HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-22, Page 1�
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1VQrJ 45 NO.$
'T H E, I
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'Paid up Capital $4,01W 000
. I, _
.. � �
Rest Fund - - $6,330,000
. ,
- 0
TO - .
- � .1 1. I
. ,
Wonien and Girls
"W"A N a"' E D.
as machine operators and for ;ther
factory work. Good wages and steady
employment. Write us.
The Clinton Knitting Co -Ltd -
Clinton. - Ontario. . I I
. .
. � Ak,. - ,
. .
1. .
, 11
- I � !Tf I
I isrucefieva
I Auburn .
Miss,Alico.Oarr,Goderich 4pent sun-
The, worning service in IcRox church
at home.
will pot be held next Sabbath but Rev
X", Smith, London, is the guest of
'UrSmall, Pf BlYth, Will conduct the
vIrs, Rogers. ,
wgular B6rvIce in - evening at 7
, tbt
X Swap is visiting relatives, at, the
, .�
0 oio4l;-
Pond Mille, Westminster.
A very Interesting, event took place
Raying is now almost completed tile
orilthabanks. of the river -Maitland
cry was a very light oue,
I �
. !as Ann% Burdge has returned
on uesday evening when, the $tor
atillcongregation, oftheBaptist 61T,urch
from visiting telativeS at Whitby.
assembled to bold a Baptismal Service.
The.Misses Rathwell, ot Toronto,are
. I
After several hymns had been sung ,
the guest of Mrs. Uattenbuty.
and prayer offered,Rev. T. W.Charles
The members of the Presbyterian
worth'gi live A,ohort address explaining
chutch choir held their picnic In Bay.
field ow Tuer .
Mr. bride.,
the Baptist positiot, in relation to the
ordinance of Believer's laplism, trac-
ing from the Testament
Allen ft of Dakota -visit.
new its origin
ed last week at the home of her sister,,
command"and practice, He then led
� �
Mrs. Dan Munro.
seven candidates.orte by one luto the
Dr. MI, McLain, ofSeotland, offlolat,
riverandimmerped them in the like.
I .
ed at the $acremental service on . dabm
bath last for the congregation of the
nos a of OhriaVa death and resurelition.
A large, -crowd witnessedthe ceremony
late John Ross. - �
frora the banks j6f the riyor and the
A goodly number of those who tried
the Entrande examination in our vic.
The Flower service at the Baptist
inity were successful. 5 of Mr Swan,s
. Cliorch on Sunday, last Was A decided
pupils 1;vere successful.
Mr. Mitchell, Stanley, recently de-
.success. The service was in charge of
Mr. W. 0. Robertson, superintendent
livered about, 40 tons of,bay at our ata,
of the Sund.$y Sebool,Mr. Jae. Jackson
tion, it was taken by H. Snidees trao-
tioll engine to 'the,-�tation.
read the scriptures. and 24r John
Raithby engaged in' prayer. 'The
A number troom'our village attended
scholars took the main. part of the. ser -
the 'Women's M6810n%ry Society of
the b6thodist Church, on Wednesday
vice rendering a number of choruses,
duets, solos and dialogues - in a very
la6t attherhome of Mrs. Johnston, of
Stanley, where a pleasant and, profit.
creditableinjin,�er. The pastoivI ga.ve
wbIaekboard talk on *�Uonsider the
I ,
able Meeting Was held. I I ..
Mr. S.'Reld of Tuckersmithwho
Lilies," which was much enjoyed by
411. The teachers and afficers of the
Went tco Stratford hospital some time
8unday School bad taken are .
Zo to have a, cataract removed from
his' eye, has not yet returned horn
in decorating the church with owere,
ferns, laurel and white buntin b
Thp nriarn+.inn _ri... ... f.,i M'
was a laree, conerAontinn n '.. le
'I'i 1�
W H Imam
1. . I - ''I''. 1. - * ___ -
i I ,�', i. � � . I - 11 11� I = ." �..
I portor's Hill ;4*+""***"***"* �40 EVITORI'At AIVSIN,68 , I . I
I 21 *,& WW,%,,**#1*" **1101*10 ;
Win andUrs. McDouclit, of Sea, * ' -+ --- I . I
. c . . 04
1 forth, �jsltod in thenalgb orbood this 4* pervonal Notes 14- I1;D1C.tTX0-N8 in the Wesu point to
I week i -)+ -
Alis; Ellen 'Porter. of Winghati, -2* 2 those ha"na relatives or friends �& . - early %ncl Unusually. AbU4.1arit I NOR Cheques $ �
. . * visiting- in town or, going &way 4. � C. � harvest, I I 11
' �p;eeakt a If lew days At Alex- C 'ox`�' last I notifY, ug of the fact each week, we . 1 $
lr�. 'T Xh woald annotuice it in the Nim kai.
. ortowand h6 obilften, of * . . WE notice is the resulC when the farmer
. �; that luanyof the M, P,'& L .
*_ A I uses
Godericb, spent a Jew, days at 11. Rut. � X+14444+*44+f*4o_"-.1r ' and M. P,
ledge`$, this week. I r X, F.'s were conspicuous by $
._�_! ..... 07p.� ........ . . �=.=.!�.. � �._. ,*tb . .
Xorl;�i,,Tohstoa returned h _'. .�!_�t_�t� eirabsence on thelftof Jul
week, from Mitchell, 0010 last * .... � .. k, L , y speech, I Williain's, FIy jailer
. L where sIx L P a .
..e has Dire. John Hislop entertained him MA, 'lag I tforms. Itwouldprobabl
been spending a couple of months. John, over the l2th� I Put the brakes- upon some of the ca y $ It is without doubt the beat . ...
