HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-08, Page 6M , , -1 ._--____-_1 40K . I - - ­­ - � ­ __"""**_Q__177-��� ­­­ - ".5109ft"111101 - 1. ­­ _______ - 1 "1499 -014q INOT(MIRAM.; I I . � . 1- , , - - V �. .... - _111 -- London Nowspopor Appointif, Coro . .. � I 4114 I. CHICAGO LOOVED., . , �, - - __ ­_­ .___-_1__- -------- - I .... � 11 ... ... I .- ­_ 4 - tnission to. Wks Toot. ... ;ja­-­­­ Ths, Now York Postoffloo, Diecovorod It T .- - - ___ . I -_ .. . - - I 11 � I - 1. I 1. � -11 A, I I 1- ­ 11 . I . - -----7--77-7. ' A I A meeting was held recently of the .......... I � In Illinois. :���' , .'11111­1'6,�, . . - , .1 -'rTuips"Inw,", r!"n f r1lW?11'r1w,;1 t"'Frif,ml . . � � . commission formed some time ago by 1. . I - I Where 14 041c4;O? % , � , � . I The London Daily Mail to investi.. t Till$ abstruse geographical probjenj '. I , , , I , gate- the genuinenvss of Vo-callod '**�,, 1 . . "I � . L must have given considerable brain I ff . I . - . I I . . 4 1 ;;� I - .. ­�,.,__ I I I I spirit photographs. The commission t I � , 109 to employees o : ,_ �, CAST,ORIA . .f the New Yoru I I � . - I I - formed at the sug . . .. � � ... was _gestion of A. I I VoStoillCo r0ftlItly* Who ,history 401 jVMul I . - � P. Shmett, who entered into the eon- 21 � I I . 11 . by the Daily News. The envelope I - , I - ___ . , %l. their researetes to establish the _-0, q � I troversv with the 'ivriter of a, letter I . :__��­­�7��,�-Z-_- -,�,� Vor Infaxits stu4 Wallbon, to Tlij Daily Mail, irlio expressed I I - I ; VbereabouWof tile town lvltk tile _'. ­ _!�_ ' doubtt3 as to somo spirit photographs . . I 1. ; "od4 sounding name, don't you know," A'�, taken bv Arclideacon Colley bavin.ff - I ai he RIA The Kind You 'Have , I produced by non -material means. - . I ) an envelope received a few days ago � STO ; bVel . 1 may be rea C� A - . I rrb. -4 - --fm �f +1,�A. _L& * I __ -, ____..__., - - ". ___:__ , _ � _. - - �­ -, _ -1 I .. - - . I - � I I '- - - " - - I -- I 1 44, ,-_ ":11 1�71­11_­!, - 501 � I ivell4cnowrt photographic experts ..". . � I Was 09' the ordinary. gray variety used .�� I . , I Identification l3iffo ' KEEPING A CLAIM, .1 _'­"� lby the foreign service of tile Daily WFI-paratiort1brAr, el, I - t � I I 'Pult. I find three gpillienlen. well known in, . .0--. , gelaW. , 1, AlwiWIS Dou '_ , . Tbq late A. J. Cas.-:att 4t a dinner at Tenderfeet Sometimes Overlook ',th� the spiritualistic world. .1 I . .. � . . I I i News. it was from J40"dorl-from. .1 , t ' ""' 'ill- , . . � I . 6unlight Soap cannot $poll Loudon, Ungland, The address. It bore, "" "' ' . . the Philadelphia Country club. was here now seQln., t;oine possibility t _5M9.a0ow6'j,-0r ; I ! I , � Incidental Expenses. of ill(., ,diffloult task undertakcit. by your Clothes. There are no In large, blacl� printed jetter& I .fi.%. - I � . t . � 4sUq4 lits Opinion of the fashion of . _ � � .v F, � Beats` the 0 - * woulen riding borsebac�- astride, 1' Once in a while a chap wanders in. , i by commission "Cb1cago Daily News, 123 lot , 23" . . the spirit photog-ap Injorlou-5 chemicals to Sisn" I Iftli Ave- .32! . I , I . ------!I I 111�1 '1104M 13 , "I don't altogether favor it." said to a New.ontario silver camp Nvith being flecomplished. A spiritualist I light Soap, to bite holes In , : Due, 40bleago, U. S. 'A." - I., I � . I Mr, Oassatt. "It ' with W116-11 ill(, committep has been 00*�the most 4elicate - . Signature ' , , � . I sometimes lead link account. . . ,That was alf The New York- post. � "'Oufastou, is to, . big aRnbitiops and a b, lit touch has offerod to take kome ex- fabrict 01 090 Are offerm . . , ' 4 i He is goivQ� to stake three claims on posc,4' photographic plates from the ell to, a one 41niling ofilce had nothing more to guide it ill Pr6moteslDigestionkheerrul- , . � � , � 6#1 was driving one afternoon on Lan-: his license and permit, fin(I 0 , tile photographic'experts, which .they may no Iteration in unliv, t . turtli�ring the progress of the missive 'nessandResWontalosilellfter ; ; - 44 o I a U "Norptune wr 12=aL I caster pike when ,I rider was ttlrqWA z Nvork -or have it done and some day pack and scal in any way they think I Qapq, a,, I.. than thfise few words. . What wonder . I Of . . � 10'r ,*%� violently from a �splrlteil bay horse, I own a mine. that tile letter should finally reach Its. - - NAUCOTIC* :1 I . necessary to, prevent the packets be- I , Lucidly the accident happencil In . . destination -bearing the proud legend, �- � . I I have -met one or two -not many qtg opened or tampored with, And ,._�.,�n rz_ .11� I . �, . 4 - froAt of a phartnacy, The Proprietor to ffnI8�IiVf7Rv-" these. 1- ­­ 7- ­ ----------`i stamped In red i0k, "Deficiency In ad- ; "I in tile multitude, isays A. 0. Pulver , plate,% of a I . dress supplied bY X. Y. P, O," and r--,�- 0rfltj,A--5,iP=-,V=ff � , ran forth with his clerk. lie propped ' in The World -and bipy are usually meetbia of his spirit pl�otograpby Keeping Tts. Feet Warm, � !�� . . � " up tile head Of thO unconscious rider, written lit red -Ibk beneath the Moro- PURAUn SeWfl- un', h enough to . declare "cirole." and then to return them to Nothing Dr. Drummond wrote. is .,f,,Vm . . .. I I -old eig tljej�p isticated ' glYPIlle "Chicago," th(Y'gulding f3ylia. .41V '. #nd. seeing a g arette case lying 1 mile$ tile commission, to be developed in quainter 'in the. way of dialect than RN441& satis - I ambitions, which are : �, � on the ground, lie took It UP and read I ahead of their bankbooks. Ili-; presence- It, will then be seen this letter received blo 11111.11 which bad been onlitted from .4d,re &,rrz, - I . P I by a firm, of stovo - , � A%ennhz,r . . I I . . I t I 'I',. 