HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-22, Page 4A
T 4 Wf M—M
4, The ailaton Now are
jPly ;2nd,* 19W
, S sxy- Vablic School Cr44aatJo# tyamo
The following are clipplrigsta�ken
you floing to froult4e newspaper of the various
_C,3ose Our'Stolviel Vor, Are town$ from which the lodges visited.
Clinton oti the twelfth.- The following % a list of tile success.
HUMMLL 01 )SBRV98.-0Ur CgInge
fill 000didAtes at the. publio school
Travel? Lodg� drove to Clinton on WridaY 91'aduatiOu examination. There were
VV W Morning with Trueman BrIntriell at W�andidates writi and Zolof these .1 or
the drum, Dashwood Lodge also, drove obtained the require percentage.The
.Good, in a Fe T -V eeks. if you are, eitherby. rail or: eoff
through town, numerically they werp spelling and v
It lodge bui num -writing were valne4 at M ruall
3 or stro Intl er than Reno& warUs each and the otbersubjects bad
HUNDREDS AND HUNDREW OF PEOPLE ATTENDING a- trip on inland waten, � bars on't Always count. 100 Vlarks for each Wiper, The Paw
across 11 the briny," by any The Mitchell AdvocAte-Tile Mitchell w4rk was 550. The highest, marks ob.
is' Band, fo)16wed by Lo An Algebra and Geom
OUR LAST AND GREATEST SALE. Citizen taxned in each subject were as tollows-,
lodge, headed the procession at 0 in'
line, call on etry-Blete
We close our business in Clinton in a lutely nece - tGA On the glorious 12th, which pob! E tementary Science- Elmore Trem.
few weeks, and it, is abso s Oda has been awarded these two
"Rock into;Cash And do It quickly, We're selling bodies t every, q0tabration they have ner, 00,
sAry for us, to turn our Big t- clais
John ",ansibrd 4 English 00milosition-Ma. r I o r I a
Dry Goods to -day at prices lessi than mgpufaicurers' and wholesalers' cost, Bar- I attended in recent years. Quitia6u, $0, i
I The Exeter Advocate -A, large aura- Writing-:4ay Cameron, Elsie
gains, su�h a.% we are giving, are seldom equalled by'a Q T. R. Fof the Orangemen and otheroof
ay store in this country. It's TOWN- ACIENT 0. Galser, 41.,
this di9trict attended the big celehrw
a case of selling our stock Without reserve, Will YOU Come alld share in the Best Offlee next door to Xclum's Batik tion in Clinton on Monday. The Book-keeping-RImore Troemner,72,
and Greatest Dry Qoods Bargains of the year. Hundreds of other items not Exeter Fife and Drum Band went Georgraphy- Rimore Tvuemaer, 77, HatumockS
mentioned.here. along And from all reports Arithmetic % nd: MensurAtiort--
they classed
ell UP with the bands in attendance. Mamie Lamont, 02 $ 5.00 Hammocks for3. 7 3
CLINTON NEW ERA lo4erlob, 81 SPelling-WO). 0, Robinson, 47, 44
val-The special train Engllsfi Literature -Ten,% P. ( . 1 $3.50 for2.50
We TaURSIDAY, JULY 2*�),, 1909; to-011titm on onda took over 400 05, 01? )owan $2,2S (11
excursionist$ from oderiod to the for 1.50
Want to'Cut our Dress Goods' "Stock in two, English Gravmmar -Wm, 0, Robin.
zelebration o a
f the Twelfth in th
neighboring town. The train left at son'
before we leave, Will You Buy a Dress 9am and r6turning arrivRd about8 Ar;"MargVet D. Lamont, 89,
rMITORIALL MYSINGS, o'clock. The junior baud of the Musl� CREDITON PUaLIC SCHOOL.
