HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-09-16, Page 8I
8 � Th* ellaton Now 'Bra . I Sept. 16tb, � 1909
-,---,-- _.__1 I �-. 11 11 11 - 1 I � ., � _
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- _.___
,�",",..'a-M-01m.l_,l, 111 11 I I I 00.110 0-00I.. NNW ", I .11, . I � . 1. ap� CLINTON NEW M�A
I - . � . ' . I TH171WDAY. SHPT. -, 113, -1960 I-
' . -_ I
I ---
Alwll I � I . Loral.Notices.
, I
,NA � I" ` F" , ess..0-'-oods General Servant W11419'. -AD r1)3y8tY01)QNE.
W TV _... 11 Drt. - I u8s. W
I I � . . 1;GV 0TO11Y. J51ce.4yomploymenii.
.- I—- i I I 1� ... --T .. �.- V I . I... IR 1"I'll I ... .. I. _ I I . � . � -------------"- I BOYS AANTED-st the CLINTQ$ KNIT-
--., I , � T1. C
.., . �. I . ___ . , I
, I 1. � I
; I. � I - . I.. 11 I I. I I .. 11 11, ... � PEA 114 . -
. . �. est PV4011�l-lilaa�ollup4p,tioTrIur'lloll�",4i�-it'low�1.11'epli4��-H-i!'I ;
. Our complete� New Fall DressGoods stock is- now 1*0 I I Wm. Grahl- 'O
I � I "or 01 I'll, . I a - ah.0^10*4:119 .4pr1r, 101181t,"Iec"Ot! d":
. . � U-1 Money Z, loan on first 0iiss farm security
. ' '. 6 o ,.,.It Ir.t.'s of interest.
I comprising all, the newest. designs and colorings in DR. OVENS,London, Surgeon, Ocu-
, . . I list. Specialisp, will be at W, S. R.
I . I . Holmps! D7jt
, ,!,,ore,, ou, Wednesdays
0, . I $epr,. 8tb. Igo P operly fitted,
� deifno3e, catarrbaiI4 failing eyesight
Amazons, Cheviots, French Venetians, Broadcloth-st treated, Hours 9 to 3-.V. P -m,
I I . I
Fancy Worsteds, Ca-shme"res, and Serges, I 'M_ _. J�ocal, -News
T_ _._.__,
. . I . Why Not You �
,Others have rented and sold their
fresh from the looms of E, ngland's and France's largest manufactors. We are houses.found what was I ' ost, and looat-
edgood business oppoe'urilties through
showinx a larger r'an,,ge than ever this seasOD, and would be pleased to ho,ve you the classified columns of the NEW EnA.
- - . � . Why, not you ? . .
call and inspect them as often as -your pie -ase, whether you' utchase or not. ,More. Power Wanted - .
. . p A visitor isuggests that it would be a
I .
. I . I . I . � good idea for the council to give the
. . police power to search for the little
hammers that are carried in the hearts,
Co'me While. the 'Range. is Large and, Freshe - I of some of the citizens of Clinton,
L I .
. .
I . .� . !! 'Pay Vp .
__�____ - -.L----L---- ___ - ____� -,...-,- . ,
_._.____._________ � , . . . . In a summary ot our mailivg lists
� . X I we not*,ce many in the Provinces of
ow AW%A Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and
) ) British Columbia are considerably in
Finsvt Sh . ' i n ' .of I . � , arrears to the NEW ER& Will every.
,, , 9 � I - - . V�� - . I bo!y such a; position kindly square
.. � . � ,, _t t .h . . We need the money.
I .
. . . . � .
A"IL 1W . ,� I'll . Base Ball- , . L I I . I I
. .. V ' F ' I � Coats I -, . � Mitchell Base Ball. teanx will play sho ng sympathy and with our hearty sympatby with the Editou i
I I N V V_ .. a ,. . 70ihnogw5nt'rsovery -,%ble prosecution 9f I �
. I - 1 . . . . on I .
. ,L �� � their final mateh, in the Recreat! Dr. in the very ea -i nest effort he has hean.
. . I ... Park here, on Monday, Sept, 20tb at the %em perance and Moral reform making to make the Guardian %worthy, I "
i The New F -all Ladies'and Children's Coats are now'in.stock, and ready for . .. � 4 So. As Mitchell team is playing good work In connection with Our church- 'in every way 6f the. Methodist 6burch I .
. .1 I L L . . hall now an exciting game maybe. The following resolution was heartily We congratulate him upon his suc-, � . .
I -ne s in our ran 11 I .
your inspection. YouVill find the very ,west style i . I I pa e� b
- . .. ge, Dame Fashion . � L expected, . ,� the District mjqeting. cess in making the paper so worthy of
I says long, semi, and close -'fitting Coats will be the vogue. this . season. We'. have . .. 11 I I - . 1. I I � x1ni und-Inuividualreportsfro!u appreciation and because of its value - I
' '
, . I Passed In Both Parts, I each Circuit W&SLasked by the ChalrT a necessi in every Methodist fam.
them in' black, navy bl.ue, green, brown and dark .red. When on. your tour .of in,. . . .. . . . .T. Herbert Stodeman who was re. man to which responded by stating and -will tio our utmost to, increase VA.
