HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-10-28, Page 3--17—"IFIN.pljlqplplrw4w.v—v-,"-.-,-Vlvm--'g,�q---�9TIV)PPWWIFN"rlg.--I,-iw:,-WRERWW-Wpw1 —.V--9r�', -,--���*-,TW4,r-lx-mw�—:.Np�����14,911-111r��� -."1,F_._-- — I __ , _1_-"W_. I 1---- - - -,..- ..
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I OOL 28tho IS*9 .. Tbo ono" Now on � - �
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. � - _. I __ . -1..-._- - _ - . . _ I 1. � - ;M=;=m F.;l , d I -:- ,.--.-,, - . I'll -
__ I _0�40100_ 'i I I .''.. � - . P I M . i i i 00 0 POWN "-" .11, -1 ..'' � � I I . . . 11 �. I ;-. . 11-111 =M1 . I I I
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__ ______ - - - - - - _. __
___ - ___ __._____ - � - . 1. . --------- - __ - Tim Now Era I IT(4 PURITY A",! "P* 10*40MMOSIblic, f.
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1. 11 -10 � in' I N@RW - '40, - --asuip ,""!-W* -044"@1% - -
_., W -- 9 - -, oi- pi -6-- (d 0 . 'every, Tburoday st
. I @00 , '- =- - '0' __ -
Of -1 ------ Mo -- - Im , R - I , . . I , I , , I R �, Il I 0" - - I � . 0. .dii.i. W_ 2 I I . is 1ptibl[81404. ITS PLAV OR , ,004 I U
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? S U N Ll 13 ""T __ �- I ___ _ - . � - - I . - - 8 4"14110084 8
.� . - ______ I � � V 11 ____ ,--I- I . __ Fri RICLIABILITY ____7_T1__W__,_ ____
� A11110k. Am = � 4__' d_ �f , _ .. � 41 1 . - .1 � 1. - " � .1 - the Nxw HPA PdAtlagl Roil!"# JTS RELIABILITY - 10"Jow -R.__y,__lfftets a
81WAAAR . I I - 16"L, *",On - 0 . 0 CLINTON, . �
, .
.1 . — I I �, Terms of subocriptiori-411 .per y.w I �
I I 17 I Iiiii,dvancet $1.60maY be ell I . . I
. 1. A"Oets you ball-W*Y-4043 0 - � .1 I I ier 4jec(=3 I
,011 y9or wqrk to, bait 00 . . I *at so pad. No vat d, unless at the . . I I .
I . . I 012tilall arreare are � I
. time It yots falloW direCtIonie. , the P I I I I - � - � , �
� a � of ublisrer, The date to
0 "I
. 11 I =10161111 r subscription Is pad is do- . I � � ?
suoligbt soap—absolutely A . . . .� . voted = label ;. - -Transient aw4ver. , . 1�1 � .
. pure-savos, clothes frons lals f . Advertising rite i
Jvr7-hondsfr9wrou;bn0�s_ a I . doements, 10 ceats per rionparol. line. �
. .
� � .
� , . I I I I . I "I fliat insertion and 3 cents per lilac , . . . I � .11-1 . I . I i
I f .,.,� 4raftory. . . . ;or, - .
. 0&10h I ;
Ife irow . . I suboequont insertion. Small 1 1� I., . I I .
I .. . rr
� � . . 0 1 , 0ver0sements,not to exceed one inch, . 11
� � 11 is its Wk I ____ . --- - I
I � O" . ; . . . 110h aB "14011t, tray I 'Stoleu," It is I)atked to seated lead pac . 11"o Pat
� I r �. , f A Kansas Opim)" : -A&'Insarte4olace for 35.4ents,_M-one 11 -.--- - -1 �- I � __ I �
: _ _. ---.r I ' -- I.I�.,�".."-�,�.-�----,-�-.-.�I I
. - I � I preserve M-fino ftiivor and aro . *pg �� 1�
, .. -.1.11.-- - I., ., ___ monthforq1I.Compiunicatioas intended .. *0a aro I
�.� I 11". 0"11100tv I -_ 1-11--l-1--1 _ . � . ,, I
__ _� I I I . Ow publication must, as. a guarantee 01 :
- 0e,,40e.fl6cper0- Atallgrowers.At ,iro
� . .., . . 1. . . — I *ocd f itt be avoompariled by the - . . - ,r(.)�
. . r I . 0 .HE following is all extract taken from the Emporia (Kansas), Gazette, same Olt e ivriter. .. �11 .."r-11.-1 - ;_ — "-4 ,,,, , -_ I ..
. I I I I . , 0101 11 I NMI I
1. , ters of the United To insure 4publication in current - � ___1 I "! 11111 111,111.11, - ___ ______ I � - I'.
I _`�. .. . edited by William Allen White,one of . the leading wri aspe, copy of eAvertisexpents should be - .
late$ : I
I I "The man Who buys his goods of a mail order ho,ase and expects his neigh- sent in early., . Keep POstiCid' On, FARUION4ftin Ne
.. I . hors in Emporia to buy goods of him or labor of blin, or to buy professionat Contract rates - The tollowingtable
. . . servi:e of him, is economically a leech. Tie is sucking in.dutituriat blood out of a town, , shows our rates for specified periods ", .
like a Chinaman. and has, no right to a, standing In the community than a. foreigner. 44a space. .
. . I � ad the a . I I yi, Omo. fto. 1.$ 11
. . . We are all neighbors industurially Ili this town, a ,, gan who saude away for his 1, Column $75 OR $40 001' $25 OC I
. . , and deser I
. I I . goods -is not one oL us.. Re is of another Industrial- 07stdm � ver no man's, , , .. ' ("
i , - � I , � . . . I 0olufan. 400.0 2b 00 10, 00 13., ThC -Cana 4148 "410W a-
� 1, Aupport in Emporia. . . � 00 15 00; $00, Boo , �
I . . . I � ; .�, I I . . : 0 . . . . . . , .1. 11 I I . t Co'utaxt 25 1 200 . * '
� . . . � . I - Column 1800 1000 560 , .
