HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-29, Page 40
The Minton New Bra
july,29th, x9og
Y. M. C. A AMP
The Minton New Bra
Ir In
Vain hope.
"But," we say to our Wend, "Won't
It -pretty. nearly bankrupt you if - you Sto.re,
wife to go
kepp.on eheouraging ypur
shopping for.dresses,and hats. and
things?" CLINTON,
"Yes," he acknowledged, "but It will
be worth all It costs, I think she may ws�l.
become so interested that sbe will for-
get about spriu,- housecleanip.g.11-Chl-
eflau Post'.
tKints-to our. Correspoudents. -
In et G�fe- Plice.
"We liave . it mau An .this pri son -who Write on one. side of th.e paper
nev(�r fri - ell O.'esegpe," declared the Mail in, time to reach �is Wed-,
ti,end keerwr.
4,1vilati.-S -lie in for? ne8day oT each week (or, soouey..)
inquired the Avoid all items reflecting - on - A
Itor, personal character, but'send AfL
"Rigamy," replied the, head keeper.-,_ thes NEWS.
Check off this list, it' lilay as;
sist7on to reuxertiber-itil.im0ort,
tint ltern:,
Deaths, 2NI,
First Aid,. Accidents, Ohgch X,6ws,,
"If YOU W&O'CIVIled. 1100h tll.'ftil with Suppers or _Ppcsor�,tiitlons,
a hysterical P&sop,"asked the eiai . u We Removit.1s, Visitors,
er tit the . etnerge I ney class, "whaf w6ul'd Lodge.News, Fires,
Public Imbrovernents,
you do," LILIV-cases, The Crops,
."I'd amputate bis - funty-, bone," sald
School Matteis;
the studeut'' witli. I turn 'for surgery Anythfng else
B , i"- - e. a's hn'i e-, r e
iiosiervr S, I
.&_J� C
1- 1 Xibbed Cashmere Hose do6ble knee," good
�qft ya in'jn, blac. k.onlk, all.sizesi regularly
.gold at 2-5c and -,)0q, for Otlick. ielling, ....
Zknirt- -Wads s
A limited.*quantity of Whiv� Law n,Shirt Waist s,
all -'sizes in' the assortme"nt., These are. extra value'
for the m6nev, and should -only last a' f6w ho'urs.
Would. be crood value -at 75c- While -they
last, only ....... I ............ v ............................ C
... 40
Dres, s muslins'..
a Great Sacrifice
All 'the Muslihs leftln stock that have hereto-
fore sold at..T'5c, I 8.c and 20C,, 'including floral. de—
signs in pink, gra . y, b,lue, - niauv . e and. tan, Ad
while' they last� per yard ................... ......... d
urash Belts
136autifully. embroidered Wash, Belts
all sizes, r"e*g. .-5,c, for .............. .................... . 15c
211 Wain" Due
ji�st the time -to take.advanta he reduc
tion' in. Awning Duck. Red-angaewoh'iite.
E;tripe, besi; quality 35c, 'fO
811adk Sateen
T�ese Skirts �are' all brand fiew goods,- full
widtli, neatly' trimmed with self.frills, and 'if.
bou-glit in the,lrqular-way. would retail at
$1.2.3, our price ..................... .........
IThO wo AdOrdse we 801).
ch.& 0,0
sell Advertises ug.
What lye
july,29th, x9og
Y. M. C. A AMP
10111 10131,11
TQ theVolitor of theNew Era
Are You Going to
Concerning Rev. J. Greene'sprotest
t "the Sam" placing &
Amid the downpour of rain on F r'.
day last.a
9acDonald College, nelph.
terrific yell of greeting fro m
X Uls Ma3esty over the, bar. -the
r low, door of the Hotel Normandle
in" to enter another
corner or Huron and Main areei o.
front 10 strong throats, annonticed the
awri of D. 0. Cantelon onFriday even.
pernift pr)-
test anybody taking it
'reeue parely U Ust
sly' M
return of the boys from the Y. 31. CA
cam at Iron Springs, at which every
of this week. The White Dyke
If you are, either by rail or
have been Had t
boy i ad the dine of his lifo.
a trip on inland waters, or
joking, we nc
his word that the ngure In question is
Th ough lb would be difticult to !in -
agine a more disagreeable day to break
W t d
the briny," by
across any
line, on
a statue of Xing. Edward, nobody
would ever have thought of it. Will
Nr� Greene undertake to say that the
statue resembles His, most gracious
Majesty In any.. one particular? It so,
0 M and although -the boys had the
fflrnpi'le return trip in pourink rain,they
were all in the highest of spirits, and
in the 'pink of physical condttion' after
their 10 days of bracing outdoor life.
