HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-10-07, Page 64 :
11 The aftWeA Now Mrs
. � 11 --- - - � I . - �. I 1. - ___ i..
It is well to have on hand . ' - � i
JUSTICE IN HAITIN' Japanese Mend*1 is unequal- I —, __1 -4. -,-- -_ - -1 -111 ,- """.."
I a remedy, shiiple, effective au4 , �: led as a V�iu relieving agent -1,4 I
, easily �pplled, for mosquito Why x Trader Was Consigned to 4411 " Applied In the 44 D" & L.); THE HORNLESS
ore by a 1441213trate. - � HEXEFORDS.
,bites, insect stingsp $ S) In most lands that ma,lutaln a couit Menthol Plaster it is the most
. bruises, sunburn, and I J i , . .
I , Injuries of justice the Institution commands effective remedy known for ____ - ---
i to the ---skin, and forty , other the respect of the public. It has In I . I . , I - 4 - - T 'W
Its hands the means of securing an, Lumbago, Scikica, Rheumatic B, 0, Gammou. assistant secretary
, - on ward show of respect under any
Ailml=ts not 41ways'dauger- t, Aches and Pains. Try a "D. Of Me Polled Hereford" association.
oiii, but which can. be �c&d circumstances. In Haiti this power . & T, " Mp-nAM P1nQ+,-t, fka says of hornless Hereford cattle,
� 1HE $EST' WIL FOR CELERy by outward application:' Such opeam to be made a source of rev- next . ,time you are, I iyouvie staxiaar(i Polled Hereford. cat.
eoue, according to .a story told by H. , suffering tle, thv hornless strain of Pure bred
I � a remedy is Davis' Menthol Pvlcbar-d in "'Where Black �uies from 'any one of these com Herefor&, are striletly an American
�� "Veget.ablo Should Do Transplantot, lSalve(TheD.&L.), which coMes White." " Product, They were originated and
� , Puring Very Hot Summer Mqnths. Plaints and be convinced. 25c. first br,pd ki Iowa and
i I Cel * a I in tins for 25 cts. at druggists. A. Haitian owed �a trader $28. A , have been de,
; 3 ery,, which In its native state 10. judgment requiring the Haitian to par each- at druggists. veloped anvil perfected almost wholly
11 lamrO' l9eimial, has been SO improved - . $4 a week Into court .. was given. and ____ . within the confines of the Uotted,
., , � by. cultivation that It has become a de, ,. . use � - - States.
- Mcleus and palatable vegetable. While. . " the tr,lder agreed to send a messenger - Some seveav years � ago, after Jiavf,ng
. * for tbtb 11
� At,may be grown on any welldrained, I ... I ... I .- . to the magistrate every week �� I 4,xperlmented-for a time, witbreertafn �
I "fertile ,soil, 4 sandy loam will, give I . ZU I PE NAM ' ' � I I inoneyi- - - I f - I 11 M` lines ot cross &eedhig in Xa endeavov
,best results for the followlug reasons: I - .� In due time fie sent for the first In- - F -E I .. RK to produce an 0111mal of We Hereford
, - � stallment and was Informed that the
First the. quality of eq erp is, superior . type and mar1h1gs, but naturally
. , I ( 11
to th4t grown on any other type of I I Haitian bad not paid up, bi4t that he A SpImMid lronlo Polled or horulesqF, Mr. Warren Gain. I
, I
- I y . I *should be put in prison for his failure. mon of Des Moines, 111A, determined to
� -8011 -second, the texture of the celer. . SuIlds up the 8yawm
10 Armer than that grown on muck 11 I Three weeks passed with the same I make a careful seu-rch among breeders
, -
. iWls, and therefore the shipping qual- . . a - , I I result. One morning the Hfiltlaq went strellathorw the . of Herefords thronigbout the United
ItY is better; third, when celery is '3�1 11 - to the tradqr's ptore. What good, he I., States and learn, Ir
- I � M � I �1 . musews possible, whether
� ��� I FOR rHAE* .4 asked, would come to the trader If be, -
.XTOVM on either clay or muck soil, , , , or ;lot there were 6 n In existence
I * . any freak Herefor& that were nat.
neither of which dries out readily after poor man, were thrown Into prison? I C ' Ives Oftw Lft W
'rain, the land is too frequently injured .. . Let the trader forgive him his debt . 9DId by alf siddYclaw ilim� urally hornless, thotl9b of pure bred �
by harvesting while the soil Is wet. efyyc C . 'I and earn thereby uvrold rewards In a DWI$ & Lawrdace 00" lroiihw. I
. I � . � .— . future state. I --- - I ,,� homed Parentage.