; - "The fact that this is"economically wrong is recognized by- the nialln.raQr houses I Inch a 00. 3; 50 200 Ou I AND THE ANO THE - - 11
10 ,ft . themselves, They protect. their customers as thleves b3r offering to keep people from Contract display advertising 10a per . . � � I . I
we k W knowing where the mail o1rder goods cbme from, The mail order houses have no tags � . irich, per Issue. � I
�. a j" u.m,,,,cn C on their goods, They say in their catalogues that none of their goods I are marked and . . . V , -ILrl!k
To Weak and at women. thire, is at least one I that no one krows where they are bought. If It. is proper to bide -the place of purchase I I , L -,k IIA -Ma
th that way, t;Wo . I W. H. KERR I . -NOW flew -
Way to help. ]XINT, I of an article, it in ivrong to buy the article at �hat place. Only the man who'ptealff .. I I - elinton I
3nust be co -blued. One is local. one trer
. 1, .21!14 There is such4 thing 0 11tainteil" - .
Voul, but both Are iropqrtant, hog, egsenif&L is ashamed to say where fie got anything he has.. I 6
, . � I ��
Dr. Shoop's Mthp Onto is the Local. dry -goods, ,,tainted" groceries and "tainted"furalture? � All of such are- not bought at , AMAIN$TAY � ' *.' I
Dr. Shoop's ROttir . we a living, are� "tAinted" � I
� - ative, the Constitntiongl. home, of men who befriended you, to men to. whom You 0 1 For $ i.- -"' ,
Thesomer-Dr, shoop?s Nightcum-iiatovical I . . . 5f or $ Y, .,,5o - '
muco�!raembranesupposltorei romedy.wh . because they come unfairly. I , . . . . - - 1. . . . �
Shq tive, is who 11121t: I � FOR ALL. MEN
,n1p a Reatora . uy an internal � I � . I . A _
� zuen . The Restoratlye reaches t4r siThe trouble in Emporia, Is this -, . So many merchants 6y tkeir goods awpily . �
. entire system seeking the repair 11=1 "11" . frorn I TuE, C,ANAI)LAN IFARM, PubUshdt,.iar,TpMW6tlWdi-91�tiMoronto, i
� all tissue I aua all blood ailments. home- that % systematic jealousy has sprung up.' The dry goods dealers doult. feet All 1preadwinners Who Find NdtioqLl Weekly Agricultural Paper.-Of[thoalURN r
. The "N ght Cum". as its natuo implies, does its that they have to buytNittv furniture awiLy from hrlme� The same quarrel exists in Healtbi. Declining Sbould Take : pifti",th.CTOorninioil, -,
Wgirk while you sleep. it soothes soreond liftitw - . rk and money spent on its probation iV4e6d6C4MMP& .
muco, surfa, every line of tradel It is dissheartening and dlstressixkR� and, paralyzing to the business . wo . .. � . es it inco
_oes. beals local weaknesses and I . I , . . . " Dr. willialng, ]pink FBI$. -
di arges, While the Rostprative, eapas n ' I I � . I
interests of.thAs town. I .1 . I . ki*&g. 8
6X41 eat, 21"s renewed Vigor and ambition I I . . . I - . ably'suoerior to anything of the: - Pidzial kWdter#3pf0al write
Ids up wa . tissues. bll[Whs about renowRt . . ; Thonsandsofmen throughout -Can- 'Special departments. All origin�l t1Uttenrikinedv0rpjdflsUi:&
� -v o,andenerry. TakeDr.Shoov,-a � "It is time to change. and get together. it is time to begin to reform ourselves every
84 e LWhater ad& are suffering to -day from a de' Splendid, and reiiable crop and �aakketopepWt .
� 10theopyl3v , lertisDoosriLtTqauli=Wi).O=Zxalst'owiiet�o . andnotourneighbors,but buy everythiligathom the neighbors do or not. � .,� plorable failure of strength without SuarEme4tNap. Every
� . . . , .all of us tor turn over P, nevr leaf.'L , - -
I I And now is, the time to begin.' The thing to do it . for . . . V . . knoWi4gL that they are the victims of Fp-to-date, Finely illustrated. L CU'6ieirapitinseilggb&4,CAdr-i,structiv,�
. ' . '
� . I � . : . . . .aerVous exhaustiom . The signs axe ing for the. (armer and his. family. :NdifstkMf19anX00aAQebta' afford'
� Dr. Shoop"s I uted to, say something like that ourselves, bnt we were '&'frald'it LW pl in. The sufferer cannot keep his I . I n
L . . I We wa as too !L � I ..
0 - I . strong, so we simply quote wbiat Mr. White says to show that others have pretty mind orL work, passes restless nights ithout it. Every. farmer will make�, moremAblaqkwhmmad.sity, who re �
strong'Views on this mail otcler-buslaess as wellas outselves. I I I tur inat food and .bannot, digesil w . . - . . � .
N o*ht . ., L I I it, n&oe'V exbaus�.ed after exbertion, . l— . I I .. . 11 �
C " .
. 1\ I 1. I... . -
. . I I . . I . . . . while headaches and fits of dizziness
. . . All Subsedbeirs get thki.Osmfdiitbdftt'Mdian".Fptairr-14
� I ,o.We W�Lnt to Itsk you two fair iluestions , are you Willing to buy the cgds,you . I often adds to his misery. These symp. . - _ _ . -
."SiSISORN 11y,, Nq ploS re in Clinton if you. 9 a- e assurea thstyou would do a�;3 well by Eendfn asivoy?. . tomadenoto that the nervous I system .. from now to the Ist "(11-ag"A"IfAlgilin ary, 1911. .
.. . 1. require lie . . I . - U. :
. I willing to give the matter 4% fair trial and find out the factq of the case ? It so . - - � is weakened and insuffirdeatly nourish. - - . � . . I I � .
. Are youi � . . I — .� . I
. will you take you� mail order cathlogue to your local -dealer and ask him fairly and � ad.. . Dr. Williams! Pink ' Pills vilil' I I I . . . . . .
