HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-08-19, Page 6. Vp 7TFW,11rFF1)F3r1VMfW q1141!1P1JJFJJ1lJ1V11FV. -
.V"'M-7� 11101 Ww, "VrqWVl9FF'P9W'""WP,R'JW VT-�.J,�-.q
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I'll I
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.1 . ,,, W3171% I �� � , . .. -
I I . I
, -
4 161, . Tho 01WOR Now We
Aux 194, 1909
. - ____ __ __ __ ____ - --.-,- - , _ - _ _ ,. . I - 11 -1 � - R
'12, Invest 25 cents in a box of -- Mn't let an unscrupulous �' " " ""....", _1- 11 . if Yom Wi0h to �o P9044ir-
Davis'-Melithol $dv,e ("The 1
'Al ,, dealer force on you all imita- pon't contradict people even it you
I ; I STWO 0_1 LE'"'FAR'' -1). & L.11) and- be prepar�e-d for BRIDAL SHOWERS! tion of the "I). & L." Menthol Are sure you are risixt.
� , , . I 2olk Don't be In(lubiltiver about the at-
- alliludred. ailments, whichoaay, . Plaster. Lwk for the "l). & Youn Fa -fairs of evou your moft Intimate
w . 0.� Green ParrOt',11100" In, Toh- not be. dangerous but are� very . EssentiallyFeminineAffairt--The 1. L." trade-i.nark on the tiu' it E . friand. "
. DoiYt- underrate, anything because
� . neau Beside' Milady. annoying a,nd painful, like neu- Groom Elect Not Invited. e audd , THE' GIANT AND 008F. you 4cwt powesis it ,
. , . � guarantees tke genuin
� . � -, r4lgia, earache, sprains, burns, I the most effective remedy for I—- -_ ____�_ Don't believe that everybody 0140 to ,
' I bti�ises,in;sectstlugs,cuts,pil,es,, W Rheumatic achea and pains, Art Impromptu Sideshow Tbi4t Wilt the, world to happier than you., I .
STORY OF ,AIRSHIP INVENTOR. etc. It is a household remed AYS OF PRESENTING GIFTS. Cause Cweat-Amm4smant, ' ,ve neve
- y I . I Lumbago, Sciatica, Backache, Don't declare that you ba, . .r
.1 1, , i I I Probably there are times. when, Yom bad guy opportunities to life.
, always, useful for some tro4ble,' ,. �etc.. 25c. each, Yard X011S "wonder what to do!" anti, when, any. Dou,t I'Milgve all the evil vou hear.
4004,14m , .at ,% P14ure lExhibition. . i �
. I � . n e At a Shower'Given In June tb* Hootoos e ding seven of the regul thin;; that would make Innocent fun
- � What Will Happen Whork FambLoo, . txttert4lnqdAJpon Ror Pi1rxz&--An! .qui A ar would be welcome. Oftentimes at .. -1 . .11111-1 7�F, -1 ----
f, � Artisi; Become, Drops Posi;"6rxr� famitly inedicitte 4oset, . Amoting OurpOso, For Ow 014ost of * i5lZe $1.00,.
1 some party or the like things get prosy -m �
� i Room Hwlq� With Black POP01%.
. I 1. .I � �_ �_ � , "'. '' . � 4'. . ,
r carry with t1lem, frorn'the occasion 4
Horrol,% I
I ,I
� VW'Alag�.-What on earth will wom.
" I
I �
BrldO showers are becomliag more
� '041 dor -next in the natne.of ft(fibloat
I . ,
, .
and usefulness. I I
And mom popular every 0ay, To, the
� i -it memo to toe, though, that the, limit
Showers, are essentially feminine bl-
bachelor girt whose friends all get
has WA reached when a IftA parrot -
AwraR - -_
marrIed at once, 'with concentrated ,
I U considered a smart. automobile so-
, ,
I gessory. Purine the winter limousines
. . �
prepared from the 9e'
celtes an Invitation, tbough If,
� 1. 41
demands upon her time an,4 purse,
� .
r bave been Jurried iato-travelln; con-
. of �the Canadian. Tar.
these oveilkequeut disturbances of the I
. .
. . swrvAtorlels,by means of bright bunches
Delicately perfitmed.
.. looked calmly at his tormentor and
weather are somewhat of a strata.
. : vf flowers held la, cut glass vases,, but
. I
gfewsome &reens and jaundiced'yel-
-But from the standpoint of the less
11.1 , � JtAbwlo0kpf.LsIfa Aiitoavlary.,were
In ,
� The StImIlArd P0044e,
h6 piazza, Tlxe--gimsts .were al ' 1 hs -
belexiguored mortal the bridal shower -
I �
. ; ,thp ambition of the up to date woman
for 40 Tom -
'L I
�', � f _-1 I I
is- 4 cbarmlnX- function. An4� to the �
. ,who drives. in a motor car. LA, Uode's
I � '
All Dealers 50c. pez ;43r.
'a. . I
the pletms; of linen for her q:hest
�.. , '34test decree, Is that a L big green parrot
. L
�. � :.;0411 rortm;%t his own sweet will, about
It , ,
. Dovis;ktawv,exice Co., Montreal.
.. . m&--m-P-41
or the more �rosatc contributions to-
I ,
, , . .the tonneau, And a handsome cu was
ward her household flirufshlaggs will
- � I I . I .
I .. I 1-1.... -1 1.11 I -
.And a novel diversion is needed to stir � r � i
the people up. Here's something that KAMM IW Rem Tins a .
fills the bill, and it takes so little prep- I 9 - . 1.11.11 -1 . I....". . . I
oration that It can be, got up on the oeley and West
, , 11
spur qf the moment anywhere , . have just bought -a prAchine ior COAM.
attaching Rubber Wirep to bug -
You cau.make either the giant or the gies, and are prepared to do all � lWore p*Ing your orders for
. dwarf alngly. Put It makes the contrast work. of this kind promptly. a your season's suoply of Oaal,get
I . ,� n4 1
, more jaughable Ifyou have them exR at, reasonable prices. 0 es. I The. very best godds
� il . . , =Xy in stock .qlr mIA the
� .
- act � . I only
� OpAlly seen on Broadway the
. .
, 'Uf I __ -
-"' -_ -
if',WQW, b tlTeie its no getting away
r carry with t1lem, frorn'the occasion 4
1 . -
. _. 0000guts 99, which were a stunningly
jr -
, - , fact thai clothes have a cer.
from the .
bit of sentiment that endears them to
her even 'more than their daintiness
- q I
� I.' Decorated Book Covers. I
. �-cqwned woman and a great green, par-
.1 _1 joL Small traveling menageries � may
-taln '
relat4on to character. I,. for, In,
stance, revel In 'tailor madeff, which
, .
and usefulness. I I
. A linen or crash booK, cover may be
� ..
�, �e looked for,lix the future�. This pal;�
probably Ac0ounts,for my business
Showers, are essentially feminine bl-
- made to,barmonize %ytth the surround -
il,,, - , xo,t fa,d rein . ry.
., . inds me. of ,a good sto
acumen (7). A celebrated French oov,
_' '
fairs. Not even the groom to. be re-
Ing$ of*any room. 114sure your book
carefully, allowing a sixteenth of an
I 0.
� A friend of Dick's recently ,brougbt t
, I . I �
ellst - "I have theories about
once wrote,
celtes an Invitation, tbough If,
� 1. 41
I tich for slinnIng on and a quarter'of
Atoo all kincle or lathe work, -ir
grinding, &u4 machine repairing, lowaott possible price', I I
� .
I We have Installed a machine � . ; Orders may b
. for Grindloopillorse, , . k. Ro _q left at Davis . .
4F11 w1and'a Uimd*a" store, or
. I perp, I '�
and =pa�red to do sue!Twork with I . �.,
In 11 P 1panner. W4. ste'vensout
SEELEV .& WE!ST , I . I . .
I . BLACKSMITHS, I 1. at 11111teetrIt 161ght plasU I
a -!---!-- I e.os�o 11�: . � I
I I I I .. I'll, . 1100010100� . .. . I ,�
. -
�. I 1.
� I ' I
.Ford &- McLeod Apples Wantodo. - �
, . - �
r , Haying Secured a commodious Grain , * r will be in � the niarket for birth
.m - h. in sit .310 � A I
� "'. 1. . Vether At a dinner Wilbur Wright an'% little -thipgs-about gloves, about Ootots, knows LiAe! chaiac er oi, t v weims wo AOW To MAX TEW FIGURIES, ore;;ot4se*..wq are - " .7, D_ zPall, Winter an ' vapor4a ing pp es..
I �, some capitalists interested in airships. ah.1.4. . � . "V1 anA so forth-aud I tach and Is luclibed to step in- andr assist an inch . for turning In., Ad shown in I . L kinds of grain, for which the highest Before selling, see me or my agerits. , .
. I �
�' . . . -Whe feast progressed In flue style,. but
great deal of Importance to at
. , 11p, it this. I
, his, fiancee to carry.-homg 'the aona- .
� I '
�111 j, �L - ipp. to the last course Wright bad s4ld
I have,discovered that there is a rela-
t1ons of her friends he Is permitted to
�: � . :nothing about his wonderful Invention,
I � Xbe host, losing patience, with such ,
I . I .
'tiou between the temperament of a,
wuman and the whim 6r logic which
,do so' , . . .
,TO.preiprit the- bride' with the gifts
� .. . vnprofitable ipodesty and getting -des-
makes her select. cuch and such. a
to some particularly novel. dramatic
, I . Verate, whispered to the guest of bon-
stuff.vi To come- bxick to my original
..or dainty 'fashion is the, niftural desire
, � . of, "Say. Wright, get busy and talk
I . I . I ,
� .
proposition, artists as fashion design.
