HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-10-14, Page 4I
4' - .
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. - The "elf"O" t'luW ara . -
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I— 1 �, ---01-..- I'll, .. — -1 ,��l"..;41�4.;"�,--,�,.—,7--�-....'�. _111 ; I ___ —
. 1' 'CUN TON" NEW ERA _ ''' . : ---,-- ____
Mat . we Advwue w,e sell. .. ,:, . - i '.. I Ist
I I vaxwq, olsir.' 0CM.14, XQW.� Bly, .. Vall, Fair � Prize U
." �7 " �-77 -4--- --,--,- - 4--- --1-77J ,
, I
... .. r � � . . � � I j� I—, ... I
, I . I � . I ,. - . . OIR
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I ,. . I I .� ,�, At% , . . .
I . " , . i 11 � HXXV,z Hoas3w - - Mrs nowide, I
� � '. I , WV I . 0 , - ' 011"000" 01% UOW48 JR I 11-17'a, " I U
. I EVITO XV81NOS I;�-Brnod = bal1,K%.t,',g,,8?WF I
! I . XUL "" ' ' ' '
I "
1. I Tayl,pr,Y1 ,7 sapneonzillen, JF , , Z' I
� I . .).!=�pri'q'w ;foal, 1). f ldl:vv: ��
I i " alt 0 - -00'ar;!-iielz I & 2,04�
. , 1 . , 1 � �'. " ,1"4 bom�.ro WALL PA. � ,
L ,
� ,
. r, UC . e I BVXLD UP Now Ontarlok I -9- Mroillowrie, a _mgo v rteri vil. f, L .' ' 11 ' I- 1, I'',11 ". - �
,.., . . 1**!$;two;ydatold�,�rAoer,*Og.14 , Ispyvice, r, I 1, I 1
.4 .. "I , Wb t we Belt Aoyertlses U.J. . ver WyandQtteq it Fail
"I'll, .11,111,1111, I .� yea,v,00, Lelper Wee � _ny I I I
. I I _., ino Mason; .. .
. I, I A .1 .9110 , =lavy adottes, W Carter I& a. I I . .
___ - _. -.!- na� .
team, John , star., Lelper Ilros, Mrs
. --.1 -`-11 -0-- A ' _L ,� , I 04000; a -Year Is the salary attached , ..Vo I Howrie, balitameand I I � .. .
. I Agricultural -Brood wave, Q 8 Rob- a W Carter 1 & 2, red caps lobn �
. . � . .
h I" tb' 1'r
4 I
STAPLE AND FAN , Prom . . , " I
. CY DRY GOODS -, " , I to tho-Britleb. , iership. In Canada ertAou, A W Slo&P4 f 64 W. TraT104 J I KIr"11311 & Z barred Plymouth. .. . .I
I I . I W, _Vooks R 11 . . -
FURS 4S - 1he,office. Colilroands $12,000 and the Scott; two year old, D JAiola Leipe'r -4 2. white Plymouth rooks 11 k, - I
. I 1, vanity of 02,W0. 11 Bros ; team, W Taylor,'Solin. Fellp 'agg"'!" ' - I.. .. , w
-XILLINIRRY - I . sessional lade' . 1) ()arter guinea fov,l'fV Carter Col. . �
.� I � I- . - I 1- 1, . .,. 11
- . . I —,-,- . - ____ _., - - - .-- - ____ __-1 ___,_. se --Brood vi4xe, A W lecti,n oi Pig no B aktl .. Rhode I
. - I � - . 1 . . I . . , , , " . , . I � eeneral PU r Y,r,*itWQ__Ye&r_ Island red - 11- I V_ I I I'll e
- B10412 ; 9116, ; '' :abethb _ V;� " -1
� Ca er�
I f I '.. I _ 1, 'r - !� - -- - - I .- 11 -
- TODONTOauthoritleo are ter. oe com- , Ap 1.01 �Xt I -
� .. - . - --- 1. .. � I � - - I
I . � . old U Lockh%rt, , John a Bills )40 I I
� I We are being con. mended for the w . I . . � ...
. , , ay they have taken 'r old, J & F L%ldlaw, M Lo Ir . , .
:1 - - . bold of t' , ya� . ck9si t, QuAzz� , . �� .
�, gratulated dailk upon � I be playground, question and team, 1) Schii,ell, J,H Fear. I Fall Wbeab#'W. McGowan, J Wisei I .
, I I , . i
, iud u& by, their c, laeusef,, a &- - wbI Fall Wheat _T K Wise A VU — - .
t our fine display of .
, I
. � .
. I .
-Store, Clinton' . .C.1
. .
. . " V
will be la order next year,
11 . I
I 1 Rf "
13cautifull, 11. 11 )
I . ; I
, HiLk,ison; crook butter, RWAKGowan
I 1. � .
.. I .. I I . .� � .
. -
i -
I ,
- . . I � �� - -
IT 10 all. right for us to, boom
� , the
greatWest And to rejoice in it$ growth
And 4evel6pinent, but while. doing this
I .
Stewart, Miss Livingstone; - trar
lot Us not forget that the glorious old
breild, D Uldlaw, W Taylor; plain
tea biscuits,' A E Quinn, D Laidlaw;
Cloth, ,Miss Stewaft,. Mrs A Johnston ;
tea cosy,, Mrs Nott,'Miss Livingstone ;
Manufactures -Miss J oummingiBlytb - .11 - �,
Aliss McLetman,,Belgrave. . ' . .
1 maple syrup., A W sioall, W H Me-
I Or'gcken;collection. cannedor preserv-
embroidered Cushion top, Miss Living.
stone, Miss Stewart., lamp s6reen and
Province of Ontario should not be for,
i catsup, D Laidlaw and 2rid; . pipkles,
ton ; Mantle drape, Miss, .'SytninI3�
slackness �and. as there we I re many an- . - . - �
I- -b -1-1, I lq"."u
gotten. No country better deserVeq
� .
- I
the bestowal of good words oil the part
. I .
of her qog& and daughters, Huetab ,
I .111�11 I I
eel qure their / � I -
and we f . .
. -
fog Ontario I .
. 4
judgment is' correct, , . .. 5
1Tlookovery uchwifthequestion
. . * . .
Sloan; spring, Wheat, opeltz, S IF . .
