HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-15, Page 3i� - rF1F"7""qW�_ wl_wwq�' 7_7Rta"I"M
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The Poet's Corner Additional Reports of " Trapping a Corilla
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TELL 01.09 so 11 ,
�. I � � �-"- Entranoe Examillatious.
,4,pld the ca,,as ' el, -_ L" - — i
'a s it, of e' 'nor! 'if - Vicious S ruggle In
.If �p , it ud bvtslal�so Ist�r'ife, � � I ITBR Story of a ' t .
. . 'it '41" ,O,r sweet wife SEAVORTH, . J WROXE . the African, Jungle
. 'I HOME,$. �
To I � r 60' Honoro.-ViveriBerry.0 thel Beattie, I ,� — I
I i
Ruby Bristow, Seaforth ; Aary Fla!i- Ballantyne'Graham .... No'. 10,uowllcic.� ,
1h,ove, t, her forget ' I I
� 0" "on ' agan. No.l. MOKII10P separate schod 4 1 D! " '-' 6 " " H LD.
,,he bon, 7 - e's P' o ro 0
.he of �I(, to whIch' t�e seat I set, Eva Gilpin. No. 5, McKillop ; Jam jkjilslln�M.ber .,.�e,ry, , A NET THAT FAILED TO
fe4oweetathe sweetest yet- 01 .: �
bir,so, Gordon, P4rey JR,)ag, Seaforth -, '%V M. .:jj;. ;: T
Tell , McKay, No. 10. ,Tuckersmitti.; Uaget I PASS � I
When days are 4q rk afpit deeply blue, Richardson, Mary W& Icer, Seafortb, Andison, Merton ...... Xo,� 7, Howlex The Snared Monsteir isrolge through
I �
�ihe has her troubles same as,yo . 0. Grace welp, No 3, Tuckdrsmitil. Barn Isabello..... No. 14d Howick Its Mealleo. and Was the Cause of
. "'
,bhow . per , that, your love , !is true- P4sa.-ArthurArchtbala,No. 0,Tuck. Bar], Senate ............ * I 10, , , I
Tell her so! eramith 41 Joan BarkersNo. .1, Hibbert ; Whoop, Marjearat ........ 1014, 16 One Death, Before He Was Himself
� . r HiramBl"cha,rd, No. 10, MaKillop -, Hammon . d, Melvin ........ �,, " Killed by the Attac0nq Party.
There was a time yea thought it bliss flugh Butsou, No. 0. Ribbert -, Annie Hammood, R ,
. , elta ......... 11 ; , 11 . I
To get the fa,ygr -of one kiss. . Campbp% No. 6. MoKillop; Alice Car- Irvyin, Herbert....._.. " 7, og Captain Fritz Duquesne, the Boor
A dozen now wont come amiss- . � 04
� bet, Catharine Cleary, S64fqrth ; Sep- "Ohnston, Ora ........... 11 7, Ivory jurnter. wa� commissioned by a �
. Tell her sol Orate School ; Gladys Vousins, No. 4 Job ston, Wilbur ...... *1 7, I- Qermau naturalist society to capture
Yo r love for hev is no mistake I XeKilLop ; Margery- Davidson, , No. :3. I allum one of, each species of African quadm.
U . - � , , Florence ..... .. 10 li , 6 0
1 Tackeromith ; J oseph Dick., Seaforth ; Sanderson, U liz ...... .... ujana. He wa
.ke, ,, s entirely successful In
Mabel Dorrance,No, 2,McKillop;Annie Turperj Beatrice NO ��, 114,14 . the work, except that lie could obtain
You feel It dreaming or awA , , 11 raberry
Don%couceal.10 Forhereake . , , ,::,
. . Telt her set- ,14,11yre, No. 10, Tuckerswith I Loretto NVIley, Ethel ....... No,. 2, 66
� Faulkner, Seaforth Separate School , , . no gorilla. F Inally a pygmy pointed
I)on't act, if she has passed her prime, Cassie Grieve, Seaforth ; Pearl RarTi- I FORDWICH out a portion of the dank jungle in
As the to please hejZ were a cirime! , son, No. 9, Grey, Leo Holland, No. 1, I Poxss, � which a gorilla had been seen. I
, I I
If e'er you loved her, now's tile time MeK(Ilop Separate School,E'va Holmes. Bolt=d XjIdred ............. I .... No. 11 Tho captain immpdlately arranged
-T,,IL her so! Seafoah ; May Houston, No. 0. Tuck. . At 2 his camp and laid -his plans and made
arsinitl) ; Louis Maloney'No, 1, .M.1ri'll. Dettmann. Johp ........... 1I.M.,
She'll return for each, caress lop Separate Schoot ; Clayton Mai -tin. 1434gar, Lilian.. _ " ,,� preparations to� trap the monster and
Hainstock, Ruby,::: - -, - .. - -. -, -. .. ... 16 17 gqt him alive If 0
An hundredfold of tenderness! Lila MaoDonold, Seaforth , Isa,bel Re, . possibld, thoUgh lie
Hearts like hers were made to blesst - DoweD,.No.1J,McKjIIop, jitigh. McKay, Hurts, Carl L ............... �,. 6: 11 fully reail2dd the danger of'the under-
. Tell her so! No. 0,Toolkeramith; Belle McKay,Sea, Hatelieson, Arthur ............ ' 17 taking� .
. L .
fortil; Clara, McK9,6y, No, 8, Tuckprr ,awbkln, L,.,., . do 11 "Fox- four days," said Pe captain,
You are hers and hers alone, - 9, Tucker- tout emer , V , . 95 8 64 . --ease.
Well you kno%v.she'a all your own; . Shoo g y *:::::'. * , " 06 12 ,,
smith Xolin McKay, No maker r ;. we camped In this hotbed of.cd,
Don't wait to -,carve it on stope'l- smith ; J amea McLean, No. 10, Tucker- �� :::. ...