.of every shower hostess. Here are A
. About your aeroplanes. These people, ,
ers,- If they" would do this we should
few of the ways, In which the deed
. -
I i
� � I came here to form a company If you .
probably'hear less in future about, the'
can be done or has been, d one by cl�v- :
� . I I
. . . .!, I ean interest them sufficiently - In your L.
ugliness of modern styles; - The term
.er hostesses: .1 .
. L
I I venture. Out with It, maul" Wright
s ' * a
Partistlelf has been too long applied to
At a shower given .10 June, describ-
.. looked calmly at his tormentor and
at I tire that Is liarp"Land langulShing; to;
L C*, - ,
ed in the Boston Cooking Schoo Mae- .
, I I .)_�
. � . drawled, "Don't, you know 6at. the
gfewsome &reens and jaundiced'yel-
azine, ,the hostess entertained. upon
L � ,
�.� , . I
16ws. There is.really-no reason why a
h6 piazza, Tlxe--gimsts .were al ' 1 hs -
1'.11 ,
� , I I
chic frock shoul(f not be artistic as
genibled before the bride to be'ixr-
I .
'L I
�', � f _-1 I I
well, and-, If our best artists would give '
. 11. . . � -
I .
. . , 1� I- -Ill "I I I ,
, .. r,P_-!- I
IL I t
"L' , . I - .
Some thought to the -matter and .re-.
produce their Ideas on canvas, fishion,
'' I, .. _:��___
. I , , " - , _�
Anstead of being, as It often Is, a dis.
Irl . I . .. I .1
. I I - _". (49 �� - :
of-- I
. . .
. torted and. ugly thing, might! becoime�a
,Sy�ionyrxi fot grace, distinction, and -
I .
. ? I :. I
�- 14 �-�__ ,
. repairing -st shortest possible notice. - ..
. L I
. �A .1 .
. .
, I . 01.
i -;7--- ,
-beauty., After this. tirade I feel like,
L - � 11 I,-
�.. I . �
".. I I .
.. I
1, .
a full fledged art lecturer, But, Serious.
�,�, � . ..
. . ..,
[ ... . . . .1 .. . 1,
I Y;Our fig9te for ,a, suit. ,and the
.�, A-
�� I I �0�
I _�
. ly, has not Charles Daua Gib§on's In- .
fluence been for in the
t 'I e I , -
- .
, � � I -
'L. , ,� � . ff I
. . good sartorlal
And what woiild we do in
I . . I X,
. .
, .
I I 'L .
, �4�
.,vorld� ,
. . I
. f
I -11 I
Summ without'a Gibson waist to
. .
. -
. .
� . .1 I I
. play tennis In? . . I .
. . I.. I .
11 I .
1- � a 4,7.. , I
I . .
I must tell you about my very sporty
fob that Vam
I— ,1- L
. I ,
I I , .
L .* . .
new watch I going �o use.
I .
L . _, -_ I �.
I � ...
. ..
I . I ..
when traveling, . I am so fired of time-
- . , ;!. "I ...
. ,E
1 L . ..
niece bracelets and belt fobs The:
-1� --�
, .
:.: I %, I . . . I I . I I I '00GRAXT1,11 WHITn CRASH . - ' . for an upset stomach hic.i. ., . � . 'S . U . � It
. I . . . I . . . I . . . . I e. are ok pu- .
�,, now t0nk4t is a mannish looking.affair - ' � ' . ' ' ' . I I � .
, I— - . . t � - I t,_- o -we you. I ,.W. I .. . � . 1 I.,
. %� ;TAU S1roWX* OF�TiN_., I & 19 . . I I . I.. . .
I . I , . of leather -a strap, In,fact-exactW like . . � � I. . I I . . . I the -dulgram-, al.167'foar- Inches for'Ibe � Cottghs, a sick bi�adach'e, to n--, � . I I lotisly oarefal to fib all our patrons .. . , '.
. .
:". '. . that worn -by the'men SUSPCDded from. . rived. 'Ilov,tnrltation, bad been for a iii.c0de fold. The lother dimellAlolls rep- . stip . . . . I . . . . to perfection, as, every gariiiqqt -, , �.
.. � . I . . . . ' ated.bowels, & a bilious' , , . I
. - hour than 'those of the rest. -, ' I 1.
� , - I � I . the coat lapel that gives -the -watch- - later . I . Of resent. the sbwl oft- a.ft'ordlnaiv b9ok * . . . ' - , - . I I .., I .. ..
,� I . . I d . I -dr Imsic meas- tack -i,s.'s�c 'using! ' Grand . T runI tbattedvea'our es6abliblini6jit; be- : � . . .
..: ... enough. leeway, ,to drop com -,tfi4 gxxe�ts in or er to accomplish 018. ..and are given d0rely f, . ured � b . I . . .. .
. . f9rtably I ": t, - . . - � at I - . ..
, I I � , . . , I.. . . U . 1. ' '%
1 I . into an upper coat pocket. When this The victim of the- shower Nva -s, prompt-', ureinents. Crayish white,crash with . . . ... . . . . . . I I � . . I comes.an advertisement for us. . .. I '. ..
I . . .
I . ' -that ope - ft -stenciled border In dull blue, # " I - ' ' 'We 1 giVe you your choice of t" ., , . �
I fo s *my blue ,serge traveling ly led .-up to .a -window Ped _reen., - mer Tour on. - .'Wit . .
I - - -, , 1,; . : .,Sum S . . .. ....
I - room. Out - of this, nud �roiNn is the 7 dot gn used iii, the , - . .
.. from tlie llvin� . 1� . . . . "rX . - , . . the finest and newest fabrics. W er. . .
. . �
I I __ coat it will give an air of smartness.t(i . . . . . . . 'n"WHASKS I I , , ,
� I . .. .
1 I ", I . b.'ador6 t
,, I * ated.' . . � I I . I . ' "
I I . the. costume. I hesitated between pur- window.' trallod all sorts of strings. rover illustr. . .. I . .
�:� l , . .. ... . . . .T11 I , I e I the Test4 ' . . I .
. ' . .. . . I . I . 9. do
.!, I chasing this style'ratber,than a leath , To .the other e0d of the strings, with-., . . 11 .- - . � . .1 . 1. .. . . . the ,Greattak . . . . , .. . � .. I
��, . . �. I .1 I . � -.1 . . . 1. 1, . . .... . - I GO � . I A%.;
�� i I -in the living. room w re attached the. . . . P . I ME.
� % . I 1� . er fob. which baugs from the belt. in' gifts., .The br ,, , e I I . Missed Woman's Ready Wit. I . . � . � A Fre*sh Witer I I . . 011 W. BAR -3 6 -
� . . the usual f4phlod, but at the eu&has . I Ide -was 1xistfucted to. .Don't. a] ways * rely upoil- the ready .Sold Everjt�hcve. In Roxes,25 cents. . I . . . . - . , . . I .
. I .
1� . I - . . . pull tlie,stiqn-, , .one by one', and see . � .. I I . . I �. . . I . I . ,� - :
. : .�� .S1 1 .1 I . . . I I I rebmt, Tailoring.
. . .
�, I , t- ,.a round' 6peilingin which is Ineased afiAl , I Fine- BIC ... _0
� . Pat: � Steal .
�, � wit of a woaiaxx,� said the man who a 11 .
I 0 I ^-�� the tiny watch, so that, 'While the face -What she got. 'Tfie result was very Is souletinie . ... � I I � I � . 1. Fred Jackson's Old Stand. I I I
I I , I . . . . . I s pleased tor consider him- - * . . Su�erh Seeitery , I . � . �. I
6, , n .Avas a house I . �.luLe I I I Agent for Br -America .
. " 4�'g". :- � �� .-Tc, , shows, the watch cannot. drop but. amusing. The occaslo . ' "That ready wit bust- ' � A THINNING , DIET. - ' -
.. I �.,�, .� �� _ - . . .� self an oracle, . . . I I . . FattItless Cutsi itish u, Cleaning' . .
I ; . _-,-V;A.` The, clerk explained that this fob'liad ' bold sbdwet:, and. according to the de- ness ts� sometimes p�qne to get away . . ' ' _____�_ . � . . . I .... . I L I. . I � & Dying -Co, Montreal. :. ' � .
. I
� � . . I "-I"' "�.' been especially designed tot the bust- , scription , of - one guest, ."Sometimep off., . . , . N'ece6sity For. . a T , . . .. ,�yl . I . .. . . . . . I . � I Moderate Char e I '� . _ ,. . 1. . I . .� I .. �
I -1 . No oo'Rigid Didta .
� . , ;..'4,,.- I ' ' I .9 .
. . . . . . - . � . .
, - - . . . - ou and. s6me- , .' ' * - * " ' I .� . I .. Perseverance, Wi , rit. 1deal Sunimer Outings on 1 . .
,�. . , . she t -a cake spoon I . . . I .
11 I - Pess w6man,and as'a real comfort "it . ,pulled I . .'POr exximple, my wife.a.fid children .. I . I , �� .. .. I . thb* Great I .: - I
, � , *
- ' ., . i ' . I ., . � I
. � . . wbo t Lakes, Georgi �. I. � I
. -he I .�
� �', ! _2FF , couidn"t be' b�ptbxi." ., - . ... � times dhtgged.fortlx� a clotlxeshorse'�' ,, 'had. been ,. stayin In the country for, � . T114 i1rL, . wou I I train' down fin BAy, or ainong t . .. R .
. . I .. � I I I . * , * - ' - . ` 9 . . u ad -�. '1LQ.0-KAiEi .-El '_�! . -
I . Severn - T%ii6y Tho sa Islandeq , � � .. I .1 I ... : �
7"bu. ill. be' horrified to - - - - . ' 1 we6lis, and I was regular with should not starve ,6 � �. � 1. - . . I .;, . ,
11 . � J � I - presu-me y -w . , . . ' . � i " 1 .1 I . .. .. eyself. `9he' Should �. .1 I . I � . I � . I . I . : ".
