HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-08-26, Page 3I!
26th, 1909
Ths, Oft"a Now lara"
The Poet' Corner "BOYS _'LIM" A QUEER PAN
A Varlationf In Piet Thjkt, Are
Now she imWe lKer lFinsCalke. The 014 "dy Had, Roes C> 4D
aum to Pleas*. on For 1%ur.
Pritio, When the Bird e
She measured out I the butter with a 0 Boys should be fed upon food that A young V n , , poke.
'Will 91VO, them strength, and yet at the itn e trlIOqUIQtL beliig out of
solemn Sirg XlgageMent, decided to pay'bt
T ISL IS IT I $Jluie time Mothers must remeraber I oWea ML
The milk and bugar ilea, And she took 11tvarybody now Odra t4 Other a Visit for a few weeka.
The So*
P that Savice the greatest Care; 74=-Buk best for that they NOUlettmefl like the dainty, I On ArrIvIog.he found ghe was not at
po Or work, 444 onves. To count tb ego correRtlyAvd to, add Left, It, 'g ve YOV ea"r things 451 Well 9A little Nister does,
Yo r gavywIthoutfulury a. litt e bit 4M4 comfdrol. home, - A few days after file ardyal-
to Apdo or " in -making the rice pudding this she appeared, bringing W
Of b0k!ngpowder, which, you, know,- -'rists aftd.Vores Ith hei a par.
Cie. beginners oft omit; week just tar a Ch41194 and to tickle rot and cage wfilch had been give ...... ......
Then she stirred ft all together,
Su"ll. bt $oap the palateat the boys try this recipe: her 4y a relative. The. bird not being
And she baked it for an hour 10 able to tAlk.,111301ber find son spent
10 Wash well bait a Patindr of dates and
tar 9. wa*b. liei 0 #A
tub drudgery she never quite forgave herself many tedious hours trying to 17astruct
For leaving out the flour I stone them- CbOP flUe and add to, the the Parrot After r several futile efforts NiAnce takingl over
'I p Osil4i Plain, r1ge Pudd
Ing, D4te4 AM they gave the Job UP In despair.. the New
11%urlabing, and, all bon like them,
t(10ta bak-of Sunlight In A Kitchen fiarden People who think they Are tbe '14 maklUF the. noun Then it happy Iftea occurred to the
O-yday an U71 P I dish of Cora. , Bra, we lave endeavored,.
L 11 , Whole thing are - entitled, to soother starch, whIcI% is bound to appear on son. Bringing hie YentrllQqujal Powers
Follo,w Vray tell me why. the onion asked think. Into requisition gently at pist, he
t1i the table of all growing.ch
In all this blazing sun, in Order to pose ass a sixec.4 114rea once made it appear, a 413 mother tbat the, e. very a 11abie
g9ful Bob. In so often, try this: In place of the Val meanS.,
I should be wrapped to seven coata Orman Onemust possessa good imag- bird bad really begun to talk. The to im rove.
usual. dMOUqt_af_-sU P
When. I dQu1 need but one?. gar added to it
mother not knowing the nature at his
New life 0*eet a w1iii a CUP Of maple su Avoca
prP _Mp, the same. All will, admit,. that in
I cannot see you, all my frien.19, a tIQU, he wassuccessful
juarter. Miller's Cow, and the boys are sure L In derelv'
1! a. Sold b . to Call
The earn said -11 am blind; ouvd Iron W SR "more for . Ing heir. He had an engagement to ful-
But aft for pars, no better ones volmeso fill . which 0 CeSSItat , 4 his departo 'gene
'B40411A Croquettes, -This is. a Door- e e re.
Coming back 4fterthe termination
.18hing dish easily prepared at a tow is
Thaa mine you% ever fIU4.,' When a lazy man d of ral appearance, the paper has
Qes fins"'t got
Ork-for .9, few
UVutuped A little vegetable ltnr= liow he does w 11, Contract, he was heartily received
tea-! inluuteo! notice. Peef.and sera by hie mother and . made v , 0 ' ' ill 3tan w ..
hose face Yvas round and red; What a. fortunate thing it, would be bananas Cute . pe, ripe ory wel. been improved
I'd like to see the man olive Ach one it, two. pieces
it we were fleet enough to outrun mis. and cut off the sharp end,, motnjr them come. Soon after his.4rrival home lap ELY'S
HiCNINt FOR RUBSEN I could n:)t beetl lie said.