at Less Than Wholesa"Ie'Cost ? cal Socety accompanied the Goderith, 14' , ale Qalaer.. Go Carts
(Continued from page 1.J lodge. 131 lmore Traeraw3r ......... # 7,1�5
TWO REMARKABLE CHANCES HERE. the neces . sity of, a Canadian:hayy *0 The Stratford Daily Herald -L, 0. rie Guinau_. .;_(1% $5.00, Go Carts for 4-00
L No. 759 returned 111cangko Gilillan .............. 557
the incessant chatter about dread- to this, city, Mon- Beryl ......... $50 -50 for 2.5.0
&Y .121ght, about 9 o'clock and a lar e
6oc Fine Dress 0004s, -35c, Best goe Dress GOOdst 54C noughts. Lot trade congresses be call- orowdof romenaderswas treated9to 'ZURICH 1:,URLIC SCHOOL $3
500 yards of our -choicest Dress ed; int(roational conferenqeebe held to some of tte fine music which helped
700 Yards finest goc Dress Goods, I to win the I special prize at Clinton. Roy Faust ......
Goods, including all the new weaves including every Wanted shade and clotb discuss the great problemij. alongpeace Thelodge Made an irn osing appear- Lee Roffman .............
lines and lot us live and act for the de- . atice, there being a sp endid. turnout RENSALL.PUIPLIC SCHOOL
and almost all colors including - lots of s. 1�1
such - as Voile,' Panama, Serg.e, Cri velopment of those traits of character and the band being - in great shape, Alex, Smith.,
The Orangettien report a -fine day in
black, The best Dress. Goods we have pines, Crepe de Chene, etc, Lots of -that will tend to. the abolition of war Clinton.. ASUVIRLD
ever sold in Clinton at 60C per yard.. stores sell this S, S.M. 2-F e,
quality at $1 per yar& and*trife in the elevaiion of thehoble Dungann '110 n Sullivan .5m
on News- At Clinton 411 .15 ' Tena, Cowan ...... 4390
Choos t things of life, immense cro*d of visiting brethren, dred Lang... 650
e a Year's Suppy a 35 C This is VoUr LaSt Chance, at 54C numberitig,'. about 40 lodges from carl
r . � El Inn Matbeson.,Mi
A TTENTION is being called by the neighboring towns and villages, were
press to the advisability of increasing assembled. Speeches were delivered STANLEY. coo er s
-by. many prominent members of the S. 8, No, -a -Fred Reid ........ 1.552 P
Hundre -as of Yard.�5. of T Hr- c areate'st C042t the age limit of children in the matter Order, % hi6b, were appropriate tothe 5 --Win. 0. Robiuson.,752
of writing at examinations in connec. occasion, and heard with much In. Mamle bam
terest by the. enthusiastic assenablage ma ,ont...,,748
Dress Musfins to Bar-ma—len Ever Ul Von tion. with our school ay.4tem so that the rga!ret Lamont..*Ul Book
Of 10Y&I Orangemrn. The streets of Nv4w.kNosa
ys. and girls way know something that town resounded With the strains s
of the secrets and freedom of. child- of martial music for many Ii.ourn, and 021
e Cie c! -re d. in Onta.iri0'. hoodinsteid of their-.imma the procession, with its various We Sara J. Smytb: .... 583
ture in- and -dramw as one of the largest ever R dua Agar .......... 568 x9re,
90c Dress Muslins� 5C a sti,:oug 14tatement to make, but 6 -Thos. Rod6r .... 5ros
fhts is, tellects being. freighted with a curri. seen in the town; indeed, it was a, red
When you see the Coats, you Ivill woilder culum that would- prove a task to or rather, orange letter. day for'Clin. 15 -Gordon Jefferson 50t)
You` 11 have to bustle for these, as every yard. -why. we do it. ton. Alleavyshowerof rain which 11 -(Union with. liuliett)
should be sold before Saturday niglit: adults. Wh�belidve there .is necessity visited -the town on Saturday laid the May Cowan ........ 577 CLINTON
255pieces (all different patterns) this -season's, Almoatthe bhoice-of the store*. 77 women's for soundi . ng a warning note as the dust, which made the procession The ometry was the weakest sub.