I A M&NXISH WATCH FOB. . . e'f i have .
" - I know that -I am fiav$ng.,:the living room, . my jetters, aas eVery loving lxusband� eat.plenty. of tlio. right kinds of .fboil. . . .
''. - � Th ootprints of Dyspepsia . . I . ,. Tf6kets and info,rinathm frond all ' - ;
I . . been' -directly traced to the * St6mach should be. FIT)a1Ly,:' %lost people nr6:fat'becftuSe they over- railway . . .1 . .. . . . - INX OR SILE : . �
� .
i -er and the papered.'in -black. Puixeral? .Nct-' ' a . ve . ves"� ., .on t.46 day before ' "'. . . I I agents. . ;. .. .. I .., . . .. L . '. . . . . ... .. . 1. I
" parrot is the greatest tall, Listen ' 'ei* sd When these ,'inside ner - � . . . I I .. . . .
: poorest Bier of the whole bird cred- bit. . .to, the schemej and you , fail, indigestion and storrach ,distress my'wife was to start for home, I con-, . cat ff ,it maki f1g.foods. ' - I It, R. G11414DIrsteeve, - 4'. ff.:Nicholson.- . �AT Tas' . I ,r . I � I �%
I . . . � � � . .
I . I I I . I .
. will gain some faint idea ,of Jhe dainty I list tbiff,.' faithfully I , Traffic Mgr., Sarais . "r Work6k 7. ' ' .
�" 'cluded 'my letter to , her with these . . Ellere is h, diet . . . . . . I . � . .. �
z tion?" Lovely, wasn't It? . tnuab surely result, For. this, druggists � . .. . .. . . . I . I . I Mgr,. Collingwood. . . I , � .
' . , . 'words, , , . . persevered - in,. - never falls,to. take off , - , . - s . . a I . . .
., . and cameo -like -finl8bed effect. � - . r I � � . . . . . . � . Aelgr ve Lim :. ... . �
;* � ' ' ' � , .The everywhere are supplying. a presdrip lj�pfluou§ .fieSb.r 'if YOU I . - . . . I . . . . IrA-olass! Limo. I � I
,, . Tlx� academy exhibition this season .
" ' � . 'woodwork I have,"hhd palbted ,white, �doxi known.as DE.Sboop'sRestorative. " ,This -will -be' the. last letfe'r I will pounds of S.ti . 1. . , � I . .1 . - I mayip. . � �
'was a very interesting one, and I IwIsh . I . . . I . � . . ,facturers ..of F � I .
z , .. and the dull black cartridge paper oiC Fitsb..these tiny inside Stomach,Heart . write; to�ybui for A 16ng. long time.' . wail'i to 911t thin N-611 11ifly,ent: I . I I 1. I. . � . . . . . .01 I ags 1; . . �
� I I . I I � OUR MOTTO: -'First 'me sold., an4, .
T . v4 � I I I .. - I .1 .., I
:�,' -you could have enjoyed the pictures Idney 'nerves -fail. Then gas . ,iii ri: . h fish, boll . .
* � the Wall is dl*Ided'Int6 four1dot pan,. and K . "When I got down- to m7 office the Visb-Neiiil.l ed. . �� . . � prites within reach of all. ,' : . I � .
,� I , 1. . , � .
I . *_ . � , .
. with me. You know that dressmakers ' ' 1helching,Heart palpitatioil, or failing next morning I found xi'telegrain from )deats=Le;in be(�f, imitton. or. tomb. � .. . I
�� Oat, with slender strips of, white mold-! . I . ' - , ' . - . 1 120c. per bushelat kilns, or,250,for 50' . \,210
I are now making it a part of their busi- 11 Elidneys follow. Don't -drug the stom- I - fox- me.. 'What on. 'chicken, game (_Qpariul-1, ). * - � I . a -delivered At G.Vahara's I
, ing.all around the room. Oval mirrors , % the Heart or Kid- . my wife waiting V .* I— .It I hushol l6a si � .. . .
, ' ziess to see all the good. portraits, both . .cb,.or stimulat( I ' A* .. . , . .. .
" earth do you .' E99�7-l3.oiled or pow-hed on tnaq,t. , . ) .. . .
� : In white iraines afternite with pie- 'neys.' That is' wrong, Strengthen, - � .mean?, ' read'. the, Ais I - _ Hotel Clinton. :
. . . . - ' . '. .
. antique and modern, with the object I m ,� I eoqs-m--'St file bread,. dry -toast . .' I . .
I , IFIOQP,s patch.., � . Farinac I . __ 11 . Orders filled promptlyo .
1. of gaining inspiration for their de -.1 tares in white fiames. , Orange ,4tud .these failing nerves . with Dr. k 'IT ater a � regist . . . . arin- I fly). " . -' � - . . .. , .. _-_ � ___ . � . .� . '8b,' I A*" � I
:1 red cushions v�lll be piled'od the day. Restorative. It is the nerves, not the - Pred. letter came from orcrmts (sp. . A NIC111OLSON 4: SON, Prop ''.
1, I signs. I was very much.amused at . 'I - �orgsuis that. -are calling for help. Witta-' -her. L She 0d blotted almost.every L N'6getableq_Sl1lJJ.xxCh..L -16ttu.ce, celery. - , - . . q ..L I . . . � 1 'NiN.
I , enport,' and,' b the,�wxxy, 1'4e b'id' , , , , ''I. N
the criticism overheard from, one of- . I . . � al . Jt6atoe� I line With t'IrS. Wil't It L L .teisses,:a f - I M.. -1 .. . Belgra.ve, Ont,. . . -
. . . . . .
, e,
. . fumitur& donj, In this. in.48hoursafter qbarti� the . . a I . was all about c . . 11gl4razus 11111 flower, onions. , : - � .1 I .1 I 1 .1- . , ..'' -
� " I these technical experts in dresS. .the ,upho' 9 SL . 3 %tive treatment,you wilf realize -th6. - I could.not' Imagine. . . .. .... I - cabb . age. -'6matbes, radishes, ...... , -4& .. . . I . - . . .. .
old fashioned material. W. S . . , L white . I . . . . I I .
everal piece - L .. �_ - . - L - !,
L . Sold by tele L I I . �. b
"Smudges," "blurred masses" and "in L 1. 94 s ll. . .� I . . ,
� - L .of -orange pottery e' -� R. .Holmes. , L. . . '�- , ,."Then my plione.bell tang, and' olives, . I . I . I � . , _Z�'�t_'L�:11111 . ': 1. 1, R� linjoll fo .
. . red� and ar to 6L . . . . , /I � __, ... _. . .
. . .. . I . "I -_ - _. *
� distinctness" were the three terrible * . . . L. I when I angwer0d. 1.heagd' My wifels. Desserts -Ripe frults,oniy, acid varl. I I .1. L - � el UK onor .
.1 scattered about the',room to give chat- - .1 �� � L I . 1 � 1. . A . - - ` . 1. L . . I , .. . I 9. .
� accusations brought against the gown I 't L I I v�oice simikiii- .over the,long d1stance etles 4p'referable. .. . _ , . � I .
� . acter'to the 'dignified and Lotherwise . - 1. -�vife. I P . ... . I .- - _. " . __- .� Is now in.full swing, brink your re- .1 .
� . _ .�� I -L
of a lady painted by an Impressionist . A. Hint o the Hbuse - ' h Drinks -One cup of' tea or coffee � I ; katiship guaranteed by I .1
cold background. . - p one. . . L . *1 sugar or oue 1 L _. . .1
artist. And deep down in my heart I . . . U s . i
. For the caref I housewife Intent '.,'Ch,. John,'.sald she. 'Is that really. �vltbout m"11;, crPtim or ,. abl% lathe haiid and machinists, .
� voted them deserved, but I didn't,6x illenic, luncheons -really restaura upon detecting Adulterants "in 'food-, h - I -ted " glass of pure wt I Lter I sipped at; the e%d I . .. . I . .� . . I L . .. I . . , �.L .
- � at L 1. you? T. thoug. t You .had com m t , . . .. , .
" parties', at which 'each guest orders and ' ' following hint from the iclentif! . .1 I I - ' . . I . � . Clio . . �
1� pose my views, for I was making the I . L the . I e Aulcidell 11 . .. I -of the meal. ..' I . � . ", L I . . . ...L . . . . � . Boilers, Tanks, Snioke Sta 9, ..
. . , . pays for uerself�are the cka7e of the xnerj�aa,.may be.acceptftbld. It.1s, a I . .. 1. . . . � ' . ., � , t . . ' . � . Ilro.n -Brld96 Worlk,'ete- I ! V
, rounds with one of We "hung" men, - A . You must notvat: ' We� Want to- Land '* L . . . L . . I.. . .1 . . I I .
I I - moment. Alother-thinks flip idea -bar� - . . � . � I . . , * L . L . ' . . .. . . 0 . 'C6ment Menl " _ , L,., . '.
a well known exhibitot. Another ob- - . I test rbr determining the amount of . .1 . Floating. Corks, Trick, . .Soups, Salmon. blueflsf),'(161% SnlJ L . . . .
�' 4ection raised ,by the couturier critic - barous, and one can. readily under- ' oppqr used, as coloring matter In' - are fish, pork. yexil, sixisagesi inade dishes,' your -first order, because we know that Attenti n. . . . . . . ., '. 11 .
' ., .
. stand that with her old. time Ideas.of , 'c . I . The requirements, for this 'trick - tho satisfaction you will derive from,. . . It Speoxalty,of small . . - " ..
I C*inl)ed peas, iind, While perhaps not So . . . . . ' al, hOm- that Will. open -your eyes to the fact L. . . ..
I and one with which all people possess- hospitality t . . L. S ot tapeiing, but of cylin- .fats, potatoeq; mikearotil. oixime I . We also mak6 Write proprietor.* ' .
