HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-09-30, Page 64
� Onts,irio Government Tak,es Party of
One Hundred and ,,Forty for ,,a
. Twelve Mile�,Trip Into Ontarig's.
I � 1� Cla & I
- _ - ry Pelt -Vi its Paid' to Cobalt.-
. - ,. �
I i Halle
. ,y4ury, Cochrane, Englehart,,
. I . I ' *
� Np�w Llsketird, Latchford And Elk
. I city, - .
� F,.ver .since the early eighties the
� I people of Ontario have been hearing
I of the last west Lind th,- boundless
i , possibilities of Canada.'s prairie wheat
I Aelds. Settloirs flowed west allead of
; the railway into Manitoba, then fol-'
. lowill, 11.,e' line.of the V.P.R. Q.ver�
I ran ask tchew n Alberta and Brit.
� isli Columbia. Ili tile past decade
� the tendency has been north into the
. northwest proper, and at last word is
; , I coming from Winnipeg that the free
I lands cannot hold out voiry'laucti.
: longer. .
11 1� is just at this juncture that On- �
, lano discovers to her amazement that
� within her own confines and south
. of the latitude of Winnipeg she has
'. sixteen Million. acres of lands equal
� In possibilities to anything that the
I west has ever produced. . �
: . When, a few days ago, Hall. Frank
. , Cochrane conducted a p,arey of legis.
. lators, newspapermen and visitorsAn-
. I to the ,north there were, very low, of
The 011aton New 15ire I
.1 , ,
I ,�
- .
� � , I .
. � I '? I
Sot;pt. 3otho r9og
oper attention to the hair
au d Scalp is thebe,9t preventive
.. . . I I I I , , �
U4 the party, laqutl!y stallus g. vnuq-
legged "
. on flat cars were conveye,q back
to Cochrane.
, ___ - , '
,#$jreo,- mites pL.yujill, ana a ji,l-9 Will
, b,- necessary at this point. Tivelve
�_' - - � &'W., ..--.-- .-W,
I I -1
I vetl O le w o are usua I 11jr -
� .
healthy casiouall
. Z . 10MMOW ___ -
�0' - I.,. I --I----
I I I., . .1 .
����� ............ ........... I .......... ......... ...... � . . I � I W -0 � I'll ,.- Z
1=111w-:::� 1101111�10111 . � . I 11 ,
I 0 .
- _ , ,
. I
Of baldness. AU occasional ap-
Another brief wait iknd,.
after a, look at Matheson, tile train
started for prigieliart, the
Miles remain of the ftfty.mif-,� run
from Latchford to Elk Citr. Tbv� last.
. y require
, somekin of at , tonic. - ver. I
IT' I "M 11 � I . .
PAYS Dff.A,G00D_
plication of , Hair Pom.
ade keeps the scalp �a healthy
Point oil tile railway.
� named town.,and its twin site, Smytil,
are beautifully situated at tho nar-
Voyimp that ,ei 1,
. cellent combi,
I Pw
. � 11, . -1 I ---
. I I
. � - I
, , 7-__
, . ,
. condition. , It ,AoUrisllie�S the
- takes its name from
Chairman J -
. L. Saglehart of tile T. &
rawest point of the river and arp coil.
nected by it A-mthig bridge. Smyth
e ud she
ilationOf b ef; iron a rry I
w' e, if take I
. :� UE W2nt)tO tell YOU about
\X Rasso-It's called tho.. a .GQ"d
. .
�� I i �
= .
hair folicles and supplements
the, 'natural. oil of head.
N 0. Commiakilon, and is tiaturoll,y
the pet town of the genial chief. Mr.
H,Viglehart lias' only one hobby,
is f: 0overnment 6ite, and Llk Qity
has been privatel�- xntlrketed� Two
, � the ,
U. when Sys.
tem. is run down from over, `
- _4
I �� .
. , -
Bearine not only preve:liti'fall -
that is the new country. But of a,ll
the north country there is no place*lke
year$ ago then� 1��a,, riot tile I vestige
OR a town, but to -day they are thri-*
, work or i, slight cold., Will
preventa more serious illuess.
PERSONAL Inspoction is request,
. - ,
. "I .. FO
__F0 �,
Mg hair but stimulates new
50 ci.s. a.3ar
10vts so Ivell as his namesake town.
It is just Mi4way between Worth. Ba , y
mg little centro -8 fo r prosp�,ctors P,r(l
!tot a little giarfIvning is being done
to supply tilt- inining camps.
. ,
. V . . .
Ferro-vam gives streugth to con.,
d and now is a -good time to come,
New Stock just In--Let'.s talk It oVer.
. =_E�RAMOR$ I
- A-^ it, I.. .
gre,tv-th. Ut YOUT
.4nd .Cochrane; and will be o4e of the
big headquarters 'fo'rjr-ailway -opera.-
- Tile inayor of Elk City is ,Tack Mun-
valesceuts and 411 thiU-blOoded
SurpriSin gl
.k moderatepriceg for surc
, � ...
I V. ,
, I
tives. It has a, fine big etatio ana
ro. the fanious, prize-fighter, anct-,daw,w.-
;i ...
-people. $I.OJO-a�bottliz,......-.--...-,I,, I
satisfactlQu. sce, us Wore you bu
11-1 ------ ___ , . y.?
, -_
, . TO%
DAVIS9. ME14 . I
,T�ettrby it little plot of ground where
it., ver at. Itis log bungalow,he pas
,?stablhihed ,lit ox0riniental farm,
where till the Ontario vegetables are,
� I 11 �
Englo-hart intends. to
Plant every species of North American
flourishing as they only can i .1
I ft
tree, ,tvith a view to .9ecilig what woods
virgin soll. The twin towns. pols1sless
imw -
can be grown in the clay belt. In
perhaps inoro color and romance, than
. A simple effective remedy for many I'tt.!4e
the little park. is also a greenbotiae
which. promisps to be a minature bo,.
filly placm in t1w country. The
churches hevi, planted thilee represen,
I ills aswell as some thatare not cousidere , ,
. ! 11ttle.. A compound with a Vaselitte base, i a
tartical garden. . �
. . tatives, Anglican, - MkIloorlist and,
Presbyterian, tilt- fatten
conJunction with Upzwese Menthol and.
