HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-09-30, Page 3N, NW �'10 V I &I in L A SOpt,' 30th, 109 The 4011aton -Now _pra The Poet's Corner NOWMAYISR PRIM A house with a garden where holly. FVT 2� "_­=_-;;__-___._ I NO Tot stoop row, INU-11 US" W omw The End Of the Lane. Andi'aolclkt"Oe Mee* simples bl' A after row ; oom, row SOAP Aly wife come's home to -morrow I ME: dyeWhich Assists Nature Phlox and geranium And lavender I g.at the news Les a are Which is Perman- sweet RUM. SOUVINIR Of CUNION a but, And w eultcama i1to-Jaganyolked me, to eat'as This 04* Trayco. An tercups bright in tbe grass mat. at YOUP feet -, V love, I love I love my wife; Every A boxwood border that. leads to the 'ro be Given sufferer from rheuwqtism NEW Sub - I truly do -but say, wants to be cured and to stay cured. Ydu on Whgerapteroses of June with the lilacs ght, you really ought to see The of the Irequen return of the pros �c attreti f3cribers to the NeW Era that flat troune i's Mol; ve still wait UPF 11 to a Y' And there 1� the door, with P. little 4en-k to a 0111=511.6=11 ior t e, eye ciri;-such -as -Hoya- well I now remember- body who has gone through one siege. aide curl, lizziness, X4usva, Drowsiness Plsti�ss after The day she left. Her word Mast treatments -aim simply to, "keep That vision -a beautiful, old fashioned A handsome Sottyenlr of Clinton is being eatin Ininthefilde &6 , While their x4cat lingers�et w' dowW' the'rbeumatic poisons in the printed QKt gor presses, and will be completed ro%Wrts At par�ing ithin Wine ear; blood. girl. 10 succeselhaa Vec� shown 14 curing M "Now don't forget to water The tonic treatment by Dr, ALL OVER T11 WORLD in a few days. Ib is in, pamphlet form, pro- Williams'Pink Pills has proved by Ah, the allk of her shoon and the pink sely illustrated with local views, and printed 11he flowers, feed the bird, thousands of =a1euda ed dear." purpose presenting each hundreds of cures that it builds up the of her cheek, housewives 4per, in all artistic and And keep the flat up to the mark, my Llood to a point that enables it to And the red of her lips where the hon. use Sunlight Soap in'pref. att cover. r Wep Wea4scbe, §11301to Ktwir I castout these poisons throughthe NEW oubscriber who enters our Subscriptiop a Ito am eybees seek, erence to any other, because WOO veongthiq annoyin A4Pre- regular channels of excretion -the The nectar love left when on bloom. ,equally valuya�'b'leinPolwtiPation,cnrlrkfI And as I fondly kissed her Lkst,- during SEPTEMBER or OCTOBER, laint. while they also It cleanses the clothe, ,Correct all dioordersof COMP laden wing s more 'With one of these Souven!rs, Only a limited X*--* thep.tomach,stim I I smiled a know! ile bowels. the kidneys and the skin. Iliver and regalate the towels., �:vea it 11 Wthe ng wit] cured theY oalw And said "Just trust yours truly for When this is done the rheumatism is He passed and just touched thern with thoroughly, And At half the number are being intecl, so all wha wish to 18ko)v all that, permanently cured, and as long as honey of spring co-st without injury to secure one shoulO WO Ir NOW, I may not be a Winner t a blood is kept pure and rich the Uh, the blue of her eyes, and the mold When it comes to aide or style. patient will be freei from rheumatism. oi her face, 6#6 hands or fabric. Follow Subscription, $1.00 to end Of 1910 Aebethey "on dbg�.A�, But for business I'ma corker in a flat," . directions. *Uffer fl t4l -P cel a thosevvho Mr. Thomas McNeil,Rlchibucto, N. B., And the poise of her head, and the 25c: to end oof 1909 onit sdistres§ingcOmPlalnt-bt%tfortit. says-IlPernkit me to bear tee mately their goodness does notendhe;UU(I those timony charm of her ' ce. vhO once try them willfindthese little pillsygla. And now I'm passing in review to the worth of Dr, Williams' Pink As we dream of ehrell days of th 8, little Americari subscribers must add postage. 