HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-08-12, Page 6W - ,&' . . 'rhA tollistdiiiiii YU 10 Q. . � � 11110 XW 0 14 . I --- - I ­ - . - - ---. - I . � ­ ­ ------,I � U'd 12t�, 19C9 �� , ­ ,��."4�,-��,;��.11�."...,.,.,�.,� . .... ... �­ I -PRO., ''.,.I, I. I Ili. Pi i... I'M— 111- - - - . . 1� ­ , ­ ,-. .W' �, , ,, ­­ �4;i, -, -­�- - �­�.­­­­ ­ 1-1 ..... ;11� ­­­' ­­,­,'­�.�_­. I.., -, . I - 11 . I I a i ­ 1. - . ­­­­­­ ­ � - - � ---- -- � � -...' , r - --- - - �illillilill'i'lill1w . - ­­ ­ - �­ ­ M"', . �,�..---��,,�.�.-W�.---�.--4�,-.-7��.--, � I I . . , I . " . . It -�, "i, dr-ve . . . ­ = I .4� 1 -"-U -91C. '. 101F. UTIC I . : - , � � r- .ai rn a nCL ior, 4 tne, - tiome in the future, this pag-e will be an established feature of the Niow EuA, .and hope to fill it with interestin' readin " * Q,�11:11 ...,. - .- 1. . . � , I 9 � 9. . .. =1 ." .­ I ..'...... I ­ ­ �. . I . 1. �. I : 1. I I 11 1111 :� =1 I . " P! . I I 1. . . I �Ii­ I—— 11111 I ­ - -, " -, I . I - . - '' :1 I III I 11 "' � � � I.. P.:Ilpll I: . I ................... � -11. '".0. ­- " ­ 1�� � � � . I . , . - . ­��� .... � '' , . , . ;�� 1. I - r1l - � [ 'Hu, ........... c(E). , N,a Cull 1 . n .7 Ends - 4'N[W EMBROIDERY1 , �. ,A �-AIONUMEINTS I 9 . ' * - ,,,X.i ' Cltolee Designs. - - Rest Material. I ' -- � Fairm anD ' Had �tjmach C[amps : THE SIL � in Indigestion , Before ' � . . . your p ac ng OCI an r I JAMES 0010v - I I ,e:so'Wal�ujp7p'1'Af tal, 'o � � , Beauty Specialist Says Women: Rope Stitch Designs Smart on . ve I 9:1 Use your teeth on your food or your . "Ing Opposite Post' Office, " - Chiton., d Boll on, the Talk Entirely Too Much. ,c0,'%'r"r1,)e','4'c an7slo Is . 9too a - , Woul . - stomach willsuffer. Quick lunch Dressy Summer Frocks. owe i posa,Mke . ld' a the . . G a. jr d e. n. . , . osi ble'price. I - 11�1 . - I hurried eating, bolting food, are sure ' . Orders may be left at Davis LOOK H E REI --.,. I.. I oolo floor in Agony, JOKE ON BOOTH TARKJNGTON. to end, sooner or later, in some USED ON ., ALL MATERIALS. & Rowlanxe Hardware store. or , , .. . . I I . I I anompo� I I I I, 1 . , � 'I I TONIC IN WILD CHERRY. . ... .11 �.. , . I .1 form of indigestion., more. or less . with . ' ­ 11 . troublesome.. I LU IIE FOR SALE Medi . �Ir- Win. Krant.4, �ontrllctor and $Qme "into on the $uCC0$Sf`UlL -Can- I '4. � - I I . .� Explicit Instruotions F�r Doing the We J. Stevenson, I AM THE I I � . . cinal Qualities of the Park of 4 builder, O,Fien, Sound, Ont., writes�-- nins of Vegotables:--Stiraight Si4ed I . Rope Work-131raiding Patterns' May � � I . , . � . . May � I , Qqrnrnon rroo, , f(Having read some of the testimonials Jars Are 13ost to Vile' For Asparagus . 2 I .1 I I Doctors and drug stor'eos are not RI. � . . 9 Be Qsad For Embroidery Purposes. Rit Electric Llobt Plaulte I BeWave Lime. Works, , ways accessible In of cures effected by Dr. Fowler's Extract . and Sians, ., . . I . I I . . - I . I . . tile country. Even of Wild Stmwberryj I thought it advis I av"Iwltj Mistokes Easily Remedied. 1. I 11'' . 1. . I - .. . . . . � 11 .. -- MaT)ufacturers of First-class Lime. m the medivine chest in eve - � I . I I . . I I . ­ . L OUR MOTTO: -First class Limi sold, aul . I Ally* Dear Elsie Dl�k has always abould contain a t( . py lionle I li.ble to say a word or pinise for its merits. . - I I . I Embroidered dresses are again to be I , , * Prices within res,ch of all. mle. Most tonic-, . made 4 lot of fun 4bout my talking so & . - are Made from American inedidnal "'S'ome years ago I was rouch troubled much; calls me the babbling brook I L I ve171 much"the fashion, and happy are r bushel at kilns. or 25c for 50 L I? . . I "- pe loads, delivered at Graham's . 1, �ooks. Wild eberry bark Is obtain- 1 stomach trouble and cramps, I ,and all kinds of Uncomforta life things, 464W those Wno know bow to do them them Hotel, Olinton, ' el used to roll on the floor in agox�ll and On . . . selves. for when purchased reapy em- I - 0 L m -h . . I . able In nearly every pairt of the coull. Tf itl and now Some horrid beauty speelalist . I I W 0 . . one occasion I ivent into a faint quickly relieve the'distress caused broldered the cost Is not sma I . . , Orders filled promptly, � ng and Issued na edict . . � I , -tinge extend4 from suffering intensely for fout hours. A against talking It least against .. by hurried eating. They, act direct. Every one knows how to braid dress� I A. NICHOL90N & SON, Prop's., ,, Iry.' The tree I . after has come alo I Ili , 11. � Benmiller Woollen MIIjs Belgrave, Onto . . I I , . � -NOT8 ScOtIll to Florida. westward to short time after this, in driving t& town, tall.drig overmu . c , h. or a 1 � ly on the sto ach nerves and actu. e.g. It Is perfeetly.easy when once,you , . � � � I Texas and north through Oklahoma IiWasattacked againand4dto lie down, I 11 . . sind In the southqrn portions. t)f in my rig, seeking relief. . It's bad ionough to go without must,. . ally help the food to. digest and ' Ilay.e-the rifittern' traced or'lrofied off . � A -l" * , . ' . As usual, I shall Ile prepili a I to bu - . . ad potatoes - il 11 A�1)1. - assimilate. Th9y,.aM­p . Z 1-1 I " Will _hot bi t - I -- - gula. U1 --on your material. Begin and -A,4�tt­pwc -­ I ­­­­.