HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-08-19, Page 3a
The Clinton Now A -Bra
� I - -1 -11.11. 1-11- ''.. I.-. � .- . I I I � I— ... 1. __ I _ =::==-P ,
' .1 �. � - 11:=:1::11 11 -
' I __
� Rary Reid Knows school, 5 wills, makino � In all 20 1.2 � 110. 10 � . I I
wills for publie whool, 4upporte
. , to and "U"V_"%
SUNLIGHT W S R Holmes the * 4` 'W-Aw 28 mills for §eparate school supporters 10 A id THE' SUNDAY SCHOOL � , MM
not guarantee T�'iOot, does T hie lea trifle lose than last year. The . I
� P-trisian Sage togrow county assessment this year amoutil.v I
. .
- 410AIR .1 hair on every bald head,, but if there is to $1 310p That C o , _
. � � .. . , ,,200, .. I
I, I ,any lifeleft in the roots of your -hair I " _____._____-*4 . , 11 - I I I . 1. ,� �, . I
. Loma Vill.-Third Quarter, ., I
� meets you ba.11-way--ooes par agewill stimulate. theh4h, An Impossible Thing tofind, a To pheekearly oolgo or0rippe with "PreventlW % . . I I
. : bulglat'dS - pla Divans sure defmt I,,,.rj1neam,,4ia.1a,., ,,op^eoid, .
. tb ', t 'g
4111 700ir work In -half the a cause Your hair to grow , 9ter equalled to "The D. & L.41Me wItb Preventles Is t ruix And be. For Aug. 22j, 1909. I . I—. I
time It roe .gain. Here is one case. 11 am now thol and it is being imitated. $Get t e obliged to cure It sfoerwards� To be sure, Pro. I . . I . I � I
. yon foltow, do tions. 11010%the second bottle of your Pari, genuine. For side ,aches, backaches, venties will cure even a deply Seated Cold. but I .
Aan, . ag( , . I I
00 U410. it. M t*keia earll-at .tile sneeze. stage-th y ,
_ ndcan notice a new crop stitches, UQtJ314g, e �%,r ,b r
. bairappearin � g. I aim glad to say it k . I
of , I adO NY �jlafl off t eso early Colds. That's s "beetior! -, , . I
. , I .
soltitely -
$1401118hit Soap�ab , THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. , . , "' I 11 I.. . I � � .
, , , Davis & DAwrence lao. but's why they are Wled Preventles. � I .1 - .
--$Avq4 09thelli from I . is a darker color than my hair was be- , . Preventlesare little Candy Cold Cures. No Quin. 1,
p9Ir# low , fore I becaini bald-, Irarry Reid, 10 . 11 . .
, . . 1110. 110 :PhYsic. nothing sickening. Nice, for th
bilry,-hands from toughness- Manhattan St,. Roebemer, N. 'V. Howard of. Industry, Children ---and thoroughly safe top. It you fee,'I Text of the Lesson, Acts xix, 23-41.
afe frow, ' -S ba.14 before us- ' Faithful Housewifo-Urs. Candour, �c I o a eeze,11 ou sells 01 over. thinicof � '
, drudgery, Ing 'roil her I,w Dot at home. us al 1.1117h o ha ur .
. _ the dandruff germ And prevent bald- there 'may also sav If �! 11 Cor --COMM*nt&ry Pr*Par0d bY ' . -9 over itilt
_ ...... . .. - Pout wait till you Ge I 8� r teass Memory Verses, 26-Goidon Text, It A.1 -
I ;Parisian Sage, use it now, Kill Is it? I can't stop my sewing now, u Ill"t forilet 0 er ChIl Since' takin - e New
M . d 0i b. � 0 - Xill 9
i" ' �bl 8 e 0 a, IV In � 0 1 � .
, t gr� I r
1,31 un 'lg htor e MPTIr
ness. W 8 U Holmes, the druggist, Ann " reoteot I Me en Sod Rev. P. M. 0toarns, .
so It �,
-Please, mum, I've been tell st r )o 0 es of 48
, ,
sells Parisian Sage'ot 50 cents a large st Lar agelots giving YOU we -4ave endeavored, b
ou" DIM$ I o' sldr, "Ob
bottle and he guarantees it to on so mai;y.you're not at home I wish rev" I 3, . I EcopyriKilt, 1901), by American Press -A.mclation.) EA "t . I I
I Ire you'd see some uv lem. . I y I
I dandruff, stop failing hair and cure all "Why, Ann?" . 0 it was, Paullo, ,thought, if it �jjould ' ,
I . diseases of the Scalp, or money back. aft IC every - i
. de "I don't like the way they act. They P 'S prove to be the will. of God, to visit I available mmans, to improve
. I b"u""kes"It ' the places Ili Europe where he had I W ��
.--1 � t ma look at each other and snicker so." 6 "
.. I been on his previous tour an
11 tura to Jerusalem, hoping at some ft� that in.-
, . Parisian Sa S "' a ;in "j "Mercyl Do'they suspect I am at � 1. ,van -re- the samb, All will admi
/ , r ffy tea 9' 1 ttful. 4 then,
or��tiloo aig d eau ( P "Vefl
hair 81fo!l flu an I ,
.� I ,
/ I __ . home?" Sold by "ALL DRUGGISTSPF � .
. . Xiller'%Grip Powders Cure. ,Sold "No, mum; I wish they did. I beard time to see, Rome also. Meantime lie
. by TV, 13. R. Holmes. , one uv lem sa they wouldn't like your . -_ aent Timothy and Erastus, � two of his. -
I , I � Yl . general appearance, the paper 4 ' ,
. r' \ - - 417 . husband to know ur your goin's on." Pathos and Humor.. �� ministers, into Uticedonia.- while be . . 0 1 � S
r . I
.. .1 r . I Zurich '. "Golugg out What do they mean?" The study of the art of p tting tarried In Asia for a season (verses 21, been improved in 'm any
- -.1 . r . I u ,
commend to eve I wave.
