HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-08, Page 4L , _____1_,'1Je . ,1 I , I A 1W . . Tho 911atoo Now I July Sth, t909 � I 1. ­­­ 11- ­ -.1- ..­­ ­ ­ __-__1__________-._ I - . I 1, ! 1. � - .11.1 ­­... ­ . -I I - 11- _11-_ 1-11. I 1F. IN wo I I Iwo I :110 I � - . I I I'— I... ­ - I., I I I �.,­ ., , , ;� ". ­­­ 1-11 11-1 I � . - — . � — ��. - . — � .1 — � . 1. . I -1.11. 11 � I . R I I � I A - "' ' ''' 11 m 1 -4 M "044 t . � . --­ - — —_ I . STAKE ANO FANCY DRY Q000S I Rev,. T. We3ley Cosens Preaches Inauu- Town COUUCH Proceedings* I _­__�­ I . , , " ., 11 , I * .._­­__�____­___ ___;Z;;W;=�-*:7=:���� VIA ­ ''. . MUMMY FURS MANTIARS ural 8ermon S. In oatario 6t. Church I A I I __ � - �_-___-_ - . . 9 The reta won bIy,A:,,00,ia;Oo, ,org $ :do "Ing the WOWS . - . . I..".., -1. .... I I'll— -1 . - ­ ­ � — - I Clinton I 0 gtirg 0: FV104 1 11111101iO4 llz 0 11 Litt. I I �� I - —, ­ ra W helt ler� alze of Pam yti son - . - —V-- layevg or, Reeve And IV , 1!�, ' . ming,ofthievreekiathe0oun Ing, ff)r tile preoent,one of th enR, tsat Sabbatli Rev, T. Wesley Uoaena! Rev, Mr. Howson and wife were � , I , A -Vow !Pair',Free, if Xayssr Glove;'- VT'ro cil0h4mber. ',rho May es ewgMiab . as '� . the new p4st9r, prelached his Int.ro- present. 116, 1 estimate that the cost r L ,,ffot 0?ighto I ductog, sermons, In Ontario Street L -tat Sunday evening. Uev. T. W. all Councillors present. fo wig; - � Met . - - . h Tbe.epopta of the varloils, Commit � I � . at Church to large and welt Covellis pre44hed the ,cloving. serwon� to". wei� r,,a4 and passed. . I() ,ontract A Pipe J rig 8 84to of C110101 - L . . . W -P, - r"v I pleasea %adi"ces. He is a L Anent, his as ter in wallacoborg to A - A, communication Was Contract R ParopVoUft 40-10 fir % �1' speaker and deliverobism , reaAl"frow, . L . L essage welffil , III church. He reirdt s4,tbo Contract Q Water Tower 5M _=­ .� � L . I rect manner. Irr,tbe lAorning less he " , . obapterof the Propbecy Chas, Haywood, of Obesley, aird,re- Contract D Iron Pipes,' . A0,^" ,;4 � . . I I . , ;;;;� —'­ f , Kayser 01oves tnevSa-dt14$I , 0 40r" jOL Finance Con;lmittee, . � 1__­ � III Xt was Very App=late to), his I of I III , I I � I t, a chosa his teXtfrOlA'Qa1a. L . he Contra" R Hydrants & valve% 2100 , - I I n prinelpilAl feature of the evening . I ' initial discourse, viz., - o Forwatdill t n 0 1. 14 "God forbid that tabould, . %V&6� the report of the I Waterworks 006trilict G One gas engine M L Bring your friends here, � I .9ver, � Exodus 14th ohapter and 14h verse. gory save in the Vross of 0�rhs , V1 CqMwItt,00, vp,hleh we give it . Two pump $270 ,� � I . . � � V pair of Kayser C.J0Ve$ �ontains their guar L i, full. a I , I After refe;rial; to the steps leadinjK to luringhlar residence in. Wall4oebirrg Contract H 'Two., producers 15W 7280 wben looking for r,ou. ,� . , , . mee, and everY dealer fulfills it. his coming to Clinton and thankirig Mr. Coieus has ably filled � t4 -. pulpit, 'VO tbo" mayoua!�#­ council; - . c - -Reservoir . I I . , I � , _ ej ' I Contra t I � 1904 . $ 1 ., I I LlieBoard$Ortheir unanimLousip of the Methodis i,th Mr., Y04r W*tovi'�rks committee are I .11� "I . . -� . .� . I . t church, and'ib . F . venirs of t�he town. We. . . I tiorr he expressed the hope tbat — 1 an4 Alts, Oosens have ettd*- thein. frorn $40195. � . . P104sed to pr4lent the following re .. . . ... ions, Inar�e. , I Cost not a Penny More, motto for the year, would be the text solvee to all classes. of' pi6ol�'*?� a -Vol! port, Artiuk. lidder instruct %I;C( I 1. Size of pump, bouse 'I I . _:, I � _ 0)5 ' have a splendid selec- , . . he had chosen. The fault finding of ready to reader helpL 4ndL J$ this. Opqrioll'thaWAterworka engineer Walla and a. tanaaceL+ 4OW . . . sal ttip4liby . . . I � , the children of Israel In the wilderrie , N%befieve)-needed,sud roatity , arr%l specifications -for peptuer � 30M . . -.1 , . irow. prepared 'plago Engineering . 4 I YOU don't save a penny by gettino, a i poor . I b� was pointed and the babit',they had of fuj one has been biesseg and oRfor,ted the propos�d system andealled, for 1,en- . I . — tion. of local views, iti I . I I . . L L I ' . Glove, So 4S�-,i4.�seia t is ' ake. B1 C � hit' . -tificing � ders. or* the several departments of Total , *510QG a. k d w owing, trouble dwelt upon with by'their genuine arid self-'s4p . I .1 . I ­ &� h, M an I el the ca'tibn to avoid theso things. effoeta. Being of a most 'R I oaki 4 wo0c, Tenders wereopenedoo . I A - . -. . .i . . 2 -dome, extra alit silk, �. u r 05 ,16.. Tues- The foregoing systern will give a POS' ' , L . " ,1%. I � Y Some of the barriera'to the , F orw,tird . I Rion, they �bave often b4e(AW the clay evatitug, June N, th.. by the Coun- I I I . more effialk�tlt service than the one I - I . I . . March were Instanced as Thoughtless-, fe Of 1111wel-0119 gatherings$ ��& their ell, Cornmititee and the E4 ngineer, arid originally estimated upon. il ONE DOLLAR. . . . ness, Worldliness, and the devil, - - encouraging w9r4s and tabt bavii 04 the folloWinic. L day were fully con- I I belleve Lhat a sufRolept . C L I . . I Evening sermon was. tireed anActs been of � inestimable value t.q. itbpse sidere4, and found to be very eatisfac., water can be 0 a n L , su�ply of . ,jards,. . . . , I . � . � 204nd K "Almost tpqu . persuadest with, whom they ara brouglit,ril, con. tary'as in. several items the Asffe ; bt 1 ad for the . owwa . . - . . I . , I I r1i we' 0 requirements from tile two -wells now L ' . I ,udid 1,19sier - . I . Pa,fil's evmt,f ! taCtL, Neve r' .was their.; gjeAter,1h'Ay,.wOny below the original eatimateo . . . I L . I Spit - y Value. . . we to be a Christian . � sutik. rhe Capacitr of machinery for Fra M'ed I !'