HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-11-04, Page 1r ­ J 11 AN _11.� 1111��. 'Ir . � 1. . _­414..IWI­�-�- ­7'1­11"�"`� 1 , I ­ - � _T� _i - - - .,.I,- - - - - -_ -_ , ,r1"1,__4W1T1 rW7.Vr"r""%17V71X 1--lvww3pw..---W"pc-,-W-3"mlr"�'--w . - �­7-7- 1111MM-7, -�� -7-7-7 "'" �,- " --W%- I . `.'T1`W17­ �, . I I 1. I I I F_ 1 . 11 . . 1: . I . � 1, . .. I " I . 1, . t"A. �. :. . I I " . I � � . . ,;� , ,,, �. -o 1 -,� . . . - I I I . I . . I . .i.jhhh,,,,,,ft I it , - . IV$ DO YOUR PRINTINa � I - I . , 1114 1 1 1 * � ., r'. I ,�� . ILW � . I) � �­ .,%*.. I - I I . I I., ._.� I .. IIIAS NO Paw _� � _1�1 - I ", I I - :I. t '.' , . I ^:;I, 1� I � ftVAU * -fro,11A OW I . 11 I. . � � 11 I go, �tor� . '. - . . , 04, *AV" 1 Wft MA ... ': . I � I I I :i I I M' .. . r M W-00 low 4$=4Sr6,t"* , i i I I 0"_gtlt� I up , I , =L . , , I" L I �� I . .��'r ft " r"t04 N 0 10 . .. I i ! I I J� , t - Fum, to. 4� J I I a", It 0 laniis r"M.. . . I 11 I . � C.. , ft. , 041W � I 00" 41 I . . . I �� I .... . a ah. AtTertuing roiu* .. 11 I I'll . ..... ... 11 . Or 1. . RICO I I... I ,,, I . lon. ....... ...... ...... ­­ 11 I I � . 1, I - 1, � . % . . ­ - ____ - - - 11410014011 I "__ 4=11:11 1,2=1:11: I ­ _­ ­­ , I 11 .. 1. I I I . 1. I I 11 I . ..... 11, , . 1 vm~ "',`,ii - I 1 q.-- ­ I .1 r -1 I. ..g5l; i 16 �- , 10 p:_: I 1� I ... = I- :111--..... il. 111. - _,.;� ________ '! pi,viii I I .rr _11 - - I . I M I I ­ '17 . . . I I r 11- .r I I � 1. -"W'.1. � . W ]a x1claa . . VOTA Q? $0. 13 . OLINTON, ONTARIO "T HURSDAY NOVEMBER 41.1909 . Vropriewr I . . . I � . I . ., ­� .- . � � I . . I � - "I . I . NO " � I . .." � � � - - ____ I I - .. I .. . � I __-, , _ .- - - I 11 . . � . .. - - " ... 6 di q_- , __1 "o - " I - I .1 I � � 11 . � � I - - - ­­ 1-1 . _-- -I---. . I I I I Nilkopoloo�- =11=: 1.11 1: ,�. : 0.1��,: I � .. " � . 1. I .. . I . . I � �­­ ­.... .. I I - . ., � , . I .., r. ... - - L I . . I . omm .. 1. . - � I .- 1. . . . . 'BrU111111,410. tT%Ho1wos_ Is'lared: - I Ruburn wallkerlourn BAKIN7.1l, - I THE Havelock are cham . . � . , W ,will Berb Mareb bas returned from the Rev. T W Obarlesworth will preach . , , plovsluthefluRl' Live Chielceus:sudlloultry won .-W4 . ; A ]Former Iffolikesville Boy . I t be, West, � on Sunday next, subjeoto: morning, . me games. of the Inter. ' pay the higbosb Price. Ail poultry mus To the ; botile-and-hoi , - ; odand StSTIA1 13610VO dslivoryi, MISS Ive, Govier boa gone to LQUOU "HOW can a man be justifted," even. I . . 0 � -oval fAapk mediate Football Association Of Opt. , Airornvlly 1114114'enher poultry i sapted later. after spending a few holidays. at bee Ing "The great White Througo" , 1 R4 pla-yeld'irk At -0etrolt, Mich., in a car accident W. T. AWDEADU Auburn- - . . � - � - R OZ .--%-- aria, The firpt game W, , 0 ,eel army I . hom 7qpto.' , n Tuesday Dr. %. Q, [John . e. Apiliversalyserviceo will be held . Brussels. and resulted In a le" for the � Miss Annie Jackson spent Thank - � date I � surgeon, was, seriously injured, lie The ]�sotists have iteranged to bolfA . 8 , � on Sunday the 14th and Monday the � OF 0 NADA team of QUO goal. The P14Y Friday W, I 1-A 14 at lis jigs coacossion of the brain. t r a.pin,versary. services And. supper giuii),g at home. . ,10th. Rev. T. T� Shields, of London , Miss, Grace Webster has returned to ,wit , I was strongal: I _of time reamed a. . . 11140 QXVICE, - XONTREAL forlorn hope for Havelock, Brussels The injured won formerly practised on jNov 28th and 29th and, have 4ecured, 'a I preach morning and evening qu . I having & lead of one goal mud neither inB �fter vie Farmer . . rupsels, and from -there moV6d to Rev. 8 Bilward Grigg ot Toronto.form, , pmiltoa a Iting her brother Sunday And Lecture on Monday even. 0 . , Detvolt, where he oaaame connected q preacher. MrGriggo and other friends. I I Ing the.15th on -Big Men" and Me J . . 11 � , I , 115 BrAnobes. And 0orrioliponilelits aide seemed able to Beare. The 0 r. erly Of Auburn a ,Ieltg ted to live - I � Sp . encer the populac tenor of Detroit, Are you 4 progressive farmer? , . I hePP0 with the Army, servIN, In theSpaulgh old friends will be c . - I I 7 .1 I thr9ugh , T vet- -do resl . . . Do you keep up with the tilues ? . .,out the world, taulty came in the laut half. American War and . ,terwal: 111114114114 . will sing at each services. . Do yowever stop to think ot the pran centre. Lsocliesteri receiving the . . 4- an Opportunity of weetin and bear- . . I I Q0141* Restryt I, Alop.