HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-10-14, Page 3ls*-r-4111.��-7"vTrw-"- -11 rvl -w�. �-_ - ______ _----�7 ...., .1. - __ - � - - __ __ . - _ -
.11"M w�Vw% 1-l"r, _._W1%4U 14111f,1411w, I-qM11117- - 1 -,7%"K"`114R91W-W---,, 14tWW--,W�-W_U4"`1VWPW,W,%r, .
1-11 , I i , . , , 4. , . 1. � - I � - I WW,P-X-mWA1F . � I .
. . * I . I �� �, . .
. . *
I _.. 01CL, 14th" 1"Q I 1 -4 1 The allsiten Now' Ere 3 ,
�. I - I; ; Is. " . . � - I
, .. I ',-I-,- I .1 - . L. I ____ - I - I I
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11' .
I . AN$ G" gtAlg, The* -Wc445* That the cloth gown has b4;,g,roIo, , " rr (D (D . � JR I
� , 46060'al". r"Yalu" COSOV110"41rob*1111 Now TO* Famon Vinto The bevieficW, effect of iroli
. �
,. I _ gpili"Mt not# I%, ti" � jotel Ilkv upon the system weakeUtamE SMAY SCHOOL
. I . b crees for this ow,oxt, is 0 -at there are. otated Is a matter for re , Itu . I
. a greater varls$y of textileis favored� oatins and volvete4,p not 04 ess � through Illness, ,overwork or I . I
.1 _' Last sesson practicik,113� everything was Oic of it smartly d6migned =11-madeo anemia,'Iswell known., Ver. I I
is the R*8111d obtalaed Whea br. .
P�� � J I. . . I -Fourth Quarter, For I . I
. bro4delooh In tilta woolen goWe And ;Ioth dress, which presents the rich. i Lesson Mir �
, ,
0 W.U1JAW8'.P1U1k,P1118 Are Used. ''Wo.61in ki ". neall and lustre of the latest weaves TPV114 IS a preparation which, 11
. It I " . . .
-�� , � . While Wad%lthe are still Strong. in and so this qQaoon the simplest mo.rn- supplies the valuable element , Oct, 17, 1909. . . .
I I .
To ave good he Ith you must have, I favor, oprges occupy A prom I d the most formal ,veu,,g in the most efficient way, com- . . .
good Wdod, it is a 'when the blood I tIon in the edicts for this season, as. 4rocir are suitably developed in this . I
, as bao that the be,,Iy pecially those serges of wide wale satisfaoctory material. bluing with it the nourishing THE INTERNATIONAL URIE R . I I
� alth is Poor. The ... ,$. EADER .
hlookis the life-giving fluid of the :weave. These are employed in the The list of cloths grows daily,and the . .
body 4t is thereforb an,absolute nee- two-ptoee suits And the liner weaves color,range. too; there can be no,ex- qualities of beef and the mild- �
, , .
I Jor the th -piece suits, So 1 3� V esson, Actk; Xxiv, IQ.27.
I .essltv thait it shou , ree I ft surface cuPe for any. woman unbecomingly, . I stimulati e effect of sheM Toxt of the 6 '
-a-11 impurities and Id I be kept,frea from aultings,such, as silky diagonals and 93wo,ed, Striking, 4ggressi*e tones ,
. 18ons, To 40 this ., fash1pn are 'practically eliminated and soft wine. Perrovim, costs $1,00 Memory Vorses, 25, 26 -Golden: Toxi:i
� .n%hing c%n equal3r. Williams' Pink close sheared z1belines arevery . � Since taking over, the
able as �A,re alou camQl's, hair �h%Jefi and tints, with mot. a Wttle at druggists. " 16--Commontary I � . New
Pills for Pale People, ThQs6, Pills effects. , e ch4raeter I Acts xxiv, Pro- I
f" th. - in them,than the vastels Dr6vail, Mar- .4 1� n- n RA &4-
, ..w.A fah"t�a -ahmmeR snoteh A
,make n-ewirich-blood wit everydoser;
they drive out .
F every impdrlty�every,
I 1--�* Al -
, oniescus Audatimani'
mixturm' h
- .
vellcu,il�ombmutlous baV6 been dared
And turned out successfully.
poison -and
Voncerm thus' give good health
. � V1 them, Miss Bernadette, La.
mannish novelty e octs are -1. achea
td on with great ap-
and are looke '
In up rq�langes are seen
Change in Oqat . '. "
pointe,of t. Jerome, Que., says:-
"For several years my health was
many -of the old-fas toned snow fiake
1) ect 0
The su coats is qiost interest,
ing,,for there its the XreatesV change
P r bad- My system was completely
patterns, In which Rake patterns In
Which flakes of white sprinkle the sur" "
,in tfiem. From R gerleral viewpoint,
run down. - I had indigestion almost
,,continually ; toy heart was weak ; 1.
other _
fade of an wise dark material,
nothing could be farther removed
from the staid, severely plain, tailored
bad headaches anc
. 1 backaches, and
was sore all over. My blood was very
The homespuns, are of neutral tones,
. .
showing knots of bright colors. Other'
. .
coats and wraps than these new mod.
