HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-09-02, Page 4Farm Laborers' Excursions "Ing $10 Returning $18 Choice of routes, Baggage t tbvough from Clinton station. September 3rd Ztb September Map Fares for Toronto Exhibition. Tickets for any point.—Railroad or steamship line. John Ransford, TOWN AGENT 0. T. R-. Office next door to Mclson's Baulc Sia-fEMBER. DON'T forget the Organ Recital by iflian Brown, asgisted by Miss A Mwartli), gn Frlday� evening of this, week at Wesley Church. The,01inton New Eva- - Dominion Alliance wuts ow 1811n�n "Thursday-worning -Archdeacon Riph. public affairs, If -the precedent is fotates?', an =1can ardson will deliver an a4dress. of bociety and paving attentions to a youn! lady of unimpeachable char- editor answere. 'We should A meeting on behalf ofthe Laymens Sunday, - tidge that they are Mist* ouris the Moses Sip lda,ao, Missionary movement will ap pear on the programme, �wlll be a pialinclotbes officer, - one ' Sunday evening while leavingehurch in com- �pi, M�ry Land.()all Fornia, Ala Bama. Loulso, Anna, Della which held On TburOday evening, and it is e9pect. 1011toli, Septeiabvr 5th W.Are and Minnie soota.t e4 that several prominent speakers lot an d. since then be has served several These figures afford about as eon the arelideaconry will deliver Address, os, 11 a. in 'RoN,. B. Ontspio St, Church, H. Spence� Tincing proof of the fact tb at it pays to advertise as one could desire, These great retair I all estal��Ishmenta are A large, number are expected to be n attendance. prlsb* 11%. At, BA Church, Itay. R. T. not in the habit of spend . ingnioney for tb1ng8t)1at,40QT1Ot,p4y. EVerypeony Arrooted' On Saspicion 7. p. m* Wealoy Xgthodist 0110rch, Rev. R, T. , :Cockburn of theseenormous appropriationi a"I direct return's or it w , on)4 never Fla" Tbink Man In Custodris Alf, Wal. 7, V. In. Presbyterian 0hurcli, Rev, 'a, never ba ve been expended, MSIOr Charged With Robbingm a 014A. 4 Spence 3.80 P. W. Mass Meeting, for Men only, NVIII NQ1A1 410iii1ereilee icon Months Agv, In the Town Hall Rddreesed byRey R. H. Spence and 0 qV 0k. Archileaconry of Middlesex Will Meet By the arrest PrIdwy afternoon of a man said to be Alfred Walmoley the burn, Collectione. and Subsorip � tlola�. forAnti. in Glencoe on Oct. 0 and 7. Toronto detectives believe they have the party who on April 2, 1908, robbed theprivateban1c. Bar -Room Campaign F pod. Rev. B. H. Spence, of Toropto, is See 4- conference of the cler gy -of the a�chdeaconry of London which COM' of James Noblurchle at Blyth, Out, of a. little over $J�W. The Arrest was made by Petecti retary of the OntEirio i3ranab of the Dominion, Alliance,- prises,,tbe counties of Middlesex, 1AMb n and Enron, will be beld In Mackie and McKinney V andthe man in" ]Rev. R. T. Cockburn is PresbyterlAn Glencoe on Wednesday and.Thursday Oct.—O and 7. custody denies that he is ther party who r6bbed the btLnkp or who conwift, Minister of Southampton wherp Local Option. is in.force. �A programme iR being prepared by Ven. Archdeacon Richardson, Rev. T. tid anY. of the long list of crimes with which the police have filled his pecord. � I c I ville'In AV iose"nverilge ofca6h 641)hki i A. Wright the secretary,, and Me Jw� win Lee The bank at Blyth wao., partially wrecked after the door had been forceA Additional Local Ne �.,ws It wilf include addresses On many i"Fort.11 themes, Ouch as "Higher open and the money stolen. Dynamite w4s usedto. force the rate, and , the TjiR Fall Fairs will soon be com, mencing now. or tic 0 �, 'New Theology,' Urd'a !g Day Observance,' Pray#r ook study High Constable GundrV of' Godetich se - n;,uyd a warrant for the arrest of A number of our citizens a re trOub* 'The Bible in the Church Service,, and many ci�hers of equal iMportanee. fed Walmsley -with several aliases. led with Ray faver at pre sent. APPLE buyers a�e on the roads these . T I lie conference will open on Wed. nesday evening, I A s' tardlof history is that of the real WAIms ey, who is - Toronto4orn t the se da -ye buying AGOWS crop. at, which Bishop Williams will preach the sermons, On I and whose eprly crimmingl career be, _yp gan in thiti city. SeVerbd. years, ago ment of.tbe first. arrival of our New Fall, Dress and r We facethe fact that Selling �,.F.iime -for Summer. Clothes*­is..