HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-09-30, Page 7I
I .� ..A-�� - a Luft -.- _.- � ,&_*�!M�..m&%; _ __ I - .da- - _ �=S&At �! . .~ -, -,, - . - --.,--,--, __ _._____,_.,______ _ I'll
Sept. 30th,_.Mv I I G. lb I X I loom F"W gaw" . V I - ��
, � '.
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_ ,. - . .. . "I -11, I _1 I of , . I - -.9 _ I � . � 4- - _A-0-11111 - - 1. I—— � I I . - , _ _1i ,_,., -, �
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y - -11111111111111 � � I .- 01. I— 1. 11 . 11"- -4,04T A44 were.,, WMW assum lier. A 10 OPIP"00%
� i �, _ I " . , I WL IR
� . .. � I I - . I "Why, tbe,mere rumor that he xPeaut
I I - , � � I �1 . Kidney Disease "r Years to " veto the Borovall's franchise bill has I <D� "U im
. I � I � no NOW Mwor . . sent the stoel; tumbling eight points � �
- � . &004� on. V.&A I NNW since the marUet opene(I today.l# . I I . I � "I . � I .. �. .
. , VadharOW� AY4COASS41 I 1,
" This Well Known Gentleman "What power for one nian!" ox- � . I
� - , I .1 11 " , . .. . .
I � � .
I . r - -1 'Strongly Recommends clalm9d the girl, turning to Uenuett to , 1. . . i . . I I I
. I . I . ... ATrUit-A-tlV0V' to I att surpr1m "'"d"re 'Qu G;Qlug to Veto � . I
I � . I . it?" I .
� APT,4 . . �
I I .. I I . Sufferers. "Offim secrets," reproved Alwya jest- . �. . . � ., I . I .. ,� .1
. - I I
� , I lugly. "Rands olTI"
0 AV I "Veto It?" ecboe4 Gibbs, with a . I
. 11
I -
. N I .. I
. I . . 11 laugh. ,�Of course he Isn't It would ..
. I
I .. "I I I I .1 I. ". be too. hard upon his friends-tillfair I
.. �� 11 . . �� I and unkind. to say the least." Since talking over the,
� , T 4F , I . �. 11 � . ... �� .. . I . I I . "But why?" queried Dallas, forestall- � . New
Yff - . 1. ..I. ."
- � . - _ W, I . � . .11 I 11 1, .. - , Ing Alwyn, who was abont to speak. - --
-1 . , - F,ra, we have endeavored, I �
e . ek,) .. .1 W "Bocause,!' cut In Gibbs before Bev- I . � Oy ,
(Contaned from last W. , I ' "You've got rue same quarrej wall t . . nett could Interfere, "the men who art- 0 . I
You've never.showu any special V0 yOU'LL fecl him that -tile pigeon bus with the musk. ' . - . 0 IlkickIng the Boroux I 1.
A4- I ;j:.!.! k ,li-bill are them men,- every avaWallue means, to improve i
,. . .
'. , - - r . " J who maile, him mayor. It wou]dWt be -
.- nt it you doWt use your Win.s yoWlt - I , �
I _aess, for =e_hIt4erUL!!-_.- ----- 7,,- - - -- . . �_ .. , 11 . square tbr him, to turn. his now power i
That's right- But I've shlowa li . be swallowed. Let we put yop. on to a " .. � ,& . 10 11
bunches of unfoudiless for Cliesty !)let; _ � . r the little jokers . tn tbat'hill of . I I ,;& . , . k_ * agginst the very ru�u who gave bill) the'same. All Will admit, that in ,
betterforwork, ,'e,,w '.... spe'l- . that power.'. Now, would It?"
Harrigan. And Horrigaws the.ma*- . .. I ) � . .
. I � 111see more about that bill than yon .1 I �_ ,;.1:'-.- "By 'the men who are backing the ,. .&'I-
whd's rushing the Borough t)lll through, � , 1� : . I , . .
I V, -1 general appearance,, Tone. paper has
I 1_--- it
think I interposed Bennett, *#I've work- -1 �. ,� bill' whom do you mean? asked Ben- � .
lit's -so crooked that t I I I 1. 11..: 11 - .
Lord, what a bill! , ' �: 111. I '
1 .. . I
I � .
' I
If It was laid out like a street the man I ed over It night after night, with My �, � ; 1, � 11:, ueM. �
ay or rest if You .. p ge . t the Idea I've been � . �,: I I I ." tlolr, I just spoke in generalities, A.,
who tried Jo walk along It would .M... Z ',7 1 lawyer, Don't. yo , been improved in many ways, 1 -
, , .
. 1-;'', , ,
himself coming back. Why, your bon- . . asleep - just be- � I .. I of fact. the break In the price .
. . . � I :,,�� -.1 , I 11 I", , 9', 11 I',, C.. I matter . .
; I �1 ,.
cause I haven't � . .. . I " I �� ,�*., today was lucky for those who wanted
or I , I I"- . I been Making - p - I .- to bu.v,l , I . . . The . newspapers, throughout -the- ' -
Mr. Wainwright, your honor," Said eat Ouaker . Oats t�. , -, .. r premature , . JAME$ iDINGWALL. 9 IL . " . I
I . 1#40 � . It IV, 1 114. "Ali' your, firm's doln' most of the i
Dgram at the door; ,'says be ,won't do- 4 .1, I disturbance." . , .
