HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-08-12, Page 221
f , �
i The, New Eri
. Is pubUsbed,'every'Thursday At
I the RMW ERA, PrIntIng] Rouse,
, . 18"Q OTAU= 0 # 0 * MINTON,
I Term
. . p of subocription-$1 per ye�r
p advance . $1.60 may be ,charged if
! pot so paid. ,*�Kyo naper discon0pued'
� , v .id, unloos 44 the
.util all arrears are pa
. j�,� 66M of,the publisher, The ,date to'
I 1ph eveo silbscription is Paid I$, (10.
'Voted on the Iabeb
1� Advartilsing rate-, -Transient 440r,i
I nelt ao "Lost" 11s.traved," 115tolen"',
I - Inserted once f � r i% cilats, Or One�
i . to, 0 .
:� ' ut
I imouthlor$1.0orarn *eat
'a . ions intended
. .
r ublication must, as a guarantee of
i g .fm,fth, be accompanied by the
1. ,rc:9
t. . qs�me of the writer,
; To insure publicAtion in current
. Ague copy of advertisements should be
I . sent in early,
� Contract rates - The tollowingtable
.. aboWs our rates for specified periods
� and space.
�, I yr. 6mo. Swo. Iwo
. � I Volumn $75 00 $4000 $2500$1000
, Column 40 00 2b 00 1500 0 W
Column 2500 1500 8 L 00 300
I i (Wanin 1800 1000 550 - 200
1 Inch 6003.350 200 00
L. Contract display advertising 10c per
,,, inch, per issue.
� .
I W. III KERR - - -
� will __
I .
. THURSDAY. AUG. 12, 1909
� I
�L MAP Out a VAII eatnpaign in - youll
'', business and let the public know, what
I � it is.
.:. RvRAL schooli re -open their doors
� . Monday of next week. The opening
� -� day is always full of interest and nov-
". elty, particularly when a now teacher
I L I i being inal a1ed or a j unior's name is
1 1 � , I p'aced on the school roll for the first
I time. If parents desire to make y4pur
e 11, school a leader do 8 things at least,
; viz: (1) Send the pupils regularly and
�* punctually. (2) Get acquainted with
I L the teacher and occasionally pay a
. friendly visit to the school. (3) Imbue
I the scholars with the fact aneducation
. 13 one of the best preparations for life;
whether on or off the farm,in business
life or Whatever the sph-ire. Sow the
s3ed that "there is room @,t the top."
. � These days will never come back so.
" employ and improve themas time flies
. Toi?oN,ro authorities appear to be
I determing4to snuff out the opium
� joints wd John Chinaman will have
-� to learn andth# in more
. etrade or -take i '
. . I ,
. washing. We hope the law will be en-
1 . . .
C -A fq!��J vy 4 or against
I � .4�yhe,,!,Vie,,,
. - _� .4� -AE�_X 'z-
- . the statuif-'smashers wh-6 do not wW
. a pigtail. Sometimes - thos6 "heroic
dashes" recorddd of thA police when
I they "swoop" down on a few cowering
:1 yellow faced Chinks with their knees
. trembli�g and confession of wrong-
.. doing on their lips, remind us of a bi . g
I . boy bully asserting his authority over
� � some 6 year o1cl, and with rough grip
of coat collar and an occasional ap-
� plication of boot toe, plus diref ' ul
� threats "if they ever dare to do it
,� agaio," imagine they are in the bero
. lisC By all means assert the law and
" give the violators "Paddy whack" but,
cut out partiality or preliminaTy
I knowing winks before time is up for
� the arrest so that a fellow may have. a
Caance to i,quit his meanness" prior
to the "darbies" encircling his wrists,
I I KiNo EDWARD and the Czxr .of
Russia. held a kissing bee and eX-
changed a few of - the sweets of We.
I While the modus operandi may fie.
long to the gushing order in the oplu-
ion of the cold world it is rather to te
approved of when compared to somia
i. of the hair pulling stunts worked off
�t, by some of the world's crown weareis
A man who36 neighbor was "killing
him with kindness," said lie would
have to cease thrawing empty cans
� and bottles into this man's yard. The
� , old copy headline the schoolteacher
wrote on the top of the sheet of fool.
scap paper for the pupil to imitate
I years ago was good both as to , chiro.
� graphy and sentiment, viz "Kind,
ness is the golden chain that binde
� communities together." The 20tb
4centary !naterialism and selfisbrieLcE
L should not be permittel to freeze out
q the warm blood that prompts kindli.
; ness, sociability and expressions of in.
! terest, sometimes demonstrated in oc�
� . cular fashion. Great Britain is very
S Not
Color Hair
Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now
made from our new improved
formula, does not stain or color
the hair even Aw the slightest
degree.. Gray hair, white hair,1
blonde h1dr is not inade ,a
shade darker. But it certainly
does stop falling hair. ,No
question About, that.
It will itop every base
as theft It iome very
0"*X#A* ** *6*4tAV*d*4U*"Ari*-*
- _ . .,� . .-- .
. . . �` - —WI -W
. . ., 1,� The - 0110ten Now Zr* I - . Aug r 2 th, i gog I
. . -
I 1. . 1. I .1 .. __.. — -11, I- � �.. 111. I — . . I . .. � . .. . - . — I . . I I I 1. 11 . . .. . . . 4 I I � ' .� . -11 ,� ;;� I *
. . . .
�loseiy relstga to the Russian throne . �� ' � For Sale or Rent- I PROFES!510NAL`�
lowell ao th eswoptre�wlel4ers -of othel . a T L( I
��� ..........
lauds 4nd, ,a larger measure of fra- 0 1 ,,,, M . . . . . . . I ..... .... ... ,,",,"I'll ,,"I'll, ",",,""I'll", I ,,",,"I'll, ...... � W, RIMI)OXV, I
�ernity and Interchange of visits and 0 - i in = c4a be prove t -House umd Lot for Sale I
, — I... ----..00.. -
interviews should be cultivated asilt I I . Lesson VIL—Third Quarter) . — — U41=61= HOLTOITOR $OT4R
-- - Ou m4pla St. one half acro ot round,. � PUBLIC. ETC. .
would immeapurably tendrothe bet. For Aug, 15, 1909.. =afruiv Irees and oiber PM14 fruit.1 - QTANT N .
. ...... ��� .... 1 �� .. .1 . �lf 0 / I
ter imoerstandiog. of national affairs I "I .1 � � I . k � N. I ,in gool 40444119 ,
),nd reemove the suspicion often exist- Is the best. remedy � . aw"!M40ENS. I
ing between. the crowned heads. Long known for sunburn, THE INTERNATIONAL URIE . � I M ou"Mmmor —1 anaptLas 0. "RLS .
