HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-11-04, Page 8Mi - The Clanton Now � are NOV, 46, 1909 wo- I" Plaw I ...... ... I CLINTON TKURSDAY, NON, 4. 19W 140cal Notkes, BOYS 7A TIMY OR TINQ V PH $� 0 Dril Apple vlel An ricalpanis 7 '" alobefib ZA ONUROS.,01a on. OR. list. Specialist, will be at R. E1011311�0' 1)VUfr store, on WedueRday Novo 171'h, G'asses prorrly fitted, E deafneati, catarrh, and tat Ing eyesight treated. All day. Local X ems. Recent Purchases Havo Boca very Fortunato In a stock of Writing Paper and Envelopes to match, boxed 24 sheets of paper -and 24 envel- ope's in each. Most of it is equal in quality and quantity to that for which you have paid 25C or more but we offer it to you ith profit to nurselv0; AlWaYSPleased and much price advafitage to you for I 5p �L box We are at all times. pleased to re, celveloc4l noos. �,eact or bring I" with four qtyks to select from. the facts.; we'll do; the rest, Tbe coml. Ing and V401119 Of Huron County people Mutual. Profit are always welcome items, Annual Meeting TopNlglkt I . is the p1qasing idea.. Suppose you try how it works L The 100al Y. M. Q A,,will hold their annual meeting, to -night (Thursday e out here, R.�memb r 24 sheets of paper, 24 envel- for the al ' ectiqn--Of 0 f0cers. All th" opes, good quality, four kinds, choice 150 - men in town are invited to it tiona at the X. 14, Oi A., room and become membcr4, Rine S1106tingy E wo D. Fair 2- o. DoWt fox -get the Rifle shooting match in Blyth on Thursday and Fri- day, 'Nov. 11th and 12th, Class A will compete on the 11th and B and 0 on OFThN THE CHEAPEST the i2th. Good priies pxe being offered and rar; sport promised. ALWAYS THE BEST House Rented With only twolinsertions cf a house to rent secur4d a tenant through the columns of the Ngw BRA, Mr. D. L, Gibbs, the new, grocpry merchant in town, having rented the house owned .................... London Exhlbition For -15 cents by Mrs. J, C., Townsend. It pays to adyertise, If any of our rea ders happened to; return from London Fair this Fall by A trial subscription to thoNg W Erm until Jan. lat,1910, costs only 15 cents. A Big Increase the special train, billed to leave Lon- G& C. 1. vs. C. C. I at Basicet Ball ()as ms pffietipp Winarnsm h.0 )-A I don 10,50 p. in, on the night of Sept. A very int I erealiap game of basket an increaseof $109311 fortbe seven -Inst4­�--­ months ending Oct. $1, 10W ov6r the es to this office. tate. gymnasium between team a from Butterick. same time a yeat ago. Customs 001- Whe Hom,6 'Store First the Goderich and the Clinton 0. L -on leotions for.the 7 months ending Oct, Wednesdity night of last, week. Al. New Shades in 3L, 1000. $13&57.01 and for the 7 months When you want any artl6le of mer. tho?gh they were outscored, the Olin. Patterns chanolse -buy it of a rieputable home tonians were far from being pntVlay. 0x1diug 00.81, 1000,.$15050.729, dealer, that the protit'lliav'remain-ti ed, their players being in the game %It for October Has Many Attractions enrich the community. Send your thetime. %he score at half4ime stood 0, D r es's Goods. '5-1 an I d at full ilme 11-2..in favor. of The wise purchaser will readcaxe� money abroad only for wha.t.you can - now irk f ally xhat the local merchant has to. not, purchase 4 home, , Horne -talent, Godevicb. . -Dean anAWalteradid-1 You will find the newest �hddes in plain or ,,a 3 the adveitising columns of the home labor, home industry,home ca' " icaiingforGoderich. With practice" pl- I