HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-08-12, Page 1I
THE 'st Ituans"no - L
. r. and Mrs. George Tisdale
,,,,ounce the engagement of their
W K . _ gj,!�q!r se_ .art.
" R A, v-, A L 'BA, L I . _ J a _ pblo.o�, t9j, E. Rob
I _ AK I an�' - m,_____
�g,L� , `
1, vtl 9I 4
I Mr and Mrs Jamieson spent a few
I days With friends near Goderich.
I A nuinber in tbio vicinity took a
trip to Hayfield,- Tuesday of this week..
- 11 �. I
. 11 � L .. L .
GoOericbTownsiop this year. He buys chickens,. bans 2-0110,11orticultural Show, 111 Xetc4if, . . �
,lo"11, L . I I _� Ary AM
and turkeys. and - ' ' - . ��
. Co. Club, L,&ne bavj the arrange.
Miss R11% McGuire has just r turned CHEESE: HACTOItY - The Choese ment of Flueo I , , _ .
to Toronto. after spen a I n entries in ban
, , 4� Thib
,4hig 4, Molith"$ FeetorTIQLStill, bo M1119, there, being County should send a winning. a
holidays with her parents in Goderlc.h W cheese ishippedo in the last ship. , xbibit�
ITowtishin . . Brussels, junior BAR". a I 6.
iage will take place in Gisee -Church, Win, Britton gave the alibi I . ment being for 2-� weeks, The price Play �'r .0. t 14W 64 it %O 16W i
. ect at the The Rev. W. H. I I . , ed here list Friday,with our juni. I " --- .
OF 0ANA0A , Dunbar and lit& paid was 11 3-8o the, highest L i
. Winnipeg, on September Ist. 4pwortb Liague Tneiday evening . trice Faiil ore And both clubs did well At the ; As a Preventative of I
' last. Dunbar have both c 4
1 - - - on the Woodstock market.T efal ow. close ofthe Oth innings tfiey'tied at 0.
HUD 0-PFICE, - XONTRFUII, - � been a ered parishes near Ofxlg%ry,Al. iiag is the list of , pq ons who ha
� .. I 10010b�.It`rp . I Mrs, Sutherland spent last week in bar A. o,4ecision has yet been come taken out over $100 ,te .Va runs. In the 10 Brussels, licored 2And I
, I , in the fleet three 3lythS the la TYP"011) FEVER
seafortu the guest of Mrs Win. Me- tO I a matter. months of the 4 I I
115 B,ranclies, And Porrespontlents, .Mkss Anna Oluttoo, Hamilton, is Michael. I tier otcourse winning
, eason froin the factory Thatlothe way, to train the
L ' visiting her relatives. to our burg. 1. �F . . I - rr 6 , �, . coming i
T,bronghoat the world.. I Win and Mrs Jamier Miss &(Idie Love, Walton, spent last IV Lobb, 8500," ,5, W 8inelaIr $448.07, champions. - . I - 1. r L .1 .. .I .
. pon, of Hallett ,,, r ' It.hae been p .
L I .1 weeic-ther guest, of .her sister, r r 11airter"s "III 0 Williams $20 50, J Bums 02M.W; Civic H0QDAY - Tuesday -roved be, ond a r,
, . Tp,visited relatives heze ou Saturday a Ui9.9L I , of rext doubt that Typhoid GerZa CA
;*111a I . r, Joan Love. Annie XODOugall is visiting At W Feibitt $188 80, S Merrill $1$6.93, week 17th inst., will be L
I and Wer.W. .$14'.54.01,009 and Sunday, I . r T Je . Blyth Civic, I not live over , p.. I
I Mies Mary ClUttSpr spent Sunday Mrs T Barrett left oil Monday for Port Stanlej. ukins $113.71, J 8 Holmes 310,88, holiday And big prepa�atlo a, are be. I
r _ , be. are be
a month or G Acheson, $157,82 0 Lowery $153,18, ing made to have &good time. lathe .
T0141AWIS.. 40 9.,*..$5k*.tQ0O and Monday in God6tich the guest go With her sister MrM Clark and Sunday in Oo4erich. .t E Pickard $144.74, H Trewartha $114.- forenoon a Ju4iok-g, , ,
. , her old friend, Mrs. Wra Graigle. -, of Algoma, after spend! George And Mrs. V4nderburg spen _%me of Base,Ball is 1.5 Minutes
L L r droverto K n I M � 54, J Tebbutt $105 23, A J er
I . a r . Jea & . , other friends. L Ufa., Sandy Clarks, of Goderlob, Is . r . r Via $101. 1. expected b&ween 15ra I
ad Mrd Chlatiplm _ I . There area Dumb r . esele And Bly t4. I r
6Mr B B Stephenson drove to 0orrio risiting at HAI Rutledge'g er of others who The boys Are well matched and a good te4sp6onfUl Of ' r
: Special Attention, given to. Deposit A of Satur'day, L I in a cup of water conf&iQiagL ode
L r c- tail last week to attend the funeral 0 his wife -and son retu Mrs. Bud4h have received nearly $100. If the game is. expiected,_ About 25 lxor�es I I
I c a u a t, 8, it�n dA.'remr: . I ,. rn. No -vton, of Detroit, vis.. � I .
f quiremouts ' the farmers aunt, Mrs Win Dalton, . price of cheese. keeps uF. it IS -ex p .
ar. The annual, picnic of Leeborn church ad with him on Monday. Ited fit Cleni Newton's last'week. .acted are enterel for the three races 1 ' I r
. .wurs. 0, PApineau , laughter, Miss Florence tbM close to -$10000 wil be distributed nection with the matinee and ' " Lime i
. will behold at the end of the r0a .and 4 L McDonAld returned to among the patrons Sob al. iolose I . "Ice
Pearl go to the Nile this week to visit � !Detroit on Wednesday of this week. Q finishei and fast time fer . .