�. be notidn'would be repug-. simple L as tasting a -or I ' re. Iron. bridges. . . ,. :.
� ed of a sense of humor will be In full . I blCon a spoon , spices, rice 'T)Pet�, -carrots, tur. thit you. n nywhe . . . �
. d- nant-to ask a person to:take. a meal ,P�.,cttlxi�i . a fingerL . . .In' 'the drical-form), and a basin of -water. The .. Iny; . . eiSOL .can L 'YOU *,Wilf . . . . '. . I .1. I .
, Iffon or tags of tulle pay her breeze, the exp�erlxneut. readily may be ,uprl . . .' L 111ilk, creani . find that We are not "all atLses" in our I - a 'ELL . . -
� accord Is the absurd practice of win with ,you and expect her to . and holding . .- object. is t6 make the seven cokks fldat hips. parsxxlp�, pudillngs.-ples, pastry, that you with us. . I
I .
I : ing wisps of chi �hare of the bill. However. 1b these carried ouf Jxi gbt in the water Without wblght-' ,.,cakes. sugars, SWeet" , but thoroxighly -*'up4o-Lbe 'He. L I DW . f . . . . . .
I . . . jr.. business, . .
around the arm of fair subjects. Wd,�, I tithe L ' any bousebOW. fitted ing them In any. iway.'- I qwe(.t win�s,:4,jtinmoakue. nialt or sp . * Otitarioe I
: . Independent s, the old courteous . 1. . . I minute" and watchful oi the. int4rests - Clinton ..
I It not Michelangelo who said that with a. $10,000 laboratory properly . . I - .- singly' the -trick ituous.11unors. - .� ` that, by . so , . .1 �0% . . I 1, .. . . �,,,
, methods are brushed aside' . . t the corks be taken I . - )f our customers, knowiu I I
I . . , and no-' equipped. Here It Is, . . I .. .. . . . . I � ; � . . I . .
. . . I --------: . I I -_ . .. . . . I
I . 0 e, but'if they.be gathered - . .. . loing, Ing for. 'our I . 1.
. .
� beauty consisted in the purgation Of body�seems to think there is anything � "Tile quantity of copper . ,.may be de� is Impossibt I . . . . I ' . . - we a, 5 . . .1 I totq)ed in 20 � I � .. .
I amperflultles? And this ts true no less odd about assembling a luncheon party . Into a bundie abd In, that .position , - . 11OW I&THIST .)wn ultimate benefit.' .. - � . mintites : . , I
each guest orders what she I I . Croup ROniedY- '! I I
; . I - otermlixed by Incinerating the vegeta. grasped with both hands, held under I 0 SM. with Dr. Bh(-(?.
I '
I � . of dress than of face and form. A tit which �� bles leaching the ash, with nitric field, - water for a to goit well .Sassxifris� anclBurdock for the bloba, � I � E - test will surely -pro _ . . I .:.
!piece of crushed looking chiffon or a. . 1 0 I moment, @o as . � Q -A. DOWNS' I G. RO - No vomibin Ve' I
I likes mind pays for iL .No two persons - Da an r f6r stomach. I ,. o, . I no dis
,� in L * ovaporatilik to drynessi digsolving the 'wetted, and then brought slowly.back L . . I . � -
I Tagged feather boa tbrovim carelessly .our, party were, eating "the same " � I . . Mandrake and Juniper for liver and . I ir6ss. A sa& and asin9symp'-wo-Vogisa; , , .� ,
.... residue In hydrochloric acid, neutral' to the surface. -the bundle will floixt kidneys, Cascarra and Sanna for the Merchant. Tailor; '. � C. Hiliton, , I I I . I . � .
.,. over the arm'18 a superfluity in evor.v thingsi One w6inan who was on a diet lzing the solution with ammonia, acld� .Upright, the'sevorai corki.which'eom- I .1 . - -_ -_ . I
: sense of the word. The s bowels, Calisicuin and Albin so prA. a - . , .. .
- . I . . 1. .
1. ame cirltic *ate digestive biscuits and drank a glass Ify-Itig It slightly wtb hydrochloric ac)4 pose it being held together by .a- sort vent griping, U,LNeed-a Herb Tablets I � I
, I � . I . .
-_ . .
i, took exception to the Scarcity of trim- of milk, another nuts and -bananas, a , .. . . contain theseviituable'Ingredients. 50 IL0 V�o . . I
- . and precipitating the copper ,%Vlth ztii( of capillary attraction. �, :Wmt* A*** *-***-*** , ,
: . ming on the painted frocks.* The very Ub and pea . . . . -**** **** , . .
third roitst'lax S, and so on. . . I � . I � tableta for 25c; 250 tablets tot $1,00. A * ** * , - "
. . In a vessel of platinum,1.1 Do you think I ... . �..
� I .. �. - .. . . I * .
I . . .
; 'name "trimming" is sugkestlire of an. Truly, thts.1s'a ma ' d social .w6rld,'but I . vou1l, trk,lt? , . . 1 7- � . I. � . . . doctor for half-alcefit -a. day. Free. * - ` - , I - � .0 ; . . p .*, , r-
; � .� perflulties, of publicans, of sinners. am glad to live. in these exciting days. I ' . . . I I . I . I . . . .11 . . .. . samples at all AruK stOres.in Clinton. I , I
. ' ' I .
; I The Individuality of the wearer, and It - . _ . I - VAnt"Tt. . I I I e. .� I als. -, ., . I I �
�. . It distracts the eye, It, detracts ff'om - Ever most sincerely yoUrso . . � I March 2-0-3rk-x1.* I * *
.. . . , I . L ghtning Chang Nfeled rol Th'10 Yg' � . i i MONUMENTS$.. . .
. hovers perilously near vulggrity.. -� ___ ... _�tn!!:!t_nTnm=m!tm_ The tbree,-year-old boy on .the side' . Y . . . . . . . * .
. . I
� . . . . . . . . . VAccompYlshments. I I � 0 I 1. *,C . , 1
',;, , However this carping critic set my seat In th� ,,itreet car turned suddeftly . I . � * - . . I
. ' I . � , I I I
I The strength of 9, chiidt' " to.,1001;' Out of the window,'thereby I hiy�fatiieeh ,-such a, bvilliant man," I . . . . '. .. I .. .
. , .
� i ', � ... , - "tbink tank," as some one ex4presslyi- . 0 'k . surp - rising to Atid how Jew . .. . - With. Cata'rrh bf . ., . heard soene, people SaV. I I * . � . I , .. . . . . . * .
% i Ung, Wli,i* . stupid sort of wwr. I. I _. . . I . . . . . . . . I
should not artists design- gowns fox W. - . . I 0 0 1 hasJust received direcitfr= * - - * I 11
ly termed bl' , I it 'i Wiping 'big tiiud�y shots on the light , ' . . ' W �.* . *
(" �. s. bx�alxx* wort, . - . 'parents.knoW the greai strength giving colored t�ousers of the middle aged.- , Th'e,'Stomachs . . They. stayed a,t)d taliced to fatber In a .
I .
� , . their beautiful sitters to-wear-no'll). i - - man bitting dext 1:6, him. I .. .. . .1 . I., . � ..Vtoy'used the* tweerest kind ot v6td�, . . 01W sit R I *
1, t , qualities of, 6d'oatmeal. ..Uost , . . . 4nd father used them too. I . .
I 90 . OL " � I I . , '160 . , otlapd, per S. , . -1onian, .,
Ing nichalc or' crushed, nothin . madam," exj)loded the. tpan, 111d this � I - . . . it faher ,talked - so every 'day I c I * . 11
� - sad . thein think of it is a'food for tixe i * , I . , . J . * '
i � looking. or mad Voking, nothing' . your nasty littlell- - , - -, " " . 6 . �ft, I a 0 tnent of above! in
t " kxxoW what Vd do, * ., I . . ,Onslgtl �
I '�', 'I � of 0 - ttutdy and braWny,man, and overlook. , flore.tho boy's pretty mothet tuined -1r. Joluf n6it; ' 1 CO661 St., koft�_ .. I .� . . des gn. ,
, . �,l � .
I . blankety or nightgown descriptloill In its value'as'a fobtl for children, Every her head,and looked at him, A roal, Que., has use'd # a- I .8ut vheti there are no "scientists" 11A, * some of the choicest Granites, and, of Chaste . I . - APK
, I
,� , other woeds, why shouldn't the fivsh- ' . .Xilburn's Lrxs,�Livcr � father's "btfillo,xit" thon. I I � � . . . � *
. ...- Ions of the season efliatiate from the now and then a mother.will take 'to -"angel -boy?" he finished with 9 1)111,3, and -rocommends ilicin to, all his DcWn un&krn6ath the sofa, Is th�b bib^ * � - �... - - . L
1� " �, 11 %, I leq.ding her ciii1dreft on 0itakor 0a' . I . . 11 � . . --"I take pleasure. � 'lie dalls'lils &,den ip 1. . . livwiit � . . .� . I 4 . .1 . . W I � "
I . 0 *
,� I Acadexxx� of Design? It inny be fhat ts gasp, I . irienda. ,110 'writes: . � And lie acts any animal thhf OvOr IIVCA,, I �
�' . artists are too much engrossed In, f-ap- and will be astonishid at their ixnptovew . I . I I � . . in writing -you coneerning thegreat value yesr, .air, 1 I � .. .,.. * .0 .
1`1 I ,
I � tnent in strength and'vloor. 6f c§urse,, I Where -the Shod Pin6had. 11,ie ;een r4ly father ba some beasts disi * iPrkeglRpasovable -
i turing the r-m-sonallties Of thelk'sittero . I have reedived in using Milburn's Laxa- INIIFW , 0 , .. I * .. I .
y prove Young Girl (glancing at hdr 'pedal . ' %re. . , . . . ,
I to bother about their frooks, Tlwy the tells her friedds, and the' , it . Liver Pills,for C.-itarrh of the Stoxnaeb" . . ropd)y .never we r . * . �
� 0 . rony think that the portrAyal of . ,for themselve§, but evdry Mother in the 01tremit:100-0h, dearl Ny feet are with wh I ich t have been. 4 1 sufferer for ,Ile's funniest as Itangatoo and Aercett * * . � .
