HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-08, Page 71.
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I . Ah . .
,, U . 4-
July sth, 1909, ,
. ..
I I , � Xes, even that I am so tired of
` . celerity. The renialoing cartridges, In
. '. -
log W * ,,_:4,x,%.* oclie,,ed the pace of two MAL , WIWI INt sitting here alone."
;,..1...1..:�,:-., the magazine aft "Well, there Is no danger atpreserit. A-,;,
.g.f.....'. I
, e ,vv in I .,*-*.*f-,--%' of their number. .ieul;s duopped the el I
oo ythe 11; -AW . � But they might chance to see you, and
. 9$ . -�;;R!T.. - ,04 , IM Whs" you remember w .
. �-,!::'-,.' empty weapon and solzedanotber. -He J"Frult-a-tiveWO Cisr H
v . ; , ,, but 111- I
F:*.0' stood lip now and sent a quick remlkkd� , Everythinj Elio Failed. I
!..:,.:,. "Yea, I remember quite well. It that
* 0.V -LQ . .&*:--'--:!:.'� er after- the rearntost pirate. The otli- Ulverton, Que.,. Maich 17th, 1908. Is all1k there was a rustic of gar-
, -uls -
�.. --...�
- ' " . 1.
- TRACY .--`,-.'-, era had disappeared toward the locality I wish to place oil record, for the
;... :" . .
L . ke 4>9 others who may be suffering ments. "I am very manotsit In appear -
M o-rn' A, Copj4ght,* 1903, by .."..
� I i ..., _9 . : where their leader and hisidlinintsbed $a . I
I Edw1krd J. Clode , ,....*. 1. .., , ! daring to . In the same way that I suffored, that ance. It yQu prowhie not to lQok.at me I
. . ttvop were .gathered. -not, no rKiedicine I ever to6k did me so I will join you," I
:�-.:2.,%',-1i-*.-%-'.*.' ..'. .... ^, .. I .
, �,'..'.,'--,,;"....:",I�!-*-I.r.,.*�-�-'-.'-*.P*-'-,*P-***:t".�,..I-gl,,,j-:,.,.,.*.".*t:, ... I. '. .. again, ,come w1thlu rarige Or the wbis- much real good " "Vrult-a-tives" did. I
. . . N - . .� .. .. "I promise.'*,
--p-�;.I.-.. 1. -;-; .**;.:.'il-.�.�.:.,.*-..,-*I:;,...:!:�lt�% -: .:..
.-.�. , * '? . ;7� ' .
. ... .. : . .. .. . �..... - - ��141 . . t1ing dutw1ums, The sailor, holding his I suffered for ,many ,years wjth
., -. . ., ; " . .1, -, . pp
. . .11ju
.1�e- . . .. ..I'-- � ., *" - � .., . 0
N'--:�-.---' �.*.�-,.-`: , , " * , , * . Is ..,. . .. . . .1 ... ;... Ofle as though pheasaut*61100thig. b lit , ney Trouble,'wlth, bad pain In the Iris ste ed forth. She wag flushed
-;!�e � . .� . . . . . . ::. .. . .. ..: back. . a little, and, to cover her confusion,
, -1 - .0- -1.
�� .. �� .. - . I forward and songlit it b latod OI)Do_ 1 1.7 11 .
((Iontnued from ladt weeli.) _. . * -_ - I . I A tookc every Isnown � ney reme Y maybe. she plokeu. up u rine.
I I I � lient, but In vuln. There its 110 11L
"Neep close," he said. "They have '. solf][14 and kidney pill, but nothing gave me Now there are two guns," she said
,3rrue enough, *a man 1104 clinlibeo found us. Lead will be flying around save the waiting of birds, tile soft any relief, and, I was getting disevur-
to that.tudlappily .placed rocky table ' " " n pi �. I . . sougli of"tbe sea and the yelling of the aged. I k .1 � . � . as she stood near him. I I
soo� . , " �, - L I was advised to try "Fruit-a,11ves" Ho could see'through the tall of his
I and was shouting something, to it con" She Alkiched back into", the crevice; three 'wounded men In the house, who and did so -and, Ms medWine cured oyet th,qt a.sllglit but elegantly pro-
, I .
frere high on the cliff over their beAs. the sailor fell prone. Four bullets spat know, not what terrors threatened and � me when everyViiiing Vlpe failed. �
, . n ntleman of the sea -
As yet he had not seen tbem.nor even vainly bawled for succor. , "�- �'.% - 11".-I.-�,_1 ;.11 . __. _".._�
I , . . ...'.. !.
�, I , '.�,,'.�, � _ ., �::?, faring profession bad suddenly appbar.
Into the ledge, of which three plerced * .,,�:_;"��.. I X " . ._
� e, -"�:,�l , ,
iioticed the place where they were cou�- the taipau 'Again Jenks could lool; at rria.. .Her ,,:.'�,'� ,* : � . , ,
n d Itself ,;:.��,�s,;l I �'.. ".1-11.1 - . � �l :LR`J� "
I 111�,., - , 11
.1 .. . ..... .. ... ed from nowhere. He Nvas, giaa she
' . 3�"..��i -.,;.,.�,� �:*: .� 'I f, ,
C*aled. The sailor imagl face was ble ding. Tile sight ma44en- .�";""�',��,.,. .. 1, �-,: 1.41, "
e _1.1,�p�., . 1, �'�. ";� -�
- ,
ned fro . .-,�.. � ��,
- I ,,e�� 111;.:,.:��,
in tile against the rock, " '_ .p, ��; �:,: � had taken this course. It might better
. :.. ��', ,.,.,
Dyak's gestures that'lle was commus Then.Jenks tq6k-up tbe.tale, So cu- Rd him. - , I 1111,, ,�'.�- �, .1.11. 11 .Z�`.:'��_.` .
I ,. I . , �!.,',:, � , " '�111.-11��",: the position were the DyaUs to see her
nicating the uselessness of furth - er � r1ofisly constituted was. this m4n that, my aoar, lie groaned. "Are you 1�:�'Ili��,��T`.:�%I� 1�..VWI_,�.. . ;��` '11'1.�.t,�-1.11..."�,�"'.: . . . .
. . 1. �t/ ��.� thus. .
I . 1
. I �A, ." - ..,
btearch on the western part of the Is.- � . . won4ded',11 , 11:. .... I I , 1� I�YZMXI.
.�, � 1. � -_ � _;� "
I X, 1.� .
,I.. .
� , 1 4Zv-;.�. ., �. ,,� kl �v , �. ., "The moment I tell you you must fall
. , ,;,. � .
� .. I-;.. I'll., . ff J� ,'�?'
. I '.1a .11, .. , I. It , .1
. ..; It -1 , "
, land. Me suilled bravely at him. .: 11:. .1, . . I , '., �
� � �'. _':�.,l. ;Tz,;'�( . flat," lie warne4 her, "No 'Ceremony
,� r: 1, � W-- .�
. .1
When the conversation ceas* he :, "it is nothing," she said-l'a more �: I .� '... I
, ?�,� � . ... � 11�.. about It. Just flop!"
I .
hoped the loud voiced savage would .lk,__�t k1f splash from the rock which cut my - �f�::..1�,,�: , :.,��,�.'' . "', �-, 1,1 don!t know anything better cal-
. . �
E7_�_�_, I ,�
I I ��..;, �� �. '.
-..--- - _. . 11',, . .� " �. :11X,
descend. But no! The scout looked . IV "I I . forehead." , , 1�'.: 1_ I � culated to make one flop than a bullet."
I Into the valley, lit tile well, the house,. ' I . . Ile flared not go to,lier. Ile eould I I . ,
� .�� 1. " � ,:. ; �, '
J� . she laughed. Not yet did the tragedy '
. w ,�:" �
the care. Still be did not see the. 011!y 4101)0 that it was Ito worse. so lie ,,�.� � _0'� �f.',.z�":,.,-:
I I I , , ,:p
. " ��, - - .�, .f the broken kegs appeal to her.
. 't I # -)I,,, . x, ... , 0;:. _ - o
-it unlucky moment � 4' �!'... , ,.. .,�,-,� �41?). "Y01,- but It achieves Its, purpose in
I -dge. At tb. three . "' -9 turned to P. awitio the valley ouve more ,-,
, . �-, -,�,,,
,-1-". 1�1
?. .�; ,�
birds, driven from the trees ku the . / I for vesilge of it living toe. . .11 . ��a . two ways, I want -you to adopt the
I . � I - q 0 � "
, .
crest by the passage of the Dyaks, h I - / ---.- I M. �';-,�%V,.';'�
� I P., - li�
, -
. ;1 IV ".�..,. '.3;� . �, procaullo-lary uletllod." -
.... `� .
, , .7 .I.
: flew do%vu tile face of the cliff und be- , . � ('1TAPTER XIL I X1, * , ..,� -- rrilst Illo.for that. Good graclous!"
I .. I /,// , I � .
gan .I vircling quest for some safe ' � i I ITOUGIT lifis eye%, lik6,11vecoals, 11: :.::
; -rch on which to alight. 1� , - 0 ; 11-11, ,with sifflen�fire at tl)c ". ....:. . ,.-.,�, The sailor's; rifte, went 'off with an
I . , ". I uIlexIm-ted lifing, (hat froze the excla-
p( . glowored,. I.. ; I .
� ... ) . , . .! ; i :7.
, Jenks swore with .Ili emphasis not q . , - Q ,,, ,*trip or stina ana the rovicsIn r, -l� �.... niatioll oil hor 11p.,A. Three Dyaks were
'tile les4 earliest because It was mute I 'Ili - I .. nil frout, Ills tr diled brain pai
--: (V d i used altogether fiftVn boxes of altempUng to run the gantlet to.their
ill took Kteady aim lit the Dyak's left '. "I , 7..
4� ..;: perfulletory beed to his task-. The` "Vruit-a-tivos,l' .11)(I frOln the outset bvleaguol,ed couirades. They carried
ff . ,5_.:;;;, . ana I am now a jar ,111(1 two r,-Icker b�lgket. . e , itl
. .
, . .(,lisp of duty, 1he Ing,ralued force they gave nie relief .
: breast. The birds tiutterW about 44 � :�i :;�'; Stool S I , * s 11 NV I
: . , I . . I .
��:: ...,
ever smaller circles, Then oue of them ( P/ , Z i�.... of long, yeo.n; . ot' milltary disellillue, and practleally wen again-, no pain, no d'is- 'Ille. ar f-11 atia bmkv U. The others
. � . � . j �( ,
I dropped costly on to the 111) of the. I �1 t , . I . . . .t.ress, and all symptoIns of kldneyAts- a back like linres, unit. the . first
I . ,,,, . W, .% :: "OldWily thought, compelled him to keep - ease have entim-1 %, left imp. T am very (1011010 I
,rock. Iiistantly Ills bright eyes'eucoun- . :.;� tbabhfol to be oalee niore Nvell, and I i�,wii dragged himself after theni. Jenks
, _ -h and ward over Ms fortr ss, but trL
tered those of the mail, and he.dartea I 1� : .11 .. ,".", wat( e , I
111N'1� ?, I -% ...;',--;,.,. ifrocly'mako this ,-;tatemt,rrt for the ,did llot I � again
. -
. _1�t asking, lilluSelf what sake of other,; -%v,W may suffer as I 4
off -with a screaw that brought Ills V ., I .0. . �!-'-*%�:%:-'..'- lie coillil Alot 11611). , fris watched �he wounded 'wretell
. . ., ! I
"'I"- :
iUate,safler Iiiiii, i :....--._...-.et.�1 � would lilippell'ir irls were seriously did. To.tlieiii,l�-rxvtr.v"Frult-a-tives,,'I
... I � I . - dney medicine. oprawling.aloilg the ground., 'Her eyes
. !I,/' -'O ,1.:t%,..:p`;:- w6ullded. . � as they aie .a grand M . � .
Tile Dynk evidently nited the bebav- .. -:.i��i!�!�...*if:���:;i'-...*.:-'.. I I . . QLARMNICE J.'PLACB7. - I . . I
..... �-.�.. -. , . There was one enemy. more potent -
lor of tile Illrd's-bis only lore wlis the 11 1, I I If", "I ;-t`.�:-,.'.- , ,.,; . . - 50,c A bo,-, 6 for $2,50, ct� trial slie 25c., ." . .
" I., 1;:1::-..,./ I— .. � I .
reading of such signs-antl gazed In- - . I ; l" ... '.,.,-..: : tbau these 'skulking D'yah!i, it foe more At dealers or firam'Frult-a-tives Lim- I I
.::, .
i;..*.::."-�'-:'., Ll'.. . . �
I jl�, ,`��.*'�'�-.',::,`.::. , . .
I I , #�*,,, �-",.-.,��--_*,,�:�..-.` irresistiblo III bl.4 nilght, niore pitiless. Ited, Ottawm. I �
Iviltl I! � p,"; "i, � ... ..... ... i ", * I .. . . . I I "
y tit like lvdge. JoLiks be could. Ill' _�� .., . .. . . I . . . . .1,
Wit illstitiguisli belihid .the screen, of ... , I .*.'-�-,;,.";::�:.':, .... - Ill lits strell.-th, whome misaillis -w6lild'. 1 . I I
I I., 1'.? ./y, :;"-,.,.".1-,-...:.:.11; .!
. ., , : .111. _ L.' - -_ -1 - '' " ' � -_ .
.11 i:�::��,!, ... - I , I tax to the. I . . . . I
grits"'. Ile nflglit perhaps see some _'. 10 I li, .- ,:._�... .:.�-:.;..-:1,-,.. , utmo�t their powevs of ro- - 'U'llICS was so paralyve(l I)Y ifils'eit- IV it, � . . . . .
e sun
q I 1;, , V/ , :-t : - .. s(stwive. .. In anotber hour th ' . . . . .
portion of the tarpaulin coverlug the i 0 lit .. ,. ,,� :� . . .