'P. S. Browne, No. 1839 Walnut street., i Thero's a rough. estimate of ex.- IN-liptlier the spiritually magnetized dealers in Montreal, Tbe mily,chinga tbo original address. Thus did j%7ejv 4WW1q&,rj& 4 I P � , I I '' "'Jack,, he shouted to his erraud i pense, that these. chaps usually o-ye.r. plattis show* on development any psy- that has been, niado, is tile imme if York supply the "deflefency."' � . lhlr.�A,reed- , I I I . � I I . 20,01Ujilyar . I -riting or signs caused by purely the custonter tht-.4 had the kick com. Willie contemplating this Interesting a*qlwa t�um- all .., � boY, 'telephone to AIrs. Browne, No, look and neglect to pick out of the phic I% 14 1 . I . . �', . , i IM Walnut street, that her hwban4'-;_ It up enthusiasm, external agency. I ing: � . record of.the zeal ot the New Yorkers . . 0 . - . . n ". "But just then a tiny gold haD4. mir. 71pre-51t,"Of all comes the license fee of An offW Ila,, also been made to " "Dear sire, -I receiveil de, stove Ill working for tile betterni6ift of the ' AperfectReme4y'forC0jjS(jp,a_ � USU ". , I ., I ror -wUli a powder puff attachiia-eut fell $5 and 4 P�rmit fee of $10, for staking, the commission b,. another f�entlp- which I by front You alrite. But for postal -service, It is.easy to Imaging flon, $our Stomach,Diarrhoea, I . . � . ': 11 froin the rider's trousers packet, and in the reserve, - . mail .tb arrangO. for them a series Of why you don't ,;fMd .1110 J10 fc(`t� Wat the ttirmoll -into ,which t NVOMIs'ConVUL--ions'Feverisil . . I ; : . I Then 4 'man is almost necessary. to demonstrations of ,spirit pbotogrqphy is Zle' ll�e of de stove wben lie don't he eastem , �� I the.pharmacist called: , office was thrown when the foreign atssandLoss�or. Surm. i . . � .t , I . complete the expedition and this irian with an ordinary, camera, a woman have no fecup I. aw lowe to me Ifty � 'For Over * "'Jack, I inean telep.lione Mr.13rowne gets six or seven doll4is a day. but malls brought. Ili this meagerly ad-, , I �� of this tiledium having expressed her will. emitomer sure tiji,� by'not having de , Tacsittlile, Signature of I � . . I I 1. . .. ., that Dirs. Browne has fallen'- oxgiil eilwill be ornitted and the ingnesti to asMst Ili the work. ,By dressed missive. The trouble probably - - 8 11ff . �... n iv� fevt and dats nof Very Pleasure for . �, , . I ,.� "But at this point the clerk, who had lone i 4 �1, gops Out alone. availing thomselves of ON offer the me. Wait 1, ,to inattor v. -;t you? started with a; minor clerk reading the,, ' I I I.. I I I . I � . , nX , I : .11 been burning it feather under the rid. I �oill a Iny trade,-; Inotley .i:K goo(l like I WEW "YORK. - -, rs , . . I . His outfit is, g to cost about mmmis,;ion may possibly obtain "' ' brief Inscription, scratching his head T h rt a I er's . nose, tickled her lips with it, and $200, and lie stakes three claints, al. some cOIIcIuA-,V- ev,dellop as to the I n. po�blex6dly and asking his neighbor lit I Oliiiiiii 11 i y T e i . I ;1 I . aiioder niall's? yryll loo,:P. Ille my 1111111111111111:111111 I . - -_ I . : she suilled and murmured ,jtin,, lowed by Ili.; $15 exponditure for ]I- truth or otherwise of tile claims of trU(I0 the most approved rall Alall fashion: . I . I , and I am viclo fingro for tiat.. I .. "And then tile pharmacist sboutpd: . . -m- I �. . vense arid Permit, After, making a spiritualist.; that spirit bodies can 'be And now T tell yott (j,tf ,,-oll tit- fir bl,?m I- "Oh, I say, old �,hap, did you ever I I I . discovery find putting in tile Posts; .. - __. � . I .1 . "'Telephone Mr. and Mrs.. Browne. ,` . fool 1111d 110 9v0d, I s�nd yon bac.1; ficar of .0bleago?" I C borse.' "-Everybody's Magazine. . .� S. - the line. ca. I �;L cording. .Vir%t of jAll, lie pays $2 to I '411 the cry was Passed alon : .; . s0nia liwvvr to get an application for - .In tilt, E,nalish Hou-ci of Lords the IX'oilles- yilqI,x* T ­)rvfl.-Iok, � I 11 . - ... I - �It� that lkliss Browne has fallen off her ,tile pro."Pector conles back again to pit . oto-raphed. . . lit wunce Y,)Ilr �t(lvi- , . . I--- I i . . thil rveord­r's offlee, and does his r(IL . � 1 � toninFre forstire Then two heads were� scratched, FLUd - � : . Entering the Lord 'bveauso -,-oil vro 4-.u-vlj--.j b!,.Ill f,00Ij I I FXACT COPY Or WRAPP . ;I SAS ORIA � � , . ___ . 'pepeding., ­aro very differe4t. A . Ili, - , I "Where, oil, where Is �Cblo'fl'go?ll Ull.til ,T\k�'­�:, - �_. I � .009a THCCXi41C.VfVcoMPANV, W�WVOMKCM. rocord:uiadq out for each claim. This P1 : . .-nll' Ut Fie;ir," I at last it ,reached the astute ears o' . ." . � f I- I I .­ means $0 in, the Inivvers., After that nowly.ereated peer entvra that III,;-. "I"' S- Sinc,-3 I rit � il;,, lottpj, -1 -fir,(l " soni6 scholarly old fellow who I - 11. . . Chicago and Mail Orders. 16 4­zvllsv f,i) nle."- WtM . torie cham1wr. ill a robe of scarlet ,do leet in.,jo-hove.,j, . 