Mcs, Peter, . m- flYkilleron the Market. Reep,
. McDougall and, son,. XrO4 E, R, Jolliffe left on M I onday paign concession line stories if they I t the Ries oft $
Murray, who ,have been vlalting in last for A trip to Temag 4 , your cows ancl the $ I
Port Stanley '�etured home on Tues. � Ali , atul. I Publicly Put themselves, Qn record, T result will be larger profits, 4
day�os. and . Mrs. Ticliborne. of Go as Ruby and Mr. Norman Tolliffe ' . $ L
T a. left on,Mtonday last for Grimsby Park. 11-1 some of the heroes of the Base, $ Quarts, J gallons and gq1fons I
erich, and Mrs. 14orace Y : .11 %
.Jorton,of Col- Mise.Tordan. of Buffalo, !a visitir Ball diamond and the . prize flight I .
bOrnO, spent Sunday . -9 I L I # . �
.. at Hall Rut h aunt Mrs. J,. 0. Townsend of Kirk arena are Any worse look! $ Our Paris Gr ela never
ledge's. I S stf . . ng than the I 10
. I I photograymres published in the daily . . .
: . . Miss Evelyn Harney, of 11 Bartlett press. dear pity them should they look $ failsi 30 CtS 1b I , �
, e6lbiirne ' - - Ave., Toronto, is th,e guest of Mrs., I � 11
DEATIT.-The death took place Men- I Jas. Llverrnors�. . . tor awards at a beauty show, They'xe $ , I .I... - . .1 ��
daymorning in Colborne Township, Miss May Ritchie,of Wi'nnipe . enouph to Stop A clock, .
of Elizabeth 0outta,, beloved wife of the � go is .. .
guest bf b,er.f.riend, Miss .Ann& 1
, . 1 $
David Sterling, lot 10, r tc, for Q00DfortheH0l1Se0f4Drds. Itre. .
.oncessiou 10, Wa a couple of weeks, I W.S.R. Holmes .
. at the age of 75 years, 2 months and 2 Mr. John No . fused its sanction to Lord -Robert - t . .
days, She took a stroke of paralysis , ffatt, and wife, of Dun. . a' bill ' . Phmi B.
. Sunday night abodt-8 o!o � lo I And sue- das, %respendirig their holidava with for'compUlserY military servic
. I I Qk the formeVs brother, Will Moffatt, . e. 0BobG'
cumed from its effects. about 4 o'clock � . is A dear old fellow beloved -by man $ HanufactUring Q,exullst'. . ..
Mondaymorning. .Mrs. Sterling was Master E. L� Brpoka;'of Mitchell, is I . I i , .
a native of Scotland, and spending his holidays with his grand Y 7J%,&"%,61k"
came to - but we're glad 13ilR Military slavery law *1%oI%0%%rq6%AbX
this country wi(b Mr. and Mrs, James parents Mr And Uri Wm CAntelon was t I brown out, Me . I
. . to Plowsbear and - __ � I
Young, now of Goderich Township, T, R. Shepherd, (Chum) of the Roval Pruning- book and 4ca , . - I
, less spear and . /
Um E___�__
her mother being a sister of Mrs. Bank staff, is liDlidayingwith friends sword should be the 20th I I .
Young's.' She is survived by one bro. in Toronto, Niagara and other places. I . century. . . . I
I , � ' . I I
ther, now'living in Australia, and she I RING out the joy bells ' , I .. W I � I
- F .11 �
' I Mart A. Brown, of the "merry - . I 1� I .
fam- Detroit. visited the former14 parents., millinery Abomination has ;a AF I I
leaves besides her husband and a, Mr.. and Mrs. Wi widowlt t� .3 \ I , - I .
: . KIM �
fly of nine children a --follows- 3' . es, Mr. and Alpti- R.,ht.. *P.^-- +h;. ---I. -.-- - - , i
.. 8 , A Id � 0 i
_Z CII_%..___2_ - T Zt,,
. .1 - . . ;;; .
,ho _' '---- 7--- --'- -- I . 1AW&IAp./ VL %XVU%;2XLQ&1 .LUWLJ -:% ; h - -cuamurto, wno ams oaen visit. say, and a "modest" sty ; .. .
me. . . Intedded forLaiit Week,' � Mrs. H� Campbell, (Anne), oll t a er aunt,MrFq WM. Cantelon returned I . . .
The W C T IT will meet at the home - I I f .Is will take its
dressed the Women!s ForeignA.-lission. are light. I . I I
of Mrs. W. S.'Harland on Friday af Mrs. James Buteban of China ad- Fall.whear, is good, but other crops the Township of'Huron ; Miss,Lou Saturday to, bar bome, at Marlette place. Often the inale'sex talk much
ternoon of this week at 3 o clock. - - � Sterlingi of BluffallQ ; William, Mrs. X1011. . . I aboutthef *D re V." : �
4r Is ashlons in vogue as i - I
lay ,we!6eetz.ofthe.-PresbyterianChurch Mrs Jae Young is visiting her aunt Hillary Hcioton, (Jennie), Mrs. Hugh - - . i .
. - I at So She with her hus, Mrs. Clark, . . . ThuriDw.( giv), Mrs. George Fulford, Mrs. J. M, McMurobie, of 131�y.tb, has lates to the gentler sex but we notice . I I . . .
I __
band Dr., Butchart Lave been home on Miss Ruby Young teaches I been.the guest of Mrs. -W. Brydone, that abou b 9 out of 10 of the . � 1% ... .
:..."..-...�'o....".-.,..,..,--..,...,""""""u ...... "`�! furlough for some time, they expect to A large class. . ..�. . music to (Addle), apil Alex. all of Colborne ancl other friends In town during the . sons.ok. 1. . 1. . I
I I . . . � . . Townshio,the last named being on the past week.- : I I Adam are not blind'.to 'the ch . . . .1 � I
- I return'in September, to -their field, , R. Robertson's new crab took a load homestead. The deceased Was a Pres- . angb of ' I I .
1. ,
J . - .
- � own adorn. �:Your Baby . .
- . Miss Y0_ur1gbIut from Ronsall. is r � children of Toronto who Itav ' or �
1. . where Dr. Butchart'llas-an emergency to Clinton oil the'12th. ' . . . Mr. and Mrs W F - dantelon and style in headgear for their III t I
. I-- hospital. I I byterian in religious affiliai ion. The 'I'S ,
- . . .
