HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-08-12, Page 81"W
It 8 , I
The ellatei Now 13to - - ,
___ _
, . I Aug 12th, 1909
-1 - 1.1-1-111-- .. ... 11 - - __
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- - __ - I ___ - I - __ - - , . I . I . . 4 - I r .. 9 . , - , r . . 1. I . N r. I 0 9 - . - 9 1 ==: III I NOW - 7
- I r . .
"I I. I I . . . , , r . 111; I . 1. 11 I I . . - , , , ., . " . I I I I . -, : , , .. I.. . rr . .. 9 - . .. .- .1 . . . ; 1 99 1 . - . . 9 r I . . 9 9. . I r - I . Ir " I ' I ' " '-, " 1 _ I ,," . . - a I — :=
: I Ww- MINTON NEW ERA 1 11 11 0000"" .. I __ .pw' ' ) "I
I "I oft THUIRSDA:Y. AUG. I2'o 1900 Used Dallya'tid Nightly . V
. .
. . tiugust Siqlhle, of Whi"te w,.1. ear., I I
I . . ,r I , , 1. Local Notices. i:
1 9 9 COXXX I 94 WAN L' ok Sightly, '" ,
9 T , 0
- r . . . C%HLON BROS.. Clinton - I
.. a - bc-I M r
.. u
I .,We,. , st. 0, Lt .
s.e.. T, s .
1. t t. 00 Lt
"'t 'J.5, ta 4 d. . .
, 5, XM ,. U,ity
i I ,Mus11'*ft1s Stra Hats, tc* r -U,"tgoip-mwo ' O, "404'.r r...htL ,4,.,,.W,,do,to,-il..."ot.,."brli, . t XM so 'ity ade Rightly . 9
W . 9 .
. I 9 - 9 . . I
. . 19 4
D11 OlE $.Loudo eon$ Ocu. .. 'e, .0
I . I ,he r - . . d Slightly - ''
at, gl) t, will n UP9
I During the raonth 'f Augustt we are, pu Ol 1;eilat W, S, R. I
g ' r
. 0 tting the kni,fe into all Summer lines, We, must have, ::: OIM4S'Dru,a 0 ,,, Price
. . tb, or ' I Pro WedneaRtd . ' . .- 11
... room for the new, Fall goods.. 'This will be store to. buy your Summer requirements att from , Au 'uo' G' V"rly t :yd: All of which refers to, our H 9
1 Ill not permit advertising all, lines , clea'fries Ca 4rr, and failing eyesight . r . 9 .
now- until thip.1st of Septcalber, if prices will do itq., Space w treated!! Hours 51, to 3:30 V,m. , '
. oor CoMf
_h, t this 'ale means to you, . I I I- 9 1 We know of no' better outd ort .
. - markul down, Come'izxand see w r. S, . . . . . I I
- ,
I - . 11 . I '. Going West during the heated term. Supplying a -
r I - - - - —- . -1 q" *_ , -_ 4. _M!_ . ____ __ I - __ _ - - _ M'!t!=% 'M!9 .r _! r----- . 9 if I . I
I . __ ------,-------- _____'___ - YOU ar tbu)1009 of going West I . I'll
.1 . . ' ' YOU mhnu6tO tler 1han, go via from, spot where to recline, '
-4 I . do e are a .Cool 9 in pure atid
I here. ,The rates .
r -
Wbitewear Below First Cost. "I ptlierroad. $10 goln'gqachde.018 %etany
' '
I I 1. E,IbO F -length Gloves 19C urn- . healthful air. Our prices are as low as 4
, . ing and your baggage checked i b .
T)urin r fr
11 g ,August, we have marked Ladies' . Om Clinton Statwn. John lou" -4
_ I elbqw-length Gloves, go' . t, r -a - - ke6 i ' - * ," ,9
I .
. I . r . dovk n the balance 9f our Wbitewar stock, in- quality, 411, sizes, irrtbJack-. and white L 04, ford, Town Agen P no in . I p ng witk. the quality, and .our I '. 11. - - i
, . , reg,
I 4- I cl4ding white Lawn andMull, Wai ts, white. r ' fid 35C to clear at. Log$r by Fire stock well assorted in color,. -length and .
- Pettycoats, Corset ( 25c a .... I ......... 11 .... ....... .......... I 9c- 9 . .. I . . I .
, 9" . - Oovers, Drawers, etc.. at . I . I A few days ago, Mr, G. A. Brad. style.
. : . . I ahaw, ecruer of Noll and Princess - St, .
i I I . unheard-of prices, P ff1(3ff 14 A, SECRET; Ladies' fine lisle thread .elbow -length - rec . eived word. of the burning . . . I - I
to . _ _9f big . o r - -_ _ V
.;. I store will- tell you waen ... house together with other buildipgo at.- .. . I . - .
: , out a visit , this r .9 1 Gloves, in white, brown, black, tan and grey, I 9 T., . ; ! ` . I rl -
I . . you come.. V 1, . . I . . Wallac?6urg. Mr, Bradsh exe . .
s . aw is _.m 1
9 .
I . . " I . I I all izes, reg So.c and 7$c,clear.ing-at ......... r,..., 39C =Ing the *old adage that trouble r . JR- W * . .
. I . _ . comes singly, Our 'residents ]a .....K. D.Pair 91 ... . '
I , 1. I .. .. I . . 'Will , I . ;ending sy4ipathy t . . I
I I . . . . fi . I ,o I :.
,,.,,join us in ext r ---
99 11 Fancy Oress Musihis - i I La,dies, ne pure silk elbow -length . ud Mrs. Bradshaw'. . . . 9;
. .
1 9 .
. . I . . . .
I - z . I - ' '
. .
I . I Gloves, in black, tan, and white, all sizes; Civic 11oliday - . .OFTEN. -THE CHEAPEST - . - ' . "
, . .
. . .
. Out go e balance of our stock of 9 1 reg. $i-oo, clearing at, ........................... ... I ... I Monday last was. - Clin ton's. CJv' . - . L.,
. .
