HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-09-16, Page 741
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WWI -Wtqr-PT-�* - -W'�.,;_V9X7VWWATV-F1 7- IM11111INt", "?"I "`""P7--R�,-11-_-eW- IT I r"Fr�w'p,'--�FW.'Wff-k�At'T7-Vxnr I
". -IF VFn —.-r I'll, "" . ., ,. . F. . , . IPW
'. '77 , , V.V I � 7 -r,w- - —, nV
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I... Sept. 1�tho IKO I - � The Clinton Now Bra � I
-R- -1 ---- :. I I �, I I I—, - I'll I 11 11 1. � - � 0 -7-1 i
. I I
� "I � I . , ;�, � � .1, _� I "� .1 I 11.1 I - � .1 --- T I ..""�_-f*-_______
� . . I I I �11:__ I 11 -1 I - "'; - . _._' - , . -111- "I . --1 11
; '' I . - .
Recommended As
- 11 .
*be POlUt I'M getting At: All W04 2111
I el"tiou Is safely over the Mrough
; 1. �
� 1. . .1
Me. Now Mwor I
Wreet railway will apply for a frou.
� . I I .
. . I
. I 1. .. , Baseel '04 6A.ArvadhUrAzy sue'vewsrul phx I .
I chise for a car line train Blank avenue
- to Dash street alon- the river front."
, .
. - �
An Ideal Remedy
I --I seel" nodded Ulorrigau. "And, as
I I 1
. I ' I
you own the City Surface line and as 1
� .
I that is the Borough Street rallway'a ,
� I, - �� .. .
I . . . . .
worst rival, you want the Dorough's
7: . 4�, _ I
1: :. �,. , I I
��, N��,�, .1
franchise bill killed wben It comes be .
QA,4r - . I
�, I I i:- -, . ,. ..
fore the board of aldermen."
. .
:: -:_�L:i"� , .,,�;� ,.,:..._ .
: � . 1, , �; :, " -
"You're wrong. To paraphrase Your
��� .� �1% I I I I � .
, -, , , 4.�.,�::�,�;:�I�::;�..� .
- -4.<::,; .�;��.::�i.:j
�� ,',�, i,��-:,.:;
own word$, you know a lot about poll.
- �� .
... 11.1 .
. , , �...�* ,
.,% ,:".J: . ib:;:,.,..d,,,::,.�'1 .
ties. I wktxxt the Borough Street rail-
, , .
" I I
. �
�1 N i;�.�;�i: . ...: I
way's franchise granted, and I waxit
I L � I I � I "I . . __
. .
'I "� �: �
,Qk,.,., I V�
the., franchise to be Ile
. , � IM
-.--"& MEMO . . I .
7- . �
... ", :
*:i�.�..:::7.:,:�; : : . . .
... - . -
. , . I ..
"But I don't see what. your drlvin,-
s I _. I 11 � I I
. ,
(Coutnued -from Uis� week.) 4:111�olr"- ly as lit, pikkeea of) ills. nat
Muddled Brains � ,,(,Vby� 'Mr. WaInwilglit. O'by, Al r.
:::;$:W., , .1, 1 I
, - :,:.. , ,.,.
1.:i��::;ii.,.:., *�'. :"... i:i��:�: , :1., ,...., , , ,
�:;:.-.::.,j � , - , . I
`��`�.:�;:.::�:"��.�, .
at, If you Intend to inerge the Borough
. Street railway with your own City Sur.
Nir. t;lbbs or t.-- & ,Nortou. Air- ,
;: .
.:�:::!-i�:�l "... .
face line Its charter will become vold.11 .
Gibbs. this is Al(Terwan Phelan.?' GII)IIA': Horrigall, Vlll'� - -
-Of tile Elghtli.11 Amended Phelan. result fr an overloaded 4113ut you'll stay to Janch.- alderman
OM . , �
i�!.":::�:..':'.. .
:%;.::: :. � : ,:, � .1, . -
..�,,; b.: �::.:�:.�::�,;�
"I dou!t mean to merge them., I own
both roads, and I run them separately."
.I,t%t elec- stomach, sluggish liver, won't you?" urged 1101'rigall. with a
"Only luau to carry his ward I III"
�:;%�:L. *,:,
, ��
�'.: . ;:.
"The —'You do!" �
. effort at cord!ailty �11-at deceived no'
tion runnin' ludevendent. Pleased to active bowels, or impure
. .
. I . . .
': I . .
, .!,
. "That's a little surprise, eb? I
weet you. Yes. Art I ran Independent, one,
b _1 � I "No, thallks.11 replied Phelan. "NVIlen
and I win. as'Walawrlght herp call ted I lood. Clear thinking fol.
. .
. I I _. .1
I ;,..
baven't made any. parade U It I just
went quietly, to work, through Gibbs,
you. Ilorrigall's out agultist me this I lows the use of. I the curtain's down and the orchotstra's
.. ,
.1, i. �.;.A,
and bought 'up a majority of the Bor.
year, and he's got carried away by I n ned no usher to
moine fool Idea that he can down me 1 Is"WrdV2V 2-sm'", - I poke I me In the rlbs to .tell. me the
ough stock. Now don't you see how
the granting of the franchise and the
nnot spoil'
yourclothes. Thereareno
ar ug
Injurious chemicals In Sun. I
light Soap to bite holes In
-even the most delicate
fabric. $5,000 are offery
ed to anyone finding I
d Iteration in; Sunlight
Q! Soap. fig
� I.
Comadian 'Xefteriuo
I is an absolute. certain cure for Vczonv%A-lae,
, it is catirelk uall J;e' an, ot ' � - It
inixturcorOutment ,a as . TIN"o-r-k-r"T
A few ayplicaVotts will, convince that is b,w
wondlerfu medical virt-4c and iutrin,ic incrit.
it Is maile In matada, A gocid hoiii.i4 . Cat;a-
than preparatiou,
rricq one box Fifty Cents, or five 12ozes Two
01�4 to, any (iddress on, receipt o tice.
Sold and TeMnimeadeci by all IcaUng I)rug
gists in Canada.
� raluphlet free to any addreds. t
X 114actured and sold, by the sole propme-
Itors:i 0
. I The Totterowle ChemIce.1 00.
wln4w. Cintarlo, .