Tins Y6 fortune. look like a croquette. R Commenced and carried on a conver-
Of all them in 841 1 On 8 Cali e
The most heayeft, truth may be chopped nuts I jet The--newppapers throughout, th
I e!OrO, with the parrot ?To. 7
he b
or faculties, the pea vine crie( evil when it forms a arrier be kind, either pea.. ok of consternation on, the
Dear friends, I won't disput3; tween. auts, hie cry U
Seelej and Wedt But brothers, k
or walnuts.
my bud has -grown a pistil, XAY 013 countenance of his mother, he Inquire
kid. I thi The a !eat of lettuce.and serrevith, it little e d count limenting US U'non
have Just bought a palphlue for A. bCy who runs away from home what Was th y are com
nk its going to shoot. never La as good 4 time aahe th tight French. dre matter. jrnagine. bis
attaching Rubber asing containing P1
Tirps.jo buiz. a' great surprise when she replied:
glee. an , are, pre areo to do all X riever, said a carrot a al all. This is splendid 44W
d 0 deal of Olive
work of this kinT he would I by, the parrot died while
proireptly The. gre beside t is Our,!&ofa fool man is one who luncheon dish tar the hjlug)o 4' A you the results ttLus fa
s6t r a I Qbo4- r att
e oavablio Prices anc e - anything in all my life willkiss a, woman after oeeln llwe*ea way, 'ana I had It stuffed. and ained, and
g her kiss boy.
Aleg all kinds of lathe work, The ay these string -bean (a) talkl a pet dog. Roast Veal and Ram.-Purebaso twd put back in the ca;e.,,
grinding, and machine repairing. a a Are you not well? Are you I pate, medium.tble we purpose continuing, the goo
For feir that I should laugh aloud, weakly, depressed in spirits, melati, k veal cutlets rather small d
We have installed a machin I bad to run. away lit circumference. `Ott one of them
for ZrIndiva Mora* ellpoejA I met those funny folks again choly, tired nervous and irri6able? place thick A drunken Man was once lodge
Try Atillees Oompound Iron Pille..Sol slice Of ham and cover Uut d in
aud'are Prepared to do an . Ha,rn d the cell of a Scotch co work, until.the appearanoo of th
. 61,i work At dinner time next day. ry Police
in first el by WS es. with the other cutlet Ju at
ass manner, at as YOU 'would ati n when he Made &-tremendous
ftgril-a TAWwma Vures Colds etc The brightest rewards lie not so make a sandwich. PINce in a roastlog noise b'y kicking the Call door With
pan and at
much in royal canditigns asiti legal I. Cook In a hot oven t to his heavy hob I
SEELEY & WEST sear gle UL re a led boots.
BLAOJT SMITH&. -.The Kicking Man character, meit, -the reduce the boat to The constabl'De who had charge of
Watch for little opportunities of moderatfron. Baste frequently. The Ce - station, going to. the - e
pleasing,and put little annoyances. out graVyaf this dish Is delicious, and, the ened e
t ar eU
If WOmen should work and men sho d of the way. 'ie pop it a little and said;
flavorof the meat combinAtion is oilre' door an, e micht Pit off y% bUlU
weep, It is always easy to know r whether to gie them a bit rub" so tha
Apd things'should betnrned around
to for0ve your enemy after you know appeal to the -boys of the family
I'd & if people should.th Meat'lli6of.-Pass through ye'll be respectable
aL I'll
For A deod-,.., ink with their noses fbaw big held, tbe.ph like heri
Anil thbir eyes' bear, every I Bound. When opper come up. -afore the ballie -them
some men paradearound they "Iflelent Cold meat of any kind, veal,
IOU to imagine they Attract as much atten. The prisoner, flattered
Having secured a commad a Grain' If cows were - bipeds and went beef, chicken or lamb, to ' at
Storehouse, we are now buying all school make three, -quest, at one mplied. and sa
tiQu jjeL a circus. e- cc w
cupfuls when, packed. Season. very, mistake only when' the, constable a
d MP n
kinds Of grain, for which the big And birds walked on their wings, A woman likes to listen to gossIP highly. Add a teaspoonful can 1 1% co letely cha' ged Many ne
heat N wt won] b of celery the door upo%i himi.saying coolly: Js
Prices will be paid. dn't that be A terrible stew, ecause of the pleasure ibe will fe.ye
A Tialcuious stateaf things? seed an some 6111011 Juice ind Anall kic w
Bean, Shorts, 'Oorn and all kinds of from repeating it.. X awa. noo, MY I Ma
The world 191till of people who. vi ant You cannot dreamr half a cupful of itale breadcrumbs, a ds. lang tas ye like."
