HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-09-30, Page 5„�
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I . 0- , ", The 011vton Now ang
, . I I %7Aq - � L —
. � I 10i'Ll � " 0 0 NOR P ! M IN 11.1-11 I I 11
_.; --__111. ... ______
. 11 I I I ___ , . --- �___ - -_ - � ----------- 10i P I M IN I a lifflu I
1, - . I I -1 I . I � . .. I—, .111. .111, ... .1 I . 11 . , .. , ft Won .
. � I sirths 11saTlages 4 Realta. "L Property Cbawae, Irite- Jolliew Reasono NWWWNMWW wm W" W."0111
Z;��,�_ ___- 7=-,_�Z�_-.-4.-_��-_----- --- Dr. W �r A Fo Wier; VS b 11
. 7� � ilas 014hia � , , .
. I I . I I � . . � " . arios'str '. � I
� I I , . BORN , � .'WATC" commodious .home, on oat eetr
.4�� . In TI& rr4vfuce� I
� I IFLYNN-10 Hullett, On Sept Ztb,l I I household, offects to Toronto, W.here .
. I . 11
"11 to'Mr. and Mrs J00minick MYOU, & . .1 be will to future reside. lVe regiet The call of the wlld,% Ill lead ' � I School Shoes for the
, __ -, I J ti mr AB ztmei, and is moving big
+ , , 7, 1.
/ , I
� ", _- � (14%afftfte' , ' , " - . FAULTS .
7 I to logo tbe.Dr. as aL re'j(iont, d , in MIADY to the woods with dog and I
I L 11 le J's , . . an r1ra
�/ '14a _� XAIR-IA Goderich Tp., on Sept. I his numerous Irlenile in wisAm to.butit -for game. The fol. '
.1 J l. '24'.b. to Mrs., peoree gair. a. oaughr*r. Does Your Watch run correctly 9 weal in his now bome. . : follIving table If, for Ontario!$ L -VI& 0 AMC
, .
1� I" X&BIKER-In, Brussels, September If it doeo, not, ler4vo it with no'. WeddingBeiss . game season, -.
� I i
�� . Deer -November Ito Novem. I � , -3
� 22ad, to Mr. agA.Mxii Wm. L. Baeker given the opportunity, wqg will A quiet marriage %yas, solemnized at. ber 15, ... Lads and L'a.=W.
1. , .
I , ..
I ok$ono � L retarn it to *cn withour - I ,'
LLL - \ ., I pler§94 the Qatar
, , Ib Stre ., .
,et parsonage on Wed. S ovem. V
. . Moo e -October 10to N
Ili . CQSUNIS-In Londesboro, Septem- al. $U%rantevo dt its 6otrectuese, - A when a I
I . I nesd%v evening 07 o'clo b .�10 (north.) , f Ev Y healthy school boy and girl is ha
-_1 11 , � i I ber.8tb, to Mr. Land Mrs. Thos, Voseas, I I Miss Florence May Smith became the oase-Xovembe�r I toL Nov. .. er I � rcl on �
, , I a da0ghter, , Our,phorges Are reasonable wife of Mr. Jobn,Perilue� -both of Godr . 1. Sh6es. This time of the year they need. good, 4
, ;;; 11 I L FARR.- IwOodericb, September 22; L" I - L. eilobTowpolliO.' Tbb cox'emolly was Duck - kle ptember Ito De4m. . . I " . I
11'.. : .. . to t4p, and Mrs, M. J,, Farr,a daughter L, , . _. � . . I . padormed bv'Aev.., T. Wesley Cosens. strong Shoes to -keep their feet, dry. We have just
, ,
I , . , I , , , her 81. �
.1 - I I " T_Uobisppy-y�qa Oqu w a � I
;qvvl�,.--, . . . I bar . W '51n�ke �0.1.. X, - , pla will reeld . placed, on
I LOFICNXA$��-Tn NVe1IA;x4,1$ePteVa1 . ii. 1614,qgyp��' Orion - our- -shelves �t -well assort' d stoc
' 11 * . .3 . I I , . se,- -pheasant,, -patridge- .. e k of School .
- , ....... __ - - L 0. h a W.-'-'.H,o ff M a 4, - - r 1i - - I : I'll I . I I 4hort d6tance frobl'towhin Goderjoh - September 15 to Dece b , 'hoes, bou t fjOM' tlie leading Manufacturers I � j4
11 � I , - ._ - andUrW .
. 0 ekaniimng your watch , To ,,
12th, to, mr, , . wn, � m e'r 1. I . . S . gh
, I Woodeock� September 11 to,
0 r% 4 0 a'soll. ,,�-X,je. 'a waoLL formerly Mies � ship.. M% .
, , y health, wealth and
' I I m
. ORi6,04unbko of wlogbam, epo . 1� ... . Canada. .1
I I , ,rtin I of .it$ prosperity attend them. December 15, . I . �:,
HoV I 3plewidly -, XNO`Tr ,-'In Uxetei ' SePtelatrOr n e e'd S, 9 , � '. � , Death of Winl4p Co6U Quail. black and grey squirrels, - . I 4. , . I I
11 $ �
, . I .
. 22nd� to fir and Mrs sferry 'Nott, a - ,. � .One of Clidtop!;; .brightest young �Novemberl to December 1. L Boy$ � . MISSEW . L I
, I I . � . I . " ,,, L � . lives -was plucW Thursday last in the 0ecee-September M to. April I . .
Son* _ , I ______ W ,,, al. � I ... . Sizesfrom I to 5.'Bovil Box Sizes It to 2. MiRseo. B&I and - . I
I ; I , . I . I . . I -, . !4on,vt a Cook, eldestooll of , . .
I . Gorgeolu � - - ri , oftilo, pl9vew-Septemb " . G n CAlf and'SQ4toUL
_31, � U00RAMM-04 Sept, 18. th" at I WT. and Mrs, David Cook, aged 12 er J to
, Calfi . rai Blucher, in Xid, B)x Ualf and ,
. - Ildex 'And #ft - . &To and 8 months. After an Illness ' Calf, Prices $1,50 Grain Calf. Prices 01,35,
. . I
"". . � I I . I tW lrpot6ryt U ,ton, f6 Rev. no , ye December 15, , * . . $1.50 ;%Rd $1.76.
