HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-15, Page 3i� - rF1F"7"­"qW�_ wl_wwq�' 7_7Rta"I"M I ­. ­ I I I � I � 1___­� - � - I . , I � JVAIT 15th, 109, 0 . . � � �11 - �, � , � . . , I I . I :I , . I . . I - I '. I 1� : 7 'i F. ) Tke , V11ston Now � Zrot 41 The Poet's Corner Additional Reports of " Trapping a Corilla . ­-­­ _':;=.:,-,;;1;;;W____ . . . "*-"� . TELL 01.09 so 11 , �. I � � �-"- Entranoe Examillatious. ,4,pld the ca,,as ' el, -_ ­­­ ­ L" ­ - — i 'a s it, of e' 'nor! 'if - Vicious S ruggle In .If �p , it ud bvtslal�so Ist�r'ife, � � I ITBR Story of a ' t . . . 'it '41" ,O,r sweet wife SEAVORTH, . J WROXE . the African, Jungle . 'I HOME,$. � To I � r 60' Honoro.-ViveriBerry.0 thel Beattie, I ,� — I I i Ruby Bristow, Seaforth ; Aary Fla!i- Ballantyne'Graham .... No'. 10,uowllcic.� , 1h,ove, t, her forget ' I I � 0" "on ' agan. No.l. MOKII10P separate schod 4 1 D! " '-' 6 " " H LD. ,,he bon, 7 - e's P' o ro 0 .he of �I(, to whIch' t�e seat I set, Eva Gilpin. No. 5, McKillop ; Jam jkjilslln�M.ber .,.�e,ry, , A NET THAT FAILED TO fe4oweetathe sweetest yet- 01 .: � bir,so, Gordon, P4rey JR,)ag, Seaforth -, '%V M. .:jj;. ;: T Tell , McKay, No. 10. ,Tuckersmitti.; Uaget I PASS � I When days are 4q rk afpit deeply blue, Richardson, Mary W& Icer, Seafortb, Andison, Merton ...... Xo,� 7, Howlex The Snared Monsteir isrolge through I � �ihe has her troubles same as,yo . 0. Grace welp, No 3, Tuckdrsmitil. Barn Isabello..... No. 14d Howick Its Mealleo. and Was the Cause of . "' . r ,bhow . per , that, your love , !is true- P4sa.-ArthurArchtbala,No. 0,Tuck. Bar], Senate ............ * I 10, , , I Tell her so! eramith 41 Joan BarkersNo. .1, Hibbert ; Whoop, Marjearat ........ 1014, 16 One Death, Before He Was Himself � . r HiramBl"cha,rd, No. 10, MaKillop -, Hammon . d, Melvin ........ �,, " Killed by the Attac0nq Party. , There was a time yea thought it bliss flugh Butsou, No. 0. Ribbert -, Annie Hammood, R , . , elta ......... 11 ; , 11 . I To get the fa,ygr -of one kiss. . Campbp% No. 6. MoKillop; Alice Car- Irvyin, Herbert....._.. " 7, og Captain Fritz Duquesne, the Boor A dozen now wont come amiss- . � 04 � bet, Catharine Cleary, S64fqrth ; Sep- "Ohnston, Ora ........... 11 7, Ivory jurnter. wa� commissioned by a � . Tell her sol Orate School ; Gladys Vousins, No. 4 Job ston, Wilbur ...... *1 7, I- Qermau naturalist society to capture NCC� Yo r love for hev is no mistake I XeKilLop ; Margery- Davidson, , No. :3. I allum one of, each species of African quadm. U . - � , , Florence ..... .. 10 li , 6 0 1 Tackeromith ; J oseph Dick., Seaforth ; Sanderson, U liz ...... .... ujana. He wa .ke, ,, s entirely successful In Mabel Dorrance,No, 2,McKillop;Annie Turperj Beatrice NO ��, 114,14 . the work, except that lie could obtain You feel It dreaming or awA , , 11 raberry I Don%couceal.10 Forhereake . , , ,::, . . Telt her set- ,14,11yre, No. 10, Tuckerswith I Loretto NVIley, Ethel ....... No,. 2, 66 � Faulkner, Seaforth Separate School , , . no gorilla. F Inally a pygmy pointed I)on't act, if she has passed her prime, Cassie Grieve, Seaforth ; Pearl RarTi- I FORDWICH out a portion of the dank jungle in As the to please hejZ were a cirime! , son, No. 9, Grey, Leo Holland, No. 1, I Poxss, � which a gorilla had been seen. I , I I If e'er you loved her, now's tile time MeK(Ilop Separate School,E'va Holmes. Bolt=d XjIdred ............. I .... No. 11 Tho captain immpdlately arranged -T,,IL her so! Seafoah ; May Houston, No. 0. Tuck. . At 2 his camp and laid -his plans and made � arsinitl) ; Louis Maloney'No, 1, .M.1ri'll. Dettmann. Johp ........... 1I.M., She'll return for each, caress lop Separate Schoot ; Clayton Mai -tin. 1434gar, Lilian.. _ " ,,� preparations to� trap the monster and Hainstock, Ruby,::: - -, - .. - -. -, -. .. ... 16 17 gqt him alive If 0 An hundredfold of tenderness! Lila MaoDonold, Seaforth , Isa,bel Re, . possibld, thoUgh lie Hearts like hers were made to blesst - DoweD,.No.1J,McKjIIop, jitigh. McKay, Hurts, Carl L ............... �,. 6: 11 fully reail2dd the danger of'the under- . Tell her so! No. 0,Toolkeramith; Belle McKay,Sea, Hatelieson, Arthur ............ ' 17 taking� . . L . fortil; Clara, McK9,6y, No, 8, Tuckprr ,awbkln, L,.,., . do 11 "Fox- four days," said Pe captain, You are hers and hers alone, - 9, Tucker- tout emer , V , . 95 8 64 . --ease. Well you kno%v.she'a all your own; . Shoo g y *:::::'. * , " 06 12 ,, smith Xolin McKay, No maker r ;. we camped In this hotbed of.cd, Don't wait to -,carve it on stope'l- smith ; J amea McLean, No. 10, Tucker- �� :::. ... . � -ent Mur trong, 0��. ...'