' ,
els with intricacies of cut and vagaries
I poor and more than one ' L
, Q I WaSL in do,
' I't'
very fashionable and popula,e textures'
Are silk cashmeres, line worstects,eatin
of finish and decoration. Braiding has
7easir. ried many supposed reme.
d but none, of them helped me, One
casbuteres. rudhair mixtures and chif-
lost none, of its vogue and all' manner
of original results. are gained by its
day a friend advised me to try Dr,
I' W , illiams',Piuk Pills, telling me that
fon cloths. .
Of tile silk textures the most promi-
combination with silk cordiugs, rat.
tall btittguar,and madq ornametits, jet
�, she fpunid them good in'a case similar
nent note is the early popularity of
changeable effeets in chiffon and tar-
is used, on the, dressier models, and jet
.4 to mine. I followed her advice and
be at, 1 --kin the -11 MU
lown in
feta, and satin.. '11ese are st I
buttons orrL Coats of all denominations.
rvk 0 16� 1 I-
I I.- A V. . arnmL . �- � __ � �, _1 imn . we- have-1--endeavored',1 . -1
IIn the close of the last chapter we -by
saw how the chief captain, Claudius a
Lysias, sent Pikul safely to Caesarea ..very avaiia'ble means, to improve
I with a letter to Felix, the governor, in I
I which he Q.tated that there was tioth. the same. All will admit, that in
Ing againsl the prisoner worthy of I �
i death or of bonds, but simply some general Appear , ance, the paper. has
question of Jewish law; that the Jews
would have killed him if he bad not U '. .
rescued him from them; that be u)3(ler- ' Ueen improved , in w any ways. �. I
stood that they were stilt determined � I
to kill him, and, being a Roman clt�_ The newspapers throughout the I
ten, he,bad pent bim to Caesarea, com- . . . I
� .
mandin- his accusers to appear raln.f "i � .
n 15 - wonderful color a' e �,� .- . r. -raps, a t ough -_ - __ - - . 0 1
gave me some slight relief. Encour SsOrtmOut'k, For ill theyare not out of the running, the '- M him there. After live days the high imenting us upon .
aged by this I continued their use for" Louis styles which are con . ieven-eighth length and the three6, S11191iPStions For the 11ollsewife. priest and the elders, with a certain �
several months and they stiengthened to divide the honors of thdasasion with 9 I . . �
I my whole system. I am to -day In ex- the Moyen iftyles, jacq�qrd silks in t I - orator to speak for them, appeared be-
collent health and always . keep Dr. , novelty ,a . ffeots of small ,patterns and 11 � . .. Coffee jelly, made with milk, is deli. fore Felix, and Paul was brought forth the res,ults thus far attained, and
Willimas' Pink Pills in the house for brocad,es are to be generally employed , - U-69) clous, , I to meet them. With some flattery, . .. I . I I
if I feet a little out of sorts I take a The molres will also make a strong bid . I 'W? Cauliflower cooks best with head which ,evidently wearied Felix, and we purpose continuing. the gc)od
I box of Pills and am soon alright again." for favor abd of t1fese now shown in - N 1. downward. I . , therefore the orator cue it short, he -
Thousands of young girls through- theb6st shops there are three distinct I 11 11 � . �
I . . . I I I Pure rain water is fine for the com told a 'number of lips about Paul, work, until the app.earanoe 'of the
out Canada �uffer just as Miss Le- types. One of these is an Ottoinan I -.- . � ' I which the .high priest and the elders . .
points did. They are sickly all the' also with antique Markings, another.% . I plexion. . 1. . P . .
timeand are totally unable to take fine cord, two tone Ottom4rk also with . . To break an apple use a thread pull. i indorsed. Flattery and lying are still 1. . I 1
d the enjoyment out of, life that antique markings,, and the third an ex, , . ed through it. the order of the day among some rell- I .
every t � . �
� healthy girl should. ,They need a remely light weight taffeta nibire., I �. Miller's Grin Powders Cure. Sold gi,us bodies. But God Is a God of N I I . � I E
tonic to build them up- to enable showing faint water, Markings in' . I .. by W. S. X, Holmes. truth, yind in due time ,truth will pre- 11 .