- --- --- -, 11-1-4�ea,Che �j, scults In the . ,a� , ­­­ ­­ - .- . , ­, A S11-k-VAE-m, And,give,�t-he-HfGH-ESE -0 1#11111101 Toga -- d4he­dru"ore 1 � -�. I , W. . . ,* . . . . . . 0�. -, '.. % . �. service or tile exacting go .S .. gdou.for nervous spepsia, D uIll oy pusil lig In the enA with a . . �.-*;', Q .`:�'..-, I ..:.., asked the druggist for it quick remedy I ' I loat� bral , I for WOOL, both waahed and unwash. . . I .. I 11" when It co . . Is now in fall owing, bring your re- . .­�: . . . �tt . . , � � .� I. ,%% afid laid behind the counter u- - mes to shutttng down on ing, hiccoughs,'bitteir ta d y vAanu,,,ac- 11. : I .--..*.'--'1"--`- ntit rell6f , Ste - in the large eyed needle and let the st1tcLbes. e orwill, exchange f6r m I 1.�:. I I . pairs, workmanship guaranteed by ., . ',:� �. � -well, the course of true beau. � mouth, and . . - --�- .... . 1. came. The remedy I received froin the -flatulence. ng 0 ed articles, � ­ % �i . .... . .. . ��. 11 i talking tull, I ��.' �--.-L.-t�.F-..-:�� � With.rea- made� in runn I' n the braid be firm, YOUL Will old rbliable, lathe hand au4 machinists. . . �' .. ...., I 8 11 I ; ,e....,�.*.- �-.�:�,�: drug ty, ney' I that's sonable care in. eating, -Beeclianil9s But 'braiding patterns can be used find a flne'asiortment of �; , L !.�,� .. i � s�.. . ­... ..�: .,., ...'.. gist -Nas Dr. Fowler's )0-xtract.,o.f er did run smooth. tin � . I I ..'.��.'; ­"., j I � '. L ". ` " , � wild �4t Whenever, after that. ' Tweeds, of various up-to-date patt rns, Boilers, Tanks, Suiloke Stacks, � .. - : .. M" all there Is to be said about It. I t,s I I t� . : .�r.- ...., .. fel= iing on, I found a bard world for the devotee of good Pills will soon � 11. . . . for other than braiding purposes, an4 also -eta, Iron Bridge Workli etc.. . 1 I � . ... ... . . time, I a con . . a good 6upply of Bed Blain I I - I ­�,� p, . L �-`-' . pUt an , , , to Our Illu Horse Blankets and yairis' � i .. speedy relief hipthe above mentioned I stradon you will see how of various - . ; . ,*�� I - ", looks. . . I - , � . ..��' I color -f. -,_,,� I . . '!.V�. . � 7.:, remedy, and I am now eured 'of this "Too much.use of the facial muscles well - .I transfer des[gri" looks when , Attention, Cement Men! �t,,nL-.%,. .1. . . 1'11A�.%��:­. . . '. .... ...... '. �, -, I I 11 L"".1. L.. � I L ..­.�.,.. ��,�"­..%... � I .. .� dreadfUl malady. Tile bottle is small, -pd In a -very simple stitch Instead We also make a specialty of small ., 11 -,-.-,,'.r,.--, . End to, I I ­ `.."� ­ 'El 1� . 1 ��.:':�!..*..­ but its contents effect a marvelous cure. L PY00fices untimely wrinkles," says this , 1. work . I JESSE,, GLEDHILL,' Iron bridges. W its , proprietor. L. ­', . �, � . �' :::.-,:V� .,.",­ I I can recommend it higl�ly for tile cure odlous beauty special4lat. l3ut there it , -of braid. deal L ­ V.�!�..,.� I . . . _ . . . �t-.`, i --.--..-j of cranips." %a again-what*s the use of 'being bell u- in adapting R tralisfer gn to the ' . BENMILLER. ' ' :, �`��.­­ i 1A.4 . . Stom,ach Ills -es,; you ShOuld study I . . . i " I : ;�,-&..".`--�Igl-, � '.-, Dr, V16wler's riNtract of Wild Straw., tiful if you're going ,to be considered , - V,j I. .. L , make of'youto di R11(l Cot It Out 'to . .He BIDWELL � � i� 11V ,.��­-, ." . dEverywheje. v In l3oxes 25 -cents. tile pattern. caref101y . . , , I - 'I . berry bag been on the market for 64 years. 91tutilil? . . I , 't F�,�,"n r . � I . .2 �`.-., . 7 . I . (it tile part you wish- to embroider. : , 11 .. I I '. � N �-11.t -1.11" It is not a new and untried reAtedy. And in eerily to this question the . - I - Clinton .* - Ontario. I , I ...... . . . . . . . . . -1 I I.., jr, I . .. . .., ZWXK . . , - " Then pIn It oil tile dress very carefully I M�Iwl ': 'll . . . ; � ? - 4.3 beauty specialist merely shrugs her . .. �, .', �- .... Ask for it and insist on getting what You L I '? - � �,� I A . 1'1� . I.- .�, I I -S I -SURE.' - I �.� I LET U I �4 ask for. liefuse Substitutes. They're - 4hould ' marriage, -of a young Englishman's and Iron off. If .Vou make any mistake, . . , I dangerous L I . . ers, !'It's all right to jalic,,1 she ' - .. . � �� . � .... . . . . . I . . I � 1. I . I . . � love for a bright American irl of however. 'und NvIsh to get*the tracIn . � L ,:. '45 cents, ]N-Tanafacturetl'only h�; ' . . ..�� . 9 � . 9 Fo* rid . & M -C" Leod � �..-Xlff� P, L and the �, . riep., - lr--,. L I Wealth and the fitilure' of their mar- Off, you Nill do so easIly'wIth benzine. ' .. your figure foe a ,suit, . � , `�i rhe T. Uilburn Co., ,Limited Toronto, Out", . I ' . - I . . I I ��R - I . I ried Iife- tb I 'Pile rope stltel�l. whiell Is illustrated'. figure we will ask will please you " . . �e�.' .. . rough in sunderstauding , - I . . I. . . . . L I I , I. � -As Well as HaVing� secuvedLa; commodious Graim , . -h us - Storehouse, we Eire now buying all . ': � . and jenlousy. With all her Crying Is. t lie Ist I ti od here.. Itis preferred .�be perfect At we, will * � . A ­.- ­ . . . ., �. .. .. .. -- ­. . - - ­ � arante I .." . I . I " faults, D asons. it comes e ypu. We are:Scrupu.- L � �'. . , I ..