$ore Tfto t .
When tit(- vlo`tors arrived the Bugle-
hart fall I
fair was in proikess. It w.as
gamblers on
their rake -offs and rubbing elbows are
� nan*,Brulsey,
, stqdas. Sprals,56
not an extensive affair, A acre lot
contained the Whole, but nbere has
tile illicit liquor merchant und his
hereditary foo, tit(? liceww inspectors..
aswell as for rusect Bites, Cuts, etc. I
thing for campers, hunters, a,s
not been An agricultural show in Can.
Waste of Good Liquor.
. ats. for those that stay at hbme.
ada in man,v years wb#h equals the,
A vivid example of the tborough�
25c. a box.
Englellart exhibition i enthusiasm,
nesk; of tile last ne.nit-d ofticiaN await� .
, r, DAVI$&Z,AIVR:Rzsl-�9.3totitreal.*I
They had organized their association
only two weeks bi,ft and th,pir ex.
. -)rA ,
.1 �d the 1-�gjalative party on its arrival
tow". Provincial Inspector
in tllo� . I .
I - . ... , " 1,
___ __
.1 � I—. ... . � ...
rOcepti n at the srookor I the.t followe(
the la4?e �rlp and tilt- committee 01.
joyful 1106es proviilod a first-clas�
prograin, ! �
What irith trumping around Cobalt
and the fostivities lit halleybilry, thpy
worp wilar,y 1o�i-L-.)tn,-- ,,.,.I,A tir(mt ijj+�,
.�neir 1) Zt Is Allat nignt, ana wre .ox
-Ntoot whert oh Wedneiday morning at
. dawn the- officials announced that
.:therg wetild be a short sta� in. Coch-
lane. I . .
. . Cochrane is the place wliere the
Temi-skamixig and '-Northern Ontario
Railway crosses the, National Trans-
continental. This i,s perhaps tile
most Promising 6f ,ill tile northorril
townsites an(l will be the railway con.
tr6 for tilt, entjytt. di.striet, if nothing
unforseen occur,,. T�u�,v November
there was nothing oil the ,spot but
brush. and forvst.' In that Mouth'the
'filplt-ti,ain welit1hrough cart:ying witil
it prospective purchasOrs to attinid the
GoWrliment's .,Iuctioll salo�. of town.
lots. Only the nivrest, 'hidjeatiQns of
streets and lo� lines were ill at that
time find -a man without-iiiiagination
could scareely.'c6n&d'Ye tile, busAl'ittle
Collection of buildings tbat to' -day are
-called Cochrane. Right �in.'tlie� c6iltre
.of the townsite stands a boautiful tit-
tle sheet of *Ater witli. two points at
hibits were few in numbpr, but high
� in quality. A little tent housed the
fine arts -quilts, cusbibil covers and
the laces aTkd applique that ,women
love--and'etnotVer tent sheltered the
cookery, Tilt- various grains, full
headed and of plienomenal height
were displayed in . -racks.in the open
.and the fat stock wore totliprid.out-
side th6 fence. .
Matheson's Baby Show. .
. h e le,66Utive pax,
fq scattered out ovor tile foir grottious
iihile tile Cabinet -Afiiiister4 made'
srtiall talk with the civic officials, and
it was only a moinont bL,j"ora Hart.
Frank Cochraile was bigh-on a raii
fence- lv�rftnguihg tilt, inultit0e in
answer to its cheers, For Col, Atatfie-
soil was reserved the worst P)rtune of
tit(-, day, The Provinoii�l Tretiourar
, . .
, -
was ro,-iiiiizt,,,.,tbotit,-tfiililcing no evil,
an voiced
When suddenly ' g- StMIt(iri, .
joker winouncod froin nil eminence
that the colonel had'eansonted -to act
as -judge in the baby show: To this
' momeat, the eolonef (!(j.�.s tint know
I vliethpT the baby sbow was on the
. Program or-enly a ednevit of.the mo-
... I
. intent. Now, it thero,!.,� it crop that
they raise better tbal) any - other 'in
Upper Ontitrio it. is babios, and the ri.
valry is tremendous. hi the � wink of
I tin eye the Minister found- -hilliself
,� _1 :111 - 1. I
Taorrisan had pist made a -foray and,
as a result .Atxte,,�n hundred dollars'
worth of Ver waii add,%d to the waters
of the MouWal Itiver. Tile barrels
lay about Jin dismal testimony of the
ruthlessness of the law and pictun
postcards, showizig tile .execution were
�)n kiale tit,., Santo evening.
As. �soon as'tho frepidoin. of. the city
li;,d been proit-itted to, tit#- visitors and
a P,rw addresses niado- th,x party broke,
lig, some to visit tile Minos roun0-
a mt, a Lvsv lucky ont,z- to looic top
lats they Juld b -ought two y' -ars ago,
and t1w, reynilen of � the provi,)us nigilt.
t,,i m..k lit) �.'or lost slk-1). I
Vie ci*i?,,�nll- enteltninod on. Thlirs- I
(1-iy evening _t, it banquot lit ()It(, of
thobig dinit,g hUls io Elk Ltilv�. 'I'll('
11n .1
, ,)r%):yh N%,:,. liglit(nl by ndnor.;'. ci ,a,
ol.vstiok,; flirust� into th railtnp.i vi,,ct.
tho 4,01 wu.; &�corato,t withiin' iviiii
b .�nrr,rs b.�.ving . dn wq)r�osion ot
Ell, 1,rl�t�N g�,oatAit nevil --'-i. j-i.i I -x I,.-,.
"W.-' T-blv�i fll(;-�)ro, Giv'f� T'.-� a Rril
... -;!,)gan. ' Tli.� " - I sik"O.".1.
way""Aa,% . . �,
� aftt,r th i � , 6,tnquot prei�,�t . �-d ilwir,0.1, ,
ill all t-. b'aase,-3 *apd Ell- -Miulstwr-
replied. The question was not aw
SW0170d dovlinite.ly, but Ell- Litke fool.-)
qlo�e st_,ctqr�i --t- ,�,f t�-,, h'"A.- r,g th4
. -,-- - .% 4��mt ot, tile remarks, at.
