HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-08-19, Page 5Aug x9th, Ilk 9 I �.. ? -1, - . I "I 11 . . , . riuk 011*98 I � now 5-tal LF, .�j - __ t1,141111 111111 - _­­ .... -.1. -_ ­ . - .. ___ - . - � . ;I 1;111:1211=�­ �- "' - , � =7�� . I fiILIL ­­,� � ,; .,.e = YO. 6 qV slabs marriagesa Deaths. ;��_;;�_=,..Wn��z_,_ __ __7,-._-_._ .. .111-1 � I BOUN HERMAN- In CII1ot0U,Au9118t V%, to Up and Mrs roslik Herman, a, von. I WATKINS -In .Clinton, August 12, b I 3$r All -I Mrs Jolla W a.tkine a daugh- Ler. � MASON -In Rullett, August 13tb,to Mr and Mrs Th0b Mason* jr-s A boo. 'BATES -In Goderleb, July 20, to Mr And Mrs Win Bates, 06 daughter., CAMPBELL - At the Alexandrs, � Rospital.. Goderich.on AU9401; l2i to - Ur fiad Mrs Jock Campbell, a son. COLLI110WOUD- -In Exeter. on August 4th, to Mr and .*ys -Thos, ; I Coillogwood, a son. . GARDNER-10 Clinton, oil Atisrust 14th, to Mr. and Mrs, John Uar4ner, a � 4 , daughter. . IrOsTER.-In Vordwicb, Angust 7, to'J-Dr And Mrs R $ Foster, 4 son, . HUTTON -In Hast,Wnwanooh, Aug- ust (sth, to Mr and Mrs Thoo ]Elutton,4 son. . HiTHERINGTON-111 Usborne, on August 9, to Mr and Mrs Goo Bother Ington, a daughter* . I MAcFARLANE-In Stanley. August . . ,Otb . , to Mr and Mrs'John MacFarlane, I sk 00114 � � . . ROSS - In Vanemi ver, B O., Jul y 29. to Mr and Mrs T H Ross, formerly of Wingbam, a. son � . SELLERY-At tieneall, July .90, to D and'Mrs Sell6ry 4 daughter. - � RHOWWWON, 9 Will, rAldlaw.of roronra. wao aliva OWWWWWWWWWOWWWWW"W"M arg"or 1 4& b"a visiting with friends Ill tOwu for . por*onal N 0 t O'S t, p", Ix weeks, left on. kwurday . afternoon for^ few days' visit with . SHOE AND MUSIC EMPORJUM . a tug" hAvb 4 xo�stivei or frI9440 their friondsNev, Silam Utirch.01! Strat- MIN a , . - � , . , TwUlst ta. scliwn or 90,411 *WILY ford.before returning to, their hume 10 . , - ""' ab,;,'V*X,�,;,��. Tolonto; . w,u�d10"Wu3o'J!oV1"s& It .4, rr R E .1 +� T, b a N3Aw E'RA. bad a call on Mon- � So C. Rathwell , C.. HOA ' k * 16b a lc,.Yateo, _k' -.*-.*..*.P ny from Division coart Clot .11 "' , - I 4 04 4 + 4 it 'V_#_r1r1F_r%01% I . . I OfGodericb. RehadcouletO�Cllnton I' . I "I, 11 Mr Jae Mahaffy,fleavies to day for to c-ee his daughter, Miss Mary A. on �5 a 0 E Is X U -S I e , , I " ; mopse Jaw, $ask, � the L 171. & 'at, ,enroute to chic, Ill- 111- I.''... - . P-----*' I jar. Wililam Watson,of Blyth, wa$ where ,be 1, training as a nurse in 1,4 ------- 7:77-7777-77'._- ­-­­­­­------_ -_____-_1._- . I in tow.h on . Monday. Illinois Training School and Cook's Co. , I ­­­., _­ - �, ­ _ � - _ . ­ -1 L ­ � ­ � ­­­­ - ­ ­­ ­ "I - ' '' -­ 111" 'boo $hew,ill graduate next year " Mr. S. Carter,. of Bruasels Was in Mr.py"'allies. who was born in West _.. Special Sheet Music, . ��. w town over Sunday. Wawanball,hao WjOli -% resl4elitof God , I Meg Shannon left Saturday for 4 prich for the past 43 years and has a I We always endeavor to keep I violkwith friends at Elora. witnessed niany chancea in the old I Bargains in our $beet Music Dsportroe'nt Miss *911te Olull left Saturday to I town In that time. I .9u6itner Shoes supplied %fth the latest popular . resume her school at Drumbo. Iulaqt weeks' Tillsouburg Liberal - . ... .- - I I - Bongo and Instftment4s. . Miss $worts,, of Wingliam, I is the we clip. the following personal what I we,.bave several lioeo of sum, . � . . refers to the rprAption held by Mrs, �( I ... I --_1-._-- ­ - guest 9f her atint Mrs HutiWall, � - mar s nos we wish to clean ont I (a -v.) W. Ili. Xerr formerlyof Clinton: tiurnig July and August. Ill, . . Misses Bertba, and �,ada-McRae are _OaFrId&V afternoon and evening 1-40. order todphoquiekly, We baVeL ' ' visiting with fvIen4o in Brossola. . la9t, Mrs (Rev.) W. F, Kerr received . . - - I � out the price deep, Newcombe . � Miss Mina Kanter is making a yielt for the first time 44; the first time at , I I - , . , Ladies'Pat. Oxfords, reg. $2,75, ' I at. the p:u ettt%l honie in 13cussele, the parsonage ouRidOutSt. Mrs XeM . . . I . mAd a a charming hostess And t?gether sale price $1.00 . I . I Up, John ,RmIgb,, of Brussels, was. . L%Mes� Pat. Bluchsire'. reg, $3.00j, with M ire B,ettis who waH assisting her � I - Pianos calling on fri�u4a in town this week. ' made the event & Most 40CIM one. The sale price $2.1.115 6 . . Miss Lovette Ballantyne, I of Brussels, prettyllomewastastefully decorated Ladies' Strap Slippers; reg. 81.8.5 I . � . . . is V101ting w. ith Mrs.. W, E. Duncan. with1lowers, Mrs Fred-Bl6tte usher, and $1 40i sale ptice $1.00 1 Sherlock a 11ausing - : ed the friends to the t � elk. ro,)m which, Ladies, Pat. Bluchers, reg, $4 9 . I I � .00 0 . . We are sorry to hear that Mrs. ed cool And invitim, the color � I sale price,$3.1or . anoAND . � Eames,of Outar:o St:eet is on the slok look ' -eg. $2 00 1, Organs . � scheme being yellow an white-. the � _-Z Boys'Xid Bluchers, i 1 71P . .. � . list. t $1.50 . . guest were here welcomed by. Misses clearing a . . Allos Bessie McEwen, has this week, Ella Maddock, Gladys CkLveihill and ;2 Sqveral other �linee at -Bargain 'Always On y 1 i , . . commenued bar duties; in No. 5, Rut" Wellie. Aldrich. . . � Prices, ' ill please you. � . I , . tobt. � __ �, . � Try fs for Repairing. ' W I , Miss 01-sra ,Lindsay, ol Toronto, 14 . . I . -spending her vacation tit her home* A.D.tonjo Sartonne wa-i run, over and . I . .......... P_ I - ­ �.. I . . -1. I b4ll­l -- the tracks ofe, derrick atPort I.i. - ii" di ID ill'sm"allp . is" � -In-God I erlob, August 11, ­ ____ __ I 1* here. ' I I Uolborne quarries, . I . . . A 9 . A 06, . � 0 .MX%rj§ I MIS �V . TIGERT -_ - s. Balkwell, of Exeter, was the , I . ' __�" I to Mr and Mrs I H Tigert, a son, . guest of her cousin� Mrs, 13,&*den, this London Council voted down the pet, ... The Place iVliere Your Doj1arA,jwayp, Does Its Ditty. I Welob. -In Goderlob, August 0, to News in .0enera-1 week, L: ition of J. .0 McEvoy and others . . - , � I I I __ - � Mr 4ad Mrs L Welsb, a dwtightex - . . , . � I Miso,fean Bagler, of Clinton, was whichsought to have the Governor. I ' v6ninj at 6.30 during the sum - -, - . �,, ZURBRI . GG -1a Howtek. Augnst 8, ��­_____._ . , . n . Onunpil asked to disallow I This store will close every e ' . , mer W , visiting with miss Iva Weber at . General -1 - I onths except Saturd . . . in I to S and Mrs, Zarbrigg, a son. . Vicar -General. - L%ussie died at I � the Hydro-Ble(trie legislation. Mr, my. . � . . . I Guelph. 4 - Zurich., . . McEvov, however says the fight b�a.s � - M is, E Kiltip, of I . Nwwwwww A"""p . , iss Minn Clinton, is - st commenced'o . ."" 1"WW4 , . . . � . � George Xd'GI1j'b's,a well known North th.e new teacher at S. S. No, .5, ElM& 3 u �. I I - . , 111%SETT-D�Looy-,.T.6, ottalvfl, on Bay;nercharidlgied. suddenly., . towriship. 0 . . � I . ... . ------- . I . I ... I . Silly isch, Nob Nssott.' formerly of . . ft I � . * Exiter, to Xtso ClarA, Da,qoy, of Ot . tawa. I v I . ' ' - . � . 'Farmers near X6wboro! are sitifer- Ing from a pla�-ue of grasshoppers, � _' Ball R,kleigh was badly . � ur W' 0 Brown, df 'Woodstock, ,of , the firm of Tozer & Brown, ClIntoris was in town this week. . . I NL - . LD LINE - - . . . � [OURTH'OF JULY'lEA] I D,UNFORD �- MeGIL�iVRAY.- In Elmer of . � burnedwhile filling a car with oil, - Mrs, Dr. Thorn'pson and children left isur 0"Hours Long, Hot bays Afford Le � � . , . Wingham, at the home of the bride's . . parents. on August Iltb,. by Rev. A 0. Wishart, of Brussels, Mr. Lorne'B. . . - A bull gored James Weir of North . Dorchester, bteaking one of his ribs. , , Thursday tor a visit with friends at , St. Marys, and elsewhere. � . � For Marking It. ,. - Suipmer I's an excellent time to re - to buy a * ___ . For tfie Hostess Dunford,.of Brusspl to Miss Arnella . Annie, daughter of 4r.. and Mrs Arch . Jolla:McBane, of Lombo TownWp� lost his boxils � and crop by lightning, Rev. J 2 and. Mrs Hunter, of Tupper vil . is spent, a few days. visiting wIt4 plenish the ilnen. closet or . . jew supply if one expects to be'mar- ' Fatriotic.Eff e0tS, . i . . . . - . of a Colonial Fuq.ction. , . � I . . . 'NTi,r4,IJjv,raV . . � U .4 .1 ­ 1, ave I no. Rev. and Mrb T W Cose . ,led In the fall, sales give opportunity , I . . , I . � . I . - . -A:nree JE-OrU .XVL UV p � I . � . to get ,good bargains. and tile long, hot - . � - . . I � I - bINGM-At the res- been summoned on charges of diluting `�Mrs Rutherford and son and MISS A " -1 trin6v , leisure hours for I . . . � . I I . I - _.- .. 11 : . . idence ofltbe brii$e's fatbQ0,11arpurbey milk'.. - .., . . . � . Rixt,herford &It of Gatti are visiting at 3" Q K V . � . . . ­ . . ,. -1 I . . I I . . . . 