Celery that Ii grown on a sandy soil - I "_ . _.Y ems.espondenew with Hereford
can be harvested several days earlier � After some talk the trader gave him - I ------ , breeders he legmed (Yfrfourteen such
after a wet season than that grown on I 9 letter of remission, wMeb he went I , ! freaks, ten females.andif6ver bulls. The
. a remarkably active pot'r in trte off to present to the magNstratp. Trip , Value 'of a Good Bult �: most of these he purchased and'wf�b
I ;I clay or muck soil. This is an impor- Common$ is Earl Wint-rton, the affatr was settled. but tfte,15altlan 'was Did you use a scrub bull last year, them as a foundation, herd began
I . _____ - "baby" of the . last Parl . jament, so struck by the bad gracr with which *md are you saving biS helte,e, calves, breeding for tho bornl6s& Hereford.
. I called because lie was olected, whilo the magIstrate.dismissed Min,. .
, � Viscount Turnout, when be was only I'min your best cows? What assnr-, He also mated the poll6dl-bulls 'With
I . I He forth wfth'rPtvmed to, rb�- trader '
" twenty-one, His lordship has proved ; ance have you that thwealves will. bt. borned Hereford cows JAI -order to de-
. l himself a young m4n of energy and and asked him If he bad r,*ceilved the
. 1� 1, I dams1t, Wbaldl fermine whether or notltbo, progeny-
. I . I
I , vigilance in the House, but dfpar. $9 already paid Into court. The- trader It Dolt have been better, ta liave, bought wovird be Polled. In bothlehiffiv of mat�
. ' politics do not allow him suffi- 10,61ted surprised and said that he hail a Pure bred dairy bull'? 76t, pure faga be was successful" III' getting
_ .
� � I - � � (�in,tn'yt scope, for it has jusV beenan� received i;;thing. I
. W_ I .. . nounced that he is to fill the editor. bred bulls cost money, and' he mi�ht. PoW calves. He soon l6arned that
I- . 11 I I . "Theki� atnve yon have remlered the have cost $100. Is that' a' large sam the freak polled cows and fionk polled
I , I I � I ial chair of The World, The earl debt, that �$& ft mine." Isa.ld the- gal. to Pair out? Let us look into the ballst produced nearly -all polf6d'=Ives,
, . I writes as well as he speakaj, arid in ,,,,,
. il '' . . matter Suppos6 that sociPa, bull �sl�es. alndthe, freak polled bulls' and'ftrned
�. I , addition is a keen sportsman. Fur- , Secordingly he went to the covrt to for yow but ted heifer calves and'thait cow& produced about 50 per'cent polled .
I i I thermore, lie possesses the distinc"
. , I I � tion of being a grandson of that so- i presenC his clufm The ma-istrat'e- at each one- of th6m, when stie comes Invol Progeny. Y rom this beginning t1le, new
, I cial queen,,the late Dowager Duchess Once'committed lihn, to pris�n, A coil- milk, giVes but one plfit' of milk, at, stralir or breed called double'standard
, ..
;, I , ! .. . I - I of Abercorn. In fact, someorte who gul who bad heard the story asked'ffiv each milling more than her, dkm gavc% Polled Herefords was producedd '
_ . _1 �� . . -1 .� �. I .-.. __.. �-,-h-,is--counted-,up-say-s-that---h-is-IGr(l--.�-magisbiat4-wbxvt-t
I, �� fi�,& nino --was-�sentta - --at-iike- age; --or -BOO -pffits -for.-the-Goo- ----I`t-wi1,1-tht1s---be --seen--that-1 idbgble .. ....
, I ship has more relatives ot exalted priso& for. I milkIngs of the year, whl�h is, wortfi, Sth'ndard Polled Herefords, ar6'simply
.. I i rank than anybody else in the Unit- "For contempt of "urr." was t6r $6 to Youl But you milk a cow an, pure, bred' Herefords that are naturally
� � ed Kingdom, and that the woman. reply. � -
. I . ..average off seven years, -and .the 6ne fkee from, b-orns or polled. Th6y,,Ilaive
I ; �3 , li , . who wins, him -for he is still. a bach- . __ ). eow t .
, - - , elor-will. be related by marriage to -_ . urns .Twu $42 more than herdam., all'the- clinructerfstics and qualltl�a4 of
. I I _ - - .,�: .1. three dukes, two marquesses, two Care That ObStl mates, Curtq, !Ten Such cows means $420. The proliA. Me, horn -ed - strafir; including li�altlb,
- . ------, earls, several barons,, and a corres- . . I --- � ! -abilities am that'the increased' milk, vrgor., prepotency, early maturity , I.f&(, .