4Lble In so tuany vra s'thAt they Ill The things 1 did and did. not do, Pills as a cure for acute rheumatism. side -curl XugtQdf,P1VItho1ittKqua. ButattWerallneolt-trt'd, My son, Fred6rick, was subject to this In that beautiful dream of an old -lash. My aboesare in the parlor. painful trouble for a period of eight ioned girl! My shoes are in the hall, or ten years, and during this tim WANTED: -THE NEWs 5l'o" V*" I'*" V*" dsome are in the bathroom, too, I e 0 sweeihearts of song, have ye -all elf, bleq I a my soul., Own �goximwmn ppriodical attacks would regularly oc- W Is the bane Aso 93�inyy iiHvest at9ls wh An think, cur, His last attv ok %as a most se- passed away, w*fm we ins our great bo They've found the Pole -others no Our pill$ eurett wit M "O'ks are on the mantel, I *ere one, and the pains were excxu. With those gardens that bloomed in a Up in the Arctic Sea; a Ittle Iver re 012 the wall, ciating in - the extreme, shooting lost yesterday? And, I declare rdinArd's Xiniment cures DIst4 mper' sy on tElp'niceteukties hang above the h Is are very mall an(I And mevei: 0 sweet cotfntr daughters with red itake." nebrtwoNlIlemakeadom through the various parts of the body 7 . . . el - ' Bink. - MONUMENTS. Ve eta ]a gin do o to such an extent that even the ap. lips of June,* They've foundit where .14t.grywe r , bult y eir gen e notion 4 g And simple, sweet lives, and the soft, 7was Always thought to be! Tb e sheets are at the laundry, proach of any person would cause him e Designs. - - Best 3 . laterial. VILIT32 mulcm Co., V&W TOD& to cry out with fear, and he had rest silken shom, The thing was sot Apples� Wanted, Cho'c' At least, I think thV be; Xleitlier day or night. Our family doc. Do ye sing, do ye dance, do ye dream Upon the spot There surely must remain yet one or tor, a,mitii of skill and experience, an. once again Where scientists inclined JAMES DOIG, M. W logo., 1W Nal two. plied,many remedies without avall, Of the born on the hills and the days To think that it I will b*e in the warket for both The towelq-ob, the towels, Fall, Winter and U vaporatink Apples OPPosite Post Office, . Clinton. used for the dishelotbs. Gee I and could give no encouragement oth- of brave men, Would go and sit Before selling, see me or my agents. weat When dovun the box border, with Whene'er it had a mind HALF MILLION PROFIT IN I still gee how they looked when I got er than that the warmer her then hearts in a whirl, through .4pproachidg might prove benefical. They flew to you-beitutiful. old,fash- It wasn't f,6und C- CANTELON, CLINTON R We CU OPERATION OF T, N. 0. Just at this time we noticed where joned girl ? Afloating round TLER., soind person Bimilarly afflicted had The agate ware. and t1if stuff As other poles have b an, Painter and Paper Danger. Net Receipts $457,867 for J7 Months,. I never could get clean been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills e i But sticking there of which $78,168 is Crown When I had tried A stew , or boil or and decided to try them. He kepf on Drive Rheumatism out of the blood Up -in the air All work guaranteed. Royalties. bake using the Pills, e4ch, succeeditig box with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy Just.like a big hatpin, Prices reasonable. 'Tbey're piled behind the screen, showing improvement, until behad and see how quickly pain will depart. In hearing u I , ailitig 'The news. has comej Residence nearly 'Opposite the Statistics from the Tand.N,O. 'Raii- ow the w she will taken ten boxes, when all pains and Rub -ons never did reach the real dis. And strikes us dumb, make itches had completely disappeared,and ease. Rheumatism isn't in the skin. Collegiate Institute. way for July show undiminished p1ro. although his mode of life is that of a It's deep down -its' constitutional. But not details as yet ; gress in the development and success I guess the place is dusty, fisherman, and consequently exposed Getting rid of the, pain, is after all, Bu& doubtless Cook -of the government road. 