' . . � Z I I .t tastrophe that Iris bc.�!anie alarnied. . .
Ftores, but at the distance it must re- � 11 " � � would be high ILL the heavens, iwurlug : , . evk .1 � . I
I I & . :,- .... , s�w , � . 1�
. . . i. '..;; .. .- .: 1, his; ardeut ra As rot she ilia Ildt grosp it', awful slg- .
� .
SvUlble a AVeaLlier beateu segilient of � '. . f:�.-. ys upon them and drying .
. '
1he cliff. Yet. something puzzled, . blui. I . . I .. : �� � ' ,the blood lit theIr vehis. , . . . .. I)LIfIcanee. 'That be,,her bero,' so..brave, . " ..Me
I . � . I . . I � I . - � , .
� slikild , so confident Ili the face of many dan� � . ..
Aftev a steatly scrutiny be turned and . . 1. flitilo-10 the active life, of the I, . . . _. i
. . . . : . �;;: :.! ' ' . . . . 0
I I :: . � �... L .1 . -h ,do ot* troes lint or (lave, the gers, should bvtra,,� such".".1ise of irre. 14 .
yellvil to others (in ilic beach. . -7 I . � . � - 1,1w s it I � . . - .
- .- , _. I 1�
. ..�__ I I __- _ power of' mire,,trietea iliovoinciit nud , deoulable loss friglionva her inuch, I . ... I -,
. I
. � . . . �
The crilcial illoinc-14 had arrived. I . .�._ 11 -
� Tlic*11yah hiolUN.through'the air. 'I tbii pos�',essloll or -water -ill 1111y'ag", I wore titan th`0 incifletit'itself, . ' - -, -
' . ,
opulit, pressed the trigger, and tile - . . I 1. I . � , s Ire( . .
.. 0 I tho.day of its clilpf terror:j. :�O all 'camellicojie'relit. _ . N . , ,_�_ -
lhok hurtled through the air, -falling' ' * i quItillity' rolibea t Her Ilpq whitened. Her words be- . .
altholig I - lie ruthlessly shot the qs4vage . .Ibp tropleal beat of . I t
1.vndlolm out of sight.. . � who first..�plea out their, retreat, he w . I . . , . . - . I I
I . - .Is viiaiLgea. iwoe.ad-. of _woikh,i�g . 1.7er.1 nie..4 ."116 -1vhlsvered. " ' 11 can , I I
The sound of this, the first shot 'or was.'swayea only �Iy, tl 6 dictates � of IV' I _q I . . . -1 I .
I I. . itmid. gratt,rul founge they ivere.i) una bear inyttling but slibuce, 'Tell me, I -
IVA NV81T.0'e, aW0kC Itaillbow island sf�ftx necessity. There was a feeble I.. I , u i . 1,.,. . . I
auth-Ity ' Ight. til ille brown r6ek, 11.11101 §0oli would implore,.0% Is It so ba(. r. . . . _ . .
11,11i trellielidolls z . . The -winged chance fliat Yurther blood*lied ill , - I I
. life of' the plave filled the nir with rnu- be .I � Y6vto(l." That 'chance had passed, 916W, with radlate(I �-vliellg�, ,,111a givtj I - The ;91glit of. li(;r distress robews'd .
, , . 1. I . . . . . . .
� � . ., , I
.-t.; -
- - le, O�wtl-. 1. " '.�..
y 'w' off svo;�chlllg gnists, like. illito ti I 'Lill. . Ile. gmiuld Ids tvviii together its. I - , �.
(-oil.; erle., - shouting Dytiks saiir- .( Ver ell.. The enelily must, kart the - ,I - _.:,::ii:i.;
, whil( � . .. ; .�,�t.,�ii I
" � . � . I 111,111 does -.vbO §11bill.1ts to a-ptijuxul ::.�..t.:,�.t. ,
e fly - .. . . I . 4Mlt . -
- . ...... . �..&--�Y�..
.1-UL.9 Ile 11fl(I fA)1'V-1V06 all,41-ong. 'I 'I ��o.'.Itioll,aud. resol,ves not. . to flIncli be- -, i 11�
ried ill all directions. Several came Ili- dr6adflil ganx ' about to 'Tie pl ed: 1119 Or a furll:ltit� ('(1"1% '
, I ?
Ili the vallvy. Tbose nearest tile fallen Thoy,;had thrown the. llg(":, -�. I I . Ile . I , . . I . . . .:.; . .....
. �. g. ,11141 Ile flu ath the k Ili fo. I � . I . q :i.. :;; . .
-ke I -arrie(l him to Nu�r tinies did Jenks' farimnliti. woul(l. yield theill 'sollic, dr;. 1w, . � .:. . I I . .%-�q .
im.ii pl( .d him up and ( swerea thetn' h I - .. .,;; .
. ,
- . . . . `,,ree - of imeas,i, lwotectioll, and they e qh1d; "uof.qultb 'p - ., ..
lit(. Weft, 110 ivas quite de,ld, and. at- � rifle, carry. death, iinspen, ,almost iiii- , I I "li is ve,ry bud," b . t:A.'-,,,:,: �
. I . . . � . X.I. -.11. I
. t -
tholl-gh nillid Ills other .injurles. they felt, across tbe'valley. . . -. ' . ... ..I both -were. Ili perfvvt physival condl- I -tile end, but lical. ItY .1 . . I ,Al' �; i.c..,
. � . , ".t....;!
,�ooll folill(l the bullet woulid.. t'lle-Y 6-1- * 1 -,Ire ble-fourth Dyalc Qollapqed. limply .,tioii. Bilt-ir 11-1.q WeVO.W011111ded! .If : "Tllv� elld", "lle.bravely ans-iVeredo 'Ta ... a .tl
, * . I - .
dently (lid uot kilow -wherice the shot. where he .1%wod *Others were tlrere; tile extra strafti bmuglit fever bi.-lis 11.doalw! We 'Ire 11011A. till(l uninjured. . . � ,.i
. . .
* 1.1),a1.L,*! That w:ly bosvjl�� I,loilllug,bllt i Yoll 11111�t -light oil. If tlie� Lord wills It I ..
caille.. for those to wboin he slibuted firlug it: thelittle ll�ufe of satoke .above. ,� . . - . I - .. . . . . .
* espair, lo, Ile vilffild for her by I )v(. �,,,ball ,lot (li(�.,, , . . , .1 .. �. I I �
bad 110 llikliug-W his motive, allil the the ggrass. ' The . . . i
,y' ggoi Ili a few 41i,ots, i blank d , . . . �. � .
t-li . , - �; defirlutir.and niel-01ful, 6eath, fov him I Ho looked. lit her blue pyes . and ,saiv I
. ght haze f'roln the rifle was instantly Illost or wIll(li . 8111:.lyed "at varlo�g 1. ' ' !
vr)t :t -,v,,.%- by the breeze. . . � iiii-16s off:the fkf(.�d.of . � � tile cliff. But il.-b.� a.14vi-serk rush nlnong�;tbe_J),V;lk8 I .*trwilcl-fri`(�Itght, or bonvell.. lieu glailve. . . I
� I , � Ili% .111:5.1- flgbt'.tg4ln%t.ov(,r_.I ,- , - sti ' ' * .
Irls -volild ])Vill, tile turtiloil'belleath" t1ley, "waif6a for IL6 more. When the.;' and on(, ,t� ,i . � . I A 10� lint drolop Itefore his. *1u.. ch iliow
. � �
� and she trellialously asked: - * . - - .. lever of*the Lee��2ietro,tld was sh - oved 1, Nxlj(�-lnling lilinibers". .,. . , . .. . �,- 11.1olits liviii't stre.110.,-to, boart )yl I thout, . .
� . .
" - . . I . . 1. I � Then tile g[rPA,1volec,l;oa(-bea him, I . . . .. . .
.�ro tlivy going, to nttack �iq?'l : home for the fiftfi. time the opposlng convealilielit - .
. I I .
"Not � yet," , -%vaq tile 1-0.19,81II'lli- ,in- ,crest *%,nui ba � re 6% .111 opponell. . ts . sav I e . I "'elf. rollant, ulmost.vIieftful... � .. I '11,0 -still ... liare -it IlitIn' . I I N, I nter," she' Vic sailor's'rkffo ji.,Cnt. off'4#,-117b c I in ,tinex�
� . . .1 . ,*You -will, be gtad. to hear thiLt the : . � . ' , , . . I � pCeled It *
SIXVI'. "I killed tile N110W Who %ftW 11.9 two, aud*tbey'lay motionless. , - - - cried, "Fortunately 'We are not thim(y. I (wit.. , I ,
. ' stopped bleeding. .It. Is 011ly� � . . .1 � I
Iwfore he qould tell the others." . ' Tile rate of the. flanking detachment I cut' has . . . 1. . I You have iiot forgottim our supply.of - �rpw,mol.qt"nlld �,Ile paled somewhat. -
It wns ii bold risk. qnd lie had taken was either iinporevived & Ill . . , a scratch." -,- . . . I . . . ." . �,
ilice0ed by . . . I .. . ,lild bJf;lndT'1P1 , - . I
� � I I . , - " . champagne, I . Whotf.h.e.vaill-slied .site looke(I into tile
� * I I I . .- I I I I
it. though ilow ew for . the Dyaks left Ili the vicinity ,of the � . . _. � . . I . .. ne couia oiiiy fallIn with her unre-*
the Dyaks kn* _ So ft.kindly n,ovidentle ha(I spnr6d. - I
. . I . - .. I 'tholn " lj� ' . . � . x.illey and at.the opposing leage: tbreo
- . .%4pt �0 ,little. while. : lie ('loud ..
certain their prey had not escaped house and, well... Astounticarby the fir.- .1 . .. I :11ectivo Alood alld Ilefive I the areadfiJ 1'ell'ifly delld-witillLIANvolity yards Of .
. . .passed from bih- 1111110 ATie, g.,lillering ., I 1. . I : *-..- . . _
iliere was, Ito prospect of their speedy. ing-that 'burst forth hlaii1dair, Jellks .. � I . .1 I I . I . . . , . 1. I 1.11, . i6r. . IX,Nvo oth , ( . ,.rs . danglied from the
I I . , * . . I . I . �
' ' llllstfroju'llls�lp.ps, In that imstAilit I a evil time.. Ili their lit- .
departure. -Nevertheless the -position bn'd Oea�ed the datizerous rock bbfore . ,, . I � �)el � truth to'lts�ow I . 11 . .. I rocks. - It to,ok her some, thile to con�
. I
-s§. None of the . 16*, . -I - tie. nooli the, poWer of the � , -,.tin had uot I >
. . ... � I I -'e .
Was not litterly hope]e the .realizell. that. ' - .above their tho"ght he (letc(-'vd 'It sl'-ght rust'll 9 I .. I ., I trol:-IierVial rhig utteralice-slifficielit-
I - � Y , . . . . . aniong,thiL*�'I rcel;; whem the ,cliff,shi4v . co,m� . .. . . . " . ,
eneiny could tell how or by -%yboin their � bends, were . the* irblit 6 * man aud� the . ,� I.. . - yet made itse f f(4t. By Ordinary, ly. to 84: ,. - . - . I �: . . . � .
. I . .1 . . . �
. . . .. . I
vOnipanion bad 'been shot. -mlitly maidwbom.they s�ought. . . 1. . ed ill) front tlie�hou,,,e. StimdIng ,is lie. Is bolit 9 O'elock..% Long. . . I .
I - � . I . . . .]I(&. � a . �l I , .. . .. . . "I hope E lbay not have to 11010'. 11 gIII3,
tIle ed,ge oil t rock,'this )vas : lit ivy would Ile g.rillfrig. . I. know
ainong the excited borde Jabbering be- 11vith. stupid' �cal they.' Mimed' away was 4.1i . , . . �Cf ore 'llod , Vj ,
, ' ' . � . . .
I I i .polnt lie i�ould'n&" rd � .1 I . At. �,allllotl'bol holped.- but if I.,
�. I I I . .
. . ..
-cliff - over sly..,only, succeeding j.h: sho.wCr- . p a against . � Throughout .the. ue,xt few hourg -they . were to kIII.a -human being I do nor-
neatb aclually looked at the furiow . " . ..
. . .1 . Whell -11,Pr "weloome assurance recall- . � . .
and over again, yet failed to note the Ing* fragments of splltiic're�L stone'lnt:4 ' . , I . ' . must stiffer, the torture .of Dives with tbillk,I -would ever rest 11-11vin." - I .
. I . . big- - owu t jev,ed�- sensps--ile--stell1rd- --:- , *
Flotenthalltip% of the ledge, with Its few the eagle's nest. And the .4allor.slulled.- ,ed I OIRFIhe�eget pUlt brw'aier to sil-are'lie, .. ".Ili that ease I 1I,W6_1rRf`e6d_fiiurd66'd
trifts of grass growing -wbere seeds bad Ife'quietly picked up.alk 46,Id (,oat, rolled b:wk 6 slienk lobvr.:,ilid Ili the saine t,weeii them. Qf- eou'rge`- the -,i�ftie abd ,steel) today"� wlig tile ulifeellm-rt, IV ,
. ,
. .
. I lustillit u. 't-Wilile ut Im. flets I crashed .. ' . : , p -
apparently been .a p6sti� � "No,,no! A. Innii inuit- be 'n)ade of
. blowm by the wind or it Into a, ball :and pushed 'It Into siglit I . . . spirit laiust. be �shuuued like
I - I
. . 11 . I ftist� 1he ro6k overhead. - �f ris had I , , .
