HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-08-26, Page 41. .1 I , � . . -W M, � � -1 I I . . I I ,� � . " 1. 11 . 4 . .. The Winton. Nw, RVA - . X, - � I I I A1,19' 26tb. ", I OPQ . - . . ,. " . I � . ­ No& ... ­­­ a- ---.1 I I'll., ­ .1 ­ -- -----­-.­-­­-.--­ , ''. . , ­­ ---- ----- ---.-, Ir. - --,--.. 11-1-1 ­ ­­­ ­­­­-­­­ , 1-11-11- I � . ,,"I'll, 11.11,11,111, --.11---, 1--1.- ... --1, ­..." . ­ �- I � . -- ­ 1.19 - , , . I ---- - - - � 00011010 I ­--- -- - --- . � . y ­ ­ . , - --- I ------ - I . I I IM - --- I - � I ­ - -1 ­­ 11. STAPi"E'', A60'"46'" NiC"i" DRY COODS I 1§511111 It IRUAIUN - - -1 -- I- ­ � . ­ - - I I I �, I I ---.1 -- I I - ----- - . I I �� I I I I 0. i . . . 11 - I I ­­, I I. 1. 11. , , , . I I I �, IIIIALINXIty rtTRS MAINTLES � I " - ,, 4 .0.0 -111 ­ .W�­ 1, 1-11, -011-10, 1-1 11 �i N lo -0- .".""VIII -4, Farm Laborers' I : I . . . I . . I . ., I � . I I Excursions I . 1� Big T owel Special � Golux$10 ,ReturuhJ,(,r$18 . . . I 'J . , I i We passed into stock this Week dozen, Choice of routes. paggavre cbecL-ed through from 011 , nton station, . I . . Pure Linen Huck Towels, la �Elt SiXiand in Au,qust 19th .1 1; strotion . . 11 pairs . the vegular way of selling, would '35F, * . � , I each, our price for quick selling, per" pair 45C . . A Practical Demon . I .. I . I � SYM 9CRIES9 14N orit WINDOW, 6epternber Zth � . . . i I .1 . . . I I. . . U . . . . . 00 - HE merchants of a certain town in the United States decided that it , I I Cheap. Fares, for Toronto . 11 . would be a ,good idea to give the people ot their community a prantical . Last Call for Shirt Waists demonstration of -how the mail order business will finally effect )ocalconditionet . . ­ I Exhibition.. They were perfectly sure that they were giving better value for tbe ranney of just about I doz. Blouses, �all told, but we the residents of' their town than could be obtatined from the Chicagb catalogue ., . 0 , peoved that wish to sell every one, and in order to do so, we houses, the cost ; but tb� number of express parcels constantly arriving who would � . I Tiokets� for wily point.-Railroa4' or � that the mail order houses were getting considerable business from peo � Ole . will make a sacrifice,on every Blouse left. � steamship line, I not take t, I , he trouble to choroughly investigate the matter. - . I . I I I kegular goc and $I,Qo Blouses f�r,­,..,.., ...... ,59C John Ransford, I I I Thev took stepo,to learn the p I atrous of the catalogue houses and planned aei7oid- ,. . . . . ingly, Mrs. Blank,�who had purchased a, sewing machille from one of tbp mail order . . L I " firmer, had a daught�`it about to be married, As her busbaod wl%sa, little short of ready, - . I . Ladies' Summer Vests . � - TOWN AGENT 'G. T. R. , e of the loolif � stores to, purchase. linen an d other goods for ber , I � . I . cash, she went to on edit, Tile dealer poli I t6ly declined - ' - � Co" from whom she bad . � 'I - Fine Ribbed Swiss Vests, with short sleeves, - I 8 U - Xpeel 0 0 b a4 be - n4, hat k; rid the desired cre4it. She 11 0 "9 b us t,, 4tr ' ' 0 ' 1 t �e I i a, w 0 8 � 0 0 t 0a" 6 4 1 t xt I . ed f r spobt I ti ' e i g - - - -'­tr� ea -��r he g d e c p OM ce next door to X clson's Bank - _ -�;�ht ' ith t 0 ltd d u ; bt ' � r to p e bi wo no a 0 1 also without sleeves, good sizes, regula . -r 114 ed U r Mae U w U 9 00gXes oil, . I I ur' s r 't I 'd. let wit th a ep . EDITORIALS . tried anothe ore an 480 h es in olle � . . . I .. . ' I i8c Vesis ................... 111-f ........................ imt ,I o r :Z45C ' ' I . - The groce I d itted I I . I . Tills is the trying seasdn when I Mrs. Dasb, the farmette; wife, drove in with butter and.eggs, I a m I I . . . that the butter was. fine and the eggs fresh, bal,statecl that be did not require any-, that ! friends on their vacation send you I . tably X, & CO. of Chicago, Would be delighted to send her another box full of gro- : 'Ladies' Cottou Hose. . - her prodhoe, The other grocers. Iiad exactly the same story to tell-, ' ­. . . . PrOl ,fox . - - picture postcards of. beau tiful ',streams Eeries in exchange . . . . . I and abady nooks where thq'y -have been . I . � . - . . . Fine Maco yarn, Kermsdorf dye, sizes 1rustlesting. � . . When Farmer Dash brouglit in a load of oats, bewa,6 offered'fivecenter I eser illan ,� 8J to 1:), black only, reg. 25C, for ,,,--.,o.., ... I 9C, ' . tbamarketprice, Heprotested, but*asiraformed that S. & 0o., of Chicago from. whom , .. . . � THE experiments 1.0 utilizing the he bought his harness and blankets, might be willing to take b Is oats. The Oothiug . I .! .. . country's peat deposits as fuel,now I firin find the hardware man refused credit, He took home his oats, and did not take ! . . I - , wire enow, . -t he required. I . . . begun by the Dominion' Deparpment home Some clothing f, g and nails tha, . . Art Sateen.s , I I � ' I , I I .. . I . . I I .1 . I f0 ' luest Is a new development of the . t -very long before people*foutid how much depended upon the business I . M D govelinment's,polley of do. 1. it was no . .,f, to irrj .Ire i I Sateens, in all t OMIDIOU men of t taiion have . . A fresh shipment ofArt the e,tmining and applying the country's he town, find how every individual suffered when 4-nytbling waEr dor . newest colorings, gcod. patterns, suitable fo r ! resources. The public knows practi. I It is understood that the express parcels arriving at that a - I'll ocal enterprise. � I . . . ., � �. I -�. cushions, comforters, etc., if bought at the regular ' cally nothing of the enormous and . ,. appreciably diminished. . I I � . . I ... , I . . ever grown business and scientific ap. . . I . .... .� . , ,I .. � ; . , . price would have to sell .;ft- x5c -per yard., . - tivities of the Government. The work I r gave bettei value that t the local meiveha,rits, a man . . of the Departmeriit of Mines alone since . If the mail order houses re -415 . might claim he wa 'entitled to buy in the cheapest and sell in the dearest market,' but . � Our price ..................... ­­­ ­­­**!'­­ I­I;-.­�­ . I. -9C it was organized under Dr. daanel, s strated over and oveg again that such is not the caset ' If you , � ' who �ame from. Cornell University to " perience has demon set credit from our local 'marehfints,,donot expect to : . . . � b small qnarltitles %nd exp I . . this � , uyi . 'yonwotild by buying in large quantities, cash in advance from - I ASK TO SUE THENG ' aepept , I . been pfosition same years since, . that . . . * I . . . . I � has 0 . immense value to the etlt�e s%me prices - I I � .L . I � . 1. . � ,. I . � people of Canada. . � . . . some . city firm � �, - . I . . I A . � . . . . . . . . . I . I - � � - - .,. - . . . I . ­ . , . . . . � . .. . � . � Cushion Tops � . I . . I . . . � ' a figure cn your requirements on the' samp. . . ., 1 - Give our Clinton,'merebaifts a chance b . . 'll find that you buy � . . ' . I I�iim Times W611ington . correspond basis au'd see if you cannot do as well here. 16 one 011967011 wi pri In ent, "Statistics indicatle "that within . -e and pay in advance, and then wait a week f9p your . ze packege. . . I , , Only two dozen of these 16ft, assorted - 25 years a ma,jorlt�r 'of the � voters of front A pictui, the. people you know, you'See the goods before you accept.. ' I patterns, reg, 25c and 35c, our -price. ...­.....* 'I 9C . I . I ,the other case, you.buy from . , C )ton, and in the other 0 . In � theimand before ay one cent. In one case utions. (live the inatt I . � yoll p yo -lit lit . I .New Zealand will beL *women. its so instuit hl er a little I . . . I .. . . ' you help Clinton, hobls, It,. chiArches, and its . I , � . I � I seventoen-electorates women already . � I � thought. I I.. . � . . . . .. � I I .1 I . . . We will be pleased to show yo' u our. New, Fall' , 'men' The at. . . . . I � I � . . � . . . I . . . .1 .. enrolled outnumber the I � ... . . I I torney-general speaking of the &ubJeet - . . I . . Dress Goods, Coats, Furs, etc, ,which. hav e' just* - to dayisaid there was it reduced devree .. -1 9r -Vk - � . I � . I . � . .1. . � .. .. . . I o! domesticit . R Jr MA -1 e " S .� I.. . Women. 'Women were less inclined I - e e � arrived. Our -prices are RIGHT,.quality'considered. I ' . ;y :among New Zealand -n U ad t h ' Cud , this.w r k .. ,1 .