Sold in Clinton by ,W, 8, R.
Holmes J,�:Hovey, W. A.
% Ir O'd ,11 . -
0 201
next campaign." , I #a VJ rA%O A JL*UTJ& #47 snow -s Out AS. zor stayin, 'to preatc I . 4ews.that I control the road w414 worls "I.CV01ii-Ir'll, druggists. �
, " W. 0. DOND. 94,0.* . - . . I
"Can be?" asked Gibbs Politely, . , bread with Dick Upirrigan, Voll sooner . wh4n. they are made known?" , . I
bored. ' , . V CP have a jolly little grub. rest with Wiley's .' Voydtown,0ut., March i9t "Sure! It'll send that stock sky Apples Wdntedf 1111nard's Uniment Cures Distemper -
I * � . bi z9og. . .. I I I
"Can be?" roared Phelan, his close . I IPILAUM , * poison squall. Goodby, all. Uorrigan, "For same � �
I � tVears I bave been greatly blgh� You'll scoop in a millicin or two.,, . I , � "I
clipped hair a -bristle. -Can be? Can Sold Everywher4. In Boxes 25 centsi, ns for you, some ,'day I'll oross two troubled wi headaches and indiges- ,."A million or two!" ethoed Waln. I will be in the market for both go� - 0 1 1
. I * - * sticks of olyuctilite, under yon autl you'll tion,. brought cpp by stomach disorders, wright scornfully. "Neareel- T41all, Winteii.,and Evaporating Apples I . . � I.. �
. 0161101- - --;---- _I.- -T- __ - a wide that the Inquest over � constipation and biliousness. I had * Before s6lling, see me or my ageLts. NICHINE FOR RUBUR TIM �
1. . . . .- . "Uold on!" Interrupted HorrIgau. ..
. . � se,atter s . tried man� remedies with only iadiffer� . . .
. I I . ai,lou alou, A yonr pliltical Temalne will have to be cess, until 110ruit "Whatis that itolse?" - . ' C.XANTELON� 9LINTON . q . I
� piuctc. a genilus Por urgimiz, ent'stic 4-tives" came
..1.`.* 9_ ,� �, inollitality witolly devold or scruple and bele. In fourteen comitles." I to my notice. Being a general store- � Fle had- Junipea to his f6eit with an seeley'and West I
. I . I , � "I, am so sorry, Mr. Horrigan, that I �
-� "I . .. . I . � I have just bought a mmehine f6r
. . . . � I - ,)� I eoiweleneol. . . I keeper, I was selling a. good many alacrity that was surprising In so large. a. . � . attaching R6bher Tireii to - bag. I
- " . , . , it vowd not be salt] of hichard , I In my "Pruit-a-tives"'to my customers and', a man and was listouln- Intently. - - - - I
,4 1 41�. . . 11 an that filb' nlopals Were bad nor. this .should have happened ed waluiniklit. . I gles.. aind are prepai,ed to do all I
I rig ., He liwis.6.11 siald Wainwrigbt as the Irate - remarking how pleased thek were with '-'That clIcking?" asko . work of thiskind piomptly and
- . &,"'; I � alaprillin stalked out I(oaving ilie boss the results obtained from using ! 'Fruit- "Oh, that's only the private wire In my I I
. ., - slinply blid im morals tit aill. BY Coil a-tives;11 I decided to -try them and, 11 I - --". at reasonable prices,
� I - � - �
ANA�\' t with al�?Il ( r higher culture than staring after-,Mni In dumb fury. "I office," n� - Also all kinds of lathe work-
�_ tile ) . I .1 .�_
. -
Ij . ,st and"� .might say, the effects ikere almost ."Private ,%,vlre? Any operator?" � -- .
, Ill - Own lie bald lost ills early Into . - and I
., I I is rrect. meant it for the bc .
. � ir. magipal. Headaches biliousnes grinding, and macb1ne repairing.
I Ilp, d "Air. Watnwrl,ght," Interrupted Ila
gg ,,n(I viligarity of speeell. Uhs am- disappeared and to -day I . . t I
.1 . recommen4' -of co , urse. '"71v9st I .
'. ad rigan, venting his pent-up, wrath on bi . 64SUpp We have installed a. machine 11 .
/'o. , . I � . lllet�riii. roughness of intinuer he 11 -Id s' . "Fruit-a-tives" to, my customers as 'Ali ose he should w 116ppen . to be - - for Grinding Rorse 0-11ppers '
,:,a. r, - st, "this old ,%Vol of a u rs I
� .. I .. I 0 val- dismayed.ho . I I listenjug, to it%?" . I and are prepared'to do such work
, _.,� , . nn Nvii,11 to lose. It was by far to . I - ideal. remedy.1 . - . .. I
��-Ap ,.,�, . - ' lk might also add that about three ,,who? Thompson? Absural" Aueflon Sale in'tirst class ma .
'-s 1. a white with bonas of failures, (it
� V1, I '. . . I . .
( , ,� . tlllblfl� tit) a"Kot. , . I . nner.
A , .... . ". I . I .
Ar . . , , -0 , lorull!"', Mr. 'W,,Iu%vrhgbt ." fools, of dendbPat% In other words. � years ago I was laid: -up with LUX- "I don't know. , I'd rather"- . . "
, .Iv-��__ 01, - .., ., - 'nod A t, . I EverYSATURDAV.0 tboi'ArCTION HOUSE, : � �J
1. W . 't . of folks who lawant It for .t4e best. . BAGO A' -couldn't get AQ\onsollise� It's Tbompson, my prl- GODEMIC11. Sales coildticted anywhove. any I � LEY-& :�
�r. . , .-I .�.til� Ith a breezy fil- , ND SCIATICA I S EE WEST i
"Ill . .1 '. .:114. , .. � ". bogall IIOVI,.I- NV . . *OW lklwg�t down to'busliies%," o t 9f..bed or lift.one foot ever the ItUt soleiretar.y, ,it man who*1,, been with time, 'Uerubacarlise. real astate. live ". "'I 0�0. I I �
. -
, . 1-�. I , � . I , 11,111. aI4 lit, strode Into the library; I I ' . mr. ' .T. . -tic, BLACKSMITAS. �
If I .. , I 1pity. I 441 A good treatment of "Fruit -a- a U. W. BECUR .,!"".