1 luarkilim . � . . ., COLOR SCHEME IS LAVI:NUtH- . � bV, Rev..' -X. Shaw, on August 11th, Mr. I fo-ar4ear- the, home -of Mr And Mrs.Rice.. - -, 0 1 . . I Basil Tong, the Chatham. , . - -kAs the question that � . ___-�_ . . I . I I � Ro � . Clintou'llark6l, Report, Philip Emes. Dingman, Physical In- boo, is Mrs , Chicago, ill., 'and 110w -tO� mai . , _ . I . R W. . CUTL old boy who played. With mate a .1 Brine, . . I I E Corrected' every Thursday afternoon . $tructor, ,r. U. O'. A,, Galt, to Miss An. � Mrs Jas liaidlaw,Seaforth, visited mvs. erplexes most �bouseLceepers who can- . ' I 0ead... . . - : - , . . , " " ' 1p Are Carried Out . Painter .and.Paper Hanger. - - , I Wheat (new) ....... i.. 1 35 to 1 35,- eldest daughter of Mr. slid Mrs. L , , be- estab- Steep and Miss Rowe last week; ' not afford to order their *,embroidery All the Decorationt 'Ar' f - , . . I . I . Grain'clearing houses may � . With Crape ..paper"Favors � a All work guaranteedi Obhts (new) ............ 0 50 to 0'53 ' aiOt", d o n. . I . Mcl�enuati is -spsn4 * bile wholemle, Tbese'perplexitles are � . . I . I It I , , / . . . : lished at. Fort.Willil�m. and Port Ar, Goo, ling -a few d Bisque Molls, With White Cotton . arley ...... . * - .. I ofold-how hi- the letters. should be . .1 I . Prices reasonable. .. - . ..: ..... f 0 55 to .55 1 . . DIE D - � . thur. , I 1. . . . . I . weeks'sight 'seeing in the West. He tw 11 . ... . . . I * I . ....... .. I ] - . I ' a to go as far as R dmonton, � .upd where they are to be placed; also Wigs. . '. . I . . -nearly. Opposite the - -:' Pens' .... .. 0180 t 0 8 Eggs ...... ...... . 0, 17 to, 0 N BUTT- In St.. ;Tosoph's Hospital, ' Barrie has passed a bonus by-l%w for expect � I . . ' . ' ' . Residence . . i . Butter ....... ........ 0 10 to 0 17 i,Qiatham,'on AukustUtb, Lillian L.., $2U,090 in favor of. the Barrie Carriage Chas Taylor andolster Miss Lillian what,method of einbroldery to use. rl� A Daughter of tl;e American.Revo- . , c0i t .-; . . , : . . . , I . I . I I . f Wellesley, M iss , are spending 0, few - The lution, a.Colonial Dame or the -woman' , . . . . I Hoge ................. 7 75 to 7 75 ! eldest daugliter of Ej 'and -Mrs Butt, Oomp+y. - ; ,.. - 0 ' re Is a eeriall, fi-1110DAU "In - . legiate Ins ituite . . .jBiwe Line, .Goderich .Tp., aged 23 larhesLattimer, a. 70:year-old re- days with her aunt Mrs 1) 8 Cluff,. . Wg as it) most'other t1i.111gs. with which . on' Ivill find . . I .. ­ I . q . � . Sty - . I .. - . . ---- I I . I . les of who aff�ctq things col .in . I ! . "I . . V n 'fitting or cbarmIqg ,way'. of . . yeFirq. 4 montlis,and IS -days, I - cluse was f6unct deadi.n thp bush ne�a , Mr John Cafroicliael, of Hainiltou, women'concern themsOves. . ' . . ". _ '� . 'easoll 0 set S u I .p . itters, change from ,,, t . t 0 0 . BROWN -.In Harpurhey. oA.- Aug- North Bak.. . . . . . I - more 'Than by - Tel ph ' ,- House to Rent , ust 12th, Joe.. 4 Bi� I own, Aged 00. years . qnd sister Miss Mae'.is visitidg at the It dence day New e one , and -areAlkewlse goyeened by lodivid- ujarking. Indepep � . . I . . . . I . . . . flaroldMcQueen, a Hamilton boy,., home of their uncig Xr jas M�haffy. " � Apply to. J. TWITOHELL, Clint3n. tt I and 0 mont'fis.. . . . I . . . I . I it Jt* is. feared . Jvjis�Lcona Pottd, took advantage jud preference.. Thug-it.ls Impossible I �ji' ;Ing a colonial tea. the decorations - - - . ... .. 1. . , was bitten by 9, dogj an � 0 ' � � 1. . I kw-InGodeirioblon Aug. rabies may result. . I . . ut . - . . . KNEESH. I . of the,excursi4n Saturday, to vit,it her to luy� down'hard and 61st,yule�, - for tl,.p. table ibav all -be carried. o - -1 . . . . . � . . , . I . � I . . . . I . . ' 11th. 19n9, Albert J. younkest son of sister, kdrs. W. 13. Whitely,at Detiroit,� ' sizes'given below tire nloFt frequently' I . 1. l. _ ' - - - Directory, .1 � Thos. Mulligan of SuaderlAnd. Jost .. . in cra pe paper, and. the pleasure Of . . . . . . Boy Wanted- - : � Albert Kneesha , in.his 21st year. . . � . I . I I r-%� ... 7 . rns, crolie, and live stock in yes- * ,%4iss - llsOd houselicepei�s whb ar� conserv- I I - t 'M6XtLVt�V-1`b Etbel, on August his bai . Katie. Baxter, . of Wingbam,. . bY . . . . making the dainty favors, 'etc., will, be 1. , . .. .. .. I 1. . Goo,], smart boy wan�e_Tto learn tbe Printing . t,rday.16 electrical storm. ... I . . - spent s day with her friend Miss Mary atlyq Ili their Mote. - . 11 I result,ftvy orl-Inal. The .1, The Bell Teleplione, Comlx�ny.of Ca'n. .-, . 5th, to'Rol�e'rt James McKelvey, Aged I -reat and the 11 . .. " j trade. NEW BRA. . . I . .. . . . I Charles Gibbon,:of 1;yd'on,a, S�vquth Mitchell,on her way to Frankli.n§Man; For any everydAy tnbleel4b Initials -� en in. the ill,ustratiou j, ' , ad . I - . I . '.. 55 years. - . - . ... 