HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-11-04, Page 6M .
iff� �
.4 . . . 11 . �: The ClInton Now ara -
. -111-1-111, - __
apanese, -
� leu o is uuequa
'led as a lu relieving agent.
Applied iu the " D. , L."
Menthol Plaster it is the most
- . . I I
effective remedy known for
A writer of tuach, experience says:
Lumbago, Sciatica) Rheumatic
In choo.sill; titevrK for fattening ola I
Aches and Pains. Try a "Ll.
-of file tumst Important things Isi'to se-
lept those Will: give Indications of
.& Lill Menthol Plaster the
mal;lug good grolas. The sieer.i inust
next time you are suffering
I �
have a good. large fraine, with capital"
from any one of these com-
ty ror eonsunilug a good quantity of
feed. This eapa�-Jiy inust not be'suctil
plaints and be,convinced. 25c.
as to tend too � much toward pallnetil-
WI., I . f I 1, .
� each at druggists.
. .
Makin' Mon"11
On the farm
X1110 -Poultry Pareites,
L . I
and Diseases
I 'Airlh f 06" Ir.n c In UnAgwri
, .. "
,�, . .1 I � - �
I I . . . I
". . . %J. ,NOV- 011, 19C9
- P"now I t- I
It is well to have on hand preyellilve measures. ,A:ne cortainva . . - .
, �
� remedy, simple,effective and roostim., apartment also helps to keep � _�
,.-asily applied, for mosquito tile fowls from %tobilit cold in severek .H. %� "...1. 1.11 11 L . . I - .1 . .. �. � t
- r .
Jites, insect stings,. sores, weather. Lice and . � M itits. I 1-1111111114 - M101011411 101111,1- . I
i 11 11 I I
)rUisesl ,sunburn,, and injuries The inost troublesome parasites (if I � I � �� I
-o the skin, and forty other poultry are lice and mites. Them- � . �
� I I, I
Alments not always danger- .,pests are very (jifferent In their habits I CASTORIA.
)US, � but which can be cu The lice remain on the bird all tile UM 1=0
red tim,c, cating tile i'cattiers .,Ind skin nn=�.wMjr1;i_.711FF. 77_1"__� For Infants and Ohildrou..
by 0,11tward application. Such They are nto't usulIlly present Ill large . , , - I �
� _---_-1 . . .
� I
-1 - .
3. remedy is I)aViS, Afenthol, . enough numbers to do any cons%fdor- _�:T-�_�- .Mkff.iwlr� - - - - . �1.
11 ,able darnage, eNcept to sittlug liellK _�;. The Kind You Have
8alvt(ThdD.&L.),whichcomes Qner (if tile ult'st _�
� . . I , I , and riinall cillelm I .
1 $ -five means of volub. tln�- lice is _ - _______ - - . �i
In tins for 25 cts. at druggi ts. efreo. A - -i -__ - _� .
�� - -
- I . ;:., - _'_� �� , _ .1
, . .
--n-iffNINIMM .-.---- !. 1. I ... I lt`lltllil 11 .. A,
the (lust bath. Tills 14 ,*,Imply a cpa. '', "t . ffiv �
npss. ( 141g(l '"Alle- - b -0 0 . �w . I `% us V v0pay J-1 - ... I . I . I ..
I . I � - -
foundation oil which to build. While = AarIculture" . *. I � realent sized box filled with fltie� ditA VegetablePreparallonforAs-
the compact puny built animals arb I . . I .. I ., Ili, w1ilch ill(, lims can roll. 'Live nod I ng tbeTbodandRegilla- " I
can Press ok, 11 . I sladialli.
(:opyright. .1909, by Ameria . 1 it" .1 . other Insocts breathe tbrough. tiny UgthzSfamuJ3sanIiElo1KClS0f
ready for market earlier and look bet- I X I Association a i� 1. . . bolas along tile 4,,ld,es of their bodles. Bears the 1
ter with a small ainount; of flesh on � . I . TRADZ KA= � ' --- - I . V
them. yet tile guln-s made by steers of FE �.. TRAD . 1 . I The (lust tills. these, holes. and I IlPY (]ill MIM i � 1,
, . I ation. - 11
this form are uNually kutich less than. most discouraging thing I I of suffoc. A little turpentille add . I
those mado by more raugy atilinals. A �Rplendld Tonle I about the poultry business is . I I ed to the (lust bath makes It tnore of- I - 4 ,.. I Signatme .
tile great number of parasites I I I ... r"tive. . I rMM0teSj)'jgi;Stj0jj,CjieerrU1- I I . .
It is necessary, however. to strike a I Builds up the., Systown : T"142 I . - 'ne5S ain I 1 - �
. I . . and ailments which affect the I The dust treatment Is usually all that dikst,Contains aeidier
meau between tile two --that Is, avoid ' 'of I
I Strengthens the! � i to keep tile lice In vileck oy m,Morphine nor nwa I
.. Is required . _Fu � I
..=No SHAR
tho eXtrenie ralri,y iyrw and also the I floqk, Unless special precautions are X-4 .1 . I L� I
I I . MUS01436 t I liken tile f I owls are continually dying Where they got unusually bad pyre- INOT NA30LC OT31C. i I
more compavt pony typo -if the great. . . e,' FOR THE v � . 1� I
est gains are it) be mailp and the lVes Now Llfo from one cause or another, and the 010 �_ I . I I thrum or tobacco (lust blow') Ill Utuodgl- . ,-AW_l .
steers firted for intirii . NO. profits shrink cor"espoudlugly. ?,lost . It . the feathers is effective. This plan . . I 1
et within a rea- i ftild by all medicine dental of these troubles are easili prevent- � I , . I I . takes tolo long to Ili- used eNtousively, Alm';W ar6U2lr-SW=P1X= .4
.sonable time. t , � Davis 4,1lI1XWXeScQCQ,2 Woll.treat. I � h_ NCE � .1 .1 I * Sad- I
st J, , able -If a, little care Is. taken. One of I � however, Lice frequently make their J'k-A-Im
11 .11.1. I 11. ant considerations Is . .- R06614jerAr. .
