HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-29, Page 7[11'11��,,� ,,,� -- -,, --- � . � _411WRIF
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. lluly '2�th, . 1909, ,
The ClInton Now Zra
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I 110111111101111i I _,;.;_�� ,�-. � . - . I - � _ __ � , '' - I I -
. ., N.,_ 1, 1.11 "P...- ; 1V I I'll 11 �_ 'w--"-'----`7 - I � . I I -
. . 141 1: !KomiNpo easy earshot. lj:L%: lor, or course, I '4Vo, of tine nicuoi builets stritex a pro. . I .
N- 1111111! . .,ft . I .
J. giiiiiiiiioniiii- .0�_,�Amww .
" � - IMPS.N., . !��� !K040"Ift jection and splashed the Jeading, sav- � I
_.j�� �. .. - - - , '%' ,�, ,:��,`
; 4 . . ,.;,:�,- .-'gf;- .:`-.--�.---Mg-j ., carried blia ievolver. lie also picked I
� - . .... .� ., - ,!�.,�,,,_i..;,...,...?:�,.'.l�i�sr,�.',,'..-',- .-;::i�,!:.."-%4.*".:O�&','.4....-,--�--"-:.*..,*...*:,, voffs
1-1 4 . �. ;
. :-V.");,,i �Nk-, f . ages With molten metal.
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: . , * ��". ...,:��,%-.,:i.!"..:.�,.;'i,:-i*-.,-;,'ti-I'l.'�.(��,�..:�*!5-"71.-I'.,�*.,..,..**.;,..,..�.....!.,:...."f��,,�.i.�.:�-i*�;.!*'�-�-��: up a crowbar, a most use Ul alld. silent �S,CRAPING I ,� I
. t ,.:..;,% w.", . I I
I , 4" NY,,*-,*;� '... __iwl - _"5;. ,;'114.1:�% " ". . .. , 'i": - I - ath
t 7, - 40 - - -.-;z*l _il`�- .. -'-1=- .4;;4�1��41.;W.0.4.;4 .. , Unfortunately Jeaks' rifle bene. .
M..... - ..�._.. VZ .. % Al. 0* R weapon.. Then be went quietly down .
� r.All.j �'V.,A%v �., � , 01_ -Na*.:
I ..-r,:�.! , �� V 'groun I I ... ?�
! , 91 Xi. . :6 4, * *;,, -ward. Nearing the d. he saw was Unloaded, being In 31ir Jan*$ 1103- I
. ..&�,.% .
, for purposes k7EIR
� I I '* f... L...' *,,:--,'.1..' I. deeply and i. session 1111101011111� .
I .."v"'.45 0 ,r.'-,...,-::`.' the native, ,wbo salaamell of Instruction. - - . . � I . I 1111111100W
1 * Tile poor fell . ., Ile you know
...... V.- 4-9111111% ,do, %.,.'.--.-* -' Jenl&s whipped out his revolver. . - I .
'. .
A .
� . ....., , . wit$ Unarmed. ow seem THE STOMACH what nerves are I Are yotit startled, by the
. , , ,
. ... I ,-::..---.,.4. . , and Mir.
.. ..
. % . I "To the cave!" be roared �� t .
. . ...;.X ...... ch to be very anxious to belp them. ..- 1 least oolNel Does the children's merry 14uchter and ticks*
.... ... 10/0, W ng�s q the �.-Q'- --What is your name?" dem.aili.4 . J, I 1. ir.-I%to and. worry you I Does tile unexpected call ,of ,
'11; . 1. , � _j 1 , e4 the , an*s unwillingness to ,face a goblin $6
,-'� I friend or visitor. make your heart "jump "I 19soyournerves
. .. 4,41 .. -.;. .,.
... %9�'. )poration vould not ,withstand the combined Im- I
.,-..-.-� .. .... Pangercus and Painful ( , abib.'s .order and the on- : .
. 10 117 LOUIS Z::"��`�`%--'4 001or' I pet� 1i
:.*Zf.1Z, . . ... ',,Nflr Jail, salilb. formerly corporal In us of the a . . are In a bad condition. You need PSTCHINE tbo,groAtost
- . .n. -T.;s '. . , -Avoided by Taking O.Frult-A-tivos.11 I
, '. . .-.*:-. of.the enemy. -lie darte-1 ofTonles. Thorp is life In every dose. Itmakeslifobriglitter
.. , ::
; ,V, -.-,- . TRACY i"`- the Xurinion. reglini'lit." ward rush .11 -
:.*. s. you a good appetite, makes your work a
. .....:3 - ". � h ..!
-,-,T"!., X Morning Copyright M. by Id you leave tile regiment"' G.uelpb, ont., Aug. 6, 190. .eadlong for the entrance. I .. " qnd happier, give
. . .1 I Edward C1044 - . �.4.. . "When d . Jenks, shooting blindly as be too ... pleasure all enables you to enjoy life, the merry praws Ot
., I J. '*`' � "Two years ago, subib. I Ullled"- , . I suffered for niarty Twonths witb " , . he children and the viblis of �our frienla,
. """,
I . .I.. % ... .. "W.....", .'. '. * ,:� , ".,. .,'...I pm I) for the ladder. eulptleil the revoly. :1111111 I . I
-r--7.--*1%.. -,:*^.- .;:. *1 * I - - ". � I rouble, wit . it- ra , .
I -:1.". "l.i. *... ..!�.,....";....,......%*"-*!..%.,;�".-;�.!,*.:,.;, .7'.1:V-7� ." -1, I ...., ,,What was the ,name of Your colo- dreadful Stomach ,C
I j .. . �::* . �.::** .,. . 11 V I �
r. .... -.1 ..: , 74". i, , , _- .....i...".. , � . I could err just its Ill% left hand elutelleJ a .
. .:.:*.* .. Ing ,and constant Vain, and
: - , %!.-e. % .. .. , . . i'; . .; ..., . N - - :1 liel?" . I 11
,-.-.;!...*..*:...ii.,:".Z.%:..",P."!!, ", ,,,.�*...:.,..:,.,)..*..:"*2*.:.....*%., .
, .,. . .... �-..--,.-..:'.-,...-, � .� .":-i-.-..,:.,:.- . 11 -
... , : V.. ..I 11 -:--..... .N.......
� .. . .... . . :... . ..... Ill. . ..