-; . - I . L I � aphile Floyd. the horolue, is 10 hi.rald for maily pe. go, . kinds of grain, for which the highest , - I . . , , Pure water For uaives. .. - I * C-liellper than go,ad. , Silk braid and prices will be paid. . I . . I . I �` �-� ., I . . , -I::- I an interesting charactor-otie �of the ' 104$17 careful to fit all our patrons - . ... . , 1, -�� - -- ' ' ' . . . . . . . -- . - best I . . . , . It Is very e i, sy � I I I : t lik". sujimier to . 0 , - -1 . � . delineallofis' of a liecullar -tyl)e Wears Oxt"elilely well. 00ce:you learn to perfeelph, as every. garment - Bran, Shorts ,Oorn and all kinds of . -- � �_,;' .In you e�, . - .g eeds � � 11� � allow calves, to stiffer for lll(.k L (if f r6l' 'b" 0�9 4 I .. . recent fiction --- and buillan ILI ev. how TO do It.- -is , asily can fly, . . . . - . . . . . I . . . � . that leaves'our establishment. be. _ rain, S Zd'other feeds kept on . . I �. . WILD CHERRY TRUNK (PRUNUSSCRTITL11A). elcaii water. Whorv�; calvolcf are vollf- .. . - -'Ilant. ponds. pell6d toArInk frdiii st,11. , . I -;,��- . . . ;; . �� I . . e wold and. aution., ine:roinallillig . . ,,Jhat� -' logers Barnes, ,. acters - Ili e 1, the 'tile- I . I I . . ,"1- ' . 11 . % I � K ,ansas, 'Nebraska and South Dakota. . I eX , or foul troughs.'they 'cahilot 'be, _ L . . � .1 . I . I -lilt Ili ,Boyson, husband;: 0 I I a, . Amer., � ,o surface is rust colored, marked with = That is. wrong. Strengthen , - . . The clusters of tiowers borne at the pected to do their b6st�h , I Not. they . I I . . . .. . . , a ic, n naval officer, whose dei)uliclation. . , ends of -leafy braiielies are generally -are pretty likely to. beconle poor , I ) a Id .. I .. .1. . . I . . I I . .of. the lax1ties and enormltl�s; with � . ' I . - ., , � . .� . . . . I . � . - . �, � 1. . I somewhat drooping and consist of suffer�from (III-eqlIve troubles. In n I I . . I . I . regard ,to marriage 'allowed in va. . . ' - . many Small, white, five petaled flow- trial at the Kansa station,witil thir- I � ( rious stares of tho Uni'll reflects, tile . , 0 'or Before � be,�Inhiug c,qntllbg be su�--. that � ers with numerour yellow stamens, tile teen crilyes rangla 1.5. from two . to tlll.p .� .c I I . ... � I . . L I . . 'Optillol. AN ew U'llglalld; t1le tragle � , - T'Rodr, wrVH:$1,EZ-V9L.USS COAT . � . , . . . .. . � . . . I . : . clusters of xvillte agalust the green , . I months of'a'e. It was found that 81;8 I I ,�' 111,111 . . . . . I . . , Irs. errier, ,N . V I tile IljjscIlje�V0(js Chloe .. I . h�tckground making it :1 rather ,it-. pounds of ;.nter were Anink Ili seven ' I 0 \ , I 1. FaIrmile and- others. - The ! W*Ilole, - � Iractire tree, The Cherries ripen 1 . days. or .iiearly' tell ji(lulfth4 per head- I I - 11 ,]�?, 1. � .F f 'W ',- - . . .- flip scene 1 story leads. tip to il, the 1 I , tibmit August Or Septembor� and 'are . . , . ' 11. � per day, It was.obst,rved- tit tile 4111110 . . ., . , . . . last chapter botirewl the-divarced bus. � . . . globular, blaek or very (lark purple, L I time - that the 'e, . lives drirttilc -mally . I . .11 � . .1 bland au'd wife.' and by it Mrs. Ward ' i 41hout tile size of a pea, and have a thilias, drinkllig.bnl,� 11 little each tinio, 1; . . . . . I I . . . I . . . is content .1liat her book sho'lild �W .. 1. � . sireet, somewhat astringent and bit- .. � � . I . . I . . 1. -7-­-7� -- . ....... I . I I ... . , I . � .... . I I ... ,� I . . . - , . I , judge(j; . ­ . I , . I.. . �­J*-.,k . I... . ..'. �. ..,.. I � , , that a pure bred bull at $7.-).110 sn,-) I,',, .... I . it - A�'. 1, , .... ".1 . . I . I � I I 'ter taste. The wild cherry. which is , . , I . . . . . .. I . . I . I .., . Tho footprints. Of Dyspepsia..bave . . . . '. I I :/ .� � . , " ` I I . ,0' " N. , . . .. � - -Y Ili - jhOligh. a ... It 1', all Vol lorestill'. . , - . " Ilatire of this country�, belongs to directly tiacrd to , & 8 , tomach " 1� . . !,�';,, , '. , . bi i e0verdolie. but I a6i sure you will - . 1. I I . ' It really doe , s look as if some beauty lilt, plum family, I ' . .beefi ' 7nerves. Wh6n t.he§e-!1hlsIde nefves'l ., .. I � :, I .,. .. . enjoy reading the Story.' �'I, doill.t. . I . I � . I . . � . . about thp.chonpV'St Invostow'.1t 111SWIt. I . . . . . Ili commerce wiltl cherry bark is fail, indigestion and st6r.rach distress . . 1. � . . - - I :. .. I . spolill, all .tny-�thflt , perli ,,, I rig flov 011 - S. I . , -, ip . 11sually found ill ellrvLd or Irregular . nI,ust9.ureIV re.ult. Foi- this, druggIsts I . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . '. I though. ..Tile. .'Ast few. days. I` ha ve ' �, - pleces, the outer surface sinooth and " ero ave supplying a prescrip. =ykhol ; - � . . I)PPLI va 1111 lll,-� !ind fill, followill.- screed .� � , , - somewhat shining. of :1 light green or brownish rev- -olo'. I- 1, l "I as Dr.-Sbonp'sllesto . . � rative, First, these tiny inside Stomach Heart 1% � . . � . . I .. . I . of-a liewspapet writer is responsible. 0, , I tv �, A � other by a.'coil.of clothesline or bay. . ;% a . RM a Owing . t I . immerous transverse. light CO . lored and Kidney'. nerves. fail. Then gas,. � � . -t pa IpItAtio", oi�,* failing I ­ . . . . . . ! �.": . .. I . . .. . : .. . �, -, . I I ­., MV -9 'Al Ile. .Ill.V IfIL(III1.1011 to callillu." Veg . . getal)los., To qu6te my. all- ­ .belching,aeat bues; or grooves, ol, ­Ieuticel, � s,,., as they Kidneys follow, Don't drug the stom- . I . I I . . ,"1- ' . 