While the briAipt Is one of the lea i I z I way from the [tell to tile chicks tit AIMSemp #
valuable parts (if tile animal. so far .." I 1 tile most Import I '
____ I eleanliness. � The house should be 0- 1 I .1 . hatching time and often cauqe the Xd.rs jesa 0 0
, . ___.___._________,_ ,
as the carcass I., vonceniod, yel. it wide 1. . In
anti low.'pricea cuts is tess suarps. LAeaned out frequently and sprinkled death of many of them. The best way I 0
breast and a low,'raill(w prominen; In lar e marl;ets with discrimInating t . � - =tL%&..
. . .9 , with oliAbldime or some disinfectant. almost the entire flock, These (11q, to prevent "this, of course, Ili to see, jKM Jeed - .
�, .,. $40a, - �
brisket are Indications of strength and I trade the hind quarters and back, are Lime scattered about the yards also eases, llr,e conlwdi�w4 fli"elisoi; of ma,11. that the'llons tire free from live tie. ' WIZAVamlaw. �
..( . . I I I i-. �0 1 � . U 0 41 , a 11100
uec,up ,y tile wore va utato w v- belps. The coops and,smaller build. are caused by Imovila ( We ellicMells WILL, - Vue (11 4'
. ir geru),,� Lore . .
I the animal. ' (. best remedies Is to (lust. tile ellick', �
i Ings should bei moved from place to Tbese are tilly volls wlilch gaill m- Apeffeci Remedy for 'Constipa- I
i The kind of market, then, to which place, frequently. Whitewash. should trance to lilt, body and grow there. with -insect powder or ptilut them flon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea' I I
the steersure to be sold stibuld be con' be used liberally everywhere. One of Death 14 trot vaw-vd. by the, gernis *around tile neck and tinder tile willf"M Worms,Convutsions,feverish-
. sidered in selecting them. Beef from the best kinds of ,whitewash Is made themselves, [)lit by evrtaill poison.-' with a sulphur and lard, InlAtil"e, ness and Loss OF SLEEP. �' Fo-rlver I
. the show aablials at the International according to what 'is 'known as the *1 which they g1ve off, After gernis gain Mites are much worse tit".,ts than I I I I I
would find slow sale in most of our governut.ellt formula, as follows,' er,trallea 10 tht. biRly Illpy ,,,*a (liffleult lice. They live it) tll(- artivicPs ill tile . Taceirnite signature of i
local eastern mal,li-ets. This shows that Black- half a bushel of lime In boil- to voznbjIt,,,ijj..e tIllything tinit will kill walls and roo,its, attacking tile fowl.1 -114 � ;
the eastern feeder has this advantage ing water. Strain and add a peak of tile gerni will �ugjl Z U., .Crmav I I Thirty Years I
., .,,fly 1�111 tile fov�.l at night. They do not it the skin. . NMW -YORK.
over.ttle western feedet-that his mar. salt that has been dissolved lit warm aj,,o. Clvrrw� vannot gain a f�ootljold bbt bore throu.-Ji It -Ind slivit thliblOod �
. - I
liets Aire not so d[sprinitnating and �t water, three pounds of ground rice Ili ;I perfoctly livaltIly 111rd; 11(,lice olle Mites are so sunill tliz!t -thov ('411, . �
i` 4 .
would-be possible in,tbe large,packing I - I
. � I . . .of glite dissolved in warm,w�iter. Mix Rock 'so lival(li1v tll:lt they (.:Illll()t 1-ci. I b.y I heir 81:,(,. 110f the so Cal)(41 ('18- , I �
, ,
i centers. . I- . .. I these Well and the - - - IT .Ntio(Iwr,i1llPi)l,t1lllt � 6a_s� I � to N"I'llo-111 pt1ITf*nart--r!tWTv( t -tVl*- . . I rxAcr-COFV0FWHA-l?PZEEli
. . n let the mixture it ,,t;i , ni aro, Vilsvzi - �
poorer class ot I animals may be sold boiled to a thin paste, one-half poubd of ,,he best invatis of conibatlug voll itardly I.#- Seen with tho Ilokod vyll. I)Ut . I . W 1 C,ASTORIA ,
. It I
i and even sold to better advantage than powolemid Spanish whiting, one pound (aplous (11swases Is by ,keeplug the* the (111111:1�0 tllf',v 'I0 1:4 'lot 11MI'lItt"I ...-
� -
- e of steel-, so f a r as car- stand for so 11ber.11 use (if disini'i,elautf (niused by tulte", NNAlell fowls "'k -h , oll
While the t$ -p ,veral (lays. Ileat before. Is the . ard ffle %i-ltlltftit-;11)"".Zllll),Il*(,,.it (allso Jj [1ft%1k_ - ��� ... r THE CENTAUR COMPANY. N -W YOflK CITY.
cuss is conepriied. is-1pss important.111, usl= anol, apply ,hot. . . � . about tho Imullf-y lionso.s. and yllrdv , � . I -
tilf., east than in tile. -west, it does not " Importance of -Pure Water. . * 111vilty of t1t."hillcr ill it](, poultry llons� b; tilve to look for mill's. 11ollitio", t"It, 11 I_
. . 11�
follow that lbp dzilry bred Sleet* is as , . I wLjl help I I (I ket'j) It Ov:111. ti�*-elilk)g oil- roosts and ad,javent willls thorwa-h!y . . . I i
. One hilyprtant "means of .keeping -1 -Itile'lit'll'uh-11'al ol. Msro.-wi..v wIll . � .. .