. them to withstand the worries of striped patterns. � . I . . A teaspoonful ot olive oil- sprinkled "'l- . �.
household or business duties ; to give Velvets also find their place in the . I � about the roots of a rubber plant once Being - permitted., to speaL for him,.- . I
them strength to enjoy social mandates of the seaton, Fine French . - ' . . - .- I I
te . a year. - � self.��-,Paul denied all their accusations
11 K ill -silk velvets will be.used largely for! I . / . ., ..
Such a tonic is Dr. Williams- Pink I . ------.- - r a
, � Pills for Pale Peopl�. T � h , ese Pills Olve one-piece dresses and mannish tailored 4 ,,, I , . The. Drink Habit cured at home by kind briefly stated the whole truth of e, w . 1. � I I
i blood ti bloodless girlsl they strengthen suits. I I I Miller , is Drink Cure. Sold by W. S. R ille matter, showing that it was wholly ' � . . . . � .
the nerves ; banish headaches and Violet in shades of amethyst,mative I � . Ho'knes. I I . . a matter of doctrine and of opinion as . . I . I I
parme, helio, *istaria. etc., will con- . � ht: . , , -3 � '
backaches : pure indigestion. rheuma- . , . . . For Broncialtisand AEithma, trV to what the Scriptures -"really tang I
t tinue their popularity this sunimer in- . I that lie. belleved-all that was written is completely changed, ___11
tism% heart palpitation and relieve the . �' Allen's Lung Balsam; th * e best cough . KA y new.
many ills of girlhood and womanhood. to the fall months'. � . . . . � I prescription known. in the law and in the prophets and . I . �. .
. I � I
Sold by all medicine . dealers or direct Greens, especially yellow greens' are . 11 . . I If brine in which beef has been Cor . n.. looked for a resurrection of tile dead; 1. . ' ded, and stil . 1. .
miart, Copper tones.rose sh des, I . . I
by mail at 50 q very r , ; . . � �
, ,eals a box ok. six boxes . . . eh is used copiously in wittering par. Dotb of the'just and the unjust. This features are being ad
� for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medi- prune shades, -raisin and plum shades I I . denwalks, there will be few weeds. meant Jesus risen from the dead as 111� .� . 1. . . I I -1 I .
. .
cine Co., Brockville, Ont. are also very.inodish. - Bordeaux red . . , ''.
) I is another shade that stands high with . . I . . The yolkii of eggs -will not turn dark Israel's promised hiessiah. the Soh of I . . I
. - . the most precise votaiies. For tailor- 1. . . . when hard boiled if they are -put in David, to sit on DaVid's throne; also a more.. are contemplated. . .. � .1 . . .
I ,
I 11.1.1 6. �U t� I . � I I
, ed suits, very dark seal brown and
a -
_rk Oxf I gray are destined for
I d for
. I
. . I
- . . I I I I
- ng waerra er Lan codal,
fit-st. , I
fu)flllment of Ezek., xxxvil, Jer."xxill,
I . sa. Is, Dan. vil and'all the prophets :
I I . .
. . . . .
- ' I . . � . . , I
. .
mucipopularity, I .
�! � � -
� .. I
. � 1i , I
� I
. When making'a cover fcr a -sofa'
pillow, it iswell to have it at least an
i�oncerning the future of the natiorf
t king jvho shall reign In right-
and 'he ".
. . I . . .
. I * , .1 �
. i '
it requiresa, large amount. of
. , ,
. I
�� I .
. . . m
inch smaller each way. than the pillo W
. ..
itse ,
eousness. It in ant the resurrection of
. . . I
� I . . . . .
Sassafras.andBurdock for the blood,
,!bandelion. and Rhubarb for stomach
. .
quarter being fisst choice. Where
the stvle is not military with front
. - I I
Iwaspale and weakly. f I or . ,years .
� I
U.Is body, thechurch, at His coming to I
the airfor His,saints 16
. . �. . . . . �
. � .
money to execute the changes, and
Mandrake and Junilier for liver ana
buttoning to one side And standink
Miller's Compound Iron Pills brought
.4 (T.Thess. ty,: -
18; Cor.
.. .. I I � . I I .
kidneys, CascarrA and SennA for -the
bowels, Capsicum. and Aloin to pie-
collar, almost without exception there
.are deep revere . terminating only At
about a change. Sold ,by W. El., A.
Holmes. . �
1 xv, 51-54). though that would
not be.specially in his mind, as he
.1� . I I
. � .
T . ,�
with this fact before us, we are ot- .
Yent griping. U -Need -a Herb Tablets
th" waistline or below, or the shawl
Wipe off the woodwork of shelves
thought of Israel., It meant the resur- .
