HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-22, Page 51�. I . 1, , F. . 1* 1� July und, x9og The besir,e;_01 . . a 004's uteri 47... is to own a watch-,. one of his "ver own," .Why , deny hiZ when his am- .---..-----" .-I - ­ bition can for a dollar be geatified. This isnot a "make believe" .watch that we are- thinking of either. It's a guaranteed timepiece. , It is simply,, , I p u t tQgether so that.4 lilitle accidental rough . usage ,Avon't. disarrange things. It is nicely nick- eled. It will retain its appear- ance till the last tick. And it wili tickle that boy of yours if you take one home to him. Why not do it to -day.. . . _____,__.___,. isirths marriagei; a "llpeall"s =;Z----4.��-z���--7;�_--;:�--�::�;�-,:----�,. _ . ­ _ � . BJUN GIBBINGS,-In Clinton, on, JUIY Ifth, to Mr, and Mrs. B. J. 0ibbings, at isont . REID-At Du =July 'S, to 'In Ur ana Mrs Rlcba�t %, di I . ughter. MUILD " L -In Tugrub July 1). Me ".1 I 8a" to d Mrs John a eTf, a son. � GOY-Ia Toraberpy, July 9. to Are ,and Mrs John 00Y, a, son. . KUNZ-In Exter, July ll,to Me and Mrs Wtu. Kuuz, a fion. WOOD,ALL-At Crediton, July 7, to Me andMrs Woodall, a. son. . ROBBINS In 14xeter Northjuly 7, to Me and Mrs Richard Robbins. it ilagghter, u rx0WER In Exetf-r, Jane Is), in Me ,and We F. Zl:.Wer, a son, , TEBBUTT-ln Obealey, July 13, to � Me aLd Mrs 0. J, Ile . bbutt, at son. HOUNSELL-In Wingham. July 1P to Me and Mrs Geo, V. Hounsell, it daughter. . . I . , � Jc) UNSTON-In Turnberry, July 8 ` to Me and Mrs Adam Johnst011., 'a daughter. 1. � ­ � HOMUTR-In Turnberky,' July 930 Me and Mrs Albert 'Romuth-04 at)". .HILL -In Blaevale, July 4, to Mr and,Mrs F rank Hill, adailgbter. � . � DRADGE-In Wingbam, -July 5, to Air and Mrs Henry Dradge, of Brussels. a daughter. . RUKMIER-In Morris, July 2, to Me and Mrs Lou Eckmier, a daughter. M,c KINNON -In Toronto, JiVy 8, to Me ana Mrs J. S. McKinnon, a, daugh, ter. I I . .. I I . . DIED I � I BALKWI[,L- In Exetce, July 101 . . Win, S. Balkwill, aged 56 -sii*Ys. . . � AleMILLAN -In Seaforth,July 12,, ',Vm. ,deMillan, aged 72 years. . W. H. Hellyar . CARRIN-At St. BOLiface hospital. I . I Winnipeg, July list, Will- J, Carrie, . eldest son of -the late Rev. James Jeweler and Optician. Carrie, o ' f Goderlob,'Onto, in . his 30ch 1. . year. . , Jane . ABhLL�In Goderich, July 0, I .. I Craigie, infant (twin) daughter of Mr. �� "�� . . , nnd Mrs. Win. . Abell, aged.10 weeks. . ' . . ., . CAMPBHLL -In Toronto, July 8, � I- - . Duncan A. Uampball, formerly of ' . Wingham, in his 85th year. ' � KRAL- � Tp.,J uly 16, - . ELLIOTT-In Goderich . .. . Frank Elliott, only son of W. 11, and 11 . . Mrs. Elliott, aged 16 year,�g 1. . . . � STRATFORD,ONT. FIINCII-InClinton,,Tulyl5,IP,ni4nueI � Clayton Flneh, ,youngest child of THE LEADING SCHOOL. EmvLnuel and Mary Fii.cb. . . . Cotirses are practical, our teacbera eX-. . . . ' ;. perienced, R.nrl onr graduates capable to .. . � . � MARRIED . , fill responsible positions. we are receiv­ . � ' . ing inany alipitcations for office lielp, Dur- WILLIAM SON� SWITZE R - At log a gingle day this Nveek, we received I the home of tk,o bride, July 7, by Rev.. , .mven appiicationr for office belp and four I for conini �rcial teaebers. our graduates E. G. Powell, Mr. Geo, ji. Williamson succeed as none .otbers. Three depart- to Miss:.Nellie S., aaug ' , ,hl ojelr of Air and nient%: - Coln"Isrelal, ,Zborthand an(l ;rey.'Tp� Tel(.grapliy. Catalogue free. Airs. Chas. Sw.'Itzer, . � . � 1�, Elliott & McLachiiiii, PASSMORF - MONTEITH - - :- At , Rensall. July'7,A1r-'Wl11- Passmore to PRINCIPALS Aliss Mary Moatieth, both of Thames . I 1� . I Road. � . � ��� . __ ... ;_ . - — wl�w . . - . � -1 . . . — in . . - , . , . I . - . . - mr-14 * ''B'S .. - I bo we JAC0_ � I . I . . I 1. I . .. . ; .. I . I . . CLOTHING I ' - I - � . I. . - ' . , . . . � � -A N 1O.. .. I � 1. - . . . . � '_ ' 1, . FulZNISHINGS.. r *-� r . . I I ... . I r .� . . . I . � . . I. r . . . .. .: . . . �r I . I Alake This 'Stjore�, , ' ....,: ­.. , .:'r . . .. � 1. I . r I r I . . . . . r . ,r ' ' ,. r . Yurdquo'rters:. - . . . _ . . I . . I . .. � . �. . ... r, . . . . . r F 0. R. . -1 . . I I.r.. I . . . . . . . r .. . I . I Shirts, cotiarsq Neckwear, . n6siefy... Undentear. , ete..9 in fact everythlog � that 4 . . r .. � . . - . man or'boy.ivears- ,. . . I . 11 I . . � -.,.*, . I I . . . ,�. I I We ha%,e a sj�lendid range pf Men's. - P,nd B I oy's I - � Ready-to-wear' 0. lothing. . .. 11 . I . . . ... ' r -.:. . . r I .Our two-piece Summer Suits are the newest that c;in -. . r . . . bie bouorht,_ ran in% in prices from $4..00 to $12'06,. 0 g . - do not fail to see t ese suits, .if you. are needing any . , . . . � . . thing, in this line.... . . ..