. 19000 J� � . . . . . e* funeral took place' ,6n�WOdnesday ,e beOn -Ment- Of course.there is same. I ity and Impal- � .
. .
J . I I - towing acquaintance. .- . I . . . . visiting Clinton and other places re* latitude (nor lou�itude no' the ' The purl� .
I I . I afternoon, . I
. - . Miss Rrma'Symington has. finished �. . � turned to their home on McindAy. - pab .
.1 J
I _11%_#*_1 . . pumm.erhill , � another season at willin , I . . . . � ,fashion plates.of ' either) in. the .1 le'fineness of I I . . . .
, Is I
- . , ery. �
I . 1181MORV111.6 .oronto, Avho has' . � I
I .you are -needing a. h rse and rig . . . - been the guest Alia.,j the only rea§on ,- .
i 'W"'47, Z , Rb�.. Mr, Oondell of Bayfield, Pon- . if , , . Miss Bewail, ot T the latter and that'
J. __ -' dgeted services here last Sunday even- I of her friend, . . ,here is not the same -- I
". L . . . . you can get one reasonable at the Morley Hall is y1siting at, A. J. . -Na-Dru-Co I .
I . . .
- o -i Over one thousand stud- ` Ing. . . I Temperance House. Ifyou are Wait- Courtide's. . . � Waebington, during the past week, is jilly variation � I . . . I . C,
.* - n - T�Jaster Olaience Kilt� is spending . � . this i'yeek visiting at the home of Mrs. . . .F.. - I -WoXet 1.
. . .
1. = ents enrolleA by our chai I Messrfif Yeo, of !$I' Ing 1. . . .
. last year. It pays t - .. ilig for'-friduds step in, they have I SeMtle,are V t R. J, S6uthcombe, Hullett. L . . � .
. o at- Z, art of the vacation at th . . 1. . . . . .. . I . �. . - hon '
, � I � .1.
. - e Wat.kius plia4ant sitting rooma�, you could not .. , . . I . . THE rural T61ep * e -bass e
: M . . . . At Mr. T eo's, I I I ome to Talcum Powder , ,
. .
I tend a link of this great f Flome, ' ' ' . . . get better mdals or cheaper, also lunch Mr. McMath is visiting hisdaughter ' Mrs, Wm. -Stevens has returned . . . . . I I I
. . J I . I
I chain for Ill% UNION THERE I 9r. ,Stay and is winningitsw' o . . .. .
I . � . Ay .n accoull thenecessity,'In 1 - , .11
J 4 - Mrs N W Tiewattlift, . . home after a four weeks'visit with- her I I � 7 . . L .
, . Clintot sperit Sunday -with the.litter's lie � Mr. Holhindlis bat,ing his barn rals- daughter, Mra McGill and hex, son, W. .of its'�tilitY at A small cost and bLd. I every nursery. .Itz daily ", , - � I
- . 0 IS STRENGTH - Wilired Biggin and wifb'Of atany .time, they have ice cream, de . .makes it
- 0 . . us dririks,' oranges bananas, nuts . . I
:, . I I . I
?I The dem%nd for our grad. t parents here, * ' . . . a2ozabdies leave Ing to,,day, (rhuriday.) ' ,*. '. Steveris of L�ndeabloro. ; Hei many cauge it -op. ns . use prevents . . ... .
I r J . your wraps and @ 16p desirable avenues of �
J uateq is THREE TIMES I Mrs, 8, Lowery and J 11 Lowery At- parcels with then.4 put youi horses in' Mr`B.Croker; Torontot -visited at J. frierids will be pleased 'to know.she -is maintaining ,friendly a:nd" fr� . ch2fing and ,sklat , , . - .. . .
: r the adplily. , - tended the -funeral of ihe *late' Mr their sheds; belp to make 'them busy. W. Ye6,s over Sunday. - muchimprovedinbealth, . . . clueht - . , , , 4. .
1. '- . .
* M � . _ .. i Adams near Dundas on Thursday of All's. -J. Nicholson is here ftom-Sask. - I Air and Mrs Fore9tee, of L . lioust Hilf . Al . I,. Matthew. Spen'cer, brother of intercourse betv�,een naiighbors 'and. - t wble. . . .- L . ��
.. . .
I 1. C.) Other schoolf, engage our ' last week". Hewas one of the pioneers , . __ -.-----_-,, . -t visit last week. Mr'. -Holmes, hits been -visiting bere.;frleud�-' It will not be, ruany years . be - -, � MCCORRell's . .411, I . .
- . . . ! , . a
J , I � .
1. I . ,� . 'Mrs. Marthi and childr& 'of Gods- from New Zealand. P . . . .1 .
Z graduates as teachers. A ' of that district. - I I . . . I 0 . I were here for a slipi -
I .
- M - special course for teachers. '- . ,:.. '. ' This is Xr4 enc. for.6 a hoIne withoilt 11, .. .
. .4 I I - I.. . . R-onstanCe, . I -
I .1 rich, were"ille' . .
. i . .. I . telephone ivill � . ..
I . . . guests of. Mrs. Alcock er's flrst,r�isit. to Canada and he is- well ' . . D?09 SIOPCO -
. � . � . . . . . . . . I
. ,
: 0 Graduat ,es of 2 vears ago ' * . ' I . Mrs' Wm. Snell continues very low� for a few days. .. � . . , pleased�withtfi6 country. He tra,�el. be a ririt;7. The larger the. circuit I v 1� I X T 0 N "I . � I.. . �. I
I -n are now ( . i . . . I � 11 � .t, � . . �
� )arning $2,000 per 1. 1 qoderickTowaship. . .BerrY Pick Ing is -� the order �ftlie ,x)Trs Hamilton and. 6ildreri, of I ed via V&nc011ver to'Olihtob, -and left. the More usef ' I .
. . I .
: atnum. . . . day. . . . .1.. . I Walkervill I this morning for � ul.the ser�lce.and we he- � . . . . .. � . 1. k- � I . :
. ,
- . , i Mrs, J. R. McColl, CNatham, was 6o Are visiting'at Robert Toronto. It is.his in- ]!eve the lirice'should be made as low ' I - . .