11 . % I . - tbority., . � . I . 1. � � �.N, technically known. The inner aGIj,6r stimulate the Heart r: Kid- . . . I I I I . . . The stjcc�:qsful cannitl�-of �egetable§- . * . - � ,o surface is rust colored, marked with = That is. wrong. Strengthen , - . I ,a . � -­ -. � - .0 ! . . . . I depends large o' -estiness. Q poll their fi . 1. I netlike grooves, or flssu?es. it breaks failing nerves. .with Dr. Shoop,s - ,.* . I � I . . I .If yofi are forced to depend . ulion the vilh a short. granular fracture.. The Restorative., . It is the.nerves, not the' . . .. -. ' '. . : . . . .t , , . : , . I � . market,,, try -to '�dt them when first ­ , , laste Is aromatic, astringent and. plea$. ,Ans that a'r.e calling,fott.helli. Witil- � . 10te'418.1lou,a,fte' Starting the Restor- I . - ., , � . .� . . . . I . � . - . �, � 1. . .. � . received. - If. you -carf secure vegoT . I � � . "..,...,F . . - � ­ -- Ative " I - will - realize- the' .. ". . I . ' , : . � . . . I . .. � taples ircish from your .own' garden . I I . 'country, ' . 1,1%., -il.�- ,�%­..,..­ � nou . ., 'K�4 Z �.;�... . ,., . ,. ., . . �­-­-;. ...'.... , , .., ' �,�:'��t'�-'�-.��'�*-�',-.'-�V,'.�'-%%'q gain. � A tea I.: *$Old by W. S. - . . . �� . , I 1.a .... -.1.-..1P.- . b.wil e, , �.�� I I . . � .. ,.. , . . or the so much the b ,er. . . . . I . ett , . , " . , 0 ...N -, . . . , -, -­..., ... ... ­­.X-,� . . . . .:, .�.'�.�. , I , , ,:, ..�.,. - Ro Holmes.'- .'' -11� . . ... .. NT - . . , , , . . i . . . .1 .. Before � be,�Inhiug c,qntllbg be su�--. that . . . . --"5.S-"i . ­­ ...... 11 '. .. ,:'.'1:. .. ..;, 1'.1 � .Qffi�! I . - .� . . - A'-,'�.�'.-r . . . . , �­, �.. %:�', .. I . �.�:t..'i,l�..�'-'..-'.�.,.:,"�....'-',�;*- . � . .. . . . . , . . �. . , . . � I . ,�. � I . Ytitlr�lcans. ill �bsolutely: clead, � that. -e , . .. , " � ­� . . . I . I . . ... ". ,'' , . � I . . k ... ­....�r,v-,-.�.,,- `�,� .. � . .� I .1 ..".... .,� I ­, . , ..... .4 ... . . �, . " . I ` . . ... .. , - ' - T'Rodr, wrVH:$1,EZ-V9L.USS COAT . � . , . . . .. . � . . . I . I . . . 'lid that' the . . the .tops fit perfectly''a . , .---,,��"`.'­. I -� .% , .. , . , , .,...-.',t .,*," , ." � . % ... :%"`­ � - 0-ri, 11, ; A .....,,.-,,,.�S' . - - The !� , . ce of Sires. . ., I ­,..­.�:. ` �,.-,.'-�',i.�. . '. 'ties , . . I . 'but 60 .will .tell. you I a needn't tal.k. L , ,' . I tan. ffibb0s, are. be,�% More c , anned � , "! ,�. �� . .. , , ...,,, -.-.�.-..-g. I , ,. � .�-...-�, ... , I . .C% ... �, '. ..., .,.:-,-��,..-�,--.:, -.�,.,. - ... I (3wd by. bit US . lia ve ,s614.'rec6n dy. ��.. . -. 0, , 11 fier whole face, �and:,b(" 'wit 'des 'it ,l I at I . fr nit and veget."bles'are lost tfi�ougb. �- 1. I." ��..` . , I , ..�'z,`.,..-`,ij,�.*. I., . at $5 fo-$6 per�bundrpd.w`eight Ili lead- 0-1 t rl - ... I -,. I :'.­.� . � t ' Isn't a sigh Of stupMlty.�o know how . a mistaken' Idewot ecolionly in try' ing ,; ,.�- ,&­... , m:, ,,�.', q§ " ing markets,. 'This .mean.,; that the `o:7 �­ . . . . . `,'. . I , .'to listen, at Jeagt' part -of the time, is . to use old rubbors than In any other . I . � ­ .." -,e;&:;V-­�., . . I - � , , I- 1-1-%- 11...�, ..`� man .who hs bought, used and fed,', I � 1 4�.- � - . .� .�, a . b 0 . I . � . . . -a - It'?" she will add,, . little lroWetilly. . ' way. ,Now having, 'fresh' .vegetables � ­ �. : 11 il ..., ". ,�:� ­­,-,t,.`,;� R . pure bred bull can sell him got : ., �� . . . . . .... '.. . - more � .. .. .. �.�....-.-....,---.l I- - � . . .. . ­,\I4$t of 'u - *to6 mdefl," tb6, a, talk - and selentifically clean cans. -wash the � .. � . � % � , .. 'ell �, � . .. � h t, 1� -n �: I than dnoug o bu,� anothor. one. . n � . sVeclallst, finished.' say the saine. . asparagus, trim it of the large variety I I . .�., �.. . ­ 1. .. � .�.-- � ... I .I... . � aged litill that briu,-,S.$.5, peir litaidreA- . .. :: .. 1. . �, . . 'oil ."We I thin- over oand'o'.rer. We L Say things I to 'equa I lengths and"pack neatly, . ­ ..., , -�,J.�? ". I.i .. . T.. :� �� 4. weight . .. .­ - for III .. , " I , tile fdral will pi,y ..W. - 1.� A., . . .8 I .�. -that ullght.better:.be left uusa4d. . if * � 'heads up. ,The sti-jilgft alde(JI ja rs are : . , . I . . I I ..­­- , �Si� :-0 succesaortind.more, too4 in 4willo cases, ... * , , ',�, . - . . . . I ,�, .44 . w L. all, took a'lns to preserve. Ills P infevv, better for thhg purpose. . � . I . I . . .. .. �., ,,o.-�,- � ­ Anti yet too many cattle ral.,.wra 1hiak � . .., 1114��'-` 11,�(`. "I �. . . . . . I . 'of sillence ,we'd add to the peace . of ' . Hav'Ing filled .the Jars full, hold u.n. - . I.. . �­J*-.,k . I... . ..'. �. ..,.. I � , , that a pure bred bull at $7.-).110 sn,-) I,',, .... I . it - A�'. 1, , .... ".1 . . I . I � I � the.Avorld, we'd talk to b etter"purpose , ,� .der the .cold water faue'et'and let-tho . . I , ,�` . X. I . �. awa.*, out of sight. Counjing tile Jill. � ,�.� ��-` , ", �-,� .0, I I . I . � , . " ��'. . ­ " . . 'when we-Ald- falk; and .last, but not . . . I ' Water run in With. force. until the'vege., . . , .. , ,p . *N,77.