.....".111.11 do 8 Beaters went out In all directions -James Murphy, Vinr, - atters . . ­ . - �Llv . . ....... 11 1. 1. 1. os'5 searching for the gorilla. At last some Tell her sot snalth ; ,;Ie ... . I by$ M4ry Nigh, W4a, 1, McKil.1013; 3110. .1 �, I I deep, wide scratches were fouud,on a Never let her heart grow cold- Weid, Oscar Reid, Seaforth; Margaret , s_ ­ _ -a '".. I . Richer beauty will nufold- Ryan, No.4, Hibbert ; Willie Stavin, . cluster of vines, On close esaminatiou � . She is worth her weight in gold- . No. 10, Tuelcersmith , Lily $ caples,Nq, SOME GOOD ADYICE � tile unmistakable hair of the gorilla . Tell her sol 12, McKillop ; Willaill Storey, No. 21 - . I — ,was found on a brokep twig. ... . . I I ___Q�­ I � McKillopl Melvin Twiss, SeaforLh- If.you have daudruff, get rid of it by "After some hours we found the tree Pain can be easily and quicklYstO Margaret Walab, Seaforth Separate killing the gernia. . where the gorilla lived. We could tell - ��. - School ; gobert West, Seaforth. If your h%tr is fidling out, stop it. , ,ped. Pink Pain Titbleta�Dr. Shoop s. - , There it one sure remedy that; will It by the, greasy appearance of the I -irk, made so by the repeated rubbing --stop Headache womanly pains, arly � BRUSSELS, , cure these misfortunes and aid you to b. . pain, anywhere, in 21) ininutes sure. - of the gorilla's body. We could tell by FoEmula, on the 25c. box.* Ask your ,,,11onors.-Georgina, Kerr, ,,-Wasley remain young. - , A I Kerr, Pearl McKenzie, Bruseels ; Ethel. Parisliu'Sake, the great hair restor. tile- fresh -marks, with sap still wet, dru� . u 4 C ,gist or doctor about this form, , Sellers,No. 6, Morris; Isibel Strachan, ('.r,i-9 guatan teed to permanently re. that the animal had, r celitly.asceilded -iL-bflne. bold by all Dealers. Vranc�s Stu.bbs, Taneve Taylor, Bru�- move dandrtiff in two weeks, or W. S, tile tree. The 'soratches were short sels; Christina Yuill, NoA Morris. R. Holmes will glye you y9ur �money aild deep, shqwIng that it had lifted . . I . I llass,-Wilbert Ainlay.Bruss0s;Jes� -back. . .I . .1 I . itself up and had not slid dONVII, Which . . THE LOST CAR. sie Aloock,No. 1,Grey ; H?6rry Ament, Parisian Sage stops falling hair -it would have made U 10119, shallow . - La:ura : Batemar, Brussels, Bertha prevents the hair from fading, kratch. . .. Lyine Dne dai neath the auto,.l tair, No. 11, Morris,- Sam. Burgese, I - It is the best .be-autifiei f6r ladies' . I � 2(l the Sweating'and smoked with ol . Brussels, Ernie Cardiff, No. 3, Grey - hair as it.makes harsh, lusterless hair , "We spread (t -strong net�aroui . . I worked at a cranky engine, I 'Dark, No, 7, Grey, Pearl f uffy soft abd beautiful. . tree in a circle, sloping upward on the And my only reward was toll. . . Lilian. . , Dark, Brussels; Bert Dunbar, No. 5, Parisian Sage is sold and rigidly. cuter side, Around the top of the not I know not'what I was saying, . Grey ; Willis Dunbar, Robert Dundast guaranteed by W.S.R., Holmes, Price, . there"were dra-wil. ropes'frow. four dl., � 50 cents v! bottle. It can also be pro- . ­Uativ� , " ' As I tinkered and wrenched and No. 7, McKillop�,' Gertie Fear, No. .91 cui iectioiis,'h0.1d.by half a dozen s . . Morris -, Pleda'Freenian, No. 11, Grey, ,ed at 50 cents a large bottl , fro , . tere I � I the Ca6adian milkers, all , ,,r r. hidden In the bush, These were to I do'' . Tb6mas Goodfellow, No. 4, Grey �;Day. paid. Addrebs Giroux Mo � r bring - jile :top of the net together and Rbt not '.twas something qui .te id Hackwell, No. 9, 9cKillop -, Mar. I . - rtl(,T"s - . " . 11 � . savage, , gueriteflutchifison,No.10, Grey, Ar.'Erie,Ont, ... ... � . . thus bag our game. I � . . . ltlfnay be 1, even swore. � ,thur Johnst , on, No. 4, Grey; Alfaiii, I ..... I � Q ­After waiting some hours the'leaves . . M . . . 11 . KE HE 4' j,'e , rustled and . tiieli . op M� patience gave out on the engine - King,No. 10,Morris, -.Jennie Kqechtel, 1. - . Will 'N I . rAnED.. - ... abo cued,as a I Vlth the spanner I gave it a'thunip,' JXo. 0, MaKillop : Elva Lamont, Brus- I I %.. . . . six foot male gorilla descended un - That jarred loose. somo thingamadin- sels ; L3ouard Leeming, No.' 0, McKil- j He sald'he would like to.pubdoWn the suspectingly and o4tered tile trap. 1. lius, lop, -, Cora McDonfdd,.Hrus�els -, Lulu TUrk, . I I . slinaled .thb %our, ropes were pulled, . . I I I . And started it up with a j nmp, , . � McDoriald,-No.47,0rey ; Ale:�, McDon� Bold Castro And some others - .1 -�-fot . I .at once, and we'llad our. animal I . to. 4_ Oxrey : - George McDonald, The India.ns.