11111 ...., P� . it costs $10-50 It claini to r6cord in tile . .. , I � , Chicago claims tile distinction of be- . . I willing to set to work and sol I � I . . .,. Ill,- the mall order center of tbo unl- 'recording othee. arid this ainoutils to, volvet trinuned w"th driiiiiie, attend- . . . . � . . � . . . ., I . ,, � ' ' � . � -barts of to � ---.- _ . I � $31.50, .� . 1. . �d by two fellow peers, who -act q,A I - _ _ _ , - ., . I Problem. Getting down his c _ � __ - ­ � . � . * _______1 , - ___1 ­__ __ 1. ..---.-1_ I � � Terse, and some recent figures from 1; ' the b1 . ­ Oelichted. W 1-1 1 I and . ., � � I . . �, And still the red,,thp(l AfietCIICIR 011t. ')is SP013::01's. fitld Q, eoried b,-, ack . . ith Canada, tile Wild - unexplored Nvestern " . I . . � * . . I .� . . : the postoffice there would seem to es- Therd is. next fin ­ipplic, � I . I TI.e 860ftish. ..I g�ic tilt Itntl Coulm14- . . . �, . . ption to pro� rod, ,I.,; the liergoant-at-arnis is -known . . lunds, lie lot his forefinger wander I , across Its prairies, along Its rlm.raI4 - , i, I . , ill 19 . .M; 6, . I . a . tablisli the right to the honor.* One of c,eed wiiij tile asqes-inlellt �vojk, �4�jd and tile gartir3ting tit arms, arra.�(,d b.611, Nvhi(.lj visijt.d. ClInall, 01-4 . 0 11 ;. �. tbp biggest mat] oi . Stoll lv�s is,�,Ltcd it, report. jt is ' 0 . . -on 'I Po ti nd ment co. .1 A , .:,., -der houses recently "' I ' costs $'I> ill) here ill in agorgoons tabar(L. The procos I � le',vs find finally ftb6ut, th bordee of � Natl a r a cc 4 "'is a i' . - All vxcojw L - I . . Gow Pp' ' 0" 0 uralkl,oriditioll..; . .1 � I.. . . . I . ,. broke all postal records by mullirlt tj ganda, ],)ut before that there is :tnarclie6 around, nialdiig low bows: lt�ljtjjjIajj.sis ot agri uIt ' ' IN' takes Untiflie .came aj last to jb6 I I � . , , " ,�'tir , . I . I .. . 'eat of . falatly Imprin I . . � ,� . . I . :1. 6.000.000 catalogues. each weighingtwo rercord at $1. Multi- tb the empty thro.fie an'd to ill(, pre- in Canada., They poilit Out that Call.- ted letters, -"Chicago.,' . � I - am-. � . I . �. , .1 11 . . ; . PIN, �. . 1D11rh . �. � . Ounces. the whole weighing 450 tons. . these by. three and.there is $9 sidink offivor, who is -the Lord High ada kiliffers fitblil '%onest 'exagge.ra- 011, Joy! It 'was 'found, . .There re.. . I . . . I ,'_� added. I . . � , . I . , I � � . I . � . Chancellor, froini different phi-ts .of ,.tioll," a"A well - inalned oul�, to discover what state . As Mrs.* T. k ' I alker. 4ft� left . :, . " The sacks holdifig the catalogues In order to. get a PafeAt 'there is the gilded- chaniber., to whieh� ffitit as front superabull- , . : .. ag; I ency for the abov . W . . . . Clinton, ifie . . . I 1. ,weighed sixty-flve tons. h 1.80 da;ys' work to do 01-1 each claim- , . . flailce of land agmits and spe,pulators; I �lue surrounded the o4scuro village .. e Cbmpa ' bag been transferrdd I I . � I pamphlets had been sent on one'train imposing -person I-ravely. resp6nds.. bift on thp other hand it Is a co.t. . Intry thus designated. 1111nol,% the mali - 1. to rhe � . � . . ny. . . . - I . I 0 . � . . ''. ­ .. � I .. . . . � . ,­ that is :30 (lays tile fif.-;t year, 60 the When the "new peer reaches the (If I)OUndle-Si agdolultural possibilities.- stated, bleago" then, - I's In 1111no1q. I I ; . � - . . - I . thirty care would have been filled. seNnd and 90'ihe lhikl v*�,lir. I - e , he :kneels .reverently and They revormixeit'd 11 that Ito one should* How easy -when one knows llowl Bach, . _. . . h 4 . I " ' - .- . - . - . . . . ,% . . . . . jj;)�On . � . I This -,York will 5 a (Lay Or-' .., . I T ose idesiring th p_ B St 0ement at , I ____ average $1 . . Places upon- the onlpty chair, wh6re 6riR ill Canada until lie kijo% . . .. . ., e ..reasonable � I I I . . . I . . . . . I I y . . . . � - ` 77:� $900 for one �Iairo, at 180 d-ays; for His Ma 'b� qftting' the I's the alonl; tile I tile. passed the' vrord.,�"Chl- ' pric" may Secure a,suppl , fro . .1 . 1. . � . � . . ... . . � . 'M �me.. I I .. . . . I . �� .1 . three clalms $2,700. Dur this work jostir 'Ought, to I ,, colintry,, iis ,climatic conditions, antl I cago 18,111 Illinois.!" � .. '' � . . � .. . . I . � � .. . . . . ­ I IN 1111 I fi proper lifts ilig patent..'011 1lobility lie has receive(] has Ife-iii-nod Q.401-ionee bas a hired _'� ' .. . I I : i survey to be made, The problem was solved.. The effl. '' . �..' . from his 83V"erelgil'. He 4s�tlleii led hvtid or -otherwise. . . . . . . I .� Ach costs $75 fl�claim, which -.comes , It js remarked � I %-%' IT- 'A�NP]Rk�WS.v -Clint A .., Is Lord cielley -of the New. York postoffi&e *ns 1. I .. .. on.: - . . . " wl to the -woolSark, wheh- ill' t1l.)t their Iligh appreciation at the . .1 .. . . . I I- , - I I . 1. .I I . . ... in .-it $225, Finally ,"compensatioii` . CIjan6 MNNWWWXWW I ,,,, I � . I .., ,� proi,ed. . Hastily grabblu Ms'pell,'.tb� ' 1. . . I . . � . I . I I I n,ail 1.0 n � for the land -hits the purse strings oa' . ellor adni�uis;ter,' to him. the (11 Dtulfties of Canada.will be 'valuable. ., . .1 9 . . nd, - ___ -1 . . . .1 .;, � -1 I 1. it est �h.' His �poilsor,6 next lead him to e,ii)v(-jaIljr* ff% is . I ! . . iv -, acknoWledg first clerk'iwrote in trIumph, "Ill.," a . I I and oil, three claims it would be $300. 1 ed. - that, � - I -de ' . I . . � - -1 � n_�_ . . . , .. 11 .1 . . I I . AAI ": . t I Mter 'ill . - 'tiie propp� bench, wherc, -13e� tahe-, .','I'aro hospitality", has not - swept sent the lett.ei securely along its 4. I . . ''. ��4­ I ,. I ' ' . ' ,.4,tarnseh trotilil,, 1, �t a his s tit. for*i nionleut. 