I for King E4wa.rd VIX ! The
13 ,
a a sorry
The boy$ were kept so busy every
John Ransford,
statue haq always reintrided'ine, ot Ar-
temins War4% wax figure, which he
day during camp at gymnastics, ath.
letics, baseball, boatii3g, - I ewlmrnlng�
sometimes exhibited as Sir Frances
Bond -Head. other times . as Captain
tramping, VN6 study, camp-Ilre v
grams, etc.. and everybody an terji,
door Mclson's Bank
Kidd,the bold pirate,andsometimes as
JudasIscarlot. On being remonstrated
to the spirit of'every activity $0 pleas -
antly and heartily, that nobody had
leller by the public of about
, e next to
OM t
with, be replied, the versatility of the
time W be lonesome or time for'AnY-
statue was its essential beauty. Mr.
thing but. downright enjoyment. The
8 P QR T 6
Greene assumes that Sam placed the
boys had scarcely time to write a post
44 ++++++X,
THURSDAY. JULY. 20, 1909
statue over the bar door, to indicate
thatHIs Majesty Invites and welcomes
His ' subjects in to take a drink. How
card home. The days went swiftly by
anA the pleasurecame to an end quite
too soon.
Our store in Fort William will be r
first gaine between them andBrusse 8,
the protest Committee, decided t at
does he know that Saux did not place
it there to indicate that the majesty, of
Murray Jackson,, of Clinton, demon-
strated his skill in the culinary art to
the game should be played over.
on Monday, and its absolutely necessEtry to sell
the law was fully maintained in his ho,
tel, and that Anybody even �hlnking Of
the satisfaction and delight of every -
body in camp. Iiis specials were tea
three thousand dollars more of
there aga in and efeateol them by a,
breaking it would be struck with ter,
that figure
biscuits, pancakes, Cherry ies, which
our stoQk in'the next few days. We must
ror at the sight of majestic.
tit times brought a rouU of cheers
turn this much stock int6 cash immediatel4y, and
I Go Carts
over the doorway? And how dbes Mr
Greene know that the King ui3der corm
from the boys for the cook. Murray
contribn ted a great deal toward the
have decided an
scQre of 1-0.
tain circumstances would not invite
success and pleasure of one of the
sundry of his lo�41 subjects in to take
a drink *.1 1 think Mr, Greene had bet.
camp's main features, viz eating, You
F, Urtber a1Qd G reater.,
Goderich". 0 1 857
B13rtlf .4 5. 4441
ter withdraw his prbtest, an ess
d pass
his soul in patience and not worry any
should have seen those eat!
Mr, F. H. Chant, of Clinton$ was. a
Clinton 2 - 5 2$5
most valuable acquisition camp*
Boys' Amateur League.
longer as to where Mr. Cooper aces
-hisstatues, whether up stairs.plown
I erforruel admirably the
staff. H
duties o nL leader and physical dir.
Aug. 3rd;. -Tigers vs Giants f�
.. 11 6th -pirates vs Maple Lea ,
stairs, inside or outside, and so long as
ector assisted in the religious work,
1ith-Piriko vs Tigers
he does not, tell us who the statues re
acted as camp physician, and assisted
in order that we may close this business without
Belleville Is to *Have the Meeting
present or are supposed to represent, I
am sure noliody will ever know.
the, cook when needed. Fred's past
experience as prospector in New On.
further delay. Com Mencing
Next Year.
tario has made him an expert:carnper.
Friday Moro 149
In the election of officers of the
Grankinulk Railway Enterprise
Re is an all-round handy nian, and
was on the job frorri- start to finish,
equal to - anything.
illy 30tp
Masonic Grand Lodge at London last
week there were twerity-four candlt-
dates, and It took so long to coun
It is not generally known that the
GracolTrunk Railway System have.
lately � Commissioner
Mr. A. H, Robertson of: Auburn act,
ed astent- leader and Assisted with
the religious work, physical work and
the ballots that the result could not be
appointed a of
InduAries. Wm. P. Vqtzsimons Esq,,
everything else that was going on. His
inspiring his
We cut onces on Summer stocks, that should
aunuunced until the lodge assembled,
for the afternoon session.
whose business it will be to empluy
every legitimate means to -promote
addie.-ses, were and pleas
ing manner and personality - wori the
make them fairly melt away. Rea4y FRIDAY'
R. W. Bro.. Judge D. J. MacWatt,of
Sarnia,was electea Grand Master With
the-agriculturAl, industrial snd mer
heart of every boy for hirri.