, , � - . I
. be4t rashes, ec2; m a ... er� If youareweak'
mar alov 1�dward, the peace me.,kerf , � 11010 I I I - . Rouse for Sale I 13ONVEYAN0811, - . NOTARY
. I
I � . r �
ocin . tinue to ply the divine art Of Wak" sore fqet,,, stinSs 0)%A I -90 itiid run , , itwill give YOU . The large pottage on Queen street. bo- I COMXl$STONER.
, . . sters. A skiii foo4 I Text of tho Lqsvon, Acts xix, 8 - StK'Ongt 41 build you up� . , MONEY TO LOAN. 0
. .
iv*g men: love One another. The dread Memory Vtrsox� 19, 20 -Golden Toxt, T*4 it In % little 0014 mill; gr w1dor 100(plog t�o tho estate of the late N. Holiflem ,.,t
� ,
, - Getasmallbottleliow. A111 MusAds � !a )ffera for mile, The lot is ove-boilf �
noughts are not in it with this unseen I .411 DruvoWl and store* --Coo. A48 xix, 17 -Commentary Propared I .. ___ - I 1. I . — �
. � !Box, sore, with bearink fruit trees, hard and '
I I 0110MA ]Mdc - 3'
. . . I'll I . by Rev. P. M. lEltearria. 00 01-aw I -.1 � ... I I 0101twater. Abargain, Apply* I
power. -.1. - . � � I., I..". ,t NEW H. T. RA N 0 Ef
I .. L.I. . Mon"ONE"EMMOMW toopyright, i909, by Ainekican �rqss Association.] __ - __ _____ ___ . I - mnwn.v" ERA offloe. . . Notary Public, Conveyancer,
. .
,O I that I had the wings like a dove conv . letion, and I . mprisonment for six On the return of Paul froni his Orand TrunU Rxilwny Systent Financial and Real Estate.
. , . Farm for Sale or to Rent' INW]RANCE AGS
I W01314 11y", writt�n by the scribe i� . months for the third conviction, for I st Jou . ZT-Represcile i ire In-
. . , , it racy be landed at Caesarea, ____ , oursuce cow�su 0 !Inl; 14 r
the following offences. where there must have been quite a Railway Time Table
the Good Book thousands of years ago (a) Driving a car without display. . Lot I6, Huron Road, 0oaericli we , DIVIRIon Court Offil
company of believers besides the bouslo;, bank ,cc. I
barn, Stons stable, goog W ' I I
possibly referred to the possession Of Ing the number of license, London, Huron an .u'p
(b) Driving I a bet or liousehold of Cornelius and Pbillp and , 4 Bruce. farm most, in. grasp. Possession � 1. 11 .
angelic pinions more - tham the modern n a race or on his four daughters. - We .can scarcely North -Passenger poly or in fall, . tyr I- w� BRYIDONE, I
airship but we, as: Canadians, will be wager. . . I xecuk,Eav
(c) Anyone driving under the age.of think of Paul passing through with- London. depart..... &SOamit.50plu Form to Rent I
glad to know that all the demonstra- 17., out fellowship with them, for, at an- 136ntralia ... � ....... 0.40 51413 . . OR 1, W. TROMPSOM
54 - . .
tion of these 20th century wonders is (d�) In came Of accident, failure to. other time we find him and his C014- Exeter ............ �, 9,53 5. The Ostrh'pi tarin, Lot 28.9th Con. of aoder]ltu . . i1clan, Suraeou.:mta -
top and return to. the scei�,e of acci- pany spending several clays at Philip Is . Hensail,. , ............ 10,08 .010.5 Tv.. 80 acres is offered to rent. Apply to O'DeCial'attention given to diaea,sea ot:tbe "',
not to be left to - the lands'across the a Kippen ..... I 1. I... - 1036 oil- aOSH COOR. A
, dent. or to MRS. J, HALSTEAD, gye-.Mar. Turoat, and Noss, . I
seas but w% will bl� able to point to our 10 Chauffeurs must be licensed, home (xxl, 8, 9). The church at Jeru- Brocefield .......... I&M, 0.19 Clinton. tf 9odprieb. I Office and: ItesidjAce.
flying machine xlid� call attention to � . I . 00 � . salem ,would be desiroUS4 to bear all Clinton ............. 11.05 6.35 . !lfwo. doorp wiss of the Comm refal Regal .
. ., � . . about thls� great journey and the open Londesboro ....... :. 11.18 6152 - , � e .
. -
. , ,
the more than legend, "Made in Can- C"k98 Qfton Rot ,1C0MpQU111L #oors in Europe, but the record simply. Blyth... I I .......... �, . ll.v 7100 1 . To Rcnt9 I I . . . 11alront at.
, �
ad . a," o4orning our bauneretteB. 11.Ex- The great Uterine Tonle. anA . says "saluted Ole cburcW' (xvIil,..gg), B6lgrAve;-.,...._.. 11.40 7.18 The Draper. Firm, lots a, 51* 65 and 60, Malt- � I I
. only safe Wectual XonthJy WhICh way have Included a rehearsal Wingham, arrive... 11.50 7.35 land Con, Goderich Tp., Consisting.of 250 acreR, . �
celsigr 11, I$ a good motto for ev,OVY- . ,,or parti cularo, apply to W. DRY133NE, Dr. W. Gunn
. Regulator on which,women cau of the Lord's,dolugs In Europe. Then .South Passenger If. I . I . Clinton, fts W. vinnia. L. It. A P., .1 L. X, V. &. Due.. .
body, great or ,small, young or old, Irk depend. Sold in three dworeeo during b1s; stay at Antioch 116 Would, Wingham, depart.. 6.43 a to 133: p m, , -- - -� - I , � � �
� ' of strength -No, 1, ; 0. 2, . . . - . . I I Office- untarip Street, Clinton. NV, Calls 64
, 10 degrees sti _0 Belgrave ............. 054 - � &4V I
town- or country and by emulating the - % ; NO -1v not fail to tell of those households.'at door of office or residence, ftenburn
. .
, for sircial cases I � 'IT,"
good and I ventoritig, into the wider 8014 , i , per box. PhIlippi. who accepted the Lord Jesus Blyth ............... w 7.()$ 3 Ba Paik Lot for Sa,16 0 ro.f.
, L A or seat L 1. Londesboro. 7.10 4.04 . L' I .
. nicl, on reo t, of price, an(! of all the marvelous grace of Goll ,
d The undersigned offers for sale a' park lot of Office, I
sphere we. learn to lean on ourselves Mpllpamphlet. A dress " * : : v,*: ', ', 1. - 750 423 Al acres, on Raglan at, nearly all in bearing . .