� . . 11 I . I to make the borne their only sphere . I I � . . . I I I . . . � � . . .. . .11 arid their r,uri.T)t�thi'esa,ndap,ti.vitiesNvere . � I I . . . . . . I . 11 I . � . . . . . . I . . . . . N. . .1. . widening. Heis of the opinion th&t - � . .., I 1. , . I I 1, I . . I . I 11 . .�, .1 . . . I - . when the reforrvi of the liquor. trade, ­ A . � . . , . - I SE,E 011t WUNROW DISPLAY, for which *bmen 'have been long X . . . . I . . � . I . �. I . � I .. . . . . � . . � . . I .. :struggliog, has heen achieved. their . . . 1. . I 1 173==� . ME=W . zeal will be delivered toward, securing . . . . . . I r . . t � . . . . . I I ;. Other - socIAl and political reforms, I 11 [ . . .1 I . . . � I I � ­ . I . Generally he .thought thek influetie.e. � . � . . . . . ­ ,#0-R4q& JVhat we Mvbrtlse -we ,Sell... . I would be for good-. * . I . � I . I .1 I . . . .. � . � I I . . I . I . . . . . I . . � .1 . I is . . Aoo� , - . ' I I . I - . � � . . � . . I . � I �. . . � . . I - . � I �� ' - . . . . � � -- � . . � . [Lml. -%, r . � � A8 an indica1ion of. tlfe . growth and � 111- I - - . . I . I - � I _& � , . . k::.,W . � I 19 I Ira . . M a prosperity under,the present Govern- 11 ---- ­ -- , , 0 Lit V, n . � lkffl * - ment a few figpr6er .we qld be � 1 a top I . . . � -- ----- - - I . ' * . I . .. . 6 I �.. ... , I � . .1 I 1. . I �­ . - -..I- . -:- ­� ,­ ­ - I � . . ­­. ­-, I What we sell'. Advertises its. . . . � i6g� � In 10.91, Canad4,. exrJorted farm ..,. .:T�- . I � . . 1 --,----,--,---�--7...:---.�------- ..-.. 1. ­­. ­­,��.­--.-- . . . I I . I . I . . . . . . produ6ts tb the valueo I f F50,591,002 'In ­ . . � 1. � . . . . - . . . I. c I 11 . . . - - . I .-- - .., . . � - . . * 1. ... Tur. showers late;y were much ue edl, *.. .. \1 -- . I - . :,I . I 1008 this liad increased V) $#1,171.109, [ ' I .'THE .JiMPOSSIBL'E. .. .. I ed. . The farmers who had'coinmencea .. 1 -- I - -------- � � I � I .� Exports of mapufaccuceis in -189.6; $935,- 1 - ' '----- - - : :. : fall plowing fdand the.14nd turned up . . . ' - ­ - - �.Z;;'f -- ...... �"`* . *�0.L Increased in 1908' to $29,507,424. 'nd th -' , - af Oto .. � . . � . .. . , . , It Lies.. Just Be�o e Limit I . . .... . Ldepth p . lowed. I Thio'.Cash' B a novit i a I . %Ak�,qv&Aw� %,%-1rJ,* ft,* 4 . ,ports of forest products in 1890,$217,- ,� �. , v�ery dry the ful , , . PETITION H)I, . Own Understancling. I . . . - " I." 175,Q86, Increased in 1908 0$44,17=0. I - , :.. ... 11 . I 1. * . I . . . .. . � - I . . . . .1 . . I . . . 111-� " I , . . I I - ' TJ o re Is a strililng, parable 1) , . . ­­ - . � . * # B ,bon and hams expiorted from 1,585 to , . y �l Is'; I . . I To the Honorable the Prernier-and $'Church Chi' - I e fro it) . . . . I . ... . , , G116C.CrY, - - - -For floward,:�vhlch- we tal�' . . , . mes. jo 1896,twelve y.eais�$18,&>7,9aincreased ' E., . . . I . . L . L I . . . � . I . I I . . . . I I . 'Lip -apers:.- - & .. L . the Legislative Assembly of the Proy. - '%�%'V­--,w** o,"1%AL,1%,%%'&ft"J& from 1896 (Lo. 1( 811. th�- IT rielids' Fellowslil r It - W.H.Watts OUX11 . : .1 . . . I � ,)08 jo to $135,1-")o ,. . . . I i . I -� nee of Ontario. , I -1 - , WESLEY. L '' - Butterin same period $10,513,358,1n- . I, A fyog- iried to open ',1,,,,dL00 11 (,. . I . . . I . . . I * I � . - � ­ . . . L THE PETITION of the undersigned. � . . ' ' ,4o'rea'Sedt6$5f,680;09.5.. Cbeese-insRlne . 1'. L i e ." h o e � I I I An organ Recital by L Prof. to $217,.-' 'seratelied'it, threw bim§elf rignifist it.' have evervthin� needed in b , municipall voters of the Province of 'Browb� pi�rlod, $127,611,12S, increased - . L, repairing line to. execute all their work ' A full stock, . ell an - . *1 . . . Ontario showeth that: . . - assisted hIr Norman J oniffe, will be 790.112, Wheat, iia same period .$45,'- strui, led, to get Ills uose under. it a,nd W d � - 1: . . . ., . I I I L I kiven oti))�Iriday evening So . , .1.9 .. , ;, I . . promptly. A trial will con-] . I I I . . . , pt. 3rd, at 338i'791;increased to $212,'677,059. Thrpse � ;bilft. NV his way I out, .but.vit hist lie. .vitico, *vdu'tb L at -our material.andWork- � . WHEREAS buildings and other im 9.15, - We feel Sure Professoit� Brown figuteq 41hiertiatd .th�' eXpanerion. of. . O . . . - I . .. 