. . . I L
. -Joint accounts, 9n which interest'shall down at the lake on Wedn.eqd Rev. Me, and Mrs. Conway. ; . L At Uie recent departmental a expected. � I
ye%irly, way bo open afternooh.'. We hope to see a iolin and Mrs. McLean, of Dungan, , xa4mi. Half mile track is In. good Riapeand Why ran the riek of taking
be credited half- - - 0011, Visited in the 0 ighborhood last nations it 16 interesting, to note how the ownersof speedy equines L r this dread disease L . I
. L Quarterly meeting .was held here on a r are.get. I L . when you con
ad in the name of tW& turnout and all come and have a tii at ,,,, r, OOUL � . L . I well the. Uolmesvillo boys. and girt - . . I
, L . persons, withl Sunday in . The Board meet� , week- - . 1i Nag them in condition for ,the rbspeco prevent it with a deltghttut ln.r, . . I
drawable by either partyi time Possible. . . ing met 6n Monday afternoon., I . Thomas 13ett acquitted th6iriselves LeIlfL Ford who. tiye events. - The closin vigorating drink. Better And I
I . . I . . . , leo returned home.on 1pa4sed Ijeague Base .
. � I 11 L
. . ,e'with honors BAII Watch will be payed between �
----"- , . . - , . the entrance hex I cheaper than lemolas.
. I . I ,� suinitnerhill I I 84tuM&Y,from a Ave 'weeks trip tP and attended Clinton Collegiate has the old
, .
Wilfred Bigglu and wife,of . Clinton, , . I Bayflopid . havland. . * hdr No . time rivals Mitchell and filyth .1 . in botties,.ioo, anaza. - .
R. E- MANNINOP. Mgr, - � I I I I .1 . Messrs. Jack and -H passed at on the diamond. It Will be . . . .
spent Sunday' here Intended for last week I Larry. Young at- ban I . rmal Entrance with will me . . � . .
. . 4 0 . . . tended -the funerki of their siste ors, Frahoes Rhodes who also took an a I 'exhibition it is 'expected and 1
. . � Rev, Mr. Duabarwill preacti a San- Rev. Mr. Hanna, of Toroq,o,preach4 Dal -ton., ,a K,n r, Mrs; ,,entrance with honors- here has at. should, prove a .grea- a .11 . . . I . I
� . . Me . s. Win. Eleaesser and . her I two *tei . t6 rawing card. � W. A. McConnell- * .
a lichool sermon next Sunday.. . ad in St. Andrew's on Sunday event . - tail, last week'
OLINTON BRANOR da rided. Teeswater High School and Admis"sibri, fee to. Park. admits to �, I
I iss Pearl Beacon, f Maiquette,. inji, last. eons returned to their home inBu passed the same examination with grand strind And the whole afternoons I
. I orelati7es h I , fla" onors. floracellowill: whoreceived Program. The cOmmitteeis determin. � .
, I �. Mich, is visiting her I ere. he. anniversary services: of St, aft6' h Phra. 0. .
Woniell and Girls. about. , . Andrew's was held last Sabbath whep ter V spendingtwo weeks. with her sis.- most of his Public 6school education ad to leave nothing undo 04PFR. Telegraph Agency : . �
. ; , Mrs. J. Youn , . ; . I
I . .1 � Lee, of Westminster, . 9 here, Imet;Vear at Goderich Collegiate the -day a very enjoyable ne, to. make f . . . . . . . . .
. � R, J. Mil ter,'* wife and family spent .the Rev. Mr. MoR . . - � . I I . . one to every I . I .
� . Clinton Civic b6liday. with relatives conducted the services. .1 � . I won a scholarship Worth $25 and visitor and hope .to see a bumper 1 � � . r- I . . i
'WA-T\,T- . P r E D in this vicinity, . Will Whiddon has. returned from a Stani.01 . � . - . this year took the Normal E ntrance "crOwd, A Band is, expected . - - . I I
I .visit to London. Rob � I � to enliven 1 1
as machine operators and for other I D, Barr, who Was hurt about three - t Cook, of Niagara, is spendin With honors. Walter Nelson who be. the proceedings,. Mark. down - the 84""Oqb,%^,*01�� I
factory work. Good wages and steady weeks ago, was ramov6a to the home J McLeod, of Huntsville, Muskoka, a few da at the home of M pe! . gan attending this school a v I
. . � of his sister, M . . . is, home for the. summer. . .. . ys . L al. . , . ear ago date, Tuesday,,August l7th and visit I 1*1�
employment. Write us . I Va. Hibbert, in Clinton, Ewen. . .. last March was in the Junior 3rd class BI th
I , '. but does not seem to be itagroving, as Win, Stirling received a -severe A number of Indiana from' the remaining three classes taking his 9OS6A:STEiIt.MCKiNNOx DE:A,D-D B � ;
I in ut of twenty. McKinnon, .one'of the best known .
- horse ThosBaird. 'They finished, two Pupils Tybo have written .
� I I . . _1 a T'l � 0 ,
rapidly as his friends wo desire. shaking up as the result .of a run -a -WAY have been pulling flax on the. iWancey IN ?ance this sum er Carelessnes-s $ .,
The Clinton Kol(thigCoUd. ,,f,a�1`111 0
. . . I. . .. I .. ; I I , field for High citizens Of Huron Oonnty,died on Sat- , . I
.0hiton, . . Ontario* - ., A Mustard, Bracefield, visited 6ur on Tuesday. . . I School Entrance the past five years ,urday. August 7, in -bis 73ed yexr,The ,! ,often results in'decay a $ ..
. . It - I
, . . . Goderic , .1 . . , al . .� Lad- , .
town.. Ur and Mrs Wylie, Tu'rnberry, who from this school twenty have 'been deceased wae born in 1836 in th , �
, .1 � - , John New' ton, of Goderich, aged 88 ' Jr)r and Mrs Stuart. To.r,Qnt6,,are the have been Visiting relatives in Kent successful,, I premature loss ef te th I
�01�01.1.., ....... �l: yearap, died in Mt. Ho a uests of f : - I �. - ., . CbuntYOf Halton -and earlyentered e . . . . .
-.;,�w . . .....,040's -'s dre Dr Stanbury, and. Stanley for a- f I
. London on Friday. Re body was ew'*eek§ returned - I I . mercantile life -in Milian and later ih i , * . " " , , ,
i", .. R Smith is the loser . a . f . a � valuable to their home on Tuesday. . rig , - . .. I moved'to I A. I . . .1
. Two matrimonial events took place . . I I .1 . . . . , , $` 1
.- ' . I I. . . Brampton. Ill Me - McKinnon re, .