Abel Schilbe has a climbing rose "They think, mum, youlrd the wo,rst things is to be re ed � ry 22). Remembering what we wrote Ili r. . �Iw
thatmade a growth of eleven feet gadabout in town!"-Hxchauge, one who meditates, a plunge Into print. the last lesson of the littl ' e that Is said' I � .
Local and Ditrict this season, . . L of some discipi The n
H Zeller, the promoter of the rural . ' Even the OrItIng of a. death notice in- eis, we might easily for, , r.ewspapers throughout t er
4� telephone, has so juired the Be With Reservation. ' . volv .f get that T I . I 11
11 lines . Ps A certain Amount o genius if r imothy was one of the com- . . r . .
Housall . In this section ,and it is the Intention Here Is the story of- covenanting (be author wishes to keep clear and pany were it not for an occasional ref, -it
The Observer is holidaying this to make the telephone first class -and times In Scotlafld,' of which an old well defined the fragile Jjij6 which lies erence to -him., This Is our first intro. nt plime
. I � .. r nting us upon .
week. to give a local night service as. Soon as lalrd of Galloway was the central f1g. � auction to Emstus, ogw I ..
About 35 appeals are - in for thei I . . between the serious and the funny, .hom we read - r
- ,
number otpliones rea4h a- hundred. -ure: . r . I 'That this IS, true Is shown by certalli elsewhere In Rom. xvi, 23; 11 TIm. IV, I r
I I 11 . . � . . . � r
changes cu the Voters Llit. I There are now 75 connected and %bout ' ir 2Q. It may ji6t seem like saying much the'results thus far attained, ,and
Dr. Seller . � � -earning that he was about to bid quotations grow a Leipzig paper given I .. . . . �
y waff in Ottawa attending 15 more will be added during the next - .
the Grand Lodge 1. 0. 0, F., as repre- ' raided by Clav,erhou't for them to say that they ministered . . f
. few weeks. se,. whose dragoons In Bishop John IF. laurst's "Life and
. - i
sentative of Heneall Lodge, I were coming in search of him, Id Lit,erature In the Fatherland," unto Pitul, but for some years it was we. purpose conti . uing th ' ' ,
. .
. th� 9 Here
. ...... 1110- � , r n
Joe Case and wife arrived here after lalrd effected 'his escupordisguised as . fire a few sentencos extracted .f to all that could be said of Ellsba with . I . . � I.e- good �
a trip of a month's duration to the Bearine feeds the dry and un- one of his own plowmen. As. lie was these obituary - " r9 reg rd to Elijah, "He ministered unto .
give$ . likitices, ga WOT-V '
Alaskan fair at Seattle and (Iowa th; healthy scalp, Softens and Vill' ' him" (I Kitlgs'xlx, 2 , until th
coast to San Francisco. to the hair. '50c. ajar. �r . leaving the house �he Was stopped by "Today death tore away'frorn us for ,I), and in doing &Aa . e appearance of the
After a lingering illness borne with - r the dragoons, who asked If the laird the thiro time our only child." � this they ag' truly ministered to' the . � . -1 . r
as at home'. . . . . I . "Last night at 5:30. the, Lord took to ,. Lord as those -who ministered to Him . . . . . .. � . . . . . I
Christian resignation, - Mrs. Calvin Goderletii 64Well,1' said the old covenanter "he himself (luring a visit to the grand. personally ,when He was here on . . ..
Newell departed'thie life on Monday - AlberbKneeshaw,. youngest son of w here.P1 I , paren enrtl . I
afternoon last, in her 32ad year. For ,& I I . . IS our little daughter Antoine of. L (�latt, x, 42). 1t Is dmPosslble . . . .
lberb and Mrs. Kneeshaw, die to minister to the Lord sincerely with' ,
years she has been threatened with day at the age of b , d Tlaurs The.d way, and teething." � ,
I Wenty years. The . I I . . . . I 11 '.
tubercolosis but bravely fought I the old laird went his And Ilved,to . The last speaks better than It knew. out exciting the enmlty of him who . I.
� young man had been working at � I . . r tell . �
against the insidious disease until I tViegel, who W, the Lord Jesus to ,
fln- Doty's engine works,but a few months the truth another day. ' . "Here dle6 Alarle 'Is even dared to ask . . � . I I . .
-ally overcome. Her maiden name was since was obliged to give up work on . mother and seamstress of childrion' worship him (Matt, IV, 9). r ile Is the � . � � . . .
Margarrt AcKaig and until a couple of . L r e � .. ..
accountof his health, a fatal lung ' 40' , . I I . W .. I . � r,a
years ago she had resided with her weakness having attacked his consti- . AL 9.9 rp CIO XXX.A6. ., two.,R.. . - . __ .g0d of this world and Way also be . . . . . .. I . 1. . .,
� . - . called the religious leader, for the vast I . � . �
husband on a farm near Chiselhurst. tution. The fup.71 took - I )[learil the - The . Klud You Have AM 3 f0ought � 4k�.� . . . � L
Deceased, despite poor health was of 9, . . .p ace Lon . signatu" Ir I V - W . , r IiTold the'Truth. 41 fillijority of religious people .worship . . . .
