HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-09-16, Page 4I . � j I The ellaton Now Rra P , . . -1A I 1. I...., I ­­ "!-- � , . ., .... . ... I— j ,rl � _ ­ . 1. 11 r" � ­ " , -5 , "'. ­ � C� 1-11 ­­ � -F ­ - I I � I -11. ­ . . ... .1 I � I � , xiktior .,,Xbl. I I the r,an b�hl,�,e; tax . or vorporations Miss Dot Ball took in Toronto j .1 I 11 . .1 � . . a (if bitiou last week, k, pa 'jo - ways, I . , ,. I IThat we-Adrort1w've Sell. INV. 411 19111RX"Affil , .tilttles, stichas rail Mr Fred Hill, of Oxhow, $-Islr,who _ . I I ­ I . I . - I .1 . 11 ' , telephone and telcograph lines, arid ex- has been visiting at Dhe h9m.0 of Air. I 11 :, , " press compariies�-. wiping Cut race PlUMStCel, And other triends, if) ,r! .1 0.1 11 ,Annual " H. � � . � track "mblin g '� rights of the individ, towns bas returned to the West, . I .. . . I I I *h A" e0 Western ual vs. the carporfktiOa ; th't H 135 I- Miss Fiste.-, teacher in the Colleg � . � I �. uc & tional policy and otber, questions of 130 late, 'k e, d by bet- sister bRve . . � ,.� IVUO we sell AdvertisesuQ, � 0 ' con'X " Ddi I ..1. I 'r.., .... .. I 1.�� ��Q . . . . . . _­. . Excursions sma.a.momelit. inthe midst of ,,,,- rented be �'i'i',!e owneit by 4 -s. Hod. . I �� , - . . gens. The NUW 9RA welcomes thtu) ." � . ,_1111-1 �; 111; ­- I - � . 1- . �� � " "" '' i 4 '' _ __ ..'' -W- . 0. , sel tb're is *a1d to ber safety t'llb In the. to,town, . � . I , W � HE discussions the horizon should not be Mr. Henry Baker returned. Wednes. r �, �", 'STAPa'&'Nvi FA,NL ,Y DRY GOODS .c AP PARES ", . . . 10114LIXERT � ' FURS MANUES . . , TO ,circumscribed by the thought of serv., day evening from his trip to the west, � I I I . .. . ing the party but, aiding to the better. He reports the crops excelleur, ,%Ud . I �,` .. "' , , . . I Port Huron, Detroit. Chicago, went of the pe6ple, as Ontario con, every persqu joyous� over the prospects, � I I - I I � ._ Bay Cit�,, Cleveland, Gran.d Rik * I of theanin try. - . I . , . ­ - I � , I Idsq. sagAuaw, Minneapolis,, t1t, stliutes,& very Important PI)rtiou of - .�7. Molson Mae ran ,I. . pberson,.PresIdent . . I We extend. a, cordial I theDominionof CFw4da and what is 4114 3, as. Elliott, General Manager ot I , , , .. I 11 - 1; - 9 ' I I to be dpne oft I ewhas to be considered in the Mol4ons Bank were in town, on I " .. . . Septe, 16o i7 aod i8, up to its relation. to others as well as our- jPriday, Sept. Ifth making a tou. r of - , . .invitation to, *ou to I I - I I I 11. I LL . I . .' inted inspection of the Branches, I . .41, Oct- 4-th, - selv4'. As w6 have frequently po I . . , � � , I , attend our . Also che4p one-way Colonist fares to out leaders and promineritMen of the� Mrs. J. .R. Grant and Miss Jessie , . � . _ -rant, of Winnip - I . V I I ) B ' G � _eg,. were the guests I eitish Columbia, flalifornip, etc, party should arrange short tours dur- -, and Mrs. J. . err during, � . �. ... . -4ing year where. at suitable of Mr Leslie K � Ing the coi . the past week, They also spent a day 4 I Ti*ets for any point. -Railroad or. centres publio, meetin a might be held With the Grarst family on the London I ; I I . .. steamship line, - Road, - . I I , Annual to debate the issues of the day, The . I odva:ntages of these gatillerings, sep� Mr. and Mrs John Rice and Llovd. 4 John D-ansford returned b I i '.. I - , JLN�" . nave , ome, after, s din - . . I 11 arated from an election contest, no few days in Bowmadville, =r tve ­ . � . , , I TOWN AGENT 0. T. R- one *111 deny. In the past the tend , , . p!�rental roof ,also at Air. Charles ; . _ I � i. . fall" Office next door to Mclson's Bank eney has been to permit a comparative Hices home and with, frierds in Tor l�.. I I . � . - � - .n I ! � r ��,� . few to have too much to do With the rO to- �; - /I ,. I I _. - . ..r f .., , __ �� 11 . 40 do � I wou'ding of public opinion. That may gr'and Mrs D L McIntyre of 001119, �­ Ahim LINTON a fe7w but are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. ' r, I ,. I NEW ERA not have been the fault of th I I / � In UP . . . . � Ile and Mrs A. . MeXeown, in town and. �_ - ,/ I'll 02111,10 9' C rather the neglect of the rank and 11 will also visit in the States before they , .: 1. ; oLT14TON. 014T,, SEPT, 10. 1909. �. . 