y r,-., Look up the als !n- this tal, and home pleasures are things to the loca Strip�ed. Broadcloth -and. -Venetian. or the. finest orne Pape Is should aevelop into il,very. Delineato week" pa Ver and you villl at be tostered,encouraged and patronized strong,teaul. Donald Finla�sorx made.' 4 . oAjce be ...qua)ity here waiting your inspection.' We a?6 carry- convinced. that the alveriising.col. avery acceptable referee. Kenneth ing the largest rang. e of. Staple and Fancy Dress urnus have many attractions. Receiving Congratulations Boyd of the lQoal Y. X. 0.*A, team THE DELINEATOR. AIr. John Cameron, cu . r genial V11- was time,keeper. The-players;6ro, - The Telephone Systeln * Qoods in the 10 unt Huron, which'is sayino, a whole lot but- lage Oonstable was GODURICT-1 OtLNTOX of 0 t M aletly mt .;Od on we have them frol ,a Workm en are busy woricirig. at -the Tuesday last to 'a,, E a,, i L, second �Cic -up to r yard. When you are wanting, a new dress, come �and -see Al W� McNaught Courtice' ra� 'Mitchell Telephone offlee in town, re-airan daughter bfMr. and I Fluk- Anderson bukii V Pe the interior, placing anothdr. ging V��ilj be a W, d.xi our range, pleas�ed'to shoW you through. blue , er of Cliuton, Tb which. and bringing: the operators S"jt,�_ took place at the borne of the bride's Dean a', 11 Rance Walters Stewart board near -the front. - When every- parents, was a quiet due, only the im� Long left Wiseman thillff is Plac�d 1.11 its proper Position wed iate relatives of the ontracting ... ligh�irinlgg The Company will have an A I office' tj being present. -Ste'vell-4011 p4r The 8,6ntinel Net. Waists. at Bargain �P r' ices joilises or ffiends in extending. On, Thuris4day, 21st., the home of AITS, a best '621at" Al -le better congatufations to Mr.-.Oameron' And a Win. Stevenson was the scene of a --imOo-Traveller's, Samples, The mar;�friends of.Mat-Algie, pro. hekrty welcome and'best. wishes, to -very quiet Nit pretty wedding when priecor of the McKellar flous�-,.' Glen. Mrs. * Cameron - Luckn6w Sentinel, her daughter Adeline was 6nited in one, formerly G. T., R., conductor,will marriage to Mr. WitIter S. Dowilb, of W ave ci d' anoifiicturer's lot of Net. Wa'l.gt,,,, 'at, less .,than manufdc- . be gJad to ll;iir he Is -recovering � from Olin ton. On t. - The cerenioriy� was per - eh' te , ane out. am lluroji. Old'Boy'sBantinet. �turer's'.cost, and will p''t the lot. 'on salc S.&TtiRDAY MORNING, at nine 'o'clock. Astrong turnout of Toronto Huron, for med by,R� u his -SeViOUS illness in Victoria Hospital �i7. R SteVenson,of Lucan, 'Ever, and that he will soon be well enougg Old, Boys is exnected 'for the " annual brother of the bkidejb the presence of Y WRiRt is the- aew�st cut and, style', and made up to -sell' for Christmas ..Waists, . to leave tor his home at the end of' th e banquet, which, takpO, place -at the Moto vFeek.' - . - - - . . . . . only the inamediate friends of the cou- tie of ibein mussed orgoiled, but freah and new- ' - bon't "miss this�chatice to get, a, Prince Ge6rge otx Friday'evening, traqtIng parties. , At twelve o'cl6ck cream, navy blue, sax bliia, ecru'or L.lack- Aist �at a BIG."IBARd-AIN. Nov. noon thebride entered the parlor on %�hite, Nef" W Horse ilkilled ember 19th. Among the pronfln. the arm of -her brother -Howard, of - Spa'c�e: will not'permit of descriptio�n.or`pri6e, b Engine 1�o.*.459, in ch'arge'of ent old oys who have consented 'to lam L ut come afid:sea them, and, yc'u will",be. n Engi- sp6ak at 66,0.. Galt,who & ave her away,to the stiains ZVr11_.