- . . . I . I .. I . I I TAILORING.A SPEC,IALTYO� .. . . r I Ac. :11>,C! E. W'�- j.. .O.UZ3 . MME1WNfiHEW� F 11 The Clinton. Now Bra r . 4 ' 11 4.. � ­.- -- -­ ­­ ., ­­ - ___ __,________, _________._, __ -,-., I � -1 - . � "I ­ 7.1 . i. - I I., I-- - i�­ �.. � _. .1 11 R. M. RACF-Y DIES� "a m" , , , . &oil , I ' , Below we�lve'w,nodlce oFthedeatb, Jaid"W'... I .ey -,- � Summer %.�iearance Sale I I MA-TeH of R. 31, Ra( _, ho led in Lorain, U . ip 11 on June 11th. Mr. Racey wava ­ � S h. Ten Days Only ' IRL#2W, ardwatemercharlt here about 20 yrfi '. - , . ago and the older citizens of to wo will I I, A U L T remember him -. . . . . Fifteen minutes after Ws return froya BIC CLEAN SWEEP SALE, SUMMER LGOOUS .. Does atch run correctly P a walk down Broadway, Robert Miles . I If 'it looelterwot, leave it with as. senior mettiber of the grocery , I � given the opportipity, we will kalnoeon, R. M. Racey & Co., died at 10 - 1 � - . � .. , � - , - ; - � - - , - ­ I 'L I � . 1. .. I I L return It to.T�" with our pe! son. o'clock Monday. Xv. Rscey,'wbQ had you kilow tile j�stem of thi,3 store, viv,:-Xever to carry over one dollar's worth of goods from oveseason to another, &I guarantee oi its correctriess. been iq poor healtbfor some time,took I,,'verythinx, must be, sold, within to days, to make room for the largest, stock of Now Fall Uoo.is ever placed by us. We � , i , ,� I . the waM qs a constitutional and ulfle"1111 P0S1T1VE,F#YGUA,RANTSF, J?1-',DUCT10NSINNY11.RY DB,PARTXr1.V1'. All goods trust be reduced in price to his return said be wou d ret,t,as he . clear quickly. (;ome in aul fjoe for yourself. Come in the morning if possible. This storo coaxes nobody to buy Our e,liarges are, reasonable poorly. Fifteen minutes after going g,).),J�ij uut give, plain ejoao.niad reasons why everybody who apprecia - oney Saving" should buy here. � Y to bed he passed away Mr. Rtoey , tes " M 0 I was nutpheied among, Lorain's niost ­ , . I ' � I . We make no chargi�, responsible nien, haviog conduateda I Sale Oommences Wednesday M ' ' - - __-, July 28th . for examining your watch grocery store bete for many years, I orning, .. anJ reportin of its while be was also special, agen t Airl'ov. and Ends Saturday Evening, August, 7t1i .. K, ering, Beown & CO.. Whol6SA10 gr0tiel't- , 0 � needs, of Chicago. He was born, at Mt. Pleas. � slut, Catiada, At , -% y n , . a I . enhigs at 6,00 p.m. I . y 17, IE933, junking Brin-along this bill it villbelp oui bu.Ning. Store closes Tuesday and Thursday ev him 76 years of a He was the I .. ­_ -.---- "' . I younpat of thirteen; 11 I.. 1. I.., I 11 ­ I �. ­ . . ­ . I . . . I I .. � . �.. .1.1.11 . . . ­ � - I . � 1. .1 . I 11 ­ . . . 11 ,dren. and has � one, sister now livingin Canado,eigbity I six years old. He started'in busilia-s Groceries. Sensational Values - -A, J4 Grh � amon g the seven Nation Indians in . - I , * I I Canada. He moved to Clintoo, Can- 20 lbs Redpath's GrartuIxted Sugar for.., ........... SL.00 n ing , . JEWELEIt AND OPTICIAN .ad&, where he operated a wholesale 12 Nutmegs. fol ................... ". 5C 1 � and retail li%rdware store. ]From 25 bars Ricliara,sorOoinfort Soap ior.*,'.*.­.',­.' **, ­ 11',00 , , Rel"eintl4r that you cat) buy. Clotning dnring this there he moved to Geneva and front 5 lbs Black or GreeiL Tea for ......................... 1,00 sale for less than tile cost of raw material. ' This'W'Ill be' Issuer of , . there to Lorain in. 180% Since his ad- BTinslgweet Corn,......... .... .. ..... 250 - , the greatest sale oil record and the bargain,, offeted such I ,,nt ht -re he has represented Lovering NewToinatnes per thi- ...:,:.*:�. i..:*,.:,::: .......... 160 that you will part with . � Allarriage Licenses Brown and Company as regular agent : ............. 2.5a . Your money willingly. R.-niem- �. � . 6 lbs �earl Wee for .............. � ....... I bar tfie-di�fe and be on hand the first, day. . and a few years age opened his own 6 Boxes of N'ddy's Parlor Matelips for ................. 25 e Alen's Fine TweedRuitg, regular 88ralne for.. $3195 _ elinton a Ontario , store on IFfeld street neat-IFirst avenue. 3 lbs Corn or Laundry 8tarch for .......... � .. ....... 25c Men's Waterproof Onats fill sizes, for ......... . * " * . . fie continued there t4i his 6 Cans Gillett's L..N,e ....... � .......... I ....... ....... 1.89 business I : ........ 49c Mon's Fine Imported English Cravenette Water- , � - outgrew his ctipacity and he was com,. 8 bottles Shoe Pei Ish.. � ........... ,_.25o Proof 0040, 00011tlY tailored, 11)) -to -date, for. ..4,05 - — I . ...., ......... I a �,__ I I I . I I � - velled to move to larger quarters. find- � dozen Clothes Pins for ............................. 