'Tis sometime sine, It'spicture 'took e I called to both wet and cold, he has had no what counts. Tha!f is why Dr. Shoop's For the first seven months of the I;m living_at the hotel doWh the street. return of hny of the symptons what- Rheumatic Rerpedy goes, by word of Up'in the cold and, wet, ..... ..... �resent ytar the net receipts were My wife come4 home to;morrow, ever. The cure is complete, and is en, mouth from one. to another, Arid We hop W7,867, of which $370,698 ok%me out Arid I feel somewhat appalled, tirply due to Dr.Williams' Pink Pills.1 herein lies the popularity o� this Rent. -a that he Ford McLeod Right speedily of the opecation returns. and $78,168 The sight she'll see wiff.surely be a You. can get these Pills from any edy. It is winning defenders every. Will haste back to us, lw Raying secured a comfO medicine dealer or they will be sent where. Tablets or Liquid. Sold by -from ore royalties. The share of the treat." diDbs Graia interest on the road is $350,000 for the by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes all dealers. And quickly tell - ------- Storehouse, we are n6w buying d1l same period, a point which must no I Just what befell kinds of grain, for which -the highest be forgotten in considering the con t Tickling or dryCoughs will quickly for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Aledi. When first he'espied the cuss. price� will be paid. , loosen when using Dr. Shoops' Rem -t chie Co., Brockville, Ont. tributions of the north. . edy. And it, is so thoroughly harm - A seven-year-old boy named Murray Is it a pole, Bran, Shorts, Corn and all kinds of The freight returns for July were less, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to Johnston was shot and killed by his 01, just a hole- Vp In the Air.. grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on $146,113, and the expenditure $75,587. use noth else,'even for very young -I ittle sister, aged five, at Bagot, Man.� A subway through the srloVv.9 hand atthe storehouse. 70,524, with '$9813 babies. We wholesome, green leaves In the air one mlnute-�'Another A runaway . team struck Pearl Ward Or a, tip-top Want to Land The balance of $ 1T We' royaltiep, given a net receipt of $80,.W Old barber -shop 'timt as against $29,584 last year. and tender stems of a 'lung bealing fool inventor.,' aged eleven, of Arnherstburg,and she your' first order, because we k:no w. mountainous shrub give the curative n't was picked up on the tongue of the Run by the Esquimaux ? faction you will derive from The freight returns for July w In the air three minlutes-"Has' the satis Ford &'McLeod ere properties to Dr. Shobp's Cough Rem- be killedhimself yet wagon and carried nearly a mile befoi a And if this world that will open your eyes to the fact $76,733, as again-st'640,035. in July, 1908 ady. Itcalms the c6ugb, and beals In the air five minutes-IiAll the thehorses stopped.., Her thigh was Is twirled and twirled i;hat you cannot do better anywhere G. T. R. STATION. CLINTON. The passenger returns were $58,116 thd sensitive bronchial membranes, As6nanaxle-0 else that you can with us. You will and $34,152 respectively. The freight No opium, no chloroform, nothing fools ain't dead yet." broken. At just what rate find that we are not "all at sea" in our car mileage for 31ily Was 250,000, as , In the air thirty minutes-1:DvTy AV- harsh- used to injure 'or suppress. De� rides, the well-known aviator,' business, but thoroughly *1u Did Cook gyrate y p -to -the against 105,921 in 1908; the passenRer mand Dr. Sboo�'s. Accept no other, minute" and watchful oi the'interesto car mileage 75,875 and 100,607, the Sold by all dealers. In the air one hour -,'Our disting- While standinq . on his toe P )f our customers, knowing that, by so Lo O.K. H EIZ E I mileage this year showing greater Wshed fallow countryman." retrun on, less mileage; the sleeper F . ILLING VP T I HE BARN Iii the air one hour And a, quarter- loing, we are really acting for our service 38,107. as againsr, 21.000 in Jul "The wizard of the air." That hot, dry eezemstous condition 3wn ultimate beu�fit. LIME FOR. SALE of the skin will disappear'bUlte uEe 1 Cochi ane, duriug July, showed The barn is f In the air obLe hour and a fialf-I'The of Miller's Compound Iron AT THE , biggest business of any of th6 and it's load. Legion of Honor could have been be- Is. - 50 A.