$00,00-0 b�ll fpara rightillide, dodged the full lag for some time, In ,the Philliplue " him. The rustiseq .ope to have, Mr William Granger,the up-to-date WILL1,4 , economy of a little economy of . . I Islands. For the past few yeari be ltb'% sheds erected by I the above'date � . I back and Poored an a 40ai t klek. . I ShoWthorn breeder of Hallett, WAS In 4 little money -well Spent? It so, , d &Velock bas. been living, in Detroit Again wittk - ! . Rev. Me McGillivray preached twice _ I I . Tot A$SCI$. , . . , $54,500v900 This evened the round (in 9 big family. Dr. Holmes is a brotherof . , town On Monday and The $tar was in Willis. church )net Sabbath, Rio you. must realize what a really . - I , . . I pleased to b4ve'a calffrom him. He dis good investment ik very few dof. 11 wiprit wIld, At full time the SOM re- of W, J, R. Holwes, of Oodericbi, ,and . Tur,keranilth courses were highly appreciated. � � I p � . has about*40 all arlor Durhams, and He is here in the interests of Knox lars spent on your etoc . . , k must . I . malned the sAme. leaving the round a John R. Holines and MISS. Deborah, of , . . . al. attention given to Deposit. Ac. continue the M fs . apec! tie. Brussels refused to � I Holmesville. He is also a cousin of . les, Edam Blcoat was home from woknowfora act that be, breeds , college buildingFund and has been be.. AfarmerbaSto depend to . ,ounts, and the, r Wma Ladlei? OcIlege, St. Thomas for nothin ut thebest.-(Gode�rich Star.) h . big live, Stock 4, 1. , equireruento play to a finish, asprovided for in the d distantIv oanvassin the congregationfor Sub. sue An extent on , , . MISS return- , S 9 eport-The following is the for big livelihood that he must , . of Farmers, . rules and Referee Fitzgerald awarded related to Druggist Holm who, the Thanksgivin g bolf4ay;g has, . chooll 00riptions! , , , arts will 'to resume her studies. of necessity be interested in any . the roulAd to Havelock. - eal ed I I . I I many old friends in these p MIKA u �eoortoof 8 8 No 9, Hallett for October 1. . . 14 E ]coat and Miss Tenal Town, SR -3 -Floris, Fingland. B Robinson, U The Y. P. G. held a, e4ildrens meet- thing .that will Improve their Joint accountA, on which interest. will wish the'doctor a speedy recovery, ez ing on Monday evening which was condition. at a small cost. We I � ­ I I . I send have beer, appointed delegates McLeod, JrS­�W-'Good,DMogrjdge� be credited half -yearly, may be opep- .� from Turneg's Epworth League to the 'Be 2-3'Govier,, X Wagner, equal; G very interesting and well attended. keep the beet Stock and Poultry I I . I e . d in the name of twbi persons, withn . � i0olborne . � GQG;X_�_ I . I. 1. .1. � . . 0, .. A I Convention at LDndes I bore. this I w I eaU,- Roberton, W Wagner. A � RobInson,M The consecratioa meeting will be on Preparations made. I � dmwable by either party. .Arthur Fisher wears a broad smile . . . Sabbath evening; I , , , iftylleld At the close of the- regular sermon Q 1,E 0000'M W , I I . , ox. Jr2-LBal agner I --"-- - . . those days, its a &L' I . be Wo- by fffib. p%stor in Tar er's church next R 11 . . I .- I . I The regular meeting. of t a . uniring. Pt 2 -jN Paterson, 1) Me., Presbyter meets in Blyth next - � I J and' Mrs Pring Suado,yedmt the men's Institute will borbeld on Thurs, Sunday afternoon, th I I � , e Quarterly Love Lpod, Average. attendance. 23. P C Tuesday an at the same time the W. , R. E. MANNINGi, Mgr. . home of Me W 0 Durst, - . day afternoon, November 11th - at the F easL and. Sacramental service will be Hess, teacher.. I . P M.S. Presbyterial will hold their an- W. A. McCon.ne_ . I . 01 , . . . Geo Rabe), of Goderlob, spent Sun- home of Mrs,.Darriah,. All inembers held. . . .. nual meeting, , day underthe. parental roof.- bavino he, society magazines . Turner's I . ' I Plim. B. , J Wiederholt of. Lietowel, Spent- I Me Tral"Johlis,, addresSed . I Chnrch News I . - NTON BRANOH in t��elr any Of ' on will kindly ,bring Epworth leagiie last Sunday evenin Holine*vIlle , I . I I ( Be . 9 OLI . the Sam P )8se 1 meeting as the* society and gave 9, veryp'easiog and profitall) C.P.R. Telegraph Agency . . - Sunday with frlpnds on the Maitland is to the We are,pleased to sbe' John Yoe able. Rev. Jotin MoParlane,after twenty� . . . R Ban v .commenced 8i has determined upon a new weth This League is Ili good shape to .be out ones wore. . . u�,n eArs being paetor of the Pille -_ . lgb, Berviller, o4 � of address. . � oy , - I * series of vangelistic services at Beth- oir8ulation. and has well attended meetings every 6. T. Walter wears a broad smile er Presbyterian church, near Kin- � I . I . , Women and Girls et churen on Sunday evenip9t Ideet- . . . � night at. 7.30, tbese.-times,a baby boy . d cardine has, sent. in his resigrintion �, I �� . ings will be continued every evening -1 � � . . having arrive His congregation presented him W4 - . --- . I . 1. I I I at his home last week, - . . 