. .
� spection, don't fail to call and see our styles. I . . " �, * , . .. . I .. I . . �, . : ported as having passed patt I of the : the amoupts paid. Barbara Beek Mon eiroulationlof the Guardian thiscom,
, . � I .. I . I . . . 4� I- . . .
. 1 � . ... . . . . examination foe entrance the Fac. umerit fund each ' Superintendent inlyear, Heartily carried.
. L i I I - tion a h -inforined has stated the anio ati already paid O,.d by DouWLII, seoionded by Mill- -
. . e - u ,
___ . I �! .- L I ulu� of Educa h I '
. . . L O�
f V
-_ L . . . .. - - ;6 the amoupts asked by Conference I : , L
I .__ . . �k I . I . . . I ti6n and . . vard and resolve that in view of the
. I , . . .. . .1 I I 11 by the Department that fee will be paid.. � . - -
I . he was Successful in, passing in T . . . tact that. so man -r municipalities with 0
0 . I . I . I � I I as well, L . . . . . Kirkton, Ont,, July 24, 1909 in the district are intending to vote Ott, . * . ,
. , � I .. I � � I Dear Bro:- I . - . . . v next: we as .
I . I I . � I . local option iii Januar, .
- . I . . . . I � Clinton C. L . . . I - L I � Doubtless you remember the members of the Goderich District . � . . I
ID .r e -s s. M a k i n . . . I � I I . . the Collegiate place- on record our I
. I I . . . I 9 . I The attendance at t resolution in the report of the S. S. meeting desire to 1 Ork, . I I
I I I � Coib. accepted by Conference to inau heartiest, sympathy with this w
I .. . - 1. I I � . . . has again advanced the'principal in- I t I idiligent,
W_X . i , I crease being where it is ,most desirable urate a uniform program Of S. S. wor and call upon all our POOPIe tc
. .
Miss -Smith has returned.from he'rTiolidays,'and , , � . . I . I namely -in the First Form which has throughout the Conference. That .1�, ly use all legitimate means for -the ' ' ... .
. I ' L . ' __ . . L) the lar;est qn I rollment. years The prostrant. will be ready to send. ou.t carrying of this uteasure--4hus remov. .
. . . I . k- . m 4s the, largest shortly, and a copy Will be S�nt to you ing the tecribleL temptation` to Whiolt . . .
I . .
. . .. � .
opened up for F41 tL Business .,on . Sept., 15ths' .- . Fifth or Highest For % ' ' , . 1.
11, 11 I 'k of the school. The- .It you bavw any suggestions that go. many are yieldingi, a .
I -
. L. � 11 . L I � . I .1.1 �. I '. . . . I . . . . in, the histol mity - considet- WOUld help, please send thern'to me at . I I . I ..; : �
. * : . I . , � total enrollment is a1v , '
We are cwfrying a1ar'ker and more,., complete , ran ` ably above the highest' reached last =d they wilt be verr thankfully . - , ". - ., Little'LOC3,18 I I . .
I . . I
. .
L�. . I , . I .ge, . , :,?* . L - . . . . . ' _�
. . . . ,4, % . . . � r . year is speaks well for 'the reptl . - - . ' . I
. ,a Am writing you this to ask.'that you , HOW much born can yotr eat ?
- - . ti�n Th bfas earned.by . , .
I of Dress MaterlahQ� in the newest - shades' and designa, . - . Which flxis school] t. - n. * * L.. � '
I . .. . . V .. - . the *excellence of its work in the' pas give time and opportubity at 'the ap- NA_i� are taking in the. Wester . , I I
l'i . . . . . . . O'chlFin&ncial District M60tiog Fair this Week, . . . .
' �
than ever before. and Would be plea'sed to haveyow. call � . - . . , cauti6n - - - - : . L. plor' trict Sunday S SEE our exceptional 'offer to, new-
. . . . the 81 . . � unday Sec'y t- M Q. .. . L.
� I A, Word or - - � I
. . . � I
. . I . I � . . . .
. . .. I I ... . I :�, .. � . . .
. . I.... . I
and see'them. 1, � . . .. I .. '. . . , ...'.... .1 .
I . . .. .... . � '' . . _ . � � I
I '
.owing to . the.'expense of cal'ryin � . ositl0i, "-' .
, ,g on a DressiMaking buslness,..wep
I can not take'oirderg for Vresses, unitss 'goods �. are b io ht at. our'' store..
Y. .. . .1 . - , . � 1-0 0, . .,. . I. I ... .
- . _-.1 � _. 11 , ... . ; . . . .. �, * ..; "i �. . . . I. .- � .1
Ladies summer vests daintily. trim- - I I . ..; I . Ladies" Vests, n6' sIe�ve�, made. of � ' �
. . .
' .
med, fine cluality, sizes 3 and 4. - Regu_ . % fine Egyptian. Cotton, all sizes, .regular -
. �. I . . .1 . '. . . �, . . ., . I
: . , 2 -c, for 19C �' - - - -i ,
lar i2.k and .x5 f6r ....................... e ---Aft 1. � 5 , . I . . �. .
