HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-09-09, Page 5Sept. 9th, r909
Every Visitor.
Shouldllave One
at least of our pretty and
unique souvenir spoons.
Stop in and secure one
for your colleztion as a
moment° of your visit.
Souvenir Spoons of
Silver, Enamel, etc.
can be chosen "as your
taste inclines, and their
cost is so moderate you
needn't restrict yourself
to buying just one for
your collection. Get a
few for your friends.
W. H. Hellyar
Jeweler and 'Optician.
Goderich Township
Mrs. C. Bezzo and children, of Der -
lin, were the guests of the former's,
bis ter, Mis. Beacom.
Mr. Thos. Dunbar sang,a, solo last
Sunday evening at the church service,
Mrs. Kilty, of Clinton, is visiting at
the Watkins' home.
Mr. Haywood, of Detroit, is 'visiting
at H. McBrien's. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Lowery attended.
the wedding of Miss McCool to Mr. J.
Lloyd Awde,ot Wingham.at the hoe
of the brides parents near Londesboro.
•••••••r•••••••• •
Births Marriages & Deaths:
f ;HAMILTON -In Belgrave, August,
30th, to Dr and Mrs B Hamilton, a
VEAL --In Exetee:North, August
27th, to M.r and BiratNelson Veal, a
Orecliton, August 21th,
to Dr and Mrs. j MeCue, a on
UnDOUGALL -In Turnberry, Aug-
ust 30th. to Mr and Nee Jas MeD Alg-
al!, a con.
LEGGA1T-In Winglaam, August
28th, to Mr and Mrs Andrew Leggett;
a daughter.
of Dashwood, to Mise Rhoda Statton,
Grand Bend, by Rev. A D Gisehler, at
the Eyangelical Pareonage, on Sep-
ERWIN -13EATITE--.At the home
of the bride's; parents on August 25th,
Mary K., daughter of Samuel Beattie,
orWiarton, to Alfred E Erwin, of
B aLti ITdo,
residence of tbe bride's father, Dunlop
August 30th, by Rev' Jas Hamilton,
Elizabeth Noreen, eldest daughter of
John Linklater, . to Wm Ruston, of
Sebringville, Ont.,
day, August 26th, at Knox church
Inatise.-by Rev. Jas. A, .Ancleri3on, B
A. Frederick Henry Cousins, " of
OtAeago, to Ella Mary, daughter of
Henry and:sire Robinson, of Cloderich
deuce of the bride's parente, Huron
Road, on Sept. lst, by Rev jas A .And
erson, B A. Edward Jas Farr, of
Stratford, to,Annie Edythe, youngest,
daughter of Stephen and Mrs An -
&ewe. .
heure-of-the-brides-parente, Mrs WrIl
Whitely, Londesboro, September 1st,
by Rev Mr Small, of Blyth, Miss
Lizzie Vida 'Whitler, to Mr R•B Burns
Or r.ev, of Gov ga tda, formeilf of
the residence of the bride's parents,
Mr and Mrs Robt Treleoven, Ashfield.
4 Tp„ on Sept. 1st, by Rev. R. J. Treleo.
ven, Toranto,Miss Francia A Trelaoven
to Rev. N Courtiee, R A..
renceville, Aug. 25th, diss J Irene
Wisviall to Dr 0 J 0ourtide, of Leth-
bridge, formerly of Hohnesville.
LEGG-hUTOHAR.T-At the home
of the brides' rlarents in, Stanley, on
Sept 1st by Rev. W. G. Charlton, of
HilIsbury. Ont, assisted .by Rey, T. D.
Butchart, of, Cleveland, Ohio, Miss
Agnes 0.-4aughter of M. and Mrs.
John Butehart to Mr. Herbert Oecil
Legg, of Lyons, Ont.
AWDE -Me000L -.En, Hullett;Sept
8, at the home or the bride's parents
by Rev. H. E. C.'airrie,Ltllien 111,, third
daughter of lur and Mrs N7Vin. MC0001
For Sale. to ItIr 3 Lloyd Awde, ef Wingharti.
•CleNsTand Bicycle, coaster brake. S10.00; good DIED •
Violin, $16.0; Stevens' 2t.ca1. Alp fire Rifle,
JANE-- In Godetich, August 27th,
with peep eighte; $11.00. Apply to
BERT litOVEY. Alfred SL.. son of Mr and Mrs A II
Warning to Trespassers.
Any person shooting or gathering Butternuts
on Lot 42, 44, 75, 45, 74, 46,1,2.43. 47 and 48, en the
Maitland Con., Goderich Tp.. will be prosecuted
according to le.w. OWNERS OF LOTS.
-choice Designs. Best Material.
Opposite Post Office, 7 Clinton.
$42.05 is a speCial
low rate to,
British Columbia points; good
going between Sept. 15th
and Oct. 15th.