1. ' of Jars . I , . I . provements are the products of indi- *111 have e.,11 rnansl�ip'ih Of the best'�roc.urable any- . . . L % . , ,�'- , '. . & lal* audiehae:to 16hr the trade ftom"an AAJ?16ultural StayidPoinb de�ia6d.`tbut the.�doo*r Would not 001. .. where.. TVV - ' -Suit - Cases, I --': �, - . . . ,I . . . . . L . . L 6re acknowledged . .. .. . e .also. rener,ir ,, an . . - . � L � % . I., . 1. , � L vidual industry and a . excellent, prioigrAmme of vocal and iti- since the prefient Governmen�t came and never could opein, so be:.Ihy.�dowri *. qatchels and Pocket Books,aliio cle, - by all to be beneficial to the community stru 1). , , I I I I . : - 11.1 .. I L .. Ileg'ar . and taxing their discourages their Jolliff6's name � is - S� ' - a - � * L . .1 ' L . M.. . mental ­ IMM06 Mr. ..Norman intb power,abd no reason canbeJound, 'beforelt .qnd'Wetit to glee.' md dye sAine., 'L . . . . I I . , . . . I .1 .. , pr I oduction and is thus detrimental to. mu . tire to attract all' for ob ginp, silch satierfactory-ebil- 6 '��A'ehild'Was.watcbftlg the,do,g, and, . .. ­ * . � I of things, apart from the desire ' ' . . . Out.'old stand 1,4 OP00's-fte � '. . I . . sic lovers; and is. an. Organist Mr ditionall I . the interests of the comm -unity, . grown is altso too � well knoivn . . he laug-bed and tilriwd the bandle,witli : , '. . -- , . q slllall.Iirl�; .3, Xbe' door ''was: '- L'� - I - . . . AND WHEREAS land val 'to re, of politicians.tb secure office.. . : .. . lih L . .. '­ .... '. . �.-thepo'stoffiee - .. , L ala4 spices, - ... ne is. not quire any in trodu ation. . ..: . . , . . er arid . � - . . . - I ,� . " I I . . .- . . I . . . . - -1 . I . I . . . . - the result of effort but is caused by . . j . . . � .� Open, L L ' . . . - ' ' L . .1 . . -"� - I . by the Department Then: lie: took a bbbli, abd Sit_ . . . . . - ... , I - -­ . . I I A r�orb. issued . . I ­ Lurnit tovey I Notice, to otir Customers itk mid ' . I ' .. . . I . '6f the Interior -tit Obta;wa sh6W.sth�g . I . .. ,ig:4 prices , I . the presence of the community as a I - �0'qg, trii. tb6 floor;� he t ' 'il tilt- . I . , ' whole, and taxing this value discour;- .. . . I I B-A:PTJsT. . I .. .. - -- aronod I . at, r .t ' , . - pr�sen-b development 'Of e)ectribal.en- leaves, -omi- by one, alid Wazed7l,tt-ttle � . " 1,4ndesboro, ' . . � .. I � .. I . . . . � . . -* . . . I . , ages holdiaid land out of use for speca- - Services ftSL usual next -Sunday, the.. . . - . ark.,4 i1p6lith, I . . . . I L . . . . L queer. black in ein without L . I .. lation and encourages putting it. to pastor will preach, morning; Subject,* ergy from ,water'power- in the several JClJOWiu,_Lw1u I . that we M.tend- keeping our --shne-r& . . . � I . . productive uses, thus conducingto the "Elijah'P Cheillengb.1 Evenin ' . . . o .It thJ,y tueat.it, for he was I . Ql�.dlty the Best - L I 9, "Joyful, Several provinces and .the amoubt , ' 'Itt], I . . Ot pairing stand on at; usual and .all- re- � . I I .. 11 I . prosperity of the comninnity, in tfielrXing 11 . . . . .a very I e' child. and lie. could . u repairs. will have Our' best and most .1 THEREFORE yourpetitioners pray I . 41 , I .. .­ �, I available for ds,�elopment viorks'now - read. L As thore'.wore no pictureS to . ble � careful attention. . Will be, there Wed. ` : *:Highest* ''price' paid for all . .. I . � . I 1. . 1. - . IL . ,: , . . . . : kind of produce. - - �; - that your Honorable Body will amend I . under -way. . This'repoJot shows's total found he tossed lt.away.. .nesdaysand.Saturdays aina arrab�ti;,. e1 . . . the Assessment A& so that munici. - �' � '-' - � S1 - PAULS 1. . . .. I I �. ... . 