W19a, barley, 4 -1K- Wis6. 3 Alton, II . % IS, . . I . I& 4
white oats, J Alton, 3 X I Wise. black,, � . . _",% .. , ii, I 11 I 1. .
�� 91 - I
al an, , , Ise, tinnoth. . � I
=iaudred clever, J . Ise. J A - ' '
tell, two ra e arl, I . ise, Waggon Lo'ads of Paper
evsll�ge corn, racken, . . I I
. I, . , I . . � - �
FzELOW30TS AND VEaRTABLUS Oan be takeh out of aur,�st6ck and' not lessen, 66 I.
. - 1.
Collection,of gaMen products; W H selection, because our stock is so. extensive, in fact C � ,
McCracken, Mrs Failmlok, Mrs Nott'. w I , � i
early ps ws, late pota- have too much.on hand,. and f6r a few,Weeks,, you calf -
toes, P Willows, A Yuill, collection of get, somegenuinC bargains, . �,
Potatoes, P Willows, R IKa gittt field , . . I .
carrots, W 11 McCracken, � Haggitt - , � I . I
arien re4 carrots, P Willows, R . All -Paitnet Trimmed Free. -1:
I - I �, . I I . I Dgtoweed turnips, VV C. I .. I . .
for never before have I , " of Home Rgle is once .more gQmg to Lioriw HoRsus Gracklen, � J Mason, any other variety . � . I .
I play a sigailicant part in the forth- I of turnips, Jae Potter, W., H Mo- - I
we sold' so m any " ' . I !coming election in the Old J Carriage -Brood, niare. and alE o fog,11, Oracken,'Ibiaets, Ed Haggitt. W H I . . I .
Hats at our Opening. �d/' � �and. A John Parrott; two year old, W Me- I . .W . . I -
. , .... I I McCracken. sugar beets, J 0 Powney, I I I I
I merry war is looming up between the G111, G 8 Robertgon'; one year old, R R W -McGowan, long man Id wurtv
We 'will'be glad to 1! � � � I House of Lords and the Commons af Anderson, J Parro , tt ; team, W Max. I , -1 ' I
I .
f4 , I ad zels, W H McCracken, 16 coulter.
have you come - in . . . the more -3ptimistic in well, A J McMurray. I globe maugold wurtzels,* W H MC- N 6 Vember
" . embers, of*the Ro.t4sters -Brood I mare and also foal, - Oracken, yellow intermediate mangold �
and see these for yourself, as we feet sure they - latter bodysay the "domineering day4l , � . * I
. 11 of the former is about n . uu . G S Robertson. T E Haggitt; two year wurtzelo, and also Pumpkins, W 'H � I I
will, please you. We invite i.n s,p e c t i o n .. and . least as far as docile's ,abored, at old, T B Haggitt, E Haggitt; one year. McCracken, Rd. Flaggitt, squash, J J I.. I I
� . . ubj,�eotion is 40,11- old, Jolm Parrott ; single driver, J B . Mason, W H McCracken, red' onions .. . .
c..o mpari son, . Whiddo,n. not known - team, J Wake, W ff McCracken, yellow nions, Mrs . ... . , ress " .
., . � corned. Wise heads. see the breach S . .D. .
I .
. � � I . . I I ,videning and tb eeorge Dale.. Howrie, W ff XeCrao . ickling I I
.. . . . � . . a tidervising and are . ,., . I onions and Dent Held Cor , H. Me I . , .
W. U R S - busy pourlug oll o . CA.TTi&V,' I Crocken, white beans and* two 'heads �
. I . n the troubl#d wa. . . V
I � . . ters. The healing process will require. I Dutbam-Mllch cow, ..D Cook, T H !i of named cabbage, P Willows, 'vy H �11 . � 1) I - ,
411�� " F .. . � . more than words to e . ffect a concilta. Taylor ,,two year old heifer, Jno Barr, I McCracken, red ge - 1�' . � Patterns
: . . pickling cabbit." , I � . . . I . I
tion that will.be permanent. I John S Scott one year old heifer, R W H McOraokeri,'citroua, W R Me- . ' .
Our collection awaits *your inspei.ction. - ,The . 1. - � I � . Harrison. J. S Scott ; heifer calf. .D ..Crapken, Jameis AlLon. waterme!Qns, .The Ladies' Home J6urnsl . Patterns are. always .
. ' . . . 4 �* Cook, .1 8 Scott; aged' bull, ,T Barr - - W U AleGracken, Lid Raggitt, 6auli-' . I
, k Ruffs and. .�, '- .. _. I I
requests for Fur -lined Coats, Fur Nec heril, J flower and also sweet corn I necessary to women who appreciate individuality and
I . . . WHAT1as becorfieof the local Board. bull Calf, T H Taylor, J Scott i , P Wil. I . . - . .
Fur Sets is widespread and . conclusive , of � Barr, , ' '. I . � . I Ilows, W R Mccr�cken, celery, F Mete . ractice economy in theirdress... # " . I . � �
. of Trade arld-theBusiness Alen's Asso- . . . . . CiRjf, W H McCracken, sugar beet . p , I . I I . . i
their extreme popularity. We -keep only the ciation? -In � . � ith these --*,--- . . . . � . . . � ..
. . . connection w ��......- � . - mangolds, W WM6Cracken, J Potter, . I . . . . . .
best mak -,rs' . . two orgbw� . .
( , goods, consequently the. latest, and , lzmtions may be found the'
, .
b e s t procurable. Our prites age the.' lowest, ' lehding spirits in the .business affairs .
quality considered. � I I . . I . % .. 1. 11 � I of the town whose regnIarassembly to
. I . I I discuss affairs of vital importance to
� ' . I .
.�Ir_,_, . I . - . I - . I Olinton',could . only . be fraugh I t With
. . good, The arrivalof:the long,ev0n-
� . - I . ingsshouldguaranteea good attend.;
. .. Or I I I - C 0 A' ITS �. aned and the marking out of a riigu.
. �
�_ Z' I I . � . . I I
. , I . . ' .. . lar Program of'work would ensure
� . 0 . ( ..., -to-date-;m—by . wear- . I
, �� .Be up I ibethod and results: President Raus-
. . I * . �
:� - . . cretary Jacksoh would -be
- - �., I ing one � of.�,our- stylishly- - . �' ford '-%ad Se I
. . . .
j- I ,, deli4hted, we
I I made. Coats.' - Wd have I , . lieve, to 06 renewed
� .