newest Dress Muslins,. in stripes,.floral designsi fine English Oravellette, Aaln6oata, dust Coats,, . fortable. com- ject.. Mistory appears'to be i
polka dots, etc., vale blue, pink, brown. Short Covert Cloth Coate, Black'Broadcloth tendency is.to urge and in solue cases lipwinj
in Soule schools, A study -of thL�
niauv e,etv .. g reular price 20c per -yard Coats, every kind of Coat that. sold at $7.50, almost coerce. the, youth that eacb. marks obtained by the candidates will _!mn
Ready Wednesday morning . ....... a_ 50 $9.00,-$l0,W, $12.00 and $13.50 each., show- the teache s whyAlleip pupil
successiVe. examination , may mark r a
E very one brand new, � 'Ihe entire lot It 2 failed,. THg Sunday seboot of the Clinton:
40c Oigandie, Muslin. 12. I-Ift. ` while they. �ast, a,.t each ............... WJ!090 periods of advancement in their edu" Solue Drum Beats Some schbols'passed everr
candl- Baptist Church will hold their, annual
cati.onal career. It must be granted From The Goderich Star. 'late, Picnic to Bayt!6
We're going to make short work of this IW6 'The papils of No, 5, Stan � P id on Saturday of this
that many a child shows the possess- ley, spent vi e�k. Therigs to carry MI that wish
OUT see ty the price, A,bout tw!Rnty -41,%- Now; for W10. only one year on the' fifth class work. 4, the church it 8 O'clock
as Y ds,',cOtna. A public school to go will leav
fIrlut patterns, including rose b'u' on of � qualifiefitions that would be graduati6ii certift- - tho morning. Everybody is wel-
tions, moss- rose, fern, polka dots, silk 6ro�s AnExceptior-A most' or6ditable to at' C-inton says "Goderich !aal r*ight.,) a in
udents many Cites is being prepared by the Educa. - bome but doif 6 forget to bring a bas -
bars, Aripes, etc.. Some of the ffnept Dress aratheirsi3nior, yet this -is The breeze iaised the, dust in the tion.DePartment. When those certifi.- ket.
s we liive ever bold, regular Yc not a tate are received a certificate will be of
Muslin' af terno.on. '' . I . . . 1 .1 ASP , eciall meeting of the Order
price 135c 40c, 47c, We and Meper yard Silk Pargain'. valid reasoufor imposing a laboiions -Perth wants Sbuth Huron on Beht to those Who pa4sed this Year ond, 06nadirAn Rollie Circle will be held in
The eMre lot on sale at per yard.. 1224 program on a youth that must tell. July �2th, 1010, . How can we resist? last yestr,'The rraecs of all candlZI&es Y;:M*. 0. A. roome; on Tuesday, JulY,'
yards, W sell.. at 35c- soone -0 later upon the ulental as will 6e slen t to their teache.rs, 20th, at S�o'clo.6k p,'mi
Lots Of other Bangains In.11uglins DresS. I., I .. .1 .... . . .. . r I . The ladies -and girls, "God bless'�'m,
lengths., No tivo allike. � �: well as the pbys'ical powers. Many a comprised two-thirds of the gat�h
-1,000 yards Japan Taffeta Engli�h
parent is too' ambitiot;ls for the pro. With three' bame bands, -Clinton
We are clearing all, LinCn, sulting, Tarholine- 'Silk, in. .. twenty . difftrent mignt be tertne&6, trnly inusi'cal town.
niOti011 of �their children and nush
The Young Britons, as usual,madii
Duck, Dress Gingharns" Mulls , Ch�m�_ shades, including, 5oo-yards Black-', Siik�_ - them alo'ng to t "an
he detrement' of their Cie i tidy attractive iippearance. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOOD'S
a.wns, Cam- �eqular 6�c
:. and- 75c r health and sot 'etimes th viati&
brays, India and Persian L pe yard' ' n e.abbre. ni South Perth and North' Hyron re, N
brics, etc. choose while it. lasts at'. ......... �350. of their life. Olved.-a vote of thanks fortheir pr6s 111ILLINEIIY FURS MANTLES
The"C' antelonsand-CQoks and tileir
progeny cat ;x very, -deep and Nyide f:
Twofft Widst Bargains . EINTS' swath. The- STORE Or LADIES
A little in. istake on the part �'Wii5
The German G'
$2.,C)(.) -Ernbroidered $4.00r WaistlE�" overnment. has :just fifeand drum band put thein -down a
orddred .12W stamp. . vending machines notch-,.