Hall. Frank Cochrane. . . � . I
.All beo'ends 'Gowwanda. ' '
, . on 0
� The -whale 'question. -of trarisporta.
t� - ----- ___ '111 -."".-I'll ��� 1- -___.._1__.-1_ -_ _____ - ----- 0�_
. Sole agents. . . * Clinton, Ont.
I 1. _ 111. __ - . � _ . . � I
_N__ ___1111 - I
,______ ____. , ,. - _�
I _1 - -_ 1- .
I I ". �"t_'L �� X�� �
. I . 11.
V4131C. Matter lit The ,z6rm oi: a rier'l
mould usually two or three feet in
depth. The trees of the oilay belt are
rarely more than thirty years old,
which proves that there have been'
from time immemorial periodic forest
fires which have swept the country,
perhaps as frequently as'three times
.a'century', The, ash: and half burned I
wood hav thus- added their quota to I
the fertility of the soil. ' , .
Another' charge that has been,
brought against the clay belt -is that
the season is too short for growing.
. any but the hardiest of vegetables
and grains. That,the winter is cold
at present there is no gainsayiug,
I but it is not ,so cold as that of Mani.
'toba. in the early dayi of the rush; I
por *even of Ontario tbree-quarters of
a century a -go, There is.nothing will
change� the ki!Dasons: as quickly as
cultivati6n. . .. I .
. - What the lanol,needslis to have the
Mould ea� out .and tuined, over and
to 1111W.the country �roperly drain-
ed.. The Water which collects in'the
. . .
. . .. � I
. . . .
-1 I AL 11. -
. .
. .
. "'
I . I..: ,., - 1, . I
.... : i .. .
U 0 ltx y brmlit-eye(I I , 1. .: ,;;: I 1,.. X I .
land !rom oppWitesiflos almost cut�. 1) , nothers ticin, h6wmPr, depends oil t1le Irealt)) -, . :� I. .. .001. �,. I . . . . . I � . I . � I . . � � vt- .
. . . I f, -:ij, .
: � 11 .. . � 1.1-- I .
ting 'it in two, TW6 is Commando- and crowing babe.,i that intule the of the'new.camp 'at Gowganda, If it. 0 . . ,e.,�', . I I I
. I . - . ; �.. ;,.. I . . . � . . I I I A
. i! I . JAMPM L. EXGLEaAR'17. . . I
: .
. �the lawmakers even who had all idea, '-
,� : the undeveloped wealth.6f Upper
��. ivntario. Four days of personally -con.
1�. ducted touring, however, have brought
;� ,them more enlightenment than any
. �;.
. similar period in their lives, and the
- . 7 - ,
� are now equipped to enter with knowl..
�. ,edge and enthusiasm into the -most
�. important development problem 'that
. I has ever faced th� province. . .
I Ministers Were Jovial I
. . � A train of five Pullmans, two diners .�
:� and two special cars awaited the party
, at the Union Depot on the night of
�'�- Monday September 6. About one bun-
, taxed. Z;d,forty of the..Government'q
� guests were on naz,a, wxm* ik, wor.-.,t,�:=.. _..
I � only a few moments -to get into their
i, I appointed places. In his home ,dis-
: �
�, trict the member of the Legislature is.
1. a judicious mixture of wise dignity'
; , and genialty, but here the- assumed
: wisdom was forgotten and the party
v might have been a Sunday School Pic-
- mic -so far as merriment w0 concern- �
� ed. The Honorable Frank Cochrane
I . .roamed about with his hat a4ilt -
I .'joshing" his guests; the Honorable ��
i ,W. J. Hanna, who is A raconteur from.
,P.aconteursville, told stories to a large .
. and hilarious audievee, Col. Mathe-
� son unbent and "kidNed" his friends, ,
. I 'The serious mo.n aboard was Secr*e-
1. .
I.- �tary Maisonville. He was the -impr6s-
. ario and conductor extraordinary -and : *
. al in all cases of trouble,
, court of appe.
. but even his worries subsided, as coil-
. versation flagged And snoring became -
i.. f ashionable. . �
. There was only a momentary �t6p
I at North Bay the following morning,
. and the train pushed ori to CobaM. :
This wp.s the destination of Lord '
. Charles Bervsford. Littlo'was seen of *
the admiral on the night of starting,
but he was very much in evidenc6 in '
Cobalt on Tuesday, where the citizens
divided thf-ir enthusiasm between . -
Condor Charlie and 'the Ministe.r of
1:� Lands and Mines. ' . ' 1.
; . All Have an Axe to Grind. . .
� I
.1 All these northern towns want sotne. v
. thing. It may be a concessiorf. that t
,� will disable the nearest rival town, it I
I may be an expensive railroad spur, it I
may be better freight rates', It may "
� ':be a change of Government policy, it 0
__;vp v
� I ,.qy � be.a mining record office, or it
i th' ' ' 11ra-
. maybe no- ing more aif-cfew-bulTz-
I Ared feet of railway siding. But they
� 4W want something, so their Honor- 0
. ,:ables the Ministers of tile Ontario . 9
,. . . �Government must walk softly in the I b
. .north., (\ . � . I
. Cobalt started off by wanting aev I c
� era things, and said so. The* town t
was promised 6, full consideration of
� its demands and the case was .taken : a
I -under advisement while the plembers, 0
I lot the party started obt-across do,un- a
� 'Ary in various directions to see the' I
� 1, a
� � ,mines that produce one-fifth of the -
,vorld's silver output. Cobalt is vast.; .
I .ly interesting bu-t it,is coming to be. .
. ,an old story now, and the expedition
� . was headed for tile farming country
: ifarther north.