Those using water out of.wellsshould to present the pli6a of work:and ior su See ers ell P.r,. �
see to it that they - are clearied Gilt the bvethren to discuss it and take Tiius.g are busiy days for.'t'lid,thresh- _ ' - .
regularly. At this season of the supply steps to set it in - -motion. bi " . . �
- ors and tbrephing mac ines, .. . -
. in thein runs lower and the obitiamiva- Feeling assured of your co-operation Is your name on the VoEer's INt .? . - ..
. . - .
tion, if any, is reduced to a ctincentrat . . . . I rentaiit, - , . . Don'r, take it for granted, - but look., Ill . -
ed form which is unfit for use, Sod .1. I . ,Fraternally Yours, lip. . .. . . I I . I . . � I. - 1.
also that the coverittir is. perfectly tight - -' . . ... . I . . I . B. Snell.- WEDDIX-GinVitatiOnS in ther latest * ' . I
. � I
The Roalth Act requires that all wells' ' ' ` 1wak' S. 8.. 8 . style oftype and stodk.at ..the NEW. - .-,
cleaned out ever . Bro, Con I peretary 'ail- I . � I I . .
, shall be thoroilghXly y dressed the rueating .up6a matters in ER -k Offiee. . I Vi .. � . :, . .
other vear. .Owfters of'Wells n6t so � rellation-to, his department of District THE foundation for the stand , pe.IS � . - .
cleaned are liable to.*a ffnes � - h -)w finished and tha :w or ki 6 . - con� . ..' ' '. ..
.1. - . . workearnestly commending the sug 'ble. - .
. I . I Zestions -of the 6eineral S 8 8oc!y that, structin'g the Pipe as soon as possi .
.. Death Of Bar*ey Davis . . .. - h -far -as -possible there be instituted in Tim prizo list of the Ontakib Horti-,. 7 .
.. . . .as I . . I
� I . . . I . . � 11 . . I ... . � I . . . - . . . . �. with much sadness that we TO* each school - adult Bible Classes and ulturalshoW,tobeheid. ati-VOTAGG, . .
11_� - - - � -7-1_7 1 . it (a . . . I
- - - - 1 -7 . . . . - . � I . 77----7-----"2'= . . tO1sthjs-t6..hArId. Any I. -, , I
�,_ . . . . . . � I I . I . . . . . , cord the death of Harvey. Davls,eld�a_, Training Classes and organize each November 9LI,
. . . � . . , I .- . .
. . . , . 1 i I . . . , . .� � , .. . .x I . a, George Davie, school in a missionary 8 person wishing r, copyc- write .Ee F. . . �
� , � . I . . . . ... . . sonof'Mr. 'and hir ociety. A. -con .
. .
I ., . ,- 1. . . I � Collins, Allan Garaerl, TorolitO : .. .
. . . . I . . � , .. . . . 1. -� . . . I ]Friday afternoQo� 'versatinn fayoring the.organizing-of . I .
.. . -I- 11. , * . . . . .. . . I . I . .. '. I . . . I . .. . . � � ..1. which took piace on, was a native of Bible study classes be . - TnE long -looked -for. &nd,W.%;cii-dh-.
. _ . - 1.1 F� I �,., , - ., 1-1 1. I . . . Sept 3rd. Rarvey � 3ught out the ' P 11 �
��v � .. � I � .
I � . � I I 11 . . I . thistown and Was highly respected fact of several being aliekdy in success- cussed -Book i)f Commoin ' KilMn, . ... .�4,�
7 12) �, I .. . �
I I . I I'll 11 . . . � amopg his. many.friends.. 7 ,Re.w&s ell'! ful operation in Goderioh,' Bl�rb, etc. which will be uted is the by m.n book . . ' .
. . !I I I . . . . . . . . gaged in the livery. business here fora ' ' Having listened to the report and ,ol! the maipri,y of' the Anglican � , , . � , . - . . I ,
- .. . I W . .
I . . - . . I . number of year6'i The furietal was sugizestions.of tbe District S. S. re S. ehurches.throughout Canada I', 'to . .
. .
. . u - �thi market.. . . . I .. � I
. . - I . largely attended and'was conducted . S. etc; . We recommend that a s6ries 0 ,. . . __ - I I I ..
. .
, I .
. . . ... . I I . . . I I I � under t& auipices of Courb Maple Leaf bf local institute.bp arranged by thb, . . : - . . . � . I . , I . 4... -
- . *1 1: _.-w ... .. � - . " , "I'll ..... . . . . . . 11 . . .. , %; I I . C. 01 F., assisted by. Rev. W, J. Jolli, S.,S.See'y'andheld at local'centres . . .. ..
- .
. - 0 1 . � A disastrous fire occurred in Toronto
. �
. CX1.rdV2F0")V % . I . . I . �rs of the orde I
. I � � . I I . I . I . . . I ge, Your s,dore.membe r on the List, and that we -.all assist ' at the stables. of the Ilendrie Coirh- . I . 1.