. : Clintori,..,. ,iours at j9riltal.-1 to 3 P.ni,; 7 to 01 P.Mi
. XM . sor 'Thle �rings us to his third , " - b I I',-
an&grow- Itiiinotgoadtoalwaysbe E 10 ' co.,Tosowo,09Y. (1-merlY I Brileeflold.. ,., 8,12: � -4. - - �
� 18,23 89 it ult 0 0
. � , I concerniu; the beginning of which We Kippen......::::: ... 4,47 oiable f 0 0, . - ' .
plac ft 0 fil DR J, W., *;HAW. �
& trailer as the prize is to the fellow read that "he went over all the coun- Rensall ............. 8.32 to � for '
452 . . MR
whocomesfirst, lf�we can't flY lotus AGRICLTURAL SO- try', 9.f 'Galatia Rua Phrygla In order, Exeter ............... 8.48 . 5.05 tf . PHYSIOIAN, 81316GEON�. I
, I - Accouebeur, etc,, office and residence as .
&()met!mL,s skilke the double-quick in � streugthtilingk all the disciples (%Vill, Central!& ........... Or 00 .5.15 � � tenbury St.. api)o4ite W. Farran's residence.
I . London, arrive...,,, 1000 0110 . I � �
40ETY STATISTICS 23). He has told Us ill his epir-ties bow . , - . .
our walk and get Out Of the old-time ' I . . I to be strong, so we ' a'n'u' House and Lot for ,Sale __�_
I -*30- can underst .Buftalo and 010derlill I --- . I
Oles to out work as much I 'the ninth aniitud rep how fie stre thened 1hem. Bee Eph. . � I The undersigned offers for sale a house and DR, Pon$ AXON . . . . �
rut. This ap . . orboithe A9, . West . Paas6ger
-t MAY. rieulturAl Societies of Ontario has. just �q txtu^pin.pm pm lot an Huron Road, opposite D. Forrester's *, lot DOTIMV I . : * �
as our play and the Vldbok,iet CM r 4, vil 10, I . Stratford. 10.00 12. . 20� __ ?7, an -acre. has stable dud (Successor to Dr. Holmes f .
W i'd , 11'. 11 Tim, 11, 1. There contains about half
e issue I by the Department of Ag. Is no 11. I barO a I
be within ouk, reach knight turprise us salvatiop,.uo strength, no victor.,, " " "' 5 �11 IQ -20 house. fruit treo5, eaoln, 114 Bolt wala"
� ric Iture, for Ontario, L' , contains'o Mitchell ......... 10.29. 12,45 5.55 10,47 pgr parg.�qlAl% &%)l 'td . Specialist - in Cro*4 and Arldge Work. " -
st the move -out on 'except In Christ Jesus, by His word I . y . . I
if we would dare to to a s of ter interesting inforroati . I . 10.45 1.10 0.18 11.12 - W�'., M,Rs� TH65. C,6T-1'kLb, oft preiXilses. . Graduate of the Royal College of
, .
. _.-
process and lit respoxise to ouri indivi I . and is gotten 0 I p In the most attractive and, Spirit c(ud by virtue of Ells precious - Clinton ...... a..11,07 1.25 (3.40 11.281 _jl " --,-.F-. , ,- . I . geons of Ontario.- I . . Dentaiiiiii) �
I . style,, containing as it does many. ple. blood. ' I . . Holinesville_,r_11.16 1,83 046 II.38 . Honor gradfisto of University of Toronto Den� .
. .
duality pronounve the ennobling ' ' ' tal Departinent. � . I .
. . tur, s of,prize animalp'and birds- 'j�rom .'Th6i Paul left Pris'pilla a�rid Aquila Qoderich�...i1145 .1i50 7.05 IL55 Tiniber and Lunlbv 1.
t . . � 11 I . . I . r� * Graduate.of Chicago College of Dental, Surwely, - I
bugle note "A D V A -N 0 E V I I I Chicago. . . i, �
� ' . I I this reporl, we glean the following in- at Ephesus on his return lwnke from , East 0 ' 1 - . Passenger Will visit Bayfleld Qvery Monday. -
Ta. ke , a . sheet of. paper and for" on. Thereare 321 societiegin Corluth he did not know tliat be War, .. a in , P 'P in . .. For gale ,_ I I . . . I . � I
. the Ktivirigp that receive Gover-liment , � M . _. —_ , . I . . . I . . I . . I .. .
write down a list of your forward Mid for their fall exbibitiolis, - 32 roviding teacliers for a 'man ul.... Godevich, � ............ 7.1-0 14 10 it'so I IiA;ve a. quantity of square tiniber suita.bTe . I . I . . . � . , "I
� � '
movements in the past 12months. It hold spring stallion shows; 2U that ready mighty'lu. the Script . ures as far Holmesville; ......... 7,26 2.57 ,5,()o for barns or driving shed purposes, also rough � DPL 111. FOWLER9 - ... il.
. ,lit Clinton ......... * ...... TIM) 13 K 5.15 1 , uniber, Apply to D, CANTELON, Clinton� tf . . . . .
you say you have none to r e'ci)rd then hold spring stallion and bull shows -.15, as 'he knew them, but so J� turned c Qeatorth ...... � ..... �, 7.52 .. . . - . . DENTIST, * .. .. .. .
ii. . I , . . . that holki upring seed fairs,and IS that (xvItI,- 23-2S). It increastd. kno,vvledge' - - 3.25 �5.%.) , - . . I I . I %� - . .. I 1. I
. I . -Mitchell. .......... *.... 8.16 348 . 5.55 . Offices over OINEILIE r.tore. . . I .
, is up to you to 'get busy thii very own thorobred stock. The large'st. of God is given to any.of us it -1p. that 8 tratford.. . . . � ....... S.40 4 15 1 0.20 . . Fa rm for Sale. I . : '
day. . .. - �1. . grant received by any society this year we may meekly instruct others who I . I ... . . . . ' L . I 13paoial cmr� taken to make dental treat. - --
__ .. --O-- , � � . . . 8yas 0,00,and this was earned by only 'have - . not the same mettsure of . � �, On tbe lion Ion Road, one wile south, of Clin- ment as pinileis as poadible. . - ,
. DAIRY ED11CATION t I . ,light. CAtAkItIl"CANNOT BE GrIMED to.;- 13,2 at -res: fine shape for cropping: no better - . � � . �
� � � w(i societids,'Guelph and:South Wel. Blessed that wc�-niay be. a-bles�sing is 1. . . . laiidaii�,�vlido;*ftiirbiiildings. Uustbeqoldou; . . I
. l 1. lingtoii.NHArkhami EsEexGuiInty re " with LUOAL APTLTOATIONS,as they owner'cuinot* work it. Will be sold cheap. I -*"--'-'-' � :- ,--—==Z===
. � the -Lord's way .for His red of th dise Move quieR. R. I'LUUSTY.M. ', 70A tf .
