HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-09-02, Page 3PR­Jr­r--W,­�­-�­__ 7V -- - I . , 19W.Mlow",_ .. , I . I '$O,pt. 2nd, 1909 I ,X � J." I - I E ". 0 e a 5 . . li" 4 0 I . � Tbo Clinton, N*w Bra $ . --.-.1---- I-— The, Poet's Corner TbOJOY50rAs"MM-OrUcation, A FOOLISH OBJECTION. I . I SUNWIRT �=="----,W=�1--�-�----.-�--..�.,�-, The � V"9,4Wt:0aa,%iI de ott4tao ft"D nt00JQg;eI 1th"Oerro" the Mrs. 6nigglof . THE, SUNDAY SCHOOL - C) C�,_UJR; , � I ­'. A settlees 8011110(iny . . the gh Calls the Turn on Her I: . .'. , ­ 101, 8, and sold i . Dotter Half. � - I I . - I L, .. 11 I I . . I I I � ­. 11- I., - �_ $,wellN "My dear," val4 Mr. Saiggleigb, who . . I I I SOAP. I . hare in the cost and divide up L6330it . .. . . _(jood seven rooms my homestead tb was feeling a little peevish, -11 can't X. - Third TQ � 11 I . , e4ork and each one shall make - Uarter, I . 111. - house containeth. his own, g. underitand w . by .you have to spend so For Sept. 5 � 1909, .. -1 ,. . I 11 I I -L.. r Ply farm'* a section. big and some. 'Twill beensy to do, and. I$m sure we � f I � ,, . . � much money for ,clothes. Here we � . � I . . . . � thing more. will fixid that boasework will seem . - � , I . ; I . , I I � Yet each fair maid my humble suit . like Play." are strangers in a strillige city, We � . .. , .. I . . : "I I I so wj Uit, h1t never are Invited out anywhere. We THE INTERNAT ­ � -­ I I T . � . . .. 11 11 I .... . I disilaineth, this understanding they pack. I IONAL SERIES. 0 , 11 11 ... , TO favor tbobe who Iclerk." within the ed up their "junk" and together go to no balls, no receptions, no must. , I . . I I I 11, ... I F1.11. . , "store," they journeyed �awayt caleis or anytblug of that kind. Yet . I - ' . I - I drive four heavy borseis on a -binder, Fora, whilethings went, smoothly, ;iL, you appear to think It necessary .to Text of the Lesson, Acts xx, 117,45 1 ' � . ... L . ... I ha e 4 ,new gown made every week MOmOrY Verses, $1, 32- old n Text I . L I I k I . race . the distance appeared, L a or two, and your hills for bats are Phil. ivs 13 -Commentary, Prepared - New . I .1 I .1 I . I MySunday borse Is fast enoughto week or two passed, then clouds, I .IV I I . 0 .0 81"noe ta ing over the: - � _d I I . The girlis heed not my tenderest re -L Mrs Jones- told her hubb:� that mean simply enormous, It seems to me you bY Rev. D. M. Stearns, . 11 . . . . .. I in I 1 . ader, Mrs. Brown upand"sneaked."when might well economize a little. I hoped ]Bra, we W�ve, endeavored, by RALF TUE TOIL.' , � While tberes, a blooming7.olerk about the table was cleared. . . Mopyright, IM. b,y Amerlifam P;ess Amelation.1 - .1. - - L' . . , when I accepted my position -in this . I the place. . . While it waaWther right to wash After leaving E of household work Is taken town to be able to sa,ve about two- phesus Paul visite(I ,% , disbeo,of course, she might have , ' ' away when Sunitght Soap Is The wheat I grow is sent Across.the � thirds of ,my salary, sa tba very available mea ' . . . helped put them awaIr. it It would 1110 churches JQ Uacedoniii. giving V I L I ..no, to imnrove . _ . . I -.4i'- - ocean, . As she did wheaeveetwas Mrs Brown'a be possible In a few years to retire, them much exhortation - . . .. the nature of brought Into the home. And beeves of mine do partly fill the . turn, a fact she could truthfully after which we could travel and live which we may gather from his epts. the same. All will admit that in � For thoroughly cl L ean,sing,, * .train say. . in some moro'congenial climate. The ties. Then, passing into Greece, he , . 'L I 'I I - I fall down in LS - floors, metil 'Work, Walls commotion way things are going I shall. never be abode three in lis, an and woodwork, Sunlight While girls wit=s play tennis in. Then Mrs. Jones said she 1vas sick of ant d he would not ' . . '. .1 general appearance, the h ats . tile rain. her job, because �4rs. Brown seem. able to get ahead at all. I'll simply fall to open to them the Scri .1 paper Is the most economl;al both I . . , have to stay here and work L . . I .ed to think . . I away to every opportunity. Hindered in his I in time andnioney. 