- g;rowing short' Plenty of time yet to wear Summer weights_, but the time* for selling -is-not so long. We prefer' moneT to.'sto, ek. and. we are going to make great sacrifices to secure it,, Buyers that look ahead n.d-,.buy ahead. Will W -X V Reap. a,. Kicn n ct - rves If XT ACh Bu A-11 We will commence at;o!nC*e to, Dio,ve our sto k by th' :of 'CUT e power PRICES. Read over these inducements. Our fe lati for' A -�Deal - PU On Square,, will � ensure you obtaining just the B.4rgains We.. offer.' You?ll. cbrtain.] mot want to miss this o tunit. i ppor Men's Shirts 39c aii4 Boys': Ties 14-e Men's colored Shirts, in col- Alen's and boys ties in b k I po en ines we Sn*a' o clear ...... 3rin.gs, reg. 50c for .......... ...... t* 100 PS. In' Nen*s Shirts .50c 111k,01M., aftd Boys' tl�s 25c Winter, U'de* n rwear. Col)red shirts, with oil with'- d1dela's, hgd. boys Ties in foun in I out collars tog. 75c and an flo Men's 9 aft for.�*. . Men's Winter 'Underwear., all wool 791k $1 for ........ 508, wing ends, re ulat i5c r�g. 81 for.. ................ ! ........ VU:.; 11CLAk's shirts, 83 PC .1411111iner Vnde 4 Xen.sUnderweAr, in-part.wool,re Men's colored Shirts, stiff or soft 75c ........ 50C Mons Summer Uuderwe'?�r,iu fancy 'a) b)som, good patterns. reg, $1,25 for.... 85f. .. 50 11ell'sS11irts, BalbriggAii Aen's Summer ults Men's Balbriggan'tinderwear; V Alen's extra fine Flannel Shirts,t Men',g-Summer Sults, r9gulaO.A0 with silk,9tripe, reg. $2.50 for ........ fl#76. manbrand, regular 50c for ........ for� .............. ............... .!...$6 00; '.L%fen's Summer Su' Mell-s White'Shirts 215e 111ilte Cat'Brand itai"reg, $10,001V - .... e.4 ­wRiN Men's laundered and unlaundered Men's White Cat Band' na y 310�.a's Sp e .8iii6' r6g. shirts, slightly SOiled'and odd sizes, needle -Underwear, e�tra A e".Prrel MIA 50c and 01 clearing. at ................ 7 2 si,7.5for ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 ...... ...... 8.50 1,.2 Boy's Shirt-, 35.e, 'o ys SilainlerSliits' $5,50'. Boys' fanev colored Shirts,regular At Boy.- bd� -8 1 - for ...................... en's Heavywool.8ox, reg 1 4- mer uits, made from 50C 4 ar;we -35C. for ......... Howson tweeds, regular $7,50 for...15.50 ............. . . Boy -s Waists 50c . [ . ')[en's -Sox. 39c, Boys Sitilkiner Sults $L99 Eoys' Shirt Waists, regular 75d. M�n I . for 's fancy' Sox, choice patterD B0Y%8umn1Gr Suits, -reg'$a for $1.06 ..................................... 500 reg, Goo f6r ...... .... ys Ad SuRs $,,t-50 Boys' Sweaters Boys Hose 149c: - . I . . 1. . ' . 1 .1 130y!s Saits, odd sizes,and brok�n Regular .300 for..34%e Boys blatk cotton hose, all 91 and $5 reg, . 25a for d ....... os 'regular $4 for.... 12,50 Regular 75c for.. 5,0(- .... 19 31�11*s gailk Coats $1.00 and 1. 15 for 044 Tr;aiisers Alen's Redia 60&ts,i� oddsf es and 'Regular $1.25 a d 1.50 fol Jj8e 'broken linesi reg, $4 and $5 f z ... 4.32,50 Mfllk's Soft Hats $1.50 n or Men's colored soft hate. the not. t',# $1.75 for ed King brand, reg. $2,50for ......... 1p h 50 4t $2.25 d 2.'50 for j,9.0 Child"ns Sailors an Children's Sailors, Instraw and Un. �*%w for g.25 en, rog. 25c..,and Wa to clear at ..... Men's Hat Afen's hard and soft hate, black or overalls 1414., Liftell C011ar� a -C, colored, in broken lines and odd sizes regular 1,25, 1.50 and 2.00 for . 4 Mons Overale, with or Without bib, -Five dOZen Linen Collars, odd sizesj reg, $1.00 for... ............. tq clear At.'