sntit,sfavtory as tho botit ani'llill. -it is . . of't IN, old .,4tov1.,. bei'i-ry it 1.1'.t. with el I
�, fowls' healthy and one that Is en olliv,4 feeble. .
t..". . , I ,I,. t, ,, �,t i .o � .i,,*.. it I -z -dvstroy -� I
ho-voil, Illit "ll'or", trolli zood � 1110w kit, t')(01n. T[w ""It'le - I ____ __
. . I � I leafed is' giving ,them a.constant . 111.( It` ( s I '. il. ., I I, , -hull . ld, nko bv al)[11110t I I to .
. . lar�le cows, of Ille (1111IT IvPe WhIVII peg , fowls these old llh-,018. I!nnt an, t1w 1;rst to fl,vatillell't S .
FUM SPEOrMEN OF HERIMPORrI. ipply of pure w,ater. Because . . � .
are Inellned ,to ue'tlt�rny, and Imils' of sl .' 'quire water in ,I 'far,, � om"illon" V.0111)s and lwst lio,�,,;vs. Th" Ill-wr fill . -
vigor of constitution. These. together a blot-ky hoet (ype can tie IlAx, -to act- - do uQt Ile s -e quan. * §Uvelilub -to till 61 vol'o I tiv ( '. . �XW�YAW;M;N;NWWim
. , '�I, I Ile 111o.'I :,(.I fars I r I, hoqe con. ("er tfle rowqn it, of toll .1 br:wd 11,.-r p! -11-c
with a iarge heart girth, Judletite good v 11 I I tit gk-. . . . � . . I titles its' other allilhills it Is. often Ohio ( . The coni- fur 1:11:v's. It .,;j!c!il 1. I , w clt.�, I -Wil I'll I I .. . ",M,
' '
. � . . � thouggilt, that they, can get along with- . tvgk,us iilse,a,cs Is t hulunt, , " - .1. . I . .
. - , .1 . - I lilt ll� cil'- .1 �,,ny. - Aflot I I ,� .
lung capacity and ability to assir,pilate . � , " , 111oll.v.rullitolils are great 11111-st. 11'.t. rNI(givillly mli] . . .
I . , . .. .. .I .
. . 1 405 . ,t in pud� . In , . M
. ,
I . 1. .. � I out any except Wbat,they ge , -lVallill'y Kh("' 1;(, Ilwl' . . -
food to advatitugp. steers which are , dies In the barnyard. They will drink, les"Iless and, yolowlsli or grepilisli. ( ,, cill).- th(h 1,100r - -1d I lk_� 7 ,q ON M . ..
narrow just Chilc droplilugs. Heroic inva-itures -ire 114,06 �6-1-,,,111.� qoll!wd. V-1 01 � n* -drou.", �.,11111i'lo'..
back of the shoulders ! ,jren.-.Cry.. , . SQUE114111R, Of CUNT . . I
, I
should be avoided as,lacking in lung , FOR FLETCHER'S - such water if- they can, get no other, Vol to .stalnp 6ut.. I Ills' di.stlase. All sit -k . 0C Noillo c.oal Car dl,p� If tho 1)tilfli 1, ... va . . - - . .
. .
capacity and constitution. In fatten- . : . �ut it l,i just tis bad -for, their health � fowls should I � w kille(Y a . I'd bill-Ilod, I .1(-Iwv I., . ;.f.."'rly-t1�11t 41irl"llig "11110MIl. , . . . . . . I �
Ing for the lar-er markets, particular. .0 A'S. -f 0 P-1 A. Its it, would be for yotirs. ,, This. Is'a The ,�ardq ,mol lwu�,(is should he thcr. :11 It 1v1ll:(.",."oi-1h.vI,, ev,4trov li!l Iollo", "ro be.Give�i NEW'Sub-., - I I
. , . . . I .. . matter which is too Often ov,erlooked, I , , . n I. . � . . I K! .
ly, the proportion of higher priced . � . . I � . . oll-lily Sprinkled with 801110 (usitirm-t- williln .1 -each of* tl;(. fulnos. , ,li'veliltig . � � ' r .
. ' ' ' , � and ppulfry� 'raising', for profit becomes . . I � . .. M 6scribers -to the Ne.W-E �a.. .M . ,
meats should be taken Into consider- � D ' - - - - I Impossible oh1hat account. . . lint so'ltrtion. A v(�.Jl tar dip. illivill't.: . �'vrlillli and dlllwlst� hI,vllo':k ,1411111.lps. . ; �
I airies of HollanZi. . . . , . . , _. I .
-s which will .1 . . arbolle. iic-id may be conl0dernble ,�-ork. and col-ront , V I,-, I- I . . � � .
ation-that Is, select steel The dalmoig at IJ()IjaiRl .,;tIppoi,t.on an Water put out ifi open. troughs. soon Is good, or c. - tiged , - , , I . . . . . . . . . I
turn out thp largest percentage of . . . I the rate of one ,-milan to twenty gal. janev, lbnt R 1� work Oot %N*I!l Ix wvi ")p I .
