HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-09-09, Page 2AfrOA.A.A.A•MPAAA••••••.••••A•Aio.A•0•11ri
• The New Era
The elinton New Om
publiehed:everyThureciay at
*ANEW Beta PrintingHOulie.
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te, Inserted moo for 35 cents, or one
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flzfflh 6 00,1 3 50 200 00
Contract display advertising 10eper
inch, per issue,
.W. It ZERO.
. -
-Mr! weinnerets
(MANTON. ONT., sEPr: 9. I900. -
WORDS OF ',Irmo*
Only veneer virtues fear bad weatle
A just complaint is an accommoda-
Things are without what they are
The ecclesiestical Voss is the enemy's
best man.
.A. little warm cheer does more than
a lot of cold cash.
Pith in 9:0(1 i ething •vvithout fel-
lowship with men.
The moit einetee life is the one that
thillkd Only of itself. ,
Ile who is not rich having nothing
will not be rich having all.
Many a good deed has died in inten-
tion for lack of a little appreciation.
The man •who brags of beingspeedy
doesn't figure on the grade he is on.
Large ideas of spirituality cannot
take the place of definite ideas of right.
To Make a child profess a MOWS re-
ligion is to put him to school to hypo -
He who has many thoughts to hide
never has any that men areglad to cir-
culate. •
No flower strikes root more readily
or blooms with greater blessing than
Too many giving the poor crusts on
the street are stealing their bread in
the alley.
The only man whore poverty can
crush is he who lacks •the riches o,
Many a man thinks that the impor-
tant thing is the sizeof the aim instead
of its height.
When a man tells the truth about
himself he is anxious for some one to
call him a liar.
It is a good thing to have ideals, but
they wont do mach good if yon let
them get dUsty.
Lots of people never lock the door
on a temptation uneil they get iteafelye
inside the house.
When your character is gold you
will not need any coinage stamp to
to make it current.
Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly
loosen when using Dr. Sheep Rem-
edy. And it is so thoroughly harm •
less, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to
use nothing else, even for very young
babies. The wholesome green leaves
and tender stems of a lung healing
mountainous shrub give the curative
properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Rem-
edy. It calms the cough, and heals
the 'sensitive bronchial membrane&
No opium, no chloroform, nothing -
harsh used to injure or suppress. De-
mand Dr. Shoop's. Accept no other.
Sold by all dealers.
ARE you going to take in the Tor-
onto Fair ?
A matinee is being held at Blyth
race track to -day.
Reports say there is an excellent
drop of pears this year.
THE Manitoba Free Press latest
estimate of the wheat crop ofthe three
Prairie Provinces is 118,270,000 leashele
PROSPECTS are good for a busy fall
and winter inelocal factories. Nearly
• all of them are now working full time
Tag public school. opened in tovvns
on Wednesday and some of the young
folks think that the holidays ha.ve
been too short.
le you have a good heivy horse you
are not in need of. or a light driver,
now is the time to dispose of them as
horses are selling at a good figure.
THE local merchante have been ad-
vised of a further advance in rubber
goods of 10 per cent. The price of
this commodity has gone up a lot in
recent years,
Mora child.ren die during the
hot weather than at any other
time of the year. Dierrtmea,tly-
sentery, cbolera infantrun. and,
stomach troubles come without
warning, and when a medicine
is not at hand to give prompt re-
lief, the delay may prove fatal
to the ebild. Deby'e Own Tab-
lets should be kept in every home
where there are children during
the hut weather month% elm oc.
oilstone' time of the Tablets will
prevent deadly summer corn -
plaints. or cure them if they COMO
unexpectedly. Mrs. 0 Koreans
St Tite, Que, says: I *My baby euf-
fared fr,om, a severe attack of
cbolera infantum, but after give
ing hint Delay's Own 'Tablets the
Itrouble eisFippeared and he re -
lePaleitgT1'; mail
1 at 2.53 A box from The Dr, *Win
liabsie, Medicine Oce. Brockville.
Ontario's Parlilament Rouse •
Partly Destroyed by Fire
Damaged by Fre6
The Library -two storeye.
Unoceupied rooms in fourth storeys
Registrar -Generale: offices.
:email of Labor office,
1)ainage4 by Water
•"obird floor
00I• Elendrie's rood.
'Col. Glackmeyer's mean.
• Hon, Adam Beck's room.
Hon, 1. B. Lucas' room.
Regietrar Generel s ofdces.
• Ineneetor of 'nommen offices,
• The Flousekeeper's quarters.
Di. Preston's room.
Provincial Health Department, ttvo
rooms. ,
. Second Floor.