�---,­�,! '. , I'�. 11. . *�-,'-..'� . . .... �., . . .. ��-, .. I, �� , .. twovemetit Made Ili thp berd, the het- I � �-'­. .%:,.-1 . . . � ��. * * least.' we'd avoid � 'Wrinkles," �- : I . I tables are cotbreil and no air bobbies � . . �. '.., P`� . - , , , ;� .... . . '.", . - , bli ­ - , . , :-1. ­ "" % , ­­ � ­..". I ter quality and ..,her price ,.of tba cat, I , ,-�,�- - A- %* �'w :: � ,�.,:, .. ... . '' ;'. %.. �. . .%,� . . . . X - . 1. I I . ' It really doe , s look as if some beauty I , show. If 'iher tire doubts a 0 bout.the I � . , ,�� , - tie sold from It, the puro I?rv(l . bull 1� , ­ .?..,. .., , �,­ " .:­� - ,: I 1. � I :T i , . r. - �% �, . ­ %... . o . - doctors know . mor; than I powders'and : ,it , 0 w, et'lliding pure you had. better boil . . . � . . about thp.chonpV'St Invostow'.1t 111SWIt. I . . lotions when they. suggest tl�lit soni . .. 0 if, then cool'before usin j. In. this case . . . WILD CHERRY LEAVES, FLOWERS AND ­ . I 0�-- I I . , . people say.thitigs too 'many, times. . -. 'pour Into the jqrs groin .a pitcher. fill . - , . . FU UITS. 1. Pain�anywbere , ,'st6p-p.ed in .. - twenty , The woman with the wrinkles In her Ing full. Now ndjust the top&wlthoiii . . I : antly bitter, reminding one somewhat rj�inutes sure with one bf Dr. Shoop,s Plak 'face and It tired look ne�e .1 I I r. stops to the rubber and Stand in a Wash. boiler � .. � Notle, - FainTablets.. Tim formula is on . of bitter almonds. as does the oulor . � .realize how.much energy she.wastes or lar _ 0 protecting them from the 25 -cent box;.' ALbk your Doctor or when the bark Is soaked in water. . � Oruggistabout the formula 1 -Stopi' * - . . .F by, saying' things. over twice or.(,,Ve,n , Pie bottom . , �by a rack and froLn.q,qch The bark*. which is Official Ili the WOmanly Palna,'hiladache, paifisany. 'United thrIce.'WhIch *eve'adequatcly -express- . '' . I .. other by a.'coil.of clothesline or bay. . I . States pharmacopoeia, should . %;be*re. Wifte D. Shoop,­Rachin6, ed *Ifli-a,sIngle u.tterance..., . � I � � ,Now fill -the t�oller or );ettle with cold - . . be collected in autumn, -as at. that NVis, for free tHisil, �to' prove . v;tlue of I . According 'to this ecialist I , �j I . beaut I y sp water and set ov�,r the, -fire. The water. . ­ . . . . time It contains the greatest amount his Headtiche, or, Pink Pain Tablels. there Is Still' another'.1psidlous enemy I should rtlach about halfway in p the ! of bydrocyanic acid. The outside lay. Sold by. W..S.',R, Holmes. . . . �. . . . to good, looks. '' , � I pans. . Bring quickly. 'to,'the boiling . . itr is removed. so that the, green layer . . . . I .,. - . - . . . I . . . I "Grievances," she Says, !'fancied or , . pohit, cover the boller and cook- stead- . . . . . . miderneath shows.,and the bark I,, .. �The Parmer'o'f Japan. ,. . otherwise, are- very hall for beauty, Ily an bour and a half from tile time . .. then carefully dried nnti .proserved. - On tlje �Vliole and . taklng . the general ., and the tooAdquaclons, woman fre- . tile watei, lb tile boiler -cominonces to . . -Wild cherry bark qhoultl not'hp ket-ir I . . .,4randard of IlVin- into ccnsl.6�ailon, � . QuOutly is the one Who Is ,'apt to boil. Then Scald the can rubbers, lift, 7. )onger than a 3-(,ar. aN it (Iotorl ()ra . .� tos (tie Japanese rarmer.1s as well off all$ . . have -a grievance. .She, never ineets out the cans one by one put on tile' . , . I I I tvtlh age. Tho lj,jrl: froll, Very 8111all � coiltet,ted as Is (.0 fre , . . � 11 s tj res in most one that she hasn't, sotnething to Uzi. ' I 'rubbers and quickly screw ,:doN'V*?j the I . I � ; . ok very old hraliches should not lie othor,countrIes and bettel. off than lutburden, * som . ebody has been" doing lid and stand,baelt in the boller. Coolt - . � � M -0d. Yolilllzr- thin I d 3 I I � . ml -k Is considere 'r ome. . . � I 1. Something on purpose to annoy '.her, 0 . I jeen minutes. . I eft . 'Ionger. . Some gQo( . ' ' . I � Ruperlor. Wild cherry bark Is used . � I . 11 11 ' and with each fresh grievance the (-Or- cooks pr eve efel' -to I, at the .cooking . ­ .�. - M-- 3j).- Its tonic properl los. - a fill It also* - .. I . ' ners. of her mouth: go down iil� littl * e three days In successlon,. unszrewltit ,,, 4,xerts a gedativo neliun. � . . . '. I . Troubled for.Years-With . farther, -her nose gvt4,j0allper, tile the top each day when pli It Iii(to cold water, then tigbtening It when it � ­- . � '' . I . downward tendency lines ill liar tace I . . , . I , To Prsven, Po!ato Sproutmg. I . � . I �. ��%.. .� . � I , , � . r get deeperi and r4 - lie loses a little more reaches the bo Illng--point. This to not bowevor, I. . I * , -LITI-4111 (,'V')VrW Vk-hard (1uptit1wr of . . 1 beauty," N6w. MY VPAV, - my driends - 'acqUit riecessary. and simply adds (0- I the Work. ' A-Sparagug, 4. . .CONSTIPATION.- I I . � . ninkrort rplwri,; timt I Gtrulall pub- Surely,wIlI file Of being a tglker arid String . � I ' . . . ,� , . . I . , '1( � I 1111011 ShItoM 111;lt 11 lit,w method for . . , with a c6illiniml grievance. A jr,ither beans .ire more paI;;Ily preserved, ttlall I . . � �� kepplilz 11(italoos :I lid preventing Constipition or v6stivenom clogs the , - flulliqlng thing, happeityed recefitiv . . " ,mA, which .contain Sugar wid tire ' likely to fernictit. b I -�lWuntrila (1(11!