. I ful and heroic history- was. sketched; 'in all'ohm ch depa wont$&, sod pro- Wro present herewith, the report of fires will be OOOL gal one = minute,tbe . , . . �1 . I re constantly being Pomplimented on our Hosler 04'Oem"t-k.. . of than Scou � . , V4 a' , I 7% the scene j4 the Roman . Conrt room dJo ' - I rt 11 key� Mr. I Chipm", as given to yoor cow, sta-kidaid for towns ass # Pictures, .L.. � . L . I . . and we tabca greit pride I n offering you what we really think . described, and the dangers of bein at. 'y IV CoAgns bas al. m4tew, an auly,lef,and readw follows, population, ,., I I .S an alit 1*6 ��, . I %e it � t ; lits d�ity- find .- , ()I!UtQu, Oat, -%UcL300, 1009 ltmftybe desliOlo to I eink a third . is ghe best Holilery money can buy. ' I most persuaded referred to, To e a �- t t. I'm i-� do. got X ven t . I L I . 4 � ' .., . ,in people .must be born of God 7 'a - � _. Christi. 11 I 177e;laywliel . 4, do 40(114ently deli�ered , well arid equip the iiim '. Ask to see our *Z -for -95e Hose, , L . I I Do U'Mephorson"J$sq., , owith wachin- I . I �� I . . .--- I .- . . . Toypit lerk, . I 0ry,etc,,bntJl;ia not essentialabtlie . . :.�. . . . a �, I , '111riton, Oat. esenlo time ; and it may ye I, be found Leather � . i I . I . . I .� - �,,. � . . . .. I ''L .� " Ph, , Cloth Skirts to Clear at $8 75 - - - t at one weil will yielda'suf4plent . I . - , ­ , eat . I . I . -� � � ' 0 Sir -1 beg to submit for the in, supply for the town's u4s. . - . " I _� 6rmatioa of theCounell the following � * ' ., I ., ,�, if � 11 '� , Any Skirt we have left in stock now, will go at this � J._t � i,t! estimate of the cost bf the proposed Goods, - �, . ­ . . . _ , , Taking into consideration the Omis, . price. All brand new goods, and regularly sold at ,I,- 4'.'. -f sion'In the original estimate annexed -. I . .1 . , �­, . . . I . . . waterwojks� eyatem, bir , - � - ".. ,ed upon the to tlieft-law voted upon bythe people � , � 11 $5 00, now .......... ....... � ....... .... .... I'll.....$3,75 � 4� r . . . . 141 . - I . . ....."r . - I , ,-,I, j.� , tenders receiv�id. and the failure to find a supgly of wa. F I , I � � . � ,­­ " l.. - I' will first, give the cost Of' the system ter at such 'a, depth that t 0 air-lift I . I .. 11, . �, as fiat out in the printed instructions L I L -atty Neckwear. . _ �L � . .1� could be adopted, you are to be con. " . _X . . . , ,,� ,,--. I I ". ", China, .% 1, I � I ,to Bidders, the Gas producers and ina', . . � �­ "'..I., . � .7 gratulated on obtaining tenders that � '. I I 11 . . I . . 1, I . I ",_ � chinery being Ili duplicate, th 14 , wIll-peruitt.you to proceed with the Take a look at our new Neakwear, Daiativess in every,inch � '. . . e I er I . I .1 size 0 _ : " . I . . . , I � � , f P%'%P hous,R built mod the 17 . � . :1 . I I I , ., . A P PO works.without exceeding the estimate arl I ;1 I . I I ��� system covet -Ing all streets, as shown mote than $100 1 ) I � �� . I . . .. 0. . . _­-;.,. 11 I L � '. . k I L� , L'. Contract A ,PIpb laying . . , I L I ; in P).an 'A' inawding the datted lines. ll�l , I. Lace and Net Jabots, v"Sic . I I - -, �, �,, 4, . . . , , V;?. �, � ,* - L may he permitted to state that I ' 0 1 11 �, ,4, , � , . . ,�,� Datch Collars, Embroidery, Lace and Linen, v�se. , , . 'i � �Goods, etc. � - I . �L $ 8(310 am not responsible for the original es. . I . , .11,11, . I � I . . I ,.� .. I., Q'Ontract.13 Pamo House . 5920 timate in theBy-IlLwsubmitted in 100, __ — . .1 . . . ­ r I . _.... - _ ... I . I . I � . �. . . 11. , I � � � Contract 0 W4ber Tower I � , j , .. IlSk to SCC Oftr 50C Lawn BIOUSe. .. . � " �."": � 51()o not having heen retained as engineer 0 . . . - . '1� , � . . ," �. _. ,��w I � ....... . .. Oontract D ,1ron Pipe& L ' 10870 I'll tit 1909, - I . . I I . I � .. ,z, -, I , . I �1. L . 6 - . I . 11 .11. ­.� "I. r contract B Hydrants & valves '2150 . Respectfully submitted, I I Coo* er's I L 1, �. . ", . . . . 4 , . ,� 'L -�� _' " I . ' L . (Signed) WILLIS CHIPMAN . P , .� � I � ­ - `:' L 71 � Contract G. Two-prigines 4991 I � . . ".. �;,�: " ... . . T , ,'�..' *, ,�!- " " � : , L "P, �, ".':I ­ L � , , I . .1 . . 8 =0 014 - - Engineer. . r1% I I I � �� L' , 170 plimp . .1 .� .11.1, I 1 L, - , ­ . . I ; I . . I . , I L X�­` . . Contract 1-1 T%vb, pr6ducers . 1500 . Since J�Llr, Chipman -prepared his re. - I . - "- I I . . L 13 . Last C ill for � L't � . . I , . . I ook . I I .. . I .� � . . I Contract I Reservoir : . 104 ,Port, we have received a tender from Si I.. . .. L I , IV I . I I . .— . �. , . . . . I I . . � . 'bah - kion or he . . I 11 . . . . . . . - � . I .1 � I I . $331-iry -n : - Miollifierv. I �­' � ., I , r I- ore I - . po or pla ding, and whi�h will - i� - . . . W . ... . . I � . . _ � I I I.. . . 