V 1. , . ... . . . . '. I I I activity -on the part of' the. members
I ; ��A,�* ,- .,,t..,- "IQ nt-al-Irmc . .
fin Cor , G CGowan, J Coult0r.
I 1.
. I , � " R M ..
I .
. Cooper's Book.
. � .
. I .
-Store, Clinton' . .C.1
. .
Tab butter, A R .Quinn Ir a Itop, R
I I . . .
, . � . ..
I-, - "I I 4 . . . .. I fit
, HiLk,ison; crook butter, RWAKGowan
-_ -_ —
--- . . J
. R 0 McGowan-, butter in rolloi A Yulll
- . . I � �� - -
.1 � . I - - _-!k- . - - . .
J as. Alton,, butfor in prints, R. Ander.
' ' .
. .
. I I - �
sell, W- Taylor� dairy cheese,- J Wise;
extracted honey, A B . Carr and 2nd;
I. . . I
Rowrie ;five o'elock. table cover, Miss
. . .1 1.
ain - C a Bee§e Blyth . . .1 . . ..
-1 Gr ' I '
, �
-fioney in c(?tnb, A B Carr; home made
Stewart, Miss Livingstone; - trar
.Dairy Produ.cts-lkliss L Greyn,L6yal. I
breild, D Uldlaw, W Taylor; plain
tea biscuits,' A E Quinn, D Laidlaw;
Cloth, ,Miss Stewaft,. Mrs A Johnston ;
tea cosy,, Mrs Nott,'Miss Livingstone ;
Manufactures -Miss J oummingiBlytb - .11 - �,
Aliss McLetman,,Belgrave. . ' . .
1 maple syrup., A W sioall, W H Me-
I Or'gcken;collection. cannedor preserv-
embroidered Cushion top, Miss Living.
stone, Miss Stewart., lamp s6reen and
Fine Arts -Miss Brigh'4m, 'London. . -. -
School Children's Compotition-r,Nv
ed fruit, W .11 MeCrackeM, grape wine
�. .
3as Alton, W H McCracken; tomato,
. sideboard cover, Miss Symington, -Mrs
Johnston ; laundry biag, Miss Syming.
Scott, BIyth, . . -
- I * ' - ' *
Ill'the speeding events there was.no . .
i catsup, D Laidlaw and 2rid; . pipkles,
ton ; Mantle drape, Miss, .'SytninI3�
slackness �and. as there we I re many an- . - . - �
I- -b -1-1, I lq"."u
- i r, N. . V. ..r .I . . ... of theBoard, of Tride. Clinton � can . . . I . I . . . -mixed, isi; Symington, Miss Living. ton ; Mrs Tamblyn, evening, lurs I, I . ... as, and tue; fracw . I �
. ev= '.7 business, . - , 'so be& Waaman. 4 -
, -
04 than . for . in stand a genuine old . Aberdeeil A4,ua._�- milch cow W I .stone; pickles any. other kind, W Nott, All Stewart, knotted in fine shape general intajegb h
I I I . fashioned. revival - ifested, Ilu tbe-named racia t a Contia$.'
. I � I . . . Collinson, AW McEwing ; � 1. Z
1 4 .0 0 - '' , - I year .. Carter, Alex Tuill; breed made by girl , spread, lqiss Stewart,', Mise Syming
..� o ,r. bat deo'4rtment.' .1 �. alobg a namber_of 'lines.. that would - R 0 McGowan; boule,made buns, R,B ton, Mrs G. Nott, slumber 'robe.. Mrs* tants were.-Tbos. Ooulter, Morris .e, R, ' - i
- .1 0 614 . � . ' . . tend to the general adiantag heifer, J A MA11niigh; bull calt, J Al McGowan, Jag Aft n -dressed � chi6ken � Livirigstone,Blytil; FMo1ntogh,Bl th'. . - I
,:: . i E ver * garrhent. is 1posi- 1. . *a, but -to M aoilgly,.A WACHwilig; hord,.A''W.1 .0 , a Hawriii, Mrs. Tamblyn, Teneriffe la6e, i y . .
I I "; . . y . , . b ag this about tliarb ny . . Me% � . I I . .1 I . I. - .. ,� . . a Johnstozi, .Mrs Tamblyn,.. whisk and Thomas Reynolds, Clinton, the re- . . .
. . . I . 4 - oultsbeing.in this order, Parse wa . a
- .0 . Ust be con- � I . 11, I � � . . I . 1. 0 . .
, � I . . . . of effort'and conAdonce in Herefords -741 L.Perdue . took '01the -r� � .. . I I .. � I
. " . . t n tie ps . rv; I
I ' 'le. Wing I I � holder , Mrs � Tam blyn, .� M Bro' ka.'
I .11 " I . Jag Alton Mr
tivi6ly this season's sty ri� ra n . . � -, .
. � can . . . F AUXT . . . coueblng.� Mrs Howrie, Mrs Johnston," $50. ,.There was no lessi than 0 competI, - �,
'�- — , ., : Not. an old ohd 'or a ,left- . I � .11. . . prites Ili this Class,' I .� . I . .1, Fou � - I -k, eight pieces, . -which. $75 . I
- ! . . . � ititors in the 240 class for* I
: ; . I I .the u dertakiag. Perlis, i goine cul,- � I . arieties Fall apples 'and six Abolle6tion of ladies'wot a r
. . Grades.-Mikh c4w,. -and 'Mad two 'varieties of Whiter, apples,A W Sloan -Miss Li�iukstone, Mrs Rovirlei, colloe, w a offe ad, Aw�rds Were made as'* -
11 ! ! � over is dn..our racks. There- . 7en has -an outline programd along pro. . 'follow$: Orawford & .dayriolds,Clinton -
. � . . -
; I I I . .. year old hei6r, John lgarr,- J S Scott ; Jas-Pottei; Baldwin, , Jag Airon. A W -'tion of ladies- work, .Xiss U41figstone, . .. �
, I . .
AI, ! I � is a widevarief� of choice, * ' - gressive.lines ihat he Wduld like to -8 Sloan.* king of tompkins, A W'Sloan, -Mrs Tamblyr, . . . . Robt Thomson, Brussels; R. McLeau, . .