I . . :.,.! . Jas Cameron, Walkerton, is � spend- Rubu Blytb,1861 I daily cieansing with . �
- I � . . I
. i be .. .
? 300 ,ougR-bore for interment. Jersey cow. �
- '01 where be has since re I
I I � �
. I Ing his holidays at the home of 1is
.- I - .in Goderleb, Wednesday. The Rest . Aire, A106 , sided., For many yehrs' he was in " .
. .. . . . � . . re, Guelph, is visiting Mis. -
. .
I - . . � . . 1 Eu -thymol Tooth Paste , I
. . I I
- _ . . WAW& Cipiet and pretty home vVedding, . I . uncle, N McGregor, He has passed Miairo. . I . ., . commeroiki life,but retired a few years .
I I " . . Colborne - - . the examination for e' In. I . $ ,
.1 . . . the . . biting for a
I . 1: which *as. celebrated at residence - ntrAnce to Nor bliss May Ferguson is v ago, continuing the office of
I 1*% � . % . . I . - will insure -long life' for . - . �'
. - -0- Me and Mri Witherspoon spent, m%I schools. . I few weeks at her' ter, an a . � postmas - 916. . , . I
. S . . sisters. in Goderich. pointment he received in - . .. . . a
� . ?PM. . ." of James and Mrs. Mitchelli the con-, Sunday in Alsia Craig; . John hnd Mrs Moffat went L,ei a k ,ldiss Agries ani Helen Smith, from geceased was dative in every the teeth.. It's healthful - .
I , tracting partii
. . 3s being their sioter.Miss, Miss 11dith and J 0 -Durst spent now a I .1
, .. Louise Sarah, daughter of David a X, onday to attend thet9t" ,ai toronto are visi6ing at W.T. Riddellaf. thing pertaining to t . I � I . I . . ..
- Over one thousand stud. C Sunday in ZUrich and -:%qclnfty. . . of their aunt, Mrs P McKenzie whl'qh Earnest $m1thhas gone to Toronto, community. He was a member of for the Gum% A�outh and - . i. -
.i . I I I , he Welfare of this !
. Adams, Colborne Township, and Alex. The Misses Patterson, Hallett, are I . . . �
ants envollel by ourebain - took place on Tuesd4. She was t6e to tak"e.9 positionin a .grocery busi- the first 0011fidil of this muntelpality � - I . . �
= last . L -' Donaldson, of Fort Qa'Appelle, Seek. the goests.of Kiss Amauda Maedel, of wife of Peter�Xckeiizle exMP'f( :. I . . and worked.' energetically fo . � .. .
year. It' ays to at- I . . I
M tend 9, link or this great I �, The bride was attired in it cream gown Hullett. ... . I I -_ )r S ness. . V the Throat as WQ11.- � ". . .. � .
. 2' trimmed with silk applique .and satin . Mrs Wiea . Bruce. . . : . � ".1 .. I .. Mrs. Sims aitd . building'of-the London and Wingliam . . I . 1. . � .
.1 I ,are . .
' I �
. clialn'for Im VNION THEUR : erholt, cif. blibbigan,, is - .., . . . . . . n9afewdaysint ' y . . I � �.
.. yibbon. -Hersister, Idiss Jessie, Of sp,endingsome time with. fiev `S1jt6r ". ' Too late for last Week; I � I . . Seymington Railroad. .In. 1807 -he married , T%ary . 0.5 ceilts at : I I .. I
Q IS SiTRENGI;11' . . ' s�candl ... - . ,. - . . F Atkinson;wh6 died seven yeare.ago. .
'0 - I � �1. -Montreal,acted as maid othonor, h ' X . . I . Thomas Cottle ai2d. wif and Miss M . I . .
. _1 . . . - g�wn being di a Miss Ag6es.Plick. . a, rs uff, of ungannoii, is spend. The deceased leave's tine son, J' 8 Me- I - , , .
I - - The dem%nd for our grad- .. cearn silk mull, trimmed . Harvesting operations will -become Waldroti, of Clinton, were y1siting on h . is w@ek with tier daughter, Mrs., 17Undon, of Toronfo,abd,one d,jughter litk I S It. - .� .
" � uates is. THREE TIMES --- with.Itish insertion aud - applique and the line last Week. . 11 . ing t
r .1 . general by the ena' of thi's weq'h, a. William Spear, jr., Kent Coi, was James add. . � .. Xrs Dr Milne who resides h6re Two 0 S. " Ro..
the..supply. . . � 1 cream chiffon,'llab, and sb�e carried a considerable 'quantity' of oats being . : . ,$.W . nie . 1.
1. M er schools engage our i ,shower boquet of er . I visiting -friends on - � Miss Sturdy who biothers-and �ne sister survit * . . I . . I I
I ` . the Hue last week. Va, Uping I . .-
. Oth - I earn roses a,nd alre.a4y cat 1. has been spending . .. , . ,
Z . � ,
_ ''I J liza Donald. � ' . , , ,
,I 0 -- .. maiden hair fern. rig NcEwen, . . , alcolm, three weeks At Alt. 9F McKinnon, Toro rito; ',%I p - . in .
* A Miss 11 in Hill who has"been, actf Be ivas tho'guest of his. I uncle, bi rettirn Pleman . a M . ich, has � I McKip . 1. P.11 .: ,
I '. 6on ani . Morris were'two as inspector for ,the -concrete work of n . I I .1 � I I I. . ,.�. non, in 'Saskateliewan, and -Mr§ Jas . � . I :.. . .
I graduates as teachers,' Me Hira ' . ad home. . . :
. M special course for teacheis. I I -Miss E velyn . Our elevator will lie read In a cou- Mullin, Lucknow, bIrMcKinnan was . � $
* .. 1, . j pretty flower girls, -, dressed in, area " S. X. BlairAnd wife, Chicago,. were y - , Ra .
: . I I I ple of weeks ;- . . �� ing C.1lellAst - .
0 Graduates of 2 years -ago .1, . in the 11011nesville Widge Ivis. resigned --itingatthelio " Gen., Yoangbiut�is usiag a -'staunch Presbyterian, and,Itiss, . .1 . .