. Straw Hats, Half Prle.e' Men's Straw Hate, thi's seaaonla styl Rubfie.l. Call a*rs� t5e Your choice of any straW hat In the sf,6re.at Mens %na boys Aubbor Collars Regular 606 fog 30C Half Price, reg for ............ 1.00 for 6' The above prices are good only from Saturdq-, Aug.. 281-11- to Saturday, Se- ti P. 11th. StAtt lively if you want first"ohoice. DOLI ARS COMING� YOUR WAY 1. 11 LII -", MORRISH CE"'OKSCLIN'TON A S quare Deal. 10 ev'ery Mam" 01 School Books For this- term there are a number of new School books and we have them all., P. S. Readers 4, 6, 9, 14 and 16c. cop- ies 2C eaChr. Spellers isc, Also' a num- 'ber of -new High School and Collegiate Institute books all of which are reducedr in. price. Ladies.' Hom. e Journal Patterns . The �est, the most practical, and the most up-to-date patterns made are now sold by us. They have won for them- selves the distinction of standing first'in Ahe fashion world to -day. They are sim- plicity itself t':o handle and,the guide chart tells the story -of the pattern, and its mak. ing at a glance, 10 ind I fieonone hivher Sept. 2nd, ­ T-909 School Supplies Such as Pencils receiveour best con sideration.' 0 ur own special pencil at 3 for 5 is an. easy leader, Scribblers we buy by the thousand and our values are well known, 2 for s c, for ioc and Sc each are our specialtics. School: Boxes, bponges, Rubbers, Pens, -etc. , Wall Paper For Fall 4 You'll find that we have the kind yqu are looking for. An immense stock -and a ,splendid assortment, You.'6n now buy your border at the same price as th-- side wall, but this won't last long as the man- ufacturers have doubled.the price on b6r- ders and, we., 'will -be cor'npelled to, dp the same. Buy now. -cis Coopers - 00k `Sto'­'-re,. in o he was sentenced to a term in the Con. tral Prison, frt)ra which he escaped, utidertake to assume leadership in, and the next he was heard of was' public affairs, If -the precedent is when posing as a respectable theiliber correct - then the establishment of it of bociety and paving attentions to a youn! lady of unimpeachable char- will be for'tbe. we' al of those Interested, The acter He was'run to earth, bow-eyer, quality of Clinton,$. credit wali and arrested by Dete6tive, T% igg, Clien favorably pommented --i3pou but some a pialinclotbes officer, - one ' Sunday evening while leavingehurch in com- feared other 'cases would bwe to be dealt pKity with the lady. with subsequentij,'if (Ainton's. Fle was sent bi%ck to fluish tits terin, modest proposal was acceded.to w* here an d. since then be has served several the situation would be different. short terms in Canada,. a number in the United, S�ates, and there are. w4r' resolutinia regulating cases of this . rants f0t his k Irrest in various places, ki ad could have been easily fi,amed ,including. Hamilton, Montreal, mid Lotidon. For years, he has spent his w-b.oroby the endorsement -of the Coun. I life in jail or in-liseing'-from the po. oil cauld- only apply lie reas thc proven I w , . lice. security showed that the debentures did not. exceed, would hinder 11)DITOUXA14 1110SING.S# ldebt whaiinightbe termed gilt edgedse - urity, i-eudering loss an impossibility, rt 1) ti it n ta -;t2�,000club. Parliknient, *0ouneft and Municipal tavi Witiltsa eltib of anotber kind to (j6unclls will be,.Ca,1 , led upon. to travel get 4fter the'knockeM ; newpaths and wher6.they:can -legally is. :esdnxa - to d 15 000 settler lighten tli.,- taxes of the People they 0!; will corne from the United States t A, 11111A be Pioneer's 'in- maki their In I cAnildn Oils yeaX, I.' Overm �0,000 iwitivedl husiness to-acce(16 to biisiness like, re - .111ne and the rusli continues.' I Alinly (��iestiq. tbmt. wasiliever don p i n of the'se settlers are 6f a, mo�t de.91r_ 11-uron Counq tni4ht bb no argunient able. class, and- whole V6 ; , - parties ba 6r the coilrse follow . ed Wednesday of � I c I ville'In AV iose"nverilge ofca6h 641)hki i hist week. in voting the endorsement was over $1000 site h 91 f . 