• Librarian's private, office,
untario Railway Board, five rooms.
• Members' dining room and kitchen.'
Members' reading room and smoking
• Crown Lands Department, two offic-
• es.
• Col. Delamere's office.
Grouril 'Amy .
Private %i -IS Committee room.
.;1,4003, Committee room.
•Opeaker's chambers. •
King's Printer's quarters.
Mr, Sydere's office. •
IA* Clerk's quarters, .
Statutes . Revision Commission's
Provincial Archivist. .
It's a pity when sick ones drug the
stomach or stimulate the Heart and
Kidneys. •That is all wrong! A weak
Stomacb,meaus weak Stornachnerves,
always. And this is also true of the
Heart and Kidneys. . -The weak nerves
are instead crying out for help. This
explains whyDr. Shoop's Restorative
is promply helping Stomaeh, Heart
and Kidney ailments. The Restorative
reaches outlor the actual cause of
these ailments -the falling "inside
nerves.' Anyway test the Restorative
48 hours. It won't cnre so• soon • as
that, but you will surely know that
belpas coining. Sold by all dealers.
The Couliz of
Your, doctor wil tell you that
resh air and good focid are
he real cures for consumption.
But often the cough is very
hard. Menet, we stiggestihst
you ask your doctor about
your taking Ayer't Cherry
.Pectoral. It controls the tick-
ling, quiets the cough.
WO pabitah ewe terlinle.
' tainunals alcohol
FS' Wileel-447"
4fle or Act's Fill* Sibodtiatorill cause
Inentaied flow�f elle, iitid
netatiVie iitost tilsky
Local and General
attbillten '
Mrs Nieholte111 el!„ and litre ast,•
Mutela are in Toronto W T Riddell,
The Baptist Ladies Aid beide, kwn
mond on Wednesday evening at the
limns of Mrs. A. Asquith.
DEATH - Oitizene in this vicinity
generally were surprised on Wednes-
day to helix of the stidden death of Mr
Marshall, the day tafore he was 430 wra
street and though failing for some
time, appeared to be as well as usual.
He took sick during the night,witli ob-
struction in the throat, and died. be-
tween 7 and 8 on Wednesday morning
Deceased has lived, in A.nburri for
about fourteen years. and, has been a
well known figure on our streete. His
wire died five years ago, Mrs Martha
Mucking being the present house
keeper. He was a staunch English
Meteorological Report for •
August 1909.
The highest neaxiinurn temperature
was 90 o on the 25th. The lowest min-
naum, temperature. was 400 on the
301h. The highest range Was 27° on
. the 21st; 24th and 30th and the lowest
•range ' was 110 ontbe 17th. The
.-means for the. month are rnaxirnun,
70.8.0, minimum. 55:500 and. range
21 30 0, 7 he • total rainfall was
1.71 inches. Thunder shoevevs occurred
,on the 4th, 16th; and 28th. Pastures
continue good. kali wheat seeding
was begun during th,e last week, of the
month. ,
• • , •
A clever, popular Candy Cold Ours
Tablet -called Preventics-eis being
dispensed by druggists ..everywhere.
Ip a few hours. Preventics are said to
break any cold -completely. .And
Preyeittics, being so safe and tooth-
some, are very fine for children, No
Quinine, no laxative:nothing harsh or
sickening. Box of 48-25c. Sold by.
all dealer.
SCHOOL Reee11-Tiehre following is
the August monthly report of 8,5 No
14, Stanley, names -are in order of
merit -Sr 5-G Stephenson, R - Mc -
Beath. 'Jr 5-0 Mel3eath, R Dinsdale
A Petrie; Si 4-110 Keh1,11 A Fisher
Rathwell, Sr 3-4, Hood. M P.ar-
sons, W Melleaile, Jr 3-J 'Collins...A
MeMurtrie, 51 Hood, Seeond-Anna
Fisher, Grace Ross, W' 0 Johnston.
First Part -It Cooper, W Parsons, B
Collins.The beet spellers in the
spellings were e5th-Oda Mc -
Beath. 4th -a Kehl. Sr. 3-A Hood'
Jr 3-N Hood. decond-A Fieher. .
Mr and Mr e Beaoh of New York are.