1. � . I I . ", "I . L TO thiS must b6.added amount ex rednee th' tioposed. .cost by.about; . * . .1 .01 � 1 i L L I .. i 7, '175, 1 e ha, 8 also an . option on the . . ' I . -x - �: panded oil wells aLrid.land, the cost o . .. L . just a small as"sortn ent left, but'.'ve,rything . . e . .­ ,_, ir ,�6t required f6r the 8t0el'WaterTarik,* . I., I � . I dL�ep well purripitig machinevy� : - ' L, I - - � L ,casings ' . ,. we-ha.ve in this department. for - just one-ha*lf of � 1.� I . . derricks, etV.,'aLd expense for engin' for theauxii of $50. - . P yk * , I k, . . . L � . I L . I .. . I . , . .. . .. ng, which I est,linate as follows: - We recommend that the following 11 regular price. . . . � . I . .. . i - eori ' . . . 91� I i . . . . � . . I . I � I L . Am tender� for work bel:iweeptecl for. thu .. . . . . I - I . I - I I .. 1L. I . . . . ount exriended wells, etc_!, $ 1800 - , . - _''. .. y ' I I I �_, . . I . . . . . I . . . � Amount t9 be exparided ........ 2200 kluio(intst0ed— ' , . . 11.'V. A I X 11 RVCE COTTNTY. - - t, L - . '' . �, . $1.00 Hats for $4,150 � ' *. .1� . ' � " . . I , I . . I - . � . . . I .. :�_­ . .., I .1 I � . � .. I . � I . .. � !-' ,ilgineering .etc ....... L .... I � - - - - '�'30@0 A-4. M. Clillenj HuntsviII6, . I .1 . � I I - - - I L I I I .11 . - I f . . I . . . I . ­ I . I .. . . � . � — � -'F or eXeaVal"ton, 65tilliat6d at $ . .1 . . . . . ; �� - . . . � . I . - -A.weil atteilded. conveu�ion'.Of,Qli. . I L . 7,90 , . , I ' � ­ SCOO Hats for $Uo . , ­ . . .. L . � . . I . . I . '. - -.BroR.-. -1(i thusiaitia -winl6ters and. Chrisfiail L . I I . . .. . . � . r $7000 C -:41tinter, , neardine, - . . 11 "Y' 1415 ' " 1. . . �, � . L .. , Total hmouilt .,.,... I_: .,. .,'.. - --$(9 For Water Tower and fou ni ' laymen bf Bruce Qounty was held in , L ' -L . I . I I..' ­ I 1. . � . S-1.0011a6s I r $1.50, - , ,' ... I .. _. I , . .1 dAti6a , . . 11 l,01, . Walkerton, June 28th, Cor tile pu . . . 1. " . 0 13 . .. - . The fo,Mgoing estunate covers tile. . , 50 . rpose . . . . I � ! � i : I .� � . I . . . I ,, �c D.- Oartshore - Thompson Co., of introducing the Coi ty .�,� I . .. . ­�. I .. . . . . -L . I . � ,, � I . . � 6st of'' certain iiiachinery and lilant. , . . 112 phtil 6f Y. - . - . . � . . , . .... I I . I .1.11 . not incladed in the original By-lawi , Hainiltop,,*for pipes ete-;'es.- . M.. C. A., Work in Bvuce. The. fo.11ow- I . . . 7 . . . I . 11, s, . . . d I L �_' - - . . ". . also the eatire pipe systein as original. timated at ,� I 1. . 18:3oo . Ing were t e pim1r,tr,,-. . ,* L ' , I . P, I I . Come and'seeAhe.,m,.4hether' L . I . . I . I ariS. .. �� . . I I 11 -Smart -Turner Xitabine Co., . . Mr, John Penman, . I I �­ , , . I � . . . . . . L . I 11 ly propo"wol. I ' L ' chairman .... .. . ... . I . . . . . . � . . I 06 lrlor-�'than on ' Ive -takniltoo, for -two-Force . i- of the Provincial 0o6amItt'(1. ; - . � , I . I I . . I . . .1 f L . 11� , . � I . .-. .: � . . I . . .11 I .1 � .. * - '.. -1 I � � a occasion I Ili .. , - . . 'Mr. U. F: Bla&,, Goderich, 6bainil . . ,1 . . . . . L t . . . J . I � ' * : ,):) ax;.1 . , .q, ". f you buy or. not . 6a,wn tbe "ittontion of the Cou6cll; to - , , ,fo * . � . .... . L L I 1. � � 1p - . . . . L . . . . . . �1 - . .�XEV. T. 11%.,COSX,NS,� I . .:, . the facC,that the aftwunt allowed.in . VIuCant'elon, for Lot . �-, - .5() of the'tioron Cobuty Oowmittee� I I . _____ - . - - . . . I . .. I ... I . . . Mr. (). X Cop . 'E,l . and, Pr vincialSec- . ... . . ---I .� _. Z: =� , , . . L . . . ) . ­�_-. -.--- . . . the original By4aw for wells and,ma- The-othei contestants are to ba*e 0 � . . . .� . I 1; . .1 . .1 : , ., .. .. I . ,N0v Pastov. of qllllttall�i6 Str60'ke � thodJit Chueek, . ' cKaery',,would be foaiid insufficient. fur4hertonsideiation, and the ,expee- - of the Young 'Men's Ch�istlau . . �. 1, L !. .� .: . retary I . I .. I . I'" ., . ' ,, ' L ­ . � . . . . I .. . . I . L . 'LL I ,� Ae"o'"4ROL . � . .. . __��' ­_­­ _. - - I I I I . : . '- When tlia By_*IaV�r Vas sub,mitt6d., 'p tiLtion is thatLtba System Will - C('gt Asspelations nPOni;arlo and Quebed., .. ' .1 . I I . Aw . - . . . . .. .. I % 11 . I . . , . I . . : � . -Y 0. , L. , ., .. � . .. , . was assarned that the two w 4 Trow Ilfty to fifty tbre6 thousibod : � I , .6,nd must trust in Ood. This must kw his jn�8'aage;"Lohl:ist' �� . dol-. 'Mr,'). R.'Crooker, Secretal r . ­ .. . I ; . . . .. , .. I . . , the be, L awl Him' Ortleffid d bepuin ped by the air I ift 'system, Yet.' J,i!r� when fully campleted. . . , . 'BranlitUM Association. . I I . ; 1. I 0 . � ' . L. .done with the mind, atkt,and thw. TheINIefliodi§t church of CliatoWis to tbere w'Unpthing allowed , Ili esti mati�,, .'After tile report was read consider-. t,31r. A. Oullensi. lot,oyinciiI *Secroe­ . . . . I " . decision of ,the will, We. should -be be highly cotoplituented.upon seafir I . I I . L ary 0. f 0611nty NA oi.kiL: I .1 I - � I . ._ � k1bo U C &,", '. - C. _! " . . . '113jg* for all- Ooni pressor,. and the amourffi�k tibl'a discu8sion'followtil. 'slkollded b. . y .. tyL See e . '. It t I - , � . ammoo., . . . , ftilly. Ilersuaded 'because t -o' be in .any ! os their pastor si) able a. minister. as.' Ll'ow(-.d fi�r wells, was .too low, about - Nlov6d by A. T.