5 0. Aleo's Fine Canadian Tweed or Worsted Suit -it, well I . _�_ 'ing his location at the corner of Reid 14, ' ::: 4e , , . __ ­­_. -- .., __ � street it I ndTbird avenue, where he was .. Y,l yeast Calce" ' " * " ...... * * " ' ­ i ......... ... I .,at up in every,way, padded shonblers. eleLrant- during husiness. at. the time of his Crown Fruit Jars ill all sizesitt 010"4e prices. - ly lined and triintupd. all sizes from 33 to 44, 1 Sudden Death of . __ __ . - � I . . . death. Re WAs both prIcispe'-w. �f­ . I 1. I . . "i"gular 812 I ines, for each ........ I .............. 5.D5 - , succe9eful. He wits bones�, in business � .,Iran s Fine Tailored Stilt of Import.ed Ttireeds and I Mr., L. S. Channell methods. and was noted .for sq . Uare Shoes 1. Shoe.s I . I worsteds, worth $t5 of any man's trioney, sight- � , . I ,_ I Prcsident of the Canadian Press dealinir. He was one of the most active Please take it look at jibese shoes. They are.. new . ly AInArican patterns, each ............... 1.1 ..... 9.80 members, in the Episcopal, Church of I . Youths'-ScotcliTweedan Worsted Stilts, Spiecies, . . Association and Widely the Redeemer and was instrunientM I stook but broken lots. elegantly t,,tiloi-edan*triinnietl,-�egulatr',SG,D..o . � Known Publigher in the buildir g of the handsome edifice . � 116e, for ........................ � ................ s.9 -,o . - I I I which now houses that congregation, Lad;e,,' Oxfor(14 in kid and patq;it.._reg. $L,50 for $1.25 . . 1 I � !6s, Oxfords, 1�.id Slippers ...... ........ 1.25 .... 98e Boys' Tweed Suits, ages 9 to IT. made on. our very - � Besides *his wife, he leaves four daugh Ladl I best si�ylp., reg,ular 85 value for ...... � ........... a , 50 1 1 Ladies ... , LAO , Children".-, Blister,Brown and Sanny Jim suits, The death occurred with tragic sud- ters, namely Miss Anna 1(., and Rose -' Oxfordsi lace kid ...... a ......... - - I.H5 denness on Saturday at Sherbrooke. M. and.'Hiss Helen Racey and Mrs. J. Ladies' �Tigh Shoe, lace, kid ............. * ... 1,,50:::: 1.25 I agj�s 4 to 8. for .................................... q,qc - Que., of Mr. Leonard S.. Channell,pies'- E. Anderson, of Madison, Ohio. 'Also Ladies' High Shoo, lace kid ......... ": 2. 00 .... 1.50 s' Tw . two sons, L, R. and J. F. Ra ' Ladles'High Shoe, Inee.kid ......... :: *::, * ".i 56 ... � 1.75 Boy., eed Knickers, per pair ...................... 29c, . ident of - the Sherbr000ke Record ,cey. I 11�n's Tweed Parits, net pair ........... � .. . ....... 7q Printing Company arid presideiit of The funeral services in memory of Ladies' High Shoe, bal or b1ticlier .......... I q.00 .... 2.25 , *­ �0 I Men's Scoteb Tweed Pants, worth $2, foi ............ 1,20, . the Canadian Press Association. Robt. M. Racey,wbi�h were held �Ved- ,Ladies' Heavy -Shoes at, -.t. .--,,-950. $1,25, $i,,"o,atid $1,75 10 dozen Shirts, soft or stift fi-blit.q, ligh t or dark I . I . Mr. Ubannell was iLt his office on nesday afternoon, were impressive for Men's Fine Sil'oes ... I ............. i ..., reg, $1,55 for 1.215 , - designs, sizes i2 to 18, regill'ar $1, each � � ......... 59c; -, > P riday attending t6 his regular duties: their simplicity and boanty, The -at-. .Alen's Box Calf Bals ............. I ........... 1-25. � �. 2.00 New White Cambric Handkerchiefs,'eaeli ............. 0 ,, .and death occurred at his cottage tendance at the seryices at the church, MeWs Patent.O.Pliford .............. 4.00 .... 3.00 - Alen's Whit . 6 Shirts. extra flnish, regular $1, for,;..,. 790 North I Fialey,early Saturday morning, Alen's Patent B uchers..., - - - - .. ..":: I.- * , , "ri.iao. . ..., 8.75 . . V . � was large and the serVices themselves I - - . , I * .Afen's Red or -Blue Bandana Handkerchiefs, * regu� . Aloix's Working Shoes ................ I ....... I.bu .... 980 . I , - M -r. Channell -was one bf the most weresbort. Private servi6esconduct- I lar.10c �acrb. for ........... ...... ..............-....'Oe- �' prominent .newspaper publishers of ,edat the -family borii eat 1:1u'- o'clork Aren's Working Shoes..'...... .�o ;......,.*I .... 1.75.... 1.25 . I . Alen 19' Fine CasliThnre or WorstedS�ocks, i-egular , I � Quebec Province. Ue -was ,born in by Rev. 0. A. Dowell, pastor. of the* Alren's Working Shoes ......... I - 9 ... b ...... mo...., 1.60 . . . � :25o per pair, lot ... I ........................ ....... Stansteg . r . * , , d, Que, in 1808; being 41'years bhurch of the, Redeemer, -and front Men',, World 'Sh'oes­ ................... 2.50 .... 1.951 .Alen's Cotton Hose. -, - ..." ....... ".., ...... 10c, 15o and 20c I old at death. .His entire life has been - there the reinains were borne to .the B6ys' Fine. arlg 6oarse Shoes. - ......75c, 55c, $t abd'$1.25 � . . . I. devoted to the., newspIper publishing cli, , urch'wera the 'public cerenionles .. -. -98c * - Goods to Clear - " - I . I Al isseA'Shoea, laced and buttoned, reg.'