. � -ent Mur trong, 0��. ...'.....".111.11 do 8 Beaters went out In all directions
-James Murphy, Vinr, - atters . .
. - �Llv . . ....... 11 1. 1. 1. os'5 searching for the gorilla. At last some
Tell her sot snalth ; ,;Ie ... .
I by$ M4ry Nigh, W4a, 1, McKil.1013; 3110. .1 �, I I deep, wide scratches were fouud,on a
Never let her heart grow cold- Weid, Oscar Reid, Seaforth; Margaret , s_ _ -a '".. I
Richer beauty will nufold- Ryan, No.4, Hibbert ; Willie Stavin, . cluster of vines, On close esaminatiou
� .
She is worth her weight in gold- . No. 10, Tuelcersmith , Lily $ caples,Nq, SOME GOOD ADYICE � tile unmistakable hair of the gorilla
. Tell her sol 12, McKillop ; Willaill Storey, No. 21 - . I — ,was found on a brokep twig. ... . .
I I ___Q� I � McKillopl Melvin Twiss, SeaforLh- If.you have daudruff, get rid of it by "After some hours we found the tree
Pain can be easily and quicklYstO Margaret Walab, Seaforth Separate killing the gernia. . where the gorilla lived. We could tell
- ��. - School ; gobert West, Seaforth. If your h%tr is fidling out, stop it.
,ped. Pink Pain Titbleta�Dr. Shoop s. - , There it one sure remedy that; will It by the, greasy appearance of the
I -irk, made so by the repeated rubbing
--stop Headache womanly pains, arly � BRUSSELS, , cure these misfortunes and aid you to b. .
pain, anywhere, in 21) ininutes sure. - of the gorilla's body. We could tell by
FoEmula, on the 25c. box.* Ask your ,,,11onors.-Georgina, Kerr, ,,-Wasley remain young. - , A
I Kerr, Pearl McKenzie, Bruseels ; Ethel. Parisliu'Sake, the great hair restor. tile- fresh -marks, with sap still wet,
dru� . u 4 C
,gist or doctor about this form, , Sellers,No. 6, Morris; Isibel Strachan, ('.r,i-9 guatan teed to permanently re. that the animal had, r celitly.asceilded
-iL-bflne. bold by all Dealers. Vranc�s Stu.bbs, Taneve Taylor, Bru�- move dandrtiff in two weeks, or W. S, tile tree. The 'soratches were short
sels; Christina Yuill, NoA Morris. R. Holmes will glye you y9ur �money aild deep, shqwIng that it had lifted
. I . I llass,-Wilbert Ainlay.Bruss0s;Jes� -back. . .I . .1 I . itself up and had not slid dONVII, Which
. THE LOST CAR. sie Aloock,No. 1,Grey ; H?6rry Ament, Parisian Sage stops falling hair -it would have made U 10119, shallow
- La:ura : Batemar, Brussels, Bertha prevents the hair from fading, kratch. . ..
Lyine Dne dai neath the auto,.l tair, No. 11, Morris,- Sam. Burgese, I - It is the best .be-autifiei f6r ladies' . I � 2(l the
Sweating'and smoked with ol . Brussels, Ernie Cardiff, No. 3, Grey - hair as it.makes harsh, lusterless hair , "We spread (t -strong net�aroui . .
I worked at a cranky engine, I 'Dark, No, 7, Grey, Pearl f uffy soft abd beautiful. . tree in a circle, sloping upward on the
And my only reward was toll. . . Lilian. . ,
Dark, Brussels; Bert Dunbar, No. 5, Parisian Sage is sold and rigidly. cuter side, Around the top of the not
I know not'what I was saying, . Grey ; Willis Dunbar, Robert Dundast guaranteed by W.S.R., Holmes, Price, . there"were dra-wil. ropes'frow. four dl.,
� 50 cents v! bottle. It can also be pro- . Uativ� ,
" '
As I tinkered and wrenched and No. 7, McKillop�,' Gertie Fear, No. .91 cui iectioiis,'h0.1d.by half a dozen s
. . Morris -, Pleda'Freenian, No. 11, Grey, ,ed at 50 cents a large bottl , fro ,
. tere I � I the Ca6adian milkers, all , ,,r r. hidden In the bush, These were to
I do'' . Tb6mas Goodfellow, No. 4, Grey �;Day. paid. Addrebs Giroux Mo � r bring - jile :top of the net together and
Rbt not '.twas something qui .te id Hackwell, No. 9, 9cKillop -, Mar. I . - rtl(,T"s - . " . 11 � .
savage, , gueriteflutchifison,No.10, Grey, Ar.'Erie,Ont, ... ... � . . thus bag our game. I � . .
. ltlfnay be 1, even swore. � ,thur Johnst , on, No. 4, Grey; Alfaiii, I ..... I � Q After waiting some hours the'leaves
. . M .
. . 11 . KE HE 4' j,'e , rustled and . tiieli . op
M� patience gave out on the engine - King,No. 10,Morris, -.Jennie Kqechtel, 1. - . Will 'N I . rAnED.. - ... abo cued,as a
I Vlth the spanner I gave it a'thunip,' JXo. 0, MaKillop : Elva Lamont, Brus- I I %.. . . . six foot male gorilla descended un -
That jarred loose. somo thingamadin- sels ; L3ouard Leeming, No.' 0, McKil- j He sald'he would like to.pubdoWn the suspectingly and o4tered tile trap. 1.
