HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-09-02, Page 2E .
, 19 . - I
11)� - 51 , .
. .
0 . The PwIlaten New Bra
I The Now Ern former to a degree quite surprisinr& DEATH IN A STOAT0111, F01k. _fbWN'.-f6'_-_d_65_9_fA_Yo' � . , I
Is publielled.'every Thursday at The ceatrIng of one'a faith, or even __ , I , I I I
� thought in &'simple experiment will , 811110.01C 10tiriest,wltb Serious � th
Ulm NEW umk Printingi House, e,9u, so 4ow a Lawyor and, His Family Poilt
. prove,the possibilitleS of coucentra. I - . Up a Profitablo ftsiness., . �, . � .
tion, We have A notion that in the - This is tile story of a professional. . I � I I
1 f Or old, Windsor boy has -to wbotse longing for the freedom of - - - I .
Terraw of aubscription-4 per yeq medical profession a wider Morris Quatzman, an eleven year I
U advance .. $� T iinixy be charged if . Relc - list died as the all "I'll "I'll I'll . . . . . . I, � I, "I , �� . 1 4.. - I. .1 � ''.
mot 60, Paid, w paper discontinued the application of the great assistant result of a Scratch on Its wrist, Vols- country life led him at the age of till
. onentered the wound, which was ty-six to ilbaullou the city r- ' ba
Imf#1 all arrears are uplees at 0 for tile, $to * loss of flesh hl .,bies
. , ad to the cure in the- rallying of the men.
ajoVon of the, 1119rert The date to . ed by the .falling off his bicycle, farm., Unfortunately the recora of his ang children and in adults
d '
absl�, ption is Wid. is de, I i ter.
w, "ch every a. tal forces is to be f and despite the physicla"11, the bolv early struggles Is very Incomplete, in summer as well piswm
, ouu4 than w. e can caus
ab eyen, imagine and it may not be long died. Such incidents as these -by .n� That these ,to severe Is attested by Some people have gained a
, �
voted, on the I , el. we
.Ady6rUsing r4teg.-Tranpientud.er. a's. meanslufre tient-oughttomakepeo-
� ,, ly 'before very practical results will , tile fact that the owner and his, family,
tisemente, 10,cents per nonparol. line . pie realize Me danger that may lie pound a day while tow
, ,,in
� , g it.
Fir firsf insertionand S. cents per Hue tc , Ulsh the world, with a little hired labor. have cleared
, ,. . even in the smallest flesh woand. , avily tit her d T*ke It Ina little ct1d watorornAlk.
for each Subsequent insertion, Small Take a simple Illustration, Whell a seventy-six acres of he, n e Get a small bottle now, All Druggists
fulvertisemente not , toexceed one inch NEiT Monday will be Labor Day 41rtylknife, a rusty needle, a splinter land, built 4 comfortable home, wit" I F -M ZZ -M-1�: 11PERNWOM I
-4-04 as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen," of dirty wood, 9, barbed wire fence, or substantial barn, dairy house, silo and I 1. 11 , , I 11 -
to inserted Once for 80 ii;nts, or one the day set apaxt as a special holiday a thorn, scratches the hand, the latter poultry house.%. and have developed __ -, I __
z _, Isgi is inoculated with germs, of which the
w6nilifor$1.0ommunications intended for the people, Who labor-tbe ell I I � .unde� trying conditions one Of tile Grand TritakRallway Systein
ublication. mitot, as a. guaranteeof . .. I .
. . all newspaper men and'a Jew others .air about us is full, Directly these best paying f,11.111s 11) the country. In .
faith, be accompanied by the . . germsare introduced through -the ;
:9VA . belong. Sometimes we think the 1006 the gross incoine, of this- farm was t' Railway Time Table
aiiine of the writer. I . . ..
9 * , I � . breach in the slin, a battle royal en- about $3,000. It is considerably hirgt-r
TO insure publication, in current holiday business Is overdone by long !ues between them slid certain Organ. � .
. isme in our blood. . DOW. London, Huron and Bruce.
� � � . . I . I . . .1 oddsbutin a world where ,% good, .�
. . . . When the luV4ding germs .are too The farill. In question 14: an the west North Passenger
n ot rates � e tollowfugtable many people are ready to drive a mile strong for Naitureo defences, in a, few side of Puget sound, at the basf, of : London, depart ..... . 8,80 a m 45) i, 4L" .
. - 11 . � .will. becom - P
bows our rates for specified period$ anainute Irait it may be necessary to hours the finger . e hot and Olymple mountains, in Oregon. 06ntralia... . I .... + 0.40 5
, . throbbing. A little later the wound the .43
= space. drop in a few more So called holidays The products of the farm are butter, 'Exeter ...... , ........ 9.53 5,54,
. ,
1 yr. 6mo. 8mo. Iwo . I I may exhibit a whitish. appearance in Ury and a small quantity of llensall_.. ...... 10.08 0.05
I column $75 00 $40 00 = W $10 OD, to permit the axles to cool off. As to the middle of the swelling, and we eggs. lion Kippen .............. 10.10 0111,
I 0olumn 4000 2600 1500 600 Whether holidays. are of real service. *have what is known lis 's festering fresh pork. These are carried to war- Bru�efield ......... 10.30 0.19
J Oolumn 2500 1500 Soo Soo or not depends a good deal on the .use or poisoned wound, ket twelve miles over a fairly good Clinton'.., ....... :: 11,05 6.35
t Oolumn 1800 1000 550 200 1 . - The way to. avoid such serious result macadain road by teau) once a week. Landesboro .......... 11.18 052 p
I 00 made of them. Our idea is that thous I --o cal till$ farm � Blyth ................ 11.27 7.00 ;
Inch 6 00JI 3 50 200 1 Is to cleanse thewound and apply Zam Sr -oful is the� owner of .
Contract displai advertising l0q per ando of People. axe ,�wice as badly fagg. Bak. Zam-Buk is a powerful yet pain- of the market he haf. made Milt he Belgrave' ....... 11.40 1,13
, � less germ killer. and when applied to has not once failed to dellver his Winghai;:*;i;ive... 11.50 7.35
. inch, per issue. ed out on One of these vacation days the broken skin is observed into the , .
� .