Haileybury was reached at seven
. ,o'clock and after dinner tile yiMtors
were taken aboard stennie,rk; mn 'Lake
Terniscamingue and shown. the town
I . by night. It is an �,xceptionally pret. -
. ty town. this Haikybufy, and has a .
townsite immeasurably suppriar . to 1,
tbat, of Cobalt. Its natural beauties ' *
I have Made it the resido,ntial annex'to
tthp silver elty,aild stn"ets after streets
. of fine houses are to be found there, c
Up in the north they call it Million.;' t
airetown becaust, it houses s(i many c
; of the men who have niad(.- their for�
. tunes out of tile inines. . p
H'aileybury by Night. � t
'I Huge bonfirvs were lit alofig tile - e
waterfront of Hailoybury and Part Co.
l balt and these along with the innum.
Pr4ble. lanterni; gave the town the ap-
. pearaner of it great city. Lord 0110168 I
. berasford Was given titl ellfbilSillAffiv
. . I
COWS coftoift [loot Compound. I
� I.. I . ... . . I . . I . I . I .
Lake glory at hig - bacht-lorhood twein ., ,a ,, proves'to b.) what,the pi6spectors kitty .'- � , , '', , .��
, and, is bving re�erved along ' 11.�, , ". -
.wretched thing. For Just f . � . I I :�..�,, .
�i_ � 11 . :.:-�� 11 . I - -
with several . acr�.,' ,,.round it, 'for. a �is�the probability that a1ftle �Vill - ...- ... - . I . r I I . �
.1i . a ew see- it ;; �� �,;,16�:.. . I .
park. . Tivo banks ,ve. oil the onds -the respongibillt�, . Ai.,"-;,.?�',,�i% . . . .. .!. .
, �. �.� .� - . I � . � �
. ,%,�-.�'..� . I I � . . . .
.ground of 'file judi- -be put tlitough from t1w knain litip �,:% � .
� . .;- , . . . - . � . . . . . . . . I
"I 1'.!! t I . . � .
, ; � . ..... . I` , I . I
,� . . .
doing a whirlwind. business and back ciary reoted heavy Oil him, theehe at%l,',arlton, through Cha rfton�L-wb jell I ,�`.'i.�. . :..",.. . . I . - I .
of the. town farms fire being taken up lost.,his nerve,,tbrust it cl ...... A.
.... . I .
. . I � I" . I .. I . I .
I I ..
:..;S�'..,,.�. �. . I : - . I : ,
. 1� �.,"._:-. .�
. . ., '_:. . .. . - in 01ktarlo ".
I - `**`� -��,: The Most popul P
I th I ollar bill in Point -it hai already, reached, to R ki .1 � � �:�'.'� . "
and cleared with great rapitilty. - %. 0 fist of ea0i. competitor and fled. Lake, Gowganda and thence to. _;.,.�.,.�'.%;' . ar alper
I :� - - � .
. I . Slid-, , ... -.,.��i� � . I . . . .
�;�i..'Z,,: . , . . . .
., I . Real Winnipeg Mud.' .* An hour. at Englehart 'and . .. ,. . I .�. . � ` : s �"_,_ . � . .. I . . I .� . ..
. ;' e a start buiy. - , . ;�-,;_��.-,��'_ . .. I .
. ' vard . I . : ,!:�!:,��.;,��;::�, I - . .
. ..�.-::�,... I . .. . . ,. - S r
Across '... 1. I I - ta, ' -
1.`;�.. . .
. � .,�::7':: -,� .
was made for -New Lisk , perhaps , The banquet did riot end. 'ntil the �.`.`,�',
. .
- It was ii rainy dismal, inorning when ,�; 'A" . �
e legislative party . tile most solid of the-agridultural. towns arly hours of. axe warning and ti �,',�!Z.�'A` . � . I
. -reached Coch- , . e [ter - - , �-_�.-,--R�
eane, and the exploring proclivities'6f of the new country' It, is just that the younger :ge er, . The * Toroldo. , ".D fly
- 1.4 %tion Nvenit: to ', - � . . .
. - ... � � � I . . . . .. ..; . . . I
the -visitors. were seriou'sly daillpenW. .: Lake Temikiaamini�e from HaileyburY it darim So it was a sleepy -erowd -. .,: .. ".11, . � . . . "I . ... I I . . . ... � . I �
k1l , I and.like tile latter, town h" been a � that rushe'd fo-'the'boats in all s6rts , . .. , I I I . I ' �-- . . .
ie most distressing feature about, the . settlealent for -many years. On the, :of A . . I., - I I . Tho� best proof that people like a newspappr i their .
town is aipo the most promising. This eshabille'. at six-thirty'.6n Friday - � 1� . . - I . I I .� . .
I Quebec'side of the.waer the, Vrench morning .. ! . I .1 . � ...... .�i.�_ .: . . . �: ..,willingness to paygood money for it. 1 . . � �
S tile c�fhsjstency of tile nitid, which I . . .. I I , �� �, . I . . .. ...
I . � .1 . . I "Tor Q I
' '
' ne gluey consistency that t -over a n- * Another rLit down, thR river, . the . . I I i � 1. : Mdre people buy'. the ' ' il* 8tar I than, '..
s of. t1te fi viklages have existed f6r ce * . s 11 . . . . ,Onto Da y
Atas made the .Canadian west faingus � ,ury; -and - New Liskeard is one'. of the. first stage of it in. tile rtiin, And the � _., I . I .. .. 1.� . any, other. Daily; Weekly 'or Ivionthly publis - :
. . � , hed in the.'
and infamous. It is the, real wheat- Ontario outcroppiAgs- of these -.settle- party reached Latch fordat about three . ... . . I I � . I , .
nt . . I . I � . . Province of Ontario. . . � I I . I . . I I
. ' i . I
soil of Manitoba, and nie.ans - '" 8. * I . in file afternoon. There ,,vii'E: another I . . . .. 1. . Motiover, thd'circulation of the � "Toronto Daily. .
� , Reception � it, Now Liskeard. - ' publ; "i ti i wN.�4 -the* Afirils- . . . . . :
. Ic - xnee ing in .. ..... � I . . . , i . .
. ..
. .. .. ...