lius, lop, -, Cora McDonfdd,.Hrus�els -, Lulu TUrk, . I I . slinaled .thb %our, ropes were pulled,
. . I I I
. And started it up with a j nmp, , . � McDoriald,-No.47,0rey ; Ale:�, McDon� Bold Castro And some others - .1 -�-fot
. I .at once, and we'llad our. animal I
. to. 4_ Oxrey : - George McDonald, The India.ns.-too, who *Uloot' opk� - . ,�
. old, b ' W Z � a moment; He roa�red In, fury, 'twist-
, Before one coWd twinkle an eyelid-. U. S. S.No. 4 , Grey; Thomas Me- Bat scalp their paleface brothers, . . . nto
Before there was time for shprize- Donald, Cecil McKinnon'No. ljo Gtey-; ing jumping and, bitliig�the'rope'l
. , R&d like tb put . &own thetru$ts each . �, � �
. That car tore away down the highway Roy XcQuarrie, Jessie, iyenzies,.No.; 7,' doly, � ., I - .pieces. - The natives were pulled about
. And I lay glaring up At the skies, Grey .; Ma,ud Morrisoll,No � %McKill�p; .And's�aiesmen *he are always �p like dolls as fie tried to reach first.one
. . . I . I ,
. . . May Oliver, X6. 2; Gray; Ida' Randi, spatti and then another. The professor jump-
. ing ; - . .
I sprang up and inadl; I followed, No. 1, Grey; -Fairy Robb, Brussels ;. Btit he sneaked aw.Ay like a pup, they ed about in excl . tcmeu� trying .to fo-
But soon gave it up in disgust.' . 0hristina, Ross,,U. S . S. No, 4. Grey; say- I I �, w. . � . . I cus a camera',on the Iufurlilt6d animal.
For tht�t runaway car qul&ly' van. Jown Smith, X6, 8, Grey,, David Tarr, - -When asked .to put down the mat- I . .
ished . . No. 9,, Grey,; Mabel Thompson, Brus-i - ting. ,, ., . I . I . . . . �`At4ast the mighty ai�nla Of th.q.go"
In a thick.� swirlhig cyclone of duit. I �sels ; Lillian - W on, No. 3, , Morris ; , . - . . . . - m a hole throogh- the pet,'aud
. . 'i� I . 1. . rlIIa brol .. . . ,
. 4"' 1 . . . I . . _Z�-Y .
I . . . .. -Margaret -YuIll, No. 6, MortiM -Aliller's Com�ouud Iron Pi'lls,oiily 25 he t9fe therest flow him. ,as t ough
. I sought it in highways and hedgesi .- : - .. ,, I. I . . ... .. I . I . cents for ii0,-doses., Sold by W..S., R. it vverQ a rOttea' rag.' luost of the ha- ,
In highway and hasy street. - . . . � .. I . . . . .
" �. .. ., . -WIN6 HAINT. � � 11olmes", I tives. fled In -dismay. .
And the I made.thorough * , . , The professor
inqoires, .. . . I . The wea;k, flutterin�:hmrt becomes dropp0d Ills camera and tried to es -
I With never a trace did I me,ot, .. : q . . .. :11,0NORS. - I ., .1 � . ,
� .. . I � .1 � � � I .1 I 11 � strong.and regular when Miller's Com- cape. In a.. moment the! gqrilk g1last)-,
Perh some. future existence, � . Aiken, Margaret ......3, Turn berry ound-Iron Pillesari used. Sold -by. -in its terrib . le hands. * : .. .
lips in . . I ..dd him
In worlws far beyond mortal's ken, Armour, 134 Ima ........ � ...... Wingliam � W S, R. Holibes,
I ghall once more makewktch for, that Brandon, NAT, IL No. 17, 19. Wawanosh Palo cheeks . rapidly become rosy. Ill seized my.-rifie and fired In -the
auto, . Seenieri Frances ....... ,.Wingbam when Miller's Compound Iron Pills' alrito frighten the animal. Iu.my po-
. � � 6. - Sold by sitiob I coild not shoot at'him wlth� -
But I doubt if I ffud it then. , ' . - Bowman . I Lila ............ !.It. . . I are taken. '50 doses' 2P cenft. . . 14 .
- � . . -8. R. Elollnes; I . . . -tug u , ,�or a moment
. - : . �" " ; W , .out hitt q fiieii.d. r .
: . BOB(nall, 011A)i&., .............. � jille , I
. . . h ' - . r's Worni -Pow ders are the best - . OW
* I I Cam`pbell; Jehu...No. 8, S. Wawanos laxative medicine foryoung children - the gorilla stood still , hol'din,v'the .o
G19TTING EXPERIENCE— Clark� Grace .............. No. 17,Mojrvis . I . , unconscious man as though be were
. — . . .1 ......Wingbam ,-as nice as. sugar. I .Sold by W, S.. .k. " . . .
� ,�. Rqlmi�%. Thos_.... . . : ,, � - Holmes. �:, .. I . a baby;'the 'brute's lips drawn back
You see an apple large and green,,. j : -Irwill,-Oneidib .......... ;::.�!.. - .. . . . . . . . 1. . . . I .. .. . . feoti3,bls�.glist-eiiiiii.teeLIL. -' ,:' -
Your appeti.te is young and keen. . Johnston,Hmma-;. ..... ,No, 8,Mbrris . . . . t - � g � .
- .1 '6 , - , The O'.'P. R.`has set- aside a . . "I'thrust another *chrtrid 6-ln,my:
You double up acroqs thefence, ' Jermy ....... � ... ' trust I
And so you get experience. ' . . Mul'r, Robt ..... _ - .-�Nb, 3,2urnberry fund of $2,500 for -the educ,vtion of the� rliffe. - As I did so there. was, a buzz In
� . .
.- . . . . � McDonald, A�nle ....... .,,. Wingham son of Oonatabl.6 Decker, who was k Ill- tile -air, and an arrow,:sho� by a na-
. . . ,.. .
1%. mild -eyed cow tvith . coat bf silk# - Patt6rison,'I�',leo,'nor..,.--.- No. 4,Turn-bPrry ed by.a.traiii robbet. I I I I . . .tIve"pierc6d the gorilla's side. A roar
� I .. . � I � I . I I I . : . . .