. . I �
. . . � . I . . . .1
contain these valuable ingredients. 50
tablets for 25c; 250 tablets for $1,00. A.
collar similarly. ended. PI ings are.
seen a great deal, pla ?between
and floors of closets or wherevor
danger of moth lies with a solution of
' '
rection of the unjust and the great-
white throne judgmeht at the end of �
-fering the New Era.to end of
-doctor half -a -cent a day.' Free
samples at all drug stores in Clinton;,.
sea me wherever likely to add to the
� .
carbolic acid. . .. .
the millennial.6�1gn of Chrt,9t. 'It meant,
. . . I . . . .
lifarch 2-9-yk-xi. . . I . I I
44 .
. . . I
. I . . I
The cushion back off the Morris
has been found
that God will Jildge the worl& In right-"
by that
� __ . . �
.. .. I
chair valtiablia in tho
eousness man whom
. I (
. �
, . .
A" Guesswork In,the Dairy.
� � .. � . I
I I . �
sick room to place at the . back dt the
invalidinbed. . I .. 1.
ordained. -;�Iiereof.' he bath g Iven as-
. .. I
surance unto all men In that' He bath
1. I I . .. . .1 . .1. � .
. ... I . . 11 I . � � I . I
A A . .
I - - 114
,, . _____ -
enerally spealitug, tile ,average
milker cannot guess within 1,500 or
. . � . .. .
I .
� So . I
fb soap made from half a pound
I . . I a,
raised Him,from We dead (xvil, 31).
V cbmly a Wo a .LLJL VtLLmU49 IU17 - I . . I
,. . .. I I �
I . . .
When unwrap
,Xing the laundry
soap, save the oile paper that comes,
2,000 pounds of the actual yearly -pro-
ductlokI of the* 'cows in his
- , 11 - .
ofshaved do%n hard -soap -and two.
quarts 3f water will save the soap.bill
Thisi'.with justification, by. faith ,
� I
through the finished work of Clirisi
- I I . I .� .
. I v . I I .. . I .1 . . � � 1. - I . i
. 7 1. � . I . .
. . .
a.round it and use it to. wipe hot irims.
care. This
leads to . the conclusion that the 4-t.
. m
at cleaning time. . . . . .
. . *
. I .
apart from any works of the lowt was.
. .. . � . . . I . I
, . . . . . . - I . * . �, . I . L . I ,
11 I on. A great saving will be made in
this way, as it is preferable to wax. � I
An excellent Way to silk
. .
tempt to cstlmate� the amount of lo�k
W hich any cow may give by the full-
. . . .1
.. . .
. � . I
If eggs are to -be stuffed, put them
. .
in cold water as soon ab they are
taken from the stove. This will keep.
counted her0sy.by'tbese zealous Jews.
L f
But Jesus Himself taught this kind. 0
-heresy "O
1� . . I
, , , 'L : . . . I " .. ..
, I . . . I . . . .
L.._ . . .
2`5' '..ee nt,se
hosiery from being torn by stocking
ness of the pall Isapt to be very mis.
leading. 4t is,certainly
. .. . .
. - . . �
the whited in better shape. . .
when He said 'L fools and
, . .
slow of heart to- believe all that the
. -11 L .. .. . . :1.
. L
I supporters is to sew two a mall strips
I . especially so
I I . I .
. .
Fordelicious - fishballs, use canned.
. ' gpoken" (Luke,xrIvi, M
. . .� . . . .
. . � i I . - -
of seam binding at the top of - pa(,,h
stocking. Then catch the home sup-
porters in these loops.
when there is more, or less fQim on
'the top of tbe.'unilk.' Anywhere from
. ..
. .
salmon, mixed with mashed and sea.
sonedpotatoea.. Dip .the balls -in but�
-prophbts .).
Today there are with 'many nb re-
liable wrl. gg of Moses, no predic-,
. . � . I . � .
L I . .. . . . . . I
, ' I . � � . . . I . . . � - . � . I I
.1 '. . . . I
I .
. one to three inchei of - fonal may be
- . . .
, . L : .,
ter and toast. under the gas flame,
tion whatever,. Do future. for Israel,
. .
. - ' .
We can accommodate. conven-. -
on the surfaeb of the mill. di-
' I I
I . .. .
is used as a garnish. Ruil it
L . I
0 , .
re.ctly after 61rawl.ng.. T4e facts argue
� I ;; ..
through it perforated crusher into ice
nothing supernatural, no coming agalo
11 .
� . 1. . I . L . I
. . I '
. I
for- tile use of the-9cales If'acc . tiracy Lq
L I L .. . ,�, . �
,cold water afid let it remain .in the
water until it is hard,.
of Christ, no wrath of God, but ,all
such are *simply tunbellevers and
n - new subscription that . ... ..
ie' tly. every I
deMrp(]. An estimate based -on mere
' L,
. quite . ..
I. . . 1. . .
L ..
observation ls� always unsafe and Un.
. . L
. I
.A. lingerie gown will looi fresh much
,,,land against 'Christ. for Ele testified,
i -
I .. ..