� dropped. by pnsslug birds. . amidst the grass. Then -lie i4quirmed na � . I �. pace. 'To. totieli, -eliber uuder such con- sterudr'sjiiffl�": Aye have.,.ii .right to -ft -
I . . . . . _ itui�Ittingl,y saved him from tfserlou.% , . � �
,; sloni'heli and-to;k. up a I ditioni wolild be C�klrtlllg 'Ildat, hpo-
I Jenks understood, of course, that the round oil Ill.. . .. .. . . I .. I . . I tend oursol'yes. It iieed Ile, I Will excer-
I) . perlmp.5 fatal'.1volind. , �'' . .
i rea I danger would allise -wilell.they vig. positloh t6ii feet- away. Of course those . . � I :�. . . . liplexy-and death. An - d ne.�t davl ,* - ' -Be tilat-1.1- . i.
. I . . . He spning to tUie exttreme rIgb . . . . el ,b Still, it is horrid, OIL,
:ited the scene of their eomr,qde!s ill%- who still -carried, Idaded guns.disebarg- 61 . ' ' ' . t. of 13 O.tighifened his jaws before lie an-... so . horridt'r. . ... I .- I " I I I .. . .. �
hister. Even them the -wavering bal- ed thein' at t1W. bundle of rags, where- the ].edge fit�a-.boldly !looked Into. the s*ered: . . . .�#. � ... .* . I I 1. I . , . I � ..
� - treeki belleath. 'T&WO D.Ta , � . I I I . -She cotild.not see the s 11 . '
anee of eliance might cist the iqsue'i,n upon Jeuks tTRI,ust his r*lffe,'boyon&t-be ks were there, . . - I � . I'll Or 8 grim
, �. I - . -
Ili% Favor, Ile could only wal . ed ae o 1� i I I 0 . rock "llill lolwod 'Arer. t - tifelated -%vaiidore�s ,cut off fronv.the .',)Vewill cam,soleourselvi*,withabot� .. sni'ile. ' It . would Materially "Ifrect his
I � I - for At . an- rest . for I the better "wer
t_w1tb , tie of chamilagne inher, M e c be able 'to
I . I .1 . I �. Ina . . .. . . I
ready - rifle, with the light of battle I I in -body. . Tbe.y 41vea beadlong flito While I bear. our Mends s4outing' 10 slay .evtpy 1)y�lk oil the...14bind *Itb: ft
. . . . . ... I.. A I -011, , I . �
lowering in Ili.,; c-.ves. Of one thing at I . .. . .be ulidergi . th for safety,- but. one those left on tfi1s's(d6 of the Island. -1. . sillgie, Shot. Tot her ptitle. protest
. . I I . * .
1. . . CONTAINS . � of them :was too. I.Tte. Jenks' rifle I . I I � . *
. I . . . .
least he -waq vertain-before tbey con- . � NO ANIMAL OIL*& rAT . . . I reaclied him and its -reveeberating eon- must take all active interest 1n.the .lildaqed him. - Sbe .could not at the
(11 . *NOR ANY.NINERAL. . . . . '
ierpd hini lie would levy a terrible '� �45 I . conversation:" . tiff era
. . . - . ack and. -forth by 'tile �. . . same time be callous to. blanaii, s
toll. 1. . , . ptc 1;1% 'r . '.. _.'� �Cullslon, tos"d 1). . . Ile grasped it rifle�nnd lay'doifu.on Ing And be Iris. , But Ile doelined the*
. I ',' "lp.choing rde",L, �.
ITO ghincell back ,at Tills. T�pr face. . t'r P - . ,drom�nod lils liarting_ the ledge, ;alr�ady grateCully -,% loll of i
I . 11 . . . I . I I . ... .� varm., . discuss uch sentiments.
AT:iq 1):ile beneath -Its mask of �aun . . 0 . . serealli. .. . � I . ' . . d. . .
( 'There ny something
I . ... . _ . I ,was at good. .deal bf' stistalued ,,you wk,e goinpr to m
I J.'r IN" � go ob Win going oil.- ,Tenks thou it*lie. when.,tubrief disturbance
I .r IN" n.tli8.pl(,�iltL�do-of,re,4tored,%,]- rthe,
lwowll. . I - . a .r IN" . I ,o . g . . I. . I
rl,l,(. ,,1,1,,f I . 0 U, . - sAllor-rWalted-for 'no counter. deirioik- . � . . .9i . . took. place 11
I . I �
wns liqtenilig intently to . . . req9,giilv,ed'tb6 c-b-lef's voice giving hl� he inqWred, . . � . . � I I"
i .
, whi) saw Ill(,- .' .. . I .. - , hilluisils- - 9trution. 110-tililned 71111d, el"04ticliftigfy *- . , : tho'86 who. had COW ,4 . .f . hialio
he story of Ille Dynk IT ,SOR -BURNS-. . , � . -n end of Ili . structiong to e !Y,e.-,, I wag qurprised to I .w
. ,
'(I;t(I 111:111 lotler dild fall. e gave , " PILIL, .IMPLES-IICZEMA approached the southet . . 8 fl'01�� S111113"10tW- (-ore nIid were how ,olue." - .
. � Ulu M. IATI � �. b6t'tbe ledge ]I:],; Ile(
CA -BAD U1405, . . , - I .
. * ' .
Uille fillk-i-, oyfler. Followed Ilya score 0, 4s X&A & " -CHAPPID "Awasi parapet. Through his screcii-of grogs 6 standing on tile beach near tile qlliarry. - ""toil not tee it illore: hoeause you ar(i
or more pf his men, be-watked ira�rffiy I . rQ Atraloni7mckerfPs. . I he could disclemi, -the long black bitir. 'T wonder if lie, Is* buligry," be obliged to refligin here.,, I . . . 1. I
I f ,rvur� .
to tile foot of the cliff where they a .WQyX1rS,V4r#V* a#" VLAX& S filid yellow face:of a inall who In I . I . . I I
, As AM 4WIPAL . . y 0" thought. -','if so, I .will Interfere With , I . � . I
r. e ."Am, r the sam! and t,wisted his head around , thei.commissariat.". I Atier a pause she salld- - . .
found tile lifeless body. � . 0 __ 0. I , . .1
. . . . the base of the fartber:c1fM. The (Its;. � ' "I think .1 Aude A ind now why you -
Jenks stole one more b2sty glance, at. .1 . Aris pe�ped forth at.film. ,., . . . 1, .; �
. tauce, oft m0sured, was ninety yards, s,jI1,. Jea 1� � I;) �� � . were so upset by tho loss of our wa
, "
Iris. The chief find the -c greater num-. I 0 1 .. . tjle target, prattleally a SIX, Inch bUl]8-' , '. . 'S. .. � -, � .. - . . I tor supply. Betore the day ends we
I .
I . � .1
ber of his followers wei - out of sight, � . . '' 11 � .
- a milat N I M I I - eyp, Jenks took .eareftil,.alm, fired, awl, , A_ -.,, ! ,-, � .. � . -1 .. . will be Ili great straits"efiduring ago-
. behind the rocks. Some of them I a whitr of 4and,flew lip. 11 . ,� . I .. ..
. .. I _ ,.nies front ihir8i!'i -
I ;now be climbing to that fatal ledge. I . 1. . �% he had used t6o fte ;I sight I '. I I . . I . . I . . . � I
Was this the end? When troubled with Sun- , . - , PerhaPs . .. . . . 'Let us not meet the devil.lialt-way," ,
Iris bent forward sufficlently in her, urit, blisters, Insect stings ' And plowed a fuvrow behei.dil tile I)y- CA � . S, i .1 he rejoined. Ile prererrea the. unfair
. - 11 �
- s e -, 1-1 I lit Yell, . - -ould
sheltering niche to permit her to gaze .sore, feet, or heat rashes', .. 1. lik'. ,al e Quly lit, ra a fill' tetort.to it confosslon which C .only .
wilh v0stful tenderness upon Jenks. . but ihb eiAciTirbillig bead vajilshed,ond, I foster dismay* I
.a0ply. Zam-fiuk t.' . there were Ito more VoIllutpers, Sot, that. � I.But, please: I am thirsty now." .. .1
She knew lie would dare all for her - . Surprising how quickly It eases., i . . ..% . . I Ile' ,11.
sake. She emild only pray and hope. - : thb smai thig,and'stinging I Cures particular servl(!O,. . A PIL Ob I . .movqd uneas v,- Ile Nyas only too,
Suddenly it clamor of discordant yelik * , 'sores On �,7011119 'babies due to : lie 'wa,3 still Veering at', the - I)Iaoe � -�onqelotis of- the hifpisb,weaknesg;� coin. -
I . . � 0
\ . I
k .11 �1 E7
? � F I
fell upon her oars. Jenks rose to his ClIatins, � , . . whell it cry of iinililti.,11%).ted RuglI11411 - . moll Ito 01. mankind, which. crea. tes a
. . Zam-Buk� Is' made from- pure caine trom Irls-. .. . . . I . desire out 6f sh"r inablitty. to sdtlsfy.
knees. The DVaks had discover( ' , � * , � .� I qt. Already his owil'tbroal; was purchad.,
refugei �A their I Mrbal essences, Np anlmal'fats� . "Oil, come quick! ibur wat&!' �110 ,
nnd were about to open fire. Ile iiaidneral poisons. Flnest-healert 00 i
offered' them a target lest perebancle , . . casks bhve burst! , . I Cu , 1. I The excitement , of * the early struggle
I Dmovists 4"d $i%trej, etlerl/whe". . - -It was )lot lintil Mlkx had torn the , 6,ckW.dabh.,nd11I, el. - ,Wfis In 'Itsolf elloogl- �t6,.C,4011ddr an,
I04 were lint tboral-12111v mereelled. - :, 11 .. . I .1 I . -_ - - _. - I . . . I l,th!o gro!ilck .
.. . .1 � . I I . tal-Imblin frow off their stores and lie. : ,dent to a bilious ,state I 0 y t t 1 13U an' ,acute- thirst., Ile tk�fflght, It beat to
� - 0 , '. I I .. � -ess tier ' as fai, as '
- _T��" � . : . . __� striving. with both Winds to Vulness, Xitu'se44 Diroml cast . tneet their absbluite needs, "
I . . I I I . . was wildly I . icathlq,�afn fatho Side AC 11 O� 08 I I
I I t�T �ogtllhle. . . .
L .11 . I . - __. I I,--- - , scoop lip some prf'C1011n Grop'.i COIle(',Lctk romar U401811eccesJula a .Own. C I . . r . .
. . . ,,.Bring tile till Cull',, 1IeL said. .",t;o
In ille small hollows of tile ledge thilt ., , d% 1W . . 't
lie realived the'll.tift ningillfudo of the ' ' - ' 084ake halt our store and use tbb ro-
i I!lu I 1. . t $M .
,disitster which had befallen theIll. . - . I triallider whon, we cat. try to Avola"
a rohdach6olo Pills are breathing through your mouth. ,�hd,
yet '
_440,igAlio first rapid exchange of, -e i3all-vanablol onst1hation cLiringandive- .
o . . . 'E atin 11 I whiletboyalgo r hot nit, quIcli-ly atfects the palate and
fire befol'o the ouch�y vaeate(l the eliff � .To Mitt an oYinfeOr
0 H I 15 I 0 - "n L 'N 1-0""L, 1 � it is, A Vnicyoft want I �Pfiyslcing lowers - "Ere u or 003.11a"N' stiroulatethe
, ,
, - pit" �wels; Nveniftheyouly ,causes tin artificial dryness. We'eall-
I - � .several bullots had pierced the ttir It' � Evorand (1) . . .. I .
I POWDER$ the,tystem and makes it more susdeptiblo. i1n, I�y it gtrolco' of - exe.p.eding ))ad for- ayed r . . not yet Ue -111 real need Of' water. It -is
. :11 . .
I 11 I UP -5-04,11L to dis6dse.' The winter months have been. time tWo. Of them had, struck 0.1101 of .. � . � I largely Imagination. I 1. I .
0 great strain upon your vitatity and unless you put the blood in good the water barrels and started tile . A Iris, needed no second bidding. $Ile
condition all manner of evils will overtake you. PSYCHINE is the staves. The contents quietly obbed Acb,otbeYw6uldbdalmoistprlteiosptbc�o*ho - earefully measured out half a pirit of
allffer from this d1streAst omplaint,, butfortit. -
Greatest of Tonics and should be taken by every one at this season away limeath the broad, sheet filld, tately their goodheesdo X"oterid lipro,still thoge - the un§avory fluld-the?dregg of the
e h6 once try, thealivill findthosolittle, pills vala' casks and 06 q,courings of the lodge.
of the year. PSYCHINE a%sists the gastric, juices and ferments in nowing Inward by-reasort of ibe-sharp * ',',VbI. in ('61uhty NVAg that they will botbo w1l. .
their digestion of the food 'Cleanses the mucous membrane - of the 1110PO Of thP.10dge, Der'"Ift"d through ling todr) 10ttiouttleal. Butifterallakkil" "I will drink th�sf," she erictl. i
I I "
tile fault. Iris and 114, notwIthsLanding . X&.0 nol" he interrupted Impatiently,
Stotpach, gnd lin aninvigo'rating and beneficitil effect on the muscles tholt, freirylea'afort-f, were )lot able to " 116,11vo It to Tile."
and nerves. -Por,,atarrh of the -Stomach-, Ulceration or Weak Stbm- save more tbati a pint of gritty discol- 's,ho, ptotended to Ile surprised.
ach, Dgpepsig, the use of PSYCHINE Is strongly. advisable. �, ts tho.r6m.00many Rites t hero lot wbom "As a more matter of politenoss'l-
. . . ored fluid. The rest., Infinitely inore we inake onr groat bosoU 0
- t, 0 Ithicareltwbile
PSYC INE aetingon'ft Stomach restores ittoo healthy con nik vahiqble'to flimn than till the dinillonds others do not. . "I nan sorry, bilt I nh�,dst 1141SVI .,
I r
then acts through the st6mach upoa all tht vital otgons, creates an appatiteo ri 9 CatterIoLittld tivoe Pills afe,,vory wall slid S'lie gave h1w. tile cup over bis shoul.
renewed vitality and strength to thopndr6 system and enAbles it to. throw of cil a . of De 11P.P.rs, wag now oozing through very. easy to take. Oneortwopillarnakoadoso, der.* He'PlAftd it to Ills III)$ find
of every kind. It is thb � 1. -.111 1� I � � I tile natural channel cut by centuries of They are strietig vegotablo, anti do n t r
Arl or;
reAtbot health, I I . get but by t 61r, gentle Ution Ill n "
howlik to medical go once. - ; storin, dripping upon tile headless skel- �
givtr 4 . If I � wtbemk "" WhO rulned stondfly, .