11 . . I . . to have their say and agree Or disagree return horne, It is over four ,,Y,eiars " ; I I . . ''I I 1� I., I I . M , , with ll�rty leadei 9. . This is a readir g si . nee Mr. McIntyre moved to 0 Ila. . i / ' . Miss 'Grace Webster, Mrs. Max -tin � I ftAku 09 , JEDITORIA114 1111YSIN49S age an.4 the individual who is anxious �', � . Richmond and children, of Ramilton. . : I , U I . ._/A, 1; 0 1 . to be informed hab many alvan tages and Mr. and Mrs, W, R. Webster, (nee . I P C - A few yeart, ago 0. P, R. lands were over the byeg.one, hence we would Miss Lizzie Webster) of Rockford, IP., , I � . � . selling at $3 an acre ; in 1905 ille aver- Uke to encourage not only the elderly are visiting at Mr. James Webster jr., I . I age price was $4.80 ; in 1908 -it was Liberals who have done I splendid gier- Hullett. The latter are on .their wed, 11, . - ,ding trip. * .... . I � 1 $9.54, and ', e for theii? party, but the younger - FRIDAV. E VEN ING� - - ' ; ,he 10'W sales average about vie I .11 Mrs. 1C. Erskine and family of Tor- . * . . . . I I . I : � I � 0 � $12,50. The land sales.,profits alone for men of theReform cause to now, if onto arrived in town 11 Tuesday' of �. Sept. 25th, and foll4wing dalyfo , the last fiscal year amount to over $2,- never before,to set to work to rea& the this W�ek and Mr, Erskine came on. I �, . . 000,00 . 0. Pliacitrig the 01 P.R. land hold- history of the two great parties. in Wedne . , I . sday and wilil occupy the home i 1, No store outside the cities.will show a larger I ings I this ,Dominion and, COmPaVe their lately oocupied by Mrs. Hodgens, Mr, � I I - I . � at an average of $10 an acre, the . -Erskine is the new aecouncant of the I � I display of Millinery than is to be, seen at this store, company milst still hold about $120,. achievements so that. in somm.ing - up, ,Njolsons Bank. . I . ­ I I , -1 ' ** . . . I � , � , You don't have to go to London - or Toronto . to J000,000 worth of land. I . the final abalysis will be I faidy safe The mAny friends 'of. Joh`n T. H -.)Id§; . . . . . I � - . I . Sept. x6th, x9og 10-ftr � . I � 1�11 � . , . � I . Latest Stylez$�' � I ' W I It., - . ­_ I I .. 11 . ­ I ... , . . I adies' Home Journal � * 17 . . 17. � I . Patterns ., I I , I ­ ... I I �_.! - . �� � I . 41 1 � � , , i . 'Patterns for October are now ready. Always . , thirty to sixty days in advance of all other patterns. : , r� r I . . I r.,orrect styles at all season's, I I . ;I - . , . 0, - - � No other pattern. �� manufactiger e v e r I went to greater ex- - �. . , . pense to insure abso- 101 � . lute accuracy in all . - , the det�ils that pro. , duce' faultless work. _ � � � * L . That there is no - � w a s t e.'of` m?Lterial, I . .,. ... . that y.o u are � t o-1 d I . I ..� I .. I -OAF ___ exactly how many i) . ... " I.. . 1 ,,,,yards to b4, .that . � ' .-�Iz you are . taught to ' . . cut, baste, ht. and finish a perfect.gar.ment, And, do � . , I it successfully, witnout any previous experience, I . are some,,of the features of Ladies' H.0me Sour- � , nal Pattdrns you will appreciate. . : . .. . - . . 11 I . .. . 11 I - � I . I . . "I . I . . . . I . . . . ..., 1r, . ioc anq.,Isr' ..., . I I I .,-mbo ,,, . ,,, ,.each, - I I . I . . ­,. - ' . . . . I . �, 'None',Hi 0 -�� I * . ' � I . .1 .- ,� . ,,. gher. � � I - . f�'5� 1, . . I �.� . I ­ . i I 1.� N . . I . - I . - ,. criterion for future guidance. -The var� worth of the Drepel � institute Phil:. . � WE 'ARE INTON AGENTS. I I 1, I... . i C � � 1� . ' . I � I buy your Millinery, for we will. riV6 you the same .h -1A 1'. .. A +'k, , _1,1 ious riding orga�niz-%tions. should be- adelphim, in Clinton arid Holmesville,. '.. . . I � . � Nothin ' ' , I I . I I . 1. I I I I 4��;� 4 - . � I styles for less money, and we ,,will be pleasect to . L, . I .. I .. .. -_ I WILL be pleased to know that+ the � I . stir themselves arid prove", their worth . �, , . I I prejudice the case of the men who are . . . . gentleman has been appointed Pro- ,.�, give you all the.attention desirable.- . . I to.the party, - , I ,. . . . � . . W be t0ed for alleged "black ban -Y' . . , . . . lelwo� of R conomics ill the, ITU I versity � j �. actices.. They shdu . Id have a fair I ­ of,Pittsburgh. . His old friends Will be . . Aliss Spark, who was'with W, J. Newcombe . . pr, . . . News'fiom, tile 'Wrest. I � p1sased to hear of his promotion, - . . trial'., But every Canadian will agree . . � I 11 ' I . . I I . . . . . - last sEason, is in charg i ry epart- . Dr� and -Mrs. W. Lane llolmes,Bras- .,e of our M lline' d' ... . I I w4h tie that the crime is one that. - The firm 6 ,--, , 0 &.Fares sels, announce the tbarriap&e of their � I of Goraorl'irbusicl I ment, and with the assistance, of Miss Cam bell, riltist be stamped out e'ternly. W -ellotl, ,kt - . . , I p . hat is erecting a $80,0). Aval� so *, daughter, Kathleen Leouora, to