'boy. plel, I madi- with Mr, . . � . . I— ,. . ..: � I ... I . . . of 48.6X'7 horge power already develop "But tv . . -led .up -the 'book and ments. have been 0 . . . p I . palities mav tax improvement v alueer . Th6e willbe avecial j . I it . h,a 'pos, . , v I , I tifter p:ige of. a Adams tc take in work' and give out . . . . . . L . I bnat. the 148i of bilee service ; ed, w. " sibility of, de eloping d :104,1.4'1.4,page . . .. '� " I - ." . . . . . ,. . I . rinSundzy nexst , . I . au; rful,,falry hdo. Then lie wei are not at a-lowi�r rate than land values, thi series o 4,vo d'e' 3t. stime at -any time the days we ness assessments, inco.nes and salaries 20th inj rend Canon t WL. -25,p . , . . ,ka linder.con- - � 'L. " . g y6pr Patronage, I . to w.,hool and puzvled* b1s, li�ad. over a ­ . . to he classed with improvement value Craig B D of PetrOleA, 'Will preach sideration. . The following -table shows : . , . I -A., M&Well I 3t. The R�;fe 95,007from the ..vor there, still ablisiti4 Be ­ I �� . . 4 �to, bo Uought to . I On Alonday I I Guaraitteed to be t1ke 846st . . . . and the difference in the rates to 156 .morning and evening. the possible amount available and tN- t sum which lin ' t lie . 111aterbal atid Wokkni . . ...1. . �. . I . " I : - . Owl -n! . . I determined by the municipality. . I' in , 30th, the ladi�s of the. con. . * '' ohrser thnr -ruot rig. Try. as lie might . . . . . . .. 1 � �.. . � . � I .OvrL � .. . .............. i ....... g Will gNe a Garden Patty,at already belb I I I ' ' tile suin not P1 N, arid t he bov . . '. . k - I I � . , . Name ............ . ... . 'O eg�jtion d . g utilized ' ' . would W"Ho-Watts'.& Sot). - . ,c . .h R , . I a - , I Address ............ ;,rb eir. Canon'Craig will ' be pres. . .1. : Amount - Being S, !dt.'I Can't CIO J.t. . I'm sure 1, ­­ . . . � . . . . . I ........ I ....... ! I-'. ent. His many friends - will doubtless - � . Available Utilized be doue.' Thoep IfluSt be a nilstak-e In - - - -- I a., . I . . � I I . . . � . wwwwm"� Name ...... .......................... *4 gladly welcome this opportunity of Yukon .......... �.-...'­ 470030...y I " . .. I . .. . . .41 . - 'i.... � 01.6 -boo;. a . . ­­­.­­ - - --7--,W--- . , again misetfilg with tb6ir. ol U .... -2,005,500. 1 , "But .'(he pulill's tencl'or h=lled. , � . 11 � . ­ '� -7' 7 . ,W- ---. ----- - -- Address .......................... ;' I . . ., I d I Mine 11ritiph Columt 100 . ?� . - I I . . .. . . .. ., .. � . � I I .... pastor and friend', - o : I . - �.' -Albortb,.­,.. ..... ... f..1,144,000 1,330. nfi1 taking t lie' hlofte& . elkerelso book I .1 . . I . . � . 1. I Name ............................. : I , . . �,hp Young Ladies' Guila: wili not 'Saskatchewan ...... * 115,00,000 .. . � .� %ff. A-& f � . I 1. Address ......................... *i..... _ . an ....- . 18,000� froni-tlie b�oy. lie -quickly. worked out . ,A. STOR w u .. ' . meotAgii,in %until the second Tum4ay N itoba� - -,� - - ' ' ', .., '505,000 I— ' ' * F� THE, 1AV I . . I I ... . it i " 1600000 I .., and provvd'the sum. Thou he.turned . . , � .. . I. : . .. .. . . of 8eptember. . . . . X VV Terri ox,les . . . . . . 1 . , , . .. ' . . I � I . . . . �. I ' - y �i2q" --i t CIS and,welit ir)E6 tile . . . . I . . I Lcxall Qu4bries Last Sunday . Ontario., .,...-.I ..... 3 168 331,157 O' hls�Crwu studl . . . . I I . . . J. lt.,8eafdrth- Qu. -A owns a hotel at St'ratfbrdi R6V, Mt. Oluff, r Qu6b6c. 4 ........ �'... 1.7,075,930 .50,000. laborratory,''for he, was'lent-hing clieni- ' I., � � I I � t . - . . . . I . . . -nihg be laboret), . . I preached in St, ']?�ulls New Briwswick....-t. 150,000 ........ Istry , All thq - .. �,tuot and stables in the rear. There is a Oburcb, Find gave .two exc011ent ser. Nova Scotia.'....... - .. U1300 1.1-300", alnobg the gasp§ and the acids, but he , . � � ..- 11 . . drivewa7 from the main street in to nion.s. In the evening Miss.:j.tuteb- . . I I . . . - . �� co . 11 6 . i , I .. 11 . . � I . . , the hotel stables which has been, used Wry, Soprano soloist Of Wesley church I I I ld, not get -ilie right con)(51nations I , . -The ' Toronto I . 25i693POT1 486,887 , I 1% 1, I . . nd On 0 f1a,09 a solo, entitt . . , -ninkiug it l6i)d for over 30 years. A owns the ]a ed "Pear I . . ­ � aud only succee0A In . . . I . which the buildings and driveway'are yo not Israel I by Dudley Buck. The I . I . .. �. . .. explosion. IlVer all rubbl.sh to sily thilt. I I 11> . , .. situated. Can he close up the ,arive- 8010 WUS.appre lated. , . .1 . . .. . arbon f6rib .potassium!' he - I . . I I I . vkay I? . . . . .. -9 . I .. I � .. . . 