-too, who *Uloot' opk� - . ,� . old, b ' W Z � a moment; He roa�red In, fury, 'twist- , Before one coWd twinkle an eyelid-. U. S. S.No. 4 , Grey; Thomas Me- Bat scalp their paleface brothers, . . . nto Before there was time for shprize- Donald, Cecil McKinnon'No. ljo Gtey-; ing jumping and, bitliig�the'rope'l . , R&d like tb put . &own thetru$ts each . �, � � . That car tore away down the highway Roy XcQuarrie, Jessie, iyenzies,.No.; 7,' doly, � ., I - .pieces. - The natives were pulled about . , . And I lay glaring up At the skies, Grey .; Ma,ud Morrisoll,No � %McKill�p; .And's�aiesmen *he are always �p like dolls as fie tried to reach first.one . . . I . I , . . . May Oliver, X6. 2; Gray; Ida' Randi, spatti and then another. The professor jump- . ing ; - . . I sprang up and inadl; I followed, No. 1, Grey; -Fairy Robb, Brussels ;. Btit he sneaked aw.Ay like a pup, they ed about in excl . tcmeu� trying .to fo- . .1 But soon gave it up in disgust.' . 0hristina, Ross,,U. S . S. No, 4. Grey; say- I I �, w. . � . . I cus a camera',on the Iufurlilt6d animal. For tht�t runaway car qul&ly' van. Jown Smith, X6, 8, Grey,, David Tarr, - -When asked .to put down the mat- I . . . ished . . No. 9,, Grey,; Mabel Thompson, Brus-i - ting. ,, ., . I . I . . . . �`At4ast the mighty ai�nla Of th.q.go" I In a thick.� swirlhig cyclone of duit. I �sels ; Lillian - W on, No. 3, , Morris ; , . - . . . . - m a hole throogh- the pet,'aud . . 'i� I . 1. . rlIIa brol .. . . , . 4"' 1 . . . I . . _Z�-Y . I . . . .. -Margaret -YuIll, No. 6, MortiM ­-Aliller's Com�ouud Iron Pi'lls,oiily 25 he t9fe therest flow him. ,as t ough � . I sought it in highways and hedgesi .- : - .. ,, I. I . . ... .. I . I . cents for ii0,-doses., Sold by W..S., R. it vverQ a rOttea' rag.' luost of the ha- , , In highway and hasy street. - . ­ . . � .. I . . . . . " �. .. ., . -WIN6 HAINT. � � 11olmes", I tives. fled In -dismay. . And the I made.thorough * , . , The professor inqoires, .. . . I . The wea;k, flutterin�:hmrt becomes dropp0d Ills camera and tried to es - I With never a trace did I me,ot, .. : q . . .. :11,0NORS. - I ., .1 � . , � .. . I � .1 � � � I .1 I 11 � strong.and regular when Miller's Com- cape. In a.. moment the! gqrilk g1last)-, . Perh some. future existence, � . Aiken, Margaret ­......3, Turn berry ound-Iron Pillesari used. Sold -by. -in its terrib . le hands. * : .. . lips in . . I ..dd him In worlws far beyond mortal's ken, Armour, 134 Ima ........ � ...... Wingliam � W S, R. Holibes, I ghall once more makewktch for, that Brandon, NAT, IL No. 17, 19. Wawanosh Palo cheeks . rapidly become rosy. Ill seized my.-rifie and fired In -the . auto, . Seenieri Frances ....... ­,.Wingbam when Miller's Compound Iron Pills' alrito frighten the animal. Iu.my po- . � � 6. - Sold by sitiob I coild not shoot at'him wlth� - . But I doubt if I ffud it then. , ' . - Bowman . I Lila ............ !.It. . . I are taken. '50 doses' 2P cenft. . . 14 . - � . . -8. R. Elollnes; I . . . -tug u , ,�or a moment . - : . �" " ; W , .out hitt q fiieii.d. r . : . BOB(nall, 011A)i&., .............. � jille , I . . . h ' - . r's Worni -Pow ders are the best - . OW * I I Cam`pbell; Jehu...No. 8, S. Wawanos laxative medicine foryoung children - the gorilla stood still , hol'din,v'the .o . G19TTING EXPERIENCE— Clark� Grace .............. No. 17,Mojrvis . I . , unconscious man as though be were . — . . .1 ......Wingbam ,-as nice as. sugar. I .Sold by W, S.. .k. " . . . � ,�. Rqlmi�%. Thos_.... ­ . . : ,, � - Holmes. �:, .. ­ I . a baby;'the 'brute's lips drawn back . You see an apple large and green,,. j : -Irwill,-Oneidib .......... ;::.�!.. - .. . . . . . . . 1. . . . I .. .. . . feoti3,bls�.glist-eiiiiii.teeLIL. -' ,:' - Your appeti.te is young and keen. . Johnston,Hmma-;. ..... ,No, 8,Mbrris . . . . t - � g � . - .1 '6 , - , The O'.'P. R.`has set- aside a . . "I'thrust another *chrtrid 6-ln,my: You double up acroqs thefence, ' Jermy ....... � ... ' trust I And so you get experience. ' . . Mul'r, Robt ..... _ - .-�Nb, 3,2urnberry fund of $2,500 for -the educ,vtion of the� rliffe. - As I did so there. was, a buzz In � . . I .- . . . . � McDonald, A�nle ....... .,,. Wingham son of Oonatabl.6 Decker, who was k Ill- tile -air, and an arrow,:sho� by a na- . . . ,.. . 