= 'fbr : t1i6 .16riners.- .It alifa �Xew Lish-eard 'was em fete to w6l- ter .. ,d:i,% . I
Meant 11 . .. � . Star', Is increasing m6re rapidly than that .of any other
.s in a competencies for the' of Lands and Ad ines .-replied to . .. I . . .
come' the�'legislito.r§.t Thoi town.was -the re'quest 'of tit(, citizens f . or a mia- a . I .. . .. �1 1. I 1� I I . Y�ewspaper in Canada., , -. I .
Pulluxanyorters before'the legislators' decorated 'And' a.. big recepti � on had - ing . - their . . nox�.]�BA'NK 0OC3ff0:AXV-!. . �' . . . I I . . . � . .
got their shoes cleaned. - ,, . own, and the .. . . . I . . . . � .These things do not just happen. . . . .�., . . . . .
. . .. . . -in'. the .Presbyterian pit pulled .a �vegetable mou)d is A: magnet to draw .. . . . . �
been prepared. , ,t;ecorder of �
. . . � .. . ut for North Bay, That . . Theire milt* 1'. I I .: I . . �
.. L"Elurcil, Ine. original int6 ion of the, town was reachpd in the evening. the, frost . and tile. result is �that � the . . . . I _"' ' ' ' ' - ..� ., .�
mayor and aldermen. --of the town had . er ,than- . - '�r _*ve a :
. I A theatre party was provided, but plimitte is ma. . In thig.-case there, e se r i ,reasolis.
ny degrebs� cold , To � . I .
1. .1 .. . I . . - , . I . I It.. .. - - . � �, The ' ' rontb Daily Sta" ' .
- . ___ - . � � tile.. speed ' il-r4kiilg. before' the enterA - the latitude justifies. ' .. � I . I r." publishes .-.Marke .
. I . 1. -1 t
I . , tainruent',pr6ved.so leugthy that tile. . . .That cultivation ,and drainge will ; ' - Reports i� to x-8 hours earlier than the morning papi�fs.' -
... curtain did not:`ris� until ten o'clock, alter the. entire climate of e clay , , .� '
I ,
. I � I :: � . I at� I It is a Newspaper�uot.aa -"Organ"___�_political or
.1 .. � The result'' was 'that the legislative belt is shown. by the fact th the wr . . I . - , , . . ..,
. . . . ,
:. - .
�:.!� � � - - party ilad t6. leave. bef&o 1he per- construction of. tile. railway. and the- ' q * � any., Other-iind.j. I. . .. - ' �. .. . I 11 .
. . _'.... � '-.'_�;. . 'b t ouly the Woman's Ptige, but the whole PaM'.
I . 6,;:., , formance wa-s finished. . One more drainage Which it.-haki* rouallt- ,has - ' , No
� : ;�:�:.t,,e*�,iil-riy,-:,': ... . '4 I - - I . . - I
� � .
. . ", ��:! , .,��:�;�I, '. I night iA the train a hilarious one for brDug4,. - up the tempetatuie aiong " I � is-attractivoi to women. - � . . I . I . I � . � � .... .. . .. . .
... :;�,-:i'i-,;,,-..';'1 . the juiii6rs and7 sleepy one for.the. tile ; line se.,�eral degrees -Ili the' .'past . . . . .. . .
i ... 1� . -� wherq, there is - . . . It -reports athletic events more fully thanan .other , .� .
. ;..`�'�:;.l . winter. 'At. Englehart - .. V, . .. .
1-.-'.i1'e.Z:,;: , I older�nietitbersj atid1tKe.trail1i*pXd1ed' . It I y. " I : . . I. . I . . .
1 3".. *� . � _,: ! . . ' . I I . .. . I . clearing- of a 'few �rnjles - ill extent . . . Cituadia Dail � I .. � . I I . . ..
�� >N. . into Toronto: ' � a. . .
. .�,f'.'�;�,:?�- �, - .. ' �
I'll , i
. 1. .
� .. - I Its� spetial features, such. as
` "k . tbP . thermometer registers - ten' d I -the� 4'Chronicles of the
� is I .
�::!�,,`�4 �,i,,.*,. it w. d4iistory�rftiiking'irip.` Ntvcr . - , . . .
. .., I. . . e . '. I 'Khan", : , . 11 . . ..
li�,�'...:.. grecls-less of .. are most aining., . ,: -
I , i',' mbt�rki'i)f Ahe Leg- %. ent.ert * , ''
� ""i,,�;:��,:"�,'�,� -*before. have the me coWin the town thaa_it I .
4�'�:�::;:�:;j; '.. : 11 . '' ' 0 Dail '�j ' '.
I 0'... � lslatll& had ait opportunity of seein'g 'does in' the woods roundabout. ., I I . .
� :
. :01'-r".. , . Consequently peopb�,like the I I .: oront
. . . . T . af" . -
.. M,,��;���;�: tile '*w , north - in shape for- the sotm New Liskeard i's another pioof of- -4 , better ihan an�'offier ifewspape .. � . . . . y I -
. . '
. ..:;��$,Ml. . I
. ,�. N".: , � :! tiers. It -requand 'a great deal' of' tliig;.� While thQ_fitrTriers in'the -year - . .. I p _ . . I I _......_._ ..,,r..-. - --.,... .. - _... . . ,_ .. ..
� , . .
. ... �;. old and, two-year-old' .,districts are ,... . I . . .1 . . I -1 - .... -11 1. ".....
:_% I , imagination:4 few Vionths ako to ream . . . . .. 1. . .. . .
. ,:k � � . . I I . . . .
,. - lize tile possibilities 'of. the aistrict struggling 'with wbite frost at har- �. . � .
� .
. � .
. I . I . but with .live -towns sliringing up in . vest, time the country around New I . . . . I , .
. I ... 0 Liskeard is having fine warm weather.. - , . . . 11 . . .. I
. I . . evpry phrt,and sarriples, of agricultural . $1*50, A- V ear: I .
. I .
. .. ., - . . wealtk that promise itt last to be' ' Tfte,quality of th� produce shown I . � I . I . 11 . . .
. . . . I .