KED 51-KEE eton In the -eave, son1ting down to tile "STU 900111121 00.0 Ift If"
Oct to WN, AALSWXYM, tbnIt6dJ6t6nt6Z � Wer , ) .
. , ON to-d6y., All drUgglitd, Ana S y heart of their burled treamiro. , % IL JW Da JW (To be dontinued tiext ,
. brAWSSA ver w8cko) "
I IN 1 1119FAMT fir I 09 ttAffll AND, . i ,
A. 11 t BY Nzat 6& i1w . $11110 "0046, . - � I � � . . I W . Nk ^1 I -1 �
I I I . � . I . I I I
1----.-��"..,.-.,�.".�..�,.���-� .... ... _._._ .... ... ____.___---______--- ---,--.-.--.-,- 1-1�-.1--l.�--.---.-.-,------,��-,- . .1 __
. - � . ;
I . . I :
. . ;
. . When I shown Positive and reliable proof that a certain
remedy bad.cured numerous casesof , female ills, wouldn't . I
�, itny sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would � .,
also benefit her if suffering with the same irouble? I I I .. I I .
Her'e are two letters which prove' the efficiency of Lydia.' . .
E. Pinkham's Vegetable� Coinpound, I i
. !
Glanford Station, Oilit.-I'll, liave,takon LyAIIa,.E,. pinkhankils I ,I
Vegetable Coinpottird for years and never found any medicine to 1. I I
compare with it. I bad ulcersand fall lug of tire itterus,and doe- . . I ;
I ;
torsdidineirog-ood. Isuffere(itli,eadfttllyttvttilibegilitt.akin.g ,�
youraiedieine,, ItIms also lielped other wouien. to whom I have ' I i
recoilliticuded lt."�31 - . menryClark, Glanford Station, Ontario. I i
� is I �
, . ;
. . . . .. � I& �
Another woinal;i says Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable I �
. Co'I'M?ound is the best iri m-dy in tl-l7Ia world,for women. . . . � I
. I I I i
I ... � I . I . I
. � . .
Fox Creek, W. P.-IOT hareah,vays bad painsin the loins and . � 1�
. . :
1% ivealiness t1wre, iind often after- iny meals my food Woll1ld diS- ' . .
. . .
I . 6
tre,,4s me 'andvaikse soreue--.s. 1,ydla E. "P Ili k*lw irk's Vegetable I . I
collipolind Ims. done Ille, ilklich g-6od. I *hIn stillouger, digestion I .
: �.�
is better, and I can walk witit ambition. I Irave encouritged - I .:
nimity mothers oil faukilles to take it, .I"S it is the, best remedy in . I
the. -world for wonien. You can publisli this in tho- papers..", . .
� .
� I
I- ank. hourt1xte,,Vox Creek, N, B,,,Canada. . .
. .airs, win.i. I � . 1. . I
. . . I i
. I . i
I ., ,�
We will. pay a handsome reward to .,,in , p6rson who NN -111 .- I
. . I . )
. . prove to us that these' letters, are. not genuine and trfl.fVul,
, � .
-7 or that �cit . hel� of these. women I were - paid'. Ili . any, I Nygy for .1
,. . ' . .
their testimonials, or that.the letters are published '%X'1ifb6ut . . �
their permissio'n, or that the original, letter ftom each did I
. -b � .
I . I A .
. ,�
. not Lsonye to.us entirely iinsolicited� ' I I '_!
I . 4
1-1 ' . .
� .What - more p roof can.'any one - zCsk ? .. I . . I . .11�-. I
.. . . . . . , 1� I
1.1 . � .., .. . . . . . I I .. I ,
'. I
. For 30 years *Lydia ril.'Plukham's Ve,-,Ietable: � W .1, W � I . �
Compound has beelft the standard'vemedy for . 1 . .
female ills. No sick woman does justice to . . . .... . ,
, .
herself -who will not -try this. famous medicine. . % . . . . I -� .
Made exclusfvely froxil roots and -herbs, and I I . I
- . .
I . I . .
w .
. .
. has thousands of In,ures to its credit. , . . -1 . . .
W Mrs Pinkhain Mvites mil'siclu , , - . . I'll , . .
, I women . i
:to write. her .for Advice.- .4 She Ii .. 11 ... i A � . . .
I 1,-Wded thi'diisarids to health freiB of charg.ge. 11 .� . . . .
. . : � , Address. Mrs. Pinkhank,'Mrion, Alass, �.L.Y A E PINKH^M . Ili
. . .. I . . . ,
. . I
.. . . . . .. . . . .. . . '... 11
11 - I... . . I . . . . � . I I . - - - - __. - I . ,.� .. J
____ . �
'. .. . . . .. . 11 I. I . . .
I - . I .
. . - - - - .
larsawwa' "..
. . . I
I I .. .. .. I.:: ..... ....
. I
. . . I . .
.� .1 . 11 I- .. . .. . . I � .
^- e%, . 1% -aft I EN
. lz"_%e� . Rff%%.WED .Mr.
D 1.�10 ou � . . 11 . I... .
, . � '
. - ...
. . : A3*.L1Fff,VV0RTH: LIVING. - - .. I
. � I .. . . ...... . .. 1. . .
. .
. el I . 'AlEM'y6ii-becoms diiheni��-red
. . , 1. . - ; " P! : . '.' .. wherf - you , feer tile syniptojas of
. .
. I I 4) � . . . Nevyous D49dlity and, deeline stkilileg
I 11 M11 � � I .upon.*yoll. yoll,lalven'tthe'uerveo,�
. .
"I ... � . � . ambitiod you used to haVo; YOU ,
.. _. . feLll jout are no.i titentan'you olight
� I- � .- . .to lie. . . You feel like giving UP In
... 11 iil' , cloqpalr-, :You get norious .0d weak,
I �. havo little .4inibitionj pai� in'thO
� I I .11 'L, back -over lddueys, drains At night, ;
11 , rt ) ' tired. inbrnings, prefor
- . lollow, eyes,
. . I . . to. be .alone, dis:trusltt . Ai varlable
. 0 . . . alipetl(e, lopieness of hair, 'Poor. Or-
... . . . � � . culation�yo,u hay.e Ner.xqt4s'
. . ... . I � . . , �.� � .. Debility. Ouv- New Method.
. . 1. . . ""'Cel tMent is.,Yoxlr� rclflilgc. Is. �
.. .. .... Till, .streagthen� all wc-ttk -orgaliq,
. . . �, .� ! I �� I . -i;tepi, purify .
.� �.. . I . . I I .� �. . . vitalize 'tho.nervou8 9� inan ,
. . I . � I I . ,tile blood and r�storoaiou to'a -
. � ." . . � 1 . I . , I I - . .
.� . . 1. � . , - I I ly condition. .. �. , . .
. . .. .: ., I . .. . .. I .., . . � , � .
.; , . .. I ; . ..
1. . . � . .. . I Poy When Cured�
. .
. ..
. . .... � . I , i L1111 . 2 !lave yoll ]oat .hope? Ate youluMIM-9 to �
. I ro you a V cl 1: --%n� weaknegst
�.- al EARER.')2r.ry? Has yot r� biood been.diseased?' Have you .
. , . 0ur New Method - Treatment W'Ill Cu'jo.y6II.*.- what it has 'done for nundreds of
. others, it will do for you. COXSUL7��TIQX.FREE. No matter. who. has treated
.you, 'WrIte, for. an lionest opinion Froe' of Charge. Chargei reasonable. B . 00X8
. VSEE-:m"The Goideti 31obitor" (Illustrated),_dlk Disleases of Mon.. I . I . � .
. . � 11 I a . , . .
. . .
. . E�TA -CURES GUARANTEEb, No Treatmint v..exit
. � ,
I . C. 0. D. No naines on boxe# c.�. envalopes. . Everything. confideAtial. Questio I xh-
list and cost Elf Home Treatment FREE. - I .1 . ., - I . .
. . . � .
. .. . . � �
. � . . I. . . I .
. . . � . , .
1. . alffsomm
. n.. VV9N1W11111WR_nyJLV 1. imy
. I
.. F%%Wo ill . . . . : . ,. .
.., . . . . I ' ' '
i . I : '.
. Cor. Michigaft Ave,., and Grisw,old St., Detroit, Mich.:. � � I �
. �
. I ... . . .. I . �
I . . i
. . . _ . - _ I
. . ;
11111111111111-- - - __ . : .
. . . . . . ,
.. I . I . . . I . I . �. . . . : . �,
I --- -_ . I � . . . . . .. . I
. I , - l� , , � . .
. 11 . - . � . I .
I I . I
I . . :. . I �'
i � I � I
� . '. P'" BUY XG001D D VNE ..''
.IT PAYS *0 . '.-�
. I ,� . . � �� .. --7.-.
� . .. . . . � . . I . .. ��fff, ,
I . I , , �
. . . . E_V�n cto 'tell you about' a Good .-
. W . = . I
. . LRaft'ge--l't's called tho,-- -
* - - .
I . � . . I
. . . �
. . . .
� . ' . . . � Folko.
. A PERSONAL inspection is.�eque'sf I I =_E. PANG . . i
. ed. -and now'is a good time to comd ,Las, I
New Stock just i � n--Let1§'talk it over. I . . -L . $A ir . . . I
. Surprisingly moderate prices for sure' ,. . V'916. . , �
. satisfaction.. See us befor: you.buy. : Z: . � . .
. I . � . . 1. . . 4, .. I .. . I �
� .
. I. . DAV I g. , & 'Row LAN Dy , 11 I
� I
I .. I Sole. itze.nts., �'. I I I dinton', Ont...' .
, 11 . . . . �1 . . ,.
. . . . I . . I
I 1. .. . .. . . � ...
� I
- ...�.-�---.-��---...�,-.,-,�,-.. - ; - 5s-�_"""Tnae . �
. , , I - .
I .1 I . . . . . . I
. �
� - R We 1: CUTTLER10 I -
1� .. Pallifter and Paper. salikaer,
11, .1 I Alf VVoik inaran teed. , . .k
.., !.I. 11 , I . . l,
.� M.. . . .
.. ... ..... , . Prices. reasonable.
. , I�F.` - . ... � - . . I
... , , ' ` �
It"I ,, ��. " . I.. I ... I- _ ,Re§tdence nearly .6ppositit �h,b ` ,
. �,J " w M .
I " w
" w "`
, " w . 1, . ��..
.. ti,croFm I ANO' AFT)IFt T11CATME4T, I . .. Collegiate.1 � n,stitute. . . I �
. . I 1. I . . I
. Caiiadi,sn ;i'et-te,rine. " � . . � ___.��. .
,1,.4 An absolute, certain cure for r,txorna, licne . �
RoscaiTetter, Pim les, lilackhei&, Ringworm, . I
S, ulcers. �
iores, and Of cutanodus and facial blernisbeg.. . . ,
ilarl)erat lich, scals 11cad, Itching Pile . 1W . O' � 0 �: L
, *is beeTt thoroughly and . .. � . .1
I JI. quaessfully tested I .
lit hun4redg ofsorcalled ittpurable east.s. ' . . . .
Itis ent.rely unlike any other rrepamflotu . . .. .. - . I I .
rhixture cr Ointaient that has beetisold or pro. �
wribed, . Benmiller woollen Mims I
I A fo%v aril"Ittotis*W111 convince tilat i's beta I . . �
vondertu inedical vlttae end Intrinsic tnerit. . . :
.,,�t 19 junde Ili Cunad.t. A good honest Cana- -
m ,it, atioll'. - - � I . . its usual, I shall baprepaw-El to bur .
PrIlreotetrCr. Yifty Centit of five boXes Two and give thoPlIGHB,81. 0:V311 PRION
Dollirs. . for WOOL, both washed an(I tinWasb- ,
. Mailed to any adar,em pir recelpt, 6f,price.
Sold and recoulinanded by all loadhig, Drug- ed, or will exohange for my lumatac- ,
gist.4 In Canada. . turedurticles, � .
I r(imphlet, free, to any address. It a680rtkkie"t of.
11=idact.ured dkkd sold by tht sole propind- Tweedsrof Various up-to-date patteriis,,
Cots. I ) D Th6 Tait * ti * artildr.1 6b.. also a ,lood' supply �of 13ed Blittiketa,
I 6 he Oh'
& .. wind"r. onwic. Horae H ankets and yarns of varlolle
Sold ift Clinton by W. S. R colors. . �
Erolmes", 1. E. 110vey, W'. IIJESSE GLE01-1
me-0611nell,druggisig. - 4 111MILILMN . , -
. � .
I . I ','� , " . . 1;
---------L �__ _ I- . 4 - . _� I 111 A
& .
. � "... -.1-1. I I—. I
11 .
The MOON New
. I 11 11:�11:11111:1111�q:q
Era I I .
- . I
� I..... . .
� "..'', I
� �: . �
I—, 11 .1
"Yes'" witilout turning III" bead. He
� I
W. ...,.-.,.%-:q
.,. .-AW
.,. . .
. I .. ..., 1: "' "-.. . "
i" - .Q - ..; . .. . -
.. . . .. .% .1.