. . . '
� . � - . . " after allowing. . promptly, cure ,beqaus.e. they I � '0,,
L . . � Z, sqtIarelv if he can furnish goods,of. the same quality at.the same priceE . . � enrich , Our Clubbin rate is $1.5.0 for the t* .Palklillsthe5ulospi0a4t Subscri I
. . �
charges? Unless YOU . . the impure weak blood and thus 8' ive , I Aef -n.
ner Hasiter -� for the exper.ses� _X , . 'ust . on g 6t the, bene
. ; you would have'to pay for mail, and ( , ce and fit thftfbVR4t&Mf the full teri
The Souvenir.Base But . of Clinto aftridesstbe ope- 1 -r 9 , .�
is a beauty and looks the Part. Its de. , � . . will do this,'you are not true to the interests A , n. ng , emarks of he�i strength and tape to the exh . .11 I . . .
. . �
I . I - 1. . � 1. I . . - . -ves, No othermedicind ca:hdo Sgji�ple copies of- The Canadian Farm � lanviftafts . I . .
sign is ornamental, Pleasing and io good � � Mr. White apply In your ca96., , . .. .I . . � . I . I : ,( ed nex
4L taste. 0 . , . . � . . � 1! . .. . . I � ..� . . - this so promptly and so surely. I . I . . ... . � . . dftriatewl[Ifigilimn at tills
I . .. I 7 . . I � .. - _ - .
� -
The Souvenir is ccortomiml ce - . . ,. . .. . Mr. W. IA. flipagn, 'East Pubaloo, �� ______ ., , ---,---,--
v It ic ,,a 0, . . I . . N. S., says --,'For a number of . -_ 6 I � . . .
Practically eliminates repairs and make# . * . . , I I 1 .1 . I.. I - � � . I . .
for fuel economy. . I wastroubled with violent1eadaylehaIr", I .. � . . I . . I
s cl�n.tr, ti? . I I ads * this -week I . . . � ... .... . . . I ��
enient and durable.- " ,
. aiI3 . . ' I
. - d ! - . the p .
� -e - -the. ' . -
It is sclf-feeding slid radiates every .R - a . . .. . I . . I When these iipells came ol� '
� = - I . *
111111 I SA, -,L, A, .:
AW. -A.
11 I ' 1.
S �
ICbor, J
� � -
,I I ' 'I I I I I . . . . . . . . . . .. I . I � I was -so- severe I thought I ould lose - , I , -
. I I . . . .
.unit of beat generated. Just buy th� . . . . . � , . How' *is: .VoJur-'St&ikuof8t0 *
. . - 1. I
. Souvenir if You want the beat bes;cr. . � I �., .. � m . � I ..
I . . I m,pbuses, At the outset. these head . . . I
It's fully gua!antcad by the maker., . . I . I . r . I � . . . . �. � . . I ed would come an about oftce,a � I . . . I I . I .. I . :1 . I ... . � � 11 *1 . . I .
I . . I . , I
GURNEY, TILDEN & CO.. Limited I I I . . . .1 I . . I � � . � . week. I doctored for the trouble and ' - , I I � I P. ff"V. .
, . . I � . . I . . I . ,
. I
I HAMILTON - . . ... � . �. I I I . I . I . . . . � . . I., .. dideverything possible to get relief, : I , " -
Moutr.ai Winn, ., . . L � . . . but*lthout%vail, andas time,went .
'pad Calgary . I I � I � . . I . . � . � 11 .. . ) ,
. . . � . . � . V - I
IA. 1906 Vancouver . . . . . . . I .. on the attacks grew both in freqneiiQy EN_ E L. 0 �p I 0,
I . I . I � I I I I ..... ; , � ".... � �
. I . � . � . . I . . . . . . .. I . . . . . I I I I. s I and severity. The -pain - was, terrible ... . .. . . I . � . . I .
.. . III � . . . I . . . I . . . � I . I I . I -and with each attack seemed to grow .1. ... 1. . . .. 1. . . I . . I . . � .. . .
, , .
. ... . .
lk I I .
. .1 .
. .
. .. ��
worse. The � only relief I. co d get,
., .at hase Of lXPO& ... . I
. a6t;ber purc . I jo
. . � . I
I ." .
En' . I
. I . . . � �
I . I . .
. I . .
. I .1 . L I I . ..
-was .to -take a hot inuitatit foot batb;
. .
.8 I
. 11 I I �. .
� : - * . � I ...�
. .
. . I . . . � .
. I . I 41 11
and the application of hot- water and
. i I
.. I
... .." - I . L .
I I .. . . .
. � . � 1. .., . I
. . ...
. It
-, I would thep
ammonia to'my head '
I - -_
. , . MrL .
, '.
- - .. - .
bave'to be led to -bed -where I had to
.. �
1 . I __
A is � Z .@-- , ! --- --
. � . . �� I
..remain un, dif the .attack passed. away.
. L
� .
. . . . . . - L - - 1,101 g-0 I _ JR -,_ I 1W -- -------
11 - Lo ..
� - 11 .. - �
. .
- I ,.At
thie'drue Dr. Williams? Pink Pills.
* ' 1. ....
Davis & Rowland
. . � . . I . ,L
I I .. ..
.. . . _. - I -_ . . . .
. . L 1. . I —
�. l. . . . . 1. I . . . L
� . .. . . . . . . . _.
. � . - . . ..
I . I . I I
I . ..
. r broughtt6mynotice,and while
. .
1, Lcel oped 'they, would cure mf�
. . .
, _.
.=-- . -
I _-.�. �
. - . .
- . I
— I --.--.—
. . . ..
I e de em. After, taking
to. try. th, '
I .
. ,�.
Sole Age*&, Clinton'. . L .' .'.
. . . . I . ,
. 1. -
. .. I .
... '
. Sister's Walst Line , I
. .. . � .
� I . . 1. I . . _. � . ..
I . . . .. I I . . � I . . .
q I I . . i. _
re!t cone, measuring 24 Dy Zsu l"cues.
F . L . es -1 found that -the attacks
.. ere no a so . vere, -and. I joyful . ly
were no
� , �
- . .
. . I 1. , I
. I. � . . . __ , . . L .
lKashe says;Its time that sister got 1:
. . i
Rolled up, it .e.itters bpon' # series of -
processes - and, is thrunk - together. so
continued .. king.the Pills until I had
used ten oxes when every 'symptom
. I . .
L .
��� I .
� I
self a n6w fall suit, , . ..
Sister says she isn't
. .. �. . — .