I Fancy Dress 4us'l'ins at prices never before r . . 9 . .. 59C Holifty iind the da le . I . 9 1 ALWAYS THE BEST I . A
I . . I. . y tt rr!ed out to be
. . heard of. Hundreds' of .yards. of dainty , . . . . ideal, to spite of the rain in the early, . . I 11 . i
r r . . ... 9 . I I
I r U,25..Ladles' Par'asols, 98c . , r - morning. The White Dyke Band ae. 9 . r . r . 9 1 .. - r I
. Dress Muslins, all this 'yeae.s deiigns, at 9 . ' . . compailled by a large number of citi, I . . I .
. rridutu',ous prices, but out they MU!.t got* if r ' .. . Ladies' black * Parasols, . good top, I Zang went to Bayfield while those at — . r - .
" I . - . howe took in the ball match in the I . ___N . . I .
, prices will do it We don't quote a price, I . I natural and bone handles, reg.:$1,25, for _ . 98C .morning and drove toBlyth trowitness Don!t Fail To Be Ifere : MON" .
. I . I
I I . - .
r you will h' . . . I I . the league match In the afternoon, . I
ave to come and see for yourself . . I . ... . I . r . Goderich plays a league., match on,
, '. I - I . . ' I the, re creation park an Monda, 9 y even- Central Business vollcg , I .
r Sattee, n 'D s ' Goods, 8 1 Selections For 111eal'orization -Ing, Aug. 16tb, Mark the date down Toronto, Out, r .9
, . "T I ' Mrs . . . . , . 11
I ID ON . MISS T01S 19,&R(:A1X..1 . , I I ce The following are the selections for and don't fail to be on hand to witness I . With twents-two years,
I . : . . . . . . . I , I * . I . memorization for the Righ.School tn. a red hot game, Come and cheer the . Its Prodib khts college is 17. 1
. . . Abo'ut'l: , r 181s ,,Zxq %M', 11.0
:, . . m . . 00 ya'ds fancy Dress. Satten's, - trance ExaminAllon ta an -from the home boys to victory. - 9 the PreAtest Practical tralniixg, sqi ool jil.
:1 . r. I . - in all the po' - I t 8c, New Ontario IV Reader; -The Chil& . . : . . 9 Wastorki'antarlo. . ..
9 Children's Sailor afid I I I . . : I pular co ors. Reg., 35c, clearing a S . . . I :
r . . I - I
. 11 . . . . . 1 9 . . 1. . . . 9 . . ren a on ?.. 1; Yitai Lqmpada, cteorologir al Report for July 6 . I _ _l
. . 9 - . . . rA, 111 . . Three dei.pa ents: CAnlinerelat
. I , .. . . . 1305 '. I rivate of the Buffs, . Tnad
I . * . . . . . . I ) ic I I P. Tbe hi gic, U rt ...d . Telegrg1thy, . .
I I I . ., 9 . . %D: The First. Spring. ghest niaximurn tem.peratiire, . . . . . I
I . . . . 9 La ' ' ; . Autuirin Nlsl'oods p. 103. Day p. 17 ; on the Oth,10t1i,l th and 29th.. I - our clp,qeti are the largest. our courses . I
, . .1
I . r .
Linen,Hats,- ,* . . . . waa870 ,
. . .
. . dleSr'. Stra Hats, 92.5C :To thelclickoo, The lowest minimum tempr r'100 Practical and- our hiatrubbors ex. .
. *
r . ' ' , ' ' . . r . . . ,; '. .. . I . . . W. , . . I . 9 . 198: The Maple, p.. 141, Heat, 0, M: , I verfericard, , our graduates assisted to I . .
Cfiildren'g Faficy Straw: Sailor Hats, . . . r . . Abo6t 2o Ladies' I' to -we . . %addin, p 2947 :'Dost Th'ou Look Back 30 0 on the Ath. The highest range P091tionri,44 succeed as none othera r . . I
. . . Ready,' ar Straw was 37 0 on the Sth .And the lowest: Eater deW. Got floe oatalogt;o,
- r . ' p. 289 froin "In , .
with fancy'bands. Children's Linen Wash .. Hats; all are . . on What hAtb Been'? ge was 12 0 on the 23rd and! .-26tb I . c!ur ..
. . I . . . very natty styles. . ' Memorian 11 Mysterious -Nigbb (Son- "' ' Address .
Hats -the " balance' of this : ` . 'b . I . . . . Reg. pride 'net), pi 89.1.;on His Blinones (Sonnet), T66 means for the month were, maxi: I . .NV,'H. SRAW, Pres,
: I r r . .yearz ..uying. . . r I was $1..25.UP to $,:Z,00,. Clearing , 250 p..393: The Harp that Once through muln, 770 -, minirourn, . . . .
Regular * . . I . . . . . . . .. .. I I at ... .., .. . 5,55-300', and' Yon."a aud der ard Sts
I 50c and 75c, your choice, for .... ....... . - - . r I . . . . . . range:..11*61 0, The rainfall was above . .. I .. . ., Toroato, .
I., . .. . -2 0 C r. . .. . I I Tara s Halls, p. 174: Recessional,p. 409, 1 . .
I . . . . . . . . I . a' . . average,'being 6 9 1 " thun . I . . . . r
9 . I .. . r . . . . I . . . 9 r . . I. I riches, Heavy - . . .
% . . . . . . Black Saitteen Uni ' . . I . 9 rder showere occurred on the 10th find . . . . . -
I .. ,r . derskirts, * Greer Invest!- . 22nd. An aurora on the 12ch_ Fall __ . . .
* r
'r; 5or. and 6oc Dress. '.Gocids . 2-5 C ' : . . * . . . . . 0C . . . gates . f wheatcutting beganon.the 2tthand . . _ r __—,-__Z .
, I . I . Interest. in the at ,---,-- _... -NEWRim
. _ . .
. . Ig , . . .. L..
. . . . range death 0 barley cutting on the 31 . 1. .. .
. . . I . . I Lalies' dxtra r qualit hlick sat ' . Mrs. W. J. - Burns,, of Ilayfield who ny-s"(19ement At Blyth - 9, -
I . . y teen . .