'' -ow to .file. avre;: which becomes whrm and dirty, aad-If there a t . - . . . . . � rk *_;�c A Ifailasoine.Sou'venir of.Clinton is being
high priced cuts. aver.tige- ono .( . . � Ablis of water. The dritildil., wtttv.� Wl',0.!,I Ill 1140-1111111-avod beitith of. th( printed On out- Or eteil _*w .�
- ,
malips sueb a ()leee of laild'wortil from should. happen to be a culltagious dls- . . . I . I � I ..� . . .1 � olsses,afid will be compl - 1)
� I
When fattening for local .markets, j ,K(iijU to..*,*!.U0o. jjPrej,.i -the alfalfa' ease . In'the flock It . .*111 be rabidly I should bt� dN-lnfvc!-vd by addhig one Ao".1c; 1. . I . . .. I... volt in a few eAys, It is ill pamphlet form,...pro- :�r* .
.1 . I t . 1. ' I t d ' .
. . . .� 't of, corrosive . c prin e . .
especially for many in the Post with a . . : spread through.the water. A common - . lial � � sublininte'to I'ver), , . . . : - . . . . . I � � . fuselyfflustro,ted,with local views, -a'n I 411111)v . .
I I vount�y niany tholusablis of acres can �.. I . . . - I - . � ., .. I
foreign trade. tills is not so important I I ' 211,000, patt-4 of-v6lier. Thv't-6 Is no w - on super-calendared paper, in an artistic - hild :9! . .
- 4 to.tbe acre. and in ho; waterer attaelled to a' barrel oil I � . . . Ily * Tickling-, t,ight Caughs, can be surely � . . , ,esenting each . . . .
; I support two 60krt . . I I . . ;N att'ractive bo�er. We purpose*pt � _�M W
jis tnp dilPrilninatiOn betWPen tile higi � . I I � - . � * .11ro the fowls itr -of ith a prescrip. , -
. t -be poultry bouse'Is - to' ( . . ". for't lwy . onco , and (julcklv lo6sene&w: . -
numb.erq of in.4tances. cattle, 1111Y kept - ,tb'e shady side of I . , I he, disvit.se. All,'I-Irlt (;-,'in 1,w lippod, I for t . ion Druggists are -dispensing every- . NEWsubscriber who enters. our Subscriptibin - ' , * .
. . * ' .
. � - 71tig'.42111- ,eqt Ways of supplying wa- . I where ,as Dr Sho*s Cough Remedy. , . . S L I i
. ' I . ' . I W 0 . 1
---77'---- W or so no . I. L � ltb one of these tivelair's. ,Onl� a 'limit *U - �
I in this way wfitiont the'tprtlli . one 6f-th6 b . List, during 8EPTEMBER or OCTOBER; . .
-1 -L I drating. solling afi& o"ther-tineaus tb6. ter. ii filioid once a, wee is 'to. kart. t 11.6 - well, olies, - And it is SO. very, very - different than . M . .. 6a ;
. . -it common poultry ,
I tion is nedd6d. :A L jug' - Trobably the uicis L I number are being printed, so all who wlsh� to
armer must adopt I further atten . I . . commori c6ugh niedicines. No opium, lk %_�c . I
Eating for Strength. . plodding 11olland f. . . (lisease is ro p. -'I�Iils is re.,xily a gerin . . I e should"DO. I r NOW. I L L
. L
I to obtain the ,restilts be -does. jnstead or large bottle (?f waterAtiverted: over, . P . . .. . no Chloroform ,. absolutely * nothing , I � secure on - � I I . .
. . . . � . �
I .
I I .
de. just- strailght alfalfa growing does � the . a shallow pan In -such a,mander.'. that. . . . .. . iisrsh or iiiisafe., The. toinder leaves of . ... Subse tion, A1.0010 emid of :010 .. I ...
. dispase, but tjle.,ggernli�' ctfunot wel; . .N K!
The greatest pleasure .to be �Ped dois see the opening is, just covered by the 9�'t it foothold except under .special : 94 harmless, lung healing. mountainous , . . . .rip . . �, .1 . .1 I - L. "'o L- I
r,ork here; 411.*a mail .. I _�� , . , . . .. : L . . * -
am eating is the pleasure one a 0 . water In- the' pan makes 11 gqod drInk- e9nditIons. Theseare found when fliv shrub, gives the curative properties to I . . . . . . . . . 25d to end of . 1909 . _W
rived fr t1l t b has a gbod stand. tbaf it is bot . , . L -1, ' 'L n . .. . ': . . "' 41 �64_ It - L ..
. bird catches*--vold. The gpi,nis won Dr Shool5's! Cough Remedy.. Those .. I
guts 1-1 the knowledge, that his food is w g� .fountain. The water . will run . . . *-I< * ' American.6ubk0ber .1 "R -
abused, give it water, and it fxms on Ili L L I . .. I I ' IjJ6 ly .jn.�hp ullS.11L _IjaSSfl_ - s thust add pbstage. .
%t ges. cads,11", . leaves hq,ve the power to calin the most - - * .1 . I � . I �
I . I
- .
g2ving him greater strength and vi- producing for:,years, '. - - , down into the p= as fast. 4s It. is used. . I distressing 0ough and to soothe and . I OXNA . . *W .
. L . . f6lin L a (411c . - a v, '-d", I I - Ee- A
l . esy secretl6tt'41itit has . ery 1,
_ 1. I . . . .. � >
tality. . I .. . There tire several types of�metal . L. I � . I I .. heal. the most sefisitive bronchial mern Ayolift � . . .
L . '
Because of this fact t4ere is a coil I - - ': , . I . I L L talus 'O * .. . � . I brane. Mothers .6hould for dafe'ty.'s ��o
. - I I . Milk -Cement Paint. . L n the market 'which %voirk.on ' .. __- " iikwm<�*��O,m
., I
, 1.� .