. .
Till Oil otWillItcrfreen COMP011111114.11-.
I - ' I
that it ropapur0s JOIN by 34 Inches'. �
Tbe 'Dow at bro*nvirgy fell, -
of the tro ble bad. passed away, arid .
I - was in better health 'than I, had
' ' .
. �...�-.Z� .
. . �.
brought on a,disputp. - �
Sistet's. cip'se are shabby an,
Made �His;'Skin.as.10tire L
. �
co6d,'llke a clown's c . ap.' Is suit'lotn'Pci '
I . I - . . .
. 47* enjoyed before. It is several
years since my curd was effected, and
- I
4. L
I .lookin': .: I
she goi; a steady beau
. , .,.
i'�fal ' I
W" r., .
. as ]Eve
. . I . , . .
.... . ..
by. being placed, agalust rapidly revols-
. � . . . .
as 1 never hod a headache since I
' '
' 'L "" .
. .
.. L
An'. in& says its.simply, t*o edi.
.. I .. . .
I . .1
. —_ . .
Mr, J. �Lullach, of Iron Bridge, Oat...
. log sandpaper. It is stiffened by'be-
. " .
feel that t e core is permanent. This. .
. I
Auction Sale
-barras'Charley so, . ,,.
Alster . shakes her .head and � atudlep-
. .
considers the D. D. D. Preabription.of.
. Ing dipped In shellac, d$vd black, Lfy
Immersion in a - ral. atia ttlen pa..;.q�s
is a, plain statement of my easej
� nowords ban lei � I what my sufferings
I .
all. the fashion books- -
bla declares her'. beau will 'qiait her if
oil of wintergreen, thymol;,'glycerine,
etc., a good reason to think so. too,. ac'
. � . �
.. to be . sha � ped. ftrai waiell gis, I es ;
01, L I ft
�. -1
-reallywere strid I believe that bat for
Dr.- Williarnie Pink Pills I *ould have'.
. :. -�
. :
. .
. I
. . __ . . . . � . . I . I
. . . . . I .
. .
. .. 1. I . . . 1. � ... 1. � . 1. ,
b .-The Bew Eta . rftvtlypbake�e .ly
0 . - � . .
. . .
� � � � .
.. . �
:m 11''..
I . �
. .
. .
., .at hase Of lXPO& ... . I
. a6t;ber purc . I jo
. . � . I
I ." .
En' . I
. . .
.. . 0 es for'mercantileiise"Rxv . . dbi se," nd
W` ou. � � I
I .
.. �..
. Rke to fit up any.of -itkfri,,*iidVyMd1�1tS fr
I . � k
Is w ..
. �
I . ; �find'iheir-st6ck'of ';pdn0L+_1envfl-print!d
env -'.
� .. I
. ..
.. I .. . .. &
. i idn#61owt Wt 4
� opes - running. low. . M �
. . . - - I I
. I
lo ft t .
* . .
. kofe, pric ; SM)
. . ss.:a .lower ,e,4; Wimi-JypWte
. .
ly . . � .
. .
I - extra good' quality, -for dt4,Ia**ei6r 1 4e
, I ,- _, .
% pric . .:.
. ,
.1 � '
� .1 I � .
Everyb6dy like's, to`.).�gtqx- Ma W get '"
at. .
h t .
. I
I �' '
!, ,. needsa� cheap as beicmbblt Wdic can, -,bi
, �. I . _
... .
t -bu - -
. .
) ness men. who. waat,.thwHbsq*=e.the
sq "''. .
a - -
. 1.
.. ,
� .deal themiselVes � s.h(5uld s,atcts,w**dd1d,' io
r � .
, -
. Wa t - ,.
- .
I . .
. ,�J(, brices.. ,'. -
1. cut-throat prices.... � .t, .. .. ...
. I
� . ; . I. I . . . . . � . � .
. , . . . . I . . .
. ., .
� . . ... �
� .
I.. . . -
.I.... .
I . .
9 - I
GODBRICH. Sales conducted anywhere. anY . she don't improye. her looks, - - cording to his letter. of Ar. 2T, imi. - tht- l.elt palauliny,ug 10, fillu tile I at) . I I . . . I I � %, . ., . I. .. . I .� � . I ... ., w
I . . . . I . ' been. in -.wy-gra,ve, for I could riot hkv6 - � . � '.. . . . I ... I . .�. .1.
thne. Morcbandige. real estate, live stock, etc. . , .. . I � ... I . � I "I
'. 'er is uniuly,but her.teasop , says gulling (jut. -or.,"eArsIng,1lJfie ape! of. I . . . . . .� I . . . ... . . ... :.1 I . . ,. . � ..
G. W. BECKETT. Auctioneer, Maybe aist I-I.have suffered for, years," be" P'. . . . stood the pain m ubh -longer .and 'doc.. . . � I : ... .� ._ ., , � .. . , ., ..� . . . .
� � 1. � . I . . I I .
- L � 1. I . � : I
I.. 1. . . . 6 ...
.rhone 108 Box 183. Goderich, Out . , ... isthatshe� . - 1 . . . . *lwith.qczema. a:P(I now,throuth usina.� I the cone draw$' and, smooths it down tops did not do me inuch-good." . . I . ! I . . ' . ' ' I ... �
. . I .
- Wants to W - its decided *here -bottles of iybur .wonder t 0 ',. � Re I ' ni ' h buf,,� - - 0
ul cur�',. f lo a wooaen bli,4 oilbe.exaZ-t shafie Dr; Williams'. FinkPills ,,1St?Yd6eN9Wk . '
. I . I . . mit till two . _ . . I - arp sold by, :� p e s ., V . . ..
. I . .1 ihe wa inly s in is a's pu i ' ad -by I � I . . . . I . . I . 1. . . - . I . I . . . , .
. iA line's sqoiril. to be,..'. , *- , k ' ' * re -as it ever WaZi, - ' ' and RI?k the hat Isire'quIred to be. A9 .&If -medicine dealers or may be h, . � I I . � . .., . . . I
� . ' � I . My face was so bad. I -could not see, it, I , ' . . . . . .. �, ! I . . . I ..� I . .1 . . .. . � I . .. 11 .