Al�x � . � ". late of McFaul's, Seaforth, will do All in -the' ever nam�e it may.be called by; the �x- Saskatoon. I ... I �, . Rrider Barrett Muclionald,'Or nbeoq�k-, ' - - . ir pow- � . .. . a I tortion .of 'M-oney by tbreatw agatinst , in Lethbrid �b for .B..O. . The x6arriago to take'place the � 11 r it er to make� thi's Millinery Dpoartment second to . Bui'dlu er b 22nd of September. Both. are well- - I -person or property - merits such. a pen- thefi,st egiakt nni',in'slis of the year ow - kno*n� to trial y i(i Cliuton. i'vIr. Ate. , .none. REAEMBER THE_ DATE.. , . . � alty as will strike terror to tb6 hearts a total ,f,$850,000. . , I . � . I i - tit., . . : Donald is it rising .yo i;, k - I ung lawyer In . . I I . ....... 1. I of all Acour%drels who mightwish to re- t I ' pe I ton is ready for: pregentation British Qolumbia. ',� , .. , . . . � LL 11 �__ �M) A . . I . . . . . o the niunieipalfiy ot Portage la : I . . . . � , I . 1� . , . I sort to..it. ' � . . Prairieto4ecure a loeal option. t ' ­ 0 I .1 ---- . A "? I I rj�jTl'. , - . . I . _.. . I . : y o e . I , " , , il . � . . � next December. � . 311,tS. GOLDWIN SMITH . I%w '0 4,_t�. � . - 1111., ,�, ­ . . I . .1 � L .1 . . .� � � .. . , . " -1. � - I I ssed because.there .. Edmonton ratepayers will vote on PA.%Sr�S: &T TORONTO. I UP -10 -Dal " ­ + Sur,prLsels'exprie, I . .1 . . . - I ?L -j . , ___ I .. . was iio In . surance on the Parliament several m. ouey by-J.aws on Oct.. 20,. one' . ' I . + . - . , . . -, ­ � �. . being for the suni of $293,00) foL4 PON- - Mis. Smith, wife of Mr. � Goldv; . ill . I - - Buildings� until. two years ago., Why �. . . - . I Af& d1^ . ,%, !� ��; I,- � I .� T I.., ­ ­­ ­. I . should there be any insurance now�? ihg Jasper avonne. � . I . . Smith, died Thursday moining 4t the, � � . . . I . I Potatoes and tomatoes are grqwn Grange 26 Gray3ge road. Dec6a,sed was . . - + . I U zoa . ­ , -, I The ' Goverrim. nt owns such an im- ith much suer,.ejsp at Daweon� Yukon, in her 85tb ye4i. , , ­ -, -, -, I I � � -1 ... � I I . P. . W . . ,� I I . M r :Smith � n6acted , I . � : . 1113rise amount of property .in, a§y1unis The toulaioes are nutured in., gr,-.en� . On*August 31, I s to . . , , � .1 I . ,,, . , I . I I hans". - One gardener reports A yield a slight vold, and while to this - her We will also have on .� . - I , + .. : � . - prisons, etc., and this .propertv is ' , I . 11 I . . , death 16 iti�mediat6l attributed, the , I �3 toniatoes from'drie vine�. - � . ofIC i . . 1 : . i .. spreaAk-o*e:6 go wide.,an area,, and. is I it . . . . ... Ji,diiact cause was SAge. . . .. . '. 4; � . is expected thkt th6 fiew .paper - M. ., , display a larges�howing . . . . !i I . . . unae'rsuch�constabt'guar'd,.'tbat the , '. and Mrs. Smith had no chll�re,n. � � , , � . - . . - r i� mill at Fort Frances will be tooling , I . * 1 .. + Besides, bet- husband, Dr. Goldwin' " i ... G - to - date Coats I . carry 6ut pa'Perbythe efid- of .1 anutiry next Smith, the deceased is'survived by :1 of up I I I xoverntrx�nt shotilil. be able.to .. . . . + I " � : . We -are again showing _ I , t . . . % its own insurance as; r 4urink 1,'ehruary. Taio will be the $ . 1 1 . . . . cheaply. as the 'O * ixteen nephews and" "' Tb .,. : , .� ' . . first paper mill estab!islied in Western 'R . nieoes.7 ey ,� Ir ;. !1. ': same can. be carrie& by. a private. com- . 'ArtburX. Kirkpatrick arid Mi -s + 1. . !, .1 . - . � . . are: . the famous Northway . 1. 4.1 .... Canada. . I.- � .... 1, � . . 1 7:1 . � pany..-Farmer's Sun'. - ,:* ., 't". . I , , : ' . . .. . . . .- 11.)mer. Dixon,, of. Vernon, B. : Q; . . tt . . . . . . . .*��jj .11 and- Continental gcar- 1, . .. . I . .. . . . . . . , . Paiilight, -Saclk.,, .igr applying -for.in.- 'Ernest Berger. 'of Toronto; 0aptaln I ' offfiWU . ' , . . * ion as -a village. r44irlight is 1%. . : ;' - ­ ,rat I - ; . I . i ... � corpo Fraser Romer Dikon:of.the StratlicQua 1-1 + ments. These speak Af.rdio : . t I ,., � Tn' th' Horse, Wiunlneg; Mr.. �H, 141,. o . i. : ! "I , I . � - . mu will. be,no ,excuse for: e On, the Reglua-Brandob, 0. .N. R� I . H mer �- for themselves. Eve., . . . '' � I , .'Whitne Governme � lit if they. -do .. not . branch, - arid th6 Re9ton-Wolseley D le �. . y Hi�on,,, os'! VikncouXer, B. ,0,, -M.'.ss, �. . : ; ; . � - Oil I . . .. I branch, 0. )?.'R... located about twelve .Dixon, N-Lia,gara Fdlls,�Qnt.; .1 . one knows the kind of * - : ! ', � I inaugiirate a fokwaird policy regarditig. mileswest of the Manitoba boundary.' Messrs. *AjexAndei�, "Geotge, Thon as. ��, . I ; i . . - . 