. to dWfu�jly bigi. Practical Aimtle- . . the bear. I Best .Workmanship
; . . . "gratideut-and moral qimlity" Isi of In. country should see that Iter childratt But you stand on, them all right, don't thirl,v ve',tirs. I used five bottles and they 1-t nialtes me really shivisr when lie draik , * , - , . . . �
flultely moro importance. go It V; in tong arid,vigorotts. Pletity of you? Toung Girl -oh, So$, but so 4# made me, all right: I also had A -very ine to his lair. , . . . *
� I � I 1-1- I—— I 11 I . .., .1-1.... 11 I...- "ro- 't 1. .. � I I * . . �
� - - Ella tigovs--realty-woliderfuli- - ; IL a -- - - ----- - - -- - , -
. . - eaten - -dad ,SO- , aft I � -.111.1.1--..----�-,-,,-'----.--------Ir-�----- -Vd - '' ,
. - � ()Uqk;r Oats, .often, will do it. other follm tno. . gevere attaek of ta Vleippe, and a'few . all the rest; W% . , ;.. I OWN - ____
b, .. I 15ui 11jr ift two sizes, the regular pack- 1. . 11 .1. 111. - ... I doses -acted So quickly that it,:was un, nat, after all, I do belletve'lits llork IN the . I
I �^_' voiiva P'hooVUUnep . "�___�_____ ___.,;____ . * '. *
� I va Alptisk Poneltd, Age and the largd, family size, which is I ldrow I I , ucm,e,on I 1N8PV,CT10N,1NV1TV,D , ,'
� 4 T10 ati y to eall in a ,doctor to euto me. best. I . I
I � I . * * � 5 emits we have Ity fatlier Ig a brillant rriftfi-I'xii sure , 1* I I *
; I ToubirafidinvigortitoathoWhofo thore convenient for those who domot - * For the sailill sum of 2,)
. 1. I
. , . . I
1: , ,,, , "I . 0 _. "I 11orvollor bristAmf Wilkes how live In town, ,The larg UASTOR A . our own doctor wherx we haveVilburn's that,$ very true- � I * . � I � * � .
Blood In o a Veins, CurtslYnIv- But not when he talk8 with sclentists; t � &e- 0, . I . I
-� ,,i ,i0a#Vba% Zeattyl atd A aft WO)I-V .IX8- thifts a. pieed of handsonit China for Ver Infauts wid Children., 1'.Axa-Liver llills,P . I I I I . �
t', � O '0 J Nftt=�4*�V- don't seo how they know IWKI . 6 *
'4.. p6muftelf. a--a4tTVeetk ,
�' , � U fte� .Making Ouaker Oats is a Price 15 ei,nis per, vial, or 5 for $1.6b, Arid If tho, k lid , I � t'
, , 11 , I 0 bog -AlX161?J%- Of6*11101oftso six � all deftlers, -or mailed direct on re- " , P
10W, UACA'AdIMS 6f 561M(� or, 13watt. � the t6k. brilowlit w1ion
� , . r f Tho KInd You Hava Aways Bought at isoorns t�tf PA"'or'o � i 0 & - - - - Ost Office . . I
F -4 . , csfiad[An iodu6try. . � ,
/ � I its or M0111A Ill 1, wonder wha thby'd think of him 0
I 11 . I&Id b I r I eeipt of ),)rice by The T.'Milbum Co., I t . 13 , .
; 6,4 0 -4up 14
I 'In !. ftee j , . UIV,#�!, Yew p �,Mn`t -iuigs a. day; tat Quaktr 04to Mears thot 01 Limited, roronto, Out. . -. %. .,, th6y tould hoar him roar! g."Ve
. T If, modlolhe 064 � -
Tdo"toi 1064, "ery mrnloo for breakf4st, Signature of . , I 1i -St..XWbAV+ * , ***- -a%1Ve-R1kW**#***'1, *-V& # M,
� . . 1 7- � - _. 1, .., ---. I—- . *** 7&mw* W A**
It ". , 1 Z , �4v_w 1 . I . � .
I - . �
.... 1. I .
� . . . ,
� ... .
. 66 . . . . . . _. ___ _1_1� I - __ �-�,&A&L.k-A_,._ - � I - - lla -1 . � &P�!�"- I ��.,&_J� h .� . . -, b hi 9 ,.i
L_ __, - , __ __ - __ - �. - _ __-L, ______1 _�' WWL___1._ d0ii I &__),L�__ �__
. _ -
hibit side by* side, as shown ia, our
picture. To make the giant have ,a
prices will De paid. . ,.
Bran, Shorts, (Jorn -and all kinds. pf ,
- . 1%
boy or man stand on a stoQ.1 oF box,
rain' sedsandother feeds kept on
1. .- . I � . . .
place a pair of big slippers or rubbers..
where the glanCs feet would naturally '
come and then take a curtain, shawl
gand at the storehouse, . - .
. � .
A McLeod
... 1, I . . . 11 .. 0 .
W". 0 L
blanket or the like and, suspending It,
, ,
.Ford .
by one edge in front of the boy OV
man, pin it 16 such a way its to make
I .. I
. . I I
- I . I I
and look like the legs of a. very
long, pair of trousers. A pair of
1. sus-
take, tr -
Wenmiller Woollen Mills .
. � .1
. .1 I.. �
- - . .
- . � I I
* - . -
. 0
G o. 4 Bo o t Is
p6nders.attached to these . rou.
- . I .
I All usual, I shall be. prepar e I to buy I
sers will add to the effect. .
The dwarf Is still more easily made..
. . .
- .
To Farmers and Others: -
and give the HIGH-E610ASH PRICE . I
for WOOL, bot -h washed and imwash- .
All,that is necessary Is for a boy to
kneel down on the floor anLk place his
Webave.severatt pairs of our own
make.of Boots, i Good targains while
ed, or wilt exchange for my inxinutac, . .
tured articles, ' .
,knees la'a pair,of'slippers or rubbers$
-so that It.will look'fro.m the fiont as
. .they lost. Just the thing. yo(I need
while the springis opening up, to keep
. your feet dry. . I .. .. -
I ..
You will find a, fine assortment of-, "
Tweeds, of various up-to-date patterns, I lk..
Also a of BedBlankets, I .
if his'legs, .were only that 'long, By
en1hr.-lug the, mouth, reddening U14
We are headquarters for Shoe rle-
pairing. Your, repair$ done while you
good supply .
HbreeBlanketsand yarns of various . . I
colors, . I . I . I I
nose and otherwise I'making.upip the
faces of the giant .and, dwarf .you edo
wait. Our prices are right. - . .
. I . I
. Opposite the Post Offiqe. I
. I I . . ,
- I . I
. :
'JE88E., GLEDHILL, � � ..
make thbm look quite terrible. In
fact, you ezin use your, ingenuity in
- i
�. Having I opened a bvanbli'business- at -
Londesboro jointly with MrbIcKown,
. .
. .. .. BENMILLER. I " I I ! I I .
- , . .1 . . � ( I . �. � ..
I ...
gettin,� them up, and you wilt find that �
Harness Shop, we- can do making an 11
. I I . . . .11 ,
I -A
lniknypasetbey)vill.mtikeiL,"Ilit.'O. ,
. � I
. repairing -st shortest possible notice. - ..
, ` - ','
.,. %t . -1
. . � .
. I
. . . . � I . .. . . ..
''. I -
. . . . . I
. . �.s . .
W.h-Watt & on..
. . . I
I � ,
. .. S . .1
LET t -'VASH[l I 1
, * ".
�.. I . �
".. I I .
.. I
� ..
..,/ 0� V
Quick R6112 &S . .
. � ... �. .� I -
. . ..,
[ ... . . . .1 .. . 1,
I Y;Our fig9te for ,a, suit. ,and the
.�, A-
. . �. . I
. .
. I ... . . . .
I . . I � � �.
,� . I . .
- .
igure, we will ask ivill please you 1,
. ,fi I . I � . . 11�
I '-ils_ -ell as thenerfAet fit' we will ' ' ' , I .
:.: I %, I . . . I I . I I I '00GRAXT1,11 WHITn CRASH . - ' . for an upset stomach hic.i. ., . � . 'S . U . � It
. I . . . I . . . I . . . . I e. are ok pu- .
�,, now t0nk4t is a mannish looking.affair - ' � ' . ' ' ' . I I � .
, I— - . . t � - I t,_- o -we you. I ,.W. I .. . � . 1 I.,
. %� ;TAU S1roWX* OF�TiN_., I & 19 . . I I . I.. . .
I . I , . of leather -a strap, In,fact-exactW like . . � � I. . I I . . . I the -dulgram-, al.167'foar- Inches for'Ibe � Cottghs, a sick bi�adach'e, to n--, � . I I lotisly oarefal to fib all our patrons .. . , '.
. .
:". '. . that worn -by the'men SUSPCDded from. . rived. 'Ilov,tnrltation, bad been for a iii.c0de fold. The lother dimellAlolls rep- . stip . . . . I . . . . to perfection, as, every gariiiqqt -, , �.
.. � . I . . . . ' ated.bowels, & a bilious' , , . I
. - hour than 'those of the rest. -, ' I 1.
� , - I � I . the coat lapel that gives -the -watch- - later . I . Of resent. the sbwl oft- a.ft'ordlnaiv b9ok * . . . ' - , - . I I .., I .. ..