'X7V I foe some time. . . I � summerhill, . . Mr. A. T. Cooper; of - Clinton, toolt a purse of gold., ' I W"�%%"0,%*"1M"Z " '� A T -%I- " r E D Quite a number'of young folks from . Goderleb Township . . . . ' � I "I " V. � . this Maitland Attended the.Temperance The Ladies Guild held a very suc. . charge of the service"n the Methodist Rev. W.. T.Cluff,rector,of St, James, . � / . I as machine operators and for. other . cessf al meeting at the home of Mrs 0 R Ruck returned howe'from a very church, on Sunday evening. last. church, Stratford, accompanied by' . .. I factorywork. ,Good wages and steady . Beacom.. � west. AlbertHedstead of Manit,pba, -but Mrs.Claff. left last Wednesday for .. entertainment at, Benmiller on Friday � $. - - `7 ­_ - - 4elightful trip out No More � . I evening a . . � been Senton, Mich, a former parish, where � . � . employment. Write' us. . I'st andare loud in their praise Miss Rose Tebbutt who has formerly of Goderlcb Township, is . I . of - the splenei4 - program which was On Friday evening -last a Sur else home for several months returned to visitIngin this vicinity, 'he having they will attend the fif bieth anniver- I .1 . . . . . I . party met at the. bdme o wev" Goderich last. week and U learnink the been ci�ilecl h -6 owin, aaVy Of the Anglican Churchiri that. I - . . I er , to the illpegs I The Clinton KnittinoXoltd. given Trouble $ . A I Win, McCvbe .moved to his new I H-Opubir gn the Ifth cob. Jt dressmaking. * ' . . of his mother, who we iub pleased to city. They will be present at the . . I Clinton, - Ontario. farm on the Oth.concession on Monday consisted of the .pumber of about e -a re, farm of the late . . . - reckon takes inimediato, forty, The*object .of their meetirig a ei,l ty ,c , say isimproving. jubilee services and intend spending Just a few, dosis will regulate . . . and Nr Chas B was. to Ina I rk in some deg I ree their ap. h g ' dy In Goderich town&hip St Johns Uhurch, Holmesville has aw.eekwith oldfriends andacquaint- I � $ - I ...J.....,.,�'.."..V...---��lk...e..",".,�,0-�..4,.k,.�..�..i I =sIon of the prbperty,�he hasva- s I es To ur,ar at. p6liction by his wlt�in the past few weeks been beaut- ances. . your our -of -order stomach, and' . e "!I a _I gj�d . I 1 � -their winister's ery c W' r , ) I . make' it perform, Its 15ro . . . . . . . 10 amongst them. Me J R Lowery, on � - The see- ne I � (" "ge y renovated I , r . A, genial and social fellow at all preciation of brothre' ea .S turdy for $4600 Ifull internally. . . Rev. 0. W. Saunders'. the popular . functloni§. � .. � $,6.0 , *2 � J -H times, his many friends. will,"regret behalf of the comparlyin a few well Memrs Thomas! and itobert Dunbar vive was* resumed on SmAda,y last. rector of St, .Peter's Church, Luck* . . . $ .. I his dep�rture,, We. wish him every. ' ' Tbe Rdvo W. jl.- Dunbar. heartily.- ex- , no a ­ - eleno--chvirch- hae. - - le,_, ..... I . . I - ". - I bere they . w, nd the St.,H -1 . . i - . __ _. ­ � I , . I the - reverend lef t on Monday forCalgary w I I ' ' __ - - _­ O. -ID. � . . . - . . : I J sdecess in his riew.,home., _:. , 1. �11 choseff remarke,, abked A . -9 � rere booked pressed his appreciation of th bee'n n6tifi6d by his bishop that be is , 1 $. 1 1 . . -load of intend to settle, They . e work I 0 Al I I . . � . . . gentleman'saccepta4ce of a _- m . . - ­ ., * through bv Mr, Win, jaekson,.agent d6ne'and said it replaced great credit to:'be moved to St. JohnIs ebureb,- . .. " � I � . I . I ..I� . " I I . . o�* .oats. Me Dunbar irk acceptin th , , . Brantford about December Ist. 'His will in a short time, tone Vp , i 1. , . I . , g eir for the C. P, R I. Co. � . . on the egation, . . $ . % . � i . eonstarice . � genetous gift thanked his friends very con _r ' r stomach, so that you will " . I . lace Mondav TheLadles Aid of t e Methodist su I . . . . . . I . ,essed the -pleasure The funerai- took , P b coessor is not yeb 'alipointed. Mr,,, - you I I , - V. Roy Lawson arrived home from the heartily and expi � I * have no more trouble from dys. . - � . I , I . . atternoon of Samuel Nelson Sowerbi . I Saunders is wellkndwn to our citizens . � S, "'"' I West last Friday. . ''. . . he had in iaboring amongst th�parish _, Church intend holding. an anniversary in Clinton who will -be pleased to htiar ' - pepsla and indigestion. $ . � . Q One year aro, Mr. George - Miss Nellie Sutherlmnd bap*gone to cuers-of St. Petees, Their congrega. the -six year old son,of John and Sarah services on Sunday had Monday; Nov. of his P-061notion. I . I . . . .. . . . .7 J- . ch Township., The 21st and.22nd. . On Sunday Rev. J E I . . 'Sdc a', Bottle, an. .". = Wakeman wa; earnibg about $lop � . grown. immensely since big ,Sowerby, of Godevii . : . . . I its 4 'we - $ ., - Z- i . . I . . . ? 0 per Year as fArm laborer. Now - Chislelf0rat for while. - . tion had � . coming amongst,them and W& fact littlefellow received ap injury on. the Millyard of Uensall, will be pre0jent . . -_ -00. guarai t66 It. - - - -0 he is earning at the -rate of, $962... .' Sames Parish, of. Cranbrook, wasa, heotl last Julv, which was tb6 cause'of and take, charge of the services and. on - - . I . . _. � * per year. . . � caller hi the Village on Mmiday. . � . . I I . � M I wi eep in, : % D6 largely attributed to -the d * death on `Satdr.4�Ly last,.* ' _ 140 . * $ , I I S I AO . . X terest manifested And the self-sacrific. his . aday evening a hot supper will be . " Six months' training at our - D. and Mrs. Cole, of Ethel, 'spent . . J� . Zo ' ig -efforts put forth by., its, member .,.., 1. - I �. served1fter which an e;xcelleut 010. I . , , Business College made the differ. ' Tuesday in this village the guest of It . a. . .. .. . _2* . -c- S, . Tea,was then served �by the ladies .