11 "Id 45 at Dundas.. I " Riotitledge and daugh,* 'are . from three. and one-hialf. to fou 016illal table se , ailsabotittoissiiea.,new � 1. I .. . . .. . . dAQKE'NZI . . ' b, Day Adven�ist,wae fine . . . 'rr � � I - . .. r -- -is cqrrled 'o I ut in tOuej of - Ifi'vender, I - - I - .. ... I . ' �.1; i -On Aug 7,14flizabet . , � I D D .for working on Sunday. . � '41'aM e a tew 6 visit Inches in helght. �.Jioug4 when ii.ghwle � I I .. - teF ,, , I !s � . "a Telephone Directory .'.'1.,. � -for Sale TWO'cowswer�01L-db lig,litningon r 6L manogra iii: is uspd they are'often. i uc . 11 Buggy � I .1 I Valens, bel6ved.wife ,of P..H: Mac-' W,��h , � do a "gharn aril Blyth n � 11 r6s6 �and, Ambite. Nearly covering the ,� - . 'I kebzi�, Lucknowl in her 63rd year. . I Mr. 7,qr Y� � . tire inavited �rftli let- . circulitrAlounce of palest . : . . � . . . I � � , .1 the farm of lzer, 61ware T�. bliss Nessle Kay, of Winnipeg, !Was � longer. N,.(pld11,i table top Is a . . . � I I I . I I . I I ,� Pnemnatic tired, good as now. * dForei�, k� 0 cows,* I . lavender crapd piipe,r, wIth. . . . , I . . H. T. RANCE. . 1130 MOLLUM -4 I- OTI and.lils neighbor lost I e . to: 1jigtell, but froul one tq two - . thp outer � For the District of Western Ontario, -,� 2 ,in . . ' . � I visiting Xn..J.'Leslie Kerr, Ontatio .' t r% ' I 4 .1 , . . - 161y.7th'Solid McCallumj formerly of. � inager of Love's StTe6t. - The visit6r is-aii. aunt to '21A . . .1 . . I . . - ,. . . r, Inches high' * � , , I . � I— . ..,-. Stewart.HeGuireimi . . ! . . edge, stretched. between the flilgers so j � -. ­' .. mel'u'dih ' � , . I .. I . -h line-Morris,'aged 30 years . . .. ... ' als or mon- . � The, cen- . I , .1 . . I . . .. the the 7t, , � . . �.... �. . - drug stoie at Aedly, B. O..- was drown- Kerr' ; I. I ! I I . . i. .otileets :usually liavo. lulti, � ., 9 ,. .. __ .. : I . . . . . . � - . . . . . tiiat it"lles In soft ripples - - . . * I . - ,.A . - - . , ' ' . .. - - �i �. . .. ed while bathing iii Loon Like. _ : . Mrs. Dr. 3, 41. Alagsball-wncl"her. sis�-' ograms from four, to four. and. one , , 0 ,square colonial ,� . . . .. . �, Stove for Sale.- - . . I . I . � . i 'I deebrati"n As a - I , * , ­ � %I , '. . . I . . ... '. . ... . -case t,a . ) " � :C� L' VN T 0 r4 . 1% . . . J61in' McLaughlin. of Southwold ter,.Mibs McLean, .6f -St. Lonis,. Mo half inches. high, while. the pilloNi - ' . . . . I I . . sl;et such as our great-graudmoth6rs I I . '. . A beautiful Radian �_H­ome Stove lok sale. la . � TORONTO MRRKETS - , Township, On't., wai-killeid in .Detroit, will sp6nd a few weeks with Mrs.*Th.os, , and ) -,lettees,'-but ba . I. . . . . . I . . I . I I . . I � ' good condition. Apply to . .. I 1. . .. .. , I � . . I olster have.similar .. . . . _. -used for'. flowers. , The four lj,anels Orders'for hew bonneetiorig, .-changes - 11 J. W. NEWCOMBE. BUTTER -7 oie�kmery prints .21c, fan-: -1 -caused by,an auto, . -�.' Trick, 7,,�,,L#3,1��p�bgt'-�--eiti4M:IR�-�:ZD . . .1 I .1 . �in in a-runaWay. . . . . only. half ilie size. . . :1. . . . . .. I I cy farmers' sepa'rator prints 23c: dairy . � . Mrs Holloway4. who�.bave . Irowels vary In I ore than anythlbg else ,k,,,hich:domposjD it arq..cut fr6m heavy 1% of Orm names, changes of Street- ­ , I ,:::: , . ,�r ­ . .. . __ 'dairy,'s6lils, 2L6, A derailed freight train blockedthe ;.tn4 he,ee re- . � . . . �ked � I � Sarnia tunnel .the first accident since 4ends Khoutsk -c .. With 6OW itildres6es, or for'duplicate entries, " , ' prints.21c to 22c� b .,siting If L. orb, aarjci�g, the Initialo. ranging. cardboard, .,overed . I . I should be .handed in at onc . e to ,,' , �, Teacher Wanted - . dreamery solids 2�c per lb. - . - " � .. home' iLt Peterb .b� the r . m . A I I �. . . the electric systern was installed. tumed to'theIr , . ." 1. . . from one. aild - ofie-bali tn6eg to five drape paper and laced together with , . ... � . � - I . I . . � .: I. . I � . .. 1. . . . � I . . � _ .!Vi?GETA]iLn8 -NeW' ,potatges are . I I -Oommissiori,' will build- Saturday. � . I I . I . ; Teacber W ted, for S S No 4. Township of The.N. �. . . . inches. ,Uureau coversi bible covers pali� lave4der ribbons. The basket 1.1- I du` - 16. Apply quoted on the Toronto markot.� in a . ' I" ' Mrs. Win, Marshall, of L6ndon, is , . of ' � � ­ I ' f, ribbo Mrs. C., RumbaH .L . Colborne; ties to begin Aug. a five mil ine froni- the Red Riv- . ftpd- elaborate bedspreads tell talte Welled wi a, . .. . . . ... 