-Cqoper ­,Ddr;L. 0. Pleming',.. Coun � k.- �.. I . . :L � I.-� . . , oth�i� condition is to be -unhappy* Ili .Mr. Oosen�, wilt) hits shown. hTfi,)seIf.'%,$;>,J00 under th, * tary of Huron 0ou')AY, � I . .. � . - estimated on � i� re be . I . " L ,, , I - � -loppee, ex-secik ' . , ... . ..*Ik I - cap. 1�_ Nlr�A 11 ". ' . , . " :? � ��*, - I I I 11 I - . , - I -.1url.ous . all ,p , I niobt �hla in the varions'brAnocl4es , L1L(,1Maa ,hatp So. � c I ary of ' * . What w AdVertise.1s. so. . . ..' . . . �- - Jiese'7 iwo I -C . i6bi , that 'i . ,. . � - . t , eieve, 0 , �r . � d' erliotis.- � , V . J. Leslie Till , si'thatis the Original By-law. -acelVed and 11g4l toble . no st� j . 1. . :N - - __ __ - ..., .- ,At .the even' -of work that devolve �ipou It' it.9ster ' ' . i Zowed, and A�sodation. . - ,1 . - ,�st, licitbr bei i6struated- to complete con- NMff20aRMM1WN= - . . 1%���0119 it I" ­rr s4ag the solo '"Galilee.". The in:thesalft, . should Zve I been for $40.00 at le. - - . , . � L IteiV,. 4nd,� bIrs., and, Afts 00sens itj4�qijA,or$5,%0Q0.:*'­ ' - L . tracts with thepal-ties herein mention- -Mr. Wilkie, State Secr�t�ry, Los* - ' - w' I . . . � I . I ­ - . I L ' _14,8A:L 'welenmeS yW. L J$Jr , . .0.1 ,-he ol,.' ,-Z Till " i * tem'-proposerbl , -is gly-. ed, and that �the cheilixes received from I . . I , -, %, � I . XPAV , i alld $oil DeAvit will:be re� ., Y n. as . � e ffe SYS Angeles, Cal,, who began- work� as An, . . � ��. . � LL -'Cr6seas and son to Clinton and trusti -by inriuraberablfoL frie a both inamt'. ,_ . vd� ' I . f� a %Jh,4kA%,,%eW � I 1'� .an In t e printed .instriintions to Bid- theungliccessful blddeis.b.e returned Association, 6ecrol:OYL in 1807. - - - - - - ' I q&4%1 %14;&"10%11W%.1%1 thelrstayj�ere imiy bp�rnarl'�edL by .OUt jDf the churchand' expliessiOns 'of � dem upon. NVh - te' - I . . . . . . . Mr. A. Cullens.. addressed *thb coti- � - ... ! I. . . � . idh riders were called, tit once., � . I . . I � I .. 1. .. 1. . O., fiarmonyi progress arid happinessi..'Mr. -regret. in losing them have beell'yeard . ., I MeS L# _ every L . Jsed A,$Q0 lineal feet�an exti-av-: L, 'I'heinotionwas carrled,bya�vote of. .ill'L '. V $ Church Cho I town L . t '. '001111DA 1. .1 L Ventidnon the need for the work . .1 `�, .00sen,s and- DeWitt arrived in on hand, but., the.gres, the a ant arlioull , to 2 l3iii,ce County.- Ile bad'.=adet *it study' * 11; . , L Milton 0 Mrs. fo� the Town of G Nav:.-MayorWiltse arid Conn. . , 4rIddY vnd-� Oorens:, who wa' loss,tbe richer -the gain in ther.hbw of the con'fity and found -that'anly * . �, %V1% IV -Rb. %�,� ,%,%A%e%.4J&% % 14A%Abo I . orrY I I � . 1. . plan A which wasj%pproved b, aliam Yea-Gibbings, Cooper Hol- 1, �, . .1 . visiting at her parental how(i ill .1"Neo".. I field of labor, and we trust thatithey y th e (4r, ' pet.cent of it� chur6h members - veto . .. i, .. I . I 16'L Coun I), I showed, in ,dotted ,lines, Iowa sob, Ford.. t � due to '' . . T lox, . Utk ,. . . ­ ' " J, ­1L streets, 1 ..-e-in my opinion'the pit phone is being put in the con- ­ _t . . . . WESLEY .1 forth, cbn')es the end -of this week. . wilt reap the. success which vbe,t les �gv_!Ixle;ll 4y 1 ; ng*men. Re: also. spoke on Ile , , The pastor's subject next SundayJ Tire. Wallacebur�-News of last week....themAssuring them that their iW ess oulid, be'dwitted -thils'reducing the, t hie's offIrm next week., . . . . .. . . I . I 1� . . . I .1 I . . ' 1500"Inty Work plani. � . . .. . ;,: morning will be "Lillies." T4e Sunday speaks L6f Rev. and -'Mrs� Oosens, ai fol�. effi)rtsfortbe gbod.,of thei�*. 41turch' terp. .hy. �QOULfe6'6,� Bya;llo�ving . .&I, h , ed ..... Ali., Fleming spoke 6a �'Th itchle�o- I - . ." I .., . , . t I I L j B 1,4'y' S . t ea.adjourn . . � � ' e' , I." - . I . . I * . lcwa_�_ L . . I.. . and jut . . . .. . , L:. L . 'L ­ . . . I I I L .. , � �. L ir. -the county work in: uron - . . I � ,. . School scholars are especially invite4. I comillur y genera y U. r I I ­. T e Council �-. I . L I � 1. . L� .. . 11 b . . .. : 17 - . " . - . I ". louts of I 11 * 'L .... ,,, .. � .1 In the evening Mr.'R. NorlariJoIliffe i . I I I in in nch good. . W.Aacebuig ', is. the .: ' __ - I .. � ., , ,arid "The So,-ial A*i2d. Education %I pos- - . . ­ - - 4 ..'Gil'bl6aday afternoon the Official , . _­�_,. : _i - ­ .- __ ___ -.7- ��_­__=_­L 1. . . . . .., . .1 . - . .. .. . I . - . I . . I . I : Will -assist the ell ' d a .'sFecia L Me better fov their.h4vifig,livied arid work I . I 1�1 . ­ . � sibilities -of The organimio n in'Bra cd-,� � -, I . ; O�lrq P 'B6axd Of, the� tho'dist church ',pre-' 1* I J , �;::. � , -.1 : T% JE JR fj.g_ ­ - . . L .. S L a' I . . . �, .1 .,.I...,.. OLDBOYS - ..:: . . . � Mr. Crocker preside& over the ses-� . '., I song service will berenderellasto Idws: - CosenaL %ed among u§; and their 'lives 4. belie L- I . � .P]V, .. I I . iiauted .ffr. ­ With.. a leather ;­ . I . . I . .. . .., ... .. I. . .. ., I I . L I.,. o -;;* anthem, 'Lend out Thy Light'. Gounod; I . av 611in , agi, and the gunday'Sqh6ol, -diction and an.uplifl; to �veyy one as. . . . � .11 . IL 1. . . . - Slons Of 'the convention and spoke on L� . ­ .. I . , - I __ , . , . , ., . , I . I .. tr - ". -1, . L . ... L . . ... I L . , . . ' -1 . I - . I quar sp�l ted'.with thern. I . I Ma the "Physical and Recreative pos N. ' � I tette 'Under His Wings'Sankey-� Otebente ra.,0oi6iii With a. - number., . a :_ : � � i. I . L 'kune.,I rchiogThr�oughGporgia . . . .