. . I . ....., . .. I . I I .. . .� � . � . . 1. . . . � . .. .. in the. corteg�. tie was also a pledge ourselves -to aid 'him all 'in b,ur Yront and Peter I
.. . --- - _. I were I ilows Relief A" pany at the:corner of , 'i.. . I I
� . I . � . I 1- . � I . I member of the Oddfe sq. power in carrying out � their Work, - ,� .." .. . . . 11. ,.. .. .
- . was, I . I . � . - I. . ; I .. I . . I __ . . .- : , , .., I .... .. - 1. . , _ ` , Wod,-by his Stre ets... I . �
� ! � . . I I . I I . - . . . � � . . . I" ociation. flarvey is survil . ' � :'Res..Re�Rev, W. Iluggin-Aesolv� Leaning out of a rowboat off S�inri�_11: . .:��. ".
. . . . . . � . ; I -
. .. . nts I � n . ,� .
. . .. . . .. .... 11 I � . I , . , . I . ., . .. . .. . I , . , J_ , . J ell ., , I .desire to o:kpreis our sense :of -loss in. McLean, iell into zhe:lase- and W49 � . . -
� I . .1 . I . . . ..... I. . fi-4M�teks anol.otie: biother- ed, that this Nna clal DlstribP nisetial!" 11, sid6 to itd-just th6 -rqdder,Miis-,Josei0
. - I . . . 36- , ,,, , � , Fall Opening ' - : High coliit or. i ustle*.. - - .. . Mrs. ,� M,%6h and Bertha, of', Debro It: . .
' . � . �
. . .
Pretty Heavy I Ring up'Phoue . . . , 1. 'Beasie and, -New- . , ., .. `
I Is on I . pria.ay e�etifng of this week Morrish Tiie A4tuinu,: sestion' of the High : and Margaret, M06V 9 the death 'of our est6eined* brother nearly drowned.. . . � 1 .. . :,
Fort Elgin's tax rate is 30 mil , Iflou have a local or personal item . ' bice f6r the Co whoni we extend. Our Rev. G. Bdigin who since Conference . I I t , - .'- , .
call up & Crooks thp'tao to date Clothiers have Court of Jusl unty of Hu. : toil at home, to � . .
. . ...
ae follows : Deben- hail it in ;it the� NENv-ERA. or ery r6n, opent 20th sympathy. . The . flowers - - . . Mr. W.iW.- Pope, X. C., of Taron 9, . '
the dollar, divided . . . I theirFall opining,-.4ma invite ev 5 on Monday,' the � inst. sincerest' has been called to his, reward, -We 'for , 'a convected'Withthe. I.' .
its, school 8 mills, Phone SO,'! . " I I � . :. . . . i " " twency year �.
tures debt IS Mi � . . . . � I . � ., � I man, w6man und,child. in Clinton-stid for the trial of jury . beautiful'. - A large assure Mrs. *. Buggin Joins sympathy. .
county rate 2 mills, public library i I � I . . . , and non -j ury cases, were many atid. solicitor'& office of the G. T. R. was t%P- .
. . I �..
. 1J mills. . Fall Assizes,, . . I I surroundirt'g :country to visit. their Pri ' . wreath from the.boYs Of the Pastime for. liar in this btr great s4row and - ciletary -Elec- - � ''. . .. �
. nters InU � :.: 1. ' ' - Anchor , . I . We also itasi . .
Mill, town purposes . The Huron" Fall'A§size 11 stoi e that evening. 'The Clinton .Or- - . . . . ! .'Club, an from M6rrish & berei.vement. are hir df POite& Se to the Hy'drd .. .�� �
have been - When used 6n'�, good presses and a wreath':Of roses frOW of our loss in th re o 6wer Commission. .
M;ay Have a Chance Later * ' postpoded from the 2tths lost to ,the . chestra hive been engaged .and wilt Orcokis st&H,' in brother 'trje P . . . . 1. , .
.. - ' .� . I � �.. . ..� . . .
.. .. � �atlydisplayeditvpe for- your station- oquets from:11'r-4. Chrich.. . .. - .
goth inst. at I o'clock. - The grand and give a musical Program fNom., 8 to 10 .ne . the'family, b somuch beloved by its All. We pray . I
, . - - . ...
The Exeter Times of last week bad . . . � . 'We have eVery ficil, os Castle, Oil-, e that 6ur . I I . . . . ... . � .
. . . .. . ery is valuable. - Will Kennedy Am fle4yenly Father may greatly .1 �. I .. . . I ..
' ' " F . . i
-the following local :-The Exeter in- pet -it Jilries.,have been notiffed, of the Pa. rd,.'.. � 1, - . . I . . . ity for -doing the. boat of job work, and. � Miss ,1coat. Mrs. ,Dayid, . - in all the � . . . . I . . . .
. � . . . I . . ... . � . I . . . . Harland, sustain and comfort her. . . .. . I . .