-. DOWNS.. ti1:1 ull of barley Stations on the road. ed up with wheat- s:owed on no worthier man," doses 2-5 cents,. Sold by W. S. R. dgrave They are palling at the 'peas Hplmes.' Vime Works, MerchAnt,Taijor', Clinton, and the oats are all in -shock; Yount girls fee(juently - require a Manufacturers. of First-class Liine. The brown -armed boys that did stops lossol flesh M* babies -red '"Mickey"I Ions, the I crosse Sufferers from rheumatism find it good invigorating and blood making nd k - ults player of Toronto, was found a guilty instant relief in "The D. & IA." Men. aAoiling-in the heat, and children a ad OUR MOTTO,-First,class Litne sold.'and - Have,'made themselves this winter tonic. * For this purpose nothing swinier. ofcommon assault committed during Prices within reach of all, tnot Plaster. Be sure and get the. equals Ferroillint which is prepared in summer as Well a a lacrossematch. 2 ir bushel at kilns, or 25c for 50. enuine. Made by.Davis & L . awrence as solid us a rock. from fresh lean beef, Citrate of Iron So�ne peoplehave gained a New vi . gor and ane . rgy ar . e. soon at- oc TO. Underneath the kitchen there's a bar- Zhpe'l loads, 6livered,at Graham's aud-pure old Spanish Sherry Wine. Are. YOU Hotel, Clinton. lained by the use of Miller'sConipound rel full ot meat, 'It stimulates the digestion andstreng-) pound a day while taking it. A CillitIlenge And lovely gilt edged butter's nicely rhen the whole system, .$I. a bottle. Take It In a little col4l. water or sallit 11 -OD Pills. 50 doses 25 6en ts. - Sold by Orders filled promotly. packed insidea orock. Q . tas . inall b4ttit now, All Drug&ts AV, S. A. H.01mbs, A, NICI Satisfie'd IOLSON* SONf. Prop's.. The Oglivie� Milling Co. will -build a Come, Worry, let us walk abroad te- There are heroes made of muscle and -ba Belgrave, Ont. Kinarill Ilititkient &re -4 Diphtheria, 4. rrekpiill in the west. with the way your lr�epairmg day-, splendid bone and brawn 000 Let's take a little run along the way- Tte.y can slash the solid maple in and - special- work is. being I know a suLny paththableads froi� the.winter by the cord; don6? Fear So early, in the morning they areup W.H.Wa ts & Son Up to the lovely fields of Wholesome before the dawn Is the work good ? Cheer, To feed the grateful cattle withthe. have everything. needed in th� I'll race you there -I'm feeling fit and best they can, afford; 19 the price right execute all their work, repairing line to strong. And:they feed the. watchful poultry -T tv we and ro, ptly. trial Will con, So, Worry, gomealong! outhewidisand pleasant lawn- r vince you I that our material andWork- They do it for - their fellows and Is it retu ned promptly? Ina a ip is of the beat procurable any - e a We started on our wayJ and my Care th glory of t1i Lord. We are in' business to fil' a I set the pace on through the spring. wh re e also revair uit Cases' time air, But while. fh�y labor steadily, they these ossentials, and would Satchels and Pock ' et Books, a . I.so clea� live upon the best; and dye ssme. But ere we'd gone a mileppor Worry like to bitie a chance 'to stopped You ought to see the, table where prove it to you. Ofir old .stand ig opposite hard to catch his. breath, ana these bearty fellows eat� then he dropped, Presdrves and cake'and apple pie.each We do Repairing, tke postoffice WhZlst 1. went on- stores into his vest, An easy winner of that Marathon. To see them at � the.. biscuits' hot is And Gilding,, Engraving, Notice to ouir' Custoniers in really quite'a treat-, around as. bakers h,aie Londesboro . Wh, any fear, "t X-0 D U 8 Setting'. ek. And since that day when vexed by r, o� ihe tarmer girls alwwiqtood,�the test thatWeintend keeping our shoti-re- n Worry's come again: with vis- sweeter than their citrons age drear, ana richer thAn their w heat, pairing stand on'as usual and all re, I've challenged him to join me in that repairs.will haV6 our best 1, and most race Wtl Counter.. i careful attention. Will be there Wed-, -And found each time he could not A clever; populat Candy Cold Cure few years ago there was a great outcry