Wrong-6ided you essay to milk. - Pearonitylah...� ...... No. 3, - " . . : Some people look upon tea asa meie 'burst frOlb his red ibroa.t, and hadrop-,
She shocks you by her violence, Stonehouse,,Roy..No,13,H. Waw4nogh . .
But so you gain experiahee. - - - . . I%Vilson; Artlit I ir .... ..�. ...-;,WlnghAm drink. 'It all dep�nds: upon the tea. J�ed his ,victfin, ',Llke a flash'. before ,
� . . .. . . '"Taylori Irerna, - , .W. . ; "SaladaPTea is most delici ' d * -' 'I- could:'hoot '.�'wfflve sprailg_from
. . . .., No. ("E. I awanosh ous,an rp. .. $ . I ,
Itsdurabilty to test, I . .1 . . . ..... . . fr6shingb,6verjage. Sbldonlyln seal- the , lea.ves7. afid, - half � thrOVing, liali
, . I � I : , I. .. . I ed lead pacl�et,3... ..� . .- . .
You poke into a bornet's nest. -1 . . .. . , I PA. � . thrusting drove an .assag I into the
. I .. I . 813 . . . I I . . . . �, . 1. . P .
You find the pain is mbst.intense I . . . I . . � . . t � . . '
.. . " � ' . � .Phe flre'ht Ahmic Harb6r destroyed- gorilials hea�rt. ,, With. a groall. the
Still yon have gained experience., Aikeni tlmer': ......... �No. 3, Turnljevry . il 0 e ,. . .
I . . � . ; Q,I, ?s'H Q and ti'n unibdr of other br.ilte fell &ad.. - - .
' .
. . . Allgli, Marion .......... W.....Wingb I 6.1hatel,loss was ten thou. "Exar .1 '� I � f�uiid
,, . � . . . . blulDg the professor, ,
You're injured; while. your, wound is Alten'John., ...... I ........ W - . sand dollars., - . .,. . . .
. . I . � . . � * rjc�lit arm was broken and,
raw. � . . ; Brandon Stellii,i ... " .. .-.No.*7,Mo,rris .. . . . .. .. I ,:. �h.,A his � . 0
I .
, ' . ,... The coo'ks in the Victoria;* Hospital. that some of his ribs were crushed into
You seek a balm, in course of law. .Black, Helen, ....... No. 4-, Turnberry, . . - ' I
And when you'Ve figured the expense, Breen,- Liz%ip ........... No I) ; 1� - at London, Oat., have' go'he on strike his lujjo-$. Ave gave up the. effort to
. . . .
YoWve gained a large expdrience, . - Bl&ckhaill Basil ...'. .'. . - _ - Wth9hal . 11 because tbe� weie I prohibited - from get a live, g�rllla aud,.-placlng the ln-�
I . . g .
You see no . r6ason you sbould . miss Brock," Leonard*.-........".... . .4 � washing clothes.in a room where' -food. jured man Ill'a..1fammo . c k, carried I him,
. . . it .:. for the pati6nO was being prepared. �
. .., Butcher, Norin�n...::::....., - . I M . . . _ " � . .
'Your meastire of connubial bliss. 1,. I '. . .. . I ba,c'k toVvard the east �6ast.
. . You.marry, and you have immense Oanl.pbell, Havel..-.... ... I . - . . . . . � . � . . . . 11 . th ''r6d, O.dt, on .the
. . . Oanlpbell� Oliver.........,Xw I,'-Morfis -�, - - - I ... 1. "'He 'died on 0
Profound and sad experience. . ..... . . . voldt besiae a natlrb -village a, lonely
I . � . � .Copeland, R. L.,'0_'.N`o. 11,Turfiberry.. 1, I . , , I .
I nent will kife � 11 (1rubb, Alfredim.. .. Wiligham, A is
I So each experit ,F - ,. . little slab marked 'Carl Bloch" stick
.. . .
. You newer knowledge while you llve� Cruilkshank, Geo -.::*::,.."-. .� . .TE -
* . up,above the grass. ItAs the.profess-
. I
It's %vonderful what. little sense. . Curde,11ary A_t ............ ; " . � or's grave'. Hunting is not all ,excit-
One learns from such experien6e., Ujimpbell, Viola � ... N&-&,-.B,.--.VVAwanoh. . R' " ''. I in- adventuro..'and laughing victory.
. I . .. "I
. . . . ...Currie, Gwendolyn..No,9 * � 11 . ,ff . , � . 11 has 119 tears, like olhor thlngq,pp�
-1- lmpl� _.. Cook, 1vy.'._...'.;..No. 11, 11 .' . I . I �
. .,
. -Alsa ' ' , � Ramptou's AlagaMne. I .. I
. . I Cook, , -y.....No; .13, B. WAwanosh . .. . .
Campbell,Mary A. M '. . I . . . ..
R A I 0 0 0 ..... ;..No. 7 2, orris , � . � . I
ov%ov� ---- 401-0-M. 4~ft#�A . I I I I .
. . . I 0arrick, Ida ............ No. 10, Kibloss' ., .F . ,. .. . . I . ; . ' . .�
Ba"by's Great Danger , . Currie, Mary G...No, 9, H.-Wawanos'll S ERI . .� Supe r Way.of Dyin'd. .
, . . "'o ,
Durin,g. Hot Weatlier.-; 0handfer,MLaggieiNo 6,Turnberry. '' .. ". 1, . I � . . . I . He was excessiTely iolild of dancing
�__. . .. . , 'DeiLcon, P6ayl.,N0. 0, P'. Wawanostl . I , very c lumsy. - - Like a go&
� More children die during the: Diamond. Ernest .............. Winghaw .1 . . .1 1. .. . � : ; ;, I many o I ther people, fie..was fondest oj
hot weather than at finy ,other Dickson, atanIey,...,N6.6,Tqrnb r ' - d(Sing the thing he did worst, .. . . .
gC 7, 1. . 1. I
. time -of the year. Diarrhoea. - Diment. Mary.%.. .....: ....... Winj , am � , -YEARS a`oh6w" .':ex . ely . tend � �oi,
ShL, tbo, was J cessly
dysentry, tholera, infantum, -and Drummond,, Harold ........ I 61 dallciug� with, thq . dlffe � r . ence that s6E '
stomach troubles coine without n4 Mott t Mae ......... !_Vo. 8, Turnberry :. -, . , � .
warnbig. and when a medicine Elliott, Earl..... . ...'.'.No, 9, 11 . was the persoulfication of grace. ,But.