. . I �
X_4144h . ! - I � . . syggest.. 'The N . I one *'ear old heifer, 3 Scott, R Uar- I A H Jac�bi- nortliern spy,A W Sloan .. I . . GoZrIch- P,* Scott, Brussels; D,Prowse -
: of' -the best -garments ,We , . . . � J@W BRA colurnus are ilson ;.heifer Calf, J Barr, J S 1� Cott I . . . : � . ` 9 . I
, . . I . ..
' ' . . . ,3. steer calf, IT S!Soott, I & 2 ;two year ' a ishind reening, All . I FINE AnTs; - , ' ' '
� t : . I !, A Yuilh, rh�d . . Goderich; and Thoa-Pinkney', S�aforth. . �
.. 11 : ! . . always open foi,th� voicing'of g6o,t . � -star . . I I
f i can procure.in, the market. ' ' Ornament or vise; Miss Livingstone Three horses faced the .
. . I I . 1) ' old steer, David:Coolc,-. Jag Cumming; Jacobs; xoxborovusset, Yas. -PotterjW - ' ter in the
.- � ! � thlugii..on . . . .. .�
ly.'be brlif, shobting:right'at ' -ear ola steer, John Barr, James McGowA' I seek�no N. Hanpon;.hand. painted placque in 2 19 race owned byPeter Farr, , . .
: I Best* choosing isidon,6 .early, . ' . one. -Y e n, .-furlher,A W Sloan, . . I Goderic'h � I
-b : I . . _. the bull's eye every. time. I L Cumming - hard, John Barr ; fit ox -or Jag Alton-, spitzenburg, A W, Sloan; anift'also-. burnt -work on leather, N. I -Ed.. Boasenberrg, Zurich; and Win. - . 1� .
. : I 1. ' . . . , ... . � �
. . when stocks. are full *anil'. . I.. � V , . .
: : . I . .1 . . . teer, John Barr, James Cumming;. ja t� RGMcGowin',,wagner, A H Jacobs, Hanson, Misg,,Livirigstone ;' btirnt! Mason, Blyth,.Who won as named.' .
I .. : .. '. . . I.: .. . .1 . i . . .1 -.-- �� .a � � -0an, *work on volood, N. Hanson, Mr -3.1 Th I a total receipis'frolh the Fai . �'..
� "I ...... I � con! lete.' ...... .1 . � , . 1. � , . . ... I I I , . cow ..or heifer#, T- R. Taylor, J and' 1? A W Sloan; ben davis, A W, ,91 - r will
- :, . .1) . I .: � , 1. . . . - - Cam I Tamblyn; picture of Hurohr. countir 1, be over 114 700. and wfll le��e a 'tidy ' . . I
,�.-, .. . . TALIC about. the sporting spirit dying Laidlaw. threeIskock steers, J - Duncan Laidlaw; gravenstein. '�� A 11 I .
I Our Ya '. . . . � . I scenery ;,� N Rani;on, Airs Ho%,iirie; .lialafice at tdr the necessary expand iture: .': '
, � ' mi g, J 1, Sacobs,AW Sloan; �inammoth pippen . . 1.
� . .out. nkee -c�usins.oyidently I n . ohn.Barii, ,-. . 1;� . . � � . . . .
. 41 . Pkices1rom. $8 to 425 � - I . _ 1. . . . AW $Ioin; talman si�eet. A. Yuill, painting on bolting cloth, Miss Living I is'duly met.. - . . . . ...
I I I . . . . . . . I ' ' . . I ... a . I .
. . . � . I � I hav6 no intention of �ivin� the urider- . . S .. -cups 11 .. �. . I
. . . ., . 11 .
I � - . . . I . . I I . . . . . � I . I I � . �.!..- �." .. i Rd Raggitt; mann,, W McGowan,. A stone� N. Hanson ; hand painted . I * , . . I I
, . . . . . taker a job. - At Pittsburg last Frld�ty . . . . 1. . . . : I I . �.* � . . : W Sloan; maiden's blush, J Alton, J and, sancers, and also hand painted 11 . I . � *0 I
� . I . . . . � .
. .
1_""%WDR_ESS GOODS-'00-"�' - : � at'a obampiokisbil:, 'Base ball,match, . . �� I I .. I . Deabolm; snow. �R70, plates, NHans6n, Mists Livingstone,( News From The'lVest. - . . i
. � . . ,
.1 I . . 7� � 11 �. .. I .� I . .1%IqGpwan ,J- . .. .. � . I . I .
. I � . �_
. . I .. . W I � � . : . %.1 S.dott, ontariojj Scott, J Coulter; �e. edlection of oil paintings, Miss Aghew � . . .. - : . i. � I 1: I 2
. . . .
. . . ., I . . I . 9 . . 1, ,_.�_ ,. . . � . . ._. � . . 1. . . � � .3 Scott, A E Quinn; wealthy, XI Hanson I, -c6llecti6n of ' water color Thire are 829 names on the. voters' . . I . . I I
' I � . I wauked,. , . , . .,
'hand this People asseibbledabd thetecel ts'were I .� I . _ I ..H. 11 �
I- �_ . . I . . .1 . . , :, . . , , . .* p t ' - -1 'I , . I .. 11
. : ,bet eenRittabtir .and'Dettoi -09 96d � -
More ne and natty Dress . Goods:'U'i . . J , �' I . 11. � , * Aa Rods,: � Antings * Mrs 'A.. TayW , Miss list this year -at ,Dauphin, *an increase', ,., .1. � . . , ,
w . . I . ,� . . , , A JacobsiJ,Denholm; Cana." pa I . .
. , I ... � P. I .., 11. ,. I — . . . , . � " I - .
I rs . I- ..V1. ". �� "I � . �..... " ;. � A W.' Sloan J Denholm ; e6lverts, A . one; tire painting.-In.bil N.. of. about 30, over last year. - - - .. I . - I I
. . I I . . I - 4A. Hanso %owrie ; an"ala. in oil .
. . I i I W-Sloan".J &IF Laidlayv,alexander' 'Fire did abolit $5W
w as .Won *.tfi6 home ea b 4 . � 1. I . � I
i - 040,271'. 'Xhe- ourne Only lasted 11 bon ' Livizigst fi
week, in all the new shades, includiiig 'Wist.eria, �and . f , I � � damage tar the 0 :* -
Taupe, Rose, Blue. Wines and Black. :., .. I.. . . . .. in y I'll, -, .11,z- I I .'. . , , . .