­ . I I Auatie,_ Willison; of the.we dixig marchplayed by'Miss 84TTERICK PUBUSHING COMPANY NEW Y0Z.X surprised. EVery W�Isi'h6xed. separate)y. 9 fe6in Wivgham to E. S, Caswell: the newly:ap inted baujing train W0.82 Matid-Oliver * After the ceremony ther London'ran, into a numb" of horses Assistant; - Librarian, and lobert banal congrWtulationaLwere 6xterided f on a curve near Hensall Monday, kill- Holmes, 6x -M.. -P. 0, -West Huron.. atter which the guests Vetired to the 9 'is said.that no Dr..Stanburyis President of, the -as- dining room where a.*surnptuous edin- in opeoftliew. it -peison,wlis 16 charge of the - animals liociatioxf,this year,with-Mr. E, Flopoly ner was served.. The � presents were at the time of the accident. - The horse as Secretary, -both numetous 'land costly, among was thrown clear of the line. - ochers being a silver tea set from. the. Idealcoutivil of Royal Templejrq, of The Town You Live it Ripley And Pine Rivers w Think well of it, hidh the 'bride' has. been recoilding secretary for the past five years, and Stand up for it. -The annual Harvest Thanksgiving also a beautiful china tea service giv .'services Were heldin St Paurs Church Speak i6 its favor. en them by fhe Presb.yte of a ronize i a Ripley and St . Luke's t -merbliantg. rian chair, roov chuirch Pine which the bride was ayalded member. Riverson8ist 'It. Theeburcheswere, Enconrage- its industri u ies. Mr. and Mrs. Downs left on'the 4.2) tastefully decorated. for the occasion. Oheet every live enterpriseir Nenekable'. ArcbdeAabn MacKenzie of urrah far e enthusiastic.' train, amid showers of rice, for a short -Brantford.pr.eachedtwb eloquent and 'b3bmnall, that is beautiful in it. visit to Detroit, after which they will ieturn'to their future-bom6 in, Clinton', inostimpressive sara�ons to very large.. t praises to the good itposeesses.. where Mr. Downs has a position with i te, Opein Weaoi tt,ndaPO'l-6e.ini-,ive--6o,ngfegationf;; The rarjuers A0,precl. Sing of its riders, you'll. find it has. oheity Organ Piano Co.. Th r, 3Z . . I � I., .. the'D 'shes. of �'i King Rdward's.:,Surgeon...�Pou offer:ngs. were 4'oh behalf of Hu ' some. ey cavrymith them A short note fromW J R. Fowler, The' weather this week,hai were. fibemlly'respond4u -if you I. h' :the best'wl 6 been not C91Legrarla'" . P&0sb. iband 'laud it wis V 14., of Toronto, arid weil-knowri here s toi Wm Dunbir Who. 1, still in thrift to corne,; tholr_inarx i3nds'for their . future has- purchased a new residence. at 419.:- a Welcome improi�e happiness but it is jast the thing charge ofthe P-trish: assigted trie and prosperity. - ListoweL. Sir Frederick Trbves` Warn'Ing Park Aven ue, . Tororttb. - He . states (t)1nalyt,'Shl elfainr iteks � ne6do- The gron rid in .,the rits,stagnations, Banner; which was so long too dry for satisfac- services. AoXoungq'and Old.. tbat,pr'00t4ty is soaring in price'tbere -Mie .Ick toit,-the towp.*you it, at and to buy At' suitlable one a.. person i,tork plowing is in good condition and 0 live in. Sir Frederick Treves,the farrious sur_ dt its' best. 'Fine w'o;k 'could must pay S5,oco. -The many friends [.the. plowmen . are; busy. I!o��thev . ver 140 Contests ,,not be_ mink, apple picking and get- Over,500 liquor. licenses would be geon, recently -,addressed a Church of 'done under that condition. T . use of here will ad wish the genial Dddtor I Y!1th Plo, Djonster-AttractionViinji rnkland Temperance Society's meet. 