. . Cflr� I n IN now she* was suffering. Already he
is not at hand to give prompt . 14ertruson, Irwin ......... i.No.-5,9orrisl I � .d 6Y '�Ydia. E. - Pi k . . . .
. . . -
'relief, the delay may prove fatal . Perguson, Daniel ......... No. 17.Morris had torfi her train with his ungovern.
to the child' Baby's Own Tab. Gray, Marion ...... No. .4, Turnbetry, ham's Vegetable.CompoUnd able feet, and her dainty slippers bo.r( '
lets shnuld be kept in every, . Galbraith, r4rank.'.... . . %vinghanx - I . . .. I . th I e marks df his shoes. At last s&
home where there are . children ibbons,John,. ..No., �,,&, Wawatlosh. - Fox Citek,- X,B,-"' I .have always
,during the hot weather inollths. Gibbous, Kathleen. , I Z 69� . . .,had pains irk tb6 loins' and a weaic� , could stand It no longer. .
I , - , . pess there, and .1,,Let..us sit out� the rest of thb
An occasional dose of the Tab.� arniss, Harvey.*..... V 140A, Morris �� I
lets will prevent deadly summer Harrison, Robt ......... No. 10. Kinloss 0 f ten .after, My 4auce," she suggested. "I am tlred.�' -
complaints, or cure them if they b6ines, Marjorie .....�.:.Willgham ' , meals m y food, . 11� - was reluctant. "I thought 'You
. .
' ". .
I �
e unexpectedly. , Mrs. 0. . amitton, Gd .......... �. . .1 S I." . would distress me . said you could Aie w,altzIhg?11.,,he said.
.ome I ... I 1: , I 11 I , , A
Moreau, St. Tite, *Que.,. says., Hewer, LloyO ............. I . I 1:6 , I . I .� �r ... and. cau-se sore- "So I could," she replied, "but there
"My baby suffered frbnl a;sey- ' Efinscliffe, 11ilroldi....... . ' 11 .. ',;�.� . ness. Lydia 11 are. more pleasant ways. 6f dyffig.0an
. ere attack of. Cholera infahtnmo* Howson, Oeo.... I ......... * , I . is . , : : - _ , .1 Pinkham'sVe Ota' being trampled to death-11-PhilMdel
. but after giving him Baby's Holmes, Laura.. I A... I I I I ...... . �, � 0 - : - - � ble Compourighas �
. 'Wirig lam. �� � ��,, phia Ledger. . .
, .� � . .
Own Tablets the trouble disap, Jeukinst 14ldna...,........,.... 'I 11.1 d6tle me much �. . � . .�
� I ,
peared, and he regained health Johnston, Rester.'....._.No, , 5,Morris , I � . .
. goo. a Broil. . .
. splendidly." .Sold by ,medicine Xminedy, Tana..... i. Nq. 10, Xinlois or, igestion be . Who's Whol � . � .
dealers or by m.ail at 2.5 cen a King, 8adile.i...... ,-Vo. 0, Turnberry ter, and I can walk .Little�.Iohnny*tell saw a lefig bedrd,
box. from The Dr. Williams Knox. Olive ......... , .... * 6 Wingliam w1th,A bition. I ed man and a bear ,coming do*ii'tht
1-0 Medicine Co,, 13rockville, Ont. � Lloyd, Annie.. I .. .. I.. , , " have'' cincouraged street. He ran hoik6, grabbed. hisr,
. .. I . I .. Linklater,'Geo. ly.'. I .�*." ...., I do I I .1 7 I . . Wally mmllp,rs Of i s . * .
VVWVVWV%0W! A A 0 A A A—- - I mother's skirt. and cried. ,
-------- Iter, Eva M".,_... ...... Al , . fa Wes t4take it, as it is t ie be tTeln� , .
.. 1 7 , 4doh, mamraft, mammal"'Look whi��q
I . I - .1. i. � McDo well, Gladys, -No. 0,1,;. W4waoosh �e �, . 1.
I �� ! lay, BertheC,_,.eNo, 10; Xinloss I edy in the world, call publish this omink do�va the stredtl" .. 1, I
. I I . .1 .. . . I .MCI in the pa ors," rs. ' NVILWAX -
- I d3wan, Jas... od, 4 Mortis BounqvX ! ox Or , .B., Canada. Ige still," .said Ills mother,.for th�
� '� , .
Manuel*:Fred_.:::,: ::,.*.I It man was how In front ol the hods;-*
Hintsto'okir Corrospoil4lents :, ""W "Pai'll. The above is 661y one of the, tho% � ,
McLean, Gordon .......... 6. 4 1 , . ro "It Is only . 11
' oLean, Chas .............. q� t sAnds ofv grateful letters which a a mi hua a'tame bear,
Write on one side of thd-paper , e They'von't hurt,-you.11 , .
oill MoManus, Stella.. .go c6natantly being received by 'th
.. t
1. McOool; Luella .............. 44 Pinkham Medicine Company of Lyllti, . "But -but, mamma I said SohnnY -
I Mil In ti'me to --rea6h Us Wed� Mass.,'whith prove beyond a � o "which Is 1he bear?"-W,6111all's MOM(.
nesday of each week (or sogner.) MoXenz!6, Wm.,".,.:�o. , Tuvriberry, I a ubt that .
, 17,'Morris -ible Com. � I I �.