_ - ' I . 1. �
. -
.. - .. �, va to Ontario than e,vep -auring the ,legislative tour pr,4voked . . . * , , . 1. . �' . I
I . universal -comment,. Vine" bfii, pota- 1, This Paper ;and Me "Toron"to Oddy &ar" fogefhep'fop -
. .. the far-fained Cobalt tile. representa- toes ,of exceptional, .quality � ilrid im- . I � . � I . I ..
.- . . V. ... tives begin. to.reAlize tile claim . s of niense yield wor� shown .at' I . oneipoir-$2,20.- GuaranteedFountain Pon given. tor'500.
I !I 1: Northern Ontario. ;. . .. every; . . I I I . . I. .. .
. - . . . . 1. . town in the clay distri . . . I above 4ibid"Goh prices. ' 11 .
. . - I . V cf., Turnips, .. added fe PIP . � . .
. . . I
. I
. 1. . r . .. . beets, mangoicig and other rooterops - . . . . . .. ... . . I .. ., 11 �
I .
� i� I . . . MAL H Ut "t NUH] - wore.- equally sucopiisful_ Peas forty- '. . I ., . '. . . I I . ,.
RON, COL. ' XATJ1E-,PV. - . .- - i I . . . . . . -eri I I � I . . I .. . I � . . .. . � I . . . 4
. ' 1. . . . I I � I I . . I.. : 1� . . . . ,two inches .in height N� - raWA in - - " . . . . . I . . . __ � I .
,ilt(�r ',ill 110.Ur. it; UOCrirane tne, t.railn : . . I . . _. � I Englehart, .and the barley wheat -
.� 1. . . . . . . I . . 1 $ � . . .. . . . � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .. -_
I - . .. - I I . . ,
as b a Pn up and two Pullmans ana, I . . . . .. . . .
� I I . . rye, oats and spelt� were ph nomenal. � . I � I . . . . . . . I I .
' I . . . .
wo gat cars were run, over the Trans-.'- ' * , RON-'W. 1. HAXNA. . _ NEW WHEAT AREA WILL- BE Beautiful green. corn iv . as� s d to I . .- �.. . . .
. . I r . . . . er,ie I .� 1. . . . . � .
ontinentaYtracks to* tile new townsite," .been to take the visitors around the - . GREAT GRAIN PRODUCER . the legislators .at 'New Lisk-ea .." C . oxt lrom Tuff - rualva.'y UjJA1(rJUJ1 . . S, � I L . ., I . � . .. . I . ,. .
if the Yf6derick . . . . . . , .LVI are ,unding tneir wa.y. up �-Tft , river , . . . .
� 96use Rlv*�r, About. country in carriages to lot them- look - . ' . � . fi; probible tlia hay will be' the -big and- there , promises ta be. mobey .'in ' .
. . . . .
. ,. __. . . vair� - ' .
even Yniles Away; -At .the agricultural districts' . . . and are buildina their, homes. alonz � . 4.
I This is lit a: Fort . I but it .� . . . . erbp in tile country Around the it for the' .far' . . . . .
. , . mer -oil Wid where t�vo - .
f . way a rival t6wn� f6urided by. pri- Wds dark before. the spdcial train ar-* Entire Nature' oi'd'ourit1ry Changes at road foi..tbe next few years�, It has to - -P, - une or..0mario'n, inost DeautituL water-
. , ns. can be rld�e(l on.an act : ways, � The ri�er - 7servive will- . tdke . . ..
ate, jrnterestg and' is ..at' the spot�- rived,. A �band Was'at 'the. statio5h, Heighi of .Land From Barre been commanding twenty-six - dollars, An intereiting fact about the farnt�ll . . .
,h - n Vvi I- . .. I . _ I .. their produce �
h ox -_th`c._]Ku��,u.iwpnta1 crosses., bowo�ver, and setited in vk.,hiclos, 'of .. ' . . . . . � L I I. - -1 Ors in this country iq that th�y will both.'riorth and ` south, .
. . -,-.- - . I
e r�; is 00---' -6 - ' ' taken-ta�--tfie ."--dernoss.- . - , . . �' -have nono'but the best cattle. Fine .
ederick House River.— It ' ' I 10-mril- ,rni - re'a- % 4 I r _--_L_.,_:_____', , - . � into profitable .inining ciimp' Markets. I .
upied tit present by Ahe conStrueti6n ,church. There in the basement was Cultivation Will Take Out the Sit . I I . , - - -HerefordEr-�,ire--tlie-,clioiep-of--n�i6s�,--ii-n,d..,-g:t Laiebiord and EAk River. . . *
angs who ate at work -on the big I all exhibition of grain and vegetables I . 11 � . ��,Th-
. dairying proini.;es to be 'a: prolitable st �-rthI6 - - ic �____ ,
' -a Tlt�= tll'ii� r Ta
mperature r1c 8 ol� 1;'Utowtis a tftC�� itt
ridge across the river. Frederick that would have br�ugh. - .face Water, and Lower Te � ' Was Taken Very Ill ,w.ith ' many Years to 'come in . -a d t�l6
I . . - *
aria * 1. ir �t envy t*o old I I . I . . . . . . . ur""it It way -promise. to be wealthy farming �
ouse, ,as the town will �.robably be.. Out i farnler's. .grade ..hard Many Degrees� . , . . v 01 of the proximity of the big min- -,,�,, . I ..