Mr Cullens, Provincial Secretary,
out opposition. There was it contest
�Or Deputv Gr r1il Master between R.
cantile interests, and particularl y to*
develop to the fullest extebt possibLe
London, was present for the first half
of the carnp,-and made lots of fun for
V or. .8ro, Aubrey White, of Toronto,
the naturalresources of. the territory
contiguous to its rails. Operatiotin
everybody. Reis an exp6rt 'at; base-
dhol , War. Bro, A. Shaw, of King-;
ston. Bra. White was chosen by a
have been. commenced along these
balf,-dish-wasliftig and cainp. fire talks
He conducted the camp's -church. ser -
67.5 yards Fine American Dre@s Muslins in all the very
newest color combinations and designs. 'Regular pric e
largemajority. Thefistisasfolkows:
Immediate Past Grand master -M.
lines, by information as to
opportunities for sucdes%ful operation
vices on Sunday. He delivered a
splendid sermon Sunday' mbrintriv on
everywhere25c. For quick clearance .... ................. 90
W. Bro.' A. T. -Freed, flaintlLOn.
9i trading.in various midrters and as
' eg ards the possible* establishment of
the 23rd Psalm, and in 'the e�ening
750 yards fine�t English Prints, Scotth Zephyr, Ging-
Grand Master -Al. IV. Bra.' D. X
Mao%Vatt, Sarnia (acclamation),
ne.w indu4tries . and various r"
that, could be succes8fult
around the camp fire, preached an
evangelistic sermon on. - 1%Aechaeds
hamd, Challies and Cliambrays, that sold at 10, 18, 20, 25 and
Deputy Graud Aaster-R, W. Bro,
poses Y
operated at each point
seeking Jesus."
30_�, all one price .......... I ................. I ........ I .......
:350 pair Women, Girls and Boys stockings in ten differ-
kinds fatiry Pri�cess R b Re
AuOvey White, Toronto,
-,UrandSenic&Warden-R. W.-B�O.
. I
, onit"s "Owe,
Thi London.
rhe iesults of such work must, be
manifestto everybody; and we, con -
-ratulate the Grand: Trunk. Railway
, No better group of boys be
found in Huron or'�any other county
in Ontario, than the group, that.were
ent including hosiery and7 9 u-,
lar 25,3 ..... .......... 17C
'5, 40 and 50a. While they last....
Grand J unior W`arderl�R. W. Bro
J, P. Rankin, Stratford.
'System xnost�heartily upon their enter
there, representing Ex6ter, Seafortb,
Zurich, &ubnen and Clinton.. Every
585 yards Embro'd 3ry an a Insertion that sold up to 10
Mal)ne, Toronto
prise in this regard arid tru§t it may
have a mutually -beneficial result.
boy Vas in the camp spirit'.. doing all
he coild to help ever yth.itig on, I being
nedlate sale .................. I .........................
Grand Seevetary-R, W'. .8ru. 'R, L
The work'of collecting this informa-
'tiOn has been pfaced in the -'hands or
agreeable and helping I!che other fel
Just 203 yards left of that wide 40 and 5,Oc R.ibbon in
an,flamimon (acclamation).
their Town. Agent, Mr. John, Rawf-
low" to enjoy himself. Everybody
ne trly all colorq, selling at ........................
%V, Bro'. Geo.
-ell, i risbuf
Ai. (ion Am 9.
ford;.-ind we feel sure'tliab when we.
was one, 9-tid.friendsliips were fornivol
wliieb *illlast, arid brighten We live s
57 only Women's fine Mull waists, beautifull embroid-
Urand'Chaplain-lt. W. Bro. Rev,
Say this, We need add nothing further
in the dtre'ctio4 of informing the gen.
of the boys th ronghout the coining
e,ed,size;32toft Regular price $2 each. WNe they last .750
F.:E_Pitts, New LiskeaVd.
Bodrd at Ueneral Puiposes- R. AV.
eral public that the!pork inoluescion
yeRr, anawhich,'we pe; witl be re-
n6wed next Tear. in. the same'' place
125 yards English Art Sateen in some beauttf al desi us..