Spending their vacation t with that
jaklyo neother, Mrs P Dayman. '
Among these who nent West en
thellarvesters 626111'140U from Klippen
Johnston and Mies X( 4.0hilean3/.
wore: -B Logan, 0 jeeps, S Pelee, A
Last Saturday Mr and Mt; tticlute.4
Hawkins and son 'Albert of Le Mars:
Iowa, accompanied by his mother
Mrs llawkine and sister 141iss Hawkins
of Exeter, visited at the honae of .01r
W Et Joimetelle Mr Hawkins left the
towheleip of Hey. twenty VAN ngo
an are la
acre and 820 acres in Dakota bowhe
cisal el tit aas Is
" the °".d.i. a 480
acres of land in
.olaintances in Ontario
is spring. The many
Iowa Tr`etb. $125 au
'to hear of his success.
j„,(11'.. Thursday- evening last in the
'Zaethodist church;Kippen,Mr and Mrs
Thos McOlymont were taken by sur-
prise when after the prayer meeting
was Concluded they were called to the
front where Mrs It Ivison read the
following address and Mr 3 B Dinsdale •
made the presentation:
To Mr and Mrs Thos McOlyniont.
• Dear friends- Having heard With
deep regret that you purpose leaving
our villagefor a new.home in Louden
we your fellow menebers and associate
in the church take this opportunity cif
telling you hew. much we shall miss
you when you leave us. Jeering your
forey-two y eats residence in eur village
your industrious lives youe • unfailing
Courtesy to all, your many kind and
neighborly actions and your ' zeal in
church and teruperance work have
endeared you to all •especially in the
Methodist Church where you have
been constaut attendants and faithful
members and workers you will be
greatly. rolssed. The ' Bible Class do
• not know how tegive a &ciliate •ex-
pression to their feelings inlosing two
such faithful members and the Official.
Board of out church will greatly miss
Mr Manymont's help and counsel
Our enly comfort is that whates 'eur
loss will be London's mein.' As
a slighttoken of our esteem we request
you to accept this purse which is affec-
tions.tely offered and we trust that in
your new home God's •blessing rest .on
yeu both and that, you • ay long be
spared for useful work in''the Forest,
City. .
•Signed mi behalf:Of the Kippen Meth-
odist church. Mrs W 3 Jones, Mrs •f•I
MoConelle•Mrs H Ivieane Mrs W 11
Johneton. • ' •
Mr McOlyincint ilea neat and tenching speech thanked all.those wheland
been concerned in giving. this token of
friendshipeo him and his estima,ble
partner, Other addresses were given
by Rev J Bart, Mrs lyison; 3 B Dins-
ihtle,f1 Ivison, A. Buchanan and others
alltestifying to the esteem felt fOr Mr
and Mrs McCilymont and eipressing
regret that they were about to lea.ve,
though all were glad that Mr MeCly-
mone was getting s, good position in
London,. much easier than blacksmith
eng. For 42 Years he has carried on.
that business here and as a horse -
sheer he bas had few equals. After
this pelt �f the programme Was over
an excellent luncheon was served and
a most enjoyable time spent. •
After the age Of 80 people find
that their strengthes not 'what it ased
to be, and they fregaently stiffer from
sudden 'exhaustion, and Weak •heart
action. 'To all such We. recommend
the invigorating tonic rerrovim, con
posed of fresh beef. Citrate of hop
and pure old Spanish Sherry Wine.
Nothing could be more beneficial in
such cases. $1.00 sebottle. -
THE White Dyke Band were at Au.
burn on Wednesday evening assisting
nt the Baptist churoh lawn socia
Miller's( Contemn& Iron Pills, only
25 cents for 50 doses. Sold be W 5 R
Hohnes, •
rg•Otatairis sun* 4,410••••• PON
I Reached Quebec kug. 27i Z
i1840,• I
Born in Ireland, February 104
Son of Fourth Marquis of Ws-
• terford.
t Cori1nnanded 11. M. S, Condor '
4 in bombardment of Alexandria
Iin 1882, Special mentioned for
beaver -,r. .
* APpointed Goverrior of Alex-
andria. • •
Served 1E84 6 on Lord Weise -
i 2
ley's staff in Nile expedition. i
. Cenninanded naval brigade in le
battles ofAbu Klett, Abu Kro, v
and Meteminele
1 Rescued. Sir Charles Wilson's .
party in Saila, and was commen-
ded for gallantry by both houses
' ()?oaianrelnmmnednetr' of Naval reserve
in Chatham, 18934
IAppointed second-ixecommand •
18 of Britieh Mediterranean fleet,
90. .
Accompanied Piloos af- Wales
(now King 1?,dwarct -V11,) to In-
odia, 1876-0. '
i Was naval aide-de-cemp to
Queen Vitoria and junior Lord
of i
- Member of Parliament forWa-
Iterfortl, East Marylebone, Yak
and Woolwich,
IIlata received three medals for
saying life at sea under trying
aas done much to promote op- 1
Ieneloor policy in. China, vatting
China as representative of. A,seociated Chambers of, (Tenn
Iname of Great BrItaan. I
-Has written "Life of Nelson ,
' and Hie Times,' "The Breakup ±'
1 of China," and other books.