1%. mild -eyed cow tvith . coat bf silk# - Patt6rison,'I�',leo,'nor..,.--.- No. 4,Turn-bPrry ed by.a.traiii robbet. I I I I . . .tIve"pierc6d the gorilla's side. A roar � I ­.. . � I � I . I I I . : . . . Wrong-6ided you essay to milk. - Pearonitylah...� ...... No. 3, - " . . : Some people look upon tea asa meie 'burst frOlb his red ibroa.t, and hadrop-, She shocks you by her violence, Stonehouse,,Roy..No,13,H. Waw4nogh . . But so you gain experiahee. - - - . . I%Vilson; Artlit I ir .... ..�. ­...-;,WlnghAm drink. 'It all dep�nds: upon the tea. J�ed his ,victfin, ',Llke a flash'. before , � . . .. . . '"Taylori Irerna, - , .W. . ; "SaladaPTea is most delici ' d * -' 'I- could:'hoot '.�'wfflve sprailg_from . . . .., No. ("E. I awanosh ous,an rp. .. $ . I , . Itsdurabilty to test, I . .1 . . . ..... . . fr6shingb,6verjage. Sbldonlyln seal- the , lea.ves7. afid, - half � thrOVing, liali , . I � I : , I. .. . I ed lead pacl�et,3... ..� . .- . . You poke into a bornet's nest. -1 . . .. . , I PA. � . thrusting drove an .assag I into the . I ­.. I . 813 . . . I I . . . ­ . �, . 1. . P . You find the pain is mbst.intense I . . . I . . � . . t � ­ . . ' .. . " � ' . � .Phe flre'ht Ahmic Harb6r destroyed- gorilials hea�rt. ,, With. a groall. the I I Still yon have gained experience., Aikeni tlmer': ......... �No. 3, Turnljevry . il 0 e ,. . . I . . � . ; Q,I, ?s'H Q and ti'n unibdr of other br.ilte fell &ad.. - - . ' . . . . Allgli, Marion .......... W.....Wingb I 6.1hatel,loss was ten thou. "Exar .1 '� I � f�uiid ,, . � . . . . blulDg the professor, , You're injured; while. your, wound is Alten'John., ...... I ........ W - . sand dollars., - ­ . .,. . . . . . I . � . . � * rjc�lit arm was broken and, raw. � . . ;­ Brandon Stellii,i ... " .. .-.No.*7,Mo,rris .. . . . .. .. I ,:. �h.,A his � . 0 I . , ' . ,... The coo'ks in the Victoria;* Hospital. that some of his ribs were crushed into You seek a balm, in course of law. .Black, Helen, ....... No. 4-, Turnberry, . . - ' I And when you'Ve figured the expense, Breen,- Liz%ip ........... No I) ; 1� - at London, Oat., have' go'he on strike his lujjo-$. Ave gave up the. effort to ' . . . . . YoWve gained a large expdrience, . - Bl&ckhaill Basil ...'. .'. . - _ - Wth9hal . 11 because tbe� weie I prohibited - from get a live, g�rllla aud,.-placlng the ln-� I . . g . � You see no . r6ason you sbould . miss Brock," Leonard*.-........".... . .4 � washing clothes.in a room where' -food. jured man Ill'a..1fammo . c k, carried I him, . . . it .:. for the pati6nO was being prepared. � . .., Butcher, Norin�n...::::....., - . I M . . . _ " � . . 'Your meastire of connubial bliss. 1,. I '. . .. . I ba,c'k toVvard the east �6ast. ' . . You.marry, and you have immense Oanl.pbell, Havel..-.... ... ­ I . - . . . . . � . � . . . . 11 . th ''r6d, O.dt, on .the . . . Oanlpbell� Oliver.........,Xw I,'-Morfis -�,­ - - - I ... 1. "'He 'died on 0 Profound and sad experience. . ..... . . . voldt besiae a natlrb -village a, lonely I . � . � .Copeland, R. L.,'0_'.N`o. 11,Turfiberry.. 1, I . , , I ­ . I nent will kife � 11 (1rubb, Alfredim.. .. Wiligham, A is I So each experit ,F - ,. . little slab marked 'Carl Bloch" stick ' .. . . . You newer knowledge while you llve� Cruilkshank, Geo -.::*::,.."-. .� . .TE - * . up,above the grass. ItAs the.profess- . I It's %vonderful what. little sense. . Curde,11ary A_t ............ ; " . � or's grave'. Hunting is not all ,excit- . One learns from such experien6e., Ujimpbell, Viola � ... N&-&,-.B,.--.VVAwanoh. . R' " ''. I in- adventuro..'and laughing victory. . I . .. "I . . . . ...Currie, Gwendolyn..No,9 * � 11 . ,ff . , � . 11 has 119 tears, like olhor thlngq,pp­� -1- lmpl� _.. Cook, 1vy.'._...'.;..No. 11, 11 .' . I . I � . ., . -Alsa ' ' , � Ramptou's AlagaMne. I .. I . . I Cook, , -y.....No; .13, B. WAwanosh . .. . . Campbell,Mary A. M '. . I . . . .. R A I 0 0 0 ..... ;..No. 7 2, orris , � . � . I ov%ov� ---- 401-0-M. 4~ft#�A . I I I I . . . . I 0arrick, Ida ............ No. 10, Kibloss' ., .F . ,. .. . . I . ; . ' . .� Ba"by's Great Danger , . Currie, Mary G...No, 9, H.-Wawanos'll S ERI . .� Supe r Way.of Dyin'd. . , . . "'o , I Durin,g. Hot Weatlier.-; 0handfer,MLaggiei­No 6,Turnberry. '' .. ". 1, . I � . . . I . He was excessiTely iolild of dancing �__. . .. . , 'DeiLcon, P6ayl.,­N0. 