� " Stanley . - I - gramwill be giveh. Several spiJigkers :, perao I;. W.&R. Holm' el ] � their mother, -Mrs. Win.. 4)ole. . . . - be. n . E once, Wa!s it a good investment? . al Notes 44 � $ � I a He thinks so. Mi address i .. . *who had provided abundance of sand- " will be likesent among whom will . .8 - . Aliss Bertie Stanley, of Holmesville, -5* I . 446 . . . . . � .1 . Z Now Osgoode, Sask. . � � I 'inton, visited .wich, cake, etc. During the evenla � * Mrs. It. McLeod, of McKillOP, Visit- Re-�. Jas Livingstone of MitC6.11, *;w If thode 'baying relatives or frAends 4§* I . , P ra) _ 1 $ , $ � . . and" Miss Graham, of 01 f Pdar, the home.of Mrs.. "R. Pearoont - Watch for further particulars � Phra B. � I . � C Pour Courties: 1. "' the laften.cousin, Mrs. D. ,Tudor and games were indulged in and a misce - , . . + visiting in town or going oway * I . , ':p . . _. I Miss Carrie Walter gave a repor a V 'we I i of vocal and instru- last -Week. . t I.. i = uR of the fact eac � .0 . � I also tookin the ForiesWr*s.Supper. laneotis prograir . . , W661119RA. * . - - . % Mr. HDIland of Hallett ' announce itin the X1W t Alalluradur'Ing Chemist. .$, Z *so Preparatory mental music and readings was welf was 'along Leagde on Monday evening of the Ep-. * , . � . � I I . . - -' , Dan and Mrs,, MeGieggor and their I tba line on Tuesday, canvassing Or worth Leag0e -Convention held in St. . * , I " . .; . ered, - The c . . ;1%"%--,%,""W#,W%A60�%,'%f; I . M Hall Parnham, of Seafortb, rend ompany separated . . . 1: = - 11 grandsoni I bean tluieshing. . .14,00+04000+449 � Commercial with their child. -at a late hour, having thoroughly en, , ,Mary's oil October 18th, 19th -and 20th. I . I I + �� . . .1 . . �, � - Mr. John Pe�per'had tbe'misfortune' the I - . ­ :��_, t­�___ Z W - spent a week or so . . S Mr. Thos*, Jackson, Jr.,. is in Toronto - " . It was, also election of' 'officerEr, I I I S = t ren Chasr-MeGgegor and Miss B L.2 . joyed a good time.. . , se a dent,, '' � .� ' . . - ' . Stenography. . ". . I I . � I I . - .., I I . � "I I I , on Tuesday of this' week, to *IQ follb , g be,idg elected . - Pregi this. W�ek:bn a�businsBs trip Irn suce sg'llvbls now.. b 1-.' ' , ' I . . I . . fiea,vy bo�se. fie died while. w0ikilig Geory- 'olild. Ist. Vice President, will wish 11, , , e usl , . ,!. � 5 4 � . . �, . .1 Fa6ham. , '' -6- 1. 1. t " I. . ., . . .an Mrs. Wallace spent Raturdayi. I call- ness, . I � ,�, I � � Telegraphy - . I 1 Mrs. Bert Wilsori,jDf be6ioit, - Spent . Lon desboro in the field.' � Fred Potter,: U4 Vice Presideint, Miss Ing,), . . 41. �-,�. I - .. w. . . 1. . � E Thanksgiving holid(Lys with her mot-. � .. . Miss -Christina MeLeodleft for her Holmes, 3rd Vi�e President,Miss . n old friends in Go4erich.., - Mr. W H Ford, of Kamloops, B. C . _; guier any time, Individual - W, . . Eggs are at pre8ent 23a, a doz. . - . , D. A . Mrs. Cole fr, . "I I no ,o ` her. Mrs;'D. Wilson. Mrs. Wilson rew bornein Brooklyn, New York-$ on S. Acheion, 4th Vice President, Miss ere Lacknow is. visiting -. I � . Z r. str n. f. , . f Messrs Watson. shipped And brother of Councillor Ford, is rZ1 . I turned with her daughter to Do twity hogs' ol�, Webtlesday. after, Spending the gain!. B. Snowden, Se 'treasurer 'her daughtef,Mrs. Shier� 6f. town. e " i 0 - .1 , � I . . cretary . ' B"' , . . � n wing old f� endshi I)s. in . nnd around . � . - I It � Ime. n -day. .' . . . ' . . L . . . � t ' ill,likely rein n'Bast L � Write fo I . where she will spend ii=6 ti Wed es L . I 'Mi on � .. I . � . . . . � -a . -- mer at the home of her sister "Mrs..R. Howard Trewartha,. Orgauisb, iss _ .Me. Olin , He W ai - 5 % [.* . r particul . airs. . . . , - The Forrest0es Supper on Tuesday . Inspector Robb, was visiting our Pearson.� L � I L .. I .. . I � I . .. Kelly, of Listowel .was in. for the winter. I . . . . . . I - - public -schools this week� , - .. ' T61:ibutt, Choir Leader, George Ache,' topon, ohWednesd�y of thisWeok.: I - . . I c, night was quite. a succcess. - The pro- . 66 M , , ? . I ' onday. *hile Xr, L. Sparks . asurer of Forwar . nt'L . - Mr , , . I � I L - :grain come . was picking apples in the orelliiid, . hef. Miss M Connell, . . � I I 'ice at Holmesville last Sunday., . �tary; atteddedther�-openirsg of ,I I � i isted *of readings, Singing,. LT13o Bible. Society meeting on Tues. L .son,. Tre d Moy6me Mr. -A. T. Oo6per took the evening I -L. C. Fleming.County Y.M.C.A, ' . L . . i following took n. ; sery � Secre - day night was almost a failur ,. . . . � . 1i CLINTON I - I violin playing.- The had a horse and buggy standing be-: , .1 . . - I , HAlloween pranks were. played. to I I . I - I I Carter, -of the 'Presbyterian churdlij at Exeter, . . I'll .. I I I L �' � , , , " .." , "" , - "' - i! 1�1� , , a M , , WMI ,B,t,o ,� "� �, ":� , , &I - .1 i" t ;',�� , " . �11 'a Ut r;�il I , ., "j '11-1-11 .11 111. .1 7 � , AJ 104400 It ,. a- wri -,:-, I �d 1_0*AP#= e,_ ` 1, " I I I I' I 'I I I I � . . � � I I .1 I I I I 1 $ $ % $ $ 1 1 - , in the,p gra):6, Mr. Bri&t,from, I sidethe ferice. .