. W. U, Krutp. '. I as they'would be following their ordi- tissue, instantly destroying, the germs products on his regular market day' South Passenger
I . �
. . .during the past twelve years. Wingham, depart.. 6,43 a m 3.33 p in
. ___ . � I . I I _? nary vocation, The change does good �hat spread disease and inflammation.
* . I The flesh is thus soothed and puri. Since this farm has been brought to Belgrave ............ 0 5t 3.44
however, relieving the monotony of fied, the wound made perfectly healthy its prmeui profitable state by the joint 0708 - ,350
CLINTON NEW ERA the ordinary routirae krid. sending and all poison, and cause of festering eifforts of every n Londesboro...-.:1:-, 7:16 4,04
. - I !kmb.er of the house- ,
-Buk Clinton ............. 750 - 423
OLINTON. ONT., SEPT. 2, 10M. people back, to labor thankful that removed. Having done thli,Zam I . hold it Is proper to say that when the Brucefield ..... �.:. ", 91.2 439 .
I # � then proceeds to beal the wound or faintly moved to the farm in 1887 It . .
__ holidays.are no n1ore frequentithan sore'with new bealthytiesue,fna quick I Kippenj ...... $_.-._. 8.23 4.47
SANCTIJM 111WSINGS they are. . . I 0- . painless,. and perfect'inanner, cousi.sted of man and,wife, three boys HensalP .... ....... 8.32 : 4.0 ..
__ . .. . � - Zam-Buk must not be confused with' and three girls, fbe oldest child being Exeter,�'......'...,.. .. 848 5.05
. The Wise Ricker ordinary -ointments, 'Zam-Buk is 9, a boy of thirteen. The only laborever Centralia ........... 900 5115
. I I
IF you see it in theNE:w ER -k it is so, I - I uniqa . e preparation, . possessing antisiep hired on this farm before the fIrSV son, London, -arrive ..... 1000 - 6.10
. '
. The world isn't fond of the kicker tic, soothfug, and healing qualities entered an agrienitural college was a Buffalo and Poderl,;h
who kicks' regardless of reason or that are not.to be found together in. woodchopper . for less than. three -West Passenger
GET the Buttermilk Habit and be rhyme, who grumbles and fusaes and,4 reparation, It is not.only mouth,. in 1880. to ,help to do The first � I am pin Pin, pro .
I a uni ue. e�ating balm, but'it is also a �
. happy. puts in his licke,at knock!ng,tbe whole I V- all A -i dis ..... a nd .clearing, ,two *carpenters for two � Stratford ........ 10.00112.20 525 10,20
9 . -A �
For Sale or Rent.
House: and Lot for Sale
On, Maple St. one half sore of ground, I
good fruit trees and otber sultdI fruit.
home - 0.1a good con5itlan. A�plv to I
. H . ouse for Sale
. The larae.cottage on .Queen street. be.
!onging so %be estaur of the late B. Holmes
to offered for vale. The lot is one-half I
sare. wish bearing fruit trees, hard and
� I
eoft,%,rater. A bargain, .Apply*% NEW �1_
RRA Office. . . �
Farm for Sale or to. Rent
Lot 36, Huron Road,, Goderieli Tp.. trame
house, bank barn, Stone stable, good water
Simply, larill mostly In grass. Possession
now or In fall, if W. BUYI)ONE,
_ __ ,
Farin to Rent
The Ostram farm, Lot 28,00i Con. of Goderich
Tv., 80 acres Is offered to rent. Apply to,
Clinton. tf Goderich,
. '
I To Rent.,.
The Draper Farm, lots 53, 54, 65 and 66, Matt -
land Con. Goderich Tp.. consisting of 25U acres.
For particulars, apply. to W. BRTD3NE,
tf. � . , I Clinton.
I - - I I
House and Lot. for Sale
-_ � I
The undersigned offers for sale a house and
lot on Huion Road, opposite D. Forrester'
contains about hatf-an-acre, has stable �
house, fruit trees, garden, bard and soft water,
For particulars, aloply to
k. MRS. THOS. COTTLE. on premises,
. Thuber and Lumber . ,
. �
. For -Sale . I ..
. -_
I have a auantity of square timber suit*ble
I : . I �
Sept. 2nd, 1.909 , � ,
I �.
1% ev f"*
__ M,
. I I
., H. To -RANOE,
Notary Public, 01onveyancer.,
. V inancial and Real Estate.
INSURANCE ApENT-Ropreseatins 14 Fira in.
surance Companies.
Division Court Office*
� I - .. -
. Medi%.,aJ-
enacial att 41cian, Burgeon, Etc
. eation given to diseases of03
Eye. E*r. Throat, and Nose,
Eyes carefully examined. and suitable glasses
. Offiqlgand Residence,
Two dears wcas of the vonamerciat messy
. Buron at. .
..� . �
I .
. Dr. W. Gunn
br, W. Cunia, L. A. 0, P.. I. X V. S., ZMA.
(, Ontario Streeto Clinton. Night calla a)
fIrtd-gorof office or residence, Hstsenb=7
Street. I
Office hours at gwitsl;-i to. a p.m.: 7 to 9 v w, .
. .
� I . � . -
1 Accoucheur, . etc., offlee and residence on
t4bury St,. opposite W. Farran's residence.
." I
# I
: I
blessed time. He s growin ?-- - . . or mrns or d4v ng she purposes, a so roug t I . .
__._.________ too frgq- . .. . . . dh,�hd_hOaSe_in_1&n_ Mitchell ......... 10.1-21 12.45-5.55 Ia. . NTELON, Clin _on,_ DENTIST .
*Uent and 1Wrce in . Isen, uurn , . %unber-,-A-p-p 1.
. this land, with'his I . ' 2ellaneous Seaforth ..10.45 1.10-0 . � . Wocessorto Dr. Holmes) . ..
GOOD tiThes are herd. Do your share wild, indiscriminate kilcks; and people olfafing, uledrs, ringworm, to., it i and other assistants for inisi Clinton .*...lL07 1.25 (140 ll:. ' . . I Specialist Ia Crown and,Bridge Work.'
. . .