.- I � and pinkrespectfullymith apptopr I iate Vis _ ' I . it n fitel xir . *
% -n arp now earning $2,000 per ' � owing to pres*sure: of. business else- M6 of Mrs. P. Camp- I,,, Possible �Peed, ' I . - 1, I 0 1 1. 1. . , . $ , . -
, " b6quets, The grooms press . I . ,tomewbat peculiar coincidence that . . , ,
I I. - Ot to tile Where., Mt� Samuel Sturdy 'is at pres- . bell ht the end Of .last week- They .
� . . I
I annum. . . i 'bride was a be .. . f Detroit, ig As continuously - on the.board'..), *%A--U.,W*,%4%0%A�,�
I , . ,ndsome gold watch; to . . �� I . Were accorapa. Mabel Wilioni 6 jti�g' ,beeerved . '. � I., I . . ftl�lx .
1; .1 ant acting:in his spe.ad. ,,�. ,. I hi6d ljjr Master Chaeles 'the'Wil I --1 -, -;- '- . .
'O Three courses�Cw%rainn- I herie.bridesniaid a gold locke't vv ith dia- .1 � .... 111. . I . � Noriis, also, of chicago, , � . son conpectioii,also fier,cotisin.. of management *throughout 'the pas- I ;_z=F;;; . c=� -
. . .1 I . . . . . . . . . . ,=�
. ,,,, . , . . . I . Miss . . . . 1. I. . . ..
1 C CIAL, STENOGRAPILY and. .1 mondsetlingiaud to the flo Iviary.Robin,pon. - torate Pf Dr,MoLeab, which lasted 41) 1 .
'A� je� , irls I � I. . . Miss Amy Houston, Miss J.'Rbbert- . st .back . of , years, and .r6tiied' from it I etive wo, k! Wnunq perusing the local items And I . I ..
I I 1 IF, � - %JR9116 11 S�l ry'azz!Mrc a �.,L�."st< - to scan the address - �
, - �
. " � W� Th ement block'shads Jn
P047111�111 7A.Tr,r.x.ckkr,m�,,�...:,,-.,.-, .: - '';7:.,, N',pre4 'T son '. Hg ec
OW I I''....���...�..'r�y..�'..�......",.,Y�go�il.broiNtlits, j �1, ,,7 � tt r -�,-._I�Z��,7��, -;. �'
.., ,� � A.. . _. 11 tn Z
! monya R&E, 4 12- -L W mw,L � . ,ft ,,na , and,,rdiy�,Joa
J . s , . � - _ � -1 �. � , __ rt".t ,
-_ - . . . .. Ldhfia Fof�Cffn I A visi & _ . � I
tions, . nit . , 4 1
ng'50 ma 'c' ... 6n, ., paV 0 .
". Geo, Farquhar of 5th con'of ullett, p aZtLR*; , ng *tbq cement s"XmTe '4_'2:2D 7
. - - ' � ... . . 1 ZZT - '�� 117
- . . h measures I home -of Geo. Balrdbn Friday evening. ivark. ... . � I � .
. 1C f all Term Opens A' I rig luncheon wasserved and the.bridal .has earn whic ,. I �211 ,
Z -.3 . . S boupleleftlortbeir -future . h6meat -Ok feet. . _ � I., ber lea izLe .
, Write for particular a . W-Aikenhead 10'91,? one of his work- .
E 1--tt - .. S Qq'Appelle.- �Thesecond event -was a Mrs Erb and daughter -Grstbe',', of - 'hopes. . ItW" fo6nd dead in the ' Miss Clara S,-1ater, of. Seafo#b, was @tl 48 t1je Fubjjsh-, -., .. .. �� 11 "..
.. I
. - I ,. ..7 ..
� . - qQiat one, at the home. of Mr. and Mrs.. Elmira, Miss' J Straughan and Miss R. f1leld, where it Was pasturing - . here foiy Civic Holidav and 'over .San-' I . ,
, �. r . . .
. 11
I TON I . Goldthorpe, 'of Godericb, has:refurned day. It -made 'someone smile to spa �
. I .. Forden, their daughter, Mihnie, be . , Byron Waldron,.of Bluetields, Nic- I . .men - tte6 terrible '. . �
.1 CLIN .1 home after soending a fgw. days with aragua, arrived I ier in Auburn again. - . _ ., ., � I
I I ; coming the bride of Sidney B.vlqber" . 'at the home of his fath- . '. I
. . . I . a cyclone out west . .;
I '- Tb&event was celebrated by Rev. IRI Geo. and Mrs Farquhar, * bli' 0. B. Ferguson has. been an- - I A, -a ver temeii . ..
I . . . er,ThoQ. WAldrOn'-on Saturday. .He is� twri , !. � ��.
- BUSINESS COLLEGE -, I Vv*. Millysrd-in the presence of 'Only - FA1tQUH&R-Rr_A,- The J611 !!1119 has bee' gaged for the doming termla the jnn -nem, gette0�- . . . , � 's . are, busi� I one of them said it.ti, edawtAl-Inside .. ...
.. . . -e- .1 *(I � a in Nicaragua for tbe,last.qix - - � I out,'moved'a township line, blew. the - - .
i . . a,t ,account ofthe wedding: of Miss Eileen . as not bliss �)PA er . BuT the qu6tion still -re _ I I
- guibnls " ) staves out of a barrel, leaving nothing , .
. . - the immediate families at 7 o'clock* I , years,but purposes remainh* at home pr room, It w nainq - � . ,
- . I.
. ' ' I al intentioti to teabh_:but the trustees ; ,
I a . .
. . Gto. SPOTTOIT, Principal. ,t night. Both the you'rig peo are I . I changed the day of -' . . �
I Rea and Wesley L. F rquhar was 'tnr some time. -i - Is
, . . P' 41, copied from the Saskatoon Phsonix. - � I . I . . . . baVe failed to fill the. vacancy. ' ire cream. a food? . I . I I but the-bun� bole,. '
�X - an . .
11 . . well atid , favorably known d. . .. � I . ' 1 the week,.blpw a moi6gage off a farm, - e ., - ;
. %� ' ' ' ` , . 'The marriageof it ,Eileen Rea *and , , . ugust . . .
. - . . I � .... .. . . WEAWAit that money order to pay I blow all the -cracks
J ................ 101.114.0-.1 ............... ............... ! ... !h ... J.14 ... ;I,. unite in best wishes. - . I UrtlCO.Vie!d, . .1 The Auburn. circuit at their A . ... ' I .