�His little brother,, . __­�_�' . Me W Wateort and Me J lasi Sunday ,and took part ,.In the _ ' . gait ,ro . ' ' . _. BUSUIE�S COLLEGE " quite An extefit on �nday* III t. - L Blyth,werein town, Ssturdayevenivg . . . . . I I . .. 'ha's - n. of'Carlyle, Sask, . �. S. " I . .. . t .' I eaforth; Mr. Dorrance and Allen Archie got into the buggy and. the* 'The,O. P. R, is puttina�, in it railway ' musical service . I . I I L, . . ... . . . " L - - BroS,L row 0. Mrs hitely one to . orse s he - - Miss Eva Canteld . . Z - ___ . L Miss 'Hattie . L L I . - IL . I f Harlock-L.:; Mr... Thos. M stay"for a _ . g orrie to '_ 7 1. -0 - i ' leng�h at Gode .. . . . . __ . while wit her on Dr L h tarted off.'. .Hbran through't Sidi;g, I 6 b fee�in r'c" was *I iting'her qoUSIfi, . L . . L I I . . I . � * ldillan:Miss-E, Parnham,of.Constance, . .1 "L. I I , as I I � __ IIINOMMP.IIIIIII., ; L � . . i . 1 1. * IYT,. . field and the little'lad wasthiniwa out , . S. . . . . - I .. . . . . . I . . , . . , - - ? And Miss - White - of the buggy and fell on his head. He �L A ppti�ion k ng for the repeat of Lavlg. . I .. , . � I �. I LL OC&I op .1 GRO. SpoTTm,, Principal. , 11 Elcoatfromnear Brucefield �Ioa 'Was 1. . - The tervices in the'. Prosbyt,�I�n WASL Une b placed before .'the I . � + I " I . . , A . L - timp, and Hensall ouncil on . I -3 been 40 . I Z . I Dr. Cooperi Seafortb, w s the chair 6isclous for some .1. I + + � I � I . , I ehurches were.co T.0ted by Me Mali- I Manda3�* evening, Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt, oi Blyth..ha. 444 ++* . - .L : . ... pr�oceeds amounted to $70.0 I �.11111..l .................... 10.1-40.01 .................... .00, .... I 0 I wau..'Tb6 . tin a student 0 AM ront6. - ; .1 still suffers from the Injury. . I the guestof Mrs. T. A McKenzie lof t '. ' . + .1 . . .. L � . . .1 I C + . ... . I 0. . . . .. .Last week a small fire ,broke odt in* tdvtn. . . . . . .� . .. 9 . � . I � I . . - I I I � . - ere was n . . . . .. . � . . I I Th. h le,Tvice Ili the Meiho 11- . . . . � . the Summer Hotel, at Godegich, but it . . . *Mr. Advertiser I � 'L ' ' - . * - . -f __ L I ­ . dist church on Sunday owing. to . Seaforth I I . I Vs. VV m. uooper was a- visitor last . I . . I . was'put out before much ,d e , . I .. I '. . . + . I .� . ­ . - . . � I . . special service in Constance'. , . 'Inspector Robb paid an officiAl visit done, .. '-1 o I �I�'g 7.4'. vieek with ber'daught,er and son in . I . . '..* . I . I I � .. . I . .. I L 1. .. * . L .L L L_ I .. , - .T ` 0. � L.. . . . .114 1 ' ' - � .1 . . . �. . . .. .. .The evaporator is,-recelvi RI '' t6'the bl' selioolla6tWe6k. - .- J ­­ L .. � I + 1. + 1, , . quantities of - At, the auction sale on Saturd&y last; orout L � . . * llailng:ingtalled an Elc�r *+ I . . , Ordered Ready- � ' 'the 100-aeve farin'of Mrs JUJIM'King �ill. L Mr, �and Mrs Richard Jam fo,us L our fo + . . . I, - L in 'r 6 u "�� . . be of + tric lllotor� it'ls necesgarY. �, bavq, more owing to the LIOSS 0 tla?­ le laid' if Witti'illneSS And big Wor1j. ha's ' '' L . .. . Wmgham, was*the guest of'Mrs. Win. - .t to Close rills ..* - I . - I I . 9 . Bast Waw - was- purchased by ... . . 'Crocks.. Mtj1&e,L" �- 'L apples arid wittlike .. L,r,,y - G. T. R. baggAgerpan , .anoslf , 17". - . . - � , " Ay_ � Us. � , , : I . . i . cl.thi..'Morrish.1' . 10J.04king . lobk- one. I. I . L . 'been looked after by hiSLS06 Frank, ' � -Win. Doerr, for $4,200. Thtis. Gundry ., , . .. I . . I * earlier than lit the past.. ­. .- .. � . 1 . I Elliott this week . . I . . I . # � L + With this 46 . .. . - - - . . L . I L. 1'.. . L I ,� . . . . . . . . � I . . . . . - . I Goderich- District Epworth, League The Tuckeramith 'rural telephone .of Goderich, was tlie-auctione . 'J'ames and Mrs4 Dunford, , nd tit vie*;We ' + . . I I I I __ - are holding %thetr Co"efition in the, I eri I combined # would urge our adVibrtis- . I .. � . I + , system was completed on Wednesday . . . . .'' :.. .. . . . *L .. .. w. .. .. I � .. . . . . I . . I . .. .. . . ere o' r . . + . . - . -..:. .. 4 - # ers to 'let its 'livive` their- + * ' � ' . � . . . . I I Methodist Church h k -Thtirsday . . business and � pleasure in a ap to It* . have L � � I - . Brassels last week. ,. . ' � . . . . . I . L . . . . I . � 1 Friday of . � on the Chigelaurit. division. 'Chisel- ' +* '. ' . . I .. . . . 0 " ' ' L '.� I I I . . am: this "Week, Program hurst peo�lq now - t - he telephone . L .' . : . I . + I elvauge! . AS early in th * . , L , I . . . . . . I very. - . . . I I *, BrucelleYd a is . . , + - . , . .. 