LOOK H E R, E 1p SIste'r!suei;ta1iy a'attinner in thevigy o' . . I - . . 1ts destined shnO.eafid mail at 50cel-As a box.or six boxes.for . I � .. �. . I . . . . I . . I .
,dr es It tiik", .
. . 1 . . . . . .. .. --_-'_-_ I
. .. . .111. I I could not Sleep. I could not rest at * Ormiless as r�gards'ihe eroWn 1"IlLy $2,50 from*The Dr. Williavas' Medicine din � . . � . . . . . . ,. .
� a � . . . .
. . . I . . I , I . I . I. . . . . .. . . I -.1
. I looks an" dr-liss,. . ;all: for the terrible itch. - , ,; �-, . . - . 'I.. t , , , , '. - , . . � I .
. . . 0, Brockville, On . : - . .. . � I . I . I . . — .
. LIME FOl I � �0 *But sbels allus'mighty stubborn, an' ., i the brim b stilfflat and untrimmed." (J' I � . . . . I . .�.�.-�.�--.----.--�.,-..i2i�.".-.---
W� SALLE 8, . ... . Thankstoyoorwonderful medicine , , - . . .— I milli �. ! I
. I ... . . . . . . . .
11 . . . she'll win bei�pohlt, I goes '. I . � � . I , The. body: of the. hat Is now, prifeti- . . _ � . I . . . . . ,% . . . . �, � I
. She is writin! 'iound I an, cured, . :� , I , . � ' ' , 7 . I . . � -
AT . . I . . . . . .. . to
. the , country -to 1, . . �%een In the Shops of Paris*� . - - . , . -
. . . . . .. . 7 fltifsb6d., Then comei-ttle., shap-' , - I . . . . � 11 e ANWI?2 � I
I . I . . I isea'se, -and as I ftll . � . . 1i ,
: .As eczemais 9, �errrl di � 1W C al spedw. 4.4 ...
the ilAier's,of Swell clo'es �, in the skin', blood I ing of the brjm�,'Whlch 1:9 woft�dldown � � . .— . . .. -1, ,,Pli.
f : ins, are righl - ...�:, �.,lu.� -1 �11 - . -_ .
, Belgrave Lime Works . -.' 0, Pa�'fs,wbdi I Old red is a prime favorite with , t , ,_,, , . I . . . . . . .
V, . . . . An'she'll send to Worth, n * =V.s will not cure it, a The. only t. and bent,over a wooden frame of,the . .. . �. .
, ,
. I
. .
ready, I s6poo . . L black. � . .. .. ..� f
. se, ,. � I �' I
Manufacturers of First-class, .Li �: . she's W Prescription pene� ,exact curt and line of the ordained de- . . I I . I A , � 1 012,6myle
. eff6ctive'Di D. � I 1,
TherWs it pile o'things-to settle, I . has, lace.been so u ally , . tf � . " . I
� . . , sister . Never ni.vers _..1. .1� - � "..) - I .
OUR MOTTO --First-class Lithe sold, and trates the pores of tha skin, kills Ahe sign. - Each size and atyle'of - hat has ..
. . . I . �� , "
Prices within reach of all. . . pays regardino S�yle. , germs which cause the eczema, gives its oivn frame, as it bas also Its Iron used.. . - , � .. . �!-` *,' . Ill&. e f , I AsgftjAqAR1 --ftligire Ili asking
. I .� ', , 11 , 3on ob -
.. - . Atil she v,an't decide her certain on instant relief from the kwful itch .bnd. � ".1. latte ., U aWmt 11-11LUiection of
2 . I I ,e - -Yellow is more to be been than cr .
20c. per bushel at kilns, or 25c fo - . � . � . mold. -wood blo(*. te., � and gveri � ak . . - , ... ,
Is, the cutfer'quite awhiles .. . - . . * , . . . , . t AN 0
bushel loads, delivered -at Graham ' M& she says ics iest outrageous; sister permanently cures. a and-slia years., . . ., - . . : � - A I I 419: '' D� WNINTER I
Hotel,t Clinton. I .. . Foe free, 0ampie battle of D. D. D. tln8ti n.in a,season's styles . pes . . io.be fashionable. ' . REATMENT. . . .
. . :, c,alm as calm can be ' ' calls: for an entlrely.'n6w -set Of, alolds. . GrpLys are I . � . . BEFORE * AND.-'AFTdR .T , . . � A&I"k . I
Orders filled .promptly. , - '. , - An' -she'll walt till it's decided where .Prescription write to thet DID. D. 1aL- . . � . . m.. . I I ; I. " . . ._. . . S d i It .1 11 X , - a"Iff's. mid
.. Jordan ' I . Small.butto,ns are to be more used . ..
� -1 I .
-!, � W�' 1, � I
� boratory Department N. E Z3 . . . , .1 Canadiaxi - TetterinG. !. 1*. . .
. � the waist line",i goIW to be. - . '04 � . "', . , .- . . , .. than largeones. . . I . I I . 41, . *
. I . . ., . . � . . - — . . '
V NICHOLSON & SON, PrOO'So : , .1 . , St, Torout - � 1. , * * * y itie soft, dull is an alisolute, certain cure for, nezemu. Acne , � I * ,Yrp .. oatin
. -Pajest simply laffs An' c uc .. For Di6ep-Seated � Colds I '- . il
Out. *. . gs , . I Rose% Tatter, Plingles, Biackbeids. Ritigworn3� I , I V
� h ki %i,l ' For iq�tle by 6,11,druggists. . and Fall to�es gener�ll , , , ,l"I 11 - , rco
Belgrave. � � . -biz, . I . . , " I ubugbs. Allen's' Lun5 -Balsam. cure's and faded. � � I be ' Scal Head, Itching Piles. Ulcers. - I i� rTre,er,4 . 1. .
. I . attciids to his oWa ' ' ' I I . . 11 . Ili motorli3g goats and'nlsteka ... � : rs "Oh ' whi�&60*bg6& thii0�4tItkWftVq0Te best that is��
_04* � - - I I I - I when all other remedies fall. � , I I ; -
� IEEe-atn'�p takin! sideawith either' a - - ATS. � . ,� ,e a,,,d .1' cutaneousand facial blemishes. ducedzbj�.�thetmhc tiatollcLip"&, k0jglliluportant far!