. . . I I . I �
.. . . I
. I have found a tried and tested care .for Rhea.
businesslike. . . . . � .
- .
I .
L ''' ' ' � . ,. .
. ,,
longer if care is taken to fill out the
that all things written -in the law of
I .. �
. .
. . .. . . . I
.. . I . I , . I
comes our way... I
matiscal Nota, remedy that will straightenthe
distorted limbs of chronic crip .nor torn bony.
back to flesh again. kt is impossible.
. .. . . ., � I
. . I I . .
I .1 L � I
. . .
. . I .
. . . � . .
I sleovei with tissue Lpaper whenever
the gown iAot being worn. �
MoseS and In the prophets and In the
Psalms �coucernjng Hind. must' be ful-
I . I . I .
I .. . .. . L I .. I , I .
I . . . . . ., .: �
. .. . . � . I I . . .1
u I can now surely kill thd pains and
this deplorable disease. L , P"�P:o;
A pain pi�scription is pri ted'upon
each 25c� box of Dr.'Shpop's Pink'Pain
I 11 11. . I . .. -, - . ,
I � ,
. To. render muslins, draperies, child-
:filled '(Luk�e xxiv, 44). Felix is �shld .to.
'have '
� . . I .
. . . . . L L . � . . . . . I L . . I . . . : . I
� . . I - . � - - ..L1 I L . I
� ,. . . � . . . . . L .. I L I . . . .
. . . . . I .. . . L . . . . . I . . I . .1
I ,�n a ma Y -with a Chemist in the 0 01
. Xdt-21 found the last ingredient t�lth
Tablets. Ask . yourDoctor or Drug.
. gist if this formula is not complete.,
, "
- . 'i ' , L
. . . % I
ren's cl ' othing, etc,, fireproof, dissolve
a4ittle-a good teaspoonful- of sal.
had :knore perfect knSwIedge of
"the way" (verse 22) perhaps because
which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy w as mads,
a perfected, dependable prescription. Without
that last ingredient, I
Head Lins, Womanly . pains, . pains
� I L I .
I .
I . .
I t . .
I , : . .
.1 . i the last rinsing water.
., To bake
his wife, Drusill.a,'wds,a Jewess,,*S0
- .
.. : I . . . I . ... ..
� . . I . I L L I . .L . :
: �
1. I I
. . ' � . .1
''I 11 .
successfully treated many,
many-sesof Rheumatism; butnow. at last. Ituni.
P,ykwhpere get ,instant relief. fror - a a,
n Pain Tablets. Sold byall d�ale '
. , .
: 1.1 . �
. . . . I . .
I - - - .. I
potatoes quickly, place'ibe
potatoes on t6p'of oven under a see-
he postponed the ca�e until Lyslas, the
L . .
chief captain, "o'uld come and tell
,.. . . . ; . . �
. . .
.. *
..s all curable cases of this heretofore
much dreaded disease. Those sand -like granular
wastes. found in Rheumatic Blood, seemtodissolve
I . .
I - . . '.
. � - .._.1 . � I -_ . _. . ...
- . . . . .
. .. ,�
. . , .
. 1� ., . .,
I I . 1. L . � . . .
, '
olld co�er. They will bake in half an
hour with a low firein the* coal rangei
what be knew. Ikleantime 'he 'gave
� � .
L I . . ,. �
. L .
. I .
. . .
and pass ay imder the aotion of this remedy as
freel s oes adear when added to pure water.
. . I . I I
-Men have one. advanta",-- .sald
pearance of th� coati but are 6speci-
I ly noticeable with'intersected panels
' - I .
Doyer plaster of Paris figtires with a
Paul into the keeping of a. centurion,
with orders to let him liberty .
I . - . .
. ..Renewa, . I .
d the
A. an when diss W13 ved, these poisonous wastes .
, rom th sys m, and the cause of
I ly PI -83 1 s
=um.1tism, I gone forever. There Is now no
' L
, �he woman, and that is When they
mre s4aved they are 66 sure -of � them-
Ahd j9hort flounces -one of the newest
notes. . I .
thick coating of starch 9nd'vVater; let
it d i -will
OnL the surface,'and the dirt
and to allow all his friends to come to -
. . . . .
.. 11 . . . I .
- - - . ..� . . . L C, . . 1. I L � I .
� . . L . . I I .
.1 I . . . . .
I real need -no actual excu to suffer longer with.
:selves.' 'If 'they are not all right it'is
. .
White linings arg ,,,
hru I off with the dry powder-.- '
see him and to minister to hi This
. in
. . L .
. I- ,� . . . I :0 I . I . . .1 . I I
I - .. L .. 11 . I . I
VA . we sell. and nfidence recommend
- � .
the f ault of the barber, buit if they
have'a"good barbgr, then, their
� _In, .the L -Minority _..
and the colored ones ,are beautif ql.