$1.25 for.., Wsiness, and chiefly in the Eastern were carried out. At the appointed Cbildrea's Shoe-,, laced and buttowid,,several different Dress . � . . r broken lots, 60c, . I Townships. -He was for& time part hour every seat in the auditorlurn.was . line.94 must be cleared."as-they a. a . I Therd is lunch tbatappeals to the unweary buyer on proprietor of the Coaticook Observer, filled by-nienibers of the congregation . (30c, 75.6, 95e and 8LA0. , . . . � - � f tho §core of price that is unsatisractory' in �th6r ivays � atot of Ovomp- tile 'deceased. Out of 15. pairs'Men's $2.00 Donaola Bl"ohers at ....... and afterwards proprii : .and friends of I 1.85 Rud low I)riceL,00(lq,-,Iiat�do-ii6tgiVe-sati�-facti6n is 156or respect for their - associ%te, , ,:: 1. I tbnCounty Chronicle, a-�nper which all of-tbe 10 p4ir4 ,Iran's S.1.00 Oxblood Oxfords at. - ... i-.. , s. 2-8i-1 . OC9 . . I .. be established. In 1.807. he founded g ocers of the city attended the. see- 50 Don gohi. Shoes at, .... ...... . "1,15 � Oil? . I . I , F - 15 pairs Ladies siX . ... .- - � � sit thi.q fliat baC4 put this store in a class by the Sherbrookb Daily. Record,'which V " " . , it -.9 jil I I loes in a brody and e" mc6rystore 15 )aIr" Ladies $2.50 Oho�olata Oxfords at .......... *, - -1 ,50 . . has flourished and grown unde* his I ' Y', 0 - I ., . , it sqlf, and. When we sav - barqa�ns Dress Goods. our. � was closed fr6m 2'.to .3 ool ,k. Reso . Slince will not,perinit a luli'list of I'vieNi . . now. there-ai:e good things abead. . . . managenient., Some years ago he pub- lutions of respect were adiipt�iid and . , . . . . . I . . rw,tonlers k A ii : I lished a volume of historial sk�tches will be sent; to. the devensecL � - ... � . I . :6100,yards of finest Mack Dress Goods such as Iran- . . . . . - covcerning the Eastern Townsbip's. At the chureb,,corner Reidalle(j&A_ � . � . . . . I . riettas, Venetians, Poplins, -etc.,, the finest � I � . I t$1.25andS - ' Ini.iii h6wasan independent nutkrebts,Rev. 0. A. 0owellcor: Ladies. whitewear .... . . �. . . -blanl, goods we sell a .l.-50per y a rd, . Conservative. - ' . . . I . ducted the.service,o. The rousic which . . ..�, . . ' . . I . . . Sale. Price ............................ ...'.... - . 6 S ' I 00 . 6 � . .. -1. . �. I - - - -ss 1� oods, in. " ' - Mrs Channell aurvives and has the was in abar& of Director L. 1, Corthell :. ." - I ii)Qyards of flne.All-wool Tweed Dre . � . . .. .Slaughtered .1 . , . . . . sympathy of ii,.wide circle of friendsi was furnished . . ., I . � . . I , , . . haif a (1oznn shades of prey,'our best, $L.00 and -. - ' I I by the members of, the I � .* �, � . . - " � � , Mr.Chahnellwas elected pre;siaent choirs of the Church of the Redeiomr ti�ile �,00(1 old. Sulillner.%tinle.the�t. we iong6d for -'is Iler!�, . . I . � �$11.25 aond§, sale PAO'e. I .................. !V...._ ..-,53 - Press Assoebition in . . . . . ' nowe s lie '. I . of the Canadian ' and St. David*s Epigcop%l cliurch. The d " ilice cool walst,will lielp yo.u. thii better to eujoy it,' . 6i)o yards tbisseason'is s� Dress 0 ootb , i lud- " Atk a . ..., . I . March last, his-nienibershi p in that o�-, % 'h- . is.the 61114 to lay �11 your su * 1* I .1 ymn, 9Asleep in Jesus was sting. DOW , pp Y for tile �seasull- Ina tweeds. plain cloths. in -all shades, such as� ganization e.xten ding ovei'many -years. The pall hearers who bore the remains .. I � . . - . - uavv, gileell. . Cardinal, black, bro-wii,,bitc.. �The . I . . - . ' He was a, movitur spirit in, the Eastern were,'A. J. Leighton, - Ralph -Hunter, I I dozell White ANTais'itgselling-lit ....... V)c . . I . best 00a, anil 75c. eyoods all 6ne .,.,. �. 990 , , A .2,5 - . . Irice, . - - - Townships.. Press Associittion, a -local W. S. Pole, Dr E. S. 'Kiplirger, 'AT. . . I (lovell.wliite-WiLl'gts,ie,lliilg,tt�,...., . 600 yarflz; minity and'Ainerican 1)4sl 1111islins-ill- . or 7- A"Henlelti afid, Win. Brown, .. i dozen White Walsts.sd1ling at, � - -'i I � . I I luding every wanted sbade such ris-orilc, blVe. . . ganizo6tion; includina about.two do � A�ftor . �. .. . � � r 1. . . a I . I an papers, alid. it'was largely throiigh. t�;e services , in the cliureb, ,the re- �l 0 -third Inore than what we'ask. _. I . rey, brown, blaplic,%ilifte, a great collection or . . I . . , I- worth fully Oil . . , , I - . .. . . . . . � 9 . . . his efforts thar, in '1000 all affiliation I . 00 . . mainiswere taken to -Elmw c6me - .. . � . regn lar price We'.. I with the Canadian Press Asgociation tery iri a 9pecial car iii1d' intexIment, Lad**es, White Lawn NNI ai�stq, inadwin this se.11,9011%. . f1li�-"spn.