1. . ' . I . i. . I . . . . 1. . i �, . ­: I New Olntafio at the -next session of ,' It is ' � ��, goods we carry, but no . I � . ; + I ..: 1 . . . . � , rumoredin Calgary. that' the and Harry'Dixon, of Phiiiidelphia, and I � t . . , , ., i : .. I Parliamelit. :The more thaVis known Hudsou's Bay Co. will 'nixt Misses Alison, Xea;tin�, Thavor,'New- .I. one has known such , . .1, i - . yeai ex. 1. I I . . . ­�- - , . , of that Noethlayid convinces the public perid-$100,000 in improvements to their -bold, Sh%rpless .and Landreth, . of . I., , .. : i q, I I I . 1� prices on them as we .11 * . � � . . I . . ,; , i . preient storee' building in that city; it Philodelobia. .,- I �. . .. I : 1, . it is wellworth not only etudying but I . � . ' �, will give this season. ... .._j % --- - ­ . . wilt be raised two stories, a gr6at don:10 . Thel'ste,Mrs.Smi-thw.tsiior'ninBos- ;-. 1. , I 1 I I . formulating plansand.puttffig U16111 in entrannp built'un erec d ,ton in 1824. She Was the daughter of' . . 4 ikddltibns.� te '. I I . � � -Di% �. . . 'r h i s branch of our - - 1. . . I . . I e:t.cerise with a vieW.Of"speeidily'lle�el- .to the rear. , , .. Thoma's .ton,aknight.ofthe okiler' . .. . . . . , , " oping its Wonderful ,,eso rdes, ': From, �, . Netbet-la,rids Lion, and' of th . 1. . . 1. . � � . I . . , The' Calgar* `b '' * permits of-flibi . , e I" * businegs is g ro w i n g - , 4 - . ..� ., : � . � � I . P . . . , Y. ullding ' for Ord4rof-'the -. Lily,' 'And her maiden the recent.visit of the Ontario M..'R p;s August were. $242,175. Tho b'ank'deav , �. . I I . . . 0 . '11z%beth 'Mann, �. rapidly, and such. result§' -never come .by . chanQe.. 1' for the ihoo th �how an ine name was Ha�riet 11, � . . . . � ., . . U is quite evident members. from both 10 6 . . rea$ebf ,� . '_ ler cent," totalling* $8.25%'.�Ue The I ed to ,� -1 a t e s t novelties are -a l.w a -y s o ' d in sideg"Of th�-Hou.se are'a,kotisled-ta the oustonls r6e�ipts f : The . . .. I uni ; 1 .589, Dixon.';, She wa,; fir:,t marri I I . I .. � .. . oi, August ,.V'ere NVillialyl Henry 136�ltous,of.l%loulton.,- I . �, our stock .1 . .. I .� . .. . . ,'I I . ­- .. . I inineill, timber ana, agricultural poser $54,000,, -and the homestead entries for County of Lin661n, 86 I an I d mem � - ,� .. . . . . . . I... . �. I .. . I Tnd., � �. . ., � . . .% jbilities an& will (be able to di August were 786.' . . I I I � ber of..the Provinii4t arlianlent for : . . . . - __ - I . . .. .. scuss 1. � . . . I 11 , - - -ei . � ,. - � � . Torbuto. .Tho Soult6h§ toblc 11PH. ir � � . I I peiaded legislation and advktrice' n. Last Year ,iii SA§katchewan 108 jbint ' :1 . I . I . over residence. ,at "Th- flow6wp'od" in 4 We, want your good u1119. as welU as your ' . ments. from their pe'' . . - companiee '-vver6 incorporated Toronto. ,Mrs j3o�liton continued'to �.` . I I '. ..... . � . ' rsbnal observa. stb�k. - , tion., Ifl.the agricul.tural lands. caii be with an.* aggiegate' capital'izaion Of reside there aher the- death 'of. hei, . 1� Patronage.. Put' us to the, teisti , � pl'ic . ed in *the hands of tl'e right kind oO, fl ' (3318,800 'Nineteen. of - :these., com, husband., and, On. SeotembeP. '30.. 18-1.,� . . � . I � . ., � � . . . . . . . � . . . . farm � . _. n panies. were. capital�e&l In excess 6f ,was married to Mr.-Goldwin Solitil, . - I . . 1. .. . � .ers it *iII'mean much to Old 0 - $1000)) each. Thirtf-one 'rurAl tiple-' - . . .. . . . .. . ' ' .1 � � . . __ the -Wise deveiopinent of phone c6nipariles .were incorpora,ted., � - - � .. .. I " . . . . i I . .., .. . . I I .. . � . I - . 11 . - - - __ I I the minesandkrestsis*-lleyou*d com- . I- -1 . . � ;. . The C,%ii,'t(liaii-Maililt�etti,,-orii"A-;:--oal- - . . ! . �. . I . I . � . . I .. I . . . ; - . . � patation. The wisdom -of bill . Iding the . . I . . � ation Aleeti.ng opened.at Htnlkilt.on. . � %,%,%,%*%v%* Wftft,�" A,% 'The pastor and choir will ."try to Inake ' X+**0********ff0*;;- Allan' MoDoinwId­a- stenograpiler at � "' Temaskimihg railway has been proven 4+ . . . * .1 . . � - # ,each erel ice such that U1086 ' who' at. .. . .� -4- Montreal, allotbims6lfdiaaclitifi.isoffice.. . 11 I I . i church Chim'es,o tend s say Psalm 12:21... . .1 over and over and its exterision North. `,'-Personal Note.s * % 'The Chambers 'of bohl - file . ree, Ot - the , I . - I 11�-_VWWW At,*'% 0%, V's 0% 46, " Thb regular meeting ­of the League' Ward, and the � construction. -of , the - If i�hoqe haf � 4� E rnffir6began their congress at Sydri6y ' ! was held Monday evening,,. �Ir, � . t Ing,relatives *or friemds . . WESLEY - perpy Grind Trunk Pacifiewill no doubt add' Visit ng ia town or ging awa� * N. S. W. - - ' ­ . . . . . I I . . C! . . - t. The pastor will preach nexc, Sunday Piumsteel occupying -the chair. , Ail" , . Xotl us of the fact sac weck we . 