Tbeyarenotused inadvertentl but -ed
- -1
To remove an,inIt--stella fruln-j-c�olor --mad.
' -
wal stput the stained portion in
e -it. comparatively easy -'for � Paul,:
,,d.,would give.him opportunity W
: -,-- - . I . 0 �
I ,
'', prese'" ' time, owing -' L '
:- At- the -, %�"�
I 9 . .
. I Dr. Soo P 9 .
self-assurance is complete� .1 sat in
selected in careful relation to the coat
av;eet Milk and let -it stand until the
strengthen' the.fnith of the brethren at '
* I I
. . ,to .
. ... - , .
. I ..LL '. L . . . . ,
� .
�tbe lobby, of a big hotel yesterday
rLoper. F or exatitple, a brown ecat
Eas 6, linin$j of changeable
Hangup the waistand
lot the"ilk dry. � :
Caegarea. and be would eertalkily h
IL . . 'lVe L
much to tell of the Lord's doings
. - we - ,
thei�prqsent sry. Outlay'
Rheumatic Remedy
ookip* man who had.
g at a big f at
comp, out from under the hands of
apricot; a
nale blue one of salmon and silver; a
Baked sweet apples-, with the skins
- since
first 14o 'met him on the wag,. to Da'-
' '
.1. . I L L , - . 11 . 9 I I L
. .. I ' I , I . .. . -
. I
his barb�er, and I never saw anything .
ivitite, of silver and white and so on,
There are wonderful colors to be found
onj but with the cores removed, a re
improved in flavor if a little is
mascus, and they would oot-be apt � to
�particularly desire that all 'money . - .'
Sold by DRUGMSTS". I
so placid pure c6mplacency as
is -largei
in the. better� class of sh.opg - 1 I
salt put
into'the oven.
weary of bearing of His wondrous .
. .
. I . . . . .
I .
..h I .
fat face. - I wish 1. could
1. , . . .
� . I .
' works. , . .1 .
1 . . .
.. . . . .1 . .. ..
. ,. . . . I
, , I
- .
have be.ork so CertAin flint, raine was
I .
. Eq miing.Wra ..
. 'Ps ,
. e e onbutter,useth6grated
. � P A
.. .
From time to' time Felix sent for
� . - I I
^" +,m+o vi rl i " f%vl allh M4 +i nin %I hell :
. � . . 8 'all iqht, as he w,- nf Iliq " I I . For everiing wraps are reversible rind and juice of one lenion, one cup. �h , Im and heard -him ,conc�Vnlng* the - I . . . I . . . V31 1 . � 1. . I V I . . � . I
t ful of so ar, a teaspoonful -.of but . . , I . . . . � . 4
. I .1 batlrk�ln ch&ngeable and plain effects. Ber ,f 1. - I . . I
I . . I O,i altb. In Christ..and on one occasion a.s . .1 . I . . I .
1A WHINE FOR RUBBER TIRES and t 0 eggs, beaten together. . , ' . . ..
0 1 . I heavy enotighto re4uire no lining, The d . s r until it thicken , , . . I Pd to paip, in. � . I . . . . I .. .
corded silks of, the Ottoman typeare . S. -, . . : . I � . .
. . Good Fellowship I an i I &e and. his wife. Drusilla, listen, . �
Seeley and West I . . .. .�'. . 'Paul reasooln- of ri-liteousuess. tem. .1 I � . � . . I . . . ..
i I in great'demand and moire velours Homer made ice cream is delicious, � � . . . . I v . � � . 11
have just bought a machine for I - occastorcally leads * to. over-indul- have never been so' effective. coats, and not even the little bit thatis left perance' and Judgment to come Felis � 1. I � A . . - . .., I I I . ... . . .
I .
attaching Rubber Tires to bug- I . Ify treinbled, but put his convic- -,,t- 1. - . I . . � -
gence in th6 good. things,of the *as well as the capes, show drapings, andmelts .'should be wasted.. With "Ictua . . . . . . . I I .
gies, and are prepared to do all k, � y' way' -_ I
I work of this kind promptly and. , . table., Be .good to your stomach, which gives rise to many quaint little the Addition of a little gelatine it can tions -fr6m him. sa,yin : "Go- th . , I , wmww� . .
. . I . I * " I
at reasonable prices. - . Right it at once with . . 1. notes. In one model where the �c6at be.made into a temptin.g dessert.' ,for thistime. When rhave a'couven- . . I �. I . . I . � I . . . . .
, . - � I . .... is cent on full circular lines the mater. White paper should not be used for lent season' I ivill call'for three." ri.,Or . , . . .. I r - . . � . I .. I :
I . . . I
.1 . I - I
� Also all kinds of lathe work, . I . iAl is slashed from the shoulder down wrapping around articles that are to two years this continued, Felix always . . I . .