. ., $1,L75, $a ,
Mrs. J,04rlto ' MceraekeA, a sop. of five weeks. duration, baying con- Beaver- Closed till Xovqml;er, �� an#. ".2S .
our cases'16oh w'th their � I G A 1910, I
. ittering dii.ip ay � I MCLARDN- Iry Brusselo', September 190 � tracted typhoid tever, and although * - I . - .
itew atid gli . I .. I L . ,everything possible was done to brinR Otter-Olosed till November, . YOWN
.. 13h., t9 Mr. apdp,Xrg� * Q. N., McLaren # UNEUR AND OPTICIAX �. .
. . of rings, lock ts . , . .. � .1. .. .1 . .bim back to health and happiness, he 1910, . . ,,.S' .. - . VNILO's .
. .
. ..e . , Chains, A, sopi , - . � . . succumbed Hares- October I to December Sizes 11 to 13J, in Box Calf, . Sizes 8 to, 10J, � in Kid an L '
. . thereto. The funeral t)ok d Box -
SHOBBRO0X_ In Lonilesboro,8op. Issuer of place Saturday, last, to a I I nton I came- 81. , � . 11 L Grain Calf and - Boston Calf. &If, Prices $1010, $1.915 , I I I
bracelets, pinst brooches, - . , Q
I tembei Ierb, to Mr. and Mrs, Jolla H. 4 tery. The ptillboarers were,. Llyod Fish - ften Season . Prices 011#20,'$1.50, $1.,75 and $1.50. , . �
I etc, I Shobbrook,* a son, I I . 96- Marriage Licenses Wilkin, Arnold Glazier, Mervin Elli. I � ' . ,.�41 . I .
L I JTMER-At the *GoishenLlne'M .,, ott, Clinton Cook, Milton Cook. and Bitse-Jone 16 to April 14, � - . . I
Such Beautiful Jew- 41tember 21st, to Mr. -and 51is.' Byl. i4mverin Cook. . . I Basgkwestof Peelee Island)-,
vanus Witirier, a d"ghter, efinjon .jr Ontario I A full assortment of all kinds of Fall Footwear. I
__ _. July 16 t��.Tvfa;y 24, . . L . . 11
. I
. ellry . . . . %3LLER-At Zurich, September 19, . . . Sir James' Uirthd4y M&skinongo-Jung I0 to April . Come in and .inspect our stock. I � . .
, .
. . W Mr. and Are. R. Zaller, a Son. , L" _ _- ;".7 - . ' "' - " " 14. L I . I
. . .
. � Ottawa Free Press (Lib): On Friday, Pickerel (Dore) -May 16 to
is not to be seed in such MARRIED I —.-- Oct, I, Sir James Pliny Whitney pre. A 'I 14. - . 11 . I WE 'ARE' SPEC 1AUSTS IN TUE SHOE
— ------ - L, . I
_ I ir of the Province of Ontario, wl ZmlnZ trout- ' . . .
. .
. I AGNE W -ROSS -At the home of Citizens $hould Keel) Their we 11 - December, I to 'TRADE.
variety anywhere else but. � th . a bride's parents, NV ingham,Septem ' L be 00 years of age, and like Sir Wil-� October .131 , � I I . I . L
here. See the display by bar 16bb, by Rev. D. Perrie. Thos, R. 31,11[oney At Home fred L%urler,L Whole nof yet 08, be is � Speckled trQut-May I to Sep- I . I
- I
Agnew, 24. D., to Miss A�abel Clare, . not by any ineans in the old man's tember 15 . I . .
all mean's, and we know daughterof Mr, and Mrs, Alex R - A drummer paid his hotel t'ill i� class. .8otb are gcQI for many y6ars Closed until 1010. . � C.. Rath 'ell, -Clinton. .
, 6.6s, 0 Li n t o n, h4nding the clerk a $0 of fight yet. . so W I I I
that if you have the niak- ' botbof Wingham. , L L I , I .
I Sir James bpgan everything late in ov ftftAAOV~AAAAA 4W A~ I
. . old � , . I
� P c'e'lnutes later, the hotel m life. He was 8T -years before he passed . WWW" ...
ing of a gift in mind a vi-.. . 0 HUROHILL- -BEAC0,N1=Xt —Sum. g _ few m. cash . . W"?"",9WWA".WM9A .
sit here will tell you *Ust merhill, on Sept -29th, at the home of ler handed that five to the local but' his examination for the har,and he did First Annual Confbrcn�e Of Th . - .
. I I 'O . . . .
. i e.ri es -1 ev, . . Ober in payment, of a ineat bill. not take ali active part in politics un- Areltdcancry . I . . I L I a I
.,?aren S, ,
what to choose. ' unbar, r. ... homas h rchill, of The butcher dropped into a Bboe til be was 43. . I . . - I -_ . - I � . , . .
. . HUIIV.tt, to Miss Ed L earl daughter store and left the V In Pxchalige for a . . . . . tnen Paul haa it new occusioll LU vu-
- , L p or 1 He was lirst elected W the legisla� Will Be Held in St. John's Churebt . . be falsely LLL ;
of r,,,, and rs, bri h eacom, pair of shoes for his % ife. � I ) derstand what It fileant toL 1. ..
. - XURR-Sadle - lugbam, I � L accused and nunibered witlitrapsgress. L
. . 'v- . . i t S 1, ors, for the'eap , tain asked him It he . .. �
. . --- L * "UNUAY SCHOOL .
11. n L . nian passing ture ill his 45th year. Bythts,timehe , I Glencoe, on October 6 and 7.
-,' 80 te . r 0 That evening'the shoe had Come to h&Ve settled notions as to . . ,� h �
W. H.. Hellyar . Wednesda . . t , by Rev.. by the hardware store handed on . t the . . . . I . . . . I ��
0. X Jtnkin,, James. .lKerr of gold ple,-e for a lawn mower. : . . . I � The ar-oli.deanery of London, Which - 1: . I , Was not an U,gyptian who; had made - ,
,j:orouto, to Miss 11' ,114, aides dqughter It remained in the hardware man's � L I . —_ ,� .1 . ...
I . I .. I comprises.the three counties of Mid. , � I . an uproar and had led 4;000 murderers .
Jeweler and Optician. , of Mrs, Salder o"Wirighanp. . till all ttiat.night. . , . . . .. a .
. .
I I ICK - BALLAINT k'N,U4 . � At Briglit and early next- morning theL e % - i dlesax, L mbton and Huron, will hold 1, e 81 �S 0 n L-40urth - Quartcr, .For Into tbe..wilderness (verse '*). Nful .. . .r ��
. . .