'The ' Alberta* & (Iren't ,W;�1,6i,wajs , : 19th inst, morning, subject: "Always Effieflathwell read an �exoelient"pa most materially. to,. the progress ,of woul anAoiluce It in the Nim ':kuA, 440 . ... . I . . . . on a I per. - . , .� 44, ILtilway will*be tullu frolli 141,drilonton . . . .1. in the Alert,�' evening'subjebt- "The )brtion of Pilgrim's Progress,and', , settlemellb.. New" Ontario has beom +4�$+$+,�.&,$44._�+-+++*+ ,A0 For"T cMurry. .' . . � . . 6 duet was weltrendeF?ed by.tw*6 of t 'kept -A I . . h ­ . � . I.. House of my Glory." All are welcome, he in the backgrpund by the rush of . . . . , . . . . . I . I that 0harlie , h,ts been vi�est geamia, Ing ih foii tr�, .. I I .. BAPTIST. - Junior Leaguers,, Mis4es Howe And-I.Apeopleto tho Pravle I?Povinces'but a Ne regret to. Wi Ilaul NeFilail of Catripbeliville ' . . unday Effiott. Attheclose of the reguliEr re and it . behooves � -the iteri is uader the I n"Who disapp .aces , : . . � The pastor will preach next S meeting the executive rhet and. on the New Era is -he' = s care I ,at Oak- . o� his son, S Calvi , 0, IV,ng , eared' .. � , .. subjects,morning, '-Elijdli's prayer for advice of the Presi ent - powers that be � , to get busy and: at the ville...' .- -1 .. . . . 11 . . . from ZealAndla after re e , a renit. I d passed seveial - . I : � Oain,',' evening, "The passing o.ppor- resolutions . which 'will iindotxbtedik same ti I Mr. Alex 0 DaVldg�n ha4 entered anc6 from, hom% '. � . . .. . . I . m6 to so. juiliziously administer the Bank of �ioiitl,eal'at Stfatford. as ' .A in I . . � tunity." serve to Improve the. future meetift . I I . an named Mitchell fell ,from a : * li is. thO the stamp of permanent progress junior. I I . ., . . ,. I "trAin near North B,ty With his .infa,int* I . `� The Ladies Mission Circle held their of the so'clety. Next Week the'ejudy I I Albert Mitchpll and- R.ty, Ford were '.son in his arm,q, and'ilid boys t iig � � � - monthly meeting on Monday evening, of Ind to, wlll:be continued. . I will b,e),nilellibly .manifest. Tile. set- I h; �. and had a profitable and pleasant : . . , .. I � . . tler.should. have the . preference, -over - at Toronto last. we.'ek attendhig- the,. was hroken ' . wal.. ... I I . r -r -r-, . . . I . . . . - His father. had to . � . gathering. . .. - 1. " . the corporation . , and-individ .' ' I exhibition. I I . � .. itig-the child. . .. The Ladies Aid will give a Social A,tayman!s - missionary conference I ual rights - Bliss Berths; .Woon returned from %' --- I I - . . : Tea at the home of MrQ. H. Peoria- will be held i'mKinoardine on orabout Should not be lost sigbt of to fa -0 . or . ' . . I - I . I October 12th, .. . . Toronto, after visiting with .hek mint.. I . . : I I baker on Friday evening from 6 to 8. . the monopolist or the doubtful pom. 'Bliss J. Woon. '' - . . . 1. CV - - 0 . I . � t -V Id I I ONTARTO STREET An executive. meeting of the District p kny with its oily tongued promotor. 43P L01 A 42 1 , Epwort . Mrs John Jervis, -of Stanley, Spen't. � � ' . � . . � I I h League for Wi nghain district' GIV with'her sister I The pastor, Rev. T. W. Cosens njay was held in thi's town on Fr . . e New Ontailo, a chance. , � " the past week in town . . . . . . !day last. . � � . � ... . , ., . . . . � be �xpected to preach next Sund&Y- There were present: Rev. I . - . . � MrfjJ. Shydet. . .1 ... Announcement � . The subject of the morning sermon . . , .1. E. F ord., I .. I I .. Mr. Heyfies� ,and daughter fi,o ' ., I ... . . 1. 1 . . � will be "The marriage Supper o Honorary-presiden.t,Walter T. Hall IT was no watter''of surprise� that at . M I ba e much.pleasure in Asking your fthe President; Rev, G,W. RI %rers of Riple; the 5th annual meeting of the Provin�. Settler, Alberta,is visiting her cousin atten. v ' . Lamb." The theme of the evenin Mrs. J. W. Irwin. . � . I tiOn to -mv selection of FILL � Secretary; Jun, Kerr, missionaryo vice. bial Liberal Association, recently held � I AND WINTER . I discourse will be "the Now Birth. president, wid. Mids'Ford, of Lucknow, ' , . .Miss�01- 141�ans, of Gor�ie, Was . . . . . . - . .