.. . r
. yards VVoolr Dress— . , . . . .
9 . 500 . Goods, ,i n*. . . , nd wat.found'dead in tied lh . r .
... . . 9 . u . er-skirts, hice -910ssy . fin" h, two rows her home, Died fff R . Tile ( Mtjz6h'a Band has been -
. IS abie"' . '' r . eng
- ge , 49
plain Cashmere, plaids, fancy''lustres And , -, * . I 1* Julv?.I last, wltll, bruise on one of,her . . to Play at BlYth on their Civic ol
. . I . I , . I- .
'r I ' . . . of.fril.ling and -dust frill,'all sizes, reg., -§ I temp'esand a string knotte& around : On or abbut June 35th a lillinber of da: .
, .. . I . .. . .25, - . next Tue day r
.: grey. Tweed, in browns, - blue green,. .rcd I . - . ,. . .... .r I .. - . r . afternoon. F4 or
I I . :; ....... . - ,r particulars -see Blyth news on ..
I . ' . I . 9 . for ........ ' ......... r. . C1 ........ ! ........................... ....... 1. .he neck. was revived hy.the appear.' dogs in then6ighbovhood 'were bitten fui:tb,, . I .
etc. Without doubt, this -is the Great6si . . . . I . 9 . . - . , I . OC %nee in the VA-ovinclal DOective Qr er by a supposedly afrected. dog, among page 1, . . r . r .
I . . . .
. 9 . to investi th (a cla the number being the- biautitul blan r 1, . . , . .
. , V' ' . ' . - I . $1 Ullibr '. ., . I . . a On tte. 17hedetective ' . . . 1. I 00'.
Bargain in Dress GP ods * Ve ever - offered' .. r I .1 lellas lot. 75c 1. I . was sent Wete; e request of tile spahlel'belonging to A. ), Xorrish, On Are Laying The'Pipes. . -
. . I . 1. . . .. . , .. . . . r . . . . .1 . . rwoman, .. . .
Regular 50c and 6oc)i;le . . .M. , . r a husband wbo desired to set July l7th Mr. Morrish's qoq aboived . . I . . I -
. .
S. t.or cle4r at per yd '25-C . .. en 0 good .quality ' Satteen-top 1-finhtellas,.. with 9 at rest certain.r" mol.Sr which had been 10 Monday *motnini of this iVeek a start '. , . r, I
r ; . , .
. 9 . , . " 9 9 , . . ............ fly canine -being, a . r . .
` . . . . . .. I . .9 I . . .. . , . 1. . netural wocd handles, reg. *$I, fo ' ,...,. . C . ,Ing around the tbwri slg s of infectl onj and was killed, tl' r W ttenbury Street for
I . . . . . I . I . . r ... I ... 9.75 - A 11 ad of lb . f,w%4arded S. made on Ra .
I . I I . . r I . r . .. . . . . coroner's. to' ,t1le * , r t Otta 0. tile lay!
I ... 50c, . es lor 2.5c ". ... .r. . I . . r I . , jui ywfew weeks. ago 1ofind that the :a.uthori ties a I wil i I . _ng Of tile w-1 ter pipes abd they- 'r.'
.1 , . ts 98c'. - - " . . ,. 1. I 1. . I . . ''. . - Q. - - . . . . . 1. 9 Avenow,weli undo r way., Th14 eon-
z , $1.25 Lawn - Wai s- . . . . I T1 . . . ,woman came to her death from causes analysis- Aly Mprrish .
' I
r I - . 9 . . . . . . .. . . . . . 9 M n's 503 Silk Ties, 1n.'%1I 'the. nqPular'cOlorl6g47 . . . . . unkriown.toit, but it.ia undefstood Jelegram Tuesdayto flfo,"('e ,ve, a r'tOr ,oxPects,' inore -hap .
I . r . . .:, . I .. . M . : ' ' .. . I . I fdur- ' oftert til.t. tra: . do and the .
. iStS r . I Detective'. Greer as*tbpresulr,-Of bi An animal in'h aterial WorkYrM be rushed, Jongra i(aly.r .
. : I . . . . . I ', . . . . , 81n- I offlated with it r 9 . ,P , ,'... . .
I . . .. I . . . . -the dog..h6rel , . . . 1. r .
I . Ladies' white lawn 4a A. . daintily ' .. ..: r . . . . I lb -band style , knots and., bo js, reg , 500,.fur'.., , _...'... Ift I.. vestig'atichs"'has decidedthe. death from the bead of I, .n . ., ., r . r . .
. . . . I r .. ' ' ' . I . 9 . I . . . .... - I . . 'i
. I .
. I., -for 50c. . I . r , ' - C A .. I t
.1 . trimmed with l'ace and e ml''b oldery. : 'd ' - .. . 175-C L"Illeli'llats . WaSdueto hea;rt failure; - -d III 116 very ..9110rt tinie atd.'Of T1 aulc4,, . . .
) iree- . ., . . . . . . . . . mentioned, diL % . I . .,. r ,
. . .
. .
I . quarter and long sleeves,, reg.'.$ E, . 2 . -f . 9 : " . . ... I . 1. I Men's and. boy . 's'Linen . . . . ... . I . . . I . I I I .. 9 . . . . . . . of Rabies4 A.nlimb6r. of dogs hereo- ' Mr. and A1j,s-'Mc.4Uth desire to . ex-' . . 9 . . r I A
I 5, or..,,.-... 98c . I" Hats, for slimmer weart *sever- rt 'The.Twbi -C 'iti bouts were bitten by the. -Canine press their thanks -to t ' - . . .
. I . 1 9. . ... . . 5 - To I .. :
. . &I n4ty'styles, reg,.75c, tills! . 0C ,, A 46 -uall'el t heir many
. . - . ,es , - I I .
9 ---,. -.------,---- -.--- . ____.___: 9 - ,_!=ft 6.. . 9 9 . I . ...; - ................." k, r , . . . which Is supposed to' have been the friends for the kind wordsof syrnpathy . 9 . I I
. . I . r:.., :Z,=_ --_= - , ''. . . I . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . This week I"' tin were' at Berlin arid ' t " .