.X I "? � 'i ,'V . -'Irst let we L-atroduce Mr. G I bbs. . I I ITT, Aw I . .
.. " - � I � . I I
11 0 �. litlillm"llml . SPIf III . a . . . me.nine y6a�s. I trust him as"7 , . -_ -
11 '.. . !f I'll - 'it IIII(Ril" him, 1, 11,11 , . tives" cured me ot'iliese pains *anil I . I V1104'..e 308 ox 1W. Gcidouqh, Out I
, (Illitt t, .
, . j - - . ,,But I dofl,t. I dQIVt trust anybody.. .
(:,.I J .�� , .1: b, 44 I .r tile pre-ullcp of tllo. dreaded 11tian I ce I I . . banished the Sciatica and Lumbago SO - 1� . , . � I I � i
!:� I I t am as well as ever and 'Can
f. � ."o ,:;J,* ,4 'aheild of t1inol. IlGhid to, meet him, but he'll .excuse . Send blin.-Into some -other room." .
f., "i, - ,-I'm a bit but, .. .
14 I'. . me wl,,en I say I nov66 talk business I - . to I I . a �
I .1, I lie Stopped -.411ort, with 11 �ct at�iit�i�g Y. ,
..�� �41 , . I grunt of . 'ne.cessar I . "I �an'.t- 'In Ill's absence some Im. I
f I: . . , . . I., . ,. "�o ,
I - - - lli-,2 pye,; had fallen oil Phelan. I NvIlen there's a third pal ti around � (Signed) W -lit come, and -if
I .i4l , ra qe. *y offoin . qe Mr. Gibbs. Just walk�olut and ,.. S. BONI). portant message nit be !-
. misn't there Pon t' -
Bri"";tling Vke ,I pinek ..terrier at .the. , , ----.-- � be very.. moment to
., �.qt or 111,1stiff. tbp alderman', take. a look at the vleiv,. I Lke a -9003 ' . ; I . I . . .
I .
. OM, 11 stood I , . transmit It to Mo I. might' los.e- t4ou- ,
Alderman Phclan. . . I . . I b on't ydu"� Thanks." . � * 'L sands. He's all right If evp�,. ,a mail.
Ith; ground. givitig-ille Poss glare for , - OY, w I : - placps, Yon -now. Anil - no* w6n�t you I .
11 . � I Cxlbbs...,it -I warning- look- of appeal tell thlit butler of yours not to let us - was. I tr .
chpqty Dick Harrigan dowil Alderman glar6, : I . .1 . I .. nst him. impliditly.11- .:
a n e I from Wainwriglit, lefiecked the ,an.ry be disturbed?" I . , . Ii
Jianiuy Phelan? Well! Nothlil' to it, . Alj�l ,qol.for a t orne t 11i euemles I . I . I Oh, all'right, then. Go on with what .
, - rileed, eaLl-I other. . .. . - re sprang to bis lips, turnod I ' Wainwright complied,. and the two. To I I .
son. When I'm through with Dick . � � I ,tort that.. I u were saying." . .
Ilorrlgan he'll have worried himself se . : I . I . . I on bis be�elldna walked OuL 11orrigary . Fettled .down to their deferred talk. , . . 9611 w . ant the Borougfi,stro�et railway
I who bad observed. .the glance exthlqng- * 9.11ow I . illotit the. elecitioti this -fall? . I . I franchise made perpetual. . 'Catch my
. . �
thin they'll have to wpar. -lasses to . . c�i-TI�PTL:m m. - I . . . I * 11. ed botwecu- the' two'men, grudgingly beggan'tIlO financier. - - . drlft?�' I . . . I . I 11 . .
shave blin. 1*11 bury hirn s(Ld "t) ,'his ORRMAN wais' (Ir9V to break . I , $VW F,lre.aIr6ndy.gVG - � � "Sure. PA the papers and the prop.
, 'L I attempted t .e
'It ne-er find him ttil tae; . I tl,.(. tell,�ft, 'Zileece, , � . . y soften the Keel; o� his t . wing. but, just be- . .5
f:!Il that they . - .. . brusquen6ss.- I I . . . . - . ween you and me, IVs - going, to be a -holders will in, ke a big kick"I I
sta-Irt (ugglil' a subNvay to China." "Wiltit's this lie'ro for?" he . ' ., . 1. . , erty . . n I .
� 'i "I didif t mean to snub Your friend," . hot fight. The. people,gt large seem to '. . � . . I I
,,yon seem pretty confident," observ- . . gyo.wled.. � Iiidlcatln,� Phelan . I. I . . . I @
� said be, "but Phelan riled me, and I . be a little sore o'n the orgaulzation. A. . w - I �,
ed Gibbs. ' Witli A eontenivtunxv� jerk of,the head . 11 . . - .
. ..
"Confideut? ^Why not? .Wby not, I - . . : took it out on the next,man -1 spoke to'. . feW dea Is lately*. have, been a little rvw, , - . I . I .'�'. .
. �
mid'addressint,', 110 one In paitleular. .. What. on earth setyon to having I'lle, . and 'sorue of tile papers are kicking.. ( .�_ I . . . I I -1 !, , . . .
� I -
. I I � �
" �,sk your f0elld I . 1� 11� I I
askyoll? why wouldn't I be ennfident? I . WaIu-,A,rJght,t1. I -Ian here to meet we for, atlyway"I" . Good Lord! It It wasn't for, the niawsa. " � I ,� . . . , ,:: 41
Is there a voter In th.e ward -black, grunted Phelan, with equal rouglines�.. I "Just as 1, said. f *wanted to -win him. . papers what a cluch a boss w � ould hav � o i�-.' ., '. 1 ", 1 '. .
. : - �
, . I .
. - .