- 5-- in Tor the . . I I . I I 4th vice-president. The chief. work. . . onto,it was agre�d to call a Con: ,*gueist of -her cousin$', Mrs. -John iiart� � - aocomplished'was the arrangement of �,vention in 3 one of next 'year tm; for inLy the past week. - . .. .. Suitionks ajad - . I I the pro am for the annual Convention ma'ate the policy of the. party when Misses Sparks aiid Car . . . . I . ,pobell'are the - . 4 * . , i.. - to be hef1d inLuok � new -milliners at COUcli'& Cos. store , , ** , &O :; : 14tbo There. will be three sessionp, -of the' . I , cleco I I now on Thursday,Oot ihay nex� seek the' suffrages for this .1 ov, Alin,,,.r. I I . � . I j , forenoon, afternoon and evening. eledtora. S�me say. a pairty's. Policy , - I P . which, represeuca the best that is pro- '' W 14 y should be of such a ch Miss Annie.8pence alidr Miss I . . I - Last Year, upording to the 105th re- aractw , that- MeEw ""' duced1by the most' important foreign ­ , p a an an, of Bluevale, are the guests weaver of cloth fabrics. . i . Ort of1the British and Foreign Bil)le h .go would be uneoessary but . tfiIs -of their friend, Miss Jean Ross. - . . without fruit, when. Society, the languagei'in which either : IS not 90 118 with the ,tevolVitig I year . � . As I control these Patterns for this � !, go . I ., complete Bibles or parts of I . .8 n . . Miss Alice Spence. of Godorich, was tow I am. able to assure. -Ou exclus, ., you ' can get . berries for -it - were new situationg'ariep ; the a'vigitor with relatives.ahil frian � , I .. �, lssu'6d reached a total of 418,�nd 0,'000,. - . . okogressivq ds oil .1vonessfil styl'�_. . . I . . . ! I the 'icking,_and - 000 Bibles or portions of the Bible strides of anew, country put old. polit. tbo London Road, over Sunday. . I . I t . p � . issued. During tbo . ar six were ilies out of b . tand Wit * lvl,, W. 13. MoTaggart-left on Mon. RG I.. ,: . � ye fresh usiness end to s CIE0., Wo BA-E.I.. e , 20 lbs. Redpath'A Gran, translations werO added to the so., mean' d4y�'of'this week-tQcontinuehisstacues, - . I , . 16ty's leugnening list, a,nd were -to stodle. The tib�raI .party -has, abSt, Andrewa College, Toronto, , Fifid Aferchailt Tallojing.. " : . . u1iied Sugar for $1.00 c served- the . Province of Ontario . . ' . r duced4o written form, so ag to. beconfe, Miss 11"dith St�neni�h- and Mr. Win. r, red Ja6kaon's Old 8 tand. , 11 ­ . ` *Aely' as' I " faithfully arid , , . � - 'vehicles of;,the Gospel. Two of them I the elab-v Oliv.6r, of Chilielhurst, spent Sunday Agen,t for Beitish-Amevicati Cleaning I � 100 Ms. for $4.90 - . bdl6nk to Asia-the"border of SOW oration of thpir platform � has givo'n the guests of Mr and Mfs W 1311 Duncan & DyIng Co.. Montreal, - abdTibeh, two -'to AfricA-Southern, evildeneetinaer the* present Govilm, Miss Gertle Chalit fsfa .Stratford � . : . . ' '.1 Nigeria and the eastetn edge of Rhod. I "nee they have been in' taking a course in the Shorthand. De- . . _. , '. . , , .. � , l IF r o M*1 - U S# esia; and two to Oceania. . ment,. Yet si . . � . 00positilon many' quegtlobb have ar p0th�eht Of thit Central Business Coll. , I I A R�glha papep says- 0. B. Koenley .'s6n ege# � 1. . . . House, to Rem. I I and any size sealegS side# the provincial secretal?y of t,116 � -_ � I I , you I that the proppr , settlern6Wt means ' I - much to both the Province and the moved from Liltowel her Ul y ave I tf Alns� I'll. H.krAti. . Saskatchewan Social and bioral RP 'Mr. H. 13. Parker, .6nd tat 'I b . A co)ii(oj%mbje housil on Ajory Stredt, . . . Want. form council, has been kept busy since p. They are . I . . � . . the 612tO touP, respondi DoWinlorl, A, big convention is often no strangers &A they were f I orl-ner .real. I . I . We keeg a large assbrtjUetit of ions to 0 _ nX to invitat. n6t the best place to eo to 0 ncl;ls. dents here. . � . . I Faney - iscuka, latest import, . Manive leagues In varioue roe 0 , . Meh Wanted.' .. ParU of, the province. Aifiongdt; the Iona hence the beceessity and desiraVil. Mr. &lid Airs. J. Hartley were 10 I r­rr-r . .. Nice crisp biscuit. Try th6in. . places recently or itnizod, are: Milo. Blyth oil Friday evening, attending , x6n Nmutca, to work on 6110 cliliton, watbr- . I ity Of �nat MY considering 9,nd freely the Bazaar tinilor h . Stone. Sidtbduta, Afaineda,Qa'Appellal , ,u t e auspices of Trill* - Worits System, Wages froni shoo upwarcia, ! 3 lbsi for 25e, , discussing some of tlie' questions at ity Church, 2t _ 'Amft to T. X, OUTALOX, vonvactor. ,I I . .1_ ___.�, -1 . 1. . I . .1 . -0.0 Edgele , Oreffil 11and Rummerbeiry, In 0 j I I . Great Int tea a being taken Ill flie I idi g or County gatherings alict from Miss Mary Chant, eldest daughter -- - i. � h I lovertits I IL provincial convell. these go b6tter propared to intelligent. of Mr. H. A Chant, of town,has tqken � FACIAL BLEMISHES - . 