, . . . . . . . I— 77-77-7=7! - -- ' - --7- n .cause of the trouble, , a ber ain and deeds of kindness diLlring the ill - , r .
. 11 . I I I : - . . . ., .. I. - -7-------,------ -- _.. -- - - 9 . .
. I . . r : 1. .. , . I .. . . . . . - attenlingthe tvyIn,oitybO,wJiolg' fourn- 'amount of care should b exercised by ness and death, 6 , t eir daughter, . . r
9 .. . . . . . .. . . : - ' . r 19 arnent. F61lowIng w%o 9 our cit zensi ' as e . 9 f ,,h .
- r. I ... . . I . 9 . I . ., I I . . ':,. . 9.:. . .9 . . , tile 'scores in. I they - go . about the Myrtle ,. . . r . .
. I I - . . I . I . . . e , . .. . . , . I .. , I r
9 9 . - . r . . which. -the .01inton Rinkswer * atte ts.. . . _ - , . . t - . .. r . I . .
11 . : . . I . I . 9 . . . . . . % , 9 1 . a Interest- I .. . , . . , ,. I r,r . . I . I . - . . .
I I I . I . edl:,- , . . . . 9 . . .. .... . . 1. : r '. 9 9
L, W .. . . 9 r r . r
I I . I r . '311.4,v .k.v Tizovily . r MilthInnItal Iteport. . I 9 .
. , 1 9 . . . I . .. . . . 9 9 . ... rR 'I . Whitt WeXave, We 11old,' . . .- . .,f*
. r , , The following . 1
. ,, . . . . .
'.. . . .. - - I . . ..... . 1. .1 - I . . . . . . Prelimln "Y ' * . , The record the (,,,I,g,,r,, is the ninth amillak r I ,
. . . I .. .. bits gained 1 Veportofr Ali AN'G)enn Campbell's sue- . 9
., I . . Ap I r --- -_ F -41 " . . . . d *. I I .. ... . (' Lron&ori . . 'Cl*nton in the years, past was still u- iheld' in I -Cess fulmusid, qtudents, since Oomin ... :
9. I . I.. . . . 11 . . . .,; ;, . . . . . . I I 9 I ..
.9 Zl,.c. 0 - ll l l . . . . . . - .' the recent exams. 'About100'pupilsltOHuronC' . .. :
.: I . . =Ar . . - I . L. HOaman gI .'. - -,_25 Dr Agnew sk, _22 ounty. As usual it speaVs -
, _
9 '.. ... ' __ . . I . 9 . - .. . . . . 19 ... . 9. . , , . 9 . , . , . I . r odi - Or' defaulted to Wettlatiferi wro,te in, the Faculty of Elucation. for itself: 9 The T611owing . ' .
^,. . . I -"---,--____4C ,:.C, r,V,7"0,'AVf- .r... . I. I . .1. v , . , -were success. - , - .-.!
' . . .. . . ,. . . __ ..' . . . . , . . . . . - I . . 9 .. . . Be 6; Dr. St,eep, Guelph, to Jag Fgi r kx ms'for iho Oduntyj v.%iltjn' from. f ul lia connection with Toronto'. Coil- . 9 . ,,'.
r . .
', 9 . . . I . r . . . . I. r . . I . .1 . . . . , . 9 , , . .. ,. , - . , . I - First Round . 1, ri . V the at Z.,C6 9 Miori, .. of, music: - Jut tr - : .
t . . . I . r r . . 9 1 I & L .- 10 ,9 . . I . . . .. . , . . ., , . . 9 9. . . . 11 .,. r: I I Gilt' - , .. r. '. Clinton, andout ol I ssful see, ermedia er , 9
1 .9 . . -
'be. C,ihton Plit=-- MiSs - Bertlia Arnigbron,g. I
. . . . . :. . . . . . 9 . . Clinton - candidates, 0 were from t,
- I . 9 1 -_ ,
I - I . - - 1112"11 I 11 Iml WOMMOMMUNBOUffawmMmIlfto, 14 . . Elmalie §k '' .:.' .' ..2 J'cicso ` sk,.... 17 a .1. 'Douglas - Si t'i sode.. B' sels. Juniai,PianO::-4V1isatvelyn
I I 1. I I . . ; - 0 ewar Is to be e t.
. I . . . , I , . I.. I L . .a n ru .
. W4W - - r . r.
. . — I 9. __ , ____ . I '. . I. . I I . . . . 9. .. . r r. - . 'Win -MR W. . . . ., 9 . . . .. ially eon ratulated on his'sticcess ,E) * PI , .
; I- ___ I . r . I . ' Guelph -At Clark, .Constance. runary. lano-. ' '
. ---__,, — 11 . . ___ . . : , . .. . . .. 'r . ' the Ptacu. ty - of Education e xa lnl.u_ Miss Allaerl Scott, Seaforth, Junior' .: '
, . - 0 9 . t — . . . . 9 : I r . r'Falk sk....".,... 'l MeX n.nQu &_22 .
. ., . . — . 9r r.. . . . I * f, .
. . . . . .
I xo some of our Correspondents Ne . . . 9.. . . --- . I I . ............. _ r , .. - - . ationg. - eory: .
. . . . . iv Telephones' I . . I . . . I . ontari r , , r . 9 _ " , . . . . . . . . I . 2n Round , . . . r. I He took ..both parts in. 011e Th -011cludin HarmOU7,0ountez I . .. 1 ..".0;4I
. . veil, . , . 9 I r . I , r, , f6h, houO'rs .m. part Point and . .. I
]For aN : , . . . . . ist .
i If some of our correspondents.'did During the ' . . r I., I .0 ProTince.., -) The Best Seltool . . . 'r -year, w I a record , :cry) Miss Brerth% Arm. ' .
4 . . , Past week new telephones . . . . Str . r
. . . I . . . , atford . 1.