Proper Care of Milk - To Be Demon- Ceived W11; South - Victoria $60& 1 ee're(I-.' eannat�ieach the seat e ase. . . .. ... , ..
� '' Woodbridgb$574, N.ewmai,ket',',$---60,' When Paul reached Ephesus onAblia Gatarrh.is a; blood or cous',itutional ... .... - ..' ....— .
. strated At fhe Canadian - � . . . . 1. . � fid generafAuction -,er
. . . . Renfrew, $512i -and the others v"ArYInv- third tour he found diselples -who.bad - disease, and in order to cqre it you � Live stock a
. . . "ate . .
National. . ,�:, , fi-Orn $46 to $500. , The societies in th5q. bee'n,taught by Apollos, evidently be, mt.A%gt take'internal remedies. Rail's . F or Sk -�. , � :. I
. � I dou*iity fared as fo ows:,Ba§t Huron., f , ore he'liad been further 4listructed by . � . .--- �:. ; . Ii. . . .. .
. __ . I 11' * I . . Catarrh Care is taken internally, and - GODER1011' ONT
.$243;: Howiek, $123:. Blytb,$161; Zurich . . On Itaglan Sti. Clinton, near ,the r1olleglatL, 1%irr.sta,it maxes a.speowai� ,oie.eig.-st At
The educationalfeatures;in conTiec-, . Priscillh and Aquila, knowbi'g 'Only the abts directly on the lil ood and mucous. Tnstfttito� the residence of.Mr. J. Houston. Two NEW EUA oVeeo.c1bla. rcinp adenaAd
- Bayfield,- $108; Hxeter,$109; Sen.- � I storo.y brick hotiso, -,qltli conser1ratory, large 'to. Terrus ... . �n,,,p ale
$121, it arin."'ily
Lion .Tith the dairy department .of the baptism of John.' When Paul -had in- surfac ' es, Hall's Catarrh Core is not , I , , fiot*,
"xhibiton,- -Tor . ic)ith, $213; W est. Huron, $332.- Dun-'. . . quack niediobie. It weta prescrilied by Iavih. fruit trees, (apple, poar, cherry, poadb, - discounted ... . I .
Canadian National E . -�. $104; Kirk- structed them move fully the received -96 physicians in this,couil pluin. born- bushes, etc.). Rouw way be seen by ' 1. .. .
onto, promises to be of.un0sual Jnter- 186; Tornberl y one of:tbe be .
. 1 .. applying to *Miss Jennie nolines. For terms,' � ' I .1.1 .--�--- .
gs'noso, . 0 Owing , rough him in the name of the Lord try'for y'6iirs and is -a regular prescrip- write to'.1. HOUSTON, 31 Hargravo ��., NN . in,
eat this year, not only to the farmers, ton, �51_1! In addition the f 11 ' i .,tli . , ,
Jesus , 7W
.1 P061al fillin_ of the 1101y. . . .1. . & .4 1). NOTS96
but to consumers of milk in cities �Ah4- soOieties receiv6d the amounts naTne s 0 tion. It is coinpoidd of tb�, best tonics nipeg. . . . G.ED.,XcTaggarc
. s 1. . .. .
. �
towns as Well. The cis onstration . for tbeirspring shows., -South Huron, Spirl, ; and known; combined Wit -b -the best blood . . 1. . I 11 .
. in . . . 't,. and spake Nrith tonguci .. ..6.: _-.� I .
§37 a,nd $12 for, seed fairl Blyt h, t37 . I I I .. . : . Oliiiflerr�-aotingdi'roctly on the mucous ., .. ..� . . ros 1, .1
work and lectlires in the dairy ampbli-, )U,,, .sled (xiv, 6). . . . � Z) .
theatre will be -under 'the 'Iminediate and $13 for seed fair; Seaforth- ip . .. I �
., proplip � . I . .
� .1 . . � . slarfaced. The Perfect combination of : 50 ,acke Farm to 8. .. � - -B;j.XXERS - , I .
� A: Patn LstEigln stands first in point Of. Itsoms quite cleac thativIien Aquill'i . . . . � . . . r ale. � . , I �
charge of Uri * Geo. am, - d ii� - ,',a I � t be 2 ingredientf) is what prodpeee such . .. — . . . . _ .. . I . . . I . ..�
ction O' the pro, . men I . � . T () "
� abet -ship for last year, having a and Priscilla heard Apollcis ib the syn-.. w6nd&ful results in cut,ing Catarrh. 'Sontli balf of T,ot 17, Conce9sihn 4.;Jj.R�S.,,. A]�BERT. .S LINTOb,
ector Of daify instru I bunty comes sigague th I . � f I .
1,;� ; a0e�tgn go ey (Ila not a-ttenapt publI0Y.. Send for t�stimonia,ls free. I . ' . .
. 11 Q MMMI! e 1L!f�gen ,1 . * . Z. . .. Ain . m I N� , General ..-Banklun �13utintsii - .1
S.XA,,�� 6in; t ,ee��creKofbnsh. 0 or , aing wolt.
will also furni . t , 04 " , coqnty ' Nviviu�191), " � irN I b t Ulf and . . . . .
r1Z:v)oand_-,2]�p . ' 1. I , k, I
man . ��t� ,,L I .11"�� , , K e Ivit) .
.11 .i&j��_W_ third wit i 5 , Zifffn-g--Ka-ck to the a- , ,; . - tic sil edtNr. .e . I , "., , . - , . I ..
- P-AMMIL Afigaam nd ��, k . Y. , , N . e.111 . I . , CW� . ,
Q I NIYMID - 70 � I N & Q2106
, n. . aloo loviog. .tact , too C ilm lVh 194- . '940 ,Z� � - <Z1) 1ZQX Z7�� .
definite instrii t .9 . .f n,East Huron hada, Take Hah's Family Pills . � .% ', S, M_
. . coubty-of uro - isimi tre IS nall 01-01 r � I . . .
.. . .1 .1 . . . I . 11 for constip pear , plu an Pinall fruits; larg ap le"i I , - . I
testing line, . membership of 51) and paid in priz-s pfpbably to their home, and 6xpouude(I . -ation, - I .. I - � . ;1" . ?.., NOTES DABC.01INTED.. . I
The pr9g,er care and ba'ndling.of I . � . . . am. stone st 1i wunderneath.lb. This choice' . . .