. .. .. I,— ' . -�,. ". t". and als6% animals in Water - color, N V I
. I I . I ..... . �, . -7 - "..., i I.. Jas'Potter, Jag Alton; twenty ourido R stock' vird- sheds at Portage hii - I
. . .. . . . . . 1. �.. �. to 1, ,Jut`we: -suppose t1le.'great,major- � I V , '; ... , , I . n. Miss Livingstone; landscape . Prairie. Tfie origiii.of.the fire' is a . I .
. I I .. � -. � I - .I. enholm; any 0 .
. . . ' h ors, thotigili'di � - ,. � x� .- ) -, , "I %, $`, 0� ,1'1 , . . .
.. . . . its'. oft a spectat . ey Te I - n i % - , -k -�.; �, I � , pipOins, A. %V Sloan, J D H'aw"sater do -1 -or, Mlsii Li,Orig6torie, Mrs. . I . . ..
tALL AND . WSPEQT. . . . I I � , )) - I.f -I I �,,J ., .other named yarliaty,.A W Sloan,Jas. tery. ., * � . . .. . � . , ,
I I I . . ... . . , .6eived the- worW of their money. If' - ,X7 " , "' " , 1;., 1 ,."" I., I . CiirnmiDgs; drab apples, Jits Alton, A , Elowrie, cra,�od drawing, AlissLiving- il;; Jordan,.bf W! � . . � . , I I �
� . . - , . . . . - o . , V . stone, Mrs. Tamblvn, poncil:drawing. 66 fe nnioiag, closed out � .
- . . -I. . " ' ` . 114)'j'14111 I I - _`t� .HJacobs,, collection of apples, AW at on the SQuthe"t corner.of Per- , � -
I . � . there Pould'be .tlie,. same. outbmideriv '. - . .
. . I . . . �. I . . -
� � . ' . ... . � .. : - _! - I V� X2 . I., . bloan, It Q McGow6n; .. best collection X,r§ Rowriee Mrs- Tamblyn I, Pon and. tage Ave. and Morylaud St,, at $500 a - . ' `* 11
We want your. good nlll� a.9 well., as. your,,. - gefi�iated in. concerns 6f'great.er*tun-` 10___04�_Z' , I . . ". of fruit A,WSIoan-, Winterp6ars,V,ld ink sketches,'Miss. Livingstone, china foot. Itwas bought by old country ' .
I .
I .. pOrtance What � . I ... _,`��eel-:�1_,; .1. I, . - . . . .1 I
��.�_, ., .. I . I . .
. a mighty- 'impetus , - " 1'11� . A Yuill; .Fall psiars A H painting, Miss Livingist6ne,. X. Hari- capitalists. - . .
t4, .:� , . ., � . , I migbt be.given tothe furtheranco-of, I- __ - _ � . I I 1.
I. ... patrona VIA us to the tes .. . _��m -1 , . . 13 W Sloan;anyvariet $on; hand-� painting on silk,. - .
. W_,9_9_ -__XT____._, __ , . I . . . � - � - - . � plulinis. Sym Satin or �S, G. Brentnell, of Francis, Sask., . .
. ---,�___ : I . . ' . I , - 11 - -FL=_ TZ: . _....... . W.'HMeC*ra,ckery..,JM�l-lgrnilton; coi- Plush, � .
. . � .., . . _ I!,nany gaod-oauffE,,;--1t,w!llkrMffl_ _-A l'... ____ 1_ ,. - - -_ . N. Ranson, Aiss ingtOn ; reports a yield of 700 bushL%ls of Stan-
- a -be ;,,,� - - ,.
. . _�w I - - - ,.: . iect it
. .. i Idn o P ums, . -
. . . . . . . - . 1. . . - one . -_ ' T T, I -_ __-F _M6t6alf A-W'Slo_a_n__ --Pa ting, on,glaes- in, oil, Miss Aknew, ley wheat off' twenty acres I I He a);-.. - .
. . , I I . . . . . 111 __ . .. . tornatoeq, J I . .
_= . � . .- = 4 , , however, Unless earnestness, ea. 111111 - ,,� '. � - . I . I � CtJon: of ,Mrs. Howrie;eollectionof photographs . .
. - .. . . . . . ... F Metcalf, colle' - � pects No. 2 Northerdgrade. It matur ..
ip_ 1. � . .
___ . - A . 1, . � I I .1 .�ftuglasm and.broadeast advertising _. - 11 I " __ - __ I grapos,A H Jacobs;3 bunches of gtapes Mrs-Tamblyn. . .. . . .
_ — . .1 . I . ,-- - __ .. . . . . . ..� ad a week earlier than Red Vife under '' 'i
. 1=!7� - - - - _A2w- , , I I � . . I � �
I . . . . - - . I I
News In Brief Froul Huron Co. ' ' " � . I . . dorilinate and a mass of people hav6 . ... I .� . . � I . . . Ali Jangins -A W ".8toa ; peaches',, J .... . lowers and Plants , ,- . 'similar. conditions. .11" also. got .,30o ... 4
. I . . I . .
. I . . Wrilis J.- Ferguson; of St. Mary's who falth enough in. their unde � I . � . . I . . I I MHAmIltO;,,A.W,S10-an,n I... . . . . 11 . F'. . bushels of Garton oats off thre's,and .
- , was injured Ili � the.G. T. R., at Wing . .. . rtaking to ' , 0 i. �._ . . . . . .- . Flowevaln. potp-Colleoti6n. of, fol�I: and one third acres. I I . . . . . .�
� . . . . ' �.
.! - Cotswolds.-Rabli 11�amb, pair -aged - ..: . MAx'Vr.A, ORES - '�- ' I., liage, � and also geraniums. in - bloom; By an overwhelming'majo I rity. the. - . I . i
I ham �bout,a.'year ago, has -received beready.todo-mori than *cheer for it. ewes, J P4ter, J . Barr ; ewe lambs J . . .. . CT I I ' . ' I .