� . . .
t on a change. , - . , .. Concert .- .,-, I . . id� * -,� I . . .; ment, I .1 ..... .... . . . .. . ,
door bowlers would like to ge . . .. . � . . at a winimuni pric ', . I . Mrs. J. Cunningham, Jean D`xy ftiture. I ... '
1. . I - , . .
with the Clinton indoor bowlers . . ers I .. . .. I - 1, ... � I . . . * . n - - T&iam. � - I :
.. . ... The Evelyn. Buckley Conceit Co. will . ; . . Miss - Hodgens, Norman Marsh, W.
V. S. 80bscrib � I -40, 1 11 Resolved of sympathy in re aftetion
, t1i . , . . Ive a concert in.. the Town Hall - on Back to Work - - � . I . __1K 1. . . . . I
gaTte. e. Clinton alleys have been . . Moffatt. The pall beavers were ; John in the case of Mrs, �Rov. Coapbs, ..Mrs. AutUm I
the - It is most desirable .that our subscrib- 9 . - ''.. I . - . I I . . . I s I
closed for the summer months, .1 ers in the United States should pay in Thursday the 23rd lust. The -perform. The millineva ha�'cioturned from the' Kennedy, Bert Fitzinions, -J., H. Kerri Snowden and Rev. Mi- Greene. ., . � .. " . I . . . I . . . �. . .
chances for a game seem very remote. ore are Miss Evelyn' Buckley - of Nev� . . Resolved moved by Bto, Coopes,sec. . . .1 .
I openingi.and are . 1how getting' their R. Gmhm,Will McRae and Norman . .
I . 11 . . .3 th, in all de- . I � I I .
l advance, - We. have a cent postago York, - who possesses i'voice of singd- parlors in shape �,td.- display the ne0i' Kennedy.. . '. . I . I .". .by'Dr. Douga[16 . I �. . From Augusto.0 . . . . .
. I � . . . . . . . . . :. . t�
. I 1. .
Broke His Arm . . � . . staiiip to, put on - ea6h Week, and the I O*er -and beauty,' Miss Hopper, styles of headgeirIbr women. . . I . . . I A communication was read from the' ,partinefits of The Ciontial, 13us- I . . �.
ve. us 'Or . . I I . ' . I I I . � , . .. . : .
post office department won'.t g! whoFis well-known from, theAtlantic - ' ' - - ' . . . I I d .. . .
Lord Strathcona narrowly escaped credit. The subscription r . ate -to ,the ' ' cut,ioiljs� Send the:News, : - . . I . . . . : ' � Editor of the Chiistiani Gu%rdlan de- iness College, Y oung and Gorr- . . - . -
seriong injuay in an accident near Ver- to'the Pacifloi Coast as an elo . I . . . .1 .. � . .
. . 'k3b . ' [tI(;T . i ; airing the Distrioit. io earnestly on.. . . L . a 1 �
non, B. C,, on Tuesday. Accompanied U.S.is$1.60inadVance, Kindly*takei Misg Mabel Stevens. piahist� -and Mrs - &any people thiti .at they have to . GODE I RICH DISTJ . . deavor' w increase the Circalati0ii, of ard S6reets, Toronto. IC ta Ogue. . I
by Sir Ed ward Ulouston, 0. 0. Chip- the hint and' square up.. It may ndt' McBr66m Laird, violinist both the ay L tp put persorkids in -'a newspaper I MEETING , - ; . . . . . .. I � .
, nuch to you but the aggregate � t so.. Newspapers at I e always . .. I .- I. . . I I . the Guardian on the District. I mailed free on request. . . ; I . I .
man, andMr. Pollard, he droye out tne&n I . I . I.. latter favorably known in London his is no I I of L Goderkh L. In- re communication from' Editor � .. . . I � . . . . ,p -
ftom Vernon to visit Lord Abeedden's t to us is a large sum. : . . . where thoir artistic . abilities arew6li looking for news, and. if - you have I The Fin ainquil, meeting .
I . . . . . . . - . L I I friendsvisiting. you, or going &Way wistrict opened' in* Wesley Church, - of Guardian m6ved. by Bev ,TL'J"` . . Address W. �H,* SHAW, Prin. .. I . .
. celobrated fruit farm, Coldsteam As Others See, VS. - ' I . rec(gnized. -_.. � .. �. . . . , 0, 'Snowden seconded by Reve.,boo'oer i . . I..
Ranch. They were driven by W. R . I . I .. . I . I .. why s6kid. in. your personals. Any Clinton. at 10 a. in. Thursdayf Sept. L I I I Ydn , I . .1
J. In last week!s papers 'published - 0 A Coming R;d1road Man .. I ts, .11yinin.154,iwas-sunk. Scriptur6f,esson that having received a c6nimaiiiiication 1. go &Ad Garrard.9ts.,T6ront6.' � � . m .
. . I item's of news, such as games, spot, I .LE Clitor. . I- . . ,.
- - . � I I .