I LOW . hardwat6 man handed it out to the � I . 1* � I " , .itsflrst annual conferencein St.Johns . . . I . I . : asknowledged birbself a blasphemer .
- I . . I
. L � 1
. W Tiverton, September 15th, by ktev, Mr berdasher and wore away 9. new. , . ,-,::::` I...." . . . Church, .Glencoe, on Oct. 0 and 7, . Oct. 3, 1 909.� , k aud a persecutor (I Tim. 1. 1U. but to,. - �
. J61inst6fj, Mr. Marshall H. Lowick, of, ha . I . - I I I
. I . I 1. . 1_. .�� There are some 50 cler);y oinnected . . "oneda, captain of 4,000 murder.
. .. ,�; I I . � --- -
Moose Jaw; Saek', forliierty'of' Brus. hat, , - I .; - .� I I be reel,
Hens for Sale ' . sale, to Miss Margaret B,illantyne of - -The-hatter kept the five his until ::: .; ��:,� -with the aTelldeanery, of which Van, . � . . . . . acen � tion,,., A!; I
iX:X . . e,s w s a prettY heavy Ra .
— , P ........ .... I Archdeacon Ripbardson is the head ; THE INTERNATIONAL 4 SERIES. t' - a I
A number of choice Rhode Talan . d R Tiverton. . . . L , . .namely noon, when he passed it Oil to � 64!...: 11 st he rm-
. ollowers of Christ we mus
.. �.
. whilaUdoiaied with him are .the rural .
the grocery man. in pay his. ; ..:
' . Mont of . .., . . � . 0 1 . . '. . -' LL
and pullets. A B2rgain- EaquLire at NEW BRA. MACDUNALD - HOLIVIES - In St. . - . . , , M; I deans�Canon Dann, of East Middle. — d . . , tent for Ills sake to have - 1,1 !d to 0111 ..
. I . John's church. Bruisels, . September monthly account. . , , ... . i sex; Rev, S. F. Robinson, of Strath. I . I . '(tli. ,x.xxvi, `
-. The gr6cery-man's wite next took . . .! 1;; . charge tblugs we know not
.";., I I
'. . I I .. LLLLL ..: . -son, Acts kxi, 27-39.. 'inqel L
. .1 22nd, by Rev, H, M. Langiprd, of L,*6t; L and e2tchanged it - � . i ro3t, for VV est Middlesex; Rev. 0, .0, Te�X' L'6f the Le.. I 1). Paul's. ' testimony for h; f was .
posession. of the,coir "I..." i Gunner,of Clinton, for L Huron,and the .Memory Verse,: N -Golden. Text, 11 I
. 1- . was a Jew of Tnrsns. a cttf%en .
Teaeher Wanted owe], assisted by Rev. D. R� Oameron, at the drygood's store. ,foi suadvY_ . .. , � .. r� . � I ,;�� � . that he v - �
For S. S. No. 8 G Mr. Alexander . Barrett MacDonald, hases. . ' . :: I Rev, 0anofi .Davis. of * Sarnia, _fQr -Tim. ii,. 3-Commontary Prepared by,, i of iio ' ' n dity.., 'In %xii, ::,-). oud back . I'
oderich Tp.. duties tor eow. ' , � . . ... I �,, I I . . . . mea
. I :1 . . .
. . . . �
'barrister, Cranbrook,.B. 0 't M" Pill"' .. . I ...... . Larjobton. I -
nience Jan. Ist, 1919, PersonFLI applk.ation pre- - L ., 0 Iss I The next man. to got it was the . - I Rev. D. M. Stoarnwz. xvI, 37, be pleads that he ls a 116nian, �,
ferred. Apply.stating qualific%tions. toAlfrbd Kathleen Lenora, eldest daufhter of drayman, who had.& bill for hauling I I The conference will opeh on Wed. I . . . . , * , � 11
I * ' ne6day afternbon'at I o'clock with. a 6tizen, a citizelishli) vot plirelitwed
Naftel See.. Bayfleld_P. O.. or to Ge Dr. W. Lane .and Mrs. Ho mes, � of - Vai; iast iL kets left Patil I ,
o. Hastings . '. ..m Ile in -turn passed it on to the dbo A ,sson -in the ,
or James Stirling. Tfustees, 31UP4 , . . .. .. . I ill -th., lipt-nuse
. Brussels. . . . prelfiliinary meeting for organization. . with money, but his by bli
. hie. ick child. � ! aaiij after supper has been served and -'a "d' � his - cOull'a""as at Jerusalem, ; or I
. . . . tor who had treated s . � I a great price. even jlw preclous I
I . I I I T11 -In Clinton at Thedoctor hauded.it over to the 0 .
. I sometime spent in social I tere'ume whither they had Just retn"nod froul bJo d of.'Clirlst, 6:11d foi--I�!11,.,I.(�(it-til.1,1,.,. � .
the Ontario Street -Methodist pars.on. 6uggistfor value -received, 'and the - 10 ' all . I �
' . 1. Rev, Edwin Lee,rectov ol Glendoe"Will 11,1" I'S third Mission
.1 tl ary journey, and
�. -age by Rev. T. Wesley Cosens, XT. druggist deposited it in'the bank. ; deliver the address of welcom6;*hich th�, - . . tion. -who receive Hint. -in, thus ... �.
. JohriPexdue to Miss Vlorence. May - Next day the bmukcashi6r -ie�uthed . J ' Lowei.. e -we ilestme the kltor� ttuil ImaglDe: born froin above a'n(l.bi4-i�tti.t,,,,Itl;,.L-ii,,,. ' ;
-JA-CKSO N , . , will be replied -to. by Rev. Wrn. . . . I . .
Wr . Smith,.. both bf,Godericb Township. , � the gold piece to. to the. hotel man in-, . . .. . ! i otirselves pi-"cnt at tilb,service, when, of that holy pit,11 .the Dfl%v Jvruvi loin . .,.
I . . . . I .1 1, I of St. Matthew's Church, Loudon, . . I , . .
. . PE 1Q4 I R -JOHNS -At the Methodist' ayment of his board bill I . VkA I I - ...
. . . At $ o'clock the services will be fox-.* lu the presence of James and'the eld. , (John 1, 112., .11": - Phil. ill. '�1!11, _,�.
I . " ��
TOWN AGENT . I - - � The busy little coin. ;night hxve� ' . mally -opalle 0 _ . cltl2ens of.such a -clt.v. liov% Owl� .1 .