'Theii'all, three tilv,,ni a%%.ay ilt d routd.-Chicago Xcws,, . . � , ... bilta gy1l, tom of, and t of tll's.. a man - Can V e I . a 046 of indiscrimia; , tille . I . ­ I . . ., patell ; - ­ . I . � . 1* ` . I . . I . i. . V 'Artburn, ato 6miri,stioll as rt�al (11.�,ftsLs 1 and bow tju:Pe7,times'at�jhe va­ a 1. . .1. . Ill ,. - . � . - - . I . I . . �. � -id(IS I I al- - -%\,h � . . _� - - - - ­ . I.. - ­­ I . 11 . I . I . I . . I '11� MI'S 1"CidOnt, ,,, tbis .1 . I . I .:. � . . 11 I- `lN I ­ ,ss am I � � , '' � . . . KRO'lS. AT WATEN-.,00, - ', - � I I i . I . . . I I. .. .. ''. � �. I . . - M2WAVZOMOUNUMMMM - I � . 11. . . 4�­ . . I . . .. 1. � . . ­ .. I . I .1flPtollil; offly of a certain s ' - to the '6A . S 1.01' cant throne. and th�ce tbnes I - ."".." 6i,-kn,-ss-not)jjng (.1st,. . .pecifia i nL � I � I � � IT U �*JRSUR ' , . "--If M k1l" (16(%sv- We thrN of Dyspej olo busi. � rise' te oulol'j. , 10- . oVilts to'abQut $.I,�66.60., 1 - I �E - .1 � . . presidin : offlcei% - Tile 1ard, - High . - � _ � . . _ag�� - � � . I .. :1 .. I . . I .. . . . . . . A41'ai(pig ttny:nerve-�uo,large . . . � . .1 . I . . . " " �,v'&:s thl,; fart, that tirst correctly led Dr. Sbool) I . I 1. . � .9 79 t -ba n I - I . . . . I 11 .. � W 4 rt"Itl"ll of that lims, very vopular stonincti -:- GOT - - ancr � co - It the'llnest, si-1ken thread�-takes :from w the Irnmortalized. . $ , � � .1 I t., t. 71 Chancellor.. then, 1pave.; the ' �fbolsflc _' Ro Ai hia your figure f6r - a - suit amd Alle , `- , , ,, : . � I ,,,, d I . HE I . n- to slia e hands wil h I . . . g ,,rider .� ' �., "I'll, .1 ........ "I'll, I . . . . . 1 - , . . � � ' Fought For Three Long 'Days. - � - I - t" silf"tol"HO) 1101'%W. R101le brotivilt that.41jecess . . � J . figure we 4, Ill -ask, W-111 pleftse . y6u , - : I iedr-l)r. slioop't; kt.storjjtj�.t�. C,0111l, Irect! �� Tf�IE FIFTY.' . . mes dow k t the.lieur, its impulse.. itq hidden po - ­ Ar� ��, , , A.-! Pwor to Dr. Sboop L%n4t bis itt-storative. with. I � * . . the ne-vv pt -pr ,and wolcome hirn to the regularity. The:hitcmach -also ' . . I . . . . . � .. . . . . I " � . - _11;�; X . . .1 I ­ I ,�. I . . - . .1 . I � 11 C. D. Warren of the Trader's Bank House. �1116 other. pqers eonie also er, hidden*or inside nervm' ft-wfils, Tll� -.0inieron Highlanders fought . , - M_ ,; . ". . 4, � that original atj,j higbly vital prillelple, . . . I h I a* well as., The . . I '. . , . I 5. i�- - . . * % 1! I , - . I . . --mi,lishmenu, woreever to be had .Can Always Identify lider their congratulations. OOP who -first - told - lie it W at Waterloo throug-116iLt , ill � : - - ........ I., � � � ;i I 8 -,-1i bi��ing - Ito 11"I's . I � I . I . perfect. fit .we viill . . . Hi.tyilielf. *� and tp . . Dr. Sh I as e three I ou. . We: are .t � i , , 1"'r -itoll'Uch d istr('ss, bloating, bilfousne.ss. bad . I , . . � � . 4 , � . ,%&. f. , guarantee y Scrupu , ,�� � , 11 bmath still sallmt' coinplexion, try Dr. Mooll't; I A story ruhnIng through banking � . i I . . wrong to drug it. weak"br. failing $tum- gIOHOUS ilays of Juno, and they were , . '*'I-, - ' .� ,_ 11 . , ' � . , .L - - . - I . I , "I . - - 1"� ,,./, - - .. � .: lously'careftil �O. fit all on!� . I R,Aoral i�-e-T�Lhjiq.; or Liquid -and see for your. 11 eircles r;cently is t' ach,.Heart orXidneys. His pk�s�c ... � our 1". , I ­ ,* , pati, 0 . I ---- : I I . ­_.. ­ . _�,� I " .. "� L ; . . .' I . � . � ­ � I C D. Warren, president L6f tili - -_ � _�: - I "... � .. .. . I . � to..perfeot1orl;,-4,s everr garment, . � 1-,:t is Imt it van aml will do. Wd sell and cheer * the'7effpct that .' - . A Tirritorial Enthusithst, : I - " particularly mentioned" by' Wellin- . - "I - , . . , " L Lord tion-Dr,.Shoog's Rebtoiative�is rip- ton tin-Ilis lainotis despatch of ju., �� .. ; M4 wcominend . . _TVr r. , -.Xslier, whose appecal for re. ,c . lie I . �­ , * I . I . . - - . I . jected straight Or the cause of' these 19j. addre,t.sed to,Lord Bathurst. Yor- .- _ �, � I - _��.��Z. � , : � - ., . I �11 d I cruits for "the :Londoh Territorial . . , �- - . . . . ibat'leaves oui eptablislimpipt be.;.' . . . . a er s .Bank, found him. allinents-thege weak and faltering -in- �t , � 1. I . - _ . I—' . . I . . . . . . self short ,orce is being so ,�vell responded JG, .. � 7, . . , . ., of funds"iti: a little Ontario settle- r Unate All theie opportunities:, they . . . ­ , . 1- ... . .T- ... ' , cornes an; adv6rtis6jy.j nt for ,Is.* * . . . . . . . I I .1 - - I . e . En I ruent the Other da'y.. .-Pies�nting I` . - side ni�rves. fhis, no; doubt clearly have boOn fortunatflralso'in ivinn)4 . . I - ­ 1. - . � . � . . I 11 one of the �sbrewdest b6hiess moi � . � *�w-. . I . Wopp * � , . . .: I z I I . � -� . , We Nvill give you ' 1. Dr. Shm -� xplains why the Restorative has .of �the' praise �of . poe.s... . Byron ' I . .1 z I I . I . your oboice of �* . C1 eqm for fift�� diollfirs. , at tile ex. I I -late growb'so radid17 in pobuJarity 'In . . , I . .. �. .. _. � I I . . . . � , (,)I in England. He has held. rijany up. P t . . . . 1. - �.. I . . - the finest and neWest fabi�lcs. - �N'Ve . . . i press" offico� he ir ,. , !'Cliilde � Harold," ., hifs , dontlecrated - * , . , ,o , . . . .-A .. 