- Commander of . the Channel
I i
fleetarom which he retired early
this year,
Mule a G. a V. O. 1000 and K.
C. R. 1003.. Is also a D. C. L.
Married in 1818 Minaidedighter
ot late Richard Gardner, Beg.,
X**4+14444, qt++++ i4.04
4 II' ORT$
Teeewater (tete/Oen Bletie in the lat-
ter town Monday evening at Baseball
by a score of 5.7.
Mitchell defeated Goderich at Mitch-
ell on Wednesday in a game of base-
ball io the Perth and Huron, League
by a licore of 9 ton
The Exeter Y. M. 00 A, will bold
Athletie epode on tbe'. Agricultural
Grounds ma Labor Day, when a good
prevent of sports vvill be pulled off.
4. semi-final game in the Ontario
championship was played in Brussels
last Friday night between Green Riv-
er and the home team. Tlae first gdal
was scored by the localteara at the be-
ginning of the second half, and no
more goals were scored until time was
called, leaving the game a, tie on the
rpund. The teams agreed to play ten
ininetes to break the tie, resetting in
a dieputed goal being scored by Green
River, the ball haying touched an out-
sider before being scored, This goalbes
been protested. Thereferee wasIlrown
Jackson, of, Seaforth.
Drive Rheumatism out of the blood
with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy
and see how quickly pain wile depart,
Itub-ons never did reach the real dis-
ease, Rheumatism isn't in the skin.
It's • deep down -it s constitutional,
Getting rid of the pahe, is after all,
what counts, That is why Dr. Shoop'e
RheuraatieRemedy goes, by word of
mouth from one to another, And
herein lies the popularity of this Rem-
edy. It is winning defenders every.
dereealegTe.ablets or, Liquid, Sold by
all. • .
What They Tell oTheliteporter,
I've not a scone for you our club's
going to give apicnic:. •
Iron want to go easy on that; Pea ti
friend of your boss,
Who writes the itenes.for 'you after
you bring alone ire?
If 1 was you I'd 'be going to some
show ever y night.
I don't see how you can -make up so
many lies:
Be sere and send back this photo;
It's the only one.of mei have.
Pat in your paper that I've' gone to
New York. 1 anet going, but I want
a certain girl to see it. •
Say, get me a pass to the ball -game
will you?
Pm going to aurope this swankier.
Would' your paper pay expenses if
was to send lettere every now and
then telling Out my trip?"
I Wish you'd" nue a knoek in your
paper about a fellow 2knint•
• Don't you have to ..ttle the way your
editor 4iloesP
11 you print anything about this Ill
quit taking ,your elteet.
Vett Wont ite binappotnted if
you get the getenhe "D & Le' Menthol
Plasters for stiffness, backache, etc,
Successful remedies are imitated, look
out for the original 'D & made by
Davis & Lawrence Co.
It is recorded that a certain Hiber-
nian upon being asked how his father
was getting along replied, the pater
being a shoemaker: out& mon is
still pegging away at the Wrath iv life
preparing his sowl fur th mar -r -ch
through eternity, But di.' thread lv
Mot tame life won't lasht long'. fur it
dobe entettle• teWeed an end nOW. An'
Waldo th' wound he rayeelved the
be heeled.
§aijure, °ten attended by Mill:Age
disaster, nes heretofore marked all
attempts to realize the dream of cent-
uries -the discovery of the liorth,.Pole,
Insmodein tinies the illfated expedi-
lion led by Sir John Franklin, the
expeditions of the Duke of the Abruzzi
and those of Oommander Robert Ed-
win Peary, 17..8. N., were the most
noteworthy. Peary, Who started from
Sydney, Cape Breton, 10 July, 1908,on
a clash for the Pole, is no tyro at the
game, for in 1900 he readied a point
200.30 statute miles from it, which _up
to that time was a record.
Dr. Cook,who bus obtained the suc-
cess sought by so many, accbmpanied
Peary en one of. that gallant sailor's
former expeditions. J. Be Bradley, of
New Y orkea roan of immense. wealth
anithimself a famous hunter, financed
the Oook expedition, and from its in-
ception has lbeen confident of success.