for $T. fo b Oil I 1� report is necessarily brief, I Alt*
Mull Waists.for 79c- 49. e placcd In the.post offices -of that )Ilt
unt y, The United States Gove'rn. allwho read it, will silrely.catch it all Bi Cut in
just think of it—we have them too. The
pic.k- of our entire St.o�e., The. r a fly. a
ment Is also rapidly. latroducing U.6
60 only e Mull Waists, beautifully b - ft e of, 11 * WgiSj 'top�-' mia&.1ne sale-sman TheScariet line was liberally thrown
a S I S. no 6ut. 6y such men John and hio ge
'a ts.
embroider d. Regular Price $�-.Oo ration.- White:- w is
ala c
each. m r. -ha-t fhe'r�gular -Wa$i:. There.is no* thingiii
atte A Cardinal Gibbous the otlke�rday p�i'd
pr.ice o attractive and
becoming than the - nnirdrm of the
a high cornplenient*to'Canadti fop lie Warm da�s-a*
. . . r glack9rder-
While they last 79c. uy..e.ne, iftow: for. $1.49 aken inter'est-in the iarge_and
frepdpn�fiom�th6divorceab�ii�e,�o great
Each speaker re' Var
celved tuarked at, ied assortment of C601 White e
candelln the United States. The dis'-f ten6iorrarid recogilition at the &,6se of
his addre§s,. in sto.cjr. -0'6'rwa:ist de ent will be found. well
$4.A0 Skirts, $1.99 welled * prelate spoke strongly partni
only againbt li'ifty in the laws relat, 'TheOrange Uo"mmlittee &gervetbe Ippe to. supply e i ry need
Exceptional B a r g a I ri ts equ d
T6u,ll have to bustle for these: 19' ng to' 1, �. , ... I.
earty thanks of the people and busi-
Won�en's Dress Skirts, three good. 4yless, inarrigge,all,tcP6 common in :this -coun�,
which we -vvill iri t" nessmeti of. Clinio
0 gt�qf� all medium �lzes.'black,'navyand grey, t I n. Regular. 69C Waists tor .4)C.
regular prics:81.00 eadh, .-while they,,. Mitchell hand, undor: the , direction
aritee to 1' t over first'.00y of Marshall Thompson,. maintained. -Reg. $1.25 and $1.50 Waists. for 1ft
The startling s their high'reputation.
tatenlelit is made that
t m
$1.00 White Underskirtsi . r4n. ed 40c. R blions for 15c $2 and $2.25 W
-the United States are paying, The Clin't6ii "warriors" were SOMeT
Vive Hundred yards finest all silk ribbon 4,$. and w 4 raill, but the
with A -inch Embroidery, for','49' lutt littuippred oy, th� alsts rot $1.75
'6 inches wide in every wanted shade -Taffeta (,U0,1L.Y0arfor the,eddeation of,children were equal to the. occasion. SEE T�j ESE I N OUR W1
Ribbons, Dresden Ribbons, 'Persian . Stripe,.. who will die of - tuberculosis before Tlieie vras a good - many thousands
Valenciennes Insertion -56 and -6c qua And Dutob�ss.Satin.`
Regular 30, $5, 40 150 they reach IS -age.. That. is of pump -handle M'Otions in band shak.
years of
itY, 500 yards, at 2C 4ud50c;' While
frightful'wasteof life,n t tp speak ing; The reunion was gennine..
be question.
of the money iidb of t' Otklus:was on deckat. Mustins
$9 10 White,Undek9kirtsi, Wo., Harry W D
Odd white Lawn Waists at 25C.,, Just IS left, . Ede White Cambric - Ufiderskirts, the head of bis,lodge,'and- the 12th it
mad' ured. his aifrve�nts for the 0 S
a in two -pretty styles, one with 14 -inch may be said'o
Pearl BUtt6ns,, 2 &Zen for U.- The.c6rinecting link on th line -of day.