Last Homeseekers' Excursion
of the season
Sept. 21st.
Jane, aged 5 months. •
• KNIGHT -In Exeter, August 20th,
Chas Knight, aged -78 years.
M0SGR0VEL-1 In Gerrie, August
23rd, Robs Mosgrove' a,ged.78 years.
MARSHALL -In Auburn; Septem-
ber 1st, • Saniuel MarshaL, aged -.70
years. .
HOLLAND -In Miama,
On August 2nd, John .Holland, second
son of the bite Wm. H.ellaril, Huron
Road, Hallett, aged v. years.
CARTER, -In Clinton, on Sept 5th,
Mary Ellen, daughter of Reuben and
1V1rs. Carter, aged 2 months and 16
RUM13ALL Goderieh To.' on
.Sept. 7, Ebenzeer Runiball;* aged. 81
years, •
• ti,angelistie Services
- •
Arra,ngements ba,ve been Made with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, of Ottawa to
hold a series of meetings in Clinton,
ander the auspices of three of the.
churehes-to commence on the first
Sunday in October. The re'cord of she
woek of. these Erangelists is of a
satisfactory charanter.and we are look-
ing for a good work here. The union'
committee. ha.ve arranged,to hold cott-
age prayer meetings in the several
wards, and 'also union prayer meetings
in the churches, as preparatory to
their coming. The open union gather-
ing for special prayer will be held in
the Baptist Church on Friday evening
of this week (10h) commending at 8
o'clock. All interested are cordially
By Order of the Certimittee. •
The photographer never •takes
people for what they are worth, but
for what he can. get out of them.' • •
Does your watch, run correctly
If it does not, leave it with us,
given the opportunity, vre will
return it to you with our person-
al guarantee of. its correctness,
Our charges are reasonable
We make no charge
for examining your watch
and reporting of its
FL J. Grigg
Issuer of
Marriage Licenses
Clinton a ntario
The eunton • New Era
*TelieNrre AILAR!CET
Cattle market remains steady.
Good prices on choice quality.
Top export ; top butchers $5,50
Heavy ewes $4.75 ; Spring lambs
I.,,iye hogs $8,60 ; oft cars, Toronto.
Supplies are scarce and hard to get.
Hog markets genefalThreir. •
Dressed Nags 812 per cwt. here.
Winter apple naarket looks 'Very
proinising. • ' • • •
Old Country buyers are working in
Top board sale of eheese cents.
Old Country market quiet butsteady
Top creamery prints 20 eents ; top
dairy price 23 cents.
Old Country butter one shilling
higher. '
American prices as high as 30 tents.
No easier prices in egg market.
Case lots at 24 cents'per dozen whole-
sale, . •
Receipts are ; demand is
Ontario wheat steady in Torontii, at
$1 to 41.(2.• .
Oats 43e to 45 ; Barley 60c per. bushel
Wheat 97e, to 0Se at local points. '
• Newsy Items From The Wet
According to the last edition of the
Saskatchewan Gazette, 21 new school
districts have been formed.bringing
the total up to 21,452 for the province.
• ,This year's bantling permits at Sark-
ittoon noir total .$710,000. "
' The tax rate of •lienora this . year
will be 224 mine, Last year it was 1 80
It is stated that R. R. Bennett, M.
.P. P,, will leave Calgary for an east-
ermeity, the 0. P. R., having Made an
offer to him to assume charge of its
legal work there.
There are now 65 teachers in the
public schools Of Calgary ; threw years
ago the staff consisted of 33.:.
A union church is being built in the
town et Melville, Sask, .
• The Saskatoon city council has de-
cided to build a subway at 22nd street
in that City It a Oost of. 870,000.
' .A. fine of $50was recently imposed
by a magistrate on a lady teacher of,
the Treirerne school for cruelty for
whipping one 'of her Pupils:
1 Special
Summer Shoes
We have several fines of stint-,
pier shots we wish to clean out
during Jon, and . 'August,' In
°via. to An a° guicklyl, we ban
cut the priOe deep: •
Pat. Oxfords, reg. $2.15,
-male price -$1.00 •
Ladies Fitt.Pluchers, reg. $3.(i0,
sole pride $24`41
Ladies' Strap Slippers, reg, 51.35
anas1.40, sale pries $1.00
Ladies' Fat, 131uchers, reg. $L00,"
sale price $8.10 .,
tore Xid Bluchers reg. 5200,,
'cleat -11v $'1.5*,)
Several other lines at nargain
^ Prices. ,
Try l's for4eoalring,
• ,
Calgary ratepaYers having refused
Jo grant the council • 580,003 to &nip
plate the eity hall makes the situation.
a salons one, 1 The building is only
half finished and the interior finishings
will be ruined.this winter if not pro-
'Mrs. Busily., of Hensel!, is the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. James Broadfoot.