I to set the dollars rolling. aq4lzec to be -canned, or withouteqnal. It is also used I . Farm for Sale. Qraduafie of the Royal College of Dental,an '*
, that he ought � idel pieces. of work costing not over $100 Hol in es 11. NI.. . :. . 11. 16 1.33 �46 11.38 .
pelted with vitrified bricks. The kick. for Piles, for which it -maybe re arded during the entire eighteen years up to' Goderich ........ 11-35 LW 7.05, .11,55. . I - . . ieons of Ontario. 1, X
. er who kicks with some judgment . as a specific. All druggists an stores the fall of, 1905. The fatber.aud the ..' . I
GOOD Eveningl Have you g1ven its &hox, or, . East Passenger On the London Road, one mile south of Olin- Honor graduate of University of Toronto Pan, , I
and tkate, does -good as he moseys .sell at fifty cei . forat �reo .three sons have done the farm work, . ton; 1W acres: fine shape for croppipg; no better tal Department, I
the order for your aeroplane? alo . � t - from Z%m-Rak0o,, Toronbo, 0 pr�ice. . RI M P M P III land anywhore; fair buildings. Must be sold. as Gr4duate,of Chicago College of Dental Surxary
. . ng; he knows, that a kick IS oo I . . . - milked the cows and made M4 butter.. Gdderlch.,..... o ...... 7 10 2.40 4.50 owner cinpot work !b.. 'Will be gold cheap. 0 , ' �. - ( ,
I precious to waste, anc I I ' Obleag
- . I waste, In _1 . . .- .. � ThO houseliold duties have been sys- Hblaiesville.......... , 7.26 2.57 5,()o Move quick, H. PLq-TVISTREL. 75tf - .will visit Dayfleld every Mpnday. . .
f I ,countries, is wrong." He kicks . at in- - . . . . 11 . . .
Tins, month has dn IV' in it. We'll . SUMMM DISHES. toulatically discharged by tile motber Clinton ............... 7 35, 3 07 5.15 , - . . I . .. . �
. Justize and folly and sham, whdrever I . . h ' '> . .
� take ours an the half shell, please. - , . .1 . . . . . � ,.Ind ilaug ters, and for se'v,eral years Seatorth . � ......... . 7.5L, a25 ) .5..32. . - � . . - .
�. -1. . h6 finds them in force,, he goes - to the Tempting Dainties For Jaded Warm tile mother and.one. of,the daughters' Mit,obell .......... �.. �:. 8.16 34S .5 55 I F or Sale. I . . DR. no .f*WLER9 . . .
I . . . I
- - show and he kicks at the ham' , whose - ' Stratfora'... 8.40 4.15 6.290 I - . � To .
PRESIDENTTAVr weighs 305 pounds -. acting,is tiresome and coarse; be kicks � , Weather Appetites. . . I hhve run tilost of. the poultry business,,. . . . . ......�.. . � On Raglah St.. Clinton, near the collegiate . I . . DENTIS . � .
' at the author whose novels, are punk, , A deIIeWus*v.pgqtabIe sillao w,0 made another' ilaughter has reared I fhe� . .. Institute, the residence of Air. J. Hongton. Two . � IVE store. * �
What Ike sits on stands a good chalice he -kicks at the sing I . � CATARRH CANN CrRED Storey brit -k house, with o6usorvatorv, large . . I . .
er mho squawks; 'f .new � potatoes, -young carrots ,and * � lawn,'friiit trees, (apple, pemi, oberry�.� macli, , Speoial care taken to make dental treat.,
o ctilves, while the third daughter has - .
,of being written Ili the b flat key. - I he kicks at the vtatosman. unloading . celery roots bolledi dralued 'ud set. kept the books of the establistilvent. . with LOCAL APPLICATIONS,ds.they. plum. berry bushes, eta.) House may be seen W. rneut as painless 'as poadble.' . .
. - seat,of the disease. applylifg to Miss Zennie,]Llolnies. For terms, . . . I .
. is Jul 'They were,flien, cut pon(Jefs . inny. - learn - the. details o . . �
rocks. He kicks - . Catarrh is a blood or 'coiqs�iWtional . write to J. HOUSTON., 34 Hargrave St.. Win- I .
TuE products of Canada, con . stitute a Ill * * in Congr6s, and dra*i6g the .aside nntII* cold i cannot reach the , . . . .1 . . I
at the cheap -and the .Ili thin Slices, aPA thin slices of coJd tills f,nrnier's work by, getting from the nip('4q, . ... . I I . _. .. .. � .... �_ __ �_., -_ - -
better bulwark than the best military tawdry and stale, wherev& they're . . disease, and in order to cure it� you ., ,� . . I ' I :
remedies. Holli's ,� I.. I r3X1
- floating about;, h6kieks . fhat.so many bolled - tongue- and t"irt appIt's, WeIT -United states department of ftgriclal-' must take internal . . . THOMAS-.' - GUNDn'T , -J
outfit on either sea or land. Let us gdodmen are in Jail krid" so 'many added'. The dressing was .made of tu�e fanner's bulletin "No. 055. . Catarrh Cure is.Vaken. Internally, and . . Girl s: lVanted ' L Li,Oe stock and generol Auction �e,,
I . I . , . � .
get the settlers on the Iand and per.. . fOuAll-raterd are ' t ' 'blew . . 11 I . . . . acts directly on. the blood and mucous I I -_ , � . . . I
. � - qa� .. olive oil and tarragon vinegar ,led , ... _. 11 . .. �
. . I I ,
. I I surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a Overators oil Ladies' Waists and Whitewm. .
III . . . , GODER10H ONY '
it the grain birds to shoot. 1. In the proportions of throe tablespoon-' . Be Good to Old Apple Trees. . Good wages. Steady work. T46 STAR VVBIT14�. - . �. ,
I . : . I I (tuack medicine. "Itwas prescribed by ' ' - - sveulnll� oieet ,
. '' fuls of oil' tio one of vin.egar. $.ill. Old. Apple trees call. be brought back , . W 1,,'A R CO., Berliu, Out . 7 2S) tf. I UMStWAC sales a s si rl - -
� .