.. , ..�
. '!�"L 1 � ZE*,�_ , - t3��Ok*,Wt)��: L
stant increase in the consumption of ! . this same princl6le. Most of. them are � i :�I� =i sake alone, always demand Dr Shoop's* #A,T#=0Ly-z- �3LYIZ
I .1 ,, - It a oiro be given L .111W)KI60.4,11,
_:� . I
I -aLp , q MW __� - Q. 1T I , to even thei youngest babies. Test it . .
I L - " . .. an -with pprfect; freed AvilIlAd - -a 4611 N 411111111 W 110
.. and satisfactory. - i_: I .
,I . is �, "S
Sliftiltnilk paint * tills recently b�en 1U, M1141-Rimmi 14-02 '"" M - -
Q:-,aker Oats; every time the strength 1� going the rounds of 'the agr cilltuii. clic . � Q I . . L .
. ' .
making qualities of Quaker Oats have. press, says the America . n Cultivat L o . - A considerable factor�ln causing d. - . . . yajtirselfandsee! 8olkibyall dealera. . . . .- . . . I.. I � 1-
., . , i . . i ' * -"--
I I . lease among fo,wis I,, improper feeding. 1_21�� . L . - --- - --- L
been tested by scientific Investigation Skimmilk.' will mahe a fairly good,. 'ding� too . llo�h soft'' I .. � . 1. . j L. L ' -�_". . �' . . . - . � . . . . � .
. . - ' ' . .
,.� . . ... . tMa , ' L I . . I I
or by e%periments in families it ha . ofil largepereentage - - 11 I . '. . I I 1111111111111 .. . .O
.L I I$ muchL bettef,, since the.9feaseln tbe . 0 1 I . . : 13lenheini Nllc�i leld� . IN ' . L: . . -
. L I I lilce Stratlih .
b -:,n found to be a food without ai Lpa'nt. hjjx 4 'Of. tbo -deaths among young. jehicks. , . � . ` � L . ,e of Wellington's. . ... � I . I I
. . . j ruill. is wiiat sets tile I - I . . I � I saye Housi,,.the Duk 'R ...L . . - I . . I- .
I Overfeeding and -fee tit . I L.. . :
C. -I . la 1. L . .. M.L the Crown; 0-8 UV.6m
r ut whole � nzilk 'pallit. :fo � d are the causes. . I I I I - . A ,rraveling Hotel "m
I couple or pou�ds of st nd r4 L' .0 It. . An *oldiir.towls the corn ration.that is . � eat, ,is h(,Id- dir"tly. fro ". - . .- . . :. . I'll, .. �
. . . I I
1, I, *.;'C. s the muscles and brain with. . I . . � so often the sole food, Is. fre�uently. , j :. . ycar foudal' rent in the - - - . . I
lat ,cement -in a - lion of milk- .1 . '' * - L and every - - : , - - - . .
: . .. ,.ent.J6 tile XjLljg� The �uccesgive' flags :, � - - - I
it'. IL . I . �, A - .
o-,zt taxing the digestive organs; It rac., cause of digosti ve. and- other trou- �. I foen,'6f. a riiinjahire flag, lm8l to -be .
sweet or sour -and add. -colored patut , ,
. � bles. A varIatyL. of!-16ods. judiciously : - L R " NGES .:
'S s ' , . . . I . .
coo, o little anyone can afford powder to suit, The cement Is.1leavy fed7 will do mueli.'Lt * keep tile -fowls . '� are to be soon at WiiidsorL Cistle..' . - . I '. . 1.
I I 'O . �� . I . a I .. .... .1 I . .
aud it is so carefully prepared and ,Ind will constdi3fly sink,. so kepil stfr-. . I., . . I .... . . . . . I . i . . . .
packed that it is absolutely pure and .ring wftb every brushful, since . it is healthy. ,I - ""i, - , .. L, , The tint Duke of DI - arlbordugh was� I I . . , ". , L . I I
. Another cailso-6 :disease -in unhealthy theL �'ietor of Bleaheirn, RlimillieS, .On- . . . . � -ow
A. Quaker Oats eating family . - . .. . and AlitIplaquot * and one of L .. "Goo 4 000king . . Z�z 05-0 , . �
c:aan. the .cetven't .which makes the. pa.int .a 'surroundings. J;ow. .' dainp .. poultry � , I .. I I .dhnard, , * ' Goo . 1� . . _,��;, - - I
--- , Ift'llk _
Is always a healthy family. 7 * ,, ' I I . . , �Idg,11;11 ' Ith th ii, . . I . . , .
- 6rpq . .that tilgland has 0 il erleftout." '... I
ertative: . . the � fihest goAdiers .. I I I I - / - . .
. . . . . Where the Water r � . . . . I ... I . .
. � . ,. . yards,. stands In pud- * I I i . . I That's the title of our free book.'. . . -_ --,;-7L-_- - - - -_ � - . L 4 .
I . . ' ' ever had. . . . _�,,Z-__�-�;;�_0�_��. - I �
__ � . -L dies for days after each rain, are,pro. I . I . - . � . ... ied 'We'll mail yoil one an request. IttOlIS , , :-- .. � 11
�__ . I . .. . = - . - I lit 1895' the pres6nt duke inari - . �_ - - I .
-_ - to! -z- �211�
. . . . . I I -Flave 1, . . . . . rz=�- , .r .,
. � lific'sources, of Do Itry troubles.; , . I . . L .1
u � , I Miss consuelo Vanderbilt, theL&�gjj_� : hoNy the health of your firally d6' ends-. I .- .1 � . ..
. . I I L .., . I. . I . . .. .. - .� . . I
I . . I 11 tb% poultry house . high and dry. Ljf;a .FIG. XIVI-TRAF NEST IN OrIMATION. ' of the, Alherican millionaire. i He . a Souvenir Ringe. The Ackated Oven . -e � I . . . .