11 . : I,, whQlesome way, At Q! 85 to $1 50 per f' I terl.e, Mrs. W. . . I th hl -h handle o u Tiea;s.: . er-to the. e pipe opt at Springfield. - vis . . . � stating alary,to PAULAIAEDEL, See.- . new sh . iting at her pis . wound -wire and Is filled with -natural , .. .11. . '. ' . . . I .. 11 Bemmils bag. Canadian tomatoes &t 20o to ,30c . 0. Searle, She is Accompanied by her ams six - and seven � Indhes In ler P 0. . I I . . . J. Dunning; a young English paint- I . .. . �Iloholir. . . . .. ... . I. � .1 . 1. . . I ed with tissue -cherr . . Local Manager . - . ". , per basket,. ne0v carrots 30c. I a 40c per . I I . hIlgilt. . ­ I I - I .. t� - year, 'as .young son, ... I . . � . . 1 14 h v � Y. .. ,�.. .. .. I . � � . . .. L� . � . , . .'' in I I . � .1 e I .. - beet;915c-per basket, cuicium. 0 . . ., , �ore Important than the size - 11 ,pll . ' baskiA, dr -will, Canada -a�Qut one W . I , Brusoe sj- �sljen. a, Eveh blossomi. 4IIujatufe'basl;ets Of th ' .. . . . 1 . : ... . . . ... 1:', .. . ijo n *14 -Cartel, 0 . , � . . L . Hogs Back Cide'r befR 26c to Wo per. ba'sket, cabbageZe ed while bathlilg at Chaolean. k amuel I - I t - . . I . 'f'Mrs. George Of letters Is 'their placiu',.. I The'� molt., stand beside each plate .. .... �� . � . . I . . I , fe,i� days -at the le o . . I ' * It- I . 9 same pa,ttera . I . � . . .. .i. . , ' . 11 " . ... I , 1ki . . � , 11 �� .1 . . . I.. � * b ans 15c to 20c J. McDpiaiott� a, deck "ild'on �,the " % rulned. If I 11 d � NvItb � bonbons, or -each . I � - . I . , to 50c per dozen; green . � e . . , �� per basket, wax beans .15c -to 25c: per Lake, Qo,xst Trading Co's barge Varial � Layisj*ere Mrs.. Carter and daughter ekquisite enibroid6ry . I 1. � and are: fl P . I . - - - . .. . . - I * ., . . .... .. . m -, . , coutaid.� nosegay of 71010-4- - p ...CENT AL . I . I fail and will , 8c to, 10c per'd ed- at Simpson- Island, were V** it, , - - . . A. quarter of an Inch, too high or too . � . gXillalba in f 11 operation this ozen , ion. was drown .1si Ing. . z . , I nitty . .. -o .. . : 11 a basket; ftmen, corn I . . � - . 11 low or is not. sqwar6ly in the middle.. of � ' - I are bisclue -.dollsl. -with I.. . . I that come and Wilt u -et now -Irs.. *Whitehead and I . � I .1 . I : * apple a iake apple 1 M ' . e -fav� * .. - grind Monday. Tudsday and"Weld, celery - 85c to 506 -per*bask � . M mn, , of M6iitreal, it ItIon . .. . butter. 'Will a . 3 chaigeA. . sisters the did , There Is less laxity Ill pos Th orb� . . I . '. .1 nesday. JAS CARTWRIGHT. 4,wks. rooms 757 -to $1 per lb. . . - J. Dugg Mtas6s: Little, retu�,aed Wednesday a f - � wll:ls_�f, whitet,cot.ton, dressed. Ili. CO 0- . . .. �.. ,t - I I , . . . -STRATFOR ,."ONT� . i -o: . . � . " . e ir! an emp art of marking. . � I I - . . I IiAir -, On'the Toroato:niarkA� ne%ir ty stable and leaving o No starve. ; . . an Ili any other p. � I � � I � . . �i �� I .. * with locking two bors h em, frout: a plea�A:nt bolida* outing -at sh . � ..... . I . I . ce d6r(eilds upon'the . . . I I I I . . , . , .. ,. . �, hayis quoted at' $14'to,.$16 and. 61d - The majority of Fort Wilhaffi strik.:- Grand -Bend. . - � I ' I, ' . though tbe pla. 1. �. .. , � . � I. . . .� Fall Ukift,from S�pt. list. � . � �. . - - ' ' i - marked. - - t . � . I .:�� . ..Ili. . � . . I I .. . . . 1.�� �� ,. I . .. � I Stray. Heifer . ,bay at $18 to $20 per ton. Straw is � Misses. Mal, Mh and Edna article tolbe, . ers are now at work again. 14 or 15 jorie. annin I . I -After twentrtwo �esrs Of solid work we 1�1 , I I . . . � . ,l quoted at S1 to'S8 per tc 0. ' ; , � I -is retiirn;d home last �uesday af- . ],'or.. a jablecloth .the most popular. . I I I . 1. . I . .. .have Vecome the largest. best and most . � � .. . � - . .. . alleged rioters have been sent.for trial Lav - I I �. . . I A small yearling grey belfer strayed on lot 2 . - weeks holidays witb plAce of - marlting Is to have it so. that - siiecessful praetical ty.iting 'school 'in ' ­� coulS.Goderichtp Owner nnyhax6 same by, - ROOS ­Thii Week, -the Toronto pack. Dr. R. P. Robinson, formerly a�;vejl. ,ter spending tw . o b .. � I � . 11 � . . . .Western Ontario. with no superior in . I I � . * ads in Goderich. . � - . I � � it. lies well in from t e edge *of, the* I . I ., . proving property and Paying all charges � .er� bave.-anhounced a price- of from known sprinter, died in Port .Moodv, Me .. . . -, .111* I I Canada. - Three departmentA,7 - I , 110EN .j. SMITH. . 