Wmnx General French arrives some A WIAK STONA.M. , I , . . pepper 'and. a little . - French mustard t � o - fruitfulne5-9 by spreading a thick one of the best'physiclamr. in this coun - I I . � .. - � - I . . . NE- HRA)64ee, Clinton, r'.11 iptly actended I
. I I . . to. Terms reiLsonable. - l?.fine
.1 . I . , I I . . . try for ye'ars 'and is a regular preacrip . . - , rs' sale note
good ,40anuck should whisper in hl* . A sal4d bowl _coat (if rich rotted manure, around the' cs - . discouXited : .. I
S . Ivelle. addP(l *to season. . . . . tton, It is composed of the best toni . .. Help Wanted., . .. I I . . . I I .
. I � w BRINGS MERV was lifted vith crisp, new lettuce tree and plowing'It under.. It ground known, combined Vith the Uest blood - . -------
* . . I . . I . I I � . . .
� . .
ear that Oanada does not desire a - , . . . . . 1 .." .� .� . . 1. . s turned Into .eann - th6 mucous ruxi)erivacea operators.on Pants,. Kni�hers "d 6 ID; AlcTaggart M. D , MoTaggar . , �
� . . . . leaves, and the salad, wa . Ot be plowed fork it under. The puriflers,acting directly on Overalls
' surfaces. Thd perfect combination -of , Constgnt employment'the year.rouuti. .' . .
history of militarism. We should be Dro' W1111aiiis' Piailc P1118 R6st'ore the., bowl and sprinkl6d �Over �lth� 'too . next thing to do Is to cut out, all dead . . Highest .1unloh wage Pai(l. Place work., .lnex- . ' . '
palm branch growers and not be afraid - ' cro is, I , flubs VLnd suckers the 2 ingredients is what produces such -p rjau,ed bands; to learn opera - ting. - M T r''t B - I *.. �� ..
. I)e pondmit Sufferers .to ,��!tb minebd parsley., Tonsfe(Y.crack. branches. all 5 . I C gad ros.. �
I . S . s' e � Ltd ,, .. ;" , � . . I
. -
. . . .. I � I .Wlng around-ttle base of free. These wonderful ro alta'in ciiiing Catarrh. JTAY I,OR,AVDHRSO1N7SQUTRGATJ . " ' - I .
to let people hear about it. - . . . . . - . � I - IL ' gro . . . tr, �_ 11 Seafortli, Ont.- �. . �
. flealth.. . I . I : erq and cheese %vo ' re served with, . I Send for testimonials f ree. . . . . . � . I 0, � .. . I . . ;
__ . I I . .. I . . I . - ligh surface of . c -0 up the 'sap which. qhofild go -into' I CliNNEY .,%,r 00., -Toledo, -.0. . � , . . I . ,
I I . ,. . I - Scrub tile ro' . . I. allItli-, . tal, , F., J . ' I
I WE wonder what has come over I � . .� g y clean 'all(' pack.. the frult. The next thing to be done is Sold: hv all druggists,.75c.' ' .' ' Hogs. R-aek,Ciftr Mill, 4'., ALBERT: .ST , CLINT-ON I
Nothing is so distressing as a- weak 10ullt'� untll th6l'011-YI11' . . . . . I I I . .. .. f 7 . � . .. �1 . -
lion. Mr Whitney's emigration policy stomaoh�the Vi when'thf.1y are chilled,through , to -scrape MY the old (lead. bark, then , -44ke'.11ah's Fauffly Pills forconstip-J... - �_ I ". . � I
CtiniS Of this trouble in lec.- , . I I . . � I . � . 11 . . . .. . .. . (x6neraf Banking Business
Did anybody throttle it or is it, a case � bil-iousness,, cut in half. rothove the seeds and pack wash with stiong lye. soapy water., -atau�il . I 1. . I I . 1:
suffer from indigestion, , I .,. I I I _. I . � Will be in full operation this fall, and will . : :, - t,ransqket d � . ..
dizzihei§i and ftequent.headaelles. � INO tho center. iv)(1i vx.uilIa,1co.(!I,eaul. Put Use a st]fC brush, to. civanse the barl;. . I I . �A I., .:.. . grill't all apple" that come andwill make apple . I , ib: � : .
. ,
of it �eing ea4er to promise than. per- food agrees with them-meif thme i. ,9 . '"libb from hard wood may be use, Ili. .Fall Fair Dates. 1. . . . !. I bow-r..'Will grindMonday, Tuesdas, and 'Wed-, - I . .1 I
I IS' a two or three wilple maraschino cherries' � . . I .1 ... . . . nesday. '" JAS. OART97RIORT.. 1 4 syk% � � NOTES' 1518COU.�[TED '. .'.
, � . I � - . . � . . . I
form'? Northern Ontario has plenty time of ffiisery ;-not h, time of pleas-., , .h ' of Soap. VArlous tree ,5yashes Atwood,"........ ....."......,', Sept. 28 29 - - -_ I
.1. . . . ' - I . on z e' top and serr6 * on Individual , pla ce ' . I . . . � Draf to issugAi.. Interest ailowea oa . I . .
of room fol. On right sort of -people are, Relief -from this sWf4wfng can be - . I W, 116d6r eac� have been recommended, but there is-. Brusse 9 ................ Sept. 30 -Oct I -.nlnnrd!8 Ltutmesit Cnrj�g Colds etc . I . � . . . I deposits. I I . � . .
� .. found the us6 of Dr. WillijLms, Pi�k philos with a paper .,do - - . I I . I . . . � . I . .. I I .
� . . . � . - '3lYtll .... * ....... i- ...... Oct. 5 6 I I � - � . .. . I I .
. . - Pills-th . fill to-�wake- the -and a nasturtluin. andleilf -ai'the Side. probably nothing better than good . . . I . . .. - - 1. . : " .
. . . I
DoNT go silly over darkey Johnbton j. houleiniide soft'sorip thinned with just- Dungannon..'i .................. Oct. 7-8 � . . 1. Bdref cot, Boy. . . . . - I . . � � . . . . .. "..
. weak stomach strong; to bail'ish The, - *A delicious French dish coliii.sts 0 . . , . . � I I Gorria,,.� .".1'......'....., .......... Oct_2 . . I t
and Indian Longboat, rather applaud distressing'headaches ; biliousness and . I F . rench . blums'shiffod. with. whole alui� enough warm . -water to, make a � good Go. I . , � . . ., .....'... r or the barefoot boy'there Is s( me alloy The. ' McKiltop Mutual— -
I I I .. I . . � ' . I CerIc .. I... _Sept -28, 20, 30 - .
