jan- tat tilvetySATURDAY at the AUCTION tOtSP.
ITT I . � . .. .ill
gaty, for permission to build ari exten SO � light of your abilities. I I . I I 1. . . �o_ 1910 apply stating salary to Robert A. GODII.ArCH. qales,e6ndaeted anywhere. any
Sion costing $20,000 tb Braemer lodge: . . . . _______.,._______ -1 Tbompqon. Se . Huron Itbad Taylors tipie. ,'vierallandise. real estate, live stock, etc. .
I . I I V - . Saying lunkind things' about your I . .1 I � c '. Lt. W. B=XnTT, Auctioneer, I .
The latest' addition to 'the list of . . . . . 0.1. Godeivich, P.O. . . 1 .phone JOS Box 183. Goderich, Ont �
Saakatchewanvillagesare the towns PIL . I . . 111,equaintances and friands.. Could Not Slee "orn!" I . I . . .. . .. -_ - .
. of Mimes and Leslie. These towns I I . I Exaggerating and making n.,.oun- I . . � I I 1� - � , . . I . ,-, I I
' � . . .
are. on. the Yorkton Lantoan ex tetislo'n 1, , . .. tains out of m0I hills, . I . I I fleater For , Sale., . .. .0 e ts I
. I I
of the -C. 13. Et. I I I Lamenting thee past and. holding on In he An-Fark. � ,.. .'' I Mo I! m . n I I
I I i .
I I I I I -
Ill � I
� .
11 11 I
. 1,
- I
I. I I I
I 11
- I
HLO t"V10-fi4f, I 1,
. I .
. The Elastern I Townshi I ps bank has . I I . to disagreeable experiences. _ I I )Doctor Said Heart, and oa chaer'Art ( I mal beater for gale . - I Choice Designs . . . . I ..
Work once in a while and take time , Nerves Were ReSponslblti-� to GEO. DAVIS. I .
15 , Alta., land teltove all the trom . blei; facts I - I to ren43 . . . 1. ... . . I . . I � , . . I . . I " Best Mat ' 'als, I .
taken tip the option n �gfaeot lot on . RE'. .' . . A�121)01 y . ,,, � I . � I
Itedpath street, - �aethabi I tick 1�caaseho w your enargie,s�� ' , 1. .. .. . . . . ,eq, . . .
� , dent to a. billotis State of tba system, sach Big ' , I . to .
I for the purpose of EL bank site. . The.. Bizziness, Netiiiea,- Drowsiness Vatresel af Wititing round.for. 6hanceg to turn .. Thore is many A, mati and,woman t--- ' - ", .
� �v 111g, I . . � 11
I ter ,.It af t.(,r �Iigqt ul)on. A, sleeplom bed. - I F6r Sale. or Rent, I
price paid was $10,000. . leating,PalitiotheSide &c. Whiletheirinost up. Go And turn them up;- . . Jnj . . . . I
. I . . Vifeir eyes do not elose.in. the .Rweet and . . . .., I _. , .. , .! ..., , ai" '' Dotgo: - . .
'ibepl,()babilityof-aconte.st''in th(, - 'claiilkikblestle.cesshu.�coni�ownincdring . Wri�inglctters wheil .the bloodi's refres'll �opoi,�f� diat Comes to those in 110"meAvilla, �'-of-ftil.ae�d of Iftlid, WHII R , J %4 1
I I . . 11 I I I I.. � I 1, .
by election in the Olds constituency � hot, which y cia may re�gret later. . . �1111 I't , n6rvesnre ri,&t., 'Ronlo good frrmw house orgaven roonis, N10c liftehol), Oppbsite the Post 061ce - .01intou. '. � -
all, 1 � . I
A, 4 1. G��nieffl . . C ^ Ir . I � . . %01040 he I . I I -Ao(l_,;lie(1 avid stable aud a Urge fMyne Imild- . . . ., .. . � I
made necessary y . _VJ,_ � � . . Thinkingthat all the good chances (101114fituti0ft-M (U8t1lr11alicv,* :,)%oiry or .
of Ron. Duncat Marshail to the cab!- % l. . pl?78 fird n 'tated Ing having been itsod as rt Olooning 111111. Plenty
. -net as minister of agriculture. is not lb Readal Ut�e Itt 11 a d opportunities are gone by. - diseme haq so* d6ilik"t6d ull.(! irri of good watot. Sssessibn anv time ither the
. - I valiz,"', I M . I iowofXowinber. Applytol�,IIOTTOIJ. I
, .. � : I �. r". la loin Congtilistloti,turibigandpre- Thinking'of vonp8elf to the e�nul- the nervous syste;i1,,tl1at,,.it cannot be . 1411ronflogul
eight, - . .. I I I * pgA1111 . Tepla"Ift Yale* [at ,180 quioted. � - . . I . .
. on of eveig,think and .everyone e . . _ -1--�.------".-.-.-.---..--a-,�,-
I Tito interior fittings of the view post- e6fre a Borders the .%Irs, Caivi� Stark,' Ila,;sinore, Ont., _�__ I .
aple Creek, 8ask , are be ' I'veraridrehnktat . . lat yon wolild br, hap. tes I � ' For Safell . � I
office at M, enred - wri ..Xbout two yea'rs ago I .,vgan . . . .