- , I. . W. , , . . , .. . . . 4') . , ,q Aria,lt is!euotigh'.(Elijah),M6ndelstohn L ofolbees Pyila d ..04jnaL . . . -1 . � . . .., L , _., . I., . . . . . ... . . I I �. . .. .1 . I... .. �ilties-oftbeo�,giirizatioaib Balcal'l I .� �A . I . L I . ' D - J. - ' ' - . , * ' . .The followingwat writfe4 by- a:couple of Huron:Old B6y'A for theAnniaA.1 eX'- . Mi. Copeland 6xplained the place 6c. . . . � I Mr. Jolliffe: anthem.-IThrough the Rev.. d Mrs, owsonr 6rived - in L " It v- a Mrs . . . . � I - I . � L e nd� ...T. W, Cosens and .cutsion. %-�hi�h was held last. Satutday,,­- '- - . .. .: . . L . I ­ � ' . . - day, afternoon: and .%sup,-. I DeWlItt I L. . . ... . . . I 1. .. I . _ . . Day" Richardson; solo '.Alone with . towfi on Tues. �4 Wednesda)r morning for , 1. . L. . .. , . : I ­ I �. I 6upi ed by the coulity work.in the ag. '� , . L . . . I � . Uod7 Abbutt, Mr., Jolliffe; quartettef, r was-giVeii by --the Ladies' ' . � . .. L In I .. . . . � ..7 gressive'oolleybf the Provincial xot�i­ .. sl .. i L � i I , e' Aid at clintoni There wpre quite a- number I ,� Le. s s�n4 a JOYOUS song, at.r,ond of grateful praise. " 4, " . mitUe, and addi-esieCtlib Conv6niiod '. J, �: .. selpeted. All are Invited. . . . tph e 'arsobage ot I *hidh.; the .et*r* , . * - .. - .. . To our 11 eavenly Fathar , ta,guict6d all our waJ,s, . : ., ''' - , ' 11 The regular monthly meeting of M' �L, , . L . 11 pastp , ReV,L Mi. Cosens and ' I "a ' rienL at the depot to bidt the ' . - . on.'.,Tbe religious possibilities .of the . ... --- "" � I i . - - And the lo,v who fv ' . , _� ,� I of. f .1 .1 . ' ' I ' .1 . . . I. .1 . friends sIve knew -in eat-fy happy days, .-. - Y.,M.�O.'A.'inl3rtice.COU'rity.'L .'" - �L . P " � .� W M S of Wesley Church -will be the new pa@tor, and the � new pastor, . . . .- . . . . �a tire homeland of Hpion, � L I 41 1, in the San day School room on Fri. goodbye. ... , %, - .. I ! U11 4P . .. , . . . . -In the evening an excellent banquet. . I., � I *. , L I ... . . .. . . . .. . "L .L... . I—. ., '. '' . � . . . . . . , . . �. . : �'.. I 1. .1 ,�vas . I ; I . evening at 8 o'clock.. Mrs Hodg I ��=-in. -------------:­ -.- ----­----- a, ,Chorus:"Hurrab, harrabi foi- Hdron boys 8().Ltrue, , . ,.* : :: the ladies. of - Walkerton, . . I ? . . . �___ - ­ - l .. . . . . . . 4. � .. .. . . I I . �, - will give a report of the recent bi?a I . L . ... .1 . � . ... I .. . .. . 'al:. Pers6nalS. 'L.... . Rurrah, hurrah, for flut-on,women too, �. - ,:--. � . - .. - . Mr. g�'v,en'2,yn, Paris, ' feeiding.. The . ... i . . . . . . \.- . . . I , . ' �k. � meeting. .L . - .� 1. _. . loonstance - . I ,' . I., I Addition - '. "s. , Well .d6LW.e remember the loving. friends we kn6W, - . L . . speech of theeveningarid ofthe, *bole - I i� . I I . . . : . I . 1. . . - � I �:O � . . .. I ... - Of - Winnipeg ., . . : .. L. I . L - ' ' � . ' . riventionwas- mad6 by Mr.:Q. F. , ,I :-I BAPTIST, - . : � -� it , . . JOSEPH. . I 26. and Mrs, L Pickett', t I�IiS L TendCowan, . . I . I . . I . Up�in,the homeland of Huro.a... . . . � ' . . I � 00, - LL. LL I I . . . I I .. . 11 , - . 1. . . L . ; visited her brother and. sl4pr, ar�lea 6 of Blyth, was viai ' . .. ' � . .. . I . ILI � .., Blair of , Goderich on 11Y, . M. C"' LA. . . . Asv. Fr. H I . . warkas. a business than's lnves�ment,?' I , The Canadian Order of Forr , Sarranioni is , spending. this t ,.. Ohron we can ne'er . t wberev�rwe ' � . esters . McGregor and. Miss Tii.mharii. iting with frien4s in town'last Week. , . . may 90'. . . . . L W� 1. . .. I . for li v L Mi Blair said L � I attended service at the week a dwidh wbeie: the piiests Miss ding a I I . 'Clhildhood'adreiams, anN1 hopes, 4nct fears, a d lo e's firat,thrillibg k, , that 'ili6re. are rnan .�, , . B.tptfsb church . Bella' McCully ir open I . . I , . I I � � . I . I, n on Y . .. I .1 on Sunday evening last. There -was a of this dl6cese. are .attending a retLrqat. . L few dayef at Stratford the. guest of her . Mr.'and Mrs.'Cranstoo, of Port Ar . : ­ glow - . . .1 . .1 � . . .. . . . � �.. l3daof, aivide de 'tlie investment . . . I . . . . I �� good attendance of the bretbieft-jaum- . brother there. . . . . . thur, are' renewing old friendships in . ,. ,. Fill' our hearts with joy to -day as I n.the'loving long a", � ofmoney. .For exarnplea.-Man may ; ' ,n . I . � . L I p . . � . money . ONTARIO STREET - Co' .1 . . ­ . :: ' iwthe-hoinemnd. of liuron. ; L - in something � .I . .4 . L . , town . I . . I . . U . invest his surplus .�.. bering nearly one -hundred. Thd: ser- .L Mrs. W. B ok'spent I . , vice was conducted by Rev. T. W. Rev. T. Wes ey Cosens will preach t , Wednesday. . . . . ..., . .. I . I., . . 