The new McMillan block, at Blyth, notification , from 'the legal firm of Cheering Is- not to -be disparaged bi Barr, J Potte .3 I . -All wool flannel, J K Wise, Miss Mrs 11 Fenwiolr, W.Mason-, fuschia I
with cold scorage appliancese has been 6�ors.,Dicklllsoh & Holmes -of Ter. . . . . .. I . . r; shearling .ewe, . ames 6 III . peaple of Portage endorsed* the 'by-. . . I
. . � I . on fitinnel, - �M!�s G Nbtt, t -loom, T Fraser, W. Mason I, hanging lam granting a fixed assessment for . , . -
. . I
firm. . .. � onto, that this claim of $3@- will be feat h � , . . . 3 If, Wise; . bia,nkets,. Jae. basket, J'J Mason; display of plaint$ in twenty years%6 the Westerti Radiat- .' . 1:� I
taken possession by this enterprisingi any means as many an apparent de-. Pofter. - , - 11 I . Stewart I, uni
all wool
gidat-on a.- ,Mr,. Ferguson leaves . as bc�szl transformed into a, bril- 'L. eices ter -Aged ram, IT Snell. R Mc-'� Alton, Miss � Stewaft ; union bliankets fl.?,wak in 1 p6ts,W tdason, Mrs H. Pan,- ors Limited, in consideration for the . . 'I.,. .
. C , - Donald ; shearling ram J Siiell J Barr,' j 3F, Wick. ' - � . .
The Carnegie Library buildingat t. Marys for Winhipeg next. week. lisilt victory -by 96 lusty, loyal cheer. ho . . I . I .
Brussels, is being plastered this week .. I � . . . . ram lAmb R McDonald J Snell, -ollear- Wise, Miss Stewart; roe Intalik' � I . � I � . latter - establishing, tbeiv plant and ..... � �
A special meeting of Grey Townbillp We want eathudp,jul In ! Clean, Ina -11- .ling ewes R' McDonald Jae Slitil, age eta, Jag, Alton, R B MeC6*an-; Cover. -Out Flowers -Table b6quet,, V. Met. industty in the city. The vote stood . .
and is taking on something of a finish- . Cbu,,Il Will be held . I . � . I a let, R G McGowan, Miss Ste . .
ad appearance. . on Monday, 18th- .1y athletics but we need it infinitely. ewes J Snell Wart; rag calf. Mrs. H, Penwick, hand, boquet,.P.. .301 for ta'14 again2t �verj ward going - * . i
. in , R McDonald, ewe ambs inaLti Mrs, Nott; Misp.bynaingtob; yarn Metca% Mrs HoWkie;1 collectlon of. practically solid'in favor -of the by-law. . I
- I .
st Vin t the demise.of Clerk and viore.in she contests of every'dar.life; R MoDonald-James Snell. 1 mat, Miss Syniington ; stocking yarn', dali'lias, Mrs flYenwick; -collection of The company -will at once commence .
'VO . .
John Currie, sr., of Brussels had the eaOu're clntooh, . , . .. . ...
* � .
misfortune to fall the other. day and. . . - - . . whose, combats -are so -resLl- and. often 8hrop6hiredowns. -Aged' ram, ram W H McCracken, i 4f ,'W-fae. . -rk on-& $2u,00 1 . .11
dislocate his left shoulder. ... . Local Optionlabacomingalive topic s6strann6tis. Iteepon.th . . I mb'.HPerdite GGI(inn, aged 6 � �__ - . . .;Wwt - ;;- � - pa.ligiei, Mrs. Howrie, . J�J Mitsoli. wo �O fildtory and, wilU . ..
. quality, of Conversation in Grey -Township. . a wes� . . . ... . I.... emplo,y ozlia Inti6dred ,hands within it '
rriek of good I Ile G Glenn It Perdue,. shear -ewes 11 Z=rLADI'Es'. W61ix - , .1 I , ,
* .0, . Child Is III itioln .: '_ t. "
o picked in Mr. Galbraith's ga,rden Thapetition mking for a vote of. the and d' n'b forget to ch' . ling � I . .. rQn. ,,Co piati � . . I
, eerh w -, . L S " , . h
.. . �� I I I a-ce, handkerchiefs, Miss yming- . T"arvyuttiug on forty miou",at once. , '
*er . I . . iii . . Perdue G- Glenn -'ewe lambs .G Glenn. - ... . . ,a is'the second large, induatryse4 . A -
Gorrie. on Saturday October 2nd. ritepayers, will be placed in the hands � . � . .� . "Any bieed�Falt shee ton, .- Mrs. Tamblyn ;ribbon . work,' Writing, L. AlpXnIgbt, ' '
Goo. U. Smith oftiucknow received of the Council shortly, I . . t . ' . . . p J Snell J pai'4 Miss Symington Mrs G Nott'. form of an a' jag Alt�'?u; # cured within,ai fe months and two or, ,,, � :1
. . . I. . THi increased and1liereasirig Inter6 ... . . Plos, �., . .I I shad6* embroider� I . cobilfit Ivev Roberts6n; three othiars are irr prospect. . 1. .
a cbeqUe last week from- Lord Strath- Monday of last ls�aelr, while engaged Last ' . . - A.i � . . I .. .. . L � . .. .., Miss A JohnAton, venell'drawing, Flossie'lijilouill;-Map'.. No action was taken h,v the Council : � ' . . L..
L .
conla. for $100.00 payable to the 'Cale- 'Picking apples, Chester Armstrong I that is being taken In Y. 14, C*. Miss Livin stone ;'gont's mitts, Miss .of Huron county, 01 Plunkett. 7 . . � .. �,
donia Society, as a subscription, to- 106h con,Gray met with, 6 bad accident' wbrkin fta�on 00, augurar Well. for. . I Stew&rt. %;Sa Symington ; 'pillow - - . . . . Spec'iall��&' , I , � of lbe, riwal' munl6pallty of: West. .? . .
L . . I
a I sh4nls, Miss Stewart, Mrs 'Tamblyn .1 � . � a , . . . bourne in regard to local option,. The .
wards Valedonia Games to be "held' by ladder falling, upon Where he w0ag the future "success, of 'the institution, patch quilt,
next summer in Connection wltil!iI Old . . . I I - Cotton Mrs., Nott, Miss ,. test outfit, inclild HIR horse, buggy petition did not contain the legid num, . .
standing. He was tendered uncorio while thein&oduction of-the:organiz. .. . bet, of natnes of,qualifled voters . . � -L
Boys Reunion which is to be held at scious and continued partially so to . . I . I Symington:; cloth patch -quilt, Mist, and harness, J B.'WhIddon; b'bst 5 lbs Ivor�G, Reeoe,6f the Canadian North � .