I I � * ' - - I . . . . . . ter Re perfect; wholeikorne and sanita .1 . .. . � . .
L dry -yard cannot be obtained I owns � about 10,685 a6fes, but the. Luca ry L . ,. . . .
, in any agreeable 'odor. The head, swells,. the - * . .11 L A I I L . I I . ... . - � . .
D '> 'in .Mayfair was . . . . ,
'9 A . othet way grade It ,up a little and cover . 1. L , . cookin.g Send for o6rhooktolday. . I � i . .. I
. L . . . . eyes often being swolle . entirely shut.,, $:,500,000 mansion giVcWP;0OIa0fS0uVenir superiority., .
' ' I . . . I . -
. it with gravel. . I . . . . . . part of. Mr. Vanderbilt's wedding . .. 'L .welMant to, Land , ' L ,*
5 A - I . An affected bird may live for a long: ' . &CO.Cid I. . L . L . I
- .. 11 but Present to
: I .- . Jii� daughtei. * GURNEY.TILDEN . . )
�' L___
N - , I
� .1. -
� ....
I -
..... - -
- __ -3
- 101 ,!?-=4
� I . r . . Strong Vitality Nece . time and 60m6ilmes, even get we 0 ... . Hariii1ton . Montreal * ! ypur: first order, because we kno.w. thab. . .
I About eight years ago the ,duke and - . . . 'Will L -from .1
1 4 Many of the diseases to which .poul- It. 16 seldom w6rth anything. The duchess had, a large political party. I .Calgiry Winnipeg '. . . . the satisfactioin you derive - .
� . ,
.., . . try is . subject. are 'due. to Inh6l'Ited - �treatment vonsists in killlng'Lthe af- front different.parts of -the, country at :. 1907' vancouver . I � L, 1. . that willopen �. your 6yes to the fact I .
. _.. . . . I . . � I . that you cannot do. better -anywhere . .
I �",:'!:,��"4!:,*�,�--.',�l,'i:,,.......,,,.. � L . I . -
gi`X,K,'�F!-��!.; 4;--;n::- I weakness. Experiments have proved fe6ted b1ids and,removIng the cause.. -Blenlipim, 'and for tWo hundred guests - . . . . . ejSethatLyou can with us.. You will
. I
.,.,.,. , �Z=�,?U
I ,i:s�k..,M " �..�; _ I 11 . .
! , I..." I . that vitality and . vigor .are - readily, Exposure to cold and dampness isi, from York9hire ,Ind the bliollands a . .. .. . . . I ftnd that we are not - "all. at sea" in our - - - � - �
;:�i�-. I...I-q -1 I . . . . . . . :
. . Ill.. . . ' la
. C I . tr'ansinitted from parent to offspring., among .the chief cli'uses.,. A dry, warm IV. -up - to - bhe . .
� I. M.::::":;:X.,�_7�',�" :". . . special train of nine corridor dining- , ' ' business, but tho I
: ,.,. 11-.,.N I . .. ' . e - Iron , . . .
. � 11
. . ... . I......... cars was provided. It 'in asured 170
, .
I ;o 1�� . I . ]I). aa experiment at tbe.Cornell s - tit- . house, especially on& with a curtain . Davis .&, �Ywland. minute" and watchful of the interests . .
I'll 't ��ards long, and �
: 11 ., 1'�, . I tion. two pens of fowls'wero select weighe4 '270 tons. 'It , If'our Cristo I . .,
I . ... . I . ed.. front to provide for-'pieno. of ventila-. ' - avolinin . hotel. , . Sole AgentS9 linton. . . . 1. mers,. knowing that;'by so . I . � .
:: ....,.. I One had especially strong vitality, all(] flon 41thout drafts. Is One of the best � was Quite a,tr � I loing, we are really acting .for our. .
/ . . . . . . I L . � � � . . - � . I . I . . . . � . jwn ultinlate-beriefit.- . .
� .
I 1. ... � .. I � . �
. ,
I . . . . ,
. Hailidy in the House as. a clock.
11) 'is', Menthol Salve 06rel�. quickfy
av . Ia
'I allments
.great many of �the iinip e
. Sudden Change In Diet.. . I
. .
. .9lidden chan in. the diet of auy 9,al.
,e . . I
Inal. hs bad. especially the horse. The
. . . .1 L I .. .� . ... . . I .1 . .. .
- ' . � - �
11 . ,.
I .
. 0 t . . 1.
Q41 A' DOWNS",: .
. . I .:. I � .
� � . . . .
I . . I .
I I . . .. , . .
- I . C : �
Ca h " Id "'
such as cuts,.,skin injuries, insect bites
an4 s6ings. , 25a a UP at druggists.. z
� .
..,.zoft 'brall inasb.- by mavy. advocated
as -a good Saturday
.1 night offering, Is
. I . .. .
� 1�1 0 �
1-merichatit Tailor. . - ., Clinton . . I..
11 . I I 11
. I
. .
- - . . .... . .1 I � I ..
. . I I
I I . �
. � ,� .
. I �
ce agr _9__1ie__
Cf6ld dfip"- coff ' e6 at ,%�WF'
---a-Pt-to' 41 -use f1fi
-c --actic-linfess' -to' homh
.1 �.. I . � � , .
. I � I
. . I . .. . . . . I
Worke g
nervous,' dys�eptic, i5eople.. It. con.
beeli accustomed to' bran daring the
I . I
wop4c.' sudden of
: '
L. OK HERE11.1
0 ,
I ,By . .
talus little caffeine'to calctse wakeful-
41.1nillar use green
. _. . . I
I . - I .