-that I can't . ,,I�v -see,!, liel-au V%ilnwrigbt��On- - �'�!' . . I 11 I
white, yellow or greenhorn . . ou _,, ce tilking . . ,P) . .
call by his first nalue .ilutl ask after VilintlilgI.V. .41 didn't Hlie,.to see two over to us. NNle will need every strol�g in' rannlug a -city' it 'd be IlL � .. . .. 11 .
all )its children by untn6? Is there,. . . as wit , , I man. . we can gvt this fall; We"-; . . - .p uDles from,n.*bgbyIs -bank.- 'But"- 1 . I . . .. � . .... . - . .
e . ' ....
. a quell flr�t rate chaps dt ad. . .., .. -You �noW a ,lot ab6ut fluatii:!e, ?%1r, . IlTben you think there Is some doulit , ; . I . I . i � . .
� . .
voter in the ward I.-fiaven't staked td 1) f he r, so 1, v�atlted to bring You tO-:1 WalDwrl-lit. ,B . Ili you.�re a rhilk out- about the electio! . I '21".. , - . I .. . I . I . . .4W ' " . . � .
. coal or outings or ball or booze? . IS &(. , � . , ,% .. . . . . . . . . !. . ... I . . .
. , .t�cr Ilt4re to" � I . - . , ., I -
. . . 4 I � . er have � . - - ,It wouldn'i #o, so far as that. It'll. be. � .. . I � I
'? if so, name him tain .,oil. you did, did you?',' sneered Ilor- . elder in politics ,or ,�au'd ney.' I . . . I .�
. . .
. .
- ,
there le. � P.ut.a . I I made. such a preak. I can'tcompro- ' a tussle, but with plenty -of cash find I � � �� . '. P .
. . I .
name to him. They're my Friends - vignin. ,"And wbat'olld Phelan ,- say to mise with Phelan -eveli if -1 wanted to'.' 'the r1g4t rpan. for wayor-mark ale I " . I ... I . . . I .1 . . I
. . . - .
, . . I . .
twelve -months of every year, not just - that little plan?!': .... � � �.� ,. - JIc . !s� s . tood . out hg. � it . ust; In(), and .1're. .1 imy Imid the.right . man' -we ptigbt I to .. 11.1 I .. I . . . I ..� � 11 I
. �
-it . . . :r
. election time. Harrigan, indeed! ,11 saII1.11 smapped.Phelan before his. , . .. ; . . � . , I .1 I , - .
. . � q6t to shilish him. �'f h6 eould,.dLify me - A'VIn.1`v , . . I .. '.. � . I VOP.- �
.1.4ty, if lie stnrts runuln' any, man in. host could reply_�'l -said I'd see you In . � . 1. .. � , I . I I . .
I., . �And get away with It, other .leaders, "Thi) ,%v�ood, b . L . ./ .
. . S nre full of 'rig t men.' ": , * . I
tily ward he'l I Ila ve to sight him -by. a 11 first!, . . I .:. . .. 4 .. � ' . �., I ..?,. . - �
. . . . -they'. could do it, too, and . ,)lie ' ,�. , ,I
. . .� . .would think re d Wainwright. "The .tDoticy, .19 . '. _V.r .- �` . - � -
tree to see If he's roakin' any progress "Sitme liere, Wce over!" said. Ilor- ' ' . ,. . " ,; . -- �
1 I 1, . �Je ,
. . ... in less -�tbalu no,tIme th orgdilization, il c, . ..."
. I . . . . I . e Alic, elilef thhiq to pon.,41der., T h a t Is' ;.�,� I .,* I j....
or not Harrigan. bey?" . vIgAll. I . . . . I . � - ,L4. ..� ; .1. 1�1 I ... "&�
� . . would. be split -up into a dozen Metions, . whY L av'a"col you here totUy_ , ThJR 'a ......... , , ..;...1 11 ..
. . . . '.
-Come. come. alderman." Interposed Put" Inteit,posed'""'ainwright co i - . . .. .. Ir . e, �t � I
. . a'- I and I'd be down and ,out. - Upolersta ad ? . . . . . . . I � I . ,#','A .-W ", G ,JF
Vlaiuwright. "Why .don't -'you And Ingly, "Is. there no Jy,yll� . . � . I . . diselplIne WV . I .. . . . I i .'! ... I .., I. - v , , �-, ,'iI7 .
. I?ve got to look out for in. .'! � ,.., z,
11orriguit smoke the pipe .of peace? . "No"!::retoried, 11orrigan. 'his deep. to hold . the p)ace I'Y6 - woh.* Wlien A .... . . - � I . I � � , :K ,.,.,,- - - �e' I
. � . . 'in Ills throat . I ' . � . . . I 1=11z,-1:011 T, 11
Wlly"- . voice rulubillig far,dowp . . man I . . .1.:1'. , h,g , . I
. n the -organization sthyts� a fight . I 11 . . ..,
, I
"The Only pip?. me ail' Dick.1-lorrigan i -"There Isn't. Look here�-.Phelahl I'm - I . . I I . I -, .. �. N IN 11� - � . I k � �1 1�1:e , .
. . - There's- . - . � _�. ; I
. . �agalnst-mii, � inustOowo.4ilb I . 'I.,. \ .1 N .1 � .
. . ,
. . . . __ � . _ I "' - ,--
will ever come together over will be a - out for'your scalp, and Vrn;going to.get j no.turning back., That's why I'm. boss. . 1. � . ,�i I . I _!� -
yard of lead pipe, an' my , fist .will be, I 1. "'? . . I . I I . I � ; I . . . I �. .. - - . - .
. I � . I . . I � � . .
. . . F � -ill In' the crowd knows he's - ..-. 11 .
. . I , I ��;M-!� ,
-It olle end of that all' ills thick. head, I .. ' i very m. . : - �:: , , I . . ... � ..... I '�.
. k-7mile on, loolz . 'De-. got to obe - . rl!� ������
. . , I . 71 �� - - -
. rot, lt,,�, crowed'i y ane at! fight me -and that It . . I , �!'-P 7 � .
, . I . . � , . . . . . . . . . . . . .-
I I . I A I I I .
' otli ,r. I . ,.. -, .
'I At ill' otliL I . , . : ;, ��
. kin: fairlY hopping up -and .down in:., it's �flgt;t it's a -battle do the death.' And' ! . . � ... ) : . P" � . .r �;., . . .