1 . � I I N�as . oyed - with sus- PO litineilts ank' 'wr"tell a humber'Of Druggists say. thabthosewho�test the, their immortal . a . . _ , . . I �. 1. . clover book,.,, -a third dis6fiction bL` Restorative. even for , laThous �- We' Want t" L 'd - . I .. I � . I ' I 1,pieion by file cjei:1<. . ­ I . , - . ,ity. .. Ill . . 0 an do the reW. - - - - .. . . . - � . a few. days soon . . '. . . . . .. . I . . or- ' * � :1 "He jLoks honest, but be's a swell . oil of Lord Esber become fully convinced of its wonder- stanza ." . I ­ � I.. . . I � . . . . , ' .. , .1 1� that livis tile s � . I . l, R elce.o s t ative 111101rg in - ' . I 1. ,,� Four-first-6r6r, be�eause wo know that .. ' I 11 . - . � I. . ; __ ___ -11.- ___ . dress,6 " r .dti' might. be 'one of, them. any yeai " 'Nlast" of tile Rolls, ful inerib, . �Anyway don't'drup, the And . wild- and high Abd "' I Cameron's � 016 satisfactiOWYOli will derive � 'frora GEOSAV4148 R -Elio � . 11 . . I " 0 It is said that Lord BNher.once told organ, Treating the c�use �of sickness , . . .. 11 . that will . 1. . 11 I I , . ' �' Sold by 61ALL.. DRUGGISTS" ' flull-flain fellers -you read. about," a friend th�at 66 h)Mdent'jip mOqt ad- ,gathering" rose- . OPOn YOUr eY,es to th e fact .. ARG . . reasoned �the, vil,lag- ' - is the only sensible -and 6nedessful way. T Is whic � rhat you.'canhdt do better a"ywber .Flno Ifferettant Tailoirijiig� - ' .- roprc* elita, I t war note of LQC'biel'. . I 1, tive� itired in.tll(s eltr6or of hisAi9tinguish. Sold b .R. 1:101files. . .. - . . � , I. � I I . .,e ' . I - of the. , press company.wh%;e, c017110r . ed father waA w1i'M) he infli6fi-d-Aipoit. ,. W� �. �5. I ­ I .1 . .�. . AI6ylV-w Itills . ­ . ,. . else that �o'u can with us. Vou will- - - Fied ifackson's Old StiInd. � ex ' . I - , . . . .1 . I ' . . � it, till fteil&ill ,store was also Used. ' a Nvoman who'llaf.1 killed ber.11 I al d , , - ' �.. . . �, I .. V , live -. find.tbat vv'e are not "dll at seW' in OV -v Agent for 'Brit&h.American. Oleaning. . I * . . WIl I . , . I , :H, � .: heard,, nu(t� It I card tPor..have. her b i I , . - , 1. Good Boots as llostoffice..' He"had, ,beafd "ille under cirvilimitaneim 'of extron).e.pro- �.. . , I , � Saxon' focs; . . � . t ..-I. .1 I 1. I . . I , usiness, -ut. t4oron9blY "LIP - to.- the- - .4-DyIng (16; Montreal, . I ' � I � . . . 'VOC(Ltion�,, L , -1 ouses-,-Bulft 1. . ,; 'I rhinute," mid. watchfffl of thiB illte.reste . . . 11 . . . a yjou� . � boys,'? *�%'11611 t1loy 6,qllQ(l -for the mai�l, ,;tit I �,entfinco; "tild the H ' J :of: M.6e!rscha:pM; - . , , . , i I v I � . . , � .. . . . : . , , . , ' � . - How .Ili Jlio i 'noon :of-�Wg , It� , A,tat, . '' . . tj .80 . .. 1, � . . . . � ., . - . . ... .� � � ,. I To Farniers and Others: talk., about j1ust "sueff trick,�, as this.* P)�04 lie MOA. d ej`lloii�d was - , The to'wil'of -Vallecas; in Spain, 1s . pibroch thrjuls'. , , '. ,.,� ;�. V.Our ctlstom4�, krio virig-tha by I. 1� .. . 11 . . I ; his -,Nith- ' ' � I Ading, we are really acting fdr out 1. . .. ­ .., I . ... .. � I . .. . i I I I 'We have several pates of our owin . night be, '�afi' fifty 'dollars. kras' a ps;�'s *Q1eptaiice. of a poer.age, Ba it . moat -entirel,y built of MicerAchaunt.* Savage and shrill! but with tiebreath. 1. - * , , 11 ­ � . . - . , . I I . � , , " f, I . . al . . f 3wn ultimate'b6netIt I .. " I I . -1 OQA�_ . .,. �: '. I I . I , 11 . . ­ . 1. 1, I _: � .� make of Boots. Good 1-arkilins while hull R)t of .nion�y.',' ' Therefore ,.be 14,; .�afv tb'iiffirrit that it Ldrd l."', -her. Valle bas ha, � .11 its, outskiri:i great , . I . . I ." . I . I . , , - ' * * *' ' " . . I . ; . . �A 'not ftilierit�,d q arri( . ' '116 ' � I 1. I I . I ' ii 0* .. - , I. I .. I . , . I . 1 bis, I . : " `Q A . q�: I ... - . � - - � 'i . . .. .. they last. Just tile thing you n6p u ,18 of a'aieerchattin too, coars ��`ei!r �,�niouut ai 11 .Pipe., - �o -fill .tl' - . . d demanded satisfactory' identification, 1)�- � a. title front a. T le. . ,efip I - fath I in .,I - . . , . ,�� . . . I . . , . ., . . , ' 6 ni called up, mountain ... . . . . . while the spring is opening tip, to I Reali.Zillg -tMt-1-1*)Anlellt"l�*I"IL.'U.§L.16'4i3� bi, I e aking', .and rheter�chauni l? I. �. .114 01. � .DOWN . . . . .- . would havo bee . .1 erz . .1 I �, � , . . V. , your feet dr g * ' ' " accept Ono hixi s' built. town. - is -th6 , * , , I . .. - Before placing your' orders; for, _y. and his cards -of - not inuelf. reater oil ca n elf oil aceol-Lut r"Ult,' an jTOry V'ith .the fierce niltive daring whielk L , )intorl, b . . I white town Ahat'sh­c�-,- -, . ­ ' . : We are headquarters for shoe re. value,--I%lr. �Varrcu-�searclied iii -vain thii raervices to the co'untry; - In ,in the� Span . , . . Merchant Tdilo'r, . _ 0 :1 your season*s'supply.of Ce)ai, get I .. " I . V . - . . P . 1 . , � instiII14 �! , . . . . � I I .. . I . . I . . - ' I . V �. pairing. Your repairs done while you through pooket after pocket.� I - 11 . I i.sh su n; " In .Xoroceo ineorschanin is, .T . � . . ­.. . ourprices. ;Theve, st; goods . � . . . . ----- --- 7- ____. .s._e"rile4 I . I I . . I . � Final- ". - ' . lie stirring nwaibry of a thousand 1� I ;1n stock . anZ�e Attho . % 'Wait. Our prices are right. . 