I . . I .. . ... . . I . � :Wesley L.-Farquliar, both of, Saska- " I . &3ardinareasedtheir pastor's (Rev. A for the NEW Eit.&. ' . Aut of a f�ifeb, and '
.. � . . . . .- I.
. .
- ... . I ""�� I . � I toon, took Olue'on July 14th in Was. Out, schools reope'n on Monday next. B Jones) - I , knocked tliewind'out. of a Politician. . � . �. ��
I � . I . : . I salary to the amount of $100 LABOR DAY is' the beit b3liday, , , . . I I .
. I � . I . . . .
. .... . . � I I . .. . ... . I
* .
. . . . . . . . . I ley Church, Saskatoon at.7, o'clock p.m., Miss "NIAggle fdc(i:ay, of Toronto, is - nfaking the salaily for this year $900. Monday-, Sept. 6th. . ' . I . . . - , � 1� _. . .. .
it� * . .. , , . I I . . . .
I isiting.in t a no I . . . � I . . � . . . I . . ..
I . I I i odrado, iiiihdlo-both pastor . . .
I , I . I . . ,. . . . . I . .� . by the .0astor,ReV. bl�� Flatt � pe,form- vi ' i i h ' .-ighboil,00d., ., - , - t is a go I
. . I . . 1, � ' . in
. . � . �. I . I .. . . � . . . . . . . . GODERIOU'V8 Clinton on M .
. I.. I � ... � .. I � . � �dthe, cereinony*in,* the Presence'. of MWS Me g9le Mclteiizie,of Brantford and people. . � - . . I I qP44 ev- .'.. : Additional Yersonals. ,� , , . . . ,
0 4 *0 - Crook�. a e folends and relatives'. giss Befle 1. ., ion At home. Thelt%die� of tb6 ten'nisclub morgan. eninF, Augugt)oth.. -'. .. �:.,.. ': .., . . . I I I.. .1 . I I
Ordered , Ready4n d , I ' is.gending nor vacAt I I : .. - � !* 11 . . I . . . .1 . .. I
� . I
, . I . . ,
I - & . Foster Acted as" brid6m aid -wid Mr.' � p. Jobti Uoss,'..bf Seuforth,. is* the Ned and successfully carried out a pic- ' ,� HAt"E you cut the weeds in,front of,, 1 1. I � I I . � . . , , . � .�. - , .. .
Moir sn I C I O til i ng, -, *' I. .. . I . �
Clothing I I , :i , . . I I hr� ther daught6j,, Mrs. Berry�. . nic.on the flats on Wodnesday after. your residence �y,60 � - - . ', � I. r, -and Mrs. 131�tcliford. of Exeeer. " �. . I
, I . . R Lynch-'supoorted .the groom..* The guest'o
I . . , ge I . . .1 . were t s . . . . .1 ;
. . . � . I � � I . odked charm i ' d of - blr�. A. F.. Scott -and: fa . Hawke, over .
I- -."-A.. ing in a ress !nily,have re- noon.; to which.were .invited to . theie .N10TIT -Prowlers are Aid to be iiva�.. he-gpe 6 -o.f, Mis I .
- , � . . . , . I white silk."ith .'silk o�v'er litce. waist� - ViSiting relatives hi T6r. numbers. -several vi it r ereab I Subday. . . .. �, . .. .. . . ,�
, . , � . , I W P 0 . . . . . �
. , , . . . . . . � A= d fV 41 . . ,'a ! 6 6 4 Outs s I I I .. I � . - . - .. 4
� . �, . .. I � . . . and hat,t6 match and carried white onto.' . I . . . . . and other friends. . � ,� .. I arou in Qlinton:at-present.. I 0: I �- �
. I I I . I .. I .. . I.— � . I . '
I � . I . . � I � I roses and f�r fisis Ba*dy, w * ' J Miss 1C'etumh Brown, �iif Godetich, . . :
. ... . nsi After the ceremony - 1) ho hkebeen"visiting Bw Farrow, wife' - dhildren; � STIYX)Y TOE; Nuiv Ra `.' , .
.. . . . . and two . I .t ads.. this a d bt r s. W. � :1,
. 11, I I . . . . . . tbe'bridal.party repaired to the. homf! in Winnipfig an'd Brandonjiag Teturn- f rom'New Jersey, are visitingber ma" - evening, and shop early to marrow. . I visit .. Glenn . 0.aiiipbell ou : � -, ,
, . I . � . _.
r � . . , 1 I . . , . . I ! ., t - , Tuesday, . - . . ". , . :
,dil�ml . . .of W. 0, McAmrnond, brother-in-law ad home. . . . � li'�r, Mrs. Ifunking, and thbir other , THE cotzntr*� pupils, and. teachers" .. I : , . -' .. �. I'., �
, , . I , , , George Proudfoot,of Sault Sb Marie, . � : Mr.. Arid Mis. MoMath'and family . . �
- , .. . � .1 , I , . .., .11 , , , oftlf.e groom,'where a-dainty.wedding friends� Mr, 114irrow has it fruit farm, will soon Pointbence their studies again I . .
. . , served. -dining room is visiting at the hame,of his sister, . I ,. ... � ., a, . . .
supper was. The I . leave on Friday for i .thre'e''week's.vae, I
Men, .S . , I I I . . . there, and oviing to.the late frost cail CHRTAINLY. - in' 'this' weather -'the dtlori at the La�e. . . .. .1 .. 1.
. I I was prettity decorated w. itb evergreens - Airs. A. McKenzie, " take time for a holiday in . ej)Luit. lab�orink tiian earns his� bepa : by the 1. . , . . I
, . I .
. i ;�. . . . th .. . . I .
, . . . : I X. . and pink and white carnations. The 'S. Reid has returned from. Stratford � sea.son. . . . . 4. ... .lWr and -'Mrs,. JR. R� :Andeews; of � - '
- I , . � . I I . sweat of hisbrow. .; ' � I . . . . � I
.. ... 4 aract �re- -VtO HOLIDAY -Perhaps owi .
St .. " Ax� bride received inany �Qqtly, and. useful hospital where he had a a t, . '01 Ing as . , � . (1eveltaid, -Ohio, arrived in their auto- .