- dizziness.' Mro, C,. S. Steeves, -of Hills- .siids. If the manure Is of poor quality . � In his season.wben' joy is, prime. . . . Pirelfistitiancie ifte
the map who blesses the world by his . . . . onds. dipped Ili olive dil and yonsted . Kificardino ....... * 'Sepv. 22.12i, It is not for Joy that the barefoot boy I
. I , .
. borio, N.'B., is one of -the many who .on a ..b . roiler over.the Ore, . then . rol . led . about ode peck of a complete animal �,London.............:::"�*,*�"S,ept.l()-is - I e . . .. . . - .
courtesy, kindliness and integrity.,13e bavebeen cureil'thi-ough the use � of . . . ...Sept. Z3% . Xeeps dancing at switchinu t in . .. Farm and Isolatied ,Town Props . I
III thin ..41cos of 'bacon .,,Ind ft-rillbd.*. bone fertilizer-Isbould. be.spreadaround Lucknow..,......... 1. I - , . i . . ... . .
. . . � .- .
gin to day to encourage and back up these pills. Shia oaks ,:-411 suffered ' medium sized* -tree and, two pecks Listowel_t ............ .......Sept. 21-22 - I ,.. . - ,� arty Only Insured. .
very much -from stomach trouble and ' 117�(,.�.should lielserved piping, !lot. .. a .. . � Milverton.'....... i .... i-,� .... Sept. 28,24. . '' . .. . I li 1 .. . I . � , . .
. . around a. large tree. Spread It on top .t. I .. OFFICERS.. 1. .
the worthy in your own community, - would often leave the. -table without (�old slaw served In. green pepper. . .. ' . Ripley ......................... i Sept. 28-20 ' , About, the Size. of I ' . - I . � I
- tasting food. ' I got no of the ed -god*and':hoe It in. In , F;t., Ma1.y,s.__ . I ? J. B..M,cLean, President, Seafirth- Thos' -
- - - . - - relief worth '-,;bell.q inikv�s. a tasty, .1nd attractive .plow _.. . I .... �. . Sept. 22.2a - I 11-kil men..: lare 13prn e4tial,l quoted � .. . . 0 9 . . �
ABILLof divorcement should be I ' . Ell _No#e ber an tber dr�s�lug of r6tted' - . . . - , - -30. , Sept 13 � the moralizek. . :/ T . �. -2 . :� . Eras.ir, Vice-pres., Brucefield- 'Thes.'l.'. -
i iking of till I begin the use'df!"Dr. � luncheon dish:, T,,1teaSmatl,. �m h6hd. .. Ia 0 ... ._ ... Aug. - . $ � .$ 1
the foreign r Williams':Pink Pills. - TheY ira . I . I � � I 'manure shoul bc�spread around-eitch I . �. 1. . I - Ilit THays, Sec�. , Treas.j "Seaforth
Tor 0 * ,
enacted between I e . and dually - of cabbago and Mired fine with a sharp d ..� . - T 1, , - er'tto n '. .....'.......... .. ....... Oct. 5 - I'Yes,'� rejoinedthe demoralizer" U4 1 1 . ... . �..
- �
iestbred my health and strength � . I Teesw,t . , , I " stops . ylght the're.11 ... DIR . ECTORS 1: I . ... .
- his weapon be it stiletto or revotv r tree.and v�orked -Into,the Soil.- - � , er ................ � ...... Oct,5 (1, , I .. I I
- e . and liulfe. A - dd-t6flils choppOdbard b6iled I ". .41 . . " the equality. . � . . . . I .. . %
now am - as ,ever I *a:s. * J .. I. . � . . : Alaiiny an" old. apple, pear, peach and. �Wlngham. ...... I I ....... 1. � ept� 28 92i) . . I _.:L. i� . .1 , ,
I as' well I S ,� �., I . . - fas.' Connellyt liolmesvill I—
before he is permitted -to -land' on. would earnestly r6b6mmencl, them t' 6glgs,'. - Mlx� witb a.`.dregsing nl,.1de of .1. - I . i . . . I . . � . : ei - John , ,
. I . . I I .
I . I .
� I . .0 . . , cherry tree tblkt.:is 6uippoged .to .be Walke.rt.oil - - - - -�- ....... " . .....Sept. 16 17 . . � .- Watt, Hailock; - G. Da e ' nt9n; M.�*
Canadian soil. There are abundant all those who sqffer,as 11di&l..' �- . 6ip of :pour. cream. a tablespoon fat Of , . - . . . I 11 ��
. . .- 1 .. I I wo -needsonly good culture and . . - I . .. . � � ' Salutations.' �' - Chestity, Seafoi th, J ' ' '"
I . rthless . I speik 'Viell df - . I � ' , I . vans,. Beech.* *.
� It is the* b1bod-bad. blood--4bat Is sw'.,�.qr, salt ond: peppOr and'a. cup'Of- . .. � . .The best .13 hysicians I Q . . . E .
. . .
m9des of short buts out of lifewithdut th, i � I 1. . sufficient Plant food of. the ..tight qual-' . . .. Sold . The salutations on. each tongue - - ii wo�l�, J. G., Grjive, Winthrop, Ji .. Ben. .
e cause of Alne-tentlis 'of � the, Ail- �jnegar. Staff.tbe. green peppei shelh; ..
. . I _. I . I
. . , ity. to be. brotight,back 'Into full . hear-.' Miller's Compound, Iron Pills... So]me pa:radoxes strange unfold. I � . . �
importing them from over the sea. ments from which both men and .. I I S R Holm0d. . I . . neweis, Brbobagen. . . . . .
, . �WO- ' and -serve ob.ludivid.lial plat6s with hot . . . . . .1 I by W. . . . . .. I . I We say "old man" when vre are. Yonne, . . . k_
, � . . Ing. 1 . ': . . . . . . � . .., . . ' Each Di'rector is� insp'ector of lossts It
- men suffer. The blood is the. life- buttered toast: . I I -,.-. . rs ,,my, boy" as we grow old. -
. . . . And I
. .. . ... I
. . the I . 1. . . . -be -pastured In the - , . ... I . I : I . . . his Own locality. I .