11 . . and rural mall, dell ... L - B. I + . I I ; is ,%. good one and should give.good . Walter McBeath had a saleL of sti) I ck . Mrs. Walsh nA 9"'s' Waisbo * weeli I as possible. . I # . L . .regs u.1 ts�. . L I 1. �., 1,3adon' Ro4d-, . spent Sunday with * . + I I . L - PASSES AWAX third concession of 'L Tuckersm ith, took I . .., I .1 . ... . .tnge ... " " . LL . . .A, few -days ago Hugh Hamilton, onSatUrday go �prioesl*er6kealized friends in Colborne. . Will be 1hade # I L . . �Wlzs. (DR) WHITELY . . +* X6 , 6 I t - , �,�,-�- I -. . .. . . . .1. . . -The'Goi!rie Videibe, of last week givew , from a bloom- Mri; Risebury', as returned fporn vis.- . ' kr.�.Y. 116wit;6 fr6m,Lucknow was - # 0 . . , I I I . I � � � .1. UN -DE EA. - .'' - bush in his -garden a full It I ,of. her slater'at Listo + if received after 12 o'clock. . I . . . the following- sad particulars of the Od rose, - - Robt -B Scott also, picked. I in I . . . visiting his sister-in4aw, Mrs." Shier # . . . + 11 I . .. I . . . � . . vq'el! at the bow . � . . . . I .# I ... i . I . . . demise of Mrs (Dr) * N.Vhitely of that k L L , . . . . for a-cou . . -week-: . 11 . . 11 - I . I'll ".. + ... ,, _. ,. . . from his garden 'this wee.. a number ,ple of diyi this' - - ­ + .., ko d � + I - - --..-- -village,whose 'hugband is a well.16own . . . . I Mrs John Reed and children have re . I # i on of Wednes ay. z 11 ­­­ � '. L . . . . .. of targe,'beautiful pansies. � . . Mr. Hairy Twitchell. of, town, spent- .4. - .. .. . � I I . . # L. i , . . . � . turned from spen.dingL the summeralt . .. I . I ­ I I former resident of this locoity - - - pa` Ail. illness,' - Herr, +*+*+++#+*+*+*+ + 44 . . . . , ATragi" Aftera6evere and ' in Or or, and dthdi - places. � Me Reed Tbanksgivingwith Mr. Charlie , � I # # 44444!* 1 . .1 ' - sInaost in its suddenness did the news jamesA. Anderson died on Tuesday h, - ' e pArsongge at Tilsoriburg.. I - I ,.� . I a:g *come to as of the death of Mrs (PF) lJot at th . We stndy the" Underwear qn*esti7on, and: appre , . . . . I vet returned he has purshased I . � I . 1. . � last week -Mr Anderson was 65 years of . . � iate the different r6quire_*xnent6 of difterent'. mien. , Whitely of appendicitis. It was not �age, and had beena, land hi'Oregou. . Miss Emma Lavis and Mrs. Junor, _- , --.. I . . __ . . �1 of ' . - . . . . .. , L. c Wool L . I . I -resident of Sea- rsary of tb�e Presbyterial W,!I-.0 ...... oh..Wh.01.1 ..... 0.4"'! ... I . I g. L geherally known that Mrs Whitely . . The annive town'L were visitors .with Brussels ­­­ .. I Some men , want� or nothin � Others i6a,nriot - was ill, but her indisposition first de- forthfz)rovsr30*Lyears. For.,a great church will be he!id on November.21st, velatives-and friends th!O w,'eek. .. I. I I .. I . .. . . . . I .1 . I 1. . . - 11 .. I . L . I . 1. many yearl * sll`b%dbeenin the-einplq'y -when I . : L . PA L L ,, . 1 7. .TERM, � . . . . bear wool at all, so we provide the BEST in all the veloped a week Ago Sunday,, Oct. 17tb, . , the Rev. Me Mann, Auburn. will Mrs,.(D.r'.) Kay sLnd dau liter, of I I IIIIIIIIIIIII,IIIIIII,- I ". . LL . - , but probably not,wisbing to create un- btreetanddraiii foreman. pre h on Monday following a tea L'apier. Mich, are -renewing oldiriend- 1-� L . . . . _:1 . "I . . . . . .different kinds of: Under,.Vear, -In Wool, . Merino, ' . . . �;T�vii; �n"� /ilclent And painstak rig ac r Begins od Sept. lot. Our old-esbablished Lind . - . . . . . . . ... I . necessary alarm.* Dr and Mrs White- . I ,e,tI,,,,IIIb,,h,l& , .L ' ships"iril,,ri will ,,I,tiv,,,,d :reliable school offers We boA, facilities for x . I . I L i I . . . I . Or' Wednesday evening last a sue- friends,., , I I . . 'securing a.sound business i - L L� � . I . ' I %nd shorthand �, Fleece -lined, Union, e I . .. . I ly bore their anxiety alone until about. em ') I rs of age, died . . . . I . , t I . I tc. . . 11 � . J Po b idy -7S yea cessful meeting of the Bible Society . - it pays to , . . I I � . ealul4g. Write for emalogue. Z I _. . . . . . L I . . . themiddle of last week, when Me and at ,h. Il �.V...4awlaw, Patrick wits hold the. Rev. Me Tayl . I Mt. George W. Pearson lsft on , ve ate. . .'. , . . . . . I I ... . . . or MethcF I Wed- Mn stig . . � . . ,� . . -Mrs MeVittie, of Goderich, parents of Walsh, on Thursday last. She, was tiesday of this week for Toronto I I . I , . . I & - . . . . � . . - , . . Mrs Whitely. weregumnioned,, as well - �dist minister gave a , good address, a I " "HUSh Affiffl I RUSI CSS- C011COC �' . ' � * - I ' f C41 a - . I . 2 x 131G'SPHe1ALS a. 2 ' as Dr Whitely's - mother fi ona Londes- the mother of six sons and fourdaugh- irood share of: money, has. been given where he Will furthei his' studies in � P I -ill I . * ; . , , L . . I I I . Z . . I ters, all of. whom survive her,with the fir t' a Society. , .- Unife, at the Conservator I . I . . - I .� � , . . - 34--7, � . I. �, ... .4 . '.. y of that,: - YQngo and MeGlIf Sts,, Toronto. I I . A boroi : Two . doctors were . esum- exception of oile son.and one daughter IL . . I .. ". X . . '�f draining . ,. I . I , . I L . . . . . Tbe-difficulty a, piirt of city'. - .: , 1, . . ­ . . Z .. .l.i.l.II.I­q.A,.'..;.o I ,� ... "4..