yourself into
train, Seeds and other feeds kept on hammer lt 431)60nful of chopped parsley and features are beink'added, -and still
and at the. storehouse. The order of being. sivitehed; character
They'd Wtv6 the Hunted turn 1 0 and two well beateit a loaf HInROA. X11%1' eUtcUri.% Dir
n to forge oursyelftlo-arentist eggs. Pack into'
d of a diplomat is & woman find. place on, a Vktherls.
b tteped pan.
And- they want the focit-free hit who Can make a man believe It a More are. contemplated,
'built Ofielin
clied e knows wooden skewer -make holes'
Ford Leod Thiare's nothing that seems -to them more then he does, along the top of the lodt and insert III ogn Baek Cide 11111.
just right, It is almost Impossible for a man -to Strips of fat SAlt pork, allowin
G -.T- It- STATION. CLINTON. Anct they're always JQ)litting hates- Ac6ep in the straight and nafrow path pork 'to project about
If they had their way, there sureli if he is driving a mule. "If I an inch
amo nt of
would,be Never has there -been a time when b Will -be in full 0 wation t1iis'fa-11 and will.'
a ove the surface, and be sure -to Pack grind all aDples. that come cnq will maice a It requires a largo
A ridiculous sta:te of Affairs, character and conductr counted for the meat firmly Pack around It butter, Mlilt grind '10 U
Bake T uelrl4y And Wed,
Go o d B oo'_ ts .-quarters nes" RTWEIGH
more than they.do to -day In a.'quIck 6vexf about three AS CAnday' T.' 4. W
Now, personally, I hae me doots
To Farthers and Others: That tired, languid feeliii*g,' aud in. Of 4n'ho0, set aside, to cool and. serve mon'ey to'execute.the changes
: fAThat the world is exactly right.
We haveleeveral Paiies of our own But I'm satisfied, if the day be fair, disposition t6 effort of any sort will be In slices ver hes of pla. Ind
y cold wlihreijs
make of Boots. Good Largaics while To have an ind rapidly removed by.the 1186af Mill6r,s kles or catchuii. : This makes a: splen. with 'this fa
they last. ifferentnight, Corripomid.Tron pills SoldbyWSR substantial- luncheo' ot befor'e,us wo are
Just the thi Du'need Put pleased, indeed, to admit the r u dish for
while the spring tnngl# Ain, Holmes. d d and of,
, to kee
is openi g P If the sun shines now and then- the boys.
your feet dry. Even doctors di
And to meet a, booster berd'and there $agree, and When L Indian -Tapioca, Jerit . ig. ther W
Pudding. -Many of
We are headquarters for shoe re. I'll stand for the kicking men! theydolthelps to swell the popul&' the are tired of the old fash ...ew Ew to. :,end of
sx,dring. Your repairs done while you tion of one Of the other places, Indian puddln toned
ait. Our Pgices are right. Datile tell other v6ople whitt they, tc; grthat grand, mother used
Little Lilei'L'IS. should do. -Do what You should do a ir but this -Is,'sure to. please TO.. NEW. STT
Opposite the Post Offi yourself and lot it go 4t that, them: Soak- fire tablespbonftile. a Auedo'll Side. BSCRIBER
two 9 top. I .