-on", llewe.,�t phtternq, . I I ' . i I 6 a * � * , w ery popular find was nl.ldo , . . I . . latest styles, size,s tr6m 82 to 42, re,�. $1.00,...;_.7()c . Tic-aurl 40c,.your choice. . - -.-..... ....... ­. . ' ... . . . . . ,. I - - ift sizes. " -too yards Cnii4dian Dress Gingliams. 'in stripes, , . I . 11 .- . wid@ly respected by- his.btfisiness a*s.oc- . ... - , . . I Ladies' Whi.teLaw-it Waists! regy. 8L. . 8 6 ...... 98(1 .. . I - - . " . 1. I .. I I �- . . its .ec� , . . cliiiicl�% (lots ml,plain col&si re illar prize 15C � ... . � Ladies' �Vhite Laivii-Wais"' all Qizes, I - $L.00 ...... 1.10 - . ' ' - . .. !1. 6*- -----"--6- , 1. . I;i 18n. -Rle prTce - _ . . . . ... 12.1c - ' . . � . I � . . . � 'Underski a .8 c, . . . . ..... I ............ 11 .. ... : lates I Ladies' While �,iq,ail jzes', r g' i.00 for -74 all . &'fdneral took- piace oir tuesda ' . .. . I '. . . " $ 1', I-) OA ... : ' " 98C. - s . , .. . T . . . .�, - . ,I 14 li� . . 2oo 8,Ftnis finp eluality Black Sateen, 'high glo.AY' ' . ' . . I.. . I RepOrt. , - - ,, - . . . . 44 . �' :11 S2.25 ...... 1.75 'finish, Tsriee 2no, sh-le price ............... � ...... 112ic I - af4ekno6,. .. I . � . .:. C1111iton Rairket . . I.. . I .. , , � .. . . . I '' i I .. . . � I .. . . I . ., I . . corrected ever; TbrOdiyatternooll i� It, 4i .. Ic . � t4 S-3 - I � q . . �. I : . . . I . . . 1, �(io ...... 2.11) 1 ,0 pi. ,,s oFDre,js Good , s, embracing kL]l classe, f to I ft . I . . , - 35 to 1.85 1 - Sateen Tjnderslcirts at.. ..$L.19, $1..39, $1,79 . cj,�, at .... i ...................................... . . IMPORTANT ORDER � . .. I -. Wheat (neiw)�....,.....- I jadies' Black . .. 1, a, . . . . I I � . . . . .. I . . . . to U1 153 � Ladies'r ft$j - . . . � . . . . I . . .1 0aw (new) - ... I.... , i ne Cotton Ves r6gular 15o, (9r. 6. toe and 12�c . . 1 - . I I , . � I . Y ..; . I I ' . � . . . . .1 .ABOUT. C . � .. .,.:: i � .... _. . . int . �. I , - ' . Llidies"F i no Cottor -a ,25c, foil........ - � , 0 � iii to 55 i -Vests, i sgulai . 1. N ROSSINGS -�B'r" .............. 0 80 to 0'85 - T die%111ine.Cot0n Vests,- regular 85c, for ........... 29 � ' . I . . . . Pass ... ' 'a I . - e, .. Pr- * s - — . . ' * . . . . I �. . . I. . . I , Eggs ...... _ ...__O .17 to 0 is Me Cotton'VestA, reg'llar 50c, for ....... I .... 190 . . .. . ; - , .Railway's Must H66P Veinces Along Butter _ .... � ; ......... 0 10 to 0 17. Lki d i es' F' i-awer , regular 25c�, for..'... .'. - - 20c, . 'P_ui�e Indlao Blue Wash Prflit-q� Also all light,.A.rid. .. I ­ I .... . . . I I . Ladies' Fine C6ttoll D s I .... �� . . - ; . . - , � I . araAlteed s6l-id colors frb"111 It to ,. �.. . 0. . . Hoge, . I 11 0 , I 1, I Lines at. Least Foiir V set, � . - _... �__._ 1 7 75 cc 7 7 - Ladle %',I ine Cotton Drawees., lartve�....... .,,. ­ I ...... 396 � ., dark Print& gm . I . . � I F . I � . I ; . . b. . . I � . I . I I . . . , ' jilebeq ' ard � -.. '� . I . . I . , . I . . I . . I : . . . 8.?� I , wide ,are on sftle'ftf.'per-'� .... * , 50�: �, I . I . .; � . . . . I . I I � . . . ' . . I .1 I r Ir - . Six Inches High ' . I � r - . ____;._.� � . - — . 11 1. '. r.. I I. � First. Co I , il.. r ... r . . . � . 7 . .. r I . r . . I I ' I . ' . . I . me.First S,arlve r. �. r r. I . . . - . . . . � . I . . .. . , I . . . . . I T (0 X � , . . . . . r . . . � . � I I . . — . . r . . . - � . Th . e.RaM I way Cojnriii�sion bas i . ssue . d - . 1t,c)N!te) . 0 , 111R. ETS � ' ' . In - . . . . . . r . . . I � . . I I . . , ­'. . r. ... . r.rS allwak,es. . 1. , r .P 0 . .., I . '' .. . . an , important order regarding rural r SUX04.111 . A�W 1,�6=-;-, -Receipts of . r ., r 1 . . � .., � .. . .. r . I . r . � , , � . . ' * ... . . . ' . r . r' I - ., . ....86. .. ..rr . - urtains ..'r r e , - ....!........... ,,O,,,,g_ r to 1118,r* .Needles, per vapei . - .,. - -­ - - - . .; ....... I . . . . - level _4 as a result of complaints ibeeli Aind lambs on the Toron r . I ')50 f6r 5e . I . Lapp, 0 against ,railway. cointianies for *nor- ket have *.beeh light this week'r and 11air Pills (fill's orill-1ped); �- - -'............ -.-,- t-.. - � I . I r I . .. ' I . ,� ...: ....... IC Avill sell yoti., soine cheap'Lftca Curtains* -%Yhile I compliance',,vith the pr6*isions of the �Hces hat,e'remained - about - steady. -Toileti Pins, large�paper ....... i .......... 4.. ... -,,.. �. � - � W a . . . I I . .. statute regarding *14-tices. ard cattle- Export ewes are quoted at g.1 50 to $4, pe'll Buttoni pep ddzeri ... � ..-. - - .,, - ;.. '. - - - - - *-� - .:---'6e' r 'Ehis gale.is'.0n. - k6i,eAre-the.prices, : .:. I : . r ... . 2.50 -to $3, and Spi'll) aell ....................... 4a .. ' h. �ards, tace Curtains for ... � ..'... "" r 20c . - ... I .. guardsancipublic highway crossings. 