against the' exudus of Canadian 91- nesdaysand Saturdays and arran e. stand the pace. Tablet -called Preventics-is - being voting men to the United States. It, was claimed,that we maintained, schools Issuer of"Marriage Licenses ments have been niacle -with r, dispensed by druggists everywhere. &a. very high standard -a very much high�r standatd than the -average Adams tc take in work and -ive'out 16 a few hours. Pioeventics are said to schoolin the United States- with the idea of edupating our children to be same at any time.the days we are not break any cold- completely,. ' And good, citizens of Canada. Nosooner did they complete their school or �ol- there, still solisiting. your Patronage, Preventics, being ad safe and tooth- lege colitses, however, than they found that they could make. more mon- and WorkmanAlib' Material. arterl -very ea *U Sm 'vo, qq'me, -are very fine for children. No hal instiful -ey by moving to the United States' The very superiority of our educatio i Guairanteed to. be the Rest' - Heart RIK gih Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh or tions over those across t4e border,'. made it easy for our Young men to dbtain situa- i sickening, Box'of 48-25c.' Sold by tions there. . Young Canadians were better equipned to fill responsible positions than MKIIINt FOR 'RUBBER TIRES Wit fleart Rrength, orTleartWeaknessmeans,XervG all dealers. their 6%u youths. It is,well lin6wn that in many United -States cities Canadians were H.Watts.& $6n St mgth. or Nerve weakness-nothingniore. -Pos. e�ii b tween 80,000 Se'eleydnd.West Itievely. iiot one weak heart in a hundred is, in it. given the preference, - Some years ago it was estimated that there w e have just.hought a machine for t -elf, actually di-geased. It is alynost al%va-ys a. A SOCIAL CALL and 100,000 nativle born Canadians in the single city of Chicago, and that there were hidden tiny little nerve that really 1.4 all at fault. nearly as many Canadians in the United States as. there, were -in 'all Canada. attaching Rubber Tires to bug - is eure -7-the -pare Th ON --ner.vL gies. and are pre d to do all -simply nveds. and niust have, rnore Dower, more - _w9iii-sr i..Rdia-d�-Id6n 0 stability, niore r ey'f-oiMd-&-m-rd­ work : f this kind promptly, and � 1 -1 1 controlling. more govi�rnjng non her riolished"floo 11 1 1 1 . I The twentieth century ope d 'th9iX'_G,o_,v,e_rndr -1-arTauson-abit�ntices, otmig, . t 1011t that tne Heart mllSt ContinUri to fail, and t1w stomach and kidneys also have t,bese sanif- eotitrolling ner-,,ps, , This 0early explains why, as a medicine, Dr. .Fboop's liestorati%,e be,; in tile r)ast done so much for Nveak slid ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoot) firstsouglit the caus,(. of all this pain ffil,palpitating, suffocat, big beart dlstres& Dr. Sho p's Restorative--tbli Is-oplilar p-,eseril)tlon—ls alone directed to tlle$o fwf.nk and wasthiR nerve centers. It builds,, it strengthens; it nflers real, genuffie heart belp. if you would llav� strong Hparts. Atrong di. fostio", AnIngthen those nerves — re.cstabllsb thern as neeeed, with Dr-Shoog's Restorative Sold by "ALL DRUGGISTV & BEFORE AND AFTeR 1rRrzAl`MtN -Canadian Tetteri Is an nhcolut6, Ortain eUre lot llzema, A Rosen, Tetter, PitnVes, Riackheids, Ripgwo nqrberq'1tch ScItIc Ilead,1tching Piles, Ulcers, -iores, and all cutancous and facial blernishes. Its,; bt:cn thoroughly and succe.qsfully ttsted Ill hundt ods of so 6tiled incurable caw -s. It is enCrely unlike an other pre aration. Mixture cy ciubtent that gaa been 6019 or pri gefiNd. A fe-W Appliolitfolls voill convince t�at la has tvonderful niedleal virt.%e and intrinsic Inerit. itisimdelticatiada, A good honest Cana- aian Propftratiol" pri& olle box V' My Cettt, or five holes TWO 1)01f. Alai led t6 atiy addreq.i on receipt ofptItu%. ,"Id and recotamended by sit leAdfng Drug- gistq in Canada. =hlet free to any tuldresq. 