0, P'. Wawanostl . I , very c lumsy. - - Like a go& , , 11 I � More children die during the: Diamond. Ernest .............. Winghaw .1 . ­ . .1 1. .. . � : ; ;, I many o I ther people, fie..was fondest oj hot weather than at finy ,other Dickson, atanIey,...,N6.6,Tqrnb r ' - d(Sing the thing he did worst, .. . . . gC 7, 1. . 1. I . time -of the year. Diarrhoea. - Diment. Mary.%.. .....: ....... Winj , am � , -YEARS a`oh6w" .':ex . ely . tend � �oi, ShL, tbo, was J cessly I dysentry, tholera, infantum, -and Drummond,, Harold ........ I 61 dallciug� with, thq . dlffe � r . ence that s6E ' stomach troubles coine without n4 Mott t Mae ......... !_Vo. 8, Turnberry :. -, . , � . warnbig. and when a medicine Elliott, Earl..... . ...'.'.No, 9, 11 . was the persoulfication of grace. ,But. . . Cflr� I n IN now she* was suffering. Already he is not at hand to give prompt . 14ertruson, Irwin ......... i.No.-5,9orrisl I � .d 6Y '�Ydia. E. - Pi k . . . . . . . - 'relief, the delay may prove fatal . Perguson, Daniel ......... No. 17.Morris had torfi her train with his ungovern. � to the child' Baby's Own Tab. Gray, Marion ...... No. .4, Turnbetry, ham's Vegetable.CompoUnd able feet, and her dainty slippers bo.r( ' lets shnuld be kept in every, . Galbraith, r4rank.'.... . . %vinghanx - I . . .. I . th I e marks df his shoes. At last s& home where there are . children ibbons,John,. ..No., �,,&, Wawatlosh. - Fox Citek,- X,B,-"' I .have always ,during the hot weather inollths. Gibbous, Kathleen. , I Z 69� . . .,had pains irk tb6 loins' and a weaic� , could stand It no longer. . I , - , . pess there, and .1,,Let..us sit out� the rest of thb An occasional dose of the Tab.� arniss, Harvey.*..... V 140A, Morris �� I lets will prevent deadly summer Harrison, Robt ......... No. 10. Kinloss 0 f ten .after, My 4auce," she suggested. "I am tlred.�' - . . complaints, or cure them if they b6ines, Marjorie ­.....�.:.Willgham ' ­, meals m y food, . 11� - was reluctant. "I thought 'You . . ' ". . I � e unexpectedly. , Mrs. 0. . amitton, Gd .......... �.­ . .1 S I." . would distress me . said you could Aie w,altzIhg?11.,,he said. .ome I ... I 1: , I 11 I , , A Moreau, St. Tite, *Que.,. says., Hewer, LloyO ............. I . I 1:6 , I . I .� �r ... and. cau-se sore- "So I could," she replied, "but there I "My baby suffered frbnl a;sey- ' Efinscliffe, 11ilroldi....... . ' 11 .. ',;�.� . ness. Lydia 11 are. more pleasant ways. 6f dyffig.0an . ere attack of. Cholera infahtnmo* Howson, Oeo.... I ......... * , I . is . , : : - _ ­ , .1 Pinkham'sVe Ota' being trampled to death-11-PhilMdel . but after giving him Baby's Holmes, Laura.. I A... I I I I ...... . �, � 0 - : - - � ble Compourighas � . 'Wirig lam. �� � ��,, phia Ledger. . . , .� � . . Own Tablets the trouble disap, Jeukinst 14ldna...,........,.... 'I 11.1 d6tle me much �. . � . .� � I , peared, and he regained health Johnston, Rester.'....._.No, , 5,Morris , I � ­ . . . goo. a Broil. . . . splendidly." .Sold by ,medicine Xminedy, Tana..... i. ­Nq. 10, Xinlois or, igestion be . Who's Whol � . � . dealers or by m.ail at 2.5 cen a King, 8adile.i...... ,-Vo. 0, Turnberry ter, and I can walk .Little�.Iohnny*tell saw a lefig bedrd, box. from The Dr. Williams Knox. Olive ......... , .... * 6 Wingliam w1th,A bition. I ed man and a bear ,coming do*ii'tht 1-0 Medicine Co,, 13rockville, Ont. � Lloyd, Annie.. I .. .. I.. , , " have'' cincouraged street. He ran hoik6, grabbed. hisr, . .. I . I .. Linklater,'Geo. ly.'. I .�*." ...., I do I I .1 7 I . . Wally mmllp,rs Of i s . * . VVWVVWV%0W! A A 0 A A A—- - I mother's skirt. and cried. , -------- Iter, Eva M".,_... ...... Al , . fa Wes t4take it, as it is t ie be tTeln� , . .. 1 7 ­ ­ , 4doh, mamraft, mammal"'Look whi��q I . I - .1. i. � McDo well, Gladys, -No. 0,1,;. W4waoosh �e �, . 1. , I �� ! lay, BertheC,_,.eNo, 10; Xinloss I edy in the world, call publish this omink do�va the stredtl" .. 1, I . I I . .1 .. . . I .MCI in the pa ors," rs. ' NVILWAX - - I d3wan, Jas... od, 4 Mortis BounqvX ! ox Or , .B., Canada. Ige still," .said Ills mother,.for th� � '� , . Manuel*:Fred_.:::,: ::,.*.I It man was how In front ol the hods;-* Hintsto'okir Corrospoil4lents :, ""W "Pai'll. The above is 661y one of the, tho% � , ' McLean, Gordon .......... 6. 4 1 , . ro "It Is only . 11 ' oLean, Chas .............. q� t sAnds ofv grateful letters which a a mi hua a'tame bear, Write on one side of thd-paper , e They'von't hurt,-you.11 , . oill MoManus, Stella.. .go c6natantly being received by 'th .. t W 1. McOool; Luella .............. 