17 60 f q bi, �7i85 for live hogs. fed and. B. C., from an, overdose of -morphivW Mr. and'Mrs. Fred. Swinb�i,nk left table, ,yet not so close- to the center as - I . .. . .Con.l5,GoderiohT6' , . ­ � � I . . comme Sharlhaind,and . L : . relal. . . I . I � I . watered at Toronto, and 0.10 for hogs - f aA unknoiVii 14 inlander Thursday for their home in Chicago 'to 'be covered by The c6nterpiece. . 761.grap4y.. *. . . - . . .... . � � . weighedoff thecarsafforonto� � . - The body o oni the river at the . after, a ( � I . &bbut eleven or.twelve Inches in from . ... 1% . Get Free Catalogue at once ; . . I . � . . has been taken fr )uding-a month'at the horne I 1. - . I I . . . . . .1 I . . ' � - � � .. � � .1 I .1 DREssup MEAT , ' okets were ful .1 - I . Qrm . . .. . . .. I the edge of tfie tflDle at either end Is �� I - 1� I 1. � "I . . . I . 0 . . .::r I I . . � I S-*�Dressed beef carm Soo. The coat pb I F4 er in town. ''. . I , I . . - 11 & Aletachlihs . .. I . . I - Mon. .1-�,"9,4.11',?'ew. i.1 ., 7. . ,,� � I I ..: : . . .� .1 cas9,,No.1$7.5o4o�.$8,60. No 9.�U to. Aone�. - . I . - �. I 10in darripbollace6nipanied th b t L), -q - . "'.11 ­ . ­ :: Elliott I ' h B , I I ; front, quarters. No.. 1 $5 to $0 . I . I I e �;s ).. . "..... * , . . I ; , The Ca I I - 'A mysterious digease has 6oken out' . .. . I 1. , O.- , I I � . I I.. PRINCIPALS . . � , argaiin . b M 0 - � �' ..� 8 thy, - - �. . I ' ,AY mpbell and sort '0ordon left I . I . � I - I v (jai NJ . . I . . . . I � L02 04 to $5 -. hind quartem' No I the cattle'on Jamed Dickson's eek �p spend p4rt of their*vaea-. - � ­ �; , "' . . I . . . I . � -:-'.�l � - . - . I 1; . I - 950 M"Inear Cainpb6llford, and' th tion,'with relatives Ili Aylmer., � E ". � I -: . . 89 5.0 to $10.5e, No 2.,$8 to -per, farm � . NEW UMON' S(WEEZ A.. � � Giocery.. . . . � ! I .1 . i'', r.1 il. � . L - .. t . I . _Z . � ."i"..t. .. 1,-, - 1. . . ; �. � cwt; spring lamb ___ - 8. .50, veal -have died. . " . MrsFisher an.d.Mrs Kehnedy,re- , I ,� t� .. I * !., . I . . � . I I ... ­� � I ' . I I . 1. a I � . . I . . $8 to $9., : ` . I ' - ,. t - interesting innovations M de. ... - . , �ohn MeVicai; foreman of the Oalt, ceived word -of the death of 'their Several. . I -1 &,.Vyl) . I .. I wq� I I �:, I I idIS"16 Wooi-Unwaobed. wool at 12jo -and Preston andRes ;er, in the � W I n a Ho . � nt. '_ I . t . � Spec r , . .. I c, washed1w,00ls at' 21 and 2.3c, re. . peter R�Ieatric Railway nephew, Sandy Vras . est, usehold Iniplerne � ,'.':..; , , , , . .1 ' . , - . was struckby onf�,of the c6mpaViy'9 which event took.11lace on, the 4th inst . . .,-..-.-;"�- . � � . . . � .. . I . A glass, shape- for. the &rpo.oe of ex; - '11111 . ., I - . Y*. � .. . I . I .'je3o'ts tit 1�6 and 10c per lb.. . cars and killed..* I . �. . Mr %fbid, of Macd o*n. iracting tl I ie . juied from a.le ba is fa- 11,111 ...... Z //////Ifu . . I I ' - ' , � . . � - . .. - ..and-Mr6. F. I . .W. Iq . . - 0 Week Only � -For sheep.. the -.ran ' f Win. Hall was s . truck by a train aid Collegej Quebec,arevisiting in and �,-- illarl called. a' lemon .squeezer, . L � . . . , . . I ne .. 1 . . nsur . . 0 -in Ontario in y , � '. L I , I . . . . .1 . d isfrorn $8 ta $13,75,C"cks .while crossing railway tracks near around town. They will t)e r' iii n�' .. ;'A f �14,UT. A.11 E. . . I ,. I � . . prices quote . . . -'reas � It Is not a squeeze " ,OLQN. ICA: t. . , as *2 d spring lambs. �$5 to 86 He is 75 years. old, till the College, opens up ill September. whL _ .,� . h . frtlif,' Wken, -, (1,61unteneing Fridity, - kliglist - Elora in'a buggy. . . . it -in order to b6, � �' "*'o' 4" I . . 8�0. , S�Ilory visited his .sense of the Word, bi � , . 11 go� Wit Out. ithafew extra nice,lots, bscapedunhurt. - , . . . � Mr. Georg . compelled. I 9 aild monuted UPOU-SMA . 11. . . p6 to $� w 25. . . . a . . I biii��eostuiue ' ' ' * rcW -, ' ' . 20tIt-to-9.7th. , going at 06. per.cwt..., . . * cle fly understoo4 we Are. jou y o filled with salted1lutS. . you . get berrits: for- � . .. . . .. . -, Tillas Kulack, & Finlander, was kill. sisfor', Mrs. A.! T. Cooper last *e6k , flee. iind to nd bo e . .can . , - . . . . . ', to adopt the C0113111DU prac ed -candles In brass- . � 20 lbs. Redpath Granulat? .. . - JGGS�Intha c'ountri the general, d at th 8 by -only 11D2 volts of elec­ - Mr..'Sollery is a Professor. of European call the utiansil a t1silueezee." This at� . ..Tail. rose color are sbaded I 'the.picking,'and ` - ­ , I . ride which is currently reported J.9 to ' etricity. 'H0696uched a live wive while- History in the Tjn!V' k .of c ed 8 - .. . ersity of Wisclon. . ololaial battern . . � . . . ugarfor ......... $1-00 1 . . 