, � "I have much pleasure in testifying to buyin', I'm told," luterpolatoa Phelan. 'county are. cominlimenting us upon
talu you long." . , -I thjul�.11. ob,w 'of the stuck,
,,Let him in if you like," suggested - . served Phelan tile almost marvellous benefit I have "We have a. gmeat deal . &r- . .
Phelan. "I can wait. $hall I go Into at least once a derived from takin "Fruit-a-tiv"'ll I I admit." sald Gibbs; so'yan soo, Bell- 0 I
h . . I . slowly, 111. think was a lifelong suWerer from Chronic nett, you can make me or break me. i the results thus far attained, and
. .
. I
"No. Wait here if you choose. Ills I . � I'm beglunin' to constipation, and. the only medicine I . place myself Ili your hands." .
' , . . . . ik!' n line eversectired-to do me,anr ::eal good "I see you. are �.aklng a most nufall, . � 1- .1
business isn't likely to be private." .
. "PrIlit,a-tives." Th a medicine
'I'm sorry to break in on your rush day. S � I 01% yon'aud oil- was , continuing . t e 'good .
. .. curdd me when everything else failed. navant-age of me, Mr. Gibbs," rptort,, we purpose J'a ;
bobrs," said Walawright as be ad- . 1. . derstand, ,you, Also, last spring I bad a severe AlWyll.-With SDIUe beat. ")�011 bftVe 114), . . .
vanced to greet the mayor. "I won't . .. . � I . I I better, If It's ATTACK OF BLADDER TROTJBLU r',ght to thrust this information on lue Work, until the appearance of t1ae . : .
� I
_= . I I
keep you long. Good afternoon. al&r- .. __. �__ -_ , .- any Joy to you WITH KIDNI�V TROUBLE,, and lind to appeal"- I �
I . . - . . I
. I I . . . I I .
nian." nun, Tbars, queer, .. . Z, to know It, JIM' "Fruit,ti-tives" cured these coniplaints "But t was only't- . . , . . . . . I . I
.11lowdy." returned Phelan, walklv� . rml ,&iaermun-i , my Pbelau for me, when -the physician attending A�You. were trying to Influence my.ne- i 1, , . .
0 eliehin of the Eighth." , r- I I ITe held oid his haftd. says, 'You're all me had piactically given we up. 11 .
over to the far end of the office, 'where, "I've read pbout you. of co,lifse, air,.. anidBe?viett gripped rl-ht!, 11 . . . I am now ever eighty years of age tion toward the Borough btIt. You call- � .
. . I . -
I)y falling into deep and admiring ok:t I"- 1, . . . . ithordlally, 0 - "Fruit- not dt; it,, . .
' fie holdout his. and X can strongly recommend
study or a particularly atrocious por- 111311t yoll doll,.t know me? Never met ' I L � . a-tiveill for chronic constipation and "Why. I didil't t1illik you'd be angr.v .
alt of some earlier mayor. he denoted . ino before?" . . hand� and Bennett gripped It cordially. . I . .
tr , bladder and kidney trouble. This at",- . .
that he was temporarily out of the .� I "rin glad -we had this. tall, alder- . .. , ,I "I'm not. I Let's dro e.w ra
Ilin sorry, .air. but I can't recall It I medicine is very mild like fruit, is easy p the subject,
conversation. � . if I did. Cood day. air." I Iman," said be. O'We are fighting from to take�, but most effective in actipa.19 please." I . . I I . . I 11�
� . . I . . �
T)* I different points of vlew,but our'maln - ity , ' . . I . . . , .
"I'll come to the point at once. Mr. w sverplary htirr;oll .out after his , . (signed) JAMnS DINGNVALT,. ouly.answerced Al ]as, Wain wright's 1. � - .
Bennett," began Wainwriglit. "I call- . _ - I object is the same, I think we can . . I I .. . I . . . �
. Williamstown, Ont,, July 27th, 1908- questions, I"- - . � . � �
Street omployer. Phelan, with aptizzled shake pull together on this matter." . . I �� I..
of the, head, seemed trying to solve - � 86we sure can!" . agreed oc a box, 6 for $2 � .so ---or trial bO,X, 2.5c "We'll leave Miss Wainwright's name 'Many new- I " .
ed tv see yoll about the Borough I . Phelan. "An' - 5 13, I)- .is `completely changedl.. q,
railway bill." . out.,of the Matter, 'lease," replied 0 . I . .
,,That's all odd coincidence," answer- some elusive problem, But Bennett, i as ,fok 11orrigan, when I'm done with -at dealers or from Fruit-aAives p . . . L � I . I
who bad not noted. the brief scene be- �,blta be,11 , be -rolled up in a nice bundle, Lifnited, Ottawa. I � n6tt. ' . .. I I . * I ' V . . . I .
. I . ftc - you likep" a A; u s are b ded, and still
ed Bennett. "I was going to call you ertaffily, If ssentell fe-at r -e eang ad I
r opinion tween Thompson aud 'the q1dernian, an, rn print on It In big 1'ett.ers 'Use - '- . . . I � I . . I , . . I
ioou and ask you , I I � I I a . �
. . . .
up tills afteri - _ - . � . �, .. . __ j_-_��� Gibbs, with , shrug of iiis broad sboul� . . �� . I . I
. . . .. lep ljony 1.111" 80111 T0g`VLuer- I 'T a Ill . a frR lip . . . I
of it. %Vbat do *you think of the meas- broke In on the JoLtter's musIngs with all th,e hooks you like-'." , . .ltL)le i;O, IZL . id my time Is I- , , . �
. . . , � ' ders. � . . I . .