I 1051; Howick, 45 members. naid $44j. unto. hi - in the way of God more por7. . I ` . . 7 vroperti, is situated five inilei froinSeq forth and . I Draftaimued. Interest allowed off .. I .. . �- I I
milk w 11 one-of.the subjects dealt , I .
I fectly., - Then.it my ave. beeh'that . .. . - . � .1 deposits-. - . , . �,. . .
vrith, and it . will ba'accoinpanied by Blytb, 5 52 members, -.paid $476; Zurich, ' 11 . Falt Fair Diilfes' ' ** .* 1, tbree.,iiiiiesfrow Kii)p6n �-onvenient to schools . . .
190 members, paid, $376; Baytield, 62. Apollos. thouOt better to begin else-. � I � .. . . s good � gravel +oaa% Ponestdon I . 1. . . � �
demonstrations of mitk.testing as wefl . - mem- where with . the neNy. Ilgjit he, had . re- - ; g1",�enVj,.1'f,.0],1.e irorfurther particular — . I . .. . I . . 1: .
. . . , members.'PAid $,3W,;-E4xeter, 2.14 -Atwood.. ....... t ........ t.Sept, 28-29 - o. apply on -- , . - . .
as bharig 'showing the vitlueoV*cOW-. I .Brussels.:. � ...... �:_.,"..Sept. 4 the preinise.s.,or to'AIRS. `w1%11.,GORDWN � I - . . . 1. .
. . ,. . I 'ved ra. ' here' lie - ' .. . 'jo .� 'The . McK I MOP Mutuat � ' * .
testing. associations.' . bdrs paid $6731, Seaforth, 142. mein b6s eel 6er 'than �v . would . i -Oct I 61111 , I 1�tppen i�.O. 0, nt.
. I . .. . $6SS; Wast Huron, :215, members bave. to confess that be had not Pre- , Blyth.. � ................ i- .... .. �Oct,. 5 6 . . .. .. . - _., . , . . . I . ..
. . .1 -Dungannon.,.. ....'.., . - . I � . "
.. I I , 4 ..... . :.0ot. 1-.1 , : :, , .. ...
. i'd $705, Dunga4irion, 35, mlembers, - . �f Fire 1nstirancel eo, 1. ...
� pa' . .
violisly been ,'. fully taught in -'O`uc�- Gorris'........'.. ,' � .... ? ....... _A)elt. 2 * . 11ore'r . . � .
HOLD OX LIFE '' pa � I t; 1909. 1 ..
BABY'S pa d $460;. Turnberr;y, 100 - inemberti a'. .That *buld have' been human. Go'derich_; ............... Sept 28, 29, 30 - . . . . '. sl Lig 11 . - 1. . I . . 0 1 . .� 'A.
. —
. . . _� . . .. . � . paid $ODI;. Kirk ton 257 members paid � thing . . : * , Farm and isolated. Town Prope,
I . � . . wess, but thIs is -buly 9L sugges- icipality of tile Town of CIA. - - . .
. *50'L � � . � �: .1 . . weak I Kin cardi,ne . I ..... i.:�e..:'...Sepc. 22.23 3 , arty only Insured. ,
Bahly Own Tablets cost 25 .cents a . .. . . I I In . . I
. b -way. save In the.county of Perth, Elma h � ad I.,J tion. .,As � t6 �ipollosl! two ilistriletors, I London ...... . . . . . .Sept. 10-18 . . I . I . . I I I I . ... OrFiCERS.' ;' . � ...
.... .... **'***
. ox. A box bought now Lucknow..*.'. .Sept. Z3 24 .. . . ' I .
ife Sinnindi complaints borne Inembers and paid $431 ,in prizes; Lis- they, were .only bumble teutinakers, Listowel ......... �. I ........ � .--.Se�t. 21-1j2 1 1 ton# Comity of Ifnr6n. . ,* 13.�cLean?Presidenoeaforth-;. Thook . .
I .
toWet had 126. and paid $602: Morning- and, while A . ' - � . I ... I ...... 'otice is hereby given that I have tra. Er's Vi,e-pres;41 BruCciield- Thos., 5 ;' � W.
=11y, and carrk away thousEinds , .gubtless.glad to, help any N narnittda
' I _ � tonj 317 members and paid $620; Souttl Vilio ' 56 fietpeti,, tile Milverton-, ....... � ........... Sept. 23,21 or dexivered to the, Persons mentionecl in see- I .. J _ . �.. . 11 11I
- '
every .ye -- If,the stom- � . , were willing .to I . . I y I Ripley .......... I— 1 ......... 960t. 28,29' tionwe and 9 of the Ontiric, Voters' List &a. the Ha s Secy. T as Irth. , . . I . 1. . . �
of little ones , ar. Perth had 221 memberi- and -paid $011; . . , . .. Y,, . . . - . .. rd. .., , , Seafb I � . � . �.
I . . ..
I ,�dld. hot. 4eel called. to'mot as public:,' cit. Mai,y,r,,,'. � , d I ........... ept, 5r clelivered of the list made, purpuant to ... . . ' ' . .
ach and bowels are kept in oider.there Fullsrtou Logan.and Hibbert had 129 . . . . . 8 22.2:.I: copies required by wdd sections to be so tranew . .
. � . . ( I � DlikEiCTO]ifl. . , - . I . I : .... ..- I
. is little d troubles' com- I . � . t achers. - I � . .. .. '. .. Toro* - Aug.'30 - 8�pt ' ln'tton I . .1 .
" 'eid 2021. ., . .t . Iii.
anger of these ' members.andy , ... . 4Z , . .. I . . nto ........... .� � � ' 13 paid Act, of,all pers.Qns .amearing b -,g the: said, . Connelly H*01 -
ing on. .13aby's. Own Tablets is the I , . . T-iyeriton,_. . . .........JOct. .1i Revised Assessment'lloll of she� said INIU . . I mosville; John, �
I For three,:months Paul , spoke � �oldly ...,....-I - . n arlock;, G. Dale, i�ljnton; Mj � L . .
I � I * . r Mena.: . . I -
eat medicine -in the World for pre- ' ' long . i. .... I I e AsPerably ant at the it
var�ting and curing stomach and bovk el : �. THE POPULAR :'SUNDAE. .�, In the :synagogue at,. E pliesus, .td I k . Win" , 1. icipal' WCheiiHyj Siaf6ith;- J. Evans, .Bwh- . 1.
h L � 0 i. (j *ity to be entitled to vote at' elections lo
....... ct t bers of the Lekislativ
. . .aham. _......... ..... ". "Sepi as . ".. , .
c&nLbb given with per;. L .. . . I � . I . . I., God I �.� 2S'29 , and that the said list -w . I .