. . . - I I ... - . - .. I 1. I
"But." remonstrated WaInwright. "be I ruge�arid �,%�elteinolit- "Colne a-rulfitln'! ) he's- 1:116. wan� who old'es -the dying, not . � , ,�",. J,. -I � . 'If if
. f . .. � ? �, I . � .., . � � . ,
Is ,I strong Illaii. 14 it safe to fight �� I . , � L. I I � � . I I I .� . � , .
11' -while. you're. llulltW 13,11Y. scalp. I I, Now, Yon unde.rstand? .:So. we can . Al� ".- / - - , . , r_,_V-.1_ - - . , , �
. . I I I . . . - .
. . .
hilliT, . I tioij*t ' overlooic.. one %. bbt� - - 11 in . af ter. �' get to-Vusiness. Nvbat"-. .., . . , fW, , . . . I . I I I ..�,�%. . . .r. � .,. .% 7'�_". ,.. _�,
. . . � - �>,., � . ,. I . . - 1. ,
� I I . ... . I. - . : _ I .
I "Why Isn't it? Ile's got to came. Into- I otl,-A!" . � . . .1 � ,: , j3 t , business ,seeLmd_ this.morolJng' I I., I � .., � . . I � � > I
T ., � . � � u I I . 11.1 -1 . . . . .., .1 1: . : . .
the Elglith -to lick Rio. :Ind.. bell- be , - , .:,* . 'I . � A. IN'. I . "I, � '. , -Ah6pt Dewhelt. , '. .1
'12NIIII(, N7011 littic-i§111,11tip! 716, .,M f.qt�ld.�q'many Interruptions., The ]at- I i�. - �
* Zf", , , , , . . . . . . . . .. .
as stro - : . . 1 . .. . . � " , .. . I'll. r,
about. ng, there"as a barkeep's Ili . I . �A'Lft them., The,y!�I, soon got hoarse
. � . 1,ye.4.. yours. ., Ilovi-Igiin, you -. ctw_ 1, est came in the form of Judge 1,�ew- - I , , ,,,.;;;, I . .;:,.: . :.. . .
. ' - I
thience witli the Prohibition ,porty. : . and have to rest their throats. As long, -
You're prt-tty, cbesty.an' qtrong;'stpnd- i man;-,wh6i bustlind into thefobim with , I .1, .. . 4 . I
I .
. Bi,si(!ps, I loce a Cglit. I'm the Original - - I' - ()* i 'o top'ot th,7 org, . , is �ust6rniiry pompous .d . ignity, .. � .. I I . , I As .we -got the.. . . �
it 11 It anizatlon. but i all: h . , . � votes NvhbLt do we care, ,
'Stop, look an(I listen' signal at Trouble . . . � I . . . . I . I . . . � . . . i
. you'i-,V. lio,blo6ni - in' statue ��f Liberty.. 'suddenly. stopped to .bIs Araqks .and .. .. .. 1. y 11 . � I * , I . Jrip_ . � . . ' . �
station. 1*'-. . . * e's the N-111ted at siglit ok the''boss.' I . . . . .: .;( ' has impo-
- , . . I . . I . . . - . � . 4
"As a perqrinill favor to me. alder- You Can . . I ana , her - . . I .. � I . I . . "Yes yes!". agreed the.
; . be torn do,ivu I . . I . .. i . . tle
. inan wtho's , tit' to do the-AeArlu'.* "Good moi-taing, Mr., IlbrrhmiJ ".said. I // - dy' �'Tfi
mail," Nylic-edled Mr. Wallinvright inlits . 140 . . . Z'. . �. . ! �- � . n . at'iif all right, but iTI)at � :
' '
Ale-,'Lidernian, ii -Why Phelan of the the j grathitingly, wriggling un- I .. '. I . . . . . , want to know Isi Ilbw does all`thts
. "won't you . udge in,',. , . 7 . I .1 I ' '
ni(wt persimsive mautler, ,ighth!" . .. . . :r . � . der the. boss' - glower. "I hope I'm, not *. el I ., - ; . , - concern me 2"' - . - .- -'. .
i . E . . . . � � . . . . . � I . .
' ,
� nirliv a feleild of .1lorrigan?" . "Let it.. -0 .it that f at- now. , Tou'll, here' too -early and that Mr. W104- . � 1� 4 , I .. , . I . . . . )p I . Harrigan threNy himself..back in his.
! --ro g;adly oblige you by Makin' 9 � . I . . _1 . . .
jv��ke Lip in - the, fall, . wbbfi the' ele'a wrIght has interceded. foe.'- '.., . . .. �"* Bo 0 ss oan., . . . chair, uptilted Mgar In one corner. of ,
, fine. f ash loti a lite. rollickin' funeral of I �. . . . . .. I . 711, -1 d � . . . i . . his,moutb, thumbs in.wil . iStcoat - armw
. I I thin '_ . . . I . : .1. . "Par -your renomination . �er�,? - . - I .. � . . . . I . I .
. .
him. but friends-friendsi"- I I -Let 'it go ilt_'biat for;keeps, I!'- - , Harrigan, speaking' as'though to 0,_(A$- - ,-. .- � ' - - . . holes and iDyed his host, ,quizzically.
. ', k,
I -But if I ask,;A blui bere to meet you ' . . . .. . d I D '41 I - -1 I %nd not
. . "Mr. Wianwrlght," -broke og Horri- grace � serva t. . f that's what you'ie' . rh tiote
� . .1 . . � � . to . lnstena of .� -
) wouldn't you vy to be cordial to ) � ., , . -lit bare spared yobri . . . I I
I � gan; 'if ."41iltr was the � . you' . . . understand. ,Still, . . giving
hial?" . . . . . . ti�j buslu6s% ,here. for yon, ml ' TMMS. , �
I wantef] to talk over wl me her&'- . pelf the trouble.- What I told'you be7..� -a. direct �uswer he went art .-01th'seem-
. . , � . � . .
1 "I sure! would-ils-cordlial as a bank- .. . I . . - I � � . � . .1 �
. ljoroughiy un- , fore still goes." . I . . .. . . . Ing irrelevance., ., * .