I Moore, Gordon ...... Ng .P,. Pfulcham's Veget, Companion
Avoid all items refle6ttnf on , pmtojj, pearl ..... ' lildia ade from 'roots and, herbs, , I ". '' , .. \ . �
4 personal charitoter/butseh ATA, ........... Wingham. Pound m " , . . .
the NPnys. Patterson, Maggie ... s.. §... " aetuay does curd these obstioate WS. . � Nec6asity- 16 t1ho Mother, Itto. .
I Checkoff my 6,8. Ptigb* Winnje.,...........,..., do" , eases of women aftor All other means we saunter Into the weikohop of oul
this 11it", -it in 44 have - failed, and that (3very swil. suf.
Siat you to remanober an Imporbo' Rpbertsonj Ituby....4....v... .
, . . � I I friend, the Inventor, and hud. him put.
. ant item: � . . I . . Scott vetnon.....-,..e. . , " terlog over a strange contrivance Oj
� Swarts, Brownie ......... ...'. to least give ydi E. Pinkham.'s'Vqgeta.
11 13eaths, Marriages, Swalots, MoU14 .......... o4.% 44 ble 0 po d trial before BubmAt- wings and sails and propellers, ,
Accidents, Church Xe%vg, I Sohaefer,�Geo_..A,..... If . ting tor an 0 ration, or giving up. 11taveftIllig an. Mrshill?" we ask quit('
. Suppers or Prosentations, Stiurdyt Lizzle. .... ... #. #. sk ho recover . . unnecessarily.. . I
I Removals, Visitors, 11 � I Sherk, Edith ........ .. to Mrs. Pinkham, of tyhn, MfMst "Yes 11 he replies without looking U.0
't , i /et.
0 Vrr
a I
I __
- M
eek X
� I 'Turnberry ,invites all sbok wotoeft to writo, wXhIlk It will fly?"
Lodgd News, Fireso, Sherriff Grace .... 11J�6*1114' ,
Publi6 Improvometits, . Taylorf 1311a, .... No. 1:3, B. Wiswanosh her for adviceip. -she lisis gpided . ,,tug got to, I've got to get but 0.4
Lmv citsog,, The Crop$, J
VAnXoV1nq&n,.Teaq_'. , ,:::�Viu�ha,m thousands to, )iealfli atkd lier this town so 6 Y, all 3 or dit,ora
School Alatteto, I 1�1 NVidker, Agnes ........ :. , adviftis freed, � m wa dmr e
AnYt1ling else k � Walker, Itelta... .., q ...... 'i� ,," w d_*.WW. ". �.� , ,. 1. ..,.-. 1�1 I . . are watoblug every road and ritilwa)
� 1� "....., . NVIP inall, I.. No� 11,3� R4. lVilowanosh I "jjk&rjjv,s Z11 1t1110,0M1700-1V,lddd` otation.""ChIcago -post I .. .
-,-- ,'"'," ht : �argt ,
I ON 4 1 I 11111ent t,ftt4ta Oq ..".—I... _. I ;:1�0*444114-,
& I . I . I . . I � I .
�. �
. , . �
. 9 I � . . . . I I I , . �_ 1� I . I � I 1. . I A I 1. I X_
F The finest f4bric. ft I
not toq delicate to,
be. x4foly wasbed with
� .
$ualight Soap.. When
Other soaps have lojurod
ko_", W,_" .,
" .
I I your linens
. and failed
. the 1colotared
I � thilags, re.-
. I . member tbo
. "'..
" 1 i word Siun.
I . -
"~1 I " *11
Since taking over -the New
I , _
lira, . we h6ve endeavored, by . .
. .
every avaiiable naeans, to improve
. * * I W, .,
the same, All will admit, that in '
general capppearance, the paper has
. .A
____ _. — been improved in man
I . y ways a
"As Qualitica'alons. . I
ffy1cer-Blikins has asked the pres!-
dent to give him. an Bngllsh consul- The newspapers throughout the
$hit). . .
Py4er-So? On what does he base �
I oo,antY are comp"ll imenting us upon
his clillms? - P-41 . �
Hylter-On his 'ability, to speak the .A -I- * .
English laugu4ge.-CWcagpo News 'Me xeisults thus ia.r atta'
1!� �.
I . . . ined, and
' . �
I * Changed Conditions. , , ,
A%Say, mamma," pouted Freddy, "you we , purpose continuing the good - �
don't take ine tq halt as many places . , I . I
as you used to." ' . � wov-lr� . �
I . . A411,9 -until the appearauce o -to thek i
"You've become, such,a big boy, my � 1. �
deal,," explained tits mother. "You . I . . . . I
see. they make me pay for.you i2ow.11 . . . I .
. �
I I .. �
-Judge. , . . � .
� - . .1
. � I
� .
� . The Worst of It. . :
do Oh, I thought we could depend on I ,
yoli-to forward the cause of .woman's (! W . .1, r a
suffrage." - . . .: . . . I
I'm .
. .4what, be PoOstered 111to cattle, with . .., �
I—. . � . L I
your age set down for future reference. ' � . � .
find, all that? Xever!"�New York Life. . . . I
I .
�. . - — I is c0m letely chang T_
. . Fearless. I � � I ... p ed, Many new�
, i . . .. I I .
I (locaney 'The fox went down thefo, . 0- I . - ill ; .
It quarter of oil hour -ago. . at e bg, .
� , e .. r -e added, a-nd -st *
.. Runtsinati-Why didn't ye holler . . . .. I . . . � I .. �. . . � . . .
I . I . .
then? I . I . . ' : I I I
. 06elzuey'-What dId'I want -to loller -more . are . contemplated.* . I .
for.9 119 never bft'm . e.-Pullch, . . .. .�� . . I . . I . I . � . � . I ... .. I . I . � I I .
� � . - .
. �
� ,
� — � ,
. . . . . .,
. I
' Hen0s Turnout, ' .1. . I . it, reduires a large, amount of - .