134mbroidevy, other *lth.'heavy. Nbttingham e
LqePandInsertion. Alllenkths,reg.tl the Grand TrunkPacific RailwA Clinton -will. sureli0ome to'-Gode- at..a Big av ng.
betw n mo W'Innipeg 'riqlA when we 'Want our sister
75c Fancy Silk Neckwear, 3' $?.75 each, while they las.t.. I".. ...... V! ee Oton and' town
We never'do. . t�b ings -Wash Fabri
-�w. InPleted - 1"t F riday rn. ics are all here .
as co, by halv6s. whell The.fiew Summer
15c Silk' Ribbous 5e rn*
9 , lng�. 'we go at it.
75c Back Combs, 89C Steel laying -will. te - co.nmenced low, and- we are displaying a larg�,
Every remnant ribbon in stock ' hi taffetas,`40ins NV a-st . -Ohiefg Wlieatley's,and Welsh, wore fresh stock'. of
mouton at once, The telegraph new well-'�chose'ly,.,fabrics.
duchesse gros grain etc.. Beery shade tha� of Ed
Narrow Frilling.each, 3c : 11. committee badges,a feature iv;brtIly of
sold dp� tol8a w yard, Your choice W
will.be-co.nnected about the middle of note'. Their principal hibor as in
...... .......... -accidents-
5V averting
next we6k,.
$1 Fine Persian Lawn'Walsts, 7ft. �he iskilway i9sisted oil a�'guar.-
We Enlborderic% Se And
antee for'special tr4los 1 It.is about Ave ha,ve:d6cided to I (ilear all o . ur.15 . c:, . Igo a . nd 240
Here's the very best WaistBargain ever gi en by (too yards 'Swiss C -ert, time the rAillmys would g: nt�e to
anibric. emborderies and ins
ions a doven or more handsome ilesigns, The" give the necessary service. Mislins, also shorterlengths of 25c,33o anit &)a Xuslin's Rik
Pei- Y .................
this store. If you want a. couple extra �Valsts, very.. best *Embordery Bargain you % ill for, ard ...... ...........
don't miss this chance: getforn�ar;V-adxy. At�eryard,.�..'., FOUND DEAD IN BED6, Clinton is. improving, almost every
move -in this direction' bei SE E THEM IN. THE, WIND
.5 dozen fine White Waists, t1iree.very prebt 12 14e Wsh Crash Toweling. Se laid clown in �& platform enunciated-. ow.
S�yles,trimmed with very lind Swiss.Insev. bV e3i councillot AX.Todd in October,
tion. Very newest styles, wiLh Aong 570 yards Genuine Irish Crash to 1* RaYfield V1111190 Excited Over
sleeves. reg. $2 and $2.25.,*Mle they loot 790 - - beat 12,!,q quality.'. While it laetwe"I".. Mysterious Death of, Mrs, ja& W. -G. Stnkth,1he ..Ladies' Fauwy Parasol$.,
father of the:ne
0 w
'$2,50 White Vhderskirts, $1.Q0 41e61' (114roner's J11) -y piece of go6d roadway from the &.it J'st a feW of these left, but the.yare all bkandLne
childf,ell's Cotton stoekings, loe BUMS 6 id I . 11
Wil leibory-flouse tw 4,00
I make Vall lnquiryll�to Cir. wciglg�setan example in goods, and well assorted, Price$ rAilge,from. $1650 to
180 pair Children's tine ribbed Clott6n Stockingst in Jusgone do�,eu fine white un4erskilitg made- Nvith 401111st good piiblic which the vi sitors
plain black and tan. regular price 25a pox pair. wide einbroidery and and ihs6.rtion - a appm6iated,
not over four pair to a cuatombr, at Pei. I og 'splendid at, &4,00 15 Y. one $1:00 The Goderi'ah'Juverile
. I il Band Mv e r A
pair.... ......... ........ now ......... .. 4.