11 � which will d1ye. him w6iiey dividends; � I . ' � I Charlesworth who preached all ap- , at both services noxt Sunday. The he guest ofhei son at 0611ingwood. Mr. Constantine,'Accountarlt at the ' , I I Still, We Ii4e, to the songs our L mothers used to sing, - , . or a man may invest money I in books , . . Allss Nellie Sutherland arrived home Molsori's Bank, Lis holidaying z.t Toron- .. n, I.... ornin rbJ60 -be "Unceasing I , 1. I , , Still' we h6ar. the school. bell's, call; the church bell'p sacred ring, .. or. literatureor travel and get his I . - propria.te sermon from, Psalm I ; 3 . sl: , will frnm ()bit,leburst last week. , LA . . to Jet. � ' I . .. � 'till in dreams we.lZather flowers as in th6,eatly SpA dividends in the orm of education or . - r 1� : . . verse "And he shall be like ji, tree V r," 'ext. Ist. Thes8alonians 5-17. � :Miss Annie McHichell,spen f ew. MrS4 Call I _____�_. L' I I S . ing, � , - . f . L L . L . L I I I I . . .. I rited by the rivers of water, that e I L of the evening sermon will Olson, Of t6wn. is visiting " , . . . Up in the homeland of Ruron. .. . . -benefit to health. The,Y. At. 0, A, , . � ` 69 ,St,,S a L. ftys ", f friend Miss -in I I., , , , . ..: , � . . L I . . L -men opportunity for - Vrl'ngeth forth his fruit in his season, L r ptation," Text, Matthew lRe guest. o, her . ..., her sister-In4aw,*Mvs. J. W. Smith, . - . . .. I . � �. . . 'L offered business ' I . � his leaf also shall not wither, and 14.1, L b rdi I weloome.toall. I.. . . Fanhy:Paliish, .. . 1. L , , - r. ; . 1. . Canada,, thA beat of Iands, we love from sea to seft, T. �. :� L ' I I . I L . . . ,L ..Tvriss Minnie Tatlor spent a few� days Wingham.. . . .. . . L . ... L . I , . investmenti 'the'dividends 'of which I .. _. .". 11 ' . ' In 0 I L . L - " 1. 1, : . . 311ounta,ins, valle�s, river, lakes and prairies wid&.'and fx�ee, ! . .. - were to be estimated in the Religibirs, - -� .i 1. 11 . . . IvIrd has b , . - 'oeial. ' . . whatsoever he doath shall prosper." : - Mr. C. S. Hall qeti junio - - ,-: But the dearestspot. oVall. to us..,will ever be*' � - -Plivsical Educational and �, � eaanreL . . , VVILItJS L . ' , . . ' i . oderieh We,ly. - � rjL* , ' " , , . I. The preacher expressed his 01 ' � . . � . I Gen. and. Mrs.,13 ick6r-, tit the Afolsons Ba6k, hits -been I tlmns- . . - . I . ' L " :' ' ­ � ', . . I : ` " betterm6rit �of the country's young.. The, Woman's Associatibili held its rownlee, of To * I ... . ,� . , . Up in the homeland of Huron. . at meeting such a representative * u � f reed to For eat. - . . 1. .1 I I . . .1 . . L I . I I -Tlegalitr mon6hly, meeting in hechurph smitb,ip6,nt, Monday the g est of theit. e I ,. . .. I . . I L.. .... . � I . .. 1. ­ . . men, and Canada's yoting'nianhood is. ,., gathering, and as Forresters were sup- old friend Geo. Clark. - .! .. . . Huron boys and Hliron'girls, today. w will'rene-sv,, . I . . . . :,. osed to be interested in Treesit would OX very * I Mrs., A, W. Sdtherland, of . Friends -her greatest' unclevaloped resource.. . . i Wednesday, ' ,'There iNal a, WEDi)iNG.-The hotne.of Mr. and.7 ' 8 . . - ,41,..anc I I ralied in early days whepL, heatv.0 beart-was true, ' . Molle'j is spent to develop CAnada a . . . .. od's.ttPridance. Theremill be' ,;n Toroutoi spent whsw days of this week !lips 'O . I .. I Ce appropriate that he should . talk to .90 Mrs. John RapsoH, df Hullett, was the qL And we'll spe�d a happy hour j list its. we used to do, - - . - I. ,idjoui,i,ed,m,39ting,iextW,.dnosda,y at . -3me-of � , . . � material resources and iiiuch mcre' . .� I ... them about a. tree. . seeneofahappyeveht,onWeIn lay, at the h "a. Braillfleld;�, ,� . I... � . 11 in. the homelaild of Ruro'n.1 . . . s -oftld Canada'i people spend to . � He spoke of a tr ,I. as. I tire'liome of Mrs.. Thos. Greigg, at .2 June 80th,when their d4u5hte "a � Mr. J, 11 cantelon, sod O . : I L . '. , .. st; I . �, ee in its ifatung of O'clock. L . . . . I!, Annie f All? Peter ,L-2�=-�--!�-�.t---.-�.--"-."---- . ­­ ...'­ , ­ ­­._ �'L.".-"-.-�.�",,...�-!!'�L".--""-.-' develop her manhood, Canada 4 ' � . pect as an object of beauty, a sign . . . was united'in marriage with.Mr. W.S. .Oantelor� of town, has taken i1e. pos. , . L . .- beneeL 'Will be . L a . quar,ter - 6f,,;L uentury L I �, . . . . were iliadequate the flamesgot a great what he'll trien tit i�a,t ,time wake'ber,. . * I ' . prosperity,and a tokenof permanency. :. The Annual Sundgy School oicnie Jamieson popular and,1',prosperous itionag Junior in the Molsont 134nk.-L Dlf"Rlf'i Dl't' )r'*"NC. I. 4ll'. i). .v-] � . L - '. L L . � He showed that charap.ter was like a will be held. on July 20th to - Biy field. young farmer also of the OWnEhl 1) Of * Mi,% 0 ' A. . and the re,Q onsible nien, of that time. - : . tree, in asinuell as it should OW at I , . * % L' , E. Dowdinf spek the Ist of : : - I al mce. .While the danlitge way be 'a . I I I I Hallett.. The youog,co(ipIe-(ook'tbeiv july-viliting with . parents, Mr.. .. . .�P. - % _� . . -­- I . . I&I . . ler ) will be the toys and young men that `_ . both ends. Upward it shc Sella orter" Hill '' L places under an atch of evergreens, in - j ,� : � . se0ous one to ,the town past history we are developing now. W . , ,c . . L k a 4 and Mrs, S. J.' P4rker, of Owen Sound, , I I , bethier :. . 