. givingfluid.of the body. , When. � . I Cattle should not . I . . . . . . . . .. . I I ..
I . ..
. I . , � .1 . � . .. . . � 1 . .
I . .
TlLkA,'riglish Committee who well. blood is bad it -is bound to poison.some I . 1� . .. . . . 6rehard; They pack the sod so solld as ": - TWenty-First Century . Wooing.. . - . . . . I T& � . . I ..
considered the proposed D&,Vlig�t parL,of the huumn:systum and thus it - . The Fiather,!-A GirMt � . I to prevent, a full supply'of moisture' Ve . �Oullg ille(lical 'man en� .1 . . I . _. . . AGEN. I _., � .. e7 !., .
. The getv -_ - Robt. Smith,� Harlock; -Ed,1 Hinch,l -
is that rheumatism,, kidney trouble,. . Having procured a small flossy fdath- . reaching the.tree-roo,ts, au&they graze . iered'the parlor With. sober �� . Egi.pon'd.. :..
bill, did -not give it as much of a boost indigestion, headaches and backaches� front !. I 'Seaforth- James. .Cumming,
er, thei players sit In, -a circle.'as close�. . the grass so elose as.to afford no pro- mien. ' 'Unfastening his sniall' black - , ,
as they did a bump. We are afraid and a host of: Other' troubles: . 1, I . vill4;.J. W. Yco. Holmesyille . , - I .
: s7m"e ly - to-eth6r.as posslbli6. - .One of the tection .to the roots'from the hot sun satchel, lie produced, a little puiple .... - I . .. � I � . � . �
th ir appearance, Dr. William Pink I .1 . . . . . . . .1 I , . .. � . . . � ..
Pij .
Mr. Lewis' copy will not be tako - is . -om a tiny bug, _ Z�. . _ _ . . .
. ell party.,theii, tht�ws,the feather as, high I bug, _ . I
I re all. these troubleii- and t . . and drying winds. I. . vial, aud, taking thereh . .
. � .
. 11 � . .
. .
en to very kindly either butit ,cure then! thoroughly -simply 'h,Z .as nto' the air,, and It -is the ,.: Tiy .tljli-otthO.d...v.).t)A..tke.-.6l.d..tl�.Ult,..,b.,L...,�li.Rped it into 1 a h;y - !:. . . I .. . . � . .11. . : . . I .
. gave b . possible I _ . .podermic .. -1 I.. A, . U . �
e they.fill -the veins with rich red duty of aJ1 the players t6'prevent it tree. !Pills wbri may be done any time _Syrinii� -ailu-�--*-a-.a-v--a-i-a--c-e-a--.---t-o-w-ar(r---..fiza-- , 72 . . � 0 R I . -
I � I . I
. . . .4 1-1- TAY - - -
him considerab!e notoriety although caus I . '"4' ' ..". . -q-A-0-OR_
-I .40 "I� 2'_8 - �
blood. The-genuifte Pills beawing the from alighting, on- them by' b1oN%;Iug.at this lb� - e eurifer the better.. ,shrinking girl. �i .. .. " I � -
. ontb.'th . . . . , .- -1 1. � . CLINTON ". I ,
it way not be convertible into force in. full name, "Dr. Williams'. Pink -11ills it whenever it comes in. their direction, '. ... I � . . I. .. . . I � . "No. no!" ,cried thp, pretty Penel. - A . I .. � . . I.. .
. . I . . . ... . 1. , �
. ' . I I * . ,,It . 'OEFORE 0 AFTER TREATMEN I � . .
the next campaign. .- . for Pale Peoiole7' are sold by all deal. i r Ope. .1 cannot be! I coul.4 not love . - AN . . I . ___ .. .. . . .1
Any player.w.hom It falls. uVOli must 93.uniblebees. and BiAterflies In Clove . ' . . . I . _� . , . . I . .; o . . 11, .0
. ers in medicine or; by mail at 50 cents . I . I I � � you in the world!" � 11 . . . -
a box or six boxes for. $2.50 from The paj.a forfel.t. . . The bumblebee. is a friend of the #,you inst wait until Mr� C,'bdcu- , "aI a F ire, Lik 'and -Accid 'nt -
� . . . I . I I . . . _/ I dian'' Tetterine . e I
. .
A GREAT deal has been sald concern-.. Dr."Williatus. Medicine Co., ' Brook. ..' . farmer, and..'so Is the butterfly. In sec. -samoritis gets busy in your delit*w- 's an alisolute, certain cure for tczema, -Acne . I . .1 1nsijra'nCe . . . . . ... . I
' . ,
q ing faith cures and the p . erformance of ville, Ont, - .. . . . . . � . i Randy lit the. 11o.ine as a. 'clock. tions . where clover sqed'crops are de- blue.veins," said ,the young doctor, wsea, Teller, Pim les, Mackhelds, Ringworm, . . . . . . .. 1.
.. I 1. .. .., Pavis' Menthol Salve cures - quickly ar ' - - - . . . %rbers' Itch 8619 nead .1tching Piles, Ulcers, I- I I- , __17_ . ., ,. .
I .. �. . I -i pended upon the value of,the humble. injecting the lbve gerni.. - � .
modern miracles, many a time dis� I d . . great many of these simple ailment , . . 1. bres, and alicutatieoiis�tidfgtc.ialblemi§.'ie.4. - I
1. . f I � . I . . I . T ' -pro- ,her I . Real,esvaie bdught anti i
. . I . . . . . . I . -h .. .-f . .1', ,-I.- ;.-t. blE.6, . � . . .. ., I heir devotion .is mow-AlmQst Ilas been oughly and successfully feacd . . I . I PIA .. . I
� 1. . I
crediting the story and- giving the
,, . .
; - �. , WiSIG WORDS' . .
� �,� - .
. * d I
and'stings, 25c. Ili at druggists. ' L .1
laugh to those who. might express
. . . ... � 11 . . . � 1:
I . .� .
. . '..... .
. 1. . . . . .--- ...
I � . I
sentiments fav,drable to a b6llef in a
. Few thbigs conle to thbsewho,hateJ
r. I ... I .
. -, 7 - - - . � - I . .. .
I - .
measure of the woudeis accomplished.