. ' . we .
. . p-irsonage at Quill Lake,on. Sept.* 22nd . � . d, wheii the'Bi.shop t ared pt -1y what I . 1. . ��� .
I I 9 continued its merry. round in the � .. ers, , PXal docl, articulat .. .
hy-Rev, A. H, 'Allen,.,Mr. Norman, - I 1 Huron. ill deliVaT th6. sermon. - � . . ... , .
it. . b Id b to bear anytbing tor fIls. . ... -
�, .. . .. W , � 'od had �w-roq lit 'among the. I s ou.1. .. .. e '' I , I
I CANADIAN � Peer, of.Yort6n to MissElla J. Yohns,, thenextdayi .passed intq I . . .. � I I. � . L.11ings G .. I 9 I t -such, influlte* vost Mur -, .. ::
I 11
but . I . . �. . I . - i salce w lo :a I . I I .. . .. 1,
A ng " : .. , _1_____" 6
� . . =nde .. . . . rT and' with
q � . of a farmer selli frying . I I I . . . I'ViAll6s by.', Ills. mlhi�t . _
I i � . ,(r -we , ...
. ' . . , , - �� -
i pp.,�,c i, Fri , of Tuckel,smith. - . � . .. . . . .I- made *us 4uch, and how. etq_ !,
, . . chidkenm , .. . . � political parties �,nd church affairs, for DOIJGAV AND -THE POLE'. 1 - theill w6 Wvuld glorif� the Lord (verses I li - .. . . -ns, .. I - - . I
I r, I . .. . �- . . I .. . a oWd be to'have others enr(Oleil _ � - -
41 - . -151� I V� , . -
. ' , , affiliations, and I , � . . I
. �� . DIED i . I He 94nt it away to a mail ordei '. be it known his early I . . I— . I � . . . . . ,�
� * I _... . I obs in poi. log, yv ' d 66 . f,i. ,-j 0). . w. & -ii coules. . In our pee- I such -citizens. for any one fi-ont ativ , 11
I house,. audit never, never carne -back.- traditi - Ut' ' ere Liberal an . Well,".said Dougbal', as we stood , . ere . . I. .
� � .. � I -1 I
- ermug the, advice from the havi� ille I
is a special Codkln Clinton, September 23ed_% . . I _�_ � . his church ralatlon!� Presbyterian, su b. . ( , .. .
. for a few niiinutes? crack by the rqad� PIPM � enlic p,jrt of the'wide 'world tuay
� . � 11
44-6 14 2 a 0 5 low' rate - to William, son of,lVr, and -Mrs. .David . . . � seqnently. Methodist and finallyAngli- aide, ltbey'�e been a quiber while aboct uburch ��)'Paul that for peace .salc.e Ito pritilege.. � ' . . ... . . . I I . I
I Cook, aged 121 years p6nd 8 months.. . I 11irs. Robingow to Hang, Novej t. . I '.rt ,; I .. � � � , . - . i . ' -1je- , ',. -
British, Coluimbia points; good . . . I : I . I I . I . I can. � , , i * , it, but,theyNeAbne it at last." , �, Shotiki coutprin. to eertutn,thi 11 be n . Q 16 . ..
. I ' ' I iard kept ' iew, *,
. . . I her, 24th ,-. I . one i4 th a reg 6 PgS which . Patll�addrppsed t i nitliud ,
I DOUBLEDAY-In Winghaw ' .Sept - � , � ___ .. ,. The:evoluti . Slightly. mVs . tiged'l: 'asked, 'Don�e ,6,vere tiot, essential, ,but Which wore
. . . . �. b . a.nd who they henrd him speak, ,
. . I I
going between 5epts 15th � � . , . . . . . I pace Witt, his pioig4ss,tnvoards strong what? " - . - . Made much of'hy ,the Jevvs,ilt J6rusa- Ili that language tbe,V kept the 6 . . .�
. 23rd, Willia& . Doubleday, a6d 59. - Mry. �ames. Robinson, of Wiirren, : dicesend- leader�and bbss of He lehned on fiis�,crook and* looked' - - . .
and -00. 15th. 8 months' and 23. da s . . tory preju
I .years, . 9 . .y ! convicted of murdering two Infant, hisparty. .His followers. shudderat at me gravely, * "ibey've foond the : '("11 I "N' ho ticlieved-LbLI. thousands."of silence- Ile rehearsed A the story of bl$. �- -'. "
� . ELLIOTT-In Owen. Sound. on Sept. born to her child daughters, be&au . trelintle at* hi6 w6rd, of -s who believed, but."yet coutinued birth and educa'don ud. hi's z'eal to-.
*FOR ALL INFORMATION se . hia frown abd North Pole," he- explained. 11'see it -10" . I � . 1
20, 1909, William Elliott, at the of of her. husband's infamy, !was sell- command." He is a real . Tor * lap ' I 1
9 , y ,der in the papers. Didye.no' re4d aboot 'Willous of ,the law. That Paul shoUld ward.God such as 'they wore. that day .
APPLY TO ABOVE. 7.0 years 11 months, formeriy We ' . . , - . . ' . '
wn tenced by Justice M&g6e this aft&rnoon. and it:id no surprise that Hon. Geo. E. � it yersef, ay .) 1. - . . . I . �,onsent to this Ruggcstiou.seews*se6ae� manifesting. Tben be told. how Jesup,
I I - I Oleik of Se m�ortb.' - .. ', '' to be hanged,November Zitth.' . Posterii0olonel Bait Hughes, M P and I nodded . a , � . 440h:�es'. what like'd9l .. ng. what Ile contiewiled or N,1 I . '
. .. I . uderstandingly - , m tbq- dea4 dno I ��
. .1 . icb,13eptember2let . Asked if she had AnythitilT tio-say" !1aughton Lennox, M P desire*hIm to Ole . mireth, r1pen fro . I �
. I GRAY ... r1a God,�r . ' ourse, I hid fO ' rgOtteh just'fOr the liett,r for doing4o Gal. 11, 11-14, There ds�-eiided' to beniell, had,'ab�eared tom' , I
� . .
- . she broke0nt sobbibg, and said; � issue a.faw, instructions to thdparty in ant. . 1.
_. __ John Gray, aged.78 years, . 1, . ,,m .Tbaes'.m big:achievement, is alwifys. tr uble .when -we .depart him on, . amas us tind . , - -
I , .