'alcohol was abso'lutely inconsistent. and hiswife.Qiany happy years In I tu�glxx theroot6ops, the majorityof cut oft'in Ontario if jhe local option ng their new home. C�rnr .igh now In the Tbwn Hall --ic n Saturday next, -a with a surgeon's work or with any * : . b,. when Mr. -George R. Guy- ing inLondon an 'Ttke Physical Effect farmeis are very buay.'.� trader way in 141 muni-' . of the Use of Alcohol.' He said that Vork demanding quick and a udg I . . . 1. 1 1 , cipa, i ties were to be sucodssf al. . These'-'D1Q`­v"6,t th"e' orn Headquarters .1fallowe'en ts over includes two cities, So. towlja� '8k vil, minetkels, at - son. ft. had certain 'erb j FF 9 lages and 75 townships. -The cities at popular prices. � Hear the Oelbbr VOREWARD presen alcohol was, of course,distinctly a poi- , mbnt. 'lid *as mu6h struck by H ilowe'en passed off 'very - quietly. qen a Guy Bros., famous' tl�es, like other 'number of professional men Who for The following le ter speaks far its are Brantford; with 20. license, , and ed Silver Concert 13afid wheri they pa - son"' but the limitations on its use this reason had discontinued the, use self coming froin ille'Salvation' )Read- There were rwradroas parties held Pet fAdd at noon aphooi uld be as strict as on ar�enicophfrxx of alcohol in the middle of -the day. quarters, Toronto, to the At Saturday night. - As. usual the pea, erbdro,with 23.. It. is possibsie that arid give their free open" inekly comes (111101fly io the'iraduate Of and strychnia. It waa a curious] 1. ayor in* the by-law will not he voted in all aircon�ertin fiontofthe TownHall regards to petition sent blower were a nuisance, and there at 7.80'p. red The very, IA test � music, Otli School with good" chances tot specdy' to Toronto ra- d these places ; 4 few� are likely to drop sidlous poison, produeing effects wh. Doesn't Keep,Oat the Cold . [ wero a few gAtes-and steps remove ich cently,: - out. At the present time'ther i tell big Vaudeville Aets, Dancers,'Oo- promotion to US, W.M. Begin proper - seemed to be only relieved by taking Some wanton destruction' was done ve794 wh% Acr9batsr, VocaliRts and Mu. atfonanydal,% Catalogue free. Cebtral I The - last notion' he would refer to Ills Worship the M.yor however, by'a numbei? ;of fences being municipalities in Ontario, I are medians, more of it -a remark which applied to was that �alcohol kept out th.e cold� Clinton, Ontafla. of siqlaris. The very best monev can se- Business College, ToiDnto. another insidious poison, morphiM 01' that a 'little Iiipl was g pulled dowii.and if the guilty parti6a "drk" as a result of the operation It had a certain position as out into cold and whon.going , yOUR WORSHIP: -we have re. enuld be found an example - should be local option,by-laws. care in'America. Wonderful Electrfeal Airandso,forth. It! the) ceived a petition signed by represent&. inidiofthemo eff eol%� Beautiful 3cenery,'30'. people Zdule% & m 1 e,but in the ],%at 25 yearg its e use by the. medical profession'had words of a' great authority, alcohol "AidW Bible Class nd rabot'new show. Reserved seats Address W..H. SH A W, Prin. really, lowered the temperature of the tive citizens of your town, at the head steadily and emphatiordly diminished, body,by increased loss of beat and to of *hich Petition apt)cars your A. Anntial. Iteetin- From Satbiday's London Free Press now on sale at W D Fair'a book'store' Yonge end derr4rd Sts.. Toronto.. Prices-MMY050c. Rtimember he:onl� People were of ton hearil. to siiy that Sotne extent name,, said Petition okin he Ontario. we clip the following which refeis . to th. . g that cap- Theannual meetingof t 'Clintonlans and Huron COunty, Satut;day night, &v. Obbi & alcohol was an excellent appetizer by increased 'oxidation, tain Crocker and Lientatiant Black be in big show to play here this Jll Vr lation. will be held in y: .and much reduced the po er Of the tted to remain Ili Clinton.