Having opened a branch business at DX1uard1.A%.1A1W6nt VU Disteintier -The bachelor who hagn't. Joca foi 'Very SATURDAY at' 'OTIoN iioum - to addr-Oss in' .0
Many ailrising y6urng man -has fallen 'enough to keep ahead energy hours in water enough td E the rAt
. 1 1. . : . - our. . . . Rro)T. -Salbs conduo d OnSwhare. afiy anada. f
Lpndesboro jointly with MrMcKown,s in love. when a widow. cover. It. P I four CUPS, of scalded 1111.0DE'Alerebandise..reiii estlie. live stock; 'etc, or
Harness Shop, we can do makibg,and chases hilm dqsdrves to get'inarried. ' milk*6ver four, - tablespoonfuls ofjn. G. W. BECIiETT, Audtloneer
'One,way to get ahead is'topatronize' :- Talk is anything but cheap 30a
with th Box 18.3
repairing st shortest possible notice. a cabbage deAl9r. when than meal mli ed- - Phone GodepA, ont.
you have fo.pAy a -dollar a minute for of I ree-quafters,
, a CUP of L I - - -----
Miller's Grip Powders .0.6re'. Said the use of a long -distanced telephone. molasses. Add half .tea,
W.H.Watt & S -on by W 8 RL.Holmes. If Ou sit do0in and wait for your spoonful of -salt' and cook In double,
e r intitea , Stirrin
g a -
A girl -Is never busier, t nbfhing but -a wreck APPI-es all ed
-ban When she ship to come in don't b' iurprls d if I bolle 'for:twenty in i.
has oc kill time. drifts in -with the casionally, Add. the. tapioca, - which
cs'slon to tide
A physican heals' others -for the pur. should be drained tre from all,water I will be' in_ the Lia ket 'for both
him r co.urse. sPe6ulation or dealing -in
Painter and Paper.Ra A'good pocket rule -.Keep. 01)fuls L of butter Fall, Winterdnd Evaporating Apples
sounds more L refined than Turn a B re as lin W
F; W. - CUTUP,- pose of llhe li6gll elf. futures and*' three tablespoi e
ng4ir. your -gambling,.but a i1ii6awill 'lose just as Otit into buttered baking dish efo, g,, see me or my ageLts',
hands out of other people's. e can, a. conven-,.,...,
Ve an 1. aim in lie much. and pour ovor it. a -cup Of cold 'mIl1i, ommodat-
All1work guaranteed. Even those-Whoba, u
Ulu .13 stir It tbroug.1j.' N
waste -a lot of am nition. .0
Prices reasonable. Did you ever see a self 'ime b t do not." Eake.in- a A. i1pe CANTULONti LIINT'
4verybodySL business ismobod who was able to talk to a L.stranger verY : sldw over from all hour to an b6nfl'
Residence ne4rly Opposite thie D torten minut y e1v
Y n w su scri ion, that
erve'liot with'
mebs except; 'the busybodys,' es without mentioning 'hoo and a': half.- S pti
the facto thin
buld auld a 6quain taincebe, forgot SL ' I . I. . 1, .1 . .1
Collegiate Institute. Sh . [cream.,, L , ' ' . . I L - 0 . . . . .. 11, .. L I I I
n areLnot very enthuslastie Wa
ante me L 0 Q K: H B;*R-* COW60,, our
Not unless you owe him $10.
about gain, to hea:ven.. They know E!
Ayrom&in slways 'says bers
. -t her., feet the
too big if they hUi lfOa are -they will'be allowed to' smoke in
olle Ir :ouch: . g6ts . mor tither Mace. FO S.A'
he mawviiith a dL e FLY- FISHING FOR TROT._. R LE
New Teleph sYmpathythan he deserves.* An observing spinster says would AT 'THE
It's A toss keep half %dozen. harvestink-nmebir.ei
-up between thd 11ragging busy'gathering.in the --Why an Angler ConsidorsAt the,"least
e cr6p . of wild
max'and the nagging' woman, Belgrave Lime Vork%
rL%C L oats sown by some-youbg men.. of All. Sporti."