), .
. yaRs fell before the remanauer
,knew it was aw ordinary question.
- - -..- I .� �...,-
4. * , .'.1`.-'!R1`,-�-1
' , . , .,
.- .... , - -
made nil their inlirds to run. Once con-
"IToy I come too?"
. . . 4 . , - ,,, ._,..
� . . , *...,.-,�, **
. ..�'R,t 1,
':-, t. W* -
vjn( -(-a, however. that running was good
for their healtktbey moved with much
4'Wb4t, expose yourself oil, the le4ge.111
I I , � Xes, even that I am so tired of
` . celerity. The renialoing cartridges, In
. '. -
log W * ,,_:4,x,%.* oclie,,ed the pace of two MAL , WIWI INt sitting here alone."
;,..1...1..:�,:-., the magazine aft "Well, there Is no danger atpreserit. A-,;,
.g.f.....'. I
, e ,vv in I .,*-*.*f-,--%' of their number. .ieul;s duopped the el I
oo ythe 11; -AW . � But they might chance to see you, and
. 9$ . -�;;R!T.. - ,04 , IM Whs" you remember w .
. �-,!::'-,.' empty weapon and solzedanotber. -He J"Frult-a-tiveWO Cisr H
v . ; , ,, but 111- I
F:*.0' stood lip now and sent a quick remlkkd� , Everythinj Elio Failed. I
!..:,.:,. "Yea, I remember quite well. It that
* 0.V -LQ . .&*:--'--:!:.'� er after- the rearntost pirate. The otli- Ulverton, Que.,. Maich 17th, 1908. Is all1k there was a rustic of gar-
, -uls -
�.. --...�
- ' " . 1.
- TRACY .--`,-.'-, era had disappeared toward the locality I wish to place oil record, for the
;... :" . .
L . ke 4>9 others who may be suffering ments. "I am very manotsit In appear -
M o-rn' A, Copj4ght,* 1903, by .."..
� I i ..., _9 . : where their leader and hisidlinintsbed $a . I
I Edw1krd J. Clode , ,....*. 1. .., , ! daring to . In the same way that I suffored, that ance. It yQu prowhie not to lQok.at me I
. . ttvop were .gathered. -not, no rKiedicine I ever to6k did me so I will join you," I
:�-.:2.,%',-1i-*.-%-'.*.' ..'. .... ^, .. I .
, �,'..'.,'--,,;"....:",I�!-*-I.r.,.*�-�-'-.'-*.P*-'-,*P-***:t".�,..I-gl,,,j-:,.,.,.*.".*t:, ... I. '. .. again, ,come w1thlu rarige Or the wbis- much real good " "Vrult-a-tives" did. I
. . . N - . .� .. .. "I promise.'*,
--p-�;.I.-.. 1. -;-; .**;.:.'il-.�.�.:.,.*-..,-*I:;,...:!:�lt�% -: .:..
.-.�. , * '? . ;7� ' .
. ... .. : . .. .. . �..... - - ��141 . . t1ing dutw1ums, The sailor, holding his I suffered for ,many ,years wjth
., -. . ., ; " . .1, -, . pp
. . .11ju
.1�e- . . .. ..I'-- � ., *" - � .., . 0
N'--:�-.---' �.*.�-,.-`: , , " * , , * . Is ..,. . .. . . .1 ... ;... Ofle as though pheasaut*61100thig. b lit , ney Trouble,'wlth, bad pain In the Iris ste ed forth. She wag flushed
-;!�e � . .� . . . . . . ::. .. . .. ..: back. . a little, and, to cover her confusion,
, -1 - .0- -1.
�� .. �� .. - . I forward and songlit it b latod OI)Do_ 1 1.7 11 .
((Iontnued from ladt weeli.) _. . * -_ - I . I A tookc every Isnown � ney reme Y maybe. she plokeu. up u rine.
I I I � lient, but In vuln. There its 110 11L
"Neep close," he said. "They have '. solf][14 and kidney pill, but nothing gave me Now there are two guns," she said
,3rrue enough, *a man 1104 clinlibeo found us. Lead will be flying around save the waiting of birds, tile soft any relief, and, I was getting disevur-
to that.tudlappily .placed rocky table ' " " n pi �. I . . sougli of"tbe sea and the yelling of the aged. I k .1 � . � . as she stood near him. I I
soo� . , " �, - L I was advised to try "Fruit-a,11ves" Ho could see'through the tall of his
I and was shouting something, to it con" She Alkiched back into", the crevice; three 'wounded men In the house, who and did so -and, Ms medWine cured oyet th,qt a.sllglit but elegantly pro-
, I .
frere high on the cliff over their beAs. the sailor fell prone. Four bullets spat know, not what terrors threatened and � me when everyViiiing Vlpe failed. �
, . n ntleman of the sea -
As yet he had not seen tbem.nor even vainly bawled for succor. , "�- �'.% - 11".-I.-�,_1 ;.11 . __. _".._�
I , . . ...'.. !.
�, I , '.�,,'.�, � _ ., �::?, faring profession bad suddenly appbar.
Into the ledge, of which three plerced * .,,�:_;"��.. I X " . ._
� e, -"�:,�l , ,
iioticed the place where they were cou�- the taipau 'Again Jenks could lool; at rria.. .Her ,,:.'�,'� ,* : � . , ,
n d Itself ,;:.��,�s,;l I �'.. ".1-11.1 - . � �l :LR`J� "
I 111�,., - , 11
.1 .. . ..... .. ... ed from nowhere. He Nvas, giaa she
' . 3�"..��i -.,;.,.�,� �:*: .� 'I f, ,
C*aled. The sailor imagl face was ble ding. Tile sight ma44en- .�";""�',��,.,. .. 1, �-,: 1.41, "
e _1.1,�p�., . 1, �'�. ";� -�
- ,
ned fro . .-,�.. � ��,
- I ,,e�� 111;.:,.:��,
in tile against the rock, " '_ .p, ��; �:,: � had taken this course. It might better
. :.. ��', ,.,.,
Dyak's gestures that'lle was commus Then.Jenks tq6k-up tbe.tale, So cu- Rd him. - , I 1111,, ,�'.�- �, .1.11. 11 .Z�`.:'��_.` .
I ,. I . , �!.,',:, � , " '�111.-11��",: the position were the DyaUs to see her
nicating the uselessness of furth - er � r1ofisly constituted was. this m4n that, my aoar, lie groaned. "Are you 1�:�'Ili��,��T`.:�%I� 1�..VWI_,�.. . ;��` '11'1.�.t,�-1.11..."�,�"'.: . . . .
. . 1. �t/ ��.� thus. .
I . 1
. I �A, ." - ..,
btearch on the western part of the Is.- � . . won4ded',11 , 11:. .... I I , 1� I�YZMXI.
.�, � 1. � -_ � _;� "
I X, 1.� .
,I.. .
� , 1 4Zv-;.�. ., �. ,,� kl �v , �. ., "The moment I tell you you must fall
. , ,;,. � .
� .. I-;.. I'll., . ff J� ,'�?'
. I '.1a .11, .. , I. It , .1
. ..; It -1 , "
, land. Me suilled bravely at him. .: 11:. .1, . . I , '., �
� � �'. _':�.,l. ;Tz,;'�( . flat," lie warne4 her, "No 'Ceremony
,� r: 1, � W-- .�
. .1
When the conversation ceas* he :, "it is nothing," she said-l'a more �: I .� '... I
, ?�,� � . ... � 11�.. about It. Just flop!"
I .
hoped the loud voiced savage would .lk,__�t k1f splash from the rock which cut my - �f�::..1�,,�: , :.,��,�.'' . "', �-, 1,1 don!t know anything better cal-
. . �
E7_�_�_, I ,�
I I ��..;, �� �. '.
-..--- - _. . 11',, . .� " �. :11X,
descend. But no! The scout looked . IV "I I . forehead." , , 1�'.: 1_ I � culated to make one flop than a bullet."
I Into the valley, lit tile well, the house,. ' I . . Ile flared not go to,lier. Ile eould I I . ,
� .�� 1. " � ,:. ; �, '
J� . she laughed. Not yet did the tragedy '
. w ,�:" �
the care. Still be did not see the. 011!y 4101)0 that it was Ito worse. so lie ,,�.� � _0'� �f.',.z�":,.,-:
I I I , , ,:p
. " ��, - - .�, .f the broken kegs appeal to her.
. 't I # -)I,,, . x, ... , 0;:. _ - o
-it unlucky moment � 4' �!'... , ,.. .,�,-,� �41?). "Y01,- but It achieves Its, purpose in
I -dge. At tb. three . "' -9 turned to P. awitio the valley ouve more ,-,
, . �-, -,�,,,
,-1-". 1�1
?. .�; ,�
birds, driven from the trees ku the . / I for vesilge of it living toe. . .11 . ��a . two ways, I want -you to adopt the
I . � I - q 0 � "
, .
crest by the passage of the Dyaks, h I - / ---.- I M. �';-,�%V,.';'�
� I P., - li�
, -
. ;1 IV ".�..,. '.3;� . �, procaullo-lary uletllod." -
.... `� .
, , .7 .I.
: flew do%vu tile face of the cliff und be- , . � ('1TAPTER XIL I X1, * , ..,� -- rrilst Illo.for that. Good graclous!"
I .. I /,// , I � .
gan .I vircling quest for some safe ' � i I ITOUGIT lifis eye%, lik6,11vecoals, 11: :.::
; -rch on which to alight. 1� , - 0 ; 11-11, ,with sifflen�fire at tl)c ". ....:. . ,.-.,�, The sailor's; rifte, went 'off with an
I . , ". I uIlexIm-ted lifing, (hat froze the excla-
p( . glowored,. I.. ; I .
� ... ) . , . .! ; i :7.
, Jenks swore with .Ili emphasis not q . , - Q ,,, ,*trip or stina ana the rovicsIn r, -l� �.... niatioll oil hor 11p.,A. Three Dyaks were
'tile les4 earliest because It was mute I 'Ili - I .. nil frout, Ills tr diled brain pai
--: (V d i used altogether fiftVn boxes of altempUng to run the gantlet to.their
ill took Kteady aim lit the Dyak's left '. "I , 7..
4� ..;: perfulletory beed to his task-. The` "Vruit-a-tivos,l' .11)(I frOln the outset bvleaguol,ed couirades. They carried
ff . ,5_.:;;;, . ana I am now a jar ,111(1 two r,-Icker b�lgket. . e , itl
. .
, . .(,lisp of duty, 1he Ing,ralued force they gave nie relief .
: breast. The birds tiutterW about 44 � :�i :;�'; Stool S I , * s 11 NV I
: . , I . . I .
��:: ...,
ever smaller circles, Then oue of them ( P/ , Z i�.... of long, yeo.n; . ot' milltary disellillue, and practleally wen again-, no pain, no d'is- 'Ille. ar f-11 atia bmkv U. The others
. � . � . j �( ,
I dropped costly on to the 111) of the. I �1 t , . I . . . .t.ress, and all symptoIns of kldneyAts- a back like linres, unit. the . first
I . ,,,, . W, .% :: "OldWily thought, compelled him to keep - ease have entim-1 %, left imp. T am very (1011010 I
,rock. Iiistantly Ills bright eyes'eucoun- . :.;� tbabhfol to be oalee niore Nvell, and I i�,wii dragged himself after theni. Jenks
, _ -h and ward over Ms fortr ss, but trL
tered those of the mail, and he.dartea I 1� : .11 .. ,".", wat( e , I
111N'1� ?, I -% ...;',--;,.,. ifrocly'mako this ,-;tatemt,rrt for the ,did llot I � again
. -
. _1�t asking, lilluSelf what sake of other,; -%v,W may suffer as I 4
off -with a screaw that brought Ills V ., I .0. . �!-'-*%�:%:-'..'- lie coillil Alot 11611). , fris watched �he wounded 'wretell
. . ., ! I
"'I"- :
iUate,safler Iiiiii, i :....--._...-.et.�1 � would lilippell'ir irls were seriously did. To.tlieiii,l�-rxvtr.v"Frult-a-tives,,'I
... I � I . - dney medicine. oprawling.aloilg the ground., 'Her eyes
. !I,/' -'O ,1.:t%,..:p`;:- w6ullded. . � as they aie .a grand M . � .
Tile Dynk evidently nited the bebav- .. -:.i��i!�!�...*if:���:;i'-...*.:-'.. I I . . QLARMNICE J.'PLACB7. - I . . I
..... �-.�.. -. , . There was one enemy. more potent -
lor of tile Illrd's-bis only lore wlis the 11 1, I I If", "I ;-t`.�:-,.'.- , ,.,; . . - 50,c A bo,-, 6 for $2,50, ct� trial slie 25c., ." . .
" I., 1;:1::-..,./ I— .. � I .
reading of such signs-antl gazed In- - . I ; l" ... '.,.,-..: : tbau these 'skulking D'yah!i, it foe more At dealers or firam'Frult-a-tives Lim- I I
.::, .
i;..*.::."-�'-:'., Ll'.. . . �
I jl�, ,`��.*'�'�-.',::,`.::. , . .
I I , #�*,,, �-",.-.,��--_*,,�:�..-.` irresistiblo III bl.4 nilght, niore pitiless. Ited, Ottawm. I �
Iviltl I! � p,"; "i, � ... ..... ... i ", * I .. . . . I I "
y tit like lvdge. JoLiks be could. Ill' _�� .., . .. . . I . . . . .1,
Wit illstitiguisli belihid .the screen, of ... , I .*.'-�-,;,.";::�:.':, .... - Ill lits strell.-th, whome misaillis -w6lild'. 1 . I I
I I., 1'.? ./y, :;"-,.,.".1-,-...:.:.11; .!
. ., , : .111. _ L.' - -_ -1 - '' " ' � -_ .