,� I . . I d . I -dr Imsic meas- tack -i,s.'s�c 'using! ' Grand . T runI tbattedvea'our es6abliblini6jit; be- : � . . .
..: ... enough. leeway, ,to drop com -,tfi4 gxxe�ts in or er to accomplish 018. ..and are given d0rely f, . ured � b . I . . .. .
. . f9rtably I ": t, - . . - � at I - . ..
, I I � , . . , I.. . . U . 1. ' '%
1 I . into an upper coat pocket. When this The victim of the- shower Nva -s, prompt-', ureinents. Crayish white,crash with . . . ... . . . . . . I I � . . I comes.an advertisement for us. . .. I '. ..
I . . .
I . ' -that ope - ft -stenciled border In dull blue, # " I - ' ' 'We 1 giVe you your choice of t" ., , . �
I fo s *my blue ,serge traveling ly led .-up to .a -window Ped _reen., - mer Tour on. - .'Wit . .
I - - -, , 1,; . : .,Sum S . . .. ....
I - room. Out - of this, nud �roiNn is the 7 dot gn used iii, the , - . .
.. from tlie llvin� . 1� . . . . "rX . - , . . the finest and newest fabrics. W er. . .
. . �
I I __ coat it will give an air of smartness.t(i . . . . . . . 'n"WHASKS I I , , ,
� I . .. .
1 I ", I . b.'ador6 t
,, I * ated.' . . � I I . I . ' "
I I . the. costume. I hesitated between pur- window.' trallod all sorts of strings. rover illustr. . .. I . .
�:� l , . .. ... . . . .T11 I , I e I the Test4 ' . . I .
. ' . .. . . I . I . 9. do
.!, I chasing this style'ratber,than a leath , To .the other e0d of the strings, with-., . . 11 .- - . � . .1 . 1. .. . . . the ,Greattak . . . . , .. . � .. I
��, . . �. I .1 I . � -.1 . . . 1. 1, . . .... . - I GO � . I A%.;
�� i I -in the living. room w re attached the. . . . P . I ME.
� % . I 1� . er fob. which baugs from the belt. in' gifts., .The br ,, , e I I . Missed Woman's Ready Wit. I . . � . � A Fre*sh Witer I I . . 011 W. BAR -3 6 -
� . . the usual f4phlod, but at the eu&has . I Ide -was 1xistfucted to. .Don't. a] ways * rely upoil- the ready .Sold Everjt�hcve. In Roxes,25 cents. . I . . . . - . , . . I .
. I .
1� . I - . . . pull tlie,stiqn-, , .one by one', and see . � .. I I . . I �. . . I . I . ,� - :
. : .�� .S1 1 .1 I . . . I I I rebmt, Tailoring.
. . .
�, I , t- ,.a round' 6peilingin which is Ineased afiAl , I Fine- BIC ... _0
� . Pat: � Steal .
�, � wit of a woaiaxx,� said the man who a 11 .
I 0 I ^-�� the tiny watch, so that, 'While the face -What she got. 'Tfie result was very Is souletinie . ... � I I � I � . 1. Fred Jackson's Old Stand. I I I
I I , I . . . . . I s pleased tor consider him- - * . . Su�erh Seeitery , I . � . �. I
6, , n .Avas a house I . �.luLe I I I Agent for Br -America .
. " 4�'g". :- � �� .-Tc, , shows, the watch cannot. drop but. amusing. The occaslo . ' "That ready wit bust- ' � A THINNING , DIET. - ' -
.. I �.,�, .� �� _ - . . .� self an oracle, . . . I I . . FattItless Cutsi itish u, Cleaning' . .
I ; . _-,-V;A.` The, clerk explained that this fob'liad ' bold sbdwet:, and. according to the de- ness ts� sometimes p�qne to get away . . ' ' _____�_ . � . . . I .... . I L I. . I � & Dying -Co, Montreal. :. ' � .
. I
� � . . I "-I"' "�.' been especially designed tot the bust- , scription , of - one guest, ."Sometimep off., . . , . N'ece6sity For. . a T , . . .. ,�yl . I . .. . . . . . I . � I Moderate Char e I '� . _ ,. . 1. . I . .� I .. �
I -1 . No oo'Rigid Didta .
� . , ;..'4,,.- I ' ' I .9 .
. . . . . . - . � . .
, - - . . . - ou and. s6me- , .' ' * - * " ' I .� . I .. Perseverance, Wi , rit. 1deal Sunimer Outings on 1 . .
,�. . , . she t -a cake spoon I . . . I .
11 I - Pess w6man,and as'a real comfort "it . ,pulled I . .'POr exximple, my wife.a.fid children .. I . I , �� .. .. I . thb* Great I .: - I
, � , *
- ' ., . i ' . I ., . � I
. � . . wbo t Lakes, Georgi �. I. � I
. -he I .�
� �', ! _2FF , couidn"t be' b�ptbxi." ., - . ... � times dhtgged.fortlx� a clotlxeshorse'�' ,, 'had. been ,. stayin In the country for, � . T114 i1rL, . wou I I train' down fin BAy, or ainong t . .. R .
. . I .. � I I I . * , * - ' - . ` 9 . . u ad -�. '1LQ.0-KAiEi .-El '_�! . -
I . Severn - T%ii6y Tho sa Islandeq , � � .. I .1 I ... : �
7"bu. ill. be' horrified to - - - - . ' 1 we6lis, and I was regular with should not starve ,6 � �. � 1. - . . I .;, . ,
11 . � J � I - presu-me y -w . , . . ' . � i " 1 .1 I . .. .. eyself. `9he' Should �. .1 I . I � . I � . I . I . : ".
I A M&NXISH WATCH FOB. . . e'f i have .
" - I know that -I am fiav$ng.,:the living room, . my jetters, aas eVery loving lxusband� eat.plenty. of tlio. right kinds of .fboil. . . .
''. - � Th ootprints of Dyspepsia . . I . ,. Tf6kets and info,rinathm frond all ' - ;
I . . been' -directly traced to the * St6mach should be. FIT)a1Ly,:' %lost people nr6:fat'becftuSe they over- railway . . .1 . .. . . . - INX OR SILE : . �
� .
i -er and the papered.'in -black. Puixeral? .Nct-' ' a . ve . ves"� ., .on t.46 day before ' "'. . . I I agents. . ;. .. .. I .., . . .. L . '. . . . . ... .. . 1. I
" parrot is the greatest tall, Listen ' 'ei* sd When these ,'inside ner - � . . . I I .. . . .
: poorest Bier of the whole bird cred- bit. . .to, the schemej and you , fail, indigestion and storrach ,distress my'wife was to start for home, I con-, . cat ff ,it maki f1g.foods. ' - I It, R. G11414DIrsteeve, - 4'. ff.:Nicholson.- . �AT Tas' . I ,r . I � I �%
I . . . � � � . .
I . I I I . I .
. will gain some faint idea ,of Jhe dainty I list tbiff,.' faithfully I , Traffic Mgr., Sarais . "r Work6k 7. ' ' .
�" 'cluded 'my letter to , her with these . . Ellere is h, diet . . . . . . I . � . .. �
z tion?" Lovely, wasn't It? . tnuab surely result, For. this, druggists � . .. . .. . . . I . I . I Mgr,. Collingwood. . . I , � .
' . , . 'words, , , . . persevered - in,. - never falls,to. take off , - , . - s . . a I . . .
., . and cameo -like -finl8bed effect. � - . r I � � . . . . . . � . Aelgr ve Lim :. ... . �
;* � ' ' ' � , .The everywhere are supplying. a presdrip lj�pfluou§ .fieSb.r 'if YOU I . - . . . I . . . . IrA-olass! Limo. I � I
,, . Tlx� academy exhibition this season .
" ' � . 'woodwork I have,"hhd palbted ,white, �doxi known.as DE.Sboop'sRestorative. " ,This -will -be' the. last letfe'r I will pounds of S.ti . 1. . , � I . .1 . - I mayip. . � �
'was a very interesting one, and I IwIsh . I . . . I . � . . ,facturers ..of F � I .
z , .. and the dull black cartridge paper oiC Fitsb..these tiny inside Stomach,Heart . write; to�ybui for A 16ng. long time.' . wail'i to 911t thin N-611 11ifly,ent: I . I I 1. I. . � . . . . . .01 I ags 1; . . �
� I I . I I � OUR MOTTO: -'First 'me sold., an4, .
T . v4 � I I I .. - I .1 .., I
:�,' -you could have enjoyed the pictures Idney 'nerves -fail. Then gas . ,iii ri: . h fish, boll . .
* � the Wall is dl*Ided'Int6 four1dot pan,. and K . "When I got down- to m7 office the Visb-Neiiil.l ed. . �� . . � prites within reach of all. ,' : . I � .
,� I , 1. . , � .
I . *_ . � , .
. with me. You know that dressmakers ' ' 1helching,Heart palpitatioil, or failing next morning I found xi'telegrain from )deats=Le;in be(�f, imitton. or. tomb. � .. . I
�� Oat, with slender strips of, white mold-! . I . ' - , ' . - . 1 120c. per bushelat kilns, or,250,for 50' . \,210
I are now making it a part of their busi- 11 Elidneys follow. Don't -drug the stom- I - fox- me.. 'What on. 'chicken, game (_Qpariul-1, ). * - � I . a -delivered At G.Vahara's I
, ing.all around the room. Oval mirrors , % the Heart or Kid- . my wife waiting V .* I— .It I hushol l6a si � .. . .
, ' ziess to see all the good. portraits, both . .cb,.or stimulat( I ' A* .. . , . .. .
" earth do you .' E99�7-l3.oiled or pow-hed on tnaq,t. , . ) .. . .
� : In white iraines afternite with pie- 'neys.' That is' wrong, Strengthen, - � .mean?, ' read'. the, Ais I - _ Hotel Clinton. :
. . . . - ' . '. .