How long will the SouthPele remain
undiscovered ? Antarctic expeditions
have been eptite numerous. Though
they have neves attracted the popular
attention of those toward the North
Pole, the trials of those undertaking
them have been in most cases intire
severe. To the expedition led bY
Lieut. Ernest F. Sbackleton, who witii-
in the past few weeks returned to his
hoeneen Englend, 'belongs thenonor of
reaehing "the farthest south," a __
tance of 11 miles from the' Pole.
Shackleton accompanied an earlier
British expedition under iCaptain R.
F. Scott. S'vvedieheGerrnan and Bel-
gion expeditions, and et distinetively
Scottish expedition, have also accomp-
lished leech in Antartic explorations..
say consumption Can be
cured. Nature alone won't
do it, it needs help..
i* the best help, but it* use
must be cmitinued in sun,*
mer as well as 'winter,
Take it in Llittle cold milk Or water
GetesteenboMe now. All Drunible
GI:flur:BTrunk 11411waY System
Railway Time Table
London, urma and Bruce,
London, depart 8.30 a m 4,50 p ni
Centralia, 9.40 0,43 •
Exeter. *v. ••••(4••••• 9.53 5.54
Hensel' 10,08 0.05
Kippen . 10.16 all
Brucefield . . . 10.30 6.19
Clinton . 11.05 '0,35
Londeeboro.., 11.18 652
Blyth. • 11,27 7.00
Beigrave 11,40 4,13
Winsgehuatm, arrive. . 11.50 • 7.35
" Passenger
Winghane, deeart.. 0,43a m 3,33pm
Belgra,ve 6 5.4 3,44
Myth )ff1,08 . 3.56
Lendesboro.... , '7,10 4.04.
Olinton........, 7 50 423
Brumfield .... 8.19 4,39
Kippene 8.23 4.47
, Heiman!, 8,32 . 4,52
Exeter.. 8.48 5.05
Centralia ROO 5.15
London! arriVe.,. 10 00 6.10
Buffalo and leoderieh
. West - ta pinrim
§,tfdtt0a II; t :19.1....iiV4420 no
5;ofi. 10,47
-10,45 1.10 '6.18 11,12
Clinton • 11.07 1.25 0.40 11.28
Holreesdlle 11.16 1.33 64011.38
Godericii11-35 .1.50 7.05 11,55
East• . , Panctigee
1/1. 111 I)
•7.10 2.40 4.50
Holinetaville 7.28 2,57 5.00
Clinton -735 307 ' 5.15
Seatorth .....,7.52 3.25 5,32
Mitchell 8.10 348 • 5,55
Stratforu ' 8.40 4.15 Gal
What The Sandwich Was For.
.A stately old professor was ap-
en:maned by a young stuclent one day
in one of the western colleges. Try-
ing hard to -keep back a smile, the
young man asked:
• Professor.you say yoti are an expert
at solving:riddles, dont you?
I claim that I an, ray boy.
• VVell then can you tell me why a
rnan who bus not seen ' London on a
foggy day are like a ham sandwich? •
The professor studied for along time
Venturing several answers, which
proved to be wrong. Einally, at his
wits endle said,
I give it up.
Give it up, repeated the peofessor.
Why, was the reply, one bas seen
the mist and the other has missed the
.scene. • •
Hoe ha Catch on?
Of course, I do, yen lunatie! But
what has the sandwich to do with it?
• After the youngster had recovered
from a spell of laughter, he chucked:
Oh, that's what you bite on. -The
William Hendrieet hotelk-eeper, near
Sarnia,died from wounds heel* throat
thought to have been inflicted by Inna-
te% inthough.be denied any .know-
ledge of•the cause of the injuries be-
fore he died.
. ,
tEnglisir'An I lages-;W:thout- Chercries.,
. .
England cannot be saidto. be lack-
' ing in ehurehee, and yet there are re-
' mote.'distriets that are sometimes put
' tostrange devices for want. of one. -
In the tiny 'village of East Herndon;
in Essex; which possesses a railway
station, but no aerate service.is held
every Sunday evening .in the .station
waiting-roone , The congregation =i-
slets of the railway men and the peo-
ple of -the sparsely -inhabited neighbor-
hood, which only. needs a railway 'sta-
. don i
because it s .able tes send mint
to that devouring London, which must
seem to be a very incomprehensible
place ice the simple villagers.
4110' .
Maple Leaf"
+++-+-+++++++. l'Are:A. &imam
+ Meek Point, N.8.
"WEAK BACK write:nu-For years
rOR ARS. . I was troubled
+ with weak back.'