0 1-1 I _. 1 .41 . I I � tion Is to Cal od for in the early,, ly deal with them si the larger body. a position as millinet In. oho.xge for a . . ; ' formulate ploth I , .. W, T6 0 NEIL 0, I of the winterL, to itore at llanoter'L 116P ono week boly. onding 861)t. 22n(j, Ntaq.& - , I ' I . for . . � L � . Amon some of the problems aro likt* ,8,400rjHMAXj%s61Mjl0d&* ainde 6*0k, - " ., � Ph6he 49 . Three Alleged casell olfllth6, 9 Me Art,Tack.qon, who hao been in �104'�L , I . vthItO 616va traffic have been, reported, lY to be the, abolition of the liqubr the bstber'shop of W. g, Duno Air. ClUff'"L RM6 Swre. ftore ahe *111 trtht and: L . . _ Ant left 'M1116126601 tfinove duch faeled bloinimlidg Aw . he $UP$r#*0jih b&ir. 1. . " and, ard'bejog idVestigMed by, th# trafU GoverrivAeat Control And 66 thlo,week for ,fiaorgetowtj Vthero THE UU8 GROCM , I the future. W01 AM611 birtIlloarka, etai . , � i � � ,, I -;'colnpulsory ue,s of 444seoured, A,,good potition, -1.1 . . . Imtkoritilm. 1 6�41WAOA %V0. = bourm, febill 2:00 to I ­ it ronlo,val,of 'the bai 4% . . . 1. A, ON—— ...... � F.."'. ", 1 1 - .. _ L, ­ I . i i, .,., . �� j L I , 10M. . 10 I I . 4� , , `� " F.. " .. , 0'p ,, !" '. . ,.� _, , , . , . , , . I I . , . 1. 1. I � I . , ; � ., , , . '. , � �4_ 0. _" _ I " ,. , L , 0 1 : , �., . I , e, , " , . , '.. ,.� . I I I , , . _ _ � . j . . . I . L i . L I , - -_ - � : I , , I I _�,'____ _ - ", �_ - __ I � . __ - - _��__�,__ � ' LLLLLLLLL -_.'-LL - - L I ­ . . I - - . Al - 40*60a"4WA I . . 1'. I � �, . I . r " Clint ' Cooper's' Beak, Sto'e,, on, .,.,. 1­402U� .' I . L I _ *1 I - � .T� . .1 . . . ORM"M a --- . I , . 4 . .1 " . � I . . . ,____,__,____,_____, ,__.__._____._1___ - .­­. -LT0W__M"_�1 . .." * I ' . : CHOPPING . .or 38.15 bushels per acre. The e's ''. ­ ';L-' rbu'sll�- - . 1. 1. , - - . . I . � i 1,708,000 llush . , . __ . . els, 1) 8,181,000 . , , ,eas'L Tlae 01inton:'Chopping Mill xvill be rnaning . els. beans 1;311,000 bushels, buckwheat I ­ 1. '' i ev"ydiwaltertheWthinst. WeLhave itlat put. i 7,794,?? bush-els,mixed grain'10,512YI,000 , . � .1 in a-uew grinder, Ancl jre'nQw prepared to do I bush Is firk�class jo.h. BeAides chopping feed-, we* rA flax L2,131,000 bmhels, and bay * I ", 10,246,000 tons,. . . I I _ 1 oats, flax, make grallaw flour, corTitneal i I., .1 gr . - . and tllll�.11114!yheat. Eyerything weighed In and � U�Irvlasblng Throu" h* ' . 0 . �L - weighed oiM thus custowers got jt­rtinare deal, � , A, . . 0 Y� MistakeEi"cheedully reatiffe(l and st4tista.ctiou imarvestinh'. operations, according to, , . giiamnteed. It will be to yonr interest to give, the repprt, were practically conclud usasbareofyour-traile. Reffiembertbodand, � at August,exceptln'Qaebee 4 "Ll next to, tbe Clintdn Bleebrie Light Plant. where, end of and - the advertiservill be glad to see all his old ow- j Mat,atime : Proviriceg, * And �afthejjghiL., . towerS, as ivell as. many -wew- ones.. 11banking 1'tbilre Was a scarcity of labor in. the you f.or past favors. J; BROWN. I .1m !Novtbwest, fine weather, thete:rril.0 I . . . � , ' . � . 4. � . . . .; 11 I - I - .1 .. .� ­ I ------ - - ' thwoutting Of grlain'pra6ticable in good. I . ., I condition. '* 11 I li- 'added ,�'*_N, , � ' I 'A - , I .. ..N� L ' ' L � .. Noxt�week -95 men Will be L . I tOL .... . The wheat tatimatef6r.the S,W'est�* . � the police force at .Coron�o� . I . . . I . . I . ­ . v, c q ein ro ' "" Te' n 3' "'5;000 busheis,, of . . ' ' I - . . L . ' . . I .1 ' - ' - tp .1 s 187,� - % Mo bus els,�,,,�`and.of',barlbfr ... . I . . - 0 PUlk- CMNA A HAS REA ' . L. ' , - . �, '803,000 Is. " . I ., . b she 4 . . . . . L . . . . . . I . . I L. . . JILRECOR0 HALItVEST I .1 .1 . . . . . I . . 1 . I ­ I I . � . . .. I . . Q . . " ... 1, _� ..., _......_. -_ . . . _______-�_rrrr` . . 7 . L I .. L , . Entire Wbeitt Okop of Qana:da Will. __ - . � -_ ____ . .. �... ... � I .. - . ,., . .1. : I L . I . .-Average-2 .73 Bushels to Ac're- . . . . . L , I L. . � I . I I . I . L . . I . . , . I � . " . _� 'L . " I I . , , ... . All H:arv.�ssted. . � - �... .. .. ! � . . I r . , The Cash ftnuain -, .. L . . I . I . I L . . . .. I � 'The Crop in, Can4da- . .. I . . 1. . . . . I I . . �.. I . . � ,k`e" .. ­ . . L . . Bushels. . . . . , - . .. � Grocery.. a . I , . L I . ,. Wheat'..., -'... I.:.: . ...:.- ....L'. 169,13so 0001 . . .1 . . . - . . . .. .. 11 1. %.I � I L .­._.� . � , I I rl. ., I I , � Oats ......,.�.... I .. .,.....-.354,Uq%()(j0 .1 . . I . ., I . i A:,?':�� ' . , L Rye ............. * ............. 