Dh -tory 'A-woma:n1s no Way mean. yes and
(fi'OM L Canadian Bea 'I ath Inclined' -to believe that fly fth Manufacturers of First-class Lime.
her smile May mean a frbWn. Rearine. rl
Mother Eve was the 'btiginal dis- rease) applied to the roots of thb hair hig tins Its chW 'and most easily de. OTTR'MOTTO:-- Firsit-class Lime abld,aud,
Tha Bell Telephone Company of Can. coverer df the ctlriongliy germ' teeps it glossy and preven,,s its falling fined excuse In, tbd exlst ncje of A cer-
vrices within reach of a I
ads, is about to issue a new can* 20c. per bushel at lklIns, or 25c for'50.
: Front a wora tuls Viewpoint it Out. 500 a jlkr.
of last resort iaa divpkqe. c' toln . fisb-Sit.1vel'Mus -fontinalls, the,
r4 -indeed. Is somp- bushel loads, delivered at* Praho;mls
When the blind attetupt to lead the peckled t ut. Here, . Hotel, Clinton new*
thlim tanjible, a-tbing-which may'be
.Telephono Direotoryp blind the attempt is out of sight. at, 'Orders -filled promptl
I , . I JELLY MAKING. -first catch- your fl Y..
Itst]13 uncerEainty of women hat en-In.the.hand
LSON,&'S01N,. rrolj s.
AbciULt and looked npo1i..,NNo-dnp'se a
Forthe District of W L makes meogo, daffy efng - A. Nlibl](6
estern Ontario be Who Labor ing-D Say'
fri od is. an acquaintan A bav; evice For the'Hottsa-i freshly Caught brook trout'would At the -ing..
including -does't tell all be knows about You. present' time, to
Wlf i flint It WPS,other than a thing of bean' ow
'You ban malis si, enemy of ii'frjen The delicate, varleoloeod resplen-
bv coh*incingblm that he's a fool. - d' L I preserving and jelly making tY. I ts;
C L I N T 0 N '14 a man has wor season has i2ome round agalir, and 'dency Is n0t equaled by 'any living, the'
any present'nec
n ont by- his in essmry utla
ability to realize that he was whipp,d .:6veiy Woman who has attempt6d the thIng. Y9 we,
-Orders for new connections, changes .'Women and newspapers should task Is well aware of ihe mu The tarpon. the, "Silver -king" . of
a. 'd'sire th: All mon,-.,y,
of firm names, changes of 1 ever be judged by their wrapper ef-. southern waters the Atlantic *.and P&- IET U 7 rly e
3.trf et n partioul a
addresses, or for dtiplicate entries, fort which Is required to strain. the cific salmons, the'ouabanlebe, or land -
No man is smart enough to tell his
shpuld be* handed in at once to. own son anything when he leaves coll. co& d pulp at gra pea, L Currants Or -ed 'o . 'nd ift.6 grayllng Com- your figbre for. a, suit and the ..Outstanding on . subscriptions. be
11ock salin J.) a
ege other fruit -to separate thq'Julce for. prIsd practically all the. Other fislles,:' figure we will i sk, will please you
mball D-6nithiuka'man,is always in -the' the making of jelly. After depositing excepting 'tbe.varl6ukf forms As. well'its the Perfect fit . we will 'aip' in.'
Mrs. C. Ru e Of brook' P
.9 wrong because he do Wt agree with, the Ch. may be sal .:to' po'ssess,-. guarantee you. W are Scrupu-
. . I . . . I a ' e.
al Manager 1thiCk alitill cha lips 'man t6 keep Comes necessary to, treat the )after in of form and colbratlori. It lausly car6ful to fit all our
Loc you pulp In a strong cloth sack it be
A y patrons
a lot of useless knowled ge. oat of hie about the samer. manner as the wash- cannot.be denied that these fish' are -to perfection, As every garment
hend. woman treats a sheet which she has Juftillably ralsid. but,*It:ls generally
- People seldom. improve when -,they. just taken' from tllpL wat . er to. wring. . conce . de . d that the red spotted brook . that leaves our establishment be.
have no inodel but- themselves to copy trout has nothing to fear' fro1A their comes an advertisement. for its..