�, , I i * - .- - ponding number of marchioziesses' Where -0 � they W i � I
� ., . I , I and countesses. - I . I 01nary Satv3& faH Zam-Bu& I , oulill yield over their, � dAms, hig abilltres,, rustlEng'qualities, - prolift-
�. ., ? I'll I I . I . Suaceeda. . I . would be worth $1,060i How; tUen,- acy;, etc., add. differ from them onl�, ih
a I . 41 , . - intelUgent rum afford'to tne.i beft polled.
I 1 can any Since Polled Heref6rd�;
I . I I I I :1 I . -_ � .
� , I
11 I . HOW IS THIS1. . scrub buff?--�Malcoltn H11 Gilraherr, 'a sing poliN
I I : Chronia-sores Which, cause trouble a .
. I _,", ' Sassafras andBurdock for the blood� by "breaking. open."' maq becured by Superlut . endemt A . . It. 0. � bullb, on horned cows. the breedersoO
� . � ,GIANT PASCAL CELERY DUG IN DECEMBER. Dandelion and Rhubarb fc3t stomach, Zam-Btik�.as welb av recent itijuries 1. ,the, .ndw breed have resorted veX7
�, Mandrake and Juniper for liver and aiddisease% Iffyouisuffimfionisome, Go to- the bl6od, if you are to drive Urg"aly to, thut method, selecting ,�thbp
. , tant point when one considers how kidneys, Casearra, and Senna for the old.,sore-bidden, perhaps� but -none ont Rheumatism, A Wise risin physi- very best horned Hereford dams andf
I much ft might mean to the grower to bowels, Capsicum and Aloin .to pre- the l6sspalnful fbr th&tE- dim't dally.. leian. Dr. Shoop, does thois with' his matihg%ttietiv ,with polled bullsi TV&,; I
" ,have his crop delayed a few days in vent RTiping. U -Need -a Heib Tablets apply ts4tur03 healing. essenees as pro- �Rheumatic Remedy- and wit th seem- � resulting progeny'lias been uniformly - �
p -reaching the market and bow Serious- contain th6e valuable ingredients. 50 vided in ZiLm-Buk, Mrs. I. IF- Ashtoft 1!ing.success. 3.6b,ons,-aays the doctor lilgli� class; ainif the blood lines most'
� 4y he might injure his soil by harvest- tablets for 25o; 250 tablets gDr S1,00. A of 111, ,gickers- Street,. Fbv�, William, 'never d . id - cur . e, ,4heumatiani. It ,is , " I
doctor for half-a7cent, a, dar. Yree tella� how valuable Zkm�Bttk is as a moore than skin, deep -it is constitut -PoPulhTramong� bvrned heref&rd breed -4i,
, 'Jing while the laud is too wet. While Samples at all drug storest in C Inton. family balm. She sa,ys::---We fir ional, always. Because of this princi. era have, thus. been preserved pracL- �
, Ahis applies to aiiy method of growing 9'arcla 2.9.yT.xI. � at - . . .
-celery, it is especially true when the . . . used UmoBuk, Sar cuts aind, bauisee,etc .1ple, Dr. Shoop',6 RheumatioRemedy is ; ticall�r ffitact . .
. - — and foiand it so, satisfactory that my T)erhaps the most popular in existence� '
. Since- thelte, Nr such a widespread and,
I I ,celery is blanched by banking with soil. . 'Jingoes v Dingoes. : ., husband startefitusizig itL for a chronic It goes by word of mout� from one to -g wl A ni
Celery is transplanted to the field " . ro ng b am(t from every man who.
� Australia has succeedbd in tak* sore, F -Or along time he Dad been -another le e has, to� do-withi beef cattle that'steem �
I turing the summer months, when it � .. Ing . bothered with an old, a4due. 00 a I " , ,everyw' . r . Gr2' .
I I ,, a read res .
�. is very hot and the soil usually dry all the' stink out of 'the- -term pngo. . and had used yaolous piev * .his leg, ji In n 'p it'.. "' and.' feedihg pattl!4 shall -be. horulesw �
_' . "' , y
- Adherents of the fallen Minist-;y who assuens,yet , Y, to teil the
� , It is therefore necessary to water the , it , sic with great
were opposed to the offer of a- Dread- nothimg- had permanently cuned it. He -h aIth . _rell Some 'I,k o . this, new departure met. with great
., plants as they are set out, but even nought to the began, applying- ZiLm,Buk balm, and � .all dealer'. favor, ftom the. firsL Investigators.