. 11
.. In Wdter. - - -
ness,nervaiusness and insori2nia and
has little tannin to stop digestion and
.grass. roots, bolled.grairi or grain other
than tho.me tilentioued is apt to cause
. .
. I I . - I . � . I . .
I . L1119 - FOR - SALE : .
. . . I . . . I
cause dyspepsia, Besides, it has all
"" ' Ion of a serious ,nature and,
- - . . At VHE . . . 4 1 � -
- ., . �
the aron ia and flavor of best coffee.
t a k!'g
luru'li thipgs into consldemtf�'n, th'a
I . .
1. . .
. . . . .
. �
A Distressing, Tickling Sonsix-
It is made by a slol,vi. dripping of cold
distilled water through a dripper.full
, . I .
. horse wili'do better on a st ady ration
- Lim Workso. .
Relgrave e . .
I tion In The ThrolLt,
. �
of 'the flnoat* powdered, coffee. It it
A 1.
at. fixed Intervals and in,such-ta way
. allow sufficierit time for pr9pef'
as to
Wanufa6turers - of First-class., Lime. - . .
. . �. I -
suffer from any skin disease or vlo, xxv_j;r - I I I � 1. . . I . made highly concentrated all eeps , I . OUR M=Vo First-clstsi Lime sold, agid . . I ..
,, - . .
.,AKrAST IN l'Ut;LTttY VAUD. I . mastication. . I .
. I . - - A few. spoonfuls . � � Prices within reach of all. . . .
- V injury -'Mark well his wordel * I � well in a c6loijAace. . . I .
V&Ry J. P W001"', . I the other was only moidlilin in this re- ' Mt. Albert MaePlice, Chignecto Mines, are put into a cup and boiling water -- ----._-_7 ___ -7 7 � _,__ - . - 20c. per bushel at kilns, or 25c for 50- �� .
. I 11 .
. .
� . . I . I . . � xpeet, The. progeny of, each of these. X.S., writes: -11 In Oct.,.1908,, I caught added' to suit the. taste.-Excliange. . I - ' hushel loads, delivered at -Graham , s ..
. . . , . I - e-1111PPE -_ Hotel, Clinton'. . ' � .
Tho Prz,v1:1.o:r, Opild Fiald-st U0, I * , � LA Gill . .
I , pens was given the, same [of ' nd of cold - by wor ang * Ili. water, and had it I
After a VerW faill- tPIftl x have proved Zana-ZWv, ehilnently smtWfae- Iced and care, and In the hill the rei yery �bad cough and that distressing, Siamese Soliefs. . . I . Orders filled promptly. ,
I tory. it cured me of a skin rash of fl, ve y0=19 stii,ndIng WI'Alch no doctor � suits were tabulated. -It Ni"is'4011D(l dolding sensatidn in my throat .so I . One,of the. strangest beliefs of the . Arrestedf and Comumption Cured I A. NICHOLSON & SQN, Prop's., . .
hlad teezi ableto do any good for. I do'do-,talnipr on�ioura&e anY Per- ! Siamese iL3 that they must'under .no Mi.G.D.�Cotwell,ofWalkerville,Ont. . . . .
' (bat the chIckeus rrom the strong� vl- could not sleep at night, and my lungs. - . 1906 1 .
. son to Ilooev Zam-Buk in thelt, home4, It tru0 "docs =0-0 thark you . tailty .pens faintuved front three to � , circumstanac4 take life, and the. Bud. was stricken down'with La Cri, in. 13elgrave, ,Ont. .., I
ti I
� clairn top It, *Yours very tivuly, . .. . .1 . . . - ... were. so ver7.soro'1 had to give up lw,ork. dhist priest'goes so -fat -as to strain ' and it Wt him in vbry bad co 'on. He � . I
I four wedks ehrliet #Ind were worth Z . I . I - - .
I I I -
]ROGER F. PERMY, juistIC8 of roa�'ca r6l. 13.0. 5 : . Our doctor gave me medicine but it did ills66ts out. of.- his water not b"Iluse - gays: I was allrundowt, ancl,bordering on I . ,
, , .;.�� eents 'a�la6oi more at mnturlt,,�. , It Is . I nsurnptiorl� -' 14 notsleep atnights . I I . . .
L_______�� ���� ' a bottle of Dr. Wbod's h0l t1iinks,thena nasty, but bocausv it , co "=-TTC0U 4 0 .
. . .. . . this IaC-k of selection for vitalitY th, .
. I I � I at . me no good so I got. h;'titne I would. bt wimong .to kill them. An had awfol sweets, and coughed nearly the . . .
. Norway Iline F�yrup and by't ' . A Md'od. - ,
. . 0 Quite Heated. . fthe rlln�y vi��letlos . F ' ' d (>
Chiionic Sor " I Causes so mithy O ' dther is not to b4he, after da'rk lest whole'6e, This is how I wat s4en I 0 1r, f ...
I - . , should crush insects whild �Irying. . began to take Psychine, in ap loo ne!tVoias ' ' � .
Itallty fs tliL� niolst i it-' bad used two bottles I was entirely ' be . . I . 10
Mrs. M. A. Harris of 60 Chestnut 8b.,,Sb. Thc�nas,�Qntq says: ' It V* to rall,out. V . . I I �.
. y s , Ingle I . 70111t to ;bo looluid.. to euted. I min alw ' ug it io jjTj�self, yet Ile -oloes not riiind- ea - state;'butfe6' the firat Wile I bogii to h
I ,, for a,boutv two wouths. Zatia- portnut � _ sys recommendi . t- fil n �inf; s� ' 'ra' ri
g moo """" oil eeur�!! a corarnoT23yu!"n '; 0"11 '.