Regular,25 and.:M,--. By the end per yard ...................
B.ro*s. Fred Ouestp St4'Jaoin"- Cieb S.*
111a Octawa;S� A10WEUrtov, 1`Ltrolea;
will'be inost efildentlyuind thoraugh-
and on: the sarne "oeemion. Eve�v.
-step 1
body. took'a forward n the build -
A few hundred yards left best -Canadian Flarrnel�ttes
i -i light and dark colors. Best 124 -equality to sell at 92119
w. i D., rope, Grimsby; -Oul. W', A.
Pont�nj 'Belleville.
ing alean, body and the
1 lt6 lea t1of a
de , up of astr6p.gZ,vistia., Jhitraccen
Place of.ineiring, 101� -City of* Belle,-
A Bi )�e-ftr
Wec 0
ri� circle %ias for I f
21 only white tinder5kirts with 8J inch frfil of fine em*
broidery. Regular value *10). Whilethey last ....... 480
it, W* Bro. P. A. Sonierville, of
whow-ere:'thiare, to.read dailvat
U30P in. -a portion. of God's. -,%ova,
Haknimon,was ainong.th-e.noutinated
simnitaneously�' What inspiring
IC)Ovards plain colorSateens in almostAll the standard
light ancl dark shades that sold at 15 and 18c per yard. . On 3,
n �
tor-the'Butrd of Li6ieral Purposes.
M. W, 8ro. J. Ross R6b6rtsOn,8 pro-
The- congregation- of: this�, church
:thought, for each`onb, to kn6w that
when he sits down to read at this hour
skile now ........... ......................... .............
posed auiendmenjtto the raethoa U
hppr�blate the. 6xceflent.5'ernions of
daily,.the rest of his -cainp cobip?tniions
electing Urand, Lodge offic�vs was to
1�ev. Mr.. Sym min gton,,who is supblY
are sitting down at the:s&me time for
150 pairs Fine French Xid Gloves, B)"ack, Tan, Brown,'
the eflec;; that noiuina��Qns should. be
ing for the summerx months during
the same purpose -m- absent froin one
Grey, White. etc. Every size but not every size in each -col-
or. Best $1.25 (lua;lity for . 75o
tnade in the. 'lodges thoqnselves some
the absence.of Dr. Steward. A much
was Sun.*,
%nother. but together.
........ I ............... ...........
Lita-, prior to the rueetipgof the Uraiid
appreciated sclo rendered on
The P.kpecl.ation is that next year
475 yards Englisb and American WrapperettO and 0 ut-
Lodge. and that in io's
tlio� non at u
should be sent to every lo4ge to �Gtv
day'evening by Mis. Chown.,
the cGr6mittee will lf,
ave all the boys
in chnio they will ne able to , acdorn,
ing Flannel, all' good patterns, light or dark, you cannot
buy this quality anywhere tinder 15 and 20o peir:ftrd.. A.11 1.
upon. This would do.away With etec
UU11 at Urand Lodge communications.
m p this, thing
odate. Let us all hel' r3
one price now ................................ ............. .820
The amendment proposed by it. W.
A celebration ofthe Holy Coinmun...
Bro..x16odi.es�,of lii�rnllton,. was some-.
whatsimilak. Hls;proposal
ion will 'be h04 e close
at tk -of, the
morning service
Little Lovals
the. districts.should-hoid I their- ineet-
During'Adgu;lb -the- Sunday Soboo
The Oreakegt Drass' 664id's'
Ing a� a date,euitable to the several
districts an oi before J lily 1, arict,elect
will meet at 9.30 a. in. instead of 2'80
',p. m.,as heretofore.
-Oivic h6liday oo, Moridovy,'Au'g. DO.
delia an
the d report the: e ecLipn
RE-ki) the ads. . and save.., money
Chatice You Will.Get
ra;nd L�
at, a, ge. - The'pVesent method
is to elect the D. b.- U. A. at* a meet.'