1 I. .. . . I ti6le operates by cutthxg the pulp of Wc S rim- I 19jo pbr dozen. '. I shoveling &�hes. . : , *�i� Madison. . . by 'Bounce a ..$4.90 . . . � . 81 P ' - i . . . . . . . 11 e lemon away and releasing its julce .. ,S of Whit,, Mpe Daper t I b, Redpath'S GrRW , Redpath Sugar per cwt -, .250, ' FLOun-Onta�io 00 pereentwintet I . deck I�and on. I I one -and Olive. Brooks, -of ,th cherry blossoms. 11 ,)#I 8. I "' - - .. � ] 3 bottles Extracts for - - 1. . t&tw Belding, a Biisses Ir in this manner, and as it perfbvms,tts Ined with clusters Of . . e at= I ,. A,re quoted -in 0. ( Dun4urn, was.ciushed to bell, who.h�ve �een visiting their . . .. . . 111at'd Sugar for. PAO ! J . wilbai, pat�nts ' the T' Mithl . e . .1 .. 3 pkgo Corn Starch,: Best ... The dalutl�st Of Mellus, cOmPris"Ag . � . � I . . I , I I rqnto market at $4.60 to $4.70 on crack death at Present-, between the - boat . 'rand ' at M' � I -_ . . . es in mqd . . for.. , .. ...... 'i.l...... 25c b , . paren .8, r, and rs. m._' .. . . , old time delectable foLvorit �� . . 11 1. ,.�, ' 8 bars Grand Soap foi., . - 26C in uyers sacks, and $4 to $4.50 at Out andthe look gate. . ... �aatelon have gone to visit their on. � . .1.. 01 . , 47 7 � ., � I I 0 -desires, should i 140 ibs, tor4la'a L 7 bars Itichards pure, for ,25e, side'polntg. -New wheat flour ig 4uoted SirJ61lu'Jackson, the,Br-i'tish c6n, cle, Mn A A. Cahtelon,'of Rensall'. . I... ern settings, if one s , I � � .1 It . . The following menui I I . . � I � 3� bars; Sunbeam Soap, 10c : at $&W to U. Manitoba flrqt patents � . �0-' - -be provided. - j . ,are quoted at $0.20, tractor, is in Ottawa, and ni�7 make a Mr.' and Mrs. Sohn' H. Howson, of � � . , , . ' fe '­ . � , - , , . , - for ................... 25c, and seconds�at proposition for the construction of the,' M dicine Hat, Alberta,. w.ho .have been . . . I - FN I. . which Is given phther as a 6igestioll,, , t m , S It ap. .. I . . e! .. 11 . � Jersey cream Toilet So $5.70, strong baker4l. $5.rio' . . . 181 / . IvIdual prof. . F r I C . ,. 11 Ggorgian Bay canal. .. � V. ting the formaes mother, Mrsi . ". I to.be changed to sult Ind qV . 1 4 cakes for ..... ..... 100 MILL'99ED-13ran in sacks by carlot ' I � Rowsori, Albert St,, for the ttast I . f - erence, *ould answer nicely for such. . . . . I . . . . . I I . I tin Bakingr Powdero on track, is quoted at $22 per ton, and Mr. Robt, Maigbon, President of the* . . . . . I ' Vid'any size lerS you -" aranteed, fo ........ 10 , oFtheWoodsmilihig Cbmpanyq, mouth, returned, returned to eir . � . . 11 an occasiont I . a -sea Lz�ke . I 1, . ­ L I . . I . . . . I C shorts at $24. Mainitoba; bran Is. quo ted . � h.Apple Je*. , ' . Want, � go . 2.50 L dechires that farmers will do better by home Wednesday L . I . . . . 1) L Cold. SlIcadVarnwit . . I . 7 the As at . .. . � .. . �, . .� I I Rice for ....... . v-- similarly at $21 to $210,and shoi . I ' . ,. 7- odi of London, and a . . 41� * Hot Biscuits. Strawberry Pres&%vbs. . �., I I Highest price paid for' aff $23 to $24. . .. holdJogtheir wheat. I I kr Will MeLe L . . � . . . I . We keep a ItLrgo assortment of , I 1 . . I !Ohleken Salad Cheese Wafers; . . Poor milk and bad Water site bbim�d � former resident of Seaforth and welli , . .. . L ' . . I Tea.* Coffee, '-' .1 . I . I kinds of produce. . � '., . . , 0A.WiLn-Export Cattle on 'Offer sold ut that '148 childtan under ika6Wn, to the citizens of Clinton was I � ..A . i2 ... . SlIld.bub. * - ' jea Ca.ke!L . 'Biscuits; latest importi .1 I I from $5 15 to $5 90 per cwt., lnitehei:. fiveyeais and 83 under 6 months, died in town this . week, - He is no; tile . . . -Valley . . I � I for the fa �w I Nice crilsp biscuit. Try, them.. . . in -M .. representative of the Nofthern Life . . L'. ... I 1� All food except the. sillabub and tea. I . 4 C. I steers $5,25 to $5.80,cholea b utchers at ontreal last *e6 -N. * for Huron and Bruce. . , 1 4 1 . B*'Ao M E' - $5 to $5.25;� medium 04.0 to $5-,' com. ,. . . . . . � I I V:.. �akes shoul ,be on t e tit e w en I 9 . . I mon-$3.75 to -$4'.25; veal LaIves from The return of Mr Delaney, Conserv, - I . te'! r_ L ning room. I . . + . I Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bean, of Toledo, ,,,%Z� '. . I guests enter the dl I . � ,., L I I . I I .. .. . $3 to 46.pi3!?.ewt. avive* Ili the Prince, P. .E. L, bye-elec. . , 1. .. . I . . L . . a , t k, , - , 0 , " - - - 0 * , I. I !. - I I I I, I �,I� I I I - 6 1 ,_ ` in,, LS a 00000NOM I I eLl i I �1 .1 I . I 1! '1.6. . . .. ­ I 'L I I ... . � opendiDg a week's Visit with . .." � '. . .