44 Pinkham Medicine Company of Lyllti, . "But -but, mamma I said SohnnY - I Mil In ti'me to --rea6h Us Wed� Mass.,'whith prove beyond a � o "which Is 1he bear?"-W,6111all's MOM(. nesday of each week (or sogner.) MoXenz!6, Wm.,".,.:�o. , Tuvriberry, I a ubt that . , 17,'Morris -ible Com. � I I �. ­ I Moore, Gordon ...... Ng .P,. Pfulcham's Veget, Companion Avoid all items refle6ttnf on , pmtojj, pearl ..... ' lildia ade from 'roots and, herbs, , I ". '' , .. \ . � 4 personal charitoter/butseh ATA, ........... Wingham. Pound m " , . . . the NPnys. Patterson, Maggie ... s.. §... " aetuay does curd these obstioate WS. . � Nec6asity- 16 t1ho Mother, Itto. . I Checkoff my 6,8. Ptigb* Winnje.,...........,..., do" , eases of women aftor All other means we saunter Into the weikohop of oul this 11it", -it in 44 have - failed, and that (3very swil. suf. Siat you to remanober an Imporbo' Rpbertsonj Ituby....4....v... . , . . � I I friend, the Inventor, and hud. him put. . ant item: � . . I . . Scott vetnon....­.-,..e. . , " terlog over a strange contrivance Oj � Swarts, Brownie ......... ...'. to least give ydi E. Pinkham.'s'Vqgeta. 11 13eaths, Marriages, Swalots, MoU14 .......... o4.% 44 ble 0 po d trial before BubmAt- wings and sails and propellers, , Accidents, Church Xe%vg, I Sohaefer,�Geo_..A,...­.. If . ting tor an 0 ration, or giving up. 11taveftIllig an. Mrshill?" we ask quit(' . Suppers or Prosentations, Stiurdyt Lizzle. .... ... ­ #. #. sk ho recover . . unnecessarily.. . I I Removals, Visitors, 11 � I Sherk, Edith ........ .. to Mrs. Pinkham, of tyhn, MfMst "Yes 11 he replies without looking U.0 I I "I' 't , i /et. I I I I I I , 'ro P01krIt 11 I I I I 0 Vrr I I I U I I I I I I a I , I __ You - M eek X owe a A, pe � I 'Turnberry ,invites all sbok wotoeft to writo, wXhIlk It will fly?" Lodgd News, Fireso, Sherriff Grace .... 11J�6*1­114' , Publi6 Improvometits, . Taylorf 1311a, .... No. 1:3, B. Wiswanosh her for adviceip. -she lisis gpided . ,,tug got to, I've got to get but 0.4 Lmv citsog,, The Crop$, J VAnXoV1nq&n,.Teaq_'. , ,:::�Viu�ha,m thousands to, )iealfli atkd lier this town so 6 Y, all 3 or dit,ora School Alatteto, I ­ 1�1 NVidker, Agnes ........ :. , adviftis freed, � m wa dmr e AnYt1ling else k � Walker, Itelta... .., q ...... 'i� ,," w d_*.WW. ". �.� , ,. 1. ..,.-. 1�1 I . . are watoblug every road and ritilwa) � 1� ­ "....., . NVIP inall, I.. No� 11,3� R4. lVilowanosh I "jjk&rjjv,s Z11 1t1110,0M1700-1V,lddd` otation.""ChIcago -post I ­.. . -,-- ­,'"'," ht : �argt , I ON 4 1 I 11111ent t,ftt4ta Oq ..".—I... ­ _. I ;:1�0*444114­­-, , & I . I . I . . I � I . �. � . . , . ­ � . " 0 . 0 � . 9 I � . . . . I I I , . �_ 1� I . I � I 1. . I A I 1. I X_ � F The finest f4bric. ft I not toq delicate to, be. x4foly wasbed with � . $ualight Soap.. When Other soaps have lojurod ko_", W,_" ., " . I I your linens . and failed I I . the 1colotared . I � thilags, re.- . I . member tbo I , . "'.. " 1 i word Siun. I . - lights sit. I "~1 I " *11 Since taking over -the New I , _ lira, . we h6ve endeavored, by . . . . . every avaiiable naeans, to improve . * * I W, ., the same, All will admit, that in ' , ' general capppearance, the paper has . . . .A ____ _. — been improved in man �_____ I . y ways a "As Qualitica'alons. . I ffy1cer-Blikins has asked the pres!- dent to give him. an Bngllsh consul- The newspapers throughout the I � $hit). . . ' I I Py4er-So? On what does he base � I oo,antY are comp"ll imenting us upon his clillms? - P-41 . � . � Hylter-On his 'ability, to speak the .A -I- * . .0_ English laugu4ge.-CWcagpo News 'Me xeisults thus ia.r atta' 1!� �. I . . . ined, and . ' . � I * Changed Conditions. , , , I . A%Say, mamma," pouted Freddy, "you we , purpose continuing the good - � I I I don't take ine tq halt as many places . , I . I as you used to." ' . � wov-lr� . � I . . A411,9 -until the appearauce o -to thek i "You've become, such,a big boy, my � 1. � deal,," explained tits mother. "You . I . . . . I I see. they make me pay for.you i2ow.11 . . . I . . � I I .. � -Judge. , . . � . , �� � - . .1 . � I � . � . The Worst of It. . : do Oh, I thought we could depend on I , yoli-to forward the cause of .woman's (! W . .1, ­ r a suffrage." - . . .: . . . I I'm . I . .4what, be PoOstered 111to cattle, with . .., � I—. . � . L I your age set down for future reference. ' � . � . find, all that? Xever!"�New York Life. . . . I I . . �. . - — I is c0m letely chang T_ . . Fearless. I � � I ... p ed, Many new� , i . . .. I I . � I (locaney 'The fox went down thefo, . 