. antique and modern, with the object I m ,� I eoqs-m--'St file bread,. dry -toast . .' I . .
I , IFIOQP,s patch.., � . Farinac I . __ 11 . Orders filled promptlyo .
1. of gaining inspiration for their de -.1 tares in white fiames. , Orange ,4tud .these failing nerves . with Dr. k 'IT ater a � regist . . . . arin- I fly). " . -' � - . . .. , .. _-_ � ___ . � . .� . '8b,' I A*" � I
:1 red cushions v�lll be piled'od the day. Restorative. It is the nerves, not the - Pred. letter came from orcrmts (sp. . A NIC111OLSON 4: SON, Prop ''.
1, I signs. I was very much.amused at . 'I - �orgsuis that. -are calling for help. Witta-' -her. L She 0d blotted almost.every L N'6getableq_Sl1lJJ.xxCh..L -16ttu.ce, celery. - , - . . q ..L I . . . � 1 'NiN.
I , enport,' and,' b the,�wxxy, 1'4e b'id' , , , , ''I. N
the criticism overheard from, one of- . I . . � al . Jt6atoe� I line With t'IrS. Wil't It L L .teisses,:a f - I M.. -1 .. . Belgra.ve, Ont,. . . -
. . . . . .
, e,
. . fumitur& donj, In this. in.48hoursafter qbarti� the . . a I . was all about c . . 11gl4razus 11111 flower, onions. , : - � .1 I .1 I 1 .1- . , ..'' -
� " I these technical experts in dresS. .the ,upho' 9 SL . 3 %tive treatment,you wilf realize -th6. - I could.not' Imagine. . . .. .... I - cabb . age. -'6matbes, radishes, ...... , -4& .. . . I . - . . .. .
old fashioned material. W. S . . , L white . I . . . . I I .
everal piece - L .. �_ - . - L - !,
L . Sold by tele L I I . �. b
"Smudges," "blurred masses" and "in L 1. 94 s ll. . .� I . . ,
� - L .of -orange pottery e' -� R. .Holmes. , L. . . '�- , ,."Then my plione.bell tang, and' olives, . I . I . I � . , _Z�'�t_'L�:11111 . ': 1. 1, R� linjoll fo .
. . red� and ar to 6L . . . . , /I � __, ... _. . .
. . .. . I . "I -_ - _. *
� distinctness" were the three terrible * . . . L. I when I angwer0d. 1.heagd' My wifels. Desserts -Ripe frults,oniy, acid varl. I I .1. L - � el UK onor .
.1 scattered about the',room to give chat- - .1 �� � L I . 1 � 1. . A . - - ` . 1. L . . I , .. . I 9. .
� accusations brought against the gown I 't L I I v�oice simikiii- .over the,long d1stance etles 4p'referable. .. . _ , . � I .
� . acter'to the 'dignified and Lotherwise . - 1. -�vife. I P . ... . I .- - _. " . __- .� Is now in.full swing, brink your re- .1 .
� . _ .�� I -L
of a lady painted by an Impressionist . A. Hint o the Hbuse - ' h Drinks -One cup of' tea or coffee � I ; katiship guaranteed by I .1
cold background. . - p one. . . L . *1 sugar or oue 1 L _. . .1
artist. And deep down in my heart I . . . U s . i
. For the caref I housewife Intent '.,'Ch,. John,'.sald she. 'Is that really. �vltbout m"11;, crPtim or ,. abl% lathe haiid and machinists, .
� voted them deserved, but I didn't,6x illenic, luncheons -really restaura upon detecting Adulterants "in 'food-, h - I -ted " glass of pure wt I Lter I sipped at; the e%d I . .. . I . .� . . I L . .. I . . , �.L .
- � at L 1. you? T. thoug. t You .had com m t , . . .. , .
" parties', at which 'each guest orders and ' ' following hint from the iclentif! . .1 I I - ' . . I . � . Clio . . �
1� pose my views, for I was making the I . L the . I e Aulcidell 11 . .. I -of the meal. ..' I . � . ", L I . . . ...L . . . . � . Boilers, Tanks, Snioke Sta 9, ..
. . , . pays for uerself�are the cka7e of the xnerj�aa,.may be.acceptftbld. It.1s, a I . .. 1. . . . � ' . ., � , t . . ' . � . Ilro.n -Brld96 Worlk,'ete- I ! V
, rounds with one of We "hung" men, - A . You must notvat: ' We� Want to- Land '* L . . . L . . I.. . .1 . . I I .
I I - moment. Alother-thinks flip idea -bar� - . . � . � I . . , * L . L . ' . . .. . . 0 . 'C6ment Menl " _ , L,., . '.
a well known exhibitot. Another ob- - . I test rbr determining the amount of . .1 . Floating. Corks, Trick, . .Soups, Salmon. blueflsf),'(161% SnlJ L . . . .
�' 4ection raised ,by the couturier critic - barous, and one can. readily under- ' oppqr used, as coloring matter In' - are fish, pork. yexil, sixisagesi inade dishes,' your -first order, because we know that Attenti n. . . . . . . ., '. 11 .
' ., .
. stand that with her old. time Ideas.of , 'c . I . The requirements, for this 'trick - tho satisfaction you will derive from,. . . It Speoxalty,of small . . - " ..
I C*inl)ed peas, iind, While perhaps not So . . . . . ' al, hOm- that Will. open -your eyes to the fact L. . . ..
I and one with which all people possess- hospitality t . . L. S ot tapeiing, but of cylin- .fats, potatoeq; mikearotil. oixime I . We also mak6 Write proprietor.* ' .
�. be notidn'would be repug-. simple L as tasting a -or I ' re. Iron. bridges. . . ,. :.
� ed of a sense of humor will be In full . I blCon a spoon , spices, rice 'T)Pet�, -carrots, tur. thit you. n nywhe . . . �
. d- nant-to ask a person to:take. a meal ,P�.,cttlxi�i . a fingerL . . .In' 'the drical-form), and a basin of -water. The .. Iny; . . eiSOL .can L 'YOU *,Wilf . . . . '. . I .1. I .
, Iffon or tags of tulle pay her breeze, the exp�erlxneut. readily may be ,uprl . . .' L 111ilk, creani . find that We are not "all atLses" in our I - a 'ELL . . -
� accord Is the absurd practice of win with ,you and expect her to . and holding . .- object. is t6 make the seven cokks fldat hips. parsxxlp�, pudillngs.-ples, pastry, that you with us. . I
I .
I : ing wisps of chi �hare of the bill. However. 1b these carried ouf Jxi gbt in the water Without wblght-' ,.,cakes. sugars, SWeet" , but thoroxighly -*'up4o-Lbe 'He. L I DW . f . . . . . .
I . . . jr.. business, . .
around the arm of fair subjects. Wd,�, I tithe L ' any bousebOW. fitted ing them In any. iway.'- I qwe(.t win�s,:4,jtinmoakue. nialt or sp . * Otitarioe I
: . Independent s, the old courteous . 1. . . I minute" and watchful oi the. int4rests - Clinton ..
I It not Michelangelo who said that with a. $10,000 laboratory properly . . I - .- singly' the -trick ituous.11unors. - .� ` that, by . so , . .1 �0% . . I 1, .. . . �,,,
, methods are brushed aside' . . t the corks be taken I . - )f our customers, knowiu I I
I . . , and no-' equipped. Here It Is, . . I .. .. . . . . I � ; � . . I . .
. . . I --------: . I I -_ . .. . . . I
I . 0 e, but'if they.be gathered - . .. . loing, Ing for. 'our I . 1.
. .
� beauty consisted in the purgation Of body�seems to think there is anything � "Tile quantity of copper . ,.may be de� is Impossibt I . . . . I ' . . - we a, 5 . . .1 I totq)ed in 20 � I � .. .
I amperflultles? And this ts true no less odd about assembling a luncheon party . Into a bundie abd In, that .position , - . 11OW I&THIST .)wn ultimate benefit.' .. - � . mintites : . , I
each guest orders what she I I . Croup ROniedY- '! I I
; . I - otermlixed by Incinerating the vegeta. grasped with both hands, held under I 0 SM. with Dr. Bh(-(?.
I '
I � . of dress than of face and form. A tit which �� bles leaching the ash, with nitric field, - water for a to goit well .Sassxifris� anclBurdock for the bloba, � I � E - test will surely -pro _ . . I .:.
!piece of crushed looking chiffon or a. . 1 0 I moment, @o as . � Q -A. DOWNS' I G. RO - No vomibin Ve' I
I likes mind pays for iL .No two persons - Da an r f6r stomach. I ,. o, . I no dis
,� in L * ovaporatilik to drynessi digsolving the 'wetted, and then brought slowly.back L . . I . � -
I Tagged feather boa tbrovim carelessly .our, party were, eating "the same " � I . . Mandrake and Juniper for liver and . I ir6ss. A sa& and asin9symp'-wo-Vogisa; , , .� ,
.... residue In hydrochloric acid, neutral' to the surface. -the bundle will floixt kidneys, Cascarra and Sanna for the Merchant. Tailor; '. � C. Hiliton, , I I I . I . � .
.,. over the arm'18 a superfluity in evor.v thingsi One w6inan who was on a diet lzing the solution with ammonia, acld� .Upright, the'sevorai corki.which'eom- I .1 . - -_ -_ . I
: sense of the word. The s bowels, Calisicuin and Albin so prA. a - . , .. .
- . I . . 1. .
1. ame cirltic *ate digestive biscuits and drank a glass Ify-Itig It slightly wtb hydrochloric ac)4 pose it being held together by .a- sort vent griping, U,LNeed-a Herb Tablets I � I
, I � . I . .