.Among those who have gone to Tor-
onto fair from the village are Mrs Geo
Swan, and B. R. Higgins.
Wm. Murdoek, of Stanley, received
the sad intelligence of the death of his
grandchild, the only child of his
Dr. Murdock, rising River, of pneu-
monia., •
Andrew Murdock, of Detroit; visited .
at his home this week. - • •
- A number of•the fields of beans in
the neighborhood ' have been badly.
touched by frost. '
John NICKenzie,' of Brucefieid, was
fishing at Bayfield last Friday. Ile
got four black bass, the largest one
weighing close on to fourpounds. The
two largest ones tipped the scales at 7i
pounds. The other two would weigh
3 pounds each. -One of them is said to
be the larvest black bass taken out at
Bayfield this Season. • •
The London papers of last week an-
nounce the inarriage of Miss Cordelia,
Dinkin and Rev Mr Stewart, ii. return-
ed -missionary from China. Miss Din -
kin is reell4nown in our village, haw
ing formerly lived With her parents in
Stanley a mile from:the village. Her
many friends here Join in wishing her
all happiness. The marriage ceremony
was performed •at her hotne by the
Principal ofAirna College ot whieh the
bride is a graduate. They left for Tor-
onto and other points. They will go
to China, in a short tibae, where they.
will take up the Mission 'work in the
interest of the Meethodist Church. Th
groom has been in the mission work
'for 16 years.
TNE Bell Telephone 00‘ donipleted
their new lohone line between Dun.
gantion an Luelcnotr and the publie
is now afforded direct collodion with
the sepoy town. .
Sheet Music
Wedalways endeavor to keep
our Seet Musk Department
supplied with the latest popular
Songs and,Instrumentals.
e Pianos
SliprloOk ot Manning
PiallOAND Organs
Always on litudi They
will please you.
A. ,rir rwEw
ANY took advantage of our lien's Furnishin.g Moving Sale last week. Havel
you? If not, don't miss this chance to save money. Every' article _in, the
store out dowu to cost, and. less. Save money when you. can. It won't be
long before you will need a new supply ;--buy it now, when your money will go the
farthest, We want to sell every dollar's worth, if possible; hence the following
slaughter prices
Men's Waterproof
Coats at Cost
Men's Cravenette and water-
proof cloth coats, full length
and roomy coats, in fawns and
dark grey, F.(11, a r i nt e e d to
stand the ram :
Reg. $to for
Reg. $8 for
it; for Reg r ... ... 12.00
Boys' Shirts, 39c
IBoys' soft -fronted Shirts, with
or without collar, in plain
white and fancy checks, sizes
12 to Is, regular 5�c, •.
sale 'Trice ...................
Boys' Shirts, soc .
Very Caney Mercerized strip-
ped Shirts, in plain white and
stripes, sizes ti, to 14, rA
reg. 75c, Sale price .. , .. „. DUO
boys' .Sweaters
Boys' -all-wool Sweaters, • in
stripes, fancy checks, 'navy'
•and white, all sizes :
Regular 75c, for
Regular 65c, for
Regular • St; for
Repilar $1,25, for
Deep cuts in other lines, that
'Space will not permit mention
Men's Gowns, reg. 75c tor 59e
Men's Gowns, reg. :$1 for 79C
Men's Gowns, reg. $1.2.5, .Nc.
Men's" White Cotton Gowns,
Reg,. 75'c for • '59c
'Reg.: $1, for .. ..
Reg. $1.25, for -98e
, • I I
Up -to date Four-in,han'kl,
Ascott, Puffs, and Bat-wing,
• Bow Ties, ia all the popular
colorings and shapes,PURE
SILK„ regifar 50c lines,
, clearing at each 256.
Your chola.° of any of our 25, Silk
Tie, for 19c.
Reg. isc Braces for lee Rek.• 25c Braces fcir
Reg. 20c Braces for 15c. Reg. 35c Braces for .......,t5c
Reg. 25C Braces for, 19c. Reg-, 5oc Brices for: ' 39c,,
Men's Cashmere Socks • 11
, •a, R
sizes, in 'brown, green ancl eg
black, reg. 25c, for 19c Reg.
• Reg.
Reg. $1.00, .fer•79c Reg
98c Reg.
$ , ... . ...
1.25 for 98c
t .75. for $1.12.5
2.06 for 1,50
2.50 for .. .. ... 1.98
3,00 for 2.25
Reg. • 1,25, for
Reg. •i.50, for.