� ' . .. . . 1. HARDING -�- In. Gorrie, Sep'tembier . -1 have not." I . ,� . . . .�: in Dorninion affairs. A blast - Or two Dougal'."' .' . ... . � I , . 0 � . � the. - -.ml,y to D .c 1.11
CENTRA When sentence was pronounced from Sir Jas these men think, would hm I Crum trio sj:111pli (311"191' eonvInc(,4 Min tbut. Ile Nvas .Israel's
� He fingered at big besird.' !,Imp . ..cfty that is In I I � . . ,.
� I 19tb, Samuel Harding,. aged 70 . years-. gbetaiuted, and was carried from court be good In .their everlasiting.'battle (11 -Uor. xt., 3) and seek to.l,:ee'" ponce Aldssiah and the ,ariour of all, Mea, - -
. I � . HELPS -In 13 . I , � oll ay. .IVII make a kind o' splash,. as .. .. p . I . 9 � . ..
a -V City- Mich-, Sel)� by -Rev. Peter MathosiDn. with the line,' . ... � . . The boy as done it'll, be - Nvith legal.Christhius,by gouforming to athe-was o*b(,qr.t1le&oodoewW
. . . ye -alight day. . . 11 . . . . . . 0. and th, .. . ,, t . 0 .
. tember 13tb. V lizabetb Forsyth, relict', The evidence in the case revealed one SirJames'will. re6eive cpngratala. in.! I all men. of, ,
STRAT ORD, ONT. ... - .. feelin'the big,big huddythe noo. 1104 L!)vh- Nvi"yg.lustead o.f standing. fast , �0 . for-1veness'. of sins; - .
of- the late Rezikiah Helps,late Of Past- . of the mbst� astounding. condidons :of Itions on Friday with:. good,"wishab for . an American :him. leg a sort 6, pi the,liberty*whereWl'th Christ* I lias made. -lis name � ��heai�tb6y heard `. �
Wawanosb, aged; 85 years . . I . . . � I tY . 1. . . . ftir.v'gh i I .. I I
' . '
THE BEST.SCHOOL. - . .. I .�, . ''. affairs inidgillable. � So bad -were thev many happy., returns of the day . . .� :� he wasna a:Scotchman. -But buchi? . us''I'me ( . did': o 'heluir'sebt I to*'the gentiles the-,-
' . . . . � ' I . rGal.. ", li,- lvell-�1he plan :of lils
. .
o enter our classes !SNOW KNIGHT- In 'E�eteii : Septa bar thaf-t1he jury evidently' believed the. , � ,� . . . -1- . . .. . . � Scotchnien haf�na t"e tae dae'every. I , .,. . - , . . . I
. The best time t I . . I w - 1. . I � 1. I . . I ntit Avork -w.q which Nvea , e. ol 11.4 Jew" had no us'(, ror sue'll 'a 111:111.
We are running the largest and, we be- En 'rornan insanei and retur d I . .. . �.. .
�20th; F rank � J. Knight in his 46th Vv . nod a'yer lot .. I . . I . 11 , �or tLf( J.(
.. � - . .. 1. .. . . . . 1. I �'. . . I . . . . . . thin.g.' . . Mani" lie ga2ed reflectively - %. ii ucceedo I 4 . 'in . exciting I tfi�� City :east off their elothoR,'threw diiqt into I
. 1.
. Casting ! etals . , ' ,
. . t M 098 -the fields to the distant 1,
lieve,theBEST business-tre.ining school year. ... � I .. .. . . tothat eftect. Judge Magee refused � � i - . . away aqr . s
Ili western Ontario. Three aepaRments, lFec ive this and ordered them to . agnIlUst I'a'al, ifid lie would.linve beeii, file air h'nil.'Illade "llell .11n.ppro,ar-that , .
Comme.rcial. Shertharld wid .MORTON�At Spok'ane, -Washinp,� to a I is ,m-elljknowd. some metals a'fe. hills "wheii ye. come tas think o' it .
1. . . As * , - � . ': ' , .
. Tclegrapby. . . �.. recimsider. , Tbig they did, and return. . .killvd' had 110tithe Chief CaPtOn Mth 'tho chief. vap n w�is only provented - �
toll, September Iftb, Carl.K. Morton ' I I Urisuitable I* ca9ting, -wbile otbels, - soberly. it's,%!. h tab16 t6 _ . , . in I " ..
Get a mone - malting education, Our . . 'i; iiii,
, oj ad a v6rdict bf guil6Y. '.' - ' I . . I Let. in tiny him seein' he's bo' a Scotchman. ' It is 4mitudoup lind. sbldl6rs rescued. binij.fron) "C I
y r - son. of the late,- Alexander 1gorton like iron ctril. readily be cc . . . . � 1. 11
graduates are in demank and are meetlnl;-� . - - The:womAn's husbAlid Jail. . , . ims - so. )) . . . 1. I .. . . . ' . . : ourging hii that lie- ,-ht find . . .
.. �
with success. Godericli, aged 22 years*; .... . . I I . ialhow i . n desir�d slinPe . �Xhe property ol'-'n 't ' I . . . . . from the .mob .who weret-beating him I o(It what 110 hi(I been talking about . -
Get Free Cation . gue at one . o i . : -.1 awa . iting.tv I ial,,.. . . . 1: I . . .. 'S, I . depc'nd,upou.%vhe-, "Then''You don't doubt,"- I ashed,, . r' ' , -' ' * *1 . '. . I I U61. - . 1w lmd bevii ,spe�ildi J -.
McGRU GOR -In ,-',eaf6rtb� -on Sept.* . *_ � . '�V611 IS 'Lid t6 . o death. - .1 ig In. I Arew)
I � . . I . . "I or: expands.' 1,bbilt'tbe. pole. ba;s raa]13�, been, reach. . .
I � . lb Ilaul's defense, -as recorded.. In,the I' ritur,4 (Inestiot. '"Is it lawful -for. ..
. 'Uth,- C � ' ' , )y . �
# V Smitb, relict of the. late - e . I . thiger. the nietal contracts' m .. . . . ., . 1. �
Elliott & McUichlin ' - - � 7 N e*,,s Not so lie liquid fain!l, ad P So -6 folks, you know, Are a- bit �
- ,. I � . on asolidifying from t . I - , s .
DunctvcGregor, of Stailley, aged M .- . 11 . I . li,ext,chapter, be acknowledges'th4t the, voll o Reourg( a man that is.'a R,o� .