. iti
, Time may be- money, but i sn't s6
. . . � .
� . I r,� , . 1, I , ,
. , , , ,
- - - - I
. NOV 1, Bait., * . . ,
., : e I
. .
This is the age of increduality and so
scarce. . . .1
- . . I . . . I
milliorfairels pri,n-.
.-A I . . .
I Very lie* In be] tq'isa caslug,of white.
master -of -fact are many people that
,�Alany.an .alleged
cipally air. I � I . .
. - con' alized .'
linen ,�Itll,h . ventioll. border
the most positive proof has -to be pro.
. - .
duced to
. '
. . ,
Millor's Gel Powders .. dare.* Sold
- .
,Nvorked In, colored mercerized cottons
(be' same' tone as a heavy ribbon bplt-
gi�in their approval. .To
by,W�,S R,Hollmes' - , . .
'.. .
what extent does mind triumph ove�,
I .
18edkand �e.�ballfind'-,doesnit al.
Ing which is run througti It
mattpr is a problem not e asy of solum
Ways - apolv 66 the otfice. Seeker.
� �. . . , .
The- ca�lbg Is
. . , cut about an Ineb
wider than the belting and has in it,-
� . I
Pion and yet there need be It . ttle resor-
� � It your tongue is OpAted try Millet -Is
Gr�uulds. Sold- ll.18V S R H61m,
re,gut(It--viney edge and different Shop- -
. . . I ,
vation as to the ascendancy of the
1, . .
' ' ' ty*i ,
Those enjoying ptosperi ho�:ild 417,
, , ed ffiedaMons embroidered on . eoch
I edge... *Ith vertical designs runrill I I g ,
I . . . I .
- I
. I I
wiiis be ready t aassier, the unfortu.
* . I . . 1,
nate. . . . I
. .
. throxig .m. The tdgps of. -the cas- �
, h the
I .
. - - . I
� .
I . . I .1
I have not much . fear -for the i"',
who AlwAYS'gets home at a -good Itc
. In- and inedaillons are worked ifi,n'ar,
, '�
row butt . onholo stUch and then: 'cut . .
1. 1,rh6
V_ - I .
at night.. . . . . - , - " I .
otit. iatter, thus make sildbo which
+h t"M-1 On, a
I . I . . I
verbial, . .. . . 1. .1 1. � .
I . .. ,� 1, . I , . . 1. .
. . I .. 11 . . I
. A hundreds of so called incurable cas,-,s.
� It W ent' Irely unlike any other� rrepar�tion_
-aixture ci tAutmeut that has beeilsold or pre-
, I ..
. .
I � . moneytto 16an. " . .1 .
- , . 1. . .. I . . .. � �
. - I . I . . .. I . I
1. �_ � .. .
. . .. .. . . .-C.6nsistent.' * _ I .
. .1. . .
Ill bwkpiial ifiz,one of- the large
icribed.' .. . I . I . . .. . : .
. 4 few applications v; -All convitice that is has
Intrinsic ifterlt
�. I .. I . I ... . % I .1 .. ,.
Office Issac Street, Tie d or tc) �&
x 0 . W ..
- '
. .. .
citie,q'of central,!Franco the pJiysiciZ1I
. ill dilief, ill th6 coul-se of ]Its round
. . onderrol inedical virtue and .
it is m4de in Ciluada. A good honest C.ana
. Iian.J)reparatiqg.* - . . .
E r�Elb - * I � .. . ... ".
I' . , - . . I I . . L
. I---"- T. . �
� . I
of .inspection, aptiroacbed a cot .
Priectone box Fitty.Cents, or five boxes two
Dollars, . . .
: .
. � f , . I .-, . � .. .
. .
hfter feeling the patiput'g pulse re-
, . .
Mai Q to any aMrcsa on receipt of.pnce. .
. . .
. I
�. . . . . . I .
. inarked "Win -he is do Ing very .
, ' �
. .804 and r�comigended by all lcadipg Drug-
gwis ur Canada. . � .
. � . � .
. - � . I . .
� lilcely, his pulse is Inife'll bettei-"
Pamphlet free to any address. . - 4 ,
. .1 . .
.1 �. I
I 1.1�. is as you say doctor," l'opliod.
ManvO,.ct.ured and sold by the sold propnc�'
� . . �. I . . . �. .
. .
I the nurse, "but it'is not, the sanie
. �
com . 0 - ' . I
The.Tatterine Chdrnice.1 Coo
. . :
SYSIOP319 Of 6adadlan. Nbrthe -
- -
man. -,Yesterday's iplit is dead.
. . Windsor. Ontario..- . *
. - VVeSt Labd R�anlatfons. I .,
. . .
afid � this one bas been. put in . 1. its
. . I
I I I .
inClintonby W. S..'R,
Sold i
. I
NT person who ig tne dole heact 01 H faIIIII'v ,
A, or mly 11106 over IS old, 116111(�. , ,
... .
. pl�lc -
Z�.,,� said tile doctor, "(fifferent
I . , .,
Holmes J. E; Hovey, W. A,,
yoki-a may
stead & quarter-seotiori of available Dominiob �
patient, ellp Well, same treatment ' "
.. ' -
McConnell, druggists. : ; ,
land in Manitoba, Saaketchewan or AlbertF",
The al)l)licaiitmiiFtse,pvearill.otirsonattbe.Dom- 1;
Avid ho walked on.*. . . .
I 11 I ,
. . :. 1 4 . I
.. - I I I I
lnIouLftndaXgeaoyorSdb.Agencs� for the dim.
triet, EntrV by oroxy. may be made at any � '
1 agency, oil certain conditiono, by father inot) .
. .. I I =__
. .
. .
I a 6 I. ;�
I AV T" Blue 4loodmay be all right, bub'16 ` - I "' e ewers I ..
� �
� I money that makeb. the maee go, not a, are wortiou Ill. Satin silten.
. pedigrpe.' . . I . � A clover design worked In green 16
Never say 'What's up?� to & in . an Wective, for wearing. with a green
.. . when yon see him i6oming out of A: belt, while with' it brown one a con-
Alcohol " . - I -pawn shop, ' I 1. . ventionalized motif of chestnuts and
' ,
... .