Lucknow. _. Thursday; . I � . edwork in the smaller towns'an.4 vill- . L, Stewart, Mrs Nott I silk prazy quilt, butter ill prints, Mrs W Jenkins, best. I ern -has been appoinied, city ticket . %�
H. J. Morris, the well-known Presi- . Fred Heiser, employed With John ages. may not show' the results' . of the � A .-YU1,11, Miss Symingtdn ; ov&het hard Of grade cattle, without -bull, Ag6nt at Regina. The ().N; R. is open -,'-' .
- . . L
dent of West Huron Parmers' Insti- MCMalin, juet east of Seaf6rth had ah denser'centrer . J 1.(4uiL1,i iss, Ilymind'ton, :W 11, Me. John Barr. - . .
)ti �on� , .4
. - . inj'a new city office at Regln&,t6 look . . t
. of Populatioli the pro. � 11ii , k1 ,tt)dd quilt, Miss Symi Judgea
tutia has sold his farm near Loyal - to I un ,asaut experience on Wpdrilesday; duct of t . , , . I " I I )11, I . . , ing. . after theft passenger business. : .. ..
Mr., McCabe, formerly of Benmiller. , mr!leames Had8on's threshing outfit , he seed�qpwing .'should reaiilt - . " I I'ton, Up$ Taniblyn ; home made Light Horseq-W. Dickson, M cKil ' . . �
_ . . in ' ' 10P, . The council of Manitou Pbstponed- . �' L '
The dry room" of the Saitfoid came to MrI MoManu'A and Mf Halsor in the production of good ,grain. Yorkabire-ii esAlton'tookailthe woollen socks,' Miss Stewart, Mrs G . -avy JElorses -T J Berry, He nsall. for two u eeks any action on the local
apple evaporator was recently gutted was driving down to the creek. to gab feature t* � . . A prizesin this 61ass, . . HC I .,
- . -
, I ' � I o be commended is the pro,Ct- - abiria-Bto'od . .sow Jae. Potter, . Nott; eyelet Contra piece or five -o' . oattle-.1 (jawan, MclCillop. . option petition presented.to them Pend . . . '..
by fire. a tank of ter, when - the horses ran , Berk . clock, Miss Livingstone, Mrs John' Sbeep�-Wm. Glenn, Stanley. . I
away andwa raw icel class of worth undertaken go that 'YOU -- ston ;,embroidery on'bolting cloth, , Ing . a -decision respo6ting the point � I .
The trustees of union school No. 5, th him aticl the tank Up t L he membe . ' ng boar J Alton, young sow.1 Al. td'88.1'lVingStone". L'MiSfj Pfgs-r-P Gibbons, Harnoch. I raised that the .- documenb..'was not a I
West Wawanosh. ba-ve engaged Miss egainSt a fence. 11-e escaped injurv, j vs,WUY easily see the ad. tonE Raggitt. IJ I Stewailt; em- Poultry -A Pergusort, Polgrave. propet petiti6ni Several patitiona b&(1 . L .
, . .
. , . . ro � , I I 11 broidery on silk or ' tin,' MI U I
Pearl McPherson af principal in place but the tank was dar Vaintages of the trainin "rauelved. - . ULT,ftyl .
aagea. 88 IV, Roots -A W Sloan, Blvth. . . apparenfl* been pasted together, the -
9 I I ingatcne, Miss Stewart ; Kensington Fruit_t NV Warnock, G derich. - I
of A. F. Johns, who resig4ed some MrO,, J. A. Williams, of Zutich, wag Huron Co. is to be Congratulated on ' I . _9 I headlines being cutoff.. !. .. 11
time ago. . .pperated'on last.week, by Dr. Cvunn of , the an. Bronze t(irkeys R 11aggitt J Bart, embrolderp. Miss Stewart, Mrs I ,- I - I - �, I 1. 11 .1� . . .
East Wawanosb Couueilmeet�. on MillPon, assisted by Dr.0ampbell. The, the al,6119Y disp6yed'iln the work and any varipty� geese E 116,ggitt, small flowrlia; * ,Oman embroldery, Mrs '
Wednesday. Oct. 27tb. . 1. , operation was successful ina the pat-. Cosa$ atten . ding it, The coming breed get'so. Rouen ducks, black Ham. Tadib.yrr,. Miss Llyffigatoine'; cushion _%k . � . . I � , * * , '' ..
4urgA, W Carter I & 2, white Wyan. top in coronation lade, "Are Howrie ; , WMV*****W-**--**-***-)k*-**
John Monk, of Wingbam, appeated ient is moking good regress. . Winter will aid Ili its anipiification and i � I I . . I .
before Police Mal : Jae. Dunom, an olgresidetit of the ekeirlplifle4eion as well; .No m` dottas R F.Airservice,R Haggitt, Or. sofa pillQw, Miss Livingstone, Mrs , . . . � I .
I�istrata Morton bil a � Istake . . � 110wrio; ta a- week,, Mrg llowio;, * - I I 11, 0 1 . W I
chirge of stipplying liquor to a Party 4tb line, Morris, has leaged his. farm to was, made *bell Co. Secrebar 11 I . . . . 11, , . � . . I
who wagon the "Indiarl list," The -big son Francis, and' Will -take. a well . y 1 am- '. I 11 . piano or tab a seavY, Miss'Livingstone, * I I. N if, L � ft ". " � . wet .., ,
. � . ing W9A appointed to take ehargi -and ;;, I I Mrs Tamw
Allen and earned rest. -,' g. , . .:". , . blyn. A Yuilf ; Honiton oi po _,"'
A Mrs G Nott �, drAwn' work
. d., I
charge was laid by 0416f , k--
Mr.Monk was assessisd,$36-00.000 Teiford Sellars drovie teat, ]qrua;eJg .thobes.tthings said about.him, then �. I;, - , a t , - . .. 7 — ,int lace,' * , * :
. I ", I - �. 'r Mrs Johnston, Mrs Tamblyn , fi-o-iolty ) I . - U41 . I
" , ,
60 Wingbaw on Friday with a load of b"L been More than realko'd. He Is I . � "Ill, � I �. 11 . * , , -CP �
dare in jail. 6, - - " . Ila .