,.. not see thei newsy items in the KEN have been ' G- G'- 13&91 Y, -Of Port _ ctbui, ho -s I . . . . P r . r r I equally by only, two others in -the stron . russels., -Primary TheGry:_ . , I :. .
; . ,
"I i.. 10 'urdy sk ... 2.1 Province ill) sod b (including, udiments And Harmony .
. placed jn4 the homes of a -a , . The Central Business :'Clollege of. 'air-sk...'...: M90 ynone. Only
I is number Of Our citizens. - F Ilowin ,,,, nnounced a public meeting, to her Stratford is acknowledged to be one of . '. 0 ASSOCIATION ; - . 4 Provinca obtained . Miss r ilton, Sea,f6i, b .
EIIAlast week,* kindly forgivp us thi . . tell in the - . I
- time. They were misplaced and in the the humb .. 0 9 held in a few days, to discuss s6para;- the best schools of its Pro . . vAl'U61111", I tt,;, "With .
. ers:.-. . . r . I - -
1. . . , . . . I. tion from Old Ontario .and form kind, in the _ r . l8f 1, (Jil . . honors and seven of the' . I ... .
. rush on Thursday were hot discovered , I . nd, . se'wrote .only *London Oonservatory., Junior Piano.
.. ' :'.-Geb- Turner, Brue6field . I ,.r a new vinoe. - It has thTee different'depart- Nediger defau ted to, Ste.elo, Gilel' h 011el)art Poll owing are the names of; (Ist Class Ono s)'MI SXAICNaughton
' r
. I tilltheevening. We are indeed sorr'y".. .- Chief of Police,- .17 ,,, - province, on aw6init bf ;th dissatis- -merits : Commercial;, Shorthand - and Uaft ' . . . I P ' . the.8tiecessful.pupils in the last exams Sekxforth; and Miss Mary Shanahan, , , . .... I
. but will see that it will not occur .. . I I . ,. . I faction with the governmerit'q timber Telegraph ' .rhose I ... .
. again t m& . . . . . . . . i
.. . Bowl . secure Barrett Clititon. Primary .Piano .
L. —EDITOR. - . i I green, 124 - - . policy;. - ". . . .. I I positioniq "' nishing to sk. ` . . _'..25 Jackson ...... 1'7' .... U - (lot " class . .
" A. .J. forrish pl, - . . . I I 'the. commercial -world Marti '....* ...... 12 .NIVU HSI, . ()]ill
I . . . . I . . .. . r " n. sk, -, - 14 Agnew,. I I VY ,M,kTRlCVrATfOX ' " Honors) Miss Clara Holtzhauer _ ' ' r
' : Man,ning,r _ ,)S - 1: . I. .: . r . . . . ob.iii, in the 0?1l"q t for I its'free - ,r . I . 'anrteloni' ., , ..
. Official Prog-rannue Out . ! , I ( . . . . .. I write . . ' R Ball, G ton;'Aliss Deil,Millae, Clinton. ,m.
L, fo r . .1 n 3,1 - m :Sellool. ' . r - ' .. I . 2nd, Ron I Brandt, J.rfl, (, r Pe, : I, I
1. .. : I I, - . io..., .. - , A Grc t . .1 .1 catalogue. The. V4 term .. . -1 .1 1?41
1 j . ,., , ,. e" . N. O. Oluff, A T. DaVidsoii,: W boh. , ... (honors) Miss, L Jervis
, . . . . . I OP no on I - ' r ary Y: _ : ' ..
1. The 'official programme r the - . . . . . r I 1. . 'ai ._ , , * . . Brantford . , Tfieor ..
. - 'well Done - . I . I . e of 'Sept. Ist. - . . - .. . ., L , ' sk.,_'j,7. V;ty'. r Al. J. Ho)tnpa, ._o .,. , 1
... I . . I I A er- e' " B. 1,La ''. ,
. Western fair, Septembe , . - . Th6:Elliottr Business Co)lpk' or . I.... '.. , 10 I Bak- - A ,
. . r .. r .. . ...... I Clinton; Miss J. Hamilton, S e fortb: .
r 10 to 18,'M s . . . a T I.. ; . . v Al .
.. ,,r Z .
! I I nto is Well-knQwn tlivoughouti Can Official Salaries - . .. . . I - O..(j..A n,L, 1: Miss Lulu Greene, Bayflel ; Miss b , . I 1. ,
0 . . . Cox0L.grxoN, 81. I I'E,s -L eton, 1J, O'Kei, .
. . . . . I Scott;, W, R. , . , to ...
, ik ada for itS'Superfor: work The'prin - I . I - Ist Round. . I Shanahan, Ciinton, , In ad . . .r, I
just been Issued in neat booklet form': The Widliddburg News bf last wet . . Widdl J
Mile. - I. dition . .
. Is -who , !. . , .
. .
.. and is well illustratedi These are now speaks gsf,61IOws' Wallaceburg school cipa,lp Mr, W. J. Elliott, I vL 11 I. Welearn from the - dfficial rotur Agn'ew w o*`n`f'pr Nediger by d " llit. R -A,x c r, T oV4 Ak"LTY OF E DUCATION' are now teaching. Miss E diltV, Hall I . . .
I I I I efa , this two of Air Campbell's p6
I .
: ii 1 as a de' for the year 1908 that sever4l officais, I o . . . .
being ee ttered all o-er the , countryd rhas scored. anot'hbr 'trittinph,that is siiII19 a - flist-clasi. business - or,. 4.hort" . Waterlo . ,,,in I
I.. The music at the fair this year will be very'gratifyingtoevervone, DeWitt . , I of this count ' ' . . drmor)y. called Senior I . .
,. I Y,,q-nder Ppovinciai auth. Jackson ........... 15 Snyder sk ... .. . _Teacher'8) kham and Miss - 'Pearl- Gidley, .-
r . . . . . Namination - . Blkth) wece successful in passin% their . .. . *
hand education to write for afree cat' - ority,- receive remuneration from tlk !ir . o. _ (P .6 .