' e, we are now
husband had it running sore oil his fit kle " ' . it which others *have killed; I f f I
Ili poultry ralsing,-especlally In loolect- . rhy friendg." . I .. 0 , in improve. ltdid marvels f6r,me and brought Store 0 r in h
Buk showed'satisfactory results f rorn the first arplivation (although Othe" , . � . . . I ' kinds a � �,rw I ch t �.hllghesl;. "
' �C,(Iln- p6t), It , " * nd he has no objection to taking fish tne back to health in no time, making a new - i l3r,ces W.i �
Ing fowls for, 1:116 brL Dr. Wood's Vorvay Pine Syrup coin- . A , I he aid. .
salves had failed), cleaning and healing the. open, Nvound. .Ave havo also such soi�lecdoll Is -made. the twaltli and out of the .'sea find leavirtg-them, to matt of me. It forfifies the 'body against I I . . I . I
.. found Zam Bilk unequafied' for Cut.,;, llura", Sores, ot(, , fvwl� jinve, vigor of bines the potent healitig virtues of the, -dii. � I 11 I � I the aittaeks of La. Grippe and is a sure pre. . ,
I I � I tile noel; Will be grently fill- . . I Bran, Shorts, Corn and all kinds of
,, great confidence in recommending it to others." I I . djn�jv Nlorway pine tret with other absorbent, ... ventative. I always take Psychine if I feel grain, Seeds and other feeds kepb (5-a 1� I
. . iltdred and the losses �00csrv�ti I, � . , .1 1 .
- , .. � t 13ox decreascol. I oxpec'torant and soothing medicines of 91 cold coming oO and it puts tne,tight in and at the storehouse,
f RE . � � I "llattro.11 11thibitiat ettrids Jllljp�ktherja , I . . .
0070y;la, ringN6rin, �Cftlp , � . . __ __ . no tinic." il � I
ZAM-BUK CURES flioros, uleors, chropw -tail (It's coupoll " L Cointaglout Discatem meogniwd worth, and is absolutely haful, � I No 140ME 914OULD DE:
-voisoning, Cold- 1.) zaill-Bult CO.4 P061try is subject to a few" con. less, prompt and stife for the oure of 11'ettrifte, a delicate pornadt-,' grows OUT PSYCHIr4E I
sores or ci�on wounds, barbor's; rash, blood ." . hair because it contains Canadian ' Ford & McLeod ..
(3d hands, cittg, scal&, t4alb rhount. and loll 81dil I 111")l1to' "'d la - to-irinq diseag,es, which often WIT)v out COuglis, Colds, Bronchitis, Croup, Soiro Be.Irgre&gg. 500&,jar. . Flat said ii�, all I)rUffluth and 10146106, 50C. & $1
So - , -- - � . liet bottle. I , �
. : , anil we will Throat, Pain or Tightnes' in tile Chest, ,,__, ___,V"*~_W_ Q, T. It. STAT10*, CLINTON.
injuries at- di !% It is also a sure cum for viles., �,,"Vllll) . 9 Dr. T. -A. MCOM I
Ad i-seast I . - . -
- - I 0? all sl or�q anil dnigglOP40(i & Tie%, or pn-t A. o forward free .. - . .1 __ _r�__!�, - 6 rl_�i i I . i anda,11 Throat and 1,un"'Protibletf. I � 0 . . I .
6--4,�- .!.�, I lim �, � I I
from Zajiii-Bulk Uo.. TownLo. for vricoat-j I .111)lo box. . Llmllrlup . I
t".,V',;,,, . If%"), #.=.,* Boware of imitations of Dr. Vood'i] - V 00410 plaosA64to; .I 11 V, . \
- .F- �7"",",.;, *�J=,4:,-r, , , I TORONTO
21- _. Ir ,"�,:� NAY IN '; Mlid Great .r7,)tgt&& Beroed I -
.1 .; � �, - � .. ". -k , "'UTLER.
1 7 pe ;�� %_,,;Ai1t%!=PTdF I A Norway Pine IS-yrup. Ask for it and. I "r� J Tonds4tidiliVigOtattO.tl101yll0f(OI F. . We C
V�l ,J� I - ,s`
4, ... '. . ,X, �W�4. iZl , . ,V, V I . hi;,1;t on getting what you at,.k for. It is
,g ". ,� " V-A, kx�h.a_ and. ".1-611,
'nj,,(1Vn,-,. , , . I, I V. I I'.. �
I A ' 4. "T'.'� put up in .it yellow wrapperi three pine
I 1,11 I " 1, W 0,
� 11."..Ny. .� I I V' Always a"t trc&3 t1le trade mark, and the price 25
, �, ,Q�*� " Q 4
, i ". vll.,' Ycu flavo 80 go
'. - --- .- . I --_� cents,
- .
I "11. .Y. 1, . _ 1��.i,U.71 ��'.
I - 1'_1 -.�,;W4::1.'2:�J" 1-1 -4 ..-1
'11", M";It"'11. 110"
, .. I "
I - Te jv.y GMSA-e j'*KlN-t.W*,az,. , -oan-L", tho __ Manufactured only by The T, Uilbura
= "f=, _. I �Slj�tlz,ura of alov 1,_1&_4
, "�r
, , ""rn
I . _ER,TM " . I
-e " - � I La . Co., Limited, Toronto, Orkt.
11121119!611� �h�"'Z ' _. , � � ; . . .. _1-_--__.1_1
. I 11 N ,
I �
I �,
. I --1 I . . I 1. " �_ , __ �
, 4;WW obt,
.. .. � FaInter and Paper Mangers
I . : All work guaranteed, .
4 .
I .. Prices reasonable. �
. Residence nearly �opp6gite the
-1 I 11 r 1. . L I I—- - . Collegiate Institute.
I I �