Megaw, who is a promineint merehAn . . I 11 Titu.; 11 chapter Was read;.�. from the of the Uhristian', 'L , :. .. . I 1, � I
&ndex-Mayor ofthe city. Seeing fie Mitchell,they have -the following to Me E 1. Dunamore, of London# form- accidents, marriages,, births, presenta-: I F I oU ' ' Gii . L' ",L I . 11 .. -.1
ake a turn in the road as say,; -T -he Recorder : About ten o1plock ' ollowing -are the* natnei the ardian- We hereby Wish to - expreEs! I . I .1 1. .11 . .
eri of Stratford, secretary to A. J. tions, farm sales and other artiolies. are I . L I. . L.. .. 11 I . I 019.01110111IN11101al - .1
. 'L � - � L
.N y
dn t the t6wn band headea the. procession . lx,cii.. I - superintendent of I -If you, know any- preaclrtirs . and laymert Who Were L .. I 11 . _. L I .. . . .. . .. . . I . � I .
7 � L . ,
5toulhovoses mwere running away, Mega6w. . i the park . , assistant always welcome. . � . I . . �. . .. I - .1 0���� . '. . , � I
-� ,j& -lied the horses into a wire fence. of League baseball plaYelks tc the western division of the Grand tfiitig of. interest tell us and we will tell preseotti` � . . . . 0001!1!11��._ _-FT , .F....- .___. -, __ . . ,
I .
d , . � . , - L .
an where a �gobd game was-wateheoI with- -Ttiunk-hu--been��-apoointed--privat -thwTes .", augh S, Doagall, phb. .. :.- ' . L � '', . . . - 'L � - - '
t.- .- . -4oderlehi-I y . . _ -
. .. � 50, . I � .
\.PThe carriage was overturnedL d ill' . . . . . I . � . :
"Were thrown to the ground. Fortun. interest by tU large crowd. .McIntyre secretary -to the vice-piesidellb Of the I 'Nick, L' , � -G.,W. Holland. ' : . . . . . . . . . I I L .. I . I .'. � . 11
- ately all escaped withoutserious injury kerpt his�excellent work in the box and St._Lduis and Western Railroadt The .Ex�res% ConaPallieS, I &.Street, R. Mill- . 11. � . . I . . . . � : . . 11 .
I W, Goderich) Victoril , � . I . � I
waswell supported. The Clinton team 'r . . L . yard . L" ' L. � . . . . I . .. '.. I I . I
. . . .
. - . . . . , . . .
who had a leg broken. 11 position is a.most important one an , 4,xpress companies.liavo again taken .1 .. . 0 '. , , . . V
. �� . I . . .,
. . . . ..
. . .
.,except MeGaw, played an uphill yet plucky game, but is a decided advancement. Mr. Duns 61, Clinton, Wesle � W.M.1611iffe' B'. . . . . .� I :. � �
Lord Stratlicona's were beaten by a score of 5 to 2. The -thili season Is G 1&. Doherty. - ' . Reando. .1. � . �. .. . I.. . I . � ,
, right arm was more will'Imve,this wi`okdor the up the question of rates to be charged reene; .
-bruised, but he made IF . . � ly ., . .
ght of it.* Mr. exhibition game in the afternoon, was I WeAw ,on millinerv.'11eadgear . A.,J. .. . . .
- n. He went., to'London from Strii0ord larger than last. and iin effort is' being' u, Ontario St, T. 'Wesley Cosens, . . � . . . . . I
%legaw here referred to is an old Oil )f the morning game and . . . - . . - . I . .�l ,
I i W. S. R. a repe�itlon ( of with Me Nix6n over since he -started made to Ifave,chatges regulated on -a I Henry Newcombe; 3 as. Miller. .� ' . . . . .
-itontan, being an uncle of Mr. )f 8 to I in favor � . I �: � , * . . .
ende wi . ral raitcling, going.into the office &a a basis o � hip� 63, Seaforoh,D. Rcgers,,G, Buggln� 141: .. . e's.. . � r . I � .
a 'Ab a score ( . f sin. A. recent samole hat a , . k I F0 I
ist, Mr. Megaw and Mrs the home team. --The Recorder.- - ho ore spa0a ift - Clough, . I I . . I . , ShO' � . I .
,Holmes, drug , messenger tok. Since.that time % ped to the west occupied in . I . . I I � � I . . . I - V_
'Holmes beingtother and sister. matter of' very &nera _ I . I I . . . . .
. . it will be a & has made rapid advancement, and is an express car thari a pile of general 64, Holmesville, T. J. Sn,owdon4 Ph. 13 1 . . % . I . . .. . . . . . , . . . I
Ion,that the Mitchell base ball. . . I
satisfaed - considered a coming railroad man. It 3, a total weight of 500 Goo. Cantelon, . - . - . 1. -
. merchandise *it] . . . I � . . 1 . . I
� dul day; not . . I. W. * rn e ri : I
Huron Co. Exhibit, ciubb asuch,a 'succew is -with great pleasure that StrAtfdid pound& The case in which .the hat was 6.5, Blyth, W. H. Co()P&,'W.'Jackson4 . . I . . . 11 . . . . W, T, 0 - - -
. . 1� . ,
I �
- onlyinwippini'their gairps against. itesboitraf '-'Tedd7ls advatl(38ment�" shipped -was considerably larger than' IM, Dungannon, L. BIrtlett. , I . . I . ... I . . I - � .. . . I 0
lal Horticultural Hit . � . - . .