Af let.
We will give yL
lymrs la
competition.. .0f the Western iftinboWS, ott. your choice. of -
cutthroats and steel heads th* ' raju- the finest and nevirestAbries. We
how Is the eastern brook trout's '!"at'
Grand Tru eat Com that L iq praise d . o. the . rest.
111K Route pedtor, and
ARSO enough f6r the rainbow,
So hero* 16 one good rearson at least'
Summer Tours on 4W LUTE
why fly rashing fottrout is considered Fine. 11ferchant Tailoring.
P1 im by many the. best of all sports. Sam- V Fred Jackson's Old Stand,
'the C es,
ireat Lak tiel 0. Camp to llecreatl6n.
Agent for British -American Cleaning
& Dying Co. Montreal,
A Fresh Water Sea voy
Palatial Ste.111--l-a SEN"'ITY, ,.'I N
1. 1 .
Superb Scenery.
Faiddess Cuisine
Ideal Summer Outings on the Gt'eab
Lakeq, Georgian Bay, o'r among 'the
I hirty Thousand Islands,
Tickets and i,nformatlun' train All,'
railway agents.
H. Qllderxiceie, 0. 11.
Mgr., Collingwood. T1.Z-M9r..ScrulM,
W46 L MUZ pills's
"ust Bear Signature of
HE, Wit vtxxa nnu6*ra 10Z
The harder It tati be squeezed the
more Juice will there be for making
the Jellyo and, so no eltort Is spared,lo,
collect all that +he pulp A-m-
Falpitatio ft. of the Heart,
Ono of the first danger signa,( that an-
nounce something wroal- with the heart is
the irregularbeat, o`rvio ont ihrob.. Often
'there is only a flutt6vingsonsation, or an
(?all gone" sinkingfe*llng; or a ih,thoro.
Abo, a raost vidlent b"ting, vith
ngs of the skin and viaable pulsa-
tions of the arteries. The person may ex
mience a smothering sensation, gasp for
reath -and feel as though about to dio,
lit such eases the. nation of Milburrips
Heart and Nerve Pillg in quieting he
AS O&C-slitille wrapor 1361ow.
Should' the Idea bf -it womun . prove heart, restating its normal beat and im-
par ing
t' tono to the nerve con'tres, is,
practical for this purpose the above beyond all question, marvellous. They.
described ipethod. of tteatment will, no give such PrOmPt'rellef that no one nded
lon &or' be- resorted to; as the new suffer.,
-Z" 6"r
t4um MW OtVX4
f 09 OU00%
inethod Is obviously easier than the
()ld' "'be woman's Intention 18 to sus'
Mrs. Arthur Mason. Alarlbank, Ont,,
wrifel:-" Just -1 few Roca to lot you know
what Milburngs Heart and Nerye Pills
Pend the cloth Sack, filled NvIth the
havo done for Me. I havo. beeri troubled
roe MUOUS11099
pulp, from it rod clamped to the' table,
ivith a heavy Iron.' rlig around tho
with weakness and pg1liltation of the
heart, would havip sevorii choking spells
tieck of the (jacki This ring by the
;heor*f6ece of its weight gradually set-
and could scarcely lie down at all, I
ttied many reined! . ft but gob nono to'
110.4 (101VbWard over the ba 91 Compress-
&*3wer rny easp like our pills: did. I
cair icocominond them Kighly tolall. with
tmv ItH contebt6` as It bills and press.
heart or norvo tLroub16,ys
!td!m" 0.
ifig the 311100110 A Odtptacle placed
Pried; 50 etntg 1*r- box, -or 41 boxes for
for tbe I)urpow. A colitrit-
$1.25, at all dealers, or Malled diir ct oo
cunt: vox fct,4wom. Ik
ilice of this order Could be ertilly rig.
&,NA it,% i 4.hA 1. 1. 1
receipt of price-, by'Tho, T, Milburn Co.,
t-ftitaitl TArAtif An+.