4- lie let hN fing4r.9'rest aild Inadc a ' - - Kinglake Stories. . I so plentiful, that Alloy Use it:when, soft � . � Id ... � . I yoar-, .. " .. I � :, ...1. -­_ � I , I - . ' . : . I lovv6st- possible price., - . . I � � . " � . . , ­ . ­ � . -- i . I mental resvarbl.i of - his , brain -the ' XtffgIak6,, the author of '% ofben,`� find fresh .for. soap. It gives a,.plen- . 0 . � .1 .. . �. , : : ' .11 Opposite the Post Office I treasure li � )use of till groat * MCI).' * 'I %I !Is" 'I'll' nd - cleansing lather. Ekffisl .k.n� . 'j,' ,vans', 'Dol)W(i s. fiim6 � ring . V . . . �. _ � 1. I I . aftlieted with gout, hila lics hall chedr.:i4 each clan�lnall',- cars. .. . o- I � 1z . . � .Orders may be left fit Davis * . . . I . ' , � Having opened a branch bushiess at I "I Rnow 1" said he% almost .iiistanf- , to try a I�d octor'ancl wr,, - Asia Minor, supplies the ' L . � . .� . - I . &'%Owland's Hardware stor, . .. " . . I .. . I . a jancy )i. world, . . - .� � . . e. or., � I I - , Londesboro jointIV with MrMcKown's I IN% `�`Hfive you a. Trader's- Bank. bill. lo one to as, . y d meerschaum. .There'are 2,000. . . Here% 'soiinils the ,high note of ro-, . . with .. . . . . ., I I .. Harness Shop, we can do making and I iii:the tili? LeV,., ge � it,- I ; I .11'... - . k -if gout -,vas beyond lie. mines, laig6. abd small'' therei. and, malice, and brdvely-tbe Riglilandem W � . . . . I I . I � . . I I .. � I . . I e . Acope,- 'She rrplied, f'Dear s1r,.-gout � 8,000'Xurd 4nd Pomian'lil"r8dhaura' . could � cho it, . .. I repairing vt shortest poss ble notice. . After a , conds' fumbling, a 'is' not .beyond i ­ .,W, j "Stotrewson i . . I R few se . . my si�ope, -but ,men miners work. day and night I ; them. e . BLA - 1�' aP '� 009 * 'lot . Grand 1run lite I . _�!, . 0 1 1 i ve dollar note )�as produced and tire." .. I.. .1 . . I The . 'eersdhaui ' in always, rest -at ,the -lofty plane 'Of. : � - LaIre,81111crior, Dil" - . 1, I . I ,. .1 . . I I . . , . I , .� . � ! . spread upon the counter. � .. I .. I I . In n comes from . tbO I .. . . *. � I 1. . � . I . . , glory,, and we can etimes rehlive ' . I " . . .. . I ftElecirle LIAft Plant. -. . . ; . . . . .. . :, W.H.Watts & Son .. . . � It was Ringlako'-who, utterod.one p'arth yellow and turnEf white -alter . "m bes, FAIII-Summer lservaew jtisi� 19111. , � . . �. .. � .. I . . . . .. . . .. . . . "There!" .exclaimed Mi. Warren� of the neaNst of ntot& on the peculiat, ten da�,s' bleaching- in the sun. I it most clearly in homelier touc - Including magnificent steatntillip , � � I I I I - - '. 11 � . - - c'-­.Wma� emphasizink the�,,.Point , . . - After the battle. it is'.8aid-thit the HARONIO the largest and4nest � , I � . I . .. I . . I . . $ with'an em- --ebitracter of The Thries. He had littl(�- - - oil I . I 17 , .. ­ I . -1 I . 1, d -;' ' - - - . . . . . 7901 .9trippod the cuirasses, off tbe' Gr�eat Lakee, ' Sailings frorn Sarnia I INNISNOMMOMM . . . � . ' . � Phatic first finger.�� "That's iny pic- ,: I Athletes 1;1;--n British I L s I t1re and t,hat'S my signature." , lion ness for that ,journal, in: spite of .. Par,liament. .. dead Frenchmen - and,'kt,"d theill for Mondays. Wednesdays and 1. . ��*L, L OOK M E R El . personal friendships . ;Vbjeli might. .. � Saturdays * . I t � . : , . . . . it I IT. E, - (T'. Hernmerde, wbo is cooking its-rationi. They were good 3:00 p. m. foir Sault, Port-Aithur, 1111CRINC FOR Quoult Tiffs .. I , - ,� . . . -.-.--,. ,,�_­ bave been expected to 'qoften I . " N . Fort , I . . . I ... : -1,..,7,'1* I ,. 1"; ae.eking re-electio�i- for' Denbighshire, enough frying -pans, tbough.1the bill. William and Duluth; . I � �. - � . ; .. , . . i � views' of the I - . Special Grand . . . I I , . . I �. ­ question. The p appointment as Re . - t othit�g -esimpe. Trunk Seeley a4d West I I I 11 � � LINE FOR SALE I . . . . � .- . � - fiP(It on. account.of his � lett,-holes le som , , train s6rvice to new Sarnia � I I . . . " . I , � AT ,T11E ­ :. ' � .. . � . .. , I was still to him it: soft of juggernaiii., corder. of 'Liverpool., - and Mr., S. 'E' I But some .Belgian'. lsoldiers . Who Wharf,,. ' . .... , I I . h4Ve just bought. a machine for," . � , ' . . - irr6s.istible *,and fateffil. � . I � - . . . . . '. 01, Aeoilig !R�Ohael,- the famowr lootballer ana, passed, by while the 600king was'in "No id inisti, i-enetaxag,. Parry No � uad'btv. attacliffif, Rubber Tires to- b *9 , ' . . the announcement of the now editor's cricketer, are retorned. to.the House, progtefis, hnd ibe 8ervice diseptitinubd unt gies, an . ared to do u,,,' I I I � Relgrave LlmeWoks n - - -'marriaee lie vxi,iktimed: .seejng � cuirasses,- � . if June 26�hi : I �' . � . ... ' " okch: in " ' Reavbnsl 4 couple of spIrindid athletes -*Vill be -with the legend that - the Ivor �Sault Ste, . Warle . and Georgian . . I . . . , 9. -Had S mnp : �amps r . . went off .work T promptly and - ... . . � ,. - a I I � . �. . � : . . rers of � � ,, . That g The Tini I es : into relations d6d to its members. Mr. Hem� Higlanderi N%;ere &Lnnibals, and' no &Y nF a . , . I .. I . . First-class fAme, ' . .* I . I ., . I 4�ith .hunIdnity!" I I . R .,��Vts Itow Collidgwo6d 1-30 P 111. !' t reasonable prices. . ,. . . . . I , . .. OUR MOTTO:-Virst�elass Linle sold, and . I . . . I 'I, �,� � . .. .� . I ., I . . . ,merde gained a.brilliant record as an ,doubt .,the legend', which - it is a 'pity. Owe tound It P. W."every Ones . : Also all kinds,of lathe -Vvork, , . . � Priees within retich of all. . . . . .1 I . - .. . I . athIpte. and * oarsmab, -winning 'the � W6 , . , J . . - - - - .. I to disturb, 'is repeated to th'As ,dfiy. day and Saturday.