Word reached Witigharn Of the peas.h000ld at 85 bts, a bushel. He I -_�_,t�,; L, L I in fatioy work, Mios Stewart, Mabel . I . . .. L 'Mr �
enthusiastic, methodical, leverl,headed ' el L %L10 ,)) - � I. . .1
desith a;t Blmheim,pf XrdrWra.--Olend-� --sL%vs-h&tould-onl"et,-75--ote,in-tri� - I Brooku; crochet Work in silk, Mab , W I __1 .1 .11 ,
. "' --aud o:Httblo-witli--i�-,Vrdaw-mrrativ�in 1- 8Mdks�s,__K)0nIXgt I — , I , ,
enning, irf her 851 year. The dee- sale. go it. pald him to drive to Wing- I'll, -*— __:�_:.�_ L We, -Tre sho,*ine t �
eased lady was one of the plonoor real- ham - fhr ton Conte a bushel. I Spirit dominating 0,11 III - 11 . Waist or $Uit, Mrs Howrie, re, Taul. W � 11 1. - .1_11_11_�' --his V�
P work, Much : 1. I blyn I being made r 0 slippers* i� I I season some,,Very be.8utiiul'* .
dents of Turnberry, having, settled W, H, McCracken, of Btu5sele; might Also be Written; about, the zeal , I,.,, Mrs 11amblyn, Mrs. ston.; toilet, I , I
there many years ago, Some years never'dies anything in a' halfhearted of the County oMelary a ; Mis Howrie, Mrs , t I. foot stool, * , 4_0� '!�ik% "
sigo she moved to Wingliam and for 0, Way and when be gets out as an exhl bl- Ild the officers -,, V _., . . new styles and. colors. - A * -
nurtiber of years she resided on Minnie jor to the yall pairs Ile goes to W,.12 of the Various branches are .-de0orVing 1-1 miss Stewart, Miss Symington ; ap * . *
.Of late years she h ir Weedof honeftl; Commendation, , . e 14 -
street, ad made andit keeps the best of them bust- Of the' 1-1 . pliqpowork, Mrs Nott,'Miss Living. - " � 1 14 W 'of the leading shades *
. stone-, pin cushion, Miss Livingstone - I ... .
�, 1111a Miss Stewart,, handkerchief case ana, *Iuw, I.- 1.11 . being the ROSewood, Wis. I I
one of the biggest shipments of rUbL eta 'from bird, This year I '� '' .
her homeat Blenheim, I I � ling to take the liorl's share of red tlok-iIi Young mendo thanibelVias a W . � �,�, , ,
compards ,crealt wheli ..... "'t" - � . *
here that ever came to Winkham Was ary favorably with his best record Ili they lally themselves to they, M, 0, A. ' � hoto frame, Miss Livingstone, 1drg �_�__-.. % . �, 9L
. '
Awned to W. J. Great ,, there were f, -�,� Rmblyn 1, knitted: late ill cottob, W_ C 11 teria. .itid Rhub" rb. Th,e , *'
� ast and proves that Mae. Is still and endeavor to honestly work ont �-k �..,. I
cill), &)!it live UP to the Idealo of the o�ggn. , r_;-,;�! .. I � . - I knitted or, Crochet wool shawl, I .rVYI% %,T�
I 68 so-so t " I of the garaeu gass, The Hab for , � . , � . ,Miss SteWitrt, Miss. Livingsto a.- I new .
i itevie* X 1119 .&II.- --1 , I � e, , * 1. shapes are striking and �* �
Titm Rhodesian Mining I L, 14 A# 161lowen - I Me wt . I .
battob. - I . . � - W_
. � V . . ..�,___� Jolingtob, Mrs Tairiblyn ; table, matu. . . ve A *
. Listowel .......... 66,...31 I � $ .. . ��', V_ -4 1 -
(South Africa) has wA article referring I .. _ .. " �� . rY Stylish- as Well as be
--,---A � .e � � ' . ,Mrs Johnston, Miss Stewart ,, doylleso - #4 , I
- I I �, I I . '� 't . ,
Wells .� � .�:*, I
, . I I . . I vingattine ) .
-.11. �ho� I
oak of - 0 a "Mountain Of, � Ptus"IN 6. 6 6 4 0 # 6 , � . . `� W I , .O. Mrs I " ' Do,ttoribugh laois,fithoy glove Me STA& 11 . . I
rinerly of Lhe vicinity of Wip 1, I aet%forth .. 4 6. 4 W 4 # ... 4. T I phone 06,hao - �` _�'�":%' 'I '.Mrs Howrie, Miss ' Li coming. . - - .
to a rich stiliko iiadia by Harry Attiiodd ##0,*#*$As4..o4,423 , . 4 I - * V I
fo �gh4ta. ..47 The North !fare 1. I
its line bow " , Augustinh P.1119011 001 018 - . I .
Settle a 4. . 6.&3 ploted t6 #r1e, Vililte Let # I *
. ho, in fi OlAftilmiollefoA i Gorrie 6&44646.4 644430 _____ - A h I I t taittint 1.
It 0. � . aiQle Comb Ili I Q
'Ali aMno 0 9. BL th ............ I ... 6*0.gr __ " bro n I orb, ,AIlW4l6.,q6pb, 7 � , bly ; Nio bettom kilos LIVID M SS CAN 11 I Z
, 8 I ' " ' "�_' "
� . *: 6,4 "Cini '" """" 11ovirriev Rd H �* M so Livin'llitono,, Mrs 'Taro- W .. ,
a �he be h ly .0 ' *1*10 , J�Wall * I � TISLON & . I
�, '4k
b,p o big at, b$(A1111,611 ...... *440404,426 hop tft�* " fte� Im b tie I Z Achtdn Wort on
11 6itloh In the 0SUft- I # 4* �,%tthh6ar . 10, ."Z., I atoikei'mrb � .W.W I,W , � . .
A . ^I Uvinglit-6110 If -WON 11KRKWX***
tt at, 14 6 it 40 been -sision oha je� ' loi,-, h6 Mrs...Johnstotill , W*flW% �PKPK;w RKIRK- - ***
, � 71! �W4 bo,V,4 I 00 , I . _%1eAk_Ak* "I
, T Is ,#0FVJ##V66%W � I � . _ . tAblo 000tro. nroo)Ea, Uri , I �
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