. .:.. -�-K,--te_-_- .;..7,.- ,:.": 1.1)*;;,;1.�: '" * Ile folly to attempt to climb. � I Nervous and Run Dowix I
- -
... .. .. ,�;....%�.'!...'. ........-I-1-1-, ") 'I ..".., -,.1. - II.. ......'......, Xurnal Dsb�enee�sahlb, ft brave rotaln practically nothing. to rung, Three Dyaks ivere sa close that . 11 �
1. ,.; ..- _.-1_-_1-.J-;� -*1`...'-'. �...--, - 'i............... ., INly doctor stated that I must gil �
41iww�w�� e bospitid and undergo an Operation It would I -.1 . "In regard to your PSY011INE, I cannot $PeA);: too
man, but ot no .,Account oil a horse." tb r the weapou Into tile face of � higulyofit. I wto feeling nervous, trembling and rundown �
(Contrined from last wg.pk-) ten Ili love w1in ToU." Jenks well' . remembered, - ( ' 'oloneL .of scraping the stomach and be fed by Ile threii ll I '111 � before taking MCHINN and had a had cougli�. But
, rierer' he snoutea.. ,xtte neo 1111- I "Nou � sense.,,!, ;tie retorted. "I Unew ,Speuce-a fat, short legged warrior, , the bowels, for weeka. All.themetlicine the foremost WAA). effectually stopping . . . . . . : ... � ;!.I MCKINE helped me more than anything I ever tried and .
the ant. the doctor gave me I vomited at,once. . __ �
� -
� who rolled oft his charger It I ,his onward pro4;ress. *' :: . 11 �Ii' I I give it all the -pralse." Xro. Oeorge Vogaxt, Q%namoque,
StIkIlt Bile dropped Into his arms. th;xt long before you admitted it to . I was dreadfully alarmed, but I dreaded Into the �:ilill,
V1 I . . lual so much as looked sideways, Mir The sailor turned to dive - I .!.-I. llil�,,- R Ont. .
I A startled exclamation from the v1- ro'llfsel , an operation and bad refused. � a secure the rIfle froill Alir . Send to Dr. T. A. Slocum. Limited, Spadlua. Ave, Toronto,
cinity of the house and some loud cries oDate, please?" . Jan w. as telling the truth, � I � � Clive an aught the heavy I for a garatic of this wonderful tonic to -day This will convince you that there to 01ithinO.
,,Jail, when big sbin c. , dqi�14 I
from the more distant'Dyaks on the "Well, to begin at the very begin- "You are right, Mir Jan, What Is like psy ,HiNIG in too vKorldior -run
. ofter side of Prospect park showed � oard Tuang WAII doing uo.w?" �. Crowbar reathim- againtit tbQ rock. The and nervous!' folk. It Is qWck In Its fiction i 141 .
, ning, you thought I W08.101ce op b ,. ".. a to the and to absolutely reliable, having %recol- it a PRONDMUKEG �.PKEEKX .
"Cursing, oahlb, for the most part. I", .1 11 pain of tile blow lent emphasis -_ - - .
� that they had been overheard. the Stildar. Now, didn't YOU?" � I �:.' � 1, ent d6, nearly.30 T, ears. 'I'lle whole family can rake HE BREATEST Of TONES MR KALTH ANn FNFUW )
"Up!" be whispered. ' "Hold tight And they were safely embarked OR a His men are frightened. -Ile wanted swing With which the Implem -the ow area IlKe M. 8old. by . all drug__ .
I . ,seended ,upon some portion of a Dyak and stores, We and $1100. 1 1 .
and go as quickly as you cant" co_urersatlQuof no Interest to any Oth- them- to try once more -with the tubes I � I . . I . � I
11 �. - atomy. J .
-Not without you!" I ev person In the wide world, but which that shoot poison, but they refused. He e ' �t_ I Jill, enks never knew where he �
. _' �� ..
I'll _:, I
_ ..
. I
I , I _ ,
,.up. for God!s sake! I follow at I prQyIded tbem with. the most delight- �Qllld ,lot collie alone, for lie could not :: I ::... . �1 lilt the second assailant, but the place _.- - . I - - ,
, .
. .,
i " ". M, Aollt-hand and lie was wound- ?Z �,"".- .11 I . Cracked like all Q'I"f4hell. �
your Deets; I I : fill topic imaginable. ; '...";'�;." �..
. ock. You 7 .. 1��..11'- :! � I
e,. 0 She began to climb. He took some ed by the blowing up of the r , �,'.---�,,��. ��., .1 "ll not Cnic to recover the bar
I ,�.:::,�! .. I
I �",`:.,: I I..'r
in , L �, . .
Thus tile tl' e SPed until the rising a .. K. � : , � I lliotl�i )).)w, a:) lie drove the Point
article from between Ill$ teeth, a string nearly killed me, tOO, a hill. I was � .... i. , fol!e
moon silhouetted the cliff oil the whIto , ,% q: ;1_11 "', " I �
. apparently, .Ind drew It toward him, carpet of coral strewn , ,$and. The black thore With tile. hazaar-born whobs. By � �. . fa the gallet Of.a gentleman who was
mounting the ladder at the same time. shadow line traveled. slowly closer t4p the KOP110's boiled, It was . a. fine . . 1, . :. : I . . . , .
. . q , I , -- -
The end tightened. Ile *hs t,bell the base ot the -Cliff.,. and. Jenks, guided ,I stroke.11 , � ' � . 11 . "11K - .
. � . ,�', --"7N % ., 11 . . .
I _ " � .
" , .
about tell feet from the grguiid. Two also, by the stars,jola: 3LrIs tha$,. !!i Are tho.Y going 4waY, then?" . . 1.111"I"_ �,. '. , �;. ". . " I I
,j,d- . ,, �, i %. 1. 11 .
�, Dyaks, yelilligg fiercely," rusbed -from . ,*�W-- - ""No,* sallM The dogs have �bepi� ,, . �; �. I 1� 7 I I.." . .
- s,at band. . I � .. __ -
��', . .. 1 1, .- I .
, , , ,
� the cover of the house. . night wit "I whipped so sore that they suarl. for:re, � , 1. � ..
'They .kneltoon the parapet of the , �1, � "I I � I ��
1�1 I " ". . . .
., "Don't I venge. They k "'.1 .1, - � .
..Go on," lie said to 11-18 . say there Is no Use In . -1 , I .. I
-h ' 1. ., .. 'j, . I .
ledge, alert to cat( .%Uy Unusual "' " 'k, 1. �. , � 1, . . . .
low your nerve. whatever ha ens, 0 � . � ., , . ::) .
1.1 ;t I �'.. ,,, ':', ,,
pp I sound and -watching fbr any Indication tIrIng at you, but they are resolved t � . '� , n_ -
am close behind you." . . abill or carry � I ,� :: I t,�, , , : � �, . . - .
I ot'lluman movement. But Rainbow is- kill you Rud tile' miss a. , . .... �:, ` I � q I . . � :" - -
I -I am quite safe,,, site gasped. laud wad now still as the -rave. The - her off if she escapes the assault." - I . . I , - . . .
� Turning and clinging on with. one . e, ' ,"What ailsoult?" , I I a : � � � _-
wounded Dyak4 had. seemingly been I bad beard of 'Tlru-lt-a�Uves" an I
ore having in I , _Z
band, he drew his revolver and fired reL . iievea f . rom hut..and beach. The dead "Protector of.the poor, they are build- the greet siiccegs tlicy w . 4� �
at the pair beneath, who could now . . . I Ing scaling ladder§ -four in all. Soon all Stomach Troubles, �aricl I decided , I � -
t lay where they had fallen, The sea after dawn they Intend to. rush your to try them. To my surprise, the 1k I * I ,
- I
'I faintly discern them. and were almos sit - u- a lullaby to the reef, and the . -1;1ruit-a-tives" not only remained on 11 "
. Oct- � - 0 1 1 " -
-tell of the ladder. The all . ey tile Stoma.oh, but they also chocked the :tj., - I
within re. fresh breeze whispered among the position. i,TOII 'Play Silly S me, th * I
. Ing made them halt. He did not know I. . I SWY, ,but ,You cannot stay threescore. vorolting, I Immediately began to Irn- I .. � �
-that wns all.- . . I . -
,p I ,
11 . . I Taung $'Ali has . i.