NNIA,)r shouldn'b all stc�res close early
of the-representixtives -of' the dis-
Th�,Quarterl�. Love .-Fe"t and liell-
these w ar ni days:
For Many a: Day,
triev on -W4 Wednesdak evening of
Grand Lodge in th6city, Where. Lhe
Owship meetirig will be held next Sun-
day morning, 'cotbinencing at 10
�0-%,v'x ..,Council meets on Monday
evening ofoext week...
communicatiori is.beld. propo
o'clock. At.11 o'clock the pastor
sitions were defeated by large maj urities
pr6itbli on "The Gospel in ininiature,"
WHAT about Civic 111oliday".. Wh'
There is nothing the m�tter 'with them,
Several othe'ramendmentb wei-e -pro.
after which the Sacrement . of the
is it to be Monday, Aug; 0 1
except being,in sm:111 ends, such., as 4-, 5, 6
pos.ed and withdrawn.
Theanietiolmentof R Ale B'ro. IX J.'
Lord's Sdpper will'be dispensed. - The
i;abj'ect of the evening discourie will
Tiipeiarly shopper gets t bje' -pick of
and 7 yard lengths,' etc. The - lot' -includes
MaeWatt, of Sarnia, that the..Grand
Secretary -and Gritud. Tr6asurer. be ex-
be IlThe,ma6, the -20th Century De-
rnand&" The Quarterly Official 86-ar;d.
tbegodds.' Morat.-Shop: early.
. I, you loab anything try a NLFWERA
Panamas, Voiles, CashM. ere -s, C ispines
Qffieio members of the Boarq.,of Gene.
will ineet on Monday evening at eight
lost ad. They br�ng good r stilts.
Broadcloths, Poplins, etc., and every. color
r4l JVurpopo Wa§- Wopted Without ob.
.:`:Tm,- ilian who sai 4 "Talk is cheap"
you want. Regular 75c, 85c, $1.00'anci some
The i4porb of tlie Credential Cam.
neverbad to pjiy nis.Wife. telephone
$1.25 per yard. Take your Chg.i-..e whil
mitee was subaiitted,- showing the at,
tendance to be the largest of any. aun-
nn 'MY arleswoth ii holiday
Tii� moving pieturesbow.has &osed
for a. month or so. ovOng to �the -warm
you get the chance, at per yardi
Ag at, London this w6ek and n3xt.
only .........................................
Toroatb,- The toUl- Yegistration-is
9,12; efreseriting 1,536 votes, There
Tbe, pulpit will be.stioplied Mr. J rues
Tacker -in the niorning, and Retvt. J.
'TuE ftelds of golden grain aro now
in evidence on nearly every farm
are 4 lodges, ot these 2-40 &Pa 'rel)fe-
Greene in the evening.
sentated-by the regular ' offibers and 20
by,Past Masters,. while 71. are. rbpre-,
Givi the printers A chance. :I)Onit
sented L537 votes. There are 411
Genaral William Booth,'commander
look for' it lot ig free. notice, with a
Last oi the 'Fine Und erwear.
lodges; of these 210 are it, prese, ated.by
theregular officers and 20 by Past
=;f� the. Salvation Army, on
tarted.,oft Another of bis
sniall paid ad,
IT is expected the iiesults of dlie.Ae-
masters, while .71 are *reprep6nted by
motor crusades through,14' mg,land. The
partmental exanis will be ready about
just ioo garments, finiest Summ(!r Un(terw.ear
proxyi' There are 74 lodges unrepre...
octogeri%rian' silvationist has this
time1aid.out a trip ..covering 1,"o
the'rpiddle, o* f . August.
that sold UP,tO 45C per garment, clearing
De�ut.3t Gribil masters.
miles, during, iwhich he will address
all meetings.
-'SPr Pres-'
A� WIAL meeting of Hii.ron
will beheld at 'Exeter on
this week at .................... ... ............... 2. for 35ce
The election for Distrioit beputy
Grand Af aster�, resulted as foliows. -
rbe Commission of -the E-oumenical
Of this week.
Alt4T,mother- going to get any holi-
1. Brie, J. C. E Hiatt, M. IINP., Glen-
on ferenceoftlioAlethodist.church�s.
of the world which met at - Ashbury
daythisyear? Notevtn k, trip to.
Bayfleld,? y0ii can mean It. i
2 Lofidob, Wr. Wal lade, Niiesto.wn.'
`.Kodg .
Park,'N. J., last week, decided to hold
the next conference in Toronto, in
START up -a lfttle�lflre1n* the furnace
Half =price for Silks�
4: Soul.h. A is. ns
Lueknow. ' uron,
'North 'D,.