I ropt lo a rent collector. He'd* be as , - c "It isn't," assured the t ' . � I pt; Mr. Ilorrigan, considbr. bow I . - � III am a public spirited citizen.` I bO..
pretty near , I is welcome� as a broken *� onifortable fina c a - ' I * IT I've . been I oil. '. I . * - '
� n 'Ier.. I ER
. 11 Oil! Then we can &qt1dow.n to i,� long tit6hench, and"--: . . . ifeve'elvic'welfare would suffer by any
� I . . *
. I I,
leg. biti,qlness . � t change
., perhaps :when this fellow's . "And. Ws ti we you got Your mose.on .
i * " . . . . .. �-1. I . ,in ,Municipal admi4istratlon, so
. . � . I of -ed . � . �. to keep the present part in pow
I'm sorry y..ou look at it that ,way., -one.,, . . I tbelf id Vag'!tnq gave some one else ., Y . or I
I . .
dicTerman. because I've asked him to- - ,.I'll!lt lets me 611+ " 61)� . orvpd plaplan' .a chanee. YouArd"_ . . I . . . . � I . , . an) willing to.. donate' to it,.$200,000 fa,
I - . I . I � . I .
duy�" � . f ____.__-._1_- .._Lm� ' "'I'm -growing old, Mr. Horrigalill' Elrf ER Ward election expenses." .
"To cotne here? Quit your joshin'!" I � . . . . I . � .
� . V% I -.1 -pleaded 1-he'tboroughV comod'judge. - - .. "That.sounds pretty good as far as it
"But lie doesn't know be'll Mee � The, Dangers , -1laow':can. 1. go back to.law pt-actice . . W% goes' but maybe you didn't bear solae-..
. . + . "
you." . - . . . . I . . . + . � . ..Ind.. competa with younger then?. Be, % thinglaskellyoua'Winute'agO. What,
.. . I . . I . . .
. .
. - . . . .
"An' he'll Dever find It out. fdr-I*m . , * sides,,Mrs. Newman dectares" I Avant .to know.1s, How dowi all .this' '
on my wity I'd sooner meet a p'rade I -of Summer.' , . Ill can't help that," returned ElorrI4 USUED. wn'cern.,'me??1 , '. .' - .- � . '. �
. .
il Ital 11 . , . . � gan, quite unmoved You've had your : . I . "I'm comin- to that.. As. I said, I
from tit' contagion hnV, . ' . . 1, . , . . I - 11 - . . . . . . .. . 0
, *
"Of course. if you're really af raid of . I I . I . sbare. We1v - e.got.to lo.6k out. for, our I a public spirited-eltizen. I'll] also
blm"- I Many dangerous and distre ng dis-, : . For Beiiofit of Women who am .
- "i oww acti�e, workers ... . . - T)d th-it,
� � . . ' an -rot the men we . * -such a good frie ,
rbelan, .; eases preva,il,in stiminor and f 11 a -as eaDL,CoUnt on to do t it '� * I a.good friend I � _,� 1.
"Afnild a ' nat6 .
of h!W!l *nnorted they occur suddenly, of -ten termi he.- kight thing. stiffer from F12=113' HIS' Jim always glad'to� pilt my frionw; c
. .. �
coming to a full stop ct�t tile door and ! fatally before aid can be Md. . �11311t,'- Air. llovrigan,ll .protested the . , . � to anything in the tuarket. Malt tookq I
' '
Complaints,' such. as Diarrhoea, Dy- juftc, "I always try to 46, what Is, Minneap , I ea I,
then returning to the middle �bf thc I . � ,91i s, Minn.- I I I wa s 0, ffrolat partleularly prolul"'jug., - suppo.se -
. . . � . . I ,, . . - frow ` ale trull)AL's Nvlilch ry for y6ur account at tile IIIIII'lit't
rooin. "Afraid of Dick Hqrrigan, senteryi Coijol; CraInos, Cholei�a, Morbusi - riglit," . stfterer I Ke . .
- . . I . . - , - 1.1�1` cat sed ,a'weaknes,4 I I . I - �
... �� ,;q .:�-�:,%:,.!!'..-'..�
I.Show me the man I'm afraid to meet i 9driuner Complaints, ,,, ., ".�.:..,. . ,,�_,. 1 1.6 . I
.� " ice (thaVs 63 just now - I
11 Cholqrs, Infantuni., I., I ."I stild 'the right ,thing,' " corrected ".:...!!! ._.1.;.:,:, and broken'down P I 101000 rhair"
. . .1; I .. ": : . .
. �._ * ,
and I'll meet him with pleasure just I. etc.,.4re quickly, anted. - '. . I'" - Ifereuce 7" , , 'Ile .or Borough stroct -railwaly"'iU00" . .
. the boss� See the oll 6 ,::+ co' dition of t .
. � ,_ ; n
11 - , I
This Nit ' �+�.!: ... :�.,
. ..
. +
As foe,- on6rful 'Irl, , e,11 Intery ,7:
to show you It's a lie.. I � . . .Xense me, judg . ened �. I system.. I re,ad so "Well?". . . . . ' '
I , - "It Y :;; -,::; -k ,..� K,-��!: ,
�� el complaint � i�!.,i;�!:�::'�!]:� �.,.: . :'.'� at franchise is
"Mr. 1-lorvigan!" came the- butler', , W,,Llr1i0",Zhr onlil leave this mat-.. .� " muellof Vdia'U'Vdia "If , tit grantedi + Bar-
remedy-has.been , .:: .:
.)s .� :" BA11ukbam'8 ' ipast 23 points
announcement from the thresbold. . 'DR. FOWLEP ter ,i (I -f *, littildR, I wit) try to convince � %*".,j,- V ef", .; ougli stoek will go lip -at
a the market for . .
. :!.�,, � -11 "K:.�.;,
...... .....
I The man who followed the announce -FIXT. OF WX I .� ; ; -. <-, et.9ble-Coinpound within -two. days' Thatmonlol clear lip
III) 64 years and it . Mr. 0,;r4an' of your fitness. . Just -: ...; .. . 4:
. . %;��!. :.k� -1. , .,
bear. I STRAWBERRY , I . . . . . . . 1'::�:,.- 1:1.: 1. . ... .. had .done for other
ment was one who carried Ili bis FIR lim been used U leave It all to mc.11. . �;�'i,,: , . ;...:. .I- for 'you" a profit or-letlit see -about
.. - k�,��, ." ,.? I !x: suftering*w,omen I .