• ++++++++++ Oftentimes" Wive
• leid -in bed for
clays, being eearcelY able to turn my'self
and I have also been a, greet sufferer
while trying to perform my bousehold
dune, I had doctors attending me with.,
out:avail and tried liniments aud Moisten(
but nothing seemed to do tee any good,
2 :theta, to give up in despair when
my husband induced me to try Doan'
Macy Pi1l, and after using two boxee
1' ant now well and able to de my work.
/ am positive Doan's Kidney Pills are all
that yeti claim for them and 2 *would
tielviee all kidney suffercre to give them a
fait trial."
Priee, 150 cents per box, h boxeli for
*US. At ell shade or will be mailed
cannet reach the- seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a bleed or eutisAuticual
disease, and in order to cure it you
must take. internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Faure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and minims
surfaces. '1Hal1's Catarrh Cure is net
quack medicine. It was prescribed by
one of the best physicians in this coun
try for years And is a regular peescrip-
tion. /t is composed of the best tonics
.known, combined With the best blood
eurifiertesating directly on the mucous
surfaces. The perfect combination of
tbe 2 ingredients is what. peoduces such
wonderful eesults in curing Catareh.
Send for testimonials free. • •
F. J Cele.,NEY & CO , Tolede, 0.
Sold. by all druggists, 15c. .
-Take flall's Family Pills foreconstip-
Western Fair Attractions
Sept. 10 -;
FoeSale or Rent.
Sept. 9th, 1909
House and Lot for Sale • W, Burp ONE.
On Maple 51, one hilt sore of ground, PUELF10. ETC,
good fruit trees and other email fruit,
hot:mann good coedition. Apply to orMITON
ORIIRLES a. maxis.
• House for Sale 1 CONVBYANOER, NOTAitt
The liras suttees on. Queen etreek be- MONEY TO LOAN.
longing to the mtate of tbe late E. Holmee
10 offered Inc gide. The lot is one -.half
nere, with With= feels tree*, hsril a.,„.°11
seft water, ot. bargain. ,ApplyM " H. T. RAT1OE
ERA b6 0
Notary Public, Conveyancer.
Financial and Real Eittate.
INSURARCE AOHNT-Allepresentiug 14Vira In-
surance Companies.
%vision Court Office,
Farm tor Sale or to Rent
Lot 10, Huron goad, Ooderlcb frahlo
house, baok born, Stone stable, good water
eunply, term mostly In grass. Possession
now or Jo fan. 0 W. BRYDONH,
• Farm to Rent
Programmes containing list of at. •
tractions for the Western Fide have.
just been issued, and thousands of
them will soon he scattered through -
but the country,. A glance over it will
satisfy the airiest skeptical .that it an-
nounces the best` programme ever
'presented to a Western Fair audience.
Almost every person ernoes seeing
well trained animals, ef welch there
will be plenty this year:, Herzog's
Stallions, six beautiful black Horses,,
will perform twice daily on the track
before the Grand Stand. Herbert's
-bogs and Cats will be both' :amusing
and instructive. Olson's Lions, Tigers
and Bears will show what patience
and kindness caii do in training wild
animals. The Elephant "Toddles"
will amuse tbe children. The Good-
night Itorse SMazeppa' is the wonder
of all who see the almost human per-
sormance of , this wonderful Horse.
The liolmans, 'the ' De Monies, the
Great Heves Family, the Flying Dor,
dens,and other famous troupes, will
furnish a programine twice daily. In
addition to the above, music will be
given ty the 71h Fusiliers Band of
London. and the Band of the 9Ist Reg-
iment Canadian Highlanders, forty-
one men strong, under the leadeiship
of Mk 11 A Stares. Bach evening
there will ue a magnificent display of
fireworks by Hand k 0o., fifty•eight
separateand distinct pieces.coneluding
with that tbrillingPyrotechnicMarvel
"The Battle of the North Sea." Pro-
grammes and all information sent on
application to the Secretary, A. M.
Hunt, London, Ontario, ' _
Wm. Marlton, of Goderich, while
cranking up his auto, got a broken
arna from the crank kicking back. The
accident happened at the beacb at
Port. Albert, and 5Ir Marlton after
bathingt,the arni and dreseiug it; geld-
ed his machine back to toevn, where
he found his right twin was broken
just aboye the wrist.
It is a good thing to stiCk to What
you say, but remember that what you
say is very likely tie stick to you for a
long time. • .
THE Steam whistle of the theeshing
machine is heard frequently now, and
threshing is the ordev of the day.
Analog' Sale
aeuou. Sales eonclueted anywhere', anY
Um, etereesnaitei. real estate,iive stoce, etc.