'bucks at frb.tn 8, ' 19 Writing Pads, ruled or plain, a . � - Regular. 25o 2. .11 .. . � .,.., , ,; it.is ordered that -all railway co n: $7 to $8 per ow ti, " I . . ,4, L . .. - .. 390 Mw lambs at frot Einvelopes� ra- - .4 � ;. - . � ,Ular 10o,rpek.,pkg­..-- .. ... �­­ ...'! .... Do - � ,50c 2� . . . � : . . ',imited -quote , tills -s regular 15e� for .......... -1 75o Y , " � $1 . . I ...... 600. - panies on or before January Ist,1911, '. Hoos�Gunns I 'Pooth Brushe , ........ 11 ... �100 � - . 1� . I , . - I - 79c . . I a I hall erect and riiaintain on each side week for � live hogg f, o. b.. $7,00 and '�ack C.ombs, ve4ular 2-5c,. for *. - - - - .'.. ...... � ......... _�.150 - - - ' ' - .St . 00: �.9�1 r. .,,, - " . . ::::.,:,...*, . � I . I " ' - $8.15fed'and *;�tfered- at Toronto. - �chea Handkerciiieds. for; . ..... .-... ..,.. -.4c � ... ­' ' & & .1.25 q 6. - I I . . - _*� ... � ... 1-00 ..... of the, right-of,way fences of a mirii- . .. . Ladies' Heinsti I � �r. . - .. 11, I � . .. .... 1.2-5: . I r - of 4 feet six inches 846. 1 .. .: ........... 50 . &4 -0 8 & - " , ... *,ith I Pape - I.." I..... .I...., j.. . � , .1.0 13 � . '. . mum height ' Live.h6gs,. off cars, $: . rsbf Pills for.. . . .. . 2 � . ;, It . . 1 59 * - swing gates at farm crossings and: , 0ATTLE.-Choiee, butcher cattleare . .......... I.... . __..._50� '. .. . 4' 31 44. . . . . .... .... ... . , 4 pa-pers Hair Pills fol� - - - - -; . : 1. 75 2 - . . . . . � . , I— ' 4 ;,4i .' r 66 I � r ... ...... r I �8 � . ' worth from $5 25, i� good enougli-tip . ,500 yards of F !lie L'ace and Ksertloh at oer-yd.­� � -, - 8c- - . r ,, )". - 31 - , , r . ... . - - . , .' , t � 20 - '� - I - , " �. ci&t.tle-guards-on each side of the high . . , - �0 ....: W.''..... ';3 19, . way at every highway crossin'g. it %il io.$5.50; 6�ediujji to, good being worth -, Re , eslor...� ... .... ...r.. -5c A " . - ,...,. � . I'D -� . ri common .butcher 3 o�lrs Shoe L ........... ; .6.. ... _­_'. . , . � " . (3.0 0 ' - - " - , 1, . .... 1. l'o . ..., level, The' railway'. fencei' at e%fer� 06ru $4.50Ao $5. and Safbty Phis per citrd ........ i - - -­ . . " �r' ".. I I . ...-I.c o 81 . . � . . . . , 6,t- z. � . .1 . . . . turned into. steers and belfers,from-S3,75 to d 20c, foi ......... i ... e. . 10c, . 0 highway crossing sball be . wide Riibbonsj.re�ular 15c an . I . . . 6 side of the high- But6her cows were oft a little in price, . . r . cattl -guards on each. . . . I I . C ,oats' Cotton'Oppols pet- dozen - .. i-- ........'......50c . � ... . - wa,v.. . � . .. ., � .. being slow sellers at best, with top Beautiful-Yarivis,:all, colors, regiiiii; 10c, f�r ..... . _-,-490 d. Towelling I , . . At.lines tiot completed -or not open pricet for choice ones ar3und SC20 Ao .. . . I - . Towels an r I . -, I.. � I . . - for traffic or in course.of construction,, $440 . d fair. .to good at $%75 to '$4.. , . , . . . I . . I ........ I- - 10c, .. � . . . .. I . Towels worth 150 fair..., .............. 4h I - . � PONNIP010" I I I - I I .11 . - I th apanies aball erect feinces,gates. Re'di'U'm"I cows were hard sellers at $3 . r Cottons � . - , Towelsworth200 f0k-"', --,.It', "I., ",t�...­ 15d - 'on , $1.5() , . 1.812 , anedecattleguards � 069 the rails are laid., to and canners commanded Shirtings .. ' , ,01! .......... 6 ............. ­­.$ - . If not open yet for. traffte the fefieear froin$1,50.to$2,50. Thestockprtrade - - . . . . 9 I . Towols w0ith .1,50 9 . . 230, . - To.wels,wol'ili 850 for .............. �, -.-' - '.'.. - - '.' , , . I - ' shall. be erected aiid maintained befori is, 4uiets-. heavy stockers of 0,50 lbs, - � - .... . and FlanAelettes 'Is W r.,-, .,. ­.. ., . - . - . ........ . . .....,.:" 390 - - IJ - , '_M. t 0, .1,314-50, in ad iu rn 1. I � r � -1 TQwq 'ortll ,50'or fo , Be the road aball bei)pin for.fraffle. )x, . being quoted at $4 . . . . I r . -th r _ ......... - - r � , to %or . .. Alowe ingwO, 3c.per yarafor oeptioi],Sr Cattle of fjoin 70() 1 it, .*.:: ." , , " , - maV bc'mad6 as'the Railway . -worth. $3.75.. * adige Blue also! Black and-Wifite -took , it'd for...;, - - i .. :1- ft . � . Gamrantead 11 . . :,! . . Board seeis'it'.*r ' . . I .� �Milch cows arer'' I)adly off and: cows -Is are onsale while they last at par vard._;.12a1:0 .. I ToWelliII.9 WOrth 12�c per Y . t .11 I .. r, � I . .11 . ___�--� . r . . Dril . . . ' � . Thai width of.. ap�pfoaches to rural 'which earlier *ould ba -re commanded r You Want to rush ior thibse-G'bods - ------- � .. . . . r. , . ..... .