0- I . - ill ; . It quarter of oil hour -ago. . at e bg, . � , e .. r -e added, a-nd -st * .. ­ Runtsinati-Why didn't ye holler . . . .. I . . . � I .. �. . . � . . . I . I . . then? I . I . ­. ' : I I I . 06elzuey'-What dId'I want -to loller -more . are . contemplated.* . I . for.9 119 never bft'm . e.-Pullch, . . .. .�� . . I . . I . I . � . � . I ... .. I . I . � I I . � � . - . . . � � , � — � , . . . . . ., . I r ' Hen0s Turnout, ' .1. . I . it, reduires a large, amount of - . ' I . .. I . I I Hank Stubbs - Guess Hen . Holler I 'got tuck ,when lie traded for- that.. . ol' money to execute the'ohanges, and . - � I skate be's'drivin'. . � I . . , I . - I . I ': 134ge 1tiller - That's -what. Never with. this-1he't before. us., -we are ot � - . . I .. I . . ... . ., . knowed Ilen yit to drive a 'good b I .,0". . . . Bra, to: . -end � � . . - ' . � " fdring:', the New �' qtn,.,.Bostijn Herald. � of . I .. .. � .. I I � . . . - ., I . I . . I - I.. . .. . 1.11909, TO N"M S UBSCRI BERS.,, I - �.. I � . ­ . . . .... . .0. . ­ .. I . I .. C� _1%..0 'r C> 3M, X -"*- - I � , * , '' I I .. . --tor%- . l3ears the_' �e The M You Have Always BoUgAt to. any address in Canada,* i . . �' � , . . , . . _� I signaturo / �� ­ I . I , . . . . . . . I ..., 1. �. � 1�..- . . . . . . I . . . I I . . I of . WZ,52�ie' . I . . , . . I . . 6a4A# - .. . . � �, . I I . I I . r . . . ....... 1: '! . , I . 1. 1. . . . . . ...... I I I I .... � � . - ., . I I i .... . I I.. I . .. 1. . ... 4,0- e . � . I I.. � I . . . . I I . . . 1, . , i.. ..;a_- . � _r% - ,. '. , — . , I - - � IC r ' �. .., .. .r . . 1. . ­ � I..,; , . I . , `4ow the'thi . k io mlo � of . spri , ir. � ,� , '. * I . . . _ * . I , . . .1TIS. ADDUAL .SPRIG ,SOG. , . . Vit I ­ �. With.all'its gladsobedess, ' � .. . . . I. I . . ... . 1. . With all. Its birds upod' the wL.-, .? . I . . I . . . . I I I � I 'With belds id airy dress. . ­ . . I . I . . . I- . . There:l!ore-i twag upod,by lyre I ­ .. W � -And-try.with. all bybight . e can.accommodate' conven- , .. I . I , . To braVely, strlkL� Poetic fire . " . .� .. . . . ' . . .. ... . .1 .. . . . . . . . . � .� . . Ad volce.by sdul's delight. . . I .. ! �. 1. I ­ . . I icant y- ever new : I - ' . . 7 I subsciijAion that . , A,i *BiowdIg says, the -hlll's'dew pearled, ` . . . . . . ... I . . . . . ,. I " The sdaft Is od the*th,ord, . . I .. , . . � 1. . .. I � 1. . 11 , .� . ­ � .� I I .Ad tbigs are all right'with th6 world . . - . _---_-_!..-1--___ __­_ - , -, , � .. I , At ieast they are this bord. . ...:. .. . comes ourway, 1. . .,: . . I . . . . � . I I . . .. Tobor�ow it bay sdow wbe bore- � I., � . . . . 1. I . I . . . . . I . . . . . .� . I .. �. Or- blow bed's whisRers lo ,. . ­ . . I I I . . I . . . I - . . 4 ­ . . - I Pse, . � . . . I I . . :­ . But lei iis dot piA upa, roar, . . . � . . � . I . . . . � I . . I . . . . I .... . .. . I .. , irior what would be tho:lloe?. . . I I . . � L , !I . .1. .1 .1 . . �, % � I, - -- I I I I �. . I I ­ . .1. . . : 11 * 3�y dose Is cIoggeei,.'bY­eyes are re(L',�­ 1, , : . . ..I -. . 1. . � . ­ . .1 . . . .. . .. , , I . , , . � . . I .1 . I . ..� -, , . '.1 . . .. - - 'I � I I � � 1. By throat.is sore -94 raw, . A '.' , I" � . _ . �. � . , I . . "'. .,I I . 1". � . . ­ ..1.1. . . I. 1. .1 . : :� ... � - ., . . , Er jaits all,ache, -so doeq-iw­4.qaa,., - � -�. . . I I 1. . I I ... . I . � .. I . . . By b�eathjs hard -to draw, , I . , � . " . 11 :.... . I I.. 1, . . . .. . .. i '31�ut.sprlgg is here4ith all its I . . � . '11iff"ah '. ,., � . . I LL . . .. 11 I ... .1 : ­ ,. ,., . ., . � - - . I . . . . I I I . . .. $o let us cease toL fret . , . c � heer, ... . � . Ar"W& . . ' . Ad'sIg ad sbile.a.d.clig awlillL. , ' - i' I , To WidterflanneU3 yet. I I . . I I I � I � - - . - -S. X -Xiser in!'Chicag# Rec,ord-H I braid. ' : . . I . . I .......­-�­_-" -. .iKenewa N* ... .� . ��-!T-.��,�.-,zrrr!��----,,-...�.--,�,.,�,�.. I ­ .. - . . . I . . . I .1 ­ I I . .. I... ­­­­.... I— 1. 11 . . . . ­ �1. � . . � .. 'K 11.W(V,4 1,10MOkli Cures Colds et.c . I 11 . . . . � .11 . .! � . . . . . . I . I . . , . . � ­ I . . r . .. . I . .11 . .. . .- .1 .. . . 1. .. . . . :.. . . 1. I .�. , . . I .� � I I - . ­ . . . . I �, I I . ... ,. . � . . . ' ' I . * qk . . . . . Would He? -.' . � . . . -�At`the present .time owit o . At a trustees' examinailon of the pq.. I :, �... ­ .1 I. . . I �.... , , .. ... g.. t 1. � ' . . . I . . . � . . . - . . . I pils of a publJ6 school in a lNew, Bing, " . -ou I r . land . tot�n the I queries were - met so . , I sat. 