October, 1011, Inilsooriferotice repi;e,
sefits Methodism from. till ts of t e
every other -week or so.r It keeps'the
rust from getting in its works.,
'5. Huron, Patterson,
world. Toronto delegates w 11 b
pair e Rev
. Gim�,Tprospects no . w for a bun) per
We doubt if Silks such as, these have ever be-
6. VVilaon4 J. A. Messicar, Scotland
-Drs. Carman anA Bri st Judge Mae,
raspberry arop. The peach growing
fore been sold in Clinton at anywhere hear. the
7. NV611ington, W. 1). flou sLons Ber'
Laren and Vr. H. H.
Rev. G. G. Harris. B. A., missionary
disuicts also V e fine. promise,
price. l000 yards finest Taffetas) Louisine and
S. Hamilton, W. -M. Logan, Ramil-
to be supported in West -Huron by t4e
6riCh L
God District Epworth Leagilit,
GooD mor ningl Ha�,e yoti-renewed
your Ni�rw RRA sabs,.riptiob? Take a.
Messeline Silks, in every- color you mky ask for.
9. Georgian, W. A. Sineath, H!Inw
w Ill Campaign` the Districti as follows i
4'auc at'the label this morning. I
rich gl?s§y Silks, suitable for, -waists,
Aug. Ist, 11 a in, Goderich, Victoria St
ox,july let 56 new - post offices were
opene(l"in Cahada, ten were -closed and
dresses and trimmings that -sold all 'over at 85c- and.
W. Nia . gania, Merrimam, St.. Cathar-
Ines. . ;
ki ,
7 p my No r t h 8 t,
2nd Holaiesville
five offices had their. names obotriged.
*i.00per yard. The greatest Silk bar'
11. 'Toronto East, J. - P. Power,
3rd. Bithe' on RAVIleld)
Wjmv you put your, advertisement
gain you will likely get at the price -f ........... 49CA
12. Ontario,' R-Alpli Clark, Ralibur-
4th Go.he'n (;on Varna)
'5th Seaforth
in Tan NnNv BRA You Are talkini; to
tne best people in the town, and dis-
13, Pelpee Mward-, R. 'H. Spence,
Sth Auburn'Circuit
9th Blvth
TaE lawn of Mrs. Couch on. Ontario
14. Fronte ac, T. D. Miftnes, Xing-
10th 14ile
Street is. being extended to tbeltAtten-
bury b0n, which Will inake an I'm-
Fuither reductions in Silks, Trirnminus, Litlm
15, St. Lawrenqje, -A. Longstafff
11th angannon
12th -crew
provement to the lot.
ens, Corsem, Underwear, Whitewear, Fine. Mus-.
Xemptville. -
17, Ottawa, D. H. MaIntosh,.0arle-
. , . Is: 13th Beniniller
l5th, 11, ii� in, Clinton, Wesley
TAIizn a rufi out int6 the ccfuntry
these days when you get a, chance.
lins, Raincoats, Skirts, Lace Curtain�,- Tapestry
ton Pla ce. �. .� I 1
17, Algoma, T. J. Cherry; Keowittin
2,3013 in ; I . Tdrner'g'
.7 PU .01inton Ontario St
The country lookef _ hie and the scenery
is -beautiful.- None better, in Can ad A,
le. Nipi6sing, J, %b. Waiiace, Lit4e
and Chenille Curtains, Draperies, Millinery, et
1% Muskoka, Dr.,S. IN, Davis,Pilr*
.17th Constance
NOTIC14','(1) A collection will be tak.
Tiln9veat'ni!ssionot the telephone
-and rural �ostnl delivery is to connect
2U, Otonabee,Dr.S. 1". Ford, N()r.
en at each taecting to defray expens-8 .
and to prornote District work.
the farmer with his market I and the
greab mission of the farmer is to feed
(2) 14, -h Tjmque will be responal ble-
the tharket.
0. Eastern, John Rildle, Cornwall.
11 g A
for entertaint g and cotiveyin It'
1141,18 to!hIs
radialn Rome circle meets In
next nop6iotffiebt. I
(3) All week ulkhtsWrvicesatS o clock
It ie V, A . 0, A. hall this evening. A
A Gi&eat Impr6vemcut
tull atten danceisre(Inested, The'.DiA-
trict Organiver will be present to rd -
On Tuesday of this week �oah Cook,
it is uvged that these ineetirlgs
be well Announced and that all our
dress the ineeting.
the well-knoion bus triala., placed his
bu4 In. Commission again, after having
people, es,eafidly.evety Leaguer. bear,
With Mr Harris,
PL=4T1VVL&n, I frequent showers of
r1in have fallen lately, to that the
it intho hands oft e painters fcr it
month. IrAsWell-finichedaudierea.
and -gob acquainted
our missionary, President, Rev. A, H
crops are in splendid condition, mok.