, *
. Mother Country, attack� was vary soon, agreeably aveprised to . - . . I . I I tell " us. that born L ed'steers . are being I
�, though. they are watered freely some ed the Imperialists by., �mus them notice.& great improvement. 1. ". � I . . I L �
ing, . I L di§crlinibated' algadbst by. from 25,to 40 —
ot the plants will die if the weather of jingo policy. The Tnitperiallilts. de- . � Mrs. Taft's Cow Still Favorea.
l "ItLwas-offlya, makter- efi a short - . .. . cents per -100, pounds ,in, the feeder
, vemains dry and hot many days- after fended them�selves by�.stating ,that tlw,y time before Zhm,Buk had thovotghly . ',%its.. Taft's .cow continues to graze . .
. .
� . � the plants are transplanted. . Preferred a jingo 'policy to, a dingo cleamtm& the soul ot alb foua, matter. and podeefully on . the White EXouse lawn, markets- of tbilw country, purely' on ae- . �'
' '
* When the plants are thinned In the policy. The contrast so caught popu- bealAng. comri6nced. Ilt is now some motwithitandin' . , count of the horns. Naturally,' thenj
. lar fancy that it spread, quickly III , . . . I; the national astonish- ' ' .
I 'S onth sincethepre waseompletely ment and some aby fidleule. . The presi. breeders, arw an-Abwa to be able to fur- . .
, , id bed those - r xnay be set I through all th,e states, arid Australians closed, and there is no,likelihood of it 4ent,s ' nlbh, hounless, cattl5e, t6 supply thl� de -
1 . .
� W*_� _h 4 paper pots are now classified as dingoes or )m- brbaking oa again." . . I . *ife has her co,arictions. and one mand! . I. . .. . . . I . I 1.
_ . I
a, "Lft 'I� 0 , a few days, goes. ild dog, is such , 11 ince theri. my baby, . e5ghtfien of thern is that if- you want gqod',milk Polled! Elbrefor&p are more than or-
er _�hadf The dinM,ior w S
. .
. -treated in the same way as the plants a contemptible 'beast, cumaing .and a mj)nths old, has been' cured of eezema. =d crearn you must.keep yourmoolley I dinlarily ,high, class, in point of indi vid- . .
I -
I -in the seed bed. They will probably propensity to We the hand thdt feeds, on.thescalp, by 2b6m,Buk. This ec-, .and koep it In4condition by tbe most, .: uall merit,. f6rtb4- reason that outstand- -
i it, being its eW,ef characteristics, tha zernaeame,itireil'-pimples, andifrub. '. recent zsclentifib. terac '
� -wquire more frequent w1atering unless I hings. . Thomas � . I
I � they are plunged halt their d6pth in go is tio,w regarded"as a ,term. Ok bed or scratched� formied into sores,... Jefferson usedi to, keep'blooded cows, . , ifig b3dVvidtiality IS- quite4 largely the. .,
I : toll . . . � . . The child was very fretful fi-om the ; ou'�`tb6 White House lawn because . beo resultr off,carefiff fLaedlug a�d favorable ,
. . . i
I .
I . V9.__---- I . , onvitonment. - T�e' .
of the plants In the seed . I ' . . � , irritation of the scalp, but whenever : muld not abidb any milt; e.,�cept that -
- I ' for- breedifig stoolt has resulted in a
. 74%m�Biak was applied'it seemed to ;. which'came -fnom his own stock. Liwi
. -)bed -amd also those in pots should be a- C - bring. the igreatest relief. Frequent - I . ver'y profitable, sea -le of prices. Calves. . �
1. 1. ,,�cllpped back to about half their length Childre r y.. i appjiqa��ions, wexe effective ifi clearing � 4�oln kept sevemd cows,: but until Mrse .
lithree weeks before transplanting to FOR FLETCHER'S , Z all. traces"of the disease from the r' Taft purchasrLd a Iblue'ribbou .Jersey ati haying aA comp6tatively high makket
I 1 -the field and watered sparingly. the , baby's scalp in . short spa6e of time. � - cow, had Pot. been s.een near the, White-� V111e; We- more, carefully, developed I .
!last week before transplanting An ' . 0 A S' -r, o. R_ 1 A I. feel it. my duty to give the credit. " laouse in forty -fl*(- rears. I and, cared, for then they would be .
I . :, I .
bour before the plants are reLoved . � I where due, and I obeerfully 'recorn- .� � . . 1. . . I . I . . ' - were, the d6ma:nQ sl-ack and prices low. - �
� . . . I I I . I I .