'. or care if they were lilt. To frig, ten palin fronds ' I I romised.gold to every prove, arld'in:tlir�e days the paln was . - �_ .
Several�otherz If the 'Mussuhnin kept his conapact succeed. ea4ier.and I was decfdedl,y better. I . I P - _: (
-- ,,FriAt-.a�tIves" ,and . I
� them mas suffi . InRu who, stirvives It they
elent. . . 11, - ;
the hour was at hand.. Then the light They have. pulled down you ' r signal on continued to take ' , . . �.-i-- . ). I - - 11 11 I
- a an , to them from the 'and are using tile po ps, . tbeV corriplertely curp�d mel I ...
I his$ of, like rose . I . . -
- I depths, That'iS I , t sound never for,got- - the h1gil rocks , . �. Ivirs. Austin' HaInstock. I -
� ' .for the ladders, - Viley.tilink You have . . . . 11 t�: - . I
.. .
11 I H ` 4�01 ten when once heard.' It. Is like. uAto a charm, sahlb . , find they'Nant to 'use . . I IlFlruftma�tives" axe 50c; a bq�5, 6 boxes ft.--.& .
no- other,. Indeed the term I'lliss" Is a y ur for $2.50l tilal -box 25o, At dealers or
0 " -"\ , o 'own Work against you." .' - from Prijit-a-tives Limited, Otito-wa.
... :�;��,;-.,7-,-.�*7�.-'i�l . , . ant expul- This'was serious news, A combined . . � . .. . I
� i IF 1. , misnomer for the quick sibill, . . I .
1. .... _-1; "I'll" , I I slou of .the breath I by na' alarmed or I attack � might indeed' be dangerous, �-___ .- - __4 I I ...
j I :.*.. '��.�%%47... I 1_1 /y, I I - . . . 11
... I ,. � .. .. 1, p . .
� 1. .- I angered serpent,. - . I
... � . � .. ..%. I ,/ . . though It bad the excellebt.feature that �,drels long ago. ITave you tiny food?" . I
. ,'��.,^.-: "-:�. . .
. I "
I %. �:.�j:�!..,', " ,Y//�Ifl�,, ,,--,00i.-- I iris nald no heed to it; but Jenksp - 4+ jr-ill-A the livarcs would certainly -4, 1 1. 14, " ,,+ � a' A. .
� .
. :
. .. .
. �
. .
. .
� �
. . I I . 4
. I �
.. 7 .
. �
. .
. � I
� .
; ,-.:-�V�j- ,; 1, I I - ,Some rice. �ahl ; all , , j �� I . . . . . . . 1. 0 .. ..., I . . .. I
'. , - AL- - , . .1 . I . . ,, .
M VR/L . :.v sign de- . , - , ... . . .
Z.::!:!.,1..:t- '�.; *::.Ij , ss/ l. who knew there Was not it reptile of But Inis sk :, W" it phiell � .. .. . . . � . . _1 � . I . I \� 11% . , - - _ - .. - � � . . I . .
:1 - - '� stroyed! -That-w . a s -bad. - Had a vessel Good! W rott-0 the . . I . . �
., .�: *:,.,-:-?!��.-!.`-*:Z.-. -, t I ..
, . . .Z�, Will , I dk the suake varjet;r oil tljn island, leaned leave t$ejsland. Wo fit . ." . I'-- . . �
1.!!.];�!-:::� ��'-:.!,::.-,-.. , I . I 'I . .. . . . .
�� - ": *
��.�::�;�'�,, ..'..' . . . . . .
! ` ...... 11 . ,� I . I
.. � . .
.. / I _- over the ledge and emitted i nied to pass th " .1 - I ,
, t. .'��:: j �. , K I � e swinging letters . .... �
1. "I -..1.4... . . R/W ". . t tolerably � cba'c I well., When the fighting -begins at I . ", . . # .
.� """... .:.. ,;, - ., .
...: �% � ., - I - I I . . I I . . 1. 1. Par . .
..''. �:_ -5: ood imitation .The native was.be- would-surbly have attracted attention. I I I .
.. .
.. ..,:� .,�,,t.�Y;"_11. . mail Ti e I I . . I I . .
: , �1:1 1. I . . . .
"" .,;:;::�, ,:.... . daNim tire at. ever � . . .
. '.I'- . , 211.111 . I . - . . I
- , ;....:. ...
.. I
: - � : I 1..,;..�..- k *'ill. -:- . . .. I . � � . e out. ,.Vllell tllO,y can never r .
� I - . . . . , �_ IrIv � . . . .
i,;."711. 0,0 . g'frl started at the Uneipected . com. -1, .t . 11 I � . :
I . 44 . . . . . The . (4181 le'jo a )Vorso thing to tell," ul U You keep - - � I
�' . .1 a full jungazlge,. Walt ." .
� , I . .
� . - , - r it "W.-.f4111r.,%.�r1- -t 1 -4- . . ... I . � -We'sted-n � . 40 : - � I . ,
.1 .. .....,
t� ..,�..--,:�....il....i�:-,�.;:i:�� 9�� W. ,.,,-,,, JF" . -.- l y . .
i I �:, 1. " . dis-
V_t_____7:_% A IleatIL ll�i..P;,+,�, . � ft,, . Now even . that faint, hope was the - back of tile V4�& Oil no account
.. . -_ -_ ., � " '� - . . % . I , I
I S , 1..AahW!' _.,_ ,4*rA"?4;'"-'; ... Ift;j Me . - - - - . . efich , � I r Fair
6 call from tile. depths. . ., t i 'a Ja n, h.. � . � I lieve " Z". ...A6 ,I .. 11 I � , .- - . I I . . . � I � . . I .1
, � , :,. I .
,:; "Yesl!' said Jenks qUietly. �.,, �. � , ,4SR- ' , �, _* .)%+'. " ';-W I . . . . N . ' . . �
I 1. !
k, �! I I ". ,% .1 . � .v on, then.,, . .-,.;-. . _. W. I ,M t1110V j,glit'jou Were never (10111111g," . I "I . , . . . I . ,
. I "A ro . lie, sahib." I . . . . . "Bef ore they place the'ladders against protes , fed Iris '8,vll . on J I ,,,,, �eached the . Jjd drot,e -the . V�6111t.11l, (lie oullet. . � I . � . . , I London . I . ..
� :
. . � . . . . .. . I . . � . I . I
I � , Tile sailor lowered ,I foPe..' Some. the cliff they will build It fi n ledge. '41 have boon quite. creepy. I . . q q . . . . I I . . '* . � .. .� � I � . . . . . .