. the.rqiAark: -.. , _. I . 4,31xs. 3ennOtt, s1r,",sald-lugram.. well. maybe then. yo,�Vd undc' mik- m re are oontemplat6d.' .. I . I �
ure ?11 . . I . . . . ,� ' rstand - dood day. Bennett. , Pm. sorry you " ,.o . . .. .. . � .
. ' .b ' 6 � � ; . . . ..
... matter- . "You appeared to be amazed at Mr. -I thell t you.was a uglell, eiclalm- s all0'turlmy rests an', . I . . I I I . . I
,,What does he think of it9 I what them Outing
. . . I 0, collstrlltd"� . . � � . . � I . . ;
ed Pbelan, addressing the portrait tn Wainwright's. attitude. toward the Bor- -ed Phelan, � . . I I � loads of coal means to the Poor, � And 4$1 d]611: Good day;l, 1. . . . . . I . - .
vil � . Plielaw � . . .. . - . . . I .. � . . . I � . . . . . . . . ..
I aside that was perfectly audible. ough Street railway franchise." "It's my mother. Shbw her In." - , they won',t turn down. Jimnly ,,],It be oil uly:wny too," announced : .. . � �
- � . I I . I . � . . . .
.1NN'llat does lie think of it? And' him . " 'Amazed', Is'a mild, gthtle word for From the musty antechamber came at -Horrigan's orders." - I I I I king the awfivard paasQ . - .
.1 . � Phelan,' bred � . . I It rea,unir s -a large - amou t'of- ,-
ownin' the rival road! Ob. easy! Ask ray feeling," declared The 'alderman. tile rustle of feminine attire, aud Mrs... "I do understand," cried.Dallas, her that . followed Gib4s'. exlL I'Ladles. 1. . n .
� . � . .1 . I . 1. I 1. � .
hirn a real hard one!" ... IfTo hear that old flint heart prattlin' Bennett came in. Devoted as he Was - big eyes -bright IvIth. fears, "I under- I'm . proki .hq I ' . . . , I . . I
. . I ' . d to . ve met yon. if either � .
. . .
.� Voll'ro inistaken, alderman". re. about . wido* a n air to'his mothei, Alwyn now had,'Jio eyes - stand, and, In'belialf of al.1 women and - or you kpows,,a poor, woultaft needln' a, money toz execute, the changeso and -1 - -
- I , . I . .
' '
turned Wa+awright blandly. "I am in, . play -why, gay, your hobor, I know for her, for'over her -shou Ider be. gad children, I tbdn6- you with my,whole,, turkey or a family wantlri' an outli3g. . I . . I . . .. . . .1 . . . �
ellued to favor the passage of the Bor- . Charles Wain,wrlght,frdul, ay back, ctlug . bt a glimpse of Another fa�ce., - I heart!" 7" . 1. .. . . ... . It ]Inv, I Ith' I'll se th . ... I . . . � ��
w . � . " . just drop we . e ey �0_ q -
� . r -1
ough bill." . and I 'teff yod he has the sa-me affec- I I I ,I�You re all right, miss," muttered the. Iwith this fact before"'Us, we a 6.o, .
. I.. I .. . � got 1C.'An' the,V needn�t.c6me fr9m my . I— .
I . . I . . .. I . I . I
ney of -widows and or- : - I ' ' . ' delighted, embarrassed Phelan. at. once., *neltbet�" _ . 7 1 � � . . I . . .
Phelan shot one Leen glance of In- t1oh for the mo, 1. CHAPTER V. I - � Nva rd I .. I I � . .
cr4,.dul1ty a,t tile financier, then wheeled phang that a tomcat has fdr.'a canary ALLAS!" crie . d Bennett; - ob- , at a loss for words "You're -you're all � !IT . hat's ' bad politics.. ai(termant" I �.� . _1
. I - I , I . . .� end .of '_� .
about and resumed his rapt study Of As for fair play, he wouldn't rec.ogul�e- dd I r1glit! 11.11 ledve it'A Ills honor' if"- 0 . . fering* the New ..*F,ra to.. , ... '11
. . � . livious of his. surroundings- I . . . lau.bed Bennett. , - .. . I � .. I .1 . .. .. . . .., �. I .. I . ��
the llortr,Alt. it If he was to bear it through a.)ne,,a-; of" everything e4cept I ifiat. 11ndeed she- isl?'- broke In a suave, ,qt's goo4 humanity, though. There?% . . . .. .. .
. . .. .,
"I ad. . up to something' 1. don*t I . volde at, whose. sound. the. little spell of things'l love to do�-flrst,- to down � �
"Yes," continued Wainwright, -phone. He's . Dt e� &IrI he had so.loug miss- I two . . 1909 : TO NEW SUBSCRYBERS ,
mit that my Cit . . I � . I ..11 .. in to all be sentiment -Was broken and wMeh caus-' , -second, . .t I .. . � . . � . . . .. 9 . '. I .... !
y Surface line is In a know just 4-hht. But I'll"- . , , ed: ,And who had Inspired III I . tile-ulan who's me etibmy-an', . 11 . .. . I . . � � ,. ..
ay the rival of the Borough Street ,,Come, -comb!" remonstrated Bennett . . ' e I - - to gl�, ' . , . . , . .1 .. C . . . -
w . g 1 d'Phelaii and Bennett to turn, In all to folks who's t a .