1. . . I I p6tash ,and c. In .. .. . I . . . I � . .A.ft, . �64��. � � . Making A QaP.deni - SAId. 'They. si,3pl,y'ep&e,: and I do., r% . .. . I I I Ans.-The driveway wasorepitedand I ­ � I I .xm- I has been maintained solely for the pur- ORtarlo Higl Colirt 1. 0-i . Fe � r got soriie.paalca.-4s of seeds a'nd plan . ted fy any sa ey don't" I . . Mall Of I .. pose of allowing the traveling pu . blic I . I . them In rows. - . , "But the: ninster, who. had heard No 1 1612 1 1 . . . 11 . I . . I -- . . , . � . .The land was freed. I . noleret canie and took-� it Into Ills own . . . . 11 I li I to go in and out from thehotel stables.: The Ontario Righ- Court, . ' ' I ' . . .. . . ' t . From clod and weed ' . , dro I It'llas been used in connection with en -Order of ri Orresters 'concluded its And'Yatered with a, hoe. . . I llando.. and soon.the Metal was p- . I I . . . � . the hotel business carried on by the session a� (,'hath&mv,WedneSday after � . . I plingo from the corridt,ils'er. After schopl I . 11 ^.d ..4 owner of the land. No person could noon. The election Of officerovesulted And where tl planted early peas TtakO was over the Waster, who was .getting .�, ". . MOVII. . .11 I I acquire any right,of way over it. ' It As f`0116*84. !)Pan Davis, London, -11 0 . , my solehin vow -11-.1 I . .. I "'. ..... . . th'e-Huuf, � is in the Same position as a piivater R.; Dr W A r Anderson, Sarnia, high - That early pecks '. . I an old .tnan, Sat In Ills- study, readifig i � I 'lane from the street to a -man's house, secretary; 3 H ua 'Wave in the breekd o a imper ou modern scientific thought. I I - ---I.- ­ . . I I And gdyly blossom now. I AS he read his brow dartcoued, and tit . . . . . MblY, London, high � 11 1 .;76 I, , " The public are permitted to use such treasurer; Dr P M Brown. (jainlach . I - , . - 'gh physician I 0;-;" : , Written froin 0. .F. Broad I ie, ...,t,; Ill � lanes by the owner thereof, and the -, John I bate to balk the hurnorlst, but- I am last he flung it down and said: lit 19 A . :;. �il; Porl ler. $!moo . I ". , , 11 'A' � 0, 'forced to ,sity . . I monstrous� idea. . I . "i � I owner has the right to- close tip Such,a bi h06unsellor, John Laughton, * - . , . t -16w can the ema.. ( I '. i` , � .11 . burst"$. great. play. ., , Pal", ' tion of,the worla have tal�en- . , , -, . . lane whenever he. thinks proper so -to hifi; 6 0 ZimmerVogn, Hamilton Rhat beans bave grow,n � . . millions' . "'.. ,,� . . I � - , � do. 1 a the pres,bnt case tb6 owner of auditorg.. . . � 't. -A'. . , . I liig� . WlieY4 beans were sowLI I o , .. � r, of years? . The good old Bible aecount- I I .1. . , . . I I d , ' I -W . . 11 . , . illugtrated by Berger, Ryier Metiniep Nv.orks that way., � !, ". I Iness and Tile loot) high' court ,will me' . .N -��,7�m�,� of the stk days of creation Is good I . thebotel can go'out Of bus' . It so . can close up the lane or driveWay from Uamiltolle . . 1. et in , I L - . . - .-,.. �,,,� 4.1 A I I I, , ..... . . -1 .. . anif Will Jones, . . the street into hip hotel stable's or be . . I . 4 1 - enough for' nle.0 Slid' be wrote aii � . . . . * rriiiy do so without going out of, bus!. ,-, Routine business Mottled the worti . - His ,Point of Vldw.. I v 011gry letter of' remonstrance' to the . .. Z A misterly 11 expoAnre of the kniivbry of the polftical. boss. .. � ness. I . � , AntsesSionoftbox-Orl igh.eOurt, '. ., .k little.boy whose mother always great professor who had sou him the I With all the sdvalitagea of youth, education and good lookiF tuid � . . . -ThquTh most of! -the report� . addressed. his fatholl by. his title of I)at)kr. 1. I � . . " . . were h, the litr6 of our X++*+ *++*+ *+++* *+*g- ',Itdopte unanimously,asu entat ,,&ctorll was Overheard telling the sto, 118ut the prof6mor otily swilo.d. tor .no vocatioit othat than tlie enjoyment of WoRlto , . . . Sr nero (1,00inforh oil the , . + ilil&1240, r6cOmmerri'din incre06 , ry, -of "Jack the Giant Xiller," Whon he. was a geologist and bad read the pr660 story chose rather to safti& his -0 Aft 0 'T 4 ,* to the high treagurqrIer rY, as de. � lie