SaWrday.. . . I .. r r I . � � a While I . I a . � C " 1'' ' hanged, - . "All - 11 0 W -
. of . A Countryman on a visit to Glasgo,O .V. . 0 L
cheerful disposition and made many _ . . . J04� � Win, perhaps uncolisciousl X one Is- Omp
. - : I � . . , ,� . '
warm friends who sincerely- regret her � . . . - ' �� . walking. along Argyll . streef can draw.near to or worship the one- . . lete y c
. .
death at anch an early age. .rhe fun- Don't drug the Stomach, ,or. stimu- , � I r I , - true God except by , - . _ � � . �
eral took I . , . readine the sJgnboards and the tickets. only living* and . . . . .
ace Wedni slay afternoon late the Heart or Kidiie�s. That is His Mi . . . . I Jesus -Christ, tile Son of God, and -by fea ' * ' .. .
. I r te of Sense. I
ome on Nelson St. to Hen. wrong. Iris theweak nerves thatare "Well. gelitleqien," said Tompkins to In the shop windows said to his com- virtue of His idQuement for sin, His . . . I
from the 9 pa - . tures are b,eing.'added, and still �
sall Union Cemetery. The deceased crying out for help. - Vitalize these . nlon.-"Hoo call a$ tbae ham shops . . . . . '
ou can talk . I . . . .
controlling nerves with its much a§'you please about the Ip- 0, t and cheapest? - 1;,v.qryr Yin _ 4 . r . . . . . - ". . .. ; I .
wasa-member of Carmel Church.' Weak r inside a couple of his friendsi "y be the bes I reat vicarious sderifice. - -
Much sympathy is felt forher bereaved Dr, Shoop's Restorative, and see how . them says that., and the slime Thilit which is not the worship of. more- are contemplated. ' '' . �. .
� f(irliority of women,. but there are lots , . wl' the - . I . r . . I
husband. I qnicklygood health will. .'come to you , clothes shops tne. They are Jist a lo Goa 14. tile w*orship of .the dqvII (I Cor. ., r
. - 11 111111, -again. Testit.andseej!.SoIdbyW.-S, of then] that cali'discount niost of us ol leeirs." . .� I . I .t xi 20), whether it be tho. worship of . I I .. . L . I .. . �..r . . � .1 . . . . . ..
. - - . i . for -brillus. Take my wife. . . . . * . I . r . . . .. I . . � r . . � .
11 R. .HoImes, . , . ' . .
I . _ . . . .... . - - for In-. They continued alorig ,the street un. Dialia or Jupiter or 8u.ddba or Mo- . I . . . . . .. . . . . . . -
. - . .
* - . W_ I - , - t, "vice .a,,4 much senue lirininied or tile *prof6ssed worship of , .
AA KOS, . I . . . ..... I � � r' stance. She's go t1l, cOMID9 Opposite a plumber's shop' L . � . . . . . . I r .
a' , * I. . as I have, ,ana I ain't astiamed to ac, a Goa who stives because they it requires a large � amount of
%di . . ". , So forth � r r. kuo'Nyledge it, either." �, � I with a. big billin the.window with the , people. .. - L .
. tr3, to do right andr to follow . . .V3
. . � , - words "Cast . . . . . . . .
. The managing committee of, the S. --f3 - . � Iron Slilks" printed in. a Jesus � . � . . . . . . . . . . 1. .
. nt .don't you think", a,Aid -one,"Off I wl.16 Is liot G,od and.,never suffered as
ITTLE 0. S. are .givinga, lar 'r and better Ilia. ,udI . ( large letters on It, he exclaimed, "Well, money t *
I 'ever, T WrS, *.flult ,voii lint rather a , a.sacrifice for our. sins. Like tile men * . o:e.xecute Lthe changes, and,
I Wedn' i j...l ,forget _ , ..here's .vin that tells tljLi truth at . .' I
. pro ra thin
IVER the'dEyT' , � low estimate on your wifOls. lutelice- Ili chapter zvi who caused the perse- . � . I .
D , ,
r esdav, Aug. 25. tual powers . '.,'% ' . 1� . .. . ou�V rate. But any 'danged fool kens . I� . fo . .LL I " . I .. . I . � I I
. . ,
. ,
. PILL& ,' .. R'Seoft, B6ffalo. was in town* dur- . � . . �'. . I . that cost troll wii4l ,;Ink." ; � � clu tion of Pau ,and SlIas. because their - With thi r .. 11 ......
I . . lug 'the Past week .' Visiting at the . . � - . . ., � . . .. � denion - possestkd slave was healed, . ' . ... 8- fact be ,re, us, -
, . .1 I . . . . I .. � . . . L . We are: ot ..
hoine of,his fat,her Jas. 9ectt. , ' .. I ' ' -More Interesting. ,' . . . . .. I . L I . . . and thus further hope ofgain throu-h .0 . . �� ... .. . . I . . . . .. .. 11
R � . � . � � . . Pain anywhere, itopped. In twerity. . . I fering e N-,�W Ij 1 . . .
I '.M a Thos Richardson, left " A. t tile last Illeeting. of our. club we njinutes sure with one of Dr. Shoop -s . th - to L�;
. recently ; - her was gone, , Demetrius and . -.:.
a: ilot at Ephesus . ___-_ , end !-` f ,
for Syracuse, N Y., to. Attend her * sis, , .were scheduled to discuss flenry Vill. Pink PainTabletsi Tli-,fo�lnujais.on, crafismen caused. I I . � - . � . . . . , ra I . . .. 0. I - 1�..
I .. p 11" W, �q . 8 . I . ox, Doctor or. becauae tIfe. sale of silver shrine .9001, :T , _ I . .11 � . I JB L.. .. .. � . .. ..
� , , I - � ,
L . . ..
. . ...
013 ]net. L 'been ill. .' : � 'And didn't .V�W?" '. ," I a 1 Stop Dlina' was alling' bit tbr6ugh . I 0. NEW SUBSCR ER ..