SinCO M&Y, 1900, Ayer's-'sir- . Sixt - prime entirely new varieties I Of .leaves Should be emb . roidered and -but- ..
.roses were shown at. a,kedent" V rench touboled to.browns. The edges,of the
saparOls h,as'been entirely ffte exhibition. ,� ". I oval, oblong.or square iinedaillon. SI Ides
from alcohol. If you ate in Manya� girl is ua�khiltiofijl * are fidishod ill straight 'buttonhole
"mely stitch, stbout ,a sixteenth Wan Itch
pooe-health, wdiks palti nerw - . because she realizes that crying ma es �
ous,,jisk your doctor Abo�t tgk. her nose vedo 1. . I deet) Or less. . I .
. . .. , I .
� 1[ing Alfonso has grown sidowhis. � �.
Ina thin non-21coholle tonk slid . I I
kerg, itlis Reneral health in other re.
alterative. If he hgs a better specto is excellepti,. .
inedicind, take h1g, Got the b6si ItwouldAnko more than a music
always. This Is our Advice, teacher tocultivAte the voice ofoon.
, . IoA
- . . � �. Sol .oe Ili some people. .
V. ..b= -.ii *IT -W" Why di) the musicians hav
I Is 11
I We b"'SIL shocks of hair to t in A the biladz�01?1
_tit�%_ �' P
2 6061100-- ThAtwemay know'ot= by, their
0 = . keys? .
I AlMors � eo" Is --1 _ , .,. I
A slurjAh 11YO meatis a coated toottico
a bad -breath sind constipsited bof6le.
Th6qtwitiosils 1I.What'lathelbWWW-1-
L _ __ I
,to do under tutu e"Cum -- - - �, insf
your doctar it thi-^4 Is rot a &W Ansvw 0.
0&oo4"$*ft 4 'A 4�_ 40-.Z� Wi L -1 -
I .
-_ -_
A Quo I stion Bar . rod.
"No pugilist over asks anybody It It.
1� hdt enough for him," said the mer.ry
Jester. I
� "Why not?" .
"'It iligilt start a reAl Oghtl% ---'4-"
,0, � !�=,�4
. .A� h+
I 10,01111 , �
I Plyina Modhihis. 's 4 lq�
When the flying inaebin . I
. In Its glory Is seen
And most of the folkA ara sky faring .*
. They rarely Will talk I � - . ,
, Of a drive or it walk,
But *111 NAY, I-XAtl* go out for tin 6.1rins. -
. .-V,-.--- -4 �
NUX09 010 1= OLOVOR.
bee as an agent in fertilizing the clo.
Yet blooms ls,'fully appreciated. A
knowledge shoald be had'of the useful
as well as the' destructive, insects,
which would'prove that the -farmer
has quite.as many -good Insect friends
. I I
as he has destructive ones, The clover
In the IllustrAtiob in the red species,
It Is it favorite with the butterfly.
I '. .
. . - , '' .
. Fstrrders' Painilien In This . Country'.
It Ia estImated that there ard about
7,000"000 thriners' � imnlllm In the t7nit.
-ed Shktem'todtay� taking the Word farm -
or Jil 99 brOadest sense slid Ificluditig
$tit fhWltes living: in the Open country.
, .., __ . I
I I .
Mankporsons suffering fronlrbeti.
matiorn have been pormaniently cured
by Millet's Compound Iron Pills. Sold
by W S R Holmes.
. .
39earine r6m Canadiall Bear
gre"e) appliel 'to the root# of the
bair. keeps It oSsy surid pre*ebta ltq
falling oift, W, a jar, . .
YARWAIA ustwesit t"066 4*rociai tOW4. I
I . .U11stga.U011
, I
I , .,
- ,
. I
�' . I .
. Constipatiop Is caused by the cating
of indigestible food, irregular bat)its,
-the tise, of, stimulants, spice's and" as.
tringent food, and strong dra.stio '�ur-
gativm; which d6stroy dle tone of tile
stomadh and the contractile of the lower
-bowel; theiel'bre, when the liver is in.
"tive, and. failing io secrew bile in
suffleieni quantit4constipation is sure
to follow, and It ter constipation e6mc,
pilts, one of the most annoying troubles
one can hwvd. . . .
. I �
cure .all ttoublea arising froin the liver,
Nfigs Alary Burgoyne Hingseletir, NX.,
. writca:---�111 bave usea Afilburn's Laxa-
Liver Pills for constipation and have
. found them to be aifexcellent remedy for
the complaint."
Atim Annie Mingo Onslow, Wg.,
wFjtft---!'A friend Qvised rod to use
MilburWa Ls,xi-tivet Pills: (or eonatipa.
tion. I ui*.d three and a half vials and
4w completely cured.",
. Price 25 cents per vial, or 81or $1.00,
, at &H dftlers or insil6d ditftt on rectipt
I of price IV The Milburn Co., Um!W,
lroioatos Oat. . I . . .. I �
=daughter, bf0thei! or slAter of intendinj �
esteade�*. - . .-
iDtiti0q.-sl..xnlofltbslresideiieeiipon and eid- I
tiV&tI011 Of the ladd in es,011 6f three yearr. A I
homesteader Way live within nine miles of his , I
. homestead On & farm of at least 80 aqeS,so 64
owned and occupied .by bim or by big Is,ollat
inother.,son, daughter, brother or sister,' ,
tit certain distriets a, homesteader I% good
standing may vre-erhot a (luarter-seebloft al6iig- ,
side h14 homestead. Price $103 per sore, �.
,bLltidg-tltigt)!esiclegix.iiibnths in each of six . .
ArS from date of homestead entry, (including - � '
vib4le thnc*reaulvad to earn homestead patent)
apd cultivate fitts, adres extra, . -
A bomasteadeL who blo exhatiated his bome- .
,stead right and cannot ,obtahi a pro-emvblon .
uls, Ike a purchased homestoad in cert .
gl&! P. " 4:
aide 'I. m ,leer $3.00 per acre, D1ltIes,-?4r1�14t'C11!. .
on ths in 0,6:01) of th rea yea". Milt ,vate, .
, ,
fifty 'tores &n4 erect s, house worth $900,OD.
W. W. CORY, . I .
Deputy of the Minister 61 the Interior.
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