- . . . , , e� � .-about to niak6 a viciont ."Weep af him . I . , .. Z. ' '
::.: :;': hammedtin appitrentl had little .fear ,b� tlie Ind Into y'61ir e y es i fils-iAll - , wIttl a parllug� , -downfall Of thIA'' . . . I . � .. .
:::,/-:_... I y . I . '.. mil I have. another' , hilluediale, sUcces- . . . .. . .
. ".., I .. 9'. . . I
...,�, ; NY And, i)INISC y rthy cavoi.ed ,it!s . Exhibition ,. .
. , I . - . I own am . �' fttanol's- Popular I �
. � :I- � .-W� thing was tied to it beneathi Tile �10 wood .so that tjjc� stuoice will be. Ill .. su�e t1wilt is i4onie oil e* down ther - The
i :,.-::.-,.";�**�.,;`,,1�.1 . . T . �1; wo ep 'd ` 2
` * '.. of being detected, ", yobr aim. Otllerwj$6 YOU ,�;Lq I --* -lo';- "��' . , . . . I . , .
. .
� �, � - ", - .r�;,; * -, * I !/ , .. . I help to .blind . . d_,k?". - - r'� 'Aw� --q-,XA:;" 8, W his op� : . � � . S � I. I it 0 = I
V. -� , - ' ' I . I . , " )eft tile. prowbar' be-. , sor td:stunible, ,xjl(l Alilk-9 I . . 11 � . . ... . .
. .
1�rull, salilb." N . , L I
�.,: :� /. � . . , . . I
!! J',�-,, - I . . - I . ;,jllo� -jgi I Ity .of it cat lie - - OP -' , ' - - Atliletic Day .� 011day* .
- .:. t I � . . . never iniss." . . . . . . hill . . . . ptlrtuillt.�. With the - � il�n to. (ite World. I 4! . , I . .
`;�,�', I - "I'sually it is .�he sahlb ,whd saYs will assureffly be:,awkward, n *Itll.. Ile qecur6d,a rifle, a spare clip . I .1 1. . I I
��,,�... , I . � .
i .7�j� ;,.,�;., �: .". I "That ot � - ,Qje� and reaclIed the . � I.. . . . . . . % . I � . .
-....:%�,'. _ I . . . ;.. . un� �Ile I'vi . I . . . . . . I . . . � I .
. I I
, � �� ":��;.. i 'Pull" 1) - 11 � . . . . I I � r 1. I .. . . . .
� -
.; -,je. _�.'1.1_1. � I . I .Y. � � -w. .. . . I . 1. . !Cat S11011'. .''. . .� 1. I .. 11 ��
�... t;�.z . ii tit circum9tan'lles alter'cases," �Uif Jam : ij�,-kpts 1 of - eartrlilge%, I le'GIM'Ill . .
, W
i ; .,:.,. .. , - . . . I . and a doveli 11 - , IN, Et)ut 111jul I ". . . �. . :- I . �
I ,,, �, ... . communed Jenks. He bi�uled steadily ,*It W11I, ,SaWb. Sdul of. lily father,--Tt ..me,160ille- briolly explaining, ,to 1'ris I peum with .the 1106'r Silo �. . I .. �. .
�� I 4-`::�. �� jk., ". � I . . 1, I Tho";c - thiii."I llzlp . . . . . .. . ... . - � . .. '. .. I ... . ., " ,., . ' .
, - . atsidn. ft , - ��� ' ' . i'l
k I r, - - f., �. . .: . ..�'.. . at a .heavy weight. a go, Ile(I - we-Ilad but fialf it iroali 'V�Ith us',- ., tile [Urn. taken 1).v QVollts- SO fae as Mir V 11 forf-y seconds . - * fit reased Pri � : .... .,
_ - ... ,
I �1'z I . . � " . speed of tholl"I't. 'Wltl I 'ed' . , - C ze List. ' I I . ... ,
I . .- . Ile emptied the hot . I I S e Cv6iits Daily . ...
I i�l i , ::�� ... . with cold water. Butjhey hild .'lot, illid tboY Were b4th ,Tan"Nvas vo icer"i'd. She Was 11fitill, �- .. , . P I . . I . . . . . .. ..
. 1p, - . . - 'sall')l Was brea"t. � � .
.. ;; --z..,.--..�.--, .
I t��--- .�..�'.... and sour wine out.ot tile till Clip and so intent oil the c ' * I . of Iri,$- shrill �ely the . I . I . . . . .. . � I ... ... .
. ' in I bi,,.b .%vIth'the* . . . �
. .; � . � . ..: �.:.,. . .bfiver$atIon"that they ly delighted .Ind .forgot - "or fears - icc,,ge .and calling to her: : � � . . I
1, . . .. � was . about to hand thd thrice' we]- - ' . ' ' " I
. . - : ��,,-� out caused by.ilie .appezir -
"l, : , � ...... . ere. niquientari ly oft their guard. -Iris the oxvitelp I .
: , . - . . , �
1;11 __ :�:... , .1'. , :'Stock , Exhibition.. -
.... . I '' . , . , comevil.draft 'ip iris � 3 11, . 1.
! ,"...." when a SuApiclou atcbful. she raucied'.there, illj,�e or at), Useful .111L.1 -11-Y. 18he drank � -,"l """'It ol(l '�"--'! 1�oep It Up!" A Great U'Ve. . .
"�� .. 1: ... . ,,,If, jjcl.L� lie as ljt�o to lie', unlitir . . I. .. . . . !:
4 �,� -.�. : ....., .. . was more.w . I . _ t - I . . . .
I'll �., .�:!. : .., I thought calls -witliliOld: it .. � under- 'jils health In..li-�13y1untlitig beaker of � w el . . '. - .. . . � . ... I . I � �. 1. . . 1. .
�; ! .. - �..... ed. him -to' I . I . . . .. . . : ..
� . alinly jubil'i it, ll� was his wily . - - . . . . I.. ons . .
. . .
i ': �:- �. �, �N as a light. rustling: ailild 11w . . I � . _. .. ... . :
.. I . j ,,T,et rile taste first," he said. . , . - W 'belicath �11 oil tile ilght. water. -. - -'-- � I ".. and c, - - figIll � t Nvolit w0l. 11�-� was � . . . . I - , 1. Attracti . . � . ... I , . '.
gro tit . ' I . mmi�ic I . . . . I . .
. The Indian. might have betray�d And she could.hiss, too; if.that.. were' ,,�,,be, lje�jjrd 'hel- bover'rejolu �f Ir Jan 101(m a "filf b . . � . . . . I � I .
-yaks �'2 ore' iaDlikely'. � . . �. I I 11),� hp� sit'16, now, II. -Ing, and allillng. to I , I -r,,, and ' . Progratin T-wjOe Daily I � . I . � .
. S)Ut ill, . , �
A fremcildolls ca-pInsion. them to the D . . \1 � � t thing 'to. (10. . I 1. and paw. � .tile twQ ste O, tile I .Iitf� ndit ,� . . S I . . � . I .