.11 i:�::��,!, ... - I , I tax to the. I . . . . I
grits"'. Ile nflglit perhaps see some _'. 10 I li, .- ,:._�... .:.�-:.;..-:1,-,.. , utmo�t their powevs of ro- - 'U'llICS was so paralyve(l I)Y ifils'eit- IV it, � . . . . .
e sun
q I 1;, , V/ , :-t : - .. s(stwive. .. In anotber hour th ' . . . . .
portion of the tarpaulin coverlug the i 0 lit .. ,. ,,� :� . . .
' . . � Z I I .t tastrophe that Iris bc.�!anie alarnied. . .
Ftores, but at the distance it must re- � 11 " � � would be high ILL the heavens, iwurlug : , . evk .1 � . I
I I & . :,- .... , s�w , � . 1�
. . . i. '..;; .. .- .: 1, his; ardeut ra As rot she ilia Ildt grosp it', awful slg- .
� .
SvUlble a AVeaLlier beateu segilient of � '. . f:�.-. ys upon them and drying .
. '
1he cliff. Yet. something puzzled, . blui. I . . I .. : �� � ' ,the blood lit theIr vehis. , . . . .. I)LIfIcanee. 'That be,,her bero,' so..brave, . " ..Me
I . � . I . . I � I . - � , .
� slikild , so confident Ili the face of many dan� � . ..
Aftev a steatly scrutiny be turned and . . 1. flitilo-10 the active life, of the I, . . . _. i
. . . . : . �;;: :.! ' ' . . . . 0
I I :: . � �... L .1 . -h ,do ot* troes lint or (lave, the gers, should bvtra,,� such".".1ise of irre. 14 .
yellvil to others (in ilic beach. . -7 I . � . � - 1,1w s it I � . . - .
- .- , _. I 1�
. ..�__ I I __- _ power of' mire,,trietea iliovoinciit nud , deoulable loss friglionva her inuch, I . ... I -,
. I
. � . . . �
The crilcial illoinc-14 had arrived. I . .�._ 11 -
� Tlic*11yah hiolUN.through'the air. 'I tbii pos�',essloll or -water -ill 1111y'ag", I wore titan th`0 incifletit'itself, . ' - -, -
' . ,
opulit, pressed the trigger, and tile - . . I 1. I . � , s Ire( . .
.. 0 I tho.day of its clilpf terror:j. :�O all 'camellicojie'relit. _ . N . , ,_�_ -
lhok hurtled through the air, -falling' ' * i quItillity' rolibea t Her Ilpq whitened. Her words be- . .
altholig I - lie ruthlessly shot the qs4vage . .Ibp tropleal beat of . I t
1.vndlolm out of sight.. . � who first..�plea out their, retreat, he w . I . . , . . - . I I
I . - .Is viiaiLgea. iwoe.ad-. of _woikh,i�g . 1.7er.1 nie..4 ."116 -1vhlsvered. " ' 11 can , I I
The sound of this, the first shot 'or was.'swayea only �Iy, tl 6 dictates � of IV' I _q I . . . -1 I .
I I. . itmid. gratt,rul founge they ivere.i) una bear inyttling but slibuce, 'Tell me, I -
IVA NV81T.0'e, aW0kC Itaillbow island sf�ftx necessity. There was a feeble I.. I , u i . 1,.,. . . I
auth-Ity ' Ight. til ille brown r6ek, 11.11101 §0oli would implore,.0% Is It so ba(. r. . . . _ . .
11,11i trellielidolls z . . The -winged chance fliat Yurther blood*lied ill , - I I
. life of' the plave filled the nir with rnu- be .I � Y6vto(l." That 'chance had passed, 916W, with radlate(I �-vliellg�, ,,111a givtj I - The ;91glit of. li(;r distress robews'd .
, , . 1. I . . . . . . .
� � . ., , I
.-t.; -
- - le, O�wtl-. 1. " '.�..
y 'w' off svo;�chlllg gnists, like. illito ti I 'Lill. . Ile. gmiuld Ids tvviii together its. I - , �.
(-oil.; erle., - shouting Dytiks saiir- .( Ver ell.. The enelily must, kart the - ,I - _.:,::ii:i.;
, whil( � . .. ; .�,�t.,�ii I
" � . � . I 111,111 does -.vbO §11bill.1ts to a-ptijuxul ::.�..t.:,�.t. ,
e fly - .. . . I . 4Mlt . -
- . ...... . �..&--�Y�..
.1-UL.9 Ile 11fl(I fA)1'V-1V06 all,41-ong. 'I 'I ��o.'.Itioll,aud. resol,ves not. . to flIncli be- -, i 11�
ried ill all directions. Several came Ili- dr6adflil ganx ' about to 'Tie pl ed: 1119 Or a furll:ltit� ('(1"1% '
, I ?
Ili the vallvy. Tbose nearest tile fallen Thoy,;had thrown the. llg(":, -�. I I . Ile . I , . . I . . . .:.; . .....
. �. g. ,11141 Ile flu ath the k Ili fo. I � . I . q :i.. :;; . .
-ke I -arrie(l him to Nu�r tinies did Jenks' farimnliti. woul(l. yield theill 'sollic, dr;. 1w, . � .:. . I I . .%-�q .
im.ii pl( .d him up and ( swerea thetn' h I - .. .,;; .
. ,
- . . . . `,,ree - of imeas,i, lwotectioll, and they e qh1d; "uof.qultb 'p - ., ..
lit(. Weft, 110 ivas quite de,ld, and. at- � rifle, carry. death, iinspen, ,almost iiii- , I I "li is ve,ry bud," b . t:A.'-,,,:,: �
. I . . . � . X.I. -.11. I
. t -
tholl-gh nillid Ills other .injurles. they felt, across tbe'valley. . . -. ' . ... ..I both -were. Ili perfvvt physival condl- I -tile end, but lical. ItY .1 . . I ,Al' �; i.c..,
. � . , ".t....;!
,�ooll folill(l the bullet woulid.. t'lle-Y 6-1- * 1 -,Ire ble-fourth Dyalc Qollapqed. limply .,tioii. Bilt-ir 11-1.q WeVO.W011111ded! .If : "Tllv� elld", "lle.bravely ans-iVeredo 'Ta ... a .tl
, * . I - .
dently (lid uot kilow -wherice the shot. where he .1%wod *Others were tlrere; tile extra strafti bmuglit fever bi.-lis 11.doalw! We 'Ire 11011A. till(l uninjured. . . � ,.i
. . .
* 1.1),a1.L,*! That w:ly bosvjl�� I,loilllug,bllt i Yoll 11111�t -light oil. If tlie� Lord wills It I ..
caille.. for those to wboin he slibuted firlug it: thelittle ll�ufe of satoke .above. ,� . . - . I - .. . . . . .
* espair, lo, Ile vilffild for her by I )v(. �,,,ball ,lot (li(�.,, , . . , .1 .. �. I I �
bad 110 llikliug-W his motive, allil the the ggrass. ' The . . . i
,y' ggoi Ili a few 41i,ots, i blank d , . . . �. � .
t-li . , - �; defirlutir.and niel-01ful, 6eath, fov him I Ho looked. lit her blue pyes . and ,saiv I
. ght haze f'roln the rifle was instantly Illost or wIll(li . 8111:.lyed "at varlo�g 1. ' ' !
vr)t :t -,v,,.%- by the breeze. . . � iiii-16s off:the fkf(.�d.of . � � tile cliff. But il.-b.� a.14vi-serk rush nlnong�;tbe_J),V;lk8 I .*trwilcl-fri`(�Itght, or bonvell.. lieu glailve. . . I
� I , � Ili% .111:5.1- flgbt'.tg4ln%t.ov(,r_.I ,- , - sti ' ' * .
Irls -volild ])Vill, tile turtiloil'belleath" t1ley, "waif6a for IL6 more. When the.;' and on(, ,t� ,i . � . I A 10� lint drolop Itefore his. *1u.. ch iliow
. � �
� and she trellialously asked: - * . - - .. lever of*the Lee��2ietro,tld was sh - oved 1, Nxlj(�-lnling lilinibers". .,. . , . .. . �,- 11.1olits liviii't stre.110.,-to, boart )yl I thout, . .
� . .
" - . . I . . 1. I � Then tile g[rPA,1volec,l;oa(-bea him, I . . . .. . .
.�ro tlivy going, to nttack �iq?'l : home for the fiftfi. time the opposlng convealilielit - .
. I I .
"Not � yet," , -%vaq tile 1-0.19,81II'lli- ,in- ,crest *%,nui ba � re 6% .111 opponell. . ts . sav I e . I "'elf. rollant, ulmost.vIieftful... � .. I '11,0 -still ... liare -it IlitIn' . I I N, I nter," she' Vic sailor's'rkffo ji.,Cnt. off'4#,-117b c I in ,tinex�
� . . .1 . ,*You -will, be gtad. to hear thiLt the : . � . ' , , . . I � pCeled It *
SIXVI'. "I killed tile N110W Who %ftW 11.9 two, aud*tbey'lay motionless. , - - - cried, "Fortunately 'We are not thim(y. I (wit.. , I ,
. ' stopped bleeding. .It. Is 011ly� � . . .1 � I
Iwfore he qould tell the others." . ' Tile rate of the. flanking detachment I cut' has . . . 1. . I You have iiot forgottim our supply.of - �rpw,mol.qt"nlld �,Ile paled somewhat. -
It wns ii bold risk. qnd lie had taken was either iinporevived & Ill . . , a scratch." -,- . . . I . . . ." . �,
ilice0ed by . . . I .. . ,lild bJf;lndT'1P1 , - . I
� � I I . , - " . champagne, I . Whotf.h.e.vaill-slied .site looke(I into tile
� * I I I . .- I I I I
it. though ilow ew for . the Dyaks left Ili the vicinity ,of the � . . _. � . . I . .. ne couia oiiiy fallIn with her unre-*
the Dyaks kn* _ So ft.kindly n,ovidentle ha(I spnr6d. - I
. . I . - .. I 'tholn " lj� ' . . � . x.illey and at.the opposing leage: tbreo
- . .%4pt �0 ,little. while. : lie ('loud ..
certain their prey had not escaped house and, well... Astounticarby the fir.- .1 . .. I :11ectivo Alood alld Ilefive I the areadfiJ 1'ell'ifly delld-witillLIANvolity yards Of .
. . .passed from bih- 1111110 ATie, g.,lillering ., I 1. . I : *-..- . . _
iliere was, Ito prospect of their speedy. ing-that 'burst forth hlaii1dair, Jellks .. � I . .1 I I . I . . . , . 1. I 1.11, . i6r. . IX,Nvo oth , ( . ,.rs . danglied from the
I I . , * . . I . I . �
' ' llllstfroju'llls�lp.ps, In that imstAilit I a evil time.. Ili their lit- .
departure. -Nevertheless the -position bn'd Oea�ed the datizerous rock bbfore . ,, . I � �)el � truth to'lts�ow I . 11 . .. I rocks. - It to,ok her some, thile to con�
. I
-s§. None of the . 16*, . -I - tie. nooli the, poWer of the � , -,.tin had uot I >
. . ... � I I -'e .
Was not litterly hope]e the .realizell. that. ' - .above their tho"ght he (letc(-'vd 'It sl'-ght rust'll 9 I .. I ., I trol:-IierVial rhig utteralice-slifficielit-
I - � Y , . . . . . aniong,thiL*�'I rcel;; whem the ,cliff,shi4v . co,m� . .. . . . " . ,
eneiny could tell how or by -%yboin their � bends, were . the* irblit 6 * man aud� the . ,� I.. . - yet made itse f f(4t. By Ordinary, ly. to 84: ,. - . - . I �: . . . � .
. I . .1 . . . �
. . . .. . I
vOnipanion bad 'been shot. -mlitly maidwbom.they s�ought. . . 1. . ed ill) front tlie�hou,,,e. StimdIng ,is lie. Is bolit 9 O'elock..% Long. . . I .
I - � . I . . . .]I(&. � a . �l I , .. . .. . . "I hope E lbay not have to 11010'. 11 gIII3,
tIle ed,ge oil t rock,'this )vas : lit ivy would Ile g.rillfrig. . I. know
ainong the excited borde Jabbering be- 11vith. stupid' �cal they.' Mimed' away was 4.1i . , . . �Cf ore 'llod , Vj ,
, ' ' . � . . .
I I i .polnt lie i�ould'n&" rd � .1 I . At. �,allllotl'bol holped.- but if I.,
�. I I I . .
. . ..
-cliff - over sly..,only, succeeding j.h: sho.wCr- . p a against . � Throughout .the. ue,xt few hourg -they . were to kIII.a -human being I do nor-
neatb aclually looked at the furiow . " . ..
. . .1 . Whell -11,Pr "weloome assurance recall- . � . .
and over again, yet failed to note the Ing* fragments of splltiic're�L stone'lnt:4 ' . , I . ' . must stiffer, the torture .of Dives with tbillk,I -would ever rest 11-11vin." - I .
. I . . big- - owu t jev,ed�- sensps--ile--stell1rd- --:- , *
Flotenthalltip% of the ledge, with Its few the eagle's nest. And the .4allor.slulled.- ,ed I OIRFIhe�eget pUlt brw'aier to sil-are'lie, .. ".Ili that ease I 1I,W6_1rRf`e6d_fiiurd66'd
trifts of grass growing -wbere seeds bad Ife'quietly picked up.alk 46,Id (,oat, rolled b:wk 6 slienk lobvr.:,ilid Ili the saine t,weeii them. Qf- eou'rge`- the -,i�ftie abd ,steel) today"� wlig tile ulifeellm-rt, IV ,
. ,
. .