' . ,, aYsl � � � �. - FELV H I . . Pockets i ' . . . I be.. lborou hlyAqnd successfuljy tested
I .. . . go F I .
.. its no concern o'bi I . I I I . ___ .- . . � I . 11 . , . I are huge. . � . .. I �n hundreds of calle ificUrableCa.41-M - , - � . i
. �. . � . wegir I lWifterofelothfabrics. . �- .
I .
.. I . . Ili L�r _,tt seAp4t*�va�401h*0 patterns. f6i�
s' . . . . . prep9ttition. , 'IF
n . I I belts ar . . It is mt*lrely unlike any other I
C (! Bat .1 know he doesn't hanker .fer ' I.. , 4 * , . " C , thatnasbeenso Or pra ,� t ,% (rT
Tord & Ml " * d , . 1. I evolutfdri of'the Fluffy Fur I t.o the . � � , . - . . I � Treen, . .d @tylish " I mixture ct ointlnent .1 N
� . I z dioss-makin' bills to pay , , . � I I I Flniisi4cd, Product, . . ,.' I . - - ,� . I � . .. � . own I arp able *~1feaW%M04QrJ,,,nrb Sou 66
. I an�b no sense in . I '.�ffea.. have, one a vantage said-- Close-fltting styles will�.continue icribed. . . b ': .
- ' 'While masays.their . - I 4 , ' A few QD011cations witt convince that is hda I �
I . . I . Artie -and intrinsic merit. . :'.� " to� . I .. � �
W Having secured a oomntodious Or � . It Wan Intereson- matter t- foli4W through the winter. �. , . . iveno-A14,4.
. ain sister acting Ili this way . I ;, ; . a "and :tfia�t is w6fi they wonderful medical 1 Cana- , *18. iveness.in st�le. , . . .. . I
Storehouse-, we are now buying all. ' fhe., Woma , - . . rVa. . . . . .
Sister's,firm An'qui�e decid'ed, an' slid stage by. stage the evolut.10n,lif'O"littif- '� shaved they are *so oure� of'tbem- Long coats of the, most*. elaborate Jt is made ift CIL11ada. A good Uokiest, ` .
kinds of grain, for which the, higliei§t , I . I . 1. . . I ,. i ,are I .:.., .. . . duin preparAtiou. . : . .. I
. ces her. head �jillp of.soft. fluffy rnb�ft filrivto I be, 1061vejL. Ii they are jiot all rigbt it -is 'nafare.ara seen. . � . Price one box Vift , ,i� . M. c C WA R, QAE - B
I - �only khal ' ' , , Y cents, or, five *boxes G .4'T . ... �
e arguments ma c I 1, - an' ike '. .11led bllo.! irbether a .1 Ji�h - CeV ' . I i e,ey - en�era n �.. .. ... I �
. prices will be paid. . . . . . I .At tb Iffere I all!' . icl,ai,l. 3he. fault of the barber, but if thev Colored embroici ' -I to 1361lars. - . . - : : .' . X*oi,.pler, antgrWorhwh&ot, T.411pring,
N:, of . . . warnin's that she's said . . . 11 � Arailect to arty,.0dress 6n recelpt of Price . - - 4ekson's Old Stand. �
I Bran, Shorts, Oorn and all'kInd �bh , -, ibave a goo& bArIW..r,. Why; then, their much of the new neckwear. ... mended by all ICad1Z9.D,-uX- �. !!e,� ir&& on's 014'4ti�
#I i bluelc hilt, t of ('11 1 " . I Sold and retom,
grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on ,od ,t,le be ady .for�her x1russh ov.41 I'Alvet . " . � 0'4*01-assurapee is1omplete, I sat in Itipsari3sililitly more: emphs�sjzed gists in Canada. . I . . �
si n " will sh r � I , � . . . . L I?aZ�hlCettUfrrede.ajo u12Y addrliSq. A Agent for, viti tiom 1910M*11ibiorican Clow.
The . p fa , 'd So
'. , '40"' ayb derby 4,aitip�-. 'Tile �Piieral idpa abovi � lobby- of a. big hotel yesterday than in the summer -styles. % � ��! -.)I& ,
hand at the storehouse. ' . ' dress u at Ill e . . . 11 , MorArWing (',o. montreal,
. Knows that it Wbeeri d:cided where ad;� 11o6king -at a big fat man, who bad � . . I.; Id. hy the sole'PiOPAL 0
, 11
st line's going to be. - ' .,ucb jl.lsjit.l� thaj 'it is cuCand m. . Wfaps are becoming move decorat-- Lots. 3P 1 . I . pe� . . . I
' I ... I ,. I of 11 shi�et of felt. ��4 1 Oome ;ut hxft urider tbb hands -of I .. . . I I The Tattenne Chemical GOP 1� . .. . — -1, X"Muftwam
or w6lded .rx I I " . . � ��'11!il 4 I .
Ford & McLe'od - ' the wa" I . - . . . . his barbor, and I- never sa,or anything I V& . ' I I I Wiatisorg, Ontmia � I I ..
. .. 11 j int eonies fton one li .1 I
� Xelev Vour Paper Ralrs 0 - The new ci�aller hat is coming out I -11 ... ....... _XIVIVINFQ�
. �
G. T. R. STATION. CLINTON. - I : — �. , I . tilat im, I I so placid with pure complacency oa Sold in Clinton by W. S. R. I � 1� 0. XN4 I
,-If4wa bale.s and heaps of rabbit j'u r � - 0*"k A r
. � I ., . . . his large,fat ittee. I wish 1cmil,c) in large and medium sizes. .., . , .. ' ,
. �, paper b�gs . - t it is our.of this 0111t, .ha . . rtain tb�& taine Was, I Le feithers will be popula*r on Holmes J. E. 11ovey W. � A.' * , v., � . .&TA%,�J -1 .1.
� Instead 'of destroying Ulid Is told tfia I ve been so -cei I Coqii � . . f . ' I 1i 11
. I . keep them In'& convenient placla he8r liat,4 are made. �Velt ilideed Is not 10 �all iii -lit as be 'was of his," . . the ej,rly fall millinery. .. - , ; - , . KcCoftq0l, druggists.' - . ' ,.,T , "I ... I . . . .. . . . �.