006 � .Vve won rod prizes at the exhibition She had nothing to do bat look ptetty the lepil of My days., I don't spend purpose to sail from Greece to Syria. I With Btu that I've produced upon e , the su any more mone, . been' ' i ved in many.. ways, while ah Played minor away v for clot�es than Is lie returned through Macedo 1 ,'so ,mpro . . I -10. I the farm c . I � U a we 0 � � . - . . _ . I . ,. , ­­ I A at the sink, . absolutely necessary. Why should I? of the brethren having gone tQ Trous . I - __ ___ - . Succeeding under quite adverse con And Jones disliked Brown because he Who . notices me outside of ink office? - ­ � . I . I. ­ I I � ditions declindd to help clean thp. fish that to- await him there. Luke evidently The newsp& ers throughout :the ' ' But clerk's I bring all my love affair3 to the caught, � . . Nobody. It is the same In your case. accOmiliftWed him to. Philippi and sail- � 1. ­ p 11 barm, . . -that Jones What. do the people who pass you in . 1 C 0 .&:Ej . , I While Arown bad a notion . . ed With him to Troas, where they tar- . I I qan'o compete against ,their silly didn't go for the water as oft as the street care whether your gowns ried seven',days (xx, 6). The next county are complimenting' us upow . ­ I &_ , , I I � . � Before placing your orders for chatter, " I I ought. . . .1 .1 . -1 are made In the latest style or not? verse looks like commemorating our I '. . . . your season's supply of Onal, got Nor match their wondrd?4s collars nor When a month had goneb Mrs.Jones The onez; who eat at the restaurants Lord's death on the first day of the . I 11 Ziur prices. The very beat goods I I th . eir cuffs, to which we sometimes go'.don't care . the results thus far attained, and * carried. in stobk and sold �at- the. started in to 11hand" Ars, Brown 4 son about your bats or coats -or week, wid In connection therewith .. I . . . I . . ! lowest possible price. , And painfully I' wonder* what's the �11& few things." . 1. I . furs. Paufheld'an all night servic% talking - . . I I ' i 9 ,� matter, . And Mrp. Brown,also, unburdened her And hat If they did? They are 411 even till break of day. At this.Aervice* we purpbse co � ing the c)od .: I . That I get all cold shatIlders.aud re- � Jtranw Mtinii 9 .. Orders may be left at Davis I buffs. � � � . mind of a few little neighborly gers to ,YOU. You ought to have a youn man fell out of the window .. � I I I & Rdwiand's Hardware store, or . flings, . . . some sense about *'these things. I � 9 I I . . : . . and was killed, but *Paul was permit- I . . - . I �.11, - -appearance f .. with Stenogizaphers, schoolteacheri ;,.And Now the Jones. and Browns are. at hope YOU don't tfitnk'lt makes a par. ted to restore him to life. This may work' until the . , ol tb . -'e . dressmakers, . home once again. their vacation ticle of difference to the 'people .Ton have been an exceptional ' . . . . W. J. Stevenson, The farmers' daughters, South, and was far train a treat, ly ton- dls- .. East, and West, - , And good Mrs. Brown doesn'b s�e Mrs. see'lit the cars when you go Into town 0 . I I pass whether you are dressed as the wife � course Of raul's, but we have some- I . . I � I At Electric Light Plan � to fry my bacon .& , times wondered, with so much to tell, . t. Refusf lad 'per- Jones when they happen to . , . I . -tators" I . an the street. of a millionaire might dress or not'L L how Ion'. lie (lid talk. While all the . . - . I . I r 11111111111111110-- Because, infaot,-they like the clerks � ., , __ I To speak plainly, Jessica, I'm getting , . I ____ I best . I One fact is 1)6tter than ten hear- rather weary of your extravagance, Party sailed from Troas, Paul prefer- .. - , I - �� . _ . . I . I r gess, 8 red to walkmicross to Assos and join . � I . . L sitys.- Ask Doctor Bur .. I wouldit7l; kick If a lack of fln"e. . . ... When Washing Colored FrocKs. Wherefor you see, I'm doing still my Hospital for liasalie, Montreal, for is them there, 'perhaps coveting to be I . . IV clothes were going to deprive- you of I . . . ... ... I ­ alt n cooking, . - 0 inion of "The D. & L, 1) Menthol alotle with his'Lord, something so nee. L . ,� e. - w , .r a .. ��: Set thccah:iE_in.s1 0317-s mte"t I Still-houTdin geaIth­ITd-be:qufte"-gIa ,_ . --sojzia,l-ple-,tsu.r-e.%,-Dut--you-i--costly- bats � . I I � - -- -- - . I to L I a -ter, The genuine ma e- only br essary for & laborer with God. - A mli. � . . . . . . I - I . . �. ... '. sugar of lead. � and 'elegant gowns don't seem.to have . . I - 7 . . . . I . " I , I Wash in tepid water, never In hot . share, . . Davis Lawrence - I . . slonary wrote from the heart of Brazil . I . . � . I . I But in the futuipe, -hopefully I'm look- . " helped you on at all. Nobody calls on . . . . : . I . . � . , water. . lug . I I . . . I . I recently, "it is prayer that strikes tile, a . I I I I I . . as well as fair. How Did Yon take it. I? - .you, gad.Tou are'never Invited to any- - blow." .. I I . - ' I Use a pure white soap. Make It into To find a maiden kind . . I I � * winnin . is complete"-- changed, - X a .n. y ne ...... . ' " I . . . . I . - , thing worth while." I I . �. � . . . iy - t . . . . I �. me "Why, Jonathan!" Mrs. Sniggleigh � .. Having rea � us and hasten. I . . I . . . I . a hither. ched Villet . � I . . . - . Dip tile gown up nud down in the IVS a pity whtiti sick ciiiies, drug the Did you tackle that trouble that ca, . , replied, perhaps a litti dr Ing to be at Jerusalem by Pentecost, ' - or stimulate. �the Heart Pin .your way .