- . � � � * ,x at .r . I � I railway crossings must be twenty feet from V50 to $60, .'gre now going . C I . .. - - - - '. :. I . I . roadsbr cA on concession'and'iliain -about -IR40 s5oi' � This is rathe'r an ('ff WIlite'1116itabed Cotton, 86 hich�s -wide, Nvorth .A. . . Corsbts I . . � — I . � r . � - I . - � � )ads, And sixteen feet on side -and. ri . ., I . bush ' � r sene on for th.s end of trade, especially .. , tge is fair, and those sell- - � . yard, for ............... - ,.,.. P ......... I - - ;. �. ...I. 60 . . � . �. - � - fron,,- 'r lt,.,ular !, C ...... *­ - I ... 1. 1. ..... 31)c . )C, Factory CiSttdn � - - - - .,.,. .'. .- .* it 3'ard ill). o0c. 'Orsetsfor....... r ..... r. 55e � . . . . . . .. . — r N� __ r , . . . pwwmwm�_ . . . .. I I r6ads, .1 . . . I 1. r � I when pasturt I ing milk for contract plan� ,%"a 'not forced to buy. The mileft cow trade ............. � ... I . Plinnolettes, regular 7& a yard, for...,..... for �1 . "I I � ,�ular 750. COrsetS for, -' ................. - - .1 I . or. - , I . - ." � , I f, - t I.,., .. .,. - .,! ...... a., r)k. . � 110, I .1"If. 790 � . . *. - ". , 40 -.So - 110,9111t%r $1 Qor"" (' " � � � ­. ­­ pp�. I I . .for your WOU40- - tore wliere YOU get tlte�ltost , � Vie S . . . . . I I � . . . I .""+*+ +++*+ +++*+ **+ . � . I . will probably. not be, in active s�i Ing ,gain until the begins to dry tip ... �. - .*. .. - - ..,.... .7 - , Flanneletteq, rogular.ft aya'0, , 'jitr st.2510orsk!ts 01, & & �.,, I - 9. v I - ..:; ..... .. ­�, It - . . .�c Itegli . � - __ — Flallnelettes, regular 10c, to 11c a- yard,' for.,.... .1 .... % - , . I. .., � __1; 100 . - 11 - — --- - . . . . I . . . . I � ' . . . o s and-shues.. : . . Special on B ot ­ + , . t-. .�, . . . * 4* 0 R T 8 r - . & Veay in September. calves were quot- able At frorn .T.3, to $(;per awt. ,., .. -��nlai 121c a yard, foi ........ � .......... . I � . I , Flannaldti0s . � - r( I C', . . r Heavy r�jnglish Flannelette4, worth 15cyd, for.�'­:--llil, I � I: Cotton Hosiery, .1 I.. I * � :. � for . �!, � . . � . � I . . . 1* tS -P 4.4- . . . � � egular $1.0.5, Flani, elette Blaukets.11/4, i . ... . -L05' + .. . . ....,. . . — . I I Although the price of leather go6ds'has been advanc�d�frpni 10'to a large stock on hand that we will continue . .&& I 4C- _" . . :000444+ 4 It. 44+410�k . �� . I . . I I ,Xeuls F ine Balbriggab Shifts all([ Dr­hwers,. . . I ... '. . .. regu- I .1 . . 251c, Rib I 0ofton HoseJOr-.1-56, � r ,. . . Sod � � . . . r I . . such 21) per cent., we have W kIN the old prices. - Parties -who ish la BARG� .. I .. to sell these goods at . � . . . I . . . � . � . .1 . . . . . � . . I . . . I . . I lar 50o'. foi . ........... "I ............. . Mon's Good Working BraAes, sale prien ...... I;-, a - quality..I.I.Alne rlbbed Cotton Hose, black, all ": , .. Best ........ 156 - Sale price ...... .., -, .. -, r , "it 0 Re Jar 25c ilualltYt I . I . . call at once. . I I . � r I I 1. . I ..__ . . — , � . . . . . s . . . , Largestock of 11"hinks and'Orlps at Very low ],)r.Ides. , lizes � � r - . . I . .. . I . . . . . '11 I r �. . 1 . � I . - . IjASUBALL. I The WhitneY. . I . . . - I= . � I I Rill I - . I . kinds of jmftee. - Ive p,.ty highest pricp for a . . – � I .. . I I I I . . r ­. ­ r , � — , , .. ... - - . Clinton Base Ball team goes to Blyth .Vo.day to play it league match. with �1 .. I I 1. - . , - . . I CrA 1- I I . I I I'— . .. . ' r ' ' - - * .0 N'rq - B1 it h CM M.. Chainbers. 0 Y . . . I - - . � � the home team, We hope to see the � . .Wagft.On I - .' % I .. I � P V. '. 0 1 . I R.- Adams, 1' nded"M,b - - score it000rded in favor of the Clinton . . . bbye. I - 1, t_ . _. , I . 1. I", I . . " . . . . .� 8 . . . ., r Term' Strictly . I , , � . Butter tW . " . . .. � . �_ Cash. d 14',ggs Takell ,'is Cash-' . . . I .. I . . . I I I . ' -aaa . Is- on th'e road in and ,� . � . . I . . . . . - 4 I— � 11 r .. . I - . ­ --.-- I I I I - I I . . I — .. .. I Nekt Wednesday t be 61intonBaseball - - team goes to Mitchell to p166Y a league ey . will% be pleis�,d -to. cdlI I I . � -I ­ . . , r. I _ _ . �___­ I �. .. I - . ., ... �. . . . � � . .. ..... .. _4" . . _! � . I .. . . "mmmmernieft I I I . I � . . . low Lost. , . D ; . 4 - � .. .. . . . . I . � . . . I I - . ­-.1111wril-do ___ I I . !.!!� i " ilinteb; . . The game will'certainly be ur placit�. Witht - ' at Yo I ,I�.".,..,.�o,�o-11-I....'�....F�"..,..O.il..,."...."...,..o�.,..o.lj;.... . . 1; I - � . .. . r . piano for � Sale 11 M I . , '­ - . I - I W_ . - - . . - . ,. . � . � 11 ,�� . � .., I . I I - - r � 100!WW a worth going to'see a Mlich-ell-is playa Ing fast ball now. . I . . I . � . . . . . I . � � . : M � � .-. z RA L. T = 0 ,b� , , % ' . I . --- I §,I. AStivare Piano. a lavil 0 Sidel)omi-il and 6 N On July Iftil, a colile dog, Mabk and Ia% r ther strav und Tproixto.tag. $5,0[t . wearing to(% 9-00K= I . . r 1. 