+ I . n 'lob, tbank'Toti so much,'Charlesr, -X.V'.., �_..- , :_ . I . .. _
- - - ,��, "
_ .,.. :�7 felt sure i
Ing tile chief reasons for his slicceis. 1, A. L I IL 11 tho il-4-a n d a of . . - ".., :;; '... -- . t would $375,000-",
4 T T T T_ T homes throughout ciled the felleved juago. III*m sure I *.-,*.',xi�� , . ".. .. . Harrigan h4d pulled .I pene'll f10M
Tall. stotit, square of jaw, square at , ,; :: , e p me, and I must
I '. ,� ; ..... .. .. : i -lie
brow, hard at mouth, the country during this time.' can e6unt on YOU, Mrs Newman will �`. ,, .:;, ..._:` [P Me his �eeket and ivag figuring on t
lie seemed to ' - You do not e3iperiment -when you buy on't defalft :. .. ,. r-:� ., : Won rfull . .
dominate his very s,irtoundings and to be so grateful. Well, i w la - I MY back of -an env6lbpe. I
. -an old and,tried remedy like thia., viWs , . . _..,,.,: , IlthaVs right#
- , ast,
exhale a ron.-b forcefulness that Car- your druggiA for Dr. F;wler's, and insist . you tiny lotigen Goodby." - . ains a I le 0 me. I "Yes," he said at 1.
ried all before It. His p1lyslognomy' on getting -,vJlat you PA fo� Do not '1G6oabT*,' judge," answered Wain- grew stronger, an it in t r Onths � $375,000. That would- be n3y prolf1t, .
.1 . I
. was 'essentially take game substitute w1uch the unprift� wright tolerantly. I . . .. I was a'pe ectly W611 *Oman. while yours would run into the mll- .;
�ci led cirtiggipt says is "just its gcocc:12' IIGoodbY, Mr. Ilorrigan," went. on 1,1 wAiA this letter made public to . '
� thdt of the %orn 'ge L show the benefit. women may derive lions. ThaVs not warni elaough rrIe.nd- ,
� I . .
. .. lighter as well so olleap finitationq are,dangerous to 'Judge Newman, with elusion. . i Vegetable abip for we." - , * , - . .
I your health. I I . . .. . , from Lydia Bi Phikham',,t . ' .
� . . Its leader -,the A, grant from .Harrigan, Who had Compound.11-Mts. J6yx G. MOLDAN, .."Surely, that Is a generons'l- '
. .
I Mail that fiel- Mrs. Jell Floberty, Belfountitin, Out., turned Ills broad -back on the visitor, %:I5 Second St., Xorth, Xi.nnta,Olis, , ',Generous, maybe. -but I'd like some-
( Writes,J1W the month of $eptember, . wig the only.xeply, And the Jndge do- Kinn, . I thing munlflcent--�-slly 125,060'shares at
- tber gives nor la,st, my youngest ebild �took eunim6r
as,ks + t1a., parted 'to bear the' message Of. 1100 to Thousands of Unaoliefted and genit.
. , irter. Compl%int and the doctor bad,.ve,ry little I 1 63,. Then at tbe 25 point Jump. I'd
T'rotil the,.daiq hopeafor,lier, Nly ntsighbortol(Ime to Mrs. Newman. I ine testimoulals like the above -prove make -I'd m0ell-conquIting his figA
'xtract of Wild Stra d1nave You any spWIaI objections to ,the efficieno, of -Lydia, E, Plukhoon's
wh-on as A. f e0y get Dr. Powlerli B iv- . Vel6table Rmpound, which is made ures, on the envelope--t"something Ovdr
ilcket sell6r he berry, go that nigbt I s6tit my daughter ,XOWwttn?11 asked WdinwfighL . .. I , $600,000. That sounds better to me.
� exe usively from roots and herb . .1,
bad Mid the to get it, and when slie came home I. "IDPI, said Ilorrigan, "excopt 1 think , Women who suffer froni tho ' Uev 2,1 . . . . .
pOrb It $� ditt �
ga�e the baby one dose, and in balf an -theroils men who can do better tpre, .h..I&
sBing J118 peculiar to their sex
foundations of hour there was a change -tbt the; better, by - no. You know how much It means not lose sight of these facts or doubt (To be ectotlnued teit Weok.
illit; later for- ind ifter'the third 4106 she was olom- . . #
, I s sometimes to have the right judge ban- the ability of' Lydia E. Flilkham's I 00 I.
�__� t 11 11 0 8 b Y pletely cur6d. We taol it ig far s,nd Ile. .
. .. �,,� IlLnockingdoNn, ond shy othor remedy for, guAlther die your care.,, .. Ve Ti%blet-callo,d PreveniVics-is being
0 1 getable Compoitind to restore t)xdr A clever, popular Candy Cold CU116
77 f a r 0 S., UPI gniplaint and besides it ,taves paying & III think at a pinch we can manage, hez tb.
. . ., I ce WrIt,b dispensed by druggists everywhere.
Por a moin&nt the g1rongb hIA-1va- do ttol I advise evervone to uge it. Newman, and"- � I . it you Wmit; A�edai advi , In a few hours, Preventles Ate said to
I ,)Ol I .
one -lint" facW cach ried t.areer% as', D. � tept a, suhstitut� for Dr. Itowleils. 'lob, It it 19 a favor to you, ail right b MrA. PiTtikhamo at Ly", XaS4,
� 1. Shouilltreatyoxtrletteriisetrictly break any cold- completely. And
oth4w. V;oliceman con_ I The original and only VoWler's Eovttrapt,l gilt it doestift ft those judiciary fe I Ptoventim beitig to so,fo anit tooffi.