� I e more in ang 'Instead of visiting,'E, phesus s features are bving added, and still - stomach d . he sent for , . s0npsuds. Never rub soap on .mnte -Kidneys. That is all wrong! A weak . W I a a resolute heart *and dheerfgl P than In sorrow., "You talk like a . � . . ... . I � I I.. . 1. . ;y- . . I rial. . St . omach,means weak Stomach nerves, Or bide your face from the ligbtof day crazy 'wiin. You ' can't understand this -elders of the church to come to �. I 1.� .1 I ,� . I I . I . I I . ' � . I . . I . . Never use bluing -in colored -mate- always. And this is allso true of the With a.craven soul and fearful J ', , these things. 'What klild of attention blin. at. Nliletus, and his address to mote are contemplatedft .1� . � ''I . � rhils, as it may riiiii the color forever. Heart and Kidneys. The Weak nerves Oh, a trouble's a tow, or a trouble's do Tou suppose I'd get from the clerks I them co�us'the greater portion of the . . I � . . . . � . I I . . .. . - I wriii- or squeeze gown well and dry axe instead, crying out for help. This - . an ounce, . . . - In the stores,if I dian't dress well?"- . vers . I : . . . F'. � .. . I I I I � I . I I . . ,es assigned. as our lesson for. to, I . ­ I . . . . , 4inickly'lu the. shade. explains whyDr. Shoop's Aestorative Or, a tiouble is what vou m%ke it . day. With tills farewell discourse the - � I . I I . . . . . _ . -in irou will faile a colo . red . romply helping Stomac I h, Heart And it isn't the fact that you're gurt- Chica,*o Record -Herald. - I � .� I � . ' . . . I . . . � -1 . . � . I . � . I I I Too hot . Is A . � I . . . . . ­ .. . teacher should read his epistle to the , ' I . * ' ' 91�Wn even after all these precautions and Kidney ailments. The Restorative that counts, .. I I Eplieslans and also our Lord's epistle - 1. . . it requires - 1 mou t of . . I "' reaches out for the- actual cause of. , But, only, how did you take it ? - Novel Methods of 1�aojping Scores. �. i . I . . . n I �. ,ress colored frocks with .1 thin - . Those who give card parties are al- t,) the same ,church in Rev. 11. He '� . ". . . . I I I . . -_ . I pieve of muslin betwee-1-1 the Iran , and these ailments-tbe failing "inside y on are .'beatdrl to earth : . well, .weil,. ways anxious to get now ' I ' ' I . . .. � . . ' I . . I nerves." Anywa,k. test the Restorative . . whitt's that? - , .. � and .clever , here -reminds them of his bebav .ior u anges and * , ' . in - .. t.11(, inatterial. 48hours. 'It ,�von't onre so soon as Come tip with a smiling face. - ' meffiods.of keeping individual, scores. and his zeal and his teaching dur .- money . to. exec te the'eh .%.& � 'I . Organdle and swiss look nipch bettet that, but y'nu will. surely -know th I ln� I . h1,4 three: ' . .1 ... . . I . .., . . . . . . .. - . - at IVs nothing against you'ta. 'fall down Everyth . tlil�t'cau be thought of has , . ,ya o I .e- . . � . . . lf rinsed in Nvater to which a table-* help is coming. Sold. by all 6alers, I flat - I I I bee I It . done In the way of jngenlous The phrase.11servin.- the Lord "with hil with this fact before us, we are of- - , . . . . . . 0 '. .. I . sio0onfut of guin arlibic is added. . . . g- . . . .. � . . But to lie there, that's disgrace. rds. � . I . . I . humility of mind'! (verse 10) gives the . 1. I . .. . . . . I .. . . . . . . 1. I - . . . . . - Tile Show Teank - The harder you're thrown, why the ca At a *recent card . party a novelty was key to his. whole life since he saw the I * . . . . � . . . . . � .. . . . � . t � . . .­.__.�_. , :__ . . - &. New Bra . . Up to Date Millinery. I . I . ' higher you bounce ,' I I I . Introduced by giving .each. guest I, 'r,ort on 'ifie ,v�ay to. .Damascus. . Put , fering th to, . ��, end of We got the grain All in - an' Be proud of you're blackened eye.!. . . * . . . .. .. . . . ; I GIris who have '�.Merry Widow" hats � t; Nvire bracelet. Every tlm with It NOS xxvil, 23,. II%N�hose I am, 4 1 ". ... I ­ .. . . . . . . � 1. I . . t it isn't the fact that you're licked tha . . e a game wav - and whom . I serve;" also Rom. vi, 10, - . I � . ' I . I ' . * . left froin last stininier can bring them � We'�e gain' to start an.' plow, - counts ; - ,. � won a colored bead was'strung on It . . I . ' � . � . I Vp to ditte . with little trouble If they . bet, . . I .. ----,Wg t-all4why ? , Tliese'm.dde ratherpretty souvenirs' to: "To whom. ye yield yourselves to obey; � -1909', TO- 'N.19W SUBSORIBERS, : � 1. I � . But paw ain't* doin'it. You IV& how did you figb . . . . �, . . 