- - ' . .
.. % .
- ,
� I
J. �O Three courses -Co3r,v1ER_ � visiting hermiece Mr§, C. G. Middleto Tiles, Tqd6r has taken a pontion- in. McOarthey'a on the ou4 line. . tention to visitNiagaka Falls,Montre�fl . . � �. :
* . � . . . ,.
.. � n th'a foundry'at SeaforM , : . . � . . �
. C: CIAL, STEN0GR.tPiiy and' � jr., Woodside Farm, Goderich Tp., last , Mrs. Alf. Jervis and 'Jno. Holstead and Queber, ilin y the �Laurontic' as possible so. that this, 20th . . . . I .1 . I
. . . . . .. � veatur.*- . . � . . , � ..
1. > - TELEGRApHy.. I �. i week. .1 .. . � Mr E L. Tartham ,has 'gone on , A were called to Whighain on.. Satilrday ,of the Whit'e8a Vc ' � . . . . . . A
.1 . . . . . . Star . Minion Line. His convenience may be. Within reach -of ]CA '117. a Im . � . �
i . Mrs. Jas. Nott and fAmilyj London visit to friends in Tara. . owing. to -the'sorioua illness of their itinerary was. arranged, and'..be. was , , . 1111-P � . �
. rm fall TCPM 0111CIS'A19- 50 tc I . Mr. Hawke, of Clilit6n, . . " " - I . . 11
IIIIIIIIIII . Road, w to express their approcia- I preached brother David, who died on'.Sundiy. 'ticketed through by. ihi Girand-Trunk' all, You'll ne' or be,'sorry for inves7t- - -if I .
S . 1, �
tie, of t is" here on Sunday afternoon. .the .� ! . ... . v .. . L. AX I' Xx A .0. ..
� -3 . he kindness shoNvii them by , funeral taking Place on Tuesday. .' - town . . od Heliot machine. , , .. A .
. Write for particulars ... .agent. .' . . - . . Ing in a go - . . �
. : -01 - -A friends And- neighbors d url n g their re. Kra Stewart, of HarperhaY, is virde- -We are sorry ,to say -Miss Clara .. - I - . � . ___ I I 1
, I . . - I . . 1. - � . ' ' ' "
1. I � -_ C Ing friends in this vicinity at Present, Pioctor'was seriously .on Satur &Y . . . . . . i Willie. Jackson Still Eludes Keti ,
I c reaveldient - and daring Mr. , - d . - .
: - Not a illness . I . � . .Miss Evelyn. FOland is at present evening and bad to be. emoved to th ' .0 %* mklh� v� " " 0%040" " ! 1q,kNy'anathemas are . I . I . . . . I
. I I . . . 411 a' . Pronounced on . Of Pursuers ,
- . 't I .. . . . . . ' . . .. . . . . . � I . � .
I CLINTON . Z I � . . visiting with. her grandmother Mrs hospital for an operation. . H or many The m6derri: automobile but * 1'7�� ' * . �.
J I * , .
, , I A I I .. I . I .
. 'hawbridge .
- i . I I I . . Cooper, -, - --. , .. .. . , ,, ,-friends hii'pefor her s.peedy. ree6very. tined to fill 9, . WlOeSphere - - sGVed, . From S, . �
Z BUSINESS COLLEGE I I . .. I , . � , . $ ChdiiIIoch �Chifnes 10 it Is des! Boy NVhvE � .
- I . . . StanleY . . I Mrs Farnbam,Public Scbool� teaqh4�i , .- - ,. - _. ; � � ,%,W,W-&,W%,%,,%*v%," %4&" 1 .we believe. I . . * ' *
1. . . . ' .
. . 1. . . ... . . . .. � . -- i .. . I . . 1. . .� . .:BaingRunted by Superinten. I. . .1 I
.. . Gladys and Edna P here, is visiting friends, At -Seafortls,* . . . I � - . . . � . . . Tim fool 6perator Who wants to run. - . . . � .
i Misses rest left I � I .. . . 11 . . . , I 1.
. . I
* .
I . ' d_ Stratford, aul other points. - . ... . . .1 'iendesboro''; � . I I .: I.. the mabliine-g Mile a minuto iria , d.ent and Dote. tives, - . � � . ;
. GEo. SPOTToN, Principal.. � for their home in Toronto. o;i We . . Mr Hawke, of Olintcn, took charge I . . � . 1. . . . . . Y, not - I . c , . * ..
11 Uen,q Cotton Sox regular 12c. 3 wi.Irs foe 25c ; 11 , � I . I . begranted 14101ag life, It the� auto J_ac - . I
I . I BAPTT51i' .' So far all attempts. to lo�ate �Viilie * . I
I . _1 .
L, . .Son � I I �1,
: I nesday after .Bppnding a couple of of the preaching services both here MOn's 131ack'Cashmsrette Haaf.flose.. rog. 20o for. I , alias Tred Woodw6rthy,who -
I : . .
. I . I . I
. �
... I ......... ;1 weeks at the home of Robt. Pearson. and at Londeaboro last Sabb tb. . - 15; Children's Stiffirner yests. pa ea ,In the absence of thepastor on Sun-� hig him hi's death ,d from the Boy's TrairlIN '. I
, _..-,_-_._.,%1-~1~1 . ..... W...k........ . �
� . . �� a ch; 8 -does laot bri
. I I � : ,
. - .