. mend Z%tn.Bixk to all . sufferers from . -That few. show ir�cords 4re'yet avail-
� %.. , . I . �
from the beds they should be watered .A`�' - Rooting, Pigs." � I , The whotesome , harmless.. green .
� I , chronic sores, bad leg, or eczema " able� 18 largely due .to the fact that -;
n' i 1- 'in pap6i_P0TS_tikft_ I leaves and tender stems of a lung heal.. . ., I .
�freely, a d hose Y I 1.11gs are more apt to be "rooters" In Zam.Buk is Naiure a dwh- healing. 'i ing mountainous shrub, �ive Ao Dr. most. Polled Herefords bave'beeri.'sold
then be set in the field without further % spring, when the ground Is sof than balm, being composed of pure herbeU, ,Sboops Co go in ,I . . ... � . . . .
. t, . n� Be edy ts curative : � . � 4. . I .
. watering. The pots will be partially they are at any.other time of the year. essences. It is a sure ciire for, eczewa, properties. Tickling or dry b"nehial , I ,: I I .
i . I
I , decayed, and need not be removed Much of this can be prevented by feed- ringworar, ulcers, cuts, burns, brulse%, coughs qakkly and'safely yield to this I I . . . . ... � ,4 . . I I .
� from around the plants when set in ing regularly with- coal, charcoal, ashes poisoned so.ces, chionW. wounds, bfid highly effective Gough medieine.. Dr. 'f I I .. . �.
. . .
. � - .
. . leg � piles, festering sores, chappod Shoop assiaves -mothers that they.c?4n ,; 11 -fk.- � � . I .
� the field., Plants treated as described br other mineral matter. Ringing the Mds, cold -sores. trost-bite.. and all with safety. give'it ; 11, , , . , . .. . ��
v , to even very young , .. 11 � 1.
above will hardly be checked in their bogs should be reaorted tolp extreme skin in1dries and diseaieg. Dru "Ists ' , . I
., growth by transplanting. cases. - . , I . . 9f, babesi I%. opium; chloroform� abso- : . ,,, .
. ._,,��.�,-_ and stores 'everywhere sell � at Zft. a lutely nothing harsh orl harmful. It 1� .
I . in order to gua�d agvjnst carrying - '.' -'-: - I'— ""' - - . . I box, or post free for price from olim- calms the distressing c6ugh, and -heals - . . I I I ,,
i I I
disease from the" plant- bed to the � .11 �-*, " . �. . .. . 1, I � . Buk Co.. Toronto, 3 boxes $1.2'5'. "You the sens1iive membranes. Accept no ': I . . I . I I *
7 field the plants sbould' be thoroughly . 1: I .. . are vhrned against harmful irnit&tlons other. ]Det4%nd Dr.,' Shoop'S.. Sold ' . i , . . .
Needless- Trouble. . I I -
sprayed with bordeaux mixture a few , . reprbsented to -be ."just as good,� - b ,11,d . . . . . . . . 1, .,
. , . 1 .
`,�- "Did "you. wash the fish?" a spring � _. . . . .. y ealers. ' .. � .1 ,� I : -
- .
� I . . . . � . . . .. . . 1 4
- .
A ... field woman asked 'hdr new servant. . .. A Bold, Defence, . . . I I "" . - � � . I I . I � *
. . .
I . I "Shure, an' pliwat's tV use of' Wash� . . I I � . . . 1. �, � . I J
-) . ., . .1 "An enlisted man once, put the- . No Excuse. . . � .
I In' anything that's alwi�ys lived in,thl - . . . 11 . ( ! w.
i I o � .. _ .. . . president of - a court -mart a Walter (whose attention basl�been . . . 11 � . , I
.� , water'," dsked the girl' . 11 I I . ..... ... "T.'r f ��
I . - difficult positio'6," says a Writer in called to a gross error' in aiddltlon)r_ , L_
I . I q �, . . . . .. .." . I.. .
I . ;.
% I . � I I Cassell's Magazine. "The'court-mar- - v . �
� -i , I . - I I was try. -mg the, soldier.for some Very sorry, ,air;. but, even lf,you� hadult A POLLED. n =EFOM . 1.
. . .
11 "I I . . . tial 'WIL1611 ' . - . .
- "I The more talents the more they will fault or otht,r. the evidence- found out the mistake the firm, would .
, I I b -i developed...-Chluese P�rbverb. sually long time_ L have .benefited, not &. . Dj)aer��Then . before they Were old enough to b - e�- !
. . . . and it took an unu fully fitted for show. i1alany breeder$ .