. I . I the corre( I . . . . . . ,p out !tit aks laroke (! ver reckICssl-V .1. I vle. Best, EVIERI
. . ).,;,s tile Bands to tll,e things, had happened. W, hilt it tbe-wa. � Illight, ,%�'Illle. Jenks ex1gained the - .for .11.�e 1)y. . 11.0. , . . . . . .. ".. � . I . It], J.'IlSilier . . I I . I
. : . _ .
" 4110 hissed. . , � . . , .
were riinnit - I I y tile nol, I rugged? - - � .1, o " ka Inc halcwily upAhe lad- ' 11100 ' - do. . . . I t . .. . .. . . � - . I . . :. . l. . . .
.,e and titc. ter were poisoned or 4 . . Jenks sN , r d. . Ulu g.,for shel ter, and one may . I . .. . I
. tictioll of thwrifle. 1"Ort'I'llatcly, Iris l,'rlln .. . . . .
I . . I .
attrat 11 10 -iced the tin to his ]!Pa. TbA - - .. . . . . . . . .
. Vilve. Q - I Ile pl. . . . I—— I.. ' * ' * I . .
(;rje.4 of the foremost pursuers. I .. I der. ' .. . .. . was now much reco,vercd from the fali, �;vork.by moonlight. . I.. ,. * .. ,-' : . . .
; Th,en lie gave K steady I)IIII to the lifluld -was -illusty, having been In, tba- � Iois 11 bs6 s, . I . fatigue fid 11rIviltI011.01! tile' earlier'. � *Sheliad stleugth enough left to place Fireworks Every �venhik . . . I . .
, . . � 41yeS, ., aid. _. . 11 . . . . . �... , � . . .. I . .
cord. The shar� crack of .I ritle.came Akin nearly two days. OtherwISe -it I "I am ifot sure. but I Imagine some� , ours. Ifer sciises were sharpened to the rifle lont'of -1111 ral,.%. wily before Rhe: . . . I I . � . . I . . I .
� ,. . . . . . � � - . , . , . , . t Lond6n% Fair . . '' .,. �. , . ..
. seemed fo be all right. 111it'll .1 Righ i0f � . . , . . . I . I ,a. , itell little ijroglued� of bk utay,at- - 1113-V '. Like a1tolidaY, ftnd ViSi. . .. I. . �. � - . I .1 11
front the vivinitv of the oltl qu4try. : thinvirtoyod 1.1111011,11 ft b ies behind .. . I . br6ke down had s6b6od not tearfi I 111.� I I . � I. . �. . � 1,
I . - . _ nq 11.41 . 1) . . . � ... . � .�%, .. I - I . '. .� ,� . ,.. ! I . .
�' finsh among the trees. -profdund 'relief ,Ite:.gave� 11.1i tile Clay) � .1 . . . . .. , ii itli� ,Ind she -let - .. , � . . , � . I . � , , . . t. . , '.'... . ...
'and smiled at, il . le ,WO,�t: ijilladylike � .. . ,� I . . .home yottiiiA I es of her. iIge,., . f to, 10.11. , soon I I . ... -Speehal . � . . . 1. I. .
Ile "aw tit(. r . the.bouse " *: . . .... � � I ". . but'ip a,&tOXYsill O... . I � : . 11 , tes: jj All; I ailrea.49 �
. . . : - I a .0 ,
Almost shn 111talle0uRlY .I bright light I .jil right', ,Llc,lr. I'will ke .�d it ber province. to� ll(�t a'so' � ath - ail ve -for tII . . I . . . 1. .. . . � ,�, - . .. .. 11
.. ep a s It'll r V doein( I � . . . . . all'ivas quiet benet 6 Ia- - j. - . I .. I. . . I : . .. . . . . I � . �
... . . - - I ., , . - . I I . . . .- . .� I .
. . , . .. I � I
. - --
leaped front tbe-opposite ledge, 1IIIIIII. � haste with NvItIcIl %Ile eutilkIkI it. . . I . a. lig'!" , r ,Ile :tile t)vo 11 I 1. Ileiic.e .' ' ` f me'-wotauded men'to . � � , I . . I .
I wl pent'jeon erre( . .
"Drink' yourself' .Ind give`hie' r-Ome 'lookout ('-.it) yoll,h6ftr. us t MI - I I.: hored effort$ 0. '%ol , _ 1. . . - 1. . I . % I .
� I . a then, to' ` . I . . . . .. . . I . . . . . I
AL -inily like -,I meteor. It .4111ar g 1,01 . - . she was the.fIrst to detect, or, r . 'iar , '0111 that accursed rock. - ** � ' - . , .
. itiatlij., the vl( e stild. . . . I . . (IV. 'Will you be Ion . . :. � 11 get J. av�ay ft � . bs 11,atj�.'Forws; Priiigralillnii�s, and.. all info.rhinatillift . I.
d Irls just -van- more,!' all 1. . I . . . � � I . I I liecoule,coliscions of, the sjeal,thy. craw : * ' " turn jo�;Iris. He eu- % 11rize Lisl 9, 1. . . � . , I.. . . .
lit tip the rock, showe . "Anorlyer min tile.!' - - I ' . t Jefiks wag able to I . . . ... . I . 1. .. . . . . .
. . ,
,,, '0 more. for you at liresent, mada.m., *e r ',Ii�zs aloiAg!tbe,hottom 0 , � It ay her a-ditatioll and - - ' �
-ill afely of the ledge and N I I -ended!and t0lil Afir Jan what - of sev. ral - )y. .. . 0. . - - A. I -SeffetarY. :, �
,.- I l'i ng Into the a. . In a'f ew minil - . , . Re.dm i . . , I I . . . . deavored to.. I ill, f . aW., J. RE10; Pr6s.11dent , ' i 1, 1UNP) ...
I r(�%.ealed jonkq and tile Dyaks to ouch ,te�, ves.". , I the mi." sahlb said. The.-bative was tb�eglll,T roin .VVI,06 beai2b . ears came, '. . . . .- .1 . . � . � .
. , led so Ile,%vilat, for. . . .... . �
I . ,
. other. There followed institiltlY a -tre- �10h, wily not now??l:. . 1. .. . I . itake a I search wlien . jen. k' L , = !�, sbe'scriaiiie(]. : "The ljy- I suce * eed g to him. It was Useless -_ I . . � . ..
illelidolis explosion that Shook earth ',Do -not fret_ dear onej . You Can' about 10 I . . � . 'I aks! . - � I' r.left!" . � . , . and Bile -elilli I be .whole luvid I out 1. I . . .. � I . . � .. . . . � . . . .. I .
and n1r, (11,-,Io(lgtltg every loose stone have . all you want In a �.Ifttlie while - , stopped b lin. :.1 . . . . . 0 a. YOA1 . - ,to reproitell h1m. - T � . . . - I r I .