- . � . . . . I L , 1. 11 I - L 1 -9 . I . L - � . I - . � __ - , . . ... . . *It is hard to Americanize . L I L. 1, - ,,. _�. " Wo To .0 I E ' __ __ - __ � . I 1 I tion leaves the Island .Govetntraent Ohlo� ar( . . . I . with a majokitrof two, I . the former a mother, and other friends I . . , I : . . . I , . . I :,, , -o hereabolats. 'is a 'struinch . � . I . � L I 1. ' . . . .1 .. .. 1�.­ . 11 .1 . . I I . D. R. Weller. accountant, son f Dr ' ... ,�, " ' I Weller of Wellavid,was foubd AQ wtrAe Canadian add Bert , I , I . ­ , I L I I I . . 1111111��, H.1 * defendeat,-pf,our fair Dominioil. - . . . . L. . ]BOAri the . . The KMd YoU I Have Ways Bought, I' . . I 'Fil"'Pe " . L ­" I . . ' � , 4 , L' .. I . L It, a corn #old near It'd T listving I . . I ]IV B L GROUR.", . . I " lLjeWa J ­ . I 'ex.. 0*%w#;%. I. '. . ( this W66k Mr.' R. Stifidbn�' airIV- . . . 81piduro TME . - . .1 � .. . ­ I I L". Nelson PA11116 shot himself in the hea( . - .. . I .. . . . -1 _71 - f v . th . .. v ed hero and hag taken a position Ili, .1 . . . of 4e. 'C""iU�.""'U0- - I -_ - - , . - ... ..".., 1: .. - ­­_ ­­­ - I - An eylostah wtebked the Ayntwolte . I . . . I . I I . . . . I I I . I . . I . I . - . 1 the dry .. .. . . .� . Y G UR ,H OME. house o - the Wtstern Explosive 00.0 � , , Kbods Wofe of Tozer & Brown. . . . I AN 0+ - . 6-T +hA.-A A.11 h+.e�,. � I I � I . . I . I . It 6 � it i's you � 11 . � is Your 'castle, Thevb i -,. $pond your longest fiourg. There- . 13: 0 ,four, at Tuft6tall -Bay, ., killing whites and a Chinaman. . . I . X04 . - e. ter, accompanied him And will take up their teAdibnce here, We welcome I I Ob � I I � ... . .. - - . ' lurtnoval) LMON. 60J18=33, I . - . � fore make home attrdetive, Have . I iii us help you, by buying . . Tr4u4ported 00 miles by, eight In., dians,fars worth $105,000wetoohipped them to town, .. I . A . . I . . . I . . mission it, a way more satisfactory ,. which has preceded It - "... I . . . , ,, I 1: � � SPAINt! ATTLES IN � from Pits Mission to the English 6111ces of the Hudson Bay Company. ., - , Mr, E,Lewis Evans, wife tind family, of Louisville, Xty, brother � of our than anything the innovation Was it Welcome one, In I . - I . . � I � �. 4�1 I � � � / � XVYINITURID. I . I in Lis Y&4. ' While walking , William townsman, Frank, and well ,Known hore,, Ard spending. & Abort Vacation its familiar jorm it was lacking 16 some respects, aud,theige shortcomings I . I � . I .. L . I � . of latest design, likewe Invite you I , , . Tdbinjof Stratford.fell out of a second Story WIndo,w,,L fracturing both ankles with his mother and sister, at. their cottagor at Baylidd, have been remedied in g recent InVOU - Ill the,accompanying out. 4 I to ( -fill and see, Vol? Drawing 4 , 1160mo Bed Chamber or Kitchen, and sustaining 6ther Injuries. 1 . The following tookadvantage of tile tioU, shown In its new form the 11squeeteel Is sop� - . N we call please you, Our stock . J. Igo.... .. Is complete, AW out low prices will John Cornish, of Prantford,wom kill- ed rhen unloading 0, car of street troll V , i fell I O 0 F excursion, Saturday# to visit ftlends'at Detroit and elsewhere: Mine ptled with A CUP which wift catch the JUICe from sevc,ral -lemons, And when � I ., . please you, I , . *hpil, it piece Weil pdalld a hing 800 him from � ten feet. he viva Weston# Mr an Mrs C', Romeo Gladys Kohnis , Ir flotmail outfielent extract has been secured It . , . I I , . L J on a ght of .1 I ' Iss Isses Ull& if e A" ka in. M.1, " Call be' nently pouted Into the PrOl*t . . .. " , Ir 'r - FURNITUR9 A n no - O" 9L. I NL 11 0 . ER & 18 AJA.Jjl, ljNDSUTAXII�G I mAte A mi*o I G. T. It" train *" dLarMled L 0,*a.8boUt bear Sarry's Vay and b , I Viramau I and so E het Smith$ Mis"s ie Xitufnlaa# I %r6ugh a 0,onvenleftt 11 tecoptatle I -1 T . 3: e device in also supplied with a ha I . . . W. IThuritoft of Moklowmkisi Mrs, Albert Downef atd Mingo$ Re, &8 tot c6avenlobt haadllo,i� "I.- � ­­­ 11 - I... I... -1 - - I., I'll ­..... I ­'..­­­­­ I L -1. L ... ­ I . ... - I � ­­ ,, "... !, ".. L was crushed to doith under a ,car# tuvah and Olive and. nephew, Maotor 4,--��. __,,_�__ .-,-. . : . L I I . .. I .. I . . -_ - - ­ I ---- ____ I � , , . f I I . I � I I I . . I. I I . . . I . I I I . I . . . . I I ,. 11 I . I . . I . . . 1. / � . . I I . . A- .. I- - ­­ 11 ,. - - � I . - I I . ­�� - - I - 0AWW&___A"Ld._.___ ­ -