It to its owner. � Mr. Cook belfov& -in
having everythwif In AlrfA-Claas Order,
Jones. Auburn-,, Seeretary, Mr A., F,
Ing the farmers optimistic, with the
promise of ex0ellent, crops.
Ir In
Vain hope.
"But," we say to our Wend, "Won't
It -pretty. nearly bankrupt you if - you Sto.re,
wife to go
kepp.on eheouraging ypur
shopping for.dresses,and hats. and
things?" CLINTON,
"Yes," he acknowledged, "but It will
be worth all It costs, I think she may ws�l.
become so interested that sbe will for-
get about spriu,- housecleanip.g.11-Chl-
eflau Post'.
tKints-to our. Correspoudents. -
In et G�fe- Plice.
"We liave . it mau An .this pri son -who Write on one. side of th.e paper
nev(�r fri - ell O.'esegpe," declared the Mail in, time to reach �is Wed-,
ti,end keerwr.
4,1vilati.-S -lie in for? ne8day oT each week (or, soouey..)
inquired the Avoid all items reflecting - on - A
Itor, personal character, but'send AfL
"Rigamy," replied the, head keeper.-,_ thes NEWS.
Check off this list, it' lilay as;
sist7on to reuxertiber-itil.im0ort,
tint ltern:,
Deaths, 2NI,
First Aid,. Accidents, Ohgch X,6ws,,
"If YOU W&O'CIVIled. 1100h tll.'ftil with Suppers or _Ppcsor�,tiitlons,
a hysterical P&sop,"asked the eiai . u We Removit.1s, Visitors,
er tit the . etnerge I ney class, "whaf w6ul'd Lodge.News, Fires,
Public Imbrovernents,
you do," LILIV-cases, The Crops,
."I'd amputate bis - funty-, bone," sald
School Matteis;
the studeut'' witli. I turn 'for surgery Anythfng else
B , i"- - e. a's hn'i e-, r e
iiosiervr S, I
.&_J� C
1- 1 Xibbed Cashmere Hose do6ble knee," good
�qft ya in'jn, blac. k.onlk, all.sizesi regularly
.gold at 2-5c and -,)0q, for Otlick. ielling, ....
Zknirt- -Wads s
A limited.*quantity of Whiv� Law n,Shirt Waist s,
all -'sizes in' the assortme"nt., These are. extra value'
for the m6nev, and should -only last a' f6w ho'urs.
Would. be crood value -at 75c- While -they
last, only ....... I ............ v ............................ C
... 40
Dres, s muslins'..
a Great Sacrifice
All 'the Muslihs leftln stock that have hereto-
fore sold at..T'5c, I 8.c and 20C,, 'including floral. de—
signs in pink, gra . y, b,lue, - niauv . e and. tan, Ad
while' they last� per yard ................... ......... d
urash Belts
136autifully. embroidered Wash, Belts
all sizes, r"e*g. .-5,c, for .............. .................... . 15c
211 Wain" Due
ji�st the time -to take.advanta he reduc
tion' in. Awning Duck. Red-angaewoh'iite.
E;tripe, besi; quality 35c, 'fO
811adk Sateen
T�ese Skirts �are' all brand fiew goods,- full
widtli, neatly' trimmed with self.frills, and 'if.
bou-glit in the,lrqular-way. would retail at
$1.2.3, our price ..................... .........
IThO wo AdOrdse we 801).
ch.& 0,0
sell Advertises ug.
What lye
july,29th, x9og
Clarence Johnston -will supply the
)APIt of the SeaforthAkii4lican dis.
xict during themonth of August.
John Hartley will return home to.
iigbt. after adina few WeeUR itt
9acDonald College, nelph.
DON'T forget the Garden Party of the
Wesley Intermediate League on the
awri of D. 0. Cantelon onFriday even.
of this week. The White Dyke
and will be in attendance.