. . - . .
alled, is a. very promisinj place and wheat;f&ty bushels to the Acre, Was I By de-ido I us a . nd fallacious mean I A . . - ing camps. Irvon now many farmers fl$.01� . I . . .1 . . . I
as a very picturesque location on' shoWn and excell�nt vegetables wete . .DIARRHOEA, refuse to .%Pit- their sur . .
he high bhnks of the Aver� it -will served to the.legislative party for din- , older Ontario has acquired. a peculiar . . . . . I -HOW IS. THIS . . I
so avoid one, of the worst drawbacks, , . I . .. . . . . I . f(,.(Pd but are buying more stock up Sassafras all I . 'A
.per as :earnest, of, what the country view of tho.'riorth country. 'Tile first , . I '. to f10.':,.rap.,.ci'v .tor 'keeping thern, dBurdock for the blood, -1 4
i * i
f the new'. country in that its drain- ,', 0 L an do under cultivation.- � charge.A.iat has.*been brought agaj,,si WAS INEAK AND DISCOURAGED. . One tbilig . wbIM) tlio. New Ontario . .bAndeli6n and Rhubarbfer stomach, � I
ge -is splendid and the epidemics That,night the train -waited at New. . ' . . Wlttlei �Will 4AV6 which. is utiparallol. Mandrake and Juniper for, liver and.` ,
I � -it is that'itAs. 'arid nnl,�rocky ai�i& �.-. . I � - �_
: . itil it sfunt, - .
isiting the unsanitary towns will -be Liskeard and diol hot pull ouf until , growth od in the hiAory of Canadian kidneys, CascaiirkL and Serina. for. the - . I
V* � , � covered W 0� - I . I 'to'(" bowels, Capsicum land Alain to pri-
aided. , . I . early Thursday morning, As a result - - '.�. steading Nitfie pulp wood. The sup. vent.gripink. V. -Need -a Herb Tablets - .
I I . brush. -This �robably arose front the - . . I
� . Matheson and Engl#fta�t. .. _- -many of the tourists stpyod to par, , nature of' tfie district . DR4 FOWLER�Sl ply of spruce runs about fifteen cords
, o_ � 4pitality ,a tii - .. 50
take' f the bw citizens I immediately I � I . . I . ,to tit(. acre and c9pimands this year contain these irkitiable ingredients. �
. 0 1 ,From that town " S tablets for 25c,
The'stay at the. river wa� very b.rief , , : north of Nord Day, . � . . _450 tablets for $1,00. A �
. I 11 11.11 . � . I I.,. . I I. And trailed in at all hours , in ', the to the nortliwa-rd ,for many tniles, -in' � I . $3.50 at tht,-AravU. Xoiv flia f tbe* doctor for half -a -cent a day. Vree'
- . - i !. morning, to the- soitrid of sablibut, and fact until the height of land is reach- EXTRACT OF . unepsinoss over. tile T).& tariff bas ; truples tit all drug'.stores lil.Clititon.
I psaltery and jubilant chotals, . � � I a . . . b9oft settl(�d tile- pfiee, will rise to 81 .
, ed, there is a b4ron ared which pro- . I I I � � . . I , it Dfar�hg-g-yr-xl. ' ' � . . .
Twy had cause s netbing -, like s- earlier figurei-it I . ..
. pal� , to rue. it at day., ducos chiefly rook and .%mail ever. . .01 - ; I ... . i
i , GUARANTEED , CURE br' ' wh6n the- train pulled " green,;. At Swastika, art tit(%' Main' WILD STRAWBERRY was .$5.50 lost year, This means that* -� ' , , .,
, . . Latc,liford, just as,.dawn Was b,pe.la,! line of the IT, ;k X. 0. where tile . . . . . the honio,�,tvailor can .go on tilt, land - * _. '.
.. . . . 0 ' I , CM14'ren Ory. , . .
, � ing, and all wore ordered oat to_ take pegr_ mat,tic,01v �vitbnqt,W.'cavit omd flud - *
� 9, the ap URED HIM . .
Poe Indigestion atid. PysPePs'41 tho boats,for Blk Lake, * Jaines Bay, slope begin. . . � a valuable crop teadv ,. for t1w cut4fng . FOR, METCHIER'S , - . �
I . . . . . I ance of tile country, chaiwds. 2116 . I . . . I . .
I I ". i.16� . . I - , � . � which rna� net hini'fmrn two thous- '. .
,� .. I . 11 a By the Montreal River.' little lakes which, were, fouild in the . I I and dollars tit.), Ilero is onoug 0 ASTO R I A . I .
: There arn, two line4'of b6ati plying' rock bi'shis -disappear 'and in their - ' . 11' to - . . , � p ..
I I ,
, .There i's, no. hesitation or quibbling I Mr,`D. W. It6bertson, E till ', . ull,e . quip. ' I - I . . I 1.
, between Latchford, and Elk Lake and stead are vast iftret'�.hv,,, of 1;�ine VadeZ MAM, Itart him fartninIg �vitli it f . . . � � . -11"1*~ I I I .
bout the clainis which tile Coletnatt the'route they traverse is a wonderful. & %vritcs:-.!-'1 I was taken ver� ill with diarr- niont.. I . � . I 1, . � . . �- .1, I .1 I.. I
,rowtli ow r6lling'land.- Tbe'.rivers` Nam knot ttqad.eveiytbing I li,4d ever Olit, of tho, riell6t'dfst a 4L' .,,% c . . '.
dedicine- Company make. foi thtir ly,,j)ieturesque: bit of country, -The� arn lifilily colored by the soil through � d0s in tilt, . .. �. � . . :�,
volidtrful "Litilti DigeMerall., , They Iteara of, as,win - it, but, with_� e0iintry will bo "bMwevil Earit SP cial I
t47ip is Made in foar' stages, iondered- wbi'ell fl -V Pass and range, on allot . . . .
otne out straight with the ttatefuent . , I - in 'cplor out success untA1gw0a6a'h'n0,2y advised to E ,lk, Lako . . .
Recess y three portagos. The first � from' ru( gray. �
hat "Little Digesten" will p6sitivelye. � , � . 14 brown to ,. Tit hore h4 'thr�. Ixtig Lako, ' . , Dc -�i ent .- I .. ,
- - ty Dr, Fowler's V ,xtract of Wild Straw- trtiet wllf�pe ,,I() ,n�nlv of tllr ,14outh � .
- tit Pol - Rupi(14, so, st�, say that ther .'kall-soll is orry. I wds so wealt and discouraged .. . .
ure erorett chrome Indigestion or bya *V(111 miles lit) the Selenti" Anndu 67M ..