' I . .. I . I
I Hank Stubbs - Guess Hen . Holler I
'got tuck ,when lie traded for- that.. . ol' money to execute the'ohanges, and
. - � I
skate be's'drivin'. . � I . . , I . - I . I ':
134ge 1tiller - That's -what. Never with. this-1he't before. us., -we are ot
� -
. . I .. I . . ... . .,
. knowed Ilen yit to drive a 'good b I
.,0". . . . Bra, to: . -end � � .
- ' . � " fdring:', the New �'
qtn,.,.Bostijn Herald. � of .
I .. .. � .. I I
� . . . -
., I . I . . I -
I.. . .. . 1.11909, TO N"M S UBSCRI BERS.,, I -
�.. I � . . . . .... . .0. . ..
I . I
.. C� _1%..0 'r C> 3M, X -"*- - I � , * , ''
I .. . --tor%- .
l3ears the_' �e The M You Have Always BoUgAt to. any address in Canada,* i . .
�' � , . . , . .
_� I
signaturo / �� I . I , . . . . . . . I ..., 1.
�. � 1�..- . . . . . . I . . . I I . .
I of . WZ,52�ie' . I . . , . . I . .
6a4A# - .. . . � �, . I I . I I .
r . . . ....... 1: '! . , I . 1. 1. . . . . . ...... I I I I .... � � . - ., . I I i .... .
I I.. I . .. 1. . ... 4,0- e . � . I I.. � I
. . . . I
. . 1, . ,
i.. ..;a_- . � _r% - ,. '. , —
. , I - - � IC r '
�. .., .. .r . . 1. . � I..,;
, . I .
, `4ow the'thi . k io mlo � of . spri , ir. � ,� , '. * I . . . _ * . I
. . .1TIS. ADDUAL .SPRIG ,SOG. , . . Vit
�. With.all'its gladsobedess, ' � .. . . . I. I . . ... . 1. .
With all. Its birds upod' the wL.-, .? . I . . I . . . . I
I I � I
'With belds id airy dress. . . . I . I . . . I-
. There:l!ore-i twag upod,by lyre I .. W
� -And-try.with. all bybight . e can.accommodate' conven- ,
.. I . I
, . To braVely, strlkL� Poetic fire . " . .� .. . . . ' . . .. ... . .1 .. . . . . . . . . � .� .
. Ad volce.by sdul's delight. . . I
.. ! �. 1. I . . I icant y- ever new
: I - ' . . 7 I subsciijAion that .
, A,i *BiowdIg says, the -hlll's'dew pearled, ` . . . . . . ... I . . . . . ,.
I " The sdaft Is od the*th,ord, . . I .. , . . � 1. . .. I � 1. . 11 , .� . � .� I
.Ad tbigs are all right'with th6 world . . - . _---_-_!..-1--___ ___ - , -, , �
.. I ,
At ieast they are this bord. . ...:. .. . comes ourway, 1. . .,: . . I
. . . . � . I I . .
.. Tobor�ow it bay sdow wbe bore- � I., � . . . . 1. I . I . . . . . I . . . . . .� . I
.. �. Or- blow bed's whisRers lo ,. . . . I I I . . I . . . I - . . 4 . .
- I Pse, . � . . . I I . . :
. But lei iis dot piA upa, roar, . . . � . . � . I . . .
. � I . . I . . . . I .... .
.. . I ..
irior what would be tho:lloe?. . . I I . . � L , !I
. .1. .1 .1 . . �, % � I, - -- I I
I I �. . I I . .1. . . : 11
* 3�y dose Is cIoggeei,.'bYeyes are re(L',� 1, , : . . ..I -. . 1. . � . . .1 . . . .. . .. , , I . , , . �
. . I .1 . I . ..� -, , . '.1 . . .. - - 'I
� I I � �
1. By throat.is sore -94 raw, . A '.' , I" � . _ . �. � . , I . . "'. .,I I . 1". � . . ..1.1. . . I. 1. .1 . : :� ... � - ., . . ,
Er jaits all,ache, -so doeq-iw4.qaa,., - � -�. . . I I 1. . I I ... . I . � .. I .
. . By b�eathjs hard -to draw, , I . , � . " . 11 :.... . I I.. 1, . . . .. . .. i
'31�ut.sprlgg is here4ith all its I . . � . '11iff"ah '. ,., � . . I LL . . .. 11 I ... .1 :
,. ,., .
., .
� - - . I . . . . I
I . . .. $o let us cease toL fret . , . c � heer, ... . � . Ar"W& . .
. Ad'sIg ad sbile.a.d.clig awlillL. , ' - i' I ,
To WidterflanneU3 yet. I I . .
� I � - -
. -
-S. X -Xiser in!'Chicag# Rec,ord-H I braid. ' : . . I . . I
.......-�_-" -. .iKenewa N* ... .�
. ��-!T-.��,�.-,zrrr!��----,,-...�.--,�,.,�,�.. I
.. - . . . I . . .
I .1 I I . .. I... .... I— 1.
11 .
. . .
�1. � . . � ..
'K 11.W(V,4 1,10MOkli Cures Colds et.c . I 11 . . . . � .11 . .! � . . . . . . I
. I . . , . . � I . . r .
.. . I . .11 . .. . .- .1 .. . . 1. .. . . . :.. . . 1. I .�. , . . I .� � I I
- . . .
. . I �, I I . ... ,. . � . . . ' ' I . * qk
. . . . . Would He? -.' . � . . . -�At`the present .time owit o .
At a trustees' examinailon of the pq.. I :, �... .1 I. . . I �.... , , .. ... g.. t 1. �
' . . . I . . .
� . . . - .
. .
pils of a publJ6 school in a lNew, Bing, " . -ou I r
. land . tot�n the I queries were - met so . , I sat. 'the, present. necessary t a 5 we ,
- , . I I . . . . y
i*factorily -that the %principat spe'riker .% * � . . . I . I .. 1. I . .