I 2nd Round . I r I
'r -ns, (now- lOgUe. The present year'has'beeu the ,respective offices as, folio . J. O' COOP, Part I : . . I
1 ;en.by the 7th Fusillers' blind. of Oooens,stm of Rev, T. Njr. Cos , w_s
n ws-sheiff , "ro'g,' r . 11 I . I first.pupils. It will lie seen ythe _- "r .
1. d n, and the band of the, 91st ofCIintonJ ol)tained the highest marks Inost successtal in the histor, o , the Reynolds, $2.039.01), Judge Doyle as , . ..: I H. I; Mcolq. Part- I , ,
I . . Regiment Canadian Highlanders, 41 r h the Cotinty of Xent ht the public college. I. . y f . Agne v, PS . lot,
j, men strong. under the leadership qf school. leavink exa mitiation, and.0 1. . . . I I I .. Surrogate. Judge Jackson.:r.. .-:.31 - I - "O R. Kilty,&it II,- ' . . above reoovl; the, different grad
Mr R A Stares. 'I . . . . . . ; . and Loe,Q Mai ::.:.. ..14 Patrick. : , . . -* I over$m - ..
; , - - . 13 1 *'Ork Air CAWpbell has tor 0 ' ,
, ,
E%ch evening there , vert, son of Hugh Stonehouse, obtain. $U-90.09. Tbia. of course, does not tor! ]Fail, . . .. "r. . --12 " LF -Lucas; Part]': , - ' connection with th , .
I .0 annot do w in . , I I . ese exams.. in ad- *
will be a magnificent, display of fire-: e(I the next higbesb . number. Theta' lWhat tile Edit r C. , ,,.,,,. . .A&ir ...... ... 0 .. F. A, May, Part .. . . .. , .dition to his lar . , .
. I Don'tthinkbb ' . I elude his saldry as C0116LY 'in ec. I . . . 1. . .1 I ;1 1 I ge class of pupils who I . I .
works by I -land .& Co., fifty-eight; should be no better satiifid caus6 the reporter sees S . . . . . . .
. . d to 6her ie4 er, as'Crown Attorne-y and .D. H. Stewaxt, art 1', (Honbrs) and d&, not take up this Wor
- yrtle AleXath ' . . I - .And lie '. .
r .. r . .. . righ
all. r r tg e 9. D. ,McDonald, ' I' tly deserves the cOngratulati on& 1- r '
, as to and.distindt pieces, coriclud- than Priucip You gettina on the train that he ought b 19,1erk I O,eta AP k.
. Peaco,$2,153,() . . Part I 1. . .
. lira ' DibitLinson over the to kno rR ., r . 6_ '!' w no ordinary feellhgi 6f re- . -t I, r , . an(
. P le mrLknifteent a w Who Ou'a e and vplier.e4 YOU 0. t . .
ing with '. that thrilling pyrotechni hmingmade'by'Wallace. are going, or if he sees you greet some Local egistra tJ 14 ig itfh "'Iss ' I, Cs:R. Stoneman. Pal I.. I Confir ..
, in J.L H - dence of the . eople which be. . . 1
arvel. 'The Battle of the North burg schoo I Joseph gret that We refer,to the death of Miss . Stoneman, Part 1. . . - '
. . . I ,this summer; not Only friends ftit be knows who they are Griffin, jailor, $700 ; bl turnkey, 8.5 , . pnjoys* throughout the County. Teach '.
Sea." . . . , passing every c4ndidAte.- but two of , and the matron, $.1)()O. 00 Myrtle MeMatb, eldest. daughtei.of, (4-4. Thomps,on, Part I, . . . . ..
I and whore they -are from. I . . . . . . Ing vv ill be resumed the lot, of Sept._ .
. therno arkd,both boys, lien We alin to Air -and Mrs jas. McMatb,. I . . I . r .
" iding the list, .. I of to ___ - __wmww r . I . . . - . ''. . . . .
— .
- . 1. . . ,e boy ," got all the hew6,'but you I . I . . which occurred' at an. . __.. I - NUMNOW , ..
achievement shows them to one we don't hap May be the I Have, You Visitors 1.11 bour'va"t' . . ! 7 . I . . . .
k. ' . twn to know. Wb.try . . ulorning - . . I . . I . . . I . . .
Hints to our Correspoi'd6hts T' worthy sOns cf their fatbers * , early r ..
I . be -, . the -family residence, on the .
I I . .. . , and 'to become 1amlliar with' names anit M s pefioie have ofthe5th. While her de6easew4a not r. - -_ I . . . -_ -
1. I - I promise greater things in the future,' at one time or an. .
' r - -
! . .
"I I Write on one side of the paper I . I faces; if possiblti. But during' the kohrs* other.l. You will .greatly oblige the unlocked for, owing to -the nature of . . . . . I 1. I ' - I I
I . I past we have been to church and failed publisher ty band her illness, it -is neyartheless very sad, . I . I I
.!, only. . I The County Levy . I I .
11 . 'r ' I Ing 111, in writing, . r -
. Mail in time to ieach us Wed. The'amount for the co ' " to see yon ihere;we have hung around their name, Where from, and who via- cutting off -in the bloom of young . . r
,,; I. " . untY'16vy - . . I , A
11 I. nesday of each -week (or sooner.) .the minor municipalitieq for. On the town,pump,,but oomb of you were iting. ifyou are over knodeab about, womanhood shewas*not- yet oub-of I
` , Avoid all items reflecting on the year -nor, there,v e have loafed on thestreet; g'etti ng yourfrienaa or relatives names
, perso her teens -d life that had earlier given , . ..,
', I , 1909 is shown in the4able below., The I We've even' rieked out reputation on in print, just considerbow' as and honor, In . . e-hea,p. - ,Snhoes
nal character, but send ALL first'column 69 figures gives the pro. . many ab- Promise of usefullue . I . I
:, . r the z;Ews. . . -each municipalicy back a reeti on a dark night, but you sent friends, who rmil ther local, paper, February it was'noticed she wasnot . .
. .Portion assi ned to .
, . Checkoff this list, it m&YAs- , an the equa ized asseit weren't all thera And- we'll b6 hang- would be pleased to see as, well as usual and a doctor was eon. I . . .