� I I . . . . . �� � David ElcoatofLosAnlWos, 25:Al ... i- r be is' likely to. receive. it from . an en. . - 1
. . . only Summer Corsets, regular 506 for .93.50, aay morning Deaqou'. JAB Tucke warrant . eqcapc
- - - -_ 111111 IN pill I OWN -Now . Wm. Stanley, Holmesville, And hainmock for $2.50 -;a $9.75 haioni , . . School at Shawbridge, have prove
I . I I 1 .� I ... . . Cal-svisit- tie ock for $9. . 00� � preacheil, a most acceptable sermions . . . ftitile. , But Mr. J. R. DEA, thi su . . .. I
__ I . I I . od 'the latters nibee, Mrs. 11). Tud-or I , f ,w pirif,hanio -and MusUns...regularigic and 15 The. p&§t6r was in his 01"e in the: paged publi6.'..In the hands.,of a, . level . P*
I I .. .1 . . . � ... 1. . . � "On. QCJ�N 20. lb9 Granulated Sugar for $1 at . . I., I tendent of the Boys' Home, Ila - 1 , �
. .. � z . � . . I . . Tues y. . . ., . I ": I I LOU., SBUR,Y,S.tilei3igf$tora,oth'Litilelpriceo, evening. Stibjecte for� next - Sund , ' ' . erin W
I I I . I ., . da . . ay headed. manipulator -the automobile has now beda: on his 'trail fo� some ' � � ' .
. Miss. K. Williatn�613". Toronto. is ,M1is'104White1y,* Loudon.'IS home .morning, I!. -The Jti'&Ilible Teacher" - . ,. . I �
.. � . - -feel , - - - 1, - � , -
I ivorced from tile .. ,. . I I. �- I
Ordered eaty-MAde a ending her holidayiis tfie guest of her forher-holidays, * - - . . ev.0.1n ost'gh. ,i , woutdsoon'he�di` ' *weeki, has, by no mei(ne given up hope,
I . . . .. . � go � 1.114.1.nding the L eep . .., - - - .. � . I .y .1 ". - .... �
, C. I ,IeW'.L1Irs . - McMath of Clinton, is . . , I I . ects to 1.
ClothingMorrish & . C ksR �ro id.ivs tho.guest of"'her fi , Miss MaTjorie . , I .. . Ing of dr' i . I Du tfi6 tontrau, he'4xp . have I
. . . .� I 11 �1'othlng -I . . . �. '. . . .. � . ead often, caused When''one himback.at Shawbridge. befere .t ,be I - . - '. I
� I I � ... . I � ; . , : . . Wtsix Y I . . . .
I � . ... . 11 .. � Win. Snell. . .. I . � spending -her holidliys wi,ith ber'CoUsIn I . I . , . .. I '. . . . . I
.."....M.6.0.0'.....N...." - , . , . . �. . appears in view. Caution ,and 9, r6,6,. week is over. . . . 1� . .
I . I- *, Rob.t. Clarke now has. t,lie . phone Mrs Lyon. . . . . . Rev. a. G. Yelland,' of Exeter, will . , . � I .
L� - . 1� - __ -.- - .j � I .. . .- � . Jackson is one of .the boys wlin, . . !
I I .. .. , . placed in his store which - - nis- Si1PPIY for Rev. Mr,'Jolliffe during his , ends for the rights of other .
. f .. , ... 10,�,�'X�..V-'�".K- P, , \ � ovill be a .., R -Snell ha4 a succievsful'biriii i- I . . . people'are ..made theit � escape - from the Boys' - I . I
. .1 . ,-I " ',, .great convienience to the people'in itig,cli. Wednesday, *.A --framer from; 'abseuce.in the. wouth of August. ,, .
. ,�.,P. - - , .... . `� : : . . . . 1. . � .. two of the constituents likely to make several Sundai . I I
I !, :.. . . ., . . this vicinity.. . . .. . . -elgra,ve is Boas ol the Job. . . . I . - . vs a -o.- After. ,a.. "� . . . .
I .. : ,�,`.. . ' hard cross Ight 7hey arrived. -
1111W " A & I I � . �, ,�`l " � � �, . AVin.-and'Mrs. Cole who- hag beei� . 13 3 Hutton, of the mill-herej ship . ped. . The Pastor wilL,preach next Sunday,, -the auto more popular -on the high Farin -country fl�
. I . : 25th hist, niornNig iubje6ff . 1. I
" .6 A =_` %il% , �Sppnding th6 winter and 0 one of ivbpnt .NJ p "Other ways . . O." Jn Montreal penniless. Jaines,Manqon * '
.r I - MV, � .
. 4" � ." .1 ! , part.'of the A, car of oats &nd a), .n's Con ietice.") � Evening siiibject, � ' � * � " .. . . . , , -
. , . - I gave llftlisclf"Xlplh��WAS44
� 11 ..", ,,�- . . Be I .. I. .. - . . rmnecllai�li . . ,� . .
. . � 41, � I _. 111 11 '. � -�f� sqrnmerwithsons at Ethelretarni-ed this week. 7 'This'will'finish , h18 ship. ,gtorms tbitt have swept o*v!er the. , Sent back to Shawbridge, -.Aick�on, is, - . .
. . �. 1� I to'bur vil!hge again to live. . . I ment for this.season. . . , , ,
q � I I 11 . ExEmi'Ll . .
21 no s . 11 � _'O" '. A I " i . I I Chtircb,-" All �hre Welcome. '.., I VICATTON of ood- reasons still at large. . � . . . I I , . .
. . .. -,�i�" :�7 'ss Tena I'Vill1sch happened A very . - � : I . 9 . . .�
. .
� I I . . I _- . Jackson is a thick -set at bby ii;` 1. .
Q . 4� Dr R Bell lirrl7ed here -last
f. ., � I -1Z.%.11 1. TVJ wnek %
,0111T,wl I .
, "? ,; _N, .. .f ardeh party will be b er . � . k
I. . I i� ?, �. .�', ,;,, ... - " - witlihisAutoandmade'a visit untij. A..g, elA.,�Ld for thb;decrease of the rural Jula- I . .
. :-".- ,0 115A ;�", � , I I �; f �il 0',"', - tI '"' spices of the Wesley Ifiternied . . . �. . - pol ghie.en yearsage.�Tdev is5ft - ..
I .. - Arl,�V. .I.Ij,'�7k,,0�� " F'1ut"uu Att" me ' xe au� tion in Huron Cou
- - "' `q I , 01;Be tile aninial beca e start d for . � I I to be'found 4 In. it height bab,a-dark eomple I '
I , - qi,rt,�` 11 & g at " � . his hofneinlMchigau. - �. - iate Lpague, on th4b'lawn .tt the real. . . . . x1oll .
t", aLNI� 'd it last blonday. Whilef ' - - ney is . .