I " . . I . . had been given, the president asked you have -no excua�.!-�Punchl . '
� I r . . - - I the prisoner if .lie had anything to I I . I � I . . . . � ,have an .aversion to t.he , 'eicessi,�ei.V
I . I
. � I .. I � . .. .. . I . say,ii, his defence. . ' ' . . Right to the. Point-,., 1. . . Wgh fitting necessary in the sb_t�w ,.
t I I . . I . . 11 Well; air,' said the man', 'Ican't "He, Is a man of feW words. -It" - . ring, especially* If the ablinal is �belng
I i I � - I See how this 'ero court -tan sentence ."Yeao and the,y. arel,.'What Iii theru Iv . kept as. a breeder, and. this has woLt.,-d
. ., -And �.Inmoh P.m q me, for Major Jones 'as -been'reading I . . inst showing, to a considerablemex- .
. I . P It for me ?I ", . . aga . . I I
. Oct. 7th" 1�v
� - . I... - 11 - - ____ - '' - - ____ - - _-,
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I - � . ;
. The Mod You, Have
- ___ =� _� . -
� ___ _� _____
.."11.011MM, P[4,1_1111.111MN, I Aways Bought ,;,
AvegetablePreparagonfi)rAs_ I
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ftftSftichs aild2owt of _
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irloh�Sour-Stamch,Diarrhdea, L
worrm �Cvnvullbionsxeverish-
nws--,md,Lo!r,;9XD,rS1UFXP. I I For 0 v e r
Tic Si6le ,.Sipathrref, T I hirty Years
I. 4t4l owarw.
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Al -6 months .old, - - -F S� I . , . , 81 :
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. prate Sp . fing News-,
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. . I . If �ou like�.at Sporting P�tge that- is�,always reliaAle ..'
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... �aewsy—ftilF. of, persanal interest—.W.ell fflustrate-&—
I I I . . .
� you'll enjoy' the- "'Toro ifto. Daily Star.?% . . .. .. .
, I -1�tic
� . . ... ...Ou� staff- of -writers includes men act've-in.ath I �
cilrdes' and mia-teur atlYletic. otgani-zations. Conse- .
I ,quently our n-ews,is.first-hanid and auth-oAtative. .. I 1.
. . We have�fkirly Parned the reptation ofrepor�timg* '
athleti6 evdnt§, wherever' I the may take ,pla . ce; more'
I �Y. � 1. ..
jully than any other Canadi4n'paper. ... * - ,
. . . . *
. . Alwa'ysi,and abo've all,we aim to bzfair t.o everygody.
I . _ .
�Subscribe now kn,liake advantage bfaur. ipe�ial rate: 6f
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.� . 4 . � . .. I
. . . - 0 , � $1 1 1. V& . , I . . ' .
. . *50 ,A Year I
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This papep.and fhe ",Tbronto, Daily Sfar" 6gether fon- oneysar-0:20.
Guaranteed F4unfain Pso'ghren -for 50c. added twobove sup9cription prices.
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I - T o,"Inu. itto a Ha � '0*1 "" �
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.. I J, � . fi*._�aper upaer In t vie the cite . - I . tent. A Polled- .Hereford bull,: was I � I
f , . I I I R I � . I I , , � 5 E
'I . I �\ I . . � bloOming , nwj . . I - - ol :
" :-Z` . I V ,,.,,,�"A� .. nu Nplain Pinith - . I . A .
I - .1 ... .. I '_W � ,_� _,". �5tLrq, time, I . shown in Wyoming by the state,ei-per,, I I . . .
-.14f . . � �_ -*,��;, -,. ' 'as been making me pmn!n!n� --- — a " * , nd . - . . . I . . . � . . I . . I .
11, 14 , I I , — K0041. .into karicalool . nd tooL'seco � . I �
, I ,� � I � I . imeni station in 1005 � . �
. I - I .� � 11 . . - , , 1. .. .. I .� . . I
:, � 1�1 . ,� I I . � on the blotting pad, �nd,- as for Lieut, I i I . I.— —., +h- re—la � r Herefordt ekiss. -----.------ __ ___ — I . .
1. 444Q ;e� . . I ' ' ;511 .
� � Brown 'P ,d 't 'ad his commission
� ,. 4�%., '�, I Would Roll on the � , a year' and don't count anyways I—
I . .
, I 11 - : . _"t_-,\ . I I
; V I - I , . I ' .
. . . . I., I X . I il I "\ . Floor in Agony, . Stomach. fwublps would more quickly ,
V 11 , .
O.. _. -i� I _181�1__11"� �� � . . cmise, rather than the effect, would
- . �', , ,; ), . . disappear if the idea of -treating the
ill ., '. . `*Q, , '*,1'--__. - , ' A tiny., inside -
I I come into practice.