- I � � grinding, and machine repairing.' , - - '� ' .."The SquIre.11' , . � I Dianiond SeWls in 1900, ,while' Mr. . . W I I . E. I I I . infOrmatlun from all e WE � g of Mr, Henry Ila I d tbree-quart6r for reineipbrance When 'tile allied ra Iwo agents. for Gr1lading t1orsi elipperis I � � � 20c. per bushel 4Lt kilns, or 25c for W. . Vould Roll -on the I � The continue() !lines One other piece ol coniedy it, worth We hav * ltalled,a machjr�e bushel loads, delivered at Graham's . . . I I . P Tickets � and . Hotel, on. . . � . - , Chaplin -seems likely to call.-,(- the re- 'I, 'fie' lifis P'ayd surrey at crieket, . aris; ' i .. I I . '. Clint . ljj�, eaptql ies w � afmids were in �P' says a, writek 'Xi, 8, GlIder* and are prepared to do su6fi-work I . . � � tirement of one of the most Pictues e . fi� dil � I � 0 - in Aganyll - .qu ,nd is a ,p eA Id immor-And water- in;' "Blackwood's," Sergi, Cam bell ­ teeve. , , o. ff. Nichit4san . . . I . P. 1:�e� . ' i I Orders filled promptly. FIQ r' I r . . . s in tile. House of Cbminons . . I * n ffrst,class manner. . . . - I . . politician. _!Sj _" . . P mor.,collingwood. - . - . . . . . I �� A. NICHOLSON & SON9 Prop's., . � I . Mr. Chaplin - became SL quire of tlatnk- - � - .. � I . . . .- -, �. .1 . oV tile Mh` wa.q.taken- with others to . , �. . . Ttaffic Mgt., Sarnia. i . ' I . .., . . I � . . -wbicli�is now the .,,eat .of Lord I �. . I . . . I - . . . ___ " I SEELEY & MEST . � . . . ney . . . the Elysee to be shown Jo tile 151m � I I BeIgrave, Ont. � I I I 4 ' . � I I I I . .1 �, . . I. - .. - pp � -is thus that .0 ' e�sa - - - , S, . , . P. I : Mr. Wra., Xranth, contractor , and 4,onde,%borough-over half a centurV' . 0. I I . .. I I . ror Alexander, and It B eit tep . , � - - BLACKSM-M! 11 I � � builder, Owen Sound, Ont.,, writes- *111gO, He formerly owned ll fitig(I Pro- . - � I . . I lie tells the tale himself- '-'Tile 1,�,in- . I 11 --- � -- I � I - . .1 I - "I . . _1 . . . . I � 11 � . I I . . j.perty Ili tincobishiie, and.therp, is not , � poror. made a very 'Winute in�,pection iGrOPS ..- I " . ; . . . I . .. . . . . . . . 11 Havi road some Of tile testallonials .1 . . .. - I . - I I Ing . ; The elffilon foular, . . it laborer in that eouiltv who IpAs. not of w4,',' lie .wrltes; "and, Ili,; -curiosity 11 I . - . . I . I .. � I . � I ,OW101"s Extract . , � v,. � -- � . - -_ , ".. . .., � . . I of oures effeeted by Pr� r I an affectionate word for him, HiA cat Do Her, Own Work. Nowll led, him to call, on me', as Wing the I I .. I . .. 0 . . . . I � 01! . . I . I 4, . � Is now in full swing, bring your Ve- of, Wild Strawberry, I thought lit advi.q� Sportifig proclivities have relfltlere4- . t. r6bust of -the party, to stop 'to far or ants Oft , -7 , . rs, workmanshi guaranteed � ece I bactor SsUd She - HiLd . : I mos . . to grow bett r crops - � I , *r p by Mile to atty a wor4 �r pralso for its morits. - him ex in�iy popular, In %lays . . , the front. . - - 'As soon as I Step- . and be wants en L, la or f PoNvin . . . . . . . . I . . al rbliable,lathe h 1tes6rt Vrouble. .,. thern-thati e a R hd . hem he . .1 . I . I opl d and and machinlst4. . -Omd years ago. I -%Vas muct * lle bv he wus it famous eross-Cloun. - . pe4 io the. front I was 8urrourlded by 0W98.and Use I . rd Are V00W . I S I troubled. 1. ,ot : � a and - I +it ri '�r, an last year; despite hj.,j Velighid 125 Potinds. N6w Weighs 195, I'the, astonished nobility, find,the. E'm- .. . I A ' . Uoilers, Tanks, 81110ke St ekg, wi.th stomach trouble . cramps I b Ing, well over sixty, lie was al%yays . I . . , * , I . Iron Urldge+ Work, e used to roll on the 9por in - ti on u Wit t (% ounds, and. on. one oeca. I Mrs. U.' , Mo(larul, Debee Juretioti,. peror- eommen4�qd, his Inspection and ', . THE. 1ISSELLIAMOV-1- ' ' ' ' ' Satisfied'-..-,.. , IV.- � .. .. .1. �.� I � ' , agony, an . writes -"I ,Wish to tell you ,what questions as followA: First, 'lie eX, HOLL9R+ - I ' , , , . le iflon, t g a vdry heavyweight, .4 ra,8 ,; Vbe roller that Ineroa.qes farni tofits and with the wity Y;011� repaie�g' , . , . ention Cement Ment Pecasion I weta,into a faint after S ,,at l5ills Ilavo aM!ned my appointments And drew I Att . . 1111u, , t Nervo . W ab .. R(Itis lilpht, , Iles splan I ,�. , . . ve. ar e gate did not baulk him., 'M and . ebtans tile I X - � . and special work is being I . + d do, I suffering intertsbly for four Itours. .4, 11 - , ,done for me, Three years ago I N�as so, I Second, he ex. ork, .,In las ,, - I HfO-t Mo. Dol't bily � � I We also make A.* specialty of stUAII 'short tii . ne after this, in driving t ­.....­., .1 .111. I I . . I Until deg s., -1, a 111'55011 Ifook I te . done'e ,. I � I � I o, A-, down I could riot do my own iiork. arhined illy hose: gait,-rs, 'Iegst find 1% at I I V . Iron bridges. Write &oprietor. . . I was attacked apin-and, ha4 to lie = - . Prisoner's D,aring..Escape. . 1 went to tL doctor. and he told me I bad pitiched, my skin. 'Tile 4tiestions to . ay "A"do ssis elplar . B091l's fre'b-lwrlte I Ir . . . . . ' I . . I . ... I . � I . I � . IT, " 1. h tile 1vol-k good'? . � ,., -in my Fig, tcoking 'reflbf. � . A private of the Xorthainpon jj�.gj,` heart trouble find that my nervas were all 'Were - It T'JVa%'presenb At the actions . I L�. 