1, . - . I � . I forth a tAtnk, strong, errem, and state- . theparlor. jReV;11X,Cuvry.of.Lond�s- I . . ' - '11-Z has proved that f rom the ashes bigger,. this young country -will occupy the I . ((V� In � � 4j't . Q� . I . I : I ly, together with numerous branches, Mr.,audMps,, Legg&tt, of PehnsYl* boro, perforkr� T the ceremo�y. in'. th, - Air. arid Mrs. Gen, Boyer .and Mr. � . . . I .1 I I . i J r I, .. The'arinriat ineeting "better 4nd more perma proud and glorious position she is des- I 'rL graceful and widespread, for refuge vAnia. are visiting sLr,,TohL Torrance's. . pre%el%e-Of-&1a.r4 a.nlamber r _nd, and Mrs. Fred Pridliam, of Toronto', L. of Huron dis. . n6rit Onlidings . � I tinvd. tdoeoupy. among the nations. ; � shade, &lid sboald be filled. tp the top 'Mrs. Dawson and son Roy.of SP.rin� and �elative,q of t9e bride and groom.. 11,"OVIsitinj atthe'bome of 111v. H� IV. trief Independent Order of Oddfollows have been reared,"giyirilg. �erfflanMlce durink tile twentieth century,whether, �� ,. _ . I .. . . � I i with flowArs and fruit for beanty anil Bank, spent& few'days at John. Cox 8 Tile bride, who Was'beantiffilly garbeil Cook, I was held in the Oddfellow's,hall, f3ea. I i .. ; . . . _. .- . . . . I , an d re d value to the plade.. � . But to secure this there must this w6ik* I . . in a-semi-prin'cess gown with embroid. Mrs. .t+. H. Smith andrson leftThurse forth, on Thursday, June 24th. The,k - , . I . . she is to bekeptfor Canadians,whether. � I food. Ali -s. Lawrende; tuo'know, is visiting lodges 1h the distriob - was well r6pr& . . . . , , . she is to hold her, national spirit arnict ' ^ � � be the hidden, secret lite hidderipedret; � . ered lawn, trimited with torchon lace day morning . for Seattle, by 0; 'P.R. - Clinton,' district I -_ 1. ^ . -1 . . . I I - , . ' L%,., life of the roots. a r' L the great influx of foreigners, whether , L , ' I If our moral life is b M 4. Lmdmy's. , " � sented. 4. TAylori . . orange blossoms in her hfkir arid . I . . -C6utAy *News. . a . . . � � ' I and insertion, looked charming with They. were ticketed. by .W. Jackson, deputy, presided, Mr. Thos,'Vowler, he.is to be. an enduring Cbristiari , to grow our minds must reach down- A. Newton, Toronto, spent -Sunday town agent. .1 . . . � . I . . ; , . and take hold'of those great worlil .with -his brother 0, Newton'. . holding a lArge boquet of orange blos§- Mr and Mrs V. F. Oantelon. and of Sedfortb,,was elected district 4ep- I ., . . I ,nation depatids upoti her rising niell" � . �. principles of justice, integrity, and be- . -Mrs Moore and son, of Mitchell, are OM6 in her h&na'6 $be was atto ohildtien, of Tor6ritol spent a fe uty for the'ensilikig term� ' . . . . . . I ...- I . . I Mr. C. J Micklej Ohesley, also made nded WAlays 11 . vy able address, endorsing thd ' � . L . . . P. veL nevolence on which all moral' growth. iting at, Ww', Johnston's. , - laphet'sistet Nellie, -Who --fts also with the former's parents, Air an4 9vs meeting wag cone'viledf 11, ..lodge o . fin. . d I vim Lea After. the business of the district I '' inauguration, of the ,work in Bruce is based. In, this respect 'said tb& M And Mrs Walters, Colborne'And d sell in White orepe-de-'ehene, while Win cantelon. . I � I - The following from the Bmn on ' . .. .. . . I speaker, your excell6nt order is like a 1511rZJ`etklns, Godericb, spent Sunday tile groom was uttended bylils' brother , struqtion'was beld, when the first de. Sun,& June'25-th, wkII be rettli with in- County. , - . � I . � .. :L tree, having 'its roots theL in th , ,, Mr and Mrs Jas Twiteliell were call. ree,w(tafteM151ified b3tthe Goderleh terest -by Mr. Portorfield'a old friends, The County caftimittee foi .13r'uce- - . in� great e neiahborhood, " , Sameg, The numerous and.costly pre- ��d to f4oderlell, on Moriday owing to gejzres, team. Despite the very. warm lie beivg ,* forM6r r6sidentof.14' Dast Wa� I was ,it . t Inciples of -bene volence and rautual Mr's. 0 Newton is visit! - accident w�ldh befell Mi, - y1ointed.arld a6aoon as the bitcr.- ' ,,,r nog iii f SUAt ,eents,testifled to the very high esteem t e.fatat 1,900forthe year Is raised,a, I , elp; its trunk or body In the, firmly ford., . . . . nightthibtoarn.-put 6titho woAm it watiosh: -"Gookgo Porterfield� of, till ' - . ' ' . . in which the-bri4e, ant! groom are held George)[1arryo . . milliner that was not only creditabl�- city, hits been appointed deputy 8 County Secretary will be called to'be- L . .11 .. I I datablisbqd character of its organiza. Thos, Bettlea left for Enklatid on "in this community. After the usual jot, Lt post.; . ... i I .Mr. and Tylis, Ilemor §wIth, of Tor. .to themselves, but. was A delight �tb the TnAst�.r h�.rq,. r he last two years gill orgAnization, Bruce N thesoe6nd, .V don; and its branches in the shelter . P ridiy 1ast. we Ming meal which was - spread' on , onto. Spent &.few days t1116 -en, and cer Vit'. Porterfield ha" county in the Dominloii to * inbooduee .. .1 . . P , and help it affords its members i.a Air, and Mrs. Brunton, bf sault Ste. - tables,011 the liwir tile ev 'fling Was , , week with larg� attendance'of brethi I i be6n 6uperilitetid. � .. . . . Marie, la viBitingr at Mrs. Blair's. , the former's parpnts, Air, and Mrs. J. tainly tile Goderich .team are to be ent of the post 01500 in this cit d the'V. M. 0. A.'Coanty iv*rk. - I tirne of rieed. Joreta'MArshalljotLucan, ip visiting spent in a good gocial'tinie. in general. Mary Stteet. y arl . -.