PRINCIPALS I . . . .. .. — . , . . -� . �. .
. I . ,
I I . . I ,�pandsi iii's6l1difY- char -ofbelleving that.
. � � . -a Witter, -i . . . ' - inlan grid'uncondemned?" - 6�xli, 2�) ' : -' - �
� . . . . years. . 11. .1 . Iron, 10, I . the solid metal inay -. I'Ay tha's so. But some fol"ke Urd bad said .to him some time after I I � �
. .
- I I .� � . . . I . I . The -west Indian Trade Commislon and hence woula'a'a, swallow onything unless it Ill$ con , verstim, ,'Alake haste and get. I- , ' : � � . . . . I - � I . . . I .
held a se 1"q' een .floating in *uI '. I I . . . I .
� OSBORNE -In Qrey,Seotembei 6th . . . ..ssion in the Board of.. Trade. . be 14 . the, liquid, iron _ I 'ofeed dooti their throats. I thee'q ikly.ou�'O*f Jerusalem. foi, tllqy . . . � I
. . Mary Ripley, beloved wife of John - . . . . l .�. I I . . I . I about- it. ,'The expansion causes . it was fair f . I was . , � 1.
__ � . . . � I the- die intb-irliiell it 1 stance I'm , ony c6u- I -
xwamnwnw� . Osborne( aged 65 years. . ', - , * '' , � to fill, s. poured- Ali' in this in no' sayin' tha,t will not receive thy. teptim I The Roial 1�obel at H`�pw6rtb .
- I 4. I I blame-, thew. � Ndt�; at .at] I We've qorillii�, me;. depart, for 1. � will- send and -several. of the inmates
. , RUSSI&L-tri Loudon, Sep' .ember Id Iffeasur4p. High * . -.� . ' . � . burned� 11 I :
ChristopbeV Stonebouse, "beloved wife Master � Aiistin Martiw� has , some and ,6 it can %e� cast ea , ly. Gold been .yatterin' about. this Pole ca -per pe from 'death.- I
, . aild Silver. .contract � ill. .. ling un(l - , thaift's no�,ta,6 be.' .-Ilee, far.hence uDto fhe g6ntiles" (xkil, had .&.'narrow esca I 1. � .. I . :
The Cash Barzain ofThos.M.-Pvussell, aged -33. Inter.. corn growing ,in his garden.., that. ,fore are not saitable r. castihg- for' that long ex! 19, 21). Thisi With-chctoter xxi, 4, and., I . __. — . . .. I
. therc . . . . I I . . �
r cemetery� Bel- measures Ili feet, m - - . . . . .� . pectit we'll be .terrible quick atoot, ' -a . � . � i
. mentija B abd.on . I . 1. . . I 7— . il no oor keps an, cryin' 'hooriiy'.. the events which followed 11aul's i - , .1 - f . , �
I I . � . I . . . . . . . . I flingir
grave. I . .,� . . I . The� .London -Pakeant. . . U11 -n -to Jerusalem at this time,, cailses I . .
Gtocery. . 1. .. t. . Nothing Too. Qood For The Ir Ish. . . - Bui tile tell. *ye the'solum truth Mi.' . I � . .. I
Vfft-ln 'East .W.awanosh, Sept. . ' The site .Sole6ted for ,no.XV -year's . ti, we to�thlnlc that perb.aps there was I . .
. . Mine Host Cooper, of"the Hotel Nesi� I$m getfin' a wee thing red o' � �
I I. I 26th,, Margaret "Blackf3tock. relict ,of ' Ant in that �art of Ching- . izzards sometbin his and that � � . �
I Norlociandi'e, is anning'a, big feast for T,ondon bage, W*tbi6 blather about Poles,an bli g of Paul In. all t J � . .�
int, in her 117year. - ' ens what els6. I � Ave � . .
the late .TimesV. , bib guests and Vlokrd6ra in the near ford Plain N�-hjch adjoins'Colmught an' ico-floes, an'Lord. k his years.'of. imprison meo t might b
. . . . . .
� . . . . . W . 14 � y .
. I n I . . A hirge'flock of pigeons- has' 'A'ater has b0on approved byt,lbe pag- The'whole suimmer?s'been reekin' 6' 1 -avoided. No one* Is qUillified to I .. . . . . I
, : I . i 9 . r future..,, Ile . been r . I
A full stock . . 7-. 1 . .1 . . � _ nt .au�thorities. -lietween lake RverK day, 130 inatter hoo blaz. .1 . . .1 . .. . . . .
. I . been purchased, and every gaost wift ea. -1 snaw, r throw. any',,toneg.at him.,' for who li �
sa ' . . 'd hunting lodge of, I r -be. I've. found soul I . . 0 , � ith ut. fruit, -when - . .
. le . Rlooft,tekO. .'. be ,bI6 to' say whether or not he likes. and -thd ol QU0011 in'bot it mi ht * a, there that has:nat been at some time.' - 19 . .
. . �. . . .. . pigeon pie I . . . . . . . . I .Elizabeth a great honzesho,,- stand will th n' in the paper about ico-inbuntains. . VoU -can Yet berries'for . , " , .
I � : ., . , , r . . . . .
I . � __ 11 1, . r I . . I [)a' built, ,tlirpe finlos the, size of an'sniaw drifts an' things like that. - Qr . 'other very set In his own way,06 , . .j .
. . I �
of Jars, . - let, fine 100 acre �arm,' - .' -, at Pill 1i � 'foi so Ild . 'tbobght it-.was,th'e Lor&o� he picking and '.. r
FRXDAY. Oct. and AN.Ice Store , ,in - tho church it's fiair sicken'In' the 'way those ndWs, ,call , � . . ��_ J ... . . � . I .
. I . farm. btocit and imimements. orl con. 2,'Tucliex- __��Fat,precte(j . r,,.i,, 1. . ":_.__-,_,.1___, ��_.
JgaTft___, _herL___ - I er-budd ' -kee"o--vappin" ie- - - - - . V1, -al Mg -to r[W)rA � . � I . I . .
. - . .&,aiith,.U-W,bite.,Prol)---T-BRaWN,--AU@tt�-� --14essre-Tozer-&JBmwz-haie-md-vje& 'll 11-bi—,115-1000-pleT - 11 w . � , fly. Lro ., s * I
r- . . . . ' . .t . . . .. , g for months thegitber. advice of fellow 20 lb , s. kedpith's Gran- -1 .. .