�Sk;q I'l plac-Ing, them ,fn p.61,), chakes -tip tile natural outlet , of .n� . o layer voke. Ili-. tire matter, and rv1aiq%jn tile when I wrI5 going. oVor to phila' do)-. "AlIthe . stling b(?*,t , Ila may be'vallnod Ill tile (,I' schilipl. of RmA,q- I xlvk, AvIl.) lin" 11111,:1.41led tile method. system...the poisoncals effete was(5 pr I . P- phla. luiest popillar novels!" 1. siling out the;traln bo.r,: Tlied. b old,119 . . . 11 same wrtyps.aSparagus. either cuttine, - clueW of .nature, thereby cietising. 13ilious- , ` . 1-4 or tile Opinion that .1110 Improve(] ne-�s, Headache, Piles, 6tc. � 'Avoid this 06t a copy of "The Guest of Quesnar", . . . them In pleces, os, for, 1110 table. O'r' . strillging hild Cooking' Whole. The as. %enillntlon hy ,ut-nils of on%(. , � , 14 q0t 1. serious trouble -by the twe*of - . .. . . t6 a Vrosperolls looking pasV,!ngor; he ' I � . . "Buy P111-09118 looks �wftllly good' find I" , In n1ore reFp,,;jj%iljl0 . . . , for the re'sult, but " b(olleVes that -it Is (]lie to thb ci.xidation MILBURN'S LAXA-11VE4 PILO urg6d, Ilootli Tarkiiigion's lates work. sirl" - ,. .. 4 � 4 - . -jusi wild ti) have Ayintor c6rne agnin . 'open. for tile coke, Which. however, Is * . �1� a 'very They- twt- -on the btilvefA and promote . . . Th, ulm, looked hutloypd. o., I -ill So f h a Larl and see how fine it I-eally Is. '. " , slov., one. i>ke always contains Sol- , their free 4rid regular action, thus curing ))Imr. sind It Is Rill Booth TArWri-ton hialsol r.:') 11 � � . � . What do .voii think of My now fr0ek very poq.41ble that the � constipatiOn and all the diseases whiefl. it,, � . u of ,�\Iaj*rjAg(% 11 In ;With fts sleeve,cs$ C()At? . . Th6w. wrali'l . Ininifto quantities of oxides of, carbon arise froirn . I I $11;d SlIlPhur. Which result frorn tho Mr. Ilonry Pearce, 40 Atan'Aish. Avo., �, ode,' 11 persisted tile boy. -you nin't j�lrs. 11111110bry Wnrd, too. at- Y' - e 01",'"' tire among tile stilarte"t thiligs, of,the 'filet, . 07 141:10011. mixing with the alto and Oweh f%imd, Ont., .writes: -flavill been trouble I for vears with r ( onsti, ation, , . Apropos of .�Ip�q. Ward, have ,!l'Od � I senspn .S ,rely yours, , tIABEr,. NQ%V'.YOI'IC. . . ­ ponetrilthig among the potiltoes are I and tm-ihg vari6us so-calle(l tonic i. knid 1,Marriage a la )I()(lLt?,, In t1ij-, I 11 I . - * , , williclent to gredi-ly retard sproutInZ . . . I wbich did ale no good, What Ve , I - her, latest jj�)vcl tile anthov has turnod � - ---:-: I ' I 'Till's 1"ItArOeS qo trented are said to keep Ili persai, ded'to try Ililburn's. 1. I .1 -Live glwd I her trillned'llitellee't upoll .tile state of . , I - 11ow is w condition until the followiti-JUTy. Ilill.,4. I 11a;c round flion, I 0 , I � rio bene- the . v ill w, good ' dlVorce which nially 84*0rAs andBurtlook fov the blood, � . ficid, tbey are, indeed, a, splendid pill', crilles linve denotinved 11,; it jjl.N,gI,at,o tj . ) Dandelion and Rhubarb fcr stoll),it-11, . . an(I I C, . Cultivbto the Apple. all 110aptili, recommend thern to all I those who liliffer'froin consti ) (.1011.11 ', " ' elVill.%atioll. Ill hor tri'lltilloill of 1111.4 U-)Lndrake and Juniper for liver and kidwiy.,, Caseavva'aud 8(hnna. fot. t1w pploq - . do i)nt grow without some- -e are 25e. Milliurn's Laxa-lj�.r 11ills, 'Thes, Vital hilt -mill problem Mrs, W111,11 Is * I , , �s , 0apsicill ")Vvc n and Aloin io pro. , hi to grow frnth, need 1,119 I ivr vial, or 5 .for. WOO, at all dealer;;, 11.11 14, rllj,,,,.,, 11, (,llrol.t. , 8N,Iill dollo. ate, 1111_ vent griping. IT -Need -ii, Herb Tal)INf4 � . .1-11"P In tile WaY Of fOrtilifT thfth thOY ' or will Ile inailed directlon vveipe of )rieo - tit, (Irnw troll) trio from Ily 411111,111111 koul-11 4ho dest-riho-, Americlill s0vit"tY It '(W.0". I ontain these�valulkblo ingi-Lqlionr-q. 5o titblets,tor-2,5e.2')�)t;tt,letsfot..$I.f)fl, . -4, sky be the tile Illonlifi'leturem, The To Milburn. ' t -d -rd lind wornout It Co., Linifted, Toronto, .*It With Its I)rvs- ell '.Vl t I,Ixlt A. doctor for half-a-cent'a' dity. I soil. these t1e. Onto . 1. I . itit-yit.4 fire not Supplied tile trees ".. I of roifilr(l fill. I Ile Illarria;�, ,,. . b011d. ,"04111ine, or. . .1 la I 'Harriago , , ,4, . j,1kt,0 stunples i4lill driti; ,giore.q ill Cfjjjt()u. ( Havoll'.1 9-3�r-xl. I .! mInt It by withholding. their harv&t. . --o _ Uode," Is the storiy of tit, jilternatpllp, I - . I I . - . � alluitit'll tialiji5xi curbil colds etc . � A,1111-it- .;- 11 lilarb lilt,n' Cures 10111cullsee a . a . comes fill advertisemen . t for itg. � . I - and at the0orehouse, I ..; I ­ * . I . . . . .We will give you your choice, or I - . , I : '*. tile fineft and* newest fmbric!j. Wd I Ford & Md ' . . . .. C co � . . . do the rest, . I . I . . I .1. . I . X. . . I I 0- To R-STATJON..CLINTO.. GEO* We'BAROF . I I . - . I A. " . � o,� I . . , 1#1 1, ,�, I 1 e -1 . - -' - a . . Fine Nerchmit Tailo ixi. I . � - , . -. r. --. - I Good ­ A - B o,o'Es . F Led Jackson'si Old Stand.L ... . . . . . .. Agent for British-Amprican Cleajaing I To Farmets and Others.