The P . . . . .
,,rovinci Clintonj but in the delightful*iveather,� nown figure -in all an. ordinary waslitub. 1. . 67, Nile, Wril. Conway, John Tiffin, . I . . . . ,
hibition V,ill be held November 9tb, He wits a well -k i
sporting 0,
*,cles n ! . � mp. I I . . . '.. .
,. , .
th. 13th. in the St. Law- I the splendid crowd, and the finandait a d.we wish him every. . , 68, Beumiller,win. Baugh;W. Tho . � - I . \
10th, 11th, 13 , ults, The boys have been doing such success in the west. Mr.Dunamorels FC'UcC8 And Railway Guards son. . I . I . . . . � .
� I . I . i
rence Arena, Toronto. Prize lists MhY I Tes I work in all their rebent games a cousin of Mrs H. 13, Combo, of town. The rallwiy cdthmisslon has issued . I . � . I .
be obtained by writing to P W Hod., capita I � 10, Londesboroi H. CurrE, W.� Carter. I . . . :_ . I . I
;Cetts, Parliament Buildings, Ioronto, -that theyliaveqn1to won the symp%thy - I . . hn ordertbat all railways must before 1.3 Varna#, Win.- H. ,Xaylor; John I � . elin- - . . 1
Us county basset apatt $25forpr19,,e ofthe public,and the people turned out Zuropeftlb Mails, , , Jan, 1,1011. erect and maintain on each P. Wanlesi. . � . . We carry a generous stock of R I .
I . . 4 I
foe a county exhibit at thil exhibition in large mimbers to Support and en- I The ,foll,owing communico,tion Was side of their right 6f.way, fences mini. Tile List of assessment on (1ircutts . . .
. n .1a . niz an gethem on Monday, Theleag el published in the Mail and R mpire on, munt'height of f6iii feet. .six inches, for StiperannuatioA ,;vAs' read &nd the do Shoes. .Fit y6u in any Si Ze,. - Width,
And $50 for expenses Ayl, ,,,, d I cOuPA ho- , Tuesday of this week: - . I . and cattle guards on, each, side ,of the I . 1. . . I . . I . I . " �'
xhibit.' 1f,gethat. gante with .the -Clinton Club in t . , _/
caring for the e , ffl' ' -by. The width of .approaches to several amounts %were accepted except -sty - .
, ity exhibit ma forenoon Was an exhibi On Ot� some I To the 1M,ditor of the Mail and Empire: highwi the Arfiount allotted toGoderich North . I r shape, All -leather ICS a: little ,
� spectittq the cou, 0 . .� �,
ion re. AngFrankMetcalf,13lyt-TI. -fine plalilig, The visiti'ng teatti. Went Sir- We'read to day of the magni.' -rural railway crossing must be twenty b to which objection was taken . � . I . I . . . . I
-ec ie - I I I .:
be had by writ tobatand.sco), I nothing till the, Aixth ficent records made by the Canard. et road surface on concessions and: Streel litrger thaa It should b6 con. ..
or W Lane, Goderich,whO area inninks,�.itt4,seot,ed then in- h being , r th�n you'll ordinarily find. Not - �
ppollit �111gh An. steattishigs Mauretania and Lusitania. bialn roads,- and sixteen feet Od bus 6 Orin the promise - s6t forth in the . , smarte
,ed by the county to arran anil take _ -hieAff.vetbase, 8 . wh3g gs�tes arre also to��be " ld . I . . . .. . . . � .1. . I I .% I � A
%, I b I t. ,IV 0 But.of.w at avail is it to,have a boat roads. I a uaraig n . .1
,charge of the over.throw'by the catu G t, by the S'pecial COMIA!ttee . 169t tl,m . proper . 11 -
this County � had a very ftne' � tiia only iniss'catch at a liftse on -the that crosses the At] an tie in fourdays maintained at farin crosgings, erence executive that . faddy or extreme,"but I .
-----. .1 ' . . I . on Generitl Coof , I . . . I I
YeaUtbs i&t goof %ples And 00&r$ at the PVO- . Ultaholi - side , throu�,hout the game... if we do ndt expedite m86il to reach.the , the assessment on circuits would be . . . I . . I
ex which,no doubt.W49 Clinton scored again n the eighth inn - boat? ' Vor instahoo. a letter to reach The GlObe Scotch D010168 lonal funds � of - degree'of smartness, ', �. . � I
' I
vinciat exhi itionl ffi�&, which gave them it total -Pf two the td&uret&nia,s&lIIng from New York Livat Friday in competition for The , o*li the basis of connex I . . I I I � . I . . . . . I
a splendid advertiseiboient for the fruit rans, .The Mitchell, boy,q were more Sept, 15th at 5 p, tit. has to be tnailecl Globe Scotch doubles being played in last yettro I . I . � . . . . . .
growers of this, county. The follow- foptbnato, making it ,,;core of five, in I-le,milton tit noon Ott Tuesday, l4th.] Toronto, our local bowlers did not �et Getieral Conference accepte �, I . . I __1 � .. � . I I I .