- .1 . I . . .1 ' . . . � . : I I ' I .
finally announced.lilmself bighly �leasu. . particuiarl des -ire *that .all �money ." . - I -
'ed and that he would'be glad t6.an- .. . . s � y I I I .. I I `
. . � .. � . . . I. .- I .1 .
. . s wer any queWoll that, the pupils . - . I . ... 1. . �. . I . � I � . -
; might In turn put to bi .in. outstandiLh�& 's
. �'Afier umell refle�tWn one I . lttl6 che*' I . , 0. .. 0-n sub criptions ' ,be � - ,�.�
1.� � 1 .... .. . . . ... -.1. � .. ,�
- *
- arose and made. known .'his desire to . . .. , * � � , I � . � 1, . ! . . . . �
. . . I I I - , . I � . . .
put a , question, Per'infislon, being paip in. : . I � I . I . . I . . t. . . q I
. I I . I
. - . . . . I � .1 � I . .
I . .
grante(ji he dazed the trustee with this . ,.. 1. . 1� !. . . . I � . . . . . �. :
. . . . � ,
.on;-, - : , . 1: . . I.. . . I r I ... I I I . I . . . ... . q . I . . . . I . ... I I . . � I . .� I I -1 ,.. . 1
I � I . . . I . I
"If you, sir, was In a*soft 6ud heap. I I . . . .. . . . I I I. . � m
. I . . I . I
. . .
- I
way up to your neck an' I was to . I j - I I ..,.:- - � I . . !�"
' . I .
,, heave r a brick at your, head', would you � . . .. I I . .. � I . 1, I li
, � . I
I di,CL-,?"-Lippla.cotltfs.liagazine�, ' "I . . � . . . I . . � I . . � . . � �, . r I
. . . . � I .
. .. . � , � . . . I I .
I I . . '
I � . . . . Turn About" . . . . .
� . "What,". shouts the patron of 66 " � I I .
restilurdat, 11$15* for .coffee and roll8i . . I r . . I �
'It's outrageous. I won't pay.it.11 ' . ' I . . ... . I .
. "Yes, yea will,"- calmly states the . - . . JOB .
proprietor; 119y wife went into your . . � . . . . . . . .1
. . .
millinery sjy6p -yesterday Mid paid $50 . . . . � . .
for somer *ire frame covered with tW0 - . '
feet of lace and all artificlai rose: � �
Now yotr seer how It feels, don't you?" . : - . . I
. I . I I
�74110V, . I . . . . . . I
� . � �
. I
I . ,
� .
. .
.1 ` . I I P .1 N.. I.N,.o :
. I
I I I I I .. � . ....;
I : . I 1. _.. 1. I., �. . '.I
. .. 1: . . I . -
I 0 e- e .0 e , .* * * I I . � �
cou'.1dil''t'sl 0'IN U4,1k ' . . I . . .. . . .� . . .
. 1;
EART AMU N91109 WERE- RESPOW The - hi h* star of ., wbrk ;
A . Ig . . . ,.;
. I I . . , . � . .
' I . � I . .11
� SISLO,, 80 THE DOCTOR SAID. � - � . . *
. . . t -. ,
- . ___ ".. I . � 8 ,,oh '�
*h1c'h'.,h&-^ here ofore aracterized
. . . - I � . I , . . '' .
1%ere is Munk a mim* and -woman .1 , . . . . I " . . I . . . . . . I
ng night after night upon a sleepless .�. Bra .,P. '06 0 D , , .
113 In ... ...... ,�. . W.. . rinting e- 1, ..''
'.. beed! ' - the—Ne.' ... ..." lob..., . I .. ...
. Sonic eonstitifflonal disturbahee, worry I I 'm , 1.
or disease has so debilitated and irritated . . I
I the nervolis system that it einnot' be partinent, will in fature, be - MEkIn'.11 I �
. quieted, ` I . . . . .. L. I .1 . . I . I . ',,,r " I . . , I . I . �
�Nrs. Calvin Stark, Rossmor6 Ont.y tained by- us,, find 1 work wii 1 1, be', �
� writes-I'About two years age f bega4 , . �
. � I I . . I I �
tor be troubled with a amotherin sell- *, .� ' I . ., I .
I 11 1, �
Initioa at night) when I v t1d, lie '01 uted prom . . .
own. bad I could not sleeo' eXeC . otly'. , 11 - - I . . . I I
4n- the darr ao,od would havcr tol sit lip I .. � I . . .1 . . �
I. . 14 . . I . . I . . .
and rub my limbs,4they would b",ofue - . . . . I . . � . I 1. I .
so _0=6. Aly doctor said my heart .1 '� .0 I . 1. 11 . .1 I. - � . . .1 . - . . I
a . d netwg VOM teSponsible. I ,saw I do " . . I - &
ilburn's llen,rt and Nerve Pills Adver- I I . I � I
I . r I
ised lid g(it a box to try them. I took . � I . . � .
th )oxps lin& enii now lie down, Mid . .1 I . . L � . - . � . 7
sloep without tile light burning mild can. 11 I ,! . .. . I .
rest woll, I call reco;jImonji them highly . . , I
to, all nervous and run. down Votnen,
. milburil'i HeArt and Xt, .1 are .
rvoVill, N .. E �1 ,
I* In,
ilb' rr,
j,! d 4r
we , . I
We per box, or3, boxes for $1,M),atall. I.. ..., -fl.- Ke'rr
. de%iors, or'mailed direet 611 receipt of . I I . . . '.O I I I
price by The T. Alilburn Pp., Limited, � I . � . j
� j
. . . . I I I � . I I � . !
f Toronto, Ont. . . Proprietor, .
_:, __�._ _ � I
. . I t, . � . 11 -I -Y.- - �
. . I . . I . I I L 11. �1;1_ :
I . I., 0 i