-Viaega . their Men's and,'Boy's e . formers. . . . I � . tho . : 9
SATURX)AY. get. 2nd, Auction Sale 0 . . � . nb et in it s.�most intimate .
. . f premises. vacated by H. W. Jacobs,and I . . -_ 11 terri 14 ied this lad's -gone an bellovers? The see bow the .-Urd I , - ul,ateitt Sugar for $14-00 ' .
all 1111, .
. property Iatelv bought by the Public got.., ' ve their - ,. . . .. : fo t a oleifo be that'll choke n . .. 60st . L I I .. . .
Board. A. D. McLean. h.,.m%n. T� GUNDRY, will. ha Ppening to morvow . Canadiaii�.Securltlei- .' r ""Iyellows as want overruled. It .all to gIvQ us We . I . . I . I I .
Au2t. I . . I (Friday.) the'stove has been painted . � 1 aff some o' t a ither f . �� � , .
an d Spicles . . � I -ful l�-Iaclnq 01, .1 i i. 10008, for.$4.90, - -
. , Clearing Auction'sale and iefitted, and presents il� pleasing The quiet but succe, - tae ang linkin' aff spending money to ' jqprul,. epistles froin prison, in sorm 1' .
, -
� I TUESDAX, Oct. 12th, . . � I . . I. I . . .
. i
A "
I �
I rNow
I - 11
I 1�
, I
� .
I :
ad I
I I !
. .
I li
n . a P
8 0
lit W
mhe 29 b
. . . . I Dowillion lion and, Steel n'. I .
f Farm Stock. etc.. vtoverty of Mks. Alek. appearanceo . - . of which,, .W�p can almost - bear the* �
. 6 . $5,000.000 ot geb frost-bitte ' _t . I , -
Chisholm, Con.% Goderich TP; everything to ' Co. bbrids' with. . L,11glish blinking . ; i one 1 . . . . . . ". �
At The Hospital . . "LoIrdl when ye come .tae think 'claukdug; 9f his chains, ils.somc I I �
at right prices. bedisposedof, as farm is rented. T.GUNDRY, 1. ' houses afford'A -allother denlowztration whitt, this explorer buddv rpliat, have, .has salil. 9ee.r,,ph.* IV, 1; Col. Iv, IS. � - F r om * U so ' - '
- . - , . Auct, I . . . . . .. . . . . . Mrs. R 'Sterling of the Bayfield line. �
- . 1. �, . t.. I of 1400d6ri's capacity for. the,absorp g6no. through uployider P Ati'all alone .. Uut, to niturn to our story qnd'to - I . . I
. .. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 136h, Clearing' Auction went under a severe opera ion Ist, tion of Canadian securities.-Torou . tt, by himself, min ve ; wl.'riever a soul pursue It, Panl'.nlusi have - beeu strong. . sealeis you , � 1. , .
Quality the' Best - gaie of r, arm stock. propertif of James Young, week and is -doing as well as can be ex: . . aiid any size I . � �
F.O. T. GUNDRY, _ News. . imbvit Some O' Yon h&iry 60YS ly reminded of his owri zoal against . .1 i
Con. 8 Colbovn%l at Loyal - pe6ted. Mrs. McTaggart, of Grey tp., . . I . I I . near hi . . I want. . I . . .
Auct. . �. .. . . . . . � . . � � as live on eeal all' Till abobt in sledges, ,, f rs . . . I . . . .
Highest price paid for all THURSIDAY, Oct, 14th.Atiotion Salo 46 is expected to leave the hospital.some " ___ -1 _1 I wouldna ha' liked his job an' that's a the way , I . in post yea as he heard -1 , �
Made of -roduce - 1. 4 --t, of Andrew day. nextweek, .;Mri E&gon, -one of . . . 1. .". I with himl-aild a ! . . I
011191.p"(�, � . . I . � I ,6 -I T - ,0,1.i,P It; would be j the mob cry, "Away Wekeepa, large assortfilgbt of-
. . I farm a c # - a.,
1�on, 5i H,P.j Colborne. T, GlINDRY, men employed byMr John Middle�
I ! - I 0 -------- L- � . ton had one of his toes badly crueb6 . d .
. . . by stone failing on 'it. , � I
' I . .
. . . I
. . � I ___, I ____
B. A. McEweft I Childre'n Cry 1: I., I , . �;, ,
. .. I �
. . 1. , .�, :: � . , - ILETCHER'S — " Clinton Market RePrt. . .
. . 11 , . , FOR .1 - I I .
� I I I o -lb ,A S.'T 0 R I A' OwTe6tied bVery Thurs"Y Oteriloon
- . . � I
. . . . � .. � I ., . I I I . . �'�: �, - — I - . Wheal n �.
— '.. . Ili ;,� 0 , . . � ( 1�1d) ..# ........ 0 40 to:O 40 ,
. I . I I I . . . . � 1. .. I . )a,s ,(n - ...e... V..:90,85 to 0 85
1 1 . . .. . . .. .. �', , , , a- e!! I
. .� ftffiwml�__ .. Barley . . ....4111.. 050t6650
1. .1 . .1
. pass .. .. , .0,8066.085
J. "'I 111190VOr6 I I . . . I I Nelso.h B11114
. . I I
. .. . i I :., *:. o 2i to o 22
Eggs . d. i A... . 1!
� ..
.., I I I
- __ 11 ".. " 11-1 ,Y'Oq .
.. "I I It& 6 ,U RVI 0 M E -
. Butter .o..... ' 017 to 0 IS ,
Bog's 0. �.!, ;.. 1',.,:::::, q� 85 to 7 .85,
N I Ica Crisp bisonit., Try them.
I. .
. .
. '. I . I
. 41 . 9
should live" (xil, 3G1'x,xIi.* 22). The I
- people were so violent thAt not only I
�� .11 �
. - i's your �castle,' Tb ere it is you
. , .0 t
11 '1b__,*.., I I' I 0
le�� -
h . ad the soldiers to rescue bills kroin
them, but-theY actually had to carry I
I b4 - .,W:,.0 � pendyour IOTigeot bours.ILThOe-
, 81
9 . . fore make home attrxctl-�e. � Have
- -
LO,SiOnsIn Meedlenvork
tae mean for'you an' p t,y4
011 me that ?" me
� us help $on, �,y baying " .
% 9 9. 1 . I 9 . . I .
--- , I ..