. h t . - I � A
in varieties 0 imprise the county list! ough they wo 'ked bapd for evotY I t seems An absurd wAstb of Unto. Can. , f r i 11 tit 0 ga I s R,ducaLiono,f fund allotment cccP - I I ..
. In, en 9,vis, King; Blenheim, th �r . a to e being defea,ted � in the ' I � . . . . . I
I . a I reoniomMann run they wade; the Clinton pitcher ht- not our post.oflla6 authoritiesdobetter preliminary roitt4 Following, are � e& chowya moved by W. 301., , 11 I !
no 9' oldeb usse.t. ityre. The I � ores : . 11ov. Dr�. .. , .
I p v other of apples or ilig 110 meat, second to, UcIr work than that? Odnadians are a pro- the names an& so . . � I'Ife seconded by R. Millyard that we, Ternis stpot cash" no . � .
var - isible ealmess of the vihiting Peam gressiveri�tlonality, but in the matter I Queen Cit I Clinton I . I . .
earss oul be sent in, Tlie' fruit I y have heard with deep hiterest Rev. '
ked an v It .9 uh4ble .
.. was in t tole o%tcher, who wa have tually I It Weir � 01 R4, Dowding . , Temp. . EPAIRS "NHILE YOU WAIT.
shoul tie , refullypa d labell- of handlinguittlis we -D1. ()hown's coininunication be R
e , insi e box.,with n e h,nd hddresg to hold the balls of Ills pit(%IlOr and in thingg yet to learn from -older coun, 1 IV A Morrison J 13 Iloover prance,indMorallteformand we beg I . .
of growcr� and sent to 116dgetts, their second bAsemari. The special tries, A passenger can leave Hfunil- skip ........ 2U skip .......... 10 to assurd'him that we will do our beat Store open froin 7 a. ino till 64-10 1)4 In-
. stre ,11 tearn wits still . �. I . � .., I— \
(rare of Cold Storage Co.) Toronto; , ngth of the Nitche ton .at 2.27 a. tit. and reach New Yorit .1 Qvieen Citi -41201113,32020-20 to advance the interest of the work . I . I .1 I I , * I
V. Larip, shoWn tit their battery , sixte011 men Itt 4" ) 1.1 It. tit. Why cannot nialls travel- ,
Frank Metcalf, Blyth. or V - -k 0011ti as fast its Passengers" Suretyall.4oxt- , Clinton � -00MU03OW-30.1-10 dtiring the yearo . �
, � . . rin -- A
Groderich,not later than Nove,t.bev the th,100 of them. going out Ili the last ing eari be (lone en route. ' If tuy sup- ; Granite U . communication wag ,read from Itev.
I 5til. )%.Il e-xhibits 4A tho Provinvisd Innings for a total of nine balls, ' 11i: position be corrept, the malls leave I Thos Rennie W Jitekson � Dr, Chown in re the aft,tilcoment of 14,
ol,tsaniustbesetitto-P.W. IlOdgettvs: the afternoon nn ex . . -and I Ja: kson' 0 .
out of twonty seven behig strM, linton Telliparance Writ RefO
. hibition gAftle was A I rred C
ajAiltou practically- tWPIVO hours J I ennies sk.. %.24 A Taylor, Bit ...... 0 tjl� interest of T�fnperance and Moral . .. I
, 1
who will also receIVA entries. If fruit 11%ved by the r4.1me tecults before .4 , I I .
growets of this county VVIII a.4491 in 111 . eadier thal) thew is liecessity for. . . . I . Oriwito�-(005300)151 - 28 � rafbrn-k sliggAsting that the amottritto I . . . . I
I . . .1
. .- . .
� ly - . I . .
. . - - ,
, I., , /
. . . ..
this exhibition , th� county of Huron ',"I' )%lid Prowd, restiltifilo in A SCOW bt I I . . I ClIntoll -IM' - 6 ; ,a c beat � I --1 ... 1. . �� . _ � I . - I � � -1- "Ll""I . . .. . . I... . I—, . i
el Yours. em. 0011000 bet ,ised.in behalf of that, work beat I I. .1.
lb In&de one of We best it 8 to I in favor of the bottle te"un.-Tile MUNI ItANSFORD Im I
oxb .1t.c,tn'J)e . . to Bros. won -the trophy. : lea,st 1,uo rotpnoh Oiraidt. Aillsoosslo" I . I
� .
1. the Provincial OhOW, . . J Advocite. I � Clinton, Sept. 11, 1100 I 9. i The Itprin, ."�� . � ; .. I �
� I . I I .
. � IN I I I I . I (I
. . . . . . I I � I
1. . . I I . I 1. : �-.,. � I
. . � . . �
� _1� . . .
. I I I . . . ! . � . -
I � . I � I'll, _.____ -_ �
. I I � I I . . I . I * I 4 I - -
. I I ". h
I I � \� .- _ Ellin 9 0