I_ � - ' tol .Churaday nirirnih,-when hi e , about'o.1
. 4% wa, I L , �� - - - n d at. lie dog ruilningthrough . .
q !,�Li " �'�!f�i,!'�,',!10' . high voice, -ready speech aud assured ' � � .
� 4)11 �� % .;I .., - � . , , . .1 I .
-11 � , "' 1W, JV ,� ��I�,� I on the evening of Thursday. July 2111l.b. 9 e a litfarm.liopses
; ij Iiii1i I I , ��te e d I k ' dence'of-D..O. Cantelon, Raglan st ' in Many a.tQWriship b'y the Iarge] v in.
I ,
-At T rn Y4, anr a Mr..l.ohn. Wilfred, 131-ftli, will 'ad-' _. . � hianber. Re come frow Englarlil fi�' ' �
i I . , " , "i"'.0 ...... Al.�'tl� , , . . th � b, ocked� her ,to this r lsedi�umb�rofv ca e .
11 i . 4 VIIi ,:�i,, lv� e I I er ariii - breakin g . � .. . 11 . yArs ago from a Barnardo itistitution ..' . - * '
al M . '. i - I '1�, � . 1. 0, v6s the. Sa4bal li Scl`1001.b ex b8abbath The White Dyke Band will supp
I 0 ,� , I I on the, 1� ly'the
11 I, IV , i . nymarl's 51issionaivy. Conven- '
I - .I!;:i-:4'w!;t, !,t.:Ii;;��', .. . I cases thdse.pii6per- .lie liao"already.madean unsucces I. I I
, , � �i I . .j, - , , � - f -, .1, , I . .: . ,. . tion held in,l,wonto a short, time ago. -he grounds In the majority'of ' SfIll
,I'm I " "oun jn�
I gi d stepp " on h
it in th r PI , .
wu lied , I , " !,;:"] � 6e , I . . . music. Booths Will be on t . . . .
� il 1111.� I . I . . , � I
� ill I � . . . . . . . � ties have been purchased by .'a neigh. ,Ittemrb to escape, . �. .
I - :.:' �,i - �, W�`,."-..,t',1,',,1'-�, "�' � . Come and elJoy-theevening. . . I -,
. �i ill 1�'! r . . . , .rig is I -os . - . � . . � . .. I I I .1
. ,. ". . , �� I Wippen, . . . .
� . I , 1�1'1.�, -1t, - `;) 1"'i "�;,,J . lir�y i alm it finished and fall . .
" .; I , . . . . . I . . I . The ,above � pa h caused � con
I ,� � I . - haivest svill',begin this week or . . . . ad, r6grap - . �
� ��,���llit,�i"li:tl.l�l',�ll", . rN-A-N'DI01J8CAJ_'. At"t.he StiaLl'r_i.t "I �Nl WNTAR10 STREET y of
. IF, . , . PPIng aiderable grief to man . Mr. W. . - -
-17 I Inext"We6c. Wheat is'good but grazing cattle is adopted. .as At , e if " .
111i'!�:�:�;, ��, �ijl� I LOY I I
,i4 i "; f%�,-,,.--;�. i I—. PLOShytety rrjeeting -which %vas �161kl , tht-rois-notve,,y much around.these. I . .
I ! w� Wheat boring farmer and inste, of cro
I I .
, i1 I � . . I .. asier Jackdon's friends. busy nieu of bus' ,
� I :fl 11-�, I! 1h. . 1. I - I -atford Ja-t week a call 1rom. . pi , � .1 I I . I � .. � .
;.. .. I . . I . and 'In
a � " i. 1,;; .�' � I I I In Sti. I " � . . ,or6 rextunicative inethod- of ness today hierely.�glanbe at the, � bead
.L Vh . rts.� . �., I I . .The y6ting people's bible cl�ssses of . . . I . . : .
, . . i . . Ulstowel.6613gregati6n. was pre4ated ; A co'bgreem'tional meetibq farming. This c 'lines of paragrapli�, they have no� -
Sa"turdca " � � ' ' 1, I'll . 11, - been ' illmef , .11
. � -11, , bas Ontarib ,P,'-kurch Intend boldinga, . le-po.puiat.iou w all Vito to read the wbole-partictilam, I
Y9 ME 1,11 I I �Jj,.JQf! 1 i,,, ,,,,, t _ by.Rev. N.�,I). Mcj�innon- to Rev. U Palled for .Tuesday evening next in sopfal onthehlwn oi .'_'�,,e. vantelo . , �
I " 0, the reorganizatioii-of school ,
. . . . ;*...: . - . . � WaF _`
I .. !I Ill , ", . , * . W &Utquhaft,of Xlppen,,`�Tbe call H116X And OD Wedile6lday' in .Burns' ,Princess S&V�e�t, � on the. �. lq�qg of ,section§; andManyat once concluded''it.
. �0,1 �, :.1 1. _-, . waii.Ogniett by'258 the cl I '"the one and only Willi __-_1 I
� I��;E� I .. meinbersancI5 . all to a Tues, os�ug up - of numerous .ruizai . e Jackson'." * In,,- -- I .
I . v� - ;.,,. 2 ad-' Chlirch to -Moderate. in ii c . day,".1oijuly. 27th. A brass 'and- . I - I I
. . I . herents; and was unaninious. This minister. - . , - � . � 6 of linin- fl�qf; the Gi'T. *R 'Town. Agent. ..Nva&
. ' will furni8h the musi'06I...pa.rt of ,. �., .churches and the wipilig. Oil! . 6 - , . .
� .
I . . . wits accompanied bya, stlp6t)Ll 'of �J,_ I . Joe,'Tallet *he has teez! ' prograin. - RtIfreghments o . f Various �G,Ar� of fraterrml societies. There is . proulptly,cominlinicated �;Rb;t-,�crdi-,� - .