- . . .had achleved;r-ibdt she was standin I . I I e good times ' . ril 6. - ny, a in. ahada -for , . .. . .
I . .. . I ., � 0 ' u or,
. .
railway,''Llut in a big city like this moredly. *,I'm sure you', do: . � . I noyance toward.th dbatI.' I "" 't ' ' , addres
I good- hu' . before him. '� .- ... . ! . . . � - g6rs tb rum. Goodby:, yo r bon. . . d .. ; - . . I I I
there's surely room for both lines to * injustice. He'- I . . . � ' . ,Scott Gibbs, bland, well, groomed, . . a& I . �. . . 11 .1-7. . . . I .,. . .
Wainwright an 1. It'wns Dali br tight . . ' In AgIill. now I,vd To.und my w. , . . . I . . . ; w. . �� . I . . . . . I I .. .. . . .
as .herself who , o - Inen's lack Of be . . . � � . , I I .
I carry on a prosperous busb�iess, so why , 111161's -a fine old bird! Do.you ialiance him to a aen6e of the other's presence,- quite ignoring the.'othel . - ladles." .. . � .1 .. . .. 1. . . . .. � . I . I I I . 1, . �... . � . . . ... .. . : . .� 1. I .� . . . 1. . � 11,
. . welc6me, . I "wwyn,".6ald � . . � . . I .. I . .
should they try to injure'each other?" to remember the Garr!Wu caso nine for as he sprang forward to meet her . . 11 . stbod,bowIng oil the .. thresh- . : Mm -Bennett as the . I. - � . .
. . . . .
'rrison. of the . ,old. - � . ... I . .. . . wed -timself Out. W. . I . . ' ' ' . . I
. . I
.1iA,by, oh, whyTI echoed Phelan, years baqk? President Ga . .gerly grasp4ed b 11 - . . I . ,alderman* bo . Ith I � ' -
addressing the portrait. '�Cin I .. , and. ea , oth er out "Oh, I forgot to tell ,ybu, . xl,%�yn"* I 44 vn- .. � , I I .� I , 1. . 11
. Israel' putuani Trust company"-.. stretcbe� band�- file' girl bowed in . . . . .. � I I . I . - - I * . . I I . .
again . . Many.flo6rishes; .1 wa.ut.t6 see ,Q -
. Ile gettin' so old that I've begun. bear- "Who shot himself after bping'�ujned ' . whispered .Mrs.. Bennett in A hurried _O�.illto,ber office now , I or I '. - . * I
. `,, ,mo�k reve* ,answered his Ar- Aside to bep son as the latter summon- . thia.. Call I . . I I I . I . .
. rence and � I . . I
fill (lucer things that's never a -W, . . 'It be back in a &w.. . : . I .. e_.- ts , . � �, . .
aJdr' his dearest ' - .. f . 25. �' .-)e� ," 0 .
by a financier who -is dent &eetlug with,a demure: . , . 1,g she too busy? I . .1 .. , 1 % I
�ybat.' uas that to do . . .1 - ' ' '' - '-h ith . . . .1 . . . .1
the in- . . ed up sufficieRf, q1vility, to gre6i the . I . . % � .
Wainwright paid no heed to friend? , Ye& I . . . li�lilllteis,- I)aAlas, and bring er w . . . .. . .. I 11
I . ",Good 4ftern onorl.", . . . . � . . . . I I . - . . . .11
terpolation, but went on: wlth"� I I .1 .. . I newcomer.. "I forgot to tell you, Mr. . ' 'I'know.how - . .
. aur'lous sheAs to see , I . : . . I.. . �.. . . .. . � � . . . � . ..
. � :f,1Don*V! be.-begged'half in jeit. "Irs G4bbs",waa_.ca.Ilin.-,on D..kllas when I me.. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .1
. ,
n . . I . . . � ' yon g in . ." . ... .. . I 1. . I . . I �'. . I . . I ... . . .
-Of course the franchise will be a $I iee 'again that P-�-' - . �111111 . .
ad, but . .,With Wainwright? , Ob._ notbi I so good to. a -ypti . . atopped for her, and he asked leave .to.. � . . , , � .
good thing for the Borough ro much. only Wainwright happened to ' ,1 ri-A � "I wonder -what PhOlall NN'01114 WMA �. ,.: r' 1 'We.oan accommodate conven- �-,
. a 11 sent svord.,that, I bad a surp . g. rm, sorry, but"- I � , . � .
it needn't hurt t -be City Surface line., be the,'flnaitcier." , .. . . . c6me Mon . I work," thodglit Al.- . . . . . . . . . . ...
.. . . . 1. .for you, Alwyn.1.1 Interrilpted fit$ moth! li of that for. 'raw . I . . . A . � . . I �
� .. . ",How.are-yov, qennett?" Gibbs wt. ' . .
Blesides, the passing of the bill Made ,,,Nol. YOq. must be mistakeil." 'I I -new it would please you. But," . w7u.as,�,the dld:lady bustled 1ut6'fbe I . . . ,
I Borough stock rise from 63 to 81. Then 94 . . I er. ,,I b . saying. '. "And-lMr. Phelan,, too, Isn't' " � I himself iontl , .every new. subscription that. .
Am I? .I ouglwto know somethinig, uner roqul, leaving Dallas and �..
' witb'a giance At the alderman "you're ad ,to see 'you * I . y . . .
; . . 1. . it? Alderman, Vin gi, . . .
t When that unauthorized announcement � chief of pollcil at I � : . . I p,erhifp4 -Dallas, too, under- , I - �. � � I . . I � . . . I I . � � , .