1, 1. . .1. . ...... I . . . . .. - I ' I mvp a taste for nifflinery. . . H ' 4ot a new job. now... . . . ... I I . � take - , home. . �:, - , � . . . . ., . . I . - . I . .1 . I . . .es I I . his servants ye.are to Whom �e obey," . . . . . * ' � ' � First the edge of the briiu is wired, All day '1 be - spefids with - Spray, an, 'And though you be done to the death I. � Behig such a servant of sucha 2%faster, - t6 'a - .-:- , I .1. I .1 . � . ., .. I . . 1. . _ I . whatthen? � '-,' � I . I 1. �. As,.gold wire Was 'used iind vivid. .-course koep. tack POO- . . . I ... ... . .. . .. . . . 1, . . .. . then faced on the underside. . . I . -Ne .11, I I � . . he would of I Dy address.in .Canada, f 'or . . 7 , If you battled the best'you. could -,.' stones size were chosen,- the ., L . . � I . . . . I I I 1. . I . . . . I I . Folds of soft chiffon are pretty for .. ,Our dandy chesnut, team. I .. - , I . - , I I . hx�gr that they .ought'ta know for he - :.* I I I .. . � . . I . . . . . 1�. . . . . fie gro t - .1f.you p14Lyed your part; in the world 'btingl6s of the winner s were'quite, gay . I . . 1 . I . . I I I . . I . I . . * - I u . . . . . . .. I - -tile purpose, but anything dainty will 9 uns 'era till their shiny coa � . of men, - . ornaments .before the evening WaF lived not to please.' ien, -but God, who - - . I . , . . I , ., as sinooth as cream. - � I . 0 . 1. - ' . Z111RAver. , I . ' ' . Why, the.crities will call It, good. . over. Another b.ostess el.6borated tllL4 ,.trieth the heart. (I Thess., 11, 4). Ills ' ' I . . ' � , , - - � Very little of -it shows ,qiiyw.iy',.Iftqr He's ,got a set a' fiarness which . . Death comeswith:,a dpllwl,or comes .6eut toys in. prp.aciling was summed up in "repent- I . :L ' I In ' . . ' 1. . idea by using tiny .ton 1he hat is (Intsbed. Thvn the brim Is He keeps in tissue p.Lper, � � I with a pounce, ' ' �� . . . stead of beads. These were booked on an,ce towar(I God -and ftilth toward our . I . IS . . - - ... - . . I , . � . - I . turned down :if[ ,iround, flutin- as obe There's , jingly . chaim to hitch- the - And whether it's slow 6r . Lord .Tesus.Christ (vers6-21), and this .. . . . � . . ",IV 0 the bracelet..with .bits of gold wire, I � - . . 11 . . . - . - goes, -whi-li transforms the . shape to a yoke- . . I . If you played y6arpart in they world I , I .. . . ..,. � .-- 25 1 '. eei � � 0 " 1. I .... .... ... - . Of . This !dea wits enthuslasticaily-receiv- . he proclaimed alike to.J.ew rind Greek,� .. .. . � . I - I . � ' inushroon) 111odel. . Thatth�re's a 6ity'daper � , , ,. . I men, - .. � - , '' . IcstlCying . th I e gospel, of tile -race ' - '. ,. , I . I . . .. I. . I .� . . � . 1, I . . . � . � I I IN Paw is g6in' off to to wn; . . . ,But, only how did.ypu diel? . ed, - and 16 might make.ii. good. suggei. . .� , of . .V, I . . . . . .. . I I . I . ming kingdom -of ,Go .. . . . . .. :�, 7. .,...if . 0 e can accommod 't, " I conven-. - - . - .. .. � - . . , . . .. - s . I The brim stamis straight, then sud- ' , I . . - - card par � God'; aud -tile CO' a . . t "" e, - . . I � . I � . . I . - , 25):_ 116, knew tilat. bo' - : . , I . . � , 1. . . ., . He's going to swell'it U on. for hostbsseg of cotilin , . a 0 denly fall's 111to 1111tes. . . With Spray an',Nell, lie 6ru, ss � � Ues. - - , I .. . I . . ". . . (24 tids rind af � .1 . .1, . a .. � . I . I . . . . . . . . . . .� . I I . I hictions a*alted% him - � - . . . . . I � - , - I I - be prettlix trim.wo IN the r4bber­m-tired I . U. . . . evervIbere but I . . . . � . The outside mu% .d. - r g . IW liat. A Great' 31 pin . - Sal To , . I . . � . � I'' . I W . 1. . . - . ., ' ' I .. . , . I . � , . . . I Ib . . � , . I . � I thI6 did not MOV� tibil, abil he was I C1 I � I I . He says theie ain'b no Lbetter team The Great -A, -I-iieikAn Peop , - -The Care of Shoes. � I I I ent y -every new subscription that - - � .. � . . . . IVV - . .. .1 . I .. - . I. . . . Drivp Rheumatism out of the blood - Again' EO the fair ' . � .. * . i I I I . . . Wlien:shays aro re'moved take n nio, lay. -do *n.-bls life for, _ .. . .11. . .. .. . �. .. .�* - I . .. - with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Refiledy. (�N` he knows all the f;llows 'that-- . � � . . - ment. to put them Oil-. the tree� 'and Christ. The time did come wbe he . ur Y , . . . . . . . I . I . � I . I . . I I ILI be a showing' there.) .. I Pat islan Sage is aj discovery.. of a ' .. I . ' . n � comes o , Va' *.