. . I% 100 with. four weeks' b ol iclayd, ,%I � . at IV. Brjg.� . .toascertairifot,afadtA*11�, v�e,e.�t-,tl-e, , � .
� . , � . essrs bam's for'& fdw years ran- off on the. kinds:will be served. 0onie and bring al�'o . I .
. ,
. 1; '
.1 July d2ef 41 he ols �_ Ii"..i -1. , . : Ross, Yuille'and Hatuilton, represent- 12th insf., and lley)ry Barr who waq 'youi, friends and enjoy a pleasant ev- - , q tit)titude that this condition of that IV. Jacics0q��;d e,,cap-d anj -
, I .��.. . I . ,
� .
I . 1. I . , � . atives of -the congregation were heard at -W. Vear's also lef,t that day, - h6t� * e n itn life will dr:V up, or re,luce;tha Streams takerl'up 4194;dem noother,J'angle.": .
� ." I Ilg�, There will be a silver collection .
� . . %.. . . � . .
I � I � I .; re the prosecution of the call. The are home boys. , , .. . at gate., . .. . � . . I- . . I
_____ __ 7 . . , . � ,. I of 96aiibility in"the reinovalof ad ____� - - .
�11 . . .. . . ;. . , I . , ,
. . I . .: 1. call , was s4stained ancl Rev., kd r - Ale- Dr Stork. Ottawa, a government . ' ' many young people to� the far off flelds,. .
;I . I . Kin . ..&= 1, __ . .
. ,�. 1:1. nonaifil -.Nles,,as Ross, Xaffle and 'Nret. Inspector*was here on Tuesday $11. PAULS * . .4. . . . -
,�.- , I
I . -
I I We cleared a line of I I . ......... I 11.1 .... ..... I Hamilton %veie alipointed . . . . . I . . . the distance usually . ;vere a, gr I er � I I
e � - ......-..., .." .... �...;M to prosecute aud quaranteed seVeral dogs for - per- ' . in . I I '!�0611 . I . I
. , S 'On Auguot let 'the Lord B'eh f . .
;'r. __ I the Call at the -Huron Preab�tery. haps 4 nionths.' of them have -the Diocese will preach ( ' QP 0 tinge -not a1w
. 1 ��n�7. , � � I
. _4;...,.�.....,. "': ".,
., . . . , _... Provis I o nal, �arr,aligenj en , D,.V ) at both . . . ays found t6'16 ilie'liftse �
ts.were Made been killed at once to save trouble.. I . I
for�his induction on 'Wednesday. July. , .morning' and evening when a scrutiny is made. .
.: , ' ' , . Dr and Mrs,13ell and:'son Xemieth, propb ,services. On . . . BeLoer's 4911sh
I ... . 26'. ltv,v; R. B. Stevenson, of Lucan, have returned to their home in Nlont� Monday, 2nd it is Bed to hold a . I .1 . . , , . ' . '. ' .1 . . . . �
. .- I I
. Istopreacb;nev, D. N� Alorden,ot gompry, Mich., after visiting friepds reception and garden arty, on the. . I P . , � ,
. 44 t I St. Marys will address tile minister; L beau ciful church kroun a ; 'which will ,� png4(,�L . . .
Boy,s' Fiann'el Sul 3 I T, , ,over Pori. , MI I ...
.. here. The Dr Made his first tri , s G .. .
. .1 . And Rev, T J Thompson is .to address automobile. Miss Ali ip ill his. Afford ample opportutily f6r.the eon. a -should , applaud the .. . . I I .
zhe people. . . . ce Bell 66 1 41 . I . . . . . � I 1.
0 from the Jackson Manufadturihg Co,, at a BU3 SAV-' . . allied them hnme fbr a visM `compl gregation .to meet the Bishop, and -for PrOPOSAI Of Andrew Carnegie, the I I . .. I I .
. .. _ I .Rey. Me N I the Bishop to become acquainted, with' Scottish Quality in Pai is Green means � I I I
�!'. iNG, and only 27 in the lot. We Vvant 27 boys, I . . . . Villion, of Mildm&�.. 'bad urg
. . I . I the ponqregatiori. The grounds will . philanthropist, Who eb ity and uniformitv. You I
. ' I . . : . � 1. � � 1131YA114 .. � cha.rge. of the services in Burns and be ill timinated,musle,will be furnished . that an international conference for. won't flnd -both in ill -Paris.
LAwV 80C,t,t�-A Lawn Social.will Knox choinhes la,qt,Sunday and,thon, And the ability of.the ladies of, St. the limitati6r, a d r I I Greets �bnt Borger's you can,de- . I
I, Satutday, ilu'l ,:2 th in St; Aindrdw% Nytb, at -tight, in . Paul's to take provision for the wants Me - n eduction of arma- Pend upon to be always pure- . .� I �
i Y 4 i. ,be held on the groui3d.5 of Stw Michael's all three he was very highlyspiiken of-* nt should becalled by the powers, .
I I Church. Blytb on Tuesday evening, he however is not a candidate for the of the inner man,, as too. well� known to always right in every Way,.
� . to bri n4g . . . 1 July 27th, The Minton Citiven's vi�canov, Next Sunday Me Walwalev tieed any words of notice Ili this para� The honorable gentleman. never sound. . . �
. . . - . � Band wilt render a good musleat pro, 0`f the tiblIii; and Tract Society ijvqll graph, On August 20th, Rev. Oaten' od a more neceSsa y and,desirable note Absolute certainty of- results
. . - - . I . I grILM, � Ic ' e &eam and -.refrbshmental supply Purnsand Xtiox churchei. Craig will preach (D..V,) morning and Th�re is A dispositric n to -make n I illitar- makes ter�evls the best Paris I
�� .
. . .. I " 1'. will be Served on tb6 ground *a. A, fish, I . � .. . . . , eveningand.a bimilar garden Party ,Ism. a little God, even in the 'fade of dr0en to bny-tbe' best to use. - .1
. . . . .. .pond and other att,ractions, .All wel- . I ' 11 And tecePtich will be held on the even. . . Price: 80ets,llier 14,110.