I . .to them from the Sarlphires.concerning Muniolval Flections.,
troubles. Thek . ... I ..... t ...... ,�.Sept 16.17 first voated up W my:office ig Clinton. -on thp �roon�, ]. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. B
. baby or I . I * ille kingdom L Of � .0 . L . . '. .. I . . ... I
fact safety to'the new. born ' � (verse 8). , see , Walkerto6. . u, I '. , ea. . , . � �
t May Do Rade at Home With .Little. * I -, ,. -list qfty of July., jM, and reidairis there for iti� neweis, Brodhage ' :� I
� I L I
to the well zrdwn child. An occasion. '' - . �. , this. great, topic , elsewhere In the Acts., . I s� tl��, �ells- - on' the �, nerves. 6,;ebtion. BleetorS are called upon to .examine. )Zach Dire'ctoeis inspe .. ' . . . . .1
I - ' Tr* 'uble. ' . L . . . I x,' Augu . I the said Liab, and if any omissions or any other ctor of losses Iki ' .
I L . L . . . .
tTe Tablets will regulate . in chapters I,, 3.'O, vill, n; x1y, 22; x- . � . I . � I .
1 7
f `�_
i X
D_ITC.Jlplp��_e -
sh a - . 0 g : agna
C 10 . ��a,; e ' an'
,,.e ppl..'
9 -b."'
al dose of . . L31" . Bin. that spiritless. - no am Wiwi fopl.' errors Are found therein.- to taks'Immedisto his own locality. , , '. . .
. .
. . . .
. .. , - Ing can be easily and quickly a - . I . .. .
. Sundaes the popular summer- re- 25;, kxvill, 23 . Itered according to law; - .. I . AGENTS. I
stomach arid'bo,welsandprevent sume tilid from other 04r, proceedings to: have the said errors corrected I .
mer complaints., The'. Mother who freshment, may be made lit bome,witb floils of'Scripture's6ek to understand. by. taking w - hat is known to druggis . ts -Dated this 21st day of Sul � . . ... . . I . . . I �. I. . . , . . , .
I ,. Y� low - 'Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed.1 .Hixichlei ''I
keepi these Tablets beside her has a Jupt a little extra.trouble. Freeze ra, 'it and then .let -the. Lord -use you to everywhere.'as DnSboop*s Restbriitive. I � . D. L. MACF1J1,ftSb,V, 011e*rk. . . I .
I .
- * , '. . I . Seaforth; -James. Cumming, Egmorld-- -
reksonableassurarI6 that her little nilla ice 'creim In. the. usual. way tind ' within 48 hours -from beginning to,. , ,,,, *1 .,,". - I . .. , : .
� . help others to see- that the ii-Aidom'of . . - I - - . -
ones are safe. If -you have. riot got a When read.y to serve.,put'a llberal-. . Go . usetbO Restorative, improvement Will , . . ille; 1. W. Yeo, Holmesville' '. _ . .
box of Tablets, get one without delay. " . d is ,.nothing less tbrin. tile Wil . F of be noticed.* Of c6urse" fall health w1l), Cow'an'&Calf for Sale. .v, - .-. . . .. I �
It � . done on earth as, -In heaven and. . . . . . ., � . I
*' -
Do not wait until trouble- corpies sprinkling of frult.on eaL,h portion plid God. . : . . � .
I -top it off with 'whipped cream., Ber- . iefflitely return. The g�in � .. "_ , ... . . , �. . . - I . I
I not Imn , . , , . � I
. .
may then be too late.. Sold by all ined! . I . I . . .. �. � 1. . I . that W400:11; Is fully ,come a., r1gbteous Fresh Mitch cow, 6 1'ears of age, with 'Calf at I �. I I
. . . . � . -. t . , .
. � � .. . . . I . howevet, will surely follow And bes' .!do To- a' AV Ir. 13M1 "10Q . 1. A n..n R 'r A V I n Im I
I clue dealers or by mail at -25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williaral? Mediiin,e
Co., Brockvi lei Ofit.. . . . I I
. �
. I
. . �
I . — I
. I � �
. .
. .
. . .
Ontariols Automobile Law -
. �__ , '
Important Provisions Which.�Should
. . 1
)50 Obiwvedbrall Motorists,.
. There are'some automobile drivers
who drive.through tile oountry With
very evident deiire'to .colifortri With
I � .
All regulations gqo,rding.publid safety.
'P',--- are unfortunmem others who'
. . s e. . . I � . I . I
Israel ,shall,. be the ea.rthl.V center, a of all, Xop will realize and feel .your '1r) 22 , '. . � . .1 . 11 I 1. I .
. .. . ' I � � - - . . ,.�, .Londesboro. ,- : 1PLINTON., .� 7 �� ... . . �_ � I ...
. blessing to all the nation§, ,on the'earth, strength and ambition as it is"i � A_ - � . . . . . I .. � � . . . � 1, I
and Jesus, as SOD of David, shall oc- ing. Outside influetness depress first . .. . I __;.;,� *. : . . I
. I I . . I . - ? .. :� . � ...
I .
I � cupy, the throne of Dlivid at-leru8alem. !%h6 inside nerves" and then the stom- � Girls Wanted ' . - . . . I I - . I
. .
(Acts 11, 30; fil, Z; Links: 1, 31-33- 1 I sa. ach, Heart, and.Kidneys will usually - - .� --- I .. .*Fire,'* Life, a'hd,.,Ac�'ci&nt , . .
. .P I fail. StrenRi,hen those failing nerves Or,erators on'Ladies, Waists ava Wbftewear. I , ., , '�, 1 ' I .. ' ' ' .
. IX$ 61 1-3-611). I . . � Good wages. Steady work, Tbe.$IXAR Wki.11.0111- hsu�ance. . . *: . , . I
e7*YH . rith Dr. Shoop's Restorative and ',see " * I I . . . I �. , .
. I � M WEAR CO., JBerliu, Ont, . 1 7 99 tf - - . . .. I I
T age of The * health will be yours . , . I . .
i� 13 . bow quickly . -1 ' — . I I �
ki' ng postp'611ed, the church, again. Sold.by W. S. R. Holmes. . I . . I Reill ostat, . 1�
. Ffe, . I I I a boul.aft a ad sait .
thof . . . — �� Z 1 ., � � '. I . . . �.:
th �y of Christ,:Is, being gathered. I . . Help Wanted . .� . I . . Woney to loan � ,.., . . . . I
ign w ti I �,
i with Him wheil He shall re. . Sarnixt-Detroit.Exeflri 6 . . � I .. .A , . I . . . . . . .. �., . I
. 1. Sion .. I . I I
. �n in is I � .. - .roxperienced operators on Pants, KnJoiters.and ,. . �.__ I .. . . . � . I
21 in His - glory. To. this' end we � . � .. . � � . . . , , I
7 _ l . The annual popular 1. 0. 0. V., ek- overalls. Constant employment the Year-round. Office*Jssae Street, nex. door. to Nevw - . I �
. sh6uld,'carpy the gosi* everywhere, _curaiou to Sarnia and Detroit will. be 141glies-t union wage paid . Piece work. Inexm . '
: periencedbands to learn operating- - , � I I . , Bra .-: . - - .- .. .
having.:. the ambition which Paul had' beld,on Saturday, -August 14th, Train . TATLOR-ANDHR8ON-8OUT9&ATP,. Ltd,. I � . � . . . . I . . I .L . i.:, I I I
I .