* .. . . � and see how quickly pain will depart. . . celebrated scientist4 wfio spent the 'they will keep thele shape t% -Vice As Wrote to his*6eloved Timothy. "I ani . . I �. � I . . . . . I :'.ub-ons never did reach the real dis- Them horses step out bully. - , I ' erf Is (Ong. . � I . . . I . . . I .. . . � I . I . , .. . ne , best years of his lifei�. p e6ting thi Watchi the heels that tbey .do' now ready to be offered, and the time � . . . � . . . . . I I . . . I . � ease. Rheumatism isn't in the s,kin. V arches up their .ck% .. . '. great,hair tonic. - I * ,, , '. � .L � .''. I not' itin-over.' Nothing 10 I oks * more * � of. my � do rture is --ittAiahil., I -have I . ., .��. I � I - I ... I.. 11 .. - . 1. . ­ . .. . I . I ft's deep down -its constitutional. Tbe-only team 1,ever-saw ' � .. � . " .1 I . Pa ., � . . LL . ­. I � ­... : . .1 .... I . � . (rettingrid of the pain, is after, all, That didn't need it.), check " - - . . In'giving his re , to the American �arclpsis than boots� run over at tile � fouglit it. &ood . fight.; I have , finifshed . - S. � . . 1P 0. . . ­ 0 . . � i . � L . . . . . .......-w- _­­_ . !IIIIIII!, , L . I I I . .. , ,J:1P. -_ ­_ - � . I I . . � ­ . - .: _�._ - . . I .1 . ­ I .... - � what counts. Tbat is why Dr'. Sk, ­ I � . . I . 1 � I � .people he.sald, .1p1rislan Sage is the tigues* -one to .1 MY � I ha o e . . - I I . . . 1. I.. I ...; . . I I - koop's . * ' ileels. It ulso` fa walk 4 course.. v '. kipt'the faith . - . I .. . . I s rubbin� 'th�m : ,most -all thii mostilelightful hair dressing in the . : �., - , .. 1. , . . . . � . I I . . Rheumatic Remedy goes, by word of V&W� � .. .. � .. , , , . ... I I ,. .. ., Thu. I,,, 6, il-)o. XtiowtvgAbat it Is -our : . " . . � . � . . . . . . - I � L time. , � I . . - . . . . . I . . I . % � L . And - , - . mouth from one to &rather :C . world, -but it is - Inard,'tban a hair kliem - � . . . ... ..., I go to suffer with:'Christ and to. . I . 1 4 p .. I ! . . . . - . - . . herein lies the popularity of this Rem- . pot.whe; be iakes tb'(�!m. okit.. . i- . , I d I iessing. It cu tea dandruff by killing : I . _:­�_... . I .. ' . . . . . .. - . privile, . . of the nf-' .1 . vrffw4 i Wk, * , 4 I . I .. . � � � I .� . . . . I . . . I . I edy. It is winning defenders every. N drives to Billy Barlovv,'dplace, . - . tie g6tims thminfest the rdtits'of the � . H:i� Had tt�ebest 'of I t.- ., * . . All up. that, which, is, bebind .. � W 1M . I ,where. Tablets or Liquid. Sold by . T , hred mile of thereh,bout.' . I . .. - . Motions of Christ, he. ever taught that , hair; it btops falling. hair;lt kives-*igor . 1�,i�-,r - - - pip I am- . I . .. . - , I Gee. theygodandin'. do - wil the IauLs. andstrength to the h'air rbots-. - - W S, I vous .'spriger (0111ake ste. . we must through inuch tribulation en- � . -All dealers. . er)-It niusi be roaliy torrible'� to I I 1ff"%r__ � . 1. ..I bet that Paw'11-0e prouct. . .. . . R Holmes spits Parisian 'Sage a1 50 . . . *(, . . � I I . . I 1. think of an mcident happ6ining to the 'ter the kingdom of God (Phil. I, ,29; 1 1411111;11,� ,1101'� . . When'lle's a driVin' rou n' before I I . cents a large boitle and guarantees it bout Nvh ile vo-tl ,lic a.Nvay'. dowl there - i�ol. 1, 24; Acts: .XiY, 622)., . Impressed - � . Jsil[-_�V�enewa s I I . A . - . (If CLIMIR! -�Ixgwnry - That lExhib.ition*crowd. '. . � to to do all that is claimed: for .it, or '1101( . .. I . �Ahat ,this nifillit be his. -last, talk .with . : . I . . . . . Voille., from till, -j)rbvincvs.-- A hon,e .. . . . . I -ill that �, I I I . . I . . I � . I . .. . � � . y6itr nioney-is refunded, , If �ou do Stoket--'It's .iiist the other �,way, .them, we � listen with great interest to . ! � . . I . � . . � . .. � %�:16 st;liplill�: in thi, Aulfts of a car- I'm hoei n.' turnips evety'day, I . not reside tiear a, druggist wh0 sells, . . I .. I I . I � . . . ' . . . I I I . I I � . rrtl I : ma'.ani.- If tile -boat sinks I won't � . . I TU , 111.�J OtltSi(10 thL!- local thiltitrO. I wish the &&�s was colder, Parisian Sagd,send5l) cents to Giro6X � his fare -well words, whieh we. i10 well I . � . . � � . . . � . . . ill;,(l �, %\( � ' jlu,�p to go through ino'ro'n.aboat halt . em s ' I I . . A it -nry look. a., of ono t1lat Bill's gb. off to threallia's with . .Mfg. Co., Fort Erie, Oat., a;nd a bottle: -%vill 'fore .11 to . . .