. I lustillit u. 't-Wilile ut Im. flets I crashed .. ' . : , p -
apparently been .a p6sti� � "No,,no! A. Innii inuit- be 'n)ade of
. blowm by the wind or it Into a, ball :and pushed 'It Into siglit I . . . spirit laiust. be �shuuued like
I - I
. . 11 . I ftist� 1he ro6k overhead. - �f ris had I , , .
� dropped. by pnsslug birds. . amidst the grass. Then -lie i4quirmed na � . I �. pace. 'To. totieli, -eliber uuder such con- sterudr'sjiiffl�": Aye have.,.ii .right to -ft -
I . . . . . _ itui�Ittingl,y saved him from tfserlou.% , . � �
,; sloni'heli and-to;k. up a I ditioni wolild be C�klrtlllg 'Ildat, hpo-
I Jenks understood, of course, that the round oil Ill.. . .. .. . . I .. I . . I tend oursol'yes. It iieed Ile, I Will excer-
I) . perlmp.5 fatal'.1volind. , �'' . .
i rea I danger would allise -wilell.they vig. positloh t6ii feet- away. Of course those . . � I :�. . . . liplexy-and death. An - d ne.�t davl ,* - ' -Be tilat-1.1- . i.
. I . . . He spning to tUie exttreme rIgb . . . . el ,b Still, it is horrid, OIL,
:ited the scene of their eomr,qde!s ill%- who still -carried, Idaded guns.disebarg- 61 . ' ' ' . t. of 13 O.tighifened his jaws before lie an-... so . horridt'r. . ... I .- I " I I I .. . .. �
hister. Even them the -wavering bal- ed thein' at t1W. bundle of rags, where- the ].edge fit�a-.boldly !looked Into. the s*ered: . . . .�#. � ... .* . I I 1. I . , . I � ..
� - treeki belleath. 'T&WO D.Ta , � . I I I . -She cotild.not see the s 11 . '
anee of eliance might cist the iqsue'i,n upon Jeuks tTRI,ust his r*lffe,'boyon&t-be ks were there, . . - I � . I'll Or 8 grim
, �. I - . -
Ili% Favor, Ile could only wal . ed ae o 1� i I I 0 . rock "llill lolwod 'Arer. t - tifelated -%vaiidore�s ,cut off fronv.the .',)Vewill cam,soleourselvi*,withabot� .. sni'ile. ' It . would Materially "Ifrect his
I � I - for At . an- rest . for I the better "wer
t_w1tb , tie of chamilagne inher, M e c be able 'to
I . I .1 . I �. Ina . . .. . . I
ready - rifle, with the light of battle I I in -body. . Tbe.y 41vea beadlong flito While I bear. our Mends s4outing' 10 slay .evtpy 1)y�lk oil the...14bind *Itb: ft
. . . . . ... I.. A I -011, , I . �
lowering in Ili.,; c-.ves. Of one thing at I . .. . .be ulidergi . th for safety,- but. one those left on tfi1s's(d6 of the Island. -1. . sillgie, Shot. Tot her ptitle. protest
. . I I . * .
1. . . CONTAINS . � of them :was too. I.Tte. Jenks' rifle I . I I � . *
. I . . . .
least he -waq vertain-before tbey con- . � NO ANIMAL OIL*& rAT . . . I reaclied him and its -reveeberating eon- must take all active interest 1n.the .lildaqed him. - Sbe .could not at the
(11 . *NOR ANY.NINERAL. . . . . '
ierpd hini lie would levy a terrible '� �45 I . conversation:" . tiff era
. . . - . ack and. -forth by 'tile �. . . same time be callous to. blanaii, s
toll. 1. . , . ptc 1;1% 'r . '.. _.'� �Cullslon, tos"d 1). . . Ile grasped it rifle�nnd lay'doifu.on Ing And be Iris. , But Ile doelined the*
. I ',' "lp.choing rde",L, �.
ITO ghincell back ,at Tills. T�pr face. . t'r P - . ,drom�nod lils liarting_ the ledge, ;alr�ady grateCully -,% loll of i
I . 11 . . . I . I I . ... .� varm., . discuss uch sentiments.
AT:iq 1):ile beneath -Its mask of �aun . . 0 . . serealli. .. . � I . ' . . d. . .
( 'There ny something
I . ... . _ . I ,was at good. .deal bf' stistalued ,,you wk,e goinpr to m
I J.'r IN" � go ob Win going oil.- ,Tenks thou it*lie. when.,tubrief disturbance
I .r IN" n.tli8.pl(,�iltL�do-of,re,4tored,%,]- rthe,
lwowll. . I - . a .r IN" . I ,o . g . . I. . I
rl,l,(. ,,1,1,,f I . 0 U, . - sAllor-rWalted-for 'no counter. deirioik- . � . . .9i . . took. place 11
I . I �
wns liqtenilig intently to . . . req9,giilv,ed'tb6 c-b-lef's voice giving hl� he inqWred, . . � . . � I I"
i .
, whi) saw Ill(,- .' .. . I .. - , hilluisils- - 9trution. 110-tililned 71111d, el"04ticliftigfy *- . , : tho'86 who. had COW ,4 . .f . hialio
he story of Ille Dynk IT ,SOR -BURNS-. . , � . -n end of Ili . structiong to e !Y,e.-,, I wag qurprised to I .w
. ,
'(I;t(I 111:111 lotler dild fall. e gave , " PILIL, .IMPLES-IICZEMA approached the southet . . 8 fl'01�� S111113"10tW- (-ore nIid were how ,olue." - .
. � Ulu M. IATI � �. b6t'tbe ledge ]I:],; Ile(
CA -BAD U1405, . . , - I .
. * ' .
Uille fillk-i-, oyfler. Followed Ilya score 0, 4s X&A & " -CHAPPID "Awasi parapet. Through his screcii-of grogs 6 standing on tile beach near tile qlliarry. - ""toil not tee it illore: hoeause you ar(i
or more pf his men, be-watked ira�rffiy I . rQ Atraloni7mckerfPs. . I he could disclemi, -the long black bitir. 'T wonder if lie, Is* buligry," be obliged to refligin here.,, I . . . 1. I
I f ,rvur� .
to tile foot of the cliff where they a .WQyX1rS,V4r#V* a#" VLAX& S filid yellow face:of a inall who In I . I . . I I
, As AM 4WIPAL . . y 0" thought. -','if so, I .will Interfere With , I . � . I
r. e ."Am, r the sam! and t,wisted his head around , thei.commissariat.". I Atier a pause she salld- - . .
found tile lifeless body. � . 0 __ 0. I , . .1
. . . . the base of the fartber:c1fM. The (Its;. � ' "I think .1 Aude A ind now why you -
Jenks stole one more b2sty glance, at. .1 . Aris pe�ped forth at.film. ,., . . . 1, .; �
. tauce, oft m0sured, was ninety yards, s,jI1,. Jea 1� � I;) �� � . were so upset by tho loss of our wa
, "
Iris. The chief find the -c greater num-. I 0 1 .. . tjle target, prattleally a SIX, Inch bUl]8-' , '. . 'S. .. � -, � .. - . . I tor supply. Betore the day ends we
I .
I . � .1
ber of his followers wei - out of sight, � . . '' 11 � .
- a milat N I M I I - eyp, Jenks took .eareftil,.alm, fired, awl, , A_ -.,, ! ,-, � .. � . -1 .. . will be Ili great straits"efiduring ago-
. behind the rocks. Some of them I a whitr of 4and,flew lip. 11 . ,� . I .. ..
. .. I _ ,.nies front ihir8i!'i -
I ;now be climbing to that fatal ledge. I . 1. . �% he had used t6o fte ;I sight I '. I I . . I . . I . . . � I
Was this the end? When troubled with Sun- , . - , PerhaPs . .. . . . 'Let us not meet the devil.lialt-way," ,
Iris bent forward sufficlently in her, urit, blisters, Insect stings ' And plowed a fuvrow behei.dil tile I)y- CA � . S, i .1 he rejoined. Ile prererrea the. unfair
. - 11 �
- s e -, 1-1 I lit Yell, . - -ould
sheltering niche to permit her to gaze .sore, feet, or heat rashes', .. 1. lik'. ,al e Quly lit, ra a fill' tetort.to it confosslon which C .only .
wilh v0stful tenderness upon Jenks. . but ihb eiAciTirbillig bead vajilshed,ond, I foster dismay* I
.a0ply. Zam-fiuk t.' . there were Ito more VoIllutpers, Sot, that. � I.But, please: I am thirsty now." .. .1
She knew lie would dare all for her - . Surprising how quickly It eases., i . . ..% . . I Ile' ,11.
sake. She emild only pray and hope. - : thb smai thig,and'stinging I Cures particular servl(!O,. . A PIL Ob I . .movqd uneas v,- Ile Nyas only too,
Suddenly it clamor of discordant yelik * , 'sores On �,7011119 'babies due to : lie 'wa,3 still Veering at', the - I)Iaoe � -�onqelotis of- the hifpisb,weaknesg;� coin. -
I . . � 0
\ . I
k .11 �1 E7
? � F I
fell upon her oars. Jenks rose to his ClIatins, � , . . whell it cry of iinililti.,11%).ted RuglI11411 - . moll Ito 01. mankind, which. crea. tes a
. . Zam-Buk� Is' made from- pure caine trom Irls-. .. . . . I . desire out 6f sh"r inablitty. to sdtlsfy.
knees. The DVaks had discover( ' , � * , � .� I qt. Already his owil'tbroal; was purchad.,
refugei �A their I Mrbal essences, Np anlmal'fats� . "Oil, come quick! ibur wat&!' �110 ,
nnd were about to open fire. Ile iiaidneral poisons. Flnest-healert 00 i
offered' them a target lest perebancle , . . casks bhve burst! , . I Cu , 1. I The excitement , of * the early struggle
I Dmovists 4"d $i%trej, etlerl/whe". . - -It was )lot lintil Mlkx had torn the , 6,ckW.dabh.,nd11I, el. - ,Wfis In 'Itsolf elloogl- �t6,.C,4011ddr an,
I04 were lint tboral-12111v mereelled. - :, 11 .. . I .1 I . -_ - - _. - I . . . I l,th!o gro!ilck .
.. . .1 � . I I . tal-Imblin frow off their stores and lie. : ,dent to a bilious ,state I 0 y t t 1 13U an' ,acute- thirst., Ile tk�fflght, It beat to
� - 0 , '. I I .. � -ess tier ' as fai, as '
- _T��" � . : . . __� striving. with both Winds to Vulness, Xitu'se44 Diroml cast . tneet their absbluite needs, "
I . . I I I . . was wildly I . icathlq,�afn fatho Side AC 11 O� 08 I I
I I t�T �ogtllhle. . . .
L .11 . I . - __. I I,--- - , scoop lip some prf'C1011n Grop'.i COIle(',Lctk romar U401811eccesJula a .Own. C I . . r . .
. . . ,,.Bring tile till Cull',, 1IeL said. .",t;o
In ille small hollows of tile ledge thilt ., , d% 1W . . 't
lie realived the'll.tift ningillfudo of the ' ' - ' 084ake halt our store and use tbb ro-
i I!lu I 1. . t $M .
,disitster which had befallen theIll. . - . I triallider whon, we cat. try to Avola"
a rohdach6olo Pills are breathing through your mouth. ,�hd,
yet '
_440,igAlio first rapid exchange of, -e i3all-vanablol onst1hation cLiringandive- .
o . . . 'E atin 11 I whiletboyalgo r hot nit, quIcli-ly atfects the palate and
fire befol'o the ouch�y vaeate(l the eliff � .To Mitt an oYinfeOr
0 H I 15 I 0 - "n L 'N 1-0""L, 1 � it is, A Vnicyoft want I �Pfiyslcing lowers - "Ere u or 003.11a"N' stiroulatethe
, ,
, - pit" �wels; Nveniftheyouly ,causes tin artificial dryness. We'eall-
I - � .several bullots had pierced the ttir It' � Evorand (1) . . .. I .
I POWDER$ the,tystem and makes it more susdeptiblo. i1n, I�y it gtrolco' of - exe.p.eding ))ad for- ayed r . . not yet Ue -111 real need Of' water. It -is
. :11 . .
I 11 I UP -5-04,11L to dis6dse.' The winter months have been. time tWo. Of them had, struck 0.1101 of .. � . � I largely Imagination. I 1. I .
0 great strain upon your vitatity and unless you put the blood in good the water barrels and started tile . A Iris, needed no second bidding. $Ile
condition all manner of evils will overtake you. PSYCHINE is the staves. The contents quietly obbed Acb,otbeYw6uldbdalmoistprlteiosptbc�o*ho - earefully measured out half a pirit of
allffer from this d1streAst omplaint,, butfortit. -
Greatest of Tonics and should be taken by every one at this season away limeath the broad, sheet filld, tately their goodheesdo X"oterid lipro,still thoge - the un§avory fluld-the?dregg of the
e h6 once try, thealivill findthosolittle, pills vala' casks and 06 q,courings of the lodge.
of the year. PSYCHINE a%sists the gastric, juices and ferments in nowing Inward by-reasort of ibe-sharp * ',',VbI. in ('61uhty NVAg that they will botbo w1l. .
their digestion of the food 'Cleanses the mucous membrane - of the 1110PO Of thP.10dge, Der'"Ift"d through ling todr) 10ttiouttleal. Butifterallakkil" "I will drink th�sf," she erictl. i
I I "
tile fault. Iris and 114, notwIthsLanding . X&.0 nol" he interrupted Impatiently,
Stotpach, gnd lin aninvigo'rating and beneficitil effect on the muscles tholt, freirylea'afort-f, were )lot able to " 116,11vo It to Tile."
and nerves. -Por,,atarrh of the -Stomach-, Ulceration or Weak Stbm- save more tbati a pint of gritty discol- 's,ho, ptotended to Ile surprised.
ach, Dgpepsig, the use of PSYCHINE Is strongly. advisable. �, ts tho.r6m.00many Rites t hero lot wbom "As a more matter of politenoss'l-
. . . ored fluid. The rest., Infinitely inore we inake onr groat bosoU 0
- t, 0 Ithicareltwbile
PSYC INE aetingon'ft Stomach restores ittoo healthy con nik vahiqble'to flimn than till the dinillonds others do not. . "I nan sorry, bilt I nh�,dst 1141SVI .,
I r
then acts through the st6mach upoa all tht vital otgons, creates an appatiteo ri 9 CatterIoLittld tivoe Pills afe,,vory wall slid S'lie gave h1w. tile cup over bis shoul.
renewed vitality and strength to thopndr6 system and enAbles it to. throw of cil a . of De 11P.P.rs, wag now oozing through very. easy to take. Oneortwopillarnakoadoso, der.* He'PlAftd it to Ills III)$ find
of every kind. It is thb � 1. -.111 1� I � � I tile natural channel cut by centuries of They are strietig vegotablo, anti do n t r
Arl or;
reAtbot health, I I . get but by t 61r, gentle Ution Ill n "
howlik to medical go once. - ; storin, dripping upon tile headless skel- �
givtr 4 . If I � wtbemk "" WhO rulned stondfly, .