9 9 1 . . . . � filly t ., -eturn f e I If . . Seaforth Oub. . - . . .I.. � I -_ - . . � .
I to preach Cbrlst specl. 0 those who leaves Clinton at'7.50 ao in i ar I . I . I I
appear to have no- regard f6r other . ii9ACH SUNDAM . . have not yet healrd of i I � . to Sarnia, is $1 00, Per steamer"Tash-' � ' � I— I . � . . ., i ., , I
people's rjghts,..dnd rush through the � I I him �Rom. xv, I m 1� Sarnia to ]Detroit, return far . � F � . I I I I , . . I . .1
country regard -less of dangers to them rles, sliced bArlanas, shredded Pineal)- 20Jl, and when the ,unbelievers resist 00 8 Hor�6 and -0111fit for Sale., ' I
o c hes mitke a delicious 75 cents�j retuiping special trains will . I . I ..", I. . : . . . .
selves and other.occapants of streets P. and talk against '.'the way". then ,enter . '. -_ . �
-and highways . . � sundae. qltbey togetber 6r. singly. - It , some other -door In ,the same town or leave Sarnia it 10 p; in. on * Monday,. The undersigned offers for'sale g, good S.i,r-old M� . . . ,�'
The following iiie some of the most pteferred.you ,may 116 ilie lid. of the Auguotlfth. This is the -trip of the driving borse, a. good tol> buggy, a iiew Robe, L I . . . I �
. go to afiothet ,efty or town. When the season, . . . . � -on I
. . .1 I � I and a fine set of har�css.. All are in a I c - Synopsis e eanadian , NorthAv 4
important provisions. regulating the freezer berore the cream becornes-stilT Jews resisted, Paul'coutinued ten.ching . I 1 . . . dition, and a bargain for a quic)c buyer; will be W 418t - Land - Regulatfons, . . 1. .
driving, of automobiles. � It will 6e de- �and add the fruit,'giving a tew (--x-tra � . I * ' . . sold a6ba,vale or otherwlse� -HXNRY FIS111,31t, T P66on.wno 2s t . . . I . .
l ltf� 15ph6sus, but. at another center,. "in : .. . Wiltse's farin,tondon Itd. I 7-53t, : " ne Sole hefta. 01 a fanilly
sirable to preserve these for such oc- . . - I I To Adveitis.ers . . . . I � I . or MY Unile over 18 Years old, ii)ay home. .
I . -
easions as may. ,,requixe reference to turns. Serve wi , tb , whipped creatil. - C f one.111yrannus," and for ' Copy for changes jot aavertisement . , - , . ." .. . I r I . I .I X a quarter-aection of available Doininion � 11
them: - . . . . . I . I . . with it few picees of fruit or Isome two . years *he continued; so that all . must be handed.in by Tuesday . land in Manitoba, Sasketebewan or Alberta. . ..
1. Motor vehicles mu�t be register- flnely ehopped n uts* sprinkled 'over tile., they which -dwelt in Asia heard � tho night. Small transient ads. will be 1111nktd18 Mikimikefit cures. Gargtt lit Cow.s. The applicant must appearin Person at tboDona. . ..
I . 1. .. I I . � JuIoi!LandsAg6ncY6r8ubAgency for the dis. I
ea. - . . . . I ( . 00.. , . . . . . 1. I I . � *oid e.t the Lord. Jesus (verse 10), Ho remived up. to Thursday Morning, . . . . � . . I .1 -.-- trict. - Entry br proxy way be made at any -
2 Care must display two numbers . . I . . . : , % . . . . -, .. ..
I W%..~ was In Ephesus at tfiN .0me about I I . .......— I . . � . . agencyi on Certain conditions. by. father mothex 11
or markers; one attached to the front . 11 . . , . . . . . I ' I 1. .. � -.I . . I I � --.-.- I I . I Solo, daughter, broth;6t or sister of intending . .
. . I . . . three years, warning people night and - ,� 1�* I . . . - .. � homesteads" . . I . . . I
in a prominent position, and the other - - .. . � I Duties.-Sixiniontbal residence upon and- cul. 1. : .
, -
tothecentre'of thd hack. 'Maikers The bene -ficial effect of iron day atid- ofttimeg '.with , tears - (*!cx, 41 * - $1. Ilinti to our Corr(tspoild,elits - *. I theLlaad in each of three years. A I
. - . . I . I . �
must be kept free from dust*. No 6 . ns the Lord's time to Aow. . - DIGESTERS .. . . : � I
_ ther lipon the System Weakened 31). This w. . LITTLE .. '. .1 . . — . =10-1der inay live whiiin nine. miles of his i
number6hall,b6exp6sed6n any part . this Part of Ills field, but In chapter ' Write oil one side of the paper . ho�nostead oma, fartu of at least 8D. Acres solely . .
. I . . owned and occupied by him 'or by
of the vehicle. - . � I I through fflness�, overwork Or - Xyl, 4, His dine bad pot fully - come. . SURPRISE PEOPLE oiily� I I ,his father, 0
, � . . I . mother, son, daughter. brother or sister . I .
8. Every car 'must carry ahorn dr gljewia', i5 W01 known. Fer- When we are fully. yielded. au(I can . . . 1. . I Mail bi thne. to reach us We'd- . In,certalit districts a homesteader In gbod
day of each week (or sooner.) standing may pro-ernpharj,�,a , Ir',003ect,le along.. �
P c�
gong. Lamps must be lighted When' d10 if 8 side'bid libblogtoad, : t Acts. , - . .
ever cai is it. - moti . between due .. whieh truly say, "My times are in thy ban y Avvid tilt items r6flect' ,J,h. r
on k ioviin is a prepa.ration ,, They 'Make OWen I Chronic 'D s- . * e Ing oQ Dutles-Muot roside six kiths In each, of six �
* ' (P9.'XxxI, 15) we WIll.rost In the Lord . . . I ,.d ,
and dawn, Side lamps must,bedr the S#�Iieg the ,iiklumbile eleMent 111m t9 open or shut . persofial character,but send Am:, years from date of hoy! led fitry lin .