. . , ter, Miss Maggio Cain be Ila and Ilia. 11111001-olis .Ijv�rcc& � - -.* 1. the 215-08tit b -Ask your a -for '' -
C URX E �,- 1- " � . � 1. I
- - ke tromb] . 1. I . . � . . . Druggist about the formul A jhe, * L I 2 1
. . L . . . .. . I . . .. �
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as . Wm S Campbell of Brooklyn, NY ".No: .'one ,of file lilembors ivnew - I or. an - womanly -rittins. headache,. pa'l=,, PreaOilng of the truth conedtningthe . � , . . . . . . . . .. . . ., .1 . . . . .1 . 8� "I"
zz n s,, 'ausea, drowsiness, Distress after a son of.Dr J N Campbell. to linpouding dlyorcp - I .where. Writd.1). Shoop, 11 - t. L . I � . . . ,iL . . I ' I . 1, . I I . . 11 �
tin , Pa rk in the e &c. While their most . . .. . .. . -to pr value of I eir cry that, not 33 . . I
'-- .
able suc � . . Sbaforth has successfully . rinerly of set.." .. right, I,;. bur .own WI Lord Jesus 0hris Th a. y , ddress --Can' d A`, f '
cess ma shown in curing -passed I I j ex . a.. for free trial, to " . 4 , , n
, . . . . ' gh . . � . or. - �
. L .. . . I.. I . . I his Headachej or 13(nkove . ' � , . I : . I .a . ... I
araidations and is nQw',a. registered . � . I . I . . - Pli, Ta�blels nloue 0.1; Ephesus;, but almost tbrou . . L I . I . - . . . . . . ...
aL * . � -.= .... :_ . . L : Sbld ti�v IV. Sk R. Holmes. I . da.'Vt - much L 1. . ,,e� . .. 1, . I
physician lid'surgeon.. - . . � ... . � I I .1 . . .. . .1 . .. all M, ' qul bad turned away . . I. .: 1� . . I .1 . : . . . .. ... .1 ..
. 11 . . , . . . .1 . I I I . . L peoPI6 from the worship of t�lana Was I . I . . I
. -
- , 10K I ' � - I F our riqks of bowlers attended the 111tuards 11n.1m6kit OtAres olgleniji�r . � . . . . . . . - . I . . . . . . , . � I I . I I I .11
. . . . . I splendid testimony to th,e worl, of the . .. .. . I ..
%lea be, Aarter's Little Liver pills at@ bowling tournamerit held in Goderich . . . . . . . . .. .
-�-- ' .. I . . L- . ... .1 . . . . .. ... . . I ' I IOFW%- - , - - L
equa.y valuableFin Constipation, curing andpre- last -week. D McCallum, K.PdcLban,j , . I THE EDELWEISS. ,. : � ,Spirit. -through Paui,'but that was not - � . . I
r preTty .0ioce of "bitiff " c- " . . . I I - , ,.a,. t
r�ti.nf.thlj 8nnoyinfcom�,laint,whilotheyalso Wlillis, and E Bright skip, woli.8;6c.ond .x I 0 .!,.Trl- .. . . - '. � I ,the aim of DeipetrIps. .The testimony . . ,
11 L , ,
n . . .
cured . . I . . . . . .
sorders o tiler, oulach, stimulatethe . 9 uted to Hairy -.'Lauder � the' SqottjSjj ' � . . 1. -;e
' - It ty
lilvera d regulate the bowels. Eveniftheyouly . in trophy. . , , . . I . . �-b . . - . NatiLorial .. FloWer of L . Switzerland 4, was.,like that'of the,Jewlsh rulers In L. .1 .
variety - entertainer.' D' 25�w L
. J McTavish, 'D Hutchinson,, VV uring Ilia first '. Protected by_4,11�od. '. . I Acts, v, .28;. "Behold, ye' have filled . %, Lell S 6, , .* ,
. . Ament and, G F` Collikig, took part I play: in New York 'he was accused . . . .1 .. ., . Jetusalem with your doctrine.,, Wboic, . .' . I I � . . I s
.. 'of stinginess. He heard Switzerland!s national �, flower is pe� .. . I W. I I � . . . I
HEAD in,the bowling tournament in Berlin that one . - . . .1 is thera.such zeal .today,sucb spirit I . I . .. . . ' .
I !�b.e hey wtouldbeitlmostpriceleseto % Owing to a d Y co. � inniontedon I . e can. accommo "
r1fr.. h, tbosewho and,Waterlo little har journalist had Aeverel 4zdllarly appr6pria'te. Its name, 'mean, filled men? ' " I . . . . . date . conven�
slately their goodness does notend here,and those luck they were unable to land � any the iniinnerl in which hb� 'drew'. the 'in noble.. whiteness, or purity, Is e . . . I . .. �
a distressing complaint; butfortu. .19 . in-. . I ' � . . .. � � , , � . . . . �
%vboon e try theta will find these little pills valu- of the -prizes offered. ' . � purse striii'gs.' Not long -afterward thi . I The ciy of tbeoppoiltIon w�ns, "Our * . . � . . . I .1 I . . I
. I a blematic of the snow covered.moua- ' 1. . - I .. .. ... . . .
ling 0 so many waKs that they will not be w -'I. . I . . V -new subs , ,
able tin C M 9 Sunday, Who co"; man asked binj* ,for' a literview. tains where it*dw.ells. The Siviss peo- I
. ndileted: al .a 1 , craft Is in danger.. t 0 * By this claf lently --every
(101-yitllOutt. em. Butafterallsicklaia grocery and butcher:. business here for Lauder gave him an addre�s and told I we hav6. Our 'Wcalth'!� (rerses 25,"27). . . I 1. crip io.n..tha,t
. . ple call 1i a -symbol ofAminortailty, . I .. . . . .. . . I .. I I . . . . .1. . .
� . . .
. .