COINCIDENT With tbe 70th Rookfellpr
DirthdAy the- Standard Oil Company
innourice an locrease of one cem a
;f�llori in the price of gasoline, wbichl
will mean it, birthday gift to Mr. Rock-
leller by the public of about
8 P QR T 6
44 ++++++X,
Owing to Walkerton, protesting the
$5.00 Hammocks for3-75
first gaine between them andBrusse 8,
the protest Committee, decided t at
$3-50 for2.5O
the game should be played over.
$2.25 for 1,50
on b riday avenli last Brussels ent
there aga in and efeateol them by a,
score of .3-0. A totat df 5-0 on the
round. It was a sorry -day for Walker;,
to.6wherithey playedthe gavaeover,
I Go Carts
as they had won the first garne by a
scQre of 1-0.
$5.06 Go Carts for 4-00
$3,50 for 2.50
Won Lost
Goderich". 0 1 857
B13rtlf .4 5. 4441
Mitcbell 3 4 428 1
Clinton 2 - 5 2$5
Seliedule of Base Ball Games I A
Boys' Amateur League.
June 30th -Pirates vs Maple Leafs
Aug. 3rd;. -Tigers vs Giants f�
.. 11 6th -pirates vs Maple Lea ,
C 00per, S
-Giants vs Pirates
13th -Maple Leafs vs Tigers
1ith-Piriko vs Tigers
lfth-Oiitnts ys Maple Leafs
Ir In
Vain hope.
"But," we say to our Wend, "Won't
It -pretty. nearly bankrupt you if - you Sto.re,
wife to go
kepp.on eheouraging ypur
shopping for.dresses,and hats. and
things?" CLINTON,
"Yes," he acknowledged, "but It will
be worth all It costs, I think she may ws�l.
become so interested that sbe will for-
get about spriu,- housecleanip.g.11-Chl-
eflau Post'.
tKints-to our. Correspoudents. -
In et G�fe- Plice.
"We liave . it mau An .this pri son -who Write on one. side of th.e paper
nev(�r fri - ell O.'esegpe," declared the Mail in, time to reach �is Wed-,
ti,end keerwr.
4,1vilati.-S -lie in for? ne8day oT each week (or, soouey..)
inquired the Avoid all items reflecting - on - A
Itor, personal character, but'send AfL
"Rigamy," replied the, head keeper.-,_ thes NEWS.
Check off this list, it' lilay as;
sist7on to reuxertiber-itil.im0ort,
tint ltern:,
Deaths, 2NI,
First Aid,. Accidents, Ohgch X,6ws,,
"If YOU W&O'CIVIled. 1100h tll.'ftil with Suppers or _Ppcsor�,tiitlons,
a hysterical P&sop,"asked the eiai . u We Removit.1s, Visitors,
er tit the . etnerge I ney class, "whaf w6ul'd Lodge.News, Fires,
Public Imbrovernents,
you do," LILIV-cases, The Crops,
."I'd amputate bis - funty-, bone," sald
School Matteis;
the studeut'' witli. I turn 'for surgery Anythfng else
B , i"- - e. a's hn'i e-, r e
iiosiervr S, I
.&_J� C
1- 1 Xibbed Cashmere Hose do6ble knee," good
�qft ya in'jn, blac. k.onlk, all.sizesi regularly
.gold at 2-5c and -,)0q, for Otlick. ielling, ....
Zknirt- -Wads s
A limited.*quantity of Whiv� Law n,Shirt Waist s,
all -'sizes in' the assortme"nt., These are. extra value'
for the m6nev, and should -only last a' f6w ho'urs.
Would. be crood value -at 75c- While -they
last, only ....... I ............ v ............................ C
... 40
Dres, s muslins'..
a Great Sacrifice
All 'the Muslihs leftln stock that have hereto-
fore sold at..T'5c, I 8.c and 20C,, 'including floral. de—
signs in pink, gra . y, b,lue, - niauv . e and. tan, Ad
while' they last� per yard ................... ......... d
urash Belts
136autifully. embroidered Wash, Belts
all sizes, r"e*g. .-5,c, for .............. .................... . 15c
211 Wain" Due
ji�st the time -to take.advanta he reduc
tion' in. Awning Duck. Red-angaewoh'iite.
E;tripe, besi; quality 35c, 'fO
811adk Sateen
T�ese Skirts �are' all brand fiew goods,- full
widtli, neatly' trimmed with self.frills, and 'if.
bou-glit in the,lrqular-way. would retail at
$1.2.3, our price ..................... .........
IThO wo AdOrdse we 801).
ch.& 0,0
sell Advertises ug.
What lye