. . . I . . . .N I ,
- . I . ....
the kit#' ,hen stove or sink anu s on will I - . I � . . . . t, the 1, I . . . npfar"A I I 1 4
. . -itmity material. but felt wi " :. � 1. yo -0 our order's f
IR W. CUTLER.) . wach'a I)i I I I 11 .- . Striped snitt, tire in lavor; �bu . . I . I . � ,_ _ Before P1 *6
- I . the marly,uges to . which the I ����- ffects are indeflatte. � I .. "I ur-s� I Ay of aqal, gi
. soon see. . . 7 . . . I I � A . . your P131slIQ
Painter and Paper Ilanflibr- , May be put. Is 0101)roeess,by. %vi'llch. wool. fur or � . . . � , " go
I . a stove rag it is :1 I g - and fol'AWd I I . I . . The pink and blue gowtis of the , I . .. 6* . . . . our prices. Vzoir - ey best godd
All woik guaran.t6ed. - . Inatead of keeping L�. lip 1. lugticd�, togerbel . I I .. . ' . . . . -carried in ato zk XAQ ok sold at A
. . &. . . s . much cleaner to put the hand inside a li'lto a clo-4el labille.. For hats rabbi.% Could Not', Sleep periods are due for A.-rdvival., . ..1.641 priowest Possible '06,
. .
. , I b nd wine the stove andthen 'i-st . .The separate coat is to be far mor I , I t__"' I I . .
Prices reasonable a"er ""114,rAg. , . . . rut- is tile ilimprint ir,ed. Tbe 6 . . e Monum en ts izw,"l . I..
,, tile . , , 'important than fbr several years. - : . I is
, , tile gh .1 . Orders y be lef0#AtA0Da*V*A% P lef� at nwv;
kesidence nearly opposite the tu Step ill its tretillnent 114 e illorqu. In. The. Park � . I "i, Rowland's ,
- .
When cleaultig up the dishes after a . igns . . I 009a swire store., (
. . . Tile lateAt in uliderwear Is Of M04806, .. Choice Des, .
Collegiate Institute. . . -Y, easy to serape the dr CI('a4JSlJlM,�(;i I Ile elrj4e elipped fur ln�it , 'Motor SAid 118axt_and' linesilk in dainty Drespen patterns, . -4 . � .
. I meal it is vex � . ' I I With WRII � .
. � scraps into a paper bag close it An milehil)(1. w4l leh,. 1All llows It of oil d , irt : 'ere . ospongiblo. Girdles and dog oollarig mada of'cut . Best Materials. _ �%ah;, � . I
__ diop it Into the V . I) a �. .. Net"V4313 W a . " art. . . , ZAY I t
,arbage can, This t'o ,)r torcigti mattor at)d leaVea ili I i . let nAilbeads are exceedingly sm. v4v$OnZN.,�� - obsoo, �
, .
TRUSTEES' SALE. pres6rve the cleanliness of the latter. �nft. fluffyt-Ondflion roseMbling tile . There is mauy� 9. man wid woman toss- . . -1. - ---Ip- , .1 I I I C. I . . . . .. . . I . I
I ood -Jas-e D649 , I -.11J,
I A heavy paper bag makes it 9 (Ink .4t nud ligbLest dowli, , . m@; night after. hight upon a eleepl.e4s bed.- . . . . . , . . , tr LlI*ifflftP&1ia0 ", ht Plant,
Vnimiant to R 8 0. 0897) Chap. 307, the trua- . a you haven't a . I I . Their eyes do not close in the sweet and � ' .� I 0, ... . '. I . I . I . I i " , " . I . . - I
clothespin bag, who -i less resembling a hat,lt is' � , 11in 1, n m
tees of the regular Baptist Church of the Anythin, I Opposite the Post Office, C ton, I . 11 11
Tow` better one, as it edla be pinned tothe - - - refreshing repose that. comes to 'those. - The clev"ost, - . . I . 1_.._i__-_1_____
ship of Godericb, have instructed Thomas un. kbeipirls so '481ble -to' imagige. - out tho 41lip- , . . -
.dry to offer for swe at Public auction a the 111100, ._ ' Ao bb% I . C; 111's ,way. . .1 . . ., . I � .11 I I I � . . — .... . I
e apron -with a couple of old ,;% whob , jrt and nerves ite rig'ht. . Sonic - - , u,jlly�'yotl, soe. it 'ivii. I ; - . , __ I � �.__ F��_ I I .- I—— � . '. 11."'11.12 �____ �
Baptist Church. Base T.Ane, Goderich TP., on awto hold it o a it poi8se,sees the velom lngenult� of tho tlQXL ProQo_ onstit-ationaL diaturbance, ,,?orr .- --- I � � I .
I , -
OJATUILDAY, the 20th.,V6V,, at q .o'clock, _pen an � � , alplishos ,ati - almost agieilt 43 .,v , or , They, svere'lill three so d(,l Ill. Jove --- .- . . . . .q. .
11 in., tile Old Baptist Chu rob proverty, doulpffs. advantage nt never 110flag to .*be, fteco., in . -,wlib hor and alf S'oollglhle t1lat t . . . I � . , . .
� disease has so debilitated,'and'Writated, 11 o set- - - .1 C, . 11 . . � .. - .
washed or mendedo , , ' . , ,'change,,' In 'iltral,b6x f it 1.1oly. '01 . . L . -
� Ing the nortib-da8b corner of Lot Niariiber 60t . . . . I . the ce " 01 � tht nervous 80tem, -th t it eant'Ot'bc, ,,,, t 11L. InAtier she ngreP(I to lml)TY,016 ___ - - 1 WXW_=VM�_s0M1i100
Maitland C6deesalon, Gorletleh Tfthshlp, don- � Bus im , 1110111 per-111ce Naeblue it hig �'�Pper con4 rvo qui4nted, � i , I 1. .
tainjug one half &ere of laud� At the ssuld U1110 !X �Jrs. '01alvin Stark, Rossmore, Ont '0116 who sbolild gllv'.4q the n(larilqt 05 I �, F MeY , I
- I I � . T1108tore! -whol!6 yon, act tl' 41.104400 .011rj�,a 1�.11-MNIg, ��111 ill
and vince, the buildfngs 4nd erection� uvwl the . . I ''Volves. P116th Above the soft� 111411Y . 11-4 .1 � - � � I
. I I V� out two years ago -I ljega�l [lot age'. Artlitlil-And.di'd st I i (17 , W1 I J Y .
said i willb Irforodfo? sale GoVaPatOlY ful"Is fo&dow" In a sbowe�, Atfilch rites;-IlAb .