~'I,!i..0.1­I0.. .". I I . . . . L. moned from Win ham, and on Friday T surviving 1paefribers.,61! thefamily, our Village has been settled the � .Mr. Rairy.Duncan,- of Brasselst . I . ....... " .......... I . . � . 1 20 dom-n MeWs Shirts and Drawers, heavy, alliwool. Vega.. % � . he . . , - . I . . I I _ L.. I . . - aspeciallitfr6in. oronto, Dr., Bruce ate Mrs P Walsh, Seaforth,'Mrs E. J; I S I . . � I . ., , ith,a6companied -by a trained nur . ''. . 'L . lar $1.00, for .......... ....., -, .. ........,...................,.,. '759 Smi so Stanley Council, a ciVil. engineerfrom, . spent a few days, the gb,�st of hi . . � . . . I I . . . I . . I - i * . . - . ; .. . I ,� .. � . . . . . . . L. . �cstoe,upon the evertin train L .but all Roach, Stratford, Jeremiah, . Richaid Goderich examine the . place. l9st, brother, L Mt. W. E. Duncan. , The . . I ., . . * . I . . .. . ., I . ' _. I ; surg and ,,,,, MaN R ogb '13, Chicagoz'James week" a number o our' eltiz visitor has Justr6turtiedfroul an ex- . L . � . . I . ' 9 af� , ena will I � I � - and Drawarsi regular 75c., i the beat ui�dical ang ical skill . rt� ­_ - . I$ IT" I I I . . . : I � . . � . 15 dozen Men's Union Shirts �* 4I .... L ............ � i.'o ... L availed' nothing, and Mrs Whitley e , , an _ Dqniel of ilkie.. ask. have. Ins arid- help pay the tended trip In thle West.. - . I .. " for ................................ � . I. 50.0'. 1 . I .1 � L . .- .1 . . to �xit drai .1 - . . I . . I . ,pasoeda%�ayon Friday evening. f1l; .- I .. _' "' , . , .. I expenses, after heavy rains there is a Mrs. 'Kenneth Erskine and her mot- . %, I , - I . - . I - L . I . .L I is bare'lv fo6r moriths Ance Mrs Whit- -1 .1 .- . _- large quantity.of Surface. water which hero Mrs..Willlam Maclean Jr. will re. eream� of 1. I . % � . . I ley camo to Gorile a btide� and since 'L. L I 19% L . I . ovirflows the collars. - It is thought L celve on Thursday and Vilday next, . . . . .. I '. I . . 1.Wft-_-,--2� I a- Mk�' L - I November 11th and 12th and the first , I . . . . her comipg she had deeply impressed , ,.at�;--�,4 -N the trouble will now be over. . . � I . . 110"WUP, , 1. * .all by hor'qui6t; dignity and manifest I . .. . On,Thursday lagt D. McDonaldi who and Lthird Thursday of eachmonth, . . .. . . . . . . . I - � I . . . . V had reached the ake of' 86 passed away , Mr. Green . . . ets. - . -11 ri d'ed, , refinement and it was the concensus wood, who is in charge of I . � I r? `� L C 6 W 1� IQ L t,.. le, I , P Viol , ' ' - I . . .. � .. . , go bad been ill for it long time. 110 t�,eL . . ,I , I .. ..L'a,, , . . A:- L * I . . . of oplbion that'Dr Whitely had made Witterwork6 system here and as. I . . � I . . . . , . � I. � , . . 6 wise, choice in the selocelon ol a help wis for about 50 years a blacksmith - sistant to -Willis Chipman. 0. X, who ' . � I I . . I . . delig , L and , ,rer . I � . . meet. Mrs Whitley had been busy httand I ert, -. in our village. respected by all who � has, been otp�age;d totakii a report on A ,htfdIlY'cOOl ... . , . . 99 . . MP . . knew him for a number of years be has freshing lotion- I r. preserving � lVelyal i -kin. . I dince'llercomingin getting, herhome . I . . . 1. . the Goderich sewerage system, L Waf; - tho The I . attraL ?riiiaged,.4nd h * t ,$-Ili. . . . . . . . . given up work and lived a retired life and softeni'iig e s I I . . OvercOatb I ., . . . . ,a raet! "Ing go _- AA -L, I ,caved Widow. and five there last week, taking love)6. and beat preparatiun for sunburn , A . . . '. I f I A411 -y acdowplished was ' - , . . . I . he leaves a bei tollect,ing other data necessary iii the db apped hands, face and lips.: I � ... . . i 119-. O,. . 'children. Duncan and Mrs Pred . . I . . I L I n %-I,. . . . . . . d " btless antic pating a 'period of In- matter.' L I � . . . . . . I . . . ., I V 40MMMM.W. ww-lw- , smith,6f Chicago; Mrs Yellowlees of I . � � nee and usefullnesa - so well begun . I . . I , . ' I . , of L ' Rube in 0er1fectl ,'not grell,87,, Th is Expreftion We'Hear in her hothe t:own in Godetich, and Limburgtr cheese'as a bure-for cancer T10onto; Airs A T Scott Arid 104 Ileu Those irom Goderich who Attended . y . I � . . I I . � � . L . . . . fer which her bausical talents so emi- looksfoasible. Itwdulddrivo anything O�tl-villd,ge, Allwere at homeatthe .the recital gi*eu by MisslMay Rance. I � . 25c per bottle .1 . I . L I nently littedher, but the grim reaper out., . 1. time ot his deatb, , Re was buried -'on last Friday evening. were: Mrs. W.� ' I I . ... . L . very A I . invAdes. the lbvely'homa and cut down * . .. Saturday at Baiad's cemetry. He was Coates. Mrs.. Black; Mrs. Di -k Miss .. __ .I- ' , L . IL . . . --I.- . L � its fair mistress, To Dr Whiteiy the Flying machines don't cost enough , a member of the Presbyterian church and Me, Lawrence and Mrs Xell1r.ana . ... I . I . I . , I . We have the BEST valUes and largest assortment Of ' to ran ever, to ba as much full its Auto- 01 our village, - , Mr. and Mrs. Have, Mrs. - A McLean I I . . I . . sympathy of the entire community � ' I , ­ . .1 . . L, Seaforth - ]E% EDD"V_ - L Overcoats we have -ever sliowm . . goes out,, words are empty at such 0, mobilelio , * . . .. I I .1 . I . . I and the Misses Wilson from. . . . 