, ". 5 jament to raise, -the perponal I . .
1, '. , .1 ed if we know- w sulted, who, was forced to tel her I , I
, sist Tou th remember an import, , the amount estimated as fequired for I So If you here to find Fou 6,11. mention,andbesidea the editor delights . I I . I Our Midsumnie'r Clearing Sale is in full s ving
1 ant item: . I 9 Or. -Coming, or know in gratifyinghis re ders at borne or "x'Oua. parents that bar condition
". I I . general purposes, and the second c6l- anybody %ia odgioniZ" up queer capers, let, 'abroad. 'Was serious, as she, was kiffering from - It is a means of. piacinj wit your reach -'Sh 'e " .1 .
I Deat he, Marriages, unin gives the, figures of tile assess- us know. - . , . . . , The. n. hand in the personals., I . hin 0 S, Of
,. Accidents, Church News, - mentt on the 'several townships'for a , . . . I . I . .. I , . .1 I 6, With, liaturalsolic. all kind's at a small, cost. ' We afe willing to sacrt- . . . 1
: sum equal to I . I .1 I 1.1, 1. Bright's diseas
Suppers or Presentations, tude and deep concern 'the did all , . ,fiee all profits for a few -vkeek '
I , t t the Legislative School ? Offieers Qualify . I
I Sti-atford Wou" I I , , that was possible for bar relief and I S -
Refflovals, Visitors. . Gran hich is apportioned on tile I . )r, . . . . Among 'be offi6ers,who have quali restoration to health, but she declined the balance of our Sul;lme in order to clean up 1 .
Lodge News, Fires, . basis of elluipment a,nd accO1111noda. 10t eitson, 6f ,St" ford, and it I fled I i equ tatiOn as & result of the ex- in spite of their Plorts And the beat of a room .
flon. I .. . . , K r -Goods to m k-6 - '
I Public ImprovemelAts, . . ." I party of the doefot's frl oiids, arrivedlaminatiuns hold *duringesulp are; attention, and, paA peacef tilly aw y, I for.incoming Fall and Whiter lines. - - - . .
I 0 . . I I I . I I I . IA . .. in . I I ' ' . I ". .
I 11 tqw cases, The Crops. . . For 'Or ' .town laotThursday in his motol-cat igni6rL;W.,9h&tkiion,D;S.A,,Al.]D. after suffering bin ce 4boutl,', lstor $110 , . I '13e16WAve gi list of -lines ' are ,.
School Matters. .. .. I ., and plityedafrien 1. - a:ame yv ve you 9 ne*
I I I . General I i'th a rink Xo'I - Captain (40ragn Ingram,, Soy. was a briglit and lovable yout)g . We . I .. 4
of -Oiuh 'bowlers, ' hescoro'wxisatie. Pnth-A , I
. Anything else? - . -'- . . ". , Purpmes , P,., 11,6011,!.' OP. k Riagithelit; Captain T, N. fl1liotv, I . slaughtering 16 addition to the line' ann'uficed .last I
I .. , , I . .. . . . . I on the' last end, but the - doctor Won i.Twenty'-sixth Regiment; Captain,L: J. I universal favbrite wifli bei, , . . . S. . 0 I.. . . .. .
I - Ashfield-- -$4151-W - --$IWM -out on the, extia'ehd; .1 ", f veclicwllllsltulldents of tild'O'linton.Collegi. ' . .
7 . . , ,, Week. ' .. " I .
" . . . . 1 Colborrie-o-"., .. 24,35,20 ' 07.00 I' . ' D.OYIIN. Twouty-eighth Regiment ; NO. I ate, 7bere sho.expected to 'graduate. , , , , . 1. .. , . . .
I . I
.. . Ooderich Tp .... o- 35.%'3,76.*'. ' * * 142.00 ' Clinton Stratford , taffi-fl-, A. Rance,, Thirty-thirdll6gj. for h tenellev, and wits fititlifill man, Pairs Men's Pat . . M, lo I 1, ..... 4'. . .. i. 4 O0 ... I ..
. 'ri 2. 0 0 ., I 193,7,K X.Ball
When to Stop Advertising (;. W. mirge Dr. Ovens , , nidnt, ; Lieutenants Ware . ent Calf'Bldchers at.5)
) , , ,
1 ' Grey ..... ... t..... 4, Dr. . ii,nd worti. her of Wesley 'Metbodist, Uhureh.alld - I 11 -Blen's Velour Calf, Bilichers at ,
Mv ill a merchant who ja wis 1 385 :,., . Shaw 4 niore, Savant 'mont -, Bea - . 4; 5, (10 foil - .. # ....... .... 4 00
: . h Regi. 11 .,
I el - - I fla .......... 4 ..... . 51,20 . 15480 I rdmore, ,had h6en ate bf the bri htest.a,nd ." 19 6. . BoxC11103luchersat'4.00 ,for..., ........... *.''.. ". 113 450
. 'r Dr, Bray Tenth Regiment; Welford, Twenty. tnosb regularattendants of t IeSunday, P " " 1`411 Russia Calf Oxfords at:3,t' 50 for. - - - _. ... 285 1
E'ver cease to advertise? Howit"k ............ 5411.os : 217 QD 'famea PAi f, 0
. Yes, .when the trees grow upside Millett .. , . , - W., Jackson, sk 18 Dr., Robertsoii,s - 20 second Regiment, Milligan, Twenty- School, That all 11) -i.nNVellowollifoxfor(l,,,lt4,IA)for . _,,. _ ,,I g) I
. , 4118.60 . : 165:115 would have -pro. .4. '4
. , I . I . I T. .
. own ; , 32 . sixth Regiffient.; Bavig and Cowan, A,. ferl ed life to deat 0 1, - Tan Calf Illuel)ers at 4A) for ....... o ....... !.. ..
, , I d . Morris.,...,".-. , , * , , , 3W) of) .. - 1130.. . I I MI I I I I .1 hwas'oftly natilral,, 4 14 20 .