' about it. 1 w6s tb( I . I . ' � busy? perh&lps we'!-. .. . again. � You remember, ine?' Scott. alone. . I ... � � . - 1. . . . '.
was made today that your honor would' . the Wile and handled the -case. Jt wa ,. i I maiiner vvits less assured . I . I ' - - . � 1
A Not at all. mother. May -1 , vtt�ent. . stood, for her . . , L I 1. ., � �
- . . . . � I
I . G,ibbs? 1. m6t" ' . � , � . I --- comes. our. way. . . . ..
: veto it the stock tumbled -from 81 td I who suppressed Wainwrighri name. than-tisual as her eyes met his. , , I . I . . . . . .
I . . . ,., A16.rnlan Phelan? 1-11iss WaInwright, . �'Yes,'%'sald Pbelan,-111 rememberyou, - . i I . � 'I - I I I . . . .1 .1
i 73. Just see what power rests with For a small consideration 177- , ; .� . . Inwrig , ht's- . ,,It .is So gq6d-so,goo .d to see you. . . . . . .1 .. ... ..� . ... I � .� . � .
. .
I you, Mr. Bennettl If you should veto "Wainivrightill gasped tbnn'ett. "Of . tills ls" I . 0 .:. . all right. You was. fiP to W! � , .. I 'I, .. "";he said. . ,.,It soenis ypa � rs in- . . . I � �, � . I . M. I - ,
I I I'AlderniAn' Phelan. of tile El- th," . last silmmer�thtlt.day me 'an* Horri- t1galul . .1 .. � I . . .. . � 1. . �..� 11
I .1 the bill, the all, in ! �� . ", . J . '11 . I I .moutlis st-nce.*1,6uw*ciit away." .1 . �.- : - : � � . : . I I . . v. - . . . . I � I . .. . . . -
. I I .1. . . . I . I . . . . .
'IV , q I en ; But',-,' .. , ! , . . 1�, .. 11-ti(-ftiii,.tbor6ugbIy III gan .sent � the :dove oVileacd s6reechin'. :stead- 'of . . . I � .. I p . .
. amended .the' po I - . I 1. � . I . � . I .
. .
. ."So you � . . � F at ea'se- in, the'pre'sibilce of the v1sitors. up .a, tr . I didn't know you visit , ,,,tut ho* splendidly yoolve filled the - ' . . . . I I . . . I . . -0- . . 1. I .
I .. P Borough stock ;ee wby I-'c6ppered the -: I ee. ea . . ... . .. . .. � . .� I
i � wil I slump to I , mercy' and Ifair play* cards -whon,,be III_ . , , I I . rbonor. I"- the ' I ;�: . . ... � . I t1nidl And What a Magnificent fight - . I . . . I . .1 I . I
'. N . almost - I ., � must.be:g6ful. !low, you . . ,city hall too." ' . .. . . - . I ' ' . . I .
. . notill"M dealt 'em just now,". purrdd. 'Phelall. . -Q ade!, I was.9o"proud of you'., .1
- . .. I . .But D411as liftd- collie, forward with 'PI don!� As. a rule,". ans*rered Gibbs ' . .N a . in, . I � . . . �
. .
I Thinkwhatthat ,,There's something big behlud' this I . �. . �. . I . � . . . . . 1. I
. .. � I .. I, a stnile.fllat melled the speulcer's 0111- 111 ca�me: here with .",Mrs.. Befinett .'and Alwya . .
. will mean to -- .. - , . '
� . tall'- Of Ills, ill favor or ,the Borou�- .. ' � . . IssAlTainwright.' I W 6. ,Illeally?' fremember'Tod onc6 said. . I I .. I
widows and or-. bill. Wtls', it At Ills' house. last sum- 'I, baL.-rassment In all instant, . . . M I c, anted a glimps . . - . .
� . n.t . I . the mail who .In e .One, . I
. . 971�1e:.Alddrmaii- Phelan w,ho. gives . of , mak ,.1 Nvas a mere.idler_tj rich.man's,son , .
I phans and all mer that 11orrigan offered you the uoinf- i � . . .pen Ind.t I ba, . t. .you . w . eren't at all T.roud'of- ` I Re'. e . �..d S �.-'. . , .
I I I to all thosb- pool' piaople At stroke that will 'send P�Orou94 Strieet � � ., I . . ., . .
. sorts of poor nation? That's the. story, Iqndl'---;-. '. . . urkeys ' . gen I . rAI)way stock up. to 166 -or down to -1 , O." n . .. . � . .. .. .. � . . . . .. .1 . . '. . .... I . !.- I I
- . . Christmas 91" $be asked in ulue Ili., ie," . . 11 . .
peoplewho have "Yes. On 'the 295tb of July. He"---.� , . . past. 'We-must..-forget,it- 4. .. .. 1. 1. � I �.... . . . . . . . .
. � terest. '!'I've ofte'u. 'road abou , t"- - "Do - you w0an." broke In, Pallas, '�Tbat is * , , I . * ... ... . . . .
.. I luvestedall their , "The 25th' of July,. hey? That ,was . I'� _ � I 11 . "th6t I Mr. Bennett cau�,really'have such You are aw � ake now. 'R . I �� .. . . . I . . .
� "The same, ma'am". at ,% our serv. ce, I . .
I .