I of Wild Stmwberry is manufactured only I lows aty harm to keep them i6egsitig eoftfi4eatial- Volt 20 Yeakik ShO owe o6ro very fte fair ohi'dr6ki No
tractor, palltl6at -and ' P I by The T, Milbi 0 lie b&s bftn helphig Alick WoMen iA � "' - , to laxative. nothingh6611 oi,
boss he had I irn'Co,, Limited, Toronto, awhile. It tAM60 tem. And teach m this wayo fret of charge. Don't , 461we
fought his way. ever to the front bY 0jit., Pride 35 eenta. I sickenin. Sollol by
ld g _. . .. to tillind-sort of ketlp$ them 110 t I � - B0* of 48-250'
��. ' I , iera#
that game _(qco#, backed by tt Val . 0 . belL h68it0te-Vn't6at0he'e' -"-' 411 deal g ..
- � 1 -�4 ____�"�_ .. . . . I � . . I
I � � I 1 I .
. � . � I . . . I . , ,
. �
. �
. � .
' �
. I 11 - — ,
ts Newsfc,
� ce mll
I Not An . Oroca - I . 1�
. ,
� I � . . .
. The inan, who 'wants an open-minded discussion ,of ,
I ,
- Politics, - the Steady support of right,,, j tistice, ari&
. . decenty, witbout tant -or bitterness, ,�nd an " unpre, ,,
iu(liced,, c I olumou-sense treatment of public, affairg,
v,ill thoroughly enjoy the . I. . . . ,� I .
� .1 . .
. . .
I . �
" -
� To 011`10' Dally stal -
. . .
. . I
. . .
. .
� � � I I . I
. The --Star .is not E I ed. to any �arfv or aby 'cinti�rest." .1
- ' .
.1, . It.has'.,definite' opinions of its own oil politio�al, Social,
' '
. an a
- 1 4- ineral (Iiiestions-but.it reco.niz- the .right of
. . . I .
Others to lloloj-��!Z.X�actly op�6site opinions without-
. .
. !Ieo�6,ssarily b6ing sco�indr6ls or fit subject!� fo.r abuse. , : *
. ". . . � . . . '.. . . �1
T e. !� r . I
. li ta tg editorials are' broad-minded, honest, as ., ' I
.. *
keen and c'levci as some of ffie'best writers bi Canada ' '
I . .
11 . ,. cqm make theni, and always FAir. -' . . . . I . .
� � I I I t. . I . .
I .
. .,rhe Star 'is published for fair-Ini.nded, intelligent
I people Nwho' take an a'�tiye interest in. Canada and,the -
. .
. . Nvorlfl. Cons;equiently . It flas More Re4ders Than
. I �
. I
.. I . I
I Affy Other: �Paper In Ontafio. I . 1 . . I
. . . . 1, . . . . . �
. I . . . � I . �;
. .
. Im ?* am . I I
. VE r . . -
. IV Am
.. $16-50ANOCZ .1
. I .
. I . I,:. .... ... I
. This.-pgpe.r'dh . d-fha':T0fl0N;r0 LIAILY'STAR I.,fogethep for
. . .. . : ' .. .
. I I . . I � . G - ' ' ' ' ' -
. . 0.neye.aP,$240, : ..u4penteed,F.,ountainFei7g.ivsn.fop'50c'.
. . . ' . ' - ; . I . .1 . . . , . . I .
� . add6d fo d6ove sdbsc.ri�tlon Prices. - . . I .
. . -
. � . .
. . � I I
. . .
I I . . t
I .
. . .
I. I . . � .1 . . I .
". 2
I � . � . I I . . . .�11. . I . _.
. .. Guaranteed Cured. -or. No Play* * � ,
- . ... _ - �:' � I I . ... .
. . .,. I _., . I
. . I I .. acte
I . . � If you ever had an�'.contik. ,d or Iiiereditilry
I. I � - --- ' 1 ,blood diseate) you are never safe'until the virus
� I � I � .dr -poison. has been relubved from thei-system.
... " ' �.m May bave had some diseasp yemis-ago, but
. . I. - now and th&u sorne symptom alarms you. Some
'� .
_- . � �-q'%�,.',, 1, . ks in your system . . Can you afford,
� ..',' ,
I .,� . poison itill,lurl
. , .
. . '. a to run the risk of more serious synaptoms appear -
I . ,X,cc. z ., . re. of mercur�
.-e .1 "
't -_�- - � . ing as the poison mitItiplies? Bewa I
I I 1,1�1 I �,
%'., -,. or 1, Aineral drugs -used indig6riminatuly-tbeV Way,
... .. ". . . . � I - s-�stcm. - Twelity years experl6rico3n.the
. . . � . ruin. the ' I .
. .4 I T , . treatmentofthese diseases enables us to preseribo,
. . . - , 4pe.cific remeolies that wit.1 positi�ely cute -all blocd
.. � � divenkes or tb�'worst tharactdr, leaving no bad
� �,;.��.,-Jl . �1' ' ' thod Treat" '
. on <�N.�� .� tu. . . , r � ,effects ba the system. 0ur#N.eWMe -heal up
.. I I - . rneritWill purifY and enrich the blood,
'** . ,
Jt -_'�7-' e bone pains, Xallea
; ., L .
.-I : ., jt�, . all tilc6rs,.Clear the skin, retnoN �
V � e out bair wili �,rmv In, and swollen klands willre-
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. . .1 . t7__u t,
( , .. I .)a 11�,1,11, nl,�otditloti, and the pationf. will
. . . . I . ftlel a�-.I�l ,look li!,e a different ' p6rson. All cages
ftikef rdtimo-Vnita vact. Ave aw-pt i'or treatment are gtiarantpdd a com-
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VVX .(XinB Nervous Debilltv, Vaipicocele,. Stricture,' Blood and
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Secret 11i4ciases, Kidney -and 131ndiler Complitints. conil,aultation Free.
if uriablo to call write for .1 (Juac-tion. List for Home Treatment.
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1. 1\9 2 Y&KEENNONDY
"'M r.
U R�, S. K EF. - . H E D .
� Cor. 1-fichi ,'azi IcD_ ,Griswold Sts. "'. Detroit � - mich'.1
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VI OU, must have a good ov�n to
bake. w.itfi-and you just take
our � word for it, theL .. . I
is the range that has a perf,ot bak-w
. I "'.,
ing 6ven—the fire and ovFh cori�
s . truction thake it so—call in' and
we'll tell you why, .
� Sole agents. Clinton,,Ont. .' '
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