O. W. BROST:ITT, Atetionter, •
Phone 108 Box 183, Goderieb, Cot
Before placing yonr orders' for
your 808,90I1's supply of °tall, geb.
our kletSr The very best goods
earrled in steak and sold at the
lowest possible price.
Order* may be left at tlavls
Row axitt s Hardware store, or
The Ostram farm, Lot 28,9th Con. of Goderieb
83 acres in offered to rent. Apply to
401314 COOli. or to MRS. .1, HALSTEAD.
Clinton. tf . Goderich.
To Rent,
sician, Surgeon. Eke
110110141 attention given to diseases of;ths
Rye, Ep.r. Throat. and 1.1028.
Eyes carefully exatnined, anti suitable guis• es
the and . 'Residence.
Two doors west of Use Cerninerslalk
The Draper Farm, lots 53, 04,65 and 66, Mait-
land Con„ Godertch Tp.,ponsisting of 200 iCeres.
Fora particular/4° aPplY to W. 1311YDONE,
tf. Clinton.
• House add Lot for Sale •
The undersigned offers for sale a house and.
lot on Huron Road, oppoidte D. Forrester's ; lot
contains about luilf-aneere, bas stable and
house, fruit treee, garden„ hard and soft water.
For particulars. annlY to _
11012. THOS. COTTLE, on premises.
Timber and Lumber
For Sale
lhave aonantity of riatfirs timber •thitable
for barns or driving shed purposes. also rough
linnber, ApPly I). CANTELON. clintom
Farm tor Sale,
On the London Road, one Wile tollitlI <4 Clin-
ton:382 area t fine ahape ter arin‘bilig; no better
land anywhere; fair buildibite. 14081 be sold. as
owner esnnot work it. Will bp sold cheat").
Move quieli. fl. PLUMSTE01.,. 1016
For Sale:
On Raglan St.. Clinton, near the Collegiate
Institute. the residence of Mr. J. Houston. Two
storey'brick house, with conservatory, large
laWn, fruit trees, !apple, pear. cherry, peach,
pium,berry bushes, etc.) House may be seen by
applying to Miss Jennie Holmes. For terms,
write' t,o • J. HOUSTON, 34 Hargrave St, Win-
nipeg.. • .,
.Giris. Wanted
Operators on Ladies' W-aists and Whitewear,
Good wages; Steady work. The STAR WHITE:.
WEAR CO., larliu, Ont. 7 29 tf
Hogs Bark Cider Hill -
Nall he in full operation this fall and will
grind all apples that come and will make arede
-batter. Will grind Monday, Tuesday and Wed.
nesday. JAB CARTWRIGHT. 4 wks•
Fall Fair Dates
Atwood, Sept. 28-29
Bruseels... ..... „Sept, 30-0e t 1
Blyth Oct. 50'
Dungannon ... . , ...... Oct. 7-8
Gorris • ' Oct. 2
Goderich ......... ... . . ..Sept 28, 29,.30
Kincardine 22.23 '
London Sent.10.18
Pr. W. ONE 11
Vr• Qui" E. E. O. P., E. E. CS,. Tao-
Oillin-Ontario Street, Olinton. Nig_ht elan se
front door of melee or residensa, liattanOarl
(Ace hours at spitalt-1 to pm 4 7 in 8Dm,
DS- .J J. W. SHAW.
Aoesuclietn, ole., office and residence on.
104,110107 S,, OPP961te W, Ferran's residency;
• a! •
DR. P. A. •1740N •
. nrarrnyr. , • •
(successor tb nr..uoirass
epeetanst Crown. and Midge Visa.;
aridus,te fof the Royal College of Dental 'Sar
50009 01 Ontario. .
Honor graduate of University of Toronto Hat.,
tai DepartMent,
Graduate.of Chicago College of Dental OtuntrIP,
Will visit Bayfield every, Blonder.
Ofecee over CellEllee etore.
Special care take)) to make dental inst.-
men; as poanlese as posaible. .
Live stock and general.Auction
1,asnsto3. 111103 a apaanati, (lidera st, Att ,
Raw ERA office, Clinton, premptly attharied
to. Terms reasonable. Farrnera' sale note •
discounted •
(3-4"); MeTaggart • M. D. MoTaggar
•Cienical Banking Buslasits‘
Drafts issued. Interest allowed ea
• deposits.