I morethalia yeaty disposed, of the) Iiiin to dome at. 10 o'clock the follow- and oil Ascebilon 6y mlr(,a'ths;of edel- I What is'. the difference betweeb'thift . . �� . . I . �. ...; . . i . . � . . ... I I . ., ... . ,.. I.. .. . ..�. . . I . ..
. 1 1 .1 I . .
. I . 0. . ; I . . . . � . - . . .. . . � I ... . . ..�.. :
.;sakne recently to A Grone and'Air, ing night: . In the -nioahtime the. come- and tb(", cry of. -the ubri-litcous s comes �our-way - -- - : . .�. I . . .
I -
'It Alah rented a� wietalied yooin in the L' . . er tlie*lirladows . . .1 . ruler - . . I. �� i. . . . . I I.. I . ... I I . I
Beattib, and-wf welss�- are suspended ov . . . I . . . . . . . .... .�� '. � 7. I t: . I I . .
AC _- � . th his ' famfly,g t,for Aum.'4' .. .. � I . . . . - . - , . . . . _ I � ... - .1. � . �.: � . � . . .. . :. "I , .... I
. � in many eltl6s tofty wh(p by oppres- . . I ;. � . . I I :
Is ill b Milul!h1erl. to' bere Dunnville, ,wherq"they -will in e eit'. uarter of 'fh4§: city. - Whea the ��� .and porches, . . � .. 1. . ... ,; " � , . . . ...'. .. � . I I .
e ane of so warly I , . . I I . � . , , , , .... ,.. � . . � ... .1 � . �
'we keour reatboast ourylliscureawbilo , . I '' "' . slop :.Ind. theft ha e th'Cir' weidth and . . I . . - � I , . . _- ..:. - � . I .
. . ,
h,ma do nM .home i -n fuwre� , ,� - . ". , caller',came he was uiher4d into this'. I tis a Imemb,pr of the droup of pida,ts I . . V _ . 1. I . � '1*1. . . . . . I � I'� . I . . ��
.t . 1. . a . ' - . I . I . � . � I I %.. - I . .
�arx . yet bave .power eflough somehow to � . . � . . . I 1. I . ...., .1 .... I I . . I . .. .
Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small stul The Ueath took .01,.tce- last week of I t, q :There gat Lauder, blue with which we call'everlastiugs. Each little . - . � . .. . .1. I I.. : .. I
- � ... . I . ,
veryeasytotake. one or two -fills make a dose. JOseph-Druwn, of - Harourhey, 'in -hip qol�, $� the light of a single,ca�ndle. eldster,of Ildwer heads Is surrounded, cover tip their, tuisdeeft and.t.o escape - j .
,. . � I I . . . . � - 1. . . I . 1. *E - .- " I
They are strictlK vogetaf)le anc do not g2e or. 91st year.' The fu'rierW took place from ."A17166 ye' goin'. to I; d6wil4lia, by a star of soft.*hite ray's', a,warm pullishillent',-but., who,,are .r6dy, to . I I . . 1. . . . I .. .�. . 11, . .1 �17�. ,.. . I 1: . - ., .
purt, but by t cir gentle action please wW I �t I . . . 1. 1. . . . I " '.. .1 .1 �,
� �
' ha�ilder u The repdrter. 'woolly hood, to protect it froni the vio- . I . I . . . i I . � � .. ...: ., . .
use em. . � his late residence, 'HArptiehey,. on Sat. say:?" . aaWp& r�dse a great outery agnlnst any who I � I . . I . :
- � .
,,,') CABTZ& 911DICINZ CO., NEW TORL 'urday afternoon, at 2.3,0 o'clock, to the assilied him with.pride .that he never . w.ould attempt to�. put their Iniquitous I I I .. I .. . I .:. I
..Maitland bank cerneterv. I . lent. storms which, sweep over its . .. . * � `1 ., .1 ' � I � ' . ' �
I made notes during an.interview: craft In dang6r.1 *Xs to the"Condition. . I . - , ,. . . .1 . .
blogi Ori'Monaay evening bf last week�a: -mernory- is "My haunts; It loves.best to grow in. the ' , , , . ,. . - .. -
ht"I M. Amin Dole, IM91 excellent;'� he � 'boasted. . .
. .
hotfy:eontested tenris tnatch was ,,Nv6el, then," said Lauder, 9 orevices of the most dangerous moun- lof a. multitude of eburcli.ea. with their . . 1.
. we'll aye , . . . . new, theology dL,,,jhonortn- God. and I ! . '. .
- I played between, Mitchell: and'Saii,f6rth saye the light!" And Iic.blew �oiit, , tain crags. Where a bit of soil egn Christ and Ills word.-aiiJ` fillin- the . . . . I . .
I . I :1, .
- . - � � ,
on the Bank, bf' 0oidinerep tennis the candle. � . . lod- - bdetwelss hugs the, � . .
I . . . ge there.. the I
. I
- courb. Tile j playera took I I I . .. . . . I cliurch..'witb all - manner of - worldll- . Renewa. . .s... 1. I
� C . ". rough grity, Nvalls, q,o perilous. is, the . I . . . . . . , . . .
� an we say but "llow.long, I I . � 1. i . I 1. I . . I .
, , Qdnn, 6;. Graliam, ',I a g't Ilk Cow . rallrab to -cure thi . a coveted blosgom - . . . .
- __ , - . t-' 621 = - . �� a rd's Litilmont cure4 Gar c a . . . iless, what c � . . .. . � . .. � . . . � � � .
-_ I --� I .91%iltelielij. ,5 Scott - i1d Sonthgato, . .. . I I 0 Lord,'how long." pafist'Thon suffer , . . . 11 . .1 I . . I. . ,
, __ h -3- Squires 'and . . - I -_ . �_ ,.. . that.the.ttiountain =."�'aeti e , s it I I I .. . . .: ... I . .. I . .. . I ..