- : n I , , lily to heart6. He r ii�d' them that .,. . ' . desilled 1111111:SI'l. Sudd(mly it bright- ' * . - as, inuch 'water a.4 vou : . . . , the - present- ti 'me- . owing' to - , - , A fork upon his sboulder wilt be sent,you 'all.,oharges prepaid, . they aie ijurchased. with the blood of . � At 9 I � vn( I I,. iii I I wfory it could be stop- IN t got all the cliores to do, '. I . .1 � . .., I .. .1et to thn bot le-litke; - , � . . . . . . 1( 11 1�, . . . . . . � I t6nr.(,Ct1' . . . .. . . I . . I I I , ... 1. . � . � ,it -(I it, illa(ii. it dash bn- the box office. By jing,'Imever saw ., - . , . ., i . . . .. *0 � � .. I .-,---I-- . Christ'(28)j In whom ,we - have redeinp- - . .. " . . I . . . . ' I . I . � . ..... _­­_... _ 7 , --:- - -.� . -VD --tbrough--His- bloodi--the forgive , . I . . � I . The rouson for this unexi . . .A Russian -Sozi'ety Ro_rn_an_ce­_ffi�centTj_.� .. . k W. I . ,Tr I I. 'es t- -necesst y --- � aly,,­ we_- '- .1 . -)vct,Qd be- A c��p thalt wo�ki; as little as . . . . . I- I . . I .. 1- the jpi- en I , ,.Lr .' outl ... . � . . .., havior gav(� rise to much discussion, My,bigigoo lookin'Paw. . . . I Svrvant'- A ' nu%vsp1tper reporter. ness of sins (Uph., 11, 7�, and that *they ., . . ,,... , I.. .. . - . . . .. . 1 I . I I . I � . t;ll at last 0110 of tile crowd, inore . . d . I .� I � ' Tetininated *t -Moscow., - I � . . . . . I . �. I .. . . . .. . 1. .. .. .. . I . . I . . � I . .. . . %.!Shes. to lntervle%,�­ your� sir . -call be b�lllt Up Only 'by the word of . ., . I . I ,�'�st,r\.Iltit flian the others, pointed . . � . . ''�' The details of a Russian society Afan-Did vou . - not te'll him . I '- f-o6d'fo'r' articularly desire- that all,... mone � ...I out tliat the lego id "To the Stalls" Tickling* or- dry Caughs will quinkly ,.romance -which has hap *1 ", i ... Urvat . peak F I His graiie,, which 'is I the. only p . � I . . . I . . y I � . PI T WV111111- I was hoarse -could hardly s the soul., I . . . I . . . .. . . . I . ' " . wa r -tile loosen when using, Dr. Shoops. Rem.: .ed �,c,l.v'lllt,.".C(,i-t.,,iirily, sir 1, But lie.. as- , Wpat - a word to sound out. every- . ' Iptions -be - - ,, wroten in itirgr, lettprs ove ddy. And it Isso thoroughly hatorn atod. at Moscow have been. clikoniel ' 11 . outstandin."'r on ..stibser . . - box office windmv.-London G,lobe. -iiiobntly. in fore,,gn papers. - Xboli.0 18- sured rine. he would only ask questions I where to all preach . ers and teachers . . . . . . I I 0 I . . . . I . . I . . .� .. . � . . . . . - . - * . . I . less, that Dr, Shoop tells mothers to months NO the Nvealthy, and beauti. whi0i you .could aiwwar by a nod or � . . . . 1, I . . . . �0 � .. . .. . . I I . . . tise nothing else, even for very young . . . today, "�'�ced`the.chuf&'& God," 're- paip, in. �', . I . . I I . What .He Wanted. , I I ful young Paroness Urilsoff, the .vidow -a shake of the h6od, . . � . . . . ; . I . .. .. . . . . . I . . babies. The Wholesome green leaves , I e Himself ialdi -11 . . . � . . . . Thr, old nian turnvel front hi� desk .and tender stems of a ]lung healing Of. a: dh3ting'llislied Russialf Ookerii. (;rvilt- Miln�Tflcn tell him I have memlje�rin& that n . ,. . . .. I � . . .. . . . __ . � . . . . . . . . . . I . . � .� I .1 11 . . I . . . . i as',hi.; son-iii'MV vriterml the office. mountainous shrub give, the curative inent ufficial, .took pli her residence , si stiff neek� '. I .1 1. 1. I am �bo'bread oflife. 11 "Fam t MyLing . I p I � . . I I .. I . I . . . . . . . . . . � � ­ . � . 1. _�,._. bread which M.m . o do:wn iror6 I � ; -, : : .. . I .... . I � . , I , 1. 1. � . . . , Well, wliat is it now?" lip asked. prooerties ta Dr. Shoop's Cough Rem-— in MOBC9W and lived y , __ ItIven � - . . . . . . M _WWOMEMM � WMEEM I MWEE0110 . . . I . I . an 6xtr,enlel . I � I � I . t, . I . rt., . .11 .r, . . I .1 I ' ' 3Z gain He . I __ - _ - .. 'I­er-liave been thinking," an- - s seel-aded - ati 'ba*pver, - - . ". . . ',(Jolm vi, 55. �1).- � A- oted , . . . . � . I _ ady� It ca�lins the (:'on b' d heal life_.� Her �be I . . . . . qll� . 1. . .. . . I � I . .1 .. . . the -sensitive bronchia I embr ties. ttracted a,tteritibn %% shall i1ot*lIve,b,t-' .� . � . I f;wored the new member of the fam- 'I I XI an a� a , vhcie�er slie� wils - from the law, - "Man . . . � . . . . . � . I . . . . . � . .. � . I Was- Taken V :. 11twith .1 I . . . . . . I . �: I . . . I... ily, 'that you ought to give we a No opium, no chWoform; 'nothing; t,eefi;,,'whethei in the ,streois, or'when . . �-FY . - - .br,ad alone, but by .every word of. 1 � I I . . I . - .. . I . , ' . . . . � . � � . .. . .s. e � . r : .. . . .. . I ", 11.,ion." .harsh used to injure or suppress. De- rfding,., or., at 'the Aheatie. All' ,'iho . . . . .. . �. GotV (Lilke iv, 4). Panl,'foresaw that - I . ' . � ' - . .. � . . 