- ... Hockey Assoc gme'o who. are now living, in Lon- tickets b rl' when taken before meals. But the ap- body to. resist cold., Finally, he would P 'Vei 'Temple BuI)d1ngToV6nto,on Saturday on Y.- petitedidnotueed artificial stimula- saythatthe gPeatand laudable am- regret' our inability,ta'sO arrange, NoV.20,atQaim. -All clubs whose tion ; if the body Watitedleeding it de- bit' matters its to irl�ke it possible' for The Bible class of Ask. - loll of all, and eLap6dia)jy f fees are-pat&shalf be *entitled to one manded food. As for its "aiding di 0 young Captain. Crocker and LieuteriantElack delegate, who must be a member of Street Methodist Church hold their men, to be '�fit". could riot possibly _H Was t 116 Of -CAP- the clull he,representa, The entrance gestion," it hindered digestion even, achieved if they took alcoh6l. to--retUrn, 'The ap oin me opening*social in the schoolroom last when taken in arnall amounts, as could Isimpli preposterous to suppose that tain Crocker to 81inton - was fee for new teams IN $5,'in addition to �,blght, the. proceedings being in accord be easily demonstrated. Then - there any young, healthy person nee4ed tiny temporary, and she came to Clinton a the annual subaerl hich with the Halloween spirit. The. school - &1430 ponsidera0le � personal inconvenience, M ption fee of 6%w wa;s quaintly, dec was the idea that alcohol was stren th hol whatever; aril, indeed, fiewas and at the time of hcr coral all. teams oat pay;. room, which ening. As a fact,it curiously moolig6d. much better without even the amallesb ng arrange. crated and the 75 girls who attended I%E GINGS'. the n merits were Matured,for her appoint- The S u Of the Cross had a. most pleasant evening. The ourishment of the body; it great- amount of it. Having spent the greaV- ment elsewhere. We are. ho*6ver, .19 ly lessened the output of carbonic ficid, er part of his life operating, -he would social wits particularly for the Nalralrd -a very important wottdr-so. that say, with Sir James Paget, that of all 6e Ing to Clinton two very excellent . A delightful two hours w6re, spent students, who are members of thij The �resdn . t season is so wetj th'ta -every man, the drunkard no' by a large audiefice at the Rea' t&I giv, cla�s and a large numbeiZ Of them were. was necessarily all Ill- =officerewho will, we fully be. people those he dreaded to opoeate.on, or on in the Town, Hal), 'Clinton, b ISO nourished man; and to reach ille actuo were the drink6rso , care ti ward the good work of May.RaneC daughter of 0 01 � y - Hallowee, whose b'usiness requires him to wade through mud I Be Tie hoped'th# , y on and Mrs, present games were play of physical canditionWLkimpo.' ible if the Salva Army in your'toWn edand afterward )uuch was served and slop,, should have the protection �alrforded by a .what he had said would help his hear; with ci edit to theinselvesand with ad. Hance, assisted by.mr. ule, of Sei-q- 'by the 80eial committee. During thb, #,ny alcohol was itsed. ers to ansWor such absolute Wlaclesr as fortb,,andMr..