came to the place where the *Oman message of the rocks. go blaiself, on the altar of his dtity as a offizon. H l I 8 P . IQ 5 feated. I . I ala I is city called him fo Aavo -. i I . I I i degeribes her husband as a giant lie one of the deepest thinkers of the day. pondecl to the call. 41* . I I * . I . her from spoilation arid ,corruption and he t0s The �rgAOIZAUOJII Work 6iO H Merry , sald, "And,tbe woman said, 11MY doc. erat late Into tile ,night' Am'Xing ' Ills, 17o lure him from the path of.right caine the sci'duictioiis of love . X0444440 40*440U Bold was *&rmly approved, and his tor is a Wolf,' a d he will eat you Aip.1 10 books,. trying to fit some heWly'dI9coV-. . . �nd the claims of a reverod paront's memory.,, allied with the � The fiteit of bome and hom a e, reeonimendations were adopted, A 11 . . I not,, -Delineafor. emd l4wa of pbyslcs into Ills Schemes: 'I - *1 1, ,for the Interwedia lo p of � I . I I . mighty forces at the command of political and financial Ida 6 � U Champio Ve0lution resPboting Bick and funerld of things and to bring his mind iienrer OurrI Ontario was played -at Green River, benefits for members ever 10 years old . factors. The firmnegs with which the "the man of the h " ShawrodsubdBrutiralsi, Ths match WAS,ftferred to the supreme court,. Pr6ferred Huma" boaurabntar, I to a solution of the great why of tho ' . was close airld extremely hard fought, � I . Ill like ,Vou. Wed,, .1 ulliverse. At last he bow6d bit head atngi�a out for the highest post in & grekt munieftia,litY by those I . I like your l6ok.&,, f . who saw i him only.a, Weskling 9,nd % -tool, resisted tho very the final seore otnhding I to 0 in favor . . . . I 11 . and said: 'It Is tropossible, Pacts are a . I . of Green Rivet% . . I . . I I tut you pever read.1 I too eonfileting. I cannot explaiti them. fotc�er that hoA 61evat6cj him, for iheir o*n purposes to 411661 I Alid fthe sho6k her h . I ,I � I . . " -, . e a a . 101 and I doubt If there Is any explana- I I)o will be' a& ingpirati6n to the reader, as it hao been an up- STANDINO OF LICAGIJ9. : . d1oatog 14olea. - . I`Zve feet of book.al't . I . . . .wer . . . I I 11 : I 11 I I I I I 1 1 I. I I I I I � � I 0 I I I I I I I I I I � t- . , I � tiou-11 . 1jiting force 1), the mindo Of thotLonds *ho ,have witneosed its "Not all the digging '01), f6r gs,rdft "Mord booklAh lore, , , . * # * III * , * . * . . I . . . . won Lo" % to done in tho back yhrd.10 11 My doartAt Penrl,ll 1, , � . I ., thestricM teptoselitation, -n I �, . . 11 aid dt)r grg I 1 7 1 875 *W4. 'One has by dig 60 donl0dett- � But I do Adore The Olp Goderich ' a Vri�d. *1s a bore 113%1i3t beyond thb limit of 'Out Own 1* 4 3 571 00 t underguilidins lies the Impoosible." lening eh t A thIs 'Staley *111 � .1 I b1s at tht wed atid hardwani stbfts, . PIVO fedt Of 91ril't ! MbWtAb,oll 3 5 1316 I - , I 'it I I . I - zippear In the NOW Era Next Weeko I , .0-1tanoo(A city ow. - 'viiv. ,1' -.,-- - - -.4".- -.1-- - ­­� - - -1 ­ 0011ton. 2, 4 'M I , J - � ­ ,It -;---Q.---*". I . I :. - � I I- 1. . " -P I . L . . . I ,. I - . I . . . . � . 11 Th N . ' Public 50001,1 " ; � I Readers, , - . Spefflers.a6d . . . I ; iCopy Books .. , , I 4 � . . are now ready and the . i . new I ,-1 - 4 H1`.gh-.';.,chfjo1 ; . . It � - ,.Books . I I ( I will be ready for S,chool i ; . Opening � . I . 0 -.--- --�- . . I . 111-1111-0011144 L I .. I I I I .1 I ' We'll hove - - � � I . . . � . I "them al I I , . . . . . I . .. . ii, 11 - 1 ---1 ---1. ­?Tr . . . . . .. 9 : . Cooper s... . I . . � , - I . Book I Store, FM CLINTON I � F491MR-MMM MWIEW"Ism - . I .� I . I � . I I . � . . I .. . I . � . I . . I 1. , . . I . , I . . nur4a li.ownty . .1 . I . . . . I . �.... ..Port Arthur will expend $10,0U0 in . I the extensioll'of the local Valephone.. . . systerwiand improvemenLer. . . . . � I . . . .. I I ,� I I Ord Stratlicona in Montreal Oke- . . J erp I I . � � . most hopefully of. the.prospe,terpe I . .rapid progress.for the Dominion. - I . "I It is rtimored that TV Scott, of . . 'I , Blyth, has resigned Ills position as ' ' V . . . ank ' 'li)Allager of the 1) of-Hainilton,and . I I . * � .will open. wit in the boot and.sboe bus. . .: . * iness in Carderts store.