3 •so for •
Men's. Surnmet Underwear
Men's Balbriggan Summer Men's fancy colored spring
linderWear, all sizes, • needle underwear, Ellis brand,
Re50cfor.39,2 in Pink, pale blue and white,.
g. , ' •
Re40c, for .t9e all sizes, in skirts•and drawers,
g. •
Reg 25c, for . : ... 19e, regular 78c
Shirts and Drawers to n-i.a.tch. Special sale priCe 55e
Men s
Working Shirts
Men's, heavy dudk. Working
Siiirts, in black and -whim
stripes, and black satten;
sizes,. reg. 53c' for 39e, reg,
75 'Torl9e; reg. $1 .foP- 79e.
Men's wool and tlaneel Shirts,
in dark colons, all reg.
$1 for 79e, reg, $1,25 for 98c.
Men's black, derry and mole-
skin Pants and Overalls, with
or without bibs, -all sizes
rca• $1 for
Men's heavy all - wool
Sox, grey, reg. 25c, for 1-9c.
Boys, ODD' PANTS, 90e
Boys' Odd Pants, made of
Scotch' .Tweed on our own
premises, sizes 20 to 32. Just
the thine- strong -
good, • stron-
wearing thing
Pants, lined
throughout, reg. $1,25
and $1.50, for • tilfe
1Vien's• patent -runner Ihnbrela
las, steel .rods,, .good tops,
with uatural wood bandies,
regular price $1.25, Sale ,
• 890
price •
Boys' Blue Serge and Tweed
Caps, reg. 25c, for 19c
Men's Soft Felt lia.ts, all sizes
Reg. $i.00, for 75e
Reg, '1.5o, for $1.00
Reg. • 2.00, for . , .. 1.25
Reg: 2.50, for 1.50
Mee's. and 'Boys' :Tweed and
Worsted _Caps; reg. 50c.-330
Winter Underwear Men's OtOd Pants and Vests
• Men's all pure wool Shirts And Drawers
heavy weightsfor winter . wear, in all
Woolsizes, guaranteed unshrinkable, regular '70,.
SI 00 and $1:25, saie price .... A 7 f•ai
Men:s:qtece4ined Winter Underwear,
tn all sizes,
34 toregular selling'
price wag 50c, Special
Sale priCe, psr lor
d garment
Pants elVi h's odd 'Pants, in • imtearable Tweed,
. '• grey, heavy weight, for hard winter wear, e 09
'all sizes, .reg.'$rzo, Sale price 41710
Other hues at similar reductions,
Arsots. Men's Odd Vests, in Tweed and Fancy
' Worsted. About 50 hi the lot, regular
• selling prices run from $1.00 up to $3.00, 7zio
Sale prices, 'choice for .• 4-1‘'
• Ciintoti Markt Report:.
!bonneted every Thursday. afternoon,
• .Whetit (new)... 093 to 0.97 ••
Osts (old),0 40 to 040
0 50 to 0 50
Peas . . 0 80 to 0 85
• Eggs 1•4*.11,••• . 0 17 to 0 18 .
'Batter 0 40 1e.0 37
Etoga ..... , 1 75' to 7 75
Minaminsussimaislassammusismanwansbr Ineisomammtassi.„
,The Store where you get the most or your Money.
Rouse to Rent ,
Cot Ywage & Ale.tander Ste., Totonto, Out,
Strictly firet-olass. Efnter tiine. Gradtt.
ates readily get geed oJeltiens. Write for
handsome catalogue, .
The Place Where Tour Dollar Always Does its Duty*
This tore will ele-se every evening at 0:30 during the summer
•" months except Saturday.
THE BEST S4'110011.
The Lest time to enter out elapses is NOW
We Itte running the largest aria, we be -
neve, the BEST bushiess.training school
ih Western Ontario. Three departments,
COsainetellell, Shorthand nos s•
Oet a ilOneY - Making CdUeittiOrt, Our
graduates are In aerated fuel are Meeting
with anemia. ,
Get Vile ClitelOgUts at once
Elliott Olt McLachlin,
• 'Season,a121e Goods
Timothy Seed, large siva Grain Bags, Scoop Slimes, Manure
Forks, Ensilage Forks, Oot•ti Cutters, Corn Cuttets, Barb Wire, Coil
Spring and Black; Staples; Hooke and Wire Cutters; Phish Rugs:
• Horse Blankets, Sweat Pads and other supplies; Men's Waterproof
Coats, different kinds. Eggs this week 22e trade.
' Ilighest price for Rutter, Eggs, ete., either trade or cash.
" Apply to,. J., TWITCHNTit, Minton., • tr
Bey ilvanted.
Good, smart boy wanted to iearn the Printhu1
trade, NnW ERA,
Nelson nail,
gi; V 0:U Rti OM 8
is your eakle. •There it is you'
spend your longest hours. There-
fore make home attractive, Have
us help you, by buying
of latest design, like we invite You
to call and see. Pot. Drawing
Room, Bed Chamber or Kitchen,
we can fpleate you. Our Rook is
complete, and our low prices will
please you.