-SeltV, of Torontoi It evening short speeches were given by 9 I & glass of port can, do you no hirru."' vantage to your* people. pair of our Legy ings. We have a big stock of the' A Di4sipation at Energy Believe me, was indeed a heavy task for Mks Rev. Dr, Birks and rar. Israel Taylor, Your a veri sincerel 4arlee to make,her first public appear, the teacher of the class, Mrs. Birks and best that. Cana�a produces, at prices suitable to 'any Its stimulating effect was -only Min' Aary ance in bek own town and we arO Mrs.Taylbr we . to guests of the evening, purse Field Secte mentary and after that had pamed off Erarther ReopWried Medical Opinion, pleased to'iayBhe not only charmed The soo�ial committee � of the clase, 'of -apacity for work fell enormously. her aoditqs btit hold- thern spellbound which Mrs, 0 Damon is con,venor, de, Vvilliamg, pate'llt Leggings, best qUalify. the e Alcohol. as it were, brought tip the, In the -treatment of diseass, we be- by the drarnatic power she, displavecl. serve much credit for''their work in Whole of the reserve forces of the body lieve the use of alcohol Is oceasional North Essex Liberals norninated'Wo in 'her different characters in "the arranging and carrying out the e�6- leadier ................... 4..� ........ 0 ........... and thre* them into action, an when rattler than regatal?,And limited rath- Lt. ',NlcXee for the Commons. Sign of the Crops." Her voice. a sweet, Ing P�io ramme.. Thoee�resentwerel. these *ere used up there. Was n t er than wide, We regard, the word OVer fifteen thousand immigrAtits heAmannet-of.fascinating e'ntteuesv, Clara A exander, Mary Adams. Perett williams, patent Legglngs� best'quality life preserving' in connection* - arrived in Caridda during Septemberb he hhg fn� Ball, -13011e Dinnillo Myrtle fla?ratt, tofall baek on. ltdissIpated a �1:1 Vft�, At hei, pdrsoriality Vvinnin than conserved bodity.oneirkyo Sa H. Ne'*' ton's office block was �ut. dividualized her ro'e with rava skill, Mrs, ft. 0, ptqlto -Marie t1Xmpbpll, cohol as inisleadifig, and we consider. it split 'eather ............... it was exeeedingl "6z f woik prooluedr I the expression that, Alc6hol has "the and diaglays an int4igence that cool- Ev;& Ca;ve,. W'by fire at Win nil�eg. Loss$60,000. air aret Carter, Ida tr&vagant, and might lead tp`a, p yet. power to abstain cordiac ind'nervous prellett a every phase Of. character she Citouch,'Ida Onmis , -Annie Chall�n- Win. A. Ferguson- fell, ftom a wagon portrays and every subtle meaning of Or Mrs. W.'Oopp, Mrs. 0. Deacon, cal bankruptcy; arid he was not a cak chergy"'resta on no certat'n alffiical or . 3%, FirA qtmj1ty,)jejvy orain,101tter .. .... ......... Ing, he Would remind them,'of ex I experimental elvidende, On the other at Ovelph and was crushed to death t e word§ she speaks. Miss R�Lnee sive drinking. It *as a MEOW fact hand,'*e strongly believe that, under the wheels. CU Fdrd. Christie Potd, Lottie Fes- first quality, 11glit grain leAther .... .. . ... ...... . ildobol , Will indeed be heartily Peeejvpd the. teti Ann& Foster, Editly Glanville, 01 isunnecessary its an article of eonsump to - Mrs. that troops could riot march on,&Ico X. X. LAflamme is the. Oppost Lori next time she appears, hn & Clinton A. I. Hayes, Theo, IlArtlpib,' Lilian In the LiAysmith relief eolumn,wbich ti011 in the CA80 of healthy men and esindidato in the St. James' division of platform, Mr. Seitz, of Toronto dic4. r "lane Harpe , 4 it H