. `A. __ ��- . t - - -on . ier�'tith;' contractor and hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governt'.
P� . -I- s5 M -,Win.
, ;;�, , .k�ildcr, Ow&K Sound, Ont., writes:- and gives strength to the stom'ach. A
—71 1��1�1111 branch also goes to the heart and one
� I �!�i - " 11
Ill ''IQ i 1, �, ,.��i aving read some .of the testimonials
'P.16 I I -i ___�n=:;:Z� "e ',�!J, 1.1 . r
01 CUFUb t;LAUUUCd by Dr. FowlWs ,,xtmct to the Kidneys. When these "Inside
BEADY FOU MAIMET. of Wild Strawberry, I thought it ad�is- nerves" fail, then the organs inust
. 43ays before I)elng removed from the falter. Dr, Shoop's Restorative is
Plant beds. All (lvqd ;111(1 YQ110w ](',Ives able to say a Word of praise,for its merits. directed specifically to these failing
ishould be strir)ped from the PI'lutS Some years ago I was milch troubled nerves, Within 4�hours after start -
after they are talcen from the bed be. ,,vith stomach'trouble and. cramps. I ing tlie Restorative treatment, patient
I Ray they realize a gain. Sold by ails
fore they gre carried to tl1c field ' ' Used to roll on the floor in agony, and on dealers. . . . �. ��
Late celory for whiter use is blanch- one occasion I went into a ,faint after I .
. . I
I ed by soil. The l)l,,111ts are set in the suffering intensely for four hours. A' - , . . explainirig it, -
field durin; We w(,r(, moving h"4,060' poiin�
g July and varly Augu9t, short tinie -0ter this, in driving to tQwn, ,
aud the bl-91-111119 iq be -lin about the I was attacked again an'd had Wile down ' ,,iafe �rbnj one office to anothou, ,;,IY�
Aast of svptenily,r. The " The Saturday Eveninpo
i I ,elery is usu,11- in. my rig, sqeking relief. � . . a .vriter ,In 'nitor,'with �
� ly I-@-I(1v for uqL, by. tlig 2001 of No- - "When I reached the i1rug store I Vcss't.' (ivorgo, the htogroj�'t
vember, . bnt will colitinue to grow rap. malted the druggist for tt quick reined a 4 by 4 j)i,
- y y no ,,,tiek Was pi,lehhIg tht
I . Idly during December nild will 11suallY and laid behind the counter until relief 8,,If(, along. Tho bo.�s man said.
came. The temedy I received from the 11(;vorgo, why don'i� vd1i viek thal
meed. no proteetion until the Iftst Of druggist was Dr. Fowler's 1 -,%tract of Silf(I Up Z17141 i%Try it, ii;�,tvad.of mon
that montli, when it may be Pr0t(TtC'd Wild Stmwberer. Whenever, after thab itoying with that sewitling"',
by covering entirely with soil or straw, time, I felt cramps Coming bn, 'I fognd Go�rgo ropliod: "Ilos'%� � T hairt, ,
I -or it may be stored in a suitable frame spee relief in the above mentioned f�.Affi' v(�ry pickisli (KA mawnin '
reme! . . I
or trenched. � 31y and I am now cured .of this tmli. F,j'fi�'elln' a leaflo duplicato," I
I I dreadful malady, The bottle is sniall, . � . . ,
- - I a cilre. ___,______________-_
- - . arvelon.
I .. I... but its contents crfivt.rt in,
11 I . _.- . - __.___.___ .. - . I can reco I 1111netid it I)iglily for the cure Wok's Cotton R flk,
of cmillps." . , . . oot Contpou
A I)r. Vowler's 1,'Xt�apt of Wil'(1 sirftw. � I'll --- � The great Uterino Tonie, and
14 ye, I'll only tigo offectual monthly
��' . RegulatoronUhich women-o4n
CMSTORIA berry lia,4 been on the inarket for 0 ,trs. lm�.. 1
� � For Infan. , ta ana Children. . It is not a nmy and untried rernedy. - !1. Z dopoid. tqol(l in threo &�VM
Ask for it and insi8t on gettin,irwhat you . I . of stretigth-No- 1, $I 1, No. 2,
1 -e 're I � 10 deareP8 stron
asle for. .1jefu,_ substitutes. They're. I e I for 6 ecial cascA, 05 p'er b;%'
. ThA Kind Yon ilave Always VoUght &Ingcrous. I . . I I 801(1 Tj all drugiqts, or selit
� Bears the Price A5 centS. Manufactlir&I only by I epli oft recefl, of prko.