"I'f ons of Sale, amly to E . , . I , i,l ,-,,-,*� �
For lim �','."."n"d c. )a rovolving". . to be troubled with & arnotbon g sellsai- -1 don't'itnow. I Ictimv that !-41(1 MOr- 1. f"
. "' �, � �- ." ��,,�
of the Trustees on rilt-ii od Health clings like gray. snow on tl . �""P� u -
I , ��, .
, ,�v , " '.
9 ,4 ,-
I 0 1 n I V'. _ -V I
be Church. 6r to 036 I G .' ti6n. at ni5ht,,Nvhbn I'would 110 (1016. J rl6d ihe one who g1le4sed I ItO 10Ave t. Prot U � Ptat
Signed 000ber. I".. , � I.. � . (:otjc�, wtille Jets of water and sivaill got so ba I could not sleep in the dark" I . " _ � . . .. � .Oct'Yo r -4__,�_._i_;�.,-_-,i!A. . � ;
Daterl th(IS1 9t day Of . � I .
I . 4WORTM -1 I I Cpus�etl: � I . '
Pastor, Clintoti S"-pdthin reach Of ncarV'e�&Y ,;pray'op the foe mat taid plastvr it a,nd ,gould havoto sit ,up and rub 1 , ir ponts PrAli-PAO OJO-3 of,' a .1
W. 13RYr)0.NE,,80)f0Ror, Clinton,. . d wonifel,11 Who earneselk into a comolete covering. In a mitlate liiiil)q, they would be(rome so nXill1b. � 1 13Y sectivirg a pair of our good 444 Alq 0, A�,0,00 - I � I � I . Rtabbczq ol
. . ,� . in.ail a.13 I I 4471P1111y, I'miki.. 11114 Isill is �otlt. ck at rea,8064 0 001 Op , , , ,
- � ith * , or two tho cone is covered to Ille �fy doctor s%id my heart and nervea wero %Ohicli we havo 0, large $to, 61 * , ,y0l�,v1)JW,AAJVW -WOO I d I I ht alm woml
. desires it; Start right w depth of one-eightli of ttn lilch Mill re'inonr0lo� I amw Milburn's 11cart and rt'0011,,4. yoll nill.st not Iry to (frtoo awaterproofcnat4 Otir'$nl0t'ltso,'DvOMI)f;�0*4ii,�,'%*A-tg-*Izt,i��'gog(�-4i,�qpt�,', a-4 Geller.-
" 11 1, �
I I 've a% *at, A V '0,,yX0JrRM,YdVy. , froill very
Children Or ' � . . I thl,.4 mrittor .1ind snifflrilt0d flit', Will".11 like tile millionaleo, .4. , and,gi , ti action -, try, 11'ndevV(.4(tV,,A,9re4 M`31, - fAS -'rolgNblo ,j 0
I . V IqQivo Pills advertised and got a box to s w1k.0,
. - r
FOR FLETCHER'S - . I " tivy t1teal. I took three boxt,.q and t%exft .,,�,ly denr .1q,P(l. eqnteol ,roorvelf. t Is,u,
�Llf to extra large, Grocerjes,alarge�isfo4i - . Fy, � tile- vd%1b,;f
.. � ? . I Wn,ow b6comP felt. Th(N IllachIM4 1-1: Ipporit's %V(Iltd�osa� kind, 20 The sugar for $L Alenlil AIR44,01of , 00.6 $ , t"I - ., or� c �,;Ilij'Ablu fol
TORIA I st6ppod, tho cone is taken*otit. and 'tljl� now lip down and Atop yvithollt 01(* li4lit nm olilY tv,V1119 I0 ill � ,her, W,e wA - yoij.r Butter�o EgLgt.%�v , , ��� tXy � Al., . Poltb,vy alld
� I tttft W('0111- o(I istlw sholiOrl-r" cold weal ,nt 09
CAS I . � I worltman devtorbilsly poels, oft, the n.1t hurnin o6nd c'rm rest well. I . eSf. J(K) 13118helS of OMS w4At 0 4 W1 ) ,, �,',rai�tt,t�.
— , --- � . MM111 fficin. hiply to all nervous and run, - - DrIecl Appl � -_ , "
. When your bsisiue�a becomes irk- � (,pvering. Befog built ill) oil thf, 04,11e, down women, I 401� I " . 1. I & "I - vxllwl"Uait�
i 11 .1 0, , It 14 hiso cone shaped and Wits 111ol ;( Prien. 50 omts per box .0i 3 for $1.25 Adplica,totwtaadOig the bestfOrm ' 1 . :: '.�
I . 44 . "I"11. It Is the (1111. I vt all dealers, or mailed direct on r"eipt I 111(
'a Compound Iron - not We' I . of hair (Irmsing. Bearl"e. is that ,and nl�$ : A)a , � ... 1) �
firtno and distasteful, you 06TO 447D , , I ,00 '.' C', 1"C"',
.1 ,. .� ntle sugar lont bag, Ada - � I �...Q 0
Atillew 9
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Pills make it � ?, 9 ,
. . :if pripe, lw.tho 1r, 94bum Co., Limitedi I in ore; it I R6
a -pleastire to Ftttend to business. Sold .. 4�vcw oryo flat, I � , makes The beir Lroiv, 500, & . -_1_11.0- I
� . 11 1_111.-- - . _ 11.1. 1. � _-__ 1.11.11111110,
riverywhere. Irk 8OXON AS40fitS, I I- lhl� *N80ft, 1�01 voronto, ont, .- - _ I
by W. 8, R, Holmes. '. :�old __,. 'flest'.8tate It Is, ..... 1- .... , - .- _ I I I . - 11 *,s __4___ . , .
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