-, :. : - . ' I . . 6�- DyJng Co.�jllontreal. I I . We have several paies of Our, own . . I . . . . . � .- . ; I make of t-9. C aoO -rood largains while , -- -- . 4. . 1: � I they last. Just tile, thli " d , )g you nee . � 1 . � . . .1, I � � the spring is opening uli, to 1,,eep, .. . . 1. - ., . �. . ... ,while y our feet dry, - 11 . .1 . . . . I . 4 . , . . �- . � We are headquarters for slide re- . . .. 1. . I I I .. I .pairing, Your repipirs, done ,while you - - 11 . - - .. : . - I - . - I . . . - I 0 - .. aft. - I . vt Ode pri es are right.. ., 1. � 11. .9 . . . " . . 11 , I .; A. - - 0 "n-11.* . tg . I * �� ,, I .. I . " . . . Opposite, the Po§f Office - �: - - 'I 1� . ' ' 11% , * - 11 - .. ­ 1= I . ; - - I-!;- . , � I— - ­ : I . , . . -anch �� ' .1 d bi . . I � : - '. ...... .... . .....� . I 1, � �� aw I Lon e; ovo jbintly wit AlrbfcKown's ' . � . � - . . arness o , e ean o. making -and . . . I . . - � , . I . . . I .. � Rop.b.STITCH UMB1101DERY. . � . 4---- -,-.!r .,-IT' . repairing Vt a ortest possible noEice,, . . I . I I , ,�, ,,- . . I � I ,- 4 -- . Wt,o . I �j�-�,'� �9� . . I . studying! * the - Illustr; . I . flon. I - you can - . � ,�-, .�, ­ . . . I . .� . . � I . ­ ­ ' . . , - , K -..f . I - - �­ - I .� , - * / '"_. - - ,- "" r n 6. I � ,0', ; we adolitthor Idea-111)(1,1130th.o(I of working I . .. ­ ­ - ­- - .�­.,, Watts.& Son I toall liliids of inaterialat � . . -. 11. . -­` , - , . I . � I ; . I � � �, �: ., ind purposes. - - - � - . I . . I � , , . - - I., - � I , Vor Nyorking rope stitch thread -your * I . � I :-, ­`��;- . - .. I needle and brIn- it out frain the back i . . . ,i;-- . -�-� . � .. - I . I . . � . . I I I - . I,. . � I -1 I I I . . .... . to . the front of the material. I . ' .. * . ' . . I � . � . I . . . 11 I . ... I 11 . I . . Vleep. your. thread under,your needle, '. - .. . I I .. � - . . . I 'Ind. put 110111, nee1le back. where it , We Wapt to-Larld ' I . .� .� I , � . . . . . � I., . I ., I � ':: . . I . . I (,-,1nf0,. out, �rom. bri:i-ing It but a little on 'Erst order, blecause.we'know* ihat - . ,:. I . I . . I i way down. over tile loop thus made. ' 'thp satisfactjoh'y6u .will -derive from . I . � .. . � � I . I � You �vlll then . - have I Tormed exactly t at will open you . r I eyes . to' the -fact I .. : .. grian.d ,Trunk Roliite% , . . - :, . �. . � i� . . I , that oil cannot do..better 'ai,lih.46re I . .. . �. .. �. . '. . . I . .. . e4se that you can With �its. , . c n s0tvii.' , .' �. . . I . -T * the klud bf'loop 1Wlitch is use � d for . OU willf -ummer ours..on '. - , I 11,11 . 1. � . � , '. 1. find that we ara�not "all At seaPin our . I . S . .�. . . ,.. I � . .1 Ili ,-,-our next stltcb-�you place your' business, but thorough V; - ,up -to -the I .. . . .��' L-...I.S r � . I ' needle,vxnetly .as you'sge it Ili our !I- minute" and watchful �r the interesti the' Great� *Laftq� 6, , I 1. . I . . Ilistrattoil. bolillid.the 166p -formed and. A our customers, knowing that, by so' I . . . . . . � .1 � � .. . , . . � not Into, It. If voll. mere wbrking chain , .loing, .we are 'really acting for 00 I Fresh Water 8ea'V6ya.ge.'-. , '--,� - . ,iwn ultimate benefit. a - . .� . . stitch - you. n:ou ](I � g�) Into the loop, I . I . . � � .. . . . � . . � . I . I'lleitse note the difference. . . . . . I"alatial SteAlushillis . . � . - L . . . Your needle is put Ill tit the left of . Q. - A...-POWNC . .. I. . SUperb - . I . . � . . . � .. . Scenery , . , � the stitch and comes out a littla, below. Merchant Tailor' oo:. .Clintor,- Faultless Cdisin�' I. � I . t, . . . .. � . . . . . . I . I I I - .. . . . . . I . . . - ' I I . - Moderate Charge ' . . . Tour'�bread is kept.under your'nee- . I . . . . . I I . . . I � . I dle,. ,Drav thro . ugh and the stitch Ik - " , . . Ideal Summer Outings on the Great - .. . 1hi Lakes, Georgian Bit', -or among the . . � -AP Ies Wit t-od - - y .. . done' , Go on ' 113 tb6 Same ras-bion. . � . P .. - Iliof , 0. Thirty Thousb,nd Islands. . �. . . . 11 I . I I Linen summer dr0sies . ,ire ch;Irming I . .., . . . I ' � embroidered, itt I .white o . r'creani colored'. 1*111'be in the -tili�rket for both I Tickets hild information 'fro . mr all . 1. ' 1 allo Winter and 111vaporating Apples. i rail way agents - .rope stitch done in (laxthl-end. �r � . . I . . . . . , . I Bef6re selling, see me or my agents.' ' ' I . glue 1113'eu Is pretty when -worked in . . . . � . . I . . 11.1,11. GlIdOmleeve". .47, If: Ni4rho1q.031, I . . ecrU. . I . . . . . . . I 3�gr., Callingwood. Traffic 1519r.,Saruli� I . NTELONt CLINTON . . . ' Cii CA, . . Always use flip best silks and not % - . .. 1. . I - .. ­ . .. . .. - . I. . . a ny Oat are Inclined to fluff or rough . . . . . r . . ---- I . up... FlOss'silk Isqi1tistillable. I ..' ' F; �' We CUTMR'l . . .1, . I .. - . . -,. . . I I .1 HICHINE FOR 1UPBER T11116 �. . . . . .. 'Painter and Papefflange*r, 1. . :. - .. I . I . . . . . . I . � . I . . . I . . . . . L . . I . . . . ' . I . a. . . . Lotig agg the Scotch leariiied this, . ' All wbrk guarxnEee' . . .. . scele* aird West..' . I .. � � . . . . . . . . . . .. . . I ' . I I . 