Lucknow Sept. 23•24
Listowe) .Sept. 21-22
Milyerton...., „ .. Sept. 23.24
Ripley .. Sept. 28-29
St. Mary'e.. .Sept. 22-23
Toronto . . .. st.ug. 30 - Sept 13
Tiverton ... .. .. Oct. 5
Tees vva ter Oct 5.0
Wineham .. . ... Sept. 28-29
:Walk er t on Sept 10,17
Pink Pain Tablets -Dr. Shoop's-
stop Headache, womanly tains, any
pain, anywhere, in 25 minutes sure
Formula on the 25cbox.Ask your
druggist oe doctor about this ferin-
ula-lts fine.. ;sold by all dealers. .
.1111iturirs Liniment cures Garget itt Cows.
. .
Canadian' Bair :Restorer.
Will restore gray hair to Its natural color.
Stops falling hair causes to grow on bald
heads. Curesdandie itching, scalp &wages.
By its use thin hair grOws luxuriantly.
Contain . no oily or greasy Ingredients.
• Is entirely unlike any other bair proem
tior ever offered. for sale,
A good, reliable Canadian preparation.
iinsoitetted Testlinonixds.
Edith A. Berke, Missionary IL M. Chttrch.,‘
mi Egypt.- Mid friends, greatl,TPlealtettL
.Witia swats atter two years' using.
14 A. Hopes,'Wilner. Montana. My hair
and whiskers restored to natural color, dark
brown, by using Canadian Hair RestOrer.
KOrum, Thirgessville, Ont. Canadian flair
Restorer is the best I hare ever used.
John G. Ball, Neve Aberdeen, Cape Breton.
elenadlart Hair Restorer has worked wonders.
XV heart is nearly all covered with thick
growth black hair, orlg-insdoolor. • 0
080d by all wholesale and retail druggists,
Mailed tti any address in the eivillind world
On Mitt or price, 50e. • Manufactured by
feitirt mcnieDi Oh, Windsor. One, Canada.
Sc)Id in Clinton by W. S. R.
Whiles E. Hovey, W. A.
McConnell,' druggist. •
Ilire You
, Witti the way yonr repairing
• and special work •io being
done ?
Is the work good?,
Is the priee right: ?
IS it returned promptly?
We are in business' to fill all
these essentials, and would
- like to have a chance to
ta•ove it to you.
We do Repairing,
Gilding, Engraving,
Setting, ete,
W. R. Counter,
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance eto.
Farm and -Isolated • Teurn Prima
erty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean,PresideneSeafortle Thor,
Eraser, Vice-pres,, Brecefield; Thos. IZ
Hays, Secy. Treas., Seaforth;
Jas e Connelly, Hohnesville; 'John,
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M.
Chesney, §eafoith; J. Evans, Bee -dab
"mop; j. G. Grieve, Winthrop. J. Bea-
neweie, Brodhagen. • •
Each Director is inspector of losses he
his mini locality. •
Robt. Smith, • Harlo.ck; Ecee Hinchley.
Seafortin James Cumming, EgMonde'
Ville; J, W. Yee, Holinesvilie
euntioN •
Fire, Life and Accident
Insurance •
Heal *state bought Ond sold '
Money to loan
Office Mac Street, nex door to Neve
Synopsis of Canadian Nottha
• Weat 'Land Regulation&
fii,111 14i1.381CIYen:viesine r yralres ig:La :a; home
stead a quarter -section of available DonuniOn
land in. Manitoba. Saaltetebewen or Alberta.
The ariplicant mura apnea r in person at the,Dern-
inien Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the dig.
triet. Entry proxy may be 'made at any
ageney, on certain condition+, by father 3110tbOrj
,on, daughter, brother or sister of, intending
• homesteader. ,'
nutitifi.--Six months' residence anots and mil-
tivatite of the land in each of three years. A
honlesteader may live tvithitt nine tidies of his
homestead on a farm of tit least PA acres solely
owned and oeetipled by him or bis father,
re:ether, sins, daughter, brother or Meter! ,
In certain distriets liomeateader is good
standing may preetimt a ouarteraeotion along*
aide his homestead. Price 83.03per acre.
Duties-Muat reside faix,inoutint in each of eiX
years froth date of homestead entry lineludhig
the thnet I'm:Mired to okra homestead patent)
and cultivate fifty Acres extra.
A homesteader who lute exhausted his keine-
stead right nd cannot obtain a preemption
may take a Phrelueed homestead tri cartinin Rig-
tricts. Price 83.00' per ;tore. Onties.-linst•
aide Sir L110116116 in each ef three Years, nultifate
fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00,
Deputy of the Minieter of the Intarthr.
N.B.-Unauthorized publication Of, this fid.,
vertiseluent Will not beVald for,
Business 8/ Shorthand
Resident and Mail eninttn
Catalina*. Aube
,1.IV. Winastvak I. W. •Watia....a.