. river" .1 a threb- fillite Walk over � flic rvsult of a huga Afrie,ifi votertins hii've. ,19,0_glt�(l thpir I � . . .1 I
epsiai as Well as Veartburn and $out � gl(leial Move. thaCl dido`t,w�peet to derive much bene- lalld. %, It i,; a V,(.)ll(lerftllly �
. , ment slowly rotroatingv,ta, tyl, nort), . T have much pleasure in nalcing 1volir .
tornach.. . I spit, o lan 111)(I tit(! break in tile. . (I ., -fit train it. but I,..". imr ho,ppy to say, that, Ing al -ell find riell filrin.
'ftle DlgesV , and as they melted , ,,, I is only it few iniles front aaention to tnv selection of lri�*itL -.,
.They 0TJARAXTAr2, I'M 'routo ;can be made navigable in 'tbo- denuding tilt, rocks afte I bad tak6m wo doses I wu greatly the citv� of Elk Lake, where thert, will I N Ir , I
� -ug ,r - AN01. VV T At � . I ,.
itininwr by dainilling up the strearn depositing 11 p'v antitivs of clay relieved, and a civ more entirely eurea be a groat -dent bf,milling activiO, .
rall to cure, t1f they fail,you get your. I I qu I went , J �61 I 6 it I
noney bAck;'L,promptly, and. without at tit(%, Latchford end. The sopond ollp and salid loaftl, it which as tl me. I shall alway�s be piettsed-to record- tald w1wro it* good,markot call ttlm�ay"-, 'A .. I .1
. : i.4 at Flat Rapids, twolity.eight, miles, farther find farther north fe,, ,, and I I SWEIIIrsaild
lutstiott. . ) I .1 I ()v6r 116d your Medicine t6 till suffereftand - . I I
itell further on, and fhi�s call be A fekver rocks apt , bf, sopured for btrin pro(Itivo. Thi* I .
Of course they woulcl no� make a ,V vtt,ed. f is was 11 consider myself fortunate to got such 111-r.HL a �,
�' I lafvr strewil a ,ill of do0ty(l, vQge' % marvelous relief after expecting foi, die." ttiet e.a..;y of aceosg, . -C * I
. (hyllailliteil, 411ill- lt�aeod. . The' " � (I )�c
ositive statemetitp, or give itte'll a gua. . ir . I . . projeotmi railuray �vill Illako thv (%.j.
,Ailtee, it they had hot proVed, beyond , find grvatf,st. itt, Mountain Alu , f �s, I . � OV01"Coadn'504.7, I
. 11.1 � I—- ! " ,_ .. .. ... We Nvish to wara the public against . De'41)ite Vin filet t1lat it has illin- I � . �
.he' shadow of Sk doubt, � that"If4ittle .3idvs of i file I %
- _E,_=� _ntn! _�! , .4 (111 both . t ents the best that is pro.
Digel't'rg'. WILT, emn. - !!�",t!t�-_-"_!��_�_,-� !! ,!,!&ft cing till )o8cd on by unscrupulous Png, af0a, vilich-repres
,,I itti - I I I lealera �'10 substitute th � e -y which aillin,q ducedbythe most finportant foreign,
, 6 Dip It sbnpl till . � :. . 11 . I (11 so:called Montioal river comiti . of cloth falirics � .
. sters" do I � I . I "holphodine I Strimberry Compounds" for Ur. yow. ywirallohq.tho 111, & .'L1q.6.. (,it the west, 1%vollvor
101tirally, t66, by thelphig , out �h I "OVN �� VoWs 1 " I )I these p�tterns. f0t this
.. eFs. ,
stomach"supp I.g 3u- Phe Mv,t& '877101j,1A .19te"t,004 I 411"""'Jand,i. Tho wo.st sido of* tilt, river tOwn I Aln all
pveakefted I . , h* Z ,A 1 tbi.,4 disniiet is not without rieh farin- As I con trc le to assure V.ou exthis.
.. Toneg and itivigo - te th I If you want to be on the aVe Fide, ask (11.4, Ton ,c;t T,�. iveness ht stylo.,
#hatituftdaintheprocesM, estio 0 %-o, AST 'OR I A I rate a M "'a ' for Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild ,,,4tr,%w- i4A t1l" ""ll ) Ingaini foro .
Ind onabling it to Assimilate e fo . I i A. ,11111 1 . �,'�Irve mid is flivroforo, withdrawil fr�)nl I
I . t)A
400n the whble systein regainsits vigor, Vor Infants wid (11hildron, Blood in o d Voin . Cureg Yer berry and insist oil gettin.g, wbat you ask "'wttlemont, 'but oil the va,;tor I "
olua Debili Zodal and.ftraft Irorry, Des. r GEO, W BARGE.
w(l the st9ma& needs no further h6l adow1j, 'U'al JV,eqkwena, RW�sionn�Arper. foL � ___
"Little Digesters" ate, put up fl- Th'.1 Kind You 0 ava Always Bought - ,P,o(,t,,,,,,,,,, and JP.Iftetq of Ab list, 1)), 1"Weed.ve. . 1, the, .,k1lvvr.b(6,ttqnf., ruvics, .,,r.- IffivrAlly
�ittl � Vrlco$lperbqV,fd%for 5. otlewillpleagesix The original is trianufactured only by VOveri'l(l l'y a forplatioll perivip"4 811,11- I rille" Nerebant Talloring.
I ruirgistA or malle In low(w but ey(�ry "bit wi riell a's ,tile ; b4ed Jacksoil'a Old Stand.
a red boxts, sold for 25c by your Boara C113 1 %A The T, Milburn Co,,'Limitod, Toronto,
Itug .
gist, or stalled by tlio Coleman plain pkk& on pAcalt of I -lee. S�16 painpAlet ()At. Price 3U. elav - belt nrpt)(1. Already farniers ItAgentfor British-Ameriefin ele,,tilijig ...
- 114 - I .
&XedA-1ncC0.,ofToXoslta., :,, gg , "Agnaftwo 0 0 0 rModkolno " . I I
ip . I f 411,_a_�_4, Vornurly W4400r) 1, vorfttq orib � I I ... . � T'' � & Dyllig Co. Montreal,* �
� .
I . �
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