- . �� . m. . . . . .. ... .1 Th6 Rru�e County Y Al 0 A . J lagoing I * .. . � abead, . V�yo�leot n -one, day in o . iarton � . . . . . . Me A Vullens collectOd $000 and rle- 7' .. I peated the �E-rforuiiln,,�e in Cbeslcy . . . . next fty.' ."lla 06v.er' Also, r1Qsp3ndei1 . I I . , well. :� - . .. . I . . I . � I . . - I - , .1 Q I . . .� 1. a , - . . I D Breckebri� gej jr, of Jampstowni I - - . .. I is suffering from tlie effects of all ab- - . . cess 6n.his face which leaves* Iiiiii 'in a, ' . . I . . -bad..state,notabletoivork. Wellope , I % . T. . I. I - he�may soon be restored to Mi.; usua.1 , �* ' � - . . . health ag.aill. .. . I I .. , .. . I � I - . , �. - ,..'� � . . - . . ' . I Win Silliek of Cnlross recently sold , It I . i - a litter Of Pigs for a good sum. There . . I . I were ten of. th�rn, and "at a'little over ­` six monther old they brought -him $151. . � 50.' They certainly. tur�ed their, feed. I * I I to good arcount. . I . I I . . .. . . � . . . I � . - I � ' . .. . Rural niail deliyeiy boxes are on - ' . . - , hand in Howick, .a,nd it' is. expected - that ihei-e wid s�ou be regulardelivery . . . I . . . . along the existing dailv:�rlail route: to � . I Lakelet. - .With pborleir in "their hoRle - .'. . I and mall delivered d.511y�.- the ;Iarm6m . . , -- � � I .will be tip to date, . .. . . , � . ..�� ­ . ­ I I I I * ... . .. � khe Voters' List,.1000, .f6r'the town . . ship of Rdwick was posted uli in'the : ' * ., Clerk's office in Gorrie, on August I9th . , ` I The Nt. contains., 1911 names -093 in ., ' � � Part 1, 126- in Part 111. � 07 are. cQm- * - �� I petent to*serv*e as j I I . . � . ,. jurors.. . . . . .,.. I . . . . Hon Geo P, Graham arrived ai Brock- - - I .1. I . Ville and .was - it.ierviewe.1 regarding , , : the Long Sault power dhm scheme. � . - He said the (Inestionwduld have'to be - , considered, with the interests of the . , whole people in % iew and the import. . I I � anee of St Lawrence navigation was , I I I . ,paramount. , .. . I., . . . . I ... . . ­ � . . ,. -Brown &�Wllford. are prepairing to . . . . . , . I � . run the Wi.ngham .Evaporator to its ' . � � I fullest capacity this fall, and expect ' . I � to make further- extenslofis, in order i � thattheymaybe able to handleall - I . * the apples offered, Two -carloads' of' ' * coke fwe on the way, and,a, good live . � 11 I .season is expeetedi, '. . . . . 1. I � I L Little of Turnberlity is well pleas- .. 1. I ..,.. ed with his alfalfa crop.'. lie has eight . ' - acreer,a4d has already. gathered thirty . * four loads. He cut �he first croo-June � : I . 26, and reaped 22 loads'. . The next cut- I... I I . . ting wai ih the firsit week of Augusb.' 1� 10ads. It Is I . � I ": " and yielded already a . good height towards the tbkd crop.. . .. 10 e The catt e and horses are fond of it I . and thrive cn it. Mr Uttle *diidOra .1 . I '. . that more of it is not raised. . . ,� . . : . . . AN order in Council has been .Passed - � prohibiting hunting, takin or killing. . .of ruffed grouse or partrigge1oi, one , *flom ' year Sepf.'.15. 1909,.' - ' . . . � I . . I I -�- . , . .,�.-�--�,�..-...�---.-..,-,�.-... �i, .. I I I . . . . . .. I 11 . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . � � I : � , . - . � .. ­ ., ­­ . . - ( . I . .1. ­­ . � . ; . . WWI *: 14'. Y, I 110- I I . . . . o,o without fruit,, . whe . n you can . get be'rries, for I the picking, .and .� � I , . 20 lb&. Itedpath's Gran, ulated Sugar'for. 0.0 ., I 4 . .1 . . . , � � I - . -100 lbs. for' SCO'br- �- t . . I I . 11 . . F it - ' 0M. usor ,�tnd,.,any size., se . alers you . want. . . I . . - I � " �, We keep a large assortment of Fancy Biscuits; latest import, . Nice crisp blectift. Try thein, 3 IN# for 26c, . , I 0 W. " I I 1. I , . .." Wo T. O'NEILo I .'. . Phoiie 48 , THE RUB . GROMR,v .1 . . I . . I . " I � � . 1* I i 6 I . , I 1. � I . ­- - - ­ -- ... ­ ­­­­ ­ .. - .. ..-.---- - I . 1. ­.­ ­­­.....- ­­- 11 ....... ­ ­.....'... I.....-- --111.- ­­­ .11--'---..-- ---"--,�,----"-�,�-.��,-"---.--.--..�".�-,-..�...,�.�.."�...,.�'..'. ­­­ ...... . ---1.1-1-11- -­.­ "A.. -11 - t