a. Wa Mir Who 1, r Ed h a vy� duck teggings, lestther bothid . ..... TUI he accompaniedio the ftrat, med to drop women, and that, its general use could Montreal for the Legislature. played true insight In his rendering of band, Miss Howard, Edith Johliston, out w#ve simply -the knen who drank, be ollicontinued without detriment to Chapin's Seliergo 13 fla t nilnor. !in in. Heavy I 9tableybid(Urvey, aseven-year-old H.Jelikinsi LAIrie Little, Louis& Mar. Holeskili ... ........... The fact *,as as 6164j, as if they had All the World's welfare, Purther,belleving Strathroy boy'. became entangled in a 841lit aimifably supported by a teohni- tin, Jessie Mitchell, Miss Miners, Miss J, borne labels on their bAckg, As for the as we dg, that alcohol i's one of the rope and fell into barrel. Ile was ca skill worthy of a. reach mOkA ex- Mttxvvoilflly� Beulah XeWatis, Carmine V Ifle 4rettift ieather Lemyillwp �pex .. tor statement that the alcohol was 11a; most fruitful sources of poverty, dg. Strangled. lenced artist. . ll�e receiVed well d0-' Neville, Myrtle PAddoh, Carrie Phil. ease and crime, we aro. pleased to add served applause for big nxjnjj)er aU4 ips, Mrs, 0�"phjlj gtaab thing for the circalatlt)hj�' it N4 Iv employed ,is a John Mo0all w,%s thrown off his cart 9. miss Pteeloaq, .......... o., ....... o ... $1,25s $1.40, $1,50� Und.$14.60 'Played 0, charming little scleefion ps It V 8 V tteftaed the heart-bibat afid reddened that it ig now sparing Ella Reeve, 10dna 1�lcb rde, H a' to - the okiriby uping �1) the bodyliaetion remedy by the majority ofrnedleal men at -Xingston by the bot-ses Atarting as encorp. MV Seitz will indeed be re� enson, Lulu-Simpgon, Hana became iomphittieAlly w6aker, Atem- � Signed by 12 ofthemedical met) who he was 11 ting his pipe, Ito wAs.run Simpson, ceived With open arms if lie evi V re- Maud Turrip.r. Inn, Trott, trone Thorn. porarl 6(fen being got ab an enormous stand highest'iti their. prohi.qsIon in over andNie4, turns to Clinton. Mr. Yple, of Se,% ton, Rattie Trick, JR. Underhillf Alif S REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT. dost. he Aettoti of altollol opth6`0n, GreNt 13ritain, Thev are: 1411r Prodorick Miss Mary MAW% a 1).11ttiont in the "I"", choirmaster at the Presb7teViAll Vivan, Ida Westman. Rae Wilts'.v, tf,ill nervo(js fly6tenx Was �ory. difinite, Troves, Sir James Barr, De W. Hwart, Victoria Hospital at London, Ont4j Chureh there, eltrW two Snjo% Wbj(., HjtZel Williaina, I�&te WeatIlle son,, b " figs suid Was that of a,, flinctitintil pol Dr. To 11. Hislop, Dr. Win. Murrell.no stabbed herself tin the neck with a showed onreful trAM11g, J -11's P Wilcox, Aliss Wat6rworth. NNA-Ille I art in first,stimulating and t1hpri $llug ertainment Wa young, Zellft Mej4,ax,l&u0,j& thetiervous sy8tt-m, Thehighornpl?. -Sag flatherf, a conat,%ble,was atflbbed eelle s ex. a M(,,'Roylp, "t. The Youtiv Ladies Goil(Ij of lean MeTaviall, V2zle McFarlane, 4�ous Systeras went first, being slightly 'As to be tonjintu. Rhoda McAlpine, 116y, and Up,(. A. dulle and daryPvously wounded h "I ""Ills 1hur"ll wilo w6r1ce Oh eveh. 00"It"ftomhe wits trvibg ta &treaf dd" of ffie evenings IC, Birks, Mr. and Mrs, Israel Taylor id. Thd *n4n IMIfe.. Her condition Is critical, the evening's ent F red Jackslo'n ard, at ha's-S! r t" n V418h r t S I a moderate atnoxtub of alcohol Wai#not a. N lat'" 011(tht be Tas.ns and or, tvi 0 e !,�Df thl Urdilealirriet, at Oraogeyllle. Cook 4ot awa$. and others. ....... ...