" . SUe "Tag . 0111111iiii , - - . - - ---------- �_ - . I
! . . , But W� IV -Is rapidly gallllll�- some leen ,elf 'a 1. .. �
I . -k,-,. hurling But to drill1c. much now Would - mai_� I "Hi�relwhe halide ' Vthe mail It Is re- . strategy. - 'Before able, I v�fks -finfores - t . , hers I 1. _. . I . I . I . . � . . . I I .
t . - - - ri .party to !L'I'll I
. Ili tile soutliwei,t pile of To( . I . I . v6lver-"I Suppose -*,oil can use,ift!0 knowledge' of . . . t, what an'escape!. .. I .. I . I . .
. � . . I �
you very,111:11 , . . I . " ., 11 . d a ' I
front the plateau "O. -O Of Its Oecil- � w thout a word, an , spe, Jeen a very goo .
' Mir .1an took it I . d- abriekeit her-- Warning she' gra "You have.1; ' d little' .
the remainder Iris waited - until lie ,could speak ifle., Holding it at the "reiidy'l-about -suppe "?, lie .1
. pants and wonliding . .. I . . 1. .. . . . .., ... jeuks felt that the Incident atoned for ' .r � . . . . . girl and have earned'your ,r , � ... . � I
-Is. The again. I . I p ,vions Un_,vO,thy,,d bt� of bj�,4,ark the jewl..of her watst-and depreaslug .. I ,. � .. .. � I , .
41 with a shower of lead and debt . . . I re oil . I � � w 'M114U. . .. I . . . . ; .. . . I I
Fallor, Unmolested further, reached the, "IN' 'Iiy dlyd you"7- she began. -, I The � -.11ollammedan tbe,maizzle sufficientlyj sb.e began tr ug , 11 * ou . ii lk so callously . . I
. ' . , frieud7s. -boilestv.. I . I I ' .0h, how can �y a . � . I
� But lie bent over the parapet .: . , j� - I the side'of the rock*,as ust'as- . -she - - I
� .. . . _,e,llltf6usly examined tile back -of the '(ION%r'A . I . . I 11 after such an awf ill. e*pierience?ll . . ,.
ledge. free near the valley Of' ,�Hellolll, . .. � ... I � I dirulls and the -she �could ht�ndle- levor - and . , �..er.: , ' . ' .11.1
. .
in R tall � I . house, the, neighboring � . . ... 11 . I . I . i '. � .� expostulated�brokcitilY. . : : rr
I _,htly fixed a loaded "Sahlbrl . I:, I . � . . . I . .
death lie lijid ti; � open-beaell. After a brief abaeritte be I I . . . .. '� 4; ug to irouble -about, . AMD, .
I "You have -not b'eeh followed?11� . . . . --.1.11-1 . - .It Is a 6niall till . . ..
I i se stone In I I I )a- re orted all ail fe' yet .no litilin b- -, - -r ., rl�__, ,_ 7. - -. - � . .. . I Sjveetb6A rt," Ili) -6xplalnW. . "You spot- '. . I I
. rifle which pointed lit R loo, "T tljInk.not,-sahlb. Do not talk t T . .. . _. . . I I . . , . .
-hangim, the ledge hold 11Y eape4.jt .than, . . . . I . I � ted tile. ellenly so fironiptly alid. blitzed .
I 1 the rock ovet . They tire foxes hicutining. you , bcelj� jlcll�cr death .and es . . . . . .. . . , I
. . .
s�_ - .. . . ance. Hej too, I . I .
., one rested against IOU(1 I 'UT with such fevdcity that they nev-
, the I)yaks. This : , Ile ditTill- that receinuoiss . , S , .1 nway
a nullibcl. of provits,don &aps extracted lanyt- a Iadde'r -they say, sabib. Will " I I . . . .
- . . .2 I leave much forgot Iliat the Dyak8 Were foxes, .and .. .. er got, within,yards of -mO;" I . �
-tridges, and the.,e were Ili dit� . not your lionor deseend') . ,ill Ile,close when hounds are,a - I � l'Are you sure,?" . 1. .
. .
from cat 11, I foxes c� I , I . . . .
. . . - . .. . . . I
I rect communication with a train of to relate." . I . . trifle,stal!e. - . . 1. I . . . . nE . . . 111--yow and declare that after we i
. -1. . , . . . . . .
! powder leading to a blasting charge . Iris made no protest when lenks ex- . � . . . ' . 11, I ave. eaten sonlething andsampled our � .
� - _. ITNIlr1an returned the,revolver. .1 . Ili " -
-iced at tile end o -foilr inch p)ahied the judn'.4 're it . 0 . . $ I I- - nix � . . � I wili tell you I I .
t a twenty I .. . I remaining bottle.of wine .
. � ph stlivul I (I "t 9he nly . "Sahlb.,,11 lie, said, with 'anotbaa+ S. . . . - . I ' , , . � .. -7� � � . - . - � - ,.. . I � . � � . 11 . I I I
. : . t. . . I
; hole drilled with a crowbar. The Im- ,4ed that be,should not leave the . disgraced..nian, but if wita ha p.elled.,., .1 ., . . . . ,, I . .. I . .
. - . laam, "I am n I ' � - - I exactly .t . p I . . . . . I . . � -.,'.4��.. �,- . . I I .
ct of tile t)ljIlet -against the stone Jndili�,-- witil-I kilo, -,volilt'l, rema,14 within - . me up there ;with you I ' : . �: 1INVITY.Ilot now'.," I �. , I I .. _. . - . I
pit . I . .. �.. . I . . Fon w ,- - a e I HU . �V . -,, - , Of% . , 1. .
- . , , , - Ill t k . A -, I I fl, . M. . 1. � � .
-Ili to explode some of the -i..-....-,�..-.--:--.-===�!===�=- � I.. . I . �, D -A WLAND , I
could not f. . . . . .. -77' will -ti-I)t by .your side Until both.ray . .. . I . "Because'I must rst� s0e'to Ifir Ja � - N.1 S, & ANI%j . . 9 * ,
. - . .
. I . , .
caps. Ile had used tile contents Of 3()() .. . .. . " , .. ., 1, axinS.are lineked-.451f, 1 am w4dary of.. , . I 1hundleA him nock aild-crop Into I th(j. .. r . . I I . I .
cartridges t , 0 seenre a silfliclelley Of tb�,qe tlIlevQ$. Ill chance threw me in-.,, cave, I'hojj� I did not hurt him." . . . Sole agentS, . - I- . C1 in'ton, 011t. I .
. I . . I .
aln b� DC - I ' I . . . I I
powder. and tile bullets Were crammed .D!.JL rhoeaj, - I to It.,coinflany. I will have nomore . . ,,you , are .not ` goillftli (101,vil .there . . .
1. . � . 11 . . . . . I . I .. . . .. . . .. 4' ` I . � I . - . . . I
-%*fill clav . I. . C t1jo a aln?" ., - . . I . . I I ... . I . .
Into the orifice. being tamped'% . I ,111� If,you .will not h4ve me on DAUGHT . . . .9 I t.f), . . � .. - I . . .1 . � 1 �
-and. Tlie I - ' . ' 01 ' " I' '11. tilde ; . . , ',,,No need, I trits .
' .