. . I � �
. . .
I i..;.:, . I I presents.7 The evening passed 'pleas- moved from hi 0. , . much to f6rm.er success as toany other .D.L�YTR holds their -01tvic .14ol'iday mobile and�wifl iisit their motlier and, * I
. �.:-��, . 1, is ey . . . . . . .
I " . ", I � . I . I antly in games, after which, the hap..Y . J7oseph Addison has been promoted reason, the picnic this year was the nextTubsday August l7ch. - A pood � s - B. J.. Gibbings. Mr. And- ' . . . ..
.� own . 0 eJn I "' . I I
raw - . ,. 'couple departed for their a being arranged. - sister'. ' �
.N. t
.41 -, . t day of sports
. ji '. P bbk� Pas tion of foreman'of the,seb- success itwas, both as. to social -enjoy. . a I visit his sister*, in �Tororito .. . �
. . � .11 . :�� , '. ".�; . Avenue K, followed'by All go , is es tion gang Of'thd railway, .. . � hient And attendanee, which from Vill rbewfogy'awrielturning home. . . - . . . . . . I ..
. � z.; .. ..... I
4'.... " t:';�. . . NHWSPAPURS deVOt6 so much'time I . �
. . I. **,.; . ofa long�haoby and prospero life. - Mrs, Rosebuty received the sad in- age and vicinity reached 400. A correa- to aeroplane . n 1. ews now -a -days that � . * I -� . . '.. � � � .. .. . .
. . %Z�111... � . . . . I .
,�, .1 ,��.: I * I I
. . , . . - .
I . : ::: ..... I ... * - . . telligence'of the death of her grand.: pbrident in last, weeks WiaghaThL Ad- they might reasonably bt: C41LCU ny �------ ------. _. - '. ...
- , ,L__ I � .
. ,
��: .-.,.�: . . , . I I . . I
;�,/,., I . . I I . ... botr� Mr. R6sebury, 'of Brandon, aged .Vance envyingly� remarked that Au., 'Paper. , ' , 11.1-1.f. . 114'.."w'......", I .1110.1 I %01� I . .1 ..
Hats '. ...V,- I I Londesboro . 1 24, vears, I . . I burn village is putting on city airs and . . .: I I . . . . � :..",.,.�Ot'll.l..",.".....Ii.. � I. I ..
� "I � . . . I .
. I . ! ., . , . QWTV a mimber �f persons are suf- " . I I i
� -R i .1 I
. . . . 4 $10 do Wilkilkillex 11114 livest.-Farm Labor- - Our �oivic boliday.Wav held on Tues. , ,announces 4 "Olvic Holiday'! for Aug. 1dring with bay fever, And many I- ,; FALL, TE ".. I
. . ., .
� . .� 1.
. ers'llmoursions; August 16ib and $01A. 7th. Take - d4yWt 'Anumberwent tol,ondim' ,ust0th. The correspondent must have farmers are - beginning to get.the bar- " - . I . %. . I -
. . � ..
� . I I . . .. I 411]?R-froml3lyth. Special. through train, with some t.� 3�ayfield, While a goodly nuffi"�� t een asleep that he did not know we . . .1 . I . , ..'' . . . . .
- . feeopolonistaleepers. leaves Blyth for Allitini- . beretb .1 , � Vast fever. � . . � , , - Begins on SOL let, Our old-establisbod a6d �-
. .
I . . .1 ,ets at I � ., , AV6` been having Civic Holiday for .. � ,. � . ., . * reliablosi�hool offers'tne best ftioltitiej for B �
. . : . , Aug loth at 8.0s a.m.' Purchase tiol, I rhe �yed At home, '- - - � . I I . h .
- .. . t4n, ti . I I . . .. I I . .
=S I . . 4 I 'Clefflat, 01.00 oftleo. . udkermnilth school near -our vil- �tlfe last ten .years. Probably before, . HE *-900uring a sound business a� .borbhand : , * �
. :J `It,-RCH1E*;AeAt. IT -Annual pioni6 of St. j65eph, .
At quick oil. .. . . 9 - ." d.1 - ...
. I . 111a", . lage has b 8 " training. writs for ea,taiogne;_ it pays to "
I . .
I .. sea torn down in' order to WinkhAm ever thought -of it� - ,We,ao Ohurob will. be hold in: . . I :
. . . . . I . "..... �. . . , ., ! . ,. I . , '
. , . . . � . I . I , i0i ofi�lo. a�� fab lug, erect a. new school building. ' Messrs, . beg off fr.jm,t he charge that "we h .� Farquhar's , * lnvesagatb.' I.. . I .
0 - : I :One] PrInts Yor'loo, V, a-ve busb,o�'Vridayj Augu - . . . . ,.;..
� .... . tn"Of Bayfield . st 31. ., More , I . .
. I I � . bams andUvilins.tha,ti were 12aa and 156, no1v OPituKIM %bd Walsh, of city' airs.". : We have hold of sonia. particular$ late ,. . .. . I . I , I
- I . . . - 100� 81 Corsets fo . I . - Z
. .
ing prices ,�. I- I R;f";, r 756: 500: Corsets for 2�c; 4. Hensall,have -the contract, The school thing hetter� having . it well'deFerved I r �' , . . . Pfiashu.* irican"Busluess 0011cfe - .
. . . � "., 11, . rlugs smoking Tobacoo, 25c; 25 iiairs CbIldpa's Will be held in a ,Vacant house of Mr; r6 -together a . � . . S , -
.. � . - ... 2 putation; for geti-Ing, WATCH thei dollars ,flow-wheii: the ' 0 �. �
. �111011'.`�,�, Shoos, reg $1'for 50d; 2D Imirs Children's . a A �
. � .
..., i ,,� � "hoe" Lane's until the n .. . Xppg 1. and.ArleG1111 Sts... ,Toronto. -
I d .9- 'The collectiv I crowd as, any 4f, I . . � 110..'�.'- ,
. . . $U5 fol, 75c; a feiV'sizds in"Cub Nails and eW one is built. ely as' social a -wheat'liegins to come in shottly, Who' . . .
. "� I'! .... I ...... 0'�'.ix .... 4 ....... 01�ul.�~ ... I .