. savings in that the day he hitd me obt'tliOre-�' !The day ' .. �'Forgk it?. Not for worlds.. i owe At t * knt time., owing.to ,
:. I i assented the delighted Pliellad. .111 - MI all effect on tile stock marklet?" I I he prese . . �
stock!" . . � . .. .. . . I It'was 1. I . . I .. . � �� . - .
I met that feLlow Gibbs. gy'the wily, ., . . ad guc�ess to %you, Dallas. . � . 1. � I. I . . I . . �
"I'll be bear- I em� witli t6rkey �au'�,coftl In' ' I . I I "
your honor,the pal lbbs� . winter - .. .. . '111 � y ' ' . I I . I . . ' . . - : '
I .
_ �&s say It's- G I � that sti-lingthenod me when � ' �
, t� . an 1 take their Nvlvos all'* kids on I . . Vqu�'! ,
-1 In' harps twang. I .. . .. . there . gj2q t was tb�e 'the. . 13 -resent: necessary outlay'. we -,---,
fir that's buyin' all that .13orough ,, , ____ ____ ' �MeT'Tlo *hope. I . a-7 . I � . . � 1)
in � , . I I
"PIL be heorin' harps In' next," groan- stock. - , They've -been buyin' It up on. � outings'lli summer, Ever been to'011e . . . . "., . _. . . . t�
of the James Q.- Pbelah outill-s iniss?" , , 1. I . � - . � . memory of your Ivords'that -kept ,nie , . . , ., .. . . .. I . . .1 . � I . .
_' � I . . . I . , , ' A� I
next," said Phelan." ed Phelan In . . §. I'lle.-In to. seea I . � . 11 �
- . . . "No," replied -is; with a perfect-, , � . 1� ..brhve ,and made :me resolve t6 win e that., all., money.
"Has the poor, dear the quiet for month Pall, . . . I . particularly desir , , .
wonder. man. got lot of funny little.lights that make'this. I 1ace. � ay I I . .. . . hgainst all' odds. Ybu'were� my.�.Jb- ... . ... . .. . . .,� '' , '. .. . . I 1. . 110I
swellin' of the heart, or Is be maybe . I iy grave . "I'm sorry to a. . I 1. � t in.my darkness. At . � .- � . . .. . . .. .. ' .
I t them, woutt . I . .. ation, ,the ligb . . . a I
thing clearer.',. Gibbs Is buyin' Borough . Tell -me abou . � .. . . I I bpir, I
the advance agent of the millennium? stock, He's Wainwright's chum'. 'Hor- , ( hav - ell t, . I . I I . ; .Es.. .... . ; ch stop I tbQugfit',DglIas 'would be. outstandin tions.. b
' I' you?" . . ., . . � 1* ea , g on sub-SCMD .. .. 0. -
I I - I
To think of old Tightwad Wain- rigan and Wainwright frame tip your .. . . I . . ... . . .. . . . glad' or 'Dallas.,wotild not. app�ove of- . . � . � . . . I I �. . . . . .. . . �
, "They've got to be seen to. be under- � ' . . � .. . \
wrigbt"- o.0 come . .. !red -Nrlv6s , . � . 4 7 . . . . 1 . I . .1 � . : - , � . . I. ,I , I ..:
nomllaa#on; then the minute y " stood.: A thousand poor* t! . . this.0, And I stee�ed, -MY course ac-' � . . . . . I . . I
. Ingram forestalled any reply from ranchise bill. . .MAS� turned - . . cordlu,, y to victory." " . , palp-in. . . . . � _. 4' .
I . I I .1 . , . " I . I . � . . . . � . . . I . .. . . . .. . . .
into power this Borough f . .tn,. white faced� spindly . . "No. I . . . . . . . . I V . .
the financier by entering with the tId- 'is flashed on you by Horr]gRp, and I Onj into 'the. country for Ahe, only I 'HER ' ' . " � . I I no!" Murmured the .girl. - 11 t' . . I . .. . I I .. . . . I �.. . .1 1, . . .., - . . I �.
ings that Thompson was In the ante- Xak,e , . I.. .. . . . . . � yoijr strength"- . I . I - . . I .. . . 1. . .. .
Wainwright begs �you to sign It, r eeti grass au'.shady teees , , . was.your own courage, . .. I . . . .. . 1.
- I . . . . . .
In 'right own's the Boidugh .gllm . . . .. -1 . . ,,.,,�ot i�iiie- it was�your faith in me. * 4 . . I � . . . i . � I . . . I . I . . . I .. I . . ., . . ; . . .
room with an Important message fo y tip-Wainw . . A. thollsAnd ; - . . . 0111111111
. I they "ever get all year. . . k. I .. LE �. 1 .
. toad as -well the City surface,; and Hor� . ' . qu ev _ __ - -1. I
Wainwright . I Do you know, I think no tn. er ac- - � , . .. . � . . .1 I
ilbtliers ..Ell'. -children out in a Cool " - . . I
. ' i ` . . ... . ' i : � � .. ... .. . .. I . . . . . : I .� I . I .1. : � . �
"May I see him in here?" asked tbb r1ga,aps gettlnl a fat wad of sdock for grove with .nothing to do' but roll . . ..: � .. . .. complishes nnythiDg-bY bimsdff, �Therti I . . . . . . . . I I . .