11live just hought a machine for . . The 'sturdy Old Sc6tchman must be . I Prices reasonable. . � . . . I . I attaching. Rubber Tires to bug-. . imus a 1. that. Residence. fiearly oppoisite the I -gies. ujq.d are prepared W do all I . ed at the rec�nt "disco'veric ' . . I oatmeal is the best food in the world.' . Collegiate Institute. .1 work of this kind, prompi ly and . . . . I . r C n 1C men have been making I . . I . Oil s, ic, tif I ,a,t reasonable prices, ; . ' . , . Als -all kinds.of 'lathe vv 11 . . - . - I ? . qrk, experiments.- which prove that. Canadi- � I grilading, and, machine repairing. A . . . . 40.4L MES W'CD Xt.-X A. ...' 1 .1 . Ans,eat too much fat and grease and I - ­ -- We have insialled. a machine' . I . not -enough cereals." .' - �. . .. ' . BeRrb the �r The Ktd You. Have AMays. 8 . blight. I for Grinding Florae 0-111ppers - . Signature � . . 1. I - �lid� Scotchmen Say-' "Look at -our � . � . 1. . , 0 "d are prepared to do such work � . ,. . Of' . I , � . in first class manner. , - . . . nation as pr6of, The sturdiest, nation I . . I. I . 1. .. I . . . 1. . . . - .. . . . . oil - carth." . Still - we have ,olte good , . . - . . SEELEY -&-WEST' . point to make, We make better oat-. - A dairyman gives, ILMS iromedy for I .. . ­ .. . BLAOI(SMITHS. . llical than the Scotch,, . I -seoura Ili calves: In easo yoor ell I V 0 ..; � - They buy Quaku Otits aild consider- - show simis of baving seonts ' giv,; . ' � I . ­0_­�-- ­ , ­­­ - . I , - I . `f . I . , . .them -a, teaspo6liful of in(- (-har(,.t)r.I I . it thd leader orf all oatincals. to be had . I z- .1 ..With � th 'w'davq, Wholl �, , --:- . . . 6 villk ior a fL , , '01�',wherc.' If -yott are totivenient to. I tile h1qublo disappears llon foodhi 1%7 . tile sto�c you'll P.-obably ba tl& T . .y tile reg- h,l.-,, and .yf:xi will not harb any itil).T I Arc; j t1ar size packag . Vor tl,ios�, N%,Ilo live' dift'lelilty Witt) tho.s­nilnk. . l,c . ' ' . I ill tile. coviltvy t1it: I large size fanifly . . . . . � I . I I I I . . '!---!! rIL­ -- --t­lo!-� . t=-, ­­- . .. -­ � I packnoge is mora sali.ifactory. Thc 1. .. Satisfied ' I .1 . . I I . I 11.1 . . . � large package Con'!aills ,I ,piece of � 94 I I - I . . with th, , 0 WAY villit, repairlug 10 . . � 1jandsome chlA'foe the, �ablc. Voll6w - 11 Am pm! -find, i.;pedal .%�orlc is- bti I in . g I 10 illb ex,-11"Pld of the Scotch; eat' a' , !1. , ,. done ',, . . '. .. 19 . � , j .. I . . � I (�-)tjakcr, Oats breakfast every (lay. Call... ., 1A ; 0 Is -tile Wort 0 I � I . � I I I , N. . � i'� � I S " 1.1 I . r good " , . . .ada'rhay well be proxid of file QuItker . I ell . I �� . I Is file priee ilght ? . Oats Company's, mills at Peterborough. . .!,'�--mt,h tm,�voi ��Ilt a. q.vl*�tom 0i alld 11M � S., in 11111,� vlk�y�,�-. W" think Ili 71y""p4j.j. . . . � . li­.It'! 1 . '.. . r;, :,%ly Ill, lqr,.'�t 10:1,18 r."ll IN, , , � , **.-..L- . . as"i wi I � . :; �. �, .,�,;1'11"!,�4 oil' .Iff kl, *.!..U4j;I *"wi.-lo I Is,it returued proniptlly9i . . .1. 11,� 1; ('�,�Oj­­,Ajll.�� �v V Sri . . ' ' . .. " P: �'% . . I�ooled Hirn - I ;, ,.J� !hiX "aC441411 1',[*,I,t'.,"!-,,(,Ilvl+�tIT)."..Rltor)V We are In business to fill, all - . " .." :w v; q*),l,)tl11ll". I' . '1111A, %'0.­�7,!.A,M.,j,j.- �4t,)�J%jk.]j Tratle, Who hall bee'll talight thal tile . , , ,,, -;1l. ,%­�,'l Z�­-t,l.i lv., . �W". these ossentialsi, and would . � - liol�, , , .pt I devil tompts littl* g1ris .� ,�� ...,..,;-,,,I,l",".,,!�l�i,-�.,-,�7l��)�',t'i,,il�,,.,,,,.,��I a chance to to Allsobey. wa!4 �'. .!'W..,.,:, 1), ", , 1, � I like to* have , . , ..'r"."I'V�, �il,iO.4t)Mti,v­ Wit) I left alotiv , 11) a r(loni for a tittle olle da -v, ., , lf,:­ O.'),111.1 i.1"I .1j:,:jI.� %,If - 1 :,rill,.; ..'17'i, 1'e" prove it to roll, I . . , w1th the admallition not t6 touch .1 'I ;,0 .�i ;11��]. '�,11'�""11-11"11:4�Lt"�l"I'�l',�er.�l,-',.I.l', . � . , - '-!!I!, 'I.. r-, !")ltf.�,�, il�Vw.­�--,� 1� t-� I t :,­ , I - Z, liarilmilarly (1(Ijtj0tI,4' plate Of_ fl,sl; . ,^;.I, q 4 ,0�1111%1 0&Tl-W,,:l. try O." S!u"'w..� We do Ikep-airl.11 . that Hlood oil the lable. I..,,-.I:!%"-.,I.,�""t.,,,'-�."Ixp�.1.-%:, 1�.,,,, , I I �r I , , .,Ir vm` '11wravh1wo - , , "cr, , r,,j,l:.wlM.Ikl1. W wl,audta " Gildillo. 1, I " .: %i �.;,! ') Z . Vill. .111,111[le, slio 1'ravily Alvitilslom! I 'I", y I Q(,;.l..'X:A,I I I mf M . I (11" felliptation. I"Inally; however. lip" � . . I , 1, . ��..11 �1. N T1 V setalig. etc, � I . I I reftfiltlor WaVVIIIA, And sllo wt'L a I.r I'l c n, I I I T�l 0 .-"� � Cn I red.appl(l ri-rit., tho ; 'k , *-000- , . ,- pi;tje. �qljo jv-,jI,,.o(, ;1o0' " 0 5 U 0 � li�ay with It, blit btllvre 1)utting 1�o C)� . ,. P . . I I her kin; her votlio,;go. retupnecl, a,,(I l,.%p ' � Wd R Counter , .. ".t. r-th-kly replavvd lilt% 41ppir; (ill tigp C� % r f. . # . $ � . Restorat" ,A flato, k.'I'Vill".0 11:4 she (lid "o: "Alla! Me . ­­ . - . - I V 40 Issner of 31arritige I'Lleenses 0001. I foolod .*cu. didn't I '­ &d by ,,ALL DAUVIGIST81)) 'Iil�I,W., -, I Aa � . - . I '' � . . * I W� I I I . .. . . . i I � 1 �4 , . 1% ill .. am . Wdiablim"111111 ­--­­..L.­,N--N I - ­­­ -, ­­.. � 1. . ­­ .. I I I I—. ­.­ . - " ' " L ­­­ ' ' ' ' "' � - " I - ­­ ­ ­ I.- I 1,� ­ " ., - �. I L . ­ ­