. .
�. , I - . . . . ' . In ization ,
;, . . . come. . . .. Goderldh . .. - ' I ofthe30th, Mi. Graig's friends our advalloilig civill and chris. . � . I
It . - $. 'I .4. . . .9, -9 . 1� , III thus be eu,ibled to once . * . I . � .
I, ,. . . . I Ing *v *m9e8 tift Nation, by people losesight entire -
9 MANsv Buitvt,t).-ThtirAd.tyinoi,nit,ig The Good 1�oids Maniifaeturl A L n I �
I.. and we will excha . Cf last week about 5 O'clock- '.the fire. Oompany of Hamilton; waited on the Most 'with him,, -an oOportunity m&hy ly 0 I f I Teac � . . o.. .T., 1E. ]a" -V -J W -4-V 1 1
� . Ili Clinton will gladly welcome. I a on earth, .good .Will t 1. �
I .nge, it,for- a sult. Thesi� - SUItS are alarm waar rang and, the PresbyteriAn Town Coun6ll of 'Goderieh With a I I � . ilig'ChOnis't., . .
. 61P.- _-�_ I .
.1 . � I worth $4,,06, . I : manadstableand church. sheds were proposition to borrow .$50,000 without -, t . wlard men," Away with."your talk of . Dispons . . . .
. ... I found to be in flames. The fire had interest And. free taxation. , They pur. i I I . . (Continued on page 4,Y' . � ---. I ... I I . . . I I .... I .
I Made snob headxay before, being' ose buying the .large Plantof the' . I Stelinlei . . I 1100010N� � I
Don't miss the 'o'* portunity. noticed that Rev. Mr. SmalA horse wok __nnn=t__70��_10� . - . � , �
P ,;ers Manufacturing Company how : Mrs,Jamea Mustard, of Chicago, is "� �1� n!��_nt, !::tt=t-!n ��-_t!_ _.______ __1 .
, ..
.1 L � W_ *_ rigs, &C,, could not be g9t tit. Th; Engine spending her holidays With -friend . I I I . . .
I I . . .!.. I idle belonging to thel' Doty 0 .. I . . . Z .. �, . � . .
... . - . . Aames spread to the manse adjoining Works, They On ose increasingtheir I;ere. She is the guest of Mrs. 1). M I � . . I
� . ; . and it was Soon urned to the kiound' nUtput and. Nor GodeAch a v4bry E wan. c* -
BIG SNAP UMM . although the tui� was s%ved and favorable location for Shipments West. Mrs.1ts Vft.yth, of T , I$ 1 "'M 0 L 8-01 N 8 3. AN K - j
11 S I -MI MEN,$- $ ER. rilturo . I otonto . TH E .
I 11 � I % 1. rell,OVeff to the .church basement., I . .. . . vialtini on the plito i,tila week, Sge is . incorporated 1835 . . . I � ,
.. I . I. V11V . Cause of fire is unknown but Bad at the home of Neil McGregor. .. . . .
& 11 O'. W. . . . . I
:1 SUITS. 'SEE OURU R D to be froth a ttiato p .sleeping th'eprpo The ri ire losses of Canada and tho. Master Johnnie Bryant, of Lorldon, I Capital, ,-Aro v,p �$3,,500,000. . I
I I �, . . . I . I ... 11 Vnited States for the. month of Jur e levielting at. the home of his grand. . . . i
� __ � I- 11 .1 .0.1 . I mather, Mrs. John MC-Cawan, � . . I I
� ........... t� SEVERAL of our citlZeUS h&V6 raceiV. aggregated $14,435,050. That is A de. 'NIftleolin Mcgwall Find wife Were in Rest Pundt , $3400v= I
:� I . . 11, . . . 'I
::.t � 0 I . ed noticet; to have their dogs -tied tip ,crease of over $5,000,OOD from the fig. Xent at t , end. of last V -00k, Has 06 Branchei fit romh, And Agents and pyras ond I I
�11 I forseveral, morithaj floyn ljr. Stork,, Attending th6 imeral of his slater,Mis. .
Of Ottawa, Vat. Inspeotor foi the Gov.; ures of Inno, 19(J8, 110 I the Prineipal Ottl s in the WOrld. I
, . I John MoDougall, reliet of the late I e
. morrish,& erook's ertiment, owiti- to tile inad dog scare. , 1,0. , I .- I John Mae.-Dou &II, of Kent Co. .
� . . I I . 0 I . Miss Xedbegy. of Clinton, A GENEItAt DAIMINO A1VS1XESS,,TRAXA*CTV,D. , .
. i 6 THE White Dyke Band,put To Adtirtlaell% . isr this a A I L' I
� Igose hAV' L . week Visiting At the home ef Mrs, .P. ki ,
. ing theirsecond atinual p1(!n ,it 1jay.
I , I
I ( .1
I I - li"
I I *1
.1 1,
�� I I
,I. 11 A square beat For Every 31all" . ,, Copyforehan �gofadvertisemebt CampbelL AV NGS N T. �
I .
� I . . � fieldonClinton Civic 1101iijay. Xhoy must be hanZ in by Tuesday Mrs. Chidle3t and daughter. of Olin. At.All grantheS. 111ttereAt'411oWed at hIghiest Corrent rate* I
�-- ' ... - .... �"Ll. '. , _ � will also a Band concert tbele ill tile night. ftall transient ads. will be ton, W4�1!40 visitillig At Mrs.1.). M&*4aa,
I . . - -_ I - Naldi I., ... i -- 11, -- even1bg. I I . .. remived up to Thurad � I ,
I . ...' I I I AV Mornin , 9. last wev.k. . � Clinton Branch, ' - - C. P1. DOWDING. Manager I
. . " I .
" � . � ;)e . . . . . I 11
I 11 � I
. 01 i I � I I ,
I � . .1 I I . .
......... . .... - I.- " ________ .......... -,.-.-- . I . ..1. . I—_ - ..- -1 . I—— -1 I— . _,