- , . �
We� have had a -big trade I 11 Isle,gkos, at 2e i)e)r lb, '210 for 0999, In trade, at .,. basement will be. of cement blocks, the, to%v.n in this Vicinity could sport for a wouldn't be a farmer is he oould,.With .1 � . I I 1. .
. -i . .
I . . . . , . .. .. . . . . . .
� I
I . . - . I . The village now ha u rest of brick. ` � . 1. . . like.purpose. We said We *expected a -prieek as they are at present. I � �� I 4, , , I I I . I
in S-_TR.kW HATS this season, I , . . , . . . . . ,. . . I ... good time and ive certainly bad it".. . I � . . : I . . . .
. . ' . . . ::;;:.�Z/�/���.X �. x.nite of'granolithic walk. . . I - . . I . Accourm,d to the new -school lmv,' I 1. .
. . 1. I I . .. I . . . .
consequently we, have several ' �-. . I- �','� -.,-� ... The brick work of 0 Rdddells house . . . . thedate for the re-opehing of high � I . . I I
. I ;:::;t ,,�, - . . �
. %��i,1�3. . Brussels' - , - - - . . . . . ,
' ' . P, is fidished and the roof is on. - I � . . . . . schools and Collegiate, Institutes is I I . , . . 1. . .1
. .:.f . I . ... . ( .: . . . .. 1.
11�. . John Manning, Wobdst6ck. is W .New wheat Is comi . the. first Tuesday, in Septeinb6r, Which .
' , ,
'lines left' ' ' � it* .ng a market and I I
odd -sizes and broken, . im I . , 131yth. ,- , . . CAMERAS .
I I I . . W . . ,
. Nl� . Ing his fathek and brother is a gooasample, . . . I .
f -I I I
. 1�. 11 1�: t I '. 'this year will be on Sept. ith ' . � I
� I ` Is. here. v . . Blyrih is lookinglup and Will continue . r, ! . . I .1 ., 11 . I
,,�nd for quick-!!elling we are : Mae MacOallitin of -Kingstou, is visit David Hogg has beeh,dangerbusly , . . I . . . . I .
. ,Y-�!� . ., � . . . . . ,�
. r Wfi=y6ti-have Visitors.sehil its I ' .
. . I I . . .,& to grow. . . . . I . . . . .�
11 I I . I .. 1. . . , � 'AND' �
'.1., � ": _ inVer brother here over 86hdity I , , .. �
putring .our entire -stock of ' . _1L.I. :L.; ,y � ill with peritonitis, . Alessrs Poplestone' and Anderson the facts tbloodgh the mail or d rcp ip I 1. . ' . ' �. . ' . I �
I . . I . ; �..� . ungblut bas got'it blower t at, Grand Trunk agentKyle alid.his &'a at Ottawa attending the Grand it-nd tell us. Also let us know when . i
. I . ... . r .
4! I . .
: , :11 . fn.chto his separator so, as to be uly to. bride have arrived in town � We Will Wjll� r PHOT r. . . �
. I . .
STRAW HATS at THREE ."...�,; . date. . . . 11 . Brussels Juniors trimmed Blyth si . Lodge of the 1, 0. 0. F. you are going on a trip, . . � - . . . I � I
. " :,,..;,�1- . , I
� . I . . I- ,'I . .e.,:!:::!!- Uu. and Mrs, -Beese are back from 6, Ingly publish items.of that kind, � - � , � . .. . . .
� I '�:, .,�, -f I The evaporatorbaq booth prepared the former place Tuesday evening .by. holiday outing -to Winnipeg and the Tau 0alladle; d a . SUPPLIES* ,
. . . U040 ,; :�! �T . I :
PRICES. . �, 10, � I , e '. ..�_.,, "I . for the. seasons 'Work arid, .supplied 10 to 0- - . . u al ag pension sys- .. . . . �
I . I I Z.7 . . West. They had a fixie* time. - tem, it seems, is turning out to be -st . . .. � . . . � . �
. . . TolkoNfo 1�1 I with a carload of coke, 8everalBrusselites attended the f un- - The 0. P. R. is installifik the elecirie great success. Tho;e for whose partic- . . . .
� 11 . . . .. . I Mrs LeAr and. Mrs Lyon, havp, shlog- eial O`f Postmaster McKinnon a, -13 ossings here as ular benefit it was designed, are freely I . DEVEWPma - . . I
Come early and . , jed their houses and WAd on Tuesday. . t lYth bellsAtthe railway 6e 1 . _(
� I to I . . 11 ... "I, ams.haa P!lt - ordered by the Railyvay Commission., takind advantage of its provisions. In I ... I . . L . , . , .. �. �,,
, . � ..., . I it co6go roofing on his stable, SeverA horses from,here will 11 . 'A , I
, i ' . . MrF, Thos. Tamblyn, who has been . kely We ate vleased to be -able to con- seven months $205,000 has been taken . . I I . I , ND ' I I � .
�,,' : takeipart in the matinee �aces at.81,ytb -gra�tulate S. A. Poplestone on his elec- in from people who ,6nt to take this . I . � . .. I
secure 'your prize - . .1 .1 � . I visiting, her father, 1, Caldwell,.'and, next Tuesdav afternoon. - . I I I . :
_ . . I . I I � other friands; leftfor Toronto on F A- Druggiat'Fox and family 'are holi- tiOtl its Grand Wiird6l' Of tile I 0 0 11, inei.bod'of meeting s, rainy, day, . . ... . . PRINTtNG . * - ' :
� . . I 11, .. I . day to visit friends bef6re returningto daying at Grand 1361& Who -will the. new %pohtmaster bek? , 41WHr,,1�1s,& man drunkP' 1�.& tiery .1. . . � I .
.1 I I .. I Principal And Vostmastel� MoKinnon, rendered lank ,that is going Oyer t " . I . . . .� I
lien's,$,Z.50aild-$Z-.,75SLka'wHatg, I I 1. _. ... I her,home in the We'st. -1 " . Mrs Oameron are alho there. � and filthful. service and Was most he ilaod. '. . . .. . . - 1. . . ..W . " "...