17.W,000 . Peas ,;'% " � ............ � . " . . " . '8j84,000 . - - I . . . I .L I � � - A-'-11�etock .- JLU .. .... ., L. . IN, . ... .0, , . Beans I .... 1. ................... '113114006 , . I .... . . T)� � Buckwheat ........... I ... .1 ... � . . 7.794;(03 Mixed -grain .......... b..... 19 5-_;,4,Q(.0 11 � . . . I - . ' � . O* If Jar's ' ' � I ....., . . i I '.J � rijax,.... ...'.. 2,181,0(0 ... I I . 1. . �, .. I *. . . . ... I . ,.,.......%,:.,.,., �... .X10, M, ay . I I .. ::'­.­ ,OOU .. x Tons. . I I .. . I . I.. . . . . . I : , a . . , 1. . ,. . . . Vinekar �'-. . �. �­ - � - . $; ..- ..�. � I lt�.: ­ . . . !The West I . . I I ,� - . ". -, A 1, �., . I . : i _1::'-' - . . -L . '. . . . I'L � ,. L . .. . L. . . ... .. Wheat. . � I ............. 4 1 - � .­­ 149,285,003 . I ., 1. . .. L I . Oats .......... ..... 1W......, ' 1,97,802 000.1 . . � I . I. . I . I 1: ., . ... I '. � L . . .. � � � I Spice's : . .. . I.. I .. , , � " � - ... . . . . . Barley,. i L ................. I.... 33,893,000 L ,:and ! I I I I I I I . . . � . ­ .. I . L . . . . Astittem�ntaf the � far'm' crops � of I Carihe,6 dt the L ehd of Atigust W�Sjj_L I . . I . . . . . I I . * -­ ight .. . .. at 'ri -prices. , ,:: .. 1'�.. sued by the 6ensus and.statlstic� office I . -It .. I I t .... I ... � . ,1. ,.Pt %41 I ! 0 on Friday. gives estimates of the I . I . L. 1. .. I . . -, * , , ' prqdueti6nL domputed.from the reports � I � % I qll.ility tile I B I est I . � I I.,." of.a.largesta:ffof coirespondents.'and I I . .. . .� . ;.L. . -11 although the -totals arosomewh�ilcssi , . than those.' of a moilth-'ag(i for wheat . . L Highest price . paid for. all I kinds of : : . .. . . I L I 1, . N ��l and barley,L , tbey still 9bow that'Ca,n- .produce. . I . . . . . . I L ltda hits realied i4ar 'infaetarecord . . 9P . � . I .. '� .." ". ' L , L - . . 11 . harvest- . � , , . I . � . 11 .1 . 1. . . - . .. .. ... . . The wheat crop is put, d6wn,at 168,- 6,000 bushels, or ,21.73, bushels per - L I L . . ' ' . . MCEW _. � . , - -e n L I . . s ., .. - - L, -�� , --bushels, acre, and -ba,00y at ,56,975 00.0, . . .B. ,A , �. , . .. �....�_ ;1 1. or 30 55 bushels;'j)er,a6re. .' be-yWd of . , � T I I . . . . . . 1. I , - I I . :, � .. . . ... I � *'L .* ' Oats, wh ich was,not Osthnated* I� , , * , I . I . I I . inontb,. is given- ds 354,91'910W. bush -�18, I . . ) I I . . - . . .. . . . I - � .. � I I L I ­ .1. . . I . I � .1 . . . le: I - . . ... . 1. . - � I . - I ­__­ ­ � - 'A ­ �. . . ­,-,--"- ­ ­...­­.--- I— _..__.__________.�___.. . . . . I � '­ I 11 I . . L. .. . . . . . . . 1: . . L , . . . .1 . 1. . . . . - - - � . I . .. . . . IL . I I . � . . . .1 . - . . I � . . ., . - . , . � . . � : I � . . . . / . I . . , , , . . . � I . . . - . � I . , I IJ I . I � . . . I I I I . . R., 1.1d -.OVAL -SALE' I ''. I . . . . . . . . � I � . I � 1111 .. I I � �__1­__.._.­_­__­_ � . � I .1. I � . ... I . . .. � 1. . , . ­... . . .... - � - I I Having'receive'd. notice fiom the He�ad 'Office o(f the' Bell Telephone C.o., that. they .. re4uire -the I . I . . I entire store for the'e­xpatisio . n I of the local' Te'le:- ' . \ � . . . . � I I . � I i . .- I phone Exchange, : and:', as a . conseque.quence, I I . . . � . I I . ve;".,. it will be'necessary for me to vc;ica't6,. I ha� de- , I . _- - ' � ' . . . � ci.ded to put .on, a QU I C K. SUE,jn *6rder' to. r e - , - . . ; ­ . . . duce my stoc'k as. low.as possible before removah . � . . I . . . . I . . . � . . I I . I ) . . � . I . . I . I I I .. I COMMENCING . . I . . . � . . I I . . ... , . . ., . . I . I I I I .Satur.daY, Sept'. i8thl - . . I . . I I � . AND CONTINUING FOR Y . 5 DAYS,, I . I . I . every article in'the tore, .consistino,, of - Watches, , I I �; i 6 1 . . , 'Clockg, , I " ewelry, - SilveriVare, Pancy I � � j . I - Phina', etc.,. will be on sale at' � 0 , . . . . I I . I . I I . I . ., I . . . I . , One-quarter to,mrlofthalf Less- 11 ,,, I .. �. . � I � I . . � I . , L '. Tha*n "',e-, ular Prices. - . I � . X%Ieg 11 I , I I I . . I . I . rr__�, om 6 �i b� i M j j b 0. . I 41 I � - I . I . 6 / -. Sermire your Christmas and , other Gift Goods , 4 (N I H&E -and NOW, and we -will both ' by . - '. I P'o 't . your doing so. . I wish to re stock, as I .,above stated, and the sacrifice prices. on such . . I I articles will seldom be equalled. . 6 1 -1 . r . I 1 6. b -1 � I 1. .. I I ., . . I . . I . . . � .. 6 1 � I . I b I ' I . 1 I jo,'q 1 6 . L ­1.W*,'R,v, COUNTERt - " -.'.� ('16 I .. "'46weler and opticlafto Varriage Uftokses Uslied. -. I I r . I . 11 � - � lx