,.;nd wet ,� .1fle -was fired by . , , tile rock give ,Ile a gun. wl . . � . ... .1 I . I I - .
cans of file string. tile loose coils Of .1 Dy-�entery.. ..'.. aniong tile trees I , .,Ind I pro . n1b . w .1hat . - - .I. . .. �. . Ile went & j-116 side of tte ledge, 176� .. �. . � I . . . . � .. I I .. .
lit ... . I . ijjc� tollight I)efore .0. i . . , . jyjilch lie had has�. . I . . . . .� . . . 1. -_ I
. . some,of theill..8111111 � . I . . � � �_ -
. wille-L .Nvere Kevreted ,it the foot of tile . - Find Help in Lydia IE Pink�f .1 covered. thbladder I . .� � I .1 I .
I .
. . . .
It)n. lj�, , I � ie D,Vaks' reach lift- . .
11( sIll-illging tills novel mine lie they.1find me. ForAlle honor of tile- tilk hailled , lit of tl . -___ - r 1.
villoved every Dyak C 1C Ad -Cramps R.ipound ce Ill$ clilill), and'erled: * - . � � . . . � . . . . . . .
had eff(IctUally I . re.glink-tit, sabill-, -do not rlifu". � ItIlls ha&sV�getable Cd � .. - � ,k) .* . .
. - .
from the ledge. ovcr WhICII Its cOittents . . � � . �. - , L i � .. .. 1: thin,-, All I ask Is If your 110110T. es- ' IMineliester, . Ind. - " Fo � mr, oototrs , "Mir Jail.,. . I . . . , .q . . , 1 �
NVoilld sprcad like a fall, Further, It . . .. � ': ' - oapes� �jjat yon. will write to Xurnf-0 -told � me that they. could ue� �r make � 11.�kjj, suhlbl Pralsed be'the n-arile of � I
, .
,would prolinblY deter the surVivors is troubled *itV _qIlpejj op -q n, the last me Te-gll,14,'. ind -the Most High, you are alive. I 'wilS VAR 10- .0 C E LE 0 U. R ED . .
. ..
- Nearly every one I ,( ,alilb find ,tell lilt , ' - 11 , -, -1 - ' . . I . _ .. . .
l, from again ventarlirg near tile . fatal . bowel' eomplaint during the summer -act of Mir Jan, -eiirporlll ill Ii'trooly. that 1 Would. " ve'at Hearching tiniol(Ig the still" with it sor ' ' W- NONAME9 �USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSEtM . - ..
I . . � - . ly. . ., , I . : . .
Spot. - I jellic.s Wit,% pr&fouudly moved. lie Ually li�Ve dnap", rowful heart., , _ . .
. .
-rebp,lld- months, Bu.t, do th6y know what to �do . I I . . I , -A Vol( . V came I Vora �: I . - . . . *.
%* -is listened, only half colill) � , . lit to. 11tilig,e the -s - I ".- - I would bloat; Ai4 Mohllullilodan,� � , o- for Veek%, .
.. il to oure it. Thousands do,, many don%. reflected how Ile, wrv, , l;: ; �. " The I I Conflhed. tO, "IS HOM . .1
Ing. Ile,. 111111d Ivac ' .. �:,!��;.�:��*!, sufferfrom.bepabig- `�011je lilt](! (listance oil tile left. . I
s fille(I witli one I . le 4. of Ithig. willing volunteer Without .:�:��:, . I . t
- I I . ol. ...�:Qffft�:: dowain.jus,crasupS , ,, � � "Heavy work, lulvete straining And evil habits in youth brough on'h . I
.1 I
,()Ilgllt jo tile ex(.111slon of all others. *W- K The shilli, You say. IfOW many?" g would become
. 1--.... � ... ... � . "
him to certain death Ili tile .i "�`::` x''... and clijils, and 1 . ek: at a time. My fathily .
11 �,�t,...:�. I double vilricotlelib. NVIlen, I Worked hArd'the 11011111
. ;!].:- ::'.!.:;j:' I often ittia up for,a we I
()1jert liad left her, had done this WE CA-N.TELL YOU1. � expos"ag A "Five, %ftilib", ".
� . iggetited. The native mimim- ,i:,,§� ; .... r,�� and. I was .
it � Inanner ,AI . ",�,;:, " could not sleep 'hin ration %Vag Illy only hope -but I dreaded it.
. � , �..:XK I I
,Rlhe forgave . . I . '%;,� ,,_'ll ..:!�* I rhysi �
IllilIg willjolit telling her. . I . . ".�: .::, 1:1,�j�., 111111pogsibld' 1 fired blindly with the: . 1 . tol(I itn'a"Z4, but -soon found out all theywanted wasmy .
I— - I tei,preted his silence. . ,,j nights. XYMO&Or -1 triedsoveral speciftlitit . .
I . . ". " ...: ,I.: �� I 1:: ,,, - . money, I commenced to look upon till doctors as little better than I
acted for the best, . 111 am ti.ot .it rasCal, 911bib," lie 'e%-' .,;: Wrift toXrs.P1mk_ revolver and only' -hit one'man ha.rd 1W . I
hint, knowing lie . , W . Audit and �
. . , off work so r
L . LER'S .11. . I 4 rogues, One day illy boss asked me ivily r was I
- .
e DR. Fow . ":::,.;$:�� "yjw,-and 'wilth the Iron bar. one other,drollped . ".
must never, uevier deoelve her ,'"�,,::�e.j��:��A�. '*:., , . e &
. 3:".G.:��,'. . 11
,,.�,:::: C�n': "
_� i
biTt. It Clatnlod*prolidly. 1,1 only �dlted `4 ma;0 s+;:.,�,'Am , ,�X�i- haw for , S I told him illy condition, He advised me to con4ult Ma, Xefin dY I
. M7,�'.
.. �
manner. $be could . L . I I I . I %:�1;4 Lw.;_�,.' ", o.1l 4 L . .
. 1 M .� to tuke near fh� W'o(i after 1'eiiA.13110(l it "Ill Xeotiedyt as lit) had taken treatment from them himself and kne1v
� KZ-�,��.I:- �i-,'�",L:�.i:-,�.: .
- _ 0
� again In such a , � . . . . I becau80-' * . . , :. �, ,.--.,.-,; ...", ..'t-Inkba,mig - . . ,ere square and skillful, I wroto them and got Trio NEW MMOD T . :
. . n, . . , * 1,Theii there be *six, gilbil) not reckou- . , theyL,W -hat slow and ditring the first
not Ile, "I"Istc , Bfir .7an., Yo I" - .k5.4 TsEATUENT. ','Idy,progres
4 ar It. . Extract . U cannot w4A . , .. Fulaij I 1 g ,tvits soTneN%
,:;;?.s::�:;, �i� i�,.,;!: I �
- I -.-.-- � I I . . . . . ..!�., ._.., 1. - I . I V egetaltle, COW- 'counted I put I was somewlidt distiOuraged. However, I con. .