. I , " I , I Hutton has'purdbe.se'd several loads The Standard Batik will be newly 'fortun,_te with bib deputies. . There hAve b6en matty-amateur leplie . I . I . , I
. - I ' I of new wheat some of,which tested 04 fitted out With interior .up -to date flx- ,such as �.,Wben lie' kisses r &
, miss Nettie- Stewart werib to Bea ms. the bartqn. 11
Qulck.-_$0,11ing p-rke $ I Ihs, pri6peate, easing off 'some. -Ile tures, and tholrontivill'be modernized Ville this week where �he ha der,"ato., bat'Cbarles Slabk, of the' .1-.,t�, 14",;Vl�'v - � I �
I . 145 , - . s been al)- ... . I �
I. . . . . I paid $1.00 for gowe but 0e price noi�v 14100. . . . I. I . . '. . . . , ,
I .. . . . . .. � .. . ... I . I . . I . . gaged to teach school, She is', well Nashville American, hag colue aci,oss; I g -
. ,'SeMirk Man � - red for her wark, I 1: wiWthe ably real professt6nAl: ansiver., .
� I 8eems to be about 95 tog& IV, 10, Rowland, R it t �s prefa I . . Dispensing Chemist � .
" I .. . � . I . I
. . Clinton Council oug to hurrk on brother to J. b, ftoioRand� a ie b g est � continalluln here .'last - I I— #- _ .. .. - 1. . 11 . I
i'len's $1.75 and-$t.,O0 stiali 11fitst. ; I , .lit � -we. have seen., 'When-hecian't lie down .
I � . 6 * I 0 . . � . . the waterworks so that the ball pla�� died.on Saturday of l4t 'week aftera now is, 11,01ho will .be the next �Ost. on the ground without holding on, ' .
. Quick=Sellin price $i.v* era could carry a , supply away fr6m few days, illness of an abscess on the litaster ?I' One thing. is sure. -no qno eT��_ - � - - ., � I .. . - L. ��. . . � I . .
. 'th . I _t, - 111�1 � _� . .
. . 9 . . . - , _ . - . - _ , " ''. " . �tt.T�TT.-Trt-m_!! .
I I I . ., I . I 3. - homer Va - thent, They have. been brain. will likely ocai:g it as long as,the late � 8 "] I . I . � I
. � disturbing the lumbers of people pro. A brother to Dr. MoXeIv ' i .
, . . I I aboutaboin I Y4 Of tOwb# Postmaster Me Qunon. *
illen's 15C gild $1,00 Strait lilts# , - � . claiming dry on more , who resided at 11'hhel, dropped dead Tenders Avill bereceived up to Friday 'TH E AO L. 0. N 8 : B A, ' K I
. I I � I I than one oocAsiou, �ilsotliey were to Thursday eveDing Of last w6ek ana evening of next- week for the erection, - . I I I . N., I . .
: ' makosuohn fuss on the'Stret in Olin- was bilried here on Sunday afternoon. of the new Peesbyterian ri)anse,pburah , . Ineorporaiied t855 ' - - I '.
Quick -selling p irice-50C ton, I foney Big Joe would put them Reart disease was the CAUSet sheds and stable to take the place of . � . I .
� I I I I . 'In the cooler, . . . I . . I . lapit , -
� .1 I I . .. ''I .."'.. I I � .1 1. I" . Thi,regular meeting of tile Womens - _11� buildings de's royoct, by fire. I . (wo g1l, PAID UP $3*500t000 � , - , �
- 1. , � . =F_�_ - - ______ Tnatituto was held ,it thn'llome, of . 1101meavIlle We are, gll to congratulateAndrew , I .
. . I - I JCoombeson his success In pasgfng Rest Pand, * $3400#000 ; . I
I Mrs Peffers last week. There Was to A new WhOY Pump has been orde'.r. his exam. He purposes taking up a . I
I ,
. I I �- good Attendance. The subject was ed for the cheese factory as soon as course of Civil flaguicerIng next ,fall Hall 63 11rane,lieg lit itil I(I %, stil I Agontj a,nd Orrealloildonts lit alk - .
takell by Dr Mricoallum and ably : P080ble. I I � in whichwe wish niln success. ... I . .
MorriSh & erook haudled it was water its various uses 8 Metrill his O,r) hens f rain whieb, . . the Prineipat Citieg hithe'World. , �
. S . The first wheat for this:8eason was. I .
� . I . . &a. The members appreciated his hebasoOld over$1�35) Worth of eggs marketed at Bly th Wednesday of last . . A GENEBAL 111ANKING 131US1NXS9,',TRAN5ACTk66 .1 .
I - discourse very much. Miss HDrown already this year. week by Jun Richmond, of Morris Tp I I I
, d
1 - .. $.
$ $
, I I
;_X� , I
- I �
.1 I I
- ' ""
'0 ,a
t=ar ii�
i �A
I _ �ZL
I 11
11 A Square, Deal For Every 11ano) . ent6rtalnod the meetlil a niaely, w - ith Gen - Phipps is expected home from It scafted 02 pounds to thb limliel aba SAVINGS IB�ANK- DERAR, TM
. I . . , instrumprital music, 11%11e next m(,6t. tho West the latter Part (it Septe mber brou lit $00, 0 sample Wasr good - ' ,eNT .
. � I . . ing will be held on Septewb,o.r 2ad at and will then cotuniefte bu Ing Arid tile Poese it, at all,.Urancheas. 111terest anoVved at hightfAt eUrrOlit r4tet# . I .
. I I I .. 1.301i in in tile 1101116 of - Airs Louns. Poultry. He expects to li,tva 0, usy nil got '
I ..... 11 ... - ... ... . . . . . . . . . _1 - I . I 1.11.1 .I'll � I ". 11 I-— 11 I—, I 11, bury, All ladies are cordially jnv,Ito,L1 � _ Arrangements b0l1bg made tOt W . A -
. . . I .. Season as poult.ry Is move plentiful the County. exhi of fruit at tile'ro.,1 Clinton Branch . C. E. DOWDING. Atanaget
I . I . I
. . .
� � . .
. - . . . . . . .
4 . . I �. � . . ..
�� I I . I . I ; - - --.,.-,.-,--,-.-��--l..�--l.-I.1-----.*--� ___!�_111 - - - � - __ 1.1-. � - - -1 �. 1. 1. I � . _3
I. I I—— -1 . . . ........ __.1.__....__--__-. -�.-I�.11---",.-,----wd-------A I ______ - __ __ -