4 , . . I J. 13 . Hoover& . I . rVelson Haill. I . . . I : The Gentlemen'of Ireland, the fam.' ha,ve Dr. 100 lbs Itedpalb graniftted , Sugar for $4iQO . , : . . Mblished and ' I l3egins on Sept. Ist. otltr6ld-ej - I I oftes blio best facilities for , in good conditiot, room Suit,. by wivate SON all I �. Hosidouce of AIRS. X&TRINS, ftindeal St. I TH, Rayfield Road � Reward. $. U.S.N11' I . I . . cli�,ton P.0'. . . r I I . . .1-11 .. .1 ...-''. 1 4t; V 0 U R, - H'O M'E,r r 9. ; .�L 049 cricket team, noticed' Orr, of the National Vxhibifloo; that , . , � r . reliable'school .1 1.8ecuring a sound businege slid shorthand " I : ' ttaining. Writer for catalogue: I it pays to * t : . I � - I . I I . . ..-., I., � -.--=- . . . -Girl Wanted. ., . A . I . . . I'll I I . I ' I 1, is your castl& Tbeie it is you -will be here with Lord �Charles they . . Beresford end plq'during the visit. fte.1ppleg (J.trgt1. size) I I ri. -11$1.43 per (IOZ( . I I I . Investigate, I * I . I V.Oterg' List, 1909- ' � . . I I I � .. � b � I I - r , 6dl .. spend your'longest hours. There I i foreinakehome attrictive, Rave They also intend visiting several of The large United States cities to play, . . . . I I � . I . 3043 - 111,111911 Amelritai Business college). r I r . ' . I � . - tige ' Yo and McGill Sts.. Toronto. .r ; — munlelpall,ity of th6ToNVU Of Clin- � . . Gootl watited, at once, to d6 gettoritl holia§. r ' work. 91111! . 0XI-MI)EN, . . p1sr to M11H, J. Bit I I 11attiinbury St, vt . � us help t,bu, by buying .- , . Why nor t have them at Clinton, after 11#w�rllu ,Xavel OritngeS x. �, . I , ( . iL , toll, Comity of Huron. . . I � I I... I I r 11 . I I . I . I " SPRING .4TYL164,4, 11V , the cricket score on the 12th. . � 1. I . Fish I 11 ,.Q ......... ....... -1- ... 1.1.4-.,..".".,."..,.,..,W.l�Ilk....".,.. I I I � * r . . . I . . . Notice lslipr�by given theA I have Uid fit Sec- I Overcoat Lost. r r . ., . 1, . . . F1'1t,NITVItk I STANDIN'Gr OF LEAGVE. — Yresh , . Wednesdays and Fridays, . . .... r . I . �_, - - -I . ___ i! ___..!!�M' . r *1riday ev( At Alitehell. on 14 �ullig last dr d0h,bred to tile DOV80ha mentioned tionq 8 an(l g of tli(� olibitio Voters'Llat Ac.. tile (-oliioqre(litiredby,,�aiclgeotit)nato be so trans- to __. rieft on cAyriage in front of Waverles, Hotel. ali,()ub (,.30 p.nl,. july ist, a, liglit. blaek� Ovot- . . I 6 I of latest design, like we invite you � . � . Won )� 118' "�" ' . . - ,,,,,,, ",", I'll ,��� 'I � F - - 'tile home team defeated Blyth in the witted or deliver,04 oftho 118tulAde. purAllatit � sitid Act, of all 1:01TOMN fttp,3,i,lnq b- the said 43at. 1,11tider pleftso gedd word to JILI W J."RA., It -- ... _. ... - - . to call and see, 10or Drawing I . . . Godeleleh -- a ��4(-X'l iii, . � .. , . Perili-Huron baseball leagui 0gameby score of 11 8. The game Was played � .nnielpitl- I dA nt 11oll of %lie �at i"t��'*i'o'eb',e'n"t"1'6'1"(','d"'t6v,)tec6t olectio for MOW- I Servaikt. Wanted I . f j Room, Bed, Chathber or Xitchen, . we can please you, Our stock is Clinton 2 . � Blyth I 3 5 :375 AM : wa 'I -I. OONEIL, . a . d 2() min fast, tho time being I hour an _ ntes. J. B. floovet, of town, was the a born of the Logislative APA0111MY' 11 I at U16 Sivipleivil vieetiona; aw, that tl, did(l 1114 war � i1rot postca up in my n oo In r,inton. oo tho . ------. . 4%. .ropageneral pervant. wanted Rt 6110c, �. 1 -� r I complete, and our low prices will Nease you. ,�,,._. , Mitchell 2 I. 4 333 , ... I . _. - I I Phone 49,. . 1 - . . umpire, 1! 2,,,,a,,, Ayj6J0% aud rein.,.A there f6i In- ,e tAAreealledup6o to oxanlino 1, �'p.cti'u�,Ip 6.24tt iblllS.lt-lt.km-NBFOltl),IttlrOxlSt,I . - � r. .. , 40 I . � I � L '' ' 1. � - 'PURNITURR AND V30% & BALL uNDINARsa BOWLING, erq, Were defet Seafiirtb Bowl ' tted in . . I 14"PI&Y Jajit"r-WhIle--try � log � 11 I T149 RUB qROCE%- . - r . I - �- .!�I.,. .. .. . Axy person desiring earth to loyal up their grounds can have aanie for the drawidg at the t 4sill Of the: def P I,-, the said List. and If atlY 011AS01611s Or NPY 60 r Ovr6vs arc fott.lud therein, to takc, inin It * 16(' 'A I "00"AtIllign have tba said errors tortee't'ad accovding to law. , , IW0041 for Sale. I -- ,. . , . I .Hoor - - _ �. � elliell oil r to capture the V ell - i ropby. . I , 1. I'll., '' r 0.1-11. . � .. I � , . I , I.I.— -b 4L L� i +40 1. 1, -1 ... , 11 on. wells. Apply,to Arthur 0antelont Wii Date'l thit 21A day difluly, I.W. t D. rj. VAUP914RSOX4 C A lot ot P6611 Summer Wood for Rate, elo It[, I rigtbs for coal Goves. VIM= BUNS, It ... ".. I., L "LL ...... .... L --1-111- I... -11 ­­'­.­­_ ­_ . I. ­­., ­ � L I ..... --...r--..- ..­­ r, - _._ - . . I � , r "M . . . I . . contractor, . . . t I . . r . � . . __ — -, � r , ' L L r -_ . . . ' - I . . . . . I 1% . L . I 'S I � . I . . ­ - - - _____ 0 ..--.------.----,..-.-.-- . __.__,_,_____"__ 1. .. � L � 0 ...... 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