1.,k pension!" exelainivd the .old man&Dr�Shooi3's. Acceptno other..''young. eavalierq' -of Moscow were' Wolves would enter In amone-them, . . � ; .. 11 . . . 11 I * ' . . �p . . . . I .. n1a I . . . . . I I � . I ii, "What :n thunder do you Sold by all dealers, � . ,'� . ljopelea�ly in love- 'with her-. ,Tba , � DIARRHOEA10 - -not sparing,the-flock, .and our, Lord . ' - . I ill 4in, %ir?" . . � I . .11 . . . . . � . I . , . barone'ss, however,, rejected - all 0- . . . . � . . - . ' . . . . ­%N',�,li. it's lik(, this," explainedthe . � .1 . 1. , ci . . � Tale of The Tail of Tile Waii-less tempts *to obtain an introduction td I ... . ,;aid to His dis ples, "I Beud'ydu fortIr.,, ' '. . - .. . I . � . . . I 1. . . . � . . otlwr. "Evor since I did your daugh. . . . .. . . WAS :WEAK AND DISCOURAGED. as sheep fit tile midst of-4011'es," . I �J:'-O.'..B.. �*. � . I .. . . . 0 - . . , . her, and continued. -to live in p6rfect' - � I � . . . . . I I ler the lionor to marry lier I have � .. . , - Dog... : I I - at . e . . . .. . . . . . . ,*Peap not -them, which kill the body", . I . . .. . . 11 . . � . . 4 I. � I . , . . . . _­ � . . . seclusion, .tended, only by, �ti Iderly I . I I . I I . . � . . . been dependent on you for support, I . � .. . relative. - .1 . . , I . I � . .. � I � .. . 01aft'.x, 10, 28). lie-91so. warned 1:1.1cm � - '- , 1-� , . I . . and I want to be indopendent. - � . . . . . . I � I , . . tb-,It from among tliemsel%,�s false. : � I 8 L e I,, Will you Ilit to thetale of the tall -less 8or.ne months ago a. young peasant. . � . � , dbg..e . 11 I . � I . , ay . . .� . . . . ITis fi� tale of a tall most � sad, * DR. FOWLEWS teachers, would -arlse to dra,v aw . , � , � I - . 5irlbegan to visit the residence of the . I f . . . . . . . I . . I I I . Tho the tail -6f the dog of .the dog of baroness, offering thii 46rvants ,c.heap � I . . I . I . . . disj-lple,4 after them. - . . � . . I . I , I I 111nard' Liniment cures Diphtheria I . articles for qale. -Once Axe � bro . , I . , .. ' I I . . � W-� . � .. E * own living while ho.sojourned among , .. . . . I the tale - . 1�y *Ills own.,qx,,unple of %mrtaii;r his . tight , . . I . Was a tail once proud and, glad. � some ola Russian porcelain, which XTRACT OF P R. I.N. � I N-G '� I I . 1. I � . . . . . . . . . . . . � . I . . . -;s� I . '. . ; I - waftied theni against,COV-. . . I . . � . . . � 9he .off�rod the barotle, Subse- � I .. � them lie . . .. . . . I . 11 Now the dog of the tale of the tail4ess quontly the barniiess used to buy dif- etousness and ttiug�ht thein,to'care for . . I . I.' . i - . . .. I � .. � . � J � , Children Cry . . � - dog I I . . ferent articles from the Peasant girl, WILD - STRAWBER -vilouk, 1, � etuiliding them'ot some. � . ". .. I .. . I . FOR -FLETCHER'S Was6f uticerLain pedigree, I %vlio was intelligent, had . �ood inan. . I I . . I I I the . - - . . ' ' ' I . words' (jr t1w 11ord J&u,4, �11t'ls more. � "The high standard., of. � work I.' - Wbile there wag not a doubt on the ' . . I I . . ' nem'and considerable conversational CURED HIM" I'llossed to, give thni) to Nlceivell (verses . - . . 1. �, . . . I - . . . . I . 0 A -S T 0 . R'IA . mother's side, talentii, ' The barotipsm eventually . I . ' . � . . . On- the fathiir's there were two or . I , . .. � , I -.-. � __ __ - _.- ____ asked the peasant girl 'Whether shi- I I . .. I - . . . .):f_3�,,).. it, his eliistle lie wrote "Lot -2 . : , . I three. I I I � _ . . him Ilint stole s(Pai no ninro, but ratb- which has heretofore,bliaracterize-IM . . . . would enter her serv'ioe as a lady's - Mr. T. W. Robertson, E IM ValleV, Man., ot him. IAbor, vvorlilug� with' his . I . I . . I . . . � . . I .. . He had Pare of a hound and the I�gs of maid. The �irl agreed, and enter(ld Writes:­4ill was taken verly ill-wifli diarr- " I . I ' a 1 6 � b . . . aid, hoca;'and tried everything 1 had ever " I . . ! . And a body that both lielied, � . I flM�'Z" io give to' ill ill , ot jieedei 11", a., We H, . o. -. rintiin.g e � & bull , the bouse A% Aaroness TJriisoff'9 in hands -the titing, which is good, that Ili% th ' . J b , -PAIN. - -- . She discharged . her, diffies, to per- heard of, a.4 being good for it, but, with- , nuiv ti.1, . . . I w . ra . . � . . .. . . . . At the end of it all where It wagged faction, for a fortnight, and than I -c- - .out quecess until I was finally advised to - 11-1ph. iv.. 2$).' -It 14 not poplih-tv ,Nvith . I I ' . - Pain in the head -pain anywbere, has its 6uss * ill joy . . I I I . . vealed "herself" -as &'young Russian , try Dr. Vowler's Ii,'xtract of Wild Straw- , mAny to e�.,iirn'monv,v hi-or0or