When the begitar Wdays A crowri ; MeXillop ......... 4286,10..... 172,g- As Zurich S; . . . I
. aw it - . I - I
0 1 9, I and yet 6be was well prepared ,to, go, lt ' "L ` " . Box Calf Blucheis at Lt,50 for ... 0,. ......... 3 6o L
I /.1 and had so expreaged herself .14 1, L " ,I 1 .,d BI
When the ice forms on the sun .- StP '3416,16 , 1 3 7, 3',5 The Zurich n6rald had the following . during 11 I uchers at'if-00 for ........ a .......... 4 ..... . 42 4 0 .
Anley .. ......... . , .
.1 I I
When the sparrows weigh it ton , Sterhen . * ...... L . , I . 70.0 in, last'week!o issue -ill reference to.the and es 0 11 - V.,14 13111ma at'i 50 for ...... i.. ................. 280 -1 .
I _ L .. 4R82.40 .. : Abilie to ifilluals , ,. . her illness.. She was,-lov.ed .
... _ ' 11 teemed by hetv etimpanions, as wits 2- .
When gold dollars got too cheap ,, . Tuokersmith 3.801,30 , :. 155125 I)asbbitllniatchol,tyedliei6recei3tly,-I Sandaylast'ayoung man flired a BOYS' Grain Leather Lace at 1,',5 br ... o ... 4...,. .0.. 1 40 1
. * - :., 41
I When women secrets keep -, Tumberry ...... ... 2608-30 - ... 102.7o That theZufich nine- can put tip a good I horse and tiq at the stable Of Ate, T well evidenced doding her illness and 11 Xid Lao at 2 M for .................. V ......... I I (4()
. When A fish forgets to swim ; . Vsborne ............. . 3808,00 ;... 155.50 at'gument With the beat of .them . was I Clook. for it drive to Seaforth, afte, ince, and Mr. and Mrs. MoNlatit have &I - -
. Youth's flex Calf lace 11 to 13ht . w for ............ 1 20
West Wawanosh . 23,42-25 .... 103.23 again, proven at Clinton,, on 10riday strriving -it Seaforth, hoWas d4t,,t,dr the deepest sympathy of their ma 2,1 ,, . ,, Calf Lace at. 1,5o f,t ,, ....: .... .......... , I (M)
I When -Satan sings it hymn ; ny I 1.
When girls go bA& on gnm -, East Wo6watio9b... _,=7.615 .w.. lo:1,30 evening, when the pulled down,an th. I by residents thereat, in abu.91tie tile friendp In their heart breaking sorrow, i ,' '() is if .N -
When the stnall boy hates a drum ; Bayfleld ............ ' n aying. It !8 hard for . Little Gents'Lace assorteds to lo i..2at 1.40 11 10 1L,L
22625 ervietojor. TheClintontesmisi tholanimal by ovqdr1vIhg. Mr, 'Cook goes without 8, . 6 .
When a, politician s6hemps ; .. Blyth .... * A*. 11-313.115 . . Iluron leagoo, and hiks played goo balllwa.r4 acquainted of the fact over hamannattire to realize that "All . T,orms spot c Slk- 116 goods oma approval
Wheit ininq0 plo makos pleasant Brussels.....'... .... 613.6f) , . 0 , all gehenn, stan'difig setond tit t 1)r( ; I tho- telephone, atid immediately left things work together for gnod, yet V, A I . 11
dreams I . i Clinton ......... .. I ool,) oi-) sent time. At,the end (if thi 5 h Inn. I for Seaforth to,reselle the same. 'These P11b 10,'4 clivystItlived truth in thase REPAIRS " VHILE 'YOU WAIT. * I
I Wbei; its fun to break a tooth . . I 14.iXe,ter ........... :.. stil 1_ ) . Ings the score stood 4 O in favot f0lin. neauvr4tices are fpcquent, but not so vvords .. I I . . I '
I ' . Store Open from 7 a. Ilk., till 6,30 p. lill,
When all lawyers fell the truth " 0016riell ***,, 2270 11) lon, Irk tbellth our boyo, bya umber licquentlydetected d,the lane, and,, "All's for the beal, 'I if ive dilly know it - 4
til ......... If)') 0"I ' L' . am I
I L I I" . - ,
::: ,,,,,,_, ,
., ,e'
, 1.
, 11 0
lk_ W9
INumani - - .
I L,
. I -
I .1
I ,
. I
When cold water makesto a drunk; '! flons, ... of tiniAly hits ancl, some ten ational would. appear that the liveryman - Sorrow and suffering, anguish ` '
Wheh YOU' love to $nioll it zkubk .. m406.1g) 1 b4se running, put in four ru I I rellIv haef a qlevaneo bherein, Some. 1688 -, avid '. ' 1.
- I
Whtm the drummer has no boss - .: ,#i- I 1 25. 7.1 the geote. Again the, 8th Ith Mc 11 drivets have ittle tilercy on the kind Tenderly I '
.......# 210.0v thme moro.which I - ,ho,,w and R 4 I'aill'yl,, law We're admin. w It, - , 11 .
L When these thinga all Come, to pA'k, . . I , ` a eve, 00 . I .kindly,the Lord's na*od doth . , i
Then the inail that's Wise ----; — creased to Ove, till one M t. ist _ea (J(in 'I! , it would tend to dging with Loi e the davk elme in C 6 '. `/
51 old 11 , e b, )08to
i r 1)
W'M ap&ct to Advertim, Total.,,,,__,. $(islArial 820)4 001 116t hesitated a momen tatt fli 0, les 0 tj b b y of recurrances, IRV! across, Fred.'Ja 'kson. , I
. I . I . 'n 1.1 T)J) u I it .
. . I ' I . ".1 14. L . .
I . . , L I . . I
. I I I I I . . 11
L - I *. 1
. L, I . I
. . . . I f
. . . '# 4 . . . I I
LL . - __ - - __ , _ , . , , _ - - _---- _J --- - - _. ------. *-------.,-,,------ —,----- ___.,_______ ___.___ _ _ -..,.-. _.__________._ ....- .___.,___ _