. 11 lie _pt4_C0__k)r_P1rO1IlTl'- fo�be-trouhlcd with a--%�vt�otlici�ing,-ti(,ti','.'I-;,
' - %yola "11 Draamlog tl'
ing rapidly placed in po-sl4pli, And it .. -,. ' : . L __ __ _ pier in pp,in_e._0t_._ _r . � __�___-.__ 1__----._______._
. is expected that -the building *111 be' ' � � . � 1 . stance. I . . � tio,i tit. night, wheft I -0ouldlie down. I !' Tbo,i�.J lot 04*iii the BaN field Codc,0806n, Tp.
-handle its mails in two! . D ". . c,f Gode 101.,100 acres 1116ro oi, Iess, 85 swres
read y to . . l Achollft 6uldbe almmtprlcoloato those*, Belittling those whom yod envy, be-, got gl) ' ' I could not sleop in the durk,. V Wired and untler (,.ult! mtion, the bitlanee linsh
wb*s, . . . . I ho cause you:feel that they ate superior and wo'i't'�d' have 'to sit lip '11id rub 11Y add JAM
; Atifferfroin thisdistressingeontillaint-, butfortil. I �llro land, good Ony lown; Ina 11ollse
Inately flielt 96odfiesadoesnotend liero,filid those to yourself. li'llb.s., tll(,v would becolile Ao 11111111). end lar;to fra-ino haviron the prainises, This ig
I h .1 "10, 4 W a flnestack fami. Apply to Nv. W!OTT, Bruve.
I Two ii.ewspaveryi are being laune k , Vllo once tfy thelawill. find theso little pills vat I I a It all I be 1�rf)
by tha Moafio Jaw comphny, tho Tug.� ablolo so many vais that they Will Ilotbo w,ll: I Spoculating to Whitt you.would do AIV d,)et,0r'*4%id'J1 v I " ( ' n "a"', or JOHN M610Y, 46 Hing ,811,, F';, I
Lorelittru News-, 111.19-todOlvitliout0em, 11titafterallftl0kh" itiflomeoneels6's place, And do your rf�1)01113ihle. I ,,.j.w AliUmrivs 11 art a d flatillitlin. � I I
aska Journal and the . box to . 11 � A..�
Record. DrJeeoopla lodal,manager beat'in your own. Serve Pills advertised and got, 1.
for the former and tit Loekerbie Air Gazing idly into the. future and try flibin. I took three boxes and Pan Cotirt t I lit'visioll. *
tho latter. , I . E t3reatrikigabout it instead of making n6w lio down and sleep -,vitholit t1w ligl.t - [
. . I I s t I i 6 b a no.. 0! P." "Iyedit ,,It burning and eati rest Well- I Call r(�COIII' NOTICH Jk boreb.N
AM % wbora the most of the presen C; lli�ljlv to all n6rvous and run i 'i�Ulven tll%t a Court Nvill bo
Vaty little grain is being shipped Votnal-conrgicitbousE Ourplilsearalt.-A,hiii - I 111mid thein , � lold, pniAllunt. to lie. (intario yotersv Lists
through 0algary &t the lormnt time, *thcmdo not, . . down. wolnon, 1 4 Act, bV 1119 Honor the Judge br the (1011II&Y
r�.# 1,0 #.I.. 1'.1j,tv , f 1111y'n at� the Town
the farmers appaient prtferring to
It litter in the
hold their grail � I
ttera Uttio tivet Nils sio voty ftalt and
Iver eas a 6 rhyopill6rattkoa ow.
h6' t strictl Veg.tAb16#nadonn I at
Children 0 '
� I 1) 11)
. of 3 for ,I . .
- I'l'ie"() cents P" bOx
,It, all dealers, or mailed direct on r,�eeipb
1101, Clinton, an 8A1 U90AY, the Vtli day of
Noyp ipunt. iwo, at io welool, ailn., to hear
�errors and 61111
I I -
t��i �!�� - Ir
, !- ,.--.. - ., _____
I ,
eason, 0n-Xov, 3only'lo carawere
:ltarnined by the local grain jhtpeiltft
,� t t Or It lion ri Who
� . I
. ;f, price, I)v tho,rl. Milbuth 00-941111ted,
Toicinto, " V W
and deternline, 06inillaltitaor
Sionil In the Voters'Ll%%sotthe lualeloslity-1 I
Clinton, foil V09. A�
I . .
Children Ory
I I I "013 IM1011111 00.iMN %OIL
, . ., �
__ -
"I'MMI At C t Itobvillis 11til 416,y 6y x6voillb".. I
- '..
Several pro-miftmt farmers of the I
'ItIllitrilobi'About twelve mi!ei west of,
. d ILI W, k, hd him
WIN011041' Z111d*0111 d"'t" 6101h;�4'04
- �t�-
, I .. ............ -
X10k;V4.4 t1*110em etttwi aaft.t IN cibi'm
. I TOWUlto ok. ,
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