� . . I
I .
visitor. "It Is my private secretary, arranglW the franchise.. Oh; they've . - I . IL � I . ... � ` always a wollj:ln. I think. behifid I - .. . . � I . I I � .. I I � . . . . I . . I 0
I Around .the soft g;�S, ,an,* Play ,tn, ., I � . � . . I 1% . , . I . - . . . 1. . -71
and"- I t # . . I � lovellieut, Tile world 4 ' __ _ . . - !
got your.honor all led up in ribbons I they can�hold: I eve).-.y)_.V!o,t.Avh � . . _ ,. . . .. 74-�----.�-- - -..
eat All the fancy grub --1_----- � I . . . . :
"Certainly,!' asserted_Ben;iett_-YSbow . lw�-yoii: ... was�--i-measi-y-bookay,----�Y�ou- - r . . . 'I , .'.do�,q uo,t se'a her -does 1101 ". I . 1. .
�- �ray6e-,Miiik, it wdula-n"t-,m-,6i6,',4,'i6,f,flo S, It .1 11're . . I . I . I
". L . .
� � . .
him In, Ingram.', I and me. ought to.get together and fight' . . � . . . Lydia E. Pinkham? . 1�. he's in tile � . � . . . . . .
- ' .. . . k, \v Of her (%.xistcnciDLrb1)t s � I I . . . . I I �
"I'd like to see a private secretary of " thing out'sidd by aide, and when ' . .1 - - I . . . � ile,,fri; of the man wh� Is makip- the . I . . ; . . . .. I - . .
mine come buttin' In liko'thisi" con- once I get the Indthil sign on Dick HOr.' __ I . .. .. I Vegetable Compound itigilt. He battivs, ill. her liame as did � . . JO ,B I . . -
. . . .. . . -, "I feel that I vivu . . . " �
fided Phelan to the picture. "I'd chase . rigan . 'I-- I I . . � . . . . 6 Vienna, W. Va � tho'knights of Old. and tile trill.111ph, Is ... . :. , , . . I. . . I .
. .. . . . ., the I at ten years. of my life to L` dia .. . Ills. Whether his rOxarLIA-4 . I .. I .
: "But I've no pe ' �m E., Pinklia, Is Vege- hers, not .
him so far he'd discover a new street. . . rsonal quarmuc, � . . 'A M. . . � .� I
. .
. . � . , ,
I'd'p- gorrican. He$?.:- � 1 . . :. . .... table Coinponrid. tile cro�vn of love or�tbe crown or .
The alderman broke off short His . . . . . .. � I . % I El leven years ago I thoriis., she Is the Inspiration -pp , . . I
. . . . 1, 11 . . I
. . . S . . I �
. . . . ;!:�i.' 'Ing - ,
eye had fallen on Thompson as the . . i . . ��, 1� was a walk -
. ;I X I �:
. . I ii� .i � .
latter entered. Phelan stood rigid, I- . .. . X&I:A�5,�X shadow4 Iliad been Cxobe continued, next week., .
I "I . :;."....; .. - .
- .
with mouth open and eyes bulgl*ng,, . . . � I . I . � . -�-.� .;.. under the doctor's . , -PR-1_N. -.,1111N 0 '
�:t��; ;. ,otnor�lief.. . . . . . . . I . . .
. � 1, ..t;, It's a pit.y when sick bries drug tbe . I . . . I 1. . . . I . .
-OR His LOS* It. . ;t; . . 11 ,. My hiisband per- . .� I .
, .1, carebutg
-iii I:-
� ,:.:,
-�; ' . .
., .. . . �
� .? ,i:: I.,
taking In every detail of the quiet, Rould Not Lie, . ". stomach or stimulate the Heart and 11 . .
pallid young man's appearance. The v I . l- (A " I suaded We to try . � I
1 I t�:'R,',^.,,:; J(Idneys. Thatisallwrongl Aweak . I
. . �.;.., .. - . I . . . . I I L I
. .0 a . .
secretary meanwhile had gone up to i. , Ll Stomach,weans weak $tomachnerves* 4
Heaft Would Stops 4. I., . L dia E Pinkhara's . always. And this is also true of .the � . : 0-r1r
W191 1� " I. :: �
) I _40 "
11 ,
,Wainwright and begun to deliver Ills . . IQI�41111 .�, .. 1�egeGble- Com- I 1 high sta rd of V - - -
I -.:- �. neys, Thewea -nerves . . I � ..
. - 1,,; I � Heart and Xid k , , The uda
. . -6oundanditworked. . . .
message. 11undrods of People go &�out their, . .. I �.: are instead or , ng out for help, This I .. ;
"Air. Horrigan called you up, air," t ad vet I . like a Cha,rim. It re- explains why r, 15b0007s- Restorative I I
daily work on the verge of death, a I R,
after you it is' only when !he lieved-all rhy pains ich,has hereto � . . 4
1, :
I ,
do not know it. 7 . - I ,,��,'" , wh. fore characterized
said be, "Just a minute or so . �'%( - / -I advise all sufferl'tig * - hel�lnq Stomach' Heart I . . . . I . . I
eak. �_ 1. I . � , sery, Is OM . . . I . .1 I I
left the office. He %vishes you to come shook oomds that the unsusPected W I'll . I A,- � . ) , , . to take Lydia E. Pinkhav!s angrKidnployy' ailments. The Hestorative � . � . I ' I ,
. -(Iiq , - art is appatcht. There is - I I . ,-, . f, , women -reaches out for the actual c4use 'of .;
� ..,
. � I. . I . �Vog6table ( ' . nlents�the faivil inie th . . Job Printin . I
"All right"'allsivered the I'llancier. oixly one cure, a,nd that is . I *7 WRVATOX,'Vienna, W. Va. 'Ne H) . .. . % .
and see him Initnt I tel.V If POsAblO.' ness of thd list " lompound.1' -MRS el. g De-
' . , , - ExUA '8 ' l 64, aid' e. - w ra.