of Saylleld are consider sw0l on the 12th,arid out a Nvidd swath
""re - it iation, - Bandmaster B
ably ixpior6led. up. over,the mYsteriops 1 .7 pabl '1 to
i 0' �apf`h' i "
ji�inicke n S 'youngsters are be
4. JaMes'.Burns, who nas
found'byhe husband,de d'inherbed co"gratulated-.
e a W n' Price, witha, stocking tied aroaundherneolc Mayor Wiltse $116uld jold the Order,
Millin- ry t Nour
and 'bruise ob her head, on his return andtown clerk Macpherson and Chiefs ORSETS
. .1. . 1 1),
im work ladt
We are j' fU : Thursday evebih$- Wheatly and Welsh are not to. old in
ust.clos,ing the most . Successful XlMinety trade Jft this. �stdre?s history, soyrneyoargsaa Rurn
9,o a built a splendid sifttObecome 6ruillnents. tosu�h a
We'll sell What's left'at, YOUR OWN, PRI 08. 'on. Por -stOck of Cor'et§' is
110 good business, but now grand'Institutt Why,pot le
'he lives in a small house and does add . 1)unga'nnon and Zion lodg*es drove to NY
Any TrInImM Hat Whiell'810d Up to $5.04 for $1.50 jobs.around the villag&. Mrs, Burqa (,,Iint60, where ex county cou . no C&nplet�,'. 'and we bIV6
was abopt, fifty-four Years old and had fohn Bowers, ex-*ardet)s John i(11110(1X1.
Straw Shupes that is old - at st, st, 50 d", P to, $3.001. now .39C bebtlin poor health for the lastyeAr or Major Bebk, Hugh Spaeknian, aud
ore and confined to ber bed mo8t Pf 6tliers filet many, old-time friends, th�m to suit' all figures.
AnY Cirls" Trilunied. 11it, Mat solit n to $%-lor 59e %e time. The'diAughter was also in
Children's Straw Hats and W bed Vvileti, the mother was found, 'and Ask' to. see.'this 'farnous,
ash Carn�tions, Ro-,es, Lilac -g,' Apple appAre-lifly kneiv nothing of . h.e,. 11014SMIC -in Inetk1l, On NIVednes-
to 50c, Ossoms, etc, that sold up to' $1 per motheeadeath, Therevvere no day, July 7th, to Dr and Mrs HoWak, &
T)uck Tams,. thai sold' Up, Bi "yj" 'A dAilghter, B L orset b ing Dias
of Mrs. Bartis, having bee , ed
tor 18c bunch, no1v .2ie a -s the stocking wits iot tight endugh
around her'neck. gi�res' a perf6ct, fit.
W, Stanbury, the local doctorand 141y'14jet the bom6 of the brides
Coroner, gummoned a jury as soon as
hat ft
possible, and their verdict was t gavents Mr And Mrs P Molt, Sitite, Cor. Prices.froal $1,00 to $4 00
nttan,bythe Rev. nugh R68f;,Narthit
was a case of suicide. Crown Alt0r-' lane their eldest daygliter to Mr. J110.
neySeagerof Goderloh, ott hearing M "tie, of Chesley, Ont.
of the case, asked Dr J W Shaw, ot at
Clinton, another, Coroner, to collie
over, also Dr. W Gunn,of Clinton,who STRULTNO.-In Colborne Town.
condnated an autopsy,& now jury hav� ship, on.Tuly Ifth, Elimbeth (,Ioutta,
ing bem summoned. The setiond jury beloved wife of David Sterling, aged,72
web on Saturday, and not being able years, 2 months and 2 days,
Townuall, to come to a derisiort adjourned to I - I uch.-& eo'
.1 moet, oil Thursday ofthis Week, when S11IRL-In Avalon, Cal., on Tues. 1411t lye Advertise Is so,
the matter Will.be gone into, more datIl July Oth, Advid Shiel,of Brussels
full.y. Yn IS 30th $eEm