"I-V , '11�zni.�*_,6;?- � li! t, 'r. :# A ITI^ve,"f nhf. Neopainphlet. A dres,;: THE
iv . I
. Others have been - ekbibited i alt state
I � and national. shows With credit to,the. 1� ,
breed and the individuals. I I �
" Because of the fact,that thc!re wnro -
originAlly four vurelated bulls ,from '
I which the breed started arAP the fur- .
ther fact that occasionally, a view freuk - 1.
.shows up the practice, of Inbreed -
Ing has been etifirely ulinecessiiry b.i
developing the breed.., 11reeders. gaii .
have the choice, of four. ar flive differ-,
cut families of Polled Ilreford%. and
males tofally unrelaied; to the herd can
I , be brought In wheneV.er advisa. lo..
I - I - �_ 'J ,
. . Points For thec Norserriar.
I An unsound stallion. Is expensive. no
mat . t I or what, service fee is ebarged. ' � �
. Good Stallions, 11-ke good. bulls, ,are
. �
alwnys, tq demand ... I . ..
, * .
Overfeeding with hay 'ma -y lwffiic,
cause of a long list of Ills 'to �'which
. hprsefiesh is he1r. .1 I � �
. . Crude carbolic, acid is alg6od dishi-
fectant. , It will,pay to use It: freely In
the stables and qgwdally In diwkvhitL-
, N . � . � I
. . .
ivash wit WN , .
WN149 ...
f. ��k tO. �� � . I
IlPt__ .
� I ii ,____�
1 4
W0410 a0sylloauey
,a Y116 GIVAt PAgM& &wrd it.
� Tones and'InvigoratAstho who 0
rst,01n, wakoa now
. I i
I Blood id o d Voins. Curea Xe) -V,
0114 P011 1, Aleydal and Praft Worry, Des-
Condeltey,leoued Tveakneas, Elni8aimls, spel�
atorrilayt, and �;,*Irovts of Abuse qP Aremiep.
Vrl(,o$lporbwt,si%fnr$5. On6 Will Please siX
will cure. Sold bf all druggists Or MAilea G
J)Laln p � oa reee'o of price. New pa?)1Z)AW.
�/, *a medloino " �
I A-
. Signature Of &1w A, 11juru v,o -A - * -1 , 0 N90101 co.,uhOUT0,0m (formtrlylv—or-) _ - - _. �- ---*-**-..*..k VW11#Vrf4V fr"60Wrl --.- ,%,�T41""'vk, 1!
I I I .1 � I V � �.� , ,
. � 0 . �
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hL.- . - - A -L, __ , . __._____1____-.._-. --1--l-- ... 1---1_..._1_ .. _...___ . . .
. .
. �
NE,xvouis D -E B-IL'ITY .
. OVR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and make a inan of
you. Undsr,,its influence the brain beeomes active, theblood plurilled so bhat all
ptmOes, blotches and ukers heal tl�t the laeftes become strong as st�el, so t1lat
nervousness, bashfulness and despondexiely dfsapp�utr; the eye's ecome bright, the
face full and Clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and mental
sy'llems W invigorAted ; all drains cease—no more vital ivastk,. frwh the system, . Th6
v.110us otgans becorne nAtural and nianly, .. You feet YoursclIf a. man and kmow mar-,
riage cannot be a fallum, We invite all tile afflieted to consfilt its confl&ntially and
free of cjkatge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of youL- hard-earntd dollars.
. . ter, E. Summers, of IW&Mazoo, IvItel.t.,,
relates his experience: 'Ad R11 MRS. ,
" I was troubled wittL Nervous D6.bilviv
f pains 1
rkild feet
: of
'onree monuis, we t to 'Vlt� Ulenle" for AFTCAIFICATMENT
09FORk 'rnc&TmCHT baths, but receivell little bP.nQflt. 'WhI10 I
at',Mt, Clemen!5 I was induced to consult i)ri;. Xonhedy & Xonixedy, though t had logb
al"a" Indoctors. Like adro%mingnian I epinmenced the New.Wthod Treatment
.nd itmved my life., The Improvernent Nva,4 lilwmagle-A coul(i feel tlio vigor going
. through tho norvea, I NvAs curW moutally afid physically.1i I have sent thein maily ,
Patients Aud will eontinue to do so."
I DUOSAC11 vaelkliarto M.6n.
CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS' VREE. Ifunable to call write for a quilsilon
Illank for Home Triatmont. I
. .
Cor, Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit Mich.
. .
. .
� . I .
. .
. I
. .
. I