. . I � I I . _. "'L 0 ' � .
"I'll come at once. rill so., ry your T nd NERVEPILLS - ) " A, I L dia N. PijikhaiWs Vegetable, Cora- nerves,q: Anyway,est the Westora.tive -� I . ' . I .
. ,;;t i,,w MILBURN'S 119AR a . 06tg, and I W011 t Onre
;"Y . 1. , I that but you will, surely know that ? artmout , I re e mainm. ,
honor. flint I am called Rw . . � . , OZ. I ill "s'n fut u , b . I I
� I ,.� 48 hours.
. I I , niale, from nativo x w
. .
. . I erbg, contains,no narcoti6lor har�n p . I . I .
for I'd like to discuss thl'A 130"Ough blit Try Thetq and be 0011vincOd- ri tep help,i . � I .
I., I 11 I 11 I 'drd , s'co6bing, Sold by all dealers- . '
further with you. Bll,t what I - wished Paut PdUl 1:t_� I I � I-) fid 4 1
. . it T ave up . -1 . . f.10 fl�A ,,Ar&est nu her of actual cures - . 17 I I - I
kr. I, , cascapedift" Que., ,� � 4 � Pi . Arn I . 1
16 ; I a f"8, and to-daY holds the r.niviaA h "' it,q_ *ayiA �Jili w,brk will be . ,
. �
N, express can be sald in it MlEsuell. writes*- Aboul, VoYcal--s- 15 - A I of feviale diseases of any similar medi,
I . . &I , i . ., -
if 1, whowown the rival road. am to all hope of g6ttiftj better of heart trouble. ."I) I I.,
, .
Invor of granting the Borotigh fraft- I .would narly choke, and *tbem my ,.- I , . 4 , 'rs", effie in the countryp and thousands of
I , ,
chise. I can't see why tiny one else heart would $top beg,ting. I oeould,nob . . ,�_; I .. � � 1. . , . I . voluntary testimonials aT6 on Me, in
- lie -on tily left side, and became so.nervoug . . I , thd J?Itikhava laboratgry Ait n,
� . . . , I � een,
. abould object to it. Come On, T11010- find weak I could not wotk. A f4end told . t 11 . , Mass., from w6men, WhO ltaye�rel
lion. Good day, your honor. Good day'# me to try Milburn's Ileart, aiM Nbrv6 . . * 1, cured frolm allhost, every for)n Of
. ulderninn." pills, and b6fore, the fiist box was takey! ,� I I - � � female Complaints, Inflaxamatio7t, 1*1
The financier passed out Thompson I w" &1mOq I
, t well, and the second box eetatioli'displ&6,om6ilts,fil5roid tumors,
wits following when Phelan. who had completed tile cure. I havo advised . L, Irreguladtles,-petiodle pains, babliach0l,
never once r6moved his eyes from the many others to try them, and the haV6 "I W a #MVrfse J01, Vou. Alwyn,'$ tna*. Indigestion and nervous PtoSttatI09-
All4n cured of," the same tr( tle, I , . toftpled his mother. ,� , Ever Buell suffering woInan owes It to
secretary, stepped In front Of him. eo, I I- 1.
, "Well, young man]" said lie. hi eoffered to -pay fot.o,bioxforanybody you,- but If you'd beet workin! an' lletse f to give Lyills R. PinkhaWs
"Well, sirl" said Thompson In mild , they do not cure." livin' All, aleeptn' an, stfirvill, for Wgotable C6im 901 und a, trial
. Milburn's llekrt and Nerve INN ai� lryou,woul like qpecl�l V�Ivllm
tiurprise. I . . ... 1. Mo. po box, or 3 b6xos for $1.25, at all twelve Months in it study, dark, smelly abotit YoUr C,"evn4t* a 00n4d4ft`
1 "Yolu remember me?, I �iv, - datlerg, Or malled direct on 4 r6ftIpt _ of bicli tenement room, toillul like a slave t(al IettAr to mrA. INEkkhafto at
I . 11
"I don't think go. Sir." , I I The T, Milburnoo, 1;1Mit4W, food all, etoth6g I�etWllt the Lyn14 Maoll. 11,br Ad*100 10 ftoo�o
. - � � � _ Oro I ti . to keep abd AlWals UlPfUlt ���. . I
.. ._� .** ulas tkul starvotion'. ftw vas barely .
. - , I
. I . . . . 6 . I ..
- I . .
.i � . � .
. I �� . I I . . . . .. I � �
. . 1 I .
� . . �
� � ( I
� ----� . � .) . I .1 , . .
� I , � I . , , . .
�; . I , . .
.� ... -_--,.,1.- ...... L'�-�.-.-.,.,�-�-,�,.�-I.-�ll.�---.-".-��.,�,-.���...��,�.��..-,..,-...--...-�.-.. I
.�,�l.-I..'�l.-�-.11�.."�-,�l-.�.."--.,..,.�.�.,-.�l-..-,�,�.-.I . ............ li�.--.-.-,i--".-,-"-.,.I.�l--.-��,-,------"--,-,.-- , 1.1'.1'..._ '_. " - _ _--1 .... . .. _____ .__ .- -----.-. _ _ , __ .. ... .- . . . . .. 11 � 11 .. � I . . . � . - . __A1