- V_ I.". 8eafort 1 sulyx!i, 1 1 .1 I . . .. .. I I . I Jt? .When fc,icbers..iia our :Sunday ' ,. . � L . : 1. . . � .. I - . ..., 1. ....
�. I '� LIP �. ... . � . I . . . . . .. . � � . .
.�.. . & Mitchell,'04. '6allwaith, andHilborry, ..-. .. .. ,. . .1.. .- �.. . alm�st_sacred when prese6 to her . . . I , ' -
. . �., .1 ... .. 7 . . . schools -find even some predefieis, eni., . . th I .
. . . �
.. 11 . � .. . I I I adardent lover who has 'r ked his . - I . , , I .. . - in ... t - t.. I
" , I . .. - Matthewson an4. Gard THE STEALTHY TIGER. . . . t tilhoo ,�ow g: o
." Seaforthi 6.0 6� . . by'. At,
I h ni, Mitch . . . ; I . I . - � . . . � �oy the Siludii§ newspapers. light rend-` . . 1. I I � . I I �
- . . a ell, 4,46. , - . I I . .. . . - .. . �. I life to secur4 it. � .. I . . . . - ! . I . . I . . . .. . . - . � . .
. -0 . . I . The dates of -the Ladies' Bowling When He ,Movet .1 Quietly Death I)oes .. . .. . . I I � . 311g:oCall/kInA, the theater, Mid.-sliell. . I I * * .. I . . ., � I . � I - '. � 1. - I
R TREATMENT. . - Tournitment b6sve been.' ciianaed to I I . . .11 . I .. . .. I ,�Y.. ______,__-, .. . I � . . lil�, and'considair itiose.,who,reliqlai,ce the present necess9kry , u 1. I
. Thursday and Priday. 4-ugust 20 * and ... Not Seem More Si ent. our'friend, bles,-Is looking theqe -things .ii$i only' - ballk find nrid& - * , 11 . %. .. 1. � .0 tl ary - .. we-.:� � - I
. .
lcana,dian "Irette'rino 27. - . .1 I " I have, seen' , a Ai I get, si I ft i ng, up a much improved in. -health." "Yes. *we veloped, and the cry from. all si I des is . - . I . I . I I � . , o . . I 1. .. I. � . .... . . . !
--'11 .
i, an rbsoInte, certain cure for Vczema, Acne The tbifd annual colebrati6ii �tnder * hundred -yards fro-ni' we in the sun- pprsuaded - her to I tXy 'Miller's . ' � I par cularl ,.desire that a, ' I . . I I �
Rosen 'rett(-r,PiiiiT,lc4..)3!acL-bei&,,Ritigv7o'rm. fpound Iron PilIS4 VVith.the result 00w' "Great Is our Dlaua;. whom ',ill the I y . ' . . . . money- - - .
. i . � .
w, 41 3 tell, scald the anspices'of Lady Nairn CarnpiSotis . light wa8liffig its face like w cat, move. you. , I . . d, .
harl T cers, I . .
,n rts,and kdl cutan liend, Itching Pile - of Sc'otlabd. will be held, in' Seaf,)rr 0 serve." - ,Qold by W. S, R; Holmes. . world worsbipeth!" can those who
� . , '
� . eouo and facial ble1sr'ishes. . ,h a couple of step� into the shade:and ,_ �. . , Outs anding. ., on, subscriptions �, be
, .
llqs been thorouvhly and successfully tested on Wednesday, Au list 25th.- .1 � -fade away like the Glieshire cat:in - �. . . . . . . ,. ivoiild� be out Rnd out. for. Christ lay . . � .
Ili hundreds of . . W_ . .. I . .
.1:9.. . advice of the town clerk , I , . . � . I . ;
sa called incurable ca Henry Taylor, oftrodhagell, deliv. "Alic6'ln Wonderland.- Ilut what is : Wfrs. Golighuy (Eo eminent; mwsicar to heart.the . . . ` , , . . . % I .
it is eucrely unlike any other prega,ration, � , ' � . .1 . .. i 1. . I � .
'r eved, tfie.first'loid, of .new Nyheat*in, ' of the city of Ephesus 'and "be Quiet � paip in. . . I
mixture ct c.inlmcnt that has been so , more extraordinary, '19 that he Can ,crjtie)-�-What do you think:of the now - - I . I . . . , . . ... . � I.. . . I . I I I . I
sctibed. Pre, Dublin, on Thursday last. 'It, was ex.- . "inovc with2ut.. . some . dry'leafor stalk opera, Mr.. Crochet? EmInqrit Musical . and do. nothing rashly?" (Verse X). ... . . � . . . "I .. . I � I -�- ... . . ,. . - . I . � ; . . . . . ` .. , . � � �. , I I . . . .1
A fe- nPiAlcations will convince th I - . - . . � . . Yes, truly,`Or, t1lbugh:the heath . I I . � . . : . . ,. . I. . 1. I . . . � .
fxondetful medicil virtue and hattint' at is.has �e6l,lent; quality and weighed, (33 pounds , crackling to,.betray" hina. .Often I I . en In. � - I.. . . � . . . i� .. d . . I . .. .
le ment., . , n - f1ritle-Well, it .wouldn't 'be ,bad if . . . � . I . . a � . I � . I - I .. I .. . .. I I . .1 � . . .
It is made in cutiaLla. 'A good honest Cana. 'buAL - $11.03 �- m6body would 9 t It to muslo'-Lon- I . . . I � . . I . , ,
-2; - . to the A Tb�- price'paid,was a beat in the middle of the hot sea- I so e . heathen(join aud Christendom rage as - �_ . - . . � I . . I . .