to h--ive, partment , will in future. - be' . maill", . ftin f9vongestion,painl4blood Dronfire-nothidil WAs tfie tale that all three denied.. -nobleman named Makiwoff, who. to'k- berm, " L Was so weak an(f discouraged s(imething to . give awily, 'I'vople (1) 1� . - . . . I . else asually. At least so,qgs Dr. Shoop, and to . . . . . " . � � . � ' . . . . I (! t '068 ereai�.a a ifit e pink tablet. b 1 Ing ne� k It- 11- ro 'L tied Dr. Shoop'g Ilondacbe , ,, thit, I I 'V b lve'l ,'. TaZA *hile the tale Of this tail we bellev e advailfago of his fair litur ,and that'l. dida't, expect to derive inuch bt, '11111.0;fnq sffi- Of evep I love I IN - 0 1. I etaded as a' fit ff011l it 'I)ut I am llaliPy -to say ned-by us, and* all worK will, be - tosips toonri pressuge s%vay from ain eentiors. i's straightf � I conip.lexion, had ma.4qu my J0411s" ,(,I,, '130w.", but mlion tlj�, tai . .1 1t5Qff11Vt i.-Vl1RM'­&. Pleasingly F, I after I haa taken two doses I wds greatly . 9. . I I delig itfill-Gendro -We:are sure that the tait was not, Jorriestiq sorvant to Iiieak down the I , . . =h safely, i elyoquall%es the blood MrOu, barriers with which the beaut1ful. relievo(j, and .% few more entirely'eured Lordi,ces thc� offerflig oil the colleetlo'l .1, I .. U was turned o'er the back in a �gace . ine. I Sh.etll OlWaya *be pielisedto MOM- piateand their nianIfeWhillure othVi-, . promptl , � � �� 'o . yoll have a beadilelin, lVe b100d DrOfflure. less curl, - I . baroness had surrounded borsolf. Vie executed Y., . L N it'q painful perlods VVIth wornen, FAMO ftudae, ifiend your medicinc; to all'sufferers and ,vise lif showing their love hv thnu . . . . � !� I In a waythat you*ouldn't a' thought baronoss was so much . impres'sed by I con4ider InySelf foI.t%lll.%te tdL'get Sliell d(%edS ITO julglIt ell, _ � to tht n t . . . I . . 1. If you n ro sh-ppless, restless, nervous, it's blood . . . . w sa %I h; . . . . .. I . . . � � Congo,ition-blond prosurA. 'That surely fas I ' the extraordinary pertievoriince :which :��warvclous relief after expecting to die," �v," . " � . . � , tertont v, for Tin lilioop's treadache Tablet.$ stop Ilut alast and olackl good tal6s all tho -young nobleman had revealed in irilq of I John Ill. 17. 1 . . � . . it 111,A) n',in,,t,,,A, n -mi mo tablets simply distributil have an end I 4'', We'wisli to warn the publie against . .. . -11 . - . � . . . . the Mintituml blood pressard. . eoming'month aftet month ns a poai- wn_!!!...n!�� _­ _1___._1 �_71.11.. �._Vw_ - - .- ___,_____. , . � 1-1 ­­­�­­__ I . it of this talp, . And likewise the. tal )0ing - imposed, on I)y un80r1Ip1lIO1I8 __------0"b--_--"�---. .. . bruise your mign and doesn!t It got mil, and or oint girl, then working its -a domestio I I . * � . .1. - P of (.(mr�,,, it il&Z � � � . L I I � 2�%Vell, W)d 1)0 Ift yo117. it,g e6n., When the door wag ajar-out-und �sprvrtnt to gain her favor, that slia Millers who substitute tile so-called , - N . . I . geSt10n,blood1m,%quri,. You'llfillditwharopaiii a, eat, - . . ,,, )ul,ir Ca,ndy Cold ottro . .�, I alway,.I. IV-,1111J1lV(1oinmon4ense. g, betanip ongagAd to hiin and the ma*4 . Stntwberry Compounds"'for Dr. Vow-' A clever, pol I I wa Then a wail -and PO tail'arid, tlie-v4 - Tabl6t-eitlled Preventics-is bektig . I "V . tiaga took plilce retontly. , . - for's. I a sell at 25 conu, i�nd cheorfullY roWwld . I I , .r , � I, (lispensed by druggists everywhere. '. . � . . Tf you want to bo on -the safe. side, as t In a few hours, Prevontics are said to I %1101 go READERS I 11 I N E, - I Dr. Shoop"s Pink Pain Vab'ets-l)r., Shoop's- � 1-.-.. �_. r !�'I=!T�"'_r� �.n�_-___­��_ for 0r, Fowler's U'xtraet of Wild St=v- 'break 'way coVI-60impletely. - A I .1 adache,.Wo . . . . � herry and insist on getting what you ask. Preventics, being so safe and tooN ""Op 'Ie, mLnly pain', any.- .. .. r. 00 . V i wo. 14o 'Kerr , Headache - nain, anywh�re, in 2) ininutel; sure, some,, are very flue for children, I- It ren.0-ry . . I 0 . 111 . I I Voirinula on the 125P. bnx. A,k -t o ir 031111d, �1 fo'llho original is tnaftitfacturod only by'� , Quinine, no. laxative, nothing harshNoor I � A 0 b, lets '11,11g(fistov doetov about 0161 C61,111 F T I sickenink X ?I - The T. Milburn'Co., Limited, orouto, ,v. Box of 48-25c.' Hum by I Sold bY "ALL DRUMISTWO . ula-Its fino,,LHold by till dealerti. OASTORiA I 'Out. Price 350, I all I de�alera, . , r Proprietor 4 . . I . I . . . . . . . . I . . . I . I . I � . � . . . . . . � . I I . I , � � I'mmillimo"., , - - - __ - ---.--.-..,.------- - - I - . .---. ___ __ - _ __.______,_____!.___.._._ ____ ____ ___.____._._' - � -.,------ . __ __ .1 . 4