. .- � . month's treatm . 6
I ., . meiid:wbat ywt havO. Raid.' The Dyak% Ili- tile *oilltded. I have a1( teeatinent for three months longer, and, wag reivarde with a �
, CHAPTER XIV. . I oil are sure, WjIIL not come 'before poUn . ter taking one - and one. 0 one, so thenliss qaIllb laust lhlxe"� � tinued- , . I ,
1. . . ! the Compound I am. 91 for . . . . . i '... com �jetocnro. Icould oulyearnSlIZA Aveekinw'mAchille shop be. �
able lit- 'I Vild Strawberry - y ,,,, I lialf bottles A # it toL "NI'luit Is Ile �411 '111�& a -bout 1110'e' lit- ! t6retrt�atniorLt,n6wl�amearnintt$21 and never lose a day. Iwlsh . i
-MOT'l tire n. dear unlrellsOn I . 0 morning. . .. . nght.againo and I r&ojnMbnd V . I f(drers nefir of your valuable treatment , I I . �
all suffdrers .
."Have YOU I I "They -hAve "rried the -woundedAd I 8jiff,efigg woman." - M,US..MAy quired Iris, who Iola risen and joined . I I I immay C. LOCUST. . I
i Ile girl," lie said. : , 46very . I . 11 . I I . 11 I . . I , L �. . I
lirentli (111011911 to tell rnPwlI7 . WILL DO IT -1 . tile boats and are 'making the 10 J)F.A:��', Wineheater, Ind. t` ' her lover. ' BE, ' L . -
you came down the li . I . 11widredsof � I ft " ' HAS ' ' 0 ON � L
udder'0' � ftra ders. Such was their fq)k w liew I left such letters froth,girlg' "lle-says ,You abROIntelY staggered , YOUR BLOO DISSASEDI.. .
. I
1-0 gone It hos, been on ihe mar6t, 64 y L , ' I I I and Mothers expressing their gratitude the Dyaka-by o1wiling iiie th�. lujoutent I . . I
,.NA,Ilell I discovered voll we . , th6USa � them.!) . . . e. L I Br�OOD150180XS are the-modprovalefitand m6stAerlousills0A.Aft Thoysapth6vory .
Don't you ind *is universally �sed lit ads for what Lydia 114. Pinkham' they appeared.11 it .
I bepilinp wild with fright. "Will they not plim you?" - Is Ve f, r stuso serious r
pee, I iningined you were Nvounded of families., . ' , � . L . I 14s tile goatskin, Sahib. table Compound bag accomV,11shed 0 I'llow did .You COMO to stay One' 'Alit our INEW -
I "They will ill . them have been received byPle Lydia . I
I t1iiii It 'Wiis I Jail?" lie contintled. have broken 1 L
;in tile 1'edge- What . -There are many imitltl ., tile last full onell, r% rinkhamMedicille Co 44 ill) ' - h Tial" , 1 . �
and Inid fallen fr( , ons of - ,ppany, Lyms .
0 else e . ould I do but follow. either to sterling remedy, so do not be led int "Mir Jail, 410 as I Od And you Aliall Mass . A son 'of a black ')IgL followed Ille to LA "'L, �
help you, or, if that were not P09- taking something ,,just as good" wbi6h See D#1111 again. Have you ever Used I Guis wh,o atb trbuble(l. with painful Into the cave. I Wftltea for him Ill tile ' I as I I L
. eltd- : do at thrown his body' amli H, I
sible" I . or irreglilar perioft, batka.ehe, b . rkness. I have JU 11 �
and prosq L CA it t6 some unserupulous- druggist tries to talk � a, Lee-Metford'.01 ftelle, dragging -down gen8atiolls faint. out'glile"o 0 � -e LLLLLL u lo d been lae&.A#) 9 Avol VOU a y 11 . . . . . . tw UtTilon
I . ..
. u. Vil t It has 16n
Ile found her listed q b1tvc seen them, Aahlb. but I bet- I nVAT EN11 will live thers it will. do for you. Citinsultati -
you intZ taking. - , L Ing spells or indigestion, sbo�iid take "Well dolle! Is Iraung SIA11 dead by 0 . O. 6 an linueAt opinion Ft** of Chargeo -
11I.q Iffict. tor Understand the 'Malitini,11 __ , I . .. GG. o att wily. )Ia tre ted ol , %V1
- 11 k 11 Men,
I There at* i I Imm6diate, action. to ward OR tile MI- it rill kill trat L' )i iseasosof,
-I bnmbly crave your pardon," bt Dr. 14'owleeg is 66 0691114ol- I "t ,will give you a i1fle. W101 Plenty UT lasequences aud be reStor red to any lucky challee?" . ke r 6 1111 olden I I
said. "That explanation Ia More than nonoL just 14 tbod. It eures Sullitner ()f a' influltion. Do you go inside the - $,,Nor, sahlb, If 116 be Rot the sixth. I NO NAMMUSED WITHOUT WRITTM CONSEIM PIUVATC No namas
. In CA 'by Lydia, E. rinkham'S VegO . on box6i 6r envelopes. 9*ety1hihjr c6nfid4sntial. QueAkila list 411a that of Treatwout
grapip. It -,vn% I who behaved un- Complaintl Cholefit, MorboA, MOW.% In- eavo, tbere, all(r,,,- I tabWOomiliquilid. Thousands have been will go Mid SOO' ' FREE pOR HOME TREATMEM . . . ... I I
reasonably. Of ' Course 1 should have . and all Bowel Com- Mir Jan. Was startled. , reAtored t5 health by its use. "You may lie Mucked." %,-- - . ' . r i"12
-warned you." wild ad- Plamts, I . . . � . __ ., - ,$ i9k ieil)"d � )�.ft tile no etirtrids*M4." no
.0 "May I ask how Many MOrg . ss , nk1b K DY - '
. I . "Gbomt That Is a tale for children. about . i6 2 1 im. KENNE
111Wbore the gboqt'la, id. It you vro � wrifib "r have (on
Vfttxlres you Undertook WitbOut MY price 35 cents, Manufatturta Only by I sahlb, 4� 16t 0 w-"#' "D
I" Ij,P Aa uld like S,PeCIAI &4vlft nd a sword, Sahib. YOU
nfid 0 Y&Krm E -
I't , - I -
V166 14� 1 � (To be Con r 19ah Avit., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mch.,
kllowl-edgk?" The T. M4%iru 00.0 Limitod, Toroutol There lo no ghoAt, olily a few baneg 1� `11*718F�Xerr d� f thitled next vieek ) or. Mehl .
I . , � yn,24 M L. _... I C .
, 0 4 . 4 OIW63ro ilielog� . I 01111" . .1 . � ,
. % "One otb0f, lot groat magultud.t, I : Out. , , � _.P.011 loinrilarod D;v thasa 0010073, 1 0111 lard'i %hiihmott Core$ 016tMpelt . I,— ... I., 1. --.--
: I � � - I 'I-. _ I I ___.ii� I . I 101. , , I .
. . I
� .., I I . I 1. I 1 41 . I . �
. �
I .1 I � � ^ I I
.1- I l.-)---,�-�.,.-�-��------�---,�----.---.----�-,�- -.-",-�"-,--r,--"-.�-----".-".-�"--".---.-- . ___ - __ __ __ I - - _ __ ___ - . _ _______ - _ ___ - _ _I# ,A