� � 9 .. ... Ae preacher then went an to.show . Aftee a short honeymoon among rela- R."SnAth,, li�,xrtlly congratulated for tho execell. bliqoffibialappolutmentas'de ut b . . I . I � . .8 � . . . .. 11" 'an. r ,ed donbtedry tL y" tp-_t.!�_"_��!mt.... ._____._.._.:_­__ � thatatreeis often usedinthe Bible atJohn Blaig , , tives the young -couple will reside in Tohn, R, Stephenson. Secret gp, thanner in wbldW they coilfori the ffovernmeat is an re I . I 1. I as a figure of the godly manand utged bulu Lobb, of the Maitland is spend, in the oozp little brick residence re' ! adian Assoeiatioil of" Stationar .,'I , ri� this degre6. sti(t of his excellent work as superia. , � . . . . I . . . W! ,P *n , t 0 inioll �, I L � '. L I 11 . . ILI ....1. . 11 his h"rers not to resD satisfied th V few days 4t,John Cox!4, . . cently ereated on iho farn). I Oineera tit Londdn, ap4at After the work of thi lodge. straw. -ttsndent.� Mr, Porterfield, wbo is one I . . I � rs I Is . . attending w their moral 'obligations . 13radford,.Ancl son, Dungannon, .i'o� -P berries, um cream, ate., Were ae�ved to of 15fall(lon a best-known citizeng li; . . near 0onstalice. .. May pros. D,ty with his pai, mt% Mr, an Mrs. P meraly,but to be seen for those higher is visiting at'Edwarcl Jordan's. perity be theltlat. - John Stevenson, of to0fi. I I to the.brethren,by Boo, -W. Cricb,arid .Popular and W611 qualified to fill 'his D"11111 1111111VILIARM8.13 . . I spiritual blessinga mentioned in the Mi4sEllIeWeatan teturned home,on - ,. .-, . . Xka.,Wta (J'Ante 51'asants6cial timewas spent by pety position. A more popmar or , . _�­_ I . text. . (8--iturdo aflee spending a, weekin 610s. Upres 0 I batter ap . . I 'on' *re'"Pned I - ent. � _poftUment could not, have ' 0 . Qlfwdeboye.. - While in the act of unloading goods it, two weeks yisit with I . . , been made," 1. d,v �J- I . During the setvlc6 Mrs. 3. Rokers 0, W. Potter (11sposcid of his driver at her own'door, Sittoirdity, June 96th, (11rAf,Vmd`.P*k1a Michigan, ' silo. was ae. I . 11 rll�. I . Are YOU Afoing to, I rendered very sweetly i% s3la entitidd oompaniod home oy hot, Aeice, ,Niles ,118JWiW111'1 11, ,'Ili I IL I I" , o _ ,, ,,,, ,., , No I r�, 0 ! 1 � �111� 11 knoW my heavenly Father knowsp "r to Ur. DaAr's of Goderfeb, 'or it good Mrs. 011impram. of Vordyce, had the Dunsmorc�, of Marlette, Mich. t. 01TORIAL 31-1014INGS - I . I - . . ' I I I and the choir was augmented by an figure, mi4fortune to be thrown out of tho I . . r —_ S.L . I I . . 1. orchestr% of -thtee pleces, . . - "W, , L � _' I rig on the hard goonrid, the horse being _A�0 1000ALT h,t(l &disastrous A Travel ? . 4 . . _ , , . , I I The getvica was bright and hearty attacheatothe4gandstartin f 11' re Oil 1�,!'i. teady EMP10yMent . . I * LL Mrs. r . I .1. (4, Young, crediton, met -mry heavity,on her left phouller", all"Idg Al�wm is to count Ili all promotions day entailing a loss eetimated at half a tbionghout rind was much enjoyed by with an accidetit on Tuesday of last arin. She Was driven tOL Dr" Jitrolego , . call be givep. to a r all pr(a-mt. 1. WS oil the staff of the Intereolonial Rail. �wllllon. Three.thojusanc! pe( number of smart If you are, elther by rall, or a trip � an 1. . . I wpek. She was got tip stairs when Whitechurchl and though lie could , , )PIC W04 gtrig, opeilAting machitift tip, on hand lnlai)d waters, or acros's 11 the btloy," - Subjects for next AundAy, Alorning she till ped falliog.nNoWn the �afltlrd find no broken bonki, the shoulder and way h6neefoeth.' If Ron, Mr. Gral)[41111 readered 11 seWing. L Apply.to ,rt- . , ' $-The raising Of Lazarus," h,venin omeless .and a few fatal ac. e ! 91 fliplit. Pit wasthoughtsho hadfri0turod doflaebonewereVoty badly bruised# ca'11 sm'.,eeed In carrying oil andh a sys* cidents. Many, of the building,t w6r,er) , by any line, call on 11 �Xabiil the tool", * , r 1. Jag, Xetieod, Foreflarth " ; L r � ji��,,,�, " 4 , _ " " 1, "' I, , - , I t 11 - , , I - � � ., , "' "" " 1� I I I I I � I I , I', I . ., I �. � � , � I I � � i r ! I �� � I I , i I � � I , " " - - � I ! , � I i. to I I i ` I I le � on t f lea a n vi I I , I , I. , , I I , , I I I', I , V . �'N 1 1 1 11 a: il -1 11 11 I �4 4 � � � r4 !, " ".I ` .4 � .1 11111 � � I I � 1� I � I I bkt,4rin, but an oxamination by her eanaln reat I , atid nedossitati Rttftaf� , , , " , I 9. pain g . � $1, PAULS - phygiclanproved otherwise, however th6armtolng earried'in amingfoips tem, 1)0 Will earn 016 tbftnlfs Of the tinclarbefore the- devouring elemt�llt I J rd, Town Agent., . . Thedatte of tho Jubilod-Servicee 8heLwa$ bad1v bruised. t1ole, I .. Ox.iadian, 'Public, L stlrldas dib firt fighting appliancog Jackson Alfg, Co, 011inton, 0 � I. . � . tl� 11 J� - I � I . . I I 60e next door to mo,lsowcalwk . .1 , r � � . I I . I * � 0, . . . . . .. .0:.;. _1.-,�.,, I . r 1 . I I . I . I 11 . I 11 I - . 11 . . � . . I . '' I . . .1 6 1 L . .. . L. . . I .r I I - I ..- ". I . I ... I I ; -1. . . .. .0 . 0 . . . . I I . � L * , .1 I I � 11 r. . . I . I .1 . � . L__ - - _ '. .- L I ­ - -L----L-'---- . ____ ----------�.-.--.-.-,-.-.-..-----,.,-......--.�. - . �­ -- ­ -- --- ­­ ­ ­ -­­_---- -��'�'---.-"-",-.--'---".�.1--��'-"- ­­­­ ­ � L . .