1factured and 8old by the sold ptoprx& tors. 0 The TWeflne 01jernl6ti Co. windsoto ontafloi I . Sold -in C111litoo by W,, 9, R. 1561ines 1. E, 116veyt W. A, ,Xcooil1ell, druggists, Whi& Mrs. Goldenhair had pushed . that afternoon bebeath'the door, She picked it,up'and read the name, then on her face'there crept a grin And Mks. Readymoiiey saia: "I'm mighty gloA 11w,asn't in," - .Then Mrs. Readymoney went' to call . on Mrs Goldenhair, And she, too, left a calling card be, cause she didn't Rnd her there; She neither sighed nor frowned nor . wore a look to indicate chagrin. She merely toldher husband this:., "I'm dear," and fumbled with her comb "I wns so sorry to have ha�l you when I wa� not at hdrn�; ' 1.11\oe can I tell you my regret,.' and h6resheaadlydroppL-d her chin, - "Upon the afternoon I called oni. you kndUen both Mrb, Goldenhairaio Mrs. Readymoney told - Were, �,Iadi other just how.sad they tbeirgrief was more than they ciuld hold-, rhen each on6 Okrted, each one smiled abd later each was beard to �iay, 'Thank gooddess thitt is over now,and that's a visit, anyway. JYink Pain TaMets-Dr. Shoop's- 41op Headachef womanly 'pains, , agy oain, ttnywhem in 29 minutes sure Formula on the 25c, bm Ask your 1rugiistor doctor aboutthis form air..- tsfine. Sold by all dealers, Pall Fair ID-Ittes Brussels ........ ­�,4­ ept.30-000 Bayfield ................ .. Oct, 12 13 Myth ..... I ......... 4 .... *.Oct. 5 6 Dungannon .......... ..... 41-oct. vs Gorrip ........................... Oct, 2 TIV011011 .......... 0� .......... -00t. r) Veswater ............ ... I ...... Oct 3.0 Miller's Grip Powdot's Clive. �8. 0 1 0 ed $ta - tea Senators and nurnter of members oi Congress, as well -as the Presi- dents of the two greatest railr6ad systems in thab country, all native-born- Canadians. It was appreoiated-.that all. -this wa6 very unfair to Canada Why should we educate young men for thepurpose (if makin& them valuable citizen; Of another country ? The upshot of the agitation was.that the cry of 'Canada First' became very popular., There were appeals to buy only Canadian goods where * ver ' posstblq, and to "boost" our own country on every possible opportunity�to be loyal -in fact, to boil it down Into one word �-to be sensible. Have id 1 The hayou noticed what has happen n recent years 9s a result of ali'this? exodus 0 ceased. There are now more Americans coming to Canada than there are Canadians going to the L�nited States. Large,, manufacturers of implements' 0104114396 cameras, wire fencing, drurs, and A hundred 'and one other things found it necessary to e8t,%blish factories in Canada in orderto hold the Canadian trade. And now we want to ask the residents of Clinton if patriotisth cannot be' Cakenone IVte�y further' I, Is not loyalty to Canada only a stepping stone to loyalty to Clinton? should we educate our obildrento make th6m good citizens of Toronto or Mon- trotil? Can we doanything to keep thefoathome? And thq answer'is the same -Be loy'al to your town.. Do everything possible tc advarice the interests of Clinton, Do not send your money to build up hu e cyrporatiobs in Toronto or Montreal. Spend every cent 'you have to spend rigl�t attome, Cut out mall order buyffig, Ire trite to your �neighbor6. if we all do this, do -you not think it would have as good, an effect on,01inton as the 'Canada First'cry did otA the country -in gLineral ?*AVould we u?)t beable to attract, new iapital and new indascrle�.and find efnployr�ient for our soils Anddaj�ghtera at; homile, Ts it not v,Vortli a trial 0 'Rea'd tho. ads 'this v1F vvoek 'I, 9 Also all kinds of hithe work, -grinding, and ma:chine repair431k. 'We have installed a, machine for Grinding Horst 611ppers. and are prepared to do such work In first. class manver. Auctioif'Slle. - Every SATURDAY at tb I s'AUCTION HOU14E- SEELEY & NVE8�, QODER10H.. Sales conalletea.anywhere. any time. Blerehar idiso. real estate. live stock, etc.. dtACKSMI.THS. (j. W, BECKETT, Auctioneer. Phone 108 Box 183, GodGkiCh. OUb Lorrect 31;5 IV. ILA 'T Kind 0,ur Weddin6 iftstomers, Want. statloner Nre mal�e A study ot pr�evailing ty 6, fa P cps and styles for wedding and society' 'printing, Your 6rde� entrusted to our care will be ;qZ correctly, executed. Ate T h e ei n o New Era Ard 308 DEPITO RT