MR; ROAN 1will'bl)OU classibg In Xe6dlbwork.
I I. . .�
. .. 1
. � I 11 99 1 = SPIUNCK *IVYLE9.1N .
4A her home. on Satutdow. 066. 9nd, m 2 P.M.
Instructions wl I be .given In P1914 AeWlngo
� 1 I
' I I . I . .
-9 GF,O R.
- � I . * , ,�
. .
I � � . . . . I �.FrUNWOU19 - �
. � .
fancy work wild . � 2t,
,if-- I
his ri�fgoncr could .sopak
I I . 9 1 � . . I � I . I � . I . I - I � I - . � . . . .
. .
. . , , . � .
. I. . I
. ,of I%Wfi� design, like W0 Invite 70#4
. �. . I � I . I
. I ! . 9
. . . . . .
I I .th' egIl atid 'pbe.' For DraWing
, - - . � I . 1. .
. � . I .
.. R�om, Uod"Ohamber oi Kitellailt
- . . � I ..
. ''
- . 1. .
91 we eMilpip.m.6 you, Our stock is
. . I .�
. covaplote, -hud, our low prices,will
I -
1. I �� please you.111=! ,�� t�"
I I . -
, .
I � *
� I ,,
. � .
, .
. -9- - - . � I I
I . I I 11 I � . . I �1 I I V "
1, I . I I . - 9 I 1.
. . . . . � �� .... . , � I I 9" . to
I , � �
, I I ""11� . 119tfitokkung AN0_ -
I'� . I .. I �L � s .
, I
11 , 9
, 9 . I I I �
If?'61t L 4 i.
ddr y6nge * AllexagilerUs., .
at -tiesp En6w a0k tlin V *1
: , tiontypt - h4
iieh 046114mbo.,
.H. I , . .1 . L�.- I
I . . —.r IWIY�
- � ", "
Ytadily 96t,966d I . . .
. , . .19 4, �75,7377` I 'a � ; I"
I I - . . � . , � 'r 9 �.'. 4,4�, �
.balldsolne c0o,169ne. I
N ' I I
. .
, .
� I
. We are.moving into the
. . I *
. .
' I
store south of -Morrish & . :
I I .
, Croo'ks' the* first of the
. .
� . .
, weekK where �w6 hope to
. �
,meet h1l ptir�old' custom-,
. . .
er . s; and many new ones'..
. . I
I�� 'A'.. .1 _1..
. . .
18.806t., of , -
I... .1. . I � �.. -.1. I, -1
- —
. .
I � I . I .
I WIF R ou'liter,
T 4 & I . I
. . I .
!;.�.;P,Wolck 4*4 0000ist". I.,
A . . - .
DWdV c;Liild for me, besides loaln' ter-
litfle later,, "Away with such a MIOW I
. Va'day Biscuits; latest ,iXnPOrt- -
� . .
rible lonesome. An',.here! Mr,' Ness.
from the earth, for It Is not fit that he I
N I Ica Crisp bisonit., Try them.
I. .
hen,'Sm thing I'd like tae ask "ye.
Wha s.kcinl taa happen noo that the
should live" (xil, 3G1'x,xIi.* 22). The I
- people were so violent thAt not only I
3 Ibi for.25c.. '
. I..".. . . I .
' I . . .
Pole's been. nabbed? Is it goi tae
Make the .world ony better? Ift, �t,g
what I'd like tie *kerx. What's althls�
h . ad the soldiers to rescue bills kroin
them, but-theY actually had to carry I
� I
- --- I � . .
. * I . .
W. Te. 001NEIL'o
tae mean for'you an' p t,y4
011 me that ?" me
'him., - Asking p0rillISSIoll to SPO -11- 118 ;
.. lie was, about to -be led Into the castle. I
� I
. ... � .. 11 ".
Phone 48
I I. . .�
dol 'esailt," I confessed shamefacedly,
;.I'm Ole on thai my'
tbe chief captain -.was surprisk that I
Gte0c, nod I
� 1 I
' I I . I . .
-9 GF,O R.
not quite ar point .
his ri�fgoncr could .sopak
THE ' ]a .
. .
self, Dougid'--, I'd need.to read upfirat
. �. . I � I . I
� . I . . . I 11 . � � I
I �
.. .
of�mll.%Uut Vva no doubt thatit will'----�'
, - - . � I . 1. .
1, . I
U 11 1-1 W&AdvAhea 'of science,
- . . � I ..
. ''
� I I I
- i- I — I _.
a -V- I r .
and that sort of thing.' .. .
Be sighpa deeoly�* Ill see," he, sp.14
441es abledded thought that, tae. The
advance ol science I Ay. The acivahce,
ot science I I d&ul,* say, Mr. Ness, ths,0A
as guid an excuse as WXY. It 800nds
fine. onyw6yi it's.Ahe advance- o'
science that's gleli,us margarine and
theNew Theolog$,- Gold day t'ye, Mr
Ness.11 � , . I
I ., . .
I I I .0
TheMontraml Powlt Companyh&S
served notice on the C, tY that all the
18tteot li ta will, be turned off Oil VA.
. aa ft, Unless provision la made
iijinedfately t'6L Vky their account.
� XadkO Itidd6li hAA rdtlged 9 Stated
. 00we ror the f
=!t of a me case
t gs*T J" T
lot waltbt 13 Yt e, -an di oe"toncis of
� 'I , ' bi L*f ,
death lot mah Arl St 0, v0"o �,� The
eleoutioni fo 06 IpOt. 247' . ' 4
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mill46 . 1. . � I I . 1. I
igery . I - L 1, � - I
*M- � I . . I I V . .
. � Anotb6r season has artivedi and'it Ands .us PT08,ted to supply'
V . t and most up-to-date goods. Openin -9
. our, wantsWith the vevV Ixteq
bays9 IPRIbAT and SATCkDAV, Oct, 19t &Ad %nd.
School Books -new Read era-4ths, 2tids, ists ttna Primer, And 3rds
are promised soon. S-evetal ot the old lot books, tliree kinds, still
I Wl�puk OTS, Sizes from dinner toL 21 humhelp chaff. WRIPS,
t -
0 a4 B&SXL
aii doAa to choose from, W01 Alm to supply Y'luv wa"a a
Highest price (or Butteri'36991;j 6t6p either traft of '0,46b, I
I 1111"..1. I -
W I www . . '_ Ai6ft� I 11 I I A�� . I . I
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