/ grinding, and machine repairing. � � �1. . .- Y �-) for a distance of twelve or - fifteen in- be put away. Ohlorate of litne is used hoping thai Paul w''oul[d offer him mon- 1. . I I . - . ' . . . . . ' '�` -
We have installed a machine � . .. ches, and a section of accordion -Plaited for bleaching it and. this will destroy .ey-to release him, and with that hope . . - .. . . . . I i
for Grinding Hdrse Olippers . I . � . . silk or chiffon of the coat color insert- the color of the fabric which - it en. . he sent for. him the oftener. But Paul, � I . I
. � I .
�nd are prepared to do such work . I I . I . . .� . � . ed so that when the coat is on and the velops. . . . . �, .. � . I . I . I I . I . .. .
in first class manner. ! I - I . . el �_, i - wearees arms are Xaised ever so slight Ile elets do kiot look well after I having no thought or any, release but a � . � J .0 -B . . I . .
�2"k_-. W-)
, . 10 I . rigbteous one, 'never offered him a .0 I . .. I I . . ..� I . I
. � � ual � . I
I � . '14 01 I ly, the plaits expand, . la ering, press them open before ap . I , I . .
SEELEY & WEST . . . , Another circular wrap has a large i bribe and so the succ6qsor of :FP4!x I . . I k � ... I .
- .
. . . . achu draped about the shoulders and plying the iFon by slip ing -an orange came ., Into office and-foun I d'Paul still a . � . I I I . .' . I
H ' �v V_* &I. . wood stick or a. � st letto into them. . . �
___ 4 Sold Ev r*ywhere. In Boxes 25 cents. - -one end thrown over the other just be Then they will retain their proper . prisoner, Felix's convenient time to re- .
&MMEN0011k� I - _ � . . low the bust. ,.This fichu is of a con- 1.� . - . .
. I
,; � . P - - I . . .
. . .1 shape. I . . pent never h-tiving-come. . I I � . . .
I - o trastinj� material of the garment color .j.� , � . . . I . . . I
--.-.-.. _�. __ --,-,--- � _ __ .In the long fichit ends, there is a vari. , ` . _.- . - "Tomorrow" is not only the great.. . . . .
� 5NM � � ation of the vestment so much liked. di 191 � . . word in many lands conee�ning tem- ,R:1 N I NC .
The moyenage is frequently suggested .. Irs, but It is the devil's. great 11
,, . poral affa . I . � I ;
,,.,V . . UTTLE DIGESTERS . I . . .
0 . I
;N in wraps ' as is also t'fiQ princess panel. word'forifll who give any thought to . . . . .
11 I Here is a model combining, the tWo, at � their souls' w6lfare and for. mahY . I I . 11 . I
. . . - 11 . the same I time giving. the - new near. . SURPRISE PEOPLE 'saved ones concerning good works . � . �
. � � I . I Ifitt aspect. This eoatreaehes three . I . . . which they know ought to be done. . . . .
a , & . . The,...high standard , of work I
in I
14kViC r i2egs from the - hern of the skirt They Make'Even- Chronic Dys. . . . : I . . I
I I .
07N SOUVOIR.."11.4f : CIONTON . with wbichibis-worn. Itis,cutoutat Teptiis Forgp't Their Stomachs. . 11 The word of the r.ord is, "Behold, now' I .�� I � . ., .
Joro)a - I .� . . the sides,and a section of side plaits is . 11 � ,Is the accepted time; behold, now Is .which has heretofore characterized I
. . . . lilvation" (II Cor. vi, 2); . I . �
. I introduced in such a manner that . � . . . - (lie day of st , 77�� I � . �
'r, o be Given NIP, W'Sub- I � there seem to be popc�et flips which ,, I . . I ,,,Today, Af 'ye will hehr His - V61cel, . � I ... 11 . 11 . .
� , 1. . K1. I . ' .. Era , Job -Printing De- .
In . 1, . . . . l fasten down over these plaitswith ttvd 'ften 'a man yvho.-for Y"rs hat ht'l7den not your hearts" (neb,.,111, 15)� thel New . . '.
tsciibers' buttons, leltving � loiig panel effect iu 'be" 'A Nvord in rrov, ,.m � A, I
I � � . 11 en unable to eat a sq*are meat with. .11, - 1, also comes'to 1� , I
nrft- it
-to the.Nevv Era M 't , I front. , . - . I � .
. .1 ... I . . . . 1, . I � . I I ,,'of Felix and all Ut - ure , be wain., . -
I I � .. . I out being thoro'ughly miserable in,ind a% we think. .