0. Ud � . �" 0 1 . . 0, the lath I . . .. . , . . I . I I : t . H. BIDWELL I. 11 When, I reached ,tile drug store I ,ment who wits undergoing. ff s0niencL- Ullstfung.- ; took'his mbdiciflo as lie , 171h. and 18% of June? ' I frai loti . . I . . � -_-�- - Is.me O'die Adkt' 0' " I . , I asked the druggist for a. quick retnedv� in -the ..military prison at Colahestei � . ordemd ine io do, but it did, tile �To kood. How many officers and men thc�ree_ J110. oupst, clint6n, I . . . I . ,*, .. d, . , �. ­' I I . , Clinton , " Ontario. . and laid beltintrillo 'Coanter Until roli�f tang the fire alarm' bell in Ili$ cell I -thea started, to t&WMilbUrn's Heart' mOnt IOW - , .' Whether -1 *as L. Ideatt � Varna. , � � I . . . .. , I , . I. . . - . � � 'N'oeve P Is, and, onl . . annon . . � I . . recently, and when a warder answer" and I taken one in V,gypt? If I Wore tho hilt in win . This, Q. miat. Dung 8 it reftirqed promptly 0 I I . . . . . ,cauic,. ' The remedy I received from -the , ed it he stunnec'Litim with the Uletal box' feel' t . . . I . . . � I druggist was Dr. Fowler's L,'xtraet of before1s rted. be ter so I con- ter, or if t did not feel cold in that Robt. Wilson, Goaesich . , . I . . * . . I . I . t , I Wild StriLwborry. Vhere�.cr, after ttlat end of ibe fire- bose seized )its tinued their so il I had takea several seasonp If I was married? If my W* .1. Allan�� Seaforth. - '� I I I we are in'businest to fill Mi . . I . .1 . irne, I felt cramps edming on, I found, and escaped. The warder is in alleoryi! boxes and a Po1w sti'm find Nvelij I pareut%:,Avert) alive?t' Thus it Nv . I � . I I I � a" I 0 . .- . . , speo-d ,,rclitf in the above mentioned U061 condition. I I I .11 I to' lll,' that th& Hi . blanders seenled beyot a�s MzXeil Bros., Waltdn, � . . . these ossent%hy, and woula Ford & Mcleod t . . Od . %' 0 my,ownwor -. NV1 I like to'hav6 a chance to . . - .Iftk- , 9 I . . prove it to youl . I . I . ten commoil%cell 'I ing your pills I Nvei fhe tt'Aiioral experienea of mAlikiod, A 0 - U . . I . I ' i3y, and. I am now cured of this .----- . � on t�,. t . I I I . . Having seaured a commodious Grain dreadful maltid�. The- bottle is small, . I . 125 pounds, nd now wei,111 185 41. 1. � � � I . ... I . ­ , . , Storebouse, we tire now buying, all but its cotitents erfeet a irtarvelotti curo. . . "Ct-061 Susplalon. . have given 0 -ill - to- & love y daughter, �!�!���!:��-.!t�!��-------"---'--7-'- _ N ME N T, S' WO do Itolirti-doZ, I . I 11 I lg�est I can recommend it bigilly for the care "MI99111% Is' a great keader., Ito In, which -wa's S happy thing in, the family. .. ,. . . . I . . , � . kinds of grain, for which We hi . I . . ,. . .. . � . . I . to , prices will be paid. of cranips", A . � VIttillblY buyA ft lieftpalyer before got. When I commenced taking lllilbuoi's � Chotee Dosignse - ,,nest NAterial. , G11WItig, 't V .Aq . 1 W004?a 15hosphadito, I . . 1� 'r,gVingo I '. Bran, Shorts, Oarnana alikinds of Dr, -Vowler's Vlxttaet of Wild St,mw-� . ting on a street car.of Heart and Ne"'o Pills, t could not go up. � 9 . . I . . I � . � .. � I . I ,� . berry has been on the market for 04 � 1 -got to tile ToTiag A -Ad Invigor%testhewho a . 1 9 - grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on -pars. "I have noticed thle Paper," answ6r* top. I cad now go Up NVItt , lout ally, ,nervous srat6m, Yalikea now . . . setflnjg4 ete, � 1. . �.. otairs without resting before , Ift Oftal, AAgMJ% .&fted f6 * JAMnS D010 I I . hand at the storehouse. I It in not A new and untried remedy.- ed Ulso Cayenne. ,,,tut I . i I � . I 7 I am not so I trollblp;" , I Bloodiii o dVolntt, Gure#Yeivo. Oppogite jftSt ojlfteo. - t,1;jjftt0kj,, bw" . . . . I I . AW for it and insist oil getting what you sure he r6ads It. Alaybe be tolds, it Xilburn'A Itoart and Ne , . ", I . wo DOW 1, .3roltal &".&r4i4 Trorry'.&8 _­�,___- ­ ­­ - _. -- - I I -.ask for, llefuse subAitutes. Tbey'r , .rvA Pills are 2)6g*jwjj, ,&VtW Wed,t-AeRg .gra6gio , - * 1 4, us Npet" . dangerous. . - e Up becauso be's too polite to.spe a 59 Nnts per bok, or 3 bo,%Zp.-j for $l,,,),1;, a,t 1, matorrhmia, awlAttAle,to of;Ibme 6j* Jitneestlela Ooj)ped In 0.0 minfito-4, Ford &_ Md 0(11 I lady Stand1bg"f-I'Vitshiligton Star. fill deaterg, or Inaiied direct Oil roceipt Pf PricaUparbox,sixf(srAX onewlilDionge ab sure with bt. Shoop's W. R. Countor'. . I cture.d only by , . Will'oure, Sol, gistA -or mallea ir 9 " � price by The T. Alilbuta Co, Limited, plain pkg . Croup ltomedy� On,, I . , . . _ , , on ....g.A50,11, ZVeW,PdM0h1C, . i ISSM11 6rxar0lage j,j4C,6j(..g,6A8 r . I Q* To; it, 8--rAT1,01VO. 014INTOX , lburit Co., L1mitWJlToroUto,'b4, . MAI A _ t will mral.v prove. .;t � . 08 r I j.rhoT,U5' .1 * ORO P t2� volftitin no dis. , .08 r e I Reeft' cc.nfg. Altantifi t . ., I Toronto, Out, I mdiled,fi�iro. 'rho 4" 161he 00#" I � � . . . I j I , , I I 1.�.Ai I I I 'I, I I I .I- I f ,I I - I I I I. I . I . . . . . . I 4 . ­_­. __ tfoft"1`40 1pllkiw) . .Torohtof ORO., ttogs,�,&Oaroa V easing syrup -60(y, truesists, * .111 i ,. , IN 11 . . I . � . .. I . I ­ . . I I � I ., � I I � 1. I I. . I . I- I . I . . .. 6 -f I . I I I I I . . . � . � . � . . . . I . . U . . I .. I I . . . I . . I I � � 1) , . I I . I � . ­ -1-1 _.--1._1-.1-- ___�_ �1________.,______ -,--- I � _­­ � � _____,__ I ­­­__ . 0 I . . I . . . I � M=4 _­­____­_-______ -- -