-_ . .
i, took exception to the Scarcity of trim- of milk, another nuts and -bananas, a , .. . . contain theseviituable'Ingredients. 50 IL0 V�o . . I
- . and precipitating the copper ,%Vlth ztii( of capillary attraction. �, :Wmt* A*** *-***-*** , ,
: . ming on the painted frocks.* The very Ub and pea . . . . -**** **** , . .
third roitst'lax S, and so on. . . I � . I � tableta for 25c; 250 tablets tot $1,00. A * ** * , - "
. . In a vessel of platinum,1.1 Do you think I ... . �..
� I .. �. - .. . . I * .
I . . .
; 'name "trimming" is sugkestlire of an. Truly, thts.1s'a ma ' d social .w6rld,'but I . vou1l, trk,lt? , . . 1 7- � . I. � . . . doctor for half-alcefit -a. day. Free. * - ` - , I - � .0 ; . . p .*, , r-
; � .� perflulties, of publicans, of sinners. am glad to live. in these exciting days. I ' . . . I I . I . I . . . .11 . . .. . samples at all AruK stOres.in Clinton. I , I
. ' ' I .
; I The Individuality of the wearer, and It - . _ . I - VAnt"Tt. . I I I e. .� I als. -, ., . I I �
�. . It distracts the eye, It, detracts ff'om - Ever most sincerely yoUrso . . � I March 2-0-3rk-x1.* I * *
.. . . , I . L ghtning Chang Nfeled rol Th'10 Yg' � . i i MONUMENTS$.. . .
. hovers perilously near vulggrity.. -� ___ ... _�tn!!:!t_nTnm=m!tm_ The tbree,-year-old boy on .the side' . Y . . . . . . . * .
. . I
� . . . . . . . . . VAccompYlshments. I I � 0 I 1. *,C . , 1
',;, , However this carping critic set my seat In th� ,,itreet car turned suddeftly . I . � * - . . I
. ' I . � , I I I
I The strength of 9, chiidt' " to.,1001;' Out of the window,'thereby I hiy�fatiieeh ,-such a, bvilliant man," I . . . . '. .. I .. .
. , .
� i ', � ... , - "tbink tank," as some one ex4presslyi- . 0 'k . surp - rising to Atid how Jew . .. . - With. Cata'rrh bf . ., . heard soene, people SaV. I I * . � . I , .. . . . . . * .
% i Ung, Wli,i* . stupid sort of wwr. I. I _. . . I . . . . . . . . I
should not artists design- gowns fox W. - . . I 0 0 1 hasJust received direcitfr= * - - * I 11
ly termed bl' , I it 'i Wiping 'big tiiud�y shots on the light , ' . . ' W �.* . *
(" �. s. bx�alxx* wort, . - . 'parents.knoW the greai strength giving colored t�ousers of the middle aged.- , Th'e,'Stomachs . . They. stayed a,t)d taliced to fatber In a .
I .
� , . their beautiful sitters to-wear-no'll). i - - man bitting dext 1:6, him. I .. .. . .1 . I., . � ..Vtoy'used the* tweerest kind ot v6td�, . . 01W sit R I *
1, t , qualities of, 6d'oatmeal. ..Uost , . . . 4nd father used them too. I . .
I 90 . OL " � I I . , '160 . , otlapd, per S. , . -1onian, .,
Ing nichalc or' crushed, nothin . madam," exj)loded the. tpan, 111d this � I - . . . it faher ,talked - so every 'day I c I * . 11
� - sad . thein think of it is a'food for tixe i * , I . , . J . * '
i � looking. or mad Voking, nothing' . your nasty littlell- - , - -, " " . 6 . �ft, I a 0 tnent of above! in
t " kxxoW what Vd do, * ., I . . ,Onslgtl �
I '�', 'I � of 0 - ttutdy and braWny,man, and overlook. , flore.tho boy's pretty mothet tuined -1r. Joluf n6it; ' 1 CO661 St., koft�_ .. I .� . . des gn. ,
, . �,l � .
I . blankety or nightgown descriptloill In its value'as'a fobtl for children, Every her head,and looked at him, A roal, Que., has use'd # a- I .8ut vheti there are no "scientists" 11A, * some of the choicest Granites, and, of Chaste . I . - APK
, I
,� , other woeds, why shouldn't the fivsh- ' . .Xilburn's Lrxs,�Livcr � father's "btfillo,xit" thon. I I � � . . . � *
. ...- Ions of the season efliatiate from the now and then a mother.will take 'to -"angel -boy?" he finished with 9 1)111,3, and -rocommends ilicin to, all his DcWn un&krn6ath the sofa, Is th�b bib^ * � - �... - - . L
1� " �, 11 %, I leq.ding her ciii1dreft on 0itakor 0a' . I . . 11 � . . --"I take pleasure. � 'lie dalls'lils &,den ip 1. . . livwiit � . . .� . I 4 . .1 . . W I � "
I . 0 *
,� I Acadexxx� of Design? It inny be fhat ts gasp, I . irienda. ,110 'writes: . � And lie acts any animal thhf OvOr IIVCA,, I �
�' . artists are too much engrossed In, f-ap- and will be astonishid at their ixnptovew . I . I I � . . in writing -you coneerning thegreat value yesr, .air, 1 I � .. .,.. * .0 .
1`1 I ,
I � tnent in strength and'vloor. 6f c§urse,, I Where -the Shod Pin6had. 11,ie ;een r4ly father ba some beasts disi * iPrkeglRpasovable -
i turing the r-m-sonallties Of thelk'sittero . I have reedived in using Milburn's Laxa- INIIFW , 0 , .. I * .. I .
y prove Young Girl (glancing at hdr 'pedal . ' %re. . , . . . ,
I to bother about their frooks, Tlwy the tells her friedds, and the' , it . Liver Pills,for C.-itarrh of the Stoxnaeb" . . ropd)y .never we r . * . �
� 0 . rony think that the portrAyal of . ,for themselve§, but evdry Mother in the 01tremit:100-0h, dearl Ny feet are with wh I ich t have been. 4 1 sufferer for ,Ile's funniest as Itangatoo and Aercett * * . � .
. to dWfu�jly bigi. Practical Aimtle- . . the bear. I Best .Workmanship
; . . . "gratideut-and moral qimlity" Isi of In. country should see that Iter childratt But you stand on, them all right, don't thirl,v ve',tirs. I used five bottles and they 1-t nialtes me really shivisr when lie draik , * , - , . . . �
flultely moro importance. go It V; in tong arid,vigorotts. Pletity of you? Toung Girl -oh, So$, but so 4# made me, all right: I also had A -very ine to his lair. , . . . *
� I � I 1-1- I—— I 11 I . .., .1-1.... 11 I...- "ro- 't 1. .. � I I * . . �
� - - Ella tigovs--realty-woliderfuli- - ; IL a -- - - ----- - - -- - , -
. . - eaten - -dad ,SO- , aft I � -.111.1.1--..----�-,-,,-'----.--------Ir-�----- -Vd - '' ,
. - � ()Uqk;r Oats, .often, will do it. other follm tno. . gevere attaek of ta Vleippe, and a'few . all the rest; W% . , ;.. I OWN - ____
b, .. I 15ui 11jr ift two sizes, the regular pack- 1. . 11 .1. 111. - ... I doses -acted So quickly that it,:was un, nat, after all, I do belletve'lits llork IN the . I
I �^_' voiiva P'hooVUUnep . "�___�_____ ___.,;____ . * '. *
� I va Alptisk Poneltd, Age and the largd, family size, which is I ldrow I I , ucm,e,on I 1N8PV,CT10N,1NV1TV,D , ,'
� 4 T10 ati y to eall in a ,doctor to euto me. best. I . I
I � I . * * � 5 emits we have Ity fatlier Ig a brillant rriftfi-I'xii sure , 1* I I *
; I ToubirafidinvigortitoathoWhofo thore convenient for those who domot - * For the sailill sum of 2,)
. 1. I
. , . . I
1: , ,,, , "I . 0 _. "I 11orvollor bristAmf Wilkes how live In town, ,The larg UASTOR A . our own doctor wherx we haveVilburn's that,$ very true- � I * . � I � * � .
Blood In o a Veins, CurtslYnIv- But not when he talk8 with sclentists; t � &e- 0, . I . I
-� ,,i ,i0a#Vba% Zeattyl atd A aft WO)I-V .IX8- thifts a. pieed of handsonit China for Ver Infauts wid Children., 1'.Axa-Liver llills,P . I I I I . �
t', � O '0 J Nftt=�4*�V- don't seo how they know IWKI . 6 *
'4.. p6muftelf. a--a4tTVeetk ,
�' , � U fte� .Making Ouaker Oats is a Price 15 ei,nis per, vial, or 5 for $1.6b, Arid If tho, k lid , I � t'
, , 11 , I 0 bog -AlX161?J%- Of6*11101oftso six � all deftlers, -or mailed direct on re- " , P
10W, UACA'AdIMS 6f 561M(� or, 13watt. � the t6k. brilowlit w1ion
� , . r f Tho KInd You Hava Aways Bought at isoorns t�tf PA"'or'o � i 0 & - - - - Ost Office . . I
F -4 . , csfiad[An iodu6try. . � ,
/ � I its or M0111A Ill 1, wonder wha thby'd think of him 0
I 11 . I&Id b I r I eeipt of ),)rice by The T.'Milbum Co., I t . 13 , .
; 6,4 0 -4up 14
I 'In !. ftee j , . UIV,#�!, Yew p �,Mn`t -iuigs a. day; tat Quaktr 04to Mears thot 01 Limited, roronto, Out. . -. %. .,, th6y tould hoar him roar! g."Ve
. T If, modlolhe 064 � -
Tdo"toi 1064, "ery mrnloo for breakf4st, Signature of . , I 1i -St..XWbAV+ * , ***- -a%1Ve-R1kW**#***'1, *-V& # M,
� . . 1 7- � - _. 1, .., ---. I—- . *** 7&mw* W A**
It ". , 1 Z , �4v_w 1 . I . � .
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