KED 51-KEE eton In the -eave, son1ting down to tile "STU 900111121 00.0 Ift If"
Oct to WN, AALSWXYM, tbnIt6dJ6t6nt6Z � Wer , ) .
. , ON to-d6y., All drUgglitd, Ana S y heart of their burled treamiro. , % IL JW Da JW (To be dontinued tiext ,
. brAWSSA ver w8cko) "
I IN 1 1119FAMT fir I 09 ttAffll AND, . i ,
A. 11 t BY Nzat 6& i1w . $11110 "0046, . - � I � � . . I W . Nk ^1 I -1 �
I I I . � . I . I I I
1----.-��"..,.-.,�.".�..�,.���-� .... ... _._._ .... ... ____.___---______--- ---,--.-.--.-,- 1-1�-.1--l.�--.---.-.-,------,��-,- . .1 __
. - � . ;
I . . I :
. . ;
. . When I shown Positive and reliable proof that a certain
remedy bad.cured numerous casesof , female ills, wouldn't . I
�, itny sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would � .,
also benefit her if suffering with the same irouble? I I I .. I I .
Her'e are two letters which prove' the efficiency of Lydia.' . .
E. Pinkham's Vegetable� Coinpound, I i
. !
Glanford Station, Oilit.-I'll, liave,takon LyAIIa,.E,. pinkhankils I ,I
Vegetable Coinpottird for years and never found any medicine to 1. I I
compare with it. I bad ulcersand fall lug of tire itterus,and doe- . . I ;
I ;
torsdidineirog-ood. Isuffere(itli,eadfttllyttvttilibegilitt.akin.g ,�
youraiedieine,, ItIms also lielped other wouien. to whom I have ' I i
recoilliticuded lt."�31 - . menryClark, Glanford Station, Ontario. I i
� is I �
, . ;
. . . . .. � I& �
Another woinal;i says Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable I �
. Co'I'M?ound is the best iri m-dy in tl-l7Ia world,for women. . . . � I
. I I I i
I ... � I . I . I
. � . .
Fox Creek, W. P.-IOT hareah,vays bad painsin the loins and . � 1�
. . :
1% ivealiness t1wre, iind often after- iny meals my food Woll1ld diS- ' . .
. . .
I . 6
tre,,4s me 'andvaikse soreue--.s. 1,ydla E. "P Ili k*lw irk's Vegetable I . I
collipolind Ims. done Ille, ilklich g-6od. I *hIn stillouger, digestion I .
: �.�
is better, and I can walk witit ambition. I Irave encouritged - I .:
nimity mothers oil faukilles to take it, .I"S it is the, best remedy in . I
the. -world for wonien. You can publisli this in tho- papers..", . .
� .
� I
I- ank. hourt1xte,,Vox Creek, N, B,,,Canada. . .
. .airs, win.i. I � . 1. . I
. . . I i
. I . i
I ., ,�
We will. pay a handsome reward to .,,in , p6rson who NN -111 .- I
. . I . )
. . prove to us that these' letters, are. not genuine and trfl.fVul,
, � .
-7 or that �cit . hel� of these. women I were - paid'. Ili . any, I Nygy for .1
,. . ' . .
their testimonials, or that.the letters are published '%X'1ifb6ut . . �
their permissio'n, or that the original, letter ftom each did I
. -b � .
I . I A .
. ,�
. not Lsonye to.us entirely iinsolicited� ' I I '_!
I . 4
1-1 ' . .
� .What - more p roof can.'any one - zCsk ? .. I . . I . .11�-. I
.. . . . . . , 1� I
1.1 . � .., .. . . . . . I I .. I ,
'. I
. For 30 years *Lydia ril.'Plukham's Ve,-,Ietable: � W .1, W � I . �
Compound has beelft the standard'vemedy for . 1 . .
female ills. No sick woman does justice to . . . .... . ,
, .
herself -who will not -try this. famous medicine. . % . . . . I -� .
Made exclusfvely froxil roots and -herbs, and I I . I
- . .
I . I . .
w .
. .
. has thousands of In,ures to its credit. , . . -1 . . .
W Mrs Pinkhain Mvites mil'siclu , , - . . I'll , . .
, I women . i
:to write. her .for Advice.- .4 She Ii .. 11 ... i A � . . .
I 1,-Wded thi'diisarids to health freiB of charg.ge. 11 .� . . . .
. . : � , Address. Mrs. Pinkhank,'Mrion, Alass, �.L.Y A E PINKH^M . Ili
. . .. I . . . ,
. . I
.. . . . . .. . . . .. . . '... 11
11 - I... . . I . . . . � . I I . - - - - __. - I . ,.� .. J
____ . �
'. .. . . . .. . 11 I. I . . .
I - . I .
. . - - - - .
larsawwa' "..
. . . I
I I .. .. .. I.:: ..... ....
. I
. . . I . .
.� .1 . 11 I- .. . .. . . I � .
^- e%, . 1% -aft I EN
. lz"_%e� . Rff%%.WED .Mr.
D 1.�10 ou � . . 11 . I... .
, . � '
. - ...
. . : A3*.L1Fff,VV0RTH: LIVING. - - .. I
. � I .. . . ...... . .. 1. . .
. .
. el I . 'AlEM'y6ii-becoms diiheni��-red
. . , 1. . - ; " P! : . '.' .. wherf - you , feer tile syniptojas of
. .
. I I 4) � . . . Nevyous D49dlity and, deeline stkilileg
I 11 M11 � � I .upon.*yoll. yoll,lalven'tthe'uerveo,�
. .
"I ... � . � . ambitiod you used to haVo; YOU ,
.. _. . feLll jout are no.i titentan'you olight
� I- � .- . .to lie. . . You feel like giving UP In
... 11 iil' , cloqpalr-, :You get norious .0d weak,
I �. havo little .4inibitionj pai� in'thO
� I I .11 'L, back -over lddueys, drains At night, ;
11 , rt ) ' tired. inbrnings, prefor
- . lollow, eyes,
. . I . . to. be .alone, dis:trusltt . Ai varlable
. 0 . . . alipetl(e, lopieness of hair, 'Poor. Or-
... . . . � � . culation�yo,u hay.e Ner.xqt4s'
. . ... . I � . . , �.� � .. Debility. Ouv- New Method.
. . 1. . . ""'Cel tMent is.,Yoxlr� rclflilgc. Is. �
.. .. .... Till, .streagthen� all wc-ttk -orgaliq,
. . . �, .� ! I �� I . -i;tepi, purify .
.� �.. . I . . I I .� �. . . vitalize 'tho.nervou8 9� inan ,
. . I . � I I . ,tile blood and r�storoaiou to'a -
. � ." . . � 1 . I . , I I - . .
.� . . 1. � . , - I I ly condition. .. �. , . .
. . .. .: ., I . .. . .. I .., . . � , � .
.; , . .. I ; . ..
1. . . � . .. . I Poy When Cured�
. .
. ..
. . .... � . I , i L1111 . 2 !lave yoll ]oat .hope? Ate youluMIM-9 to �
. I ro you a V cl 1: --%n� weaknegst
�.- al EARER.')2r.ry? Has yot r� biood been.diseased?' Have you .
. , . 0ur New Method - Treatment W'Ill Cu'jo.y6II.*.- what it has 'done for nundreds of
. others, it will do for you. COXSUL7��TIQX.FREE. No matter. who. has treated
.you, 'WrIte, for. an lionest opinion Froe' of Charge. Chargei reasonable. B . 00X8
. VSEE-:m"The Goideti 31obitor" (Illustrated),_dlk Disleases of Mon.. I . I . � .
. . � 11 I a . , . .
. . .
. . E�TA -CURES GUARANTEEb, No Treatmint v..exit
. � ,
I . C. 0. D. No naines on boxe# c.�. envalopes. . Everything. confideAtial. Questio I xh-
list and cost Elf Home Treatment FREE. - I .1 . ., - I . .
. . . � .
. .. . . � �
. � . . I. . . I .
. . . � . , .
1. . alffsomm
. n.. VV9N1W11111WR_nyJLV 1. imy
. I
.. F%%Wo ill . . . . : . ,. .
.., . . . . I ' ' '
i . I : '.
. Cor. Michigaft Ave,., and Grisw,old St., Detroit, Mich.:. � � I �
. �
. I ... . . .. I . �
I . . i
. . . _ . - _ I
. . ;
11111111111111-- - - __ . : .
. . . . . . ,
.. I . I . . . I . I . �. . . . : . �,
I --- -_ . I � . . . . . .. . I
. I , - l� , , � . .
. 11 . - . � . I .
I I . I
I . . :. . I �'
i � I � I
� . '. P'" BUY XG001D D VNE ..''
.IT PAYS *0 . '.-�
. I ,� . . � �� .. --7.-.
� . .. . . . � . . I . .. ��fff, ,
I . I , , �
. . . . E_V�n cto 'tell you about' a Good .-
. W . = . I
. . LRaft'ge--l't's called tho,-- -
* - - .
I . � . . I
. . . �
. . . .
� . ' . . . � Folko.
. A PERSONAL inspection is.�eque'sf I I =_E. PANG . . i
. ed. -and now'is a good time to comd ,Las, I
New Stock just i � n--Let1§'talk it over. I . . -L . $A ir . . . I
. Surprisingly moderate prices for sure' ,. . V'916. . , �
. satisfaction.. See us befor: you.buy. : Z: . � . .
. I . � . . 1. . . 4, .. I .. . I �
� .
. I. . DAV I g. , & 'Row LAN Dy , 11 I
� I
I .. I Sole. itze.nts., �'. I I I dinton', Ont...' .
, 11 . . . . �1 . . ,.
. . . . I . . I
I 1. .. . .. . . � ...
� I
- ...�.-�---.-��---...�,-.,-,�,-.. - ; - 5s-�_"""Tnae . �
. , , I - .
I .1 I . . . . . . I
. �
� - R We 1: CUTTLER10 I -
1� .. Pallifter and Paper. salikaer,
11, .1 I Alf VVoik inaran teed. , . .k
.., !.I. 11 , I . . l,
.� M.. . . .
.. ... ..... , . Prices. reasonable.
. , I�F.` - . ... � - . . I
... , , ' ` �
It"I ,, ��. " . I.. I ... I- _ ,Re§tdence nearly .6ppositit �h,b ` ,
. �,J " w M .
I " w
" w "`
, " w . 1, . ��..
.. ti,croFm I ANO' AFT)IFt T11CATME4T, I . .. Collegiate.1 � n,stitute. . . I �
. . I 1. I . . I
. Caiiadi,sn ;i'et-te,rine. " � . . � ___.��. .
,1,.4 An absolute, certain cure for r,txorna, licne . �
RoscaiTetter, Pim les, lilackhei&, Ringworm, . I
S, ulcers. �
iores, and Of cutanodus and facial blernisbeg.. . . ,
ilarl)erat lich, scals 11cad, Itching Pile . 1W . O' � 0 �: L
, *is beeTt thoroughly and . .. � . .1
I JI. quaessfully tested I .
lit hun4redg ofsorcalled ittpurable east.s. ' . . . .
Itis ent.rely unlike any other rrepamflotu . . .. .. - . I I .
rhixture cr Ointaient that has beetisold or pro. �
wribed, . Benmiller woollen Mims I
I A fo%v aril"Ittotis*W111 convince tilat i's beta I . . �
vondertu inedical vlttae end Intrinsic tnerit. . . :
.,,�t 19 junde Ili Cunad.t. A good honest Cana- -
m ,it, atioll'. - - � I . . its usual, I shall baprepaw-El to bur .
PrIlreotetrCr. Yifty Centit of five boXes Two and give thoPlIGHB,81. 0:V311 PRION
Dollirs. . for WOOL, both washed an(I tinWasb- ,
. Mailed to any adar,em pir recelpt, 6f,price.
Sold and recoulinanded by all loadhig, Drug- ed, or will exohange for my lumatac- ,
gist.4 In Canada. . turedurticles, � .
I r(imphlet, free, to any address. It a680rtkkie"t of.
11=idact.ured dkkd sold by tht sole propind- Tweedsrof Various up-to-date patteriis,,
Cots. I ) D Th6 Tait * ti * artildr.1 6b.. also a ,lood' supply �of 13ed Blittiketa,
I 6 he Oh'
& .. wind"r. onwic. Horae H ankets and yarns of varlolle
Sold ift Clinton by W. S. R colors. . �
Erolmes", 1. E. 110vey, W'. IIJESSE GLE01-1
me-0611nell,druggisig. - 4 111MILILMN . , -
. � .
I . I ','� , " . . 1;
---------L �__ _ I- . 4 - . _� I 111 A