I -d"ll - with � peptici Porgot Thoir Stomachs - the xEws, I . olp,-Ut111`ut1 - .
permit, number in .black figuresnot . alid � � I . . ., � the thus roklulred to earn hom ' Ostend . .. . .
less ,than two Inches high, -A light in the most efficieht �Vay) com- 'as lie shall please, bft�lng full eon.d. . . .� I : Ch'eck 6ff this listj it lilay bg� I And cultivate fifty acres extra. - I I I
I A honiedeader who has exhausted big home. . .
must be p I aced so its to illuminate the nin W1 I e n S I denee In' laii, management,, God for � I " . . . mist -y on to remwmber an import. . �ptead right and cannot obtain a vro-orriptiort . . .
, .. . I . . . - ant item , , 0 � n '
marker at the. irear., I I ' 'some reason wrought in a spocial and Wheii a tiali, who. for ye�rs has . tray ft" a; purchased hoinestead in certain dia.. , �
. I I. . . ot's, PA06 F3.00 per &ore. Dotles.-Mo6l; re. . �
4. 86itehlighta are prohibited. * . ttafifies'of. beef ' I and e mild- unusual way, upon the bddi6s of peo- been unable to eat a square iu,6al with- ' ' Deaths, Afarriageg. 1. L . .. I tilde' I six months In each of t1ireb vears, cultivate . I .
SMaxiinuniageed in cities, towns I sti ulative e ect of slierry I ple through p . I 6 a � fiftY acres and erect a houto worth $30,00. * . .
. . . ,aul at this time. (,1,ers6s out being thoroughly this r ble Accidents, Church News, ' W. W. CORY, I I
and villages is ten a 1160 an hour; out- I afterwatd-who lies tried doctors and soppers or Presentatiotia,
� 1.00 11, 12), probably because the devil'by I . ' Dot0y of tb� Minlater of the Interior, .
I teen miles an hour. wine. Iftedichida without relief -who is, in Retricivalp.. Visitors, X.13. Unanthoriped publication of, this. ad.
side, fif e ovim costs $ ,
I ,
6 116owilep of a motor" A76hipleis �: I.jottle at dr' giStSi .: his agoticles -was Working apecialli too. fact, a �hronlc mind althost hoptless Lodge News, rAres, - ,� vartisenient will not be paid for. - . . . .
hold responsible for violations ofthei � ug 11 But the Lord exc�etded all the pow�r of dyspepticy�heii this man finds that by ' Publie. ImpetiVelpet.ts, . 11 11 - . . I
. _______ - ,--- --- ' Ittle Digester" regalarly he . I . , — .
act, I . I - - I.- .. . the adversary, thd nairke of tho Lord taking a "Li Lavi cases, The Crops, _. . , _._�� I.. �
7 Drivers of 6%ra tnust observe reas- 1"'A, ., - -L Ir ,16mus *as magnift6d, the 4vord of God can eat 3 hearty tucAls it day,. and feil I School lvlatteiA.
onable precaution to,preventfrighten, ..0 1,014ENT I grow ralglitily an(l ProVftIled.L and there good over It, lit is liearly. as tauch Anything else ? , � - � �
Ing horses. Horse vehicles must 'not . , mo I - I . I . I will what kniftht be called 'a $50,000 surprised as delighttd. . . �. . I .1 . . : . .
be approacheA within one hundro3l : I , , , I of thf� devills litoratum The number of those who have had I . I . 11 01111111111111111111" 69 '. :�rl 4, �� '.1 , . �
yardo at & greater speed thin ton . — . I hovoara . � � tills 0"crie I nee VAFith "Uttle Digesters" � . 11 L � . .I . . 1. I . I . I I �
miles ati hour. It a horse appears . IFOlt SAMAC IM, . . is stealdily growing. More are heAting __ I __._________
frighteneatho motorist must reduce __dwww� of thein-tryltig them-beitig 411r4bd hk .
the speed, #,ud It signalled to do so, qlqtATt0A, PLEtUMSY, � thetit-tvery day. V0041i 11h02VMdft * I . I I I
stop and render assistance when dalled I STITCH". CRICKS, * I
I I . — M411 . The! makers- have such complete f 2U.0reat AhgZ&&, Aemed A, I .4notioll SaW ,
I I NOURAL01A, RHEUMATISM I Tones and inftotatestht Who, 6 I
01). CASTORIA torifidebe4a in them that they guarantet . � I h6rvous in, , imaked lie* �
. 9 In case of accident, he I must'", , Each 2&_ in altotight thi U,xv them to cure fitly cam i)( 8our $tomsicb 4M.. J316odih Xds'Velna, (Aer,tAyertp. Plvov,v 18ATUADAV at the �'AVCTION 1101138R.
turn to the scone of accident, and uo yard irollis $1.00, can be tut to any � I PoIr Infants,,and Childr6n, . Heartburn, Indipstion . or. Dyspepsik"" 6,,ff.6641 Mental aod Oilaft WbPrIf, A%& GODERIC11- BA109 00ndadtOd "y*116te, any .
, I or you get your in* ,Pon-&". .11 Wiufknepa Rnzo,jjong, apeN time. Merchandise, veil estate. live $took, eto.
on requost, must give big nameand 10. "
tidy back. , *am -taw, *,nd �rtzq o I
address, with that of the owner. dim . ou Have Always Bought I 'Little Digeatero", with this aligolu. _t f2bamot, Bxcehseg. , 0. W. BECKETT, Auctioneer.
. I Price Ilt pot bo* sixtot One Will please sit Phone 106 Box iM 06derleb. Ont ,
0 Recent amendments ptovido Pon �Oo*iWe of 1wottlitt" Ithit4ti �0 � .nnoutd. sold b E,
; * guaratlte6, cost gSo st b6:t at y I iat ft
-.-� 'T paut ar lualica in
, out m . . ---
tot k b Of 0 M eto pampud ._,�—, .
Ades Wallows- Allat of MAI . tee" the , plifol P :J = llwiwig , n4b " I
I)XVIS & XAWffitksc f drugghtla, or by wall from the Coltwout . P.. oil reco jr A
28 �, -0 b1flollitberta
$ 1 - MO rt" -- Alpature a - _! � /I ro
fitot eduvidtion., MOO for seco --- I- 1WWq.-k0._%.2-�-0 1 44.00 UQ Medicine Co,k Tototitoo MwRlf W*Zd4o) I . VVt*Wb,al 0016 Wlftat4l VAMA�At Cott J
� . �
. I . 0 .
� . I I
0 .