, Mn preparAtio,,. Messrs Edge & Gutterldga,* Seafottli, son the inexpe)rien�ed sportsman'p . . ,hey please 'and shout themselves . . . . . .- _ .. .
Price onc Wx rifty Cent;s, or five boxes Two don 111bla-Me-Up. . ,- . . � ' . ' . � .. . I . .. . I .. I . . .. . . . .- . .
Dollars, I I have been -awarded the contracts for heart is*in Ilia mouth as he hears the . . . . , . . . .. hoarse In honor of their. gods, We may . � . . . � � . . . I . . � I
'Mailed to any addreq.9 on receipt of, . . the erection of thehydro-6lectric, tr ns . I . . . . .
price a crushing of a dchd Jeaf, the glow, . I . . I . well. be� quiet, knowing that "our 'Je- I . I . , . I . I . . I . . . I . . . . . I
Sold and recommended by aU leading'Brug. forwer stations at St Mitr ratford I . . . I . I . I . .
. stehltby, tread. of ivilat seems some , . . His Definition. . ' . . . � I I . . . . . . I
gi � ta ia Caunda. Berlinand. Guelph, the YS11 heavy aninial, but it is only " Tea&er-WIIfrdAj, a be6- 'is some- . bovah Is ab(ive,�Il gods and ,tihafso . .,
Pamphlet free to atly ad&�S. 4 - $18,700foreaoh. ' - Pr ce being . � woa . - ever . He- ple . ages He' will, do" - (Pa. . I ' � I I
Mant,"Ictured and sold bv the sole propne. ' ' the peacock.. the first to move alZ thing we get wax fro me, . � . .
dors. 'A re 'meeting of the council . .in., Now, tell t exxxv, 5, 6). Jesus of Nazareth shall - I . . . . I .
% heinlar of the beaters. Then after a period 'W . ,
The Tetterims, ChernIcel CO. WAS d hat As a. bee ? WilOdd-Our teacher . I I I I
Windsor. Ontario. . on Monday evening. The: ' a . . relzti as King of kings and Lord of ' . I I : . I .
rate of taxation for the present y6ar of 'strained Watching, � wheft the eye 'is a bee bee use ho�s 6omethliig.we lords, ana the kingdoms of this world , . . 1. . . l
pan and does detect .the movo of the t Wilticks fro , . I . . . i
M.-London.Telegraph. . . . � I
Sold in Clinton by W.' S R was fixed as follows: For . county and tiniest bird, the quiver of a leaf, and, ge , , shall become wholly ills. Letusnot' - J'O B ' . . �
general purposes; 20 mills on the, do - . . , . . . . . . . . � .
Holmes, J. E. Hovey, W: :A: l- denly without. a soupd the. gredi beast ,., . . be afraid, but speak boldly His word, � . . I I I I
iar; for Collegiate Instkute� .2 1-2 mills stands before you. He doos not aIA ' One "Take this" Is better tbau, -ten for Ito is well able to flike. care of It . . . �
McConnell, druggists. - for public school, 4 millss; SeparateL *
.. 1. . . � . ..ways care to mo"ve. quietly, but wh6. "God blew ypus."�German Proverb. and of all that concerns Ills kingdom. : . ,
- - . ... * lie does- death is not niore all6nt. * I . . . ' .
- - - =�==_-- �_' =�t_..,__ , . .. . I I . Elphesus. Yeas filled with confusloni., ' .
� . � , , . . . I . . i. � The.'question of how a white or "-- - . . I I . �
1. I . . . . . : . .. I and -tile assembly,was confused, and , , .
A . I � : . . otherwise abnormally marked tiger .. . . �
. CONTAI 5 .t. I cah take its pre� is simplified hy th * . , "* .. gome cried. one thing and some an, P R.- I N... -I N 01 �� � ...
15 -V,NOrt AMY MINERAL. . -other, and the gkoater uumb�r ,know � . � . I I . . �
. e. & N I ... kills at night -or at dawn or dusk and , 0 in, th, '.0A not why' they *6ro cotne thgptllcr � . . . .
I No ANIMAL 011-ohk VAT . fact fhat,'ds a general rule, the -tige e
-Are Vou I POO - . 'r. could. Not, SIN 0 . i
, . .
a , ... . .. . thid it is buly the cattle killing tiger I .. . ' � . . : I
v0eTA a � (verses 20, 32). What a plotilre of the � . � . . �
Satisfied - . I 0 ' tbat fa.k(%4 his.lordly toll of the vil. I . HWT AND NERVES WERE.RESPON- . world � -lying In the wicked'one! "God . . ,
.. . I . I .. lage cattle by day 'M . The high standard. of . w
Ith the way your repairini. , a lir IN - , - Again- th ' SIBLEj 80 THE DOCTOR SAID. I is 140t 66 quthor�'Qf confu8ion, bilt' of � , ork
wi "R � . derful voice, iho most n)6urnful-sound . I I - �. I .1 peftcW1 �I.Vor. xiv, 33), WhOro . enVy- . . 1, � . I . I. . . * I I .
- is being I .cul's. , in ,captivity, "Which liter'ally liushos . � ,. I . ... 1, I
and special work, ' . . - . * Ing and �trife are t1tern are confuslio'n which.ha s her'e ofore characterized.. - I-
. '13AUISna. the -
done ? . I *S0Fkr5,BURNS- ,)o, .Ie al�d fl;as the iwilight with There� is many 9. man -and *otnin and'ev, � . . . I ., . I . I
. rjung
- I . . , "r ery evil work, un't'that, wlqdom � I I
I . PILR$-P)MPLES ECUM, or . . . ... .