) M, , . . . V urs .. . � I , afterward�who hos tried doctors and mich, The shiner tudy well trom� parime. , will in hut . I
A handsome Soii,fdklir of Clinton is'being . This coming Winter a' medicines ,without relief ... mwho hr, in ble as he thinks of his own sin .and Is , . I . . . .
printed on oug presses, and will. be completed great deal of . I . � . '
'__ i - I i in q, few eays-XIS _irL__pA -form, --pro- . use of it and other f urs will be made fact,, a chronic and -almost h t " told that the unrighteous dan'not.enter �+ - -a -all ork-.will-'be ,.--,-. _-
. ____. - dresses,- e - -tK6-TcfiigiToili-,�,Vlg�)�,-FlL �ti�befe_ld C 9 , 10� 0
_ nmlklet -M---'-. I& ,g- ---dyspeptie�wlieu this -man -finds- � nd .
f usely illustritt6d. with local views, and printed fmtrlmri�iiij� 610ak o nd muif. �e'ts. takitig a "Little N p1n. Mined ,by us , I "
on Super-calen dared paper, in an attistic and well as for neck Pie% a gester" rogtilarly he - f rt fit Rom.; vi, A213. Concerning tetn� I . . I
I 11 . I
.. Ample dolman ke mantles ate the call cat,3 bearty tneals a day, and feel 0 . . I
rh , . ppram�e, or self.conttol, the result of . _� 4
1 attractiVe cover. We pUrpoie presenting ead K1. newest for wraps, but tho tloser fitt. 9004 Over it, lie is nearly As -much . execilted promptly. . 11 11 I
I . . N � , , � . I .
I RW Ptihserilier who eti'Prg our 'Subscription ing cloak will.prelvail while in surprised as delighted, I ril-liteonstless, see Tit. It, 12. Of'Judd. � . .
sit, during SEPTEMBE _ otoring . I I I
with one of these Souvenirs. Only, a limited is so much in favor. Xeck pieces for The number of those who have bad ment, we have already spoken. . � . . � 1, .
. M K! mes are small and the I . ..
number are bei MI. walking costu thi.q oxperience with."I.,ittle Digesters" I I . I .� I .. � -_
ng nutea'so' all who wish to - tTt_�_== .____ _�_T!! , -
secure one shokild M I.V SOW, shapes arejaultity Itlos'in many cases. is steadily growing. More are hearing __J � --- I -
� � . . 1, of thein -trying thent-being cured by I �
f� n Subscription, $IoOO-to-eilld of 1010 .- - - 4 ...... I- I - them -every da t- Cookla Cotton Root Coiqpound., - � . . � . �.
� , , . Don't waft till' Your hair is gone, Thq Inakers have such complete , , , I The great, 113tertno Tbrild, ana . I �- 10
. 25C to end of i9m) colifidence in them that they guarantee - I - w -
of strongth-No.
� � ' 10 d6hrees strong .$3; No. 3o *' Kerr, .
. V,se 11carine (the genuine bear's , only tfo offootual Monthly
I n . M , thein. to cute any cage of $out $tomich, - �. Rokulator on which *omen can
" grrase lJornade) in time and s&ve it. , I .1 delmnd, Sold In throo d rem
I American 6tibscribors must add postage, , . 50c. a jar, . . ,� Ileartburn, Indigestion ,or Dysptpsia- 11 $I; W101 go ,
. � I � _�N . or yo.ij get. your itioncy back. I ' 0
im : %r*- -* , "The 1). &P L." Emulstolik 'taken "Little Digesters", with this absolu. I ., for sipelal easog, fS per box. W 14 � .
rA%j9SA1"�A"$A"41"�6" _ f8old ) , S1 or i4ent I I .
vffiffiS"fflyjl�A" In oases of general debility and loss 1�
.9=Dn �6" ,e g,i=r,a,,,,1ee',. cost 25c a box 0 your
, ,st, or � all drugg sts,
I ropal oil recoift of pvt".
of appetite, Is sure to give the best of by inail froin the Co ... lemati I .. oopattiphlob. At dm�,11: TH . I . I
-"="�QLI":!� . !U- ",jM'W._%,5 , results , . , Iledgii L 28 I p
V4 � ,%L% C 0 'o. I V, Pro rietor
I I w lmw�n___ 4i or ww Or www WN � , � _ ___ ". 1,�rotito, ME 10 1lO,-,T,010NT0,QNT. (formetyly'tZAA. . . � �
I .. ,� I , 1 - ., I � �, I . -
I.",� I e� , I I I . . . 1. I 1.11 a
. " 4 1 1 � , _. 110! , . 10 I . I I L I
, ; . ''I I I I'll � . I
.. .- 1--.-1---.1 1-1 -'�', '- 1-1-1' -1.-.11.--._ _'__,__'____ __ ", __ . . ..... . __.____._,_________J _ _ _ - ... _.__.____.____ _ - . - - .. - __ ___.-I. - - I I I -d