1. a. ]EIV . . . . I . . . _ ' _7��_ . . 'wete also here. %. . . . I : I I I I'll time as this but, not for a long time has The man,who wants the e It is the . I . . is L : I . . L . I . . I .. �� . LL art I . I . . I . . D perising Chemist. . tbe-deepbeartfelt sympathy of this highest kicker when it comes to pay- %# ftAW%ft0'%`*"" "" %ow - Mr..Jaek. Wiseman left'Wednosday � . . - . . I d I . . . . . L . " 0 1 L' . ­ I BoyfA OverboatS frOLIA 41-03.50 - to .$10.00 , � village boon aroused Ason this otcasion Ing.taxes. �w* .. . ... .. �.. . I , . toi- Guelph where he entetp the Ban . . � . . __ - . . . � . . . l ,�_ I , n . .1 To' -the broken hearted father. and ., 0 Church, Chinies o' I of.Montreal there. Jack's-briaby friendq 1. . ____ I . OOL' raother,'who bury their, last ehild,tbel Oacastim�lly you will find a man so tz;N" %&%46" . L ... .. . I .1- . I 1. I .. I . . I I Men's ov,ercoa fnw $8.00*-�- t, lazy that he would rather pay rent I I . I - - !T!��_ , o$24 tiffliction is almost unbearable. After I .1 . - . I . . . I . NNW'. I ­. ­ 11 ____ . I !.! . - 7 . . .1 " . , , . 0 , . . ao short service sit the house,conducted t4aft move. : I . * .. WE19LEY - , . I I , L L ' I I I *1 . . . . . . . . . . .. . � . . by -Rev. Me McTavish, 'the remain,,, I � The pastot's' subject neft Sundav I n ,Pl%ying with warIked, cards Is Apt to I . . . re taken to Goderich on the noo lead. to oa�piclon', but appearkhoes are will be, morning.'' -The Nature and ,. I . e 1. IV . I . . Our 01-0,00`0verco 'a, t 'is tra I priviledgei; of Sinshio,"' everiing"Gi - THE.MOLSONS BANK - - 0 0,10 oil Saturday where, the funeral sometimes ded ptive. . 1, I . . I " service dod buriat took place on Dion. . . . ist to I have Ing Ill." All are welcome. I . . I L X!rorpolr I . . . � . . ,.. . * atarted very early on Alonaaymorning his tooth pulled but be can go almost . , . 01�11`ARTO STREET V . . I � . I L T.''Ta tobepresent'at the obapatiles. The. a6ywhere 6.nd bave his log pulled. . L-yapital, rAto up $31500,1000 . 1. I I day afternoon, ReO. Mr McTavish A man, has to 96 to r. deirit atefl. t835 . . A de, guilder . Next sundaymorniag theQuarter. . I . I . ASK i, TO SEE IT.' director of the Methodist Church choir ly Love PeASt And Fellowship -meet- - . to $Ing , L N . . I had requested tire Whitely a Those are the melancholy days when Ing will,be hold In the basement dom- I Rest Pando Ao $395C 06 I .. I omitmi"Wimioniiii qnftiftni 105W*W,, . 1, , W . 1 � . solo at tbe'TbaDksgiving service on the old problem r6ents. Shall we wear mencingatl0ololook. Atll o'clock ' __ r5ununv ovenlng Isistbut on Wedlies- rubbera this winter or let our feet get Is A,J .Orr I polidotItS In 1%1 - L � the Pastor will resteh on "clirises &$'73 HranChOs in mailaomd A9011 %r�r L tho prille . I I � � ing last week Dr Whitely in. VVet ? I - 17, This will ,Ipal CItIeSl ill thio W . . , . I I - day eyem Le 'y" Text;Sogal.4.2 . t a .. formed b1m. she would not be able to. When a mane wfie %ill let him haVA bkJ101111iowed by thOSacramental service ' I rb gong ,f L 13ut Mrs Whitloy did ging Q L" .4 GlgNV,RAL SAIqUINC. atSINESS.TRANSACTZ04 a latch -key it's a sign he will rotend The, thomo,of the 'evening iliscogese L . Morrish & erooks 'I Thanks iving % week Ago'Sanday, and Lwu town he's the master of Ris own will be "The Abundant Life," Toxt 8 MA . . L r where the parts were evenly hou6e. . 8 B'A N I tr7k . I L 1. in a chol 3ohn 10:10i L . . A K D E ' R T WrS N I I L is . - halAncodatidwhete there virtts not,& 11,1von the most independent of mon The itinnivdrstaX . nervit , cos will be . highest 6irriellit rfktibs . 1..,;�� � A Square, Deal For kvery Man" discordant tone -in heaven. Rev. Ate, _ at all Branches" � Interest allowed tit I . I . . I,,, d J ' RkW. - R I _�X I ; soft ' I I 'k ' �1�� 1�0 11 be a r 4 e F t p .� b a ed I . PP il Rube � . ; a I 1� , it �� . I .1 I - I A-nderaon enhilucted. thA service at the seeks the counsel of fils wife bnld the first Sunday in' December; . ­ . I.. . I I I . --- hd 'xilter.W Ill be ' . I � I 1. ­ ­. I I 1. .1 1. 1. - - - I., 1-1 � I liouse and Rev. Mr. MbTavish the ter- , bim deelde when he shall put Rev. Rioh%rd Hobbs of 14A I Clinton l3ran'th , - - - 0, E, DOWDING. Mant-90 __ - I 11 - �� 1. � - __ 1, I Vice at tho graVe, - . , heavyweight flannels. . the, preacher for theL day. - . . I . . . , I . ,, I I I I . . . I 4 I 11 . I I I . . . I � � I 1. 4 L �. . * . . I I . . I . . . I . I I . , I - . ....- - . . . ­ I -....,-.-.-�-.-...---.�ll-�-,�-.-..'I ... 1.___-......_-._..._L___ ­­.­.(­.,­­­­.­ -, ­­ ­­ ..... .... . ­- � . �,-�"'"'-"""",�"L'--,---"�--'--�--''---,,.--"-,---�l-.--�-I I"'... ,,,,,,,,,,,i,i,wi,i,w",-"-,"","-,.-.'-"--'-""'-LL-�...'�'...��.'LL..-...1--� . .... ..... � .. ... ......... ­­­ ­­ ­.­.­­­­­­­­. ---001"