'the, present. necessary t a 5 we , - , . I I . . . . y i*factorily -that the %principat spe'riker .% * � ­ . . . I . I .. 1. I . . - .1 . I . . .1 ' . . . � . : I I ' I . finally announced.lilmself bighly �leasu. . particuiarl des -ire *that .all �money ." . - I - 'ed and that he would'be glad t6.an- .. . . s � y I I I .. I I ` . . � .. � . . . I. .- I .1 . . . s wer any queWoll that, the pupils . - . I . ... 1. . �. . I . � I � . - I ; might In turn put to bi .in. outstandiLh�& 's ` . �'Afier umell refle�tWn one I . lttl6 che*' I . , 0. .. 0-n sub criptions ' ,be � - ,�.� 1.� � 1 .... .. . . . ... -.1. � .. ,� - * - arose and made. known .'his desire to . . .. , * � � , I � . � 1, . ! . . . . � . . . I I I - , . I � . . . put a , question, Per'infislon, being paip in. : . I � I . I . . I . . t. . . q I . I I . I . - . . . . I � .1 � I . . I . . grante(ji he dazed the trustee with this . ,.. 1. . 1� !. . . . I � . . . . . �. : . . . . � , .on;-, - : , . 1: . . I.. . . I r I ... I I I . I . . . ... . q . I . . . . I . ... I I . . � I . .� I I -1 ,.. . 1 I � I . . . I . I "If you, sir, was In a*soft 6ud heap. I I . . . .. . . . I I I. . � m . I . . I . I . . . - I way up to your neck an' I was to . I j - I I ..,.:- - � I . . !�" ' . I . ,, heave r a brick at your, head', would you � . . .. I I . .. � I . 1, I li , � . I I di,CL-,?"-Lippla.cotltfs.liagazine�, ' "I . . � . . . I . . � I . . � . . � �, . r I . . . . � I . . .. . � , � . . . I I . I I . . ' . I � . . . . Turn About" . . . . . � . "What,". shouts the patron of 66 " � I I . . restilurdat, 11$15* for .coffee and roll8i . . I r . . I � , - 'It's outrageous. I won't pay.it.11 ' . ' I . . ... . I . . . . "Yes, yea will,"- calmly states the . - . . JOB . proprietor; 119y wife went into your . . � . . . . . . . .1 . . . millinery sjy6p -yesterday Mid paid $50 . . . . � . . for somer *ire frame covered with tW0 - . ' feet of lace and all artificlai rose: � � Now yotr seer how It feels, don't you?" . : - . . I . I . I I �74110V, . I . . . . . . I � . � � I . I I . , � . . . .1 ` . I I P .1 N.. I.N,.o : . I I I I I I .. � . ....; I : . I 1. _.. 1. I., �. . '.I . .. 1: . . ­ I . - I 0 e- e .0 e , .* * * I I ­ . � � cou'.1dil''t'sl 0'IN U4,1k ' . .­ I . . .. . . .� . . . .4-1 i . 1; EART AMU N91109 WERE- RESPOW The - hi h* star of ., wbrk ; A . Ig . . . ,.; . I I . . , . � . . ' I . � I . .11 � SISLO,, 80 THE DOCTOR SAID. � - � . . * . . . t -. , - . ___ ".. I . � 8 ,,oh '� *h1c'h'.,h&-^ here ofore aracterized . . . - I � . I , . . '' . . 1%ere is Munk a mim* and -woman .1 , . . . . I " . . I . . . . . . I ng night after night upon a sleepless .�. Bra .,P. '06 0 D , , . 113 In ... ...... ,�. . W.. . rinting e- 1, ..'' '.. beed! ' - the—Ne.' ... ..." lob..., . I .. ... . Sonic eonstitifflonal disturbahee, worry I I 'm , 1. or disease has so debilitated and irritated . . I I the nervolis system that it einnot' be partinent, will in fature, be - MEkIn'.11 I � . quieted, ` I . . . . .. L. I .1 . . I . I . ',,,r " I . . , I . I . � ' ' ' I �Nrs. Calvin Stark, Rossmor6 Ont.y tained by- us,, find 1 work wii 1 1, be', � � writes-I'About two years age f bega4 , . � . � I I . . I I � tor be troubled with a amotherin sell- *, .� ' I . ., I . I 11 1, � Initioa at night) when I v t1d, lie '01 uted prom . . . own. bad I could not sleeo' eXeC . otly'. , 11 - - I . . . I I 4n- the darr ao,od would havcr tol sit lip I .. � I . . .1 . . � I. . 14 . . I . . I . . . and rub my limbs,4they would b",ofue - . . . . I . . � . I 1. I . so _0=6. Aly doctor said my heart .1 '� .0 ­ I . 1. ­­ 11 ­. .1 I. - � ­ . . .1 . - . . I a . d netwg VOM teSponsible. I ,saw I do " . . I - & ilburn's llen,rt and Nerve Pills Adver- I I . I � I I . r I ised lid g(it a box to try them. I took . � I . . � . th )oxps lin& enii now lie down, Mid . .1 I . . L � . - . � . 7 sloep without tile light burning mild can. 11 I ,! . .. . I . rest woll, I call reco;jImonji them highly . . , I to, all nervous and run. down Votnen, . milburil'i HeArt and Xt, .1 are . rvoVill, N .. E �1 , 'I S I R I* In, ilb' rr, j,! d 4r _ t1j.� , we , . I � We per box, or3, boxes for $1,M),atall. I.. ..., -fl.- Ke'rr . de%iors, or'mailed direet 611 receipt of . I I . . . '.O I I I price by The T. Alilburn Pp., Limited, � I . � . j � j . . . . I I I � . I I � . ! . f Toronto, Ont. . . Proprietor, . _­:, __�._ ­ _ � I . . I t, . � . 11 -I -Y.- - � . ­ . I . . I . I I L 11. �1;1_ : I . ­ I., 0 i rl