I . .A MATISM ISCIATICA -BAD LEGS- I . , . is a poOorful iLid to him' in tossing, night aftor nightupon. a sleepless Is not ftom, above, but Is onrthly. te-'!n- 1. I . . .
Is the work good ? *. - : . ,,#so* ADSAUOKSICHAPPED HANDS % his hunting. often as I have -heard bed.. 4o . . � . I .. . �
I . lvx.*tlo,44ieoli,og,o.qleKer,ens. it the inembry of one 00V%siOn is as - Silme eongtitutional disturb anal, devIIIsh'(Jnq. Ill. 15, 16). In vorso the. New Bra Job.-iPrinting - De-, ,,- .
- . . . . 0 PAA R vivid as the moment when it lield me or disease fiaiso debilitated ,,",1`i11,`,i1t11(,)t11,r5 20 ,we aro,introduced to twb 111ore of . � .1 � .
Is the price rioit ? . I I POR a A719 ti . . fe .. I . .11, I I I
r 5 AN I-* . !pellbound. ' I ,Was stalldilg sainbliur .tile nervous system that it cannot be 114ill's companions, with wboin I w I - ure b " mai , I
ill the everiiii4 we (-;in partment ,- '111 ith 'Ut e 12
is It r6tu nM prompily.1 .1 I . ! in .1 glade in the forest . quieted. . . . . talk more fully and freely In tbo klig 1� I . n,
I . T . - - I when suddenly, froni not,fifti'yArds Nirs. Calvin , Stark, Rommorp., Ont., dow of aft the events, bf t)iA,t day If ;- . . � . .
.1 " a a above me, tang out a'long, In W 1 T1
We are in business to fill *11 , W, pene- writes-I'Alimit two years ago -I begazi, It'shall then 'seem- worth while, but I
- -
these essentials, and would , trating nioan, which see . ined to fill to be -troubled .with it ainotherin- sen- I .taindd ,by* us, and all wor1k. ILI 16e ,
. i _M_ I - A, the; juht# all suffering hero for, Ilia sake ,shall I I I .
like to have a chanAte ,to I . gle with a terrifying tbrill,an(I sation at night, -when I would lie t4oein so small then that inany tbings ' � . . I ..
. . . . for a moment -made the heart stand down. I gdt so bad I could not slo.p .
prove it to you. I ... . I . Aill I We, now feel like desirin,- io know 'executed promptl ' Y4, .
. When tr6ubled with sun - Tile native shikarl, who, in In the &Lik, and woffld have to sit ill) I . �
'Ito of blowg1i'a contpmpt, may ana rub my limbs, they would beeome more, .about will not.then seem worth o . . .
We do Repairing, burno bliSterg, iftseet stingsi ap' . ,
know, something of jungle ways, be- so numb. Nly doctor said my heart ,9. thoucht - . . . � � .
. soire feet, or heat rdshbs, jiev(�s that tile deer, -hearijig tile and nerves were respen4ible. I saw �W � i, *� w i 11 _ . -1 I 11 I 11 . . � - . . .
Cildingg El ngraving, apply Zaw4uk! tiger's-voico ".d unabl(j froin the're. Nlilhurh?s fleart and Nerve Pills adver- - . - i � � _____'.
of Ill * -.------,--.�---,�..--,-,-.�-�.-.---"No---"
: Surprislog ho%4_qWddy it eases verberating nature e sound to tise(ian(l.gob a box to try them. I took , - . . I I . I I
Setting, etc. . the sifini-ting and stinging I Cures locate tile 'position of their enemy, three boveg and can now lie down and Cok'a Cofton R60t COMPOPU& � I . . . . , . ,
. . . 1. -1 I ,,, . � gores On young bibles due to stand or lie still and so give lifin tile, deep without the light burning and Can - The greab titortno) Toille, and � ,
" . thakillfig. . . .. chance of stalking his proy. There I,,, test well. I can reeotninend them highly , Mir safe eirbetual Monthly . . , ,
.. Z ih 8 k Is made from pute probably .some truth in this, for., ul). to all nervous and run down women. ' Rokulatokoly, Which Women can .
Wee, I depend., So d In threo d e .
oil 3
"100 ,
,, R A 1 D-1, ., R
_ ,' , ,
S'", jutely E E . S
""10- ot"Iti_
p _
1"7- Iness_ 1
f gery. _
it .
10 11 I t
11 I' "M
I Is
�1' .
I 1
I .1
her4rc%=bs. No ardmal fitl�_ leS-8 You are following the tiger- and Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills hre of Atrongth-No. I, $I , Mr. e.8 . -
WeR. Counter,. ,, notulderolp6lsons. l"nestheatert Ilave Men hilft It fil almost Impossible 50C. Iyer box, or A boxes for $1,25, at all 10 degreen stronger -0- No.:% . , wo 140 Kerr
Issuer of Marriggo, 1,1e,en ' from the sound itione to tell'with tiny (Icalers, or mailed direct on recoi t f for maial epos, fl or box. . 9 1, I
.,, F
I 908 � I . 2)tW# . (sts . 44d I &4 I rei-anvwLe I rt, P, 0 � ftla T all drogst.As, -or wht I . .
__ - .11 __....., I . I . I . cvrtaffity where lie is. -Algernon orice by The T. Millium Co., Limited, I � Pat on recalt, of prit'o,
. -*--,-F=K lines. , Toronto, Ont. 11 ,hIet. A drCsif To
. Durand in London T, .. I I Meopame � %N
i. �. � I . toll 00;Voide'at.041 I Proprietor -
I I . 1. I . � .
!. .
... I I I
.0 .. I I � �-..�,�,�.1.1.11,11i,ilkill'ili"I . �
I -1 ,.--....-.�..-.-,-,...--�".,-----,.-.---.-".-""-",.-� ------ __.1.__-_1.__ � �