4 Vily, prisons ot Oahada -are, no'tivltb� standing the prosperous tim6s,' fuller than- ever.' .8tit it is riot that . CA�had- ua4m lAns a . Te becoming less htw-ibiding. Foreign emigration . Is.: 141�gel* Y. clie V What we Advort!Se 'we. -Sefl., -can�e.of tLbis congestion. Notwith. .standing that in, 7 undesi r(I an tables a - 00 deport6d-.4 element is fitiding its *ay Ouch 0 k9es in that is net desirable. W -bat, we sel U..S. Oustollis'e,ollectiabscotitintie'tc) she' w ................. . .... . .......... . .. ;� ........ . ........ An imProvernentover la I, yetr.'S figui . es 0 RTAPLE­C DRY GOODS and W( licate tbaV better trade ecin- .d , itions are.ileretiD stay. During Augi . 12 HILLUVERV URS MANTLES- ust� collections arnoun ted t6 so 1 84() 456 over August, jQ()8. 1)utzing.the, five I#LgnthS of the 119,1al year end.eid'. %&ug. 8.0th, collections amounted, to $23.843�6 j%, a betteiment of,$5.508,81'6 ovei-tho rs rn Va corresponding period last year, �Tulx July trade returns. prove, cou� elusively tb�t h%rd'thn8a in Canada 'fiav,b Passed and' -gone, -Forthe four Mon 8 th endl�g JUjjL31 of. the current a- 0 -, 0 -rait DreSS d fiscal year, the total trade of the Dom. inion amou te to . . p �q As COM-, aredwith in the' first f P our 'This week,. We make the important announ.ce- mouths.of -the. last fiscal' year. Thisr ment of.tbe first. arrival of our New Fall, Dress and includes exports and !WLport§ -OtL coin :foreign Costif m'e' -Cloths.. Theyc6nsiStLof. the very'. latest and bullion afid merchandise exported tbrouglic�ft)anada, e matetials -produced in -n w . shadow"' stripe$, and: L. fo� cdnsump�16n for the lour"'months plain eff�cts, and. rich satin -finish" amounted to $114,286,0Q2,- -an increase of V2;877,803 OVek 4he ..CorrojpOnAing ROSEWOOD period oi last . Year'.' The exports totall- OLIVE of,soja%'5851 THE WISTER.1A. .ed$­�7,850,508anlncroase overthe' corresoonding period, last �'t'4031JCVF -1 xi.,* (*L6its WINES- yeitr. ,Total trade increased 025,580,886 .In the past four months ovi�k fh�' $am . e P.ALL. TOUPE. period last year. The total trAde of ,eeded July exc t6t Of last. year by, AVY RLA01K. ,$7,440,610. , The customs receipts for thopast four months aniounted to $17,885,948 a gain of $3,6.331440 over, the Price' s -range� fro -4 0 2,100 samd period Of the lost fiscal year. 'Tfies� figures wI41 ilft4i that con. 0,,e_ per yard, de ce.has returned, that tile fabt. fi tie ories ate busy, that people, havio '010 e money to spend, and that. the revenue is rising as a result of eonthitied ccn. '11dened In the for adminstration, and a return to pro9perity. r Ting reqtio st ok, Qlinten. Oouuci I to a, S., the Cowity.Council last week was hot neariy' as . out,landish &a some' &Y6 is 'the Xroi XnA. opines th at one mission .Wr Want jo Make a genefal clean up 'of 0'6�r' governh)g ppd4,es of the is to a Sh" t WMIS ir ts, Just'g lart in this lot. Re& pail needs for tho bettorm ebt of people $1,160 for c 1 qui k telling C whom they tihould a' erve. No risk was- being run by -the �ndovslng of the delieutul,4 but, it mewit good tnoho.v to the taxpayers of olintoK fil tton the batter Bala of Oat& debentures, 9vidence was produced that th6 pro. posal was an �Otual fact In the admin- istrAtion of other Counties so that the "siery legality of the 406 Was act at 'rest, Govokoments loan monies, a low rate interest, - for drainage Big Speicial 4i Lisle Hose for Saturday. These of And other purpogdo and th6rebyjw6ve t1vit i 44ose ara t"he very b6st make, good yarn and guar- thoir motto is "Pio bona publics.' it -1 anteed fast c6lor. Reg. 25C and Soc, 'for .WoUldbe establishing Apreoedent.: Rowe 00,4041lom i4yff, Of 00V quick selling ......... would #X4 that to A. duty of men whor